#mickey is never not super grumpy
zutaralesbian · 1 year
I was technically not tagged (which is fair. I haven’t been super active in the Gallavich fandom for a while). But this game is super up my alley so I’m doing it anyway 😊
rules (more or less): use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
I got:
AU: Shipwrecked AU
Trope: Write a modern royalty AU
The Gallaghers are a royal family from some European country. (Possibly somewhere in the UK or a made up one idk). They’re notorious because of the antics and scandals of their father, King Francis, and the whole world is basically waiting for him to finally get himself killed and for the eldest, Princess Fiona, to become queen.
Prince Ian, frankly, is glad that he is two people behind from ever becoming king. Being a prince in the public is bad enough with having to keep his sexuality on the down-low. Not to mention he always has the fear of his true parentage one day being leaked to the press. (In this AU, he is secretly Clayton’s biological son just like in canon).
The Gallagher siblings decide to take a break from the scandalous life the castle brings them by going on a long cruise on their private yacht.
Mickey is hired to work on the ship as a deckhand during the cruise. At first he didn’t want to take the job because working under a bunch of prissy rich royals was the last thing he wanted to do. But he eventually talked himself into it because hey, the pay is decent and it would mean a good month of being away from Terry. (And if he played his cards right, maybe he could find a few jewels or other expensive shit to snag).
Ian meets Mickey on the ship and is smitten immediately. There’s something about Mickey’s grumpy exterior that just charms him. Being a prince, he’s always had to be careful about his hookups not getting exposed. But they were on a ship and away from the general public. Perfect timing to have a fun fling, right? Only, Mickey doesn’t seem super receptive to his flirtation. Maybe his assumptions that Mickey wasn’t straight were off?
Mickey can’t tell if Ian is flirting with him out of genuine interest or just to be a cocky asshole. Either way, he’s not falling for it. Fuck him for thinking just because he’s a prince that Mickey will fall into bed with him. Sure Ian doesn’t seem all bad and is definitely less irritating than the other Gallaghers. And sure Mickey gets this annoying, fluttery feeling in his chest whenever the fucker smiles at him. But whatever, it doesn’t mean anything.
The ship ends up sinking of course, due to some sort of accident. Everyone makes it onto a lifeboat except Mickey. The worst part? He never learned to properly swim. Ian, having ended up in his own lone lifeboat, spots Mickey struggling in the water and quickly rows over to his aid, grabbing him and pulling him onto the lifeboat.
The tides separate Ian and Mickey from the others. They eventually find themselves on a small tropical island. And there are no other people.
Ian is panicked. Having grown up as a royal, he never learned proper skills to survive in a situation like this. Mickey, however, has grown up teaching himself survival skills and sets out to work on getting them shelter and food. He includes Ian in on all his plans because, as annoying as the guy may be, he did save Mickey from drowning and Mickey supposes he owes him for that. And right now, all they had was each other.
They eventually get themselves a pretty decent setup. They create a fort for them to sleep and take shelter from the sun in. There’s a stream a little further into the forest where they can get fresh water. And their diet consists of fish from the ocean, fruit, and small animals they hunt on the island. Mickey teaches Ian as they go.
Once the threat of death is for the most part evaded they begin to bond. After all, what else do they really have to do besides talk? Ian opens up to Mickey about the pressure he feels being a closeted gay man in the royal family. And eventually, tells Mickey his biggest secret-he isn’t really King Francis’ son.
Mickey in turn tells Ian about his life growing up under Terry’s thumb and his own dark secret. About how Terry once caught him with a boy when he was a teenager and was nearly beat to death.
Horrified by Mickey’s story, Ian makes a silent vow that, if they ever got off the island, he would come out to the public and use his fame and image to become an activist for gay kids who could be suffering the way Mickey did.
Mickey for his part makes a promise to himself that if he got off the island, he would finally leave Terry behind once and for all and make a new life for himself. Even if it means leaving the south side.
Months go by and they of course begin to fall in love. And both of them start to wonder…maybe being on the island isn’t all that terrible. It somehow becomes a solace and escape from the drama of their normal lives. And here, it’s just the two of them. They can finally be themselves.
They do eventually get discovered and rescued. The news of Prince Ian Gallagher being found alive on an island months after the family’s yacht sank becomes huge news. And Mickey somehow gets painted as a hero-the ordinary citizen who helped their beloved prince survive months on an uninhabited island. The Gallaghers are so grateful to Mickey for keeping Ian alive that they give him a large sum of money. Mickey doesn’t want to accept it at first but Ian convinces him to use the money to begin building his new life away from Terry.
Ian and Mickey reluctantly go their separate ways. No matter how they feel about each other, Ian is a prince and has an image to uphold. Mickey knows that Ian already has enough shit to deal with being closeted and having to keep his true parentage under wraps. The last thing he needs is to be tied to a south side thug. It’s better for them to say goodbye, or so he tells himself.
Some time goes by and Ian eventually reaches his breaking point. He misses Mickey and, as much as he loves his family, he’s never fully fit in the royal life anyway. He finally does what he promised himself while on the island and writes and publishes an article where he comes out as gay. And at the end of the article, he officially announces his intent to abdicate his title of prince.
Though Ian never name drops Mickey in the article, a lot of the public had already romanticized their relationship from the island story and assume Ian is abdicating so he can be with him.
Mickey is sitting in his new apartment and watching the news. His jaw drops when he see’s a story about the famed Prince Ian Gallagher coming out as gay and leaving the royal life behind. But before he has a chance to fully react, there’s a knock on his front door.
Ian is at the door. And he smiles at Mickey before asking if his apartment has enough room for two.
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sweet-beezus · 1 year
Ohhh yeah we delving into the sweet treats this fine day of @khoc-week!
These are the kind of fun little ditties that rot my brain day in and day out, so I'm thrilled to get to indulge in some fun, albeit short, writing about it!!
One day I will fully indulge and the world will implode-
Erm. Anyway-
*scribbles out that 'or' and shoddily writes in an 'and' in its place*
Day 3 - Friends (and) Lovers
While they are all super close to each other in one way or another, they each have their own unique relationships they make outside the Heart Hotel dynamic!
I'll still touch on their relationships with one another, but it's also what's outside the clique that counts~
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Her only big relationship is with Alto, their dynamic being "innocent baby man and grumpy keeper of the brain cell."
Despite that, Iris sees him in a best friend sort of way, the two were super close when they got separated, after all. When they reunite, it's almost if no time had passed, and perhaps Iris learns to... loosen up?
She made teammates and brief friendships, but nothing seemed to come close to their dynamic. Maybe if she had more time, that wouldn't be the case, but the world may never know!
Iris sees Iliana and Reixen as her older sisters, in a way, even though the two of them get on her (and each other's) nerves most of the time. She looks up to them despite their somewhat brainless way of handling things, and it gives her role models she hadn't gotten back in her actual time.
Irene gets the special privelege of being her mother figure! Because in all honesty she doesn't recall having a mom, so Irene is her next best bet. She's too much of a steel wall to admit it, but Irene is her favorite of the others.
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Irene up until now really only interacted with castle staff, so her closest relations were really only a coworker dynamic in full. She enjoys tea time with Aeleus and Dilan, at least!
Aside from that, she started collecting adoptions in town, starting with Ienzo and Kairi, and moving on to Lea and Isa, Ventus, even, until finally any random stranger with children who frequently visited was not safe! Specifically Iliana-
She ended up collecting two others in the form of Iris and Reixen! Both reluctant at first but gave up and settled into it like a pair of stray cats. Reixen is far more open about it, but Iris is still touchy. Eventually, she will cave and accept her fate...
More came in after the events of KH3. No one was safe from her love and support, especially after the war-
She doesn't have very many parental rivalries, most of the group's parental figures tend to be in united agreement about the children, but she does have some tension towards Ansem the Wise and Even just based on prior experience. Mickey? It's a work in progress. Donald and Goofy? Her besties.
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Eventually, she finds a fine companion in Iliana's uncle, Russell, and mayhaps... the two have a silly romance?
After a post-KH3 meetcute when everyone is hunkered down in recovery, they stay at his shop for a few nights, so the two have time to get to know each other. They mostly talk about their experiences with their little arsonist, but it eventually evolves into more personal territory, something they resolve after a few very simple and cute dates.
Finally, a time where Irene can truly get out of uniform...
Also he's one of the stoic types that she just KNOWS she has to break eventually. She will get this man to smile no matter the cost!
Oh yeah it's all coming together~
They've earned it considering all the stress they go through with their collective adopted charges-
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Iliana out of all of them makes the most connections, but only a few of them stuck because she struggles to allow herself to make friends. Allies, sure, but friends? Naaaah~
She started out in her home world with a friend group in the form of Enya, Harlow, Rinée, and Tobias. They were all super close up until their teen years, sticking by each other through thick and thin! And they involved her little brother at times when her parents were out of town.
Her little brother, Mandorian is, like, THE most important person to her. He's just a little guy who loves frogs and hanging out with his big sis when she's not busy training. The two are so often left unattended that it's not hard to believe they spend most of their time together. Wherever she goes, he's close behind!
But whenever they're not together, she's hanging out with Tobias!
She and Tobias were two peas in a pod, completely inseperable most of the time. Tobias was her (secondary) light, and her brother's personal favorite person aside from her, so you can understand how soul destroying it was when they got murked (by her mortal enemy, she doesn't know this until way later though) in order to kickstart and send her on her hero's journey-
She fell out of touch with the others by the time she left due to the loss bringing out the worst in all of them, but Enya seemed to be the only one who continued to cling to what was left of their friendship...
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After suffering a horrible death and was subsequently resurrected, she got pulled into Sora's goofy family along with Alto, which filled in a gap left behind by her other (temporary) loss of her younger brother.
It's like she gained two new dads and two lil' bros all in one day, what a world-
Being parentified at a young age meant she knew how to handle keeping Sora and Alto in line, but that doesn't really stop her from doing her own very stupid stuff when they aren't looking. The hypocrite-
She kind of develops a dad dynamic with King Mickey as well, but it's not terribly definitive considering how absent he is...
Over time, the Guardians of Light end up being her found family DLC add-on, it's very wholesome! She's touchy about it, but like Iris eventually she will cave in to the love and affection.
Irene, Reixen, and Iris are like her chill aunt and weird siblings that irritate her, and that's very cool of them. They were there first, so no one can top that. They're like the only family she had most of the time aside from her uncle, so there's a distinct boundary of trust between them that others can't really match.
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Along the way, she also has many unrequited crushes on princesses or side characters of sorts, but the only romance in the timeline she persues (even if she's unaware of it half the time, she's very dense) is with Ienzo! Because a certain porcupine is now part of a polycule with a grape and an electric beetle- It would have never worked out, tbh.
She didn't settle, she just had a sudden and very real realization that she fell for probably THE dorkiest person possible. So many characters to pick, so many pretty princesses, handsome princes, teammates with more screentime, and it had to be a basement dwelling rat (affectionate)...
Considering her prior heartbreak at the loss of her childhood bestie, it does take a while for her to come to terms with the fact that it's okay to move on. She holds on to so much that you may need to pry it from her very warm, still alive hands-
Luckily, the two did know each other well enough since they interacted a bunch when they were kids, she did visit Radiant Garden quite a bit after all, it only made sense they may have some chemistry later down the line. Her grandma would joke about it with Ansem the Wise, but little did she know that it would become very real and very cute actually-
I dunno what it is with her and nerds, but if you can talk her ear off while all the info leaks out of her hearing holes, you have most certainly won her heart. Ienzo also partially fits the bill for her morosexual side, depending on the situation that isn't science related. Like cooking or something. Equal parts smart and dumb, just the way she enjoys them-
They're both t4t brainless nerds and in love, love wins etc etc.
And there you have it! It's not much but it's honest work-
They all deserve the love and respect they get along their journies, and I'm happy to say that they do find it all eventually!
Enough on that though, we're indulging in angst this next day. See y'all on Day 4!! >:3c
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gallavictorious · 4 years
”You going out? I thought you weren't working tonight.”
Mickey looks up from his tie to see Ian leaning against the doorframe, in uniform and with his hair neatly slicked back.
”Nah, it isn't work. Well, not exactly,” he says, finishing the knot and taking a step back to admire the result in the mirror. He's getting pretty good at this. Lots of practice in the last few months, ever since he took the bodyguard gig officially on the road. Clients like it when he wears a tie. ”You know the chick I've been babysitting for the past few weeks, the one whose stalker I caught trying to climb in through the fucking window? She and her dad's taking me to some fancy place, uh... Piccolo something, to thank me. Since you're working the late shift, I thought – ”
Ian interrupts, straightening: ”Piccolo Sogno? Like, that really romantic place down in West Town? You telling me the girl who has a crush on you is taking you there?” He pauses, looking at Mickey with a cross between disbelief and bemusement. ”Are you going on a fucking date?”
Mickey stares at him. ”What the hell are you talking about?” he demands. Crush? Date? What?
The chick's name is Charlotte Eckerton.
He was supposed to call her Ms. Eckerton, she insisted he say Charlie, and what he actually went with was usually some classic television reference that she didn't get, or – when she's was being particularly annoying – ”hey, brat”. She was probably no worse than any other spoiled little North Side princess, but Mickey sure as hell didn't get why anyone, no matter how loony, would want to stalk her, because literally all she did was go to class, study, shop, and party with her equally irritating friends. Oh, and endlessly updating her Instagram stories with every last detail about her fascinating life, of course. He put a quick stop to that, because continually announcing your location to the public when a deranged psycho was stalking you was... well, let's face it, it was about as stupid as he expected from these people.
She threw a tantrum when he swapped her phone for one with restricted access to social media apps, and she tried to give him the slip at least twice a day for the first four days, going as far as paying some other goons to attack him while she made a run for it. She was not completely stupid, he had to give her that, and he was beginning to understand why her father had come to him rather than hire a more well-established firm. The girl was a complete nuisance, and occasionally quite clever about it. Clearly needed someone wise to all the tricks, and unafraid to rein her in and tell her in no uncertain terms when she was being an idiot.
Mr. Eckerton was loaded, having made his fortune doing some IT-shit or other, and for the kind of money he was offering, Mickey was prepared to put up with a quite a lot of hare-brained shenanigans, as well as hanging out at the Magnificent Mile afternoon after afternoon, and listening to the brat's endless babble about... hair? Make-up? Bands? Whatever. He didn't really pay attention; he'd have needed to be paid hell of a lot more than he was to do that.
After a week or so of thwarted escape attempts Charlotte had exchanged overt defiance for a more subtle approach, trying to throw him off his game by suddenly gifting him stuff, like a dark gray shirt ”that goes really well with your eyes”. He took the shirt, because it was pretty nice, as was the watch and the stupidly expensive hair-product she produced in the following days. He was a little insulted she thought he could be bought so easily, though; she'd have needed to double her father's money, at the very least – or gotten him a nice car. He had said as much to Ian, who had eyed the gifts with an unreadable expression on his face, and had failed to comment.
When bribery too proved a failed tactic she started asking a lot of personal question instead, fishing for weaknesses to exploit. Her strategy was pitifully obvious, however, and Mickey gave her nothing but monosyllabic responses. Finally, she resigned herself to being stuck with him for the time being, and mercifully stopped pestering him about letting her go to whatever concert or party was happening that night. She still dressed up and put on elaborate make-up every damned evening, though, even if it was just the two of them chilling at her place, but he supposed it was something for her to do. Fuck knew he could sympathize with the boredom of being locked up.  
So that was Charlotte, spoiled and stubborn and maybe a little bit clever underneath it all. Not the worst person he could imagine babysitting, not by a long shot, but not one he'd think back on either, now that the job was done. He probably wouldn't even have accepted her and her father's invitation to take him out for a meal, if it hadn't been for Ian's occasional insistence that he needed to be ”nicer to his clients” and ”cultivate professional contacts”. This only made his husband's reaction to the whole situation all the more annoying –
”It is not a date,” Mickey says flatly, irritation coloring his voice, because Ian is smiling at him in all too knowing way. ”I probably saved her fucking life, she wants to buy me dinner. That doesn't make this a – Listen, her fucking father is going to be there.”
”Yeah, sure he will.” Ian crosses his arms, still smirking like an asshole, but there's just a hint of an edge to the smile now. ”Does she even know you're gay?”
Mickey rolls his eyes. ”Of course she fucking knows, because I open every damned conversation with 'Hi, I'm Mickey and I love cocks' like a normal fucking faggot. Jesus. It hasn't come up. She knows I'm married.”
”Like that's gonna – ”
They're interrupted by the door to Liam's room opening, the boy stepping out to give them his very best judgemental look. ”Why are you yelling? I need to study.”
”Oh, it's nothing,” Ian says casually. ”Just Mickey having a date tonight. With a teenage girl.”
”She’s nineteen, and I am not – !”
Liam frowns. ”Is this like when he was fake-dating Byron to make you jealous? Are you going to go on a fake date too? With a girl?”  He pauses, frown deepening: ””Is there a Grindr for straight people?”
Ian's spared a reply as Lip comes up the stairs with Freddie in his arms. He pauses on the top step, brow furrowing as he takes in the scene: Mickey, dressed to the nines and with a scowl to match, Ian smiling with his arms crossed, and Liam wearing his trademark look, the one that says that everyone else is a bit of an idiot. ”What's going on here?”
”Mickey's going on a date with a woman.” Liam offers it readily, a true believer in the free dissemination of information. Probably something he picked up at private school.
Mickey gives a half-choked groan. ”It's not a – ! You know what, fuck you.” With one last glare and an extended middle finger, Mickey grabs his jacket and storms off.
Ian, Liam and Lip watch him go, nonplussed. Lip glances at Ian: ”Huh. Less than a year of marriage and you've already turned him off men.”
”Yeah, well. Have to admit I didn't see that one coming.”
The restaurant is fancy as hell, linen cloth and candlelight, one person to take his coat and another to show him to the table. Charlotte is already there, blonde hair pulled back in a strict ponytail, something expensive glittering around her neck and drawing attention to the generious helping of skin her lowcut black dress offers.
The table is set only for two. Mickey frowns as he takes his seat. ”Your father coming?”
”No.” The smile she gives him is very innocent. ”He got held up in a meeting, so he called to say he can't make it. He said to tell you sorry, and to thank you so much for your service.”
Listen to those alarm bells going off all at once... Mickey tries to mentally shake it off. It's nothing to worry about. Just Ian putting weird ideas into his head. ”Uh, yeah. Don't worry about it. Just doing my job.” He waves for the waiter to bring him a beer. He does need a drink, quite urgently.
Charlotte leans forward, looking up at him from under half-closed lids with a very intense expression on her perfectly moisturized face. ”You were so brave when Smithson attacked me. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough. You know, my father is paying for this meal, but if there was something else you wanted... ?”
And that's her grabbing the olive from her drink and very deliberately pushing it past her lips and that's... that's her foot, sans shoe, slowly sliding down his calf.
Oh. Fuck. This is a date. Inwardly groaning, Mickey rubs a tired hand over his face, before looking straight at Charlotte: ”You know I'm fucking gay, right? Like, married to a man?”  Jesus, Ian is never going to let him hear the end of this...
Charlotte reels back just a little, mouth falling slightly open. He's prepared for shock, disgust even – but instead a dreamy look appears on her face. ”Oh my god, that is sooo hot!”
He feigns sleep when Ian returns home a quarter past midnight, but his husband isn't fooled. ”How was your date?” he murmurs as he slips in under the covers and wraps his arms around Mickey from behind.
”Shut the fuck up.”
A quiet laugh, a kiss pressed to his shoulder. ”I take it you're sticking with cocks for now then.”
And sure, there's a teasing edge to the words, and sure, he'll hear about this for-fucking-ever, but... Mickey turns around, facing Ian. ”I guess I am,” he agrees, reaching up to run his thumb over Ian's cheek.
Whatever mischief is there fades from Ian's eyes, from his voice: ”I'm glad,” he says simply, and pulls Mickey in for a kiss.
Yeah. So is he.
This one goes out to @starkcravingmad​  who suggested a teenage charge crushing on a clueless Mickey, in a reply to this post. I know you didn't ask me to write it, and I have no idea if this is even vaguely related to what you had in mind, but for better or worse you planted the seed, and here we are. Didn't intend for it to get this long, or this silly, but yeah.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Bestie, I'm gonna need a follow up of the fight. It was soo good!
Those bastard Schumi genes were definitely showing, I can see him frowning and clenching his jaw super hard ...
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Part 14. Best friends to lovers MASTERLIST
Warnings: +18. Penetrative sex. Fingering.
You had spent the whole afternoon in the bedroom crying your eyes out. It hurt like hell to fight with him. You've had some fights, but never like this. It had been some bickering and they had been solved fast. But now... You didn't even know how to feel.
When you finally felt like getting up from the bed and coming out of the bedroom, your thoughts weren't even close to being clear. You had imagined a thousand scenarios. This could end in the worst possible way. You could lose your boyfriend and the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You could lose your Mick and it hurt.
You found him asleep on the sofa, Angie curled next to him. You wanted to talk, to short things up and put the end to this situation.
He moved a bit and opened his eyes.
"YN" He gasped.
"Can we talk?"
He nodded and got up. You walked to the kitchen and he followed you close. Sitting in front of each other, you felt the tears in your eyes again. He reached his hand and covered yours.
"I'm sorry" He said. "I'm so sorry"
You took a deep breath.
"You hurt me..."
"I know. I'm so sorry"
"I don't want to depend on you with everything I do" You looked at his blue eyes "I am independent. I want my own money and to make my own decisions. I'm not going to follow you everywhere you go. I love you, you are my best friend and the best boyfriend that I could ask for. But if I get a job in F1 is because I am YN YSN and I am good enough for it, not because I am Mick Schumacher's girlfriend." You didn't know how you had been able to say it without crying, but there it was. "If you don't like this it's better if we..."
"No. Don't you dare to say that" He launched himself over the table, one hand supporting him and the other grabbing your face to pull you to a kiss that took your breath away.
You moaned on his mouth as you grabbed into his neck. You deepened the kiss sliding your tongue between his lips. He groaned in your mouth but broke apart.
"I love how strong you are, how you know how to deal with your stuff. I admire you so much and I'm an idiot for thinking that it was a good idea. I understand that you got angry. I'm sorry"
You caressed his cheeks.
"I love you."
"I love you too"
"I'm sorry too."
"It's okay."
You kissed him deeply. Slowly, things started heating up and soon you were both on the same side of the table, hands all over each other and pulling to the clothes.
He had bitten your neck, surely leaving a mark.
"Tell me, baby"
"Fuck me. I want to feel you"
Smoothly, he put you on the table, making you laugh at the sudden movement.
He took your face in his hands and kissed you again, making you moan at the sensation. His body was now between your legs and the friction was delicious. Soon your trousers were gone and he was playing with the waistband in your panties.
"I'm so sorry, really" He said over your lips.
"I... I forgive you, Mickey... Ah"
Mick had put your panties aside and one of his fingers was already collecting your wetness.
"I'm starting to like it when you call me Mickey"
"A progress in... Our relationship" You moaned when he slid his finger in you. You already knew each other perfectly, so he knew what to do next to drive you crazy.
"You are so wet..."
"You... You are hot when you are grumpy"
He kissed you again, moving his fingers faster inside you. You were glad his other hand was pressing you against him because you would have fallen back already.
Biting his lip, you pulled back.
"I need you to fuck me."
"I will. Wait."
After a quick run to the bathroom, Mick came back shirtless and with a box of condoms.
"A whole box?"
"I will fuck you over every surface if it's needed to make up for that fight"
You gasped. Mick was always so polite and correct so when he did this kind of comments (like once each 3 months in a good day), it would be deadly for you.
"Fuck Mick"
He came closer to you while you got rid of your panties. You helped him with the condom.
"Come here. Let me show you how sorry I am" He whispered over your lips.
You crashed your lips in a messy kiss and felt him sliding inside of you. Grabbing into his neck and shoulder, you let your forehead fall against his.
"You feel so good, Mick..." You whined.
He pushed you so you were lying on the table and lift your t-shirt over your chest. Then, he gave a soft squeeze to your tits and pinched your nipples. It wasn't your first time here. He loved fucking you on that table and he knew exactly what to do to make it feel even better. With your legs over his shoulders and a finger on your clit, Mick fucked you relentless. The deep, hard trusts made you see white in the corners of your eyes. You were a mess and he was so pleased with it. The look on his face, a smirk on his lips and eyes bright with a kind of wild look on them,...
"You feel so good... Fuck... YN"
You were playing with your nipples, needing more stimulation.
"Oh Mick... I'm gonna cum" You whimpered as he hitted a particular more sensitive spot.
"Do it, baby. Cum for me. Come on..." His finger on your clit moved faster and his trust became messy. He was closer too.
Somehow, you managed to cum at the same time. Loud moans and groans filled the room. Mick bit your ankle softly and you grabbed into his hands, that had been keeping you in place the whole time.
"Fuck, Mick..."
"You are amazing, YN. I love you so much." He said kissing your calf.
You smiled and made grabby hands for him to help you up. When you were sitting again, still under that orgasmic bliss and with him still on you, you cupped his face and kissed him softly.
The kiss lasted long, shy tongues moving to play together, soft bites on lips and pants when pulling back for air.
It had been your first big fight and you thought you would even break up. You had never felt so scared.
He pulled back and kissed your forehead before throwing the condom away and getting his trousers back. Then he helped you with your panties and hugged you.
"I'm so sorry" He whispered.
You caressed his back and hid on his neck leaving a soft kiss on his collarbone.
"I'm sorry too, I was mean"
"Yeah, you were on defence mode."
You laughed and looked at him.
"I don't want you angry with me anymore, but I have to say that you looked hot with that frown."
He put exactly the face you were talking about and you broke down in loud laughs.
You hugged each other, him putting you back on the table. With all your limbs around him, you kissed his face a million times.
"I love you a lot, Mick."
"I know. I'm going to miss you this weekend."
"I will get the best marks in the whole class so we can travel the world together and be the coolest couple in F1" You said smiling and looking at him. "Right after your parents, obviously. There is no way of beating that."
"I never doubted that. I... I just wanted to make it easier for you" He caressed your cheek. "But I see now that it's not as increíble as I thought. I want you to be a successful woman. And... I'm sure you will be a team principal one day"
You laughed softly.
"That's a lot to say"
"I know you can do it." He kissed you again. "Let's watch a film or something. I'm exhausted."
"Are you getting too old for this kind of sex?"
"I'm 23, idiot"
You patted his ass as he walked in front of you and you laughed.
"I will see your race and Angie and I will be here waiting for you on Monday"
You kissed his shoulder and he pulled you closer on the sofa.
He kissed your forehead.
"You are the best."
"No, you are"
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fellulahh · 4 years
MC takes him to Disneyland (brothers and Diavolo)
I thought this would be appropriate with all of the Mickey Mouse ears I’ve been drawing on the brothers!
- he looks grumpy the entire time but that’s because he’s surrounded by all things happy which he isn’t used to
- Lowkey does enjoy himself though because just seeing the smile on MC’s face as she gazes at everything warms his heart
- Gets mistaken for a Disney villain with his extra af cloak and waistcoat
- (He looks prettier than all of the Princes though even if he does look evil)
- Takes lots of photos of MC when she’s not paying attention, sending them to Diavolo who was really sad he didn’t get invited
- She forces him to wear Mickey Mouse ears for a photo together which he absolutely loathes but after she keeps calling him cute even he can’t hide his blush
- even though he expressed some hatred toward the ears, he doesn’t taken them off after they’ve taken their photo
- nearly has a heart attack after realising how expensive everything there is
- As soon as he steps through the gates and sees all of the bright buildings, balloons and characters he turns into this big kid
- Will happily drag MC by the arm so that they can beat some kids to a ride
- Pulls ridiculous faces for the photos when they go on the rollarcoasters
- Happily wears some Mickey Mouse ears but ONLY if MC wears the Minnie ones so that they’re matching
- Goes “Pfft, if you call that a Princess ya should see my girl.” Every time he sees a character, slapping MC playfully on the butt
- Carries MC on his shoulders to watch the fireworks
- he feels pretty at home when they go to Disneyland. Although he’d never heard of the franchise before, after seeing how excited everybody gets over the characters, he immediately relates
- Finds MC’s reactions to everything hilarious, “OH MY DIAVOLO LOOK LEVI IT’S CINDERELLA” “you’re such a normie!” *laughs*
- They take really cute couply selfies together
- He spends AGES in the gift shop trying to find the perfect plushie to buy MC (also buys himself a Nemo one because it reminds him of Henry 2.0)
- Lowkey gets jealous when MC finds her favourite Disney Prince and fangirls over him
- he looks really unamused at first because it’s so crowded but he soon calms down
- Holds MC’s hand the entire day, happily walking to whatever ride or attraction she wants to see
- Carries the map for her the entire time
- He gets super excited when he sees the aristocats!
- The actors almost break out of character when they ask him what his name is and he, very casually, replies “Satan.”
- Takes lots of pictures of MC in front of the castle and she gets all sheepish
- Searches through all of the books in the gift shop, trying to find the story of MC’s favourite character that she’d pointed out to him earlier in the day
- he’s basically in heaven! Everything is so pretty, MC is all over him because he agreed to come with her - it’s not a bad day for Asmo!
- They’re the best looking couple in the park as they walk hand in hand - he could easily be mistaken for a Disney Prince just because of his beautiful brown locks alone
- In fact when he does meet a Disney Prince he gets quite cocky, “MC dear you never told me you were missing out on true beauty like me!”
- Buys her a balloon and they take approximately 7,000 selfies together, uploading tons of them to Devilgram
- Despite being in Disneyland, the first thing MC does is take Beel to one of the sweet shops and boy does his face light up, she has to practically drag him back out after before he eats the entire contents of the shop
- He’s such a good boyfriend, he’ll carry her bag the entire time, hold her hand, carry her on his shoulders if she can’t see the parade etc
- Although he finds it peculiar to want to wear mouse ears, he doesn’t say ‘no’ when MC offers them to him
- finds MC absolutely ADORABLE in her ears
- MC gets lowkey broody during their trip, while they were coming out of the sweet shop, a toddler was staring at Beel so he gave her a sweet (with the parents permission of course) and MC’s heart just exploded
- it’s a little loud and too in your face for Belphie’s liking but he knows their trip will make MC happy so he doesn’t say anything
- He does everything she wants to do, going on every ride, finding everything character she wants to meet
- 100% buys a blanket from the gift shop
- Constantly chuckling at MC when she gets really excited over something
- As soon as somebody bumps into him he immediately gets grumbly, “stupid humans” he’ll mutter earning a playful slap from MC
- MC points at the castle and goes ‘look that’s your castle babe’ ‘why is it?’ ‘Because you’re my sleeping beauty’
- looks like a massive DILF walking around despite him and MC not having a child together
- he puts every single person to shame in the park - whether it just be a visitor or a Disney Prince/Princess, you can GUARANTEE Diavolo is by far the most gorgeous creature to step foot in Disneyland that day
- buys MC little treats throughout the day and insists they gets lots of photos taken together
- wears the Minnie Mouse ears because MC wanted Mickey’s
- teases MC for getting broody over the toddlers dressed up as their favourite characters (whispers to her “you know if we act fast we could come back here again next year and that could be us”, pointing to the parents with a smirk on his face)
- It’s hard to tell who enjoys the trip to Disneyland more. Diavolo has never seen such a wonderful place before!
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milkovichy · 2 years
Happy snuggle your husband Sunday Debs ❤️❤️❤️ I'm waiting outside a concert that I am very very VERY excited for, here's some snugs:
- their week at work was crazy. Super super crazy. They needed a LOT of snuggles after work each day.
- the heat is up and the pool is open, so Ian's taken to going for a evening dip. Mickey's taken to following him down and taking pictures of his wet, shirtless husband. Many snuggled ensued.
- Mickey got like. A tad self conscious one day this week because Ian was trying to convince him to come in the pool and there was a little kid right there and Mickey was worried his tattoos would scare her. Finger kisses!!!
- they ate an unhealthy amount of McDonald's, so Mickey went to the gym with Ian. They had a blast teasing and spotting eachother, then cuddled in the shower once they were sore and tired.
- Mickey complained about sore muscles the next day so Ian gave him a massage.
I am once again answering these on Tuesday and I am once again very sorry and it will happen again 😭😭😭
I am so excited for you! Hope the concert was amazing!
These are all SO ADORABLE. PLEASE. They had a hard week, they deserve so many snuggles. Mickey's afraid his tattoo will scare the kids but Ian loves them! And one day, their kid is gonna love her dad's tattoos too 🥰🥰
Going to the gym together! I am picturing grumpy Mickey realness. He swears he is never going back, but Ian manages to convince him with a different kind of workout, I'm sure.
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abundanceofnots · 4 years
If you're feeling down, please imagine that sometimes when Mickey gets grumpy (because of that stupid bitch at work, or because his piece of shit dad just won't fucking leave him alone) Ian sings Love Is A Battlefield to him.
He never leaves out the spoken part and always looks Mickey directly in the eyes as he does it. Which, at first, makes Mickey super uncomfortable. But then the whoa whoa whoas come on and Ian's in it, it's a full-on performance now. There are head-bops and dramatically clenched fists and he's singing into his deodorant, and Mickey breaks, of course he does. Because that shit is hilarious and he loves this embarrassing goof he calls his husband more than anything.
Soon, he joins in and they're hardcore belting out we are young heartache to heartache we stand no promises no demands, giving it their all. When they forget the lyrics, they just go back to the chorus, repeating it five six seven times, quicker and quicker like it's a competition, until they're out of breath and giggling like little kids, both feeling absolutely exhilarated just by being together.
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nancypullen · 3 years
Melons and Murders
We didn't do anything special on the 4th of July. Because only 30-something percent of Tennesseans are vaccinated and the Delta variant is unpredictable, we're still avoiding crowds. It sucks because I really want to enjoy a ballgame or a concert. Downtown Nashville broke a previous record by hosting an estimated 400,000 drunken idiots for an Independence Day celebration. What could possibly go wrong there, right? So we stayed home, grilled some brats, and watched tv while our neighborhood lit up like a combat zone. It was insane. After all of that grumpy complaining, I'm actually here to pay tribute to summer food. As far as I'm concerned, the absolute QUEEN of the summer is the Sugar Kiss melon.
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This melon will change your life. I've never tasted anything so good. Don't be deceived into thinking this is just a cantaloupe. This is magic in your mouth. This melon tastes like it's been injected with vanilla and sugar. They're only in season for a brief part of the summer and we eat about three a week. Not even kidding. We get ours at Publix, even though I've seen and purchased them elsewhere, the Publix melons seem to be at peak freshness. I don't know if Kroger warehouses theirs before they're in stores or what, but the Publix melons are superior. You'll spot Sugar Kiss melons right away, wrapped in their distinctive blue mesh and set apart from the other cantaloupe. Get one (no, seriously, get two) and you can thank me later. It wouldn't be summer without watermelon. I buy one every Saturday, chunk it up and keep it in a big, lidded tub in the frig. When I come in from working in the yard, hot and sweaty, a couple of pieces of chilled watermelon cools me down faster than anything I could drink. Mickey says the same thing. It's always sad toward the end of summer when watermelon becomes scarce. I have some heirloom seeds from my Grandma Ethel's watermelon patch that I treasure, and I haven't had the courage to plant them. How silly is that? I'd hate to get my hopes up and have some stupid pest ruin everything. Anyyywhooo...back to watermelon. Aside from just eating it straight, I'm addicted to this combo.
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Day after day, I drop chunks of watermelon into a bowl, sprinkle some feta and a bit of chopped, fresh mint leaves, then top it with a quick squeeze of lime, just a little. Holy moley, I hear angels sing when I eat this. The super sweet melon, the salty feta, the zing from the mint and the lime - it's everything a summer dish should be. It doesn't hurt my feelings that it's really pretty to look at too. Know what else I'm addicted to? Breakfast salads. I love breakfast, it's my favorite meal of the day. I would be content to eat a hearty breakfast and then just nibble for the rest of the day. Normally I'll dice up tomato and onion and get it sizzling in a skillet, then I'll throw in some riced broccoli.
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Once that's cooked through, I season and scramble two eggs and pour that in - a few stirs with a spatula and I've got a bowlful of veggie eggs and a yummy breakfast. If you're so inclined and can spare the calories, add cheese or bacon or whatever floats your boat. It's delicious, low in calories and fat, offers plenty of protein and fiber, and will keep you full all day. Winner. Lately I've been throwing together a flavorful salad...spring greens, a quarter of an avocado, a tablespoon of feta, and a tablespoon of crumbled bacon. Super simple.
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Then I spritz a pan with a little olive oil and fry an egg. I season it like crazy and plop it right on top of the salad.
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When I cut through the egg it releases the warm, yummy yolk as a dressing and coats everything. It's a delicious, healthy breakfast. The mister and I are still working the Weight Watchers thing. It's so stinkin' easy and NOTHING is off limits. I'm on the Purple Plan because I don't like to log things, so I have a bazillion "free" foods but only 16 points a day. The items that cost me are fatty things like mayo and butter. As long as I eat clean and whole foods (even whole grain pasta is zero points for me!) I can finish every day with points to spare. A grilled chicken breast with roasted broccoli and sweet potato is a zero point meal. How simple is that? Of course, that doesn't mean I don't have treats. It didn't take me long to figure out that a macaron is just two points and totally worth it. I'm down 21 pounds and it's been embarrassingly easy to do. It's been a slow drip, pretty much a pound a week, but it's the easiest diet I've ever been on and I think I've tried them all. Sorry, I rambled. I promised melons and murder. The murder part is really more of a question for you. It's no secret that I'm a true crime junkie. My DVR history is frightening- Snapped, Cold Justice, etc. My reading list looks like I'm either planning or solving a murder. But I'm new to true crime podcasts. When I'm at my desk I like to listen to a murder or two, usually tuning into a Dateline series (the Mommy Doomsday episodes will blow your mind). I'm in the market for other podcasts though, so I'm asking for your favorites. You don't have to answer here, you can always send suggestions to [email protected] - no need to create a Tumblr profile or any of that. Hit me with your favorites, My Favorite Murder? Anatomy of a Murder? Crime Junkie? Sword & Scale? Do tell! Gotta' go. It's time for me to trot out to the garden and pick more cucumbers and have a chat with the birds and squirrels. Summer is in full swing and I intend to enjoy these days. Besides, if I don't go out and get sweaty, I can't justify eating more melon. I have an agenda. I hope you're having some fun with your day. Stir up some giggles, even if you're just laughing at yourself. I used to write jokes on Post-It notes and leave them on the doors of bathroom stalls at work. I wonder how many pantsless people chuckled ? Go spread some sunshine and make sure you get some on yourself. Stay safe, stay well, stay sunny. XOXO - Nanccy
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scouts-thingsandrps · 4 years
FNaF Muses
Deja Winters- She’s the manager at Freddy Fazbear’s, is super cheerful, and cares about her employees a lot.
Age: 34 and has two kids named Nathan Winters and Amayah Winters
She/Her Transwoman, Heterosexual
Midnight Sinclair - They’re one of the night guards at the pizzeria as well as one of the youngest security guards at the restaurant, she’s usually quiet and secretive but also very hard working, though they are trying to figure out what happened at the restaurant with the help of some ‘friends’.
Age: 17 and has a twin sister named Marilyn Sinclair
She/They Enby, AroAce (Romance Favorable)
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Jeremy ‘Jay’ Fitzgerald - He’s one of the dayshift guards at Freddy’s who occasionally handles mechanical work, very reckless and a huge goofball.
Age: 22
He/Him Transman, Gay
(Ultimate Friend Picrew Maker)
Mickey ‘Mike’ Schmidt-Taylor - He’s another one of the dayshift guards, he can be a bit grumpy and comes off as abrasive though he’s not around kids, was one of the suspects in the ‘87 murders and quit for a long period of time.
Age: 45
He/They Demiboy, Hetrosexual
Fredrick ‘Fritz’ Smith - He’s one of the waiters, he can be very charming at times and is very intelligent, he works two jobs and was also one of the suspects in the ‘87 murders. He has a lot of secrets he intends to keep.
Age: 44
He/Him, Man, Bisexual
Amethyst ‘Amy’ Thorne - She’s the main mechanic and the bite of 87 victim after a rogue animatronic attacked her, despite her injury she’s still just as cheerful and protective of her younger co-workers.
Age: 40 and has a daughter named Madeline Thorne
She/Her, Agender, Pansexual
Katy Moore - She’s the assistant manager at Freddy’s, she’s usually very civil yet firm, she was one of the original suspects but was dropped due to lack of evidence.
Age: 39
She/They, Woman, Straight
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Electra Afton - She was an old technician in training for the sister location under her dad’s guidance, however she had to resign to due a malfunction with a springlock suit that she was forced in, causing her to loose an arm as well as her voice and struggle with chronic pain. However, she carries around a Minirena for emotion support.
Age: 17
Any, Bigender, Pansexual
(Ultimate Friend Maker Picrew)
Vanessa Afton - William Afton’s adopted daughter who wants to discover the reason behind the murders, she became a detective to do so.
Age: 27
She/Her, Cisgender, Lesbian
Micheal Afton - He is also working to discover the truth behind the missing kids of Freddy’s though, he’s having to work on the sly due to being a walking corpse. He’s also helping Electra
Age: 27
Any, Transgender, Bisexual
William Afton - He’s one of the infamous man behind Freddy’s (and the man that got blamed for Lauren’s murders). He is working on studying remnant to bring his dead kids back while being neglectful of his living ones.
Age: 61
He/Him, Cisgender Bisexual
Brynn Sinclair - She is Midnight’s cousin and friends with Gregory and Indigo, and she sometimes helps them sneak into The Fazbear Mall. She’s very smart and outgoing. Brynn is blind and carries around a cane to help her see.
Age: 13
She/Her, Woman, Queer
Gregory Cooper - Indigo’s twin brother who’s very quick on his feet and has a knack for robotics.
Age: 14
Trans, He/Him, Queer
Indigo Cooper - Gregory’s twin sister who’s a bit a weird kid. She, along with Gregory, break into The Fazbear Mall to investigate.
Age: 14
Demigirl, She/They, Omnisexual
Lauren Ross - The murderer behind the incidents at Freddy’s, though she never considered a suspect officially, the Afton Family has always been suspicious of her.
Age: 52
Cisgender, She/Her, Hetrosexual
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Rye Anderson - Rye is the child that haunts the Golden Freddy suit, she is very calm and nurturing towards the young kids…however, she is quite distrusting of adults
Age: 14
Agender, She/It, AroAce
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olderthannetfic · 5 years
It does work... eventually
reblogged your post
“wishforsomewherenew reblogged your post “A New History of Fandom Purges” ”#fandom#i feel like i need to start adding...”
#fandom#good points of reflexion although I wonder#if a story places a black character in a position usually filled by a white character#will the audience react to it the same way?#I fear racism would stick us into a corner where people would suddenly find flaws to the archetypes they usually like#because we know people tend to be less indulgent with poc in general#so the snarky geek would suddenly be read as pedant and annoying#and the dashing thief would be read as a thief#which isn't to say we shouldn't try to give these roles to poc#we need poc in more diverse roles!#just saying I'm not sure white fandom would just naturally follow#there is work that needs to be done directly with the audience#but it's certain that this work needs to be larger and more thought out than deleting entire popular ships
In practice, it’s a mix. The canons where the dashing thief, woobie, or geek is black are sometimes less popular overall than a similar canon where that character is white. On the other hand, part of the issue is that fandom size is roughly correlated to canon viewership, and it’s rare for a massive, massive franchise to cast a black lead in installment 1.
Fandom trends tend to get set very early in a canon’s history, and expanding the cast later doesn’t always change them. Black Panther was never going to derail the Stucky train or any of the other big established patterns of MCU fandom. Neither was introducing Sam, though Sam/Steve did get pretty popular. New Star Wars is a rare case where there was a black lead from the beginning in a super mega franchise, and Finn/Poe was the biggest ship by far right at the beginning of that fandom. It dropped behind Kylux and Reylo later, but it’s obvious that people did like Finn. That kind of casting and role does work. If people did more of it, it would work better.
The trouble is that the vast majority of fandom meta acts like an average fandom should look like MCU or Harry Potter. In reality, those are extreme outliers that are completely irrelevant to how most fandoms operate. Most genre media with black leads is material with a much smaller viewership than a MCU movie. Those media have smaller fandoms, but the black lead is usually pretty popular relative to the overall fandom size if they are indeed a trope fandom likes for white characters.
The three examples I chose weren’t random. They were from the three shows I mentioned: Hustle, Leverage, and Almost Human.
Hustle is a small fandom, at least for fic, and a moderately popular TV series overall. The original team leader, suave con artist Mickey Bricks (played by Adrian Lester) was one of the more popular characters. Mickey/Danny tends to be one of the biggest ships, and Mickey/Danny/Stacy is reasonably popular too.
Leverage is quite a popular fandom, and Hardison, the geek, is a fandom fave The big ship is the OT3 of Parker, Hardison, and Eliot. The component ships are also popular, especially the canon one of Parker and Hardison.
Almost Human was a bit of a trianwreck, but the entire fandom is basically shippers of the woobie android Dorian (played by Michael Ealy) and grumpy android-hating cop John Kennex.
Yeah, fandom can be pretty racist, but give us a Caves of Steel ripoff, and we will always go for the ship of the woobie bot and the human bot-hater who learns to be a better man--and probably gives gratuitous speeches about it in the process. It doesn’t matter if it’s DRN or RK800 or R. Daneel Olivaw: this trope is fannish catnip.
In fact, DBH and Almost Human are an excellent case study of this: They’re remarkably similar, right down to Minka Kelly being wasted in a trite love interest role. Both have a black android, but in AH, he’s one half of the iddy buddy cop duo (and popular for shipping), while in DBH, the equivalent character is white (and similarly popular). The black android in DBH gets saddled with some pretty dire civil rights allegories as he leads the android revolution. He has more foils with less iddy ship fodder for each, and his canon het ship is not very popular. People do talk about the character positively, but they don’t write all that much fic about him.
Characters of color do get held to a higher standard, but a lot of the problems are often coming directly from canon, even if they’re sometimes subtle. The rare canons that do a better job produce fandoms that appreciate the characters of color.
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It helps to have ridiculous episodes involving bets, rivalry, and public nudity...
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Or hurt/comfort...
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Or Leverage’s... everything.
The main issue is that we need 100x the amount of media with a black character in a lead or main ensemble role that is specifically the Fandom Fave role. We need that media to be big budget and omnipresent, and we need that to be the status quo for a decade. That wouldn’t magically erase racism, but it would have a dramatic effect on what fic gets written.
Look at Sleepy Hollow! That show jumped the shark like whoa, but no matter how much people complain about the evil fans who liked the canon ship, 99% of that fandom is actually Ichabbie shippers. Even on AO3, bastion of inexplicable white man slash, most of it is still Ichabod/Abbie or Ichabod & Abbie.
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Right now, the status quo is that these sources are rare, and fandom theorizing tends to ignore them in favor of a tiny handful of the biggest fandoms in fandom history. We’ll get another Almost Human long, long before we’ll get a superhero franchise where something like Black Panther is the first movie out of the gate. (Though, to be honest, Black Panther has like 3x the fic of most of my fandoms, and most of it is about T’Challa, so it’s doing pretty well.)
I’ll be interested to see what happens with the Rivers of London TV adaptation. I suspect that will provide both the next big fandom fave who is black and a breeding ground for toxic wank so horrendous it drives half the fandom away--Because whatever standard fans hold characters of color to in canon, it’s a thousand times worse in fic.
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loftec · 5 years
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It’s been four years today since I put up the first chapter of NTW. Let’s celebrate with a new chapter, and a couple of sneaky extras.
I have been editing old NTW chapters (which has been slow, painful, discouraging work) and it felt impossible to write new chapters before I had finished the edit. I am not finished, but I reached the roguish chapter 20 last week and managed to talk myself into a bit of a compromise. So,
here is chapter 43, effing finally
and a lengthy account of this editing malarky under the cut:
This is a strange one, and I’m not sure what you’re going to think about it. Will this upset you? Have I ruined something you liked? I don’t know. I just know that it’s been four years (FOUR YEARS) and I really just needed to do this. So I’m going to go through the whole process with you here, to catch you up on why and what, and where.
(If you’re not interested in these changes, or in reading my rambling explanation, please have this PDF of NTW chapters 1-42, unedited.)
I have been writing this story for a long time, and I was in a very different place when I started it. I’m hopefully better at writing, now, and I have a slightly different approach to how I write. Every time someone commented that they just started reading NTW, I would feel really awkward about it, because I knew there were specific weak points in the first half that I wish I had managed better when I wrote them. So I decided to go back and edit a little, no big deal, right? Well.
I ended up doing a little bit more than just correcting typos, and I realise that this might feel like a bad thing to some of you who care about this story, and have been reading it almost as long as I have been writing it.
Not everything has changed, I promise. The story is still the same, and I have tried my best to keep the bottom line the same for each and every scene that have in some way been adjusted. The edits can be divided into three levels, in order of severity.
Level one: tone consistency
Little things you hopefully won’t notice. Trying to get the first half to stylistically better match the second half. I can’t promise it’s better, but it’s different and oh dang… I hope it’s better.
Level two: alternative routes
More noticeable changes which still remain faithful to what they used to be. 
Example! In chapter 7, Ian and Mickey talk about coffee. Ian makes a pointless reference to Clueless, because 2015 me thought it would be funny. 2019 me would still make that pointless reference to Clueless, cling to it for a minute, and then admit to myself that it isn’t particularly funny and definitely isn’t in character, and then rewrite the scene. So I rewrote the scene. They still talk about coffee, all the main points are still there, but this time it makes some god damned sense.
Substantial changes and additions. 
Example! In chapter 16, I originally wasted some 1000 words ranting about Halloween before getting to the point. Why? Because 2015 me had thoughts about Halloween and figured what the heck, Mickey can have those thoughts too, that makes sense. Guess what, 2015 me? It didn’t! But the point of that section was never supposed to be “Mickey hates Halloween, here’s why”, but “Mickey is grumpy because his son chose to spend Halloween with his mom for the first time in ten years and it sucks”... which did not come across super clearly, all muddled up in me projecting my own thoughts on the poor guy. This has been rewritten to better reflect what I wanted to say with that section, and also include more Yev and better introduce Mickey’s friendship with Sonya. It’s more in character, it’s more fun to read (I hope) and it makes some god damned sense.
We also have a couple of pure additions, such as the second half of the infamously incomplete chapter 20, and little bits here and there.
Here’s a list for reference.
Chapter 1: edited (level 1)
Chapter 2: edited (level 1)
Chapter 3: edited (level 3), slight addition/change
Chapter 4: edited (level 3), slight addition/change
Chapter 5: edited (level 1)
Chapter 6: edited (level 2), slight alteration in dialogue
Chapter 7: edited (level 2), slight alteration in dialogue
Chapter 8: edited (level 3), pretty hefty edit, but no real addition
Chapter 9: edited (level 3), added dialogue in the beginning, minor changes throughout
Chapter 10: edited (level 2), slight alteration in dialogue
Chapter 11: edited (level 1)
Chapter 12: edited (level 2), slight alteration in dialogue
Chapter 13: edited (level 1)
Chapter 14: edited (level 1)
Chapter 15: edited (level 2), mostly just a level 1 edit, but I think I added a paragraph at the end that wasn’t there before
Chapter 16: edited (level 3), the start has been rewritten, large bit has been added, the rest has been heavily edited/rewritten
Chapter 17: edited (level 3), a few smaller additions throughout, pretty heavily edited
Chapter 18: edited (level 2), some heavier edits, mostly bits and bobs
Chapter 19: edited (level 2), pretty heavily edited, but no major changes. Except one, concerning Monica’s death (mentioned). Let me know if you want me to elaborate on why I made this change (or any change, of course).
Chapter 20: edited (level 3) FINALLY ADDED THE SECOND HALF. It’s nothing special, but IT’S THERE NOW OMG I’VE BEEN SO ANNOYED BY THIS FOR SO LONG. Also edited.
(Chapters 21-40 to come.)
And here’s the thing. I think the story is a lot better now, but I 100% understand if you don’t feel the same way. I needed to rewrite the version of it which is published online under my pen name, so I changed it. But! That doesn’t mean you have to read it. Here’s the link to that PDF again. Let me know if the link ever stops working, and I’ll fix it.
Lastly. I want to thank you (YOU) for letting me grow and get better, in my own time. Editing the first twenty chapters was a painful experience for me, they were incredibly uneven and occasionally mortifying. But I thought they were fantastic when I wrote them, and first put them up on AO3, and not one person told me a single discouraging thing about my poor grammar, sloppy spelling, or contrived references. And that means something.
I deal with a lot of “constructive feedback” in my actual work, and I know the value of it. But there is also something so uniquely wonderful about allowing someone to grow at their own pace, purely by encouraging them to keep going and do what they love, exactly the way they want to do it.
I would hope I am a more refined writer now than I was four years ago, but I wouldn’t be writing at all if I hadn’t dared to start somewhere and received the encouragement I needed to continue. So download the pdf and enjoy my humble beginnings, or come with me and enjoy a whole host of new typos in the freshly edited NTW universe. But whatever you do, please know that I remember and appreciate every click, kudos, and kind word you’ve ever said to me on the way. Thank you.
(If you have any questions about any of this, general or specific, please ask me!)
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Daddy? Are You in Love with Prince Charming?
Written for Sterek Week 2017 (and for my darling bud @halesstiles who’s having a bad day, hope you enjoy babe <3)
On AO3
Summary: Derek takes his daughter Erica to Disneyland for the first time to celebrate her 8th birthday. The last thing he was expecting was to find the most beautiful guy he has ever seen dressed as prince charming.
Erica has been a bundle of restless energy and flying golden curls ever since they left the house.
Not like he could blame her, she’s been excitedly waiting for this day since she first learned what Disneyland was. He was planning on taking her a lot sooner than her 8th birthday but with everything that happened with Kate and their battle for custody of Erica after the divorce, there wasn’t much chance to plan a trip to Disneyland.
Now though, after everything was lawfully settled between him and Kate and he has full custody of Erica, it seemed like the perfect time to take the much needed vacation. Especially with Erica’s 8th birthday taking place tomorrow.
When they finally arrived at the resort Erica was practically jumping out of her skin with excitement and pleading Derek to go to the water park inside the resort.
It took less than 5 seconds for Derek to begrudgingly agree.
“Yay! Come on daddy we gotta go to our room and change into our swimsuits before they close the slide!” The little girl exclaimed as she grabbed her father’s hand and tried to drag him to their hotel room with all her might.
Derek shook his head fondly at his daughter’s behavior. “Erica, it’s barely 2 in the afternoon, they’re not going to close down the slides anytime soon.”
“Yeah but I wanna go to the slide at least a hundred times.”
Derek scrunched up his face in confusion. “Why would you want to do that a hundred times?”
Erica looked at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question ever. “To get the full water slide experience, duh. Everyone knows that.”
“Of course,” Derek stated, “how could I not know that?”
Despite the sarcasm clearly dripping from his voice the young girl simply pat his arm solemnly. “You worry me dad, I mean, seriously, how could you be so clueless sometimes?”
Derek scowled. It’s just his luck that his 7, soon to be 8, year old daughter finds him clueless of all things. How is this his life?
Their time at the water park was great. Erica was running around and playing with the other kids her age all while reaching her goal and going down the slide 100 times. At least, that’s what Derek told her after she came back from her 20th round.
The only downside was the hungry looks Derek would receive from the women surrounding him and the overly flirty conversations people would start up with him while Erica was running up the stairs to go down the slide again.
Even though he broke off things with Kate almost 3 years ago, Derek wasn’t eager to get back in the dating game any time soon. Especially not with people that were clearly only interested in him for his looks. He already tried that, never again.
It was a quarter passed 6 when Derek finally managed to get Erica out of the water park and back into the hotel to take a shower and eat.
Tomorrow they will be going to Fantasyland since it’s the one Erica’s been dying to go to, she’ll be wearing a Cinderella costume and everything.
As Erica plays in the bathtub for a little bit Derek gets started on making dinner. He wants this week to be perfect. Erica deserves a little happiness after everything that happened with Kate.
Derek made sure to wake up Erica extra early to ensure that they arrived at the park as soon as it opened. The little girl might not be much of a morning person but she’s been incredibly vocal about her need to be at Fantasyland the second it opens.
They ate breakfast in the resort breakfast buffet and Derek is positive that his daughter should not be able to eat such a large amount of mickey mouse waffles in 10 minutes.
Doing Erica’s hair was impossible since she refused to sit still so Derek simply let her long blonde curls sway freely instead of trying to recreate Cinderella’s bun, she liked her hair better loose anyway.
When they finally arrived at Fantasyland, just 20 minutes after the park opened, Erica was in a permanent state of wonder as she looked at everything around them in fascination.
She wanted to go on every ride in sight and take pictures with every character she could find. They hadn’t been there longer than half an hour and Derek was already exhausted, but seeing her so happy made it all worth it and he wasn’t planning on cutting the day short anytime soon.
Derek was in the middle of buying Erica something to eat for lunch when the little girl suddenly vanished from her previous spot beside him.
He instantly caught a glimpse of blonde curls moving through the crowd of people and followed after her.
He pushed through the herd of people as fast as he could but after a couple of seconds he lost sight of the bouncing golden locks and couldn’t help the panic that started to wash over him.
Once he finally pushed through the crowd he heard an all too familiar squeal resonate in his ears and turned his head to see Erica squishing her face, cheek to cheek, against a guy wearing a prince outfit.
Derek instantly rushed over to them, a stream of apologies already on the tip of his tongue when Erica caught sight of him.
“Daddy!” She shouted in glee, not loosening her grip on the young man carrying her. “Daddy look! I found Prince Charming!”
The grimace that makes its way to Derek’s face couldn’t be stopped. Why does his daughter have to be so rambunctious?
“I’m so terribly sorry, I don’t know how she managed to wander off without me noticing, we’ll make sure not to bother you any further.” Derek announces while trying to pry his daughter off of the stranger’s arms.
Derek hears the guy gasp exaggeratedly before speaking with feigned horror in his voice. “What? But I have just found my darling Cinderella! I have been looking all over the kingdom for a chance to see her again, please, allow me to escort the princess to all the lovely sights of this kingdom.”
Now that the guy was fully turned to him Derek was able to get a good look at his face and air left his lungs.
The guy was absolutely stunning. He had pale skin speckled with moles, big whiskey colored eyes, and full light pink lips that looked downright sinful.
Derek was about to politely decline the invitation, he has no idea how he’d survive the rest of the day if this gorgeous man stayed with them, but Erica seemed to noticed his hesitance and looked at him with those big brown eyes of hers and he knew he was screwed. 
“Daddy, he wants to escort us around the kingdom! Like royalty! Please say yes, please, I’ll be super good! I’ll get straight As in school from now on, even math! I promise! Pretty please with sprinkles and whipped cream and strawberries on top!”
Honestly how could anyone expect him to say no after that. He loves strawberries.
When he tiredly agrees Erica lets out a delighted squeal as she wiggles out of the man’s arms to hug Derek.
“Thank you daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Derek rolls his eyes as a soft smile tugs at his lips, “I expect straight As on your report cards from now on.”
“Nope.” Erica says, popping the p, “Sorry dad but I had my fingered crossed behind my back when I said that so it doesn’t count!”
Derek should have expected that. “Remind me not to leave you with aunt Laura ever again. She’s a bad influence.”
Erica just beamed at him, satisfied that she got her way. “Aunt Laura is the best.”
“She’s really not.”
When Derek finally glanced back at the guy he was looking at the exchange with warm eyes and a small smile.
Once he noticed Derek was looking at him his face changed to one of practiced charm and poise.
“As it appears that we’re going to be spending a lot of time together today, may I ask what your name is princess?”
“I’m Erica! Erica Hale! And this is my daddy, he’s really grumpy most of the time but he’s super nice and makes the best pancakes ever! It’s my birthday today see,” she says as she points at her Minnie Mouse birthday pin, “I’m 8 today.”
“Wow! You’re 8? That’s amazing! And you’re letting me spend time with you on your special day? I’m honored!” 
Erica giggled and Derek was smitten. Dear god why was this happening to him?
The man then turned his attention to Derek. “You have a wondrous princess in your hands good sir, thank you for allowing me to accompany you on your trip.”
The blinding smile on the man’s face was positively breathtaking and a took Derek a minute to mumble, “Derek.”
The confused look he received caused him to stutter. “M-my name. It’s Derek. Derek Hale. My name’s Derek Hale.”
The prince smiled, soft and amused, and Derek just wanted to crawl under a hole and die.
From that moment on the trio explored every area of Fantasyland together. They were stopped multiple times by people asking for autographs and pictures with Prince Henry.
The Prince showed guided them through the quickest routes to get to all the rides and ‘coincidentally’ bumped into numerous Disney characters along the way so that Erica’s goal and taking a picture with every character from her favorite Disney movies was a reality.
Anastasia and Drizella were not amused when Erica gave them a stern talking to about how the way thy treated Cinderella was cruel and they’re lucky Prince Henry is a really nice and didn’t chop off their heads.
Derek was mortified but the prince was over the moon.
Derek and Erica ate lunch at a diner Prince Henry recommended as he dealt with his scheduled hour long signing session.
They both felt bad that the prince hadn’t eaten anything despite it being almost 2 in the afternoon so they ordered some extra food for him so he could have something to eat when finished.
The look of genuine surprise and joy on his face when they gave him the food was incredibly rewarding, he was particularly grateful for the large batch of curly fries they gave him.
Watching the prince interact with Erica was nothing short of surreal.
Despite the practiced prince like demeanor the guy was unbelievably funny, spurring out jokes and random facts about everything they passed.
He was also very energetic and enthusiastic when he spoke, starting up hour long conversations with Erica about which Disney princess’ dress is the most historically accurate and why.
Derek didn’t participate in the conversation much but he was more than happy to simply observe them as they chatted endlessly.
The more time they spent with the charming prince the more Derek could feel his attraction grow stronger.
How would have thought that Derek Hale, at the tender age of 29 would be crushing on a Disney Prince.
It wasn’t until nearly 9 at night that the prince said his goodbyes to them.
“It saddens me to leave you, my dear princess, but there is a parade scheduled in half an hour that requires my presence. Will the both of you be staying to watch?”
“It’s pretty late I think we’ll-”
“Of course we’ll watch!” Erica exclaimed. “We can’t go to Fantasyland and not watch the electrical parade! Daddy we have to watch it! It’s the perfect way to end my super magical and special princess birthday!”
It’s official. Fatherhood is making him soft.
Prince Henry gave them a dazzling smile at the news that they were staying to watch the parade and it made Derek’s knees feel weak.
He’s got to pull himself together.
The parade was gorgeous, the floats created from lights of all colors looked absolutely magical under the starry sky.
Him and Erica were enjoying some hot chocolate together as the parade continued when the float that Cinderella and Prince Henry were in came into sight.
It was a huge castle made up of shinning blue lights with Cinderella and Prince Charming in the center waving at the audience.
“Daddy! Daddy can you carry me please? I want Prince Henry to see me.”
Derek lifted her up with ease and let her on top of his shoulders, she was giggling hysterically by the time she was settled on top of him. “That good princess?”
“It’s perfect! I can see everything from up here!” Erica says excitedly, “Oh! There’s Prince Henry! Prince Henry!!! Prince Henry over here!!!”
The prince then turns to both of them and his and Derek’s eyes lock, hazel finding honey brown instantly. 
Then Prince Charming did something neither of them were expecting, instead of smiling and waving at them like he did for all the others, he blew a kiss at Derek.
Well, Erica. The kiss was for Erica, the kiss had to be for Erica, there was no other explanation.
Surely Derek was just imagining it. There’s no way he was looking at Derek, even if Derek thought he was. 
When the parade reached it’s end both Erica and Derek were exhausted and ready to head back to the resort for some much needed sleep.
By the time they finally left the theme park Erica was fast asleep on Derek’s chest.
Despite desperately wanting to just get to the resort and knock out as soon as possible Derek waits as the herd of people squeeze into the trains.
He really hates feeling like he’s being stuffed in a pack of sardines, he’s experienced that enough as it is back in New York.
So he opted to wait until the number of people clambering into the trains settled down.
After a while he noticed a guy walking with a pretty redhead over to where he was.
The two didn’t seem to notice him but something about the guy seemed familiar. He was wearing grey sweatpants with sneakers and an old red hoodie. Derek knew he didn’t see anyone with that outfit in the park but he knew he’d seem him before.
The redhead must have noticed him staring because a second later they both turned to him and Derek’s eyes locked with whiskey orbs once again.
The guy beamed at him, “Hey, Derek, I thought you two left already.”
“I don’t like crowds.”
The redhead snorted. “You sure know how to pick ‘em Stiles. And you weren’t lying about the hot big bad wolf vibe.”
Derek chose to ignore the hot wolf comment, his brain doesn’t have the energy to think about what that means right now. “Stiles?”
The guy looked sheepishly at the floor as he scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah Stiles is my real name. Well, it’s actually a nickname, my real name is a Polish monstrosity that no one can pronounce.”
Derek smiles at that, “Stiles suits you a lot better than Henry.”
They both stare at each other again, the energy between them pulsing with... with something.
Eventually the silence is broken by redhead. “Please tell me you’re gonna bang soon. This sexual tension is suffocating.”
Stiles gawks at her as she struts away from them. “I have no idea where that came from, I promise you, I had nothing to do with that. I mean, yeah, I think you’re hot like smoking and your daughter is literally the most awesome little girl in the universe but I know this is really weird and you’re probably super uncomfortable right now so I’m just gonna go strangle Lydia now.”
“Well,” Derek says, stopping Stiles in his tracks, “I’m not too sure about us ‘banging’ soon but, maybe we could go out for coffee sometime?”
Stiles is stricken with shock at Derek’s words and it takes a few seconds for him to properly function again. “Uh, y-yeah that’s, that sounds... that sounds great. Yeah.”
As they were exchanging numbers the rustling woke Erica up and the little girl looked between the two men with drowsy eyes. 
“Daddy? Is that Prince Henry?”
Stiles smiled softly at her, “Actually, Erica, you can call me Stiles.”
“Okay. I like Stiles better anyway. It’s weird but cool.”
“Why, thank you princess.” Stiles said while bowing exaggeratedly.
Erica giggled, “I like you, Imma keep you.”
Derek wanted to tell her that they couldn’t keep Stiles, but he couldn’t, because secretly, he did too.
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u want a silly scenario to start with? cause how about rfa+ all go to disneyland together for like a week, platonic group friendships would be preferred but go nuts dude(s)!
we are all about those silly scenarios, anon! we were pretty thrilled upon receiving this request, especially since admin c is a HUGE disney fan and could probably tell you where every hidden mickey is in the park. hehe~
YOOSUNG• this puppy is an endless ball of energy at disneyland • he wants to go on ALL the rides and eat ALL the food and meet ALL the characters• he is low-key• l o w - k e y• scared of the haunted mansion,,• he’s not entirely convinced that the characters are just actors• “MC! it’s peter pan! did he know we were gonna be here today?”• >>>>neRVOUS SWEATING• he destroys everyone at buzz lightyear’s astro blasters and acts like it’s no big deal• he cries when he goes on the matterhorn• definitely gets spooked when the first firework goes off• he gets himself a ton of souvenirs and falls asleep that night cradling a mickey he bought
ZEN• zen sings along to all the instrumental songs from musicals that play on main street• actually..• he just sings along to practically every song in the park• and he’ll get ‘em stuck in your head• “YO HO YO HO A PIRATE’S LIFE FOR ME”• “can you shut up already”• he takes a selfie with every single character but he hogs the screen so they usually only end up partially in frame• “hey MC who’s more beautiful me or elsa”• “i can only see half of elsa’s face”• “.. so me then”• at least a dozen people recognize him so he ends up buying a pair of sunglasses and a mickey hat within the first hour there• he gets kind of sentimental at one point and tells you how badly he wants to be in a disney broadway show• such as• beauty and the B E A S T ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
JAEHEE• actual mom jaehee• f a s t p a s s e s• makes sure everyone is staying hydrated and even brought personalized water bottles for everyone• she’s always the most enthusiastic one when it comes to disneyland because she never got to go there as a child• she loves the parade so much• she gets all jittery when the characters wave at her• HAS A MASSIVE PIN COLLECTION• definitely the only one laughing at the skipper’s jokes on the jungle cruise• “ladies and gentleman, welcome to the eighth wonder of the world, the backside of water!”• “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA”• 10/10 the best person to go to disneyland with
JUMIN• mista trust fund kid is oddly fascinated by it’s a small world and makes everyone go on it four times• refuses to wait in a line with a wait time of more than 35 minutes• he is very uncomfortable around the characters (especially those in full suits) • his life flashes before his eyes when pluto waves at him• is disappointed by the quality of meals (especially given the price) but is intrigued by how good the churros are• buys elizabeth 19385774738 souvenirs• plushies• jewelry• figures• artwork• e v e r y t h i n g• all in all a confused dad but he’s having a good time
707• THE WORKERS HAVE TO STOP THE RIDE BECAUSE HE’S STANDING UP IN SPLASH MOUNTAIN• he brings props to pose with when the camera on the ride takes a picture at the climax• reading a newspaper• playing a board game• having a sword fight with yoosung• who knows• you’re getting on space mountain when he says• “if i wanted to i could probably hack this and make it go 500 mph”• “OKAY NO”• “i could make it go backwards—”• pirates of the caribbean is his favorite ride• he definitely yells at the people in the blue bayou as you guys float by• he makes the characters do “”“squad poses”“” with him during pictures• somehow knows the best times to get on rides??• there are no lines with this guy• super useful, super entertaining, and also mildly terrifying
V• what do you expect• he’s taking pictures of everything• he gets a rlly cute group shot of everyone in front of the castle• he really likes the water rides but his all-time favorite ride is the mad tea party• he spins the teacup like there is no tomorrow• have mercy jihyun• not a screamer but his face is frozen in fear during the drops and it’s kind of hilarious• gets fuckin lost every 20 minutes so everybody pitches in and buys him a couple of light up balloons• he is now a satellite• during the fireworks, you notice he’s p sad so you nudge him and ask if he’s okay• “oh. yeah, i’m good. i just… i can’t see the fireworks as well as i used to.”• OUCH WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH HOMIE• he has gone on every ride in the park by the end of the day• but at what cost• he practically passed out as soon as you all get to the hotel• sleepy man,,
UNKNOWN• you think saeran would hate disneyland• and tbh he does at first• he glares at each and every kid who’s crying• “isn’t this supposed to be the happiest place on earth? so why are they crying?”• it turns out his weakness is the food• he loves dole whips..…,, so much• he will pay the extra $1.50 if a food item is mickey mouse-shaped• his favorite thing to do is get a huge ice cream sundae and sit on the curb to watch the parade go by• caN YOU IMAGINE HIM FEEDING THE RESIDENT DUCKS LITTLE PIECES OF HIS FUNNEL CAKE AWW• saeyoung buys him a pair of light-up mickey ears and tbh he loves them• (but he would never admit it)• lots of unexpected smiles from this grumpy boy
VANDERWOOD• vanderwood is going to try to enjoy himself• and he actually manages to do so once he discovers autopia• he gets hella mad when saeyoung rear-ends his car• he gets hella mad when saeyoung does anything at the park tbh• “SAEYOUNG FOR FUCK’S SAKE STOP NARUTO RUNNING THROUGH PIXIE HOLLOW”• hesitantly helps a lost kid find their mom at one point• unlike jaehee, he is thoroughly unamused by the jungle cruise skipper’s jokes• he has the jokes practically memorized by his third time on it (jaehee really likes the jungle cruise okay let her live)• definitely the type to go back to the hotel and just watch the fireworks from there• ……… but a part of him wishes he had stayed to watch them • he had fun• maybe• (yeah)
~ admin c & admin e
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laceyeb · 7 years
DWTS Season 25 Week 5 mini recap
Just some miscellaneous thoughts while I’m finally watching Disney night.
Most importantly: Annie Barrett always said that the judges are Weepy, Grumpy, and Dopey and that’s all I ever think about on Disney night.
Victoria and Val’s dance was super duper precious and cute. I wish there was more dancing because it was a little too theatrical for my taste. But like it was supposed to be so what do I know. I just feel sooooo happy every time I see her dance.
So I’m already falling behind and I forgot who danced here… Oh, Vanessa. That’s why I forgot. The Maks as the dwarves thing was cheesy with extra cheese on top, but I was amused. I love how the “It’s my show” thing comes back every few seasons. Oh the memories.
I hope Mark only ever calls Lindsey Pooh Bear from here on out. I like my foxtrots more slow and romantic so I wasn’t wild about the funky section in the middle. I am so in love with Lindsey. Seriously. And her and Mark are just a perfect partnership. One of the best ever. Also who’s gonna tell them Mickey wasn’t actually playing that piano.
Ok. The Mickey Mouse Club thing was adorable. Oh my Alan is so precious.
I was NOT prepared to see the little clip of Derek and Sharna’s elimination because I specifically didn’t watch it last week so I wouldn’t be sad. Nick and Peta were alright I guess. But he’s next to go, right???
I have no idea what “The Rainbow Connection” is. Was this before my time??? I’ve also never seen a muppet movie in my whole life. I saw those puppets on instagram and I thought they were supposed to be Tom and Erin. My bad… I didn’t pay close attention to Drew’s dance because I was so entranced by Emma’s dress, but it seemed pretty good. Not much investment in him, but probably his best dance yet.
I don’t want to watch Sasha and Gleb because it’s gonna make me sad. I watched the first minute or 2 of her instagram live today and Gleb was heaping all the praise and love on her and she was tearing up and I was so sad! Did she say 37 pounds halfway through the competition?! Holy shit that’s awesome!!! So happy for her and that accomplishment! Such a nice little dance! She’s improved soooo much and her confidence now is amazing. Big fan. So going to miss them!
That skybox make out session is a no from me.
You just know that Sasha’s zebra pants came from his own closet. Terrell and Cheryl. Fun dance! I really enjoyed that. If we’re comparing him to Nick because that seems reasonable, I certainly prefer his dancing over Nick’s. I mean I wouldn’t have called it a 9, but I liked it! I like when NFL players are on because Erin gets all excited about it!
I didn’t realize I needed a High School Musical tribute, but sure. Why not.
Knowing that it came down to Frankie and Sasha makes me miss Sasha just a tiny bit less because I would have been severely disappointed to see him go. That was pretty awesome. I mean was it a 10? Hell no it was not. But it was a solid 9 with lots and lots of quality content. Good for him! Carrie Ann is a pain in the ass, but I appreciate her not taking a point off for a mistake that was on Witney because I think that’s fair. Big fan of this partnership and I haven’t liked Witney this much in quite a while!
I laugh any time they’re supposed to be interacting with the animations and they’re looking in like the totally wrong direction.
Jordan and Lindsay now. This better be worthy of a perfect score. Alright. Fine. It was awesome. Here’s the thing with him. As a dancer I just love him. As a person, eh… And that’s not a very nice thing to say, but he just rubs me the wrong way. He gives me Bindi Irwin vibes somehow. Like he’s just a little too happy and cheerful and over the top, you know??? And he needs to tone down the face when he dancers. “Wanting to be perfect” is not a DWTS fault just fyi. It’s like the whole point so…
I’m not even noticing Alfonso back there behind Tom because I’m too distracted by Joey Lawrence in sunglasses forgetting he’s indoors.
I didn’t really watch Nikki and Artem because I’m still pretty uninterested. And I don’t like jazz, but that’s not their fault.
Second week in a row I didn’t watch the elimination.
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mamaredd123 · 7 years
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Welcome to Mama’s 100 Quotes of Supernatural Challenge!!!
Wow! I am truly amazed at all of you wonderful people in Tumblr land. After 1 year on here I have 2000 followers!!!! (OK, so I know my blog is not a big ole bomb of excitement the majority of time but I am still tickled pink!)
So to celebrate my 1 year blog anniversary, I am going to do a 2-part thing. I put a poll out a few weeks ago to see what all of you would like and the 2 popular responses were a challenge and for me to do some more blog promo’s. You asked so shall you receive!!
I have searched and searched for some of the most memorable, funniest, best quotes from our beloved characters of Supernatural. Below the cut you will find the list. I have tried to include at least 1 quote from just about everyone (well, from a whole bunch of them anyways) but the majority of the quotes do belong to our sexy Dean, Sam, and Castiel! So keep on reading to see the list and the rules for this challenge!!
(And feel free to hop on over to my other part of this challenge, Mama’s “Spread The Love” Blog Promo’s and shoot me some suggestions!)
I have to give a HHUUUGGGEEEEE shout out to @atc74 for her help with my challenge image and for her assistance with some of these quotes!!!! Couldn’t have done this without you!
The rules are about as basic and easy as I can make them:
*This is a follower celebration so obviously, I would need you to be following me. However, if you have stumbled upon this challenge and would like to join, it is so super easy…. Just go click that follow button up there on the right!
*I need you to send me an Ask with your 1st and 2nd choice of quotes. It will be first come, first serve. BUT if by some holy miracle all 100 get taken, I am sure I can come up with some more to add to this list. AND you can chose up to 3 quotes if you would like to work ALL THREE into one story. (As a side note, if after a week I still have a ton of quotes not chosen, I will modify the challenge a little and allow you to send in your choice of quote/character)
*As for you fic, just keep it in the SPN fandom and make sure to highlight your quote(s) wherever you place it in the story. Just in case there is any confusion, the person you chose a quote from does NOT have to be the main character in your fic. For example, you may just really like a particular quote listed here from, say Balthazar, but you have a Dean x Reader fic in mind. That’s perfectly fine. Just make sure to have Balthazar in your story (with the quote) somewhere.
*This challenge is open to any and all ships and genres. I want y’all to write whatever inspires you when you see the quote of your choice.
*As usual, drabbles all the way to series are welcome. Just remember, anything over 500 words, add the KEEP READING line or, and I’m sorry, but I won’t reblog it. We all need to do our part not to overcrowd everyone’s dashboards.
*Deadline will be September 30th. I am giving everyone 2 months to do this. Beginning in Sept, I will occasionally start posting reminder posts to try to help everyone remember about their challenge deadline. I am well aware how we all take on a little too much sometimes and things get lost in the shuffle.
*When you get ready to post, make sure to tag me in your A/N and use the #mama’s100quoteschallenge in your tags. As usual, if I haven’t liked/reblogged within a day or two, please feel free to shoot me a message and let me know you posted it. I truly do try to go through all my notification everyday, but, well, you know, life gets in the way of all the fun things sometimes.
Ok, that’s it. Easy peasy, right? Well you made it this far with me so come a little further and read the quotes, pick your favorite, and send me your Ask! Most importantly, enjoy yourself and have fun writing your next masterpiece!!
1. I wanna punch something in the face. (Sam)   @destiel-addict-forever 2. Straight “Shawshank” this bitch!  (Dean)    @myloveforyouxx 3. I may be many things, but I’m not stupid. (Mr. Ketch)   @capsheadquaters 4. I gave everything for you! And this is what you give me?! (Cas) 5. I kinda always wanted to punch the devil in the face. (Mary)   @justanotherdeangirl 6. This is what you do when I'm not here. Type? (Crowley)  @percussiongirl2017 7. And after awhile... that starts to weigh on you. (Benny) 8. I am not someone that you should put your faith in. (Castiel) 9. I believe you're drawn to danger. (Mr. Ketch)    @uniquewerewolfsuit 10. Dude, don't compliment the bad guys. (Dean)   @docharleythegeekqueen 11. Things are not just black and white out here. (Dean) 12. I’m still gonna peel off your skin and eat your soul. (Lucifer) 13. It's your professionalism that I respect.  (Alastair) 14. We'll just tie up the bonny lad. Could be fun. (Rowena) 15. You idiots. You’re all going to die. (Crowley) 16. Things like “cosmic consequences” have a habit of biting us in the ass. (Dean)     @maximumkillshot 17. If I plan to do anything else stupid, I’ll let you know. (Castiel)   @skyedoes-things 18. I am doing all I can, to slightly lessen the spread of... of genital herpes. (Sam)   @samwinjarpad 19. Okay if you don't like, uh, reckless I could use insouciant maybe? (Cas)   @beccafgs 20. You've just been Garth-ed. (Garth)    @wayward-mirage 21. Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in. (Dean)    @deanandsamsbitch 22. For me, having you here, it fills in the biggest blank. (Sam) @sea040561 23. I want to stop losing people we love (John) 24. Damn right, REO. Kevin Cronin sings from the heart! (Jo) 25. Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. (Ellen)     @maximumkillshot 26. Don’t make things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do. (Castiel)    @sea040561 27. I’ve been tortured by the devil himself so you, you’re just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me? (Sam) 28. I don't think you can handle my rod. (Crowley)   @roxy-davenport 29. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I’ve ever seen. (Lisa) 30. Your unclean… in the biblical sense. (Billie) 31. I'm tired Sam. I'm tired of this job...this life. This weight on my shoulders. Man I'm tired of it. (Dean)     @deanandsamsbitch 32. I told you that roadhouse chili was a bad idea. (Sam) 33. You can't save everyone. (Rufus) 34. You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness. (Dean)    @skyedoes-things 35. I'm worried about my boys. (Bobby) 36. As long as everyone wears a condom we'll be fine. (Jody)     @queencflair 37. I don’t sweat under any circumstances. (Castiel)    @beccafgs 38. I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... just wait for the inevitable blast wave. (Cas) 39. Get the hell out of hell. (Crowley) 40. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd. (Donna)
41. We talking misdemeanor kind of trouble? Or, uh…’squeal like a pig’s kind of trouble? (Dean)   @maximumkillshot 42. Do you have any idea how much stuff I had to steal, then pawn, to pay for that? (Metatron) 43. Fatherhood changes a man. (Crowley)    @roxy-davenport 44. I lie. I don't get lied to. (Benny)    @docharleythegeekqueen 45. We’re far from perfect. But we are good. (Sam)   @impalaimagining 46. I'm not a witch. I'm a nerd. (Charlie)   @wi-deangirl77 47. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. (Bobby) 48. Kick it in the ass. (Bobby) 49. Wanna try that again like you mean it? (Sam)    @atc74 50. Maybe one day. But today you're my little bitch. (Cas) 51. You got me here now.  (Benny) 52. You Winchester boys and your talk. Blah blah blah repressed feelings. Blah blah blah passive aggression. (Charlie) 53. Come on in darling, the water's warm. (Sam)   @impalaimagining 54. I’ll give you a pass on account of the whole ‘raised by monsters’ thing. (Jody) 55. Why not go get washed up for the orgy?... All is so beautiful. (Cas) 56. You mean 'protection against a demon' salt or 'oops I split the popcorn' salt? (Dean) 57. But for your own good I strongly suggest you get a life. (Chuck) 58. You can't take the trick out of the trickster. (Gabriel)   @wideawakeandwriting 59. Is there such thing as a monster magnet? (Charlie) 60. I lied. I do that. (Crowley)    @winsister91 61. Please, accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity. (Cas) 62. You realize I'm not asking. (Benny) 63. Your password is "winning" with two "1's"? Fail. (Charlie) 64. Everything is supposed to end. (Dean)   @captainemwinchester 65. I will not apologize for being a career woman. (Rowena) 66. So which one are you? Grumpy, Sleepy, or Douchy? (Sam) 67. It's just.. I just want this over. (John) 68. You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers. (Dean) 69. You know, you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing, but the truth is, I'm on lockdown, aren't I? (Adam) 70. You boys have serious abandonment issues, don't you? (Meg) 71. Where'd you get the holy oil? (Gabriel) 72. Yeah well, there's one thing you have that he didn't. You're a Winchester. I forgive you Dean. (Charlie) 73. You fudging touch me again, I'll fudging kill you! (Dean)  @captainemwinchester 74. I got your message. It was long your message. I find the sound of your voice grating. (Cas) 75. I should be asking you the same thing. (Ruby) 76. You don't know me. You never did, and you never will. (Sam) 77. Did someone slip a mickey in your power shake? (Gabriel) 78. No doubt - endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? (Chuck)     @hannahindie 79. Sorry you have me confused with that other angel. You know the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you. (Balthazar)     @skyedoes-things 80. Shouldn't trust run both ways? (Castiel) 81. Unleash the Kraken. See you tomorrow morning. (Sam)   @4401lnc 82. I don't usually drink beer. It messes with my depth perception especially when I'm skinny dipping. (Garth) 83. No. Sweetheart, if this is our last night on earth, then I'm going to spend it with a little thing I call self-respect. (Jo) 84. I think you're a hero. (Rowena) 85. I can't live in the desert. I'm applying to Princeton. (Kevin) 86. This is my voicemail, make your voice … a mail. (Castiel)   @goofynerd-67babylove 87. You give a girl all sorts of nasty ideas. (Abaddon)   @lucilepiewhiskey 88. Was that your Batman voice? (Charlie) 89. Your life is one big poop storm isn't it? (Donna) 90. I guess because every woman I've ever had relations with... it hasn't ended well. (Sam)     @goldenolaf25 91. Dragons? Those are a thing? (Jody) 92. We’ll always be bound. You helped me. We will always help each other. (Amara) 93. Wait a second. Did he drunk dial you? (Sam)   @mrsbatesmotel53 94. I'm a man of my word. (Dean)   @deanwinchester-smut 95. I mean nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. (Sam) 96. This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here. (Castiel)   @thecuriouscrusader 97. Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents. (Dean) 98. Wow. I must be the star of this thing. (Sam)   @melbelle45 99. I’ve never seen so much porn. (Chuck)     @winsister91 100. Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they're talkin' about their own family. (Dean)   @chaos-and-the-calm67
Tagging any and everyone I can think of cause I’m just so excited about reaching 2K!!!!
@megansescape @madamelibrarian @chelsea072498 @jayankles @feelmyroarrrr @docharleythegeekqueen @crowleysdemonknight @motleymoose @sumara62 @mrstheorossix3 @evansrogerskitten @waywardjoy   @dwaynii @jensen-jarpad   @deathtonormalcy56 @ruprecht0420 @charliebradbury1104 @relmi-llorrac @wonderange @sandlee44 @tom-is-in-my-tardis @kmb99t @summer-binging-spn @posiemax @ohmychuckitssamanddean @thedevilinthedetails @bohowitch @tmccarney @dragon-tail @suli155 @mrsbatesmotel53 @petrovadixon @thewalkingmombie @mogaruke @spontaneousam @uniquewerewolfsuit @firstlady36 @goldenolaf25 @lunarsaturn88 @spn-hetalian-from-hogwarts @carribear31  @captainemwinchester’ @babypieandwhiskey @impala-dreamer @frenchybell  @idreamofhazel @nichelle-my-belle @moonlitskinwalker @redlipstickandplaid @taste-of-dean @avasmommy224 @you-are-not-in-my-contacts-list  @p-b-and-cas @supernatural-jackles @treasurecastiel @calicat79 @beccafgs @mysteriouslyme81 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @sis-tafics @benjerry707 @impalaimagining @sdavid09 @meganlpie @whispersandwhiskerburn @authoressskr @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @beccatigger @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @buckysmetallicstump @breeannhausler @sazrahlovesbooks @unfortunately-a @clinicalkayla @maddieburcham1 @ilostmyshoe-79 @roxy-davenport @eve05glee @jensenacklesfuckmeyes @ladyxdezi @catackles16 @wi-deangirl77 @dang-meddling-winchesters   @donnaintx @jdhillons @tiffanycaruso @pureawesomeness001 @notateenbeachmovie @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish @omgspnfanfiction @leonepanda @grimes-ft-winchester @thatshellfiredean @deanandsamsbitch @straitsupernaturalmalefan @farewell--sanity @lauramerrell1 @trustnobodyshootfirst @doro7winchester @mariairwin666 @tankcupcakes @atc74  @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @iwantthedean @paintrider13-blog @d-s-winchester @death2thevirgin @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @ellen-reincarnated1967 @just-another-busy-fangirl @waywardjoy @winchesterprincessbride @sea040561 @my-favorite-fanfiction67 @watercolor31 @nichelle-my-belle @kittenofdoomage @clairese1980 @shamelesslydean @dean-winchester69 @disconnectedartist @destiel-addict-forever @samwinlover @capsheadquaters @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels  @not-moose-one-shots @notnaturalanahi @hopeewilsonn @fanfreak07 @juanitadiann @captainemwinchester @imgetting2old4diss @hollygopossum @impalapiegirl67 @percussiongirl2017 @kael-the-author
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its-a-queer-thing · 7 years
Adding to your post about Gallavich cuddles, I will forever be mushy about how Mickey says "come back to bed" in that adorable grumpy 'just woke up voice' when Ian thinks the MPs are after him. It's just so heartwarming and makes me want hundreds of fics purely about them cuddling up together
YAAAS!!! I think about that moment at least once a day! It’s so sweet on one level, and then heartbreaking of course because of what Ian is going through. Separate from the canon situation and moving to a canon-divergent future, Mickey’s garbled sleep voice is ridiculously adorable and I could see him trying to hold a conversation with Ian when Ian is on his way to work super early in the morning, but being too tired to really realize what’s going on, and Ian laughing at Mickey mumbling nonsense but knowing he can’t say anything because Mickey will deny it to his dying breath! And for that specific line “come back to bed” I could just hear him saying this (in that adorable af grumble) if Ian was just getting up early and Mickey missed him or didn’t want him to go, or if they planned a trip where they had to get up early and Mickey didn’t wanna go! Bottom line: We were fucking cheated out of some adorable af Gallavich and I will never forgive it. Thanks for the inbox love!! 💜
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