onlyhurtforaminute · 2 months
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eleysims · 1 year
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300 Follower Gift!
Thank you for 300 followers! As a little thank you here are some row houses that I've made recently for my BACC. ♥
More screenshots, info & CC used under the cut. ♥
Founders Row Download
Coastal Houses Download
Beach Front Download
Defaults + General:
Clear glass windows & doors default
Rural Charm terrain default
Think I've included all the necessary CC that not included in the package, let me know if anything is missing.
I've also listed below sets I've used throughout the houses if you find any missing master meshes.
Founders Row (1x3)
Price: $33,000~
Front of the house:
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Floorplan of the house:
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This house includes a basemant which can be used as additional bedrooms or whatever your sims needs!
CC sets used:
Fireplace recolours
Romanesque stairs + Recolours
Stair Stepper Addons + Designer Stairs Recolours
Stair wall fix + Recolours
Pedimentary doors (Clear glass)
Thrope build set
Raynuss paneled doors and windows (Clear glass)
Bioshock Infinite Plants (Seasonal) More recolours
Midbiscus series (Seasonal)
Nengi rocks (Seasonal)
Silent Hill trees (Seasonal)
Miasmata trees (Seasonal)
Seasonal Flowers Collection
Let me know if I missed anything. xxx
Coastal Houses (1x3)
Price: $23,000~
Front of the house:
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Floorplan of the house:
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Some of the houses in this set have opposite floorplans/layout, you can see by where the frontdoor is placed!
CC sets used:
Fireplace recolours
Recolourable concrete stairs + Recolours (Working download)
Stair Stepper Addons + Designer Stairs Recolours
Stair wall fix + Recolours
Architecture bits
Raynuss paneled doors and windows (Clear glass)
3t2 Traditional door (Clear glass)
3t2 Bungalow window (Clear glass)
Bespoke Build Set
Bioshock Infinite Plants (Seasonal) More recolours
Midbiscus series (Seasonal)
Silent Hill trees (Seasonal)
Nengi rocks (Seasonal)
Miasmata trees (Seasonal)
Seasonal Flowers Collection
Let me know if I missed anything. xxx
Beach Front (1x2)
Price: $18,000~
Front of the house:
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Floorplan of the house:
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Smaller with starter home price but still many bedrooms!
CC sets used:
Fireplace recolours
Recolourable concrete stairs + Recolours (Working download)
Steadfast Stairs open
Architecture bits
Raynuss paneled doors and windows (Clear glass)
La Fenêtre Expansion Set
Bespoke Build Set
Bioshock Infinite Plants (Seasonal) More recolours
Midbiscus series (Seasonal)
Silent Hill trees (Seasonal)
Nengi rocks (Seasonal)
Miasmata trees (Seasonal)
Seasonal Flowers Collection
Let me know if I missed anything. xxx
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nervosims · 1 year
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european townhouse 🧱🌸 maxis makeover
but it's finally a townhouse! fucked around with lotadjuster, and i'm pretty proud of it <3
required sets: bespoke build set, miasmata garden
sfs || mediafire
watch the speedbuild here
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novvaable · 1 year
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plants GLORIOUS plants 🌱 🪴
after speaking with @potatobuttcheek, I have complied a list of my fav outdoor plants / creators and thought I’d share it with everyone 🕺🏼
simaddix // technicallyswagpizza // lets-lolalule-things (unfortunately cannot find their tumblr anywhere but there’s loads of posts reblogging their content) // grandelama // sim_man123 (tsr) // silverowlblog // simplyimaginarypeople
and here are my go to pieces
miasmata grass (converted by silverowlblog)
yellow wildflowers (let’s-lolalule-things)
skyrim tundra cotton (neimsimsblog)
woodland set & purple lupins (technicallyswagpizza)
ts4 conversions by simplyimaginarypeople - specifically the reeds / oopsie daises
everything by simaddix - a defo favourite is the grass 😌
i tend to mix cc with some game content - but I’m always searching for new foliage cc so if anyone has any fav pls link me! <3
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tvickiesims · 2 years
A Collection Of Default Replacements
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I made several small replacements that I felt didn’t deserve their own posts so I decided to bundle them up :)
Here’s a default replacement for falling autumn leaves and leaf pile textures, two date reward roses, base game birthday cake, Hanging Flower By Copur Ceramics plant, Pot Of Roses plant and garden reeds.
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Textures of date reward roses and Pot Of Roses were meant to go with my rose shrub default replacement from here as I used the same resources. Only textures were replaced on these + I changed the color of the small card.
Reeds have a model (actually all 3 models) and texture replacement using reeds from Miasmata set by Ohbehave.
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Compressed, clearly labelled, picture included.
Download at SFS
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episims · 1 year
wcif the grass/flowers you used in this picture? post/714497765622874112/but-you-know-whats-crazy-this-is-foxfire-has-40 i think they're gorgeous and i want to fill up my sims' yards with them lol
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The tall grass is actually a neighborhood deco, these by @driftsatellite. The flowers are likely from these sets:
Blade&Soul conversions by @michelleborgia
OhBehave's Miasmata conversions (I use these versions)
Macarrossi's flowers
Gwenke's wildflowers
4t2 plants by @linacheries
Suza's landscape set
Various 4t2 conversions by @thecrimsonsparkles
Tera conversions by @beautifulnerdkitty
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opily-zajic · 1 year
Na pokraji jsoucna staniž se Mrakem
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Všichni chodíme pod tím Mrakem a on se nezastavitelně nadouvá nad našimi hlavami. Vytváří mezi námi ten nepříjemný tlak, nápor do zad, tíži k tělům, co začíná bolet, ale den za dnem utíká ve stejném tempu, tok času a vzrůst oblaku jsou oba nezastavitelnými veličinami. Ptáci létají těsně nad zemí, stejně jako můj kouř z cigarety se bojí stoupat. Přehlížení jeho vzrůstu je projevem respektu, snad strachu, snad bezvýchodnosti. Kdy si pro nás přijde? Kdy jej začneme vdechovat? Dusím se vlastním kouřem a vsakuji ten horký opar, co nemá kam utéct, každým dnem zvyšuje mou teplotu a po malých krůčcích mě přivádí k bodu varu. Plast ve mně nehoří, pouze se roztápí, rozpíná miasmata, neodchází, nevypařuje se, je stále tady, vzrůstá ve mně a bobtná a tlačí a bolí. Pod jeho teplotou ztrácím svůj tvar a mé tekuté tělo obaluje tvar určených okolností. Má krev se mísí s plastem; a pálí, bublá, roztéká se. Smrdí. Zoufalý boj mezi lidským a nesmrtelným. Mé tělo začíná rudnout a má hlava plná sraček přestává pracovat. Přestává vzdorovat. Začíná sloužit. Snažíme se to přehlížet. Všichni chodíme pod tím Mrakem a on neustále klesá. Bolí. Dusí. Tlačí. Ale místo křiku z nás vychází jen rezignovaný sten. Tok času a vzrůst oblaku jsou oba nezastavitelnými veličinami. Snažím se zvednout, ale mé nohy už dávno pozbyly svého lidského tvaru. Energie odňata nikotinem a jedy a zpětně substituována cukry a náhražkami. Směsi téměř lidského efektivně udržují tělo na prahu funkčnosti. Udržují ho v schopnosti pracovat. Přispívat. Sloužit. Produkovat. Hladovět. A chtít konzumovat. Kolik toho naše těla ještě zvládnou vydržet? To, co mě krmí, přispívá Mraku. To, co nás nutí hladovět, určuje Mrak. Je nad našimi hlavami a za chvíli bude i v nás. Sbírám obaly svých pokrmů a vyhazuji je do kontejnerů, do jejich transportéru k novému, jinému životu, jenž již dávno předčil ten můj. Přispívám Mraku a stávám se hybatelem mikročástic. Z kontejneru do skladiště, ze skladiště do našich těl, do našeho Mraku. Nakrmením kontejneru nasytím sebe sama. Stávám se Mrakem. Konzumentem. Hostitelem.
Kolikrát jsem se jím už nakrmila? Zvládla bych uchopit ten moment, kdy se mé tělo opět setká se svým plastovým já, kdy se z obalu stane má potrava, má voda, mé nové já? Můžu při opětovném setkáním s ním – s plastem, jehož stvoření jsem způsobila, jehož hybatelem jsem se stala – pocítit stejnou nostalgii, jako když potkám svého starého přítele? To kolování mikročástic, to sdílení plastového jsoucna. To, co kolem sebe cítím. Co cítíme my všichni. Cítím se být vším a cítím se s tou veškerostí spojena. Jsem to já, jsme to my? Je to Mrak? Kdo se tady roztéká, kdo ztratil svůj oheň? Kdo se vlastně setká s kým? Jsem konečná a můj čas je omezený. Tok času a vzrůst oblaku jsou oba nezastavitelnými veličinami. Můj starý přítel mě přežije. Můj Mrak. Oproti tomu, co ve mně koluje, jsem smrtelná. Nedohlédnu za ta hustá, hnusná, temná, těžká mračna. Ale mé plastové já vidí. Ví. A jednoho dne zahlédne, prožije, pozná; já ale jen stále cítím ten tlak, kterému jednou podlehnu, a mezi kousky svých odpadů nerozpoznávám své druhy, protože jimi nejsem. Nejsem součástí jejich koloběhu; jsem jejich nástrojem. Všichni jsme jen hostitelé a oni naši dychtiví parazité.
Všichni podlehneme, necháme se jimi táhnout a přitlačit k zemi, jen naše výpary budou stoupat a smísí se s tím oblakem. Syntetika je mým vládcem a život mou celou. Jednou třeba kompletně splynu. Vzdám se. Vzdáme se. Staneme se tím parazitem, který v nás koluje. Jsme líhní plastů a spalovnou energie. Elektronika se stane naší končetinou, polystyren kůží, nanoplasty krví, mikroplasty potravou, lidství jedem. Jakmile bude tělo dokonáno, jakmile kompletně splyne, stane se v očích Mraku dokonalým hostitelem, postrádající svou individualitu, tak možná i já sama pocítím tu všemohoucnost vládce. Velikost Mraku. Pokloňme se svému vládci, zkapalněme svá těla a vykliďme cestu silnějšímu druhu.
Sračky v mé hlavě staniž se plastem; vyměnivše myšlenky za proud svého parazita, stavši se líhní a hnízdem něčeho většího, nesmrtelnějšího, trvalejšího. Staniž se sluhou svého stvoření. Ztrativše svou lidskost pro dobro něčeho většího, nesmrtelnějšího, trvalejšího. Staniž se plastem a staniž se vládcem. Staniž se Mrakem.
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Poslední týdny (ale v širším rozhledu i několik let) mě neukojitelně zajímá náš vztah k syntetickým materiálům a tak celkově téma antropocénu.
Ve svém umču tohle téma řeším už několik let, tentokrát je to však pravděpodobně poprvé, co jsem se to rozhodla nějakým způsobem (který není klauzurní obhajobou) převést do textové podoby. Balím lidi do plastu, vytvářím spojení syntetického a organického, organismy oplývající umělými materiály, hledající svou syntetičnost. Jen jsem to doteď nedělala v textu. Náš vztah k materiálu, který jsme sami stvořili, mě vždycky neuvěřitelně fascinoval, zároveň mě však naplňoval neuvěřitelným strachem. Pociťovala jsem environmentální úzkost, snažila jsem se všechno mermomocí zachránit, ale vzhledem k tomu, že "tok času a vzrůst oblaku jsou oba nezastavitelnými veličinami", tak se má úzkost přirozeným vývojem proměnila spíše v nějakou v environmentální cyničnost. A teď pravděpodobně vrcholí podivným syntetickým spiritismem; vytvářím nové typy organismů, které svou syntetičnost kompletně přijaly, v podstatě se staly výše zmíněným Mrakem. A vlastně jsem se doteď nerozhodla, jestli tím vytvářím utopii či dystopii. Lidé přece nejsou tak dokonalí, aby byli nejsilnějším organismem. A pokud mají přežít tím, že se přizpůsobí... tak budiž, staniž se Mrakem.
Je to takový malý experiment, který tady zajíc chtěl aspoň zkusit sdílet - protože když to uvidí na internetu, tak to ihned nabyde jiné vážnosti, tím pádem to třeba uvidí v jiném světle. I kdyby to světlo bylo tak trapné, že by se to rozhodl o týden později smazat. Tak budiž. Staniž se. Pokud se chci někdy seriózně pustit do psaní, tak bych se neměla stydět za své výplody.
Přijmu jakoukoliv konstruktivní kritiku. Děkuju moc!
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titoist · 2 years
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"…So then, yours is truly a journey through memory!" The Great Khan, his ears always sharp, sat up in his hammock every time he caught the hint of a sigh in Marco's speech. "It was to slough off a burden of nostalgia that you went so far away!" he exclaimed, or else: "You return from your voyages with a cargo of regrets!" And he added, sarcastically: "Meager purchases, to tell the truth, for a merchant of the Serenissima!" This was the target of all Kublai's questions about the past and the future. For an hour he had been toying with it, like a cat with a mouse, and finally he had Marco with his back to the wall, attacking him, putting a knee on his chest, seizing him by the beard: "This is what I wanted to hear from you: confess what you are smuggling: moods, states of grace, elegies!" These words and actions were perhaps only imagined, as the two, silent and motionless, watched the smoke rise slowly from their pipes. The cloud dissolved at times in a wisp of wind, or else remained suspended in mid-air; and the answer was in that cloud. As the puff carried the smoke away, Marco thought of the mists that cloud the expanse of the sea and the mountain ranges and, when dispelled, leave the air dry and diaphanous, revealing distant cities. It was beyond that screen of fickle humors that his gaze wished to arrive: the form of things can be discerned better at a distance. Or else the cloud hovered, having barely left the lips, dense and slow, and suggested another vision: the exhalations that hang over the roofs of the metropolises, the opaque smoke that is not scattered, the hood of miasmata that weighs over the bituminous streets. Not the labile mists of memory nor the dry transparence, but the charring of burned lives that forms a scab on the city, the sponge swollen with vital matter that no longer flows, the jam of past, present, future that blocks existences calcified in the illusion of movement: this is what you would find at the end of your journey.
i don't take many walks after sundown - or, at least, i certainly attempt to avoid doing so. but, well, there you have it. sometimes i'm obliged to do so, whether i like it or not. it feels like being present for the city's funeral, in spite of all the blinding lights & neon signs & the rhythmic footsteps of crowds that may or may not erroneously remind of you a heartbeat. actually, it may even be because of all of those things - it clashes so inappropriately, it's like attending a funeral and then being invited to a drunken discotheque afterparty
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ekrubynaffit · 2 years
Hi Tiffany, WCIF moar low shrubs such as Miasmata (ohbehave007) forest cover, WfS2 plant rug and some of the Blade & Soul grass conversions by Michelle Borgia?
Just clarifying you're not after those specific downloads but more of the same?
If so there's a really nice ground cover in this set https://nikaonishko.tumblr.com/post/616259930221117440/me-and-you-garden-set-4t2-you-can-find-them-in
There's this default of the flower rug that came with celebrations https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/571886852695280588/
And I have a Pinterest board with grass and the like https://www.pinterest.nz/tiffanyburke79/sims-2-grass-weeds/
Is that the sort of thing you're after? 🙂
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Piers Plays Pugs: Red Mages are Under-appreciated
Don’t Queue at 6 AM
Log on to do Omicrons before work because I didn't do them yesterday evening. I have some time. 90 roulette heals in need? Aight bet.
Dead ends.
I consider leaving. I make the incorrect decision and stay because godsdamned Godbert Manderville. I want the tomes.
Gunbreaker only uses arms length, until I let them drop to 20%, and *then* I get a rampart. Okay, okay. It's operation bare minimum then, ok ok. The red mage is also continuously ripping aggro, so I have to spot heal them.
First boss, gnb and smn eat it to miasmata. rdm tanks it like a champ while I get a swift raise out. get us healed up enough i can hard raise the smn with a kerachole ticking for some targeted aoes coming. And the aoes come, I'm casting....the tank runs and stands on me.
The joke is on you, potato. I don't want to be here.
I don't move.
At the last second, the potato chickens out and runs. I get my cast off.
The gnb still isn't using cool downs. Just out here in space, taking weird alien busters raw.
Pulls to the second boss go much the same as the first. Arm's length. Rampart near death. Red mage is making friends. Notably, the summoner is not making friends at all. Interesting
Second boss. I try to be very mindful of my positioning here, because it's a big arena, and mechanics make the center a bad place zone and keep the party separated for most of the fight. I try to be on the boss' butt and between the dps if I can be. Nah, the red mage fucks off next to the tank. The smn is following me, which usually isn't the worst idea but we have aoes so I'm running, they're following, the tank still isn't using cool downs, and the red mage is out of range. This goes about as well as you would expect, but I manage it so only the tank dies to not using cool downs on busters, and let the red mage tank for a second while I get the potato un-mashed. This red mage is a fantastic sport. I regret I can only give them one comm for this.
Last set of pulls. The gnb has realized something is wrong, but has determined, Principal Skinner style, that it is the healer who is wrong, and starts to single pull. Ok ok. So they get kardia and soteria, until they literally need a druochole to live. *Now* I see camouflage and aurora.
Still having to watch the red mage like a hawk, because they're still incredibly popular with mobs.
I find it worth mentioning that someone here isn't rolling on loot. I n t e r e s t i n g.
Get to Rala, finally.
Gnb and Smn both stand in overlapping circles of Prance. Predictably, they both hit the floor. Shield the rdm, get the tank up, heal up, hard cast smn up, wash rinse repeat.
I imagine them thinking to themselves, should we move out of these line aoes? Nah, it is the healer who is responsible. The smn eats it again.
Now the rdm helps with a raise. okay. Heal up.
Stack marker. I get out a mit and a shield and the tank doesn't stack.
Do I need to say how done I am. Super done. So done.
Meteion did nothing wrong.
Tank eats it to prance.
Rala is at 3%.
Kardia. Red mage.
Never again.
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radiopuertodelmetal · 2 months
Disloyal - Divine Miasmata (Full Album) 2024 | Black Lion Records
0 notes
scentedchildnacho · 3 months
My neurobiology for everyday life told me abortions are pretty rare.....but if you ask me the landscapers told them two kids maybe only....so choices to feel really depressed in situations that may be aren't optimal due to continued internationalism that could be re thought
Under normal sanitary process conditions aren't perfect...if it's landscapers if the population isn't reduced
Why do I suspect it's about me....I told them I would strike corporate medical process for claims of a more pain free and humane kill young for body organs.....so it may be is who has found himself always owning my family that keeps stalking me
Wisconsin has a large incarcerated population and what my family did to tell it that the Latin areas are for women and early childhood if we won't die of them living with the church
Its the rabbinical that may be good to male conscription and males do have a lot more then the latins and they won't get away from us
I don't practice foreign things and if my family structures were gone they would have Israelis to treat their addictions ....
That's that company it goes all over the world forcing populations to intermingle with it
They tolerate very deaf conditions they have very very repulsive speed addictions
Its woman and it's energetics is almost bad but not really ...it's a woman it's a bad person to it that wouldn't feed it good after all it did to the earth
I wouldn't say it's attempting to ruin Latin culture ....the church has always been involved in depression dust bowl policies and is more of a philosophy .......it's more needs to keep gas lighting Latin workers
Its more to keep increasing invasive severity and force more and more international aid that calls us inferior races that has to forcibly learn international achievements and prestige
To me the landscaping is creepy enough to murder children and I in feeling do prefer policy to just keep irrationally shooting back at it and refusing it's demands if it can't respond to others demands
You don't know the list of international company responses I have been asked to all provide import products from ....when they could just stop putting detainment there
The natives though did blame the miasmata in Wisconsin and people do require sanitation though
Over two weeks with computer screen....Irish Scottish swedish Israeli Afghanistan's Brazil.....Mexican African list is endless to be stalked with be more resilient then westernism
My guess is Mississippi has fire ing ranges in jails so people who approve that to immigration or from states will probably just be mass shot at though
Its it's little gang so they only need one gun
I don't know but people who try to survive the states as long as people born in it....do get slowly group slaughtered in school enforcement and those birth records are just open for replacement so I think they will just shoot the landscapers and dump them in a pit for doing it to people from here
Japanese intelligence......infinity it's more to always herd latins into a western inferior basis and bring people from all over to supercede it
Its more to cause misery and parasite on it forever
The attack this morning I found so brutal I truly don't care if populations evacuate and leave me here to die.....it's that awful I do prefer being left alone to having to be attacked and tortured with tools
I also don't find white latin taking care of hospitality a five star rate ing but when I have seen the types of combatant that requires a domestic abuse process to start migration from Guantanamo bay I don't ever want to be around populations that need more resiliency then white process
They need emigration or their strange repulsive reek addicts to us
They go around the world stalking random people to support their military so I'm not more then rational it's cause and effect I can just die a genocide victim if i won't take care of avoidable shell shock so I don't care if a return genocide told them to take care of me so i take care of others
Some of the homeless are unsophisticated healers and they find them things that help sometimes
So it is great depressive....I blame them for doing saintly things because the landscape freakshows then start stalking me to take care of myself and watch me do things
And the homeless blame me because I won't take care of myself better then the project and I explain He could help those tool torture freak shows and let's them die of addictions so I don't help if their commander doesn't
And so I only let them watch me to learn that they have to pay too expensively for lousy coffee then....
I've explained it's simple rationalism they destroy environs so they have to feel debted to lousy service then
They wanted me to figure out a free process to feel okay and with watery abstracts again and so it's no you just stalked that man's coffee business so you have to pay his business in full for trying to blockade it from consumers
Anyway I think the attack this morning was more about Murrieta populations....that type of womanly gender desires cosmetic surgery and after I have seen some of this tool torture for perfect shapes I'm not sorry for you are beautiful just the way you are policy
I know you have explained that you have symptoms of a cleft pallette and I still would want you to wait and make a better decision
There wasn't any necessary conflict to be out this morning with heavy machinery electrocuting everything.....so I just go pay high wrong rates so their very jealous of me getting to go there
They wouldn't stop attacking the building so I force them to get jealous of having to then compensate the building in some way
Their baby killers to me so I find usary like a food business that will debt it into a jail the meanest thing I can think of to do to them in return
Well I have found out about jobs that the illegal labor industry is much larger then I suspected and it's their time for fair compensation after a lot
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eleysims · 1 year
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37 Fairford Gardens
My first lot upload! This house came out very grand + had some fun with roofing.
Cost: $55,726
Size: 2x3
Let me know if there are any issues, and I hope you like it. ♥
I think everything that is needed for the lot is included but please let me know if I missed something or did something wrong. ♥
Many thanks to @tvickiesims for the Simfileshare code. ♥
Thank you to all amazing CC creators. ♥
Custom content used, defaults I use & details below the cut ->
Hedge default - I use jodeliejodelie & Plant Fixes version
Clear glass windows & doors default
Rural Charm terrain default
Custom content items:
Not included (I think?):
Fireplace recolours
Recolourable concrete stairs + Recolours (Working download)
Invisible Driveway
Included but here are the full sets:
Steadfast Stairs open
Architecture bits
Raynuss paneled doors and windows (Clear glass)
La Fenêtre Expansion Set
Bioshock Infinite Plants (Seasonal) More recolours
Midbiscus series (Seasonal)
Silent Hill trees (Seasonal)
Nengi rocks (Seasonal)
Miasmata trees (Seasonal)
Seasonal Flowers Collection
3t2 Traditional door (Clear glass)
I didn't include links for the walls/floors/fences/gates but let me know if you would like the links to those sets. xxx
Seriously let me know if I did anything wrong, I have never done this before. xxx
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nervosims · 9 months
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family farmhouse 🏠🌸 maxis makeover
required sets: bespoke build set, miasmata garden
sfs || mediafire
watch the speed build here
thanks to all the cc creators!
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metalshockfinland · 4 months
DISLOYAL Release Lyric Video for Latest Single 'Betrayed Faith'
Polish black death metal band DISLOYAL has released a lyric video for their latest single, “Betrayed Faith.” This track offers a glimpse into their forthcoming album, “Divine Miasmata,” set to be released on July 12th. Watch the video below and prepare for the full album release! Pre-order /pre-save Here https://orcd.co/divine-miasmata The band comments :  “Betrayed Faith” This one is…
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gmlocg · 1 year
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1,904.) Miasmata
Release: November 28th, 2012 | GGF: Open World Survival Craft, Action-Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS, Story Rich, Exploration, Mystery, Atmospheric | Developer(s): IonFx Studios, LLC | Publisher(s): IonFx Studios, LLC | Platform(s): Windows (2012)
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