#mickey would be so proud of him
fatkish · 5 months
Hi!! 🐶 anon here. Was wondering if I could request a sort-of sequel to the last fic I requested? Like the reader after being rescued by him has separation anxiety from him and their therapist recommended for now reader stays close by him, so he’s taking a break from hero work, but for teaching he just brings reader along? So basically 1-a seeing reader being clingy and stuff with Aizawa. Maybe they experience a PTSD episode, idk. Just something like that! Take ur time with this request ^^;;
Aizawa x SA Victim Reader Part 2
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After going to a therapist for a few months, the therapist decided that it would probably be best to slowly reintroduce you to social situations
Since Aizawa was the only person who you seemed to trust wholly and entirely, your therapist suggested that he work with you
The first few activities were simple enough
A walk in the park, literally, you both held hands or stuck together as you spent an hour in the public space
The next was a picnic in the park, Aizawa had made Bentos for the both of you. They had chicken Katsu on top of fried rice and for sides he put stir fired vegetables and some seaweed wrapped tamagoyaki. He brought a blanket with you guys as well as drinks and you both sat together and ate your lunches
Plenty of women would giggle seeing such a cute seen of a father and daughter
After a couple of these outages your therapist suggested slightly more densely populated areas
So your next adventure was grocery shopping with Aizawa. He promised you that you didn’t need to worry or feel paranoid because he’d be watching your back
You were slightly anxious when walking down aisles that other people were in but you simply held Aizawa’s hand and persevered
After each outing Aizawa would give you a soft smile and tell you how well you did and how he’s so proud of you
If you panic or freak out, he’ll pick you up and have you focus on him, and tell you that you’re safe because you’re with him and he won’t let anything hurt you
During one of the grocery trips, a kind old lady remarked about how cute it was seeing a little girl with her dad
After giving you a compliment the old lady offered you a candy to which you looked at Aizawa to see if it was okay. He smiled and gently nudged you forward and you accepted it and thanked the lady.
After a few more outings at places like grocery stores, restaurants, the mall basically just any place where people are closer together, and after having a few interactions with people, your therapist thought it was time to focus on social interactions
For this, Aizawa begrudgingly agreed to getting you a service/guard dog. Basically the dog would stay at your side and alert to any potential threats and lead you away. If you had a panic attack, the dog would sit or lay on you and help ground you. If someone tried to attack you, there were specific words in a foreign language that would tell the dog to attack
Now that you had this dog, Aizawa decided it was time he returned to teaching
The first thing he did was introduce you to the teachers. Coincidentally, Vlad kind had brought his bulldog in that day. You immediately warmed up to his dog and was somewhat okay with him since he kinda looked like his dog
Later you met Nedzu who you immediately had the urge to pet. Aizawa thought Nedzu would be mad when you pet his head and asked if he was Mickey Mouse’s cousin
Nedzu laughed and smiled not bothered at all by your curiosity, infact, Nedzu was more than happy to help teach you and satisfy your curious mind
After a few days getting to know the school, Aizawa decided to introduce you to his class
This is when things went south
Despite having warned his students (particularly a certain grape head) about your past and to be careful with their words, some obviously didn’t get the memo
Upon entering the class, many had greeted you which spooked you a bit
The first students you were comfortable with were Asui, Momo, Koda and Todoroki
Asui and Momo seemed very mellow and almost motherly in their calm and relaxed demeanors. Todoroki was quite and greeted you once but then seemingly ignored you which actually made you feel good because you felt that it meant he wouldn’t come after you. Koda was quite but your dog seemed to like him which is why you trusted him
The students had tried not to scare you but Iida, Bakugou, Ashido, Uraraka, Kirishima and Kaminari had spooked you
Ashido had practically jumped on you telling you how cute you were which scared you, Uraraka, and Iida were really loud which scared you. Kirishima didn’t really understand personal space to which Kaminari tried to tell him off, albeit, a bit loudly, which them prompted Bakugou to use his quirk setting off explosions and yelling at everyone to shut up cause they’re obviously scaring you
When the class went quiet it allowed for you to hear what Mineta had said
Of couse, he had to make a comment about how hot you’d look in a few years as he imagined you with a curvaceous body whilst making a lewd face and drooling
This triggered you
Bakugou immediately slammed his hand down on Mineta’s desk setting of small explosions and yelling at him
You started to hyperventilate and ran away to Nedzu’s office since he made you feel calm
When Nedzu saw your upset state he made you some tea and offered you some cookies while he asked you yes or no questions
Whilst Nedzu calmed you down and talked with you, Aizawa yelled at his students and decided that something had to be done with Mineta. Once he managed to get his class back under control, he was about to deal out punishments when the door opened with Nedzu in front and you behind him
You ran to Aizawa and he immediately wrapped his arms around you. Nedzu then walked into the room and nodded at Aizawa, giving him permission (read as kindly ordered him) to leave the room
As Aizawa cradled you and walked you to the teacher’s lounge to settle you down, Nedzu asked the class what happened and after lecturing them for 2 hours, Nedzu finished his lecture by Expelling Mineta and blacklisting him from any hero courses
That night, Aizawa made sure to have your favorite food for dinner and made sure that you felt safe and gave you all the cuddles you could ask for
(Hope you enjoyed this puppy 🐶 anon. And I hope it helps)
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nickeverdeen · 21 days
Calling Top Gun Maverick characters “wife/husband” instead of “girlfriend/boyfriend” while being on the phone with someone
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
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Maverick would give you a subtle, knowing smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement
He’d raise an eyebrow slightly, intrigued by your choice of words
Once you’re off the phone, Maverick might tease you lightly, “Husband, huh? You sure you’re ready for that?”
He’d give you a gentle nudge or a squeeze of the hand, clearly pleased
You’d catch him smiling warmly, clearly touched by the unexpected title
Maverick wouldn’t say much but would give you a look that says he’s very okay with it
He might add it to your banter, occasionally calling you his “husband” or “wife” in return
Penny Benjamin
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Penny would immediately flash you a cheeky grin, loving the new title
She’d give you a playful wink, clearly enjoying the unexpected upgrade
Once you’re off the phone, Penny might tease you with, “I like the sound of that”
She’d laugh softly to herself, obviously delighted by your words
Penny would reach out to touch your arm or hand, appreciating the sentiment
She’d respond with a playful flirt, something like, “Does that mean we’re planning a wedding now?”
Penny would likely pull you in for a quick kiss, happy and amused by the title
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
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Hangman would immediately react with a wide, cocky grin, loving every second of it
He’d throw a quick, witty retort your way, “I knew I was husband material.”
Hangman would puff up his chest a little, clearly proud of the title
Once you’re off the phone, he’d tease you relentlessly, “So when’s the ceremony?”
He’d respond with a flirtatious comment, something like, “I’ll give you a great husband.”
Hangman would give you a charming wink, fully embracing the term
He might make a sly comment about you having good taste in husbands
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
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Rooster would get a bit flustered, not quite sure how to react at first
He’d break into a surprised but happy smile, loving the unexpected term
Rooster would chuckle nervously to himself, a little embarrassed but clearly pleased
He might blush slightly, especially if you’re in front of others, but he’d still love it
Once you’re off the phone, he might say softly, “Husband, huh? I like that.”
Rooster might gently tease you about it later, “So, how long have we been married now?”
He’d give you a long, affectionate look, clearly touched by the sentiment
Natasha “Pheonix” Trace
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Phoenix would immediately laugh, clearly amused and delighted by your words
She might give you a light, playful punch on the arm, “Wife? I like the sound of that.”
Phoenix might feign surprise, “Wow, didn’t know we were that official.”
She’d grin at you teasingly, loving the playful nature of the title
Once you’re off the phone, she’d quickly retort with, “Guess that makes you my wife/husband, huh?”
Phoenix would likely continue the banter, throwing in some flirtatious remarks
She’d clearly be happy with the title, maybe bringing it up later with a smile
Robert “Bob” Floyd
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Bob would be stunned into silence for a moment, not quite sure how to react
His face would turn bright red, clearly flustered but pleased by the title
Bob would give you a shy, sweet smile, loving the idea but too shy to say much
He’d let out a nervous laugh, trying to play it cool but clearly a bit overwhelmed
Once you’re off the phone, Bob might say timidly, “Husband? I, um, didn’t know we were there yet.”
He’d give you a grateful, affectionate look, touched by the unexpected upgrade
Bob might make a soft comment about how much he likes the sound of it
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
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Fanboy would instantly get excited, his eyes lighting up at the word “husband.”
He’d immediately start playfully joking, “So when are we booking the honeymoon?”
Fanboy would break into a big grin, clearly loving the idea
Once you’re off the phone, he’d be full of energy, “Husband! I knew it! We’re that good!”
He might go over-the-top with his reaction, acting like you’ve just proposed
Fanboy would be laughing joyfully, clearly thrilled with the new title
He’d constantly tease you about it afterward, bringing it up at every opportunity
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thebearer · 7 months
Okay I’m obsessed with this idea of Lip as stay at home dad. Like the way he’d be just so on top of things. Like imagine he has his wife who works Monday-Friday as litigation attorney wife (yes I’m self indulging a bit 😅🤭) like I think it’s just the cutest thing. Like she has a photo of him and the kids at her office and he’d be so proud of her like THATS MY WIFE energy.
i think at the beginning he'd feel so inferior staying at home. he's never in his life been around someone (besides sheila but that's different lol) who got to stay at home and not work. he just has never grew up that way, and it feels so insane for him to do.
"i can pay debbie to watch them for cheap, and i'll go to work too."
"why would you do that? just save us the money and stay home?"
it's a little emasculating to him at first. his wife the breadwinner feels wrong to him (it's lip ok). he's still got a touch of his own fragile masculinity until he talks to mickey out of all people.
"it's the fukin' best gallagher."
"yeah? really?"
"fuck yeah." mickey scoffs. "get to stay home with the kids. make sure no one's fuckin' with 'em. sleep in. don't have to deal with assholes out in the real world."
he'd do it, and really enjoy it, but he'd definitely have a saturday and some night shift jobs through the week at the auto shop. just so he feels a little more in control, not completely dependent on you (for his own sanity and sake).
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thecapricunt1616 · 5 months
Hello all I’m still working on my requests daddy Carmy has just been taking over my fucking brain.
I’ve been seeing the trend on tik tok of wives asking their husbands questions about their babies it just got me thinking how Carmy would KILL this challenge and he would be super proud of himself because he’s so competitive I think it would go something like (Drabble below)
You walk out onto the patio of your gorge house where he’s in sexy daddy mode cooking breakfast on the little black stone grill while he drinks his coffee and you’re like -
“Babe I saw this video about this dad he didn’t know anything about his baby but I know you know cause you’re an awesome dad can we show the people what a good dad you are?”
and ofc he gets all blushy and is like “I’m not a good dad because I know stuff about my kid but I love talkin’ bout’ em so you can ask me questions sure.”
So you start off easy “What kind of formula do we use for cub when I’m taking a break?”
He answers straight away “Yellow one Enfamil neuropro I’m like 99% sure it’s in a yellow container”
“Correct and how many naps does he take a day?” You ask and He chuckles
“Uhm well when he’s bein’ good he’ll take 2 er 3 even if he’s doin’ a lot ‘er he’s sick, but we can usually only get one outta him.” He said while shaping the pancake batter into little Mickey Mouse shapes
“He gets being a bad sleeper from his dad, and what time does he usually nap?”
“Ye’ but he gets the attitude from you. We try gettin’ ‘em down at 12:30ish 1 but he usually fights us and he doesn’t go down until 2” he teased
“What brand and size diaper do we use?” You panned the camera down as he sprinkled blueberries on top of the batter
“Huggies - you like the snug and dry ones - he likes the snug and dry ones cause the box has Mickey on it- and he’s size 4 I think - ye’ 4 now cause the 3’s were lookin uncomfortable - are you filming my hands?”
You laughed, blushing a bit having been caught “sorry you have nice hands, how does he like to be held?” You moved the camera back up
“Uhhh depends? Is he tired is he upset is heee-“ he questioned
“Mm puttin him down f’bed” you said
“Ohh lil’ man likes the football hold” he demonstrates “likes to be all curled up here in my arm like a football and I’ll give ‘em his bottle. But w’you he wants t’fall asleep eating” he said and you smiled big at how attentive he was
“You got an A, I knew you would” you said and he grinned proudly
“That was it? Cmon! Those are easy gimme harder questions then that!” He chuckled
“Hmmm… alright-“ you think for a moment “oh! What’s his favorite movie”
“Monsters inc and monsters university” he said without missing a beat “he goes nuts he loves it he makes us do scary feet with ‘em” he laughs a bit at the thought
“Also correct, what abouttt…his favorite-“ he cuts you off
“Animal? A Bear” he smirks and you both laugh
“Okay what makes him laugh every time?” You asked
“Ohhh hmmmm…” he thinks with a big grin “well there’s a lot- oh well I’m gonna get you that always makes him crack up, also coughin’ if anyone coughs kid is done for” you giggle
“Which is why he is always wakin’ up laughin’ when you cough up a lung in the middle of the night after coming in after a cigarette” you teased and he laughed a bit
“Id rather him wake up laughin’ then cryin it’s easier to go in there and read to em till he falls asleep” he said
“Oh! That’s a good one- what’s his favorite book?” You ask
“Brown bear brown bear what do you see” he smiled “or Goldie locks, but he likes it better when you read that one to him” he said and you heard him squealing over in his playpen happily
“See he agrees doncha little bear?” He coo’d adorably over at him as he bounced up and down
“Dada dada dada dada” he babbled happily and lifted his arms, golden curls like Carmys of course falling over his forehead.
Of course carmen couldn’t deny his little guy so he walked over, picking him up and holding him on his hip and came over to resume cooking
“ you win this challenge bear you crushed it” you told him and your son is just so smitten and happy, cuddling up to Carmy and sucking on his pacifier contently
You post the video ofc it goes viral bc he’s Carmen but also becomes dilf of the year all the ladies in the comments simping over his sexy muscley arms and his tattoos and his ability to hold a baby and flip pancakes at the same time, everyone’s heart melting at the end of the video when your son pointed at the pancakes and went “mi-tee” and Carmy smiling telling him “you’re right cub! Such a smart little man. That’s Mickey Mouse. We gonna watch Mickey house while we have breakfast mm? With mommy?”
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lovetei · 1 year
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I'm in for everything that includes the MC being the sugar instead of the baby :P
MC taking the brothers in Disneyland and everything is already paid
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He's shocked
You randomly went to the human world and refuses to say anything why
And then you came back with bags and shades saying "Come one losers, we're going to Disneyland!"
This was not on their budget plan...
What do you mean they don't need to pay anything?
You paid it all...
He's... Thankful really...
Well, they need some time off once in a while.
In Disneyland he'll be the parent brother and would say "Satan stand next to that large mouse, I'll take a picture."
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He's also the type to hold the map upside down and wonder what type of language humans are using now because this ain't the one he used to know
When you ask him "Are you enjoying it?" his smile will dissappear and he'll blush before answering "Yes..."
You're leaving? Aww :(
We're going to Disneyland?! Yeah :)
Lucifer don't want to? Aww :(
Lucifer agreed?! Yeah :)
You paid everything?! Yeah >:)
In Disneyland he'll be the type to buy every souvenir he liked
He'll also walk around with those headbands inspired by characters
Will probably follor Lucifer and he told him to stand next to something and pose as he will take a picture
Hell, he'll be laughing his ass off as Lucifer take those pictures with his old ass camera
Like this.
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You left..?
For what?
Oh you're taking them all to Disneyland?!
Like the Disneyland he saw on those human series?!
But Lucifer...
He agreed?!
WAHHH! He's so happy!
He's walking around the park with a map in his hand and he's blushing so much out of happiness
If you hold his hand while walking he'll be so happy he might even tear up.
But he'll show you his skills on those small stalls that includes guns and stuff to win small prizes
For short, he'll subtly show off
He doesn't really care if they can go or not
But he did not actually expect Lucifer to agree with it
He's the smart guy
Always looking for those cheeper but still good food
He'll also be the type to distribute the brothers on each ride and stand in line
Whoever gets to ride first will let the others skip the line
And when Lucifer told him to stand beside that fucking monument of this character the human worshipped so much named "Mickey"
He popped a vessel
But he can't cause a scene so he just stood there
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If you can't parsuade Lucifer then he might just help you
He might even have his brothers sign a petition or something
And in Disneyland he'll just be all around buying stuffs
He's like that pretty girl you will see in lines that will start screaming, going ape shit the moment she stepped in the viking ride or something
While Lucifer took pictures of Satan
He's standing there judgmentally
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Cause as a fucking model
Why the fuck is this bitch standing there like that?
You guessed it
He only liked the Disneyland because of the food there and that fact that the whole place smells like popcorn everytime
He's carrying Belphie ALL THE TIME
In rides he does more work than those shitty ass seat belts tbh
And he's just standing there looking proud with his hotdog because he think they look like family
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He thinks it's a hassle but since you want to go there too
He has no choice
He refuses to take pictures
He doesn't buy souvenirs
And he refuses to stand in lines
He's also the type of visitor that you'll see taking a bench all for himself by sleeping there
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He's sleeping when Lucifer took the photo but he'll laugh his ass off later.
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Will you write an in depth detail or summary of the midorikawa talk show?
Hello hello! Thank you for this request! Certainly!
They discussed the chapters one by one from 7-1 to 7-7 (and a little mention of 7-8), but this blog pretends that content not released on EN does not exist 💦 So here is the topics from the video from the beginning through 7-4! ^^
An interesting revelation was that it seems the VAs have actually been told very little about the direction of the story 👀 Midorikawa says multiple times that he'd had no idea that this is where Book 7 was going!
*Note: everything outside of quotation marks is only paraphrased from the conversations between Kato Kazuki (Malleus) and Midorikawa Hikaru (Lilia) and is not literal quotes.
・They compared guest rooms. ・Kato’s has a kitchen area and living rooms, a mix of various dorms and holiday furniture. ・The 1st floor of Midorikawa's guest room is Ignihyde themed, and the 2nd floor is Diasomnia themed. He is proud of having all their tsums. ・Kato says he will update his room for when they meet next time. Midorikawa says he’ll be reminding him.
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・Everyone was surprised by Lilia’s announcement that he will be leaving the school.
・緑川:「皆、先の話知らないから、誰も。『え?出なくなんの?』俺、別事件で動揺していたからな」 (Midorikawa: “No one knows how the story will go.  So I was upset for a different reason than everybody else: ‘I’m not going to be in the game anymore?’”)
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・Kato and Midorikawa discuss their favorite flavors of shaved ice: the “basic” flavor of strawberry for Kato, and milk flavor for Midorikawa, which he says is harder to find these days. Kato says that there was a place in front of a public pool when he was a child that sold chocolate milk-flavor shaved ice, but he’s never found it anywhere else.
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・They were both surprised by Lilia’s magearm.
・The appearance of Lilia’s general design silhouette: Midorikawa saw it before it was revealed and thought it was very cool. 
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・Midorikawa enjoyed the farewell party where Lilia was able to speak with all of the characters, which is so rare.
・緑川:「僕もその後の、リリアの出番的に知らないので…中退しちゃうのか…出番、ぼちぼちなくなるのかな…という、ね」 加藤: 「確かに、先知らないって…不安っすね」 緑川: 「そうそう。知らん。全く…全然知らないからね」 (Midorikawa: "I don't know how things are going to progress, with Lilia's appearances in the story...dropping out of school...I guess his appearances are going to drop off, then...is what I started thinking." Kato: "That's right, not knowing anything...it's a little nerve-wracking." Midorikawa: "Exactly. I don't know. At all...I have no idea.")
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・Silver is the only one different from the faerie group, he is in a difficult situation.
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・Gao Gao Drakon-kun is cute. And they both want one.
・The humming scene. Midorikawa says that he'd thought the game had ended, and Kato explains how hard the humming was as he would run out of breath, so recording took a long time. He had wanted to do his best, since it was such an important point in the story.
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・Malleus’ overblot line is directly a line that Maleficent has.
・And now everyone is asleep. Midorikawa says he is jealous because he does not sleep very well at night.
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・They both wanted to know more about the Mickey situation, but that will probably not be for a while. They don’t know anything about the future of the story, but that is the assumption. Meeting Mickey felt like seeing something they’re weren’t supposed to see.
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・Malleus’ magic was beyond what they’d imagined. 
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・Since the previous book’s characters tend to have a role in the next book they had expected Idia staying behind from the farewell party to be how he escaped Malleus, but then he was asleep with everyone else.
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・Idia’s parents voiced by veteran actors Tange Sakura and Onosaka Masaya. Mother is adorable. 
・Sebek’s dream: Kato says that keeping the balance between Malleus’ voice in his overblotted state and how he speaks in the dream is difficult, and he will often slip into overblot-voice and need to be corrected.
・Cerberus Ortho is a very cool card.
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・The forest background from Lilia’s dream was illustrated in the same style as the forest in the original Sleeping Beauty.
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・Midorikawa knew that Lilia was based on a bat from the audition but he was very surprised by the realism of Lilia’s bat mask. 
・Midorikawa had no idea about anything to do with Lilia's past. Nothing was mentioned about it in the audition or anything. He’d been told nothing in advance. It was a whole new perspective of the character. If he had been told in the audition then he would’ve understood that they had finally arrived at the part of Lilia’s life, but no one had ever told him anything. And he has so much more dialogue in the dream. 
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・And Baur appeared—that was a surprise. Midorikawa had had a feeling that his voice actor would be Koyasu Takehito. (Note: Midorikawa and Koyasu have worked on the same projects very often, with both of them voicing characters in Gundam W, Slayers, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Fushigi Yugi, Weiss Kruez, Shaman King and more.) 
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izzyspussy · 30 days
i once read or scrolled past or saw a post about an au where kash accidentally hits ian when he shoots at mickey, and i remember literally nothing about it but it's stuck in my head. so.
au where kash accidentally hits ian when he shoots at mickey. he calls 911 right away of course, and neighbors call too because of the gunshot. paramedics and cops arrive, and with ian out of it it's kash's word against mickey's. so obviously What Happened is that mickey was robbing the place - which he's been documented doing before via the cameras - and kash shot at him and mickey pushed ian into the line of fire. so they're arresting mickey and loading ian into the ambulance, and they're letting kash in with him.
mickey is fighting like hell. he's shouting at the paramedics that they can't let kash in the ambulance with ian because he shot him - and maybe from mickey's point of view it looked like an accident, but maybe it didn't. hey who knows, crimes of passion and all, maybe it really wasn't. so mickey is absolutely flipping shit. he's got two grown ass cops on him trying and failing to get him into a car even though he's already cuffed.
and lip just happens to be walking by. and mickey just happens to see him, and starts screaming his head off for him. and lip of course was already coming closer in worry since he knew ian was working today. mickey fights the cops harder and harder as lip gets closer, shouting to lip that kash shot Ian and shouting to the paramedics that lip is ian's brother. in the end, the paramedics kick kash out and let lip in for the sake of putting a stop to the hold up.
mickey keeps his fight up, getting knocked around, arms twisted, head slammed into the car door, punched, and everything, all the way up until the second lip gets in the ambulance with ian. he's asked if he's resisting arrest (tricked into confessing, oink oink you know how it is) and he says, "damn fucking right I'm resisting arrest, I didn't fucking do anything!"
maybe one cop is sympathetic or still thinks she has an honest job. she points out to mickey that they have kash's testimony, mickey at the scene, and months of evidence of previous acts of the same crime he's accused of now. she says in order to have any doubt that he's guilty, he needs to tell them what he was actually doing. he stands there for a moment, glaring up at her with his teeth grinding. and then he silently, stubbornly puts himself into the car. (and yes, of course this wounds the pathetic egos of the pigs. acting with his own autonomy rather than being forced by their power? how disrespectful!!)
at the station, mickey uses his one phone call to reach the gallagher house. the slightly less bastard cop is long gone now, leaving mickey with the proud boys (reference intentional lol). they deny him his call at first, but he makes enough of a racket about it they give in pretty quick for appearances sake. they tell him he only has three minutes.
mickey tells fiona in a rush (the bare bones of) what happened, what hospital was on the side of the ambulance, that lip is with ian. and he gets most of the way through begging her to let him know if ian is okay before the cops take the phone away from him. fiona hears him protesting he didn't get the time they promised before the line cuts off.
ian is fine of course. nothing important got hit, the bullet didn't fragment or get stuck. they're able to pull it out low risk, stitch him up, and he's home within the week (or uh... whatever amount of time he would be home in). there's a delay between that and when anyone thinks to let mickey know of course, none of the other gallaghers other than lip know he and ian even know each other, beyond knowing Of each other.
but eventually, lip goes to deliver the happy news to mickey in juvie. mickey gets brought out for visitation, has to be restrained briefly when he makes too sudden a move after seeing who it is. he stiffly tolerates some mild verbal abuse from the bull escorting him (the little piggies don't like him, and they oink oink amongst themselves; even if he wasn't uppity he's got that name on him, and you know what fascists say about apples and the trees they fall from).
mickey isn't even fully in his seat yet, phone barely to lip's ear, before he's demanding, "is he okay?"
lip lets a pause settle, not really out of cruelty or power tripping or any reluctance to tell mickey about ian - if he was he wouldn't have come at all - he's just... slowly figuring mickey out.
he says, "didn't realize you cared."
he also didn't expect mickey to react the way he does. he actually flinches a little bit - if blinking hard counts as a flinch, which in southside it does - when mickey slams his hand down on the little table holding up their partitioned off booth, demanding again, "is he fucking okay?" it would be a snarl or something similar, if mickey's voice didn't crack (juuuusst enough for lip to notice).
"jesus, yeah he's- he's fine," lip blurts, half in surprise half in (perhaps uncharacteristic) mercy. "didn't hit anything important, he's already home."
mickey visibly slumps in relief, practically collapsing onto the table, only held up by his own hand on his forehead to hide his eyes. his hitching gasp and shaky sigh, the slightly wet quality of his next breath, are all clearly audible through the shitty, muffled and crackly phone-to-phone line.
lip solves the mystery. if it was ever much of one.
"...you love him." it's not a question, but he's careful to keep his tone flat and his voice as low as possible. nonthreatening to mickey, hopefully (he's not looking to be smeared on the sidewalk when mickey gets out), and kept private from the other delinquents if unfortunately not the bulls (but maybe mickey will get lucky and they won't listen to the recording unless they find an excuse to).
mickey looks murderous at first. so murderous lip wants to lean back (he doesn't, of course, you never show your belly like that). but... maybe it's because ian got shot, or maybe it's something else, but after a moment mickey is just the same tired and scared kid trapped and abandoned in the gutter of the city as the rest of them.
he can't meet lip's eyes, but he doesn't deny it. doesn't threaten. he just pleads (or at least, he comes as close to pleading as an early seasons milkovich can get), "don't tell him."
"why?" lip asks. mickey rolls his eyes dramatically, ends it on another vicious glare.
"come on, ain't you s'posed to be the smart one?" he sneers. he thumbs at his lip, you know the way he does, looks away to the side again. "if he thinks for one second there's something- that we could- he's already getting fucking shot, and we're just- ...he'll get us both killed. or worse."
"what the fuck's worse than killed?" lip snorts, thinking it'll be something stupid, mickey's priorities all warped.
"pretend we're women," mickey says darkly. "you'll figure it out."
so... lip doesn't tell. it's an au where mickey realizes he's in love with ian, that they're in love with each other, years sooner. he's even admitted it, sort of. just... not in words, or even actions (yet) really. and it's an au where lip knows mickey and ian are in love before ian so much as thinks they could be someday - and keeps it from him.
i'm almost tempted to write it, but i doubt there would be a worthwhile return on that investment. not to mention i'd have to rewatch the show, and i'm pretty sure that qualifies clinically as self harm.
c'est la vie.
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saturnluvva · 2 months
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Pairing: fiancé!chris X fem!reader
Summary: every time y/n or Chris cries during their wedding
Warnings : fluff? , emotional asf (imo idk)
1. The first time you cried during you and Chris’s wedding was when you were getting ready. It was a stressful process of course because you had no idea how Chris would react to your hair, dress, or makeup. But then you remembered that he most likely wouldn’t care about how you looked if he clearly loved you enough to not only get engaged to you but to also go through with marriage also.
2. As soon as Chris saw you walk down the aisle he started tearing up “wow.” He whispered to his best man who had unsurprisingly been Nate. “I know right.” Nate had whispered back just before you reached the altar. Chris had always knew he would get married but he never thought it would go like this. Not that he wasn’t happy or anything he just didn’t expect you to look so good. Or for you to be the one he’d be getting married to in the first place.
3. Everyone at the wedding started tearing up once Chris exchanged his vows they were sweet and you could tell he meant them and so could everyone else. Of course he sniffled during them a few times but that didn’t matter because they clearly came from a place deep down inside of him and that’s all that mattered at the end of the day.
“Wow you’re good at this” you sniffled a few times before going over your vows. They were somehow even cuter than his. Maybe because you’d been thinking about this day for years and he’d only been thinking about it for a few months. Nonetheless it was a cute moment that nobody at the wedding would ever forget about.
4. (Idk if this happens at weddings bc I just thought of this😍)
Both you and Chris started tearing up a little as you invited your friends to come up and share their statements about you guys’s relationship.
“Never in my life did I ever think Chris would get married and especially not before me.” You giggled as Chris rolled his eyes “but obviously I’m still very proud of him for being able to find someone that loves him so much that they could tolerate him as much as I do. And maybe even a little more and I’m obviously proud of y/n for being able to tolerate Chris’s disgusting and annoying habits. Everything else aside I’m very happy that I’ve been able to see this relationship grow into what it is now. I really do wish both Chris and y/n the best of luck in their relationship and futures and I also promise that I’ll be there for you guys every step of the way.” Everyone clapped and cheered as Matt walked off and sat back in his spot.
Nick then walked up and started speaking “as much as I’m mad at Chris for stealing my best friend I’m very happy for him at the same time. Not only because he managed to get into this relationship but also because he managed to stay in it for this long. I’m very excited to see how far this relationship goes.” Everyone cheered as Nick then walked off with a smile and a thumbs up.
You were super excited to hear the next speech.
Madi walked up with a smile on her face and tears running down her face which almost went unnoticed as she quickly wiped them away.
“Although I’ve only known y/n and Chris for a few years I can proudly say that they are the most cutest couple ever. Not only because they match eachother so well but also because they’ve shown me what true love really is. In my opinion they are my Mickey and Minnie Mouse because not only are they insanely loyal to each other but they also work great together as a duo. Like for example if y/n forgets a special day then luckily she never has to worry because Chris would have already had things under control.” Madi’s voice started to break as she started tearing up. “I’m just very happy that I get to witness such a perfect couple reach so many achievements together. I wish y/n and Chris nothing but the best for their entire lives together.” We all clapped as Madi walked off and Nate walked up.
“This one’s gonna be good!” “Shhh!”
“Never in my entire life did I ever think I’d be able to see Chris get married. And especially not to someone as amazing as y/n and definitely not in such an amazing way as this.” Nate started tearing up which was rare. “Ever since me and Chris were little kids we’d always talk about stuff like this. Our weddings, our kids, what we’d name our kids, what our kids would look like, which one of us would actually have kids.” You saw Chris start to tear up. It was clear that just hearing those few words that he’d enjoy Nate’s speech the most “I’ve never been more proud of Chris in my life. I also wanna say thank you to y/n for making Chris the happiest man ever. I remember when you guys had just started dating and he would text me saying stuff like “bro she’s the one” or “I really wanna marry this girl Nate.” And I’d start laughing because for some reason I never though he was serious but now that I’m here right now standing infront of him as he’s sat next to the love of his life I just wanna congratulate both of you guys.” He then expertly threw a bouquet of roses at Chris and Chris caught them.
Okay I ran out of shit to say😜
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months
hiii, what and do you think the gangs phone wallpapers would be and would they possibly be reader?
Summary: The Outsider's phone wallpaper Warnings: modernized outsiders Author's Note: i've been waiting to do this ask for so long LMAO PONYBOY CURTIS Ponyboy is definetly the Gen alpha of the group so he probably has something dumb like freakbob. either that or something completely unrelated to anything like a random house he likes. he would totally make you his wallpaper if you were together! It would just be an awkward photo of you, something like when you were looking behind the camera rather than at it or not even looking at all.
example vv
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JOHNNY CADE I am a Johnny cade phone doubter, I do not think this man owns a phone, maybe a flip phone if he's lucky. However, if he does he'll probably make his phone wallpaper something like the gang all hanging out together, or those silly things where its a description of himself (blood type, weight, eye and hair color etc.) incase he loses his memory. He would make you his wallpaper but it would be something probably without your face, like maybe if you gave him matching bracelets it would be of that example vv
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SODAPOP CURTIS Sodapop will either have something completely dumb or very smart for his wallpaper. It could be one of those high quality images of space or the nerd emoji just really bad quality.
bonus, he never clears his notifications and likes to look at them and pretend he's super popular even though half of them are of Darry asking him where he is. He would make you his wallpaper, it would totally be a candid of you two goofing off together. example vv
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STEVE RANDLE I think Steve would never have a serious photo as his wallpaper, UNLESS it's of him at the gym. (im so sorry.) It one of those photos that he uses everytime he gets a 'wdyll' text, he's so proud of that photo. Or it's one of those lobotomy core slideshows that he crudely screenshotted and made his wallpaper LMAO if he puts you in his wallpaper, he makes sure he looks cool. If he likes how he looks in the photo, you're good. example vv
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TWO BIT MATHEWS ok forgive me for this one guys but Two Bit's phone wallpaper is obviously those ai generated images of Mickey Mouse where they make him have face tattoos, grillz, cigars, hellcats etc. he loves it so much that he uses ai to make multiple ones every now and then to get new wallpapers LOLL if you're in his wallpaper it's going to be a funny pic, something goofy or when he catches you off guard. example vv
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BONUS: it's one of those awkward jc penny photos LMAO he would LIVE for those example vv
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DARRY CURTIS Darry is the grandma, and for that reason, he probably 1) has a phone but rarely uses it, 2) doesn't have a phone, or 3) has an ipad. His wallpaper is either the gang or it's of some motivational quote against a very pretty sunset. or it's just the basic wallpaper that came with the phone. he'll always want you on his wallpaper (once he learns its a thing that couples do), he'll choose the best photo of you he has. It is a good photo but its just you looking straight at the camera and although he can look at it all day, the rest of the guys pretend to have staring contests with you on the wallpaper. example vv
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DALLAS WINSTON say it with me now, dallas winston can not afford a phone and the phone plan!!!!!! dallas winston is a BROKIE. he is a BROKIE!!! and even if he did have a phone the screen would be so cracked that you wouldn't even be able to make out what the wallpaper was supposed to be. But if you could, it would probably be a photo he thinks is 'tuff', him with Buck smoking a cig against buck's car, dallas showing off his heater, a bunch of his belonging that he thinks are cool (rings, cigarette boxes, the heater and the st.christopher necklace) he would not put you on his wallpaper. NEVER. and im sorry to the dally girlies, i know how you feel because i am a dally girlie too </3. the only way i see you being on his wallpaper, is if you are in one of his 'tuff' photos, or your hand accidentally brushed the counter he set his things to take a photo of them. example vv
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i found all the photos on pinterest and although i sincerely hope this doesnt affect my pinterest fyp LMAO none of the photos were used to hate or bash on anyones looks, every one here is super pretty and i am going to marry them,
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skxllz · 10 months
male! reader introduces ian and mickey to the gayness goodness of iced coffee.
a jug of the cold beverage pulled from the fridge and sat on the counter, along with whipping cream, flavored creamer, sugar and chipped ice. you make quick work at blending each beverage — and then top it all off with a spin-top of whipped cream at the surface.
plunking a straw into the cups, before picking each glass up with little difficulty and shuffling to the living room of your apartment where the two males are spotted wrestling on the couch.
ian has mickey in a head lock, a smug look upon his handsome face, “ y’gonna apologize or what? ”
“ no! ” mickey huffed, trying to push the ginger's arms away — but to no avail. “ fuck off, gallagher! get off’a me! ”
you stand there for a minute and admire the little innocent, happy moment the two share. it isn't often mickey or ian catch a break, with the way the two's lives have always been — mickey either winding up in the can again, have something goin’ on with his family or even some shitty occurrence going on in ian's life like every other day. the two deserved to smile and laugh with one another... and you, who dropped into their lives just a year ago, wanted to make sure it happened.
so far, these past couple’a weeks, you've been doing a pretty good job at it.
“ hey, idiots- ” your presence gracing the living room caused both males to look up; ian being distracted, so mickey finally frees himself from his hold. the brunette shoots him a glare, but ian pays no mind to it - instead, wonders what exactly is in your arms.
“ what's that? ” ian nods at the drinks you're holding, watching as you cross the room to set them on the coffee table.
you hummed, “ iced coffee, ” before plopping down a good distance away from the two.
mickey's brow furrowed a good bit as he took note of that, but you didn't say anything. “ the fuck is iced coffee? ” he questions, looking between you and ian with his famous ‘ what the actual fuck ’ expression.
ian rolls his eyes. “ it's obviously coffee with ice in it. ”
“ and whipping cream, ” you add, smiling proudly. ian chuckles at that, seeming to find your beam of proudness cute. “ plus- the coffee itself is store bought in a jug. I didn't make it. ”
mickey's busy eyeing the drink, looking as if he was expecting it to jump out at him. then, he switches his eyes onto ian; giving him a small nudge. “ you try that shit first. I'm not dyin’.
“ why the hell would you die? ”
“ what if he's tryin’ ta’ fuckin’ poison us, huh? ”
ian gave mickey a deadpanned stare, absolutely done with his shit. although you didn't know whether he was joking or not, you still tried not to laugh — milkovich sure could be an ass sometimes.
ian sighs, turning to wrap his fingers around the cup. “ he's not going to poison us, mick. ” but, even though ian said that with confidence, he still sniffed the iced coffee once he brought it upwards.
as if he could smell anything, though.
.. but then again, he was an emt before. for all you knew —if you were going to poison them— there could be some type of technique behind it to sniff out drugs. like a damn blood hound or something.
oh well, not like there was drugs in there anyway.
slowly, after bringing the rim of the glass to his lips, ian took a sip. his brows pinched together and he hummed, smacking his lips together as he swallowed; pulling the cup back from his mouth. “ it's... ”
“ it's what? ” mickey looked ready to slap ian for being so vague with his dramatic pause. “ fucking what? spit it the fuck out. ”
“ good, ” the ginger grinned, taking another drink. that left mickey to look at him bug-eyed — before his gaze was turned to you.
then the drink.
... and he was snatching the cup up, taking his own sip out of curiosity.
“ the hell? ” mickey mumbled into the surface of the liquid, causing bubbles to arise; his brows were knitted again. whipped cream was sticking to his upper lip, making both you and ian grin.
“ you like it? ” you question, eager to hear his answer. you could never know with mickey — he often had the same reaction with everything.
something negative? swearing. something positive? swearing. only difference was, is that he sometimes changed his tone.
but right now, he just sounded uncertain.
to you, at least. ian could decipher that mickey enjoyed it, because he was laughing quietly under his breath and smiling. “ oh, he likes it. he's just surprised ‘s all. ”
“ hell yeah I'm surprised! ” mickey announced rather aggressively, his eyebrows now risen. “ this shit tastes like queer rainbows and- and fucking fairy sprinkles! and I actually like it! the fuck is that about?! ”
you had to press your fist to your mouth to keep from laughing. “ I'm, uh- I'm glad you like it. ”
it wasn't long before mickey chugged his entire iced coffee down. he ended up slamming his glass onto the table —a whipped cream ring around his mouth and on his chin— with widened eyes, and pupils blown out with amazement. “ get me s’more of this shit. ”
“ yes sir- ”
“ don't call me sir, that shit turns me on. ”
“ ... yes, uh- yes sir. ”
“ ian, grab his ass. I'm done playin’ games. ”
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em-harlsnow · 4 months
mickey would do the trend of texting your S/O something dirty while at a family event
oh I agree.
it's family movie night, and mickey's bored. he usually likes carl's suggestions, but for some reason he just can't find fucking fast and furious 2 interesting. vin diesel isn't even in it. sure, Paul walker's okay, but he looks like a goody-two-shoes.
no one minds when he starts flipping through his phone.
for once, mickey's on the armchair, not the couch, with Ian on the couch where he has a better view of the TV. while mickey has a great view of Ian.
he scrolls through TikTok, sound down. god, the app is really addictive.
and then he finds the perfect thing to get rid of his boredom.
he flips over to his text chat with Ian.
usually, they don't need to send dirty texts. they're together all the time, why would they?
now seems the best time to start.
he thinks about what to type to get the best reaction, and settles on
m: if we were home rite now, id suck ur dick until I choke
he smirks as he sends it, and has to contain his grin when ian's phone buzzes. mickey watches as Ian sips his beer, eyes half on the movie and only darting quickly to his phone. ian's not very good at keeping his cool, spluttering a little and coughing slightly when he swallows the beer in his mouth. Ian looks up at him, part glare part interest. mickey grins back.
m: wld have to go real deep in my throat to make me choke
m: im sure that won't b a problem 4 u
he types out and sends.
ian's reaction is to scowl at mickey and he can see him typing swiftly.
I: what are you doing
is all he says.
I: nothing, just explainin what imma do wen we get home
mickey responds, trying to look innocent as he does
m: you don't want your dick sucked?
m: i'll just ride u into the couch then
he watches as Ian takes a deep breath
I: you need to stop
Mickey smirks again.
m: don't what that either?
m: u wanna pound me from behind?
m: shoving my head down into the mattress?
ian's leg starts bouncing, and mickey's so sadistically happy.
I: watch the movie
urgh, and ian's still playing hard to get. even though he can see how badly he's effecting him
m: rather watch u
m: love watching ur face when I deep throat
m: such a big fucking cock
m: make it poke out of my cheek so u can see it
Ian bites his lip at that, trying hard to keep composure.
I: ur an asshole
m: u wanna see my asshole?
m: wrapped around ur dick?
and that's enough, apparently, because ian's getting up.
"there's an emergency at work, me and mickey have to go." Ian tells them, grabbing mickey's arm and pulling him from the chair.
"what? a weed delivery emergency?" lip scoffs, disbelieving.
"yup." Ian says in the worst lying voice ever.
Debbie glares at them as they pull on their coats, taking notice of mickey's proud, self-satisfied grin. "you guys better stay for the whole thing next movie night."
"sure thing, debs." Ian smiles, and then pulls mickey out of the door by his elbow.
once they're well and truly out of the house, almost at the car, Ian leans in to whisper in mickey's ear. "you're doing all that shit the second we get home."
fuck yes, toktik clock app is actually good for something.
I don't usually write NSFW, but I hope this met expectations!
-> send me prompts for TikTok trends <3
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johnnycakesb14de · 8 months
the outsiders with a reader who is very extroverted? i feel like i always see like shy s/o or something but never someone who actually likes talking 😭😭!!
YESSS FINALLY MY KIND OF PEOPLE!! #extravorted and proud
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He'd love a extravorted reader
Like he wouldn't be soooo crazy about it but it's one of your traits he loves
Like I don't see him being a super extroverted or social
But he isn't anti social???
So y'all would be good for each other
He'd also like it because you could talk to the gang you know?
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Y'all are literally the same
He's outgoing and so are you so it works out perfectly
He talks to people at the DX and you talk to people wherever you work !!(if you do)
He'd probably very much prefer a extravorted S/O because that's just how he is as a person
He loves people who just like to talk and aren't afraid to talk
Steve probably gets annoyed with y'all yapping all day
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He isn't extravorted really so you know guys work out nice
Your giggling with everyone and he's just sitting next to you watching how happy you are
He does get a little jealous though when your walking at school and people keep going
"hey Y/N!" Because you talk to everyone
But it's not because he's jealous that your talking to other people he just isn't that type of jealous
He just wants to finish talking about the book he read or what happened when him Dally and Johnny were out the night before
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I see a lot of people say he'd be best with a shy reader but I feel like he needs a extravorted S/O
Like he'd adore how you just so easily you talked and didn't get scared or just listen to the conversation
You would most definitely even each other out too
Like you make him actually talk ...sometimes
And when y'all are alone he would talk a lot with you but you'd still talk more because he just lovessss your voice
Long story short, Johnny Cade NEEDS a extroverted S/O
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Would prefer not to talk though (unless with the gang, Tim Shepard, and you obviously)
He definitely makes fun of you for it
"Do you ever stfu? Like genuine question."
But he does enjoy listening to your rambles about things and stuff
Would have you talk to store employees so he can steal things
If you have a charm to you then he would probably try to get you to sweet talk the police so they let him not go to jail
Never works obviously
Gets really jealous though
Like if your talking to Tim for too long (5 minutes or longer) he'll get pissy about it
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Wouldn't care tbh
Like he listens to your rambles or just talk
It just doesn't faze him
Mr Sodapop Patrick Curtis is why
He'd be used to the extravorted sunny type of person
It's nothing new so he just automatically goes for people like that and just doesn't notice
He just prefers extravorted people and doesn't realize it
I don't make the rules 🤷🏻
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See the thing is social anxiety is afraid of him like he is the definition of that saying or phrase yk
Literally y'all are like so funny together like always laughing and making other people laugh
Y'all would be at bucks and just yap to the other people there
Hed really love a extravorted reader
Just don't interfere with Mickey
It will get messy
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lupeloto · 5 months
“we, huh?” ficlet
i have another ficlet that i whipped up and made me jsksndjesj. i hope u guys enjoy it, i’m a little rusty so proceed with caution
Ian lays facing away from the door, comforter billowed around his bare chest, draped lazily across his arm. His head is buzzing, his thoughts shooting around a mile-a-minute yet he can’t seem to actually process a single one. He shuts his eyes tight, trying desperately to breathe through it. He’s been off for a few weeks now, under the false assumption that he narrowly escaped Mickey’s concern until he drops a small “you got an appointment tomorrow to get your meds fixed.” Initially, a rage filled him, sending a rush through his entire body and resulting in some snippy comment about how he can handle his own shit. Mickey didn’t react, just walked to where Ian sat, placed a quick peck on the top of his head and walked out of the room. After several hours of misery in company with his own thoughts, the anger was eventually replaced with a lingering guilty. It was a guilt he felt slightly too proud to admit, resulting in their conversations being limited for the rest of the day.
Mickey shuffles in, plopping down next to Ian in bed.
“Ay,” he finally settles, “i shouldnt’ve gone behind your back,” he fidgets, his head shifting down before Ian cuts him off.
Ian shuts his eyes, breathing through the initial anger that rose, landing on the understanding that it was all in his best interest. “It’s okay,” Ian turns to face him, head resting against his forearm, the former jumbled mess that was his mind now completely clear as his eyes catch sight of the gentle blue ones that stare back at him.
Mickey mirrors him, his head resting on his forearm as his hair sits in a messy black tuft against the pillow. “It’s gonna be alright, just gonna take a look at ya and make sure we get everything figured out.” His hands move to lightly trace Ian’s shoulder, going over every freckle and scar with a delicacy that only Ian knew.
Ian stares back for a moment, eyes fixated on the flutter of Mickey’s lashes as he spoke. Fuck, he loved this man.
“We, huh?” Ian scoots closer, the corners of his lips turn up slightly at the light red that flushes Mickey’s cheeks.
Mickey brushes it off, shifting onto his back mumbling a quick, “It’s you and me, Red.”
Ian smiles to himself, gaze fixed on the sight of his husband’s porcelain skin painted in a light dusting of freckles and a few scars that Ian traces delicately with his fingers, followed by a gentle peck. The curve of his nose, his lips, his lashes. He is nothing short of mesmerized.
“You must love me a whole lot then, huh ya softie?” Ian teases
Mickey lifts his arm behind his head and shutting his eyes, “like it’s breathing, Gallagher,” he huffs casually. He nods his head, gesturing for Ian to come closer.
Ian’s heart beats out of his chest threatening to land promptly before him on the bed as he stifles a small laugh. He’s never short of amused and enthralled by his husband’s ability to say the most romantic things in the most nonchalant nature. Mickey knows it makes Ian bashful and giddy like a teenage girl so of course he slips one in whenever he can.
He feels Ian’s eyes burning a hole in him, “And I don’t wanna hear shit about it, we all know you’re the soft one,” he cuts his eyes over, “now would you get your ass over here i’m fuckin’ exhausted.”
Ian happily complies, shifting to lay his head against Mickey’s chest. His large, freckles hand reaches to grab Mickey’s, nearly completely engulfing it as he rubs small, soothing circles with his thumb while his other hand mimicks on his stomach. Mickey digs his face deep into the tuft of curls, inhaling slightly and placing a small kiss on his head as both drift slowly to sleep.
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 6 months
The Life I Didn't Know
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, f!reader Summary: Mickey Garcia thought returning to Top Gun was the most life-changing thing to ever happen to him. And that was before a ghost from his past confronted him on the tarmac. What you tell him next will change both how he views his past and his vision for his future. Word Count: 4591 TW: Lies, Secret Reveals, Hidden Child, Ghosting, Confessions; Unplanned Pregnancy; Reader is a Mom Note: Written for day 12 of @whumpthemusical's event for "Unplanned Pregnancy" from Waitress. Thank you to @musings-of-a-rose for your ask that inspired this fic 🥰 I'm just sorry it's taken almost 10 months to finish (but I guess it fits thematically 😂). And thank you to @topguncortez and @lorecraft for beta reading for me! 💕
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Mickey Garcia always expected the greatest honor of his career would be when he was accepted into Top Gun. However, he never imagined he would be chosen to return as one of the best of the best a few years later. Yet he had done it! Selected along with his pilot and close friend, Payback, as one of the few to train for a top-secret mission. It was a dream come true.
He met most of the other aviators the night before at the Hard Deck, and with one possible exception, everyone seemed very nice and supportive. Then, after the debriefing this morning, he was excited—if a little nervous—about the next few weeks of training. He still can’t believe he was selected as a potential member of the mission. He doesn’t have high expectations for being chosen, but he is still going to try his very best.
After running back out to his car to grab some paperwork, he’s heading for the row of hangars so he can meet Payback to prep their plane for their first practice, a wide grin spread across his face. The fact he is about to fly in a training dogfight with Maverick—the Maverick—still feels like a dream to him. It feels like he’s being trained by Han Solo or Captain Kirk! He is a legend that other legends look up to and Mickey had never imagined he would get an opportunity like this. Could this day get any better?
Mickey should have known better than to send something like that into the universe.
As he reaches the tarmac, Mickey suddenly stumbles to a stop and his face drops as he catches sight of the ghost from his past standing in the way, almost as if waiting for him. But it’s impossible. He double-checked the roster ten times just to make sure there was no chance you were going to be here. 
And yet here you are. Five—almost six—years older but still the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. 
You worry your lip between your teeth just like you used to when you got nervous or were deep in thought, but your eyes shine brightly when your callsign slipped from his lips. “Hey there, Fanboy.” 
Oh, God… that voice. Instantly, a thousand memories flash through Mickey’s mind: the first time he laid eyes on you at boot camp with your brilliant smile and Death Star tattoo; flying with you as his pilot, and how he instantly knew he never wanted to fly with anyone else; you dubbing him Fanboy after seeing him nearly burst into tears after running into William Shatner in a coffee shop and him naming you Falcon after the iconic Star Wars ship; all the stolen, secret moments and rendezvous as your friendship blossomed into something deeper despite the risk of Command finding out; the morning he found your letter left on his bunk saying you had transferred and had already left without a warning or a goodbye.
With a Herculean effort, Mickey pulls himself together enough to ask, “Wha…. What are you doing here?”
“I work here. I’ve been an instructor at Top Gun for the past two years.” Your leg is bouncing slightly and you keep clenching and unclenching your hands. “I guess you were in the class the year before I started, but I was so proud when I heard you made it. Of course, I always knew you could.”
Instructors. Mickey groans softly to himself. He had been so focused on what other aviators  had been recruited for the mission it never crossed his mind to check who the instructors would be. But it’s too late to do anything about it now. 
“So, does that mean you’ll be teaching me?” It’s hard enough seeing you standing before him. But if he has to see you on a daily basis, listen to your lessons, follow your orders…there is no way he’ll make it the next three weeks.
Luckily, you shake your head. “No, it’s all top secret and I don’t have the clearance. I’m not even sure what your mission is. All they’ve told us is that they need the best of the best in the hopes of completing it, so I wasn’t surprised to see your name on the list. I never flew better than with you in my backseat.”
Mickey silently sighs in relief before he jams his hands in his pockets and coldly asks, “If you don’t have anything to do with my mission, what do you want, Falcon? After you disappeared for almost six years, I don’t really have anything I want to say to you. I think it’s better if we keep things the way you wanted it and just pretend the other doesn’t exist.” 
He starts to walk around you, but you step in front of him, holding up your hand to block his retreat. “Is that really what you think I did? Left and never gave you another thought? Because you’re wrong. I think about you every single day, Mickey. And I haven’t been able to get into a plane without you in my head. No matter who I’m flying with, your voice is in my headset giving me directions, or doing systems checks, or failing to stump me with random trivia about another movie or tv show just like it used to be.” You take a deep breath as you let your hand drop to your side. “But maybe if I didn’t care, it would make all of this easier. I–”
You are close to tears as your voice trembles with every word, but Mickey is having none of it. “No! Uh uh. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to act like you’re the one who was hurt here,” he says, jamming his finger accusingly at you. “You’re the one who put in for a transfer without even talking to me about it first, so don’t act like you’re the victim. One day, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, flying with the woman I love at the stick, and the next, I wake up to a note telling me you’d left to fly with another unit. No explanation. No nothing. I never even got to say goodbye! You just disappeared from my life and you took my heart with you. But you never gave a shit.”
“Yes, I did! I swear!” Tears now begin to flow freely down your cheeks. You try to close the distance between you, but when Mickey steps back, you stop. Clutching your arms across your chest, you beg, “Mickey, I loved you. If there had been another way, I would have moved Heaven and Earth to stay with you but I didn’t have a choice.”
“Really?” Mickey scoffs. “Why not?”
“Because they found out about us.”
Needing no further context to understand what you are referring to, a cold dread washes over him. “W-who did?” 
“Command. They heard from a few different people that we were ‘fraternizing’ outside of our duties. That we had started sleeping together a few months earlier and that it had evolved into an actual relationship.”
Mickey shakes his head as, in a softer tone, he says, “I never told anyone. I swear.”
Smiling warmly at him, you say, “I never doubted that. And just so you know, I didn’t either. But someone must have found some sort of evidence and turned us in. I tried to find out who, but I never had any luck. All I know is I got called into the discipline office and they said they were starting an investigation into our alleged relationship and if it were true…” 
You take a deep breath as your arms tighten around your chest. “I knew if they went looking, they’d find out about us so I did the only thing I could think of to save our careers. I told them it wasn’t true but if they were still concerned, I would voluntarily opt for a different WSO or even transfer to another unit if that would clear things up. And they took me up on my offer.”
Missing pieces of Mickey’s past suddenly start to click into place. While it was against regulation for pilots and their backseaters to “fraternize” with any kind of romantic or sexual relationship, the rule was hardly ever enforced. However, around the time you disappeared, a pilot in another unit almost botched a mission saving his injured WSO instead of carrying out his assignment. When it was discovered they were in a romantic relationship at the time, Command began taking the regulation very seriously. Mickey recalls the two of you even had a nervous conversation about it at one point but just agreed to be more discreet while on base. 
However, it still left some gaping holes in your excuse.
“But why did you do it? Some anonymous jerk claims we were dating and that’s it? We could have fought it. If you had told me what was going on, we could have both denied everything and there was no way they could prove it.”
“Yes, they could.” Your voice quivers slightly even as you scoff humorlessly. “There was one piece of undeniable proof that would have had us both discharged if they had discovered it.”
Tears slip from your eyes as you whisper, “I was pregnant.”
All the air is sucked from Mickey’s lungs. He feels like he’s doing barrel rolls in his jet as the world spins around him and an immense pressure weighs on his chest. “You… you were… what?”
You nod gently. “I had only found out a few days before and I was trying to figure out how to tell you. But then the investigation was brought up and it changed everything. All they had was the word of someone else we were dating, but if they knew I was pregnant with your baby, well, that’s pretty solid evidence. I didn’t know if you wanted kids. Hell, I didn’t even know if I wanted kids. So, I didn’t say anything and they transferred me two days later.”
“How could you not tell me?” Mickey whispers, trying to wrap his head around this life-changing revelation. “I would have been by your side for every minute. We could have figured it out together, we could have found a way to make it work. But even if we couldn’t, I loved you. I wanted to spend my life with you. And if that meant giving up everything else, I would have done it.”
“I know you would have. And that’s why I couldn’t say anything.” You take a few steps towards him. This time, Mickey doesn’t move back, but you still keep a little space between you so you don’t overwhelm him. “I knew if I told you, you wouldn’t let me leave and it would be the end of both our careers. We’d both worked so hard to get where we were, I couldn’t let you throw everything away for a kid I still didn’t know if I even wanted. And by the time I had decided, it was too late to change what I’d done. So, when I reported to Command I was pregnant a few months later, I said it was from a nameless one-night stand I met at a bar right after I transferred.”
Mickey’s head is still reeling from everything you have told him, yet he catches one important detail in what you just said. “Wait. You reported it. Does that mean…did you…do we…?”
“Yeah, Mickey,” you half sob as more tears flow steadily down your face. “We have a son.”
“A son…” 
It is the final straw. Stumbling over to the nearby wall, Mickey slides down it until he is sitting on the ground and rests his head on his knees. He has a son. A four- or five-year-old son that he never knew about. Someone who was already walking, and talking, and going to school. Who was his own person with his own personality and likes and dislikes. Who Mickey knows absolutely nothing about.
The two of you had never talked about whether you wanted kids or a family. Until the moment you disappeared, Mickey had never doubted you both loved each other deeply but your relationship had been too complicated by rules and regulations to face what might happen in the future. So, the two of you had lived in the moment and tried to enjoy what time you had together instead of talking about the future. But that didn’t mean Mickey hadn’t thought about it. He had known from a young age he wanted to be a father. He helped take care of his younger siblings growing up and he couldn’t wait to have a family of his own. 
So to find out now that he has a child is simultaneously exhilarating and devastating. He could have had everything he had always dreamed of, but you had taken all those early milestones, all those precious irreplaceable moments with his son, and Mickey doesn’t know how to accept that. What if his son never forgives him for not being there? Mickey might not have known he even existed until a few moments ago, but that doesn’t change the fact his son has had to grow up not knowing what it was like to have a father. To have a void in his life where others around him had a loving, supportive presence. Will his son even want him in his life at this point?
He hears you walking over to him and can see your feet stop a few inches from him out of the corner of his eye. 
In a voice thick with tears, you whisper, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so incredibly sorry. I just…I didn’t…I didn’t know…” You can’t find the words to finish that sentence.
“Why are you telling me this now?” Mickey raises his head to glare up at you, all of his swirling emotions finding a much-needed target to explode at. “Even if I accept why you let them transfer you or that you didn’t tell me right then, why didn’t you tell me at any point during the last five years! Is it just because I’m here? If I hadn’t come back to Top Gun, would you ever have told me?”
You open your mouth to respond but then close it again as you try to find the best way to answer. “Those are all fair questions. I figured if I told you while I was still pregnant or right after I gave birth, we would still get in trouble. My superiors weren’t happy that I had just transferred to fly with one of their WSOs and this happened but they had to accept it. I flew for another month or two but then I was placed on desk duty until I got this job at Top Gun. I hated being grounded but at least I was someplace consistent where I could go home to my family every night.”
“‘Your family’? Do you mean you…?” Maybe his son has had a father-figure in his life after all.
You seem confused for a moment but as soon as you realize what he is asking, you quickly clarify, “Oh, no, no, no! Nothing like that. My mom moved in a month before I gave birth and stayed so she could watch the kiddo while I was at work.” You duck your head to stare at the ground as you mutter, “But no, there, uh, there hasn’t been anyone like that since you. I’ve got one little man who has my whole heart, and between him and work, I don’t have the time or the energy to spend on anyone else.”
Mickey hates the way his heart warmed slightly at that. He should hate you right now, not be happy that you aren’t with someone. Quickly changing the topic before he lets himself dwell on that for too long, he says, “You still haven’t answered my question. Why now? Why are you telling me about him now?”
“He asked about you.”
“Well, not you specifically but he started asking about his dad. He doesn’t understand….” Your voice breaks as your lip begins to quiver. Mickey’s resolve wavers and he starts to reach for your hand but then he remembers the reason you are upset in the first place and lets his hand fall. Taking a deep breath, you continue, “He’s too young to understand and I’m too selfish to admit it’s my fault you’re not there, so I just told him his dad was a Naval aviator like me and he’s off protecting everyone from danger. I was hoping…I don’t know what I was hoping, but it didn’t satisfy him like I thought it would. Two weeks ago, he told me all he wants for his birthday next month is to meet his dad.”
“He…he wants to meet me?” Mickey asks.
You nod. “And I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea where in the world you were, if you had your own family by now, or if you would even want to meet him once you knew. But then a few days ago I saw you were coming here and…it seemed like fate. I knew telling you would be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I couldn’t go home and look into our son’s eyes if I didn’t at least try. That’s why I’m telling you now.”
“So this is just a way for you to clear your conscience?” Mickey asks. “You finally tell me I have a son, and that’s supposed to absolve you of everything? You took nearly five years I could have had with him away from me! I missed out on so many firsts!” Mickey suddenly freezes, all the anger evaporating in an instant as a sober realization sets in. “I still don’t even know his name….”
“Miguel. His name’s Miguel.” 
Tears spring to Mickey’s eyes as he whispers, “Miguel?”
You smile at the reverence on Mickey’s face. “It was the only name I ever considered.” Pulling out your phone and tapping the screen a few times, you offer it to him. “It turns out it was perfect. He’s the spitting image of his namesake.”
With shaking hands, Mickey takes the phone from you. Looking down, he sees a little boy staring back at him with a wide grin that’s too big for his face, a mess of dark curly hair, and rich brown eyes that make Mickey feel like he is looking into a mirror. You weren’t far off. Miguel looks almost exactly like the baby photos Mickey had seen of himself at that age. However, he can also see traces of you in the toddler’s face; in the shape of his lips and the cut of his jaw. There’s no way to deny it any longer. This was his kid. Yours and his together. 
Watching the waves of emotions washing across his face, you murmur, “I swear, I never wanted to hurt you…either of you. I just didn’t know what to do and then, once I made a decision, I didn’t know how to tell you the truth. The longer I put it off, the more impossible it got to tell you. But you did nothing wrong and I just thought he should have another piece of you to carry with him, even if he doesn’t understand it yet.”
Mickey swipes his finger across the phone and the photo changes to one of you balancing Miguel on your hip as you point towards the camera. He looks younger here but the same joy is evident on his face as he clings to you with one arm and to a ratty-looking Spider-Man plush in the other. Another swipe shows Miguel blowing out a candle on a birthday cake shaped like a Stegosaurus. There is a big “4” balloon floating in the background next to a woman Mickey recognizes as your mother. He swipes again to see a picture of you fast asleep in a rocking chair with an infant Migual curled on your chest. He is so tiny that he could only have been a month or two old. You look disheveled and exhausted even in sleep, yet Mickey doesn’t think he can remember a time you were more breathtaking.
He is about to swipe again when something at the top of the picture stops him. Zooming in closer, he inhales sharply. 
There is a small framed drawing hanging on the wall just above Miguel’s crib. It’s of two stick people looking at each other with little hearts above their heads. He doubts a single other person would have ever noticed it, but he would recognize it anywhere. He had doodled it on a note he slipped you right after his friendship with you had developed into a romance. And you had kept it all of these years then hung it so it would watch over your son.
Tears that have been threatening to fall finally crest over his eyes as Mickey chokes out, “Can I meet him?”
“You really want to?”
He nods before tearing his eyes from the phone to look up at you. “Yeah. More than anything.”
“Okay, then yeah, of course you can,” you say eagerly as your face lights up. But then it dims slightly as you add, “But, um, I think it’s better if we wait just a few days.” Mickey starts to protest but you hold up your hand. “I know I’ve already made you wait far too long for this, but we need to figure out some things first and I’m sure once you’ve had time to process everything, you’ll have a million questions. I just want you to be as prepared for this as possible so you both feel comfortable. It’s a big deal and Miguel is the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet, but he is pretty shy around new people and I don’t want to just spring this on him without talking to him first.”
Mickey can’t help smiling to himself. He was the exact same way when he was little. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I already have a thousand questions and I’m sure by tomorrow, I’ll have a thousand more. How ‘bout we say Friday after training? I could come over or meet you guys somewhere or whatever you think is best.”
You hesitate for a minute. “I have an appointment Friday afternoon and I’m not sure how long it’ll last. Why don’t we do Saturday morning? We could meet for pancakes. That’ll definitely get you on Miguel’s good side.”
“Pancakes it is.” Mickey climbs to his feet and holds out your phone to you. But just as you are about to take it, he pulls it back slightly. “Um…do you think…could you send me some photos of Miguel?”
Smiling softly, you say, “Of course, Mickey. As many as you want. And I have some videos too. Do you still have the same number?”
“You still have it saved?” Mickey asks in surprise.
You duck your head. “I couldn’t delete it. I stared at it countless nights with my finger hovering over the call button, but I always chickened out. However, I knew one day I’d find the strength to tell you everything, and when that happened, I’d need a way to contact you so I kept it. I’m still just so sorry it took me this long.”
Mickey sighs as he stares off across the open tarmac. “Part of me gets it, you know? It was a no-win situation given the circumstances.”
“Yeah…” you mutter, wrapping your arms around yourself once again. “I felt like I was in my own personal Kobayashi Maru except no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out how to cheat the system.”
Oh God. The ease at which that perfect Star Trek metaphor slips from your lips once again has Mickey flashing back to all the little reasons he fell in love with you in the first place. However, after the secrets you revealed today, he can’t let himself fall back into what was. 
“That might be true, but another part of me doesn’t know if I can ever forgive you for stealing these last five years I could have had with my son.” He scrubs his hand over his closely buzzed hair. “Right now, I just don’t know how to feel about you or what you did. However, I do know that I can be pleasant and get along when we’re around Miguel, though I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to get back to a point where we’re friends again.”
You bob your head, tears dampening your eyes even as a small smile spreads across your face. “That’s fair. That’s more than fair. Honestly, I half expected you never to want to see me again after I told you, so I’ll take pleasant. Thank you, Mickey.”
He nods and holds out your phone. As you take it, your fingers brush against his and Mickey feels a jolt run up his arm as he touches you for the first time in almost six years. And based on the way your eyes widened, you felt it too. The two of you gaze at each other, your hands still both holding the phone between you. Mickey feels his heart start to race slightly in his chest, and he wonders if maybe he’s wrong and forgiving you won’t be as difficult as he thinks it is. 
But then you pull the phone from his hand and slip it into your pocket. Taking a few steps back, you mutter, “I’ll send you those pictures. And please do text me any questions you have this week. Otherwise, I’ll call you Friday to figure out the details for breakfast Saturday.”
And with that, you pivot and hurry across the tarmac before disappearing into one of the hangars.
For several minutes, Mickey continues to stare at where you had been standing, still half wondering if anything that just happened was real or not. He always knew returning to Top Gun would be life-changing, but he had never expected this in a million years. 
Still in a daze, he stumbles off towards the hangar where his plane is housed. As he approaches, he sees Payback already dressed in his flight suit and busy checking out the plane. He looks up when he hears Mickey approaching.
“Hey, there you are. I thought you were just gonna be a minute.” As he gets closer, Payback does a double-take when he notices Mickey’s face. “Oh, man, are you okay?”
Mickey is still wondering that himself, but he says, “Yeah… yeah, I’m good.”
As Mickey walks past him to put his stuff in his locker and pull out his flight suit, Payback follows him, concern etched across his face. “Dude, you’re a mess.”
“I’m not a mess.”
“Yeah, you are. You look like you’re about to pass out and I can tell you’ve been crying.”
“Yeah, guess I have.” Just then, Mickey’s phone vibrates and he pulls it out to see you have sent him a link to a folder filled with hundreds of pictures and videos of Miguel. Just a brief scan of them makes tears begin to well up in his eyes once more. But when he looks back up at Payback, the smile on his face is so wide it hurts. “But it’s all good. In fact… It’s never been better.”
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I have a few ideas for other parts if anyone is interested (but no promises at this point)
Taglist: @green-socks, @lorecraft, @heart-0n-fire, @mayhem24-7forever, @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @airhogger, @piscesvancouverite, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @sweetheartlizzie07, @yjwnoot, @wanderdreamer, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @callsign-phoenix, @shanimallina87, @forever-sleepy-sloth, @blue-aconite, @notroosterbradshaw, @dezthegeek, @blessupblessup, @cherrycola27, @phoenix1389, @nicangelinee, @smells-like-perfect-senses, @boringusername3, @petlaufeyson, @cycbaby, @topguncortez, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @writercole, @onebigfangirlworld, @wkndwlff, @ravenmoore14, @roosterforme, @clancycucumber230, @mamachasesmayhem, @slightly-psycho-multifan, @kmc1989, @ohtobeleah, @deppresseddyslexic, @horneybeach1, @mandylove1000, @aczhang777
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iandarling · 6 months
Ian Gallagher loves thrifting shopping
-From as early as he can remember Fiona would drag him and Lip (and later on the other kids) to various thrift shops to scout for winter coats and homeware goods. Fiona let him and Lip run around and play a game of “find the ugliest thing in the shop” while she desperately searched the bins for a winter coat that could fit a 5 year old that he could also grow into. She has 25 bucks in hand trying to find clothing to keep her brothers warm all the while Lip and Ian are playing hide and seek in the back
-When he grows a little older he takes Debbie and Carl with him to find clothes for summer (most of fiona’s clothes don’t fit debbie yet so she needs a whole new wardrobe, but carl inherited his brothers old clothes). Ian spends hours rummaging through the racks hoping to find a some decent looking clothes that could survive multiple years of the harsh summer heat
-Once Liam is born the Gallaghers have a ton of baby clothes he can use and grow into- they’ve been passed down from Lip, Ian, Debbie and now Carl. Even so, Ian wants to give Liam something new-ish that could be just his. He has about 20 bucks and he goes to thrift shops on the north side to look for some better quality baby clothes and toys- he finds an unused teddy bear and a handsome little jacket
-When he’s a young adult Ian spends a small amount of his pay check each month collecting bits and pieces for the home- new kitchenware and some new towels for the bathroom, some posters for Carl and Liam, books for Debbie and candles for Fiona.
-When Ian and Mickey moved into their apartment, they go thrifting in the fancy shops on the west side (“you won’t believe what these rich fuckers give away for free, man!”) They find a nice little patio furniture set for 50 bucks that they use everyday, Ian finds a lightly used blue Le Cruset oven-dish and he’s never been happier
-Ian keeps up his childhood game of “find the ugliest thing in the shop” with Mickey and Liam. He finds a “trophy wife” t-shirt that he buys for himself (“i know what i am and i’m proud of it”), a new backpack for Liam alongside new textbooks he needs for high school
-Mickey discovers that thrift shops have a good deal on dvds (“fuck netflix man, i prefer the physical copies”), he ends up finding a sale of 10 dvds for 1 dollar (so naturally he ends up with 30 dvds, he likes having them stacked up next to the tv). Ian picks out a lot of kids movies for Franny and Freddie and some documentaries for Liam, but the rest are all the movies he and mickey loves
-As a kid he used to frequent thrift shops in hopes of finding clothes to keep him and his siblings warm throughout the winter, but as an adult he can afford new clothes. Now, he spends his time looking for items for his home- new lampshades, curtains, posters and artwork that mickey will also like.
-He is no longer worried of spending another winter without a jacket, but he will always pop by a thrift shop when he sees one…
“just in case”
Gallager Headcanons, as requested
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vintagelacerosette · 2 months
Tag game 💖
I was tagged by these darling buttercups
Ice @spookygingerr Kaka @stocious Evie @energievie Thank youuu!!
Name: Myn
Do you drink coffee? if so, what's your coffee order? A big fat no for me besties, it's too bitter. I'd rather a hot choc, Chai latte or tea.
What's the best thing you ate today? i takeaway from a Malaysian restaurant & it gotta be the Roti with 3 different levels of spice sauces.
Tell us about your first pet (or if you haven't had a pet yet, what's your dream pet?) I found a stray kitten near my house after school & I managed to befriend him & got to pet him. We fed him but my mum hates cats so he stayed in the backyard. My dad named him Gato which is spanish for cat. When he got older he roamed around & I think other houses also took care of him too. He never came back one day & I hope he was cared for & loved wherever his is. 🥹
if your life was a book, what would you call the current chapter? I think it would be something like Adrift: where do we go from here?
what's something you did recently that you're proud of? How I pushed myself with my art this year participating in more events like doing my first Gallavich week & collaborating with my wonderful bunk Lightning Bugs in the gallavich summer camp! Like go me & next step writing fanfic 😆
what was your first dream job growing up? Probably a General practitioner bc I really looked up to mine (she's still mine today) haha but I realised i was a bit to squeamish with bodily fluids so didn't go that path
what's the name of the latest playlist you made? Mickey's go to karaoke mix 🎶
I'm tagging these sweetie pies if they wanna play 🥰
@irideunicorns @deedala @look-i-love-u @burninface
@sleepyfacetoughguy @mickittotheman @creepkinginc
@crossmydna @iansw0rld @darlingian @darthvaders-wife
@michellemisfit @heymrspatel @celestialmickey
@doshiart @deathclassic @takeyourpillsbitchh
@svltburn @y0itsbri @gallavichgeek @rereadanon
@gallapiech @transmurderbug @transmickey
@sam-loves-seb @mybrainismelted @gallawitchxx
@lupeloto @suzy-queued @wehangout
@mikhailoisbaby @ian-galagher @guinguin1984
@ms-moonlight-inn @depressedstressedlemonzest
@andthatisnotfake @mybrainismelted @sweetbee78
@sgtmickeyslaughter @sickness-health-all-that-shit
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