#michael langdon with long hair is really handsome
crown-ov-horns · 8 months
Something keeps tempting me to watch AHS: Apocalypse. Not the whole show, just Apocalypse (because, you tell me "Antichrist", I come running). But, it's not only not my genre of horror, I probably will be confused, if I don't see previous seasons. And, if I remember correctly, it's nonsense when it comes to things like satanism.
Maybe, it's because of that dream - I saw Michael Langdon in it. Seeing photos could have sparked my memory of him (AHS screencaps when I scrolled through Taissa Farmiga images on Pinterest).
Fanfiction gods are as cruel as they are giving... I'd be compelled to make an OC, and ship her with him. She'd be Michael the Archangel, of course. For a change, as in my stories, it's always the reverse - the Antichrist is female, while Archangel Michael is male (except like one fanfic, which is an AU, anyway).
You see the punchline, right? They'd have the same name. Bonus points, they get married. Then... Mr. Michael Langdon and Mrs. Michael Langdon. Yeah...
Wounldn't they be related, too?.. I guess Satan, the Dragon, legitimizes them as the damn Targaryens of their universe.
Ch. X: where's Michael?
Ch. Y: which one?
Ch. X: Michael Langdon
Ch. Y: yes, which one?
Ch. X: there's two? Are they married or related?
Ch. Y: Yes
Their kids are damned, for some serious issues. Imagine if your parents had the same name, and your father was your mother's nephew.
Why... Why is this such a siren's song? Why can I already see the clownery? And, the smut?..
Why am I thinking of the "Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you?" line in Bridgerton?..
It would be a second creative project of mine with Michael Langdon, involving imcest. Because, long ago, I rp'ed as my original Antichrist, and, they were an item. It was sibling incest. And, characters sleeping with a version of themselves.
My eyes keep wandering... How do I resist the temptation?
I even have a faceclaim for her in mind.
Me to myself:
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regina-mortis · 8 months
Like I already said on my other blog, I'm tempted to watch AHS Apocalypse. Just Apocalypse, which would probably be confusing without having seen previous seasons. I don't know... The pull is really strong. It's been there ever since I dreamt of Michael Langdon's face.
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eyeless-smiles · 7 months
@eyeless-smiles asked:
❛  jealous .   to  purposefully  make  my  muse  react  possessively . ((He's doin everything in his power to make Mikey jelly uwu))
Falling asleep maneuvered him back to the Dreaming, as most nights. Michael expected to meet his obsession, as most nights, and he did, but... it's not the way he'd thought. The thrill of anticipation got drained from his countenance as soon as he caught Corinthian with someone else. Which in itself wouldn't be an issue. Fun can and should be shared. Feeling like air, ignored in his attempts to reach out, that ultimately leads to a pang of jealousy flaring up in his chest. Michael can't help the tears shooting into his eyes and the wrath starting to consume him the longer he finds himself confronted with his fear of abandonment. It consumes him faster than he'd have expected. Shouting even, his voice seems to hit deaf ears.
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His jaw snaps shut, teeth gnashed behind sealed lips while his hands hanging by his sides furl into fists. And that anger manifests in the surroundings. Entirely stiff, almost shaking, he just stands there. The brewing storm may whip his hair around, but not sweep him off his feet. The Corinthian and that ominous other party, though? They'll have to fight to keep standing. Black sand whirls up and hits skin with the force of a thousand needles, then gathers, increasing density shapes them into tendrils. They sling around the stranger and tighten, tighten, tighten... Until he splays his fingers and the tendrils, like wire, cut that intruder into slices.
And all of a sudden, the grains rain back down, the storm calms. Relief lets Michael's shoulders sag ere slow steps carry him to the nightmare; his expression hardened while a tear streams down his cheek does he grab Corinthian by the jaw. Pull it closer. And he hisses: " You are mine, understood? " A bitter, strained smile then, it matches the anger still hardening his stare. " Next time, I'm going to tear you apart. "
He may have been remade, but he is still the Corinthian. A creature created to reflect humanity's darkest reflections back upon themselves. And when such a creature develops a relationship with a human? Well, undoubtedly, the monster will eventually step into the realms of the worst humanity has to offer when it comes to love.
He courts this handsome young Dreamer with the sole intent of sparking jealousy. He wants to taste Langdon's distaste. His possessiveness. To see just how much, or litte, Michael can tolerate.
And as he feels Michael's presence enter the Dreaming, the Corinthian acts upon its whims. Pulling the Dreamer into a tight embrace. His tongue forced down the back of the bewildered man's throat. It doesn't take long for the Dreamer to discover he's really into it. And the Corinthian knows it. His hand are all over him. Pawing at beige attire in an attempt to understand what lies beneath.
Only, their impromptu makeout session is interrupted by whipping sands that lash out with malicious intent. Forcing the Creation and his Dreamer to part, as they look around the changing landscape with bewilderment. The Corinthian knows this is Michael's doing, but he had not expected such a visceral reaction. And then his little experimental toy is sliced apart. Returning to a terrified, panting mess tucked comfortably in his bed.
The Corinthian backs up a step as the sands die down around it, and his attention is drawn to Michael. Spying the utter agony in his eyes, and the tears that accompany it. It lets itself be pulled forward with a gasp. Blond brows quivered as though it doesn't understand what it has done to deserve such ire.
"Yours?" The Nightmare repeats, and a soft, dismissive laugh shudders past ocular maws.
"I'm Dream's, Michael. He simply lets you play with me."
His jealousy tastes delicious.
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infernwetrust · 3 years
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Part 1
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Summary: Michael has some business handled at his California home.
Warnings: violence, swearing, fluff, a lil smut, MURDER, some graphic descriptions
WC: 3.1k
A/N: I thought long and hard about starting this, but I’m gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Outpost Michael fits this perfectly of course, but he’ll cut his hair every now and then lol. This will have it’s own bracket on my master list. Thank you for reading! -Juno
The air was cool. The evening was just right. Your husband Michael had decided to throw a small party that consisted of only close friends, family members, and some staff from your residency and Michael's line of work. Party music played moderately in the background as the backyard of the Santa Monica Villa you and Michael purchased this same year was filled with laughter, dancing, and casual conversation. Servers carried around platters of the most delectable finger foods. Drinks were also being served. Cars were lined up in the driveway, late arrivals having to park on the side of the road. Luckily, Michael always sent one of his guards on a golf cart to pick up his guests that had to park far away.
Michael laid in his hammock, across his rather large pool so that he was away from everyone else. Michael dressed comfortably. He wore a beautiful salmon pink floral shirt and white slacks, with a white belt. No need for shoes. Around Michael's neck was a platinum rope chain that glistened when the light shined on it just right. Around his wrist was a platinum iced out Rolex watch, his name engraved on the inside, one of his favorite gifts from you. The only ring he decided that he wanted to wear today was his wedding band, which shocked you. Michael always wore all of his rings.
Curled up against Michael's chest yours and his beautiful 1 year old boy, Malcolm. He was blessed with a full head of hair, just as blonde as his father's. He took after your eye color, but his resemblance to his father was unmatched. No worries because in his twin brother's arm was your handsome 3 year old son, Michael,who captured most of your features. All really, but your eye color. Michael won that fight again. Junior, is what everyone calls him. On the opposite side of Michael, still in his hammock was you, dressed in that sundress Michael loved to show you off in. Your wedding ring glistened on your finger, no matter what time of day it was or where you were. Michael made sure of that. Around your neck, your favorite Pearl necklace.
You lay head your head on Michael's chest, rubbing your hand gently against the back of your one year old. Michael raises his arm slowly as to not alert the sleeping child and takes a sip of his whiskey. He's glaring at someone, hard. And you know why and who, but you rather choose to not address it. All you were waiting for were the words.
"You know, brother." Jim said to Michael, using his free hand that wasn't holding Junior, to also take a sip of his drink. "I don't see how you do it."
"And what is it that I do, Jim?" Michael questioned, turning his head slightly to meet his brothers gaze. Junior nestled his head back into Jim's chest, mouth full of goldfish out of the bowl he was holding. Jim sat in a chair, adjacent to Michael's hammock.
"How you stay so calm and collected about things."
"Dirty work is not something I'm a fan of."
"But I am."
"I know, so that's why I gave this task to you."
"You know I'll do anything for my family."
"I just don't see why we can't just kick them out." you mumbled, watching as Malcolm grabbed your finger in his sleep as you tried to put your hand back down from his back.
"Because in this life, lessons have to be taught." Michael answered you, putting his glass down to wrap his arm fully around you. Michael made eye contact with his other twin, Duncan, who sat amongst a group of women, one of them in his lap, stroking his hair. He nodded, giving Michael the cue. "Will you go ahead and take the kids inside?" You sighed, sitting up, looking Michael in his soft blue eyes.
"Baby, you don't have to-,"
"One day you'll understand, Y/N." Michael said, cutting you off, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a few small kisses. Getting up, you gently picked up Malcolm, holding him close to you.
"Come on, Junior."
"Nooooooo." Junior whined, not wanting to leave his Uncle's side. "Don't wanna."
"Hey." Jim said, playfully grabbing Junior's tummy, causing him to giggle. "What was that phrase I taught you?"
"The first time." Junior responded happily.
"The first time what?"
"Listen!" he clapped, letting go of his bowl which Jim quickly caught before it fell to the floor.
"Smart boy. Now go with inside with your mommy. We'll play later, yeah?" Junior quickly nodded, scurrying off of Jim's lap and to your side, grabbing your hand. He turned around momentarily to look back at Jim, who shot him a quick wink before you took both boys inside. You also managed to scurry up the other children as well, promising treats and a good show on TV. You had them at treats.
"He loves you so damn much." Michael said, sitting up, hanging his feet of his hammock to come face to face with his brother. "Sometimes I swear he thinks you're his father."
"I mean. I could be. We're twins."
"Watch it, playboy."
Jim chuckled, reaching for his drink to take another sip. He dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, black slacks, and a pair of dark blue dress shoes. A black Louis Vuitton belt, midnight silver buckle, lined his waist. He sighed, reaching for his pistol that was tucked neatly behind him is waistband. He quickly removed the clip, checking it, and popping it back in before setting it down on the table next to Michael.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Jim questioned. "He's been with us for a few years, Mike."
"All the more reason to get rid of him. I've taken care of you for years and you betray me like that?" Michael answered. "He knows too much and has seen too much."
"That's true." Jim mumbled, rubbing his hand underneath his chin. "What are they doing with his body?"
"Burning it." Michael said quickly, squinting his eyes at Jim. "Like we do 90% of the time. Do you not want to, Jim?" Michael's question caused Jim to laugh as he got up, returning his shirt back into his slacks. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the table, taking one out, placing it between his lips and giving it a light, tossing the box back on the table. He inhaled sharply, before exhaling lengthy.
"You and I both know, Michael." Jim began as he took another hit of his cigarette. "That I shy away from nothing. Especially not an, how do I put this, opportunity." Jim tucked his gun back into his waistband.
"And speaking of opportunity." Jim continued, looking out into the body of people before hitting his cigarette one last time and then handing it to Michael. "Here's mine."
Jim made his way, at a decent pace, back to the other side of the pool, where all the party goers stood. He took his time, waving and smiling at familiar faces. Spotting his target, he moved with just a little bit more urgency. It's such a shame that Bryce had to go. Michael watched Jim as he moved, continuing to sip his drink. Part of him wanted to look away because this hurt him as much as it was going to kill Bryce. Bryce was one of his favorites.
He remembered when he stumbled across Bryce who limped out of an alleyway, screaming for help as Michael closed up his bar. When Michael laid eyes on him, his clothes were completely ruined by blood. He held onto his stomach, collapsing onto the sidewalk, coughing up more blood as he spoke. Michael made his way over to the boy, kneeling down by his side, removing his hand from his wound, watching as the he poured out.
"How bad do you want to live?" Michael asked, cocking his head at the boy.
"What the fuck is up with you man?!" he questioned. "Help me!"
"I asked you a question." Michael spoke again. "You want to live right? I could just let you die, here."
"Um, kinda, yeah!"
"Then tell me how bad you want to live."
"Bad man! Bad! I want to fucking live bad! Please don't let me die!" Michael grinned. How fragile life was, he thought. How it could just be taken from you at any moment. Moments like these.
"What's your name, kid?"
"Br-Br-Bryce." he responded before blacking out from the pain.
"We're going to get you alllllll fixed up, Bryce."
Michael took Bryce, not to a hospital, but instead back to his property, where his own private doctor could deal with Bryce. They managed to take care of what they discovered was a gunshot wound instead of a stab wound like Michael originally thought when he found Bryce.
"How's he doing?" Michael asked Dr. Joseph as he stepped into the rather large, renovated, shed he had given to his doctor for his medical practices. He even was nice enough to give him a little office space as well.
"Well. He's very lucky considering how much he was bleeding." he answered. "Those two bullets I removed barely missed his vital organs, but he'll make a full recovery."
"Which room do you have him in? Is he awake now?"
"Room 3. It has the most room. The last time I checked on him, yes."
Michael nodded at his words, making his way over to the room. He entered quietly, not wanting to startle, Bryce. Bryce sat up in the bed, sipping on an ice cold water, scrolling through the movies on the flatscreen TV Michael had gotten installed in every room. Jim's idea, of course. There was an awkward silence in the room as Bryce didn't know whether to thank him first or say fuck him for waiting until he passed out and asking him all those stupid questions.
Michael didn't say anything as he walked around to the side of Bryce's bed, pulling up a near by chair to sit closer to him. Michael leaned back in his chair, throwing a leg halfway over his knee as he clasped his hands together. Bryce never took his eyes off of him, not sure what his next move would be.
"You're welcome by the way." Michael said. "Isn't it nice having someone take care of you without all the pesky need for insurance information or just a bill in general?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bryce questioned.
"Answer me this, Bryce." Michael leaned forward in his seat. "What if I offered you a chance to start over? A new chance at life. Somewhere, where you could be safe, your meals paid for. And all you have to do is stay by my side, loyal to me."
"I'm not gay, man."
"Who said anything about being gay?" Michael questioned, raising his eyebrow. "And what if I was?"
"Listen." Bryce breathed out. "I didn't mean to offend you. Look. Thank you. For bringing me, to, well wherever we are, and helping me. And once I'm all healed up, I'll be all out of your hair."
"Do you have any family, Bryce?" Bryce's whole attitude changed. He looked softer.
"No..." he answered silently.
"Well you do now."
Jim was just a few feet away from Bryce now when the two made eye contact. And when Jim reached, rather quickly, behind his back, Bryce knew. Of course he knew what he had done. Bryce turned around to start running, when Jim quickly cocked his gun and fired two shots, both at the back of his legs. Everyone stopped what they were doing, in shock, but not enough shock to runaway. It was Jim and who dares question one of Michael's brothers. Everyone watched as Bryce fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder in pain. Jim continued to walk at his leisurely pace to him, standing in front of him.
"Now." Jim said aloud, over the groans and screams of Bryce. "I know you all looked at Bryce as family, right? 4 years ago my brother found this piece of scum bleeding to death, begging for help. And of course Michael helped him."
"I'm sorry!" Bryce yelled, hands reaching out to grab Jim's ankle and it took everything in him not to kill Bryce right then and there, but he wanted to get his point across.
"And with the help of our wonderful Dr. Joseph, he was taken care of, free of charge, can you believe that?" Jim continued. "And all we asked for in return was just his unwavering loyalty." Jim snatched his ankle away from Bryce's hand, stepping on it, instead, causing him to scream out again as his fingers were crushed.
"But when you lie to AND you steal from the hand that feeds you." Jim looked around at everyone as he said this. "There are consequences." Jim kneeled down in front of Bryce who looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears, pleading with Jim.
"Please..." Bryce whispered to Jim, grabbing ahold of him again. "Please Jim, I'm sorry. I was desperate."
Jim grabbed him by his face, snapping his head up to look all the way at him. He looked at the gun in his opposite hand, before looking back at Bryce. The small breeze that was in the air had come completely still, everyone virtually silent as they watched the events unfold. When things first went missing around the house when Michael would hold meetings, they didn't even think to look at Bryce. Not until Michael had trusted him enough to appoint him as Duncan's right hand man. Duncan handled all of the cartel's finances and when he kept coming up short on the days just him and Bryce would do the counting, he caught on rather quickly.
"I liked you Bryce." Jim said, jaw clenched. "I really did. We all did. We loved you almost, but you know the rules, don't you?"
"Jim please..." Bryce whined, starting to cry his eyes out, but only enough for Jim to see and hear. "Please man. I'll do anything. Anything please!"
"What did I tell you happened to those who betrayed the cartel? What is your own way out once you're in? I mean I could just let you go, yeah? But once you walk out those doors you become a liability to me, my brothers, and my family. And I just can't have that."
"Death..." Bryce mumbled. "But we can work something out, please!"  Jim chuckled as he let go of Bryce's face, quickly cocking his gun again, before holding Bryce's face up again. He put the gun inside of Bryce's mouth, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Maybe in another life." And with those words said, Jim pulled the trigger, the sounds of bloods and mush splattering across the ground. A few turned their heads, not wanting to see the sight. Jim looked up and back across the pool at his brother who downed the rest of his drink, nodding at Jim.
"Clean it up." Jim said to the disposal crew who stood near by, rising to his feet, and tucking his gun back away. "Everyone else can carry on."
The warm water danced on your skin as you stood in the shower, washing away all events from today. You put your face underneath the water for a few seconds before running both of your hands through your hair. When you turned around you were startled by the presence of your husband, Michael, who stood behind you, a little soaked from the backlash of you being underneath the water. His vibrant blue eyes were now several shades darker as he was out of the sun light. He simply just stared at you.
You offered to trade him positions under the water so he could get completely wet too and of course he didn't object. You were now staring at him as he stepped underneath the water, sighing as it hit his skin. He ran his hands over his face as he turned around to face you, getting off as much water as he could before he opened his eyes again to look at you. Water dripped off his skin and your eyes couldn't help but trail all over him. He was so beautiful. His long blonde hair, over shoulder length, completely wet now as the water continued to pour down on him. You almost smiled, remember when Michael told you that he was going to start growing his hair out. He cut it every now and then, but nothing compared to long haired beauty.
"I'm sorry." he spoke, running his hands over his face again. "I know you don't like when.. you know." You walked over to your husband, pressing your forehead against his, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His large hands found their way to small of your back, pulling you even closer.
"I know..." you mumbled, using your thumbs to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not mad at you, Michael. I just don't want you to become... emotionless."
"Everything I do is to protect you and our boys. Without my family, I am nothing. This empire? We built it, Y/N. Not just me. I'm still here emotionally, but you know it works. He was too much of a liability to just let go. And when the right information gets into the wrong hands, I'm only sure you can imagine what happens."
"Do you ever get afraid, Michael?"
"Only if it deals with you and my sons." he said, looking down at you, smiling. Cheeky bastard.
"I'm being serious. What if one day you go out and don't come back home? What if we get attacked here? What will I do? What will I tell our children?"
"Don't you ever worry about that, my love." Michael reassured you. "As long as my brothers and I are alive and breathing, no one will be in any kind of danger. I promise." Michael brushed his lips across yours as he finished his sentence. You pulled him in for a kiss. A hungry one, it was, as your tongues wasted no time entering each other's mouths, Michael's dominance showing as you basically let him devour you, melting away at his touch. He backed you up against the shower wall and you gasped against him as it was cold. He picked you up and you immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him like your life depended on it. 
"Let me help you forget..." he said against your lips, brushing his nose across yours and you remembered, just how in love you are with Michael.
Taglist: @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @jimmason @theneverendinghunger
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Michael Langdon x reader
Summary: Reader, who is a witch (not tied to the og coven) is best friends with Michael. They decide to spend Valentines day together in outpost three. Based on this post, and the 'willow' music video by Taylor Swift.
Words: 3.0k+
Warnings: mentions of rituals/covens (its vague tho), slow burn, light angst, mutual pining, gross fluff, plot heavy and VERY descriptive I'm sorry dhdhd, valentines day fic, mentions of food, friends to lovers
A/N: yall rlly liked my last Michael blurb so I made this kinda similar!! Also the idea of witch! Reader not being tied to the og coven is NOT my idea, others have done it before - I just did it cause it made sense w the music video this fic is based off of ✌🏻. This is mostly me self indulging ngl so if the fic doesnt make sense that's why haha. The v beginning is like Sojourn! Era and then the rest of the fic is somewhere between fire & reign and outpost era. this fic is rlly just me trying to say happy early mf valentines day !! 💖💖 okay bye
February 14th was always a day you dreaded; The idea and concept of a whole fucking holiday being dedicated to just love.. really put a bitter taste in your mouth. In your opinion, it was just a reason for couples to show a disgusting amount of PDA and get away with it.
However; due to a incredibly corny and cliché situation you found yourself in; you now were seeing the incoming holiday in a different light. When you thought of the holiday.. You first thought of Michael. Michael Langdon.
Meeting Michael at all was a complete accident - You met months ago in fall; on a dark cloudy night. Every detail from that evening was etched and woven into your mind as if it had just happened yesterday; and you could only hope that it would remain that way forever. After all; that was the night when you had met your favorite person. You even remembered the weather.. The bitterness of the cold wind making it seem as if it was seconds from storming.
You were part of a small coven which was meeting due to a full moon, it was a rather mundane and basic ritual you were preforming. One of which you had preformed more times you could even count on your fingers.. However; what made that ritual special is that your coven happened to be recruiting.
Full black outfits, including thin, long cloaks is what everyone wore to the occasion.. After everything was over and done with; you went to leave - the bitter coldness of the night urging you to leave rather quickly.
However; something.. almost a invisible force made you stop walking away from the crowd and made you physically stop. You slowly stopped walking; and turned around. You sharply gasped when you saw a figure directly in front of you - wearing a dark ensemble that matched yours nearly identically.
Immediately you grew weary. A sharp, nauseated feeling started to manifest inside of you.
"Were you following me"? You spoke with your voice raised, your hands which previously fell loosely at your side were starting to curl into fists.
You could feel yourself getting defensive. You quickly flicked your eyes over at the other coven members - making sure you weren't causing a scene; not wanting to draw attention to the situation until it grew necessary.
"Yes, but.. look. I just wanted to talk to you.. away from the others". The boy stated.
You bit your lip to suppress a groan. You rolled your eyes, not really caring that he could see how bothered you were.
"Fine. But c'mon, make it quick". You said, not trying to hide the irritation in your voice.
You turned around and walked a few feet away from the crowd, not looking back but merely expecting him to follow you. You were expecting he was just another newbie with dumb questions, or needed clarification on something.
You turned to talk to him, and that's when you noticed something you about him you seemed to overlook earlier - his beauty. You were completely taken aback and breath taken. Light blue eyes met your gaze as you stared blankly at him; momentarily stunned. He looked beyond ethereal; his pale cheeks flushed a light pink from the cold and his blonde hair looked as if it could be spun from gold. It was almost like he could sense how you were suddenly taken aback.. A smug smirk played on his lips; if you didn't know any better you would say he almost seemed cocky.
"There's something about you that's different from the others. I could sense it". He stated.
"How"? You stuttered.
You watched as he took a couple steps toward you and in one quick swoop, pushed the hood of his cloak fully back. He got even closer but you didn't dare move. You watched him curiously as he turned to the side, pushing his blonde locks of hair out of the way to show you something behind his ear.. Your blood instantly went cold once you saw three sixes; however you weren't scared. In fact you were really the first person that Michael met that didn't practically faint when they saw his mark. Looking back; you supposed that's why you and Michael bonded so quickly and became so close.
It didn't take long for him after that to confine in you that people either avoided him or became obsessed once they knew; both reactions ultimately stemming from fear. You were the first person to look past that and to just see him as a actual human being - not just a vessel for some fucked up prophecy to play out.
Even though Michael's beauty was undeniable to you; the relationship you two had was strictly platonic.. and in the past that was never something that bothered you. You supposed that he was tired of people throwing themselves at his feet and what he really needed more than anything was a friend - so you chose to be that for him, not daring to try and test the boundaries your relationship had.
However; the boundaries were seemingly starting to come down naturally - because your relationship wasnt entirely platonic anymore. Things between you two weren't exactly black and white as they used to be; a great example of this, was how you two were planning on spending Valentines Day together.
You and Michael agreed to spend it as friends. Neither of you had a date and spending Valentines alone when you had Michael seemed redundant.. and honestly just boring. Instead of making Valentines day an all day event; it started for you two as a 'date' at 6 pm.
In order to avoid having to confront putting a label on your.. situationship, the venue for your lavish Valentines date was at a more.. private venue. He only gave you a address and instructions, you didn't really know what exactly to expect but you knew you weren't going to his house. It was somewhere new.
It was nearly six pm, the sun had just set - leaving the sky a shade somewhere between navy blue and pure black. The air was cold on your skin as you stepped out of the car, wondering where the hell you even were.
The area you found yourself in was completely bare and void of any trees, the only object or building you saw was a giant, black, metal structure. The instructions Michael gave you had told you about this but.. seeing it in person was merely jarring, oddly unsettling. You approached it, trying to ignore the nerves and anxiety you could feel creeping in.
You couldn't help but wonder what the hell this place was and why out of all the places you two could have a 'date', it would have to be here?
As you stood in front of an elevator - stepping in, you felt very reluctant to do so. It definitely felt a bit weird that Michael wanted to meet you in such a secluded place but.. he was your best friend. He would never hurt you.. especially on valentines day.. Right?
The doors opened and you slowly stepped out, immediately taken back. You were now in a oval room, with a long hallway stretching out. You first quickly scanned your surroundings for Michael but, he wasnt here. Not in your line of vision anyway. You nearly forgot you were here for Michael at all for a second. The interior was breathtaking; resembling a old, Victorian style mansion. Even though you were still utterly confused; Michaels reasoning for choosing this venue was starting to become more clear to you.
It was the cozy, romantic vibe the 'house' seemed to radiate. The dim lighting also amplified this affect; seemingly giving everything in sight a subtle golden glow, otherwise everything remained relatively dark. You walked through the building; down hallways, looking for any sounds of life at all. Your witchy senses didn't always work on Michael, so you didn't even bother to try to use those. He was right about how you were powerful but, his powers still outshone yours unfortunately.
You finally heard something, something faint; soft music playing distantly in the background. You followed it swiftly, the music getting louder and louder until you found him - in what appeared to be the library.
The room was immense; books were lined on shelves that bordered the room. Couches, along with a decent sized fireplace and chandelier - and of course a record player, also resided in the library. Playing a tune that sounded similar but you couldn't quite remember what it was.. whatever it was, it sounded old and romantic - maybe from the 50s.
"Your not very good at hiding, you know. The music was a dead giveaway". You commented playfully.
Michael greeted you with a smirk, obviously holding back laughter. He stood up from one of the couches; approaching you. He looked incredibly handsome in the normal black ensemble he was wore but tonight he sported a long black coat. Making you fondly nostalgic of the night you two met.
He got dangerously close to you, almost in your face but you weren't intimidated. Plus, you knew he wasnt trying to actually intimidate you. Michael being the way he was; you knew he wouldn't have asked you to spend Valentines with him if he didn't tolerate you in some way.
"Its a good thing I wasnt trying to hide then, is it"? He spoke; his eyes pierced into yours.
The direct eye contact was starting to get unnerving and so was the.. apparent tension. You took a step back, looking away and laughing awkwardly - trying to remind yourself you two were strictly friends. Best friends, in fact. Nothing more.. and nothing less.
"So.. what even is this place? You don't own this or something.. do you"? You asked, slyly changing the topic.
"Actually I do. It's being saved for something I have in the works; but nothing's official yet. I wanted to get your opinion though.. what do you think"? Michael asked.
Even though you absolutely loved, whatever the hell this place even was, something.. felt off. Perhaps it was the fact it was completely secluded and private. Too private. You knew Michael was into some weird shit with the Satanists but; you figured he would atleast tell you by now if he was planning on something big with them.. Something that would require a huge fucking mansion underground.
"This place is beautiful, Michael. But what is it for"?
"Your too eager for your own good, (y/n). You will know in due time, I promise; but for now.. come sit with me".
He gently grabbed your wrist and guided you over to one of the bare, black couches; you followed - sitting next to him.
The hours continuing were filled with incredibly cheesy gestures that you only rolled your eyes at, and teased him for. The first being a few small, pink flowers he had conjured up and then tucked into your hair. At first you really thought nothing of it, they were just pretty flowers. However; you knew due to Michael's nature that he didn't just so happen to come across those flowers, he summoned them purposefully - specifically for you.. You didn't bother to try and hide how flustered this made you.
"Those are beautiful; what are they"? You asked, gesturing to the flowers.
"Thought you'd never ask. Wild roses. They hold many meanings; most agree they represent both love, suffering, beauty.. life. They're even said to protect the living from the dead".
You couldn't help but to laugh at his explanation.
"Will they protect me from you? You know your not exactly human yourself". You teased.
The corner of Michael's lips slid into a slow smile, one that you couldn't quite decipher whether it was an ironic or genuine gesture.
You nearly jumped at how quickly one of Michael's hands suddenly slid up into your hair; seemingly picking out one of the petals that had fallen from one of the flowers - he retracted his hand, holding onto the petal.
"No. Your going to need something stronger than that to keep me away". He said playfully, before crushing the already wilted petal in his hand - letting it fall carelessly to ground.
You could only roll your eyes.
Next came the food and well.. you were beyond impressed. Your not certain exactly how he managed to get your favorite food down who knows how many feet underground, but.. he did. And it was perfect.
You were both pretty quiet during that time; Michael didn't really have a reason to be but you couldn't help but to get lost within your thoughts. Sure; you two were best friends but.. that didn't necessarily warrant him to do all of this for you. Was it possible that he felt.. something else, like you did?
You couldn't help but to shut that thought down as quick as it came; that had to just be you projecting. There was no way in hell he could love you back..
Wait.. love?
It was like a involuntary reflex the way you suddenly jolted up and backed away from the table. Even though it was just a thought, the fact you just admitted to yourself that you loved him.. What the fuck did that even mean?
Michael looked startled at well, you could tell by the color of his knuckles that he now had a death grip on his silverware. His icy, blue eyes matched yours with a startled gaze.. As if he was trying to contemplate your next move or to get a good read on you. You were more than well acquainted with Michael's powers by now; you knew how he had the ability to read minds and that's partially why you found yourself, slowly at first, starting to take steps away from him. Wanting desperately to get the fuck away from him. You knew that if Michael even suspected what you were thinking or how you felt, that your friendship could possibly be over. That would be it, he would want absolutely nothing to do with you. You would be no better than the dozens of women and even men that threw themselves at Michael; Maybe even worse.
You made it down a random hallway until you found yourself physically colliding into him - fucking transmutation.
You felt a sudden urge to just turn around to try and escape again but you knew he wouldn't let you. Instead you let yourself be captive, you let him hold you. Gently encasing you into a hug. It was painful how hard you were trying to hold back your tears - blindly running away was already embarrassing enough, letting him see you cry would be too much.. Too much for one night, anyways. You felt him let go of you - stepping back a little bit in order to make eye contact with you.
"What has gotten into you-" He started.
"Michael- I'm so sorry but I just need to go. We can talk about this tomorrow but for now I just really need to be alone-"
You tried to turn around in order to make another (more calm) attempt at leaving but you felt something grab at your wrist, yet again. His grasp, along with his hand were achingly soft. You hated how much you enjoyed him making physical contact with you - even if it was something just as docile as this. You also couldn't help but to hate the spark of electricity you felt when his skin touched yours - and you couldn't help but to wonder whether he felt it too.
"No. I need to know what I did wrong. I'm not letting us end today like this". Michael said, his voice was strained with emotion.
His words were spoken urgently, his voice unsteady and even threatening to break.. That's when you knew you completely fucked up. He totally misinterpreted your actions.. the sudden realization hit you, piercing your heart like a knife.
"No, your right. Can we sit"? You asked.
He let go of your wrist coldly, sauntering out of the hallway you two were in. You would be lying if you were to admit that his sudden cold actions didn't hurt you; it definitely stung but you couldn't help to feel in this moment that you kind of deserved it.
The walk over was quiet and even a bit awkward. When you two sat; he looked at you expectedly.. waiting for you to talk first and explain your sudden, impulsive actions.
"It wasnt you.. that's not why I tried to leave at all, Michael. You did everything right. I mean that's really the 'problem', even though calling it a problem still isn't the right word but.." You paused before carrying on.
"What you did tonight for me was perfect, and I'm so thankful for that, truly. But I just feel like I'm starting to interpret your actions in a different way than in which you mean them and that's not fair to you. I know you just want a friend-" Your words continuously came out faster the longer you spoke, you were completely rambling at this point but Michael stopped you.
"Hey, stop". He said softly.
You felt as if you were dreaming when you saw him start to move closer to you.. it happened so quickly it almost felt fake. Michael gently pushed you back onto the couch, so that you were basically laying down flat on your back. You pulled him back with you so that he was on top, your hands automatically going to his shoulders.. feeling the sudden urge to yank his black top off and to feel his skin under your palms. The feeling was tempting; you could feel how hot his skin was even with his shirt on. You assumed your hands were cold by the way Michael shivered and even groaned when you touched him, that had to be the only logical explanation for him acting like that..
The manner in which he bent down, his lips getting closer and closer to yours was nothing but diabolic. He stopped until the point where his lips were just ghosting above yours - maybe only really a mere centimeter away from touching. It felt entirely far too tempting to just - barely tilt your head forward and stop whatever game your friend Langdon was trying to play, but.. you didnt. In reality; the teasing was far too delicious for you to want it to end so soon.
"Who said I just wanted to be friends"? He whispered.
You could taste his breath as he spoke, you felt trapped.. But if you were to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't rather spend Valentines Day any other way than in this manner.. Trapped with your absolute favorite person, with nothing else in the world to do but to get lost in each other.
His lips roughly collided with yours with such passion that you really haven't ever felt before. It threw you off guard for a moment, but you figured there was no sense in shying from it. You had been craving to be loved by him for so long; craving for him to touch you like this and now that it was finally happening.. you only relaxed and embraced the feeling.
Time slipped away from you far too quickly but after all; time didn't really feel real at all when you were underground in a bunker. No windows or clocks to help ground you back into reality..
You knew it was atleast passed midnight now; hours had passed and you two were now residing in one of the random rooms that you had come to learn was of 'Outpost Three'. It was apparent how careful he was with his words when he told you about the place; almost like he didn't want to tell you too much. He told you most of everything, like the cooperative and how this building was for some type of event that would be taking place in the summer but you didn't probe farther. You knew he would tell you in all due time.
You two were lying on a random, spare bed. It was luxurious and dangerously soft, but if you were honest - the sheets almost seemed scratchy in comparison to Michaels bare skin. Your head wasnt on a pillow but instead on Michael's bare chest, his rhythmic heart beat nearly lulling you to sleep. Almost putting you in some type of odd trance.
You both watched the movie that was playing on his laptop; propped up on a few sparse pillows at the end of the bed. Although you really weren't trying to keep up with what was happening or what the actors were even saying. Instead, you chose to be fully present with Michael, almost entranced in his presence. You two weren't talking but, just being surrounded by him - feeling his fingers lazily playing with your hair was heaven to you.
You still felt as if you were in a dream. After all in what timeline would you ever be so lucky to call someone like Michael, yours?? Even though you two weren't exactly official, you really didn't mind at this moment. Labels only seemed to really complicate things and in your opinion; you felt more than privileged to just sit here entangled with Michael, and to escape the rest of reality for a while.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon
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dyns33 · 3 years
The Rook AU!
First of all I want people to go read this fic, even if the writer left their account. It's inspired me, making me want to read The Rook, and then discovered the Series.
Then poke to @darkened-sunrises​ and all the other writers who gave me the idea of a female Jim Mason, because I didn't want to use Madison here.
I know the story is a bit complicated if you don't know Gestalt. I'm sorry. I tried to explain everything. Maybe I will write more about this AU!, I'm also sorry about that.
I did a second version because I'm mad.
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(Y/N) had been dating Langdon for several months now. Yes, Langdon.
At first, when she first met Michael in this little bar, as he stood by the counter watching people dance, she naturally called him Michael. He seemed a little embarrassed at first when she came to talk to him, but certainly not as much as she was. After a long period of celibacy, (Y/N) was tired of being alone, that was why she went out to have fun with her friends and when she saw this handsome young man, with his long hair, blue eyes, long legs, she hadn't hesitated. Well, the booze and encouragement from her friends had helped, but she had found the courage to approach him and offer him a drink. Michael could have refused. He could have ignored her or told her he wasn't interested. Later, (Y/N) would even learn that she had disturbed him in the middle of a very important job, which could have failed, but he still smiled at her, a hypnotizing smile, they had almost chatted all evening and before leaving, he had given her his number.
Without the alcohol and her friends, (Y/N) hadn't dared to call him right away. For almost a week, she stared at her phone, thinking about what she could say to make Michael want to see her again. Did he want something serious ? Or just a one-night stand ? Would he be upset that she waited so long ? Would he remember her after all this time ? What if he'd met someone else... While nervously patting her thigh, (Y/N) finally called, eager to hear his voice.
           "Hallo ?"
It wasn't his voice. Did he give her the wrong number ? Voluntarily ? Shit. Asshole.
           "Uh... Michael ?"
           "No, it's Xavier. Michael's busy. Who is it ?"
           "I... (Y/N) ... Sorry, I..."
           "Oh (Y/N) ! Yes ! The girl from the bar ! Michael has been waiting for your call for ages, he thought you lost his number or something. Like I just said, he's busy, but I can tell him to call you back. Unless you want to meet him somewhere, I'll give him the address."
           "That's nice..."
To not sound crazy or desperate, (Y/N) opted for a small Italian restaurant that she liked very much. They would go to her house, or to his house, later, maybe. Michael explained to her that Xavier was his brother. He had another brother, Duncan, and a sister, Jimmy. They worked and lived together. So they would go to her house if the evening went well, and the evening went wonderfully. Michael Langdon was even more charming than when they first met, which seemed impossible. If it was his divine beauty that first attracted (Y/N), it was his personality that ended up seducing her completely. Funny, intelligent, polite, the ideal man. He couldn't really explain to her what his job was, a government thing, very boring according to him. He also told her little about his family, only saying that his parents were dead and that he was very close to his siblings. (Y/N) didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing, she would have to meet them to find out, even though Xavier had sounded pretty cool on the phone. But before thinking about the family meals they would share, Michael had to like her.
           "I need to tell you something." he said in a serious tone, putting his hand on hers.
           "You are married..."
           "What ? No ! I really want to go further with you, I find you really pleasant. But you must know that my life is a little complicated, with my work... I will not always be available, I would not be able to answer the phone, and I have a few enemies. I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't want you to suffer because of me, so I'd rather let you know right away."
If (Y/N) hadn't been totally captivated by his angelic face and soft voice, she would have run away on the spot, but instead found it exciting to date what appeared to be an agent. secret. Her self-confidence surprised Michael, but he didn't complain, taking her home and kissing her tenderly on the hand before leaving like a gentleman. Despite her frustration, (Y/N) found his gesture adorable, eager to see him again and go further.
Even though they had other dates and talked to each other on the phone a lot of times, the intimate moment she expected didn't come right away, because of the job Michael had been talking about. One day, she received a message from his sister, who offered to spend time together. Weird. A little quick. But maybe Jimmy was very protective of her brothers and she wanted to know who was looking to share in Michael's life. The first thing (Y/N) thought upon meeting her was "luckily she's his sister, otherwise I won't stand a chance against her." What a beauty. As sexy as her twin. Because Jimmy told her that they were in fact quadruplets. Four top models. (Y/N) vowed not to fantasize about the family of the man she was flirting with, but it was really hard when the beautiful blonde asked her to come into the dressing room to help her with a dress and saw her almost naked.
           "No need to be embarrassed." Jimmy laughed when she saw the look on her face. "Nor to be afraid. I feel that you are afraid. I didn't invite you to judge or bite you, although that would be fun. Michael loves you very much, you know we exist, so that would be ridiculous not to meet us. I say that for Duncan and Xavier. But afterwards, if you just want to be face to face with our dear brother, no one will oppose it. You like him. But we would like to be friends with you too, it would be more practical and more pleasant."
           "Uh, I guess. I hope you will like me too."
           "Michael loves you very much." Jimmy repeated, purring. "So we can only love you."
Even though she said she hadn't wanted to see her to test her, (Y/N) remained on her guard, not knowing if the young woman was so tactile and seductive on purpose, to verify that she was serious with Michael, or if she always acted like that with everyone. She had to admit that she liked Jimmy, seeing her little by little as a friend. A disturbing friend. The other two brothers were no better.
           "I am Xavier !" the first man who came to her door said cheerfully, wearing colourful clothes and hugging her without waiting for her answer. "We spoke on the phone !"
           "I am Duncan." Duncan explained more calmly, simply shaking her hand, a knowing smile and a little sorry when he saw that his twin's gesture had surprised her. "Our sister is working today, Michael is out of the country, so he asked us to come see how you were doing and introduce ourselves, if that's okay with you."
           "Oh, that's nice, you didn't have to, really. But come in."
It would not have been polite to ask them to leave. And when Michael called her, he confirmed that he had asked them to check on her. He explained that he really wanted to see her, to know how she was, that the calls weren't enough and that they were counting on his siblings to tell him frankly if everything was okay. It was touching. And a new challenge, because as (Y/N) had guessed, Xavier and Duncan were terribly attractive, even if they were very different from their brother. One was making lots of jokes and couldn't seem to stop talking, while the other was quieter, very serious in his black suit, giving her knowing looks when he noticed she was embarrassed. For her part, Jimmy was calm and attentive, making her the most comfortable, although she seemed to like to tease her a bit. When Michael was not available, one of the other Langdons would come over to keep her company.
           "So what do you think of them ?" Michael asked when they could finally be together.
           "They are nice."
           "You can speak frankly, I won't be offended."
           "No no they're really nice ! It's just a lot, we just met. I'm not saying I don't like them ! Your family is great ! But they have all been to my house now when we have just been to restaurants."
           "We can fix that." he whispered, stroking her arm.
Finally, Michael carried her to her bed, undressing quickly on top of her, before giving her the hottest night of her life. He seemed as touch starved as her, sometimes terribly gentle, sometimes acting like a hungry wild beast. This moment was as perfect as (Y/N) had imagined, if she forgot the small seconds, when they were done, panting, sweaty, hugging, her head against his chest, satisfied and ready to fall asleep .
           "Shit." he growled, making a funny face, as if he was in pain or wanted to throw up.
           "What ? Wasn't that good ?"
           "Yes. Excuse me."
           "But what ?" insisted (Y/N), a little panicked.
           "Xavier is in the hospital."
           "In the hospital ?! Did you forget that ? Do you have to go see him ?"
           "No, no need, it's nothing. A simple car accident, his arm is broken. I didn't compartmentalize well, you are very good at distracting me."
This sentence made no sense. Michael seemed to be saying it was his fault, and also her fault, that Xavier had been in an accident. And compartmentalize ? (Y/N) had no idea what that could mean, but she didn't ask a question, preferring to snuggle up to her lover, thinking she would go see his brother tomorrow, and maybe Jimmy, to find out more. The colourful man seemed as surprised as he was happy to see her arrive in his room.
           "You worried about me ? Oh, so cute ! But Michael told you it was okay, just my arm."
           "Still !" she exclaimed, offering him the chocolates she had bought for him, noting that there was no flower or comfort card near him. "Your brothers and sister haven't come to see you at all ?"
           "No. They know I'm fine."
           "I don't find that normal."
When she said this to Jimmy her sweet smile seemed happier than usual which was odd as it wasn't the usual reaction when someone pointed out to you that your attitude towards an injured brother was wrong. The young woman even took her hands, thanking her.
           "My brothers and I... We are very close, but we don't have to be together to be together. I know it's complicated for an outside eye. He really liked your chocolates. If you thought it was your fault because of what Michael said, not at all ! We have to compartmentalize, we know that it's our fault."
           "... I do not know this word."
           "This means that we each have to live independent lives, despite our bond."
After some research on the twins, (Y/N) thought she understood what she meant. The twins, and therefore the quadruplets, were related. A special connection. Maybe Michael, by fucking with her, had disturbed Xavier who was driving. And he had known he had had an accident by feeling it in his body. It was terrible ! And... Duncan and Jimmy had sensed it too ?! What a shame ! (Y/N) wanted to hide in a hole and never get out. Her embarrassment caused her to avoid Michael for a while, ignoring his messages, even though she was dying to see him. After several attempts, he stopped calling her. She cried all the tears in her body, remembering that he worked for the government and that if he had really wanted to get her to talk to him, he could have. It was over. It was hard but it was better that way. (Y/N) couldn't have lived with him, kissed him, hugged him, thinking the others felt it. Hell, she shouldn't be thinking about them as she did this stuff with her boyfriend either, it wasn't right ! It wasn't their fault that they had that connection. So it was over, but when she saw Duncan come out of a hotel, when their eyes met and he paused for a long time, as if waiting to see what she was going to do, she couldn't do something else than coming to greet him.
           "Hi." she said timidly. "It's been a long time."
           "Yes, since you ignored us."
           "Sorry... how is Michael ?"
           "I see. I understand, it's normal for him to be angry. You... you can tell him that he didn't do anything wrong ? He was perfect ! It's just... I got scared because of the accident."
           "The accident ?"
           "Xavier's accident. Jimmy said it wasn't my fault but I know I'm a little to blame. He was distracted because… because of what I was doing with Michael. I understood that he had felt it. You too I imagine. It's embarrassing. Not because of you ! I mean... A bit... Of course you don't do it on purpose ! I'm sorry. I really love Michael, but I don't know if I can handle this situation."
Duncan stared at her silently, his face totally unmoved, so (Y/N) wondered if he was angry, if he thought she was stupid, or if he was going to go leaving her alone in the middle of the street. Then her phone rang. It was Michael. If she didn't pick up, then Duncan would be really pissed off.
           "We need to talk."
           "Michael, I..."
           "Duncan will take you to our place, if you will follow him."
           "How do you know I'm with..."
           "Let's go." Duncan said, gently taking her arm. "We'll explain to you when we're home with the others."
Was telepathy a special feature of twins ? There was nothing so extraordinary on the Internet. Curious, (Y/N) agreed to follow Duncan, who led her to a beautiful apartment, luxurious and huge. As she took off her coat, she saw Jimmy in the kitchen, making tea. Xavier was sitting on the couch, while Michael was looking out the window. They took their places in front of her when she settled in the chair.
           "I don't want you to be scared." Michael began.
           "I don't want you to think I was laughing at you either." Jimmy added, handing her a cup of tea.
           "I called my boss to ask if I could talk to you about it. I wasn't allowed to before." Xavier sighed.
           "But I love you, I don't want to lose you because you don't understand how I operate, so I'll tell you and I hope you will accept me." Duncan whispered, biting his lip.
           "I am Langdon." they said at the same time.
Yes, they were the Langdons, that was their last name, so (Y/N) looked at them narrowing her eyes, showing that she didn't understand. They all sighed at the same time, before smiling and Michael spoke again.
           "I told you I worked for the government. It's true, but it's more complicated. There is a special, hidden unit that deals with... supernatural events. Agents also have extraordinary abilities, which we call EVA. Mine is different from others. I don't fly, I don't have super strength, I don't read minds. When I was born my mother believed she had four children. In fact, she had one child, who had four bodies."
           "You mean... you control the others ?"
           "Yes and no. I am the others and they are me. There are no others. La Checquy, the organization I work for, asked me to compartmentalize. A bit to not frighten normal people. And to be multitasking. So I chose a name for each of my bodies, a personality, an identity, but it's still me. Always. I'm Langdon. I know it's hard to grasp. I would understand that you don't want to stay with me. I'm not asking you to have a relationship with all of my bodies. I know you prefer Michael, so I thought I would use this body to be with you, and you would have just known the others as my family."
           "I'm glad to go shopping with you and share some gossip." Jimmy smiled.
           "I like spending time with you as a friend." Xavier said.
           "The last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable." Duncan muttered. "You said you were scared because the others felt what you were doing with one of the bodies, that it might upset them. But it's always me, I don't mind at all. I was stupid that night, it had been so long..."
           "So long that someone hadn't touched me." Michael finished with a sad expression. "With my job and my particularity, it's complicated to have relationships. Normally I don't really have the right. But, I don't know, when I saw you, when we spoke, I wanted to try with you. Sorry."
For a very long time, Langdon had been alone, and terribly lonely. No one noticed it when they saw the four bodies that remained together, not seeing that there was only one person in the room. When one body spoke to another body, it was mainly because there were witnesses and they couldn't just think, staring at each other in silence. Otherwise they were talking to themselves, thinking aloud. When one body touched another body, it was as if someone was hugging their own self. It did not replace the embrace of another being. It was rare for Langdon's bodies to touch each other. They had never used them to fuck with themselves, not because it would look like incest, but because it would feel like they were masturbating, and they just needed one hand for that, even though they had eight. Usually, they were not interested in sex except with someone they were in love with. At the Institute, when they were young, they had been in love several times, but the other children found them weird and shunned them.
Langdon didn't want (Y/N) to find them weird. They really didn't mind if she preferred Michael and only wanted to be with him and not with their other bodies. She was always with them, no matter what. And if she was afraid of hurting them, it really wasn't necessary. They did not have favourite bodies. It was like asking what was their favourite tooth or their favourite finger. Some bodies were more useful depending on the circumstances, especially at work, but otherwise it didn't matter. They had enjoyed spending every moment with (Y/N), even though she thought she was with different people. Now that she knew, she didn't have to be afraid to hide things, to be embarrassed, to repeat things that she had already said to one of them. To speak to one of them was to speak to all. When Langdon said they wanted to see her, they meant it, and that was why Xavier, Jimmy, and Duncan were coming when Michael wasn't there, they literally wanted to see her, through their other eyes. They had forgotten for a few seconds that they shouldn't flirt with her as Jimmy. Then, thanks to Duncan, they realized that they had gone too far by hugging her with Xavier. They loved her so much that they forgot to compartmentalize when they were with her. Now, with their eight eyes, Langdon was watching (Y/N), awaiting her reaction.
           "It's strange." she breathed after a long moment.
           "I know."
           "And... would you like me to have a relationship with the four of you ?"
           "I told you." Langdon replied using Jimmy. "I'll never ask you that. If you don't want us, if you just want Michael, that's fine with me."
           "It would be really weird to be with four people, even if it's still you. I mean, I didn't think about it. Yeah, I thought you were all beautiful and nice, but it was your brothers and your sister, and even if that wasn't really the case, it would still be something..."
           "(Y/N), breathe."
           "Five persons in a bed !"
           "I'm not asking you that." Xavier repeated. "Even if it would allow me to have multiple points of view and you to have multiple... options, I see why that would be crazy for you."
           "Besides, even if we weren't doing this with all the bodies at the same time, the others would know if I was doing something with only one. I would feel like I was cheating on you ! You wouldn't be jealous of me kissing Duncan ? Touch Jimmy ?"
           "No. I wouldn't be sad if you were only with Michael either. You're going to leave me."
(Y/N) immediately stopped thinking, and panicking, hearing that sentence and all the desperation it held. If she left, Langdon wouldn't replace her. Before her, he (despite Jimmy, she found it easier to think of Langdon as a 'he') hadn't really had a relationship, at least no one who didn't know the truth about him. Who really knew him, totally. Even if he had to ask his boss for permission, he trusted her enough to tell her his secret. He loved her enough for that. Did she love him enough to accept it ?
           "I need a little time, but... I'm not leaving you."
           "(Y/N)" Langdon said in one voice with such tenderness, she had to restrain herself not to get up and hug them all.
           "I know I want to be with Michael no matter what. With you. For Jimmy, Xavier and Duncan..."
           "There is no obligation."
           "It might work. Not as weird as I imagine. Maybe. I'd like to try, I think. But not right now, that's too much information."
           "Whatever your decision, I will respect it. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."
It was sincere, she saw it in all his bright, hopeful eyes. Michael was the only one who got up to walk her to the door and kiss her on the cheek. He probably didn't want to scare her by using all of his bodies to say goodbye. Strangely enough, (Y/N) wouldn't have been against that. Even though she understood, she thought she understood, that Langdon was each of them, she felt bad not to be with them all. She hadn't forced herself to go see Xavier in the hospital. Nor to speak with Duncan outside the hotel. Or to spend time with Jimmy. She wasn't sure she wanted the same relationship with them as with Michael. But she found them attractive. Later, when she got used to it. But she didn't want Langdon to think she didn't want him entirely, with all of his bodies. So before she left, (Y/N) went back to the couch to hug them all, no distinction, no preference, then she ran away without giving them time to speak. She had been dating Langdon and his four bodies for several months now, and everything was perfect.
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vapid-slut · 4 years
Perfect Harmony; Ch.1
Warning[s]: Swearing, Michael being a dirty bitch
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Entering her senior year as a cheerio, the reader is excited to combine both her love of music and her newfound popularity. To Michael, however, this is the perfect opportunity to fuck with his innocent neighbor
A/N: Can we say, I hate this, because I really do. I have no idea what has compelled me to post this dumpster, just know that if you read this, no u didn’t <3 + I did not proofread this so if theres any typos I’m so sorry, I’m running on 4 hrs of sleep and 5 cups of coffee
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Music was your life. Your parents often joked that you were singing before you uttered your first word. Unfortunately, there were no music clubs during your past two years of high school. It was only last year that you and the glee club won nationals, hence why you were able to keep funding. School administration was never really fond of the arts, but they would bend over backward to give the sports clubs whatever they needed.
Your biggest dream was to get a scholarship, preferably for music, since you excelled at it. All your life, you watched your father slave away to keep you happy. You just wanted to repay his kindness. Abruptly, your dream, which entailed you winning a grammy, was disrupted by the ringing of your alarm clock. Your arm stretched over to your nightstand, turning the device off, bringing the sound to a halt.
Slowly, you removed the sheets off your body, standing up for a brief stretch before walking to your bathroom. You went about your morning routine much quicker than you typically would. Mostly due to your excitement, this year would be the first that you spent closer to the top of the social food chain. Over the summer, your dad became fast friends with Coach Sylvester. She had come over a few times. And although their relationship was strictly platonic, they both had grown fond of each other. A week before school, she offered you a spot on the cheerios, one you couldn't turn down. Cheerleaders were at the very top of the pyramid. Girls wanted to be them while boys wanted to be with them.
Once you had finished doing the bare necessities your morning required, you hastily made your way to your closet, immediately reaching for one of the three cheerleading uniforms hanging on the rack. You stripped out of your pajamas before slipping into the skimpy skirt, unaware that you had an admirer. Michael had moved next door a few months into your freshman year, was a rather charming boy. He quickly became a hot commodity, no doubt due to how impeccably handsome he was. You were never too fond of him, but even you had to admit that he was a divine sight.
It never truly bothered you that the window into your room was straight across from the one piercing into his. But if you could see the look of satisfaction on his face as he watched you undress, you'd feel very unnerved. The boy had always felt attracted to you. He saw you as a challenge. You were one of the few students in your grade who was still a virgin. Not due to your looks, you frankly didn't have the time to go to parties or hook up with people. Your focus was on your education. And if getting into a great school meant sacrificing your social life, you were content with that.
Once you had finished getting your uniform on and slicking your hair into a neat updo, you gathered your things into your bag and hurried downstairs for breakfast. "Mornin' kiddo!" Your dad said, greeting you with a smile. You muttered a cheerful 'hey' in response, walking towards one of the cabinets full of cereal boxes. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. My car had to get fixed up last night so, I'll have to take yours today." You shrugged as a reply, not caring. "So am I taking the bus today?" Your father shook his head, reaching for a spoon at the same time. "No. That nice boy next door offered to give you a ride today. Isn't that sweet?"
Fuck- you thought to yourself, of course, the universe found some way to screw up your day. You took a long sigh before shifting your eyes to the clock on the wall. "Shit! I'm sorry, dad. I'd love to eat breakfast, but the Glee meeting starts in 20 minutes." Your dad shrugged, not too bothered. "It's fine, go have fun and tell Michael I said hello." You nodded to your old man, and with that, you were up and out the door.
As soon as you stepped foot outside, there he was. Hair perfectly curled, toothpick dangling from his soft lips. You sighed, walking towards the blonde, waiting for him to get out of the way. "Wow, you become a cheerleader, and now you think you're hot shit?" He spat, you gave him a death glare before pushing him lightly to get inside the car. He followed suit, taking his place in the driver's seat. "As much as I find you annoying, your ass does look great in that skirt." You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the boy as he started driving. "Listen up, Pillsbury fuckboy. Though this might seem hard to understand, I don't like you. And I'd rather not spend my senior year arguing with someone as unbearable as you, so can you please leave me alone?!"
The blonde chuckled at your response. Your mouth said one thing while your thoughts said another. "Your wish is my command." He mumbled sarcastically before reaching to turn up the music on the radio to an obscene volume. The rest of the car ride was entirely uneventful, neither of you uttering a word to each other. Ultimately, you had reached the school parking lot. Not many cars were there since it was early, and only a few clubs were meeting today. Before Michael could do anything, you swiftly got out the car, making sure to slam it loudly. "Don't fucking slam the door!" He said, his voice reaching you even though you were still walking, in response you promptly flipped him off. "Fucking bitch." He uttered lowly as you slowly left his field of view.
"Welcome back, New Directions!" Glee's coach, Mr.Shue, said as you embraced your friends. "As you know, this will be our last year together, and a few of our beloved friends have left for college already. Which means we'll be having auditions for some newcomers." As he spoke, he walked over to the whiteboard, grabbing his trusted magic marker. "But there's a twist." You and everyone else in the room watched as he wrote out the words American Idol. "This time, you'll be judging with me."
You would typically be seated next to Tina and Mercedes, but they were both absent for the meeting. Instead, you sat with Santana on your left and Quinn to your right. You had to admit that it felt nice. Usually, you wouldn't ponder on things so benign. But you had spent most of high school getting teased by Michael and the rest of his sought after friends. Not a day went by that slushies weren't thrown in your face, now you could finally walk the halls without fear of humiliation. 
Besides that, you were also really ecstatic to help Mr. Shue with auditions. Glee club was what had brought a group of entirely different people together. So you'd be more than glad to share that with a new ensemble of students before you all went your final ways.
The rest of your day went by quicker than usual. There wasn't much to learn on the first day. Once the clock hit 3:30, You rushed to the auditorium as if your life depended on it. You had to admit that you missed the stage, singing, and dancing with your friends. You made your way the middle of the seating area, taking your place beside Artie.
A majority of the auditions were lackluster. Only a handful stood out. Like that girl Marley and that kid Jake. You were just about ready to leave and go home until something caught your attention. "Michael Langdon?" Your eyes lit up immediately as you heard the name. You watched as the blue-eyed boy made his way to the stage, smug look on his face.
There was no way in hell Michael fucking Langdon, the same boy who referred to glee as "homo explosion," would ever willingly audition. His rendition of "Suit and Tie" was incredible, which only pissed you off more. Not only was he insanely attractive, but he just had to be talented too, fucking men.
You watched as your fellow glee members watched in amusement. It was the girls who seemed most excited.  Eventually, it all became too much, and before the boy could finish entertaining your friends, you stormed off into the parking lot. Far too upset with the blonde to drive home with him, you sent your friend Mike a text asking if he could get you. He lived pretty close to the school, so you knew it would only take a few minutes.
By the time Mike had pulled up to the building, the other glee kids were exiting. You quickly reached for the door of his car, rushing to get to the passenger seat. "You alright?" He asked, worried by how fidgety you were. You nodded. "Yea, I just wanna go home." Mike was always very comforting. The two of you became friends during your freshman year, mostly because of how many classes you shared. You both had a love for music and were smart, so it wasn't long before you two clicked.
Within a few minutes, you had arrived at your house, Mike flashing you a smile. "Thank you for coming to get me. It means a lot." The dark-haired boy shrugged. "It's no biggie, see you tomorrow, cheerio." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. "Whatever, jock-face." And with that, you entered your home.
The house was currently empty. He was taking the night shift at the hospital so, he probably wouldn't come back till late at night. You walked up the stairs to your room, dropping your bag on the floor. After everything that had gone down today, you were exhausted. You quickly took off the scanty cheer uniform and slipped on your much softer penguin pajamas.
You practically threw yourself on the bed, hoping to get some rest, but were promptly distracted by a notification on your phone. The text, from an unknown number nonetheless, read 'look outside your window.' You quickly sat up, confused, and turned your head only for your eyes to be met by Michael Langdon, who just happened to be balls deep inside some random brunette. 
You gave the boy a disgusted look before pulling down your blinds. Never in your life had you been more repulsed. Your mind tried long and hard to block out any memory of what you just witnessed. After around forty-five minutes, you received another text message from non-other than Michael.
'It's a shame you missed my performance."
'Go fuck yourself, Langdon.'
'If you say so ;)'
The rest of the night, you wondered what you had done to be the new subject of Mr. Pillsbury Fuckboys torment. You had spent most of your high school years avoiding him at cost. Suddenly it seemed like you weren't getting rid of him anytime soon. You were just lucky you only had to endure this for a few more months, and then you'd be on your way.
Or so you thought.
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Princess (Michael Langdon smut)
A/N: well... this is the longest thing I've ever written on this blog like damn. This is also the first smut I've written in months so please don’t hate me. I just love Michael Langdon more than I should. I hope you all enjoy this cause I need to go drink some holy water. ~Breezy
Warnings?: so much smut... (I feel dirty as hell), chocking, unsafe sex, some dirty talk, blood, use of knives, swearing, slight spoilers? (follows the first two episode )
Word count: 5.8k (I uh... I'm not sorry)
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The world ended and you were stuck in this stupid outpost with a bunch of stuck up snobs who seemed to think they were the most important person in the world. All of them either bragging how they were able to buy their way in here, or talking about how they were taken from their family. You were more sympathetic with the ones who were taken because you were in a similar situation. All you were was an artist, a painter who was just barely starting your career when you had gotten the notification of the worlds destruction. Two men came barging into your apartment requesting you go with them, you managed to grab a small book for drawing and a small thing of water colors, you’d be damned if you’re bored. They seemed hesitant to let you have the small bag but they didn’t say anything to you almost as if they were afraid to tell you no. They rushed you to a plane, which took off quickly leaving with just you and the two men that picked you up. You had no chance to ask questions or even speak a word before noticing the mushroom cloud had formed over the US. Tears welled in your eyes as you knew that no one would have survived something like that. 
You sat in the jet for what seemed like hours before one of the men came from the cockpit, he handed you a hazmat suite, 
“Put this on, we are about to land.” He bluntly states and without a word you took it. You weren’t sure what was going on but you didn’t dare ask questions. You slipped the suite on easily, zipping it up and waiting for the jet to land wherever it was you were going. Something inside of you said something was wrong. 
Then here you were, in this strange underground outpost wishing you had honestly died in the blast. Each person who blurted out their displeasure just angered you a little more and eventually you just became numb to the feeling. You aren’t sure how long it had been since you had gotten here, seeing as though you weren’t aloud outside or to see the light of day. 
According to Ms. Venable, your meals had been apparently cut to one meal a day due to a lack of food and all the snobs weren’t having it. Complaining that they wouldn’t live off of one small cube of food a day, you were honestly just happy to have something to eat even if the food was tasteless and just disgusting all around. The room was tense as everyone just stared at each other, or it seemed that way because you had blocked out all the bickering and constant anger. This happened every night, but something was different much different. Two men were taken away from the table, being accused of having left the outpost to go outside and be covered in radiation. The group wouldn’t stop talking about the situation, you honestly couldn’t care less about it, you didn’t know the two of them and you didn’t care to know them. You retired to your room to rest in hopes to get away from all the madness. 
That night you had a dream, nothing you weren’t used to seeing as though you always had dreams but this one. This was stranger than usual. 
A young boy stood in front of you, you couldn’t help but think he was handsome. Short curly blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he stands tall and proudly. He stood across the room from you, shivers ran down your spin as he locked eyes with you. Was he staring into your soul? The room grew colder as he took three large strides towards you, he towered over you seeming to try to intimidate you but you didn’t snap. You kept your eyes locked with his, they were cold yet calm, who was he? His hand gently caressed your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently over your cheekbone. 
“So beautiful,” he whispers softly, “I’m so glad I found you,” he leans closer bringing his face inches from yours, his breath fanning over your face. 
“We will be together,” his deep voice spoke as he leaned forward brushing his lips against you for a brief second before pulling away. 
“They thought they could hide you from me but I will always find, your are my princess,” he spoke, “And the prince, always saves his princess,” he leaned in one more time, this kiss was passionate, it made your heart stop for a moment. He pulled away, then everything seemed to fade away. Leaving you in darkness, confused and slightly aroused by this.
Waking up with a start you gasp for air, you caught your breath unsure why it seemed like you had fully stopped breathing. Something about that dream felt off, though all you could think about was the boy, you wanted him to find you. You wanted him to save you. Whatever that honestly meant to you. You stood from your bed, grabbing your bag, you had to put his face down on paper though using watercolors wasn’t on option you just sketched his face. The beautiful face that you just couldn’t get out of your head, his sharp eyes had the most detail they were so captivating… 
A loud knock on your door snapped you back to reality from your dream like state, it must have  time to wake up. Though they weren’t serving breakfast, most people went to the common area to sit, drink and complain about their problems. You sighed heavily, hiding your bag under your bed though bringing the small sketchbook with you in order to continue to work you had started. No one ever really bothered you anyways seeing as though you never spoke to anyone who was around you. You made sure you were dressed in your clothes, most of the people here wore purple or grey but you, you wore red. No one seemed to notice up until you went downstairs and found a place to sit that wasn’t between two people. The bitch, Coco, was on her usually daily rant of the morning until her eyes landed on you. 
“And you!” She cried out, “Why is it, that all of us either have to wear purple or grey but you get to wear red?” She scoffed, “ I bet you slept with someone in order to get here, you’re somebody’s slut,” she spat in your direction. You glanced up from your book, no emotion on your face or any fucks to give. 
“Look, lady,” you begin keeping a straight face, “I don’t know why I’m wearing red, or why I was able to be here, so just leave me out of your rant.” You look back down to your book, continuing the detail of the young boys face. The details seemed never-ending on his face and you refused to stop until you had gotten them all. You hadn’t realized how quiet the room had gotten, all that was heard was the radio playing the same song over and over again. Before you knew it, it was time for dinner where they were serving steamed snake. It didn’t exactly look appetizing but you were hungry and would eat just about anything. The young girl at the table brought up the fact that there was a breach last night, something you must have missed cause you really didn’t remember that happening. Though the question was dismissed and we were told to eat, but the second we went to eat, the cooked snakes were now alive. Hissing and slithering over the table causing everyone to jump back in fear and panic, even you were startled by this even though you had never feared snakes before. Everyone rushed from the dinning room, back to the main area where you all gathered. 
The room was deathly silent, as we sat around and waited for our new guest to show up and introduce himself. Anxiously you all waited for him, Ms. Venable stood near the fire place, she didn’t move at all, was she just as anxious as everyone else? 
His footsteps echoed off the walls as he approached the main area, you took a deep breath as he entered the room. His eyes were the first thing that caught your attention, they were icy and so captivating, you knew it was him. He was a bit taller, and his hair much longer as well. He was even more handsome than he was in your dream. He glanced around the room, taking in everyone appearance before his eyes locked with yours, flashes of your dream flashed before your eyes before you broke the eye contact. He began to walk around the room, almost as if he was stalking his pray until he stood in front of the fireplace. Even Venable didn’t want to stay in his gaze. 
He spoke, “My name is Langdon and I represent the Cooperative, I won’t sugarcoat the situation,” he begins, “Humanity is on the brink of failure, my arrival was crucial to the survival of life on earth.” He continued to speak about how other compounds had fallen, having been overrun and the people inside having been massacred. 
“Which will happen to most of you,” everyone looked at him in confusion, one of the girls questioning his choice of words. 
“Incase of something like this we build another outpost, Sanctuary. The sanctuary is unique, has certain security measures so it won’t be overrun.” A few people asked questioned and they were answered simply with classified. 
“Though I was sent here, to see if any of you are worthy to go to this outpost. We call it, cooperating.” You rolled your eyes at that. He explained how anyone who didn’t want to be questioned wouldn’t be eligible and would stay in the outpost and be left to die.
“I’ll go first!” Gallent says causing jealousy to bubble up in your chest, you weren’t sure why but you felt angry. 
“And so you shall,” Langdon states, “It should only take me a few days, so you won’t be kept in suspense forever.” He continues to speak, pulling out a vile saying how if they were the one to be left behind to take it. Especially instead of being eaten alive, you would fall asleep and never wake up. 
“I look forward to meeting each and every one of you,” Langdon says, locking eyes with you before leaving the room. You heart nearly exploded, so much so that you tuned out the arguing that was going on about who was going to go and who wasn’t. You felt anxious to see him, but you knew you had to wait. You stood from your chair, walking back towards your room where you didn’t have to listen to anyone yell anymore. You walked up the stairs towards your bedroom door though you felt eyes on you as you stood in front of it. You turn to see who it was and there he stood, across the way. This time your eyes stayed locked, staring at each other for what felt like an eternity before he gave you a charming smile and entered his room. You let out a breath before entering your room, instantly rushing to your sketchbook to draw the new image of him you have. His long flowing hair, his beautiful eyes and just smooth features. You refused to rest until you finished what you had started, and you did exactly that. 
The darkness of your slumber, another dream appeared. You still weren’t surprised and stayed that way even when Langdon appeared, now with long hair. 
He didn’t wait a moment, he came right over to you gently taking your face in his hands,
“I told you I would find you, my princess,” he says lowly, not in a menacing way but in a loving way. He looked at you as if he knew you for many years but you just couldn’t seem to recognize him as he did with you. 
“It’s alright my dear, they have taken your memories.” He explains as he gently rubs your cheek, “You will remember soon,” he reassures, you nuzzle against his hand. Feeling safe with him being around, even though you could feel the shroud of darkness around him. 
“Please, help me remember,” you whispered a you gaze in his eyes, he chuckled his smile so beautiful. 
“In due time my dear,” he gently kisses your forehead, “until then, just continue on until we finally speak to one another.” He explains. You nod at his instructions, he gently let go of you face. 
“W-Wait,” you stammer not breaking eye contact, “Kiss me, please,” you whisper feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks. 
He smiled again coming close to you once again, slowly learning towards you connecting your lips in a gentle kiss to start. His lips soft against yours as they moved together in sync, gently you touch his cheek, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Never in your entire life had you felt so compelled to kiss someone. His tongue slipped into your mouth, forcefully yet he was still cautious. Only for a few moments were your tongues intertwined before he pulled away, your heart racing, your head spinning and your lips tingling from the sensation. You didn’t want him to pull away, you wanted to stay like that forever, tears welled in your eyes. You needed him. 
“Don’t cry my sweet, we will be together soon.” He kisses your forehead once more before your dream fades to black. The rest of the night you slept peacefully. 
The next morning, someone was pounding on your door causing you to nearly fall out of bed. 
“Yeah yeah!” You called towards the door as you slowly dragged yourself from your bed. Brushing your hair and dressing yourself in the proper clothing before there was another knock, 
“Yeah?” You called allowing them to enter, 
A grey walked into the room, “Mr. Langdon is asking for you,” he says, clearly he’s nervous. You nod at his statement, “Alright, thank you,” you tell him giving him a warm smile, he rushed off leaving you. You straighten yourself up before leaving your room and heading towards his. Butterflies fill your stomach as you get closer to his room, you were finally going to be alone with him. You knock gently on his door, hearing his voice asking to enter you slowly walk in. He sat at the desk across the room, you were awestruck at his beauty once more. 
“Come in,” he says as he motions to the chair in front of him, you nod before walking over towards the chair and sitting in front of him. 
“You look very beautiful in red,” he says lowly as he looks you up, 
“Thank you, Langdon…” you trail off, 
“Micheal, call me Micheal,” you acknowledge him by nodding, you both sit there in silence for a few moment. 
“So tell me, why do you think I should pick you, hm?” He questions leaning forward to look at you, you sit there kinda dumb struck. 
“Well, to be honest, I’m not even sure why I’m here.” You mumble lowly, “I’m not rich or anything really,” you sat there unsure of what to say to him, you felt his eyes on you as you stare at your hands. 
He chuckled lowly, he sat back in his seat. “Come here,” he says, you gulp before standing up and walking over to him. His hands gently touched your waist, slowly pulling you onto his lap. You gasp as you straddle his waist, not exactly expecting him to do this. 
“I am so glad you’re finally here beautiful.” He whispers as he gently strokes your cheek. “I hope you enjoyed your dreams,” he laughs as you bite your lip in memory of the kiss you had shared in your dream, but mainly because you wanted that even more. 
“Please,” you whisper softly looking at him, 
Mischief fills his eyes, “Please what princess?” He teases looking you directly in the eyes, your breath caught in your throat for a moment. 
“Please… Help me remember,” you whisper, “help me remember everything,” He smiles at your words, begging is music to his ears. 
He pulls your face close to his, his forehead pressed to yours, “We are going to take this one step at a time.” He finally pulls your lips to his in a smothering kiss. Just like the dream, things started out slow, taking his sweet time memorizing your lips and the curves of your body. He pulls you closer by your waist, deepening the kiss more, your hands tangling in his long hair. Slowly things began to heat up, his tongue meetings yours causing a soft moan to escape your lips. It all felt so familiar but you just couldn’t place the feeling. 
He gripped your waist a little tighter causing you to roll your hips against his, he pulled away a groan escaping his lips. His soft lips trailed towards your neck, leaving tender kisses up and down, you let out a shaky breath when he reached the base of your neck. He left soft kisses around that area, before then leaving gentle nips there as well. 
You let another shaky breath escape past your lips at the feeling, allow your head to tilt back to give him better access. He trailed kisses back up your neck, up your jaw and to your ear. 
“Now tell me princess, what do you remember?” He whispers, images flash in your vision for a moment. The two of you, covered in blood together in a bed. You were on top of him, seemly riding him as his hands traveled up your naked sides.
“A ritual,” you whisper, “the two of us, becoming one covered in the blood of a sacrifice.” Micheal lightly nips at your earlobe, you whine softly. 
“What else?” He whispered in your ear leaving a gentle kiss on your jawline. You whine, trying your hardest to think of what else happened. More images flashed through your mind, 
a coven of witches though you left them without a word. Finding Michael, taking his hand as he led you away to a place where no one would find you. 
“You took me to your home, you told me I was chosen for this,” you whimper, “That we were destined together,” the brightest smile form on his face, 
“Please Michael, I need more,” you breathed out, “I can’t remember anymore,” He chucked again, his lips pressing roughly against your neck. His mouth trailing hot kisses down your neck, nipping occasionally at the the skin. Your wines only grew in volume the more he continued, you had lost all control of yourself. More images continue to play in your vision like a movie, moments of intimacy, lust, passion and a plan of ruling a world. 
“Tell me what I would do to you, I know you’re remembering,” he growled lowly against your neck.  
“You used to be so good to me,” you whined, “You’d treat me like a princess, you’d make me feel so good,” his lips trailed higher continuing to leave nips at your flesh. His lips now hovering over yours,  
“I want to feel that again, I wanna be with you like that again,” you practically beg, he lets out a breath. 
“Not now my beauty, we have so much time.” He speaks teasingly touching your lips together and pulling them away just as quickly. “Our time is nearly up princess, we will have to continue this another day,” you whine as his words, your fingers tangling in his hair. He pulls you into another searing kiss, your tongues meeting again this time for a longer period of time. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding down on him again, the heat between your legs was almost unbearable. His hand held you waist and stopped your moments before pulling away, 
“Patience princess, we will get there in due time.” He whispers, “I know it has been some time since we were together but we must wait for the right now.” He gently kisses your forehead, you nod, “Yes my prince,” you say softly, “I’ve missed you so much,” you gently touch his face, looking into his perfect eyes. 
Slowly you move to get off his lap, you knew if you stayed you would never leave him. You just wanted to stay by his side, be his princess like the old days. 
“Don’t worry princess, we will be together soon.” He slowly stands, “We just need to execute the plan first, just know you will always be by my side.” He leans down and kisses your cheek, 
“I will see you in my dreams, my prince,” you whisper before leaving his room in order for him to continue his interviews, 
“You will my love, you will,” you smile at his words as you left the room, you grabbed your sketchbook from your room and walked back down to the library where you decided to sit.
The second you got comfortable, an argument broke out between Gallant and his Nana over something stupid. Part of you knew that Michael had done something in order to turn everyone against each other, did your stomach turn and bubble with anger knowing that he had touched someone that wasn’t you? Yes it did but you knew there was a greater plan to all of it.  The things you begun to draw became slightly explicit, memories of the night where the two of you began you journey together. Moving together so intimately in the blood of the poor sacrifice, it was the most amazing day of your life. A day you wished would come back. 
You weren’t sure how long it had been since you last saw Michael, it could have been days or honestly hours but he had found his way to your room one evening. He didn’t say much to you other than asking if you trusted him and of course you did. You followed him through the halls towards a small white room which had been arranged with candles. You knew he wanted to ask his father for guidance but why did he want you to be there with him? Slowly he began to take off his jacket, motioning you over to him which you happily waltzed over. 
“The time is nearly there my princess.” He says gently brushing his fingers through your hair, then letting his fingertips dance down the column of your neck. 
You didn’t speak, you gazed into his eyes as his hands tugged at the dress you were wearing. Licking your lips, you allow him to pull it over your head leaving you bare to him.
“Together, we will call to my father and become one…” you couldn’t stop the whine the escapes your lips, excitement bubbling up inside of you. Michael began to undress himself before doing anything, 
“We must prepare the circle,” he begins as he pulls out a small dagger from the coat he had thrown on the floor. “Sit in the middle of the circle and I will begin,” he orders you in which you happily comply, kneeling in the middle of the circle you waited for him. You felt him kneel behind you, his freehand running up your sides gently towards your breast. 
“May I?” He whispers in your ear as the cold blade touched your arm, you nodded, 
“Use your words princess,” he whispers, “I need your words beautiful,” you nod again, taking a breath, 
“Yes you can,” you say as confidently as you could. He dug the knife gently in your arm, drawing blood and causing it to run down your arm and to the ground. He left a few kisses on your neck and shoulder as he dug into the other arm gently. 
He moved away for a moment, cutting his own arms in order to start drawing a pentagram on the ground in both of your blood. As he did he began chanting in tongues, words you didn’t understand but you were more curious then you should be. He knelt in front of you, his bloody hands coming to touch your face gently. He pulled your lips to his in a hot kiss, his hands running down your body, one of them holding your waist the other gently caressing your bare breast. You moaned against his lips, craving more of his touch, you wanted him to bring you pleasure. His hands continued to smear blood all over your body as he left no place untouched. You did the same, hands traveling up and down his firm chest. 
Michael pushed you back onto the cold bloody marble floor, hovering over you in an instant. His lips connect with you neck, kissing down towards your collarbone where be began to leave small love bites. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer to you, his cock already hardening with every second that passed. 
“Michael,” you moan out as you grind up against him, you didn’t want to wait any longer. 
“Patience my dear,” he kissed down to your chest, peppering kisses all around your right breast before finally taking your nipple in his mouth. His warm tongue circled around it, occasionally he would lightly bite down shooting pleasure straight towards your core. Your desperate moans grew louder the longer he toyed with your nipples. His hand trailed down towards your stomach, finally coming in contact with your sensitive clit. 
You cried out in pleasure just from the soft touch, you couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched you in such a way.
“You’re already so wet for me,” he whispers as he brings his lips back up to yours, his fingers toying with you for a few moments before he slowly dipped a finger inside of you. 
You moan his name loudly, throwing your head back in pleasure. After a few moment, he added a second finger and slowly began to pump them in an out of you. You heard him chuckle over your loud moans, his fingers moved faster bringing you closer to you high. 
“Michael please, I’m so close,” you beg wanting so desperately to cum for him. His fingers slowed down and eventually he pulled them out completely. 
“In time, but we will together,” he lines himself at your entrance before slowly pushing himself in. You would have thought he would have roughly entered you but he took his time, his face twisting in pleasure. 
“Michael please, move,” you whimper practically clawing at his back, he slowly pulled himself out before slamming back into you. You didn’t hold back your cries as he relentlessly thrusted into you. You hadn’t felt this way for some time but he was finally reminding you what it felt like to feel loved and pleased. Your climax was coming much faster than you expected it to, the closer you got the blood around you began to boil, the ground seemingly shifting. You could hear faint hissing of snakes from all around you but you didn’t care. 
Michael continued to pound into you, his pace unforgiving and he showed no sign of stopping. You gently took one of his hands, he gave you a look of question before you slowly raised his hand to your neck. His eyes showed realization as he gently began to apply pressure to your neck cutting off some of your airflow. This only bringing you closer to your climax, 
“Look at you,” he says, “So beautiful below me, who makes you feel this good, princess?” He growls in your ear, 
“Y-You do,” you whine loudly, “You make me feel like this my prince,” you cry out, the pleasure was too much tears pricking at your eyes. 
“Please my prince, can I cum?” You beg breathlessly, the grip on your neck growing tighter cutting off your air completely, 
“Yes princess, cum for your prince,” he growls causing you to silently cry out staring deeply into his beautiful eyes. Your high seemed to tip him over the edge, you could tell he was getting close to his release,
“Cum for me, my prince, please,” you beg of him, he groans into your ear as he released inside of you. The both of you trying to catch your breath, he leans down kissing you roughly his tongue instantly meeting yours in rough yet passionate kiss. When he pulled away and his eyes opened, they were completely black as he whispered, 
“Hail satan,” 
You looked back up at him with tired eyes, your hand gently caressing his cheek, 
“Hail satan,” you whisper before you fell asleep beneath him. 
Ever since your night with him, you spent every second with him either sitting on his lap or attached to him at the hip. Most of the people noticed how close you had grown towards the man but they didn’t dare say anything to you. The night came when the Halloween party was to take place, you weren’t particularly fond of parties so you had already planned to spend your evening with Michael. You knew he would be looking through the files of everyone though you were sure he just wouldn’t pick anyone. 
“Will you be spending the night with me, my dear?” He questioned from his desk, you looked up from your sketchbook, 
“If that’s alright, my prince. I didn’t feel the party would be my type of event.” You say closing your book and standing up from his bed. You walked over to him, hugging him from behind leaving a gentle kiss on his temple. He was looking through the files as you stood with him, 
“I promise I’ll stay out of your way if you let me stay,” you pout with a small smile, he chuckled lowly as he glanced at you. 
“You, my dear, can distract me all you like” he says leaving a gentle kiss on your lips. You held you book in your hand as he pulled you to sit on his lap. “Why don’t you show me what you’re working on princess,” he says looking away from his papers, so you open your sketchbook in order to show him. He took it from your hands, looking through the pages of things you sketched seeing mainly memories of you and him. 
“Ever since the first dream I had about you, I couldn’t stop drawing you. I was determined to get every detail right, I had to draw everything I remembered.” You tell him honestly, 
“Well you’ve done wonderfully,” he states setting the book down on his desk before he gently helps you straddle him. 
“You have work to do,” you say with a giggle as you kiss his nose, 
“Yes, but my princess needs attention,” he says pulling you into a breath taking kiss, anytime he kissed you it was always so passionate and it made you feel alive. You stayed together for what felt likes hours, there was so much love come from him, and you guys honestly would have gone farther if there wasn’t a knock on the door. 
“Why don’t you go sit down on the bed?” You whined but got off his lap and went to sit on his bed. 
The door opened slowly to reveal, Venable and Mirium, both of them radiating a sinister energy. You knew something was wrong, 
“What is it? I’m just finalizing my decisions,” Michael said not glancing up from his papers. 
“This will only take a second,” Venable states, they two of them talking for a moment before Miruim pulls out a gun pointing it towards Michael. You froze in place, what in the world was happening? 
Michael only laughed, “I wouldn’t do that,” he states just before Mirium slowly points the gun towards Venable. Things seemed to move too quickly for you to comprehend, a shot rang through the air and Venable fell to the floor. You would say you were shocked but you honestly weren’t, she kinda deserved it due to all her rules she had made and disobeyed. You let Michael talk with Mead without disruption. 
He glanced at you once they were done talking, “Ms. Mead, would you mind giving us some time alone, please.” The robot nods before leaving the room. 
“It’s time my love,” you looked at him, you had a feeling something wasn’t going to go as he planed but you would stay by him till the very end. You moved to the end of the bed, kneeling in front of him, your hands running up his chest.
“Would you make love to me?” You question softly looking into his blue eyes. “Please,” you whisper. 
“There isn’t much time princess,” he says, you sat back onto the bed letting him hover over you, 
“Then let’s not waste any more time,” you say leaning up and kissing him, he hiked up your dress and undid his pants pulling them down just enough for him to take out his cock. Your mouth watering at the sight, as he pumped it in his hand a few time before lining up with your entrance. He entered you slowly, you sat up slowly wanting him to sit back, straddling his waist, 
“Let me do all the work, you’ve already worked so hard,” you whisper softly as you kiss his lips, slowly you begin to move. His lips trailed down your neck, leaving love bites in his wake. You didn’t care if anyone heard but your moans were loud, feeling his cock hitting the right spot inside of you. 
“So beautiful, you’re my princess, soon you’ll be my queen,” Michael groans, “You’re mine, mine alone,” his hand came down over your ass causing you to yelp, 
“Yes! I’m yours Michael, only yours,” you cry out, his hands gripping your waist helping you bounce on his dick. Michael couldn’t handle the pace anymore, he pushed you back onto the bed and began to pound into you relentlessly his hand instantly coming up to your neck. Your climax came without warning, your body shook with pleasure before you came all over his cock. He growls into you neck, before his hips stuttered and he came inside of you. He worked you through your highs, 
“I love you, my prince,” you say softly, 
“I love you too, princess,” he kissed your head gently before pulling out of you and standing up. You knew what had to come next,
“Are you still going to stand by me?” He questioned as he helped you stand, you nodded, 
“Yes, I will always stand by you,” he smiles, he pecks your cheek gently before you knew it you were both out the door, ready to face whoever was there…
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langdxn · 4 years
Okay, I have a request: smut with reader, Michael and Duncan and the breeding kink of both!!
Oops this is 2k words long but I was having a little too much fun! Thank you so goddamn much anon, this request was beyond amazing 🖤🖤🖤
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Of course, the Shepherds sold their souls to Satan in exchange for salvation when the end of days came to pass. Annette revelled in the privilege that membership of the Cooperative provided — relocating from DC to Outpost 3 would simply have to be an agreeable move for her clan when the apocalypse came knocking.
To give thanks for their fortunate situation, the Shepherds hosted a formal gala for their fellow soon-to-be survivors and their saviours. One of the final times you would have to entertain republicans and Satanists together, at least above ground anyway, you decided now was the right time to bring your unconventional relationship with a Shepherd and the Antichrist out of the shadows of masked Cooperative meetings.
As Ms Underwood excused herself from your company, cradling her swelling bump, Duncan swallowed harshly and cinched you into him by the waist. His fingertips dipped protectively into the red dress draped over your figure, a gown your two boys deliberated over for many hours before you left your apartment that morning. Somehow, you’d managed to land the two most well-dressed men this side of the moon and they almost revelled in deciding your attire for you. If it were up to you, jeans and a t shirt would suffice. Luckily enough, it wasn’t up to you.
“What’s the matter, Shepherd?” You asked with a forced smile for your company, breathing a sigh of relief as the President drew further and further from earshot. The blonde made her way over to Michael, currently circulating with a group of republicans with Ms Mead in tow.
Duncan’s hand landed with purpose on your silk-covered abdomen, fingers spread wide over the plane of your stomach. Gazing up at you beneath lust-hooded eyes, his piercing blue eyes consumed the sight of you before him - glamorous, sophisticated, flawless.
“Can we try for a baby?”
Your neck craned back slightly, computing his question.
“You mean that?” Your response was admittedly quite loaded, testing the waters in case Duncan was joking.
“More than anything,” he husked, leaning forward to bump foreheads with you as you both gazed at his hand fixed to your stomach. His silent contemplation as he skimmed his fingertips over the silk spoke louder than any words that could leave a Shepherd’s tongue.
“What about Annette?” You sighed deeply, your hopes dashed by your realisation that your relationship would never be accepted by Duncan’s supposed family.
“Her opinion doesn’t matter, she’s not even my mother. Besides, she’s always wanted grandchildren, biological or not.”
“What about Michael? What do we tell him?”
Duncan’s head drooped.
“I—I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. I’ll think of something, we could talk it over when we get home tonight?”
Glimpsing Michael leaving Ms Mead’s side from the corner of your eye, you hurriedly composed yourself and batted away Duncan’s adoring hand.  Hands clasped behind his back, the handsome blonde made his way towards you with a grin creeping across his lips.
“You two look thick as thieves over here,” Michael jested, leaning in to plant a peck on your cheek before curling his arm around your waist, resting on Duncan’s. “What have I missed?”
“N—nothing,” you stuttered, flattening the silk over your stomach. “We were saying how well Ms Underwood looks tonight.”
“Yes, she does,” Michael glanced back to the President as she made idle small talk with Ms Mead, hand resting on her bump. Michael’s gaze snapped back to you, then down to your flat stomach. “On that note, I have a proposition for you, kitten.”
Michael’s wide hand travelled to your abdomen, clutching at the valley of your pelvis.
“Can we have one?”
You shot a bemused look back at Duncan and the brunette reciprocated. You both snickered under your breath and looked back at Michael.
“What? Was it something I said?”
As you bundled into your shared apartment, Duncan impatiently pinned you against the front door, frantically traversing your body with determined hands. You melted into his manic touch as he skilfully slipped your dress straps down your arms, the once elegant ball gown reduced to a puddle of silk at your feet. Michael placed a concerned hand on Duncan’s shoulder, leaning into the gap between you.
“Mr Shepherd, do you seriously believe you’re going to get her pregnant up against a door? You really want us to explain that to our kids?”
Duncan let out a disgruntled huff, shrugging as he grabbed your bare thighs and hooked them around his waist to carry you to the bedroom.
“You know what, Michael? I can already tell you’re gonna be the boring dad.”
“Easy boys, or I’ll change my mind about bringing a baby into this family.” You chuckled softly against Duncan’s shoulder as he barged you both through the bedroom door, pointing a joking finger at the blonde pacing behind you.
“Now there’s no need for that, baby girl,” Michael sighed, fiddling with his belt and casting aside the expensive leather while unlacing his boots at the bedroom door. “He knows I love him, don’t you Dunc?”
Planting you gently down onto the sheets, Duncan nudged your thighs apart and stepped back to admire the vision of you beneath him.
“Of course I do, honey,” Duncan purred, standing aside while discarding his tuxedo jacket. “So much that I’m going to let him knock you up first.”
“How generous of you,” Michael chuckled, his dress pants pooling around his feet with a whoosh as he kneeled between your legs, reaching for a pillow to place under your hips while carefully sliding down your panties. “Are you comfortable, baby girl?”
Throat thickened with anticipation, you nodded weakly and curled your legs around Michael’s waist to draw him in.
“See, Duncan might be the forceful, impulsive one in the bedroom,” he muttered while littering kisses into the nape of your neck, hands gently reaching down to line himself up with your already dampened entrance. “But he doesn’t know much about conception.”
A tut came from the tall brunette beside you, shedding his pants and boxers before settling beside you and brushing your hair back from your face.
“Coming from the Antichrist who lost his virginity to the girl he’s now trying to impregnate,” Duncan snarked with a grin, lust-blown eyes fixed between your thighs as Michael’s tip softly nudged your folds open.
“Which means I’ll be a loyal father to our child,” Michael smiled down at you as he eased his rigid length into you with a deep grunt. “You’re going to be the most amazing mother.”
Back arching desperately into his languid motion, you hissed through clenched teeth with the delicious stretch of your walls around his girth.
“Fuck, you’re always so tight,” Michael moaned as his eyes roved to the ceiling, pouring himself inside you until he filled you completely. “We’ll need to stretch you out before you can push our baby out.”
As Michael maintained a passionate, rocking pace, your head threw back into the pillows and both hands grasped handfuls of the silken sheets beneath you, broken gasps blended with gentle mewls spilling from your tongue. A decided silence fell upon the room around your explicit moans, your sideways glance landed upon Duncan gazing blissfully at Michael making love to you, palming hungrily at his own rock hard member. You reached out to curl your fingers around his base and offer the brunette some relief, to which he jerked his hips into your touch and smiled through his frustration.
“You’re doing so well for daddy,” Duncan dipped to kiss you deeply, his stubble scratching a soft burn into your cheek. “Take his cum like a good girl and I’ll fill you up again afterwards.”
“Don’t worry Dunc,” Michael reassured between smooth curls of his hips. “Our girl’s so tight and fertile, I won’t be able to last much longer.”
Keening desperately, your free hand traversed the contours of Michael’s bare chest to quell the taut pressure building in your core.
“Please fill me up, Michael,” you purred softly, feeling the stirrings of his orgasm twitching through his length between your folds. “Give me everything, fuck a baby into me.”
“Oh fuck, baby,” Michael moaned, balling his fists into the pillow beside your head, a lust-blown glaze over his eyes as his thrusts sharpened furiously. “Keep talking like that and I’ll make sure you’re pregnant again as soon as our first baby arrives.”
Accepting his challenge willingly, you hooked your legs tightly around his waist and drew him flush to your chest.
“Keep fucking me like—like this and I’ll be begging you to get me pregnant for the rest of our lives.”
Cupping his face in your hands to pull him in for a deep kiss, you moaned gratuitously into his mouth as you gave in to your walls fluttering desperately around his length.
“Cum with me baby, knock me up.”
With an animalistic growl, the overwhelming pressure in Michael’s cock burst free, releasing rope after rope of hot cum deep inside your cunt. Duncan whimpered desperately as Michael’s hips stuttered frantically, the blonde eagerly riding through his climax as the slick sound of soaked, slapping skin accompanied his cum dribbling around his base.
“Fuck, we should give you a baby more often, baby girl,” Michael sighed contentedly as he slipped his cock out of your folds in sheer exhaustion, falling to the bed beside you as you lay spread open, his arousal seeping onto your thighs.
Duncan gasped, lunging forward to take his place between your spread legs and gliding the tip of his flushed cock through the white trails escaping your cunt.
“Langdon, you won’t knock her up at all if you waste your cum like that,” the brunette sighed, wasting no time pouring his coated length through your swollen entrance. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure you’re pregnant this time.”
Duncan’s thrusts were instantly jagged and fierce, having excited himself far too much watching Michael dominate you, who was now a panting, crumpled heap of limbs beside you planting sloppy, grateful kisses up your arm. The blonde reached down to your core and thumbed at your overstimulated clit, revelling in the jerks and shakes traversing your body with every swipe of your sensitive spot.
“Gotta hand it to you, Michael, she’s so fucking tight,” Duncan’s strained groans caught in his throat died out beneath the cacophony of lurid squelches accompanying every motion inside you. “Our girl really needs us to breed her, don’t you baby?”
Unable to form a response, you cried out as Duncan pounded relentlessly against your sensitive spot. His hips jabbed harder as he waited impatiently for a response.
“Y—yes daddy,” you whined pitifully, winding your hands around his neck to welcome your second orgasm. “Please breed me, plea—please breed me.”
“That’s my girl, cum all over me,” Duncan purred obscenely, restrained yelps escaping him with every pound against your walls that jittered feverishly around his girth. He ventured a flat palm to your abdomen, drinking in the ripples of your taut skin as his cock pistoned against them. “Let daddy knock you up good.”
Your orgasm shook terrific tremors through your legs, leaving you wailing in Duncan’s ear as he clenched his thighs to unleash his climax with a blissful groan. Spilling frantically deep into your core, your walls trembled weakly, slicked with both loads of cum pounded into you.
“Fucking hell,” Duncan’s voice soared as his eyes met the ceiling, a final jerk of his hips ploughed deep within you. “If you’re not pregnant now, I don’t think you ever will be.”
“There—there’s only one way to find out,” you stuttered through your hazing overstimulation, stars dancing across your vision as you remembered Michael’s intuitive powers could easily tell you if your boys had succeeded in tonight’s plan to impregnate you.
You and Duncan glanced over to Michael, who reached forward to place a hand over your abdomen as his eyes rolled into his head to read the feelings within your womb.
“It’s definitely working,” Michael smiled. “But a few more wouldn’t hurt.”
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so-langdon · 5 years
Night of a Lifetime - Michael Langdon x Fem! Reader (Requested)
Summary: (Au) Michael and Y/N have been best friends and roommates for awhile. Y/N has been in love with him for awhile too, but tries dating someone else to get over Michael knowing he’s just a player. But when Michael sees her with someone else, he gets angry.
Warnings: Angst, fuckboy! Michael, jealous! Michael, possessive! dom! Michael, sexual tension, some dirty talk, biting, sexual situations, sensual touching, some choking, strong language
A/N: Finally had some time to write and got this written! @saltyshaggymeme wanted an AU fic of Michael with a “man-bun”, so I added that in of course, so hope you enjoy! Let me know! <3
I haven’t written in over a month, maybe even two, due to being so busy with work and I feel like my writing has already lost so much substance so I apologize if this is shitty.
And I will be posting my Xavier fic about loving his scars sometime next week hopefully!
Tagged!: @hecohansen31 @blakewaterxx @sarahandthejets @michaelsapostle @1-800-bitchcraft  @ccodyfern @rocketgirl2410
(tagged some who i thought may want to read but just ignore if not !! )
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The piercing blue eyes of Michael Langdon stare into Y/N’s, baring straight into her soul. Michael’s long layered locks are up in a bun, a few strands framing around his face perfectly, giving him an alluring and intimidatingly handsome appearance. He grins confidently and sultry, causing her heart to flutter, making her want to kiss his soft, full lips already, yearning to satiate the hunger inside of her for him.
But in just the blink of an eye, the vision of Michael in front of her fades away completely, causing Y/N to shake her head a bit and blink a few more times before narrowing her eyes on the actual person in front of her.
Brock, the guy Y/N was currently dating sits beside her on the couch, having had snapped his fingers to get her attention as she clearly zoned out and her mind wandered to a completely different person.
“You okay,” Brock asks as he scoots closer to Y/N on the couch, reaching over for the remote and lifting it up to the television to put the movie they’re watching on pause. “I was talking and you just weren’t saying anything,” he adds.
“Yeah, sorry,” Y/N forces a smile. “I was just, uh, thinking about what movie you’d want to watch next,” she smiles more to seem more sincere and like she wasn’t just fantasizing about another man.
Y/N and Brock had been on a couple of dates before, having met in a shared class last semester. She didn’t really have a thing for him, hence why it was so easy for her mind to drift off to someone else in particular. But Brock was cute, personable and seemingly good enough for distracting Y/N from her mind-consuming thoughts of her actual crush: Her roommate and best friend, Michael Langdon.
She and Michael had known each other a few years, having had bonded and really connected from the get go when meeting at freshman orientation. Michael didn’t have much family, and Y/N was the first person he felt he could really trust, the two forming a strong bond once meeting and getting along together so well.
Though, they had never been anything other than friends. Y/N had grown feelings for Michael over the months, but would never dare dream of telling him, knowing he didn’t feel the same way, especially with knowing how he jumped from girl to girl.
Michael was a bit of a fuckboy for lack of a better term. Michael didn’t date, didn’t have relationships, didn’t have crushes. Just flings, hook-ups, one time things. He was the stereotypical college boy, knowing how popular he was considering his handsome looks and flirty charm. 
Michael was still sweet and friendly nonetheless, but he wasn’t interested in any type of commitment or relationship that didn’t end that night or following morning at the latest. He wasn’t ready to settle down in any way as of yet.
Y/N knowing this about Michael, could never imagine telling him of her feelings, figuring he wouldn’t just reject her, but would complicate their friendship too. Even with Michael being a fuckboy, player, whatever you wanted to call it, he still always made time for Y/N, letting her know she was the most important person in his life. So she’d rather have him in her life as her best friend, than not at all.
Since she knows she and Michael can never be together, she’s decided it’s time to start dating and to stop waiting around and hoping for Michael to admit some kind of love for her when she knew it wasn’t true.
Or so she thinks.
Nevertheless, when Brock asked her out, she went for it, figuring it would be good for her to move on from Michael and to get over her feelings. But, here she was, on the couch of her shared apartment picturing Michael as her date instead of Brock, attempting and failing to hide her feelings about everything.
Of course Y/N knew she didn’t really like Brock and didn’t have an actual interest in dating him. But she wanted to get over her feelings for Michael so despairingly, she was desperate for any kind of distraction and wasn’t going to waste the opportunity.
But, even as Brock proceeded with making flirtatious moves, scooting closer to Y/N, and turning her face to his and kissing her, Y/N knew it was going to be more difficult than she thought when all she could think about and picture was Michael instead. 
So she tried to lose herself in the feeling, in any positive feeling when kissing Brock back, trying to push her feelings and desires for Michael aside in the process. 
The two ignore the movie playing on the television, making out on the couch like a couple of high school teenagers who have the house alone for the first time. Y/N lets Brock wrap an arm around her to pull her closer to him, resting his other hand on her exposed knee just below where her dress cuts off, slowly moving it up as he seems to have only one idea in mind she knows. 
Typical college guys.
Y/N doesn’t care and goes along with it, thinking maybe sleeping with Brock will break whatever spell Michael has on her and it’ll be a foot in the right direction of getting over him.
But before she can make a decision or even have another thought about it, the lights in the living room turn on, a voice clearing their throat, and an obvious tension overtaking the atmosphere.
Brock and Y/N pull away from kissing and turn their heads to the other side of the room, seeing who other than Michael standing there.
He looks intimidating, his crystal blue eyes still beautiful but showcasing an unusual rage as he glares lightly. His long, layered hair that reaches past his shoulders is tied up in a well kept bun, always adding a sexiness to him when he has his hair up.
His mouth is frowning, his light pink lips still looking just as soft and plump as normal, but having an irritation to them. Dressed in a casual black t-shirt that’s just tight enough to show enough of his fit physique as he crosses his arms over his broad chest, black jeans to match and Doc Martins. He looks devilishly handsome, practically jaw-dropping, per usual.
“What are you doing here,” Y/N asks, narrowing her eyes and trying to ignore the increase of her heart beat as she looks at him, her body reacting more to Michael’s appearance alone than she was when kissing Brock.
“I live here,” Michael states almost sarcastically, yet still impassive.
Y/N rolls her eyes, pushing her captivated feelings to the side and putting up her own irritated front. “I mean, what are you doing here right now? I thought you were going out to meet up with some people and wouldn’t be home all night?”
“Changed my mind,” Michael answers detached, eyes glancing over to Brock beside her and staring daggers into him practically, causing Brock to look noticeably uncomfortable as he tries to avoid eye contact with Michael.
Y/N sighs, leaning back on the couch and crossing her own arms over her chest. “Well. Don’t mind us then, we’re just watching a movie. So you can go to your room now or whatever and leave.”
“Didn’t look like you were just watching a movie to me,” Michael states angrily as he looks at Y/N, ignoring the second part of her words, glaring a bit more and diverting his eyes from Y/N to Brock again beside her. “Who are you?” He asks a little too harshly
“This is Brock, my date for the evening,” Y/N emphasizes, answering. “Brock, this is Michael, my roommate,” Y/N adds looking from Brock and back to Michael.
“And best friend,” Michael adds irritated.
“Well, um cool,” Brock begins lightly. “Nice to meet you,” he gives a small wave at Michael, smiling a bit in the hopes that whatever tension that’s in the air will dissipate. 
But that fails as only more tension seems to rise as the seconds pass. “Not really. This wasn’t the most comfortable scene to be coming home to,” Michael states as he keeps his arms crossed and looks back over to Y/N. “He needs to be heading out. It’s getting late.”
Y/N narrows her eyes again, Michael’s words catching her off guard. “It’s like ten o’ clock?” She states obviously.
“And? It’s getting late,” Michael repeats, furrowing his eyes and diverts his gaze to Brock. “So, go on and get going,” he says, dropping his arms and gesturing towards the door behind him so he can leave.
“Uhm,” Brock narrows his eyes too, but more confused, unsure if he should actually be leaving or not and looking at Y/N for a clarification.
“He doesn’t have to leave, we’re in the middle of watching a movie still.” Y/N points out, uncrossing her arms as she sits up more.
“What does that have to do with anything? It’s getting late and--”
“It’s Friday night,” Y/N interjects.
“--And I’m going to bed, so I would rather not be disturbed by the movie, or whatever else that might go on,” Michael articulates. 
“Whatever else? Are you serious?” Y/N glares, standing up and finding an anger building inside of her. “That’s so hypocritical.”
Y/N was no stranger to Michael having girls over, whether that be them in the living room on the couch like Y/N and Brock, or in Michael’s room. Y/N never said anything, never interrupting and disturbing whatever they were clearly doing, always letting Michael live his life because they’re adults and this wasn’t high school (and she never wanted to risk showing any jealousy too).
And yet, Michael has the nerve to demand that her date for the evening, whether she actually liked him or not, leave when Michael’s come home now, though he wasn’t even supposed to be home in the first place.
“Hypocritical how?” Michael raises his head, almost amused but trying to act clueless. “I’ve asked nicely for your guest to leave as it is late and I would like to go to bed knowing that my apartment is free of strangers.”
“Brock isn’t a stranger, he’s my guest, and you’re kicking him out very rudely, so that’s bullshit,” Y/N argues.
“Um, hey,” Brock interjects shyly, “I don’t want to get in the middle of.. whatever this is that’s starting, so I’m gonna just, you know, head out,” Brock says awkwardly, interrupting the current conversation and standing up.
“What, you are?” Y/N looks at him with a bit of disappointment. She wasn’t really that upset over Brock wanting to leave, finding more relief in it than anything. But she didn’t want him to leave because it would mean Michael would have won, and then she’d also lose further opportunity in trying to get over her feelings for Michael, or attempts, at least.
“Yeah, I’ll just see you later,” he smiles a bit and grabs his jacket off the couch and walks past Michael, still avoiding eye contact and leaves out the door without another word being said.
Y/N watches quietly as Brock leaves without even looking back. Y/N crosses her arms and glares back at Michael, a bit of humiliation and obvious anger showing on her face, remaining silent until the door shuts behind Brock.
“Glad that’s over with,” Michael speaks fluidly and walks off towards his bedroom door, thrilled Brock is finally gone and not just away from Y/N, but also that no other opportunity to be kissing her or whatever else will occur now.
"Glad that’s over with? What is wrong with you,” Y/N calls out, turning to him as he walks by her, obviously frustrated with the situation. “That was so rude and embarrassing! You had no right in doing any of that.”
Michael turns to her, “Look, I know it’s your apartment, but it’s mine too, and I wasn’t comfortable having him here.”
“He was here for me, not you,” she states. “Why would it make you uncomfortable to have him over when he’s not even here to see you in the first place, and we weren’t doing anything that would have bothered you anyway,” she says. “You weren’t even supposed to be here, but I’m allowed to have whoever I want over and when I want.”
“No you aren’t,” Michael snaps, his fists suddenly tightening by his sides. “Not when it’s some weird, random guy that you haven’t mentioned to me about.”
“I have mentioned him before,” Y/N points out. “He’s not some weird, random guy. He’s from a class I had last semester,” Y/N says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Michael narrows his eyes, “You mean that’s the guy you’ve been going out with and texting and shit?” Michael points, tone becoming more irritated. “You had one class with him and then ran into him on campus. You hardly know the guy, and you have him over in our shared apartment without me knowing?”
“Oh, what, I need your permission now in who I go out with?” She furrows her eyes. “You never ask me for ‘permission’ when you bring girls over.”
“That’s completely different,” Michael exclaims, gesturing out. “This is you and some guy you hardly know, and you two were fucking making out! Who knows what else could have happened!”
“Who cares?” Y/N speaks confused and frustrated. The way Michael was talking to her made her feel like she was some kind of child. She and Brock had been seeing each other for just the last few weeks but she knew him a lot better than Michael did with the girls he hangs with. “What does that have to do with anything? That’s between he and I.”
“No, it’s not. You can’t just be fucking making out with some random guy in our apartment without me knowing. You should have checked with me first!” He calls.
“Why are you so mad and yelling,” Y/N crosses her arms. “You’ve been so weird lately and just,” she shakes her head, “over-protective. What’s up your ass?” She asks, causing Michael to roll his eyes. “You know you have been, don’t you dare deny it,” she points.
Michael had been acting a bit strange lately whenever Y/N happened to mention the new guy she had been talking to. From a series of interrogating questions, to annoyed behavior and a short temper, always emphasizing that Y/N should be careful. Y/N never thought anything of it, always thinking Michael was just in a bad mood from class or work and she just caught him at the wrong times, while also being a normal best friend and warning her to be safe.
But she didn’t know that Michael’s “weird” and “over-protective” behavior was due to him being jealous and actually upset over having to hear about Y/N talk and gush about some guy she was apparently crushing on, her smiling and giggling over texts and saying how nice and great he was. Michel hated hearing it, but couldn’t tell her to stop without making it obvious the reason why.
“I’m not being weird or anything,” he glares. “You just can’t be doing this,” he says, knowing he didn’t have any other valid argument and his behavior wasn’t making any sense. But he was too scared to admit the truth.
Y/N stares at him, her expression implying that was the dumbest argument she’s ever heard, which Michael knows, but wasn’t going to be admitting that either.
“What,” Michael exclaims, shrugging his shoulders.
“I just,” she shakes her head in disbelief, “can’t be doing this? What, dating? Having guys over for movie nights and stuff? Having fun?”
“Yes, dating and having guys over for movie nights and stuff and having fun,” Michael clarifies matter of fact.
“You literally bring girls home all the time?” Y/N calls out. “What’s the difference? Plus, Brock is really chill and nice,” she explains.
“Brock? Really?” Michael crosses his arms over his chest and raises his eyes. “He’s just using you.”
Y/N drops her jaw, offended. “Using me? For what?”
“You know exactly what,” Michael drops his arms and gestures an arm out. “You’re not stupid, you know all he wants is one thing and that is all he is trying to get from you. And once he gets it, he’ll be done with you.”
“First of all, you don’t know anything about Brock. Second, you do the exact same shit to girls. All the time,” she emphasizes. “You bring them over here, without my ‘permission’, and you ‘hardly know them,’” she mocks.
“It’s consensual,” Michael steps forward. “Before I bring them home, they know it’s just a hook-up, a one time thing. But that’s besides the point,” he waves off. “You deserve better than some guy who’s just trying to use you for a one quick fuck.”
“Who are you, my dad?” She shakes her head dumbfounded. “I can make my own decisions, Michael.”
“I don’t want your first time having sex to be with some loser asshole who doesn’t care about you,” Michael states quite genuinely, because Michael is sincere about that and obviously cares for her, but is also indirectly possessive and doesn’t want her to be with anyone else either.
“Um, hold on a second, my first time?” Y/N raises her eyes. “I’ve had, you know, sex before,” she says as confidently as she can.
Michael laughs out, crossing his arms again over her response and the way she spoke it, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I wanted to let you have your moment, but I just couldn’t hold it in.”
“I’ve done it,” Y/N says a bit shyly as her face heats up with embarrassment and annoyance.
“No you haven’t,” Michael grins. “Trust me, I know. Your response alone would have told me that too, but I just know you.”
“Wha -- I,” She trails off, her jaw dropping a bit, trying to think of something to say and to put Michael in his place in some way, even though she knows he’s right.
Michael raises his eyes, smirking, knowing the truth about her.
Y/N breathes out frustrated and a bit embarrassed still. “Fine. Whatever. Fuck you.”
Michael bites his tongue, holding back the urge to make her words a reality. He’s been waiting for a moment between them to happen for forever it seems now. But he’s always been unsure of when to make the move, always being worried and afraid of being rejected and to ruin their friendship in any way, of course being unaware of her feeling the same way back.
“You’re just mad because you know I’m right -- about everything,” Michael says.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” she scoffs. “Is this how it’s always going to be? Whenever I date a guy now and bring him over or anything, I have to get your ‘permission’ and check in with you? I mean, you’re not my fucking dad or brother or something.”
“I’m your best friend, and roommate,” Michael states, as if that has any power in the situation. 
“Who’s currently pissing me off,” Y/N states harshly.
“I would just rather you wait to date a guy that’s actually nice and cares for you and treats you well and won’t use you for sex,” Michael says.
“That’s not your choice,” Y/N states confidently. “You may be my best friend, but you don’t know everything about me. How do you know I don’t want to just hurry up and have sex and get it over with?”
Michael narrows his eyes, surprised to hear her say something like that considering he knows the kind of person she is, thus leaving him momentarily confused.
“Maybe I don’t think it’s that big of a deal so I’m just trying to live my life. Or, maybe Brock really does care about me and it’s headed somewhere good. We both know you know nothing about him since you kicked him out so fast,” she speaks aggravated.
“I know how you think, Y/N. I know how you work,” Michael raises his head arrogantly. “You just have a half ass crush on that guy because he’s putting in all this effort and seems really great, but actually he’s just trying to fuck you one time and then move on to the next girl. And then, you’ll be left heartbroken.”
“Trust me, you really don’t know how I work, because I’m not dating him for that reason at all,” Y/N crosses her arms.
Michael gives a confused expression, more confused than he was just seconds ago.
Y/N just rolls her eyes. “Whatever. He’s gone, it’s done, and I’m done with this conversation now,” she says as she drops her arms and walks past Michael to go to her room for the evening. She’s too irritated and frustrated with Michael to continue speaking to him any further about Brock, sex, his annoying behavior this evening, or any of the events of tonight.
So she walks into her room, ready for this night to end and to think about what she’s going to do about her feelings of Michael since going out with Brock is now a total bust.
She pushes her bedroom door behind her as she steps in, allowing the door to close on it’s own. But her bedroom door slams shut a second later instead, drawing her attention as the shut was too harsh for it to be have been done by her.
Y/N narrows her eyes when she sees Michael standing in her room, clearly being the one to have slammed the door behind her and him now, too. She crosses her arms as she faces him, eyeing him bemused but still irritated from everything.
“I said I was done with the conversation. Don’t you dare try to--”
Michael strides over to Y/N assertively as she speaks, grabbing her waist and pulling her into him, causing her arms to drop as she presses her palms to Michael’s chest and he crashes his lips against Y/N’s, halting her words.
Shock and complete confusion muddles Y/N’s mind as she finds the moment to be too good to be true, her heart racing a million miles a minute. A breath-taking euphoria overtakes her, her not wanting this moment to ever end as Michael has just taken control of this situation and kissed her.
Y/N’s so immersed in the feeling of Michael’s lips against hers; his hands and arms wrapping around her securely, it feeling like he will never let her go; that she doesn’t process the next moment when she and Michael are stumbling back to her bed and falling over onto the soft mattress.
“You confuse the absolute fuck out of me,” Michael breathes out, almost hissing, once he pulls away from Y/N, kneeling up over her as she watches him pull his black t-shirt off and throw it to the side, exposing his fit torso. His bun is a bit messy now with all of the sudden actions, a few strands of his hair falling around his face like earlier when her mind had wandered off to him, looking unbelievably enticing.
“One day, you’re giggling like some innocent school girl over that idiot asshole, and now, you’re implying that you were dating Brock just to fuck?” He glares. “To get that shit over with?” Michael leans in, colliding his lips with Y/N’s again as a hand clasps against her cheek, hardly giving her any time to react.
Y/N moans lightly against Michael’s mouth when he bites down on her bottom lip, pulling back lightly, a hand of his gripping around her throat firmly.
“If anyone is going to fuck you, it’s going to be me,” Michael practically seethes against her lips, causing a shiver to run through Y/N’s core from the husky and possessive nature of Michael’s words.
Michael’s other hand roams down Y/N, feeling along her body before pushing the fabric of her dress up and allowing his fingers to brush and rub against her through her underwear, already feeling the wetness that’s beginning to gather at her center, causing her breath to hitch all together as she feels his touch against her.
“And from the feel of it, it seems like you agree,” Michael speaks cockily with a devilish smirk, kissing her again before Y/N can say anything, feeling like her skin is on fire, knowing she’s in for a night of a lifetime.
A/N: Let me know what you think! Any and all feedback is much appreciated! <3
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
hi again! for the drabble, i'd like to request more of the michael you had in "comfort me," a.k.a michael with a hair bun because he would be incredibly gorgeous in a messy bun. so messy bun+domestic fluff please. thank you!! =]
hello sweet bby :) thank you for being so patient! first of all. i wanna say i’m always so surprised to see how much people liked “Comfort Me,” because 
1. It was one of my first pieces and I still feel really self conscious about it
2. I always forget that I wrote it until people bring it up 
Michael didn’t think this is how he’d confess his love for his best friend, but can you really plan for such things? 
Y/N and Michael had been attached at the hip since he left the Hawthorne School for Exceptional young men. Both had met at Kineros Robotics. She had been by hid side through thick and thin. 
It happened slowly and unexpected. Unlike the movies with a quicksand love affair that had both of them head over heels the minute they saw each other – their love, his love for her was slow like oozing honey. 
Each day he grew more in love with the way she smiled, the way she talked, they way she was. Simply put, he loved her. 
As much as it filled his heart to care for her so much, it confused his head. He’d never really felt like this about anyone. Sure, he loved Ms. Mead, but that was different. The feelings he felt about Y/N were deeper. 
He tried time and time again to find the courage to tell her. “Y/N. I think I love you.” he practiced in his mirror, wiping the sweat from his palms on his black pants. 
No, no, no, he thought. You think? You know he scolded himself. 
As time went on like this, he felt himself becoming clumsier around Y/N. He cringed as it reminded himself of his early Hawthorne days where he was just an insecure boy. 
Taking a look at the man Michael was now; alluring, confident, and handsome as ever - you’d never think he would be the one to stumble over his words. 
But the more thought about his feelings, the more he started to overthink everything he said to her. 
“Your knees look great.” he complimented her when she wore his favorite blue dress. What he really wanted to say was something along the lines of how that dress made her eyes shine. But he didn’t want to be to forward - making him fall into this awkward abyss. 
“My what?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. He could tell she was on the verge of laughing which only made him sweat more. Had this room always been this hot, he thought. 
“Knees, you know?” he toyed with the hair tie on his wrist, before picking up his long locks and securing them in a low bun. 
Y/N knew this was a nervous habit for Michael. She was a lot more suspicious of his feelings than he gave her credit for. 
But bless Michael and his poor heart, he was trying. 
“Come over! I’m renting the Omen and making pasta.” she spoke into the phone, stirring her pot, slowly. 
On the other end of the phone, Michael’s heart skipped a beat. Pasta and horror. She knew the way to his heart. 
“S-sure. I’ll pick up wine.” he tried to keep his cool. God. What had gotten into him, he thought. 
He arrived to her apartment, two bottles of wine in hand. He didn’t need to ask for her favorite, he already knew. 
Perhaps it was out of nervousness, but Michael began to drown down his glasses of wine. 
They both had sat criss crossed on her couch with bowls of his favorite pasta, glasses of wine of the coffee table as the movie played. 
They’d done this a million times, but it dawned on Michael how much of like a date it felt like. He chugged down the remaining liquid in his glass and refilled it. 
And just like his affection for her, he slowly, and before he even realized it, had become just a little bit more than tipsy. 
“You know, Y/N.” he talked with his hand, “I think I could run for president,”
She shook her head laughing and his lucid nature, “Yeah? I think you could too. You’re a real charmer,” she smiled at him as she pat his thigh in a reassuring gesture. 
“You’d vote for me, right?” he babbled on, taking her hand in his. God, he thought, she had the softest hands. 
“You’re hands are soft!” he blurted out, not letting go. 
“Thank you!” she humored him, “It’s probably from my new hand cream!” 
“No, no, no,” he shook his head. Michael tried (and failed) to put his hair in a low bun. Instead of his usual slicked back bun, he ended up with a messy “bun” with loose stands of hair framing his face. 
“You have always had soft hands.” he stood up and paced a few times in front of the television. 
“Y/N..” he drank the last bit of wine left, “You’re soft!” he couldn’t help the fit of laughter that fell from his lips. “You know how you get that warm feeling in your tummy when you’re drunk...” he caught on to her knowing smile, “I’m not drunk,” he put his index finger up for clarification - very clearly, drunk. 
“Well, you give me that feeling, but in my heart.” he pointed to his chest. 
“Michael,” Y/N smiled, a blush forming on her skin, “What are you saying?”
“Y/N, please.” he sighed like is he were stating the most obvious thing in the world (which, to his defense, he was)
“I love you.” as soon as the three words left his lips, he couldn’t stop from saying them again, “I love you.”
Y/N stood up and wrapped her arms around his torso (both to steady him and embrace him.) “Holy fuck,” his eyes widened, as he buried his face in her hair, “I love you.” 
“Michael, you wanna know a little secret.” she pulled him down on the couch, his eyes wide and hanging on to everything she said, “I love you too.” she spoke the words softly. 
She cupped his face and placed a firm kiss on his lips. Michael couldn’t contain the smile forming against her mouth. He kissed her back, his soft tongue licking her lips. 
They spent the entirety of that night, cuddled up (which included many many kisses), and watching movies until Michael passed out. 
Y/N gently helped him stretch out on her couch and covered him with her favorite blanket. She placed a kiss on his forehead, before setting down a glass of water and painkillers by his side. 
The next morning, Michael woke up to the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Y/N was in the kitchen making his beloved French Toast. This woman really knew her way to his heart. 
He sheepishly walked into the kitchen, pink glowing cheeks as he remembered all he had confessed. 
“Hey lover boy,” she teased, bumping him with her hip. 
“Y/N, I’m really sor--” he started to apologize, afraid he made her commit to something she didn’t want from him. He’d be happy if she allowed them to continue as friends. 
Y/N placed her sugar covered finger on his plump lips to hush him, “Will you stop that.” she playfully scolded him, “I love you, Michael Langdon, but you had me wait too long for you to admit your feelings so no take backs.” she giggled. 
Shy giggles came from Michael as relief washed over him. She loved him too. He wrapped his hand around her wrist to keep her finger against his lips before he friskily licked it clean of any sweetness. 
He pulled her in closely, slowly gaining up the confidence. Knowing that she felt the same way made it easier for his walls to crumble down again. 
“No take backs,” he echoed before kissing her deeply. 
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fangirltrash18 · 5 years
A/N- Hey guys! Here’s a little smut I managed to whip up. Chapter 2 of Dreams for the Wicked and the Pure will be out soon, hopefully no later than Thursday. Anyway, in the mean time here’s a smutty Hawthorne!Michael fix for ya! Also, if you have any ideas or requests my ask box is always open. I will write almost anything so yeah. Enjoy <3
Warnings- SMUT, mastrubation, degrading, chocking, fingering, oral (male receiving), Hawthorne!Michael, dom!Michael, sub!Reader, tiny bit of fluff (you’ll have to squint)
Soft moans echoed through your room as your fingers danced between your  open legs. Your eyes were shut tight as you pretended your fingers were someone else’s. “Michael.” You breathed  and rubbed small, fast circles on  your swollen, overstimulated clit. “Fuck!” You ran a finger through your sticky arousal and spread your lips apart. You slowly inserted a finger into yourself as images of Michael, the one person you hated the most, ran through your mind. 
You hated the fact that Michael, the rudest, most selfish person you knew, who constantly degraded, teased, and mocked you to no end, was the one person  you wished was there between your thighs. 
Just as you inserted a second finger in and cried out his name, the door burst open, causing you to scream and desperately try and cover yourself with the tousled sheets to no avail. With a simple flick of his wrist, all the blankets on your bed were sent across the room. Michael Langdon stood in the doorway, a cocky smile adorning his handsome features. 
“Well. well, well, look what we have here.” He chuckled darkly and  leaned against the doorframe. You felt heat blossom in your face (and belly) as his stare bore into your naked figure.  
“M-Michael, please go.” You stuttered unconvincingly, and hugged your legs closer to your chest. As much as you’d wanted him only moments before, you felt too embarrassed, too shameful to face Michael at that moment. He tilted his head and sighed. 
“Aw, now is that what you really want?” You looked away from him and stared down at the mattress. “Hmm?” He pushed himself from the doorframe and stalked into the room like a predator hunting his  prey. “Cause if I remember correctly, you were the one crying out my name only moments ago while you defiled yourself.” He kicked the large, heavy door shut while he continued  making his advances towards you. You looked up at him and bit your lip, his intimidating presence sending a fresh wave of arousal to pool at your core. You  swallowed hard as you watched him come closer and closer before finally towering over you. He grasped your chin and forced your eyes to his. “Answer me.” He growled.
The pit in your belly only grew as he dominated you. “N-no.” You whimpered and leaned into his touch.
“No what, pet? Be specific.” His grip tightened and his eyes grew dark with lust. 
“No Michael, you’re not wrong.” A dark smile replaced his previous stern expression as he released you. You let out a soft whine at the loss of his touch which earned a scoff from Michael. 
“How pathetic. The little slut can’t even ask for what she wants and instead has to depend on her own dainty fingers to do a less than half-assed job at making herself cum.” He spat the insult at you and laughed. “Looks like you need to be taught a lesson, slut.” His face was now mere centimeters from yours, making your core absolutely ache.  
“Yes Michael.” Without a second thought, you leaned forward and connected your lips with his. A moment later your hands were tangled in his blonde curls as his tongue forced its was between your lips and under yours. He slowly crawled onto the bed and laid you onto your back, allowing your body to be fully exposed to him.You gasped as his cold hand made contact with the warm, smooth skin of your left breast. He pulled away from your lips and relocated to your neck where he instantly began to suck harshly on the sensitive skin. “Michael.” You whined and moved your hands to fondle with the button of his dress pants as you grinded your hips up against his. 
He lifted his face from the crook of your neck and gave you a look of warning. “Ah, ah, ah.” He removed your hand from his pants and brought it up above your head as well as the other one, using his large hand to keep your wrists in place. “Don’t be a needy little slut.” His words turned you on, even though they were degrading and you would usually want to punch his pretty face in any other time. “Have patience my pet, I’m going to make sure you’re all taken care of, don’t worry.” He whispered and nibbled at your earlobe. A breathy moan escaped your lips. His hand released your wrists and traveled back down to your chest, giving your right breast the attention it had been neglected. 
He kneaded the flesh and tweaked your nipple with his thumb and fore finger. He trailed hot, wet kisses from your jaw down to your other breast, swirling his tongue around the nipple and sucking bruises on the supple flesh. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, trying to resist the urge to seek out some sort of relieving friction. 
“Fuck, Michael, please!” You whimpered and ran your fingers through his hair. His blue eyes glanced up at you through hooded eyelids as he released your nipple with a loud pop. He crawled back up your body and kissed you hard. He traced the middle of your stomach down to your pubic bone, ghosting his finger tips over your core. 
You let out a moan when he barely tapped your clit, sending waves of electricity up you spine. “You like that you little slut? You like when I touch you like this?” He began rubbing slow, dramatic circles on your clit, making it hard for you to breathe. You tried to respond, but all you could manage was a frantic nod of your head. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I quite heard you.” His tone was low and mocking.
“Y-yes.” You muttered. Michael chuckled and withdrew his hand. “No, no, please Michael.” You cried. You didn’t care that you sounded needy, you were already overstimulated from before Michael even came into your room and now he was denying you a simple release. You felt tears staining your face as you pleaded with Michael. 
“Did you really think I was going to make this easy on you, pet?” He asked and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, tracing your jaw down to your neck and collar bone, his touch making you shiver. You were a whimpering, blubbering mess, not even caring if you were making a fool out of yourself. 
“Michael, please.” Your shaky hands worked at the buttons on his shirt. You managed to unbutton all the way, exposing his defined chest and abdomen. He watched you as you traced your fingers across his pecks and abs before settling at the hem of his pants. You looked up with pleading eyes, begging him to let you continue. “Please.” 
“Are you begging me?” He cockily asked, quirking an eyebrow in question.
“Yes god damn it!” You yelled, finally having enough of his attitude. “Just fuck me already you asshole!” 
His eyes darkened and he lunged forward, his face so close to yours but just barely touching. His hand was wound around your neck just enough to make a pool of wetness grace your cunt. His hot breath fanned your face and his unbuttoned shirt tickled your stomach. “I think you need to learn when and when not to talk, pet. You know I was going to let you have what you wanted but then you had to go and open up that pretty little mouth of yours.” He whispered and put more pressure on your neck. 
“I’m sorry.” You chocked out, fluttering your eyelashes at him hoping he’d finally give in and fuck you blind. But of course, Michael Langdon liked to keep things complicated. He let out a low ‘hmm’ before releasing his hold on your neck and sitting up. He quickly did away with his shirt and finally undid his pants, pulling out his hard cock, it’s tip an angry purple and leaking with pre cum. The sight had you drooling.
He looked at you as he pumped his cock a few times. He crooked his finger and beckoned you to sit up. “Come here, pretty girl. Come show me exactly how sorry you are.” You instantly sat up and crawled up to where your face was level with his cock. You took him in your small hands and stroked him up and down. You licked your lips before placing them on his tip. Your eyes fluttered close as you focused on taking him as deep as you could. It wasn’t long before you were gagging on his length. You lifted your head up a bit, relieving the gag. You bounced you head up and down, using your tongue to trace the long thick vein on the underside of his cock. 
Groans of what you assumed could only be approval escaped Micael. He laced his fingers in your hair and helped guid you. You looked up at him, seeing his furrowed eyebrows and parted lips. The sight of you on his dick like you were made him want to just throw you down and fuck you until you saw stars and the only name you could remember was his.
Spit dribbled down your chin and you felt the intense ache in your core throb as you sucked Michael with all that you had. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunted and tousled a hand in his own hair. The way he said your name only made you feel more turned on. You moaned, sending vibrations through his cock making him twitch in your mouth. “Shit.” He hissed.
Needing a breath, you pulled yourself off of him and leaned back on your heels. Michael cupped your jaw and pulled you up to his lips. He kissed you feverishly and bit your bottom lip, drawing blood. He pushed your shoulder down, forcing you to lay on your back once again. his hand traveled down to your aching heat, inserting two fingers without hesitation. 
A satisfied moan urged Michael on. He pumped his fingers in and out while simultaneously rubbing your clit. You didn’t bother trying to hold in your moans of pleasure. “Michael.” Your voice was high and needy. “I’m gonna cum.” 
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my fingers pet?” His blue eyes bore into your y/c/e ones. You nodded fervently while biting your bloody lip. His pace sped up and he scissored into you. It didn’t take long until you were cumming onto his fingers, yelling his name and a chain of curses into the room. He allowed you to ride out your high before pulling his fingers out of you and bringing them to his mouth where he sucked your juices clean. “Mmm, delicious.” He purred. 
He placed his lips on yours, allowing you to faintly taste yourself on his lips. “Michael, I need you, please. Fuck me.” Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, the ache in your core needing more than just his fingers. To your surprise, Michael didn’t say anything snarky or anything at all. His only response was rubbing the tip of his cock through your wet slit, teasing your entrance. 
He was big, you not only knew by sight but by how he felt earlier in your mouth. You were worried about the pain that was about to come, but were even more eager for the pleasure it would bring with it. As if Michael could sense your worry, he stroked your cheek gently and leaned down to your ear. “Just relax pretty girl.” He whispered before slowly thrusting into you. 
“Fuck.” You whimpered as your walls fluttered around him. He stretched you out to your limits, filling you up to perfection.
“You okay?” He demanded as he began rocking back and forth into you. You nodded and placed your hands on his shoulders, feeling a thin layer of sweat adorning his skin. You rocked your hips to meet his at his increasing pace. 
“Fuck Michael, harder.” You grunted between your moans and yelps. With a groan of acknowledgment, he snapped his hips roughly into yours. His pace was fast and rough, causing your eyes to roll back and your mind to become hazy. Michael’s grunts only added to the pleasure. “Oh my god.” You gasped as he hit a certain spot that made you see stars. “Right there, yes Michael!” You encouraged him and scraped your nails down his back. 
He hastily lifted one of your legs over his hip and rammed into your drenched cunt, hitting your g-spot over and over and over again until the coil in your belly snapped without warning. Waves of euphoria washed over you as screamed Michael’s name. It wasn’t long before Michael followed with his own orgasm, filling you up with his cum. 
Neither of you moved as you came down from the rush you both just had. Michael’s heavy breath fanned your collar bone and his sweaty body heaved above you. You lazily ran your fingers through his hair as you gradually caught your breath. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as you took in the situation you were in.
“What’s so funny?” He looked up at you and pulled out. You shifted and shook your head.
“Nothing, just surprised that just happened is all.” Michael let his own laugh out as he fell to his side.
“Well, it was only a matter of time before you gave into me.” He sighed and wiped his face with his arm. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, the lust fading and your usual feelings for the boy creeping back up. 
“Oh don’t act like you never thought about this before. Hell, I know you’ve wanted me to fuck you silly since the moment you laid eyes on me.” He said and smirked at you. Your jaw fell slack out of shock from his accusing words.  
“You don’t know shit, Michael.” You shot back. He propped himself up on his elbow and quirked an eyebrow. 
“Oh and you do?” You rolled your eyes and shook your head. 
“Get out of my room Michael.” You sighed. 
“Whatever you want, slut.” He winked at you before getting up and retrieving his clothes. You tried to not watch him dress himself but you found it hard to ignore the sight. Once he was fully clothed, he grabbed the sheets from the floor where he threw them earlier, and tossed them on your bed. “See ya later Y/N.” He smirked and opened the door. “If you ever want a round two, you’ll know where to find me.” 
Before you could say anything else he left the room and shut the door with a loud bang. You groaned and rolled onto your back, rubbing a hand down your face. You laughed and sighed. “Oh Michael Langdon, what are you doing to me?”
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babyboy-cody · 5 years
under my commands*
PAIRING: Michael/Male!Reader/Gallant
SUMMARY: Being a little pet to the Antichrist has it pros and cons. There’s very little rules in exceeding the pleasure aspect of the relationship. But the main rule is to always follow commands.
WARNINGS: sslloowww burn, degradation, choking, face slapping, hair pulling, spit swallowing, COLLARS AND LEASHES, pet play, spanking (with hand and belt), overstimulation, anal sex, humiliation kink, threesomes, oral
A/N: THIS IS MY VERY FRIST ATTEMPT AT WRITING AN ALL MALE THREESOME!! I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF IT’S COMPLETE SHIT 😭😭🙈 holy crap i didn’t realize i wrote so much!! 🥴 i’m so proud,,,,
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There hasn’t been a day that went by where time moved impressively quick. Being trapped inside a dimly lit building for days on end does take a toll. The constant music playing on repeat, the same old dinner, the same Victorian outfits: nothing is ever different. Outpost 3 wasn’t entirely the worst. The area was spacious with a copious amount of rooms and halls. It’s been almost a week, or maybe more, since they’ve arrived at Outpost 3. Venable instructed for everyone to be patient and wait. Wait for what exactly?
Y/N sighs and leans against the velvet couch with one leg crossed over the other. The record player is on low as the same old record plays. The others in the room are practically emotionless as they do what Venable says. Y/N took his time to observe everyone. There was Coco, a highly annoying woman of the upper class. Timothy, an exceptionally handsome young man, although reserved and respectful. Emily, a soft spoken young girl with darker skin. Dinah, a strong minded woman with such confidence and intelligence. Andre, Dinah’s strapping son who is also exceptionally handsome. Evie, the older woman of the group who looks surprisingly beautiful for her age. And finally her grandson. Y/N never got his name so he mentally calls him by his last: Gallant.
Gallant was incredibly gorgeous. From his platinum blonde hair, to his piercing brown eyes. Everything about him screamed confidence. Y/N immediately got a vibe from him when Gallant first spoke. It took everything in Y/N to not smile at the obvious sexuality preference. When he found out that Gallant worked as a talented hairdresser, he couldn’t help but think the occupation went well with his persona.
Today was different. Venable told everyone that a guest would be coming to interview them to see if they’re fit for the sanctuary. Y/N was undeniably nervous. He sunk further into the couch and sighed quietly. He rolled his neck and shoulders to ease the tension. There was loud chatter between Coco and Dinah. Y/N could see Gallant rolling his eyes as he sits beside his grandmother. Y/N hides his smile and goes to stand.
“Where are you going?” Coco suddenly asks out loud, casting everyone’s attention on him. “The uptight bitch told us to wait here.”
“I’m walking around for a bit. Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” Y/N bites back.
Y/N finds himself standing inside a spacious library. Books upon books lined incredibly large shelves that covered every room. There were two large tables with leather chairs on either side. Y/N takes a step closer and pulls out a dark green book with gold lettering.
“Ouch,” he hears Gallant mumble as he walks out of the room and turns the corner to walk down the long hallway.
“Never imagined you to be a book nerd,” he hears from the doorway.
Y/N gasps and turns around, pressing his back against the shelf with his hand against his frantically beating heart. Gallant stands there with a smirk on his pink lips, arms crossed over his styled purple coat that contains zero wrinkles. The blonde man walks around the large oak table to stand in front of Y/N.
“It’s better than being someone like Coco,” he says.
“Snap, crackle, and pop!” Gallant laughs, crinkles forming at the corner of his almond eyes.
They suddenly become quiet. Y/N’s all too aware of Gallant’s eyes roaming up and down his form. He thumbs the spine of the vintage book and holds it closer to his chest.
“So, um, why’d you leave?” Y/N asks him.
Gallant shrugs. “Figured I’d come talk to you and see what you’re really about.”
“What do you mean?” Y/N cocks his head to the side in confusion and furrows his brows.
“Come on,” Gallant chuckles. “I got a major vibe coming from you the minute I saw you. It’s no secret. I’m still wondering if the others have noticed it by now.”
“N–Notice what? Gallant…what are you talking about?” Y/N shuffles and feels his cheeks heat up from the sudden close proximity, their chests only inches away.
Gallant grins and swipes his tongue across his top lip. His hands are on either side of the other male as he stares him down, not bothering to hide his attraction and sexual desire for him. He leans in close so their noses are brushing lightly against one another.
“We’re the same,” Gallant gravelly whispers, pressing his hard chest against Y/N’s. “You like a good dicking down, don’t you? I’m not afraid to be the one who will give it to you. Let me guess – you’re a bottom, right?”
Y/N lets out a shaky exhale as Gallant chuckles while biting his bottom lip, one hand slowly sliding between their bodies to pull the book free from Y/N’s impossibly tight grip. He sets it aside and looks into his hazy eyes, becoming aware of the newfound heat surrounding both men.
“Is it true?” Gallant tilts his head to the side. “You like a good dick fucking you so good?”
Y/N licks his lips as he stares at Gallant’s mouth, completely mesmerized at the sensual wetness coating his lips from his pink tongue. He opens his mouth to respond, but quickly gets cut off by the sound of a woman clearing her throat abruptly. Gallant sharply turns around and sees Venable standing at the doorway, one hand tightly grasping her cane as her stare on both men is filled with fire.
“Gentlemen, shouldn’t you be in the great hall with the others?” Venable asks, her tone brash and high.
“We were just looking for a good book to read,” Gallant tells her and looks at Y/N for assurance as he receives a nod from the latter. “Do you guys have any Cosmopolitan magazines?”
“When I give you an order, I expect you to follow it. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Gallant? I’m speaking to you as well, Mr. Y/L/N,” Venable sternly tells them as if she’s scolding a child, and it makes both men desperately want to laugh.
“You have our word, Ms. Venable,” Gallant nods as he grabs Y/N’s hand to walk out of the library.
Venable stands completely still and stares at their backs as they leave. When they disappear around the corner, Y/N couldn’t keep his laugh inside much longer and leans against Gallant for leverage. They both laugh and press their backs on the wall. Y/N realizes that his hand is still clasped in Gallant’s. He slowly pulls away and clears his throat, a light blush coating his cheeks.
“We should probably get back,” Y/N mumbles as he avoids Gallant’s wandering eyes.
“Remember what I said,” Gallant tells him with a smirk, a hand brushing across his tense stomach as he walks by.
Y/N watches as he goes, eyes wide and lips parted at Gallant’s words. His body relaxes his body, letting out a long breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. His slacks are undeniably tight as he looks down at his large bulge. He rests his head back on the wall with his eyes closed and tries to regulate his breathing.
What just happened, he thinks.
When he enters the great hall, everyone is sitting in their seats. Y/N sees an open space beside Gallant and sits closer to him than usual, their thighs tightly pressed together. He suddenly becomes aware of a different body in the room. When they make eye contact, Y/N feels as though his breath was taken away, a familiar knot forming in his stomach.
The man stands taller and oozes domination. His hands are behind his back and he barely moves. His eyes are piercing and his skin glows from the fire. His silky hair is long and golden, not a strand out of place. He has a small smirk on his incredibly plump lips as he takes note of Y/N’s awestruck expression and his sped up breathing.
“Now that everyone is here, let’s get started,” he spoke, his voice low and drawn out. “My name is Langdon and I represent The Cooperative. I've been assigned to evaluate the people here and select the ones most worthy of survival. I could take all of you, or none of you. Those who make it live. Those who don't, end up like my horses. I will be constructing interviews to get to know all of you better. Starting with…you.”
All eyes land of Y/N as Langdon stares him down. His heart stutters as he chokes on his small gasp. His cheeks flushed from the sudden attention casted down to him. Langdon leaves without another word, and Y/N slowly stands to follow him out. When he leaves the great hall, he’s met with nothing. His brows furrow as he looks around to see where Langdon must’ve went.
“Over here,” he hears from down a long hallway.
Maybe Langdon read his thoughts. Y/N swallows nervously and clears his throat to follow Langdon into a large office–like room that has a large desk with two chairs on the other side. There’s a large fireplace in the middle of the wall; that being the only source of light. Langdon is already sat behind his desk, an open file in his hands. Y/N takes a seat and crosses one leg over the other, bobbing his foot up and down in a nervous manner.
“Y/N Y/L/N. Born and raised in Santa Monica. Occupation: writer. Mother and father are both born into wealth,” Michael reads out loud as he scans the young man’s file. “Tell me why I should choose you to be in the sanctuary.”
Y/N clears his throat and interlocks his fingers to hold ont his knee. He wavers under Langdon’s intense and unmoving gaze.
“I can lead and take control of someone’s not strong enough to handle pressure. But I can always follow orders and work cooperatively. I pay attention to detail and make sure things are perfect. I also don’t take shit from anyone,” Y/N tells him sincerely.
Langdon hums and tenderly presses the tips of his ring clad fingers to his chin. He’s quiet as he stares at Y/N up and down.
“What was the charade that happened between you and Gallant in the library? It seems like you didn’t follow Ms. Venable’s orders,” Langdon suddenly says with a teasing tone.
Y/N’s eyes widen. Heat spreads from his collarbones to the tips of his ears. He shuffles in his seat and grips his knee tighter. His throat suddenly becomes dry and he nervously licks his lips. Langdon raises his eyebrows and slowly stands. He crosses around the desk and sits on the edge directly in front of Y/N, his crotch in line of sight.
“Well? Don’t keep me waiting,” Langdon draws out.
“How did you know?” Y/N shyly asks. “Did Ms. Venable tell you? I–I’m sorry, Mr. Langdon. I was just trying to f–find a decent book to read and Gallant happened to come in at the same time an–and make little conversation with me. Nothing happened. I swear on my–”
Langdon lazily lifts his hand and Y/N immediately stops his nervous rambling. He holds his breath and avoids Langdon’s eyes.
“I know everything. I have eyes everywhere. I know when you’re lying. I know when you’re trying to trick me,” Langdon slowly stands and walks around Y/N before bending down, his breath hitting his ear. “I know when you’re desperate to be fucked.”
Y/N’s eyes snap open from when they softly closed when he first felt Langdon’s breath on his neck. He chokes on a gasp as he feels a hand trailing up his arm, fingertips lightly brushing the nape of his sensitive neck. Y/N shivers and lets out a soft moan as he feels Langdon’s cool rings on his heated and goosebump covered skin. Both hands are now grasping his shoulders, thumbs digging into his muscles.
“Isn’t that true?” Langdon asks, lips so close to Y/N’s ear that they’re brushing against his lobe just slightly.
“Yes,” Y/N gasps softly, not even bothering to lie. “It’s true. All of it.”
“Hmm…” Langdon hums lowly as he slowly steps away, hands lingering for a moment. “Interesting.”
“W–What’s gonna happen now? Are you going to ban me from the sanctuary for liking men? Are you going to kill me?” Y/N quietly asks, his heart thundering in his ribcage at how quiet Langdon seemed.
“That won’t be necessary,” Langdon says and makes his way back behind his desk. “You’re special. I can tell who you really are. You intrigue me.”
“I–I do?” Y/N asks, brows furrowing and head tilting like a confused puppy, the action making Langdon bite back a smile. “How?”
Langdon simply smiles and opens a different file, lazily waving his hand at Y/N.
“Your interview is over. Tell Ms. Venable to bring in Mr. Gallant. Thank you,” he says, a small grin on his lips.
“O–Okay, um, thanks?” Y/N says softly and stands from the hard leather chair, straightening the purple vest that adorns his upper body.
Y/N carefully make shis way to the closed door, making sure his weak legs don’t give out on him. His hand is on the brass knob and he turns it to the left, but Langdon’s voice stops him.
“Oh, and Y/N,” Langdon calls out without looking up from Gallant’s file. “We’ll be seeing each other more often. And the name’s Michael.”
It’s been like that for nearly a month. Conversations between Y/N and Michael seemed to grow longer as well as the lingering touches the blonde would give. Y/N seemed to have gotten more comfortable around Michael and less reserved. He’s more open about his sexuality and attraction towards the leader. His offending thoughts always made him blush and the smirk Michael would send him speaks loud and clear.
They’re currently in Michael’s office with a chess board between them on the desk. Michael was close to winning with only one more piece to steal from Y/N. It’s quiet, except for the cackling fire next to them. Y/N watches Michael’s fingers wiggle with anticipation as he thinks about his next move. Y/N always notices every little tic and he smiles each time.
“Can I ask you a question?” Y/N asks him after another minute of silence.
“If it’s about me allowing you to cheat, then no,” Michael says without looking up from the board.
“No,” Y/N laughs and shakes his head as he rests his chin in his hand, cheeks containing a light pink hue as Michael’s eyes glance up into his. “D–Do you…like men?”
“Like men how?” Michael questions, the game now forgotten as he leans forward, crossing his hands in front of him.
“Like…sexually. Do you see yourself being with…a man?” Y/N awkwardly asks, squirming from the heat and intensity of Michael’s gaze.
The blonde lets out a loud laugh and leans back in his seat. He tilts his head to the side and hums.
“Does the idea arouse you?” Michael suddenly asks, the question catching Y/N off guard, causing his eyes to widen and his face to flush red.
“Um,” he clears his throat and shuffles in his seat.
Michael chuckles deeply and begins to clear the table of the chess board and pawns. Y/N stifles a small laugh and looks down at his hands. He suddenly hears movement behind him, and he looks over his shoulder to see Michael towering over him.
“You should go back to your room now. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and need to discuss some things with you and the others,” Michael says with professionalism in his voice.
Y/N clears his throat for the umpteenth time and stands up, nearly pressing his chest to Michael’s since the blonde doesn’t bother to move away. He walks around him and heads for the door, one hand grasping the knob, ready to leave Michael’s intense and unwavering stare on his back.
“Oh, and Y/N,” Michael calls out before he can leave. “We’ll be seeing each other very soon.”
Y/N blushes at the teasing smile Michael wears and hurried out the door, slamming it shut behind him. He makes his way down the agonizingly long hallway, trying to regulate his heavy breathing and the growing bulge in his dark pants. Without even realizing it as he’s so deep in his thoughts, he’s already at his room. Y/N hurried inside and presses his back against the door, head tilted back with his eyes shut.
“It’s about damn time you showed up,” he hears the familiar voice of Gallant from across the room.
Y/N’s eyes shot open as he lets out a surprised gasp. Gallant lays across the bed, head propped up in his hand with his elbow resting on the bed. He lays completely shirtless with a pair of tight fitting boxers resting just below his navel. Y/N’s mouth waters at the sight and he can’t help but let out a small moan.
“What’re you waiting for, tiger?” Gallant seductively says and makes a come hither motion with his finger on his free hand. “I’m hungry.”
Y/N feels hypnotized as he pushes himself off the door and walks to Gallant with tingling legs and a heavy heart. His eyes trail up and down Gallant’s pale, smooth torso. There’s evident muscles and softness in all the right places, and he can tell the platinum blonde is eating up the attention.
Y/N takes off his sleek black shoes and begins to unbutton his purple vest with shaking fingers. He fumbles and curses under his breath. Gallant laughs lowly and sits up on his knees. His face is so close to Y/N’s that they can feel each other’s breath on their lips. The room suddenly gets ten degrees hotter. There’s a pleasant flush to their cheeks as Gallant yanks the vest free from Y/N’s upper body. With eagerness and an animalistic mindset, Gallant rips open Y/N’s dress shirt, buttons flying across the floor. Y/N gasps as he’s suddenly brought into a messy kiss that’s filled with desperate tongue and clashing teeth.
Y/N blindly shrugs off his shirt and grabs Gallant’s face, eagerly sucking on his tongue and biting his lips. Gallant groans and wraps his arms tight around the younger man to throw him on the bed. Y/N stares up at him with hazy eyes, swollen lips, and inflamed cheeks. Gallant rests himself between Y/N’s thighs and quickly works to pull down his tight pants. Y/N lets out a strangled groan from the pressure being released off his hard cock.
“You have such a nice cock,” Gallant smirks and hastily pulls down Y/N’s boxers.
“J–Just nice?” Y/N pants and throws his head back when Gallant wraps a hand around his cock to slowly jerk him off.
“Best I’ve ever seen since the Santa Monica street fair,” Gallant laughs lowly and rests an arm above Y/N’s head to stare down at him with dark eyes. “God, you’re so fucking hot.”
Y/N eagerly pulls him down for another sloppy kiss. The hand around his cock starts jerking faster, his fist tightening as he reaches his swollen tip. Y/N lets out a small whine and throws his head back, panting heavily as Gallant kisses and bites his neck and collarbones.
“You’re such a bottom,” Gallant groans.
“Fuck me,” Y/N whines and wraps his thighs tighter around Gallant’s waist so their cocks rub together. “Please, I’m begging you.”
“Shouldn’t you be on your knees then?” Both men hear from inside the room.
Y/N gasps and pushes Gallant away, quickly grabbing the covers to hide his naked body. Gallant clears his throat nervously at the sight of Michael, but the sex animal in his eyes doesn’t falter one bit. Michael has his arms behind his back as he stares them down back and forth, face completely void of emotion.
“We were just…um…” Gallant started to say, but gets cut off by Michael’s hand lifting to stop him from saying anything else.
“Are you that eager to be fucked, Y/N? Is your hand not enough that you practically weep for someone to fill up your aching hole?” Michael questions him, taking slow steps towards the two that sit tense on the bed. “Answer me, you desperate little slut.”
“Y–Yes sir,” Y/N whispers, clutching the blankets tighter against his bare chest when Michael stands a mere foot away from their feet. “But-”
“Show me,” Michael demands, eyes cold and dark.
“Wha–What?” Y/N stares at him as if the blonde grew three heads.
“Show me how desperate you are for some cock,” he repeats, a slow smirk spreading on his lips.
Y/N hesitantly lowers the covers and sits on his knees, one hand reaching out for Michael’s pants. The latter had other plans and grasped his wrist in a vice grip. Y/N winces.
“Not on me,” Michael lowly tells him.
Y/N feels his heart plummet to the bottom of his fucking asshole. He looks at Gallant who sits there, not knowing what to do but always waiting for what Michael wants him to do. Both men stare at each other. Y/N finds himself leaning into Gallant’s side, his eyes closed and his lips parted. When their lips meet, they let out small groans. Y/N’s hand trails down Gallant’s stomach to shove his hand inside his boxers, grabbing at his hard cock. He slowly moves his hand up and down, making sure to twist around the tip as precum oozes out and slides down the base, making it easier for Y/N. He sits on his knees between Gallant’s thighs and pulls away from the steamy kiss, a string of saliva connecting their swollen lips. Michael stands like a statue as he observes the two men.
“Suck my cock,” Gallant hisses and hastily pulls down his own boxers, blindly throwing them to the ground, not caring if they landed near or on Michael’s planted feet. “Fuck!”
Y/N’s lips are wrapped around the pink mushroomed tip. His tongue swirls lazy circles as he licks and swallows down the precum. One hand is wrapped around the thick base as the other rests on Gallant’s stomach. He feels the muscles clench as he lowers his head to swallow every single inch. Y/N closes his eyes as he gags lightly around Gallant’s cock. He feels two hands grasping his short hair. He lets out a muffled moan and bobs his head faster, desperately wanting to taste Gallant’s cum.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Gallant moans and throws his head back against the pillows, hips jerking up into Y/N’s mouth.
“That’s enough,” Michael demands.
Y/N immediately stops and pulls up from Gallant’s wet cock with a slurp. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks at Michael nervously, stomach in tight knots with his heart thundering against his ribcage.
“Oh, come on!” Gallant complains.
“Enough,” Michael glares at him. He looks at Y/N. “Get on your knees for me.”
Y/N chokes on a breath. Gallant swallows down a moan as he watches Michael palm his growing bulge that’s pressing against his black pants. Y/N feels as though he’s stuck in a trance as he watches Michael with an awe filled expression. He slips off the bed slowly and sits himself on his knees. The cold floor is hard against his sensitive skin. Y/N places his hands on the ground between his spread thighs. He looks up at Michael through his long lashes and parts his lips in anticipation.
“Bark for me,” Michael commands and slips his leather belt free from the loops. “Show me what a good little puppy you are.”
Y/N’s cheeks flush with embarrassment as hears Gallant laugh from his spot on the bed. Michael doesn’t spare him a glance as he holds the belt in his hands.
“W–Woof,” Y/N mumbles shyly, breathing speeding up just the slightest as Michael slowly walks around him.
He couldn’t see what was happening. His fingers trembles with nerves as his stomach erupted in millions of butterflies. His cheeks burned as he hears Michael hum from behind.
“Louder,” Michael commands.
“Woof!” Y/N whines.
Suddenly, he sees the black belt in his line of vision as it goes over his head. His eyes widen as he feels the thick strap wrap around his neck tightly. His skin burned as it pinched him when Michael made it tighter. Y/N lets out a choked gasp and moans pitifully.
“Is that too tight for you, my little needy pup?” Michael coos and yanks the belt back with enough force to make Y/N cough.
“N–No sir,” he brokenly whispers.
“Good boy,” Michael grins and grabs the end of the belt, lightly tugging in the opposite direction. “Come on, little puppy. Follow your master.”
Y/N hears Gallant moan, and he hears the slick sounds of him jerking his cock. Y/N moves his right hand forward, followed by his right knee. Then his left hand moved forward, followed by his left knee. He crawled like a little puppy and whimpered when Michael yanked the belt, the leather tightening around his sensitive throat.
“Good boy,” Michael praises, causing a fiery blush to spread on Y/N’s cheeks.
The makeshift collar rubbed his skin raw as he continued to crawl after Michael. His knees ached and his arms shook under his weight. Y/N lets out a quiet whine as his heavy cock hangs between his thighs.
“What was that? I didn’t quite hear you,” Michael spoke lowly and knelt down in front of the young man on his hands and knees obediently.
“Please,” Y/N whispers in a strangled voice.
“Get on the bed,” Michael gravelly commands and stands up straight without dropping the belt.
Y/N eagerly crawls onto the bed, settling himself back between Gallant’s milky thighs. His cock was leaking heavily as he furiously worked his fist over the wet base.
“Wag your little tail for me,” Michael says and strokes a cold hand up and down Y/N’s back, his rings causing goosebumps to erupt on his skin.
Y/N bites his lip and stares into Gallant’s eyes as he wiggles his ass from side to side. Both blondes let out a low groan from such an innocent action. Y/N lets out a quiet giggle and buries his face against the covers. His whines are muffled as Michael’s hands stroke his ass cheeks, squeezing and scratching at the plump flesh.
“Does the little pup like to be rubbed? Hm?” Michael asks and roughly digs his fingers into Y/N’s skin. “Answer your master.”
“Yes!” Y/N cries out as his cock begins to leak onto the covers. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“Of course you do,” Gallant comments breathlessly as a light sheen of sweat coats his pale skin. “You’re such a bottom.”
“Enough of that,” Michael says and lands a harsh smack to Y/N’s right cheek, letting out a loud groan as he watches the flesh jiggle.
Y/N squeals and grabs Gallant’s thighs tightly, the latter moaning as nails are being dug into his skin. He does love the pain. Michael lands a smack to the other cheek, then another, and another, and another. This goes on for a full minute. Y/N’s cheeks are a hot shade of pink. There’s a small imprint from Michael’s chunky rings. Michael feels satisfied as he hears Y/N’s shaky cries and hiccuping sobs. The pain spreads through his lower half as Michael gently massages the warm flesh.
“Mm,” Y/N whimpers and pushes back onto his hands, toes curling and lips parting. “Feels good.”
“Yeah?” Michael whispers. “What about here?”
Michael swipes his thumb over Y/N’s clenching hole. He lightly dips his thumb inside, grinning sadistically as Y/N lets out a pained whimpered from the lack of lube or any form of wetness. Michael leans down and swipes his hot tongue over Y/N’s fluttering hole. Both men let out a loud moan. Michael circles his tongue around the puckered rim and leaves a sloppy kiss, saliva dripping down to Y/N’s full balls.
Michael suddenly grabs Y/N’s hips and forcefully turns him onto his back. The blonde male reaches down to unbuttons his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers as they pool at his ankles. Y/N stares up at him through bleary eyes and lets out a small mewl as Michael rubs his thick tip up and down Y/N’s dripping hole.
“You want this?” Michael emphasizes as he slowly pushes an inch inside, and Y/N eagerly nods and grabs Gallant’s legs for leverage. “Answer me, pup.”
“I want it! I want it so, so, so bad, sir. Please. Give it to me. Please, please, ple– AAHH!!” Y/N screams out as Michael pushes his cock inside in one brutal thrust.
His thighs clap against the young man under him roughly. Michael grits his teeth and clenches his jaw at the overwhelming tightness surrounding his cock. He feels a drop of sweat sliding down his temple before it disappears under his chin. Y/N’s eyes are unfocused and filled with tears as he garbles and gasps for breath. Michael doesn’t stop his ruthless fucking and quickly removes the belt from around Y/N’s neck, quickly replacing the leather with his large hand.
“Is this what you wanted, you pathetic little slut?” Michael growls and pants heavily as Y/N squirms under him.
“Um…g–guys…” Gallant moans breathlessly, but neither of them listen as they’re lost in their own world.
Michael raises up and lands a harsh smack across Y/N’s face, his cheek turning an angry shade of red as Michael does it again to the other. Y/N squeals and throws his head back as the tingling in his stomach grows and gets stronger. His eyes cross and his hips back against Michael’s.
Michael grabs a handful of his short strands and harshly tugs, briefly shaking the trembling man’s head to coax him to open his eyes. And when he does, he stares up at an orgasmic face.
“Michael,” he weakly whispers, his voice cracking as a tear rolls down his warm cheeks. “Please…”
The blonde grins and grabs Y/N’s jaw, squeezing to the point of pain. And when the latter lets out a small noise of discomfort, Michael leans down until their noses brush together. His lips purse as he releases a warm wad of spit into Y/N’s mouth.
“Swallow,” Michael commands and forcefully shuts Y/N’s mouth.
He does as he’s told and swallows down Michael’s saliva. He lets out a small whine as the man speeds his thrusts. He reaches back to grab a handful of the covers as more tears roll down his cheeks.
“God!!” He squeals.
“No,” Michael growls and tightens his hand around the poor boy’s throat. “He’s not here, little one. I am.”
Y/N lets out a final scream and cums all over his stomach. His orgasm is drawn out as his body jerks and shakes under Michael’s grip. He can barely hear as oxygen fails to enter his brain. His thighs are shaking so much as Michael releases any anger into his thrusts. His cock is hitting every spot that makes Y/N squeal like a little pig.
Gallant is suddenly sitting up onto his knees, his hand still jerking his cock at the same time as Michael’s thrusting. He brings his mushroomed tip close to Y/N’s parted lips, the younger man opening them wider to slip his cock inside his mouth. Y/N lets out a drowsy moan and curls his toes as he feels another impending orgasm. His body is on fire. Everything feels too much yet not enough. He’s aware of Gallant’s cock in his mouth and he’s so desperate to swallow down some warm cum. Michael grunts like a wild beast and yanks Y/N’s head by his hair to push him further up onto Gallant’s cock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Gallant moans and throws his head back to the ceiling, hands grabbing Y/N’s head to fuck into his mouth. “Ooohhh!!
He shoots his cum down Y/N’s eager throat. He lets out a shaky laugh and lays back on the bed, his breathing heavy and body humming. Michael lets out a final rough moan and presses his cock so deep inside Y/N, that it makes the submissive boy squeal like a girl before he came on his stomach again. Michael releases his hot cum inside Y/N’s tightening hole and wraps his hand around his red cock. Y/N recoils and quickly grabs Michael’s wrist, frantically shaking his head no as he hiccups and sobs from the sensitivity.
Michael tilts his head and watches him as he furiously jerks his hand over the enflamed and swollen tip. Y/N falls back and arches his back so high that it impressed both Michael and Gallant. He shrieks and shoots his final load onto his cum covered stomach. He falls back and shuts his heavy lids. He lets out a meek whine and covers his eyes with his arm as Michael slowly pulls out of his gaping hole. The blonde chuckles deeply and swipes his thumb around it, coaxing the hole to clench around nothing.
“You did good, pup,” Michael praises and rubs his hands up and down the curve of Y/N’s hips.
“Th–Thank you,” he shyly and drowsily says, barely able to keep his eyes open.
Michael looks over at Gallant and raises his brows as the short haired blonde send him a sexual look. Michael grabs his belt, folds the leather, and pulls it taut so a loud snap! can be heard. Y/N whimpers and subconsciously flinches from the noise. Michael hushes him quietly and strokes his hand over his quivering thigh.
“Get on your stomach, Gallant,” Michael orders quietly. “Arms pressed at your sides with your head straight. I don’t want you moving or looking at me. Is that clear?”
Gallant eagerly nods and gets into position. His heart speeds up as he feels Michael forcefully spread his legs. He grips onto the covers in anticipation. He sends a brief look to Y/N and sees the boy is still in a hazy state of mind. A loud smack! can be heard as Michael swings the belt down hard onto Gallant’s bare ass. The receiving male lets out a loud moan and shuts his eyes as the pain sends shocks of arousal to his hardening cock. Michael does it again, and again, and again, and again – each hit getting increasingly harder. After almost five minutes of the abuse, Gallant’s ass was covered in thick welts. Red, purple, and blue littered his pale white skin. He’s shaking and moaning into the covers, cock heavy and leaking.
“C–Can you just fuck me already?!” He grows impatient.
Michael laughs and tosses the belt to the side. His pulls up his boxers and pants, slowly buttoning them as he slides his belt back through the hoops. He stands between Gallant’s spread legs and leans in close until his crotch is nestled between Gallant’s cheeks. His head is close to his ear, and lets out a low breath, sending heat around Gallant’s neck. The short haired blonde lets out a moan and bucks into Michael’s crotch.
“Please, fuck me,” Gallant moans.
Michael presses his lips to Gallant’s ear and speaks incredibly low, his voice gravelly and his tone condescending. “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on earth.”
@lathraios @satcnas @heda-mikaelson @queencocoakimmie @hecohansen31 @hplotrfan @cocosfern @masterlaluri
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dyns33 · 4 years
Outpost Mikey x grey reader Everytime she around him she always stuttering and can’t function right bc she really likes him a lot,Mikey starts to notice and he always read her thoughts and found out she really likes him and other stuff she thinks about him. At the end Mikey confront her about everything ❤️
Aaaah Michael and a grey again ! I decided to do some angst this time =p 
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       She was his favourite toy, (Y/N) was quite sure of that. He liked to see her so nervous, so embarrassed when she was near him, incapable to move, to talk, to think. He liked to torture her, passing by her without touching her, but almost. He liked to let her watch him, before turning his head quickly to her, meeting her gaze and giving her a cruel mocking smile while she was looking away, ashamed that he caught her. Since his arrival, Michael Langdon was a real obsession for her. The man was the most beautiful being she ever saw. The word "breathtaking" was only a word for her before, but now she understood what it meant. Just seeing his back, his long legs, his thin shape, his shoulders, his hair... It was too much for her. And if he was facing her, it was worst. How could someone be so handsome ? He was not human, it was not possible. Mr. Langdon seemed pleased when she was thinking that, shaking near him like a scared prey.
           "Am I making you nervous little grey ?" he was asking her every time they met, with his low voice.
           "I... Uh... Ye... Yes. Sir."
           "Oh. But you have no reason to be scared by me, sweet girl. Why would I hurt such an adorable little thing ?"
Why ? Good question. Because he could ? Because she would let him ? (Y/N) would do anything for him, that was scaring her as much as his beauty, and at the same time she didn't think she was worthy of serving him. Of being in the same room as him. Nobody was. Michael Langdon knew that very well and he was having fun with Venable, with the residents of the Outpost, with the other greys, making them believe that they were important for him, that he cared about their fate, that he wanted to save them. She couldn't tell why, but (Y/N) knew it was a lie. Behind his beautiful eyes, she saw something. Multiples things. She saw solitude, sorrow, envy, anger. Exceptional people, even more when they were handsome like him, were lonely. They couldn't trust anyone. Because, even if nobody was worthy of them, that didn't mean they didn't wanted some company. That could explain the dark shadows she also witnessed, hidden in the back of his soul. (Y/N) wanted to do something to help Mr. Langdon, but it was not her place as a grey, and since she was incapable of articulating a coherent sentence without stammering, it would be complicated. She was clearly not the best company. But at least she was entertaining, in this boring Outpost. It was still a bit hard to endure the stare of Michael Langdon on her, something she was dreaming of, but not like this, not because she was funny and stupid, but because he would want her, like she wanted him. (Y/N) slapped herself when she thought such silly things.
           "He will never want you, idiot. You are a poor grey, you are going to die here. Enjoy the chance you have to admire him from afar before this time comes. Then he will go back to the Sanctuary and he will forget about you."
           "How could I forget a sweet thing like you ?"
(Y/N) jumped, totally panicked. As always, Michael Langdon had appeared behind her, without making a noise, and he had heard her saying such absurdities. If he was not already mocking her, he had all the reason to now. But he didn't. Yes, he was smiling, but this time it was a sweet smile.
           "Still nervous ? Was I ever mean to you ? Didn't your hear what I did to the others ?"
           "You... Sir, I don't think you will ever waste your time with me, even to have fun."
           "Indeed, that's what you think. You're thinking a lot, little grey. You seems to believe that you can guess what I want."
           "I will never do that, Sir. I don't know what you want."
           "But you think you do. You think I don't care about you, you think you are nothing to me. You think I'm going to let you here to die. Maybe I should, since you want it so bad. Or I should do something else. What are you dreaming of in your bed ? I don't remember, could you tell me ?"
Oh, the mean man. (Y/N) was terribly embarrassed by her fantasies, shared by the whole Outpost. All the residents were hoping to see him in their room, in their bed. To have him, and let him have them. She couldn't deny that she was attract to him, but she would never dare to ask. To move. She was not worthy.
           "You are thinking again." he sneered.
           "I'm sorry. It was inappropriate. I know that you would never..."
           "And you are sure to know what I will do again. Careful sweet girl, I could get upset by it, I'm not so easy to read."
Upsetting him was the last thing she wanted, so she just stopped talking, lowering her eyes, biting her lips. Slowly, he put his hand on her cheek, and her tears flowed when she felt his touch, because it was his touch, his hand on her, but also because nobody had touch her tenderly since the end of the world, and even before.
           "Shh. Don't cry little grey. I will give you want you want."
           "No." she sobbed, trying to move back." I... Please, don't play with me. Please. Yes, I want you, but I want more, and at the same I don't want it. I don't deserve it. Please, don't hurt me."
           "Oh, my sweet darling. I know all this. Your soul is shaking just like your body when you see me. So cute, so pure. Knowing your place. I think I will keep you."
She was indeed his favourite toy. It was not her that he loved, but the way she was looking at him. How she admired him. Michael was pleased to have such an attentive and loyal audience, who knew that he was not human, that he was better, in everything, that she would never have him, unless he decided against it. His smiles, his touches, his words were like sugar to make the sour treatment acceptable. (Y/N) knew all that. But she didn't care, waiting, hoping, praying for him to come and play again with her body and fragile little heart.
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antichristsxbox · 4 years
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Summary: Michael Langdon is a new transfer student at your college. You’re lab partners and you guys end up going out on a date together. 
From the writer: Hey guys! I had a lot of fun writing this and I really hope you like it. Huge shoutout to @jocelynscloset for proofreading this for me. If you enjoyed this, all likes and reblogs are appreciated + check out more things I’ve written on my masterlist! 
Word count: 3,450
Your first week of classes seemed to go by smoothly. Reviewing the syllabi and becoming accustomed to your new classrooms was exciting. Campus is beautiful. Spanish moss hangs down on oak tree branches that dip so low, you could sit on them. Perched on a branch, you pull your planner from your backpack and check off the items you’ve already completed. Rays poking through branches surround you, but you’re still shielded from most of the sunlight by the thick leaves. 
After reviewing your tasks and reading over your notes for a bit, you decide to get up and go to the sushi restaurant on-campus. Sitting alone at your table, you spread your backpack and books out in hopes that information learned earlier could travel by osmosis. 
“Is this seat taken?”
A handsome man meets your gaze when you look up to see who inquires. You shake your head no, and he pulls out the chair to take a seat; he’s wearing an olive green sweatshirt with your school’s name on it, and he’s awfully cute. 
“I’m Michael Langdon,” he says, soft smile on his face as he reaches his hand out to shake yours.
“Y/n y/l/n,” you reply as you catch his firm grasp. His blue eyes are the color of the sky earlier today, not a cloud to be seen in this gorgeous August weather. 
“So, Michael, what do you study?” you ask as you move your belongings to your side of the table. Michael is here studying pre-medicine, as you are as well. He transferred here from Los Angeles, he explains. The science programs here at school have ultimately brought him to New Orleans, although he has friends that live here as well. You exchange numbers with Michael and add each other’s contact so you could study together sometime. The conversation carries on until you’ve finished your second roll of sushi, and you finally depart with him after swiping your meal card (real money doesn’t exist on-campus). 
Michael explains he’s headed to go meet up with a friend at The Bayou, a bar in the French Quarter that boasts a bright neon sign and outrageously cheap drinks, as well as a laissez-faire bouncer that accepts cash in place of an ID that says you’re 21.
The streetcar is situated right in front of campus. It leaves at every half-hour and at the top of every hour. You show him the way near the front of campus, and he eagerly walks over to the first one he sees.
“You’re going the wrong direction, mon cher,” you call out, before he’s able to step inside. You explain that the streetcar going to the left is the one that stops in the French Quarter, and the one on the right takes you further uptown. He thanks you, leaves you with a brief hug, and is on his way to the Quarter before you could say ‘bye.’
Monday blues are certainly present, as you’re dreading getting up for your 8am. Your first class is Microbiology, your favorite. But damn, it’s early. Preparing for the day is easy, though. Belongings— gathered. Notes— taken. Face— washed. A shadow of doubt washes over you if you’ve remembered to complete all of your work before this class, but you remember filling out the pre-lab on Friday. It should be alright. You quickly shove your binder in your backpack and head to class. Today, you take the longer route— the golden morning sunlight spilling past thick foliage is always a mesmerizing sight for you. 
Before entering the lab, you pull your hair up in a messy bun. Your water bottle is placed outside on the cart for all food and drinks that cannot enter the lab. As you walk in, you take your lab coat and put it on. Warm water and soap runs through hands at the sink near the eyewash. As you look up and turn around, blonde curls poke through the door as blue eyes scan the classroom. Michael scans the room and then finds you, standing behind you in line to wash his hands. 
“So, you’ve decided to join this class after the first week is over already?” you tease. A soft smile is all you can manage before the professor notes the new presence in the classroom. Michael will need a lab coat, as well as to place his coffee thermos outside. You take your usual seat near the far left corner of the classroom, and Michael sits next to you after gathering his required items. 
“I needed another science class,” he says, pulling out a pencil and notebook before the professor takes his place near the front of the classroom. Michael probably could have chosen an easier class to take, as he explains he knows nothing of inoculating agar, making media, or staining slides. Well, you’re going to have to help him quite a bit if he’ll survive this class. Unfortunately for him, the point-boosting grade cushions were over in the first week. 
“You’ll need another another science class if you keep letting your hair hang out all over the lab like that,” you say, offering him a hair tie for his wavy locks. His hair isn’t long long, but long enough to hang around an inch past his collar and down past his eyebrows. A Bunsen burner would easily claim that if his head was looking down to write during a lab.
After your final class of the day, you receive a text from Michael asking if you’d like to get sushi. You can’t refuse, as you haven’t eaten since breakfast and sushi sounds great right now. Fifteen minutes later, you’re sitting at the same table where you first met Michael. In the low sunlight, his golden hair is accentuated through the light that shines out the window. Your conversation carries on well, reassuring him of your intent to help him through Micro. He seems pretty content that he’ll be alright, but your offer stands. 
Sushi— eaten. Walked— outside. Weather— cool. Michael offers you his hoodie as he realizes you’re shivering. On your way to see your friend’s volleyball game, he insists to join so you wouldn’t be alone. Seats are mostly taken as you enter, but you and Michael find room for two on a bleacher near the back. The air conditioning vent is close as you’re higher up on the top bench, but his hoodie keeps you warm. An impulsive decision is made to rest your head on his shoulder, and he doesn’t resist. In fact, he places an arm around you, keeping your warmth trapped in.
Once the game is over, you walk out with Michael. The cool air is attempting to infringe on your secluded heat in the hoodie, but Michael keeps his arm around your shoulder to guard from this happening. You guide Michael to the sitting tree branch, where you often sat and read by yourself. It’s different now, though. Having company where you were once alone. Silence is welcome, and not awkward with him at all. Crickets chirp to fill the void of talking. As you realize yourself drifting off while leaning on Michael, you slowly stand to say your good-byes. 
“Where are you going?” you ask as he begins to walk near the front of campus. Apparently, he does not live on campus, but near his friends that are also in New Orleans. On Jackson Avenue, the halfway point between school and the French Quarter. You offer him the hoodie before he leaves, but he insists that you keep it. Michael asks if you would like to go on a real date sometime soon, and you accept his offer without hesitation. A small hug is exchanged between you before it breaks and he’s off home.
Michael successfully cracked his agar, which is a grave sin in the lab. What was once a smooth Petri dish full of medium is now a gooey mess with a rugged valley in the middle. In his defense, this was not the regular nutrient agar you have been working with, but a softer blood agar— deep, yet bright red in color. It’s his favorite color, he says. Not surprising, actually. As you’ve gotten to know Michael more, the olive and light blue school colors do not seem to suit him as well as the times you’ve seen him wearing red. 
The lab class completes, and you’re off your separate ways for your next class of the day. It’s hard to focus, knowing that tonight is your first real date with Michael. The day trudges on, and at noon, it’s finally time to get some lunch. The dining hall has nothing new or exciting, but you make do with a salad, having no idea what you’re planning on doing for dinner. Lord knows how many calories a po’ boy has, or benights, or crawfish with endless melted butter. Thoughts of culinary delight distract you from the sad salad you’re currently consuming. 
Date night is here! You’ve settled in a red button-up shirt and black pants with black Vans. It seems to match Michael’s vibe, or at least the vibe you’ve picked up on so far. Anxiously waiting for seven-fifteen, the time agreed for when you’d meet Michael at the sitting branch. You can’t seem to pick up on why you’ve become nervous, as this isn’t the first time you’ve been ‘out’ with Michael, per se, but this is the first time he’s asked you to go out with him. It’s a nice feeling. A nice man asking to spend an evening with you. Excitement can no longer be contained, and you head downstairs ten minutes early. The walk over had you glad you’ve decided on a shirt with sleeves. Although the air is not as cool tonight, there is a slight breeze present. 
To your surprise, Michael is already down, waiting for you. A smile makes its way on your face as you place a hand on his shoulder and greet him. A hug is mandatory, and you throw yourself in his accepting arms. His shoulders feel relaxed at your touch— he takes a couple deep breaths and you both break the hug at the same time. After your warm embrace, Michael shares the plans for the night. Café Du Monde, then Audubon Park. The line at the café must be out the door by now, but Michael was smart enough to call ahead and book a reservation.
Streetcar rides are normally boring, but with Michael, he’s able to point out historic landmarks otherwise looked over while on your own. It’s surprising, a boy from the City of Angels coming down with so much knowledge of the Big Easy. As you pass Jackson Avenue, the thought of Michael’s house slips into your mind. You inquire of where he lives, and he brushes it off, yet says he’ll show you later. Ooh. 
Michael’s fun facts entertain until the street car stops in the Quarter, and you hop off on Decatur for an easy walk to the café. the sweet smell of benights floods the street as you approach. The line isn’t horribly long, but you’re able to bypass due to the reservation made earlier. After fifteen minutes or so, you’re seated at a table near the back of the restaurant. There’s no starting dish you could decide on, so you go ahead and order the much-coveted benights you’ve been waiting for. 
A mysterious woman with orange-red enters the café, and Michael takes note of this by making eye contact with her, then looking down, then excusing himself to use the restroom. Strange. After the fiery-haired woman is seated, a younger blonde woman comes in to meet her. After a few minutes, Michael leaves the restroom, yet is still stopped by the two women. A brief conversation ensues, then he returns to your table. Visibly a little taken-aback, he sits back down with you. 
“Who are they?” you ask. Trying to think of who they might be to Michael. Neither one of them strikes you as they could be related to Michael, sharing none of his similar beautiful features on their faces, each equipped with their own type of beauty. Apparently, they’re his ‘friends’ that live here— a sarcastic tone on the word ‘friends’ when he says it aloud. You now know they must be more like acquaintances, at best. He assures you it’s not important, and insists that you should relax and enjoy the evening. 
The café was fun— you enjoyed seeing Michael have fun and not be so serious. When you bite into benights, powdered sugar falls on his lab or brushes the tip of his nose. If you hold the benight for too long, the powdered sugar clumps around your fingers and it absolutely needs to be licked off, napkins are not acceptable for this. After you’re through with the sticky, sugary mess, you wash it all down with a cup of coffee. But, the real fun begins when the streetcar stops you off at Audubon Park. There’s a trail nearly two miles long, normally bright with rays of sun poking through the oak leaves, but now dim with the moon shining down. In the distance, the Mississippi river flows and fish jump. A bench is near the end of the trail, facing the water.
During your walk down, you wonder about the women seen earlier, but this thought is lost early-on in your conversation with Michael. You share about your hometown and what brought you to New Orleans, and he does the same. Michael comes from an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, living with his grandmother. He went to a school called Hawthorne before transferring over here. Michael seems to think the gap in his knowledge is science, whereas he’s studied Latin, literature, fine arts, and music for years. Well, this is certainly the place to study science and medicine, a port city teeming with new diseases brought in by travelers, you remark. It’s a fine thing to do, to strive for knowledge not yet acquired, if you’re aware that’s what you lack. 
Eventually, you make it to the bench facing the water. A familiar scenario of you wearing Michael’s hoodie while having his arm wrapped around your shoulder. Night breeze and moonlight surround you. A booze cruise with loud music and festive passengers floats down the river. You turn to look at Michael, yet his eyes were already fixated on you. He leans in further to have his lips meet yours, and you don’t pull away. His lips are soft and his kiss is firm.  He pulls away and opens his eyes to meet yours. A small smile spreads across your face as you look at the man in front of you. Michael pulls you closer to him so you could lay your head on his shoulder. Reflections of the buildings near the other side of the river are painted on the water. Crickets chirping fill the air, yet the pattern is broken when Michael speaks.
“You’re beautiful,” he says quietly. Your eyebrows raise and you sit up to face him. He knows he’s beautiful, yet you reassure this for him as well. 
“I have things I’d like to share with you someday,” he goes on. Michael is, in fact, keeping you in the dark about one aspect of his being. Well, more than one if he’s being honest. The Devil is his father, and there is no way to hide such a blatant fact from somebody he could possibly share a future with. How could he ever break the news to you? After all, it is only the first ‘date,’ but he’s known you a few weeks now. You’re in it for the long haul, he knows. 
“Do tell, pretty boy,” you say, wrapping your hand around his shoulder, mirroring his action from earlier before. Michael is hesitant to say anything else now, and regrets what he said moments before. 
“I will, in good time,” he says, leaning back into your touch. 
“You expect us to have lots of ‘time’ in this together?” you ask. An unknown variable is always welcome, yet patience has never been your strong suit. You should learn some patience, if this now-mysterious boy anticipates having more ‘time’ with you.
“Of course,” he says, turning to face you before going in for another soft kiss. 
The park bench began to grow colder to the touch, and you mentally decided it was time to go. Michael seemed to pick up on this quickly, and you began walking back on the trail. Mind-wandering is something you’ve often experienced yourself doing, and Michael is no exception. After he revealed that he has information to share, you can’t help but wonder what that might be. Does he have an STD? Does he have a kid? What could it be? A forewarning about something so early on in this ‘relationship,’ whatever it is, cannot be so comforting. 
Gravel knocks under your shoes as you walk the trail to St. Charles Avenue. Unwilling to let the ambiguity put a damper on your night, you walk with Michael as if your concerns were put to rest. The walk back is quicker than the walk there, as sleepiness consumes you— your small dorm room is calling you back for the night.
“Goodnight, Michael,” you say, as he hops in the streetcar to make his way back near his house. He bids you goodnight, and the eleven o��clock streetcar is off. 
It’s not uncommon for you to wake up before your alarm, and today is one of those days. Still fifteen minutes left to go before your alarm rings, but you can’t wait any longer to get the day going. Sometimes being productive is very difficult, but not today. Hitting the books bright and early has been a theme for you lately, and it’s not stopping today. A reading about spores for the lab today has you enthralled. They can stay dormant for so long, then pop right back up and bite you in the butt. Well, not literally, but their vegetative properties stay buried inside for years in years, until they find a host. You’ll be staining a slide and heat-fixing today. 
Hair— up. Lab coat— on. Michael— next to you. This has become the norm, and it’s comforting for you to know if there’s no tentative plans to see him already, he’ll be next to you in class anyways. His short hair pulled back in anticipation for the lab scheduled. Your mind tense in anticipation to wrack his for his ~secrets~.
“What is it, you wanted to tell me the other night?” you ask, very curious. You’ve been pondering his words since they left his mouth. In good time. No, you don’t want his information in good time. Patience runs thinner by the minute, knowing his answers rest only in his head, mere feet from yours on this small lab table. 
You reach for the striker, pipettes, and slides in the lab drawer. A small loop is used for you to place spores on your slide. Michael is reluctant to use his loop, afraid of cracking the agar again. He successfully picks up his inoculant, and the pipette is used for a drop water to thin out the specimen.
“I don’t think you should know, Babe,” he presses, focusing on his slide, trying to thin out the spores. If they clump too thick, you’re unable to see light through the microscope. Babe— a welcome nickname, although this may not be the time or place to reveal a new cutesy couple-y name. It does little to subdue your growing anticipation for an answer. 
You turn the gas nozzle and hold the striker over the flame before pressing in and letting a spark ignite the blue and orange flame. You hold the striker in your hand, away from Michael. 
“Please, just give it to me so I can start heat-fixing,” he says, slightly annoyed.
“No, Babe, I want to know what’s on your mind,” you say, mocking his nickname for you. Curiosity is the name to the game of science, and you’re relentless in your pursuit for his truth. 
“Ok, fine— you know what? I don’t even need a striker,” he says.
Confused, you look over at his Bunsen burner. He turns the gas nozzle ninety degrees, and a large flame immediately ignites— nearly a foot and a half tall, all blue-hot heat. It immediately shrinks to a normal Bunsen burner flame after the large blue one subsides. No striker, no match, no nothing used for the ignition. Just Michael. This may be an answer, but certainly not one you were anticipating.
*** I’ve tagged you if you asked to be on my tag list or if I thought you would be interested in this fic based on interactions with my other fics/posts! Let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. :)
Tag list: @langdonsoceaneyes​ @ms-mead​ @daydreamingofcody​ @psychobitchtess​ @swampwitchh13​ @ahstmblrupdates​ @forgivemelucifer​ @jocelynscloset​ @ccodyfern​ @sammy-samm​ @xavierplymptonsangel​ @lilithrmorningstar1​ @slashersrus​ @im-the-music-whore​ @isometimeswrite132​ @gingersnapped13​ @recklessmoannn​ @nickiechao11​ @dani5216​ @antichristsqueen666​ @nightsblackroses​ @bitchchatter​​ 
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multific · 4 years
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Michael Langdon x Reader
Summary: Waking up next to Michael is one way to start the day off.
 You woke up with Michael’s back turned to you.
It was weird, considering he liked to sleep while facing you and have one of his arms if not both around you.
You watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. His beautiful long locks looked shiny and it invited your fingers to run thought it. You careful moved closer to Michael’s sleeping form and hugged him, you placed a kiss onto his forehead and buried your face into his neck, taking a deep breath to smell his shampoo.
Ever since you met Michael you just knew he was meant to be yours. With your powers combined, he’ll be able to rule with you by his side.
You knew you were different from the moment you were born. People at the orphanage where you grew up said that your mother tried to kill you when you were born, but luckily she was stopped. You never knew your father. But as you started to grow, you noticed things about yourself, you had abilities. As you were looking for answers a witch explained it to you that your father was a demon. From then on, everything made sense.
Being a half-demon is something you definitely took advantage of. And not long after, you met Michael.
You still remember how broken and hopeless he looked. You were by his side from the moment he wanted to become the next Supreme. You supported him and somewhere along the way, you became his and he became yours. Others called it love, but you and Michael both knew that what was between you two was more than that, it was deeper, better to be just love.
You took another smell and hugged him closer. His warmth, his presence always calmed you. You took your hand from around him and played with his hair. You didn’t want to wake him up just yet. He needed to be well-rested, after all, he will have to make important decisions an interviews later.
Moments later you noticed that his breathing was different. When he slept his breathing was deeper and relaxed, so he must have woken up.
“Morning, My Antichrist,” you whispered to him. He didn’t open his eyes just yet, but a smile was on his handsome face.
“Good morning.” his voice sounded rough due to him only just waking up.
“Ready for your interviews?” you felt him chuckle.
“I’m so done with all of them, idiots, useless. They just use precious air nothing more.”
“Really? Andre’s quite handsome.”
“My Love, you’d save him just because of his looks?”
“Hmm, well the world does need appealing children.”
The look he gave you almost made you laugh.
“But I’m not the one who makes the decision.” you said, hoping to save the situation.
“So, would you have sex with Andre?”
You laughed at his question.
“No. First of all, he’s gay. But even if I would have the chance I highly doubt that he’d be able to satisfy me. And after you… anyone would fail.” now that made him finally smile. That rare sweet smile which he only showed to you and Miss Mead. He turned to rest on his back as you moved to his chest and kissed him.
A knock on your door disturbed you and it remained both of you that you needed to start your day.
But you didn’t mind it too much. Since you knew that you’ll spend it with Michael.
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