#michael soulmate
inhonoredglory · 11 months
Aziraphale’s Choice, the Job Connection, and Michael Sheen’s Morality
Update: Michael Sheen liked this post on Twitter, so I'm fairly certain there is a lot of validity to it.
I’ve had time to process Aziraphale’s choice at the end of Season 2. And I think only blaming the religious trauma misses something important in Aziraphale’s character. I think what happened was also Aziraphale’s own conscious choice––as a growth from his trauma, in fact. Hear me out.
Since November 2022 I’ve been haunted by something Michael Sheen said at the MCM London Comic Con. At the Q&A, someone asked him about which fantasy creature he enjoyed playing most and Michael (bless him, truly) veered on a tangent about angels and goodness and how, specifically,
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We as a society tend to sort of undervalue goodness. It’s sort of seen as sort of somehow weak and a bit nimby and “oh it’s nice.” And I think to be good takes enormous reserves of courage and stamina. I mean, you have to look the dark in the face to be truly good and to be truly of the light…. The idea that goodness is somehow lesser and less interesting and not as kind of muscular and as passionate and as fierce as evil somehow and darkness, I think is nonsense. The idea of being able to portray an angel, a being of love. I love seeing the things people have put online about angels being ferocious creatures, and I love that. I think that’s a really good representation of what goodness can be, what it should be, I suppose.
I was looking forward to BAMF!Aziraphale all season long, and I think that’s what we got in the end. Remember Neil said that the Job minisode was important for Aziraphale’s story. Remember how Aziraphale sat on that rock and reconciled to himself that he MUST go to Hell, because he lied and thwarted the will of God. He believed that––truly, honestly, with the faith of a child, but the bravery of a soldier.
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Aziraphale, a being of love with more goodness than all of Heaven combined, believed he needed to walk through the Gates of Hell because it was the Right Thing to do. (Like Job, he didn’t understand his sin but believed he needed to sacrifice his happiness to do the Right Thing.)
That’s why we saw Aziraphale as a soldier this season: the bookshop battle, the halo. But yes, the ending as well.
Because Aziraphale never wanted to go to Heaven, and he never wanted to go there without Crowley.
But it was Crowley who taught him that he could, even SHOULD, act when his moral heart told him something was wrong. While Crowley was willing to run away and let the world burn, it was Aziraphale (in that bandstand at the end of the world) who stood his ground and said No. We can make a difference. We can save everyone.
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And Aziraphale knew he could not give up the ace up his sleeve (his position as an angel) to talk to God and make them see the truth in his heart.
I was messed up by Ineffable Bureaucracy (Boxfly) getting their happy ending when our Ineffable Husbands didn’t, but I see now that them running away served to prove something to Aziraphale. (And I am fully convinced that Gabriel and Beelzebub saw the example of the Ineffables at the Not-pocalypse and took inspiration from them for choosing to ditch their respective sides)
But my point is that Aziraphale saw them, and in some ways, they looked like him and Crowley. And he saw how Gabriel, the biggest bully in Heaven, was also like him in a way (a being capable of love) and also just a child when he wasn’t influenced by the poison of Heaven. Muriel, too, wasn’t a bad person. The Metatron also seemed to have grown more flexible with his morality (from Aziraphale's perspective). Like Earth, Heaven was shades of (light?) gray.
Aziraphale is too good an angel not to believe in hope. Or forgiveness (something he’s very good at it).
Aziraphale has been scarred by Heaven all his life. But with the cracks in Heaven’s armor (cracks he and Crowley helped create), Aziraphale is seeing something else. A chance to change them. They did terrible things to him, but he is better than them, and because of Crowley, he feels ready to face them.
(Will it work? Can Heaven change, institutionally? Probably not, but I can't blame Aziraphale for trying.)
At the cafe, the Metatron said something big was coming in the Great Plan. Aziraphale knows how trapped he had felt when he didn’t have God’s ear the first time something huge happened in the Big Plan. He can’t take a chance again to risk the world by not having a foot in the door of Heaven. That’s why we saw individual human deaths (or the threat of death) so much more this season: Elspeth, Wee Morag, Job’s children, the 1940s magician. Aziraphale almost killed a child when he couldn’t get through to God, and he’s not going through that again.
“We could make a difference.” We could save everyone.
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Remember what Michael Sheen said about courage and doing good––and having to “look the dark in the face to be truly good.” That’s what happened when Aziraphale was willing to go to Hell for his actions. That’s what happened when he decided he had to go to Heaven, where he had been abused and belittled and made to feel small. He decided to willingly go into the Lion’s Den, to face his abusers and his anxiety, to make them better so that they would not try to destroy the world again.
Him, just one angel. He needed Crowley to be there with him, to help him be brave, to ask the questions that Heaven needed to hear, to tell them God was wrong. Crowley is the inspiration that drives Aziraphale’s change, Crowley is the engine that fuels Aziraphale’s courage.
But then Crowley tells him that going to Heaven is stupid. That they don’t need Heaven. And he’s right. Aziraphale knows he’s right.
Aziraphale doesn’t need Heaven; Heaven needs him. They just don’t know how much they need him, or how much humanity needs him there, too. (If everyone who ran for office was corrupt, how can the system change?)
Terry Pratchett (in the Discworld book, Small Gods) is scathing of God, organized religion, and the corrupt people religion empowers, but he is sympathetic to the individual who has real, pure faith and a good heart. In fact, the everyman protagonist of Small Gods is a better person than the god he serves, and in the end, he ends up changing the church to be better, more open-minded, and more humanist than god could ever do alone.
Aziraphale is willing to go to the darkest places to do the Right Thing, and Heaven is no exception. When Crowley says that Heaven is toxic, that’s exactly why Aziraphale knows he needs to go there. “You’re exactly is different from my exactly.”
In the aftermath of Trump's election in the US, Brexit happened in 2018. Michael Sheen felt compelled to figure out what was going on in his country after this shock. But he was living in Los Angeles with Sarah Silverman at the time, and she also wanted to become more politically active in the US.
Sheen: “I felt a responsibility to do something, but it [meant] coming back [to Britain] – which was difficult for us, because we were very important to each other. But we both acknowledge that each of us had to do what we needed to do.” In the end, they split up and Michael moved back to the UK.
Sometimes doing the Right Thing means sacrificing your own happiness. Sometimes it means going to Hell. Sometimes it means going to Heaven. Sometimes it means losing a relationship.
And that’s why what happened in the end was so difficult for Aziraphale. Because he loves Crowley desperately. He wants to be together. He wanted that kiss for thousands of years. He knows that taking command of Heaven means they would never again have to bow to the demands of a God they couldn’t understand, or run from a Hell who still came after them. They could change the rules of the game.
And he’s still going to do that. But it hurts him that he has to do that alone.
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clairedelune-13 · 5 months
I’m sorry, but I’m genuinely obsessed with this part of the outtakes, cuz when David finally gets Michael to break, he adopts this adorable expression… I can’t...
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David, you little angel, you won this round 😂
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bkoff · 1 month
I drew this after you know what chapter 💀
For my own calm
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
I know most folks have probably seen this already, but I really need to talk about how insane it is that David mentioned Michael as a possible Doctor on an episode of DW Confidential in 2007.
This was ten years before filming GO season 1, and there was absolutely no reason for David to be saying Michael's name. Julie and Jane did not bring Michael up in any capacity, nor was he specifically relevant to the conversation. Yet of all the names David could have said, out of all the countless UK actors in the business...he said "Michael Sheen."
There is this idea that soulmates are "loud." That it means seeing someone from across a crowded room as music swells dramatically in the background. But soulmates are also quiet. A soulmate can be someone you talk about when no one is listening. Someone you think about and who makes you blush for no real reason at all. Someone who lives in the back of your mind, vibrating at a steady hum that you don't even hear at first.
Until it gets louder.
Until they're suddenly a part of your life in a way you never expected.
Until you can't remember anymore what life was like without them.
From BYT in 2003 to this DW Confidential in 2007 to Good Omens in 2017 on into the present. Call it the invisible red string. Call it Fate. Whatever it is that's between them, I am and will forever be in awe at Michael always being on David's mind (and vice-versa), and how they finally found each other...
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 6 months
The fact that Michael wanted to comfort Mika TWICE after he retired on the last lap in Spain 2001 due to engine problems is driving me INSANE!!! 😭😭
He couldn't even wait to get out off his car! 😭 So he slows down on his victory lap and waves at Mika as he stands next to his stupid unreliable MP4/16. 😭
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And after the race he breaks parc fermé rules (WHICH HE ALSO DID TWICE... guess for who) and RUNS into the arms of his bf! 😭😭
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I see a lot of people talk about the “you abandoned me! You took her away and you abandoned me!” scene. Rightfully so. It allows you to really see how Erik hurt Charles (especially when you connect that to the earlier scene of Hank saying Charles lost everything and he lists Erik, Raven, and his legs). But I wanna talk about what Erik says right after. He lists several mutants who have since died, and goes “where were you Charles?! We were supposed to protect them…you abandoned us all!” (it’s such a good scene and he says more but this is the jist). And just like with Charles, you can practically feel Erik’s pain. Because of the people they’ve all lost, which in a way includes each other. Right or wrong they both felt left behind by the other one, and they’re not over that pain. And man do James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender do a phenomenal job of showing it
Erik trying to play chess with him in their next scene is actually hilarious and so cute. When your best friend is also your adversary but also your lover and also your ex husband
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bratzforchris · 7 months
Heyy! Can you make one where Luke is sick and the reader takes care of him. And Luke is just so cute and clingy. Make it fluffy 🫶🏻
Chicken Soup
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Summary: In which the best cure for Luke's tummy bug is homemade chicken noodle soup<3
Pairing: Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: Vomit, mentions of being sick
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I absolutely loveeeee requests like these. Domestic fluff/comfort Luke is so<3
“Lu, baby,” You pouted sadly, rubbing his back as he hunched over the toilet, continuing to throw up. “You poor thing. You’re okay.”
It had been an exhausting night, and it was unfortunately not due to having some fun. Luke had come home from the studio earlier in the evening complaining of a stomach ache and things had only spiraled from there. He’d been on and off puking for the past six hours, unable to get any rest because every time he was almost asleep, he would feel nauseous again. 
You rubbed his broad back and shoulders, feeling his muscles tense under your hand as he gagged. Planting a soft kiss to his sweaty neck, you held his curls out of his face as he leaned back into you, panting and shaking. It had been a whole lot of dry heaving for the past five minutes, but nothing would come up. 
“Feeling any better?” You asked, a pout on your face as Luke leaned his head against your chest, whimpering and moaning. 
“Not really,” he mumbled sleepily, wrapping his arms around his sick tummy. “Stomach hurts.”
“I know sweetie, I know,” You ran a hand along his side in a comforting way as the blond closed his eyes. He was so sleepy; all he wanted was for you to cuddle him in bed and for himself to actually be able to get some rest. “Wanna go back to bed, sweet boy?”
“No.” he pouted firmly. 
“Baby,” You cooed, kissing his forehead. “Your tummy’s empty. You need to rest.”
“Just feel so poorly.” Luke hummed, his voice scratchy from the sickness. 
“Want me to put a bucket by your side?” You asked softly. 
You knew why Luke didn’t want to go back to the bedroom; sprinting to the bathroom every time you felt slightly nauseated was awful, but at the same time you didn’t want him to have to sleep on the hard, cold tile of the bathroom. He seemed to understand your reasoning, but still looked at you, blue eyes filled with tears.
“My tummy just feels yucky.” he sniffled. 
Eventually, you persuaded him back into bed with the promise of lots and lots of cuddles. Despite his hoodie and flannel pajama pants, your poor husband was still shivering with fever. You tucked him in with his favorite, fuzzy blanket, kissing his nose. 
“‘M gonna go get you some water and a bucket, ‘kay?” You told him. 
“Don’t leave,” Luke whispered softly, grabbing your wrist. “Please?”
“Honey,” You pouted, running your hand through his tangly curls. “You need some water, love. Don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
Luke reluctantly agreed, welling up with tears on his lash line as you left the room. He couldn’t help it; fevers made him emotional, which in turn made him clingy and cuddly. The poor boy practically laid himself across your pillow, breathing in your scent while he waited for you to come back. As soon as you returned to the room and set the bucket on his nightstand, Luke was patting the bed for you to come lay down. 
“Let’s have some water, bub, and then we’ll sleep all you want.” You smiled, handing him his water bottle. 
The blond took a few small sips of water, placing the bottle back on the nightstand and snuggling into the blankets while you climbed into bed. As soon as you were under the covers, Luke was attaching to your side like a (adorable) leech. The blond buried his nose in your neck, humming happily. He was more comfortable now that he was snuggled up with you and easily closed his eyes. 
You reached over and rubbed shapes on his achy belly as Luke’s breathing slowed, happy to provide him with any sort of comfort. Luke felt much more relaxed and comfortable now, enjoying the feeling of skin-to-skin contact when he felt you sneak your hand under his hoodie and resume rubbing his tummy. 
“Thank you.” he whispered sleepily.
You kissed his curls gently, speaking softly so as not to disturb him. “I’m gonna go to the store in the morning and get you some medicine.”
You’d wanted to give Luke medicine earlier in the evening, but much to your and his demise, you’d run out of Pepto-Bismol. The blond grunted at the thought of medicine, but quickly formed a sleepy sentence. 
“Can you make me chicken soup?” he asked quietly. 
You giggled, cuddling closer to Luke’s fevered body. “Sure.”
“Mum used to make chicken soup whenever I had a tummy bug.” Luke explained, almost half asleep as a yawn escaped him. 
“I can believe it. Go to sleep, Lu. You need rest, love.” You pressed one last kiss to Luke’s head and sure enough your husband fell asleep quite quickly, exhausted from his rough night. 
You quietly shut the front door behind you, stepping in the house. You wanted to call out for Luke, but part of you had a hunch he was asleep. You wandered into the kitchen, glancing into the living room. Sure enough, Luke was huddled up on the couch with Petunia, snoring softly. The afternoon sunlight haloed his curls as the blankets moved up and down with his breath, making him look simply adorable. You smiled and snapped a quick picture, moving into the kitchen to unload your grocery bags. 
You’d gotten chicken soup ingredients, medicine, Gatorade, and crackers; everything you would need to take care of a sick Luke. You put everything else aside, beginning to chop up the vegetables for Luke’s soup. Just as you were putting everything in the pot to simmer, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind. 
“Hi.” Luke whispered, throat scratchy. 
“Hey baby,” You hummed, turning around to look at him. “Have a good nap?”
The blond nodded, fisting his eyes as a pout formed on his lips. “Threw up again while you were gone.” he mumbled. 
“Poor baby,” You cooed, running your thumb across his cheek. “I got you some medicine and Gatorade if you wanna try that?” You offered. 
Luke whined, shoving his face into your neck as he breathed in your scent. His royal blue hoodie practically engulfed you as he wrapped you in a bear hug. “Okay. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, sweetheart. I’m sorry I wasn’t here while you were being sick.” You said sadly. 
“‘S okay. I had nurse Petunia.” he giggled softly. 
You giggled yourself, kissing his fevered lips softly. Luke immediately pulled back, looking at you like you had three heads. 
“Don’t do that!” he protested. “You’ll get sick.”
“I don’t care,” You said with a lopsided smile. “I know you’ll take care of me when I do.”
Luke rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide the grin. He stayed attached to you, almost like a sloth or a koala, while you stirred the soup and poured the noodles in to cook until you patted his bum softly. 
“Go lay down, bub. I’ll bring everything to you.” You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek. 
“Okayyyyy.” Luke pressed a kiss to your head, before patting into the living room and cuddling up in his blanket nest. 
Once the soup was done, you ladled it into Luke’s favorite bowl with cats on it and placed it on a little tray, along with a little cup of blue Gatorade and a medicine cup of Pepto-Bismol. A wonderful sickness spread if you did say so yourself. You carried the tray carefully to the living room, smiling as you saw Luke cuddled up  on the couch with Petunia, her head on his tummy as he stroked her fur while watching something on Netflix. 
“Personal heating pad?” You chuckled, gesturing to your pup. 
“Mhm,” Luke hummed sleepily. “I love her.” 
“Awww babe, I know you do,” You kissed Luke’s forehead, sneakily checking for a fever. “Do you wanna try the medicine or the soup first?”
“Soup. While it’s hot.” Your husband said. 
“Okay honey,” You handed Luke the bowl gently. “Careful, it’s hot.”
Luke slowly sipped the broth, humming happily. “Yum. Better than my mum’s,” he giggled. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
“I won’t mess with Liz, don’t worry,” You giggled, sitting down and sipping on your own soup. “Make sure to take your medicine, hun.”
Luke nodded, grabbing the small cup and taking the pink, viscous liquid like a shot. He washed it down with the Gatorade, shuddering slightly. “Yuck.”
“I know it’s not great, but hopefully it’ll make you feel better.” You hummed. 
The blond took a few more bites of soup, before placing the bowl on the coffee table. “‘M full.” he mumbled, moving to lay his head in your lap. 
“That’s okay, babe,” You told him, running a hand through your curls. “You don’t have to eat all of it.”
All was quiet for a while with only the sounds of Petunia snoring and the television filling the living room. You honestly thought Luke had fallen asleep until you heard a hiccup escape him. The blond sat quickly, breathing deeply through his nose. 
“You okay, honey?” You asked, eyeing him up and down. 
“No. Gonna throw up again.” he rushed out, lips quivering as he tried to untangle himself from the blankets. 
Luck did not appear to be on Luke’s side, because by the time he had gotten out from under Petunia and the blankets, it was just too late. Your poor boy gagged harshly, slapping a hand over his mouth to no avail. The vomit seeped through his fingers, running down his hoodie and puddling on the carpet of the rug. Too sick to do anything else, Luke continued to throw up the medicine and soup he’d just eaten. 
“‘M sorry,” Luke sniffled, starting to cry as he realized what he’d done. “Didn’t mean to.” he sobbed. 
“Bubba, no one’s mad,” You rubbed his back softly. “Let’s get you in the shower and I’ll clean up here, ‘kay?”
“I can do it.” Luke insisted, looking over at you sadly. 
“Sweetheart, it’ll be okay,” You insisted, leading him to the bathroom and helping him sit down on the closed toilet. “I’m not mad.”
Luke nodded as you wiped off his hand and started the shower, helping him strip out of his soiled pajamas and step under the running water. He leaned against the tile wall, breathing deeply with a hand on his belly as it grumbled under his hand. 
“All set?” You asked him. 
Your husband nodded quietly, and you kissed his cheek once before heading into the living room to clean up the mess. Luckily, Luke hadn’t had much to throw up, having an empty stomach and just sipping the broth, so you easily cleaned the spot and remade the couch for him, taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen. By the time you had finished, Luke was padding out of your master suite in clean pajamas, wet hair brushed. 
“Hey bub,” You hummed as he laid down, kissing his forehead. “I think the cool shower helped your fever.”
Luke nodded softly, pulling the blanket up to his chin. “Thank you. For everything,” he said as you laid down behind him, wrapping him into the little spoon position. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“In sickness and in health, remember?” You said with a gentle smile, showing him your wedding ring. “I love you.”
The blond giggled, a blush dotting his pale cheeks. “I love you too. Can you rub my tummy again?” he asked with a great yawn. 
“Does it still hurt?” You asked sadly, but immediately laying your hand across his slightly bloated belly. 
“A little bit. Feel better since I threw up. Mostly just feels nice.” he admitted. 
“I love you, Lu.” You whispered as he fell asleep, happily cuddled up with you and Petunia. 
Luke recovered from his tummy bug fairly quickly, attributing his speedy recovery to you taking such good care of him. Before either of you knew it, he was back in the studio working on the upcoming album and happy as ever. 
His good mood only lasted a little while, though, as he dropped his bags at the front door, calling into the house his usual “I’m home!”. It remained silent in the house; he didn’t even hear the sound of Petunia’s nails clicking. He wandered into the living room, seeing you cuddled up with Petunia. 
“Y/N? Are you feeling okay?” he asked softly, rubbing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. 
“Do we have leftover soup?” You asked, a pout on your lips. 
Luke chuckled, kissing your forehead. “This is why we don’t kiss people with stomach bugs, baby. But yes, I’ll go heat some up now.”
In the end, you didn’t escape Luke’s bug, but he was so caring and compassionate with you that you couldn’t have asked for a better sick experience. 
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lyssak09 · 2 months
Hey can i ask a Yandere archangels hcs (separated) where their obsession is their soulmates?
Pronouns for the reader can be She/her
I didn't know exactly if you meant them in like a soulmate AU or something so I just did some soulmate AUs from the wonderful @creativepromptsforwriting. Some have different soulmate AUs than others. I really enjoyed writing this! Happy reading 💙
Yandere Archangels soulmates
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Name & Telepathy
Archangels weren’t made for humans, so why the fuck did a name replace his vessel’s soulmate’s name. 
When Lucifer took over Nick’s body he never thought about the soulmate thing his father put in place for you humans. Nick’s soulmate had already died so he didn’t really think about it.
Til he felt a burning sensation on his left arm one day, Lucifer saw Sarah’s name (Nick’s deceased wife) disappear and a new name replace it, Y/N.
You on the other hand were born with the name Lucifer on your left arm. Your parents couldn’t believe someone would name their baby Lucifer! When you were old enough to fully understand the whole soulmate concept you just thought your soulmate had cruel parents to name them that.
The thought that the Lucifer is your soulmate never even crossed anyone's mind. 
Lucifer wanted to know why he had a soulmate, he did research and found nothing about archangels having soulmates. This must be another cruel joke from his father. Like he could ever have a soulmate.
He tried to ignore it and pretend nothing changed. But a part of him wanted to know if you were real or not. Lucifer thought about you more than he would ever like to admit. To the point you could hear his thoughts, sure you’ve heard of soulmates being connected telepathically but never thought you’d be one of those who are.
“Why the fuck would he give me a soulmate? I fell from heaven because of humans, I wasn’t his favorite anymore because of them! They’re a broken, flawed, and murderous species! It's so like him to make one be my soulmate” You heard someone say, you shot your head up, looking for the owner of the voice. Finding nothing you try to brush it off and continue with what you were doing. “I wonder if I’m her soulmate? Now that would be a plot twist.” You hear the voice laugh. You’re either going crazy, or you can hear your soulmate. “Imagine, having the devil as your soulmate! HA! ‘Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Lucifer’ that would be fun to see.” The voice cackles. Yep, you’re going crazy.
Hearing him in your head has caused you to think about the crazy person who’s your soulmate, causing the telepathic connection between you to reach him.
“I can’t believe my soulmate is crazy. He thinks he’s the devil! He’s gotta be in an institution or something.” Lucifer hears right as he’s killing a lone angel. He stares at the angel whom he has in a choke hold, “Did you say something?”. The angel looks at him like he’s nuts. “Yeah, you’re right, it's probably nothing. Anyways, enjoy your snooze fest wings!” Lucifer grins then disintegrates the angel. “The person who is supposed to complete me says he’s the devil. I mean, that's crazy! I hope he gets help before I meet him if I ever meet him.” He hears the voice again, Lucifer whips his head around but finds no one is near. He thinks before he gains a smirk, “I guess she is real. I have a soulmate.”. Lucifer laughs before looking up at the sky, “Thanks pop, this should be fun”
Since hearing your voice Lucifer is interested in meeting you now, there’s got to be a reason why God made you for him. He won’t admit it but he enjoys hearing you when you talk to yourself, he gets to learn more about you. And unfortunately, you are in fact interesting.
The more he learns about you/hears you the more he feels for you. Finding you has become a priority for him now. Lucifer finds your inner thoughts and monologues you do to be both stupid and adorable at the same time. He’s falling for you without meeting you, not that he would admit that.
Lucifer will finally figure out where you are because of your thoughts. He comes to stake you out, he doesn’t expect to be smitten by your idiotic and stupid pretty face. It makes him angry how he feels about you now, not only was he falling for you just from hearing you and your thoughts, but now he’s actually physically attracted to you!
Lucifer will secretly watch you, either he’ll do it himself or have a demon do it for him if he has matters to attend to. Watching you, your daily routines, and how you interact with people doesn’t help Lucifer in trying to find out why you’re his soulmate. But it does unfortunately cause him to fall for you even more.
He’ll ‘coincidently’ bump into you sometimes, just to interact with you, even if it's just for a second. Lucifer tells himself he does it to learn about you and your weaknesses, but he just wants to see you and talk to you.
It starts to become less of a coincidence that he’s almost everywhere you are and more of a very creepy purposeful thing in your eyes. To the point where you just straight-up confront him on it one day.
“Look Nick, I’m starting to think you’re following me everywhere and it needs to stop. If you have something to say then just come right out with it.” You scold the man, expecting his smile to fall, but no… He smiles wider. The man you call Nick seems like he’s about to say something but he stops himself. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N,” He says giving you a look you can’t decipher. You shake your head and continue walking home.
The next day you would in fact see him again. Not knowing everything is about to change.
You enter your living room and find ‘Nick’ looking around it, picking up and staring at the photos you have up. “What the hell are you doing Nick? Why are you in my house!” You scold the man and her turns to face you. “I’ve come for my soulmate” ‘Nick’ smiles then pulls up his sleeve a bit up and shows you his left arm, your name clear as ever on his arm. You feel a shock and panic course through you, you scramble to look at your arm, knowing that it has said Lucifer all your life, and it still does. Confusion washes over your face. “My arm says Lucifer, not Nick.” You replied, your eyebrows furrowing. ‘Nick’ walks towards you. “My name isn’t actually Nick babe, it’s Lucifer. And we’re meant to be” He smiles and then his eyes flash glowing red…
“I know why my father made you my soulmate, why he made us soulmates. The irony of me falling for a human, the very species that caused me to fall and no longer be favorited or accepted by him, is too much for him to not enjoy.”
He takes you to your new home, Hell. Lucifer will confess how he didn’t want you at first but you’re so special and different. How could he not fall for you?
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Telepathy & Dreamy
Archangels don’t sleep, right? Then why is he dreaming?
Ever since he went to earth and became one with his vessel (who is unnamed) he blinks and then finds himself in some weird place. A dream maybe?
He’ll be in said place for however long then ‘wakes up’ back wherever he was, more like he blinks then is back in his house or whatever. Like he never left.
The times he was shoved into this world/place (?) would vary. He couldn’t do much in this place. Mainly watch what happens. The main constant in the place was a girl, which happens to be you.
As he witnesses what must be dreams, he learns more about you.
You’re the best part of humanity he’s seen in a very long time.
Gabriel will start doing research, finding out what he’s witnessing is in fact someone’s dreams, his soulmate’s actually. He learns this is a part of the soulmate thing his father put in place for you humans. 
Why he’s yours or why you’re his, he doesn’t know. But he frankly, doesn’t care as to why. He just wants to know more about you.
Gabe will learn how to gain more control of your dreams, trying to manipulate them slightly, in hopes of talking to you.
Gabriel was quietly watching your dream from the sidelines. He found you so cute and adorable. Seeing what your brain comes up with as you sleep was also fascinating to him. He can’t wait to finally be able to interact with you and your dreams. Gabe is already picturing all the dates he’ll take you on in your dreams. 
You didn’t believe you had a soulmate for a long time, unlike most people when you dreamt you never saw someone consistently in your dreams, aka your soulmate. So when you started to see this man in your dreams you didn’t really think he was your soulmate, just something your brain conjured up.  
Until the man came up to you in your dream and spoke to you. You were happy to finally have a soulmate. The man you learned is named Gabriel and he was beyond giddy to finally be able to talk to you.
From then on when you would dream Gabe would change the dream, making it like dates. So you could learn more about him, don’t worry he already knows everything about you now 🙂
Gabriel doesn’t tell you that he’s an archangel or that angels and god actually exists yet, so when he tells you about himself he makes it simpler. “Oh, do I have siblings? Yeah, I have 3 brothers I was close to, the others I never really interacted much with since they were made way after me.” “Do I still see my brothers? HA! Hell no, not after the war- I mean the falling out between two of them.” “Am I close to my parents…..uhm no, my father abandoned us basically.”
But the longer this goes on he starts to show more of himself to you, his unhealthy feelings towards you. Becoming too touchy, sharing way more information about yourself than he should know, and getting irritated when you mention any male in your life. 
Gabriel starts to come off too strong. “You people believe in marriage right? We should do that then. Secure the deal legally!” 
He says that the 3rd time you talk to him in one of your dreams.
Gabe starts to push the idea of meeting you way quicker than you’d like. If you mention that he’s moving too quickly for you he’ll get upset. 
“What-what do you mean? We’re soulmates Y/N! You were literally made for me! My father made you for me! We’re meant to be!” Gabe exclaimed in frustration. You give him a strange look. “What do you mean ‘your father’?” You try to question him, Gabriel lets out a sigh before explaining that he’s an archangel and his father is God, who happens to actually exist. ‘He’s crazy! He thinks he’s an angel? He cannot be my soulmate!’ you think before trying to wake up and get away from him.
He didn’t appreciate you cutting your time together short. Nor will he appreciate it when you start trying to avoid him by not sleeping. Not only is that unhealthy for you but you’re staying away from him! He hates that. It feels like you’re abandoning him, and we all know how he feels about that.
Gabriel starts searching for you, which isn’t too hard since he knows way too much about you. While you’re trying to find out if you can get rid of a soulmate, or at least keep them out of your dreams.
Unfortunately for you, he knows what you’re trying to do, luckily for him, he can hear your thoughts if he focuses on you. You don’t know he can do that as your soulmate. 
After the fifth night of staying awake, you’re starting to get the sleep deprivation effects, such as hallucinating. Which will give Gabriel a huge advantage.
He’ll come for you after finally figuring out where you are in the world. It’s late at night and you’re too exhausted to fight against him or even realize that he’s real. You just think you're hallucinating when a man looking like your soulmate randomly appears in your room.
You honestly made it way easier for him to take you home, if you had slept more you’d be able to fight against him, maybe he wouldn’t have had to take you so quickly if you slept and met him in your dreams. But it's too late for it now. He easily scoops you up and takes you to your new home, his home.
“Welcome home, sweetcheeks”
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Danger alert & name & telepathy
When Michael took over Dean’s body he didn’t expect to gain a soulmate, especially you. You were Dean’s soulmate, your name was on his left arm and everything. But after Michael was in his body for a couple of weeks he felt a weird sensation on Dean’s right arm, your name was starting to appear. 
He was more confused than anything. Why would his father give you two soulmates? Why would he make you his soulmate in the first place? 
Michael couldn’t understand why Chuck gave him, an archangel, a soulmate.
As much as he would have liked to ignore this, he couldn’t. He was intrigued. Not just because he somehow has a soulmate, but because you are his soulmate. His destined vessel’s soulmate is also his! That is fascinating to him.
So he’ll go through Dean’s mind to learn about you, even change up the imaginary bar he made to keep Dean preoccupied, to involve an imaginary you. He’ll learn more about you and why you’re so special to Dean that way. And it keeps Dean from realizing he’s locked away in his own mind/body for a bit longer.
The more he learns about you and sees memories of you from Dean the harder he falls. Who could see that coming?
Michael becomes obsessed with you, you’re not like other humans. Maybe that's why his father made you his soulmate.
He’ll also start to become overprotective, especially since he can feel when you’re in danger thanks to Dean’s soulmate connection to you.
You could be on a hunt with Sam or a dangerous research mission (to find a way to get Michael out of Dean’s body) with Cas, and be in danger till whatever creature was about to/was harming you all of a sudden disintegrates. But there won’t be a sign or a trace of what killed the creature.
You were pinned down by a vampire, trying to get it off of you while Sam fights his way towards you. This was supposed to be a simple hunt and research mission! “Y/N!” You hear Sam yell your name as he gets closer to you. “Y/N! I’m coming!” He yelled just as the vampire was going to bite me. I close my eyes and wince, but the weight against me disappears. I sit up a bit, All that's left of the vamp that was on me is some ashes. Sam and you look around trying to see who or what saved you, but find nothing. Not noticing Michael hiding in the shadows of the warehouse with you guys.
He won’t get to meet you for a while since you’re off helping Sam to get him out of Dean’s body, and he’s busy running around Earth. 
Michael has the upper hand though. You and Sam don’t know that he can hear your thoughts, because that's not a typical soulmate connection to have. You don’t know that you’re his soulmate yet either. So whatever plans you and Sam come up with are easily foiled by him.
Michael likes to try and implant thoughts into your subconscious using the telepathy he’s gotten as your soulmate.
He might convince Dean to work with him by manipulating him and telling him you can be his forever if he just works with him, Michael will even supply that apple pie life Dean wants. 
Michael will still be in control more often than not if Dean agrees though. He’ll let Dean control his body much more often than he currently is if works with him.
And how could Dean resist? Not only would he gain control of his body back, but he’d also get his soulmate and the dream life he wants, and he’d be able to finally act on all of his dark feelings for you while being able to blame it all on Michael.
You still only have Dean’s name on you though. This will infuriate Michael once he finds out. How can you be his soulmate but he’s not yours? It makes him angry and jealous. Shouldn’t he be meant for you just like you are for him?
But it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re with him then everything is fine.
He is extremely manipulative. During one of your attempts to get him out of Dean’s body, Michael takes note of how much you love Dean and how you’re willing to do anything for him. He wants you to feel like that for him. 
So one day after another failed attempt to save Dean Michael makes a deal with you. Give yourself up and you’ll have Dean back. You want to immediately agree but why does he of all people want you specifically to give yourself up?
You demand to know why and he smiles. “Because I want my soulmate by my side.” His smile turns into a grin as he pulls up his sleeve on his right arm, revealing your name on it. You gasp, your jaw unclenches, going slack, and you scramble to look at your left arm. You’re afraid that his name has taken Dean’s place but find it hasn’t changed. “As much as I would love to explain it, I don’t know why my name isn’t on your arm when we’re destined to be together. But that doesn’t matter right now. Will you come with me or not?” He leans towards you as he crosses his arms. You pace in thought for a moment before looking at him, shoulders slumped and frown. “You promise you’ll let him go? Like vacate from him, find a new ‘vessel’ or whatever?” You question and nervously fidget. He licks his lips quickly before gaining an even wider grin, “Yes. I’ll leave his body.”, Michaels lies right through his teeth. He’d be stupid to give up his true vessel, the one that makes him even more powerful than he already was. But you don’t know this, so you reluctantly agree, thinking you’re saving Dean. No matter how much Sam screams at you to not say yes, that we’ll find another way to save him, you can’t hear him over the thought of Dean being free again. “I’ll go with you.”
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oprahsfriendgayle · 10 months
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habizuh-studios · 1 month
The Outsiders art jumpscare 💥💥💥
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What?? I'm not obsessed with PB&J ... YOU ARE! ... I just think they would do this in the church yk??? no homo if its with the homies amiright???
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moonah-rose · 1 year
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A girl can have her romantic soulmate (Chidi), her sapphic soulmate (Tahani) and her asexual demon soulmate (Fire Squid in a Bowtie).
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hacash · 1 year
You know those really close friendships where something will happen and neither of you have to say anything, you just make eye contact and both immediately Know what the other’s thinking? I want Colin to introduce Michael to the team, properly this time, and amongst all the how-are-yous and greetings Michael ends up standing next to Bumbercatch. And without one word passing between them Isaac gets this huge shit-eating grin on his face and seemingly out of nowhere Colin is suddenly fuming and ranting shut up, shut the fuck up McAdoo, that’s not funny, don’t you dare, I do not have a type I do not have a fucking type you absolute dickhead...
Isaac is almost crying with laughter. Neither Michael nor Bumbercatch know what the hell is going on. 
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 6
A/N: I aim to spoil you all. That and I'm not going to lie, the comments fuel me! <3 I love you guys.
Word Count: 3,016
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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David’s hand gripped her hip to keep her still. “You should sit still. I don’t think you want to know what I want to do to you if you rile me up just yet.” The words came out of him so easily. Y/N stiffened as she tried to stay as still as possible in his lap. The other guys had a smirk on their lips except Laddie who seemed to be far too distracted by the sight of the waitress returning with their drinks and his milkshake.
“Oh.. you know if you guys wanted we do have that one booth in the other side of the diner that could seat all of you-...” Sylvia said to them looking amused. “Young love.”
Y/N’s head spun to look behind her and sure enough, in a corner away from sight unless you looked, was a booth that wrapped around a corner of the wall which would have seated 10 people if they truly wanted to. Then she looked back to the guys.
Paul was openly laughing, Marko looked out the window while moving his lips together to hide his own smile. Dwayne was just smiling and shaking his head. Y/N didn’t even want to turn around to look at David’s face which no doubt had been smirking behind her.
“Oh, we totally forgot about that booth. Oh well we are all comfortable now. Isn’t that right Y/N?” Dwayne asked her tilting his head to look over to her.
It was almost like he was daring her to say that she wasn’t comfortable where she had been. The moment she opened her lips to answer though Laddie had unknowingly betrayed her. “I like this one! This is my favorite!”
Instantly her lips closed into a thin line, well as thin as her lips allowed her while she tried not to smile; these boys had managed to trick her into coming to this side so she wouldn’t have seen the other.
Laddie had just been so happy that she wasn’t able to say anything about it. The drinks were placed in front of them and Y/N reached over to get her milkshake. “Thank you Sylvia.” Y/N said to the woman who offered a smile and asked for their food orders.
David had kept Y/N close against him while they waited for their food. Keeping her head pressed against his shoulder with his cheek resting against her head. A content smile on his lips as he listened to the others talk with their little mate.
They had been missing her for more than half of the night missing her, they just had wanted to find her. Of course they had to mess with Michael just a bit before they did start their search. Michael seemed oh so reluctant to admit that he liked spending time with them. He still had sought them out at times but then would always give his attention to Star the moment he saw her. It was such a shame. Truth be told the reason they had tried to change Star was because she seemed to make people want to like her. A valuable trait for a vampire to have because it ensured an easy meal.
“So why Santa Carla?” Dwayne asked her. “This is the kind of place people usually go to disappear. You’re not looking to disappear are you?”
“Of course I’m not looking to disappear. If I was then I wouldn’t have spent time talking to you now would I? No point in meeting people if I’m trying to stay away from them.” Y/N said, but it was a good question.
Paul rested his head on the palm of his hand while looking at her like he was staring at a piece of art. “Where are you from?”
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That had been a question that caught her by surprise. Sure it might have been a normal question to ask but it hadn’t been a question that she got before. That might have something to do with the fact that she hadn’t talked to people in a while. Though it had been far too long for her to remember that kind of information; the only thing that Y/N could remember was a river near her home.
“I don’t really know where I’m from? I guess you could say I’m from everywhere.” Y/N said as she bit the inside corner of her cheek making her lips move to one side in a slight pout. Her mind trying to remember which place she had been originally from. “I move a lot. Tyr and I don’t typically stay in one place for too long. It never felt right to set down roots.” Especially since if she stayed too long then she would more than likely be seen as not aging.
“Tyr? That’s your roommate right?” Paul asked her plopping a fry into his mouth. “He’s like your best friend or something?”
“Well you can say that, he kind of saved my life. I’ve been close to him ever since then.” Y/N explained to them. A smile on her lips making them just feel so drawn to her. “He’s almost like a brother to me. When you have been around someone that long, you learn to feel like they are family. I think he thinks of me as a little sister.” Y/N said laughing a bit, not because it was funny, but because it just gave her this warm feeling in her chest that just made her happy.
If she wasn’t so sure that Tyr meeting them would lead to a battle unlike anything she had ever seen before, she would have loved for them to meet.  
It was a relief. They had been worried, even when she had explained to them that they had not stayed in the same room that didn’t mean anything. The fact that she had seen this Tyr person as a brother was a weight off their shoulders.
“How did he save your life?” Dwayne asked her, that was the main part that caught his attention. Though seeing as Y/N shifted her eyes to look away from him as she placed her lips on the straw to her milkshake to take a sip; he could tell that wasn’t a question she wanted to answer, and seeing as she hadn’t told them why she had been running earlier, they wanted to know this one.
“Listen my muse, please, we want to know you.” Marko said to her flashing a smile; every time he listened to the sound of her voice it was like the greatest thing gracing his soul. The guys had only felt these feelings to each other when they had first met one another.
Y/N set her cup down and gave a very small smile, “It was so long ago. I was just a young kid then. It didn’t seem like I was very welcomed in my neighborhood. I think. I don’t really know the details. I just know that someone set my house on fire, or multiple people. All I remember is that Tyr was the one that helped me get out safely and we have been running ever since.” She left out the gory details of her parents passing.
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It just didn’t feel like something she had to say. It should be clear considering she was able to run with just Tyr after.
The guys had lived long enough to know that someone who sets houses on fires just felt personal. David pressed a kiss to her temple making her cheeks flush. “Well, we are going to keep you safe from now on. So you don’t have to keep running. This can be your home.” David said to her.
The guys seemed so happy to offer her this place with them, to make her a part of their lives. “I’m..” She wanted to say she was travelling with someone which would make it impossible for her to just settle down without him.
“If Tyr means that much to you then hell he can join too!” Paul chimed in. The others didn’t seem to entirely agree with that sentiment though. It was understandable. Vampires weren’t known to be the most trusting of those they didn’t feel an immediate connection with and they hadn’t even met Tyr.
“That seems like a lot to take in for one night. Can I think on it?” She asked the guys. At this point in her life she had liked to think of herself as an evasive person. She even wanted to evade questions that she wanted to think on more or just didn’t want to answer. With the things that Tyr had told her then this was for the best.
“People who know you too much know your thoughts; know your plans. Don’t let them in.” Tyr had once told her back when they had first met. Looking at the time they knew they would have to leave soon. The sun would start to rise in just two hours.
“You said you lived kinda close to the cave right?” David asked her. “Let us give you a ride there so that you can be closer to home.” As he spoke he took out money from his pocket to set on the table, along with a generous tip for Sylvia. They really did seem to care about that woman. It was sweet.
Dwayne got out and helped Y/N come out so that David could slide out of the booth. Paul and Marko had been saying their goodbyes to Sylvia and wishing her a great morning as they left the diner. Dwayne had kept Y/N close so that she could ride back with him this time. “Are you guys taking turns?” she asked laughing a bit but still she got on the back of his bike, Laddie had gotten on the back of Paul’s bike.
“It’s either we take turns or we end up fighting over who gets to be close to you.” Dwayne explained to her, “You’re real special to us. More than you can imagine.”
But she could imagine, because they were special to her too or she wouldn’t be in this situation, on the back of their bikes and just spending time with them. “You guys are special to me too.” With that they drove back to the cave. It felt like a race to beat the sun. They parked their bikes at the top of the cliff and one by one said goodbye to her.
David kissed the top of her hand, his lips pressing against her knuckles, “Goodnight, Doll.” He said to her and made his way down. Dwayne pressed a kiss to her forehead whispering goodnight. It was strange how Dwayne’s whisper of a goodnight felt like it went through her soul as he backed away and went back down.
Marko went up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and twirling her around in a circle planting a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight beautiful.” He said setting her back down and rushing after the others with Laddie going in after her.
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Paul looked at her, smiling like he seemed to always be doing. He walked up to her, placing his hands on her cheeks to cup her face. “If you ever need to cry?”
“Come to you, or one of the others.” Y/N said to him feeling flushed at the closeness that they had been together. This felt far more intimate than the others way of saying goodnight.
“Good girl, remember that.” Paul said to her and before she could even blink, he leaned down and kissed her lips. “Goodnight.” He said against her lips before going down leaving her standing there stunned by what had just happened.
Y/N stood at the cliffs edge after the guys had gone down. Standing as she watched the sun start to rise for just a while longer. It was not often that she managed to see it. Y/N was more of a night owl, no need for her to stray far away from the sunlight. It actually felt kind of nice, the warmth on her skin. Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning seaside air.
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Then the memories of what had happened last night here in this very cave came back to her. It made her feel sick. Y/N turned to walk away so that she could head home to rest when a voice dragged her out of her thoughts. Turning she spotted none other than the Halfling himself.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.” Michael spoke to her like she was somewhere she didn’t belong. Though after the time that she had spent with David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul she felt like this might be the very place that she had been searching for her whole life. If anything, this was the place she should be.
It was impossible for her to look him in the eyes, “Not like it is any of your business, but I was spending time with the guys.” She said to him while keeping walking. She just wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. It didn’t seem like her wish would be granted. Y/N could hear the sound of footsteps following her.
“You’re all the way out here, the sun had just barely started to come up, let me take you home. If you were with them then you must have been up all night.” Michael pled. He had brought his bike over and didn’t think that she would be okay to walk.
“Michael, I’m sure you have to get home soon, if you think that I had a long night then I know that you had more than a long night.. and  I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding harsh, but I don’t want to talk to you again.” She didn’t even stop, at least not until the sound of metal hitting stones could be heard. That made her turn her head to look back at him.
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Y/N’s heart thumped seeing Michael walking over to her, not even caring that he basically shoved his own bike out of his way to go over to her. His hands cupping her cheeks as he brought her in for a kiss. It was deep, needy, and desperate. She was shocked, then, she was furious. Pushing him away from herself, or at least trying to. Freaking vampires with their stupid strength! At least he had the common decency to remove his lips from hers when she showed she wanted to distance him from her.
“Michael, what the actual hell was that for!?” She asked him; her hands had been on his chest to stop him from getting close again.
“Don’t say that to me, please.” Michael begged. He sounded broken. This man, this half vampire, believed he had the right to sound broken just because she had said she didn’t want to talk to him anymore? “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”
Y/N had been so close to yelling at him when she finally made eye contact with him, “What...” Her hand moved to his chin, turning his head to the left then the right, all the while keeping eye contact. “You idiot.” She hissed at him.
She refused to forgive him for what he had done, he shouldn’t have slept with Star, even then she knew it wasn’t entirely his fault now. “What does she want from you Michael?” The look on his face was enough for her to know he had no idea what she was talking about. Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, “Star Michael. What did Star want from you?”
“She wants help.” That was all the information that he was going to give her it seemed. She could tell he didn’t want to tell her everything; for a moment Y/N had forgotten that Michael didn’t know that she knew about the vampires.
She continued to look at him, urging him silently to continue with what he was saying; but he kept his lips sealed. “My god Michael I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything. Please don’t stop being a freaking stubborn ass and just tell me what she wanted from you!”
Y/N was trying so hard to keep herself from yelling at him. She didn’t want to yell at him but she was so frustrated.
Michael swallowed harshly as he kept looking into her eyes. His eyebrows close together while he was deep in thought. Weighing his options on whether he should tell her. “The guys are vampires.”
“I know.” Y/N said to him when he didn’t finish, again.
“You know? How could you know? Did they tell you? Did they try to feed on you? Did you drink from the bottle?” Each question had Michael feeling more and more angry with each passing second.
“I’m not a half vampire. I just want you to tell me the truth right now Michael. I’m not going to ask again.”  At this moment it had felt like her soulmate had been created with the sole purpose on testing her patience.
“She... doesn’t want to be a vampire. She wants to stop it from happening and wants me to help stop the others.” Michael said to her now finally releasing his hold on her face and stepping back. “She doesn’t want this kind of life. I don’t either. I have a family I need to be there for.”
A frown formed on her face. Y/N thought this through silently for a moment. Michael studied her face to see what she would say. This was crazy though. Y/N didn’t know what was going through Star’s mind. Was it possible that she, herself didn’t know the truth? Possibly..
“But she’s not even a vampire..” Y/N groaned. Michael’s eyes widened as he looked at Y/N. He had seen what Star was capable of, how she got into his brothers room in an instant. If she wasn’t a vampire, then what was she? And how did Y/N know? “She doesn’t even know she’s not a vampire!”
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1x12 | 2x9
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clairedelune-13 · 5 months
Just for clarification’s sake:
I DO NOT seriously ship David and Michael.
I already fell down the Cockles rabbit hole, and managed to extract myself somewhat from that one, even if spare threads remain. Cuz, like:
That’s just a matter of pure perception based off what’s seen at cons and what they volunteer. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don’t ship Cockles. I just perceive it.
It’s a Dumpster for a reason. 🤣
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But not David and Michael. I genuinely just love their friendship, and I refuse to speculate about their private lives.
No judgement to those that do. This is just me and my stance. And I do not seriously ship them.
Their friendship and genuine love is beautiful and the absence of toxic masculinity is rare and refreshing. 💕
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youngsamberg · 2 years
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I just feel helpless. But I’m guessing that you do, too.
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