#michelle ochs
disease · 2 years
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carzenriq · 9 months
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Hervé Lerger - Spring 2024 New York By Michelle Ochs
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glateias · 2 years
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cushnie et ochs spring rtw 2018
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jagexisterar · 10 months
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Summer reads of 2023
perfume - the story of a murderer, flowers in the attic, skin taker, lord of the flies, pet sematery & the lion, the witch and the wardrobe
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forislynx · 6 months
Det viktiga är inte bara att man ser en sak, utan också hur.
Michel de Montaigne, Att smaken av ont och gott till stor del beror på vilka åsikter vi har om dem (ur Essayer 1)
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rwpohl · 2 years
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elexaria · 4 months
brother’s best friend trope except ur simon’s sister and you both grew up with johnny!! pt. 1 for some context <3
you remember the day the mactavish family moved in down the cul-de-sac, a loud and proud scottish family— a mother, three daughters and two sons. all were older you, which meant you seldom had the opportunity to actually talk to them :(
well, not that you could at first. you still giggle when you remember how michelle and johnny mactavish turned up outside your door, askin’ if you and simon had lost a football. "maw found a fitba in oor front gairden and was curious if it belongs tae youse?" squeaks michelle, all toothy and sweet with her fiery red hair. you and simon exchanged a look, almost like ??? was that english??
regardless, it didn’t take long for simon to become close to johnny, both at the cusp of boyhood and enjoying the exploration of manchester’s back alleys and abandoned train tracks. it was hard living at home, how horrible your dad and older brother was towards you and simon. so, he starts to bring you along on their little expeditions, to protect you.
you’ve always been a shy little thing, and johnny takes every chance he can to make you squirm and blush. “och! look at this chonky wurm!” he chortles out, dangling a slimey worm to your face. simon stifles a laugh as he watches his best mate chase his baby sister around, a potent concoction of boyish laughter and grossed out whining.
even when you’re in your teenage years, it doesn’t change the way johnny enjoys teasing you. "don't look behind ye, but ah hink that lad ye fancy is starin' at ye." he whispers lowly, nudging you gently as he motions to a haggard old man, picking his nose at the bus stop while you all wait for the bus home from school. “johnny!” you whine out, a smirk tugging to your lips as you playfully shove him. simon watches on, a quiet presence in the dynamic riley-mactavish trio.
and then something changes in the dynamic. simon and johnny both decide to apply for the military, and the rest of the mactavishes have either moved back to scotland or have moved elsewhere in england. and it breaks your heart being stuck at home, having to wait those couple of years until you could make the decision to fend for yourself. “i’m not leaving you. i.. need to do this for myself, yeah?” simon promises as he stands at the bus stop, pleading for you to understand that he’s not abandoning you— he could never abandon his baby sister like that.
but it hurts, it stings and you can’t help the onslaught of angry tears that stream down your cheeks as you watch him leave. he’s abandoned you. the last person to ever take care of you, and he’s gone and left you.
for years— no, almost a decade— you cut contact with simon. when the time comes, you haul ass and move up north to pursue a degree in the arts. you push those bittersweet memories of growing up with your big brother and his best friend, how much you all laughed until your bellies hurt, how they were both always there for you whenever you needed a break from your hard life at home.
those memories dissipate. that is, until, you receive a call from simon.
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whitewaterpaper · 6 months
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Den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge. @kulturdasset lär bli mäkta imponerad av några av månadens filmval. Det är klart. Värt att vänta på vad det också. 😜
65 (2023) [👍] Riktigt bra SF om en utomjording som hamnar på jorden under dinosauriernas regim.
Australiens (2014) [👎🆓] En budgetstinkare från Australien. Går på komisk knock men svingar vilt i luften.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) [👍🔁]
Grease Live! (2016) [👍🎭🔁]
Hairspray Live! (2016) [👍🎭🔁]
Hocus Pocus 2 (2023) [👍🔁]
Kapten Våghals / Captain Scarlett (1952) [🆓] Intressant, och mot alla odds, kombination av Robin Hood och Röda Nejlikan. Hollywood! Vi vill ha en remake franchise!
Lair, the (2022) [__] Neil Marshall, åter i samarbete med Charlotte Kirk, och precis som i The Reckoning inte dåligt men når heller inte riktigt ända fram.
Lost City, the (2022) [👍🔁]
Love of Three Queens / L'amante di Paride (1954) [👎🆓] Spretigt sömnpiller med Hedy Lamarr.
Mord i Venedig / A Haunting in Venice (2023) [👎] När jag tänker tillbaka till Kenneth Branagh föregående exkursion som Poirot (Döden på Nilen, 2020) kommer beskrivningen ”välpolerad yta och dyra färger” för mig. Men vad gör man inte för Michelle Yeoh liksom?
Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent, the (1957) [🔁🆓] Vikingraffel signerat Roger Corman. Den här hade jag tydligen sett tidigare... Ett upptäckt som är ett omdöme i sig.
Ski Troop Attack (1960) [🆓] Skidåkarraffel signerat Roger Corman, han har verkligen fått till det i den här filmen. Om oinspirerat sidåkar-pang-pang är vad man längtar efter. Jag tror storyn tog en annan nedfart, för den minns jag inte mycket av.
Totally Killer (2023) [👍] Hallå, hej! Amazon får till en underhållande liten skräckkomedi som andas klassiska grepp och tillbaka till framtiden. Me like! Kommer antagligen ses igen.
Vidioten / UHF (1989) [__] Idag kanske mer ett underhållande tidsdokument om tiden innan YouTube gjorde videostjärnor av svenssons.
WarGames (1983) [👍🔁] Idag, i skuggan av AI kanske ännu mer aktuell än någonsin. Står fortfarande stadigt utan behov av remakes. Lekte med tanken att se uppföljaren, tills jag såg att den bara fanns på hyr-tjänsterna.
@kulturdasset lär börja drägla över husguden Neil Marshalls senaste, hen bör dock trycka på play där med något nedskruvade förväntningar. Resten tycker jag skall ge Totally Killer eller Kapten Våghals en chans. Den senare är kanske inte A-klassad underhållning, men väl värd en chans.
För den nyfikne med ett sug efter en utmaning såg jag the Reckoning i februari 2021.
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amongthecypresses · 2 months
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Slash of Guns n' Roses performs onstage at the Troubadour where they played the song 'My Michelle' for the first time to a sold out crowd on January 4, 1986 in Los Angeles, California (photo by Marc S Canter/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images).
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 month
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Barbie : The World Tour
Margot Robbie, Andrew Mukamal
Foreword Edward Enninful, Photographer Craig McDean
Rizzoli, New York 2024, 168 pages, 24,5x33,5cm, ISBN 978-88-918-4158-2
euro 52,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
For the press tour following the record-breaking release of Greta Gerwig’s award-winning, acclaimed Barbie movie, producer and star Margot Robbie and her stylist Andrew Mukamal immersed themselves in some of Barbie’s most iconic outfits and curated vintage pieces, then approached designers, from Giorgio Armani to Donatella Versace, to create looks inspired by the doll-size originals. Many of these looks were not seen as the official Barbie press tour was cut short—so Margot and Andrew worked with renowned fashion photographer Craig McDean to shoot her in the looks exactly as they were curated: Schiaparelli in Los Angeles, Vivienne Westwood in London, vintage Chanel with matching Steamline luggage at the airport, and beyond.   Accompanying McDean’s sumptuous photography are original Barbie dolls from the period, a treasure trove of rare materials from Mattel’s Barbie fashion archives, and the designers’ sketches and Polaroids from fittings, layered into evocative collages by Fabien Baron, who conceived and produced the shoots and art-directed the book. With text by Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal, as well as handwritten contributions from the designers behind the looks (from Olivier Rousteing and Michelle Ochs to Manolo Blahnik and Jeremy Scott), this unique book blends the serious chic of high fashion with the serious fun of Barbie world—the dolls, the history, and the style that have captured imaginations for 65 years.
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peroxidejuliet · 5 months
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Barbie: The World Tour
For the press tour following the record-breaking release of Greta Gerwig's award-winning, acclaimed Barbie movie, producer and star Margot Robbie and her stylist Andrew Mukamal immersed themselves in some of Barbie's most iconic outfits and curated vintage pieces, then approached designers, from Giorgio Armani to Donatella Versace, to create looks inspired by the doll-size originals. Many of these looks were not seen as the official Barbie press tour was cut short--so Margot and Andrew worked with renowned fashion photographer Craig McDean to shoot her in the looks exactly as they were curated: Schiaparelli in Los Angeles, Vivienne Westwood in London, vintage Chanel with matching Streamline luggage at the airport, and beyond. Accompanying McDean's sumptuous photography are original Barbie dolls from the period, a treasure trove of rare materials from Mattel's Barbie fashion archives, and the designers' sketches and Polaroids from fittings, layered into evocative collage by art director Fabien Baron. With text by Margot Robbie and Andrew Mukamal, as well as handwritten contributions from the designers behind the looks (from Olivier Rousteing and Michelle Ochs to Manolo Blahnik and Jeremy Scott), this unique book blends the serious chic of high fashion with the serious fun of Barbie world--the dolls, the history, and the style that have captured imaginations for 65 years.
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except4bunnies · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Thank you @dragodina for tagging me. Those come to mind immediately:
1. Julia Grosz (Tatort Hamburg). Insanely good looking, very smart, dry humour, tragic past, a little gloomy, bruised but not broken. A voice that’s more soothing than a lullaby. I thought she was queer and then she truly became canonically queer – that’s not how it goes usually with me and television.
2. Derry Girls, all of them. ( Erin: „Och, Mummy, they don't come separately.“ Michelle: „Aye, we're pack animals, Mary.“)
3. Britta Perry (Community). Insanely good looking, especially in a flannel shirt, a little gloomy … there might be a pattern here.
4. Debbie Eagan (Glow). See pattern. I love her anger and her passion.
5. Buffy Summers (BtVS). See pattern. She’s a leader, but a reluctant one.
6. Dina Fox (Superstore). Very blunt, very determined, loves her birds more than other people. In real life I would be very afraid of her.
7. Dorothy Zbornak (Golden Girls). Sarcastic, smart, compassionate. In real life I would love to have her as my neighbor.
8. Piper Chapman (OitnB). Much flawed but I can’t help it, I rooted for her in every season. And the ending with Alex Vause was, oh so, perfect. They have some of the best fanfiction, too.
9. Nico von Lahnstein (Verbotene Liebe). Haven’t thought of her in years but I liked her very much during my soap watching days. And I found her very hot. (Fun fact: Verena Zimmermann did play a gay woman once, in a queer German short film.)
10. Addison Montgomery (Grey‘s Anatomy). I mean: Kate Walsh!!! I shipped Addison hard with Izzie Stevens and still have some old fanfiction from livejournal bookmarked.
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carzenriq · 2 years
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Et Ochs // Spring 2023
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ffschweden · 1 month
Här tippar vi Damallsvenskan (2)
Det är den tredje omgången av Damallsvenskan och för undantags skull spelas alla matcher på en och samma dag vilket inte kommer att ske många gånger under ett spelår. Förra veckan tippade vi omgången och det var signaturen Isak som vann den med 10 poäng i en dramatisk vändning i den 90:e matchminuten av sista matchen när Michelle De Jongh dundrade in kvitteringen mot BK Häcken. På andra plats…
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cawamedia · 2 months
Soleil de l’Est-samlings utställning
Utställningen “Stora retrospektiven av rumänsk samtidskonst från Soleil de l’Est-samlingar”, som omfattar 100 tavlor av samtida rumänska konstnärer, öppnar fredagen den 5 april 2024 kl. 18.00 i Rumänska kulturinstitutets lokaler. Evenemanget, som kureras av Michel Gavaza, är uppdelat i flera programpunkter, nämligen en presentation om samtidskonst, ett samtal om ny rumänsk konst och visningar av…
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forislynx · 4 months
Själen kan dra fördel av allt utan åtskillnad. Misstag och drömmar kan bli till positiv nytta för den, likt ämnen som är väl ägnade att ge oss skydd och tillfredsställelse.
Michel de Montaigne, Att smaken av ont och gott till stor del beror på vilka åsikter vi har om dem (ur Essayer 1)
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