#i have special connection with her though
miley1442111 · 2 days
the joys of a workplace relationship- s.reid
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summary: a new addition to the team causes some very strange conversations to be had- and a very embarrassing moment for both spencer, and you.
pairing: spencer reid x fem! marine! reader
warnings: nothing lol
You and Spencer hadn’t been dating that long. It had been what? 2 years? About 2 years. You weren’t sure. You knew you hadn’t had your third anniversary yet, that’s for sure. Your relationship was good, you two loved each other, he complained about not seeing you because of deployments, you complained about not seeing him because of cases., but it always usually worked out. Somehow, you’d see each other. And now? You’d see each other everyday, without fail. 
You were joining the BAU. 
“We have a new agent coming in,” Aaron announced, and faces were a mix of puzzled, excited, or confused. 
“Are they a woman? We really need some more women on this team,” Penelope sighed. Elle and Jj nodded their heads agreeing as Derek laughed. 
“She is a woman and she’s from the Navy, but special ops-”
“So she’s dangerous,” Elle smirked. “I like her already.”
“Well, it seems I’ve found her,” Jason nodded his head to the window, where all of them crowded to see the new girl. Spencer didn’t bother, too busy thinking about the case, and the fact that he wouldn’t be home tonight even though you’d just come back from a deployment yesterday evening. 
“She’s pretty!” Penelope squealed. “Spencer come look, maybe we can set you up!”
“For the last time Pen, I have a girlfriend-”
“Yeah, one that you never let us meet or see because she’s ‘in the navy’ or ‘busy’,” Elle scoffed, a small chuckle leaving most of their mouths as Spencer rolled his eyes. 
“But she is busy! And in the navy,” he tried, but it was just digging him a deeper hole while the team laughed at him. He stood up and looked at the window and his heart stopped. There you were, go-bag (which Spencer recognised as one of your old navy bags) in hand and a black shirt that showed a lot of the tattoos on your left arm. Spencer felt his mouth water as he watched you walk around with one of the other agents from the floor as he gave you a tour. 
You were here. Standing in his office. 
Were you joining the BAU?
“She is pretty,” he smiled and Penelope hit him on the chest. 
“You have a girlfriend!” She gasped as she started backing Spencer practically into a wall as the team watched on and laughed “You cannot go around calling other women beautiful-” “No Penelope-” “That is just disgusting and gross-” “Penelope-” “Ugh you are such a man! It’s disgusting -”
“Hi,” you smiled, standing at the door. Penelope stopped and turned to you, a big smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Penelope! Nice to meet you,” she held out her hand to be shook and you took it. 
“I’m Y/n,” you explained. “Captain Y/n Y/l/n.”
Heads turned to Spencer, his girlfriend’s name was supposedly Y/n. His girlfriend was supposedly a captain, and became one in only 7 years. The youngest there had ever been. 
“Welcome to the team,” Elle smiled. “Elle Greenaway.”
“Derek Morgan,” Derek smiled, taking your hand to shake. 
“Obviously you’ve met me over the phone,” Aaron muttered.
“Jason Gideon,” Jason smiled, giving you a salute. 
“Jennifer Jareou, but everyone calls me Jj,” she smiled. 
“And that over there, is-”
“Doctor Spencer Reid, I’m well acquainted,” you smiled. 
Spencer was still standing in the corner of the room, a proud smile on his face as the team slowly connected the dots. 
“Wait so she’s real?” Derek practically squealed.
You chuckled as a thousand questions poured in about your relationship, but you just sat and listened to them as Spencer went bright red. 
“Please stop asking such invasive questions guys-” Spencer tried but he was drowned out in a sea of voices. 
“Settle down,” Aaron called. “We have a case. Obviously this isn’t your first profiling case, right Y/n?”
“No, it’s not my first,” you nodded. 
As the briefing went on, you felt Spencer’s hand creep onto your lap. You didn’t mind, you liked having him close, but he was getting a little… work inappropriate. You brushed his hand off and continued the briefing. 
“What was your callsign?” Jason asked out of the blue as you all walked onto the plane. 
“Sailfish, sir,” you said, your naval manners bled into your life everyday, including calling people of authority ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’.
“That’s so cool, why?”
“I was the fastest flyer,” you shrugged, sitting beside Spencer. His arm immediately wrapped around you, and he pulled you into him, kissing the crown of your head as he read his book. 
You and Spencer had been together long enough that you both knew each other's love language. Spencer’s was physical touch whereas yours was quality time and words of affirmation. You didn’t like PDA at the beginning of your relationship, but you'd grown to not mind it when Spencer wanted to be close in public. 
“How was the trip back?” He whispered. You felt all eyes on the both of you and he mustn’t have noticed, or else he would’ve let go. 
“It was fine, Scratch and Patches were fucking fighting the entire way back,” you sighed. Two of your friends, callsigns Scratch and Patches, had just started dating and recent weeks and god were they annoying. 
“They finally go together then?” He asked, engrossed in his book. 
“Not for fucking long,” you mummbled. “How long is the flight?”
“We have about 5 hours, do you want to sleep?”
“Yeah, I might just nap for a while.”
“Alright, I love you, sleep well,”
“Love you too,” you yawned and quickly fell asleep. Soon, all of the team were crowding around you two, questions ready to ask, and Aaron ready to have an awkward conversation. 
“She’s really cool, how in god’s name did you pull her?” Derek asked as Spencer chuckled, running a hand through your hair as you slept. In your sleep, you had a habit of pulling away from Spencer, so Spencer usually kept an arm around you at all times. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “We just… got together I guess.”
“Spencer, I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news but… the PDA stuff should probably be taken down,” Jj said, Aaron behind her with a look of pleading. 
“And there’s paperwork for you both to sign,” he added.
“What do you mean?” Spencer asked, confused. Why would he need to tone it down? 
“There’s rules and regulations against agents being together, Strauss would kill you both of you broke them,” Jj explained. 
“It’s not like I’m always touching her,” he rolled his eyes as the team stared on. 
“Well-” Derek started, but Elle hit him in the shoulder. 
“What?” Spencer asked. 
“You don’t exact;y keep your hands to yourself, is all I’m saying,” he said, then walked off with Elle, Jj, and Gideon behind him.
“Just… tone it down, please?” Aaron added, and Spencer nodded, much more to think about than before. Aaron walked off and back to his seat. 
“Well that was deeply embarrassing,” you whispered from your spot against his chest. 
“Yes, yes it was,” Spencer sighed. “I guess I’ll just… tone it down then.”
“At work,” you added. “But at home you can do whatever you want.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he smiled. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he admitted. 
“I’m glad I’m here too.”
He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, then you pulled your body off of his and sat in your own seat to nap, thus the joys of workplace relationships began.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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veturiusofserra · 3 days
when you know, you know | s. r.
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𑁤 synopsis: in an interview she opens up about how easy it is to be loved by Spencer, sharing the story of how they met and how his love inspired her music.
𑁤 pairing: spencer reid x singer!reader
𑁤 words: 1.090
𑁤 disclaimer: This was 100% inspired by something my bf said a while ago, and I love the song. I hope you will enjoy it too <3
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“As we reach the close of our conversation, one thing’s bugging me. In your song “Margaret,” there’s this line ‘when you know, you know.’ Like, how do you just know someone’s the one? I’ve been through my share of relationships, yet I haven’t experienced that kind of thing you sing about. In your song, it’s all so clear-cut, like you can predict the future. It reminds me of a kid believing in the tooth fairy – sweet idea, maybe not quite real. But that’s probably what makes the song so good. It talks about this perfect love where everything just clicks, and all your worries disappear. Maybe that’s what I’m still looking for, or maybe it’s just for some lucky people. Either way, your song paints such a strong picture of love that it makes me wonder if I’ll ever have a ‘Margaret’ of my own.”
“It’s funny, right? The answer everyone gives is so simple: “you’ll just know.” Like love hits you like a lightning bolt, destiny calls, happily ever after guaranteed. But maybe that’s the problem. We get this picture-perfect idea of love from movies and books, and then we miss the real thing when it’s right under our noses. We set these high expectations, these checklists of what “the one” should be like. And if someone doesn’t tick every box, we write them off. It’s like searching for a flawless diamond, forgetting that even the most beautiful gems have tiny imperfections. Because guess what? We all mess up. You make mistakes, I make mistakes, everyone does. Maybe that’s what makes a real connection so special – accepting someone, flaws and all. Speaking of which, there’s this story I wanted to share with you.”
“We're all ears!”, the interviewer and the crew smile with waiting faces.  
“For the longest time, I believed I was destined to give love, but never receive it.  Maybe because... well, let’s be honest, I can be a bit self-absorbed, lost in my own head and neglecting others. But even with the no love life mantra, there was always this yearning for a family, a deep desire for children I could call my own. The ‘what ifs’ terrified me, though. Would I be a good parent? Would they be happy? Could I provide for them? Eventually, I resigned myself to a life of music, making people happy through my art, having a few friends, maybe a tragically young death – you know, the artist’s curse. 
Then, I found him. We both know Penny, but run in different circles. He’s in law, I’m an artist – about as different as you get, except for maybe a shared love of fancy vocabulary. We met at Penny’s birthday party, and while he claims it was love at first sight for him, I just thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. But that was it. He was too shy to introduce himself, and I was sworn off men at the time. Funny how fate works, right?  We never crossed paths before, but after that night, it seemed like everywhere I turned, there he was. That’s when I decided to take a chance, and boy, I was so scared!
All those stories about soulmates and butterflies? They weren’t for me. Anxiety had been my constant companion for as long as I could remember. Butterflies just meant another battle brewing in my head. What I craved was peace, a steady hand to anchor me until I was ready to set sail. So, I built a friendship with him. We shared secrets, dreams, and vulnerabilities. He turned out to be a brilliant mind, a walking encyclopedia with an IQ of 187. Yet, he never made me feel inferior. He found humor in my quirks, and we seemed to complement each other perfectly. The more time we spent together, the more his words resonated: “We were designed for one another.”
And then, it hit me. Love. Deep, unexpected, and all-encompassing. It felt effortless, a perfect fit. But fear gnawed at me. It was all so new, so unfamiliar. Just as I was drowning in uncertainty, Penny, our mutual friend, reached out. She had something to show me – “Margaret.”
“She wrote it?” she asked, intrigued.
“Well, she started it,” I clarify. “Inspired by him, she penned the first lines that night after the birthday party. She couldn't shake the image of his longing gaze, a sight she’d never witnessed before. It felt sacred, a raw glimpse into his heart. The initial draft, rough around the edges, went something like this: ‘just writing for a friend. My shirt's inside out, and penmanship is messy. He met her on the rooftop, and she wore white. He said, ‘I think I’m in trouble.’ He saw flashes of the future.” A gentle smile graces your lips. 
“Seriously, that’s adorable.”
I nod, a blush creeping up my cheeks. “Right? Her words sparked inspiration within me. I wrote the rest, my mind consumed by-”
“By him.” she prompted, leaning in.
“He made love feel simple. Loving me was effortless for him, a stark contrast to the struggle I’d always imagined. It was like breathing, a natural and easy rhythm. He helped me discover the light that had been hiding within me all along.”
“There’s a saying,” the interviewer began, “to be loved is to be changed.”
I smiled. “I prefer a different one: to be loved is to be known. Because maybe, just maybe, he saw the affection within me all along, the part I couldn’t quite see myself.”
“You are indeed full of affection,” she said warmly. “Thank you for sharing this story with us.”
“Thank you for listening. I know it's a cliché, but there truly is someone out there for everyone. You never know what tomorrow holds, but deep down, a tiny spark ignites within us, guiding us towards that love. Trust it.”
“That wraps it up for our interview with the lovely Y/n! But before we say goodbye, there's one more message for her. Can we play it, Jonah?” A nod later, the studio fills with the sound of a familiar voice.
“Hey there, love. Just wanted to say congratulations on the album! You poured your heart and soul into it, and I’m incredibly proud. But hey, can you come home soon? Two days feels like an eternity without you. Miss my other half. Love you tons, sweetheart. And everyone listening, stream Ocean Boulevard! Dex says hi to mom, too.” A meow erupts in the background, eliciting a laugh from you and the studio crew.
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thoughts? or prayers idk
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I like the idea that the Valar can grant boons to men or elves they favor. Sometimes visible– glowing markings, feathers, claws– and sometimes not. Attitudes of these blessings ranged from fear to reverence to jealousy, often reflecting opinions of the Valar more generally.
Galadriel's special treelight hair came from Finarfin. Finarfin got it as a result of Manwe's favor. Given how rare it was for Manwe to bestow such gifts, this caused quite a stir. Later, Morgoth would spread rumors that Manwe was trying to set Finarfin up as the new Noldor crown prince, bypassing Finwe's older children.
Namo gave Fingolfin a blessing, and no one was particularly sure why, Fingolfin included. The truth was that Namo had already foreseen Fingolfin's death, and wanted to give him the strength to let him wound Morgoth before falling to him. Namo has always felt a sense of responsibility for those who choose to come to his halls, even if he's powerless to change their fates.
Celegorm was blessed by Orome, given the kind of teeth and claws that a few of his best disciples had been granted over the years. Orome couldn't take those gifts back, so Celegorm kept them for all his life. You wouldn't know that looking at paintings of him, though, because none of them show him with the marks of Orome's hunt. Whether this was a choice made by him or by later revisionists trying to minimize his connection with the Valar is unknown.
Varda gave blessings to both Earendil and Gil-Galad in the final years of the First Age. Both of them are said to have shone like stars afterwards, and there were some darker rumors that like the hallowed Silmarils, they would burn any unholy flesh that touched them. Some speculated that the blessings were Varda's way of apologizing for leaving the elves to face Morgoth alone for so long.
Ulmo is probably the Vala who's given out the most blessings– Cirdan, Turgon, Finrod, and Tuor all recieved boons from him, among others. But everyone who's gotten blessings from Ulmo is weirdly secretive about it. There's lots of gossip floating around– Ulmo is the reason Cirdan has a beard, Ulmo is the reason Turgon is taller than Maedhros, Ulmo is the reason that everyone likes Finrod so much, actually everyone blessed by Ulmo gets gills and he has secret underwater meetings with them– you get the idea. Well, probably no reason to consider that last one. I can't imagine any of the Valar using their power for something that foolish.
There is fierce scholarly debate on whether Thingol received a blessing from Melian, and whether her descendants could, theoretically, do the same. Elrond would like everyone to please stop asking him about it. Elrond would also like everyone to please stop talking about Gil-Galad's hair turning silver after the two of them took a very normal hunting trip together.
(Multiple Valar have tried to take credit for just how amazingly luscious and wonderful Finwe's hair is. But no, that wasn't a blessing. He's just like that.)
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a-killer-obsession · 2 days
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Pretty Boy [Killer x Reader]
You get more than you bargained for when Killer is dared to let you take photos of him in some special jewellery. Inspired by this post.
CW: sub!killer, afab reader, smut, use of horse crop, light bdsm, praise kink, oral sex (giving and receiving), p in v sex, creampie, face sitting
WC: ~3.5k
Masterlist || A03
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“Okay Kil!” Quincy slurred, wobbling in place in a drunken haze, “Your turn! Truth or dare?”
“I never agreed to this game,” he grumbled, taking a long sip of his drink with the straw that threaded through a hole in his mask.
“What, you a fuckin’ coward Kil?” Kid laughed. Killer made a small growl-like sound under his mask and relented, nobody was calling him a coward.
“Fine, dare,” he replied. Quincy squealed in delight.
“You gotta let [y/n] dress you up and take photos!” She clapped, chuffed with herself.
“Quincy!” You snapped back at her, almost choking on your drink in surprise.
“Ah, ah,” she tutted, waggling a very drunk finger, “remember that jewellery you found last raid?”
Fucking Quincy, she was right, Killer would look so fucking good in it, but she was absolutely also doing this because she knew you had hots for the first mate.
“Hang on now, what are we talking?” Killer asked nervously.
“Don't worry baby, I won't make you take the mask off,” you replied, trying to feign confidence but at the same time really fucking anxious about this whole thing, “but you gotta take your shirt off, to show off the jewellery of course”
Killer grumbled as he thought about it. It was clear to anyone with eyes that under his usual selection of probably too small t-shirts that he was sculpted like an Adonis, but he wasn't as confident with his body as the other commanders. The others would happily walk around naked if given the chance, while you could only get a glimpse of his bare chest on the rare occasion he went swimming. For you though, maybe he could let himself go. He'd long since accepted his attraction to you, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. Fuck, maybe he was a coward. “Only [y/n] sees the photos?” he asked, though it was more of a plea.
“Fineeeee,” Quincy whined, giving you a look that absolutely translated to ‘you fucking owe me’.
“Okay,” Killer relented with a heavy sigh.
“Atta boy,” Kid smacked him on the shoulder, “look at you, so brave”
“Shut the fuck up Kid,” Killer grumbled.
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“So uh… what am I wearing?” Killer asked, sitting nervously on the edge of his bed. The two of you were still a little tipsy, but anxiety had certainly sobered both of you a great deal. Both of you thought maybe you could avoid this altogether if you waited long enough for Quincy to forget, but she was having none of that, grabbing the jewellery from the girl's bunkroom herself and shoving you both towards Killer's room, fuck she was strong when she's drunk. You lifted the piece of jewellery from it's box, long interconnecting strings of fake diamonds that formed a sort of harness. He looked at it with a hitched breath, that thing was gonna barely cover anything.
“Shirt off, Massacre Soldier,” you ordered with faux confidence, fiddling with the harness to figure out the best way to get it on him, “I'll have to help you get it on”
“Oh… okay,” he took a deep breath and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it towards his hamper. Fuck, he really was well built, with a thin blond happy trail and smooth, very lickable chest. You shook the distraction from your head and approached him with the harness. The crystals glinted in the light as you walked, Killer taking deep calming breaths to keep himself steady.
The easiest connection was the neck, so you attached that first, Killer having to hold his great mane of hair out of the way as he sat sideways on the bed and you knelt on the mattress behind him. Next was his back, your fingers smoothing over his chest and leaving goosebumps as you searched for the clasp, finding it with a small ‘ah huh!’ and pulling it around to clasp it in the middle of his back. The last clasp was at his hips, and his breath hitched as your hands followed the single line of crystals that ran down his front to where the remainder of the harness sat pooled in his lap. Clasps successfully located, you brought them around to fix them at the small of his back, swathes of crystals falling over his hips.
You stood to admire the finished product, which fit Killer like a glove just as Quincy had predicted. There was a line around his neck, which connected to one long line that ran all the way down to his happy trail. Over his chest the lines cupped under his pecs, connecting at the back and fastened to the neck at the sides of his pecs, with two additional lines that ran from the center to the top outer edges, framing his nipples. At his hips another line ran around him, and from it on either side were multiple draped lines of crystals that sat loosely over his side, though right now they awkwardly caught on his jeans.
“I gotta lower your jeans a little,” you hummed, and Killer's chest started to go red. You smirked, how could someone so attractive be so shy about his body? It was adorable, really, and gave you a boost of confidence knowing how flustered you were making him.
You pulled him to stand, and looked into the icy blue eyes you could see through the holes of his mask as you removed his sash and unzipped his jeans, hooking your fingers into the waistband of the pants and his briefs underneath and lowering them till they sat just above his cock, the deep v of his muscles and the well trimmed blond mass of pubes now exposed, pale against his tanned flesh. His breath was haggard as you stepped back and admired him, satisfied now that the crystals were able to hang against his bare skin. Now how to pose him?
“On your knees, soldier, arms behind your back,” you commanded. Normally he would have replied with a growl, only Kid had the authority to order him around, but he found himself dropping to his knees before his brain could protest the action, the drapes of stones on his hips making a flurried clicking sound as he moved. The sudden obedience surprised but pleased you, you were sure you'd gone too far with that request, but seeing Killer on his knees, his cock millimetres from exposure, his arms positioned as though he was bound, sent electricity straight to your core.
Before he could change his mind you grabbed the photo den-den and started snapping pictures. It was a polaroid style, only one copy could be made of each photo, no digital copies, as per the agreement you'd come to with Killer a little later. Something black under the corner of the bed caught your eye as you snapped photos, and his mask followed you nervously as you bent down beside him and retrieved it.
“Wow Kil, you're a lot kinkier than I took you for,” you smirked, examining the riding crop in your hand. Funny, there were no horses on board. You heard him swallow hard, saw the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he did so, mask fixed on the item in your hand. Caught red handed, curse the rocking of the ship for knocking it out of place, he should have done a better job of checking his room before allowing you in. “Now is this for use on others, or for use on you?” you asked as you whipped the tool, making a whistling sound as it sliced through the air next to him.
“M-me,” he finally answered. The answer surprised and aroused you, you'd never had guessed in a million years that Killer was a submissive, but it was becoming painfully obvious, slick pooling between you legs the more you thought about it.
“May I?” You purred, and he nodded slowly. You pushed the tip of it against his chin, forcing it up and exposing his thick neck. You snapped a few more pictures of him like that before setting the snail aside, far more interested in this new entertainment now as a clear tent formed in his jeans, the very base of his thick cock now visible as the fabric shifted. You bit your bottom lip noticing the thin trip of hardening flesh, running the crop down his front, following the line of crystals. “Such a pretty thing,” you hummed.
His hand grabbed the end of the crop, moving it till the leather loop at the end pressed against his nipple, a small, barely audible, whimper escaping him from under the mask. “You want me to hit you there?” You asked with a raised brow. His mask moved as he nodded and let go of the crop, hand returning to behind his back as he braced himself. Hesitantly you pulled back, before smacking him lightly with the crop.
“Harder,” he pleaded. You pulled back again, hitting him much harder, leaving a fresh red mark over his nipple as you pulled it away. He let out a small pleased groan, his hips bucking a little, exposing more of his length. “More”
You happily obliged, alternating between his two nipples and laying hard smacks against them with the delicate tool, making him groan and buck more. His jeans finally gave way with one last buck, his fully erect and leaking cock now exposed and at attention. You swore under your breath at the sight of it, thick and long and swollen with need, a drop of precum beading at the tip. You ran the crop down his front, pausing above his cock hesitantly, expecting him to stop you, but he remained still, his hands back behind his back obediently, his mask fixed on you. You bit your lip and ran the crop over the top of his length, rubbing the leather loop against the leaking tip, smearing his precum. You pressed it to the base of the underside where his shaft met his balls, running it up the length, his cock twitching against the leather. “So fucking pretty,” you breathed.
“All- all for you,” he mewled, rutting against the crop. You couldn't take it anymore, you were practically dripping with arousal just looking at him, the harness sparkling under the bedroom lights as he tried desperately to get friction against the small leather tip.
You dropped the crop and rushed at him, pushing him to the floor and attacking his neck with your mouth. You made shallow bites, leaving welts along his throat and shoulder, the usually stoic first mate whining and writhing under you as your nails dragged down his front. You pinched his reddened nipples as you moved down, pulling needy sounds from him, biting and licking and kissing your way down his front, running your tongue under the line of jewellery. Finally you reached his weeping cock, repurposing one hand to wrap around his base while your tongue ran up the underside and lapped at the precum, rubbing over the sensitive tip with your wet muscle before taking him in your mouth with a pleased hum. He swore under his breath as you bobbed your head, using your hand to service what you couldn't fit. One of his hands wound into your hair and guided your speed while the other clawed at the rug underneath him, his back arching off the floor as you took more of him, till his tip hit the back of your throat and your gagging vibrated the sensitive flesh.
A thin string of saliva connected your mouth to the head of his cock as you pulled off for air, looking at him with a half lidded, lust-addled gaze. “So pretty,” you purred, running your tongue up the underside of his twitching cock, “so fucking pretty”
“Shit, [y/n],” Killer gasped as you swallowed him again, his hips moving on their own accord and making swallow thrusts into your mouth, “I'm gonna- fuck- I'm gonna cum- hnng”
The hand that wasn't pumping the base of his cock travelled back up his body, playing with the jewellery for a moment before pinching and pulling at his nipple again. He let out a string of curses and whines as his hand pulled tight on your hair, holding you in place as he thrust up into you and released thick ropes of cum down your throat, leaving a trail over your tongue as he pulled out. He collapsed flat against the floor, his limbs limp around him, his hair fanned out over the rug like a cape, the jewellery and sweat on his body shimmering with every heaving breath he took. You licked the dripping remnants of his cum from his cock, eagerly swallowing his load and licking your lips, the lewdness of it making him whine.
You stood and grabbed the snail, and Killer made no attempt to move as you took more photos of him in his euphoric state, his cock already half hard again at the open shamelessness of you taking photos of him after absolutely sucking any remnant of a coherent thought right out of him via his dick.
Not wanting to test the limits of the precarious situation, you gathered your few things and made for the door, but not before Killer could scramble to you, wrapping himself around your thighs, bare under the miniskirt of the dress you wore. You let out a surprised gasp as his hands travelled up your legs, groping at your plush flesh, his mask pressing between them as he looked up at you.
“Please don't go,” he begged, “let me make you feel good, please, I wanna make you feel good. I'll be so good for you, so good”
You put down your things and stepped back towards him, your feet either side of his legs as he knelt on the floor. He reached up to his mask and you held your breath as he removed it, looking up at you with those deep blue eyes, darkened and almost black with lust, and purple tinted lips that immediately went to work kissing and licking your thighs. You pulled your dress up and over your head, leaving you in only your bra and panties, and he hooked his fingers under the panties to slide them down, stepping out of them so he could remove them entirely. His mouth travelled up the inside of your thighs, moving up and up till he was nosing at your folds, his eyes still locked with yours till he closed his to delve between your legs. You moaned as his tongue ran between your folds, letting him support your weight with his hands on your ass so you could crouch a little to give him better access.
He grunted into your folds, unsatisfied with what he could reach, and he started laying back flat, pulling you down with him till you were straddling his face. You were powerless to his motions as he held you tight against him and ate you out like a man starved, his moans vibrating against your cunt and making you shudder. “Killlll~” you whined, one hand fisting his thick hair as he encouraged you to roll against him, grinding your clit against his strong tongue. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, so good, so fucking good”
He gave your clit a harsh suck, snapping your coil, your orgasm rocking through you as he supported your weight and kept you flush to his mouth. He let you go limp against his chest as your high passed, both of you panting heavy, Killer pressing kisses to whatever he could reach of your thighs, his dick back to full mast beside your face. You could smell his arousal, and you turned your head to make kitten licks against his cock.
“I wanna fuck you,” he panted against the soft skin of your inner thigh, groping at the flesh on the outer side, “need to feel you cum on my cock, please”
All you could reply with was a needy whine, doing your best to sit back up so you could shuffle your ass back down his body, the jewellery catching against your skin and tugging as you moved. You rubbed your slick pussy weakly against his erection, your legs jelly from your orgasm. In one swift movement he grabbed your hips and the back of your head, flipping you so you lay underneath him, protecting your head from hitting the floor while also winding his fingers through your hair. His mouth latched on to your throat, marking your skin as his hands travelled down your body, the draping sections of the jewellery over his hips hanging down and brushing over yours. They clinked and jingled as he rutt his cock against you, rubbing it against your clit, before his moving hands reached where your legs were spread for him and he took himself in his palm, lining himself up and plunging into you, sheathing himself to the base with one deeo thrust and needy groan. Your back arched as he knelt between your legs, holding both of your hips in a bruising hold as he started a desperate, brutal pace, making you cry out in pleasure and claw at the rug. Your hand ran up his front, playing with the harness, admiring the way it sparkled as he fucked you, you eyes travelling upwards to his unmasked face. His head was thrown back, blond hair falling around his shoulders like a curtain of gold, brows furrowed in concentration. His purple lipstick was smeared, no doubt coating the skin on your thighs and neck and between your legs, a glistening of your silk still coating his chin.
“So pretty Kil, such a good boy,” you purred, your thumb running over his lower lip. He looked at you with wide, hungry eyes, his tongue poking out and running up your thumb before taking the digit in his mouth and sucking on it, letting out a whine as his thrusts increased in speed and depth and his fingers left deep purple bruises on your hips. His hands only left them to pull down your bra, the last piece of clothing you still had on, taking fists full of your breasts till his hands moved back to your hips, watching your tits bounce with every hard thrust as he fucked you like an animal in heat on his bedroom floor.
White hot pleasure was running through your body as your orgasm ran dangerously close, and you removed your thumb from his mouth to claw at his forearms, long deep moans pulled from you as he felt you start to flutter around him.
“Cum for me, please,” he whined, “‘m so close, so close, cum on my cock please”
“You've been such a good boy Kil,” you panted, “gonna cum for you- gonna- fuck, fuck, I'm cumming”
Your back arched of the floor and you saw sparkles in your vision as you came hard, clamping down around him and forcing him to cum with you, already teetering so close to the edge before your walls started milking every last drop he had. He painted your insides white with his seed, his hips stuttering before they stilled, collapsing to hover over you, focusing the last of his energy into keeping his weight from crushing you till he had no choice but to pull out and roll to lay beside you on the floor.
You rolled to your side to curl up against him, his skin scalding to the touch from the heavy physical activity, sweat rolling down his skin and catching on the gemstones of his harness. You played with the threads of glass stones, running your hands under them against Killer's skin, enjoying the luxurious and rare view.
“Fuck, I've wanted to do that for so long,” he puffed finally.
“Yeah? Me too,” you hummed.
“Then why the jewellery? Why not just come out with it?” He panted, his head turning to meet your eyes with his. You hand travelled up his chest and neck until you could cup his sharp cheek, running your thumb over it, drinking in his unmasked face.
“Pretty things for a pretty boy,” you replied, and you could see just the hint of the corner of his mouth curling upwards. Before he could accidentally show you the smile he was so self conscious about, he rolled over entirely and captured your mouth with his, his tongue hot and dominating against yours as he pulled you to press flush against him.
“Your pretty boy,” he mumbled against your neck as he moved to attack it.
“All mine,” you smiled.
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satellite-evans · 8 hours
Pebbles of love
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Benedict and his fiancée spend a romantic day at the beach, finding pebbles that match each other's eye colors <3
Word count: 1k
Warnings: pure fluff
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, recommendations, vents or questions are always welcome. I love talking to you guys about anything <3
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Benedict Bridgerton had always been a lover of art and beauty, and nothing in the world was more beautiful to him than his fiancée, Y/N. Today, they had planned a rare escape from the hustle and bustle of London society—a trip to the serene coastline, where they could revel in each other’s company without the watchful eyes of the ton.
The journey to the beach had been filled with lively conversation and shared laughter, their carriage rocking gently along the country roads. Benedict stole glances at Y/N as she looked out the window, the sunlight casting a warm glow on her features. Her hair, a cascade of silk, shimmered in the light, and her eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation.
As they arrived at the beach, the salty sea breeze greeted them, tousling their hair and filling their lungs with the invigorating scent of the ocean. They discarded their shoes and socks, delighting in the sensation of the cool, damp sand beneath their feet. The beach stretched out before them, a pristine canvas of soft, golden sand and scattered pebbles, with the gentle waves lapping at the shore.
Benedict looked at Y/N, her face illuminated by the sunlight, her eyes reflecting the endless blue of the sky above. He marveled at how lucky he was to have found her. She was his muse, his inspiration, the very essence of beauty and grace. Each moment spent with her was a treasure he held close to his heart.
“This place is perfect,” Y/N said, her voice filled with awe. “I’ve always loved the sea.”
Benedict smiled, his heart swelling with love. “I thought you might,” he said. “I wanted to share something special with you, away from everything else.”
Y/N reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “You always know exactly what I need.”
They walked along the shoreline, the rhythmic sound of the waves providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. They spoke of their dreams, their future together, and the adventures they hoped to share. Benedict felt a sense of peace, a certainty that with Y/N by his side, he could face anything.
“Benedict, look at this one!” Y/N exclaimed, holding up a small, smooth pebble that glistened under the sunlight. It was a pale blue, almost the exact shade of Benedict’s eyes. She smiled, her heart swelling with the simple joy of the moment.
Benedict took the pebble from her hand, inspecting it. “It’s beautiful,” he said, his voice warm and soft. “Almost as beautiful as you.”
Y/N blushed, her cheeks a lovely shade of pink that Benedict found utterly enchanting. “Well, aren't you a charmer,” she said, though her smile betrayed her pleasure at his compliment.
“I try my best,” Benedict replied, slipping the pebble into his pocket. He felt a warmth in his chest, a sense of completeness he had never known before her. “But now I must find one that matches your eyes.”
They continued their leisurely stroll, eyes scanning the ground for the perfect stone. Benedict was determined, his artist’s eye sharp as he examined each pebble they passed. The task was more than just a game; it was a way to connect, to see each other in the world around them.
As they walked, Benedict found himself lost in thought. He remembered their first meeting at one of the many Bridgerton balls, where she had captivated him with her wit and charm. He had been smitten from the moment she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Their courtship had been a whirlwind of stolen glances, secret rendezvous, and whispered confessions of love. Every step of the journey had brought them closer, solidifying the bond they now shared.
Finally, he spotted one—a deep, rich brown, with flecks of gold that caught the light in a way that reminded him of Y/N’s eyes. It was perfect, just like her.
“Here,” he said, presenting his find to her with a flourish. “This one.”
Y/N took the pebble, holding it up to her eyes to compare. “It’s perfect,” she said, her voice soft with emotion. She looked up at Benedict, her heart full. “You really think my eyes look this beautiful?”
Benedict smiled, drawing her close. “No, I don't,” he said. “I think your eyes are far more beautiful, my love."
They spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach, collecting pebbles and shells, laughing and talking, sharing dreams and memories. Every moment felt like a brushstroke on the canvas of their love story, vibrant and full of life. Benedict felt a profound sense of happiness as they played like children, unburdened by societal expectations.
As the sun began to set, they sat together on a large rock, watching the waves. Benedict couldn’t help but reflect on how much his life had changed since meeting Y/N. She had brought color to his world, a sense of purpose and joy he had never thought possible.
“Do you know,” Benedict said, breaking the comfortable silence, “I think this is my favorite place in the world now.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder. “Because of the beach?”
Benedict shook his head, kissing the top of hers. “Because of you,” he said simply. “Wherever you are, that is my favorite place.”
Y/N smiled, closing her eyes and savoring the moment. “And you are mine, Benedict Bridgerton.”
They continued to sit in silence, the sound of the waves mingling with the rhythm of their breaths. Benedict held her a little tighter, feeling the steady beat of her heart against his side. It was in these quiet moments that he felt the depth of his love for her, a love that was as constant and enduring as the ocean before them.
As the last light of the day faded into twilight, they stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the pebbles they had collected lying beside them.
Benedict looked down at Y/N, her face serene in the fading light, and whispered, “You are my greatest masterpiece.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. “And you, Benedict, are my heart’s truest desire.”
With that, they sealed their love with a kiss, as timeless and beautiful as the sea before them.
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OC Picrew Tag!
I found this really cool Picrew and decided to make some of my OCs using it! I think you guys might like giving it a try as well, so I'm tagging a few people in this post (:
Here we go!
Rules: Use the provided Picrew to make one of your WIPs OCs, then provide a quick description of the character, and (optionally) a "funny/bad" version of a summary
Deimos Soll
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About: An infamously silver-tongued assassin, sniper, and mercenary known for being unpredictable and always having hidden intentions, Deimos is Jack and Cassie's former crewmate and first childhood friend, turned rival, turned begrudging-friend-again. Deimos is the most successful and deadly sniper in the whole galaxy, feared even by the Junction at his full potential.
Badly/Funny Summarization: Essentially a young, alien, 'space opera' version of John Wick with extra angst and a very questionable moral compass
Lyorna Alyrii
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About: A young and optimistic freedom fighter from a water folk of a faraway planet in the Khosmonian galaxies who believes in a freer future for her people and an end to the oppressive regime of the Junction. Focused and brilliant, Lyorna wants to uphold her father's legacy and bring peace to the galaxy. She becomes friends with Jack Tithus during his crew's mission on the Khosmonian galaxy and later on they become each other's love interest.
Bad Summarization: An overly optimistic, too-precious young adult who should be protected at all costs and has almost no plan for anything at any given moment in time and should not be left unsupervised.
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About: Though his full name is classified and unknown to the cast, his reputation precedes him. He is the single most successful special forces secret agent currently in the employ of the Junction - he has never failed a mission, never missed a target. And he always follows orders, always obeys the rules. However, is everything about him what it seems? A forgotten and suppressed part of his memory may prove that the system he fought so dearly to uphold may have actually made him into their perfect living weapon, and there may be many other lies yet to be uncovered
Bad Summarization: Twenty-something secret agent done with everything and everyone who only wanted to have a simple mission and ends up 'adopted' by the gang of misfits he was sent to supervise.
Tullieh Aerlys
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About: The undefeated and steadfast commander of the Guardians, who protect the Mountain Elves' hidden kingdom and keep outsiders from discovering their land. Tullieh is a serious, no-nonsense young man to whom duty and honor mean everything, due to a personal grudge against humans, especially those who hunt mythical beings, he will do anything to honor his vow and keep his people - especially his younger siblings - from being found by outsiders, even if it means being ruthless and unforgiving to a questionable degree.
Bad Summarization: Traumatized ancient teenager who grew up way too fast and should never have been given a gun and a sword under any circumstances, but has both of those things and a lack of self-preservation instincts to make everything worse.
Renn Atrius
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About: A foreign noble from beyond the royal lands, he was forced into the lifestyle of a thief from a young age, after being orphaned when his father, a Vampyr, was murdered for refusing to obey their neighboring kingdom's crown. Learning the art of disappearing into the night and taking valuables from the land that took everything from him and colonized his nation, Renn quickly became quite the nuisance for the King. But thankfully to his connection to raw blood magic, his slight vampiric abilities ensure no human soldier ever proves a real threat to him. He starts to fall in love with Roselyn, having become friends with her after trying to steal her coin purse (having mistaken her for a tourist from the capital).
Bad Summarization: Goth dhampyr way too reckless for his own good chooses to be a menace to the System while also refusing to deal with his very much unresolved childhood trauma.
Cadenza Narellie
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About: A young faery noble, Cadenza is the only child of a once-powerful, now defamed, High House. After rumors about her father's supposed alliance with their nation's enemies, the human royals from the neighboring kingdom, their reputation came crashing down, and so did the bond they once shared, as her father grew mysteriously distant from her. Realizing something is seriously amiss, Cadenza takes it upon herself to investigate and find out the truth about what is truly happening, even if it gets her accused of treason herself.
Bad Summarization: Local faery with way too much time on her hands and no friends decides to dive into a conspiracy and is surprised when that decision has consequences.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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■●○Shojou Pain○●■
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“I want to have a connection with someone. I want to be needed by someone. I want the confidence to feel like it’s okay to live.”
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Ask the second years!" Yuji chides, the two of you huddled up on the floor. A note book sitting on your lap as dozens of manga lay across the your desk. "No way!" You create a an 'x' symbol with your hands.
"What if they think I'm not good enough for him!" You cry out, tugging at your hair. Your phone digs as a notfication from Junpei pops up.
"Ha..? They wouldn't." The pink-nette deadpans.
"Think about it..!"
The heroine was cornerd in a desserted hall as the rival scowls. "Why do you keep bothering him! Weirdo!"
"There's gotta be someone we know who has info on him.." Itadori ponders aloud. "Someone with experience.."
Grabbing your phone, you see the small text. Even he was trying to help you out, even if he was doing special training with Nanami. You read outloud the text he sent.
"Junpei said: "Someone one that knows him well enough." "
Yuji hums in agreement. "Someone we know too.."
The two of you stew in thought as Nobara and Megumi return back to the classroom. Lunches in hand, converseing quietly.
Fushiguro pauses, a strange look on his face. The brunette blinks, turning her attention ahead of them.
"Geh-!? Creepy..." Kugisaki mumbles.
There teacher, who had been hiding by the doorway, watches excitedly. Teetering back and forth on his long legs. Readying to jump into the classroom, like a dog having there name called!
"I got it!" You cheer, jumping out of your seat. Slamming your hands against the desk, your gaze faraway.
Aftee those words were utter, you could hear a small distraught yell from outside.
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Okkotsus type eh..." Todo mumbled, his muscular frame leaning back against the chair. "Hmmm.. Well, when I first heard of him. I thought of some total badass."
"He is-!" You tried to defend, but stop yourself, never actually seeing him in action. But hearing how Fushiguro respected him, along with being a Speical grade, hell, even close with your seniors!
He... Was a power house.
But. What did you actually KNOW about HIM?
Shaking away your thoughts, you wait expectantly for an answer.
"Ha! When I saw him though, he looked like a scared lamb!" Todo laughed. "But, I could feel his cursed energy as soon as he stepped in the arena."
Sipping at your drink, you watch your friend smirk as he recalls the memories. You nodded along, especially the smallest details.
"But type of woman... He never really told me." He shrugged as you choke on your straw, coughing into your fist.
"Though, your strength to puruse him is admirable!" Todo pat your shoulder ruffly, laughing again. "I'm quite good at reading people, so I'm sure I know his type!"
You sweated, maybe asking the second-years should of been your first choice.
"A strong, resilient woman, with a big rack." Todo nodded thoughtfully.
"...." You smack your head against the table as Todo smiles smugly at his answer. "...Thanks, Todo..." You grit out, before popping your head back up in realization. "Oh! Right, I almost forgot, here!"
Taking the papers out from your bag, you slide them over to him. Whispering, "for your trouble's." You said seriously.
"Huh? What's this.." He picks them up, then immediately becomes quiet.
Holding out your hand, he takes it quickly. Gripping it firmly as the two of you share a look of aknowlegement.
"Good luck! (Y/N)!"
"Thank you!"
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
Eyes ahead on the lap course, you huff as you do. Not as good as your pink haired friend, but doing your best!
Hearing laughter near the bleachers, you slow your pace to get a peek.
Maki laughed manically as she swiped at Yuta with her spear as he expertly dodged. Swinging back at her with his blade.
You gaze in awe, almost stopping completely until your nudge by Kugisaki. "Hey, you' alright? You seem space-casey." Your pace became snail-like as the two of you walked and talked.
"I'm fine, just thinking!" You laugh it off, glancing away.
"Hmmm..." Nobara sighed. "I heard from Itadori that you went out on a date."
"HUH!? -A-h.. No!" You explain your situation to jer quickly, fumbling a bit on a few words. But making sure your point came across.
"Good! Cause' I thought either one of us went on a date we'd tell each other, that idiot was lying, I knew it!"
You bashfully defended Yuji, "He just meant "going out" not.. "OUT." " Nobara scowls. "Your worse than he was when I asked."
Huffing, she leaves your side, but pauses. Glancing back at you. "Though, I'll be sure to help you dress probably for a real date." She sassed, before leaving the track to grab her watterbottle.
You follow after before driffing over to Panda's side discreetly as you could.
Noticing you, the cursed corpse welcomes your presence. "Hey (Y/N)! You wanted to see the action?" Panda jokes as Inumaki agreed. "Salmon."
Face warm, you take a seat with them. "Ah, well... I wanted to ask something."
"Go on.."
"Is.. Is.. Okkotsu, seeing anyone?" You smile anxiously, gazing at your senior classmate hopefully.
"Oh-ho~!" Panda pats your back encouragingly. "I see! You should of said something sooner! Toge is right though, he's single."
You beam, letting out a relived breath. "Ha... I was super curious, but I got worried, then I asked Todo. And he said Yuta's into big bo-"
"He perfers normal." Panda interupted your rant.
You pause, shutting up. Waiting for him to continue eagerly.
Before Panda could continue, Maki yells at you. "Oi! (Y/N), don't slack off." She calls at you, while you squeak when seeing even Yutas attention directed at you.
Slumping in your seat, you smile reassureingly at your two seniors. "Right.. Sorry."
You hop down from the bleachers, not daring to catch a glance at the male who held your heart. Gazing ahead, you walk past Yuta as your eyes light up when seeing Yuji call you over to the field.
"Hey! (Y/N)! Junpei said he's free this weekend to see Earth Worm Four!"
You scream back with delight as you ran to him. "No way! You think we could convice Nobara and Megumi to come with-!"
The Heroine misses the glances she got, oblivious as a typical shoujo maiden.
Maki sighs at your shouting, ignoring it as she glances at her friend. "Yuta, we can take a break now. You don't seem very focused." She mocks, reading his slightly stiff movements easily.
"Sorry Maki."
"YUUUUTAAA~!" A cheery voice sings, walking into grassy area.
"Oh, Gojo-Sensei?"
"The one and only! But, I got a mission for you."
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
[Taglist: @mint129106 @iamboredowo @yveening @okkvtsu @bankaixx @imphuong]
[Fan art, reblogs, comments are always apperciated! I hope you all like the update! Are poor guy needs some love!]
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Thinking about that dream I had a while ago where me and Micolash went to bug Laurence because we wanted to nap in one bed with him just to be comfy but he had to reject us because unlike us he was doing his homework hfhhjgfbv So Micolash just offered to watch Magia Record instead and we actually did, but at that time I haven't seen that anime yet.. nonetheless I envisioned Kaede (character from this anime) with perfect accuracy - I remind you, I never seen her or heard about her then. So that same day after I woke up, I decided to watch that anime foe real, and I am still trying to find the words for what I felt when I saw her in the anime and realized my brain wasn't just filling the gaps. Magiiiiic
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georgieluz · 7 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
thanks @hesbuckcompton-baby @footprintsinthesxnd @jump-wings @cody-helix02 and @merriell-allesandro-shelton for the tag!
since five people tagged me i'm gonna include a few extras bc i couldn't narrow it down to ten :) i also decided to do characters outside of hbo war since everyone knows my faves already
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faramir – lord of the rings
dick grayson – dc comics
kendall roy – succession
adam kenyon – the thick of it
desmond hume – lost
nanami kento – jujutsu kaisen
varian fry – transatlantic
roy kent – ted lasso
jamie tartt – ted lasso
john constantine – comics & matt ryan
tim gutterson – justified
marjan marwani – 911: lone star
tk strand – 911: lone star
gethin roberts – pride (2014)
jesper fahey – six of crows (books only, but despite me not being a fan of the show, the casting of, and performance by, kit young was impeccable and was the perfect choice)
i think most people got tagged in this over the week whilst i was at work so i don't think anyone is left for me to tag but if you haven't done this yet, please consider yourself tagged!
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relicsongmel · 18 days
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*Dena voice* "Hey Syl you know that one 'mon you found in the woods when you were 8 that saved your life and is literally the whole reason you went on a journey? Well I randomly found it in an artificial wilderness at the bottom of the sea and we're besties now"
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Ok so rex obviously 💖💖 but I was also thinking a bit about Data again 🥺👉👈
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neon-angels-system · 1 year
only one 999 ending to go (true end (+ coffin end by technicality)). anyway.
#note: I am playing the DS version via emulator!#gave in to temptation and looked at one (1) thing on the wiki I thought wouldn't spoil me#...I got spoiled again#my guess about the coffin was completely wrong btw#I thought the third dead was in there. but no. they were dead.#trying to specify who I mean without spoiling it for others lol#anyway I still love Ace's design but Snake has just risen up in my favourites#Santa. I like Santa. good character. great design. one of my faves. enough said.#Clover. oh boy. her design's cute. there's a weird implication made by Ace at one point but I'm ignoring it#but there's not much to say about her? like yup. Snake & Clover's connection sure is strong#but Clover doesn't get much development outside of it. I like her but she's not making my faves list#Junepei himself? he's not a blank protagonist. I like that. however he's not that far off from being a blank protagonist#he has some good moment. his design is eh. that's all#June... I've been spoiled about her#she's nice & I love her design! her and Junepei's relationship fleshes both of them out a lot#I also find the constant interruption of the flow for June and Junepei's special romantic tension time really fucking annoying#they're cute! I get it! I get that it's plot relevant! I think that these scenes highlight Junepei's flaws!#but also shut upppp about her hair smelling good. I don't Care#they do have some good banter at points though#Seven has actually really surprised me - I thought I was going to hate him but he keeps becoming even more likeable#Lotus... I think we're supposed to think she's a terrible person. and she definitely has her moments#but although she is selfish and values her self-preservation above everything else#I think her motivations explain a lot of that#wrote these out of order then reordered them to fit the number order. was just feeling silly goofy#to finish off the cast for good measure... contestant 9 sucks in all of the ways. his design is bad. his actions are realistic#but that entire sequence feels like some kind of ableism to me. it just really rubbed me the wrong way
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dylanconrique · 1 year
maybe i’m reading into it a little too much, but i feel like the pink top angela wore is a dead giveaway that she’s having a girl.
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dredshirtroberts · 2 months
alright well. if i don't hear from grandma and grandpa by the end of the day, i might try and call them tomorrow (oh heeeyy easterrrr yeah happy that thing i don't celebrate anymore.... hope yours is good soooo did you see that i sent a text message ysterday about an email i sent 2 weeks ago? did you get either or those or.....?) but like.
i'm just so tired of having to deal with my fucking biofam.
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besiegedhunter · 6 months
I never thought that Red's plotline could lead to discoveries about origins of Ancient, but with your explanation, it makes a lot of sense.
Also, I know you more a Siracusa person, but you mentioned Nearl and Pegasus, and do you think Maria's plotline in future could be about her Elder heritage, with her having the most connection with it in family(Pegasian eyes and golden blood)?
Thank you! I'm pretty confident in the idea but even if they do something else with her story I'm excited to find out what (though it'd have to cover the Beast Lords and their connection with Ancients.)
But hey Kazimierz is my second favourite nation in the game and I'm more than happy to dicuss other topics. I just have a difficult time thinking them up lol.
That said I'm not the most versed in the topic of Blemishine's situation but doing a bit of research into it I don't think I can see Blemishine having a future plotline regarding Elders.
Maybe the devs will look at Blemishine and want her to be in or spearhead another kind of story but my reading about that moment in NL-8 is that that bit is actually about Tola's character development then teasing something about Blemishine.
I could be wrong, I've not read her module or oprec.
But my thoughts on this scene is that Tola and Blemishine are both trying to uphold their family legacies. Legacies of the Nightzmora Khagan and the Pegasian Knights like the one from the legend of the Khagan and Golden Pegasus that Tola is looking to repeat.
They lack their own convictions but this scene is about Blemishine, in the face of Tola, gathers her own conviction and own belief of what a knight is to stand her ground and protect her family. Her arts are what makes her blood appear gold and it's not meant to suggest she's special but to be symbolic of her gathering her own conviction and strength like the other members of her family and the golden pegasus.
And Tola sees this and knows that she isn't the golden pegasus, she lacks the strength of Nearl or her family. But she has gained her own conviction and willingness to sacrifice herself for her beliefs that he lacks.
As he says, he still desires to fight Nearl. He still retains that he himself is going to emulate the Khagan like he does in his fight after this scene with the Blood Knight and as he says:
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Because he believes he can grow strong off the conviction of the Khagan.
But he recognizes that she has virtues that he lacks despite his belief in his Khaganquest and that lesson he was taught is why he walks away.
Which isn't nearly as fun or exciting or satisfying as Blemishine being special even among the other Nearls but I think...? Think that's what the writers was intending with this scene.
I'd be overjoyed to be proven wrong but I don't think that Blemishine is any different from the other Nearls. For example Platinum's S2 is named Pegasian Sight and there's this line from Pinus Sylvestris that seems to canonize this as something she has in the story:
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And with Ho'olheyak's lore that ten thousand years ago her ancestors were actual Kukulkan, it's likely that the Nearls and other Pegasus also were actual Pegasus and likely needed better eyesight akin to a bird's to be able to see while they fly through the sky and it persisted to modern day Pegasus.
A point is probably only made with Blemishine because she's an underdog who has to use everything she has to win, like her engineering knowledge when fighting the Plastic Knight.
For example, Nearl demonstrates at the end of Maria Nearl and in the PV of Near Light (which I believe Pinus Sylvestris refrences, making it canon) the ability to fly and so she likely uses her Pegasian Sight then.
That said, Tola says that Blemishine's name would go down in history and while I don't know if she is returning to being a knight anytime soon (my impression is that the story wants her to chase her desire to be a smith) it would be interesting to see her get a Bloodline of Combat skin or a event revolving around her.
That's my thoughts on the matter.
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yunopouts · 8 months
scream - l. jeno
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-> lee jeno x fem reader
-> frat! au, pure smut (jeno lee is one nasty mother fucker in this one y'all)
-> CW: dom! jeno, rough sex(??), choking, edging, a small... TINY (VERY TINY) bit of ass play, protected sex, handjob, overuse of the word fuck, overstim, head god jeno, fingering, spitting, squirting, slight praise, lots of crying (reader), dumbification, marking/biting, scratching, blood, nipple play, gagging, bdj (big dick jeno LMFAOO)
-> a/n: this is my apology for going on such a long break T-T, i'm telling you i didn't even realise it went on for that long. i was checking in every now and then but i feel so bad T-T anyways! I'm back :P this one doesn't have THAT much dialogue, so i hope you guys enjoy the gory details 😁 also i think this is the filthiest, most smutty, smut i've ever fucking written, and i've written a lot... trust me on this.
-> upcoming: dilf! jaehyun next week and maybe another halloween special idk. oh btw, everything has some sort of halloween aspect to it :)) psst! requests are open!!
-> word count: 4.2k!
-> also p.s: idk how to explain the way he's acting in this fic... he's like very sweet and cute when he's kissing, but he's being a bitch when he's fucking and being rough... idk, i hope you understand what I mean. but also, as rough as he maybe, he's very touchy-feely and kissy :D ANYWHO! I present to you, six pages of pure filth!
safe! master list
mature! masterlist
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“When you said we’re going to a party, I didn’t know it was a frat party.” Minjeong said as the three of you walked through the door. The house reeked of weed and sweat, all the criteria for a proper frat party, except everyone is in a Halloween costume.
“Girl, where else would the party have been?” Jimin scoffed lightly. She paused in the doorway, looking down at her phone before she sighed. “Apparently Sungchan’s waiting for me in the living room, I’ll see you two later?” Both you and Minjeong nodded, wishing the girl goodbye and watched as she walked away in her cheerleader costume. 
Turning to each other, you silently agreed that the first thing you needed was a drink, so you headed off to the kitchen. 
“I forgot to tell you how hot you look in that outfit.” She said in your ear, loud enough for you to hear over the music, and you gave her a smile while you poured yourself a drink. 
“So do you,” you whistled as you looked her up and down, the way the gross boys in movies do when they spot a hot girl. 
Together, you looked like an odd pair, seeing as you were dressed up as Jennifer, from Jennifer’s Body, and Minjeong was Little Red Riding Hood. The music thumped through the air as the two of you stood in the crowded kitchen, surrounded by costumed partygoers. The laughter and chatter blended with the bass, creating a symphony of Halloween revelry. Your playful compliment still lingered in the atmosphere, adding a touch of warmth to the otherwise chilly, dimly lit room. You took a sip from your drink, the alcohol burning your throat, but your attention was momentarily drawn away from the sensation by something else. From across the room, you spotted a familiar figure, the ever so iconic Ghost Face mask, in the back corner, talking to a boy dressed up as a mummy.
The menacing presence seemed to defy the festive atmosphere, and your eyes were drawn to it as if by some magnetic force. The Ghost Face mask turned slowly in your direction, and even though you couldn't see their face, you felt a shiver race down your spine. It was as though an invisible connection had formed between you and the enigmatic figure, a connection that transcended the costume and the anonymity it provided. There was something magnetic about their presence, something that sparked a potent and unspoken attraction.
For a brief, electrifying moment, your eyes met those hidden behind the Ghost Face mask. Time seemed to stand still as you locked onto each other, and a subtle, unspoken acknowledgment passed between you, like a silent agreement in the midst of the raucous party. Your heart quickened, and the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that charged moment.
Feeling a surge of heat and anticipation, you reluctantly tore your gaze away from the enigmatic figure and turned back to Minjeong, who had been watching the silent exchange with keen interest. She met your eyes, and the shared understanding between you two was palpable. “You saw him too, didn’t you.” Minjeong said in a way that had her sounding winded. With a knowing smile and another sip of your drink, you and Minjeong silently toasted to the unspoken intrigue that had captured your attention.
As the night continued, the magnetic pull you felt towards the Ghost Face figure in the corner didn't wane. It was like an invisible thread connected the two of you, and despite the ongoing revelry, your attention kept drifting back to that mysterious presence.
Minjeong, ever perceptive, nudged you and raised an eyebrow as if to say, "Why not go for it?" Encouraged by her silent urging, you decided to take the initiative. Setting down your drink, you nodded toward the Ghost Face figure, indicating your intention to approach.
Minjeong gave you an encouraging thumbs-up before disappearing into the crowd, leaving you to navigate the sea of Halloween costumes on your own. You weaved through the dancing crowd, anticipation growing with each step.
As you approached, the mask-wearing figure seemed to sense your approach and turned slightly in your direction. They leaned against the counter with their arms crossed over their chest, waiting for you to arrive. The closer you got, the more you could feel the intensity of the connection between the two of you.
Finally standing face to face, the silence was almost deafening. The mask stared at you, unmoving, but you could sense a palpable tension beneath it. Without exchanging words, you both seemed to understand that this moment was special, a secret shared between you in the midst of chaos.
Slowly, your hand extended, and you reached for the Ghost Face mask. Your fingertips brushed against it, and you felt a rapid heartbeat beneath your touch. The mask gave the slightest nod, and you grasped it, carefully pulling it up.
Beneath the mask, a pair of intense, dark eyes met yours. You were momentarily lost in their depth, captivated by the enigmatic stranger who had held your attention all night. The corners of your lips curved into a small, knowing smile, and a spark of recognition flared in those deep, mysterious eyes. 
The unspoken tension that had been simmering between you erupted in a whirlwind of excitement. It was a dance of anticipation and curiosity, an unspoken agreement that you had both been waiting for this moment. And even though the music continued to thump, and the crowd continued to revel, for that brief, electric moment, it was just the two of you, locked in a silent, thrilling connection.
You told him your name when he asked for it, and he introduced himself as ‘Jeno’. 
“You wanna take this upstairs?” he asked with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You sucked in a breath and nodded before he pulled the mask back down and took your hand in his to lead the way through the crowd.
The staircase was crowded with a few people, Minjeong included. You spotted her talking to a girl in fairy costume and when you caught her eye, she gave you a grin, wider than you’ve ever seen. 
Every now and then, Jeno’s leather gloved hand would lightly squeeze yours as you climbed up the stairs. You held on a little tighter each time, but before you knew it, you were standing in front of a room with a big ‘JN’ poster hanging in the middle.
The boy opened the door for you and let you enter first before entering himself. The door clicked shut behind you as you sat down on the bed, your eyes locked on Jeno's every move. With a seductive confidence, he slowly peeled off the Ghost Face mask, revealing a mischievous smirk that sent a shiver down your spine.
As he stepped closer, his eyes never leaving yours, you sucked in a breath in response to the sensual tension that crackled between you. His gloved hands, still gripping the mask, dropped to his sides, and he advanced with a slow, deliberate purpose. The room was drowning in desire, and you couldn't tear your gaze away from him.
Jeno moved in until he was standing directly in front of you. His presence was magnetic, and you found yourself unable to resist as he placed a hand on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your skin. The touch was electrifying, and you leaned into it, your eyes closing as you savored the sensation. You reached up slowly and pulled his hands away, suddenly regretting it, but you went on with pulling the leather gloves off, exposing a set of large, veiny hands. 
Kicking off your shoes, you moved to the top of his bed and watched as he concentrated on your every move with dark eyes. In a flash, Jeno had pulled off the cloak, leaving his chest exposed and him only in his jeans. It felt like you were freezing without his touch on you, but soon enough, he was in front of you, inspecting your face before his eyes ultimately landed on your lips that were stained red from makeup.
His lips rushed to meet yours in a tantalising kiss, a soft exploration that soon deepened into a passionate melding of mouths. The taste of him was intoxicating, and your tongues danced in a heated rhythm, exchanging breathless sighs and moans. Every kiss, every brush of his lips against yours, sent a rush of heat through your body. It was amazing.
His hands travelled from your face, down to your waist and they pulled you to meet his body. Jeno groaned into the kiss from all the friction caused by his chest rubbing against your sweater, making his nipples hard and sensitive. 
While your arms wrap around his neck, Jeno’s hips dig into yours, creating a tent in his pants. It’s hard and uncomfortable but the pressure it’s putting on your cunt is to die for, so you grind… hard. Jeno moans your name while his hands tug at your jeans so aggressively you thought he would tear them if he continued. After blindly messing around with your pants, Jeno popped the button open and pulled down your jeans, exposing the lacy underwear you had on. 
You whined as he pulled away from your lips but you shut up quicker than ever when you noticed how he was staring at your pussy. He looked hungry.
He looked like he was starving.
And starving, he was.
Jeno practically tore off your panties, tossing them somewhere behind him, before he dove into you. His tongue pressed flat against your pussy, licking a stripe up, the muscle’s warmth and making you moan softly. His nose poked at your clit as his tongue toyed with your hole. He lapped at your folds, making sure no spot was left untouched by his tongue. Jeno loved the way you tasted; you had the best pussy he’s ever eaten, he felt like he could spend all day eating you out, and he’d never get tired of it. 
Jeno pulled away for a second to put his middle finger in his mouth, coating it in saliva before pressing it to your entrance. A hum escaped your lips as his thick digit slowly pulsed in and out of you as your hands worked to take off your sweater and shirt. Soon, one finger became two, and Jeno went back to eating you out. Your moans were driving him crazy; they were making it hard focus on your clit because his cock was so fucking hard. The hand he had pressed on your lower abdomen moved down to his button, undoing it and moving the zipper down far enough for him to get his dick out. 
As he rubbed his cock, Jeno’s teeth grazed your clit before his lips latched on to it, sucking forcefully. With that, it didn’t take long for that feeling to start to form. As your moans quickened, the pace of Jeno’s fingers grew faster, and he sucked harder on your clit– if it were even possible. He loved the way you were tightening around his fingers, like you were trying to keep them inside you, wanting them absorb your juices.
“Fuck, Jeno…” you gasped, fingers tugging at his dark, messy hair. “God, I’m so close.”
Your eyes squeezed shut right as you were about to cum, but you never did. You felt so high, but now you dropped back down to zero, and you were empty and cold. Opening your eyes, you saw Jeno looking down at you with a smug expression. He leaned down and kissed you softly, which allowed you to taste yourself off his tongue, the somewhat sweet taste filling your mouth. 
Reaching down, you felt for his cock, and began stroking when you found it. He was girthier than other guys you’ve had sex with, and he had a slight curve upwards, but my god was he long. You didn’t know if he would fit, but there was nothing you wouldn’t try. 
Jeno moaned as he kissed you, the feeling of your warm hands rubbing him up and down forced him to thrust at the pace you were moving at. He pulled back from your lips to drop his head into the crook of your neck, marking and panting against the soft skin. Behind the shell of your ear, he wet a small spot with saliva before he kissed it softly, and he did the same to a few other spots. He sucked on your skin until it bruised while he moved down to the curve of your neck. Jeno’s hot tongue laid against your skin once again before he closed his teeth around it. 
You jerked his cock harder as the boy continued to bite into different spots until his husky voice whispered a demand. 
“Stop.” Jeno told you.
You did as you were told, but you kept your fingers trailing up and down his shaft as he kissed back up your neck, to your lips.
“Gimme two seconds.” he said against your lips with a smile. You kissed him quickly before he got up, which made him chuckle. 
You watched as he got up, cock out and everything, which made you smile a bit. Jeno slid off his remaining clothes and tossed them in what presumed to be a laundry bin, and opened a drawer of his dresser, only to pull out something wrapped in a gold foil. 
Not one;
Not two;
Or three;
But six.
Jeno pulled out a strand of six condoms before he turned back to you. “Just in case.” he smiled innocently, even though he absolutely was not. He tore one from the line and ripped the top off with his teeth before he handed you the open package. 
“Only six?” you asked in attempt to make a joke out of the pain you’re going to be in tomorrow. 
Jeno chuckled as he shrugged while you took the condom and rolled it on to his cock. “We can use the whole pack if you want, it’s new.”
And that was that, seeing as Jeno grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. His tongue eagerly explored your mouth once again, grazing your own tongue and cheeks before he pulled away. A string of your mixed saliva hung like a teather from your mouth to his.
“Turn over for me, won’t you?” you nodded in a daze and turned so that your face was in the pillows. “Good girl,” he said, his cool hands grazing down your back, sliding all the way down to your ass. He spread your cheeks far enough apart to see everything, and you swore you heard evil laughter coming from somewhere. 
What you thought was going to come, did not, in fact, come. Instead, you were surprised to feel a warm glob of spit fall on to your ass and how it trailed down to your pussy. Jeno leaned down and licked one long stripe, starting from your clit and ending at your ass. His tongue poked into your hole, once again, but this time he scisored in and out, the same way he used his fingers earlier. His tongue was warm and soft inside you, but that feeling didn’t last very long. 
Jeno pulled his tongue out, subbing it out for his fingers, but instead, he used his tongue on your ass, sending shivers down your spine. He licked at the puckered hole, warming it up a bit as he fucked your pussy with his fingers. 
“You doing okay?” he asked, but you were only able to moan out your response. His fingers fucked you faster, his thumb was ruining your clit with friction, your ass was slick with his spit. Everything was happening just as it needed to be for you to cum. “Oh fuck, Jeno, I’m gonna cum.” And this time you did. Jeno’s fingers curled inside you as they fucked you through your orgasm. Your body shook, your pussy was covered in spit and cum. Jeno’s fingers were coated in a mixture of his and your fluids, and he sucked it off like he was eating icing from a cake. 
You felt hot and sticky; he hadn’t even fucked you with his cock yet and yet that was the best orgasm you’d ever fucking felt. “Jen… Jeno, I need you.”
The desparity in your voice sent Jeno spiraling and in no time, the fingers in your pussy were gone and his cock was poking at your enterance. He spit into his hand and coated his covered cock in it, even though he doubted he needed it, considering the fact that you were so wet you could drip on to his bed.
With a slow push, Jeno’s cock entered you, but refrained from moving after hearing you gasp. You knew he was going to be big, but you didn’t know he would be that big. He was a length you’d never taken before, so it took you a few minutes to adjust to his size, but soon enough you were able to build up to a medium pace. 
Jeno’s hands snuck up your back to undo the clasp of your bra, exposing your breasts. Jeno firmly gripped your ass, with his thumb prodding at your assshole. You hummed with pleasure as the thick digit dipped into you slightly. With that, along with the pounding from his cock, you were basically in heaven. 
“Faster,” you gasped, finally feeling only pleasure as he fucks into you.
Pulling you up by the shoulder, your bra slipped off in an instant, which let Jeno get a proper view of your tits, plump and beautiful. He watched how they jiggled with each thrust, and he grew more and more fond of them. Jeno even switched his grip on you from your shoulder to your neck. His hand gripped you around the base of your throat, just tight enough for there to be a handprint later. Meanwhile, the other snaked down to your pussy, where he drew fast circles on your clit. Jeno’s cock was deep inside your cunt, it filled you to the brim and you were loving every minute of it. 
And so was he. The sound of skin slapping on skin, how your pussy fit his cock like a glove, how you moaned his name like you knew it well, how your back was practically glued to his chest. That made him go crazy; that made him fuck you even harder– a more vigurous pace that felt so good it brought you to tears. 
Jeno got a hold of one of your nipples, it was hard and practically begging for it to be twisted. You moaned at the feeling and begged for more through your tears, so Jeno’s arms crossed over your stomach, his hands reaching up to play with your nipples some more. He pulled at them until they slipped from his grip, he squeezed them until you begged for mercy. When he shoved two fingers in your mouth, you gagged and yet you could still go further. Jeno pulled his fingers out and covered your tits in your spit.
It didn’t take long for his hips to pick up the pace once he that he was about to cum. Your moans grew choppier and choppier as his thrusts became more sharp. 
“Shit, baby.” he groaned, his teeth biting down on your ear loab as he came. Your breaths were ragged in the moments of his orgasm, but you could feel his cock twitch inside you, even with the condom. Your body couldn’t keep up with the speed he was going at and soon enough you were shaking in his arms for a second time, cumming with him.
When Jeno pulled out, your head lolled backwards and you eyed him with a smile. Jeno kissed your temple and whispered his next words into your skin.
“On to the second condom, then?” You each laughed at his comment and Jeno wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly as he shook with laughter.
The boy helped you off of him before getting off the bed again to switch condoms. The exchange was quick and before you knew it, Jeno was hovering above of you once more, staring down at you like you were his prey. This predatory look formed a pit in your stomach, but the good kind. 
Jeno’s eyes scanned you from head to toe. 
Your body glistened with sweat, collarbones and throat covered with markings of all kinds, your nipples were puffy and wet, and your pussy was swollen and slick with juices. Everything looked delectable; you looked delectable and he was so tempted to consume it all. 
The boy picked up one of your legs and propped it over his shoulder and placed his tip at your entrance. He bottomed out smoothly, and this time you seemed to be able to handle his length much better. Your head sunk into the pillows as you let out a sigh. 
You watched how Jeno’s eyes closed when he felt your cunt wrap around him with his head falling back with pleasure. “Feels so good.” he groaned into the air, his jaw hanging open slightly as he continued to thrust. His head turned to the side and he brought your calf closer to his mouth, littering it with harsh bites and soft kisses.
Biting your lip, you reached your arm out, silently asking for him to come closer to you, to which he accepted. Setting your leg down, Jeno placed his arms on either side of your head, his face now just centimetres away from yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you wanted to keep the eye contact, so you mustered up the courage to look into his swirling orbs. In his eyes were a mix of emotions, ones that were unrecognisable to you, but you liked it. Tilting your head up slightly, you pecked his bottom lip lightly, which earned you a grin from Jeno. It grew wider when you wrapped your legs around his waist, bringing him in even closer to you. He hummed and kissed you back forcefully as he picked up the pace, his balls slapping against you sharply. 
The tears that ran from your eyes down your cheeks seemed to motivate Jeno. Before, he could only hear your sobs, but seeing you cry switched something inside him. It made him want to fuck you harder, just to see you cry even harder. You looked so pretty, with your makeup all messy and tears running down your face. He loved it. 
So he fucked you harder, and so you cried harder, you moaned louder, and you pawed at his back. His skin was under your nails, he could feel how they cut into him the harder he thrust. You were driving him fucking insane. 
Jeno leaned his forehead on to yours as he moaned out sweet nothings. “I fucking love your pussy, fuck.” he cursed. His words made you tighten around his cock, which only made him groan louder, but it was like music to your ears. He felt like your pussy was sucking him in the way it would constrict when he fucked into you. 
“Jeno, please,” you whimpered, but you didn’t even know what you were begging for. “Fuck, Jeno, you’re so fucking good.” you repeated your words as you whined out to him. 
His words made your insides flutter, his movements made your heart race and your breaths quicker. Everything felt so good you could barely moan out words anymore. 
He was fucking you dumb and silly. You were nothing but drawn out exclamations and tears. You were so sensitive, and yet you didn’t even want to tell him to stop. 
It was just too good to stop.
So he kept fucking you, and he kept filling you, over, and over, and over again until you felt it. “Jen… Jeno, fuck, I’m cumming.”  Suddenly, Jeno pulled out again, the same way he did earlier, but this time, he crawled between your legs again, fingering you until you came while jerking himself off. This one hit you so hard that your mind went completely blank and no words could even come out of your mouth. Jeno couldn’t even register what happened until he felt a wet substance leak on to his sheet. 
He couldn’t fucking believe it.
His mouth latched on to your squirting cunt almsot immediately, drinking in your juices like it was water. Some  liquid dripped down his neck as he lapped up the rest that leaked from your pussy, but he never let up. He continued to eat you out so well even after you came, you thought you were going to do it again.
As your hand raked through his dark hair, all it took was one tug at his roots for him to cum. Jeno rode his high by fucking himself into his mattress, and until he was done, he rest in between your thighs. 
Slowly making his way up to you, you looked down, only to find that his dick was still hard. “You’re joking, right?”
“How about we finish that pack in a bit, hm?” he grinned, making you scoff. 
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