#michaelmcchill critical
kitsu-katsu · 2 years
If Michaelmcchill complains about the audience not caring as much when he fucks around instead of telling a story and are confused and annoyed when he fucks around disregarding his character ON THE STORY-HEAVY SERVER
Then fuck yeah I'm criticizing Michael
And if then he advocates time and time again for everyone to DELETE the wholeass two years of story to build a new server on top instead of making a new one from scratch as if minecraft had any sort of limitations on how many servers you can make, then fuck yeah I'm gonna believe the obvious which is that he just wants the title. He wants the views. He wants to fuck around in the DSMP, because the DSMP is popular. He can hang out and fuck around ANYWHERE ELSE. But he wants to specifically delete and remake the DSMP. It is parading around a dead corpse of a server because nobody cared when he spent 14 hours that nobody made him spend making background music and then blamed the audience for not being interested
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novaculis · 3 years
interesting point that just occurred to me as i’m watching lore vods. for full context, i’ve watched all of techno’s stream live, and i’m currently watching sapnap’s vod. i haven’t watched any of tommy’s pov so far because, as i am typing this he’s still live and i want to watch it in chronological order, not start halfway through, but i have some thoughts i want to expand on here
there was a very interesting exchange as that large group (tommy, sapnap, etc.) was preparing to confront dream and techno outside the prison. tommy, trying to articulate the seriousness of dream escaping to michael and eryn, began telling them that (1) dream was a very bad man who did very bad things to him and (2) that they should be wary of him, as he is highly manipulative and twists things to his own ends. now, this is not a commentary on that statement. from tommy’s perspective, that statement is entirely true, and he is doing everything he can, even through his panic and fear, to stop others from going through what he went through. but what i’m interested in doing here is examining those statements from michael and eryn’s perspectives specifically.
from michael and eryn’s perspectives, dream has been in prison for as long as they’ve been on the server. nobody really talks about why, or anything specific that he’s done. but now they have tommy, a person who, for as long as they’ve been on the server, has been relatively respected and in a position of social power, telling them that someone is so dangerous that they shouldn’t even speak to him, and not to trust a single word that comes out of his mouth. this, at least to me if i were in their position, would strike me as extremely suspicious. a huge group of people are trying to imprison this person, for vague reasons, and i’m being told that i shouldn’t listen to anything he says? that sounds like the perfect set-up for all sorts of systemic mistreatment, if everything that someone says is to be taken as manipulation and deceit.
i’m not necessarily saying that is what is happening with the prison arc, i don’t like debating ethics or morality. i am purely looking at this from a character perspective because that’s what i find interesting. but it’s an interesting possibility for michael and eryn’s characters going forward.
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mcytshitposts · 3 years
the fact that characters canonically pissing on iconic important landmarks was the first official DSMP lore for not one, but TWO members so far is really beautiful imo
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blockgamepirate · 3 years
I don't have super high hopes because I know how the Dream SMP is and how cool and interesting individual storylines get ignored and dropped... but I hope the others include c!Michael in their plans somehow.
I mean I can't help but think that this would be a perfect opening for c!Dream to go to Michael's to find refuge after being broken out of prison. The Arctic Commune is way too well known at this point anyway.
That said, someone in the comments compared this to Niki's "Dear Friend" video and... it really does remind me of that one and that doesn't bode well considering how Niki was sidelined and ignored.
And I remember how back when c!Tommy was being threatened with exile I thought that c!Niki's Secret City was perfectly set up to give him a place to stay... but no, they didn't use it at all. It's was all set up without a pay-off (and wishful thinking on my part).
Idk, this is Dream SMP's biggest flaw and I keep hoping that they'll learn but I'm not sure I trust them to.
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rosartemis · 3 years
Why are people lumping Dream into the whole situation with Sapnap and Hbomb?
I'm seeing people say "so glad Quackity and Michael won", but Quackity was there in the aftermath of MCC14 too. Neither Dream nor Quackity were hardcore tearing into Hbomb, both of them clearly stated over and over again that it was just a game in the end. Either lump Quackity in as well, or leave both of them out of it.
The only person that deserved criticism for their behaviour was Sapnap. He was the only one genuinely baby raging, and he shouldn't have pulled Hbomb's vods up to relentlessly shit on it in front of a audience of 100,000.
I really hate the notion of everyone--even his own fandom--seeing Dream in the worst possible light. How everything someone associated with him does is also his fault. Red rabbits was not even remotely toxic this MCC. Just say you didn't want to watch their vods and are just making assumptions based on previous behaviour while ignoring any potential growth.
How is tumblr more toxic than twitter right now? All of you think you're so above them and then pull the same hypocritical bullshit. Hbomb didn’t deserve to be kicked off MCC or be sent death threats, so neither does Sapnap and Dream. You’re allowed to be disappointed, but don’t be an asshole about it.
“MCC isn’t supposed to be toxic” they say, while being toxic as hell.
I also saw people comparing this to the toxicity after a sports game and say "oh, we're not as bad, so it's completely fine". Newsflash, this is not a professional tournament. Also why are we comparing ourselves to sports fans? Do things have to get to that level before people call that shit out? 
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mcytmoon · 3 years
Michael McChill Lore Analysis
Link to the Initial Analysis here
// Exile , L'Manberg , C!Wilbur Critical / neg , C!Quackity Critical / Neg , Pogtopia
The Neg is there just in case.
This analysis will focus on key points that stuck out to me. I tried to be as objective as possible, but still, opinions on certain situations might show up. I am in no way suggesting that this analysis is 100% correct, and I am probably looking too far into this, but it's fun either way. The analysis is below the cut:
"They told me that if I make a wooden house, I should've expected it to burn and, and it did,"
His house got burnt and yet the people responsible somehow faced no consequences.
This highlights how unfair Tommy's exile was. He faced a large consequence which was not equal to the crime. Other people have also done the same thing and faced none.
"One self-reliance is an important key"
Many people in the DreamSMP have/had a reliance on other people. For example, POGTOPIA relied on Technoblade at the beginning. However, the majority of the time, it has ended up with people getting hurt, in the case of Tommy and Technoblade, both of them got hurt.
"Two, when you're alone you have nothing to rely on"
There have been many times where this has occurred.
- Tommy's exile - Tubbo's Snowchester - Ranboo's Panic Room - Dream and The Prison
"And three, actions matter much more than words"
Quackity, saying he wanted to stop a dictatorship, unknowingly helped to create one. Only when it stopped working in his favour, his opinion towards his position changed. However, he has still created a new nation where he is the leader.
Wilbur said he wanted a safe space for 'peace and liberty', and while that may have been reflected at the beginning, the actions which opposed this view tainted the reputation of L'Manberg, and the residents.
"While I don't have enemies, I also don't have friends either"
Very few people on the server stray from this view. Some characters do have 'enemies' per se. Yet, many characters have teamed with these 'enemies' blurring the lines.
"I've heard nothing but rumours of good and bad"
The Characters and Storylines within the Dream SMP are very grey at this point in time.
However, for there to be grey characters, you need foundational Black and White characters who set out the principles of which grey characters fall within.
For many people, from an audience's view, this changes. For some people it's Dream and Tommy, for some it's Technoblade and Tubbo, for others it's CaptainPuffy and BadBoyHalo. This changes with each person.
"The further away I get from L'Manberg, the clearer my mind becomes" and "Stay away from L'Manberg".
Could L'Manberg be cursed?
Or maybe it's the idea that one place could influence so many people and the way they view the world now.
"When I am here, nothing enters my walls"
Reminiscent of L'Manberg. While trying to escape it, people still fall into what it used to be, because those walls were safety. L'Manberg at the beginning of its creation was about safety for the people within it.
The people of the SMP feel as though the only way to protect themselves is with Physical Barricades to stop people.
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kiuda · 3 years
Tumblr media
I am catching up on Michael's lore streams and just had to make this lmao
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insomniaccipher · 3 years
(Paraphrased) “You’re on the DreamSMP now, are you a hero or villain“
Let’s be honest, there aren’t really any heroes or villains on the server. Everyone on the server has done both good and bad things and it purely depends on where you stand.
Like I see Tommy as a pretty shitty character, who has gone through stuff while others see him as a pure victim and ignores the shitty stuff he did.
EDIT: Thank you for telling me to put ‘c!tommy critical’ I wasn’t trying to be toxic I’m just not super fond of his character. So I’m sorry if I upset anyone, that was not my intention! I should’ve checked the tags before posting originally
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arctic-bookclub · 3 years
honestly i get where michael is coming from with wanting a reset on the server, if this was an smp that was just that: a minecraft server that people played on and there was minimal to no story involved, a reset would make sense; but that’s not the case. resetting the server now with all the story unfinished and plot points untied would be like watching a show and have the show just, suddenly reset midway through? with no explanation other than ’oh a few actors got bored’. from a viewer’s perspective it would be confusing and frustrating, and from a player’s perspective it would just be the Height of miscommunication and an end with such a sour note having to see all these things you’ve set up get wiped without a conclusion. a reset now or in the near future would just be a death sentence to the server and not a revival, a reset could work in the future when the story is tied up and concluded but for now it would be a disaster that would sour so many ties and leave people upset and with a sour taste in their mouth
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the-king-of-lemons · 3 years
The Big Long DSMPblr Tagging Guide
i heard there were a lot of new people coming in from twitter so i thought id finally make the big long tag guide
FIRST THINGS FIRST, never ever tag #mine/craft. never tag anything that includes the word mine/craft either (this includes #mine/craft youtubers and #philza mine/craft). the mine/craft tag is for the game itself, they want to see build inspo and talk about the game itself. they do not want to see mcyt art. (the same goes for the #mine/blr tag)
SECONDLY, dont crosstag. crosstagging is usually defined as tagging characters that arent in any way relevant to your post (ex. tagging #tommyinnit in a post about the syndicate). its a rude thing to do and will clog up the tag and make it harder for people to find posts that are actually about the character. it wont give your post more exposure it will just annoy people.
THIRDLY, when you want to add a trigger warning into your post put it in the tags. tumblrs filtering system can easily filter out posts tagged with triggers. tag with #(trigger), #tw (trigger), or #(trigger) tw. anyone who doesnt want to see that trigger will have the tags filtered out so they dont have to see them.
also if you are writing a character critical post you can use #c!(name) critical or #c!(name) negative. this means people who just want to see things like art can easily filter it out!
and an extra hot tip! the first 5 tags of your post are the most important, and tumblr only counts the first 20 when putting your post into tags, anything after that wont show up, so make sure not to over tag too much
Some tags to use:
#mcyt - catchall tag for anything mcyt, including hermitcraft, dsmp, hybrid/powers smp, mindcrack, shady oaks smp, etc.
#dream smp - the most used tag for any dream smp related posts (alternatives include #dreamsmp and #dsmp)
#tales from the smp - for anything tftsmp related (alternatives include #tftsmp and #talesfromthesmp)
more tags under the cut because otherwise this post would be a mile long
Some general ones:
#dsmpblr and #mcytblr
#dream smp analysis (or #dsmp analysis)
#dream smp meta (or #dsmp meta)
#dream smp theory (or #dsmp theory)
#dream smp art or #mcyt art (or fanart in place of art)
For specific arcs/groups:
#lmanburg #lmanberg
#exile arc
#prison arc
#el rapids #kinoko kingdom
#the syndicate
Character/CC Tags:
(used interchangeably for character/cc but if you want you can do #c!(name) as well) 
multiple tags are listed for some people but the most common one is first
Dream - #dreamwastaken
George - #georgenotfound
Sapnap - #sapnap
Callahan - #mcyt callahan #dsmp callahan
Sam - #awesamdude #sam nook #sam awesamdude #samnook
Alyssa - #itsalyssa #mcyt alyssa
Ponk - #ponk #dropsbyponk
Bad - #badboyhalo #bbh
Tommy - #tommyinnit
Tubbo - #tubbo #tubbo_ #tubbolive
Fundy - #fundy #itsfundy #fundylive
Punz - #punz
Purpled - #purpled
Wilbur - #wilbur soot #ghostbur #wilbursoot
Jschlatt - #jschlatt #schlatt #glatt
Skeppy - #skeppy
Eret- #eret #the_eret
Jack Manifold - #jack manifold #jackmanifoldtv #thunder1408
Niki - #nihachu #niki nihachu
Quackity - #quackity #quackityhq
Karl - #karl jacobs #karljacobs
Hbomb - #hbomb #hbomb94
Techno - #technoblade
Ant - #antfrost
Phil - #philza #ph1lza
Connor - #connoreatspants
Puffy - #captain puffy #captainpuffy
Vikk - #vikkstar #vikkstar123
Lazar - #lazarbeam
Ranboo - #ranboo #ranboolive
Foolish - #foolish gamers #foolishg #foolishgamers #foolish__gamers #foolish g
Hannah - #hannahxxrose
Charlie - #slimecicle #charlie slimecicle
Michael McChill - #michael mcchill #michaelmcchill
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from-cj-with-love · 3 years
Rating Dream SMP character based off of how ripped they are.
Dream - rotting in prison means no more muscles. 4/10
GeorgeNotFound - get up bitch. 0/10
Callahan - 1000/10 I will not be taking criticism
SapNap - hooo buddy. oh honey. 13/10
AweSamDude - could kill god with a a glance. and a trident throw. 10/10
DropsByPonk - my fucking monarch 8/10
BadBoyHalo - 20/10 MAJOR pectorals.
TommyInnit - god this kid’s been through it. he’s fought in wars, sure, but who has time to work out when you’re always put through the ringer? –2/10
Tubbo - built snowchester and a huge guardian farm. 9/10
ItsFundy - more agile and limber. like a fox. bc he is one. also buff furries terrify me. 4/10
Punz - heavy breathing 11/10
Purpled - Merc work, bedwars, building, the building paranoia that everyone he trusts is going to betray him and money being his biggest motivator. 6.5/10
WilburSoot - I was gonna just say “weak old music man” but then I remembered he worked in mines, shot bows, and was in an army. 7/10
JSchlatt - I was gonna just say “weak old alcoholic man” but then I remembered he guzzled protein powder and lifted weights. that’s concerning. 7/10
Skeppy - he’s made of diamonds which is a cheat code. 50/10 but you’re disqualified
Eret - walking around in fancy clothes and dresses constantly with all the beauty and showmanship in the world must be exhausting. 8/10
JackManifoldTV - Potatoes, spite, death, radiation, and mental illness do not a buff man make 1.5/10
Nihachu - She must be in pain from having to carry The Syndicate on her back 8/10
Quackity - uncomfortably buff. 7/10
Karl Jacobs - energy drinks, hiring someone to build his kingdom, and disappearing doesn’t exactly sound like a workout plan sir 3/10
HBomb - vaults. his village. grinding. the prestige. 12/10
TechnoBlade - he’s been carrying the weight of his sins since the potato wars. also mining and farming for hours. 15/10
AntFrost - he is Stick. Slinky. 3/10
ConnorEatsPants - sonic man has legs that aren’t that swole despite running so much. 4/10
CaptainPuffy - foolish, your dad is gnc as fuck. 10/10
Vikkstar123 - in tommy’s head he’s ∞/10 which is fair but in reality he is 6/10 and that’s fine
LazarBeam - Mr Beam there is never anything to say about you so I’m going to slap on 5/10 and call it a day
Ranboo - Genderman? More like Jellyman 1/10
HannahXXRose - bedwars, gardening, betrayal, it’s all gotta keep you swole. 8/10
Slimecicle - too-human charlie would be perfectly average. 5/10 goop boy? changing shape. ?/10
MichaelMcChill - man’s went full fucking super spy one time. and he’s been in the SMP business for years now. pretty damn swole. solid Mr McChill. 8.5/10
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qtubpol · 3 years
Dream smp characters that pull bitches
(In no particular order, also a joke) (And no, I don’t take criticism)
Niki Nihachu
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 3 years
My Dream SMP Opinions, Takes, & Biases
These takes may change!
(also read my dsmp fics here!)
- Viewer of the Dream SMP since November 27-28, 2020; my first POV of bias is c!Ranboo's, though it should be known that cc!Schlatt is what drew my interest in the Dream SMP
- unironic lore centrist
- c!Everyone enjoyer! I am bound to watch anyone and everyone with lore with the exception of big lore events with several people streaming, in that case I watch the POV I am biased towards/is easiest to watch first. I look for missing info from other POVs after
Pros of following me for dsmp analysis purposes:
focus on smaller/less popular CC's and their character lore
as much as possible, relative objectivity
Open to meta discussion
Cons of following me for dsmp analysis purposes:
pay enough attention to my posts and you'll find my unpopular biases
I will reblog conflicting takes one after the other
I will make sure to destroy your echo chamber
- I am particularly open-minded when it comes to the variety of lore styles on the server, along with their clash and cohesion
- I disagree with the concept of Death of the Author a lot, so know that I have a tendency to not only respect but treat CC intent as king; I am likely to call out and point out their flaws as writers but I make sure I never let that bother me
- other people complaining about CC writing absolutely do bother me though, and on the rare occasion it happens, you may catch me being angry about them
-I believe in a CC's right to tell off their audience and for them to draw the lines of when this is necessary
- Will demonstrate apologist behavior for c!Ranboo, c!Eret, c!Ponk, c!Connor, c!HBomb, c!Purpled, & c!Michaelmcchill, and yes, all at once! Whatever they all have in common should tell you what kind of characters I like. Crit (especially /neg crit) on these guys and the CCs' writing regarding them are not found here, and you’ll probably find that instead on other blogs.
- Feel free to @ me directly or send me an ask/anon, especially in discourse! Do be polite!
- i want this server's narrative to have a happy ending and exhibit hopepunk themes! This heavily influences which characters I like! If that isn't achievable, a thoughrough exploration on existence and living will suffice.
- People Not Sides Defender!!! I unironically think People Not Sides work and I want the narrative to say so; if you think this is unfeasible or invalid you're not gonna find me or most of my takes agreeable, like most of my biases are the way they are because of this
- every character's arc has something to learn from—arcs that share common lessons constitute the Dream SMP's narrative themes
- no ideology in the SMP is superior to the other, however I believe the only cause worth fighting for in the server is the cause that acknowledges all beliefs can coexist and that people can and should work towards that kind of peaceful coexistence; the only people who shouldn't be shown compromise are those who believe in causes that are the antithesis to the concept of compromise and live up to those specific causes
- almost no one in the server understands healthy attachments, or how to healthily keep things and let go of things
- self-worth is intrinsic and way too many powerful characters fail to realize this, which causes more problems for everyone
- I have a dislike for characters who want to be the epitome of anything, especially if it's something not worth losing your humanity to
- c!Quackity and c!Techno critical (mixed feelings); they're getting better but they are functionally still idealogical extremes so :/
- c!Dream critical (mixed feelings); what are you up to?!?!
- c!Sam critical (mixed feelings)
- c!Wilbur critical (positive)
- c!Punz neutral (mixed feelings)
- c!Clingy duo sympathetic
- c!Rocket duo sympathetic
- c!Phil, c!Foolish & c!Puffy critical (positive)
- c!Karl, c!Sapnap, c!Fundy, sympathetic
- c!Bad, c!Ant, c!Schlatt, & c!Slimecicle neutral (positive)
- c!George & c!Skeppy neutral (negative)
- c!Hannah & c!Boomer neutral (mixed feelings)
- c!Eryn & C!PK neutral (positive)
- c!Tina & c!Aimsey sympathetic
- L'Manburg critical—it's founding and revolution was valid but I haven't been happy with what's it been doing after that. L'Manburg the people and L'Manburg the institution are separate for me, and I have neutral (negative) feelings about the latter. My views on the former depend on the individual. I consider all administrations as identifiable with the faction.
- Las Nevadas the institution critical, i disagree with what it stands for but c!Slime dying for the country gave it dignity; my opinions on Las Nevadas the people vary per person
- Syndicate the group apologist, i think a proper execution of what the group believes in should be practiced by everyone on the server; my opinions on the Syndicate the individuals vary per person as well
- Badlands neutral; still wary of their political goals to this day
- Kinoko Kingdom neutral
- Snowchester apologist
- neutral towards The Greater SMP and New Manifoldland
- rooted for team Pro-Omelette during the Egg arc, though I have my sympathies for the individual members of the Eggpire
- rooted for team Foolish during the L'Sandburg conflict
- still grieving Little Penis Land, the Supreme Fridge, and all the lemon trees
- oh, and El Rapids
- Endersmile truther
- DreamXD anti, I think the server can flourish if we got rid of him
- Doomsday conflicted, mostly because I think the L’Manburgians shouldn’t have to grieve forever methinks, but also L’manburg the country had a right to play its course
- this user is conflicted about the humanity and personhood of ghostbur
- i believe in c!Dream's entitlement to the server but I don't like how he asserted that
- in denial of the toxicity in c!beeduo's relationship and c!puffy
- as much as i despise c!Q and c!Techno, the people who found what the communities they made as a source of healing are valid in their choices
- dsmp analysisblr's least deranged c!connor enjoyer and most deranged c!michaelmcchill enjoyer (self-proclaimed)
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itssideria · 2 years
🚫 - is lore crit good and fun? drops this in your inbox like one would a live bomb
dream smp lore discourse: is lore crit good and fun?
ha Ha. im sure you sent this in with no ulterior motive or knowledge of how i talk about lore crit in dms! im sure you dont want me to get my ass beat on tumblr dot com!! i would Never assume anything bad of ren zrenia! what an innocent ask this is!!!
okay but to answer the actual question—no. just. unequivocally, no.
once upon a time i would have said yes. lore crit around this time last year accounted for the cc's writing inexperience, hectic schedules, and general formatting and style of the dream smp. it usually manifested as a dislike of retcons, or people being tired of waiting for promised lore, or anger at dropped storylines and drastically altered characterisations. but that was good! it was fair! it was given with the exact reasons the critic didn't like the lore, and often with suggested improvements. it was done in good faith. the people doing it genuinely seemed to love the dream smp story!! i LOVED that shit and reblogged it all the time.
now though? yeah, no. it's become a shitshow lmfao. from people just INSTANTLY assuming bad faith from the cc's—assuming they don't respect their audience, or value their own storylines (ccs like michaelmcchill, who often say... iffy things are SOMETIMES exceptions to this, though)—to ignoring the intended format of the dream smp (never forget how fucking pissed i was when ctommy was called the main character by Every big blog around) to DEMANDING certain storylines and interactions between certain characters (looking at you, dash after the wilbur eret lore stream. what the fuck was that) it's just. not fun anymore. it's not how it used to be.
it's not constructive. lots of blogs talk about this story like they just want it to 'fucking end, already, why are we still here,' and seem to forget that they're allowed to just leave the fandom. they attack ccs that don't interact perfectly well with their favorite characters (wilburians and inniters, this is some of you) and seem to forget that this lore, especially when wilbur is involved, is cowritten by many and mutually agreed on prior to streaming. they assume that cc's are uncaring and hateful toward their fans and are abuse apologists. they get mad when certain concerns go unaddressed. it's not even crit anymore—a lot of it is just straight up hate, with no clear indication of what would make the lore better in their eyes. blogs doompost every three weeks. dream proves he's working on fixing dsmp and people immediately assume he's stupid and doing things wrong. i've unfollowed DOZENS of people who just spew angry things on the dash these last few months, because it was depressing. and it bothered me a lot, because i really used to like reading their thoughts!! until lore crit goes back to being light-hearted and in good faith, chances are i won't engage with it again—i'm here to have fun, yknow? also i hope this post doesn't get me killed
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tobi-smp · 3 years
Me, who has used the main tag of almost every person BESIDES dream for smp stuff and instead uses a cc specific one, and yet has never gotten hate for it: *watches that one user harassing you and trying to be moral about it*
(I dont use C! either, I use dsmp dream, but like. You dont see people yelling about Ranboo getting put in the tags. Or tubbo. Or michaelmcchill, whose full name often gets used to differentiate from michael_beloved.)
Yep Yep Yep
it's Really Quite Similar to the fact that I've Only ever been told to tag character neg or critical from doomsday trio apologists. tommy neg was So Common in the aftermath of the green festival and doomsday that his tags were practically unusable but my reaction was to become an analysis blog over night
c!jack apologists would never do this to me
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c!Dream: White-Blue Navy
c!George: Black-Green
c!Sapnap: White-Red
c!Sam: Tulip
c!Bad: Black-Red
c!Tommy: Red-Gray
c!Punz: White-Blue-Black
c!Tubbo: Blue-Screamin Green
c!Wilbur: Pompadour
c!Quackity: Pompadour
c!Techno: Matrix
c!Philza: White-Japanese Laurel
c!Ranboo: Green Scampi
c!Michaelmcchill: Teal
Dream SMP: Maroon
I will take questions and criticism.
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