#microman command
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Takara micro command No. 2 M164 Sammy 1977.
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mainsknowledge · 2 years
Microman game 1993
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#Microman game 1993 Pc
#Microman game 1993 windows
Music (5/5): The music in this game is absolutely wonderful. Mutants explode into big bursts of gore when killed, and when you kill the robots, explosions, fire, and shrapnel fly everywhere. The scare-factor was toned down a bit in Volume 2 (The mutants started looking more cartoonish), but the violence wasn't. The eyes and hair on characters are very realistic-looking, and some of the monsters are quite creepy-looking especially the ones from Volume 1. =Basic Overview= Graphics (4/5): While EGA Graphics on DOS computers were starting to become pretty outdated by the end of 1993, this game was able to do quite well with just 16 colors. I have been playing it on an external hard drive for the past few days, and have experienced absolutely no memory restrictions.
#Microman game 1993 windows
On a Windows PC, your best bet is to run the game from an external hard drive. Turn off all sound in some stages if you are running on your Windows or DOS drive (C:). You can rename them back to their previous names when you are done playing.
#Microman game 1993 Pc
System Requirements: - EGA Card or better - A PC Speaker or a Sound Card (Use VDMSound to hear the SB effects on a Windows XP Computer) - MS-DOS 5.0 or better Memory Problems: There are several things you can do if your game suddenly stops due to lack of memory: - If you are running on a DOS computer, rename your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to AUTOEXEC.OLD and CONFIG.OLD. It is pretty gory, so if the violence level of, say, DOOM, or something offends you you might not want to play this one. It was also the last Apogee game ever to use EGA graphics. (Dangerous Dave 3 & 4, and Scubaventure were released the very same year). It uses the game engine of the later Commander Keen games, Scubaventure, and Dangerous Dave 2, 3, and 4. About the game: Bio-Menace is a 1993 MS-DOS game by Jim Norwood published by Apogee. B I O - M E N A C E ! ! ! by the-micro-man.
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micromanclub · 6 years
1977 TV Magazine Microman Book: Surveyor 1 Calendar
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A fun cut-out desk calendar insert from Microman Book.   When assembled, you can adjust the month and weekday sliders to keep it current.   Assembly instructions illustrated below:
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adamac · 6 years
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#transformers #hasnro #micronauts #microman #command #toy #photography #galacticwarrior #adamac #takara #tomy #actionfigures #dream #app #the #edm #my
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rockettubes · 3 years
Microman T461 Tyros, Missiler, Data
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Microman Titan Command T461 Tyros with a tiny Diaclone Dianaut companion taking advantage of his little boot magnets.
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Rescue Servomachines Missiler and Data are joined by Titan Command T461 Tyros. While most Micromen have bio-mechanical bodies as part of their original biology, the magnetic Titans are true cyborgs with Microman minds that were dubbed into their cyberbrain in order to survive the harsh environment of the outer Solar System. So unlike the Rescue Servomachines, he is not an android. Mego missed a great opportunity not selling these as Micronaut toys. Data I acquired on my (only) visit to Japan at the 1999 Winter Wonder Festival. On a far more personal note the other two figures were traded/sold to me not long before these photos (taken in 2018) by a long-time net-friend who, in one of my worst impulsive ADHD moments, I totally snubbed when acquiring a rather rare Microman book I was after that I had already asked him to look out for for me. Another, newer proxy-seller acquaintance had found it first and quickly offered it to me, and in my haste to secure it, I failed to tell my older friend or even inform him later that I was no longer looking for it. He was understandably angered by this and cut all ties, though I didn't understand what happened, much less why until way later. I doubt he'll read this, but if he does, I hope he can someday forgive me for this greivous error. I was dealing with a number of things and a deep personal trauma at the time and honestly was being very unmindful of some important matters. Not that this is an excuse; I am deeply ashamed that I let this happen the way I did. Anyway, I'm not looking for outside commentary or sympathy on this. I'd rather let that matter stay between him and myself. But I just can't keep that bottled in while sharing photos of these two wonderful members of my current collection. Thanks Mike, for all the good times and memories over the years. I'm sorry I didn't show my appreciation enough for what you once did for me.
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virovac · 5 years
Hordak Defrosted AU: The Horde
So without Hordak in charge, a completely different power structure would occur in the Horde. Some I think I would imply he might have killed in the original timeline in the show as he seized power after coming to Etheria. 
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In the 2002 cartoon, he was a Hordesman who was killed by Hordak for bringing him bad news. 
Here I’m thinking he would have been Hordak’s superior prior to the portal. As a sort of meta-joke.
A living rock person, he would be one of the strangest things Etheria has ever seen in a long time and suitably formidable. Would be present in a lot Rebellion propaganda* as the face of the Horde itself. Callix in actuality considers himself only one part of the Horde but I’m unsure what his job title should be.
*I mean that by the original neutral definition.
Professor Tempus
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While possibly non-native in old cartoon since has design cues resembling others from Hordak’s planet in the old show (Hordak was implied to be kinda weird looking by even his homeworld’s standard), here would be Etherian. Has taken over what would be Hordak’s makeshift sanctum in canon..
A brilliant chemist and biologist who has been working on learning how to use Horde cloning equipment.
Trivia: Some suspect he was created to give the animators a break from having to deal with Modulok’s design, with a simpler to draw alternate scientist
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Warbeast tamer.  A man enhanced by Shadow Weaver’s and Tempus’ experiments granting him flight and the ability to temporarily turn into a form similar to Shadow Weaver’s shadow spies.
General Sunder
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Nicest guy in the Horde. A badass normal. Ruthless at crushing resistance, but goes ape at anyone under his command mistreating those who are cooperating.
Ore Captain Sludgeman.
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Has taken over the job of overseeing the most important mining operations. Not a patriot of the Old Horde and very happy to see Hordak humbled. (Since he was willing to stand up to Hordak in old cartoon seemed right)
Which ironically makes him a possible ally and inside-man if the portal plot starts happening under Callix.
Hordak makes it a priority to shut him up in battle as soon as possible so none of Sludgman’s trashtalk can reveal anything that could compromise Hordak’s position in the rebellion.
Admiral Scurvy
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An Etherian pirate recruited for the Horde. 
Hates Sea Hawk.
So much.
Still unsure if Adora is in this AU without Hordak’s experiments. If I decide Catra survives in this a.u without Adora to look out for her (or prevent her from trying to escape and dying in the surrounding wasteland), it will partly be because of him.  Still he is away at sea a lot so that’s only one protector...
Everyone thinks its silly he kept his “pirate name” even after joining the Horde, but too afraid to say anything
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A terrifying giant and millennia old soldier-of-fortune who’s a one-man wrecking crew. Is with the Horde for ideological reasons: they’re mean and reward him for being mean. Was perhaps even fighting the Horde as a mercenary when he was drawn into the portal. Is terrifying and near unkillable.
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A bounty hunter and thief that long plagued the Horde civilization, his life was saved by an unethical scientist who he worked for for a few decades. (actual toy bio).
He was hired to fight against the Horde prior to the portal, and now works for the Horde on Etheria. Life truly works out ins strange ways sometimes.
Still getting a read on his personality, but he was apparently designed to be the MOTU take on old Japanese toy aesthetics like Microman and Henshin cyborgs. Might be able to work with that?
Thinkinh Limited gravity manipulation abilities uses for cool stunts.
He will not be keeping the furry underoos; it is unfair for Hordak to not have them on display in the remake but for Cy-Chop to do so.
I do know Hordak needs to hate him and vow to deliver his body to Entrapta to be taken apart. Possibly in response to Cy-Chop doing amateur psychoanalysis on Hordak for fun
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Considering her not leaving the Horde this timeline, or being part of Cy-Chop’s crew prior to growing disillusioned. 
Tung Lashor
Recruited by Callix after cutting off his tail.  Callix took the inhospitable nature of the Crimson Wastes as a challenge and did some recon there.
Shadow Weaver
You didn’t think she’d be here?
Still trying to figure out how she’d fit in though. While I imagine she’s a busybody nosing into other Horde Council Member’s affairs, I’m thinking she’s more focused on research than ruling, feeling more appreciated by her peers than in the main timeline. 
Supposed puppet leader of Mystacor (yeah, that’s one thing that is darker: the Horde has Mystacor) but pretty independent. Really only allied with the Horde due to Shadow Weaver being her girlfriend valued colleague. 
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koney-toylines · 5 years
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Microman Command 
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*+* Takara Microman Micro Force Commander Figure https://ift.tt/31dhDSw
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#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  There is a whole host of new 3D printed replacement accessories for your vintage robots available now in the PRHI Shapeways Shop.  You can now buy replacement shooting fists for all of your Takara Jeeg and Gakeen magnemos, and Mego Micronauts figures such as Baron Karza or Force Commander.  Also available are Microman MicroGander replacement fists with and without 5 mm holes to hold accessories, and replacement missiles that will fit in the chest and foot launchers.  For you vinyl fans, you can now pick up missiles for your vintage Bandai Missile Fire Vinyls (MFV).  You can get regular replacement missiles, or missiles that end in a 5 mm peg so you can add your own custom warheads.  For links to each product, read after the cut.
  Takara Jeeg/ Mego Micronauts Karza, Force Commander fists
  Takara Gakeen Fists
Takara Microman MicroGander fists (regular)
Takara Microman MicroGander fists (5 mm holes)
Takara Microman MicroGander missile
Bandai MFV missile
Bandai MFV missile (5 mm peg)
PRHI Takara Magnemo, Microman, and Bandai MFV Accessories Available Now There is a whole host of new 3D printed replacement accessories for your vintage robots available now in the…
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instinctpc-blog · 7 years
Building a gaming PC
Why PC Gaming?
I've started playing on a console. Almost everyone I know does. And it was great! Like anyone from my generation, I first played Mario on a Family Computer. Then on to Playstation and onto the next generation consoles. However, It was a really different experience when I played on the computer. Sure, the first PC game I played was Microman, and that wasn't anything at all. But then came games like Warcraft, Red Alert, Battle Realms, and of course, Counterstrike. It changed the need for me to play. I wasn't satisfied with just a controller anymore, I needed the immersion on the computer.
I felt it was oddly more fun and more immersive than just gaming with consoles. Moving inside the 3d world felt more natural, having an extensive command over real time strategy games are more sensible, and that first person view just kills it. It makes the experience more real. Of course, I still play on games with a joy stick controller, as I believe that there are really games that best fit a joy stick's control. With that said, I still play on the PC just because it has better graphics, the frame rates are high which really makes the game play smooth over all.
And the best part of PC gaming for me is building the computer. Sure you will need to pay a premium just to get a better experience over the consoles, but every dollar that you will spend past the cost of a console is a dollar well spent. If it can game, imagine what else it can do. It can also be a media entertainment device, a work station, and other productivity related activities. Building a PC brings more than just gaming to the table. You will have a better performance for the money, and of course, you will have the choice of putting up parts and picking them up accordingly to the build that you like. There's this freedom in building a PC and getting it to work and experience the first boot is immensely satisfying.
Should you buy a built PC?
The answer to that is it depends on what kind person you are. Not everyone likes to build PC. To some, its tedious, confusing, scary. They get intimidated by handling the expensive parts and assembling it because they think something is gonna go wrong. Of course, you skip all of that when you buy a built PC from stores. They will also get you the store's warranty on the PC. But some stores here in the Philippines, only offers the warranty on the parts that already has them. OEM service is poor here in the Philippines. In the UK and NA though, I know for a fact that some companies built PC and offers warranty like Puget Systems in Washington. I guess we can call "peace of mind" is what built PC purchase brings to the table. Because you would want to just buy it, and use it.
So why should you build it on your own?
Plain and simple. Because it's going to be cheaper. You'll have better performance for the money. With built computers, of you course you'll pay a premium for the service and all that stuff. And most of the time here in the Philippines, they are way overpriced but they actually cheap out on some mediocre parts so they can maximize their profit. Building it yourself not only saves you the bucks but also enables you to pick out the parts yourself, gaining you knowledge and experience with handling the hardware. You will be able to customize the PC according to your needs, and most specially, like a car, you can also pimp it.
Lets get a few things out of the way. Building a PC isn't at all that hard. As actor Terry Crews said, "It's like the most advanced piece of Lego set". You will be confused at first where one part goes, but after that, you will realize that its pretty easy since there are specific sockets for anything. You can't go wrong. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't go there. Also, people often have this impression that they'll break the hardware or that the hardware will fail. Trust me, if it fails at you, it will fail with the most professionals out there. There's thing we call lottery because not all the parts perform equal. It can fail at your first boot or it can fail in a month, year. There's no telling how long a hardware can last. But you can be sure that at the hardware will at least perform as the specs advertised. It can't perform worse, only greater.
People get intimidated by building it but I assure you, it's not anything but fun. Even a 5 year old can do it! Building your own makes it worthwhile. specially with the bucks you save, you can just put that to better performing parts to ensure you the best gaming experience you can get for the money.
TLDR: PC gaming is superior, build your own PC to save bucks and get better parts.
Thank you and see you in the next one!!
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destroythisnerd · 7 years
I Micronauti - Parte II
Eccomi a parlare della seconda “serie” de: “I Micronauti“. Tanto per capirci al volo, qui parleremo dei mitici tarocchi di Jeeg Robot che allietarono la nostra infanzia. I primi due personaggi che arrivarono nei negozi dello stivale furono Force Commander e Baron Karza. La Gig, che li importava, li inserì semplicemente nell’originale serie dei Microman che già aveva portato nei negozi col nome di…
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micromanclub · 6 years
1977 TV Magazine Special: Microman BOOK
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In 1977, Kodansha’s TV Magazine published one of the first of a number of what could be considered Microman “bibles”, Microman BOOK.  Each of these works have contained many examples of gorgeous Microman artwork, detailed background information, toy photos, and more.   This volume in particular contains a large full color section “The 99 secrets of Microman”, two manga sections by Yoshihiro Moritou (one main installment, one an “educational” segment on “ancient alien” Microman ties), a detailed directory of Microman and Acroyear profiles, and a section on “High-Performance” Microman Mechanisms. 
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Unfortunately, due to the low quality of the newsprint used and the oversaturation of the purple ink used, the last two sections mentioned are impossible to find (even in otherwise mint samples) without the pages having bled through in a barely-readable mess, an issue with most vintage manga using the same ink from that era.  However, digital restoration can work wonders on this, and we will be presenting the restored and translated pages in future installments to come (along with similarly restored pages in our upcoming “lost adventures” manga posts). Posts here will continue intermittently as usual (see our About Us section for more info), though to help speed up releases, projects going forward will likely be broken up a bit more into shorter segments (bouncing between various topics) that will be compiled later as each subject is completed.
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micromanclub · 7 years
Tiny Titan Microman: the “Lost Adventures” - Year Three (1978)
(Continued from Year Two - see Year One for more details and credits.  Special thanks this posting to GanguStars.com and the original “Microman Trivia” transcription translated from the amazing Tette Hakase at Alpha-7 Laboratory)  
Chapter 24: January, 1978
The model for the CosmoCountach* is of course the Lamborghini Countach LP400. Ann, a Lady Command who loves machines, had begged Microman Takuma to build one for her.  
The rear portion of the CosmoCountach houses the computer brain of a robot inside it.  It can separate to function independently of the Countach, as well as transform into A*, B*, and C* types of robot-cars depending on the situation. ((* image links via MicroEarth website))
Chapter 25: February, 1978
This month, let’s introduce the Microman Commands who have appeared in Japan and have since become active.  The leader of the four is serial number M-171 “Takuma.”  He was revived in October of 1977 from a clay figure unearthed from ruins in Kamegaoka, Aomori Prefecture, and has an extensive memory of space science data.
M-172 Tetsuya was similarly revived in October of 1977 by a beam from Surveyor 1 that had scanned the Saibana ruins at Mount Osore in Aomori.  A historian, his knowledge of ancient ruins in Japan is unmatched, thanks mostly to his having been there at the time.
((Tette Hakase: It apparently goes without saying that he also knows the history of MicroEarth itself in detail.))
M-173 Tatsuya was revived in that same October, 1977 from inside a buried stone that was part of the Ooyu stone circles in Akita Prefecture.   A historian, his knowledge of ancient ruins in Japan is unmatched, thanks mostly to his having been there at the time.
((Tette Hakase: An editorial mistake copied the same data as Tetsuya’s.  According to “Microman Book,” Tatsuya’s brain is filled with data from energy research.)
M-173 Tsuyoshi, also found in October, at the Futatsumori buried shell midden ruins in Aomori.  Unrivaled in his knowledge of plants and trees, he has the brain of a brilliant biologist, particularly specialized in botany.
Chapter 26: March, 1978
MicroEarth, the homeworld of Microman, exploded several thousands of years ago. The people of MicroEarth were humanoids that were nearly identical to Earthlings and their abilities.  So why did they become cyborgs?
The Micromen on Earth today are referred to as cyborgs due to the mechanized portions of their bodies.  The inhabitants of MicroEarth had modified their bodies to become cybernetic organisms in order to survive on other worlds after their emigration to outer space following the explosion. ((Tette Hakase: According to Magazine Zero Zero, only the initial cyber-implants were performed on MicroEarth. It seems that they became full-body cyborgs at the time of their revival from their crystals.))  
However, while the people on MicroEarth were becoming the cyborgs that would become Micromen, this opportunity did not arise for those who were off-world in space colonies and on space patrols.  
Even so, they were beings similar to humans, which meant that unless they wore extra-vehicular gear (Hoods), they could not survive in the airless vacuum of space. As such, they are distinguished from Micromen as Hoodmen, and are just now reaching Earth.
Chapter 27: April, 1978
After the explosion of MicroEarth, the vast starship “Noah” which carried hundreds of Micronian refugees  continued to wander through the cosmos.  They remodeled the Noah into a grand colony-ship, where life could continue unhindered as they further researched αH7.
In addition, the manufacture of small craft began that could leave the Noah mothership to venture further into space and to other worlds.  Ten models were created, such as the HoodLiner, HoodGyro, HoodCart, HoodCessna, and HoodRacer.
Also, unlike the Micromen who survived through becoming cyborgs, the flesh-and-blood Hoodmen developed a special spacesuit suited to surviving and improving life in outer space. This is what is called the “Hood.” Capabilities of the Hood: (1) oxygen generator, (2) energy amplifier, (3) antigravity device, (4) infrared windscreen, (5) laser launcher, (6) energy shield , (7) radar, (8) αH7 shield—with this, the Hoodman’s abilities could be even greater than that of a Microman.
Chapter 28: May, 1978
Kit Machine No.1 HoodLiner: flies through space converting cosmic radiation into energy with a “Cosmic Wave Motion Engine.”  Its sole armament is a magnetic force beam, but is equipped with a radar device which can detect moving objects and lifeforms within 3,000 kilometers.
Kit Machine No.2 HoodGyro : equipped with a special engine called the “Land Fiber Engine”, it flies using a large Ion Propulsion propeller. Superior in maintaining stability, it is suitable for lower speed missions.
Kit Machine No.3 HoodCart: featuring high speed flight using a Hood Turbo Engine. Its deluxe power tires give it a high operating speed of 1200 kilometers per hour and is equipped with a built-in rapid-response photonic radar.            
Kit Machine No.4 HoodCessna: a multipurpose vehicle capable of both high speed flight with a Hood Turbo Engine as well as lower speed maneuvers with an Ion Propulsion propeller.  It is armed with a single magnetic force beam weapon.
Chapter 29: June, 1978
Kit Machine No.5 HoodRacer: propelled by a Hood Turbo Engine, with superior stability at high speeds thanks to its Balancer Wing.  In addition, it can avoid obstacles thanks to a built-in autopilot radar.
Kit Machine No.6 HoodJetter: flies at lower speeds with an Ion Propulsion propeller, but can switch to a Jet Ion Engine for higher speeds.  As a reconnaissance craft, it is unarmed aside from a defensive anti-gravitational barrier.
Chapter 30: July, 1978
Kit Machine No.7 HoodRotor: stores collected photons in its body as energy. By using the machine’s photon radar, a Hoodman can use its auto-pilot.  This is thanks to a built-in ESP control device.
Kit Machine No.8 HoodFighter: equaling the HoodCessna in performance, its propeller is made from lightweight and strong Hood-Dicanium alloy and is powered by a Hood Turbo Engine using Ionic Propulsion.  
Kit Machine No.9 HoodBuggy: “younger sibling” machine to the HoodLiner.  As such, it is equipped with a magnetic force beam, an anti-gravitation device, and can absorb and store cosmic radiation to power a cosmic wave motion engine.
Kit Machine No.10 HoodWinder: a Kit Machine with impressive armament.  Called the wave motion laser cannon, it can hit targets as far as 2000 kilometers away, powered by the same ion propulsion as found in the prior propeller-type machines.
Chapter 31: August, 1978
Where did this month’s featured Space Knight come from?  One day, a giant comet approached planet Jupiter.  Jupiter passed through the comet’s tail and the solid substance of the comet broke apart rained down as meteorites.
The meteorites poured down upon Titan, a moon of Jupiter, burning brightly in its atmosphere. But parts of them didn’t burn up, but rather fell to the moon’s surface. The Titans investigated the fallen debris.
((Tette Hakase: Titan is not a moon of Jupiter, but rather of Saturn. Because of the number of active volcanoes found on its surface, the moon Io is famous among Jupiter’s.  The most likely moon of Jupiter to harbor life is Europa with its liquid water ocean underneath its icy surface. Furthermore, it might be most possible to live on Ganymede using terraforming.  On that note, the Japanese cover to the novel “Boy of Ganymede”* by Robert A. Heinlein features art similar in composition to the diorama pictures of MicroEarth.  Jupiter’s magnetic field is far stronger than Saturn’s, so it seems more viable to revive those with magnetic power. So perhaps it could be that the meteors of the Space Knight really did come to Jupiter.  If we assume instead that rather than Jupiter, the micro-comet went directly to Titan, then it must have exploded passing Saturn’s orbit instead. It seems unlikely to just fall immediately behind from the rear of the micro-comet when it must be travellng faster than the solar system escape velocity of 400 kilometers per second.  The comet could thus have broken up crossing Saturn’s orbital path, with the meteorites that rained on Titan being discovered only after sighting the comet in the vicinity of Jupiter.))
Detecting  αH7, they realized that allies might exist inside and they began excavation of the meteorites.  The Titans extracted the crystal prisms fossilized within and revived them using the most advanced of cybernetic technology.
The revived allies were thus named the Space Knights. Not just able to transform into machines themselves, they also improved the Condor and Dober which were injured in fighting the Acroyears and prepared to face Arden, their latest foe.
 ((*Original English title: “Farmer in the Sky“ -- Microman Club))
Chapter 32: September, 1978
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While it was introduced in the April issue, we’ll discuss the Noah further.  At the peak of its civilization, MicroEarth exploded and disappeared from the galaxy. The Micronians from MicroEarth had converted themselves to cyborgs in order to survive in the greater cosmos.
However, planetary explorers who had left MicroEarth before the explosion had found themselves with no home to return to, orphaned in the cosmos.  Thus it was that the starship RC-B Noah had been left to wander deep space with its crew of hundreds of Micronians.
((Tette Hakase: The Noah was to be released under the “RC-B Noah” trademark. It would seem that “RC-B” would mean “Radio Control Base”, but given that it was slated for release around the time of “The Super Control Arcadia” and “Super Control R2-D2”, it may actually have been similarly operated with ultrasonic waves.   The remote control functions would have included: forward, turn right, turn left, stop, launch missiles, and rotate the radar dish.))
Through the application of αH7, experiments were successful in the micronization of animal life. Then, to solve the pressing issue of food and living space, the crew reduced themselves to 1/20th of their original size.  Thus, with the Noah that much larger in scale to themselves, they decided to remodel her into a vast city-ship.
The RC-B Noah is capable of warp navigation. It detects dimensional distortions in space and warps through them into sub-space to re-emerge from other distortions at the destination.  If the state of the distortions at the destination are not calculated accurately, it can be very dangerous, so warps are always only made to ranges that are calculable.
Chapter 33: October, 1978
Where did the Police Keepers come from?  When the comet which had appeared in the vicinity of Jupiter reached Earth, the Micromen here detected an αH7 reaction from the comet.  The Transfer Fortress mobilized immediately to investigate.
The nucleus of the comet surrounded by its cloud of fine particles was a frozen world.  A part of the icy surface suddenly began to glow with a pale light, and then shattered as new allies emerged. They had come to help defend the Earth.
With their help, the micro-city construction project, known as Build Project, was able to advance far more rapidly. The Build Base would be completed ahead of schedule thanks to their own contribution of the Build Crane. Construction then commenced of the Build Lancer as a means of transportation. But there were also those who viewed the renewed prosperity of the Micromen as most unpleasant.  One in particular was Arden, emissary of evil, who came to Earth unsatisfied with the Acroyears’ lack of progress.  The nature of his robot-type spaceship, Arden Robo, remains unclear for now.  
Chapter 34: November, 1978
The Build Base became known as “Build House”:  Unlike the bases up until now, it included living facilities for the Micromen to reside in on Earth, not unlike a human apartment complex. However, while apartment-like in appearance, in order to always be able to defend against Acroyears and Arden, as well as participate in disaster relief, new weapons were incorporated into its design, and it can change its formation during states of emergency.
The production method, known as “pre-fabrication,” uses factory-produced panels which are assembled at the location using special joints.  It is similar to the construction methods used I making human skyscrapers, but substitutes plastic for concrete.
Aside from the built-in crane, the panels are also lifted using the Build Crane. Climb Leader can be used to carry the crane.  The Build Bases are constructed at various sites, but the configuration may vary based on their assignment and on the local environment.
Chapter 35: December 1978
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Build Base, the heart of Micropolis、 was finally completed. In order to fight against the Acroyears and Arden’s Earth invasion, the Microman PoliceKeepers cooperated with the Hoodmen, and assembled at the Build Base to construct more powerful machines.  
SpeedJumper: a super high-performance fighter-interceptor which is capable of going from the surface to spaceflight.  It incorporates a Dash-Shoot (ejector seat) for escaping the Acroyears’ heat rays in an emergency.
Air Roader:  a high performance craft developed by the PoliceKeepers for going on space patrol.  It runs on a cable circling the perimeter of the Micropolis, but can also travel on land by re-positioning its arm.
ClimbLeader: a caterpillar-car for developing worlds. It contains a powerful internal magnetic mechanism that allows it to climb buildings perpendicularly for construction. Armed with a missile and beam cannon, it can even operate in dangerous territory. (Continued in Year Four...coming later)
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micromanclub · 7 years
Tiny Titan Microman: the “Lost Adventures” - Year Two (1977)
(Continued from Year One - see for more details and credits.  Special thanks this posting to Christopher Mah and original “Microman Trivia” transcription translated from Tette Hakase at Alpha-7 Laboratory)
Chapter 12: January, 1977
Transfer Fortress is a mobile armed super-fortress that protects the Earth from the enlarged Acroyear menace. The merits of this base are that while its individual parts are fully capable as separate units, they can combine in order to fly from place to place. In the case of an emergency, there is no need for panic.  The pilot seated in the upper module of the base can quickly slide into the cockpit. As everything is automated, it is demonstrably capable in an emergency situation.  The units making up its parts are also capable of handling crises.  While not shown in this manga, the front of the base can be ejected to enter combat separately. Each of the parts can dock with each other automatically to become fighters. This is just as one example.
Chapter 13: February, 1977
The secrets of Microman’s origins are wrapped in mystery.  As the construction of the ancient Moai megaliths of Easter Island and the enormous Egyptian pyramids seem beyond the means of human construction, it seems possible that Micromen may have been involved. ((Tette Hakase: As our studies of ancient civilization have improved since this time of publication, the answer to this has been shown to not be so simple. Easter Island was once far more densely populated, and it is clear that such construction was not so impossible with coordinated effort.  The Egyptian pyramids didn’t just appear at once, but rather it has been shown that they were developed over time with technological innovation.  However, many mysteries remain about the grand scale that seems to exceed useful purpose and the meaning behind their construction.)) Surprisingly, near the Republic of Columbia’s capital Bogotá,  models of a jet plane were found that were over 3000 years old.  These models closely resemble that of an F-102 fighter.  Could this also be related to Microman? ((Tette Hakase: These O-Parts became the model for Earth Jetter.  Or wait, perhaps we should say that Earth Jetter was the model for these?)) ((Microman Club: See http://www.2atoms.com/weird/ancient/plane.htm Note however that archeologists today believe that these are stylized depictions of fish or birds from the region, and they are similar to other highly stylized artifacts depicting more easily identifiable animals)) There are plenty of mysterious ruins even in Japan. A fresco of a space rocket was discovered at the site of an ancient 3000 year old Kazuwara Kofun burial mound in Shiranuimachi of Kumamoto Prefecture.  A rocket that greatly resembles Microman’s Super Jet. ((Tette Hakase: There are line drawings which show  the life of ancient mariners of the Yatsushiro Sea, including ships and dolphins, but it is not open for viewing by the public.))
Chapter 14: March, 1977
The Titan’s homeland is the world of Titan, the moon of Saturn.  “Many of our companions still lie in slumber there,” were their words which prompted the Spy Magicians to travel to Titan in the Transfer Fortress. The Spy Magicians that reached Titan began their investigation, and life signs were detected in what their charts showed as a glass valley.  The spectral ray was used and the Titans that were revived were extremely robotic and sports car-like in form.
The Spy Magicians dubbed them “Titan Commands” and decided to call the vehicles “Gimca”.  They then returned to Earth in order to help solve the issue of the Acroyears and the mysterious ruins around the globe.
Chapter 15: April, 1977
The Spy Magicians’ investigations had revealed that the Acroyears manifested frequently near ancient ruins.  In order to understand the relationship between the Acroyears’ supernatural powers and the ancient ruins, the Spy Magicians flew to every corner of the globe.
The Titan Commands which had arrived from Titan, in order to adapt to life on Earth, began training for combining with their Gimca (the vehicles ridden by Titan Command).  Currently 4 Titan Commands are active on Earth.
((Tette Hakase: The four Titan Commands would be Type One Jupitas and Poseidar, along with Type Two Tailos and Hercules. Types Three and Four were not introduced yet in Bouken Oh’s manga or advertisements.)) The Titan Commands exhibit supernatural abilities when combined with their Gimca.  With 2000 horsepower, they can break past the lightspeed barrier thanks to being equipped with warp drives.  Although other Titans can combine with the Gimca, they will not gain these abilities.
Chapter 16: May, 1977
Thousands of years ago, the Microman Commands came to Earth from MicroEarth. The Microman Commands who were active back then have remained asleep due to some unusual phenomenon.  In those times, they were the same height as human beings.
((Tette Hakase: What kind of phenomenon? Was it even beyond explanation for the Microman Commands themselves?))
The Spy Magicians, upon learning of the Microman Commands, began to revive these lost comrades one after another from the ancient ruins of mystery such as from the Inca and Egypt.  And so thus were the Command corps assembled alongside the Titan Commands.   
Analysis of the gas released upon their revival resulted in the detection of a previously unknown element.  Labeled αH7 by the Spy Magicians, it was deduced to be connected with the Acroyears’ ability to become gargantuan in size. 
Chapter 17: June, 1977
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(first two pages of chapter 17 from http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mzek81/33640941.html  --M113 Bobby, M114 Blacky and the Spy Magicians, joined by Command 1 M152 Eric encounter AcroJet and AcroCannon piloted by Armroids while patrolling in Transfer Fortress at Nazca, Peru)
Acroyears are able to utilize the strange element αH7. This is how they differ as cyborgs from Microman and can become gigantic, as their bodies are covered in αH7. The Micromen are desperate to solve the mystery behind αH7.
((Tette Hakase: Note that in the TV Magazine manga, Professor Katagai’s lab report showed that the Acroyear body is not so much covered in αH7, but rather that αH7 is bound to their cells.) The Acroyears used αH7 to also combine their forms with vehicles and to become an even more enormous Acroyear.  This combines two Acroyears with two vehicles. Unfortunately, currently the Micromen are unable to face it. The Micromen are gradually gaining insight into the mystery of αH7. Also four new Command Cars have been designed.  The four vehicles are Racing Buggy*, Tyrell Machine, Earth Jetter, and Twin Racer.  And thus they may yet live to fight on. ((*Racing Buggy image link from MicroEarth website,))
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(back page ad from June 1977 Bouken Oh for Microman Command and Titan Command Gimca toys)
Chapter 18: July, 1977
When the Microman Commands arrived at the MCIA (RoadStation), four new Command Cars were designed immediately in order to help discover the answer to the mystery of αH7.  In order to enable free and easy mobility around the globe, these were super-machines created expressly for use on Earth. One of these Command Cars, the Tyrell Machine, was a vehicle that was patterned after the famous Ford Tyrell for optimal high-speed performance.  It can reconfigure its body in order for both regular activities as well as to quickly respond to any given situation such as for reconnaissance, combat, etc…. Giant Acroyear’s vital parts are its arms. This is because they themselves are two Acroyears, Acroid Ta (T-A) and Armroid Sh (S-H) which combine with the AcroJet and AcroCannon to form Giant Acroyear. ((Tette Hakase: While here they are called “Acroid” and “Armroid”, this may be that the MCIA had confused some of their intelligence about the true nature of them becoming the two arms. Were they new types of Acroyears, or androids?  It wasn’t possible to be certain at first.  Even the data about them being the vital points appears to be groundless. The final names turned out to be “Armroid Ta (Tax)” as the left arm which fired a heat ray cannon, and the right arm was “Armroid Sh (Shooter)” which fired a cold ray cannon.))
Chapter 19: August, 1977
The high-performance jet Earth Jetter was designed with the cooperation of Microman Commands who came from Easter Island and Egypt.  They brought to bear the past technology of the ancient civilizations they had previously been involved with. Earth Jetter can mobilize from both the ground and Transfer Fortress. It boasts a maximum speed of mach 1.5, equipped with a hydrogen engine with a performance output of up to 2800 horsepower.  It can perform vertical take-off and landing with its twin turbo fans.
Earth Jetter was designed for defending the planet from Acroyears. For that purpose, it can perform vertical climbs directly to outer space, giving it a wide field of operation.  In addition, its weapons include both the standard wave motion missile launcher as well as a “Laser Scriper” which can slice through most things.
Chapter 20: September, 1977
So far, by now everyone should know that the Microman Command and development of the Command Cars have been for investigating the mysteries around the Earth of the ancient ruins, but what about the Titan Commands? The Titan Commands developed the Dash Rail as an extreme training course to further hone their abilities.  They began their own impossible regimen in tandem with the Micromen in order to be able to face unexpected attacks from the Acroyears.
The Micromen, even though they are cyborgs, are still living beings.  If they were to participate in the Titan Command’s Dash Rail training, they would be crushed flat.  The Titans’ bodies are made up entirely of silicon-based cells, which make it possible for them.
Chapter 21: October, 1977
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Surveyor 1 is a new type of all-purpose vehicle which is the culmination of Microman science and technology. Not only capable of combat, it also can perform construction work which would not be possible for the Transfer Fortress.  It can perform excavations and remove obstacles on the go without interruption.
As for Surveyor’s component mecha, the combinations are unlimited, allowing for configurations as needed for any situation on demand.  When the Cyclo Crane is combined with the Mechanic Base, it can move things up to 5,000 tons, and it can also be paired with the Caterpillar Car.
Using an automatic tracking system for the Brid-Cannon, the Brid-Car can pursue and destroy targets with ease, when combined with the Front Base.  Using a gravitational control device called the “Gravity Wing”, it is also capable of flight.
Chapter 22: November, 1977
The arsenal of the Acroyears has continued to advance rapidly.  After their confidence being boosted by the success of Giant Acroyear, they went on to complete a second robot which included the function of a heavy tank, Mecha Acroyear.
On the other hand, the Micromen caught word of the development of the Mecha Acroyear through the Spy Magicians, and in order to counter it, they commenced development of their own giant combining caterpillar tread robot with ten times the power of Robotman, RobotMachine Z. 
Chapter 23: December, 1977
The female Microman that appeared this time was revived from the site of the Statue of Liberty in New York.  Like humans on Earth, there were once both males and females who lived on MicroEarth, but this marks their first appearance after arriving on Earth.
It may not come as a surprise that Surveyor 1 was destroyed by Mecha Acroyear.  However, do not be afraid.  The Micromen have already not only built an even stronger Surveyor 2, but are even now hurrying to complete the Surveyor Base which is capable of traveling into outer space. (Continued in Year Three...)
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adamac · 4 years
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Barefoot Lady Microman custom
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adamac · 6 years
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#microman #micronauts #pharoid #command #green #custom #Smith #m163 #16x #illuminated #pharoid #skull #takara #palisades #actionfigure
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