#microman book
chirpymoth · 1 year
Another Moth info post.
What got you into G/T? This info will date me. ./// . For me it was the book "Castle in the Attic" (with this cover)
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Really only the first part. Where the tiny knight comes back to life. The last half is going into the knight's world and saving the kingdom. At the time I created my own "OC" knight named Erdrick (Yeah from Dragon Warrior... I was like... 7~8 at the time) Then there was the Nickleodeon shows like The Lil' Bits (A show about tiny elves/fairies/gnomes) that went and had adventures with their animal friends. I always wanted them to meet a human but they never did to my knowledge. IT WAS ALSO AN ANIME. (Mori no Youki na Kobitotachi: Berufi to Rirubitto [Little Pixies of the Forest: Belfie and Lilbit]) And thanks to Unico, Grimm's Fairy Tales, The Little Prince, Noozles and Lil' Bits... it was my anime awakening. This was also done by Tasunoko Productions of Speed Racer, Gatchaman and SDF Macross <- (more later)
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(1995 is the wrong year. It was from 1980)
Around 1985~1990 on TV it was The Littles, which I was very opinionated about at the time as I like my tinies being fully human and not "With tails and buckteeth". Thanks children's media for maligning buckteeth to me. Seeing it now I've been told this was basically "OC Borrowers"
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You can watch the show on Pluto TV now and there was 2 DVD re-releases. Today being an adult the teeth and tails don't bother me. Also Dinky is the best. From 1995~1999 was kind of a wasteland for me. I had to rely on my imagination! (Yes I know Robotech was a thing, but I didn't see it on TV). I didn't know what I was looking on the internet for so I wandered around for a bit. Everything I saw was aimed at men and was... kinda gross and a bit misogynistic. (Yeah I would have ~16 at this time)
Come 1999 I was told about Chiisana Kyojin Microman (Small Giant Microman). A show about 8cm tall super"humans" (They are really aliens) that save the world from evil tiny aliens. Lest to say I was sold for life! G/T content and IT'S ANIME!
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This show was remake/reboot of the late 1970s~1980s toyline "Microman" that ALSO was the origin of Transformers! (People claim it was Diaclone and really Diaclone was dragged into the whole thing that was to be Transformers in the US) It was known as "Micronauts" in the US and THAT became something else in comicbooks. I'm not a comicbook fan. So I had to buy the toys and stuff and try to get any info about the show. They even had repros of the 70s stuff as well as a PSX game based on that. (The PSX game is alright.) Then the anime got a PSX game (Generation 2000) After the 1999 series died off (No thanks to bad marketing decisions) there was a re-reboot around 2003 that was aimed more for collectors and adults where they were no longer from space and were instead genetically engineered. It has some pretty men, but the story is kinda meh. However there are now Microwomen so I guess that's the trade off. Now it was after this point around 2005 where I was introduced to SDF Macross. SDF Macross of course has the opposite of Microman with giant aliens (That are trying to take back the SDF and conquer Earth)
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Kamjin the really only hot Zentraedi from the series until Macross 7
So of course I watched it, however not really into SDF Macross and more into Macross 7 where they keep the Zentraedi and even have some G/T stuff with Mylene and Basara. Where the butchered Robotech just.. makes them all human as they had to cram 3 different series together. I don't really like Macross Frontier as it injected a "genetic problem" in the way of Klan Klan for Zentraedi where she's either a giant large breasted woman or pedophile pandering. (Of course it's only a woman we see this affect) They also kill my fave character. We do get Ai-kun which is the only good thing.
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Macross Delta seems to have just.. gone away from the whole G/T completely and now panders to the idol otaku fully. And then the wasteland continued until really around now as again, looking up macro/micro would only bring up furry stuff (not really my thing) and GTS (GianTeSs?) was only for horny men and I couldn't find the GT stuff as again.... only stuff for men popped up.
So it's really cool that I tried again (on tumblr) and found stuff. Currently the only G/T anime I watch is Sugar Apple Fairy Tale that has the tiny fairies. Mythril Lid Pod is the best wingman.
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Mithril Lid Pod (left) and Benjamin
And that's where I am today. Also finally indulging my fantasies and writing about them. I can do so many words!
Edit: Oh and I got into EDF (Earth Defense Force) after watching people play #5 and they had some giant aliens in it and OH the camera is so good at making your soldiers look tiny.
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PIC INFO: Mega spotlight on the dreaded BARON KARZA, despotic ruler of the Microverse; formerly Chief Scientist and Overseer of the Body Banks. Marvel Comics. Artwork by Michael Golden.
FUN/MARVEL FACT: "Although the late-70s timing of the original Baron Karza toy figure appeared as something of a Darth Vader knockoff, it was based on the mold of the Go Nagai's super robot anime, Kotetsu Jeeg (not part of the original Microman toy line, but the toys for the show were manufactured by Takara, which made the Microman toys)."
Source: www.tapatalk.com/groups/marvelmasterworksfansite/favorite-comic-book-character-picture-of-the-day-t17253-s3000.html.
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skelltan · 2 years
MLW Fusion 159 Review/Recap
Hey all, another week, another MLW Fusion recap. Let’s get right into it. We start with Richard Holliday, showing us his morning routine. Oh, it’s an ad for health food. I… didn’t expect that, but alright. We then get another recap, this time on Hammerstone vs Nduka.
We can hear the crowd over the commentary. I sure hope that doesn’t persist. We have Cosmos from Mucha Lucha Atlanta. Haven’t heard of this one, but alright. his opponent is Star Rogers, also from MLA. Alright, so this is another indie match, similar to the wildcat stuff on NWA. If you read my NWA reviews, you know I’m not a huge fan of having a purely indie match when you have other people on your roster to showcase, but hopefully these guys entertain.
They trade submissions, and then some more athletic moves such as dropkicks. They then do more athletics and do some smaller mat pinning type stuff but it feels quite slow. Their strikes also don’t feel that strong. Cosmos hits a decent looking sunset flip type deal, though. He then hits a tope. Star hits one that looks better imo. He then hits some chops on Cosmos on the outside. Apparently these guys are also from IWA Puerto Rico? I dunno why they mentioned MLA, but alright.
Ad break, and when we’re back they do more counter wrestling stuff. Cosmos gets a two count. He takes the lead and hits some chops in the corner. Star also gets a two count. Cosmos gets hit with a gorebuster I think they say? He lads a bit scary, almost looked like he landed on his head. They’re both down.
Cosmos hits some lariats and a tiltawhirl esque ddt for another two. Star hits a jump up neckbreaker for a two. They trade some chops on their knees. Cosmos hits a standing spanish fly for a two. Star hits a top rope spanish fly for the win.
This was bad. Not because of these two guys, I get it. They’re guys from the indies who probably haven’t had a lot of work or opportunities most guys we see on this show, or at all do. They were probably cheap to book. It was probably a breather match in the middle of tapings. But they decided to put two unsigned indie guys in a match and take up nearly half of the episode. That’s not good use of your airtime.
If they just cut this match short, or booked one of these guys with a name with more experience, it would’ve been acceptable, but these guys got way too much time for what should’ve been a filler match. If this was my first experience with MLW, I wouldn’t be hyped – they’re lucky me, and I assume most of their other fans, have seen good stuff from them in the past to want to stick with them.
Anyhow, we see a pic of Hammerstone at the hospital and see his injury from last week, and ouch, it looks gnarly. We see EJ in the same parking lot from last episode. “How you tackle me but you knock your damn self out?”. Considering EJ is a former footballer, that’s a pretty good burn in my opinion. He still tries to get the himmy neutron thing over, though, which is not as good, but hey! I’ll take that entertaining line.
The Samoan SWAT Team chatter a bit. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling a bit adhd but I didn’t quite understand much of what they said. There’s a fucking ad for a Blumhouse movie? It’s about an evil baby or something. Everytime I see ads on MLW, it’s for wrestling related stuff. That’s weird. Anyways. Mads cuts a promo. He wants to face Hammerstone, but Mance fucked with him, so first he’s gonna take out Mance.
We then see Mance in the woods. He’s continuing the Doc Gallows joke, and it’s starting to get a bit old now. Microman is here, though, with a butterfly net. We see a flashback to the number 1 contender’s women match. Flammer cuts a promo. That’ll happen next week. We also have mance vs mads in a tables match. We see Bomaye Fight Club cut a promo on the Opera Cup. It’s now the Bomaye Cup of the gods.
We got the main, SB Kento vs Davey Richards. The two lock up, trading holds. Davey takes him to the corner, but Kento kicks him in the chest, then wails on him in the corner. Davey whips him out and then run around a bit, but Davey dropkicks him out of the ring. Kento takes off his shirt and strangles Davey with it. Surprisingly, I haven’t seen a spot like that before.
They now brawl on the outside. Kento slams him on the ring apron. After ads, Kento is in control. He stomps Davey in the corner and hits a running dropkick, going for a two count. He goes for some sort of submission on the ropes. Davey hits some strikes. They fight for position, but Davey hits a double stomp. Kento tried to hit a sunset flip on him but Davey fought it, so he was just standing there pretending to try not to fall down. It looked stupid.
Anyways, they exchange strikes. Davey hits a dragon screw on Kento. He gestures to the crowd, for a bit too long imo, prior. He then goes to the top rope and goes for a stomp, but SB dodges. Davey then gets him in the trailer hitch, but Kento gets the ropes.
They then trade some holds some more – Davey hits a handspring but gets caught, and they then trade kicks, and Kento hits a german for a two. Kento goes to the top ropes, but Davey climbs with him. He hits a big superplex for a two count. He grabs an ankle lock for a second, but runs to the ropes to hit Kento. They then exchange strikes. Kento hits the ropes, but gets a kick to the head and a german. Davey then hits a lariat and a brainbuster for a two. Davey instantly gets the ankle lock and wraps around the leg with his body. SB taps out.
Rich interviews Davey, and he says he’s coming after Alex Kane. I thought he’d get ambushed, but nope.
Well, that was my least favourite episode of MLW so far. The first match was a huge waste of time in my opinion. Kento and Davey was alright and I didn’t make a big deal out of it, but that sunset flip spot looked quite stupid and took me out of the match which I wasn’t super into to begin with. I didn’t care for any of the promos other than the end of Mance’s and EJ’s. Also I just realized, at the start of the show they told us Cesar was fired from being a matchmaker and they’d tell us more, but they never did.
I’m still interested in the two main feuds to keep watching as well as MLW proving to be entertaining before, but like I said, if this was the first MLW show I saw, I wouldn’t wanna tune in for more. To be honest, I’m not super hyped about next week’s episode, either. I’m not a huge Taya fan and Flammer didn’t impress me. I just hope Mance and Mads deliver, as well as what other matches or promos they have. Either way, I’ll be there, and as always, the next post I’ll do will be a NWA recap. See you next time.
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micromanclub · 6 years
1977 TV Magazine Special: Microman BOOK
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In 1977, Kodansha’s TV Magazine published one of the first of a number of what could be considered Microman “bibles”, Microman BOOK.  Each of these works have contained many examples of gorgeous Microman artwork, detailed background information, toy photos, and more.   This volume in particular contains a large full color section “The 99 secrets of Microman”, two manga sections by Yoshihiro Moritou (one main installment, one an “educational” segment on “ancient alien” Microman ties), a detailed directory of Microman and Acroyear profiles, and a section on “High-Performance” Microman Mechanisms. 
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Unfortunately, due to the low quality of the newsprint used and the oversaturation of the purple ink used, the last two sections mentioned are impossible to find (even in otherwise mint samples) without the pages having bled through in a barely-readable mess, an issue with most vintage manga using the same ink from that era.  However, digital restoration can work wonders on this, and we will be presenting the restored and translated pages in future installments to come (along with similarly restored pages in our upcoming “lost adventures” manga posts). Posts here will continue intermittently as usual (see our About Us section for more info), though to help speed up releases, projects going forward will likely be broken up a bit more into shorter segments (bouncing between various topics) that will be compiled later as each subject is completed.
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lonionjon · 3 years
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Cover für das Hörbuch zu Lisa Darling's MICROMAN. Kann man auf YouTube ganz umsonst hören!
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rockettubes · 3 years
Microman T461 Tyros, Missiler, Data
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Microman Titan Command T461 Tyros with a tiny Diaclone Dianaut companion taking advantage of his little boot magnets.
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Rescue Servomachines Missiler and Data are joined by Titan Command T461 Tyros. While most Micromen have bio-mechanical bodies as part of their original biology, the magnetic Titans are true cyborgs with Microman minds that were dubbed into their cyberbrain in order to survive the harsh environment of the outer Solar System. So unlike the Rescue Servomachines, he is not an android. Mego missed a great opportunity not selling these as Micronaut toys. Data I acquired on my (only) visit to Japan at the 1999 Winter Wonder Festival. On a far more personal note the other two figures were traded/sold to me not long before these photos (taken in 2018) by a long-time net-friend who, in one of my worst impulsive ADHD moments, I totally snubbed when acquiring a rather rare Microman book I was after that I had already asked him to look out for for me. Another, newer proxy-seller acquaintance had found it first and quickly offered it to me, and in my haste to secure it, I failed to tell my older friend or even inform him later that I was no longer looking for it. He was understandably angered by this and cut all ties, though I didn't understand what happened, much less why until way later. I doubt he'll read this, but if he does, I hope he can someday forgive me for this greivous error. I was dealing with a number of things and a deep personal trauma at the time and honestly was being very unmindful of some important matters. Not that this is an excuse; I am deeply ashamed that I let this happen the way I did. Anyway, I'm not looking for outside commentary or sympathy on this. I'd rather let that matter stay between him and myself. But I just can't keep that bottled in while sharing photos of these two wonderful members of my current collection. Thanks Mike, for all the good times and memories over the years. I'm sorry I didn't show my appreciation enough for what you once did for me.
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lostinyourears · 5 years
Arena Mexico Super Friday Report! 08/23/2019
Espiritu Negro & El Hijo del Signo vs. Super Astro Jr. & Sonic
How’s the match?
Very good, it’s hard to steal the show in this spot, but that doesn’t stop Super Astro Jr. from trying. It’s a little odd to have a stage dive in an opening match, yet we see one here. Super Astro Jr. seems much more polished than you’d expect from a guy who’s been on the roster for a year and a half. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for his promising career.
Átomo, Gallito & Microman vs Chamuel, Guapito & Perico Zakarías
How’s the match?
Good drama, bad match. It’s hard to say that a story is no risk or even low risk. If CMLL were to book Ciber/Ultimo it likely wouldn’t live up to its position as the main event lucha de apuestas at Anniversary. 
With Microman vs. Chamuel, if they booked that as the midcard lucha de apuestas, I doubt anyone would have venom for it. It’s just such an interesting idea and would be something CMLL can do that pretty much no other promotion could do. Microman could be an icon for CMLL, if they are smart enough to pull the trigger on him. Chamuel would be fine without a mask as well. 
Audaz, Flyer & Titán vs Cuatrero, Forastero & El Hijo del Villano III
How’s the match?
Great, all these guys are fun to watch and prove it once again here. Templario was suppose to be in this spot. He may have had travel issues, but Villano was a fine replacement and an exciting body to add to the equation, not a let down of a replacement like many other rudos might have been. A member of NGD should main Anniversary vs. someone.
Volador Jr. vs Sansón Lightning Match
How’s the match?
Great, that’s back to back weeks that Volador Jr. has had a really good match vs. a member of NGD. Maybe he will fight Cuatrero soon, but he is in Gran Prix teaming with Forastero and that might mean a match between those two again, which would be welcomed as well. Or this in 2/3 falls format or title match. 
Ángel de Oro, Místico & Niebla Roja vs Euforia, Gran Guerrero & Terrible
How’s the match?
Great, Oro/Roja vs. Guerreros still feels fresh and you couldn’t ask for better 3rd’s than Terrible & Mistico. Trios of the night and maybe trios of the week. Gran Guerreros flying lariat continues to impress. Always gonna be hyped to see him whip that out. A bit more exciting than their standard team splash. 
Cavernario, Diamante Azul & Último Guerrero vs Ciber the Main Man, The Chris & Valiente
How’s the match?
Very good, Ciber worked better with buddy The Chris around. Valiente felt like the 3rd wheel here. Sorta a victim of the stipulation since they needed a face. I’d have gone with Caristico, but he’d probably have been a 3rd wheel as well. A fun main event and no promise of a hair match yet... despite it feeling inevitable.  
Highlights :
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funcorptoys · 5 years
Apart from fun, kids like the plays that are full of thrill. In this said game, individual components can be relocated to change it from a car, machine, or an animal, to an artificial figure and vice versa. Such kind of variety and innovation keeps this spectacular pastime ahead. Transformers toys make the little ones excited. This collection of mecha dolls made by Takara and Hasbro. Primarily a line of playthings rebranded Diaclone and Microman series, it spawned the said array. It is divided into two parts: the heroic Autobots and their enemies, the Evil Decepticons. These trinkets are sold at numerous price points, and many of it’s series use different play features. There have also been a lot of spin-offs based on the toys including a comic book series, an animated tv series, and a feature-
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adamac · 6 years
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#Repost @microgeeg ・・・ #inktober2018 #day22 #expensive #magic #inktober Dick just got himself an expensive race car, he better get some more magic shows booked so he can make the payments... He's off and flying, as he guns his car around the track... #spymagician #machinecar #formulaz #warpracer #microman #micronauts #takara #mego #palisades #sketchbook #penandpaper #ink #illustration #drawing #markers #vintagetoys #japaneserobot #toyrobot #speedracer Adventures waiting just ahead! https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdjX4RByQt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xi3fpspw8yne
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toytv-toys-blog · 5 years
Transformers Botbots Toys 2019 #transformers #botbots #hasbro #toytv
Transformers is a media franchise, produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. Initially a line of transforming mecha toys rebranded from Takara's Diaclone and Microman toylines,[1] the franchise began in 1984 with the Transformers toy line, and centers on factions of transforming alien robots (often the Autobots and the Decepticons) in an endless civil war. In its history, the Transformers franchise has expanded to encompass comic books, animation, video games and films.
The term "Generation 1" covers both the animated television series The Transformers and the comic book series of the same name, which are further divided into Japanese and British spin-offs, respectively. Sequels followed, such as the Generation 2 comic book and Beast Wars TV series, which became its own mini-universe. Generation 1 characters underwent two reboots with Dreamwave in 2001 and IDW Publishing in 2005, with a third starting in 2019. There have been other incarnations of the story based on different toy lines during and after the 20th century. The first was the Robots in Disguise series, followed by three shows (Armada, Energon, and Cybertron) that constitute a single universe called the "Unicron Trilogy". A live-action film series started in 2007, again distinct from previous incarnations, while the Transformers: Animated series merged concepts from the G1 continuity, the 2007 live-action film and the "Unicron Trilogy". For most of the 2010s, in an attempt to mitigate the wave of reboots, the "Aligned" continuity was established. In 2018, Transformers: Cyberverse debuted, once again, distinct from the previous incarnations.
Although initially a separate and competing franchise started in 1983, Tonka's Gobots became the intellectual property of Hasbro after their buyout of Tonka in 1991. Subsequently, the universe depicted in the animated series Challenge of the GoBots and follow-up film GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords was retroactively established as an alternate universe within the Transformers robot superhero franchise.[2]WIKIPEDIA
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#transformers #botbots
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therealmicroman · 7 years
20 Questions Tagged by @siriuslyproblematic (thanks for tagging me dude!) Name: Nikhita Nickname(s): only microman. please god nothing else. Height: 5'9 (I think??) Ethnicity: Indian Favorite Fruit: nectarines Favorite season: spring! Favorite book: currently Pablo Neruda's poems but all time fav is Frozen Fire Favorite flowers: stargazer lilies!! (Anyone who gets me these receives my love forever) Favorite animal: spotted eagle-owls or snekkies Favorite beverage:...Diet Coke Fav fictional characters: Steve Trevor, Diana prince, devasena, Ben Wyatt, Rey, and so many m o r e Number of blankets you sleep with: one, if that tbh Dream trip: a trip that completes my bucket list Blog created: oh god, 2012???? Number of followers: 565 I think? Tagging: @sakhiya @kasey-is-hella-strange
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vintage1981 · 7 years
Transformers: The Movie: Everything You Didn't Know | Syfy Wire
What song you absolutely know originated in this movie? What the hell does the 20th century's greatest actor have to do with it? Journey back to 1986 with everything you didn't know about Transformers: The Movie.
More About The Transformers: Transformers is a media franchise produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. Initially a line of transforming toys rebranded from Takara's Diaclone and Microman toylines, the franchise began in 1984 with the Transformers toy line, and centers on factions of transforming alien robots (often the Autobots and the Decepticons) in an endless struggle for dominance or eventual peace. In its decades-long history, the franchise has expanded to encompass comic books, animation, video games and films.
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autoassembly · 8 years
Three Transformers Video Games We'd Like to See
Three Transformers Video Games We’d Like to See
Transformers is a behemoth in terms of its ability to generate spin-offs from its core product. Unlike other massive franchises such as Star Wars or Toy Story, Transformers began with the toy and grew from there to develop comics, books, films, animated series and video games. After Hasbro bought the Diaclone and Microman toy lines, they simply ran with it and once the Autobots and Decepticons…
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micromanclub · 3 years
Yuuichi Higuchi interview
(translated from Volume 6 of the digital version of Yoshihiro Moritou's Microman manga anthology available on BookWalker)
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■ Image sketch of Microman Arm System (working name) by Mr. Higuchi. Each part is connected by five-part jointed arms, and each part can move flexibly. It is said that the development was canceled due to problems with strength, even though a prototype was made. Mr. Higuchi provided us with this new illustration of the concept. (Editor)
The Era of Microman
Can you tell us the original point of contact between Mr. Higuchi (with Design Mate) and "TV Magazine"?
"In terms of Takara's work, I have been sketching products since the launch, so I believe design for the product advertisement page was my first relationship. In addition to "Microman", I was in charge of some of the advertisements for "MagneRobo Steel Jeeg" and so on. After that, development of Microman articles started with TV Magazine, and I was in charge of the layout of those pages. I think that would have been my first point of contact with the editorial department of TV Magazine. "
How did you get involved?
"The editorial department asked me to lay out the illustrations. In other words, the design of the look and feel including sketches of the illustrations drawn by Masami Watanabe.
I remember receiving an order like "We want to make the magazine a little more powerful ..."
In 1977, when the article serialization began in TV Magazine, what kind of position did Mr. Higuchi participate in "Microman"?
"Until then, the main packages, catalogs, and pamphlets were done by Sugawara (lead designer / current president of Design Mate at the time), and I was in charge of sketchwork, but I decided to take over everything including the graphics I was doing since then. This would have been right when Microman Command started in 1977.
So, to put it in an extreme way, it was a time when I was doing everything related to Microman. I wasn't just designing and painting, I was doing it all including photos for the catalogs, so I was so busy that I could hardly go home (laughs). I was in my twenties at the time, so I think I managed to get through at a young age. "
Thank you very much for your hard work! To what extent did you design the article page?
"Full color promo spreads as well as the "Microman Club" segments. Within Microman Club, we also selected the reader-submitted postcards. At that time, I really received a lot of postcards. Regarding the spreads, it was almost the first time to work on such a magazine, but I thought that I had to make it competitive with the other pages....Mori-san's (Yoshihiro Moritou's) manga was also extremely detailed. ”
Microman special one-shot magazine "Magazine Zero Zero", which was sold as a set with Microman Command No. 3 (or Lady Command), was also a product of this period. It is said that not only it gave a full view of MicroEarth, but also the lifestyle is shown...
"" Magazine Zero Zero " started at the request of Mr. Ogawa (Iwakichi Ogawa), head of Microman development at the time at Takara, but the idea of ​​the page layout and contents is my doing.
We did it with the total mobilization of the company. I also drew illustrations. By the way, the fashion corner of Micro Earth was created assuming that girls would buy Lady Command."
Following "Magazine Zero Zero", TV Magazine Special Edition Volume Microman Book (published on November 15, 1977), TV Magazine Color Book 2 , "The Definitive Edition of Microman Encyclopedia" (published on August 25, 1978) and Microman's other publications would be released one after another. These were good memories, right?
"In 1978, the development of "Timanic" began, and the following two years were a really rich time."
In the Rescue Squad series developed in 1979, the character of Mr. Moritou are drawn in the catalog...
"This is exactly what we aimed for: a synergistic effect with Mr. Moritou's manga. At this time, his art for Microman was widespread. "MFC (Microman Fan Club)" was made around the same time. Mori-san also illustrated the newsletter of "MFC"; the TV Magazine Microman Club column section was ending, so this meant Takara wiould create the official fan club. It all started with that. I used to go to his house to pick up Mr. Morito's illustrations, but he was very enthusiastic about his work, so I often had to wait (grins). Mr. Mori's uncompromising attitude was very impressive. ”
The end of the 1970s was when Design Mate started working on mechanical design for TV animation.
"That's right. When we were doing work other than product design, we were particularly focused on "Cyborg 009" (Hiroshi Onishi), "Daltanius" (Sugawara), "Tanser 5" (Higuchi), etc. in 1979. Personally, "Ideon" (1980) is the most memorable. I also drew a lot of posters and illustrations. Certainly around the time of "Ideon". When I was invited to (anime studio) Sunrise's year-end party at that time, Kunio Okawara and I took the return train together. At that time, I remember that Okawara-san praised me, "Higuchi-san does very nice realistic illustration."
What kind of involvement have you had with "Microman" since the Rescue team members?
"I had been involved up to halfway through the "New Microman" line that started in 1981, and I hadn't touched it since the start of the "Micro Change Series." In recent years, I have been cooperating with the replica series, "Magnepowers Microman", and the "Micro Force" series currently being developed. Recently, through "Microman," I have had many opportunities to work with creators who are younger than me. At that time, I am reminded of how much what I have done still affects people (grins). I could now appreciate the hard work I used to do back then.
Published (October 10, 2003 / Recorded at Design Mate)
Yuichi Higuchi
Born July 13, 1957, from Niigata Prefecture.
The works that Design Mate Co., Ltd. were involved with included "Science Adventure Corps Tancer 5", "Legendary Giant Ideon", "Galaxy Cyclone Braiger", and "Wonder Beat S".
Currently still active as chief director.
Also responsible for "Acrobunch" and many others.
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mycomicbookplace · 6 years
About Golden Age Human Torch Masterworks Vol. 1 (Human Torch (1940-1954)):
Collects Human Torch (1940) #2-5A.
The Marvel Masterworks proudly present the debut of the Human Torch, that fiery chart-topper of the Golden Age, in his own comic series! Leaping from the pages of MARVEL MYSTERY COMICS, the Torch was hotter than hotcakes in 1940. And now you can experience his series from the very beginning, which just so happens to be issue #2! Starting off with the first appearance of Torch’s kid sidekick, Toro the Flaming Kid, Carl Burgos and company present page after page of action and adventure in incomparable 64-page, jam-packed issues. See the Torch and Toro fight side by-side with Bill Everett’s Sub-Mariner as he once again terrorizes New York City! Also featuring the adventures of Microman, Mantor the Magician, the Fiery Mask and the Patriot!
Written by: Various Illustrated by: Gil Kane Targeted Age Group: Young Adult
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titusmoody · 6 years
So, the history of Transformers is bizarre. I don’t have any personal attachment to the franchise (until Beast Wars, obviously), so I don’t know if anyone’ll care, but here it is anyway.
After a few successful decades making G.I. Joe toys, Hasbro sold the license to overseas companies, and they let the licensees take some creative liberties. The Japanese company that bought the license, Takara, used the G.I Joe molds but filled them with clear plastic to make creepy cyborg-looking things. They had an exceptionally creepy marketing backstory written for them, too. They are a race of miniature aliens who are invading earth by disguising themselves as toys. Anyway, before long Takara decided to make the figures much smaller to save money during the 1973 oil crisis. The resulting “Microman” line of toys was an immediate success, and that nightmare of a backstory was dropped. 
Through the ‘70s, with the success of Star Wars and Mobile Suit Gundam, there was a huge increase in demand for sci-fi toys, so Microman had a pretty long sales lifespan, which meant that it went through an awful lot of iterations. A big percentage of the profit in action figures comes from the accessories, rather than the dudes themselves, so the Micromen found themselves riding in progressively crazier vehicles as each new line had to be cooler than the previous one to keep demand high. By 1983, these accessories weren’t even functioning vehicles anymore, they were robots connected to Microman by nothing but branding. One series, the “Micro Change” line, consisted of robots that transformed into everyday household objects (or guns, I guess?). 
Transforming toys were just cool in Japan for some reason. Even way back when the original clear G.I. Joe things were made, they called them “transforming cyborgs” despite the fact that they didn’t transform. Takara was making both the Micro Change toys, and another brand of transforming robots in the ‘80s. The other brand, Diaclone, doesn’t have an interesting past, but they were pretty high quality toys. 
Back in the US, Hasbro wanted in on the transforming robot toy money, so they bought the license to Micro Change and Diaclone. While Japan was iterating on G.I. Joe until it was unrecognizable, Hasbro had been struggling with the brand. I guess Vietnam made war seem less like a game for children, and more like something that kills your family. However, they had recently had a breakthrough that put G.I. Joe back in the spotlight. They knew that marketing backstories could help shape the way people thought about (and played with) the toys, and the idea was to be extremely careful that everything stays fun and far from reality. To accomplish this, they contracted with Marvel Comics and had a lot of their high-level creative and business people start a cartoon and a comic book series. It worked extremely well.
Transformers didn’t have nearly the uphill battle faced by G.I. Joe, but there were still some hurdles for it to overcome. Transforming toys weren’t as well known to American children as Japanese children, and they were trying to merge two completely unrelated brands into one. 
I don’t feel like looking up numbers, but yeah, Transformers was extremely popular. It’s a pretty common practice on TV shows to have an overarching set of rules that all the writers have to adhere to (Parks & Rec writers weren’t allowed to have plotlines or jokes where Leslie doubts herself, for instance), and I’d love to see what the “dos and don’ts” list looked like for Transformers. It was right in the middle of the cartoons=toy commercials era, so my guess is that Transformers used a lot of industry wisdom, learned from mistakes they made during G.I. Joe production, and added new ideas. In the end, Transformers was better than it had any right to be.
Jumping back across the Pacific one last time, Transformers was such a huge hit in Japan that it eclipsed Micro Change and Diaclone, so Takara stopped production on both brands and started making new Transformers toys. 
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