#micolash is a special guy xd
katyspersonal · 1 year
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I still find it so silly how Laurence and Rom go down wearing the absolutely peak fashion outfits, just, peak performance of beauty, meanwhile Micolash is just '... :/ guess I'll steal the design of the uniform in my university that everyone else moved on from' fdshfhds
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bellringermal · 6 years
Seeing all this cut content makes me a little sad, considering what I heard that they planned two DLC's before just merging it into one. Just think if they had a season pass, I would have definitely bought it For me there's still questions What exactly happened in Yahar'gul that fused people into the buildings I want to see exactly when Laurence/Wilhelm/Micolash disagreed and went their own ways to achieve enlightenment More Micolash in general
I am 95% on board with all the stuff they cut away tbh. And that 5% I wish they kept in is composed by the Lonely Old Dear lines about Patches (because it would’ve been hilarious) and some of the Password Gatekeeper ones because his is arguably one of the best performances in the game. He is such a nice dudeeeeeeee TwT
And MAYBE something from Willem but only if they attached a quest or a covenant to him.
As for the rest, I agree that it  was unnecessary because:
We all assumed that our character came to Yharnam because he or she was ill anyway.
 Arianna only had some extra screams and madness-induced lines.
Gilbert seem to fell prey to the Plague no matter what, even if at some point we were probably supposed to bring him some kind of medicine or special blood.
Djura is still the same, which is indeed disappointing.
The Doll only had 1 extra line.
Gehrman’s true intentions were never in question for me since he is sufficiently framed as a good guy in the final game.
Laurence was an inconsistent mess of a character during development and stayed an inconsistent mess of a character in the final game. There was a point in which he and Gehrman were supposed to battle but that was cut and still it would’ve made no sense unless Laurence was a hunter too.
Gascoigne most likely (99% chance) killed his wife. What a shock XD
Amelia has no backstory whatsoever.
Micolash only gets a better introduction but we all already assumed he was the one conducting the Mensis ritual anyway.
The password gatekeeper was a nice and loyal dude. And we all knew that from item descriptions. The only thing I can say about this fine gentleman is that I always got Renfield vibes from him and now I get EVEN MORE Renfield vibes from him.
The Lonely Old Dear is Patches’ mom. That’s the only real revelation that doesn’t mess with current content.
MP is named, or at least nicknamed, Flora and she had a different appearance at some point. Or possibly multiple stages.
Yharnamites, with a few exceptions, were dickheads just like in the final game.
Alfred is still Alfred except he was going to tell us where to find the 1st Chalice instead of Gehrman.
And there’s probably stuff I missed but you get the point. I also don’t think that getting 2 separate DLCs would’ve expanded the content all that much. Compare TOH to AOA and TRC and I would say that we got the same amount of content, except that TOH is higher quality in my honest opinion. TRC and AOA combined may provide a larger explorable area but AOA is still a rehash of the Painted World from DS1 and the only 100% new area of TRC is the city itself which isn’t that big anyway. Also, less bosses.
In TOH you get:
Ludwig the Holy Blade
Living Failures
Lady Maria
Orphan of Kos
Reskinned cleric beast with immense health pool also known as Laurence the First Vicar.
Demon Prince
Halflight, Spear of the Church (which again, is HARDLY a boss)
Darkeater Midir
Slave Knight Gael
Total: 5 bosses in TOH and 5 bosses in AOA and TRC. Of couse, I am aware that AOA+TRC added pvp content as well and many more weapons, but I am focusing only on PVE/story content here.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Thinking about that dream I had a while ago where me and Micolash went to bug Laurence because we wanted to nap in one bed with him just to be comfy but he had to reject us because unlike us he was doing his homework hfhhjgfbv So Micolash just offered to watch Magia Record instead and we actually did, but at that time I haven't seen that anime yet.. nonetheless I envisioned Kaede (character from this anime) with perfect accuracy - I remind you, I never seen her or heard about her then. So that same day after I woke up, I decided to watch that anime foe real, and I am still trying to find the words for what I felt when I saw her in the anime and realized my brain wasn't just filling the gaps. Magiiiiic
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katyspersonal · 5 months
Send us your Edgar headcanons!!!
@ anon, I am so sorry. When you've sent this ask one eternity ago I started to reply and then got interrupted by mom and then forgot ;-; I can't be trusted with this stuff sometimes I swear.
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🔎 I like the idea about him infiltrating Yahar'gul for spyoning, however my "official" timeline and headcanons are different! (is "official headcanon" even a thing? xD) I have him go into Byrgenwerth with Yurie/Julie and Fauxsefka and make his way into Nightmare of Mensis under pretense of being a wayward Byrgenwerth scholar! I've had posts covering this thing in more details as it draws upon some cut content and obscure implications from Mico's dialogoe in Japanese original, but in summary, I think that Lecture Hall used to be accessible from the part of Byrgenwerth in "real" world and it only got locked when Micolash had Rom block the Arcane Lake! Why he blocked the way in the end? Well.... because slowly, Edgar started to warm up to Micolash and find a kindred spirit in him, realizing that Choir was never a right place for him and fellow choirlings never "really" understood him. So he ended up confessing having been spying on him and playing part in figuring out how to ruin his Nightmare.
(Here are the posts about what's the deal with the Arcane Lake if you need them: ( x ) ( x ) !)
🔎 I think he avoided wearing Blindfold Cap back in Choir, and now that he "joined" School of Mensis he doesn't wear a cage intentionally as well! Choir's Blindfold symbolises entrusting your way and what you are allowed to see to the 'Stars', whereas Mensis Cage missing only one bar at the eyes level symbolizes being allowed to see the cosmic horrors how they are but also repressing free will and personality to not (literally) die from horror at these visions. Neither really appealed to Edgar as he is an individualists and prefers to preserve both the autonomy of his research and autonomy of how he will "take" his discoveries. It is a risky strategy but he is a strong-willed and strong-minded man, besides he got a lot of Sedatives! This attitude made him similar to Laurence which is something I've realized only late in writing him, but now I am using it as an excuse for what attracted Micolash to him.
🔎 Edgar infiltrated at 'warm' season:
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🔎 He originally was a teacher in one of the schools under Healing Church's influence! I assume Healing Church hired the foreigners abundantly that's hinted by how Brador's clothes (stated to be foreign) copy male Black Church clothes and foreign set of Paleblood Hunter copies male White Church clothes. But Edgar started to notice that whenever after the nights of the hunt any of his pupils became orphans, soon nice people in white robes from higher echelons would take them and these orphans would never be seen again :/ He was nosy enough to try and figure what was going on, but thanks to his intelligence and actor skills he managed to convince the Choir to let him work for them rather than getting thrown into a jail for people that learned too much. It was painful to manage being around people experimenting on children... at first. He was able to stomach the idea that after how much cosmic horrors were unleashed the world was as good as ending and orphaned children objectively had much higher chance to call upon Great Ones of higher rank than Choir's half-human ally Ebrietas and receive their wisdom and blessing.
🔎 He is really physically fit, actually! The guy can throw a very good punch. Not just because he uses Ludwig's Holy Blade, but there are also stats indicating he is stronger than frikin ALFRED and I can't forget this detail for even one day:
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🔎 For as long as Edgar remembered he was unintentionally rude, very rarely emoting and when he did it was very strong and explosive, appearing as though he was not interested in feelings and lives of others, not running his mouth in vain (save for his special interests) and of course he would not do things that made no sense for him. His first attempt at dating ended up pretty toxic as his girlfriend not only could not quite accept him and expected him to magically "warm up" in relationship, but also kept emotionally manipulating him into abiding by her demands. Like I said, he would not do shit for others, no matter how simple, if it made no logical sense in his eyes, so seeing how she never could have her way with him without going through proving her point to him rationally, she resorted to the worst kind of behavior - guilt-tripping and threatening. He was only a teenager back then and that unfortunate relationship made him falsely conclude that maybe women were just like that, so he searched a guy to date later. The very first guy that shown interest in him, who was also..... well, older let's call it that. But that guy walked his own dark path, did crimes and tried to pull Edgar into all that using Edgar's extraordinary intelligence and sense of alienation from society, and eventually absconded.
🔎 He also had a best friend that his parents tended to treat more like their son than Edgar himself. A friend who also claimed credit over blueprints of Edgar's inventions that he left behind when he departed to seek Yharnam unable to help his curiousity over what THE heck that town was doing (the world travelled). Some people were sad that Edgar left, like teachers, library workers, various people he's been helping with voluntary work. He also once protected a couple from getting robbed - like I said, the guy is STRONG. But yeah, he was a good man, and for many people, he just had a bad luck of choosing the wrong kind as close ones.
🔎 Pearl Slug item suggests that the Augurs might be all different colors! At Choir, Edgar enjoyed sorting the unhatched eggs of the slugs by the color when he had a free minute x) Another funny habit is to pretentiously fumble with an abacus when he is sharing some numbers. He would also get very antsy if someone took HIS Choir Bell, even if they were all the same and not branded and interchangeable. He actually always gets extremely protective over 'his' things in terms where they are all interchangeable and there is no ownership per say.. Once he uses something, it is now HIS and he feels nearly spiritual attachement to it. When he abandoned his Choir tools to display to Micolash that he DID stick by his side from now own, he was especially reluctant to give away his Call Beyond simply because Micolash would keep it instead of just letting it flee. To this day Edgar is slightly uneasy with it, as if Micolash owns a part of his 'soul' by it.. and at the same time, he finds strangely erotic enjoyment in the fact.
🔎 It is really hard to make him laugh, but he does have sense of humor! He just 'laughs internally' most of the time.
🔎 Remember how I said he was brave and disobedient to authority to a fault, and it was his intelligence that had Choir decide he was worth this stress and too precious to just get rid of? This guaranteed he heard all about Laurence from his new friends. People that knew Laurence well joked that they could've been "twins" and would get along. It was not the first in his life when he felt like he knew people he never met better than people in his own life.
🔎 He can get overly affectionate at someone saying a lot of smart things (that they genuinely comprehend, of course) or passionately sharing something they know a lot about. If he is close with someone and they are doing this, he will reach the point of shiny eyes and willing to suffocate them in a hug :') When Micolash is being very nerdy, Edgar might start smooching him uncontrollably. Like... yeah, normal flirting will make Edgar a bit shy at most, you charm him by opening your soul to him by infodumping!
🔎 Edgar strongly prefers to 'stay in shape'. That's why he'd go fight some beasts willingly even when they were not a direct treat to him and it was predominantly "dirty job" for Black Church hunters escort, that's why he carries people in his arms when there is a reason (so yes, do not confuse it with him being overly gentlemen-ish x) ). In the Nightmare, he might as much as pick a friendly fight with the residents, like fencing with one of the Shadows for example xD He sometimes also likes testing himself by being around Winter Lanterns.. That usually doesn't end well and Micolash has to save him. Yes, MICOLASH has to save someone from going insane. I swear all kind of wild shit happens with these two fjhfdhfsd
Thank you for an ask!! Again, sorry I forgot about it.. You've sent it when I had a bad day and seeing it in my inbox did cheer me up, though! I always like to talk about Edgar, he is genuinely one of my favs! (With headcanons posts though I tend to default to 'story and loredigging' aspects so narrowing headcanons asks to concrete topics like relationships, habits, etc is always acceptable and even welcomed! Helps me to focus and cover more things rather than my default settings)
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Alright why don’t you share a few Laurence headcanons now? 👀
Ok i’m gonna help you by being more precise.
- How did he end up at Byrgenwerth in the first place?
- How was his life before that? (Family, childhood etc).
- Is everyone just really religious or what’s Laurence affinity with it? In some what made him become a cleric and devote to religion if you prefer.
- and idk a lil funny headcanon you like to share or smt
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Oh, bitchin'! I finally lived to the moment someone asked me about my Laurence!!!!!! Alright let's see,
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🩸 How did he end up at Byrgenwerth in the first place?
Oh, in my case, that's simple! I only mention my headcanons about his Loran + Cainhurst roots in every other post about him, so he simply was willing to study history and archaeology! If scattered Cainhurst warriors armours all over the dungeons are of any indication, the nobles were in a long struggle to retract their legacy from their Pthumerian ancestors! Laurence particularly wanted to know more about their superhuman evolution... and what did they do to anger the 'Stars and Moon' themselves.
This is pretty obvious, right? He simply was able to pay for studying, as well as proven himself a worthy scholar with his prior education.
🩸 How was his life before that? (Family, childhood etc).
Well, here is for his dad, Beltran:
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Yeah, I am using this image often, but it is easier to just use it than explain myself every time fsdhfhsd (As for evidence for his name being Beltran, this is what Lance said on Twitter ( x ), he is one of the coolest dataminers in BB that can be trusted!)
The more I think about it, the more I feel like maybe the 3D guy in dark feathered cape and the guy from the portrait should be different characters from the same lineage. The grandfather and the father maybe? But yeah, in either case, Laurence's dad was a librarian in Cainhurst! I've been thinking that it's more likely if it was Laurence's mother who was a Loranite, since the portrait guy is like... well, he is very white, you know. And the father adopted the knowledge and the ideals, you know, how in some cases upon marriage, you assume your spouse's religion.
So, Laurence and his family would be a bit of black sheep in the walls of Cainhurst, with legacy dating back to Loran Clerics rather than Pthumeru Ihyll. It has even deeper roots, as the very first Queen of Blood used Fort, the man from Loran that went against Flora and helped Fauna to overpower her, as her sacrifice in unholy marriage ritual. But that's for another time, really, or I'll be here all day! In any case, Laurence had special interest in his legacy, and especially in what could have turned... differently.
You'd then expect him to be close with Maria and my Caryll since childhood, but their interactions were almost exclusively formal! Laurence would also spend his childhood and teen years studying abroad, visiting not very often - and upon visits, mostly sticking with his father! So, as for whether he'd count as childhood friend of Maria and Caryll...?
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However, he has been developing quite an ego and arrogant approach! For example, he has been meeting Micolash enough times even before both enrolled in Byrgenwerth, since the boy was under the wing of Hemwick Witches and even one from Cainhurst. Laurence and Micolash had enough of banter, boiling down to Laurence insulting him with the "I do not speak Poor, sorry uwu" attitude xd It has been every other time they've met through YEARS. Well... he was surprised when Micolash proved to be charismatic and intelligent enough to be accepted in Byrgenwerth even without being able to pay, let's say so...
Honestly, he hardly had any friends besides his father back in those days. His enrolling in Byrgenwerth was when his social life truly began! It helped to patch the two decades of awkwardness with Maria up, but as for Caryll, they were still being in passive-aggressive enmity.
🩸 Is everyone just really religious or what’s Laurence affinity with it? In some what made him become a cleric and devote to religion if you prefer.
Ehhhhh, it's a long story... I will link my interpretation of the Healing Church and Byrgenwerth being one before just in case ( x ), but yeah, in a way, Willem started the 'vibe'...? He was the Pope (the first and the last), and Laurence became his Vicar; afterwards, he never dared to appoint another Pope, but his own position became closer to a Bishop. The religious affinity came because of natural reverence for the Great Ones upon encountering them, which Willem and his companions (Dores and Gatekeeper) did first in Isz. I'll just refer to the Doll's dialogue, about how 'Gods' created their creations in such a way that they will naturally love them, unconditionally....
Laurence, in the end, not just 'didn't mind' - he knew how effective the religious institution could be! Like I said, he spent a lot of his life abroad, and was aware of religions in other countries! For example, Gascoigne's lore speaks of him having been the 'Father' (religious) in his country's religion, that is not a rank in the Healing Church. If anything, Laurence would be quick to spot what makes the religion "work" and help to nurture the institution and the influence, even at the start proving to be a better leader than Willem could've been.
But like I said, deep down, Laurence had his own interest and even secret reverence for the 'Moon Presence', that was the secret power standing behind (or above) the 'Stars', that was the emotional fuel for his otherwise very pragmatic, even machiavellian approach. Call in ancestral guilt or whatever... And, again, the healing properties of the blood tie far, far back in history towards defiling a Great One (Flora's unborn Oedon that grew up as merely the voice in the blood of mortals). So as a result, engaging in communion with it would tie to the essence of a deity itself. People were naturally caught up in reverence and sense of connection with something bigger!
🩸 and idk a lil funny headcanon you like to share or smt
The funniest thing I've ever had for my Laurence is this stupid ass outdated meme:
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hdgsgs But yeah, in general, I think his favourite was not Ludwig, but Logarius! Ludwig was quite a valuable asset for him, and of course a very good man, but Logarius was loyal to him not out of delusions of the great future or sharing communion with the "moonlight", but genuinely, from the bottom of his heart, and Laurence could appreciate that (sinister) lucidity. My Laurence just leans more towards 'dark' people, such as Logarius, Brador... Micolash, in the scenario where they resolve their life-long rivalry. People like Ludwig and even Gehrman to an extent feel "too good, too pure" for him; he doesn't dislike them, but the decent, well-meaning people fall for the role of his pawns in the end. Logarius was one of the sacrifices for his goals that he never truly recovered from. Yes, awful and cringe, I know.
He also smiled like maybe two times during his lifetime at best fdshfhds He is sad, serious, thoughtful, often even gloomy most of the time. The humour around this character is that he is an absolute dumbass that fucked everything up, that's it.
Thank you very much for the ask!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Canon ship-worthy Bloodborne moments (compiling in case if I need it)
+ Gascoigne and Viola are an actual canon couple, even with two daughters!
+ The way Maria is concerned about Adeline's well-being specifically, with not wanting her to become blood saint and giving her the key, and Adeline likewise keeping her in mind
+ Gascoigne and Henryk were hunting in a pair! Possibly what hunters do often (for 360 degree vision so no beast crawls from behind), but that can be a good bond, plus clearly Henryk still cares for Gascoigne. (can never be 100% sure if Henryk is an actual 'grandpa' figure or they just refer a close family friend this way or that's just how they explained that to a little girl sdhdsh)
+ Other characters kicking our ass in a pair - like Forgotten Madman and his escort guy, the two ladies near Surgery Altar, two Hunters of Despair, two Yahar'gul hunters near the chapel). Honourable mention - the three Yahar'gul hunters that smashed a convenient lamp, and 'Djura and his three companions'.
+ Ebrietas grieving Rom ;-; Well, "death" for Great Ones probably is a bit different than for actual mortals, but in either case she has a reason to miss her in a loss kind of way
+ "Yharnamites don't like talking about their history" [ten minutes later] Hunter meets Alfred who is nothing BUT happy to infodump them about Yharnam's story and his special interest xD
+ Adella stalking hunter from around the corner and being way too concerned about the fact hunter accepts "dirty" blood, to the point of murdering Arianna if we do that too much. Questionable as it is a yandere trope but it is here.
+ Gehrman having such tender feelings for Maria that the warmth he put in her hair ornament moved the Doll to the point of crying tears of joy + Maria having very good feelings towards him (idealisation, admiration, crush - the word for it is vague in original and can mean many things). At least until she presumably was disappointed with his "curiosity". (could also be platonic, though)
+ The way Gehrman calls out for Laurence in his nap.
+ The way Valtr speaks of other League members. Honourable mention - Madaras Twin attacks you not only if you attacked Valtr, but also if he willingly passed the status to the hunter and numbers game'd himself. Clearly he is in the League not for the mission but for Valtr, and he just knows you are to blame if Valtr is gone.
+ Micolash and Wet Nurse are both against Queen Yharnam as she is crying near Wet Nurse's boss arena where her child is, implying she can't enter. Basically Mico and Wet Nurse raise the same child they kidnapped xD Feels like a very family activity, even if he clearly thinks about other women (Kos, or some say Kosm) in the bed :(
+ Whatever happened between Dores, Willem and Gatekeeper. Lore says both Dores and Gatekeeper accompanied Willem in the dungeons and lost their sanity together, but still remained loyal to their lord, take as you will.
+ Annalise and the deceased king of Cainhurst. It could have been a loving/voluntary marriage!
+ For the same reason, Queen Yharnam and whoever was her 'husband'. Depending on your versions it could be Oedon or some pthumerian guy blessed by the ritual from ring of bethrothal. Either case, she was SOMEONE's bride.
+ Emilia and Laurence, potentially! Could be entirely parasocial (as her growing around narrative of Laurence rather than knowing him), or entirely religious, but more or less it lays plain than average potential ship.
+ Edgar attacking us leads to him protecting Micolash, that doesn't line up with his affiliation with the Choir. He also does that 'Joy' gesture if he kills us XD Could be him having lost his sanity and controlled, but also it could be his decision.
+ Yamamura has throwing knives in his data, that are trademark of Henryk! Considering both characters were in the League, it could mean Henryk taught him to throw them, and considering Valtr's praised intimacy between the members... yeah
+ Whatever went down between like, four characters. Simon speaks fondly of Ludwig, Yamamura recites Healing Church hunters' prayer in the jail cell, Yamamura being a summon for Yahar'gul, another Yahar'gul hunter (not Antal btw) being in the same jail, Gratia being in the same jail, Simon having Fist of Gratia in his data... Anything could have happened between either of characters!
+ When we attack Lonely Old Dear, she notices the 'just like your father' - past the point she began confusing us for her child, so she has had a husband.
+ Julie attacking us when even Willem himself urges us to hunt Rom, and EVEN Damian, a Mensis Scholar is a summon to fight Rom. Could be her winning time for Imposter Iosefka, or could be her protecting Rom even despite common sense.
+ Potential of Crow of Cainhurst loving either Queen Annalise or Maria. He serves the Queen as the guard seeking blood dregs in blood-drunk hunters, but also Old Hunter's Bone is Maria's.
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