#Angel de Oro
blueonwrestling · 9 months
Some late additions to my best of for blue list.
Stephanie Vaquer vs Tessa Blanchard CMLL Super Viernes 01/12/23 - 3.75 stars
Andrade El Idolo, Angel de Oro & Soberano Jr. vs. Atlantis Jr., Mistico & Star Jr. CMLL Super Viernes 15/12/23 - 4 stars
World Historic Welterweight Title Match Rocky Romero (c) vs Mascara Dorada 2.0 CMLL Super Viernes 15/12/23 - 4.75 stars
Go out of your way to watch Rocky vs Mascara 2.0, holy shit a late MOTY contender.
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Most Beloved NJPW Wrestler Tournament
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wrestlingwiththoughts · 8 months
Voices of Wrestling Match of the Year 2023 Ballot
Here is my ballot for the Voices of Wrestling Match of the Year 2023 Poll.
Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Kento Miyahara (NOAH One Night Dream, July 15, 2023)
Fuminori Abe vs. Takuya Nomura (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura Produce, October 12, 2023)
Yuji Okabayashi vs. Yuya Aoki (BJW Endless Survivor: Infinity Independent, May 4, 2023)
Mascara Dorada vs. Titan (CMLL Noche de Campeones 2023, September 29, 2023)
Luke Jacobs vs. Tomohiro Ishii (RevPro 11 Anniversary Show, August 26, 2023)
Angel De Oro vs. Volador Jr. (CMLL 90 Aniversario, September 16, 2023)
Rocky Romero vs. Volador Jr. (CMLL Super Viernes, January 20, 2023)
El Desperado vs. Jon Moxley (NJPW Strong Independence Day Night 2, July 5, 2023)
BIG BOSS Shimizu vs. Madoka Kikuta (Dragongate The Gate of Destiny 2023, November 5, 2023)
Jake Something vs. Jay Malachi vs. Mike Bailey vs. Tom Lawlor (DPW Carolina Classic 2023, September 17, 2023)
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everynya · 7 months
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sometimes, i feel myself rotting…
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...but, it feels far away.
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. carrd . about me . dni/byf . f/o list . icon credit .
-- nat ⋆ they/them ⋆ selfship / yumehito sideblog
-- 20 y/o (DEC. 5) ⋆ caribbean 🇵🇷🌺 ⋆ nonbinary
-- my selfships ⋆ fuyuhiko ⋆ oc f/o ⋆ princess peach
-- writing masterpost ⋆ requests, trades and my fics
-- 🇵🇸 sami’s family , mohammed’s family , ahmed’s family , al-nabih’s family , samer’s family , leen’s family , doaa’s family , haya’s family , iyad’s family , ibrahim’s family , aseel’s family , khalid’s family
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hey sexy angel. i know we haven’t talked since i called you a shrill, joyless moralist and told you to kill yourself over bluey discourse but i heard your tuberculosis came back and i wanted to apologize before its 2 late. i went to the municipal park where homeless guys hang out and i got you a shorted black and mild and a mostly full bottle of modelo. i even tried a sip myself so i know it’s not actually full of titi like last time. when you go to hell can you tell my granpa and granma that im being really good and nice and making car payments on time. love you sweetheart
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apocalipsis2026 · 11 months
La hora de la siega Los versículos de Apocalipsis 14:13-20 describen una visión profética del juicio de Dios sobre la Tierra y la separación entre los justos y los malvados.
Esta sección revela las consecuencias eternas de las acciones humanas y la cosecha final de la humanidad antes de la consumación del mundo según la voluntad de Dios.
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blindmanspuff · 1 year
La Gloria Cubana Corojo de Oro Toro - Blind Cigar Review
La Gloria Cubana Corojo de Oro Toro - Blind #Cigar Review @LaGloriaCubana #cigars #blindmanspuff #SmokeBlind
Cigar Info Earlier this year, Forged Cigar Company quietly released a new line under the La Gloria Cubana brand: La Gloria Cubana Corojo de Oro. The name comes from the fact that the binder is a hybrid between Corojo and the fabled Pelo de Oro. The Corojo de Oro hybrid was made by crossing two Cuban-seed tobaccos, Corojo 97-98 and Pelo de Oro. The leaf was grown and processed in the Mao region…
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vintagelasvegas · 2 months
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Thunderbird Hotel, 1948
Timeline of Thunderbird, Silverbird, and El Rancho
'46: Marion Hicks and Lt. Gov. Cliff Jones purchase property for a planned Nevada Ambassador hotel on 3/11/46. The property was bought from Guy McAfee, Art Ham, and J.K. Houssels who had planned a hotel called Casa de Oro. Sale price is rumored $85,000.
'47: Officers of Thunderbird are a Las Vegas and Los Angeles group, Hicks, Jones, V. Sayer, J. Lane, P. Wagoner, J. Wells (Reno), and J. Kozloff. Hicks as builder. Construction begins on 46 acre lot in Oct.
'48: Thunderbird opens 9/2/48. 107 rooms, 75-foot observation tower. Signs by Graham Sign Co (RJ 8/18/48).
'53: Hicks builds the spin-off Algiers Hotel.
'58: renovation, adding new second floor over casino framed in rectangular box, new porte-cochère. New signs by Western Neon (RJ 11/24/58, RJ 12/24/58).
'59: “Thunderbird” logo changed, road sign replaced in Fall.
'61: road sign moved to the front-center of the hotel, fire-shooting stick added to both birds.
'62: new road sign and pylon.
'63: Thunderbird Downs quarter horse track opened, Oct. 5 (RJ 9/24/63).
'64: Sold to Del Webb Corp in Sep.
'65: 700-ft horizontal “Thunderbird” sign by Bill Clarke/Ad Art installed over the south rooms in Jun. (RJ 6/10/65); road sign & pylon replaced with one road sign and new neon bird.
'72: Sold to Caesars World Inc.
'73: Blue/green sign painted zigzag red/orange in summer.
'76: Sold to Tiger Investment Co (Thomas, Mack, K. Sullivan, et al), leased to Major Riddle in Dec.
'77: Reopened as Silverbird in Jan.
'78: Thunderbird signs replaced by the 190-ft sign/porte-cochère designed by Raul Rodriguez for Heath, built by AdArt. (RJ 3/29/78)
'81: Closed in 12/3/81.
EL RANCHO, '82-'92
'82: Sold at auction to Ed Torres in Feb; renamed El Rancho in Apr (RJ 3/18/82, 4/7/82). Opens at El Rancho 8/31/82.
'87: Tower addition.
'92: Closed Jul. 6.
2000: Tower demolished, Oct. 3.
Other sources include: New Hotel To Be Built.” Las Vegas Review-Journal, 3/13/46 p1; Vegas as Playground. Review-Journal, 7/31/46 p5; Construction Started. Review-Journal, 10/28/47; Thunderbird Hotel. Review-Journal, 8/29/48; Martin Stern Jr. profile by P. Michel. UNLV Libraries, archived 3/10/2004.
Photos: (1) Postcard c. 1948. (2-3) Undated aerial photo of construction, by Las Vegas News Bureau. Radio station KENO west of the Thunderbird site. (4) Undated, during construction. Photo taken from the observation tower, by Las Vegas News Bureau. (5) Same models as the color postcard, from Union Pacific Railroad Photographs (PH-00043), UNLV Special Collections & Archives.
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grandesrecuerdos · 6 months
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LAS MOMIAS DE SAN ANGEL (San Angel, Ciudad de México)
Fray Andrés de San Miguel, fue el arquitecto, hidrógrafo y horticultor del ex convento y se inspiró para su construcción en los modelos clásicos y del renacimiento italiano. Combinó la austeridad de la regla y la obediencia a lo impuesto por la orden Carmelita en la materia. Las criptas, están ubicadas bajo la nave de la iglesia se destacan por el uso de azulejos de Talavera poblana del siglo XVII, con decoraciones murales y altares, un pequeño retablo dorado y pilas de agua bendita hechas de alabastro. Fue hace 300 años que el capitán Juan de Ortega y Baldivia, adquirió una cripta para él y su familia, en uno de los monasterios arquitectónicamente más originales en la ciudad de México, el ex convento y colegio de El Carmen, en San Angel. Es en este espacio donde 12 cuerpos momificados fueron encontrados en las Criptas del lugar en tiempos de la Revolución Mexicana, por un pequeño destacamento del ejército zapatista. Se cuenta que, lo que los armados buscaban era oro, pero en su lugar encontraron éstos cuerpos, los cuales, se creyó, pertenecían a los monjes que habitaron el lugar, pero años después, se descubrió que se trataba de benefactores del convento. Actualmente, se encuentran expuestas en cajas de madera forradas de terciopelo negro, decoradas por murales y su antigüedad es de aproximadamente 300 años. Como dato adicional, se puede decir que, éstas momias de San Ángel, aparecieron en 3 películas mexicanas: “Las Momias de San Angel” con Mil Mascaras en 1975, “La Tía Alejandra”, de Arturo Ripstein, en 1979 y “Veneno para las Hadas” de Carlos Enrique Taboada, en 1984.
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esuemmanuel · 5 months
El oro de mis manos, la esperanza de mis ojos, el amor de mi corazón y la pasión de mi sangre, así como toda la tinta de mi ser eterno… te los entrego… a ti… a tu alma… a tus ojos… a tu espíritu… a tu existencia… a tu andar y a todo aquel camino que tus plantas decidan pisar, porque mereces la gloria del Cielo y la bendita protección de todos los ángeles que lo habitan, para que sigas adelante, por este mundo suicida, con la frente en alto y el corazón desnudo, entregado a la Fuente de la Vida.
The gold of my hands, the hope of my eyes, the love of my heart and the passion of my blood, as well as all the ink of my eternal being… I give it to you… to your soul… to your eyes… to your spirit… to you… to your existence… to your walk and to all that path that your soles decide to tread, because you deserve the glory of Heaven and the blessed protection of all the angels that inhabit it, so that you may go forward, through this suicidal world, with your head held high and your heart naked, surrendered to the Source of Life.
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demonioencantado · 11 months
3 de octubre de 2023 sigue doliendo tanto como si fuera ayer 3 de octubre de 2015
Hoy es el día más doloroso en mi vida desde hace 8 jodidos años es difícil pensar que he sobrevivido 2920 días sin que estés a mi lado dando me esos consejos tan sabios o esas maltratadas que solías decir y sin tus increíbles consejo de oro, te extraño tanto que el mismo dolor me asfixia duele tanto como los mil demonios, a sido lo más difícil y duro que he echo en estos 19 años pero también he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia y el que no estuvieras en esa lucha que me ha marcado el tener que duchar con el cáncer ha sido demasiado difícil que habían días donde pensaba que ya no podía más donde me dolía cada músculo de mi cuerpo o el tener que verme como una enfermedad y ya no como una jodida persona, cada día era un diferente obstáculo que probablemente asia que doliera el doble que el día anterior el pelear por ganarle al cáncer fue jodadamente difícil tanto que sentía que iba a morir y la posibilidad de que eso pasara me dejaba tranquila porque eso se identificaba como volver a ver a mi vila, mi mamá, mi ejemplo a seguir, mi luchadora, mi protectora, mi angel y mi amor eterno que he extrañado tanto como el primer día que te fuiste así como cumples un año más lejos de nosotros yo me hago un año más grande que para todos es un año más de vida para mi es un año menos y eso esta bien, así que lo último que tengo que escribir en esta carta que escribo cada año desde que te fuiste es que me dolera tanto que te hayas ido y no aya tenido la oportunidad de despedirme este jodido dolor de mierda sigue asfixiando me y duele como los mil condenados demonios y solo queda escribir te extrañaré cada día hasta que pueda volver a verte y abrazarte y seguire amándote por siempre y para siempre, te extrañaré con cada átomo de mi cuerpo asta volvernos a ver mi segunda madre, protectora, mi querida viejita y gracias por ser mi abuela y amiga la mejor de todas por supuesto, la mejor que existió en este universo...
Es el peor día mi cumpleaños odio esta fecha por que me recuerda que cumplo un año más sin mi abuela y eso me causa un dolor inmenso y también el recordatorio de que cumplo un año más en esta tierra y quisiera borrar 03/10/2004 esta fecha así tal vez no existiría. Van 8 jodidos años donde despierto sin mi viejita a mi lado el día de mi cumpleaños y 8 jodidos años donde no me hace mi comida de cumpleaños que solía hacer por cada cumpleaños de sus nietas duele pensar en todo esto no se como he sobrevivido sin ella aquí a mi lado realmente la extraño demasiado joder, espero vernos pronto
Att tu nieta PL que te ama con todo lo que es y que te añora volver a ver
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Apodos PIB (español)
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Los apodos que te da:Gato,Mi amor,princesa,baby,mi amante,mi vida
Apodos que le das:gatito,mi héroe favorito,Pickles,forajido,jenjibre,puss-y
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lo que te da:My wife,mi diosa,mi vida,caperucita roja,angel,Amor mio
Lo que le das:Lobo,cachorro,wolfie,lindo,esposo,perrito guardian,big bad wolf
Kitty softpaws
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Lo que te da:T/n,Mi cielo,ternura,Muñeco,tesoro,Idiota(cariñosamente)
Lo que le das:Ladrona de mi corazon,Pelusa,cariño
Ricitos de oro
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Lo que te da: Bestia,Lover,Tonto,Perfección,T/n,
Lo que le das:Rubio,Goldie,Linda,chica oso
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futbolydeportes · 2 months
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plvtosun · 1 year
blancaposting! ongoing bulleted list of her traits, backstory, lil facts, character rxships, songs, etc
blanca edén tennebris*
born/raised in east los angeles
got in trouble for ditching her own first communion and playing with the crows in the cemetery outside the church instead. her dress got all dirty. ( → “i hate it! why am i wearing this anyway i don’t wanna marry jesus!!”) she said if her parents forced her to go through with it she was gonna bite the priest’s fingers. …they didn’t make her go through with it, they knew she would legitimately bite his fingers.
her immediate family is/was very religious, very traditional mexican-american. puro machismo. blanca’s an only child but during family functions she was expected to watch all the younger cousins inside the house while everyone else had fun. as much as she hates it she knows the rosary by heart. but she still has a soft spot for la virgen de guadalupe, to this day. the rose scent of the veladoras calms her down.
she doesn’t get along with her family much, except for a few older cousins who introduced her to metal and anime, and a tía she visited one winter break in mexico, who taught her how to do limpias de huevo for herself. the day that tía passed away was probably the worst day of her life.
(more under cut)
she needs! her! quiet time! ex: if she’s working on a piece in an area that’s starting to get crowded and noisy, she gets overstimulated and has to leave immediately. some days she can handle noisiness, other days she can’t. (she can always handle the noisiness at concerts though)
her first kiss was a girl in her catechism class.
likes spooky and haunted things but she’s not about to go full zak bagans yknow?
her first and middle name were chosen to keep in line with the whole… devout catholic thing. blanca means white, “pure” in a way. the name was also chosen because it was her maternal grandma’s name, and she was a very pious woman.
she straight up saw la llorona once.
character rxships [updated 8/29]:
she’s down horrendous but he doesn’t notice for a while because she tries to hide or she gets extra quiet when he’s around.
re: kids, blanca: …have you ever had to take care of a kid? like legitimately had to take care of one for a full day? a week? or while they’re sick? …try that out and get back to me. [personal hc that he does, in fact, try it out. the stickiness, the noise, the sensory overload at times despite a few cute sweet moments. yeah, cats and bunnies all the way.]
draws him cutesy (and brutal) pictures whenever he wants!
gets too shy to hold his hand at first and looks away the first time in true tsundere fashion.
cute spanish nicknames!
both t-shirt thieves, even though most of blanca’s shirts don’t fit him. he’s stretched a couple of them out. :/
likes to mess around with him because of his high opinion of himself. all in good fun though.
calls him “ricitos”/“ricitos de oro” (goldilocks), which he acts like he hates, but lowkey? i think he likes it.
he’s allergic to cilantro, she has that thing that makes it taste bitter and nasty to her. “you’re not missing much. i don’t care what everyone else says, i’m convinced my third eye is open or some shit and that’s why i’m one of those people that tastes straight SOAP when i eat it.”
he came across her art on instagram and thought it was sick with the brutal imagery and that’s why he wanted her to illustrate the next album cover/tshirt designs, but aside from that, they didn’t get along too well at first because they’re kinda similar in the way they like to tease and mess around + they would butt heads a lot creatively.
eventually they’re chill though. blanca quickly figures out how to shut up and not say certain things even though nathan’s reaction would be funny, and he does the same.
not platonic soulmates, not mortal enemies. they’re pretty alright together. they pal around.
both fucking love chips
he’s the first to notice her crush on toki and he teases her in passing about it every chance he gets. ass.
refuses to go in his room. “no fucking way man you have all that old historical stuff in there! that shit’s haunted!”
↑ “la neta, la neta, la neta. que mala vibra traes, maestro.”
similar to nathan but she messes with him a little more because he’s pretty rough. she generally doesn’t get along with him super well but they have their moments where they can joke around and have fun. kind of like a cat and a dog.
walked in on him playing bass with his dick and quoted the “there goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality” simpsons line
when he opens up a little about his mom and family she gets piiiissed. she can relate. she high fives him after he finally tells his mom to go fuck herself.
tv binging buddies!
calls him “canelo” like canelo álvarez because of his red hair
second to notice her crush on toki. he doesn’t tease as much as nathan but he definitely gets a kick out of seeing how she gets around toki before they officially get together.
admires the way she gets shit done and thinks her curly hair is really pretty
tries not to get in her way when she’s working but loves her calming vibe. she likes to just sit with her in silence while she draws sometimes
begs begs BEGS her to let her do her makeup all dark and gothic. just once!
similar to abigail, she tries to not get in his way too much and she admires how he handles things
feels like he’s kind of unapproachable, but he seemed nice and polite enough when she first met everybody & started working on the album art.
not much going on between them honestly
dr. rockzo
literally only puts up with him for toki but she sets boundaries on him being around quick. she doesn’t like how he’s taken advantage of toki’s kindness before
^ may or may not have put ojo on him once or twice because of this. three times… four… who’s counting though?
he’s gross, dude.
playlist! + youtube link and backgrounds for the songs here.
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romanarose · 2 years
Abrázame Muy Fuerte
Jake Lockley X Reader
Master list
Summery: After a long day at work, you are welcomed to a beautiful sight in the kitchen.
A/N this fic is dedicated to @in-between-the-cafes
They had this idea while we chatted about or favorite Spanish language artists. Juan Gabriel was an incredible artist and this song is BEAUTIFUL and gave me big Jake vibes. I know if you don't speak Spanish (like me) this is a lot of translating, but you don't really need to translate the lyrics. The lyrics, I think, really fit jake in a homecoming way, like he's been through all the horrors but here in your flatt, he's happy and comfortable and safe.
anyway check out the song on spotify while you read <3
Cuando tu estas conmigo, es cuando yo digo
Que valió la pena. Todo, todo lo que yo he sufrido.
As soon as you turn off the shower water, you hear the music from the kitchen, Jake Lockley singing as the sounds of him cooking dinner fille the apartment. You put on your fuzzy bathrobe and slippers, finally warmed up from the cold outside.
No se si es un sueño aún
o es una realidad
pero cuando estoy contigo es cuando digo:
que este amor que siento
es porque tu lo has merecido,
You had a bad day at work, and told Jake as much when you came home. He promptly sent you off to take a shower, promising to take care of diner, lighting a candle on the bathroom counter to help you relax.
con decirte amor que otra vez he amanecido
llorando de felicidad;
a tu lado yo siento que estoy viviendo
nada es como ayer.
There was nothing you loved to hear more than the sound of him singing. He had a beautiful voice, and right now, him singing Juan Gabriel? Heavenly. He could've been a Ranchero singer in another life, you think.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y el nunca perdona,
ha hecho estragos en mi gente como en mi persona.
Abrázame que el tiempo es malo y muy cruel amigo,
Abrázame que el tiempo es oro si tu estas conmigo
Abrázame fuerte, muy fuerte, más fuerte que nunca,
siempre abrázame
Tying your hair up in a towel, you put off getting dressed to bless yourself with the sight of him. You wander into the kitchen, and see Jake singing over the stove. He looked domestic. He was your homecoming that you were blessed with every day.
Hoy que tu estas conmigo,
yo no se si esta pasando el tiempo o tu lo has detenido
así quiero estar por siempre,
aprovecho que estas tu conmigo
te doy gracias por cada momento de mi vivir
Jake Lockley, as you knew him, was a drastically different person than Moon Knight. You knew what he did, he had seen what he did in news reports, as much as Jake tried to hide it from you. You had seen what he was capable of. But here? With you? He wasn’t Moon Knight. He was just Jake Lockley, your beautiful, kind boyfriend, who could sing like anything.
Tu cuando mires para el cielo,
por cada estrella que aparezca amor es un "te quiero"
 Abrázame que el tiempo hiere y el cielo es testigo
que el tiempo es cruel y a nadie quiere por eso te digo
The evening was cool, crisp. You entered the kitchen, as quiet as possible for fear of him stopping his singing. The warm glow of the kitchen lights put an angelic halo over your loving boyfriend as he turns to you, smiling. “Hola, Mi Querida, ¿Te sientes mejor?”
Abrázame muy fuerte amor, manténme así a tu lado
yo quiero agradecerte amor todo lo que me has dado,
quiero corresponderte de una forma u otra a diario
“Much better, guapo.” You wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. “Por favor, sigue cantando mi amor. I love how you sing, baby.”
Jake returned the hug, nestling his stubbled face into your neck. He wrapped one strong arm around your waist, the other, he held your hand out, fingers intertwined with his. As he danced with you, guiding your around the kitchen, Jake obliged in your request. He sang softly, the hand around your waist feeling your back, ass, thighs, anywhere he could reach. He may be as sweet as candy, but he was sensual and passionate as well, his touches always causing a warmth in your stomach.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y ese no se detiene,
abrázame muy fuerte amor que el tiempo en contra viene,
Abrázame que Dios perdona pero el tiempo a ninguno,
Abrázame que no le importa saber quien es uno,
“Jake…” you whisper, as he pushed you against the counter. You smelled the onions cooking, sizzling in the pan with whatever sauce he was making.
Jake kissed your mouth, your cheek, down your neck, as he finished the song.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y el nunca perdona
ha hecho estragos en mi gente como en mi persona,
Abrázame que el tiempo es malo y muy cruel amigo
Abrázame muy fuerte amor.
“I’ll always hold you close, baby. Te amo.” You kissed his neck, running your fingers through his thick curly hair, brushing a curl from his forehead when you pulled back. “Tú eres mío, yo soy tuyo”
A soft smile reached up to Jake's beautiful dark eyes. “Tú eres mío, yo soy tuyo, Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti”
The glow of the shitty kitchen lights only enhanced his intense features, his skin looking caramel and golden. The terrifying fist of vengeance, was singing to you in a flat kitchen, cooking for you, dancing with you. Whatever pull you had on him, you’d never know, but you knew he was yours and you were his, forever and always.
THANKS FOR READING!!!! I love y'all, everyone has given me such kind words recently and I really appreciate it! Sometimes I feel down about my writing so it's really beautiful to see everyone being so nice. I love all my writer buddies and everyone who reblogs and likes (seriously if you frequently like my stuff, i notice you <3)
Anway everyone go follow in-between-cafes, they have some really cute fics!
Also check out @welcometostayingawake thhey just started out writing and deserve love and support!
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myocobsession · 4 months
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(Is a little old, but I still love the result ❤❤)
Rabbit and Amelux
(sorry for my bad english)
Rabbit is a spider species, while Amelux is an artificial golden angel, both have something in common and that is that they were discarded, sold and bought for only one person
This is an idea that has been around for these characters for a long time, so I'll keep working on it n.nU
version en Español abajo :3
Rabbit es una especie araña, mientras que Amelux es un ángel artificial de oro, ambos tienen algo en común y es que fueron vendidos, desechados y comprados para una sola persona
Esta es una idea que se viene rondando para estos personajes desde hace un buen rato, así que seguiré trabajando en ello n.nU
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queerstuffonscreen · 1 year
The L World (2004-2009)
Episode length: 50 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Language: English
Follows the lives and loves of a small, close-knit group of lesbian women living in Los Angeles as well as the friends and family members that either support or loathe them.
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Season 1
Episode 1: Pilot Part 1
Episode 2: Pilot Part 2
Episode 3: Let's Do It
Episode 4: Longing
Episode 5: Lies, Lies, Lies
Episode 6: Lawfully
Episode 7: Losing It
Episode 8: L'Ennui
Episode 9: Listen Up
Episode 10: Luck, Next Time
Episode 11: Liberally
Episode 12: Looking Back
Episode 13: Locked Up
Episode 14: Limb from Limb
Season 2
Episode 1: Life, Loss, Leaving
Episode 2: Lap Dance
Episode 3: Loneliest Number
Episode 4: Lynch Pin
Episode 5: Labyrinth
Episode 6: Lagrimas de Oro
Episode 7: Luminous
Episode 8: Loyal
Episode 9: Late, Later, Latent
Episode 10: Land Ahoy
Episode 11: Loud and Proud
Episode 12: L'Chaim
Episode 13: Lacuna
Season 3
Episode 1: Labia Majora
Episode 2: Lost Weekend
Episode 3: Lobsters
Episode 4: Light My Fire
Episode 5: Lifeline
Episode 6: Lifesize
Episode 7: Lone Star
Episode 8: Latecomer
Episode 9: Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way
Episode 10: Losing the Light
Episode 11: Last Dance
Episode 12: Left Hand of the Goddess
Season 4
Episode 1: Legend in the Making
Episode 2: Livin' La Vida Loca
Episode 3: Lassoed
Episode 4: Layup
Episode 5: Lez Girls
Episode 6: Luck Be a Lady
Episode 7: Lesson Number One
Episode 8: Lexington & Concord
Episode 9: Lacy Lilting Lyrics
Episode 10: Little Boy Blue
Episode 11: Literary License To Kill
Episode 12: Long Time Coming
Season 5
Episode 1: LGB Tease
Episode 2: Look Out, Here They Come!
Episode 3: Lady of the Lake
Episode 4: Let's Get This Party Started
Episode 5: Lookin' At You, Kid
Episode 6: Lights! Camera! Action!
Episode 7: Lesbians Gone Wild
Episode 8: Lay Down the Law
Episode 9: Liquid Heat
Episode 10: Lifecycle
Episode 11: Lunar Cycle
Episode 12: Loyal and True
Season 6
Episode 1: Long Night's Journey Into Day
Episode 2: Least Likely
Episode 3: LMFAO
Episode 4: Leaving Los Angeles
Episode 5: Litmus Test
Episode 6: Lactose Intolerant
Episode 7: Last Couple Standing
Episode 8: Last Word
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