#michonne just became her favorite person in the world
idolshe-arc · 2 years
                                 @subdivines​​     ⠂​      inquired
“        hey   ,      i’m   thinking   of   heading   out   later   for   a   supply   run   .      wanna   join   me   ?        ”
it   was   unfathomable   ,      living   within   a   working   society   ,      after   years   of   surviving   in   a   lawless   land   .      had   you   told   cindy   ,      months   ago   ,      about   alexandria   ,      with   no   proof   :      the   former   idol   would   have   laughed   ,      called   you   a   dreamer   .      and   she   had   ,      poor   aaron   .      even   now   ,      cindy   couldn’t   say   she’d   gotten   used   to   it   .      the   housing   system   ,      the   warm   showers   ,      the   internal   lack   of   rotting   corpses   .      it   made   her   itchy   on   some   days   ,      restless   .      always   constantly   on   the   move   ,      an   instinct   to   always   be   on   edge   .      a   feral   girl   could   not   be   soothed   with   ease   .
she   was   thankful   for   michonne   ,      for   giving   her   an   out   today   .      maybe   it   was   the   short   ,      curt   words   when   others   tried   to   indulge   in   conversation   today   that   had   tipped   her   off   .      maybe   it   was   the   constant   pacing   .      whatever   it   was   ,      she   wasn’t   going   to   let   it   go   to   waste   .        “        yes   .      gods   ,      yes   .      i’m   dying   in   here   .        ”
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#5: The Eager (1.01)
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gif cred: @kimwexlersponytail
I love how this second dream arrives right after Rick is welcomed into the CRM. No matter how involved in the CRM he has to be, he can always find Michonne in his mind to anchor him back to what matters most. And these dreams are like we also get to retreat with Rick to a familiar face. Our and Rick’s favorite familar face too🥰...
So after trying out his weaponized arm - which I also find his prosthetic symbolic because it’s almost like now Rick has been made into a weapon and we’ll watch him go on a journey of returning to be a person again throughout the miniseries - the scene fades to black and we hear some peaceful ambiance and then Michonne’s voice gently say, “I thought you were late.”
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I love her calming voice in these dreams. They both have these heartwarming soft laughs as Rick dons a big smile and says a carefree and confident, “Yep. I am.” 😋
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Rick knows chatting up this beauty on the bench is more important than employment. And...
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It's sweet that he doesn’t care about work or being late anymore. Michonne, as always, has his sole focus and he just looks so genuinely content to be in this moment with her. He’s basking in her presence. 😇
And after so little smiling moments in his real life with the CRM, it’s nice to see Rick smile so freely in his dream and of course, it’s all because of his beautiful Michonne being by his side. I like too how they both have these little breathy laughs that feel like they know exactly why they’re lingering in each other's space right now.
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There’s also something to be said about being late vs. lost. Rick knows he’s late to his job, in irl he’s 'late' getting home, and even in a more immediate sense, it seems he’s late to that arena meeting with Okafor and Pearl coming up. But it doesn’t matter because right now for just a brief moment he has her, so regardless of being late he’s at least no longer lost. Again, Michonne is his destination.
As Rick and Michonne fell for each other in TWD it also reshaped their end goal in this apocalypse. It was no longer just to survive and help others survive. That of course is still a major part of their calling, but in falling in love part of their goal and purpose became more personal - aiming to build a life together and enjoy each other to the fullest. And so here in this dream, we see how Rick’s goal reshapes as well. He just wants to enjoy her no matter what else is going on. 
However, in the dream, Michonne can’t stay leisurely sitting with Rick for long as she smiles and says, “Uh well I can’t be.”
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For me, there’s something so sweet about this scene but also sad because Michonne can’t stay, It’s almost like it's depicting how the real Michonne has to stay in their world keeping things afloat for their kids and community. She can’t be late for her duties.
Michonne stands up to leave but then she turns around to offer, “But I do eat here every day.” Def wanting to indicate to him that she’d be happy to see him again. 😊
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Rick gives a little confident smile and asks, “Around this time?” because he knows she wants to see him again too. Just like he very much wants to see her. 😊
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Michonne is tickled by the question as she says, “You’re pretty eager aren’t you?” It’s cute how she doesn’t tiptoe around Rick’s obvious attraction to her lol. And she has a spot-on assessment of that man Rick because he's always eager about Michonne. 😇
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gif cred: @lousolversons
And then I absolutely love the way Rick shrugs and keeps the confidence going when he responds, “Maybe you are too.” 😊 Lol, I love it.
One thing Rick’s psyche knows is that he and Michonne are very eager for each other. #hungry. I like how he doesn't deny being eager to see her again while also addressing that what they're feeling rn is clearly mutual. And this feels reminiscent of all the little flirting moments they had both pre and post-canon. 
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And Rick is correct in assessing that Michonne is also eager because she was definitely bit by the love bug like Rick in these dreams and I love that he doesn’t tiptoe around it either.
It’s funny too cuz Richonne's TWD journey was a slow burn but in Rick's dreams, he’s like nah now we’re gonna move as quick as we low-key always wanted to move in real life lol.
I just love that he’s dreaming about flirting with Michonne like this and he clearly feels like she was someone he had to chase a little bit when she all seductively says, “Oh…I’m not” before shining her million-dollar smile and turning to walk away. 😊
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When she said "Oh, I'm not" I was like - now Ms. Purple, do you know that we can see you? Because the eagerness was for sure mutual. 😋
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It’s interesting that Rick's mind dreams up Michonne flirtily saying she’s not eager. It could be just because Rick remembers Michonne as being a bit more discreet than him when it came to falling in love with each other. Or maybe it’s more a present nod to how after years apart, Rick deep down knows the real Michonne has likely had to grow less and less eager about the possibility of ever being with him again. 
When Michonne turns to leave, Rick watches her and yells out, “Can I at least…” I’m assuming he was about to ask for her name or number but we’ll never know because the dream is abruptly interrupted by a knock on real Rick’s door as he’s sadly plucked back into reality. 😞
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gif cred: @lousolversons
But I just love that Rick was in full pursuit mode in these dreams and was craving to know more about this mysterious stunning woman who had stolen his heart before she left. Like he was so locked into her and did not want to let her go in these dreams. And I love it because the real Rick is the same way. That thing Rick told Michonne in their very first conversation in season 3 still holds true - “Can’t let you leave.” 
It really was a great choice to have Rick dream about falling in love with Michonne because those two were constantly falling deeper in love on TWD. Like after each time jump in the main show I noticed I was never just like 'oh good, Rick and Michonne are still in love,' I was like 'oh wow, Rick and Michonne are more in love than before.' 🥰
And the dreams also show that Rick loved/loves pursuing her and replays that because really it’s the biggest win in the world that he wanted Michonne and got her considering she’s the greatest woman on the planet. 💁🏽‍♀️
It’s also so sweet that while in reality he already knows Michonne inside and out, in his dreams Rick is just so elated to rediscover her and learn/earn her again and again before having to endure another day with the CRM.
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
So then Rick startles awake and tiredly says, “Coming” and when the loud knocking on his door continues he says a more frustrated, “Coming” as Okafor says, “Come on Rick, class is in session.” I love Rick's sleepy voice and also it’s kinda cute cuz this implies that Rick knew he had somewhere to be but wanted to take a little nap and be with Michonne first before this meeting with Okafor and Pearl. Again, that dream time with her is his absolute favorite part of life. 
Also him in that black fit - another towl blessing ijs. 😇
Rick walks with Pearl and Okafor to a dark arena where he takes out a walker in their path. Okafor grabs the dog tag off the corpse and has a very even-keeled reaction to affirming it was a soldier, likely a soldier he killed in the arena bombing. It just goes to show that Okafor has a certain level of detachment from what he’s had to do because he believes it was all for the greater good.
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That seems to be a thing with people who buy into the CRM, you have to eliminate anything personal about you and just emotionlessly be a part of some larger purpose. 
Okafor finally lets Rick and Pearl in on his plan to help the two become higher-ups in the CRM so they can improve it from the inside. Rick reminds Okafor he tried to escape four times and that’s the Rick I know. Of course, he’d been trying over and over to get home.
Okafor explains the whole A and B thing and how Rick and Pearl are A’s, meaning strong leaders with a mind of their own. (Even tho I think there's one sneak among these three As 🧐)
Rick and Pearl learn they weren’t killed like other As because Okafor looked out for them since he needed them to help change the CRM. And it’s interesting he hands Rick the Art of Peace book that Morgan studied with the cheesemaker. It’s like Okafor is going to be to Rick what Eastman was to Morgan, slowly trying to convince Rick to adopt his philosophy. 
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I like the line “Being a monster to fight the monsters, that can’t last.” It feels like it speaks to a major theme within this TWD franchise regarding who you think you have to become to survive.
Okafor says they’ll get the echelon briefing and the way Rick reacts you can tell he just does not give a damn about moving up the ranks. He’s pissed enough that he’s had to assimilate into the CRM at all when he just wants to go home and now they’re talking about him being brought further into this system. He’s over it.
It’s also really interesting to see Rick in ep 1 so disinterested in all this CRM stuff and Okafor’s mission and then when Michonne finds him a year later he’s clearly had a lot more time to be programmed. And I don't mean he gets programmed into believing the CRM’s values, but more believing that they are an impossible force to escape from and therefore all that can be done is to use your life to make the CRM better. 
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Rather than want to know more about Okafor’s plan, Rick instead wants to know about how under the table this whole arena meeting is. He asks if the CRM wants him and Pearl to be leaders and if the higher-ups even know about this meeting tonight and the insider info Okafor is spilling.
Okafor says the CRM doesn’t know and that he believes As in power is the only thing that can change things. Again Rick doesn’t care about all that, so instead he says, “So if we share with the higher-ups that you’re saying these things…”
It’s interesting that Rick is taking an approach of almost wanting Okafor to worry he’ll expose him. I don’t think Rick is actually considering sharing about this with the higher ups but I think he also wants Okafor to know he’s not sold on trusting this whole situation.
Then Pearl cuts Rick off to let him know that she and him are not a “we” so he has to speak for himself.
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Rick adjusts the statement and because he’s actually an A he looks over at Pearl (a B with a poker face, imo) and says, “If I’m an A - If I think for myself…” then he turns to Okafor to finish with, “Why do you think I’m gonna go along with this?”
Something is interesting about seeing Rick as just a member of an army when he had led whole communities for so long in TWD. But as Rick challenges Okafor in this arena, we see that signature leader Rick. He’s not just some guy to puppeteer for others' missions, good or bad. He’s an opinionated leader in his own right. 
Okafor answers that he believes if Rick or Pearl had a chance to save the world they would. “You’d have to.” Rick looks like he’s rolling that thought around in his head and thinking, “I would really only want to save the world if it’s with my wife, otherwise pass.”
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The meeting continues as Rick's voiceover again gives his wife the details about how Okafor wanted his help to change things. Rick says “I’d play along. But it wasn’t my fight.”
Rick can be very hyper-focused on his missions and Okafor’s mission couldn’t become his fight yet because at this point his fight was still solely about getting back to Michonne and Judith. His sole goal is still to get back to the two ladies who were taken from him. And I appreciate that he always wants Michonne to be assured of that in these letters he writes.
But in this next moment, Rick gets a heartrending perspective shift on who's really the one that’s been gone. 😢👌🏽
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catt-leya · 2 years
Hey lovely!
Could I request a fic that happens when they get attacked by the Claimers and Rick bites the neck of the leader of.
I’m curious about how you will portray readers reaction! Like shocked or scared ( or turned on, I mean nobody can deny that he’s hot full of blood)
Take your time babe!
Surrender (18+) || Rick Grimes
Thank you so much for motivating me to write this because I think it's one of my favorite fics I've EVER written💗
For me personally, it's a little highlight and I'm proud of how it turned out 💗
It's a good dose of pain, fluff and angst with my well known smut 👀
Have fun sweeties 💗💗💗
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Trigger: Mention of rape and my smutty stuff
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For the hundredth time, I brush my long hair out of my face and curse the hair band that gave up this morning.
My fidgeting draws the attention of my fiancé to me.
He walks a few steps ahead of me through the woods with Michonne in an attempt to lead us to a place called 'Terminus' and now looks back over his shoulder at me, "Come here, babe."
Michonne and he stop and I walk up to him grumbling, "What is it?"
This whole situation annoys me beyond belief. Just a little while ago we could call a prison home and now that it's all been razed to the ground, all of our friends are either dead or scattered elsewhere and we're traipsing around after some tracks for hours AND I want to shave my head bald right now.
As soon as I'm near him, he grabs my arm and pulls me to him.
Annoyed, I roll my eyes, "Rick, unless you have a razor blade and you're going to cut my hair off, let's just keep walking."
Normally I love it, when he touches me, but right now I don't feel like doing anything at all and just want a roof over my head.
Instead of letting go of me, he turns my back to him, "I think I have a better idea."
Frowning, I look at Michonne, who looks at us like we're the cutest thing in the whole world. I've long gotten used to being looked at like that by our friends and I'm proud of it.
I met Rick at the very beginning when we were still stuck in Atlanta and over time we've gotten closer and closer. At first it was just about sex, but that night at the C.D.C. when Rick was drunk and sleeping with me, the first 'I love you' slipped from his lips and when we both realized how we felt about each other, it didn't stop at that one 'I love you'.
We became a committed couple and to be honest I didn't expect more because I already had everything I could want. But one night when I was on a shift at the guard tower with Rick, he pulled a ring out of his pocket and asked me if I wanted to be his wife.
We both realized that in this world, wearing a ring doesn't mean much anymore, but Rick admitted that he liked the thought of me wearing a ring and others seeing that I was taken. That I belong to him.
How could I have said 'no' to that?
I love him so much I didn't have to think any further and now here I am, impatiently twirling the ring on my finger, "And what would that glorious idea be? I know you love my long hair. I do too, but it's annoying."
Gently, he takes my hair back down my back and says softly, "Wait a minute."
I still look at Michonne questioningly because she's the only one who sees what he's up to, but I can't read anything in her face.
So I sigh softly and wince when I hear something snap, "What are you doing?"
Rick doesn't answer me and instead takes my hair and ties it up with something so it finally stops falling in my face.
I hold still until he says, "Done," his voice dripping with pride.
Surprised, I turn to him and reach behind me at the same time to find out what he used to tie my hair up.
My gaze slides over his body and lingers on the hem of his shirt, which now doesn't look intact.
I reach for it and shake my head in disbelief, "This was your plan?"
He shrugs, "I don't want you to be unhappy and it's just a shirt. I'm sure we'll find some new clothes soon."
In thanks, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him softly on the lips, "Thank you."
I move my face a little away from him to release my lips from his, but he leans down and follows me to intensify the kiss.
Giggling, I slide my hand between us and press a finger to his mouth to stop him from sliding his tongue between my lips, "We have an audience."
Behind me, I hear Michonne murmur, "At least one who has consideration for me."
Moaning softly, Rick closes his bright eyes and murmurs, so softly that only I can hear, "I'm underfucked, babe. I'm starting to lose it, and your tight jeans aren't really helping."
In fact, it also feels like it's been forever since we last had sex, but so far there just hasn't been an opportunity to change that and I whisper back softly, "Sorry, but I quite like the jeans."
He gives a pained laugh and then says to Michonne as well, "We should get on the road. Maybe we can find a car there."
With the makeshift hair band, I'm in a much better mood and reach for Rick's hand.
It's so natural that he automatically slips his fingers through mine and we make our way hand in hand to the street.
In fact, we don't even have to walk far, and a car appears in the middle of the road.
Unfortunately it doesn't look like it will start, but with the car we would at least have some kind of roof over our heads now that the sun is setting and the trees around us are casting longer shadows.
We build a makeshift camp with a small campfire, which is slowly but steadily burning down and I crawl inside the car.
The old car seats are the most comfortable surface I've been allowed to place my butt on in a long time and I look at Rick and Michonne with half-closed eyes.
The last glow caresses his face immensely and my heart warms all over at the thought that I was so lucky that he chose me.
That in this world where everything is terrible, I was given the luck to meet the love of my life.
Who knows if we would have even met before if everything had gone differently.
Maybe I would still be trapped in my job that I hated and dating the same idiotic men who never respected me, let alone loved me as genuinely as Rick does.
Smiling, I look down at the ring on my finger and daydream when I hear a strange voice.
Alarmed, I look up and my heart slips into my pants.
A guy I've never seen before is holding a gun to my fiancé's head and Michonne is also being targeted by another.
I briefly think about sliding under the seat to figure out a way to get them out of there, but before I can finish the thought, the car door is yanked open and a guy grabs me.
I try to get away from him, but the guy lifts me out of the car, unfazed, and I hear Rick hiss, "Let her go."
The guy's paws dig into my hip and I try to kick at him.
He loses his balance and with me in his arms, he goes down.
As soon as we hit the ground, I try to get away from him, oblivious to the pain.
But he spins me around to face him and pushes me to the ground with all his weight.
Afraid of missing something and making the situation worse, I don't dare look in Rick's direction and I don't dare taking my eyes off the guy above me, which is why I only hear Rick's menacing voice: "It was me. It was me alone. They had nothing to do with it."
I have no idea what Rick is actually talking about, but I'm also way too busy trying to stop the asshole from pushing my legs apart and growling, "Let go of me."
Out of the corner of my eye I see Daryl appear out of nowhere and I don't care where he came from so suddenly, I just want him to talk these guys into letting us go.
I snap along something about "take mine", that's when the asshole leans over me and whispers with hellish breath, "I bet you'll be a really good fuck."
Pure adrenaline pumps through my veins and I try to push him away.
All I can think of is, please don't.
But he just grabs my arms and presses them against the floor above my head.
I barely register two men going at Daryl and realize how hopeless my situation is.
Every now and then Rick would also hold my hands above my head during sex and not even with all his strength.
Still, I could never budge and was forced to stay put.
The guy above me probably weighs twice as much as Rick and there I see no chance of getting away from him.
Again I hear Rick, "Let her go."
Tears unintentionally come to my eyes and I let go.
The more I struggle, the worse it gets and I immediately hear the guy unzip his pants, "You might even like it."
I think about Rick getting shot and me getting raped and then dying too.
The guy moves his hand a little and comes up against the ring, which draws his attention to it and he calls out to the man holding the gun against Rick's head, "The little bitch is wearing an engagement ring."
The asshole with Rick laughs, "Is that your little girl? This just gets better and better. First we kill Daryl, then we kill the bitch next to you, then we share your whore. Only then I'll shoot you. But don't worry, maybe we'll keep the chick. She's hot."
Tears run down my cheeks and I look that first to Rick.
His gaze is firmly fixed on me and I make up my mind that I will not break eye contact, no matter what should happen.
I feel the hard cock of the asshole above me against my thigh and silently form with my lips, "I love you."
Something in Rick's gaze changes and before I can even blink, he throws his head back and hits the guy behind him in the gut.
The shot that goes off passes and suddenly everything happens so fast.
Rick is on his feet, then gets knocked down and then somehow gets back to his feet.
Everyone stares at the two men and the brief hope I had is washed away as the asshole grabs Rick and won't let him go.
I wonder if I'm going to lose my fiancé now and the guy is going to rape me in the pool of Rick's blood.
Suddenly something happens that I didn't see coming.
Something no one saw coming.
Rick bites the guy's throat and rips it out with his teeth.
The guy above me freezes and I'm too perplexed to free myself.
Michonne and Daryl, however, use the moment to kill the others and I stare down at my fiancé, who spits out his throat and turns in my direction, covered in blood.
I can't take my eyes off him as he takes the hunting knife from his victim and fixes the guy above me, "He's mine."
That's the moment the guy wakes up from his stupor and stands up frantically. He takes a step backward, and Rick is already on him, stabbing.
Not just once, no, he stabs again and again, gutting my potential rapist.
Rick lets him fall to the ground and turns directly to me.
I can claim never to have been afraid of him, but the moment his eyes meet mine and I see that insane look, I flinch and it's a reflex as I begin to crawl backwards away from him.
The threatening rape and what I saw, make me back away from him more and more and only then he blinks several times.
Surprised, he drops the knife carelessly and his voice is harsher than it's ever been before, "Babe?"
He takes a step toward me and I slide back even further.
You could call it self-preservation instinct that I'm backing away from a much larger bloodied man who just a few seconds ago looked like he would just kill everything and everyone.
Slowly he drops to his knees and when he is no longer towering over me, my brain slowly picks up on what he is saying softly, "You know I would never hurt you right?"
I stare at his beard, normally streaked with gray and now glowing the deepest red.
No words escape my lips and he reaches out his bloody hand to me, "Babe, please. I would never hurt you. I love you."
Slowly his words get through to me and I push forward a little to reach for his with a shaky hand.
The relief in his eyes is impossible to miss as I let him pull me to my feet and he tries to speak to me as calmly as possible, "You're scared of me."
It's not a question, but a simple statement.
As soon as he realizes I'm standing securely, he immediately lets go of me and again says incredibly gently, "Please don't be afraid of me."
Now that I'm standing, I finally get my breath back and I can think reasonably clearly again.
I see the worry in his gaze and how tense his body is because he has to restrain himself from touching me and giving me the space I need.
I know he would never hurt me and I know he saved me and the others.
It's just the way he did it that I've never seen him do before, and in fact, I didn't think he was capable of such savage violence.
Slowly but steadily, my heart calms and I quietly clear my throat, "I know."
Rick looks like I've lifted a weight of a thousand tons off his shoulders and asks, "Can I give you a hug? I…I just want to hold you."
I don't even care that I'm soaking myself with blood as I fall into his arms, and that's when all the dams break on me and I shuffle against his chest.
My whole body shakes and Rick strokes my back reassuringly, "It's all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
I dig my fingers into his shirt and push myself even closer to him. Shorting, I breathe, "I thought he was going to shoot you. Oh my god. I thought we were all going to die."
Again and again he strokes my head and I hear him talking to Daryl and Michonne.
A short time later, turning to me, he murmurs, "Daryl and Michonne are moving the bodies and looking for something edible. Let me take you to the car."
Gently, he lifts my head and brushes the tears from my cheeks with his thumb, "It's all right."
Slowly I nod and let him lead me to the back seat of the car.
Rick opens the door for me and I quietly slide into the seat. As I look at him, I still can't believe we're all alive and that he really bit that guy's throat out.
It's starting to hit just how much the world can change you and what one person in need can be capable of.
What Rick did for me and the others is incredible and in a very morbid way it turned me on a little bit too.
Seeing him blow his last fuse is extremely scary and irritatingly, extremely hot.
It may be that it's the panic slowly subsiding and giving way to other feelings, but as he takes a step back, I reach for his hand, "Come here."
Because he would do anything for me, he approaches me again and I try to pull him to the back seat and thus to me, but he stops and says, "I need to wash up and you're still in shock, babe" in a soft voice.
Despite his words, I pull him towards me in a more determined way and he loses his balance at least enough to have to brace himself to the left and right of my legs to keep his face from landing on my stomach.
I grab his face with both hands and whisper, "I don't care and I'm fine. I need you now, Rick."
He takes a faltering breath, "I…Babe…You can't really want this right now. Not after that asshole almost…I mean and after what I did…I could understand if I disgusted you and you didn't want to let me touch you anymore."
I stroke his still damp beard, "I want you to touch me though, Rick."
The uncertainty in his eyes almost hurts me and when he says, "I saw how scared you were of me" my heart breaks.
Without thinking, I open my lips to explain, but he shakes his head, "I'm so sorry I scared you and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it up to you by burying you under me in this little car and you'll probably barely be able to move."
I release my hands from his face and reach for the button of my jeans instead and have to smile when he fixes his gaze on it and mumbles hoarsely, "Babe, please. I don't want you to feel constricted."
I lift my hips and pull my pants over my butt, "You won't hurt me or make me do anything. I'm not afraid of not being able to move under you either. I trust you and now I'm asking you to trust me too when I say I love you and want to feel you on top of me."
Unsure, he looks up at me and I reach for his chin, "Please, Rick."
For a brief moment I think he's going to get up, but he does carefully push himself over me.
He was also right that the car is pretty small and once he's completely over me, he can just barely brace himself without hitting the back of his head against the ceiling and his hip stays heavily on top of me.
Skeptically he looks me in the eye and I give in to the impulse I have and brush the curls that frame his face out of his face.
He closes his eyes and murmurs, "Is that okay?"
Gently, I move my hip against his and breathe, "More than okay."
When he looks at me again, his eyes light up and he reaches for my hand to breathe a kiss on my ring, "I love you. I love you so much. When I saw that asshole touch you and you looked at me, I lost it. I stopped thinking and wanted you to be safe."
I release my hand from his and reach for his face again to pull it to me and before I kiss him I whisper, "I know."
Just the first touch of our lips makes Rick groan and he can't hold himself up properly.
With a soft gasp, he lowers his torso further down on me and murmurs against my lips, "If it gets too much for you, I'll stop. I promise"
I know that too and put my head to the side so that he has access to my neck.
His lips glide over my heated skin and with every second I forget what got us into this situation in the first place.
I forget what Rick did and I forget what was almost done to me.
All I can think about are Rick's lips at the base of my breasts and his cock pressing hard against me.
He tries to balance on one arm to get my panties off, but the back seat is too narrow and he loses his balance, causing him to slip away and lie on top of me with his full weight.
Instead of panicking, though, I have to laugh and when Rick sees this, life returns to his eyes, "Sorry, babe."
Chuckling, I push him up by the shoulders, "Let me do it."
While I more or less blindly try to undress us enough for Rick to fuck me, he spreads little kisses all over my skin.
From my nose to my jaw, down to my neck, causing a strange mixture of amusement and arousal in me.
Awkwardly, I slide his pants, including boxers, over his butt and somehow try to arrange my legs so he can push himself inside me.
When his cock presses against my pussy, I moan softly and Rick smothers the sound with a kiss.
This time I don't stop him either as he presses his tongue between my lips and sinks into me at the same time.
Feeling him inside me after all this time is all I need to gasp his name and jerk myself tighter around him.
I'm trying to loosen my muscles and get used to his thickness when Rick hisses, "Holy shit. I can't take this for long."
I manage a quiet, "Sorry" and relax more with each passing second as he just waits motionless inside me.
I adjust myself as best I can under him and feel him twitch inside me before I kiss him gently and whisper, "Okay."
His blue eyes dance over my face as he pulls back and then sinks back into me.
Lovingly, I reach into his hair and pull him down to me so that my lips touch his ear, "You don't have to hold back."
I feel him tremble and press his hips harder against mine so I can feel everything of him.
Every little movement and twitch.
Instead of looking at me again, he buries his face against my neck, and there's something so intimate about the gesture that my abdomen starts to glow.
I feel his heavy breathing and how he is trying to give me what I need and not come himself already before me.
It's unusual to see him struggling for self-control like this, and the fact that he has to struggle like this himself turns me on beyond belief.
I bury my fingers in his curls and moan softly, "Harder. Please."
Just like always, he does what I ask and I hear him gasp muffled, "You are my world. I can't live without you."
I can't believe, his words make me rebel, causing my clit to bump against him and without warning the knot in my abdomen loosens and my pussy pulses around his cock.
He can't stand that either and I hear him almost whimper "Oh God" and he comes jerking inside me and lifts his face to kiss me messily.
When he takes a quick breath, I seize the moment and press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose, making him laugh softly, "I really should get out of this small car."
I playfully nudge him in the side, "I have to admit, this is starting to make me feel like a truck is parked on top of me."
Shaking his head he tries to get out of the car, "Well thank you very much."
He looks at me and the problem with that is he can't see when the car roof stops and he straightens up way too soon.
Before I can warn him his head is already banging against the roof and he hisses, "Shit car" while rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
Sighing, he gets dressed again and I also peel myself back into my clothes, which isn't much easier than undressing in the back seat.
Decently dressed, Rick reaches out his hand and helps me back out of the car, "You okay?"
Smiling, I shake my head, "Stop it already. I'm fine," and take his hands in mine.
The way the blue in his eyes grows warm never gets old and I know I will love him forever no matter what he does.
@hail-yourselves @bean-is-reading @chanlvr2 @criminalwalkingsupernatural @sunshinevirus @toxic-ink @kingtwhiddleston
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futuregws · 1 year
OMG Imagine the collective meltdown in that dark area of the fandom if Daryl get with someone on the spin off... Carol coming to France just to be the third wheel, that would be so funny but I don't think they will ever put Daryl in a meaningful romantic relationship bc his love life (or lack of thereof) became such a taboo.
But I can't lie I saw some people speculate and reading some reviews saying how he let Isabelle see his scars and how fast he opens up to her and tell things he took years to tell others, makes me go "hmmmm" but also I don't think they have the balls to go with the "nun-falls-so-hard-she-starts-to-question-her-vows" route so we will have to endure the endless shipbaiting
Honestly with him it's not a very steady thing bc at times you could say that yeah he wouldn't normally do this and this so him doing it now with someone must mean something, but then we also saw other times in the original show where stuff that was meaningful for him he just let it all out to people he felt comfortable quite quick like Michonne, Rick, Lydia, Beth etc. so in my opinion it's a very inconsistent thing that I wouldn't take as evidence of something. And about the whole nun dropping her vows I mean it is the end of the world but I guess for someone who is so religious and took a vow like that I guess it shouldn't matter and if they went with that storyline, I mean it's not my favorite it's a little unnecessary.
Also he imo is an impulsive person at least at times, and he bases what he does a lot on the vibe he gets and the "mood" of things, he's known for being good at reading people so I feel like while he's not religious, he obviously knows the minimum about what they stand for so him being in a new place where he's meeting new people he thinks he can trust in a place that is always deemed as a safe space will also help him with that. I hope that made sense, it's 2:48am I'm not thinking very clearly lmao
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It would be cool if they did another 400 days type mini series with some characters. like showing us the beginning/middle/different parts of the apocalypse from the perspectives of: Marlon, Louis, Violet, Sophie, James, and Lilly. I think it would do well
I think something like this would do well, too. We talk about this a lot and I keep hoping that if we continue to talk about it, they’ll somehow hear us and actually do it haha. 
Just think of the possibilities- a game with each episode dedicated to following a different protagonist during a different time in the apocalypse, telling a previously unheard story. They could even do more character-driven stories that focus more on that aspect rather than the walkers and outside dangers, y’know? 
Really the only downside I could see if they actually did this is that people outside the fandom would be whiney about it? I mean, people who casually played Telltale games would look at Skybound like “Rehashing old characters who aren’t muh Clementine? Pass.” Y’know? And to be fair, I could see people within the fandom being disappointed, too. 
But a majority? I think we’d all be happy to just have another twdg installment if Skybound wanted to make one... as long as they leave Clementine alone. That’s my one condition haha. 
Leave her alone, Robert. 
I’ll even throw out a bunch of possibilities for episodes-
Carley and Doug - I would love an episode that starts with Carley working as a reporter just as the walkers come. We could meet her crew, go through when they were attacked and explore the trauma she experiences after watching her producer get eaten alive in front of her. 
Then, in comes our hero: Doug. Doug saves her life, and the two of them manage to escape and hideout. This is the perfect time to explore Doug’s character, too, as well as the relationship he and Carley had before they met up with the drugstore crew. 
We can learn more about how Carley came to be so good with firearms and more about Doug’s technical background. Not only that, but it would be interesting to see these two actually interact since, y’know... they canonically have romantic feelings for one another. 
Then the episode could end with them meeting Glenn outside, who brings them back to the group at the drugstore. 
The St Johns - Here me out, but I would totally be on board for an episode about these people and how they starting picking off their farmhands for food. We don’t even have to play as any of the St Johns, we could play as a farmhand that actually escaped that fate after discovering what these people were doing. 
It could definitely be more horror based, too. Like a cat and mouse sort of chase scene with the protagonist and Andy or Danny with them escaping with their life at the end and journeying off. 
We could also see more of the bandits and how that agreement came to be with them. We could see more of Jolene, too. 
Lilly - Okay, I want to know what the hell happened to Lilly between s1 and s4. From what I’ve gathered and inferred, Lilly wandered alone for years before finding the delta, the first place she ever considered home since... well, the motor-inn. Which... is nuts. 
Then there’s all the trauma of losing Larry on top of what a piece of shit he was. I know I laugh at her for being all “No more ice cream, no more hair dryer” when she was telling Clementine about Larry cutting their power but we don’t know much about just how abusive Larry was. 
Plus, we don’t know what happened to her mom. Larry still carried her wedding ring even into the apocalypse and died with it in his pocket. There’s just... a lot of things. 
So I think an episode about Lilly by herself could be an interesting exploration of her being her own enemy, y’know? When I say character-driven, I mean solely character-driven with Lilly having flashbacks or nightmares or talking to herself or even hallucinations. Think Michonne, but even better executed. And with no ghost children. Maybe a ghost Larry, though. Which is arguably worse. 
And it could end with someone from the delta finding her. 
Christa and Omid - I feel like this is an obvious one since everyone loves these two and we’re still salty that they never brought Christa back. So it’d be cool to see these two either before meeting Lee’s group, or their time with Clementine between s1 and s2.
This is the only time I’ll allow Clementine to be here. If they feel they have to plop Clementine into this, then do it this way. We could explore Clementine’s guilt of what happened to Lee and the trauma she suffered while with the stranger, we could explore Christa’s pregnancy and learn more about her and Omid’s relationship. 
We could see some dad moments with Omid as he and Clementine bond, perhaps dive into the fear and anxiety of a baby that’s coming, too. 
Kenny and Sarita - So... while Kenny’s not my favorite person, I can’t deny that I’d be interested in seeing him after he apparently escapes the walker horde after killing Ben and what he went through before he met Sarita. 
Hell, have an episode where we play as Sarita as she stumbles upon Kenny and how she saved him from the restaurant he was hiding in. We could get a glimpse into Kenny from Sarita’s point of view and what they went through during their time together. We could learn about Walter and Matthew, too. 
Honestly, I just want to know more about Sarita as a character rather than a plot device to die in order to further Kenny’s development, y’know?  
Bonnie - Yeah, yeah, I know. No one likes Bonnie and “who wants to play as Bonnie again?? she sucks??”, but damn it... I want them to redeem how badly they fucked up with her story in 400 Days. 
I want an episode about her struggling with her drug addiction and how it affected her when the dead started walking. What she was willing to do to get her fix, y’know? Bring back Leland and Dee and how they helped with her road to recovery.
Leland himself even said that when they found her, she was still so stuck on those drugs. I think exploring that could be a fascinating experience. 
Jane - An episode about Jane and Jamie? An exploration of Jane’s struggle with keeping her sister alive while having that internal survival instinct trying to take over all leading to her finally giving Jamie what she wanted- to leave her. Then how that guilt and loss took a toll on Jane and hardened her.
And like, I know Jane is kind of in the same boat as Bonnie where a lot of people [specifically Kenny followers] absolutely hate her and would whine about an episode dedicated to exploring her character, but I don’t care. I’d play it, I’d love to understand Jane more, even if I don’t particularly like her. 
David - This one is here for selfish reasons. I want an episode all about David. I don’t care what you do, but I want to see David’s struggle of literally losing his entire family in a single night, as well as losing the world to the apocalypse and having to move forward.
Like... seriously, remember what Kate was all “I bet David was happy when the world ended” or some shit? I actually disagree, Kate, since the day the world ended, he lost his father, mother, brother, uncle, his fucking children, and you, his wife within a night.  He spent years thinking you all were dead while traveling with Ava and his unit, fighting the dead and trying to survive.... but no, the day the walkers came was probably super great for him. Ugh. 
The bonus is we get more Ava, too. Also, I don’t think anyone would oppose if you threw in the whole “David and Lingard might’ve had a thing”... just sayin’. We stan bisexual David. 
Javier - Throwing this one in there because I think an episode about Javi, Kate, Gabe, and Mari would do incredibly well. Everyone misses the Garcia’s, everyone was bummed that we ever got a follow up to what Javi was up to after ANF. 
Y’know... since ANF was a mess, they probably didn’t feel they could do a follow up because people wouldn’t play... but I’m telling you, we’d play another adventure as Javier Garcia. I don’t know what kind of story you’d tell, but it doesn’t matter. Well, it does... but ya get me. 
Plus, more Gabe and Mariana content. C’mon. 
James - *slams fists on table* I want my James and the whisperers episode damn it!! And I’m gonna keep saying it until someone either makes it or pays me to shut up. 
I don’t care if you like James or not, you can’t deny how fascinating it would be to have an entire episode dedicated to the whisperers. On top of that, we’d get to see James and Charlie and how their relationship suffered during their time with the whisperers, as well as James realizing what a monster he became. 
Maybe we could have a scene where James actually makes his famous mask, or a scene of James escaping them and leaving Charlie behind. It could end with James in his camp until he hears gunshots one night. When he goes to investigate, he finds Clementine and AJ trying to escape Lilly and Abel and we get him intervening from his perspective. 
There ya go, there’s a second Clementine cameo that doesn’t fuck everything up. Ta-dah. 
Sophie and Minerva - A popular one that most of us would want. Them after they were taken away and how they suffered within the delta. It’d be cool to play as Sophie, and tragic since we know how that would end. But we could be the one who acts out and tries to escape all while doing our best to keep Minerva from giving into them... which again, imagine the heartbreak. 
The Ericson crew - Like with the twins, this would be a popular one that most people would want to play. While I’d rather they kept their fingers off Louis and Violet since they’re bound to fuck them up, I can’t deny that I want to know what happened at the school during the first days. 
We could even play as Ms. Martin as she chooses to stay and take care of all these kids, how she bonds with them before inevitably meeting her fate in the greenhouse. 
And c’mon, you know you want to see baby child versions of our Ericson kiddos. Imagine Louis and Violet at these young ages? Seeing other kids we never got to meet? We’d eat it up! ...Well, assuming they did a good job with their characterizations. Y’know. 
Those are all the major ones I’d like to see, but hey, if any of you had other ideas for episodes following characters I didn’t mention, feel free to share! 
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justjessame · 4 years
The Deal Chapter 22
Daryl leaving me behind without a word was becoming something of a habit. I tried to understand his reasoning. I tried to put myself in his place. I tried, and I failed, because there was this huge part of me that knew that I wouldn’t do that to him. No matter whose shoes I wore, I wouldn’t leave the person I claimed to love behind with the uncertainty that saying nothing creates.
Bob had disappeared too. And Sasha, feeling on edge, blames Gabriel. And finally, as though it took simply pushing the right button on the black draped man, he told us his sins.
Gabriel had barred the doors of his church, this church, when the world slid downhill fast. He’d listened as his own flock pounded and begged for safety. He’d listened as they’d died. And he’d sat here, waiting for the divine punishment that he assumed our group was.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Didn’t this man answer my father’s famous three questions with two no’s and a “God doesn’t abide”? How did he not realize that he’d killed a mass of people? That because of his own fear, he’d let his own people die.
Hearing a whistle outside, Dad sees Bob on the grass in front of the church. As Bob’s being collected, shots ring out. And when Dad comes back inside, he lets us know that we hadn’t escaped the terror of Terminus. It had simply followed us.
Bob isn’t doing well. And while we can all see that from his recent amputation, when he shows us the bite that he’d been unwilling to show earlier, we know it’s a matter of time. He gives Dad as much information as he can about where these animals had taken him, and Gabriel reluctantly tells Dad it sounds like the elementary school to the south of the church within walking distance.
After getting Bob comfortable on the couch in Gabriel’s office, Dad forms the attack plan. Abraham bulks, and I feel a burning irritation with him and his fucking pipe dream. I say nothing, not even when Glenn barters with him. Offering Maggie, Tara, and his aid to get Eugene to Washington if Abraham agrees to at least one more day.
That’s how, mere hours later, I was enclosed in the church as I watched Dad, Michonne, Sasha, Maggie, Glenn, Tara, and Abraham walk outside. We heard a man’s voice, Gareth, I guessed from what Dad and the others and shared. Threats, warnings, bargaining. And Judith, feeling fed up as I did, cried. They breached our doors, and they died. Trapped by Dad’s plan. Trapped by their own egos and need for vengeance, or food.
When Gabriel follows me out of our place of hiding, he looks around at the carnage blanketing his church and talks about how it’s the Lord’s house. And Maggie, sweet Maggie, who I’d watch pray with her family, answered with, “It’s four walls and a roof.”
Bob had hung on. He knew we’d won. He knew that this latest round of monsters with human faces was gone. And so, we took our turns to say goodbye. Since Daryl wasn’t with me, since I had no idea where he’d gone. I said a goodbye for both of us. And as I left the office, left behind another good person who hadn’t been able to beat the odds, I wondered just when it would be me? Or Daryl? Or Dad?
We buried Bob. I couldn’t create tears, no matter how badly I wanted to. How horribly I knew I should feel, and did feel somewhere deep down inside, yet nothing came. And as I hid my face in Judith’s softness, I knew that there was something broken inside of me. I just didn’t know what.
Abraham held Glenn to his deal. And since we had no idea where Carol or Daryl were, Dad promised that we’d follow once we knew. He gave Dad a map, the spot marked clearly, and a message that made Dad realize that he was important to the world.
I sat with Michonne on the steps of the church. Dad had taken Judith inside with Carl and watched her with her recovered katana. And as I sat with a woman that I was growing to value more with each passing moment, her silence, her compassion, her care for my brother, I watched as once again Daryl came back. And he wasn’t alone.
Daryl’s new companion’s name was Noah. He had been at the same hospital where Beth had been taken. Where Carol had now been taken. And here he was. Standing awkwardly beside Daryl and I could do nothing but wait.
I waited for the plan. The plan to rescue Beth and Carol. The plan to rush forward to get our people back. The plan that would take Daryl away from me, without a goodbye again, no doubt. With a nice helping of fear and danger.
I knew it would come. I knew where I’d stay. With my sister. Wherever Dad deemed safe. And I’d wait. For word of our success or for word of our failure. Because this was my limbo. My purgatory. Where I sat constantly, waiting.
I didn’t listen to the plans. I didn’t participate. I fed Judith. I diapered her. I bounced and kept her occupied. I focused on the one person that I could keep safe. That I could keep comfortable and free of the insanity that curled around us ever closer day by day.
As I pretended that I was somewhere else, Daryl, Sasha, and Tyrese fortified the church. Dad and Michonne focused on boarding up the windows. Carl, Michonne, and of course, Gabriel stay with Judith and me. I watch with bemusement as my baby brother tries to explain to our new pacifist the necessity for a weapon for self-defense. Gabriel points to me, using my seeming lack of weapon as proof that wasn’t true. And then stops when I lift my shirt and he can see not only a handgun, but a rather large knife.
Shaking my head, I go back to my own world. As though I were so weak and gone that I wouldn’t keep weapons near me for safety. Like I would hesitate to take out a threat to myself or Judith. Honestly, this man was ridiculous.
And I was right, even if I hadn’t voiced it. Gabriel was completely ridiculous. He was ‘tired’ so he retired to the rectory. Later, after Michonne had checked on him, we heard his voice outside the church. What the literal hell? Of course, unlike the man of the cloth, Michonne and Carl work to unfortify the church to save him. And with him come enough walkers to keep my brother and Michonne busy. Damn him. I think, carefully lowering my sister to a spot hidden behind the pulpit and stepping forward with my knife in hand to fix his idiotic mess. Overwhelmed, I shout to Carl to grab Judith and we all rush into Gabriel’s office. And there, as we can hear the horde chomping for our flesh, we see how he’d gotten out. Through the hole in the floor, which we use to escape.
Outside, Michonne and I take charge. Killing the walkers that were trapped by the other fortifications that were in place, before boarding up the remaining freaks inside the church. Forced to sit outside with my baby sister, my baby brother, Michonne, and Gabriel, we listen as he tells us about his little field trip. As he’s telling his tale, we can hear that the doors of the church, the way we’d barricade wouldn’t hold.
And before we can get into position to fight, a fucking firetruck rumbles up and drives straight through the doors. I never thought I’d be so happy to see a foul mouthed ginger in my life, but I swear Abraham became one of my favorite people in that one moment. Michonne tells Maggie that Beth is alive and the others are on a rescue mission, and the decision is made. We’re all going to Atlanta.
We’re waiting as Dad exits the hospital. I see the look in his eyes and I KNOW that something has gone horribly wrong. And then Daryl walks out, cradling the limp body of Beth, and I know. I know that she’s dead. That Daryl will carry the burden longer than he will her body. And that because of that he’ll seek me out. He’ll need me to reassure him that he was a good man. That he was worthy. That he did his best. And I knew that I would give that to him. I’d push aside my own pain at being left behind at every whim he had to rescue and save. I’d push aside my own tattered and shredded feelings and needs and I’d rebuild his.
This time, however, I also knew that in rebuilding him I was tearing apart myself. For every brick I gave him for strength, was coming from my own supply. And one day, Daryl would be as invincible as I wanted him to be, but I’d be gone. As surely as if he was carrying my limp body from the wreckage. And I wondered if he’d notice.
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
Get to know My OC-Suzie Q
Get to know my character
Doing this for My OC Suzanna, of The Walking Dead. 
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01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? I picked Suzanna (spelled with a z because I thought it looked cool) because I liked that Negan would call her Suzie Q. 
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? Sex lbr,Sue isn’t above being seduced,or doing the seducing either. But only around Merle,Negan or The Governor,who can easily get her to do what they want and they know this. 
03. Something they like about themselves? Her Strength and resilience. 
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)   I’ll start with her first boyfriend Merle Dixon,who she had been with since before the turn. 
Mentally: Would have to be Merle’s humor (crude or not),how he flirts (with her anyway),his cockiness,How protective he is and how unpredictable. 
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Physically: I mean Merle may not be everyone’s cup of tea (or bottle of whisky) but with those baby blue eyes,that mischievous grin,those arms and that swagger,he sure is Sue’s. Oh did I forget to mention she has an older man kink? ;) 
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Next would be Suzanna’s other lover,who she met in Woodbury,of course I mean Philip Blake aka The Governor.
 Mentally: Suzanna was attracted to his intelligence,his quiet confidence,leadership qualities and that mysterious aura he seemed to have around him. 
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Physically: That smile,those eyes,his body isn’t half bad either,but it’s his charm and darkness that really attracts her. 
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Now onto her current lover Negan,leader of The Saviors. How she met him is a tad more complicated...
Mentally: Suzie loves his confidence,humor,and leadership skills,as well as his growth as a person. To her Negan is almost like Merle and Philip rolled into one.
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Physically: I mean Negan is hot,anyone can see that! Especially when he first showed up,those Daddy good looks coupled with that swagger and dangerous smirk. Yeah Suzie definitely fell for him,even when she tried not too.  
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05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? Definitely Confident. Though she didn’t have much experience until she met Merle.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? lol it’s the zombie apocalypse,what hobbies? Sue’s men are pretty open to whatever she likes,especially Negan since she met him after the turn where pretty much anything goes. 
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? No though she tends to steal some of Negan’s phrases like ‘Easy Peasy’ 
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?  Um the fact that she has no self control lol maybe because of the fact that she grew up in a religious household. Her weakness for the bad boys,or worse. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? NOT Summer or Winter since they’ve almost died during both. Maybe Autumn or Spring. Holiday,what’s that? They don’t even know what YEAR it is now let alone day. 
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? A mixture of both.
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? Well her bloodlust kinda kicked in after being with Negan,besides that probably being pushed by one of Negan’s Wives and having her loyalty questioned. 
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? Her Survival instincts & fighting skills,give those up and she might as well be Walker food.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? She’s a light sleeper anymore and has a hard time sleeping on her own. 
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? Suzie was adopted by Hershal as a young Teen,after the zombie apocalypse happened she got separated from her family and traveled with The Dixon’s where they found a camp,she got separated after reuniting with her family,where she met Michonne,they traveled together until Woodbury where she found Merle again. After that whole thing with The Governor and Rick’s group,Sue went into hiding,until she found out she was pregnant and went to find Rick,Daryl and the rest. They traveled together and finally settled in Alexandria,until The Saviors came and after much bloodshed and fighting,Sue joined them,becoming Negan’s wife.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. Not really,though her and Philip did not end on good terms and she really cannot stand Simon. 
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? lol Definitely more of The Athletic type now.  She was super girly when Merle first met her. 
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? Technically she is married to Negan and she has two children. 
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? She really doesn’t care as long as her family is with her.
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? She tended to avoid them as a Teen,letting her BFF take the lead,but now yeah she can be pretty hot headed and the only time she caves in is when it’s one of her men. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? Dogs all the way.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? Losing her children,like she lost her family and Merle.
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? Other then her hair changing from Blonde to Brown constantly,no.
23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? Sue didn’t really like school but her parents were strict so she had to maintain straight A’s.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? Personality wise? Since she’s currently with Negan,I’ll just describe him. I’d say to the outside world he’s Smart,A leader,Dangerous,unpredictable,cocky and self assured. To Suzie (and later on when he loses everything) he still is all those things,especially when they first meet,but he’s more open with her,serious and has his morals,he won't hurt or kill children or those that he feels don’t deserve it and he doesn’t rape either,Negan also has deep rooted pain from losing his wife Lucille. 
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? I would say losing Merle,Her Father and a sister in Beth still effects her a bit, Also almost dying at the hands of her former lover (Who also killed her Father and Merle) 
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? I made A-Z NSFW Headcanons for The Governor and Merle already,I might make one for Negan as well,but their are already really good ones of him out there! 
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? Well there really isn’t any law anymore but before the turn it would probably be for doing something stupid with Merle like underage drinking.
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? lol idk maybe acting.
29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Almost sacrificed her life.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? Not much in the way of tv now,but before she liked watching Zombie and B Horror movies,also going out to parties,and listening to her sister Beth sing,watching Wrestling with Daryl and his GF,her BFF,Carol Lynn,dressing up to go out with Merle,she still likes Decorating,Negan’s pretty much let her decorate there room however she likes.
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? Yes she has,mainly Zombies but she has killed people before out of necessity and protection. 
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?  As long as she’s with them she doesn’t really care. Her first date with Merle was at a restaurant/Bar,then they went dancing at a club and then back to his place...With The Governor it was sharing drinks out in the garden,though if he had a choice Philip would have taken her out to a nice restaurant. Suzie didn’t really have a conventional first date with Negan but they have their quiet nights alone,candle lit dinners,kinky sex ;) Negan also spoils her with presents every time they go out.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? Her Room...lol seriously though,what alone time? Though sometimes her and the other wives hang out in Eugene’s room,playing video games and drinking if they need an escape.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Breakfast Foods mainly.
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? Not much anymore,though she is afraid of leaving her kids behind.
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? No
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? Being hit on,especially when she’s taken. Her men flirting with someone else.
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? As long as it’s not an extreme weather,she really doesn’t care.
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? Well as Negan said when they first met “You are such a badass!” and he’s not wrong. Others may think she’s easily manipulated and maybe she is,at first.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Not really,she did try and hide her kinkier side with The Governor but Negan pretty much has done away with being ashamed of anything and told her they don’t need to hide that in The Sanctuary. 
41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? They used to.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? Sometimes she regrets meeting The Governor or siding with Negan over Alexandria but Suzie wouldn’t really change it.
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? I think different people see different aspects of her personality and vice versa.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? Her Children or Negan dying.
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? A bit of both.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? With Merle,Sue always sat on his lap if he was sitting on a chair or recliner. She does that with Negan too,with The Governor she always kissed his bad eye,if he was having a bad day,just to show him that she still loved him no matter what he looked like..
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? Sue used to be shyer but now she’s definitely more outgoing and a leader.
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Again her men flirting with someone else,especially Merle. Negan favoriting another wife over her. 
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? She used to have nightmares about finding Merle as a Zombie or of The Governor killing her but they have since dissipated. 
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? With Merle it was after their first time and Merle said it first,he was super nervous about it and Sue had to reassure him that she loved him too.
With Philip it was to reassure him that she wasn’t going anywhere,after he lost his eye and turned dark. 
With Negan it was during a particularly rare moment of confindment after he told her about Lucille,he didn’t say it back until a few months later when he was absolutely sure,and when he knew she wouldn’t leave him.
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trashcanband4 · 6 years
27 with Daryl x Reader where the reader has scars and tries to hide them but Daryl somehow sees them
Title: These Scars are Ours.
Pairing: DarylxReader
Warnings: Abuse.
Word Count: 1246
 You had scars. They’d been there, marring your skin, since you were just ten years old. That’s when it first started. It’s when you had your innocence taken from you, changing you forever and stealing your childhood. The number of scars increased with the years, some faded while othersstill looked fresh to this day. Some were numb while others were sensitive to the touch. They were everywhere, hidden out of sight of the social worker that came to check out the house and make sure there was food in the pantry. They weren’t easy to keep hidden, even in the summer you wore ¾ length sleeves. When the world went to shit taking privacy with it the scars that never faded became even harder to hide. But somehow you’d managed to keep them hidden from the others for around three or four years.
 You had been living in Alexandria for about a month now and slowly the group was moving to their own houses, but you and Daryl still remained in the main house. It had four bedrooms. Rick had his own room, Michonne had hers and Carl had his. You and Michonne were not super close nor were you and Rick. You all thought that since having his childhood ripped away by the walkers that Carl should have his own room. So you and Daryl ended up sharing. It wasn’t a big deal. The two of you shared a king size bed and used separate blankets. You each got dressed out of eye sight of the other.
 In the mornings, if you woke up at the same time, you would take the room while he got dressed in the bathroom. If he woke up before you, which was usually the case, he would go ahead and get dressed in the room while you slept. This morning though, you woke up before him so you pulled some clean clothes out of your dresser then quietly closed it. You had changed from sleep shorts into a pair of jeans and had taken your thin, long sleeved shirt off to switch it for a different one when Daryl’s voice broke the silence of the room making you jump and cover your chest with your tank top.
 “Y/n.” you looked at him to see that he was still lying under the comforter with his hands behind his head. His eyes were glaring even more than usual. “Come ‘ere.” You did as asked as he sat up on the side of the bed. When you got within reaching distance he grabbed the shirt and tugged it from your grasp. You uncomfortably crossed your arms over your chest. “Where did all of these scars come from?” he touched a scar that was close to your belly button that also happened to be the most sensitive one. “Y/n?” he asked and you started to shake. He stood up, grabbed your chin between his thumb and pointer finger and made you look athim. “Talk to me.” His gravelly whispered words caused a tear to slide down your cheek. “Who did this to you?”
 “No one.” You whispered as you took a step back, grabbed your shirt off of the bed and pulled it over your head. When the fabric was out of your face you looked at him, remembering the scars you’d seen on his skin so many times that you forgot they were even there. “Who did that to you?” you asked with a jerk of your chin at his shirtles storso.
 “My ol’ man.” He answered. “Mean, sum-bitch.” He sat backdown on the edge of the bed, realizing that it was still really early and if he had the choice, he would go back to sleep.
 His honest answer and the fact that it was the first time you’d ever heard him talk about his family other than Merle, made you move to sit down on the bed behind him and cross your legs. “My mom.” You admitted and he cut his eyes over at you. “She was crazy, had multiple personalities. Five of them and only one was nice.”
 “Merle and me…when we were bad, we’d get whipped.” He said and you blinked up at him.
 “I got burned with cigarettes,” you said as you moved to sit beside him then pointed to the circular scar near your belly button, the one hetouched, “locked in my room for days with no food, stabbed with a fork,” you pointed at a scar of four small, consecutive holes, “and whipped with a dogleash.” You pointed at the slash mark on your torso. “Each personality had their favorite form of punishment. The good personality was more like the witch from Hansel and Gretel feeding me ice cream and candy. Fattening me up for the personality that liked to starve me.” you couldn’t believe you were talking to him about this. You had never told anyone any of this before.
 “When Dad got drunk and Merle was gone…I was his ash tray. Made me sit next to his chair so he could put his smokes out on me.” you couldn’t help but reach out and run your fingertips across his back. “Made me do his drug runs.” You could hear the tears in his voice. When he sniffled you leaned around him to look at his face. His head hung and his hair covered hiseyes, so you slid down off of the bed and stood in front of him. You hooked your finger under his chin and made him look at your tear streaked face. You were afraid you would get rejected when you stepped closer to him and let go of his chin to slide your arms over his shoulders crossing your wrists behind his head. But he leaned his head on your stomach and wrapped his arms around you.“You’re like me.” he whispered so quietly that you almost didn’t hear him.
 “We’re not alone anymore, Daryl.” You croaked out and he picked his head up to look up at you with his chin resting on your stomach just below your breasts. You pushed his hair out of his face, simultaneously runningyour fingers through it. It was surprisingly clean and soft.
 In that moment you wanted to kiss him. But you weren’t sure that it was the appropriate time. So instead you leaned down and kissed hisforehead. He just closed his eyes and sighed. After a minute of you just standing there with your hands in Daryl’s hair, massaging his scalp while he hugged you. You took your hands out of his hair to grab his hands that were resting on your back, and opened his arms so that you could walk around him to crawl onto the bed. You pulled him along with you and he laid down beside you on his back, so you tucked yourself into his side. He wrapped the arm you were using as a pillow around you to play with your hair while his other arm was tucked behind his head.
You had been laying there for quite a while, almost asleep from his relaxing stroking of your hair when he spoke up “We’re sharing the middle tonight.” You pushed yourself up on your forearm to smiledown at him. “And covers.” He added and you laughed as he slid his hand around to the back of your neck and pulled you down for a kiss.
Daryl Tags: @jodiereedus22  @mtngirlforever  @zzeacat @winchester-angel  @moodygrip  @beegnc @hells-mistress @lighthope08  @sapphire1727 @luisadontcurr  @chloebabyboo  @ilkaeliseb @twdeadfanfic  @ravengalaxia  @1lluminaticonfirmed  @my-current-fandom-is  @Nikkiloves-bailey  @coffeebooksandfandom
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Friday Five: Moms On TV
Mother’s Day is this Sunday (at least, it is here in the U.S. I know it gets different days around the world). In honor of the holiday that honors moms, I thought I’d honor some fictional maternal figures. Not everyone has a great mom in their life. But most people have moms they like to watch on TV. Here are some (five) of my favorites.
Five: Melissa McCall (Teen Wolf)
So, Teen Wolf was a mess of a show at times. The writers ignored their own in-universe laws, allowed characters to vanish without a trace, and had a serious problem maintaining stories for female characters that weren’t Lydia. That being said, one constant on the show that was always amazing was Mama McCall. Scott’s mom took the whole werewolves and supernatural creatures thing in stride. She helped keep her son’s pack together. She fought bad guys. She had a real job. She figured things out. And she never stopped being Scott’s mom. She was always worried about him, despite trusting in his ability to werewolf. She was such a great character.
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Four: Grams (Dawson’s Creek)
She might not have been Jen’s mom, but she was a mother-figure. Grams was the only family who treated Jen like she wasn’t a burden. They got off to a rocky start in the first season, but as Grams relaxed her conservative views, and Jen opened up to her more, the two bonded and flourished. Their relationship is one of the best in the show next to Jen and Jack’s friendship and Pacey and Joey’s romance. There’s a clear arc in their interactions and their story that we get to watch right up until Jen’s sad ending. Grams: the college years remains one of my favorite aspects of the show in a time when the storytelling started to get weird.
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Three: Michonne (The Walking Dead)
To be fair, I’m a couple seasons behind on The Walking Dead. Inclement weather prevented my satellite from recording a strong of episodes, and I just never caught up. So, no, I haven’t seen the most recent season with Michonne and her new kiddo. Michonne made the list because of her relationships with Carl and Judith. I love that Michonne never tried to be Carl’s “mom,” though she clearly cared about him. The wound of losing his mom always seemed to be righthere for him. She was his ally and his friend first. They bonded and became family. She stepped up and took care of Judith like Judith was her own every chance she got. Honestly, if the show had gotten rid of Rick before Carl, I would have loved to see how Michonne and Carl made things work, because they certainly would have.
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Two: Clarke Griffin (The 100)
I binged last season of The 100 right before the new season started because I never finished the season as it aired. I’d been a bit of a cynic about the idea of Clarke as a mom from the press leading up to the show. Bonding with a kid for a few years while you were isolated from everyone else is a very Clarke thing to do, but I definitely thought her priorities would revert back to skaikru when she got back in contact with her old friends. Much to my surprise, Clarke as Madi’s mom is one of the best mama bears in science fiction shows. She’s willing to let the world burn to save her kid. She’s willing to let everyone else she ever cared about burn to save her kid. And what’s better is that when she talks with her own mom about how that makes her a horrible person, her mom would have done the same. It’s the kind of story where you want to hate a character for the choices they’re making, but you get them.
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One: Amy DeLuca (OG Roswell)
Oh, Amy. The scatterbrained single mom just trying to make enough money to keep a roof over her daughter’s head. She could have been a caricature. But she wasn’t. She didn’t always know everything going on with her daughter (it was a show about alien-human hybrids, after all), but she tried. She tried to get Maria to talk to her. She tried to be understanding. And she tried to sell alien related merchandise in a town where alien mythology ran deep. She had some of the best lines in the series, and her slowly regaining her memories after Tess’ mindwarp snapped was one of my favorite sequences in the show. She deserved her happy ending with Jim Valenti. I hope he eventually let her in on the alien secret.
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Weird how these options are (almost) all from teen television. Oh, wait, maybe that’s the only kind of tv show that uses maternal figures as more than just a punch line in a joke (here’s looking at you, sitcoms) or a tragic figure from the past (hey, most dramas out there). That being said, the moms in Mom, a sitcom about recovering addicts, are great. And if I watched that regularly, they’d probably get their own spot on the list. Since I don’t, consider this an honorable mention.
Who’s your favorite TV mom?
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dang-misha · 7 years
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Imagine – Finding out Carl is bit and being with him until the very end.
Word Count – 3,717
Warnings – Death, SADDD
A/N – I didn’t know if I should write this or not because Carl 1000% deserves to be alive but sadly he isn’t. My heart hurts so much, a fictional character death has never hurt me this bad. So I’m writing this to hopefully help me cope and help anyone who needs it too! Haha. Hope everyone enjoys. (Also should I make a part two to this? Like an update on how you’re coping. It’d have a lot of fluff with Daryl. Let me know!)
You and Carl have been dating for about 3 years, at least you think. With this whole apocalypse thing going on it’s kind of hard to keep track of time. You’ve been friends since the prison and started dating about a year after you met. You two were as close as you could be. You’ll never forget the day he finally admitted he has feelings for you.
“Carl, sorry if you don’t like it but I can go out by myself. I don’t need a babysitter, I’m fine!” You yelled, throwing your arms in the air and walking away until you hear him say something you never thought you’d hear from him
“I love you, please don’t leave me.” You froze, making his heart race even faster
“What did you say?”
“I – I said I love you. I don’t want you to go because I’m terrified of anything happening to you. I can’t lose you so please don’t g-“ You ran up to him and kissed him as hard as possible. You could feel him smile against your lips and his hands in your hair.
“I’ve waited way to long to hear you say that.”
“Well get ready because you’re going to hear me say it a lot more from now on.”
“Hello? Earth to Y/N! Ya listening?” Daryl asked loudly, waving his hand in your face
“Yes. Sorry I was just thinking.”
“Thinkin about what?”
“Carl, the usual.” You blushed, making him chuckle.
“You two are so cute, it’s actually gross.” You and Daryl always had a brother and sister relationship type of thing. At first when you showed up at the prison after Rick found you on the side of the road and decided to take you in after questioning you for what seemed like hours Daryl didn’t trust you at all, but everyone said that’s normal for Daryl. After a few weeks when he got to know you more he started trusting you more and eventually you became good friends. Then when he learned about your hard past he felt like he had someone he could relate and vent to. Now other than Carl he’s the person you’re closest with.
“Shut up” You smiled, punching his arm playfully. You guys went back to doing work when you heard someone whistle. It was Carl.
“Speak of the devil” Daryl laughed, leaving you two alone
Carl walked up and kissed your cheek, giving you a tight hug after
“Hey puddin’” Puddin was your nickname for him.
“You and that darn nickname. I got hungry and ate a ton of pudding once and now that story will never leave me huh?”
“Nope!” You smiled, kissing him after.
“So what’s your plan today?”
“Doing a few chores with Daryl then after that I should be free if you want to take a walk or something. I found this cool abandoned house that has comics inside!”
“Oh.. Um, I might have to watch Judith.”
“I thought Maggie wanted to watch her tonight? And come on you know how much you love your comics.”
“Plans change, sorry babe.” Your heart broke. Normally It wouldn’t bother you but the last few days he’s been acting a little stand offish towards you which is very unusual. He never acts like this unless somethings wrong. When he lost his eye he was standoffish for awhile which you expected but after a few days things were going back to normal.
“Don’t look at me!” Carl shouted, covering his face with his hands. This was your first time visiting him after the incident happened.
“Baby, you know I won’t think any differently of you. You know I love you, it’s ok.” You reached out to him but he pushed himself away.
“Please don’t lie to me Y/N, not now. I’m a fucking freak, I have one eye for god’s sake!”
“You’re not a freak! Carl I know you’re hurting –“
“Don’t. I don’t need pity, I just want to be left alone. Please leave me alone.” His voice shook, still not removing his hands from his face. You respected his wishes and went to walk out
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” You whispered, he didn’t say a word so you left and closed to door. You rested your back against the door and slid down, sitting on the floor while you softly cried into your hands. A few seconds later you felt someone sitting against the other side.
“I’m sorry.” Carl said softly. You didn’t respond, got up and walked away. Michonne warned you that this would be hard and that you’d have to deal with things like this but it was a lot harder than expected. She gave you a whole speech on how you have to be strong for him but it’s harder than it sounds. Watching someone you love hurt that much is absolutely destroying.
About a week goes by and things are finally starting to calm down. Carl wasn’t completely comfortable around you yet, but he could show his face without having a panic attack which was a good sign that things were looking up.
You were laying on the couch reading one of Carl’s comics when he came in and sat at your feet.
“I’m ready.” He sighed, making you confused
“Ready for…?” You asked, closing the comic and putting it on the lamp stand behind you.
“You to help change my bandage.”
This was a huge deal. You wanted to scream, give him a huge hug, cry tears of joy but you tried your best to play it cool and not scare him. You took his hand and walked him up the stairs into the bathroom.
“I love you, Carl. I don’t care if you have two eyes or none you will always be perfect to me.”
“Well lets hope it doesn’t come to that.” You both laughed, making him feel a little less tense.
“This might sting a little, I’m sorry.”
Carl nodded and held your hand, rubbing circles on it with his thumb. He knew it was one of your favorite things he does to you. He winced as you cleaned the wound.
“I- I’m sorry. I’d take away the pain if I could.”
“It’s all good babe, no worries.”
You talked about funny stories to keep his mind off the pain then finished. He kissed you and gave you a hug then you both went on with the rest of the day. Everything was finally ok.
“Ok, well if you decide you want to hangout you know where I am.” He nodded, kissed your cheek and left to go do his own thing.
“Do you think Carl’s been weird lately?” You asked Michonne.
“Not that I’ve noticed, but then again I haven’t been around much. Why what’s wrong?”
“He’s been very… standoffish? I don’t know, maybe I’m just overthinking it but I think he doesn’t want to be around me anymore.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
“No, I’m to scared that it’ll start an argument. In this world now you can’t argue a lot because you never know when you’re going to lose someone. I mean It’s always been like that but now it’s worse considering we got freaking dead people chomping around.”
You and Michonne sighed, not saying anything for a few minutes.
“I think you should just talk to him. Maybe he’s just upset and to scared to vent. If it starts getting intense just end the conversation and move on. It’ll all be ok.” You gave her a hug and a thank you then left to go find Carl.
You were walking around when you saw him sitting on the porch with Judith in his lap in a rocking chair. You always loved his bond he had with Judith. It made you really miss your younger sister.
“Hey babe” He smiled while Judith waved
“Hello, what are you two cuties up to?”
“We were just looking at the stars and chatting. How about you?”
“Just walking around getting some fresh air. Hey those are cute! Did you guys do those today?” You asked, pointing to the blue handprints on the wood.”
“Yeah, we got bored.” Carl smiled, poking Judith’s side and making her laugh.
“Can I ask you something?”
He nodded. Your heart was pounding. The thought of him being mad at you hurt to the core.
“Are you ok?” He gave you a confused look
“You’ve.. been weird lately.”
“What? How?” Judith started fussing.
“Hold on, let me put her to bed. I’ll be right back.” He left and you sat on the stairs, waiting for him to come back out. You took some deep breaths to calm yourself down then the sound of the door closing made you jump.
“How have I been weird?” He asked, standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You never want to hangout anymore..”
“What? I always want to hangout. I’ve just been busy y/n.”
“I know but –“ he cut you off
“I think I’m going to bed I have to get up early to help dad with something. Goodnight, I love you.” He kissed you goodbye and left so quickly you couldn’t even say I love you back. Something is definitely going on.
You didn’t get any sleep that night.
You were on watch by yourself for the morning which gave you a lot of unwanted time to think. Overthinking is seriously the worst. “What if he doesn’t love me anymore?” “Is he sick?” “Is he depressed?” “Did someone spread rumors about us and he’s mad about it?”
“Hey” his voice brought you out of your thoughts.
“I’m sorry about last night. I was tired and Judith was moody all day which made me moody and I just –“
“Carl, it’s alright. I get it.”
You both sighed and looked out at the woods in front of you. It was silent for a few minutes until you looked over and noticed he was sweating.
“You ok? You’re drenched in sweat.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine. Just a little hot is all.”
“It’s like 60 degrees. Are you sure you’re ok? If you’re sick I can go out and get you some medicine.”
“Babe I’m fine, I promise. I got to go help dad but I just wanted to stop by and see your pretty face. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him goodbye and he left. Alone, again. Great.
As you sat and watched out for any intruders or Negan and his crew you thought about your memories with Carl.
“You know, you look pretty badass with one eye.” You smirked, making him blush.
“Oh yeah. Nobody’s going to fuck with you. You’re so cool, I better watch out because some ladies might find it to cool then I’ll have to kick their ass.” You joked
“Nah, you won’t have to worry about that. I’m allll yours.”
“Are you sure you want to be stuck with me forever?”
“I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life.”
That memory always sticks in your head, you especially think about it during bad times.
“Don’t touch him.” You growled at Negan as he got close to your boyfriend. Carl’s eye went wide as he looked at you. You couldn’t tell if he was more scared because of the big dude threatening to bash his head in or because you literally just set yourself up for death itself.
“Holy shit, you got balls don’t ya! Talkin’ to me like that when I could literally just bash your brains in right now.”
“She your lady?” Negan asked Carl. He nodded.
“She’s pretty cute. She won’t be so cute though with her brain juice all over you. Shut her up!” He yelled, making him jump.
“I – I don’t talk to her that way..”
“Well ya better start, or she goes bye bye.”
“Shut up, y/n! Listen to him and stop trying to get yourself killed!” He yelled. You felt like someone just stabbed a knife through your heart and kicked you in the dirt along with it. You know he didn’t mean it and only did it to save your life but it still hurt. He gave you the most apologetic look you’ve ever seen in your entire life and mouthed “I’m sorry”.
“That’a boy! Don’t let her screw you around.”
You screamed as you watched Glenn get beat to death. Glenn was your father figure. You loved him so much and now he was gone.
“Glenn! No!” You cried, wailing almost. Carl went to hold your hand to calm you down until Simon saw and pushed him to the ground which scared you even more. He pushed his gun in your boyfriend’s back and made sure you watched every bit.
“Aw, trying to comfort your girl?” Negan acted like he cared but you know he didn’t.
“Keep making moves like that and I fucking swear you’ll be next and I’ll make sure she watches every bit of it. I won’t let her look away, I won’t even let her blink.”
You’ve had nightmares about the night ever since it happened. Not a night goes by you don’t dream about it in some way.
Carl woke up to a loud, curdling scream coming from down the hall. He ran out of his room, not even caring he was just in his boxers and ran straight to the noise. His heart dropped when he saw you stirring around in your sleep, kicking and screaming at the air.
“Babe? Babe it’s me! It’s Carl!” You were still screaming.
“Oh god, oh god please wake up. Baby! Hey!” He yelled, grabbing your shoulders. You finally woke up and you were shaking in fear and drenched in sweat. You laid your head on his chest as you bawled your eyes out. He held you close and rested his chin on top of your head. He ran his finger tips up and down your arm, shushing softly and humming to calm you down.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” Carl rarely sung, but he knew that was one of your favorite songs.
He kept you in his arms and laid back against your bed frame. He hummed all kinds of soothing songs and rubbed your arm until you finally fell back asleep. He made sure to never leave your side that night and always made sure to sleep with his door open in case you needed him again.
You loved Carl more than words could describe. You two been through everything together. The thought of him not being in your life scared you to death.
You sat in the nasty sewer, waiting for all the craziness outside to stop. You all sat and waited around when you noticed Carl looked horrible. He’s been looking rough lately but you thought it was maybe just from stress from everything.
“Puddin… You don’t look so good.” You said softly, running your fingers through his greasy hair. He put his hand on your lap and looked you in your eyes.
“Y/N…” He said softly
“Yes babe what is it? Do you need water?”
“Get dad and Michonne..” You were confused.
“What? Why?”
“Get them… now… please.” You got up and walked over to them, telling them that Carl needed them but you weren’t sure why.
You, Rick and Michonne walked over to him. You made sure to bring a bottle of water with you.
“Carl?” Rick asked
Carl didn’t say anything and slowly pulled up his shirt, showing a patch on his side. He lifted down the patch to reveal a bite. Your world completely stopped.
“No.....No!” You said in disbelief. Michonne gasped and Rick ran his hands over his face.
“Carl…. When?!” Michonne asked
He explained what happened. The memories from that day came as if it happened yesterday. You remembered you had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that day as if something was wrong or something wasn’t right. You remembered you begged him to stay home that day.
“I knew something was wrong… Damn it!” You began to cry. Carl placed his hand on top of yours and held it.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m so…. Sorry.” You cried and laid your head on his stomach. Michonne tried her best to stay strong while Rick sat there in disbelief. Shock taking over his body.
“I can’t lose you…. I can’t. There is absolutely no way..”
“I’m right here babe, it’s ok.” Carl said softly, placing your hair behind your ear and giving you the warmest smile. He looked so tired and worn out.
“Everything ok?... holy shit..” Daryl gasped, seeing Carl’s bite.
Nobody said anything. The room was just filled with sounds of bombs, shooting and you crying.
As the night went on Carl was getting worse. Around his eye was red and swollen but glassy. He was sweating as if it was 200 degrees and he was wheezing more as time went by. Rick tried to give him some water but nothing was helping.
He talked to Judith. He wanted to make sure he said goodbye. He talked to Daryl and kissed Judith’s cheek and told them he loved them. You then realized why he put the handprints on the wood planks back at the house. He wanted to make sure Judith had something to remember him by. The past few hours all you did was sit right by Carl’s side. You talked about everything and anything you could think of.
“Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?”
“Yes y/n, a million times.” He smiled, making you smile too. He has the prettiest smile.
“Have I told you that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me?”
“Have I told you how badass you are?”
“Oh yeah, that I already knew before you told me.” He winked. Even in the worse situations he’d try to make everything ok. You always loved that about him.
“I love you.”
“I know, I love you too.”
“I love you more.”
“Yeah, you’re funny.”
Everyone decided it was best to leave now that everyone was gone. You helped Rick and Michonne carry Carl to a safe place. He kept begging for you guys to stop for a second but you knew you had to keep going. Finally you found somewhere safe to stay for a little while.
“Guys… It’s happening…soon…I can feel it..” Carl breathed out. Tears filled your eyes along with Michonne and Rick’s.
“No…” Rick said.
Carl thanked him for everything he’s ever done for him. He talked to Michonne for a while too. You could tell time was slipping away, it was horrible.
“Y/N…” He breathed, holding your hand.
“Yes honey?”
“Take care of yourself…. Please.. I love you so much... Do it for me…. Please..”
You nodded as tears fell down your cheek and onto his hand.
“Hey… don’t cry..” He said, wiping your tears away. You placed your hand on his and held it on your cheek for a while. His touch was so warm on your cold face.
“Please take care of Judith… she loves you, you know? She talks about you all the time…. She always asks where you are or when you’re coming home. She loves you so much.”
“You still got my necklace I gave you?” He asked, you nodded and pulled it out from underneath the collar of your shirt.
“I wear it all the time.”
“Good, I got mine too…” He smiled, showing his as well. He was on a run one day when he found them in a store. They were good as new and knew you both needed to have them.
“Don’t forget about me please..” He started tearing up.
“Carl Grimes you are absolutely out of your mind if you think that would ever happen.”
“I know… I’m sorry. I’m just scared.” This time you held his hand and rubbed circles on it to calm him down. He sighed and smiled through the tears.
“I know baby, It’ll be ok. You’ll see your mom again. Glenn, Hershel, Abe, Sasha, that Dale dude you’re always talking about. He seemed really great.”
“He…. He was.. I really miss mom..”
He reached over and grabbed a gun.
“No… No..” Rick sighed, shaking his head.
“We can’t… let you do this.. Carl, no… no way.” You said
“I can do it… I’m strong enough.”
“I love you” He looked over and told Michonne. Michonne said it back and gave him a hug.
“I love you Dad” his voice broke
“I love you Carl, I love you so much.”
“Y/N… my love..”
“Please don’t leave me…” You said so quietly, squeezing his hand.
“I’ll never leave y…you.. I love you, so, so much sweetheart…”
“I love you. I love you puddin…”
You both burst into tears as you hugged each other tightly. You kissed each other for what would be the last time.
“You should have someone with you. I’ll stay. A father shouldn’t have to see this..” you said. Rick and Michonne hesitated for a moment then left. You told Carl you loved him one more time, gave him another hug and kissed his forehead.
You turned your back to him and looked at the floor.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey… You’ll never know dear how much I love you.. please…. don’t’ take… my sunshine…away…”
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pinkmonsimblr · 6 years
Questions About 3 Fandoms
Rules: Choose any three fandoms in random order and answer the questions, then tag 10 people.
Thanks to @gelatinskunk for tagging me~!
1. Pokemon (Anime)
2. Game of Thrones
3. The Walking Dead
The First Character You Loved:
1. Ash Ketchum, who I was like in love with as a child. 😂
2. Daenerys Targaryen, my dragon queen.
3. Daryl Dixon, a soft nugget hiding inside a tough shell.
The Character You Never Expected to Love So Much:
1. Brock. The humor of his character grew on me.
2. Sansa Stark. She was such a brat when she was younger but I really like how strong she’s become.
3. Carl Grimes. At first I just thought he was an annoying little kid but like... He went through so much horrible stuff and became a little man. He was so young yet such an important member of the group. And he had a sweet and caring heart through all the negativity in the world.
The Character You Relate to the Most:
1. Serena (from X&Y) because she had no idea what she wanted in life but eventually figured herself out and realized what her dream was. We also both like kawaii, girly aesthetics.
2. Hmmm... Probably Daenerys only because I love her moral values. She wants to free all the enslaved people (I love me some freedom) and she also values justice/revenge. As a Scorpio, I love good swift revenge, lol.
3. Probably Maggie because I feel like I would have a similar leadership style as her in a zombie apocalypse, lol. Also, I’d seek revenge like her if someone killed the person I love.
The Character You’d Slap (Currently):
1. Ash. He just needs to stop making dumb decisions. At least he aged up to 11 years old now instead of 10.
2. It’s hard to choose just one, but I guess Cersei for betraying Daenerys and Jon.
3. I haven’t seen any of the current season yet so this is based on Season 8! I’d slap Maggie based on that ending scene of the Season 8 finale because WHAT?!
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
1. Serena, Lillie, Ash’s Bulbasaur
2. Daenerys, Tyrion, Cersei (I have a love-hate thing with her, lol)
3. Carol, Daryl, Negan (Another love-hate thing)
A Character you Liked at First but Don’t Anymore:
1. Ash, because I realized he’s kind of a moron.
2. None to be honest.
3. Michonne. She used to be my top 3 but lately she’s just been less badass, (though all the characters go through up and down periods for me.)
Three otp’s:
1. Ash & Serena 💖
2. Jaime & Brienne (I wish it would happen) 💕
3. Maggie & Glenn ❤
I’ll tag @cantseemtohide, @rebellious-sims, @felixcrunch, @elisabettasims, @blurri-sim-kid, @hiddenspringss, @xbelorsims, @daisydezem, @fabiansims, and @blueire-sims~! 💖
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eurusholmmes · 7 years
It’s Never Goodbye|| c.g.
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It’s more like a, “See you later.” 
Requested by Anon 
Prompt:  Hey I was wondering if you could make a Carl Grimes x Reader Imagine where the reader gets bit and even after the reader turns Carl keeps them alive until someone found out and kills them,thanks ❤
Warning: Veers away from the story after 8x06, alludes to that thing that happens in 8x08, ANGST!!!!
I swear you all love angst because this is filled to the brim with it. 
Go Getters
  “So it all goes right, and you do it.. How do you get away?” 
  “It wouldn’t matter.” 
  “It would to me.” You said firmly, hands sliding up his body to rest on his chest, his heartbeat steady beneath your fingers. “I haven’t said it enough since everything happened in Alexandria. With the herd and your gunshot wound.. I’ve just been so focused on saving Carol that I forgot about you. And I’m sorry, Carl. I’m-” 
Carl pressed a finger to your lips to silence your rambling. “You spend so much time trying to save other people that you never let anyone save you.” You exhaled slowly as he rested his forehead against your own, his fingers spreading out over her hips to pull your body closer to his. “And now it’s my turn.” 
  “Carl, just come with me to see Maggie-” 
Your heartbeat skyrocketed as Carl pressed his lips against your forehead, lingering before tilting his head sideways and capturing your lips in his own. You had absolutely no idea if it was supposed to be a goodbye kiss or a thank you kiss, but the moment he pulled away and looked at you, you had an inkling that you’d cross paths again soon. “Hey.” 
  “I’m not going to become another person on the list of those you’ve lost, y/n. Don’t lose the little faith in me that you do have.” The determination in his gaze was clear as you turned around to face him, your y/e/c irises awed at Carl Grimes strength as he nodded at you. “I’ll see you soon.” 
  “How do I know that?” 
  “Look at the ring in your hand.’’
That was how Carl decided to propose to you, his girlfriend of a year and a half, without actually asking you himself. You were paranoid that with the fighting taking place between Alexandria and the Saviors that the ring would somehow disappear, so you clipped it to the chain around your neck and tucked it beneath your shirt. 
Of course you hid it from everyone, because you and Carl were too young to fall in love, much less be engaged. But no matter where you went or who you lost, you never felt true terror when your body registered the caress of cold metal against your skin. 
You kept asking yourself the same question over and over again as you staggered through the woods outside Alexandria with Carl on one side and Siddiq on the other. “What do we do? Do you think we can take them on?” You whispered urgently as you nudged him in the hip. “There is three of us. Maybe we can..” 
What if I’d been more stern? 
Carl frowned as he and Siddiq simultaneously pulled their knives from their sheaths. The eldest Grimes managed a grim smile as he ushered to the half dozen walkers feasting on the deer less then a hundred feet in front of you. 
  “Hey. Free your mom.” 
What if I had stayed home like I was supposed to? 
The faster that your dagger plunged in and out of the brains of multiple walkers, the more alert you became to the presence of what had to be fifteen more coming at the three of you from both sides. 
  “Just-Go!” Siddiq exclaimed, grunting as his fingers wrapped around the broad shoulders of the walker snapping at his flesh. You straightened your shoulders and gripped the hilt of your dagger with white knuckles. “You don’t have to do this!” 
What if I had been strong enough to survive the inevitable? 
You lunged in front of Carl and slammed him into the nearest tree, knocking the wind from your lungs as you fell directly onto the forest floor. Before you could blink away the stars dancing across your vision, an indescribable pain ripped through your body when the first walker latched onto you and tore the skin directly from your right shoulder. 
All you heard was multiple gunshots and the furious scream of a boy who would never get to marry his wife. He would never see you in your wedding dress, he’d never carry you across the threshold, and he would never be the father of your children. Judith would never be an aunt.. and Rick would never be a grandfather. 
What if? 
What if? 
What if? 
Your lungs gasped for oxygen as Siddiq fell to your side and hastily pulled off his jacket, desperately pressing it against your wound as your eyes flickered in search of Carl. “C-Carl!” You cried out, hands reaching towards the Heavens until you were met with a pale hand seemingly coming from nowhere; Thin, nimble fingers wrapping around your wrist and heaving you upward. “Oh God-I can’t-” 
Carl stared in disbelief as he positioned you against the tree, his pale blue eye sweeping over your tear stained cheeks as he ran his thumb over the back of your hand. “Hey.” He murmured, managing a weak smile as the two of you locked eyes. “It’s gonna be okay, darling. It’s gonna-” Realization struck him as he pulled his ring from the breast pocket of his coat and held it directly at his line of sight. “Y/n.. will you marry me?” 
  “R-Right now?” 
  “Right now.” 
Goodnight my angel time to close your eyes
And leave these questions for another day 
After exchanging rings and vows, Carl crawled behind you and pulled your limp body into his arms; Your head gently resting against his shoulder as Siddiq stood in front of the pair, keenly watching for the moment you passed away in the arms of your husband.
I think I know what you’ve been asking me
I think I know what you’ve been trying to say
  “I know we hated each other when we met, but every morning I wake up thanking whatever God is left out there that you came across our path when you did. You turned my darkness into a flicker of light.. Fueled by the determination to survive this world and win the war.” Carl slowly turned his head and leaned towards you, the tip of his nose grazing your temple. “Yearning to be loved by a girl who didn’t know what love was.” 
I promised I would never leave you Then you should always know
Your hooded y/e/c eyes lifted upward and softened at the sight of your husband, bloodied fingertips caressing his jawline as you whispered the lyrics of your favorite lullaby. 
Wherever you may go 
No matter where you are 
I never will be far away
Carl’s breathing hitched when your fingertips fell from his face and to your side. Your breaths slowly came to a complete stop, and the two men were met with an uneasy silence that spread throughout the forest littered in corpses. His lips quivered as your body laid in his arms, unmoving if only for a few more moments before you reanimated. “Y/n-” He cried, hot tears falling down his face as he gripped your hand and held it against his cheek. “Y/n-Come back-” 
No matter how much he didn’t want to watch you turn into a mindless monster, Carl could not gather the strength to fire the bullet through your temple that would render you completely dead. You had pushed him away and taken that bite from the walker. You had sacrificed yourself for him, and he would not be responsible for your death twice. 
  “Carl-” Siddiq warned. “She’s waking up.” 
As if on cue, Carls head snapped downward as he was greeted with the familiar milky white eyes that accompanied reanimation. 
  ‘’C’mon sweetie. Let’s take you back home, where you belong.” 
Daryl and Rick were waiting at the gates when Carl and Siddiq approached. Upon seeing his father the Sheriffs son ducked to the side and tightened his grip on the rope he’d used to steer you back in the direction of Alexandria. “There’s a treehouse in the back of the property she spent some nights in when we needed to escape our parents. The back door is right beneath it. Take her to the stables and wait for me there.” Carl managed a weak smile as he tightened the gag he’d placed in your mouth to prevent you from biting the two of them. 
  “Will do boss.” 
Daryl had been making his nightly rounds around Alexandria when he approached the back of the property, slipping his crossbow off his shoulders as his sharp ears recognized the familiar growl of a walker inside the property. He crept through the wildflowers that surrounded the stables for the Kingdoms remaining horses, his cobalt eyes falling on the vacant stable where a consistent thud thud thud was heard amidst the silence. 
  “What the-” His eyes widened as he stepped into the dim light only to recognize the familiar shimmer of your y/h/c hair, which was matted in blood. It was when he was met with the ferocious growling and milky white eyes that he put two and two together. “Awe Y/n, I’m sorry.” 
He lifted his bow to his shoulder.
Reloaded his bolt.
And squeezed the trigger. 
Carl had just managed to slip out of the house unnoticed when he heard the familiar zing of Daryls crossbow in the distance, his legs pumping as they carried him throughout Alexandria to where he’d specifically told Siddiq to wait for him. He skidded to a stop in the midst of the wildflowers and sank to his knees as Daryl Dixon emerged from the barn cradling your body to his chest. 
  “Sorry kiddo. Saw the wedding ring, put two and two together. Didn’t want ya to have to put the love of your life down like you did for your daddy.” Daryl smiled grimly as he laid your body in front of Carl and took a step backward. “I’ll give ya a moment alone before we go ahead and bury her.” 
Carl ran a hand through his hair and removed his Sheriffs hat, setting it to the side as he approached you. He had already said all he needed to in the woods, so he pursed his lips and glanced between you and Daryl before reaching for your hand and slipping the wedding ring off of your fingers. “It’s never a goodbye, sweetheart.” He whispered, kissing the wedding band and clipping it along with his own along the chain he’d snagged from Michonne. 
  “It’s more like a see you later.” 
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Hey, I just love your Richonne breakdowns they make me look at the couple much differently. I have 2 questions, so question 1: When do u think Richonne fell for each other? Question 2: What are your top 3 favorite Richonne moments from TWD and TOWL? Last question, I promise, what do u think Carl's reaction would be to RJ and the new Grimes family?
Thanks so much! Love the questions.💗
For TOWL, it’s so tough to decide which scenes make my Top 3. So many scenes are worthy of the Top 3 so I’d have to think on it a bit more. But what I do know is that whole portion in episode 4 when Richonne have their heart-to-heart conversations in the bedroom is my absolute favorite. 👌🏽
For TWD, my favorite Richonne moments are #1: the scene when Rick and Michonne decide to have a baby in Season 9, #2: when Michonne tells Rick she’s still with him in the Season 5 finale, & #3: Richonne’s iconic canon moment on that couch in season 6. I elaborate more on those 3 scenes in the Top 30 here. And I wrote out my answers to the other questions below. ⬇️😊
I think Rick and Michonne fell in love with each other in season 4. I wrote a bit more about it in this post. To me, they had a clear crush on each other in 4A and then fully fell in love in 4B. I used to always say Rick was in love by the time he and Michonne were on those train tracks with Carl. But now, after Rick saying, “I was in love with my son’s best friend,” I think he had fallen in love with her sooner than that, like when Michonne showed up to the house he and Carl were in.
And then when they were on those train tracks, I personally now think that’s when Rick was becoming more aware that he had fallen in love with Michonne.
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As for Michonne, I’ve always felt and still feel Michonne fell in love after seeing Rick protect them when he took out that Claimer at the end of season 4. Like she’s definitely in love during that “‘Cause I’m Okay Too” scene.
And then I think she finally became aware that she had fallen in love with Rick after her talk with Deanna in 6.08 started prompting her to assess what her heart wanted for her personal life.
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I love your third question. 🥹 I think Carl would be absolutely thrilled about RJ and feel he was always meant to arrive and ‘be one of us,’ making their Grimes family even more complete.
If Carl had lived he would have been such a great big brother to RJ. And when Michonne was pregnant I feel like he’d be especially protective of her. I can see little RJ always wanting to be around Carl and be like him. ☺️ Carl would get a lot of joy in knowing that RJ is comprised of two of the people he loves most in this world - Rick and Michonne.
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I so wish Carl and RJ could have bonded as brothers. They would have loved each other. 🥲 But in my head, I like to think Carl is being a great big brother to Andre now and just beaming over watching Rick, Michonne, Judith, and RJ together. The Grimes family living life in peace together is everything Carl wanted for his parents and siblings. 🤍
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ohmyjinkies · 7 years
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Beauty and the Beast - Richonne Modern Day AU
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ~Helen Keller
“Ex-Yankees starting pitcher, Rick Grimes was never a vain man. Still, a near-fatal accident left him with enough scars to make him want to hide away from the world. Now the only beauty left in his blemished llife are his two grown kids, his weekly Sunday dinners with his daughter Judith and his beloved flower garden. Scarred, body and mind, he could not see beauty outside of those three treasured things. For 23-year-old Judith Grimes, life was finally falling into place. Freshly graduated from journalism school and armed with a passion for fashion, she’s landed a coveted internship at the powerhouse fashion magazine, Rive. As assistant to the New York City’s most powerful and iconic editor-in-chief, Michonne Dumas, Judith is living her dreams and learning at the feet of a legend. A global fashion tastemaker, former model turned magazine editor, Michonne Dumas had heard the word "beautiful” thrown around so liberally that it had started to lose its meaning. Ironically though, she knew as the originator of the coveted “Dumas Look”, she had created the unattainable fashion ideal of perfection that drove her and the whole industry. Secretly, however, she had begun to despair that she was becoming numb to all things physically beautiful. That is, until she notices the lovely flowers her new junior assistant has on her desk every week. Fresh blooms from Judith’s father’s garden, the bouquets continually seem to brighten Michonne’s day. Before long, those delicate blooms from the amateur horticulturist become a welcome daily reprieve from her relentless pursuit of physical perfection. And when Michonne finally meets Judith’s mysterious father Rick at the company’s charity ballgame, as the young woman hoped, sparks do indeed fly. Though, to Judith’s chagrin, not the romantic kind. Yet, it is from that very first encounter that they both begin to learn —things of true beauty can also be things which are deemed imperfect.“
Tale as old as time…
Rick was already missing his garden. The sky was blue and cloudless. The sun was bright, but there was no humidity in the atmosphere. It was the perfect day for puttering around with his flowers. But he had promised his daughter, and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.
He was thankful that the baseball cap fit low enough on his head to cast shadows around his face. The throwing gloves he wore hid the patchwork, Frankenstein-esque scars on his hands. He could no longer run even a mile, but physical therapy made it possible for his limp to be hardly noticeable. Although, it was becoming increasingly more difficult to keep up with the fast strides of his daughter.
He held on to her forearm. “Judy, you know your dad’s an old man. Slow down some.”
People were milling around all over. He felt his chest tightening and his breaths coming out faster. He’d adapted to his solitude over the years, only welcoming the company of his children. Crowds of people made him nervous now.
Judy tossed her head back to look at her father. The bouncing curls of her chic bob haircut matched his greying curls perfectly. Always attuned to him, she recognized the apprehension in his eyes. She squeezed his hand, but didn’t slow down.
“Daddy, I wish you would stop calling yourself an old man. You’re not even fifty yet.”
Rick shrugged. “Forty-five is pretty near fifty.”
“You have to wait at least twenty more years to collect Social Security, so you’re not old.”
“My knees beg to differ. Why are we walking so fast? There’s still an hour until the game starts.”
“I know, but I want to make sure I’m not late in case I’m needed to help with any last minute details.”
“It’s just a charity baseball game. Should go smoothly. You worry all the time like your mother used to.”
She shot him a sad smile. “That’s what Grandma always says too. Guess it’s in my DNA. I just want to make a good impression. Show Michonne she can trust me with the details. She’s so great. I don’t want to let her down.”
“Michonne is your boss, right? Calling bosses by their first names in the office is a thang now? Back in my day—”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Judith cut him off. “Back in your day you rode cows to school. Grew your own wheat or whatever. I know Daddy. Maybe you really are an old man.”
Rick chuckled. “Actually, your uncle Hershel grew vegetables, not wheat on his farm.”
“What I said still applies, old man.” She pointed to a woman whose back was to them. Her locs were long and reached down past the middle of her back  “There she is. Let me introduce you. And please be nice and personable, Daddy.”
Rick smirked. “Aren’t I always?”
Judith laughed and rolled her eyes. “Nope.”
His smirk faded as they walked closer. Having new people in his orbit unsettled him. He tried to pull his cap further down, but it wouldn’t budge.
Michonne turned around as she heard footsteps approaching her. Rick had seen her pictures in the fashion magazines Judith used to read as a teen. He always passively admired her beauty, but he didn’t expect the radiant women before him. She was dressed down in a custom baseball jersey with her magazine’s name written in gold letters on the front. Her black shorts showed off her shapely legs. Her smile was warm and sincere as she immediately pulled Judith into a hug. She smiled at him over his daughter’s shoulder. He looked down at his shoes as a wave of insecurity washed over him
Judith, not picking up on her father’s reluctance for once, pulled him in closer. “Michonne, this is my Dad, Rick Grimes.”
Michonne’s smiled widened making her even more beautiful than Rick first thought.
“Ah,” she said. “So this is the doting father who makes sure his daughter always has beautiful, fresh flowers on her desk. Very nice to finally meet you, Rick.” She held out her hand to shake.
He clasped her hand.  He could feel the smoothness even through his gloves. “Nice to meet you too, ma’am.”
Michonne chuckled. “I missed that southern charm. Don’t get much of that here in New York.”
“Michonne is originally from Georgia too, Daddy. Atlanta, not a small town like you.”
“Yes, born and raised,” Michonne said. “I still get homesick for sweet tea, and my aunt’s sweet potato pie.” She pulled the young woman aside. “Judith, could you go help Sasha and Jackie with setting up the magazine display near the entrance?”
“Of course Michonne.” She kissed Rick on the cheek. “I’ll be right back, Daddy.”
He watched her rush off wondering when his little girl became a grown and responsible adult. He turned back to Michonne, who was still smiling at him. His nervous tick was to run his hands through his hair. He felt the urge to at that moment, but he thought better of removing his cap.
“So,” She took a step closer to him. “I didn’t put two and two together when Judith told me her father’s name was Rick Grimes. You’re the same Grimes that played for the Braves and the Yankees, right?”
Rick looked down as if he was almost embarrassed at her knowing who he was. “Yeah. That was me. Didn’t think anyone in the fashion industry would recognize an old baseball player.”
Michonne gestured her hand around the baseball field where they were standing. “Well, we are at a charity baseball game. Beside lots of fashion models date baseball players.” She whispered as if conspiring with him. “It’s a bit of a thing.”
Rick laughed. “That is true. Many of my teammates dated models. And playmates.”
Michonne chuckled. “I bet.” She tossed one of her long locs behind her shoulder. “Besides that, my own father was a huge Braves fan. I used to watch the games with him. David Justice was his favorite player, but you came a close second. He hated when you left and signed with the Yankees.”
“I almost regretted it. I missed home a lot when I moved up here with the kids. Though I did miss David most of all. He was my favorite too.”
Her smile radiated even more. “So you and my father will have lots to talk about if you ever meet.”
He nodded and laughed. “Yeah, our very own David Justice fan club.”
Her voice lowered a couple of octaves as she tilted her head to the side. “I remember reading about your accident, and saying a few prayers for your recovery.”
Rick nodded. “I appreciate that. God was looking out for me that day. My kids didn’t need to endure the cruelty of losing both of their parents.”
“Judith talks about her mom sometimes. She and her brother were both pretty young when you lost her, I remember her saying.”
“Yeah. Judith was barely out of diapers, and my son, Carl, was in the first grade.”
“Had to be tough to continue your baseball career, and raise two kids.”
“It was. Very grateful for my mom though. Couldn’t have done it without her.”
“I know all about the miracle of grandmothers. My mom died when I was young also. Spent so much precious time with my Granny. Judith and I have bonded over some shared experiences. She’s a great kid.”
He smiled. “I always thought so too, even if I’m kinda biased.”
“The best dads always are.” She clapped her hands together. “So, the game will be starting soon. I know you’re an all-star, future hall of famer, but I was known to hit a few home runs in pick-up softball when I was a kid. So don’t think you’re going to strike me out.”
Almost feeling like his old, cocky self when it came to his baseball skills, he crossed his armsover his chest and smirked at her. “Is that right?”
She winked at him. “All I’m saying is watch yourself.”
A woman with a short afro came up to Michonne and whispered in her ear. She nodded and told the woman she would be right there.
“Editor-in-chief duties call, but I’ll see you on the mound, Rick Grimes.” He smiled a genuine smile for what felt like the first time in years at anyone other than his children. “Can’t wait.”  (” The First Meet“ - Flash Fic written by @blacklitchick )
I want to say a HUGE Thank you!  to my two collaborators @blacklitchick and @iminyjo <3. The both of you have been amazing during this project’s lengthy journey ;) -xo OMJ.
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and A Lotta Sass: Chapter 6:  And Dad Wins for Being the Best Cold Shower in the World...
I’m sure that most women, after having mind-blowing sex in their laundry room with the devil’s favorite son would have gladly jumped in whichever vehicle that would take her away so she could keep experiencing it. Daily. Hourly. Or every minute. Most women are clearly NOT me.
I could see in the smugness of Negan’s face that he assumed that he’d convinced me. I could tell from the swagger that he walked with, the whistling that he kept up, the very air around him that he honestly fucking believed that he won. I’d be running upstairs, packing my personal shit, and wave bye to my family to go play house with him in God knows where.
All I can say is that the world was full of disappointment and today was Negan’s turn to get a healthy dose. I took the basket of freshly washed clothes upstairs and put each of our clothes in our proper rooms, he hadn’t followed me, and I was fairly certain he was telling EVERYONE that I’d be ready to go soon. Or, fuck, I don’t know making all the arrangements for a “wedding”.
I stood at the same window I’d watched the pool game from the day before. What the fuck did Negan constitute as a wedding? For some reason my mind did not imagine anything like a wedding that I’d witnessed before the world went crazy. Instead of rice or birdseed, he’d probably just beat someone to death and think the brain matter was more festive.
A knock came to the door and I called out for the visitor to enter. It was Dad. Which was far better than if it had been my intended. “Callie?” His voice sounded unsure. “Sweetheart, are you alright?”
I turned to face him, smiling at the fact that he’d regained some of his former confidence. “I’m fine, Dad.” I glanced down at my blanket/bed. “Wish I still had my fucking bed, but fine.”
Dad’s hand rubbed his beard as he glanced down too. “Look, Callie, you definitely do not have to do anything you don’t want to, you know that right?” I nodded. “I NEVER would have even contemplated the deal with him if-”
“If I hadn’t shown at least some interest in him,” I finished for him. “I know, Dad. I’m just not entirely sure that being ‘interested’ is enough to want to go away with him.” I sat on the sill. “I won’t lie, there’s something about him, but I’m fairly sure there was something about Ted Bundy, too.” I shook my head. “And there’s the whole issue of his harem.” I grimaced. “Not entirely sure I want to be part of a collection, you know?”
Dad chuckled. “I know. And I also know that you’d do practically anything to keep all of us safe.” He leaned against the wall, seeing as the alternative was to sit where Carl had, and that just wasn’t Dad. “You don’t have to, no matter what it seemed like this morning. I WILL figure out another way, especially if you are opposed to it.”
I smiled at him and after a few more minutes of chatting, he left. Studying the clouds through my window, I giggled. Jesus, maybe Michonne was right, maybe I should make him beg. When I came downstairs, I noticed that no one seemed to be inside. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a glass and poured some cool water into it. I was about to take a sip while looking out the window when I felt the heat of him against my back. I nearly dropped the fucking glass.
“Could you put a fucking bell around your neck or something?” I asked, my grip on the glass tightening. “I already have a sore hand, it would really fucking suck to have glass shards rip into me.”
His laughter vibrated through me. “And whose fucking fault is that hand wound? I’m still trying to decide if you’re the fucking crazy one. Who goes around stabbing their own fucking hand with a fork?”
I turned and looked up at him. “I thought I’d died, figured pinching myself wouldn’t exactly work in the situation.” I shrugged and finally took a drink out of my glass. Ah, water, without the tart taste of faux lemons. I missed it.
He’d taken off his gloves, so the feel of his rough fingers against my cheek was something completely different from the laundry room. I closed my eyes at the touch, but opened them when I realized that he was watching my reaction carefully. “I wish I knew what was going on in that gorgeous head of yours,” he mused. “But a part of me thinks I don’t wanna know.”
I smirked. “I’m thinking that,” I turned from his touch and looked back out the window. “I need more time to decide.” His hands were sliding down my arms, finally settling at my hips, which he then pulled back so I was flush against him. “Even if you are trying your damnedest to tempt me to stop thinking.” His lips were brushing my ear, oh, the big guns. “It’s not going to work, Negan.” I said, even though there were parts of me that it was very clearly working on. “Having sex with you is well worth the cost of admission, but let’s be honest, that’s not the only thing I’ve got to use to make the choice about.”
I felt him huff out a sigh. He removed his mouth from where he’d been kissing the skin under my ear. Propping his chin on the top of my head, his arms wrapped around my waist. “I’d have to find the most irritating woman on the planet hot.” I grinned, not even trying to disagree. “A mouth like a fucking sailor, and a body like-” A groan told me his was reliving the laundry room, plus he was hard against me. Pretty obvious right there. “Come back with me, Callie, come back and I fucking swear we’ll figure it out. All of it.”
I chuckled at the mere thought of him thinking it was that simple. I let my hands cover his, and leaned back into his chest. It was nice, being held by him. Nice, and would totally look normal to someone ignorant of the history between us. Or rather between him and my dad. There was a part of me, that I was ignoring, that really wanted it. This. Him. Us.
But then there was the reality. I really wasn’t sure I wanted him, the Negan who ruled the Saviors. The Negan who could laugh as he cut open someone to make sure they had guts. The Negan who broke my dad. The Negan who decided that he was so fucking potent that he had to have multitude of women at his beck and call. I hated that for once, even with my continuous thoughts, that the ones I was having now were actually logical. Usually I’d run with what felt right, consequences be damned. So why the fuck was this so problematic? Probably, my brain chirped in, because this time I’d be doing it for the greater good. I’d be selfless, a martyr, an actual fucking savior. And what twenty-three year old wants that kind of fucking responsibility on her shoulders?
 Negan left Alexandria without me. He didn’t like it, but he knew that he’d agreed to give me as much time to decide as I needed. Thank God for whichever member of my family put that little fine print in the treaty. He didn’t leave without making a scene though.
We walked him, and his entire fucking guard, to the gates. The same gates that he’d played Big Bad Wolf at the day we first met. He made some grating parting to Dad and the rest of our community, but before he’d crossed the gate, he yanked me to him and kissed the fucking breath from me. I swear, it was like he sucked the air out of the whole fucking world. No one made a sound, and then, when he pulled back, ignoring what I could only imagine was the entire fucking group staring at us-his and mine- he kissed my nose and whispered, “Soon, Callie.”
And then he turned and left. Left me standing there, completely stunned and surrounded by so many faces that looked shocked and inquisitive. No one more so than me. Soon? For what?
 A week. One LONG fucking week.
I couldn’t fucking walk outside without SOMEONE asking me if I’d made up my mind. Was I going to go? Was I going to let them enjoy the peace they’d had before Negan and his people caught us in their cross-hairs? The peace they were enjoying NOW, with only the promise of a possible agreement? So I stopped going outside. Easy fix, right?
Inside my house was just as fucking strained, at least for me. Carl was watching me like I was a bomb about to detonate. To be fair, I felt that way too. Dad was giving me space, a little too much space. Michonne was strangely amused, which worried me for different reasons. And Daryl, well he looked at me like I was some kind of puzzle that he was working on deciphering. So all in all, Judith became my favorite human to hang out with. Judith didn’t judge. Judith didn’t worry or wonder. Judith just pooped her diaper and wanted diversions.
I was in her bedroom, playing peek-a-boo, when Carl walked in and announced that he was back. He, being Negan, of course. I rolled my eyes and grinned at a giggling Judith. Sure, he’d lasted a week, that was like a fucking lifetime for him. Mr. Take What I Want.
“Dad wants you to come downstairs, Callie.” Carl said, reaching for our little sister. The traitor actually reached up to him for him to take her. I’m telling you, even babies can be turds.
I rose to my feet and waited a beat after Carl took Judith out. I really fucking hoped he didn’t expect an answer. I had infinite time. I had eons to make my decision. Negan would be completely out of turn to expect me to jump when he snapped.
Taking the stairs slower than I’d tried to do the laundry, I was listening to see if I could gauge the attitude of our guest before I was face to face with him. It was eerily quiet. Well, shit, how the fuck do I prepare myself if I can’t fucking hear anything?
At the foot of them, I wasn’t shocked to find him waiting. The bat over his shoulder, leather jacket zipped up to his red scarf, and that fucking grin. Shit. “Ah, there she is.” He stepped forward and carefully leaned the bat against the staircase. “Miss me, darlin’?” He asked, leaning forward to rub his nose against mine. “Cause I sure as fuck missed you.”
I smirked up at him. “It’s barely been a week, Negan.” I answered, my voice a breath against his face. “What’s to miss?” I felt his hands snake along my waist, and then I was pulled tight against his body.
“You want a reminder?” And his lips met mine, and there it was, the burn. His teeth nipped at my full bottom lip and that gave him an opening to tease my tongue with his. My hands gripped the collar of his jacket and held him to me. Fuck, I thought, this was one hell of a reminder. I felt his hands slide down from my waist to cup my ass and lift me into his arms. Dear fucking God, was my family watching this?
I pulled away and looked over his shoulder. No one in sight. I felt him chuckle, clearly realizing where my mind went. “They’re not here, angel.” His lips were sliding along my jaw, and I felt the scruff that I’d barely noticed when I saw him. Stopped shaving again, I thought, and sighed at the feeling of it. When his lips found my neck, I nearly lost my mind. “You did miss me, didn’t you?” He smiled against my skin, feeling so very proven correct at the little sigh I gave as his teeth grazed my skin.
“I may have,” I moaned louder when he rocked into me, my legs locking around his waist. “I may have had a couple moments of- Shit.” He did it again and made me lose my place, closing my eyes and rolling my hips back. “Fuck, sure, I missed you.” I gave in. My mind was revolting against even trying to deny him.
He moved his head, pressing our foreheads together. “Come home with me, Callie.” I didn’t answer. “Come on, you know you want to.” He was trying to sound mocking, but somehow it came out as almost a plea. Almost. Not begging, not yet.
“Do I?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. “Why would I do that, when all I have to do is wait and poof-here you are?” I smiled at his glare. I noticed that even though he was glaring, he wasn’t putting me down.
“You drive me fucking crazy.” He growled, his lips claiming mine, hotter and far more hungry than before. I felt my back hit the wall beside the stairs, and hoped that he didn’t put a fucking dent in the drywall. “Fucking crazy.” He bit out, his lips returning slamming into mine again. He kissed me with such violence that I should have been scared, or pissed off, but instead I was smiling when he pulled back.
“Short drive, Negan, short drive.” I teased, reminding him of my assertions that he was certifiable already. “Kind of curious though,” I said, moving my lips along his whiskered jaw, nipping at the skin beneath his chin. “Why are you so fucking horny, if you have all those willing wives back home?” My tongue flicked out and teased his bobbing Adam’s apple. I took a page out of his book and sucked at his skin. Marking him, as he had me.
I felt him swallow under my mouth. No words came out of him so I kept exploring his neck with my mouth, pulling his scarf loose and opening it so I had more room to play. His fingers were digging into my skin so hard I was pretty sure I’d have bruises on my thighs. “Are those wives all looks and no substance, Negan?” I bit the side of his neck and felt him exhale long and slow. “Pretty without the ability to make you feel like THIS?” I rocked my hips and he hissed. “Cat got your tongue?” I teased, and that broke the spell. One hand came away from my thighs and clutched the back of my head, yanking me back and letting him crash his mouth on mine. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and almost pulled away to announce I found it. Almost, but then I felt that hand on the back of my head lower, sliding under my shirt so his leather gloved hand was touching the bare skin of my back. Yep, leather glove kink, aisle one.
I moaned and I knew he counted that as a win. I flicked my own tongue against his, my hands moving to the jacket zipper that was tight against me. He knew what I wanted, so he moved enough so my hand could get between us. I didn’t hear the zipper sliding down and opening, his breathing and mine was so fucking loud. And then the jacket was gone. And we were t-shirt to t-shirt. And it was still too many fucking layers.
Before it could go any further, I heard a throat clear behind him. And then a chuckle. And then another clearing of a throat. I giggled against Negan’s mouth when I felt him growl at the interruption. His mouth released mine, and he was glaring again, but this time he wasn’t irritated with me. “Who the fuck?” His voice was as raw as it had been the other times we’d be in a similar position.
“Just wondering if everything was OK in here,” Dad’s voice answered, and I nearly laughed. Nearly, because a part of me wondered if Negan was going to hurt my dad for being the most effective cock block in the history of cock blocking. I looked over Negan’s shoulder and grinned at Dad. His eyes were twinkling, even if he was blushing like crazy.
To be honest, this wouldn’t be the first time my dad had caught me in the middle of something. It was one reason everyone in my fucking family learned to KNOCK before entering a room I was in with the door closed. Of course, sometimes I wasn’t in a room with a closed door, like today, in which case this would happen. Negan may be irritated, but to me, it was a normal date experience.
Negan let me slide down the wall out of his grip. But he didn’t let me move. There were probably a million reasons for that, but one very noticeable one was pressing into my stomach. Yep, Negan was a little too excited to face Dad just now. I saw him close his eyes, and wondered if he was thinking of baseball to get it under control. My eyes slid to the bat still leaning against the staircase. Maybe NOT baseball. That thought did it. I laughed, and his eyes snapped open and glared down at me. Shit. Now he actually looked dangerous.
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lavila27 · 8 years
Richonne “Say Yes” Review by Lauren Avila
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I'm the queen of the world! Woo-hoo! I feel like I'm flying at the front of the most magnificent ship on television. Rick and Michonne Grimes are honestly one of the strongest, healthiest, and inspiring couples I've ever seen in any media form. I know it sounds cliche, and they are anything but cliche, but they complete each other. It's remarkable really because independently they are already capable warriors who don't NEED anyone but that's essentially what makes this pair so amazing. Rick and Michonne on their own are survivors, but together they are an unstoppable force. This episode really was a beautiful tribute to each character but a undeniable display of their impressive teamwork. I loved this episode so much I can hardly express why. It was the little things that made me the happiest. I truly appreciate the hardwork that goes into The Walking Dead. The whole cast, crew, writers, and producers are in a caliber quite different from any other tv show out there. It's such a gift to be able to pick up on new things each time you see an episode. As some fans might have noticed. There was a lot more to the episode than just what was at the surface, as often there is in any episode. Okay, so let's dive in. There were parts of the episode that I was swooning over as a fangirl but other parts that I found I was completely fascinated by as a regular viewer. I found there was a lot of symbolism and signs going on especially regarding callbacks to other episodes and possible foreshadowing to the future. Let's first discuss all the callbacks. As a whole, I feel like this episode sort of embodied their journey so far, individually and together. If you look enough into it (as a fangirl), you might even say this was like going down an AISLE of memory lane. ;)
There were Claimed references like Michonne's past, staying put in one safe place for awhile, scavenging, and Michonne's love of cheese. Sitting around a campfire and "You okay?" was an A reference. Even saying "Clear" very distinctly during their dinner felt like a throwback moment. Going after the deer didn't actually make me think of a few episodes prior like they talk about, but rather Carl. He went after the deer just before being shot. Obviously we've now learned that Grimes boys and deers aren't a safe combination. However, I've now heard people talk about a deer being a symbol of fertility... and Rick owes Michonne a deer? Hmm. Time will tell on that one. The roof caving has happened before in Season 4 when Michonne comes back from going after a past villain, the Governor. It's also in that episode that Rick wants her "to stay awhile" just like in this episode. I could go into a lot more detail about the parallels between "Say Yes" and "30 Days Without an Accident" but it might have to be another post. Let's just keep it at: characters struggling with inner demons, establishing a new life for Carl, fighting for a chance, etc. While I'm on the subject of the prison though, I felt like the whole carnival setting was reminiscent of that with the walkers roaming inside gated areas and taking down barriers. I'm sure if you look deep enough you will find all sorts of little things, but the final callback I want to acknowledge is the car from this episode and the tank from the pilot. Rick was once again stuck in a car, surrounded by walkers. Only this time, he didn't have Glenn to navigate him out. :( By the way, I love that Richonne even have chemistry while separated by an entire car backseat.
Speaking of Glenn, I think that Rick's grief over Glenn's death is also a big reason why he doesn't want to lead anymore. Even though Michonne has been encouraging to him with her confidence in his ability to lead, I think he's scared. She has told him before that it's not his fault when people die but I think that every loss is going to weigh on him for a very long time. He can't forgive himself for some things which is why I think it terrifies him to be responsible for anyone. This brings me to the most official unofficial proposal/marriage on tv. It seems that Rick only truly believes in himself because of Michonne's faith in him. He says later "You led me here." That's why he will only consider leading with her beside him. These are the facts as far as I'm concerned: Rick asked her if she would be willing to lead a life with him. She said yeah. They sealed it with a kiss. They are married, folks. They are Chilli and Mac&Cheese together.
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Shoutout to @siancore for noticing something I noticed too. I wondered if I was reaching a bit far with it but I guess I'm not totally fangirl crazy because someone else hears it too. They sound different when talking to each other. I'm so in love with this acting decision! I assume that Andy and Danai do this purposely, that is. They have a soft, playfulness in their voices that they really only use with Carl and that's about it. It's like you can hear them letting their emotional guard down. I heard it A LOT in this episode. Whether it was during their comedic relief, their lovey-dovey giddiness, or even in their vulnerable heart-to-hearts. The only time I heard Rick sound like the Rick we're used to was when he was talking about the upcoming war. It was the natural and serious protector coming out in him. I could talk about their subtle voice changes throughout the episode in an entire post like their old-married couple tones, their smitten teenager tones, and their warrior lover tones but I'll leave it at that for now. You get what I'm saying though. The flirting... the love... the softness... it was all on point!!
Let's talk about Michonne's post-traumatic stress. First of all, I wonder if this abandoned school reminded Michonne of the camp she lost Andre to. The way she immediately identified the place as somewhere something serious has happened. It seem to not settle well with her. I also found it interesting how fast she went back to that dark place that Rick and Carl pulled her out of. When she thought Rick was lost to walkers, like Andre, she emptied right before our eyes. She became the shadowy creature she once was because her whole world collapsed in that moment. Yes, she's a strong woman, but Rick gives her life meaning. Without him, she would be lost. She later says, "I can't lose you." We've seen how Rick and Michonne react to extreme grief and trauma, but they both have survived it. Of course, I think that they helped each other find joy and hope again in each other, but they have others who were part of that too. When Rick told her "You can lose me. I can lose you," it surprised me at first. Right away I thought he meant that they were capable of bearing that loss because they've done it before. I thought that he should at least say it more gently like, "Yeah, it would be difficult but we can survive. We're the ones that live." Then I realized, no he's not talking about the ability to lose each other, rather the possibility. He's telling her that it's entirely likely that he can lose her in this war they're about to start and vice versa. He's telling her that there's a chance that they might not come out of this alive but it's still a battle worth fighting because the future is worth fighting for. He wants a life that's worth having for the kids but also for each other. I think it was really important for them to have this talk. I think something that really crushed Rick when it came to Negan was how far he fell. He was basically getting cocky over the world being theirs. This new mentality will probably be a lot more useful to them though. They know what they are fighting for, who they're fighting for, and what they're willing to sacrifice to win. They are both putting the greater good above themselves.
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While I'm on the topic of future, let's talk about something a little happier. There seems to be a lot of signs of a potential future pregnancy for Richonne. The baby blanket they found in a drawer, kissing Michonne's belly, and then that whole deer thing that I talked about earlier. Based on Michonne's mood swings from devastation to joy and her growing hunger for those ready-to-eat meals, I might even guess she's already expecting. In all seriousness, I think it's a very real possibility that we'll see a little Richonne baby one day.
That leads me to my fangirl list of episode highlights: - I loved that in a series where the characters rarely get to smile, this episode was nothing but smiles and laughs! Their joy brought me joy. I had a big smile on my face the whole night. - Their epic embrace when Michonne knew Rick was alive and ok. It was emotional and so real. They held each other so tight like they were literally each other's whole world. - Rick's negotiation to keep the cat. I'm thinking that this was the line that Nicotero had in mind as the funniest line of the season. It's hard to figure out because there were a lot of good ones but the idea that Ricky-Dicky Grimes (who has ripped out throats, dissected walkers, survived herds, murdered Terminites and Negan's crew in cold-blood, and has beast-mode against anything to live) is negotiating with a dumpster diva for a cat statue is hilarious. - All their physical contact: kissing, hand-holding, hugging, other stuff ;) - All their non-physical contact: watching/staring at each other - Favorite lines: (also contenders for funniest line)   "We found the only way in, so..."   "It's Chilli and Mac & Cheese... Together. C'mon."   "This is about doing it quiet, with the sword... You can handle 8."   "You got your 8 walkers. I can push."   "Or we could just go." "You wanna go?" "Nah, we can do this." "Yeah, I know we can."
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One more thing I want to touch on before wrapping up. Did you guys notice them kissing each other's hands/wrists? Personally I've got a thing for character's holding hands. I sometimes think it's even more sexy than kissing. So them kissing each other like that already had me fangirling but then I thought about the symbolism. Had it been their left hands, I would've freaked out and said that it was a metaphor for them exchanging rings. It would've furthered my argument that they are married now. However it was their right, dominant hands. These are their stronger hands that they rely on to do everything and to survive by. They are each other's right-hand people. "And having one of those is important." Without them you would be left, to an extent, helpless in this world. They are each other's strength. Think about that for a minute...
[Update: Upon further review, I noticed it is actually Michonne’s left hand. Therefore both metaphors apply. Carry on.]
Even though I think I could discuss this episode until the season ends, I've already gone on for awhile. As a proud Richonner, I give this episode a 5 star rating and highly recommend it for constant rewatch. I really enjoyed the Talking Dead episode too! I loved YNB and Denise Huth’s commentary! Congrats to Jill & Brandan on winning the Ultimate Fan Search! I'll post again some day about how I met Brandan and his mom at the S7 premiere in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Until then, that's all I have for you.
Sidenote: I really enjoyed Tara and Judith's scene. I'm a fan of both characters so this scene was really cute to me.
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