#mid month update for the drabble challenge
fountainpenguin · 1 year
Hi, Minor Blog & Fic Updates
If you don't want to read this today, consider checking out my pinned post when you can, and/or just read the ScarletPenguin section at bottom for transparency
📌 Made a minor update to my pinned post; I removed the spreadsheet link since my buffer's running low and it'll be one less thing to worry about while I play catch-up. Also added a permanent ask game, mostly to give visitors / new followers a way to break the ice if they want to. I'll also add a link to this post to the pinned one.
🦷 I've moved my one Coco 'fic (That 4k contest entry I wrote September 2018) to the Anonymous collection. If you would still like the AO3 link, it's here (River Teeth). It's also currently available on my FFN.
🐶 Dog's Life Chapter 9 goes up on Tuesday, then Chapter 10 goes up on October 3rd. That's the last chapter of Session 1 and the 'fic will be on hiatus while I build the Session 2 buffer.
🎃 I expect to post a lot of short pieces in October; I'm giving myself a (tentative) monthly challenge so I can get rid of a bunch of WIPs without holding onto them for a year. Not committing to a full 31 days, but I've got a lot of little things that don't need to be masterpieces, so it should be a busy month. I'll probably do one announcement post each Friday instead of individual story announcements. Still very much playing this by ear and I might get busy IRL, but expect at least a few things.
I had a plan to post something Anti-Fairy related for Friday the 13th in October, but it's not playing nice with me so we'll see.
✍️ After October, I need to spend time rebuilding my 'fic buffers. I'd also like to update my table of contents tab and possibly the sideblog. In other words, expect a busy October for 'fic updates. November will probably be Traffic Season 5 drabbles and stuff (I'm guessing), and then we'll start winding down on 'fics during December and January. I'll probably post again in Feb or March; not sure yet.
🐾 A ton of Session 1 stuff I wrote for Dog's Life got bumped to Session 2 for pacing reasons, so I already have a lot done; I might start posting Session 2 as early as mid-November or early December, but stuff for Origin and Knots definitely needs polishing and will take longer. Not sure yet.
❤️ 2 months ago, I made a post talking about my ScarletPenguin pseud. That's the pseud where I keep any M works, and I wanted to explain how this works to people who may be unfamiliar (as I have a piece I'm working on that I'll probably post as M).
The majority of my content is Gen or T, so I'm using the pseud to keep my M stuff in a separate place [i.e. not immediately visible to people browsing my main page, because I mostly do children's show fanfics that ARE Gen and T, and I just feel better doing it like this].
In other words, if you would like to scroll through my works but would prefer not to run across anything M, THIS is the link that only has Gen and T stuff [It's the FountainPenguin pseud link; you can also access it by clicking on my username on any of my AO3 works]. You will not see M 'fics if you use this link :)
I have not yet decided if I'm going to do announcement posts for M stories. If I do, the posts will be tagged #ScarletPenguin, so I recommend blocking that tag now if you would like to.
If you would like to find any M works after they're posted, you can access them by going to FountainPenguin's Profile -> Pseuds -> ScarletPenguin (left sidebar on desktop).
If you are subscribed to me on AO3, I'm pretty sure you'll get an email when any new stuff is posted. If you do not want to subscribe to me as a user, consider subscribing only to the 'fics you like or even to a series (ex: all the 130 Prompts are in the 130 Station series and you can get email notifs that way even though all those stories are posted individually).
I'm trying to post 130 Prompts in the 130 Station series before any others because I suspect that only the first series counts for the email alerts (Not sure). However, you can also subscribe to the individual trains if you like (Blue Train, for example, only contains Anti-Fairy content so maybe you're into that, etc.) I'm just not sure if you'll get an email since if you want to put a work in more than one series, you have to post the story and then edit it, and I'm not sure if that sends a notification.
I also don't know if you can have a series with two pseuds in it, or how that will affects the tag visibility on the series page. We'll see.
tl;dr - I feel good about having done my part to make this news accessible, create a blog tag for it just in case, and this info will be added to my pinned post when I wake up [This is in the queue]. Stay safe, safe comfy!
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Pinned Post Update
Oh my goodness. Where has the time gone? It's mid-May already! I'm on a little bit of a hiatus at the moment; my posting is going to be a little bit sporadic through the rest of the month (and beginning of June) as I finish up the school year. My plate is a little over-full, I'll write when and what I can, loves.
Here are the helpful links if you're new to my blog:
My AO3 is also drarrily-we-row-along- there is a little delay but I'm trying to stay fairly caught up. (We're doing the best we can on that front, but it's not looking good atm)
You can see my Masterposts for all of the prompts I've filled and the ones yet to come here: 100 Drarry Drabbles in 100 Days (Part 1) 100 Drarry Drabbles in 100 Days (Part 2) 100 Drarry Drabbles in 100 Days (Part 3)
You can read my Microfics written for Microfic challenges: Masterpost: Microfics
You can read the fic I wrote for Christmas here.
You can read all of the ficlets I wrote for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompts for Valentines Day here.
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aquietjune · 3 years
aquietjune's AOT Writings Masterlist
Fanfiction and meta I wrote for Attack on Titan.
While most of my stories are interconnected, there is no correct order to read these stories; minus the (1) exception noted below, they are all standalone. Here they're listed in order of publication.
My stories are all canonverse and generally canon compliant.
Ships: AruAni, JeanPiku, FalBi.
Mother Horse Eyes [13 chapter, 87k words, complete]
Pieck/Zeke, Pieck/Jean + others. This story covers a number of events, mostly in the Marley continent, between 841 and 861.
A Fistful of Latent Images [oneshot, 12k words]
Armin/Annie. This story takes place in Fort Salta late 855, about 14 months after the Rumbling. Mentions the episode central to The Coffee Saga: Incident No. 13.
The Jacket [oneshot, 6k words]
Pieck/Jean, Jean & Reiner. This story takes place in 857 during the Paradis’ Peace Talks. Mentions episodes described in Mother Horse Eyes: Part VI.
The Coffee Saga: Incident No. 13, as narrated by Annie Leonhart [oneshot, 3k words]
Armin/Annie, hints of Jean/Pieck. This story takes place around mid-to-late 855 in an unnamed city where the Alliance is working. Part of the fics related to The Coffee Saga.
The right dress [oneshot, <2k words]
Falco/Gabi. This story takes place in Belsina (Exarchate) in early 859, some time after The Light From Your Window. Details some developments in Gabi’s life that are mentioned in Mother Horse Eyes: Part I.
The Challenge, or, The Coffee Saga: Incident No. 4 [oneshot, 2k words]
Pieck/Jean. This story takes place in an unnamed place in the Marley continent in early 855. Part of the fics related to The Coffee Saga.
An Act of Balance [oneshot, 3.5k words]
Pieck/Jean. This story takes place in the sea, South of the Marley continent, in early 855, before The Challenge.
Three and Four [oneshot, 2k words]
Pieck/Jean, Armin/Annie. This story takes place in New Liberio in 861 and it contains *spoilers* for Mother Horse Eyes. It can still be read as a standalone.
The Light From Your Window [3 chapters, 9.5k words, complete]
Pieck/Jean. This story mostly takes place in (New) Liberio in early 859. Other events narrated are set in 858 in various places.
Hexagons, Foretellings and Molasses [oneshot, 6k words]
Falco/Gabi. Early 855. Gabi and Falco are sent to Belsina to study. At night, they explore the religious building they are guests of.
Aftercadet Special with Armin Arlert [oneshot, 8k words]
Armin/Annie. Early 855 in a city of the Rasnan nations. Armin falls sick. Armin’s POV.
Princess and Prince of the Great Escape [oneshot in 5 parts, 11.5k words]
Armin/Annie. A coastal city in the Southern Continent, about 3 months after the Rumbling. The Alliance takes part to an international summit and Armin and Annie have half a day free to explore the city. Annie’s POV.
All the sweet things [oneshot, 5k words]
Armin/Annie. A night of celebration in Fort Salta, an unlikely quiet, sweet moment a few weeks after the Rumbling. Armin goes to find Annie. Armin’s POV.
It is only natural [Triple drabble]
Armin/Annie. Post-Rumbling. Three drabble and spare change about Annie watching Armin sleeping.
Morning Run Reiner [oneshot, 2.6k words]
Post-Rumbling. Every morning, Annie drags Reiner to run. Reiner's POV. Reiner & Annie + minor Armin/Annie.
Flowers of Eldia, unraveling [oneshot, 3k words]
Post-Rumbling, Historia has to spend the winters in the capital Mitras and she hates it. Could she find an ally in the court, however? Past Ymir/Historia. Historia &/ Hitch. Contains Lady Bernkastel.
Respite, or A survivor's ball [oneshot, 7k words]
The Alliance is invited to a series of Victory galas in a surviving region of the world. A story about Connie set a few months after the Rumbling.
Little Bird [18/18 chapters, 170k words, complete]
A post-Rumbling story about Annie finding out about her past. Annie-centric with Armin/Annie and a lot of other platonic relationships. Updates somewhat every 7-10 days with a week break every 3-4 chapters.
The Pieck Essay [10k words, complete]
A 3-part essay on the character of Pieck Finger as shown in canon (themes, archetypes, character arc).
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HP Shipuary/Kinkuary Drabbles and Art Round-Up (February 1-15)
When I first thought about making something for @hpshipuary and @kinkuary, I thought I’d contribute a few art pieces here and there and call it a day. I did not expect for explicit drabbles to come out this too, let alone for multiple ships. But they now exist. And it’s been really fun writing different ships. The support I’ve gotten has been great, so I guess I’ll keep at it! Here’s a mid-month round-up of what I’ve got for both challenges so far. Happy viewing! DRABBLES: --- Testing the Limits (Terence/Adrian, E, 147)- Kinkuary: Coming Untouched and Bites/Bruises Summary: Terence is caught by surprise when Adrian fulfills one of his longtime fantasies. --- Say Please (Marcus/Oliver, E, 131)- HP Shipuary Summary: Oliver finally makes an effort to let Marcus know what he wants. --- A Rush of Passion (Dean/Seamus, E, 147)- HP Shipuary Summary: Changing things up only made Seamus' feelings for Dean grow stronger. --- Hooked on You (Katie/Marcus, E, 148)- HP Shipuary and Kinkuary: Edging/Orgasm Denial Summary: Marcus lets himself get carried away every time he goes down on Katie. ______ ARTWORK: --- Momentum (Harry/Draco, E)- HP Shipuary and Kinkuary: Sensory Deprivation and Masturbation Summary: There was something exciting about getting himself and Draco off at the same time, even if Harry couldn't witness it. (But he could certainly hear and feel it.) ______ FICLET AND ART: --- Sweet Surrender (Regulus/James, E, 333)- HP Shipuary and Kinkuary: Impact Play Summary: Spanking always served as foreplay to get the adrenaline going. But if James wanted more, Regulus would give it to him. These are all part of an on-going series called A Study in Kink on AO3. Feel free to head over there to see other works or get updates on new stuff.  With about half of the month left, we’ll see what else I can get out (while catching up with everyone else’s works). :) Hope everyone is having fun with these challenges too!
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thehigh-waytohell · 5 years
Hey gang -
I hate to be the kind of author who ghosts their story for months and gives “life updates” that sound increasingly excuse-y but. uh. Here’s some excuse-y life updates.
So after a brief stint of intense obsession with IT and a temporary foray into peterick creation challenges, I was like, okay, cool, time to buckle down and get back to work, but was already hampered by grad school applications. Though slowed, I was not stopped, until, a little less than a month ago, I received a sudden and unexpected notice that I had to vacate my apartment. 
“But that’s weird/illegal/unfair!” yeah there’s some unspoken element of story but the gist is that, mid-semester, I had to up and pack and clean and find a new place and move and I now have a second job to support the new place which has a longer commute and life has just been one upside down smiley after the other.
So, we’re moved into the new place. Not unpacked, but officially living here. It’s a lot nicer, but it’s still crunch time in the semester, and I’ve got a lot of senior year projects I’m working on right now. I’d love to make this update saying that now things are settled and the new chapter is coming super soon, but life isn’t really going like that. Things aren’t yet settled, and the new chapter is not all that far along.
But I have an outline, and a lot of determination, and I promise that I’m still here, still working on it, and still always so grateful that all of you stick around and keep reading, even after all these delays and all these years. As a thank you and a reminder that we’re all still around, I’m hoping to put out at least a drabble in the next week or so, and hopefully I’ll get on track in the next few weeks. (admittedly, I’ve also had some amount of delay because I’m less enthused about the next chapter than I am about EVERY CHAPTER AFTER IT because your no 1 dumbass miscounted songs in fad but sldkfj) As always, asks, drabble suggestions, discord theorizing and whatever else is always more than welcome
tl;dr thanks for sticking around had some things happen but i swear i’m gonna post eventually love you all
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sunlightdances · 6 years
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SPN Angst Bingo ‘18 Masterlist Dean Headcanons/Bullet point Fics
Newest on top; updated 2/2/2021
Untitled (literally couldn’t think of a title for this lol): PG-13 for swearing She came out of nowhere, knocked him on his ass, and then asked him to apologize. How hard did he hit his head?
Body Language: PG-13 Low blood sugar sucks. Dean’s POV.
Everybody Knows I’m Torn Apart: PG-13 You manage to call Dean a few miles away from the bunker. Despite your injuries, you tell him the basics: you lost too much blood, you need a ride, you’re pretty sure you’re going to pass out soon. His gruff voice over the phone is the last thing you hear before you physically can’t keep your eyes open anymore.
Two Hearts on Fire: PG-13 3 times Dean is there for you and one time you’re able to return the favor.
Stay a Little Longer: PG You let yourself be vulnerable and Dean does too.
You’re an Ocean: PG The never ending push and pull between you and Dean finally comes to an end.
Take My Hand (When You Can’t See the Light): PG-13 (a few swears) Dean plays the knight in shining armor when you meet him by chance. Turns out you’ll meet him several more times. Everything happens for a reason, right?
Winter Air: PG Contrary to popular belief, Dean is a big softy who loves winter.
Slow Days: PG Dean meets you on a slow, lazy day in Lebanon at Christmas.
Come Home: PG Dean comes to your door in the middle of the night. it’s a good thing, too, because you’re gearing up for a fight.
Don’t Go Changing: PG-13 It was never supposed to end up like this. You find out the truth about Dean Winchester.
Dog Days: PG-13 (for violence) Dean rescues a dog and ends up being the one rescued.
Helping Hand: PG After recovering from an injury, you’re having a hard time getting back into fighting form. Dean helps you through it.
Sun Warmed: PG He sits on the edge of the table, watching you as you flit about the room, grabbing a mug, some coffee creamer, and sugar. You wait for him to make a comment about how sweet you like your coffee, but it never comes. Another sign that he’s not entirely himself today.
Untitled drabble: PG Someone is carrying you. Your head jostles until it finds purchase against a broad shoulder, and in your daze you can make out a conversation - though you’re not able to make sense of anything being said.Someone is urging you to open your eyes, You want to do what they ask, you want to ask questions, but you’re so tired.
I’ll Be Your Lifeline Tonight: PG Dean shoulders his own burdens. He always has. And truth be told, it comforted you to think he had it under control. Dean’s always been the one with the plan, the one who knew what to do next. Now that he doesn’t… you can’t lie, it freaks you out. But you have to help him right now. If the tables were turned, he’d do the same for you.
Untitled: PG You stop mid-sentence as you come around the corner into the rec room, seeing him fast asleep on the sofa. There’s a magazine on his lap and a few other books strewn around him, and while this isn’t really that out of the ordinary for him, it’s the glasses tucked into his collar that draw your attention.
It Echoes a Spark: PG-13 “I was on my way home. Traveling. Saw I was driving through town and thought… well, it’s almost our anniversary.” He winks, and it’s amazing how you’re not a puddle of goo right there on the floor.
Wrapped Up in Your Love: Rated PG @sixtysevenandwhiskey asked for: “i did that annoying thing where i put loads of smaller boxes inside one big box and you’re getting really mad but you don’t know that the ring is in the smallest box and i can’t wait to see your face”
Snow & Scarves: Rated PG @lipstickandwhiskey said “I gotta see you do “PULLING YOU IN FOR A KISS WITH A SCARF” because SWOON” and I mean, same, tbh.
Stay Here Til Sunrise: Rated T “You’re making a mental checklist of everything you need to do when you finally stop somewhere - the first thing being calling Sam to let him know his brother got his arm broken trying to be a goddamn hero again, followed closely by getting to a bathroom where Dean can’t see you as you try to calm the fuck down.”
Bruised Hearts: Rated T She sort of, kind of, probably hates him. He tells himself it’s for the best.  
Just Let Me Try: Rated T You get in a car accident not far from Dean’s shop and go to him for help. Mechanic!AU. Dean’s POV.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Bake: PG Dean discovers your guilty pleasure TV show.
I Remember Loving You: PG-13 When you think you’re in trouble, you go to Sam and Dean for help, despite the fact that you and Dean haven’t spoken or seen each other face to face in months.
Bright Lights Won’t Leave Me Alone: PG-13 Prompt: “We got involved in a fight at a bar and had to share the night in the same jail cell”
If It Keeps You By My Side: PG-13 The reader reveals something to Dean that turns his world upside down. Written for Annie’s 300 Follower Grand Budapest Motel Challenge!
One More Hour: PG Dean’s tired and can’t hide it from you no matter how hard he tries.
Danger Always Was a Friend of Mine: PG-13 You get stuck driving through a huge storm on your way to the bunker. Dean reacts in a way you don’t expect.
Run, Run, Run Away: PG-13 Dean calls you to go on a hunt he’d otherwise have to take solo. It takes quite a turn.
Lost Hope, Can’t Cope: PG-13 Dean helps you when your anxiety, stress, and everything else jumbled up in your head becomes too much. Alternates between the reader and Dean’s POV.
One Way to Shut You Up: PG A good, old-fashioned post-hunt celebration gives you the courage you finally need.
Now Close Your Eyes: PG You have a hard time letting other people take care of you.
Something About You, I Just Can’t Fight: Rated M You’re pretty sure Dean’s figured out your big, stupid crush on him, and you’re sure it’s only a matter of time before you spontaneously combust.
Loving Everything You Do: Rated T The washer broke. It’s not your fault that the only thing near you at the time was some of Dean’s clothes, okay.
Heavy Heart and a Heavy Mind: Rated T A badly-timed wish on your part and a curse from a witch has you and Dean reconsidering the nature of your relationship. Written for SPN Angst Bingo.
Let the Lonely In: Rated T After a bad day and a sleepless night, the reader and her insecurities are her own worst enemy.
Someone Throw a Lifeline: Rated T While wrapping up a case, Sam and Dean get a weird phone call that has Dean assuming the worst.
Everything You Are:  PG Dean’s POV.  Dean discovers the pretty librarian he met on a case is a little more “in the know” than he realized.
You’ve Had Me All Along: Rated M You’re so pissed that you’re even in this situation, your hands are shaking from adrenaline and anger. Huffing to yourself, you grab your phone out of your back pocket and dial one of two numbers you know by heart.
More Heart and Less Attack: Rated T The reader shows up at the bunker after being attacked, hurt and on the verge of a panic attack.
One More Time Before I Fall: Rated T This weird tension between you and Dean had to come to a head sometime, and what better time than when you’re trapped in the Impala with him for a long trip?
Untitled drabble: Rated T Dean has to bail you out of jail during a hunt, and isn’t happy about it when he sees you again.
Untitled drabble: Rated T One ghost down, five to go. You’re on your way to rescue the Winchesters.
Untitled oneshot: Rated PG Prompt: “I have been driving for the last 5 hours and all I want is some god damn beef jerky, so GET YOUR HAND OFF THE LAST PACKAGE ON THE SHELF YOU MAY BE HANDSOME STRANGER, BUT NO ONE IS STANDING IN BETWEEN ME AND THAT SALTY SNACK”
Breaks Your Heart Like Lovers Do: Rated PG Anon asked for a angsty fic based on “Happier” by Ed Sheeran. Don’t worry - there’s a happy ending!
Untitled Angst Day drabble: Rated T You’ve been hiding your feelings towards Dean for months, and when you guys have the biggest fight you can ever remember having, you reach a breaking point.
Seeing Eye to Eye and Heart to Heart: Rated T You get hurt on a hunt, and afterwards, Dean starts acting real weird.
Can’t Get You Close Enough: Rated M Dean tears into you after a hunt goes bad, causing you to have a panic attack. He makes a confession to your after, about why seeing you hurt makes him react that way.
I’ll Be Back, Give It Time: Rated M While you’re struggling with your feelings for Dean, you have your first fight.
Untitled drabble: Rated PG. You and Dean have this thing going on. You tease him, he teases you. You don’t expect it to lead to hurt feelings until it does.
Glasses: Rated M. Dean wears those glasses. You have feels.
Lately: Rated M (Dean POV, third person) Dean reflects on his feelings for the reader.
Now And Then I Get A Little Lost: Rated M (mild smut) Established relationship with Dean x Reader. The two of you run into Cassie on a hunt, and seeing Dean’s ex brings up some insecurities.
Got The Flu: Rated M Dean takes care of you when you’re sick, and confessions come in dramatic fashion. You know the drill.
Enough For Now: Rated M (mild smut, language) You haven’t seen Dean in over a year, and the scruff he’s sporting now is doing things to you.
Valentine’s Day oneshot: Rated M. Pure smut. Dean wears that coat. You know the one.
Don’t You Forget About Me: Rated M. Post 12x11. You help Sam figure out how to get rid of Dean’s curse. He doesn’t remember you, but he remembers something.
Untitled oneshot: Rated M (barely any smut, rated for language + dirty talk) The gang have a hunt at the zoo. What could go wrong?
Best Friends?: Rated M Prompt: “We’re best friends and I’ve been in love with you forever and I’m 30000% sure you only see me as a friend, except why is there all this tension rn?
Family Ties: Rated M (mild smut) You didn’t know your stepmom was a witch, okay. It’s not your fault you’ve got a coven on your tail. It’s also not your fault that Dean Winchester hates witches so much.
Untitled drabble: Rated M. Prompt was “comfort” - Dean comforts the reader after a hunt goes wrong and causes her to have nightmares.
Sooner Or Later: Rated M. Prompt was “touch”. Tension relief.
It’s So Clear Now: Rated M. You run into the Winchesters after a few months hunting alone, and when you get hurt, Dean takes care of you. This is a long one - 5K.
You Look Good in My Shirt: Rated M. You borrow Dean’s sweater and it causes him to finally make a move.
You’re A Sight For Sore Eyes: Rated PG. Based on a prompt. Dean helps you sleep when you’re dealing with some anxiety.
The More I’m Gone, The More Things Change: Rated T. You go with the Winchesters to LA to hopefully help them ice Lucifer.
They Call It The Season Of Giving (I’m Here, Yours For The Taking): Rated PG You get a little emotional exchanging Christmas gifts with Dean.
It’s The Same For Me: Rated T. You mess up on a hunt and Dean calls you out for it. Resentful of being treated like a kid, you lash out.
Missing You: Rated T. You and Dean are alone in the bunker for a night when you surprise him with a visit. He’s missed you.
Untitled drabble: Rated T. Dean is so protective of you, it makes you crazy. You fight, and then make out.
Don’t Look Back: Rated T, sequel to “Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts”. Dean shows up unannounced to make sure you’re safe as he and Sam investigate some demon signs near your home.
Rescue Drabble: Rated T Sam and Dean rescue you after a close call while hunting, and afterwards, Dean’s guilt leads to a confession.  
Happy To See Me?: Rated M (light smut in this one). Imagine seeing Dean for the first time in months, and him not being able to hide how happy he is to see you.
Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts: Rated M.  You’re not happy when the Winchester brothers show up to steal your hunt, no matter how cute you think the older one is.
Dean + “dance with me” / “I’ve always loved you”
Dean + “Can you walk?”
Platonic Dean + Lisa being jealous
Dean + “I’d sooner die than deny my feelings for you”
Dean + “You look terrible”
Dean + “No, wait, please. Can’t we talk?”
Dean + “I belong with you”
Dean + chocolate
Dean + fear
Dean + nicknames
Dean + morning routine
Dean + playing with hair
Dean+ fireplace
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rockwell-light · 6 years
Goals for the New Year (2019 edition!)
Looking back at last year's journal I was pretty unfocused about my goals |D I think I had a vague idea of essentially wanting to share more of my OCs, wanting to post more, and wanting to make more time to interact with folks and draw. This year I've got a lot more substance to what I want, er, maybe a little too much? Let's review 2018 and then my new goals ;v;
What I did accomplish:
I ended up starting to make character reference sheets as a start to sharing my OCs, which wasn't a bad way to go <: This year I'd like to continue that trend for sure! It's helping me nail down appearances for some characters that have only been strictly written before, and finalizing/updating appearances for characters that I've drawn for a long time. I initially started with really clean references and then moved into more sketchy ones for the sake of saving time, and I'll probably continue to do that for most of my characters and side projects, minus the really important ones (I intend to give Rock, Cale, and Vox clean refs, for example). I also managed to post at least once every month here which was a goal of mine last year, and I'm very proud of myself for that
It seems like such a small amount of times to upload art (a minimum of 12 times all year) but it's a goal that seemed challenging with my lack of free time.
I am still working on making more time to draw and be social. The job I started at the beginning of last year really dug into my time and energy, and I ended up springing for a new one during the holidays. I've been told that somewhere probably from mid to late January (or maybe early February depending on how long it takes to train new folks) I'll be able to have less hours on my plate. This is a big deal because art is what I want to do most, and with more people slowly offering to commission me, I desperately want to have the time to do said commissions. I have turned down several friends and clients when asked (or not responded because I was unsure how to explain myself), purely because I didn't feel I could do even a single image in a timely manner, and I didn't want them waiting months for something they paid for. Fingers crossed this will be changing soon!
But that rolls into more things I did do! I took way more commissions last year than I have before, and I have a small steady queue of folks who would like more that I want to get back to! I also tried some YCHs and adopts and had some success there as well ;v; It was a goal of mine to really work at that stuff and even if it's a small amount compared to other artists, I'm really excited about it!
I also had my first ever convention table! My fiancee Cristal ( @hellscythearts ) and I got to sell our prints at an anime/geek convention and that was a dream come true! I've wanted to do that ever since attending my very first convention when I was really young. I also got a lot of practice in with clean line art and cell shading, which are two things I've always wanted to get better at, but had no confidence in ;v; and this year I really liked a lot of my pieces, enough to sell them as prints even!
What I didn't do:
I didn't end up sharing as much about my characters as I wanted to, or starting any big projects (curse you anxiety and time management!). While I did start making references for a lot of them (and their alternate universe variations because we have way too many AU versions hanging around), I didn't actually finish all of the references I wanted to. I also haven't actually TALKED about them that much outside of those posts.
There haven't been a lot of written snippets with large illustrations, or drabbles/plain writing shared. I also only did a handful of small comics when I'd hoped to do more to showcase their personalities. I do like the ones I did, I just want to do more! I'm still nervous to go in depth with many of them, even if their appearances are appealing I worry about their characterization or stories being uninteresting ;v; but I need to remind myself that I like writing them, and that should be the most important part. It's just a bonus if you guys end up liking them too!
I also didn't end up with a job that gave me more time but WE'LL SEE ABOUT THIS NEWEST ONE NOW THAT THE HOLIDAYS ARE WINDING DOWN.
What I want to do:
Okay, I have a lot of different ideas for what I'd like to work on this year. I'm going to lay out WAY TOO MANY GOALS, with the understanding to myself that I don't need to accomplish all of them. Even just one is okay. Please remind me of that too if I get too down on myself and my progress ;v; I want to do a lot but I need to take it easy on myself when it comes to productivity and output just because art isn't my main occupation yet. These goals are not listed in any particular order or priority!
Keep making references! There are lots of characters I didn't get to yet, and I want to at least get to the "main" ones and their original versions. Other sketchy AU refs are a bonus.
ACTUALLY SHARE PARTS OF MY OC'S STORIES AND MORE ABOUT THEM. This could be comics, drabbles, journal memes, or written snippets with art. It doesn't matter, make me post about my OCsand not just leave cool doodles and no information. I want you guys to start getting to know them like I know them.
COMICS. I want to start making comics. Both one off comics about my characters like I did in 2018, but also more structured ones. Cristal and I have so much writing done, and a few character stories that are basically finished, so no more excuses not to get drawing on at least one of those ones!
More Youtube: I have two different ideas about this. Last year I posted one speedpaint video almost every month, excluding November and December (although I did three in October so???) I want to try and keep that momentum. But I also want to try my hand at some other things-- specifically small animations. These would be pretty non-serious stuff, and mostly a lot of memes that fit my OCs, or maybe small 10-30 second scenes with music. So every month if I can, I'd like to post EITHER A SPEEDPAINT OR SHOT ANIMATION (with or without audio).
Attend more conventions! We've signed up for some so this is really just not to get discouraged and to keep signing up as more open. I know we won't get into all of them but I want to try to start doing it more regularly, being a part time convention artist is really appealing to me. Our first time was honestly like being paid to be on vacation and it was super good for my anxiety and stress issues.
Keep accepting commissions: It would be cool if I could take more of them this year, but I'd at least like to keep doing them at all. For the tail end of last year my momentum really died down and I stopped taking almost any. I'm not sure what a realistic goal/number here would be, so I'm sort of stuck on -take them at all- right now.
Continue posting art at least once a month to dA/twitter/tumblr! My standards with this goal are pretty loose. Big illustrations would be the ideal, but comics and references or weird experimental art are also a-okay. I want to stay lax about this.
Again, I don't need to do all of these goals. Heck I could probably rotate them a little through the year. These are just all the things I'd like to work on. Drawing and writing and animating are like, the things I've always wanted to do with my life, and I keep being afraid to put myself out there more. It can be hard to balance work with this (at the moment I'm doing A LOT OF OVERTIME), but it's ultimately what would make me the most happy. I want to be financially stable, but still be creatively fulfilled. Ideally I think working part time and then taking commissions/doing conventions/comics is where I want to shoot for, so we'll see what the year brings ;v;  
Now!!! Tell me about YOUR goals. What do you want to do this year creatively? How do you want to improve your art/writing? What about none art related things? How did you do with last year? Did you make progress? Did you find something new you're passionate about/interested in? What about non-art goals?
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jaerie · 7 years
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I finally decided to make a masterpost of all my posted fics even for just my own organization.  So here we go!  updated September 14th, 2019
Sisterwives (E, 33k, abo)
This was it, the moment Louis had been waiting for his entire life. Giddy excitement bubbled up as he held hands and stared up at his soon-to-be alpha and husband and grinned. The ceremony was small and simple, but Louis didn’t mind. Fresh flowers pinned into his hair and a brand new outfit was all he needed to feel special in front of their few witnesses. It was just some members of his family and a few of the church elders in attendance as was customary for any marriage beyond the first wife within the faith.
First wives were the ones to have elaborate weddings with the whole community involved. An alpha’s first wedding was a celebration of an their coming of age, his first steps into fulfilling God’s prophecy. There were many glories for an omega that came with being a first wife but also many responsibilities. Louis had never aspired to be a first wife or even a second. He wasn’t experienced enough to be the leader of an alpha’s many wives and children and he didn’t think he’d be up to the task.
Louis was just fine in the position he was stepping into as the seventh.
Or Louis thinks he's getting everything he's ever dreamed of. Harry helps him find what makes him truly happy.
Captain Jack (E, 32k, abo)
Louis has been searching for something and Harry is there to give it to him. Drugs, sex, disappointment, and the tangled web they’ve woven that keeps them trapped in the same cycle.
The Wilds (E, 13k, abo)
The creatures that Louis observed every day weren't exactly human, but yet they were. Researchers had plucked some of them from their secluded island and transplanted them into an enclosure against their will like a bunch of zoo animals. Louis didn't think they were. But he was only paid to do the yardwork, he didn't have any say about the wilds that lived there. That was until an unfortunate accident changed his life forever and made one wild in particular his top priority.
Restless Lane (E, 15k, abo)
Louis had grown used to his boring life back in Mississippi as a stand-in father figure to his siblings. He never expected his childhood friend to show up on his lawn with the heat of summer or that he would remind Louis how much of himself he'd tucked away and neglected. He also never expected to find himself caught up in a tangled web of feelings or secrets that just might break him. Maybe he had never known Harry at all.
Going Live (E, 15k) 
Harry has only done this cam thing a handful of times when another camboy pops in to view his stream and unintentionally stirs things up a bit.
Or Louis and Harry are both camboys for some extra cash and meet each other in an unconventional way
Alpha Seeking Alpha (E, 4k, abo)
Maybe it's taboo, but Louis can't stop thinking about a strong alpha holding him down and filling him with a knot. Louis may be alpha himself yet there's a corner of the internet where he can get what he wants. He finally has the courage to do it.
Knot Safe For Work (E, 6k, abo)
The world is magical, Louis is a wizard, Harry is a Were, there are spells for lube and supernatural kinks are definitely a thing.
Everything I need I get from you (M, 10k, abo)
In a world where music and sound are just as vital to health as food, Harry is stuck in a town that thinks professional music is a scam and a relationship he never wanted. One chance event changes his life.
Ready, Baby? (E, 1k)
Harry gets an earring. Louis is the one to do it.
Or a pain kink drabble.
Challenging Nature: A Look Into Male Lactation (E, 11k)
Even taking into account all the bizarre things Harry has subjected himself to in the past for the sake of an article, Harry has received his strangest assignment yet. It comes up as a random misunderstanding in a meeting and builds into a conversation — can men breastfeed? Internet searches reveal documented cases of male lactation popping up at different times throughout history, but are any of them true? Can a man will himself into lactating? Harry has two months to make it happen.
Tiny Exaggeration (E, 4k, abo)
Louis is frustrated that they've been dating for months and still haven't taken their relationship to the next level. Sometimes the foolishness of the past lingers in the present. Louis wants that to change.
Enough Tin Foil for the Apocalypse (G, 1k)
Louis comes home to a tin foil covered house and his boyfriend's secrets
100ft Away (E, 2.5k)
Harry opens Grindr for a hookup and ends up with more than he bargained for. It all works out in the end.
The Time Is Now (M, 1k)
Louis is mid-one night stand when he finds out he's going to be an uncle in a matter of minutes.
A Long Way From The Top (E, 11k)
Harry needed to find a purpose in life. Mount Everest wasn't the place he'd expected to find it, but he'd take what he could get. He also hadn't expected to come home with extra baggage.
Freaks From The Internet (E, 3k)
Harry sells his breast milk to freaks on the internet. Louis turns out to be one of those freaks. He also happens to be Harry's ex.
Whoops (E, 1k)
Louis was just trying to get revenge on Niall for the prank he pulled a few months ago. He didn't mean to find himself trapped in the closet while Niall's roommate, Harry, decides it's a self-love kind of night.
Merry Birthday (10k, abo)
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson have unfortunate soulmarks branded onto their skin. The first words their soulmate will ever speak to them are two of the most common greetings, so common that they don't even notice when it finally happens for real.
A Christmas soulmate AU.
You Gotta Swim, Swim For Your Life
Swim When It Hurts - Part One (M, 12k, abo)
Harry never thought he would find himself battling cancer. Louis never thought he would find himself so attached to one of his patients.
Swim When It Hurts - Part Two (E, 6k, abo)
Harry never thought he would find himself battling cancer. Louis never thought he would find himself so attached to one of his patients. Neither one of them thought they would find love in such an unlikely place.
Swim When It Hurts - Part Three (E, 7k, abo)
Harry never thought he would find himself battling cancer. Louis never thought he would find himself so attached to one of his patients. Neither one of them thought they would find love in such an unlikely place. Maybe things weren't ideal, but finding strength in a new kind of normal together may be just what they need.
The Post-War BP (E, 18k, abo)
The eight year war has left the country's birthrate severely stunted with a lack of virile alphas left to bring it back up. To ensure the survival of the country, the government opens The Breeding Program where young omegas can apply to carry an alpha's child in exchange for benefits. Louis' family is struggling and the BP is one of the only ways to secure a roof over their heads. Harry was drafted at the age of eighteen and spent six years of his life defending a country he doesn't recognize when he returns home. The government made the bed but it's Harry that has to lie in it.
I’m Sure It Happens To All Alphas (E, 4k, abo)
“It’s okay. I’m sure it happens to all alphas at some point,” the omega beside him said which only embarrassed him even more.
The thing was that this was not how Louis expected their first time together to play out. Especially after he’d been fantasizing about it for so long.
But let’s jump back to the beginning.
or Louis has trouble popping a knot
To Change How You See And What You Believe (E, 12k)
Harry and Louis are best friends who just happen to fall into bed with each other sometimes, it's not a big deal. After a drunken night of discussing their kinks, they wake up naked together. They don't remember what happened, but they've done it before and they'll probably do it again, but five months later, a surprise changes everything.
or an I didn't know I was pregnant au
Was It All Fake? (E, 4k, abo)
Unmated omegas are second class citizens. Expected to provide for themselves yet paid so little that they often are overworked or forced to sell their bodies just to keep from starving. Louis' luck turns around when he meets Harry, the rich heir to a fortune. After their bonding ceremony, things aren't exactly what Louis expected.
Take What’s Mine (E, 15k, abo)
Years after he is kidnapped, his life altered forever, Louis goes through the motions in a way that barely feels like living. Harry is a wild card, a forbidden fruit that Louis swore off of before he even had a chance to experience it. Maybe, in the end, Harry holds the key to being reborn. Louis just has to be open to the idea first.
Cuddle Up A Little Closer (4k)
Harry's therapist suggests that he should get a pet. Liam might have found the perfect one for him.
Stay Close, Hold Steady (E, 27k, abo)
Found on the banks of the Mississippi as an toddler, Harry goes on a quest to find his biological family. Louis tries to be supportive, but maybe he just doesn't want to be left behind.
Everything Comes Back To You (10k, abo)
Louis was only seven when he found himself in a hospital bed alone and scared, confused about what was happening. When another little boy climbed into his bed to comfort him, Louis never thought that they would be meeting again later in life. He also never imagined that their roles would be reversed the second time around.
Just Jump (E, 10k, abo)
Finally, after years of suffering alone, the insurance plan at Harry's new job covered omega heat services. As a grown omega adult, it finally felt like the right time to try it out. And, since taking an entire week of heat leave would really put him behind at work, using a service to shorten it seemed like a responsible decision. At least that’s how he rationalized it. He was nervous about his decision but it was too late. The doorbell rang.
“Hi!” The alpha said again and Harry took the hand he offered and shook it firmly. “I’m Louis from Omega Services. It’s nice to meet you.”
Where Do We Go Now (E, 10k, abo)
Louis goes off to college ready to start a fresh life away from the oppressive alphas of his pack. The odds aren't in his favour when his new dorm mate turns out to be an alpha. Louis hates alphas.
OmegaVision (E, 24k, abo)
Tomlin Networks Presents: OmegaVision starring Louis Tomlinson! The world's first 24/7 reality channel available in over 150 countries worldwide following the life of the first male omega born in over a century. Follow Louis through his daily routine, the ups and downs of growing up or just leave him on for comfort. There are many reasons to tune in but, no matter what yours may be, there's always a part of Louis that is just like you!
Or a Truman Show au that nobody asked for where Louis is Truman and Harry just wants to be his mate
As We Were, As We Are (E, 51.5k)
Alex is a British soldier who has been injured in battle, Louis is a RAF pilot with amnesia. Somehow they put each other back together even if they get separated along the way.
Woke Up Feeling Knotty (E, 8k, abo)
Beta Louis has a kink for knotting and the secret aesthetic porn blog he runs about it is more than proof. When he accidentally finds out his alpha best friend Harry is one of his biggest fans, he knows he has to come clean after everything that has already happened between them. Harry just might be willing to help him out anyway.
Saving’s What I Need (M, 17k)
We’ve all had those moments. A flash of something on the side of the road, a swerve, an instinctual slam on the break pedal. This is the story of the one time Louis’ reflexes were just not quite quick enough and the beautiful white dog that was on the other side of the impact. He just doesn’t know that beautiful dog is Harry.
Save Some Luck For Me (E, 10.5k, abo)
Louis arrives at the 2018 Winter Olympics to make history as the first omega to win a gold medal at the games. Harry, his oiled up crush from the Summer Olympics, just happens to show up to sabotage him, but maybe helps him win in the end.
Closest It’ll Get (E, 13k, 50 Reasons Fic Challenge)
Reason #41: Because He Looks LIke Your Super Hot Cousin and This is the Closest It'll Ever Get to Being Okay
Faking former relationships, mistaken identities and the moral struggle over his first real crush lead to an interesting destination wedding for Harry.
Cute for a Girl? (E, 3.5k, Cocktoberfest)
Harry recently had a sexual awakening with another student on campus. She attends a poetry reading and finds herself reliving the experience through Lou's words.
Driving Me Crazy, But I’m Into It Series
Pink Skin (E, 4k) “Yes well, do you have an appointment-available-for-anal-bleaching,” he rushed the last part out, the words blending together in a nervous string. Louis paused for a moment before bursting into laughter that made tears collect at the corner of his eyes.“Is this a joke?” he asked through his laughter, “Did Niall put you up to this?” He was nearly doubled over on the couch, that certainly was original.“Um…” his laughter cut off abruptly when the voice on the other end seemed serious. “Isn’t this Adeeva spa…?”“Oh god, no, I’m sorry for laughing. I think you have the wrong number mate.”
Or Harry is a camboy trying out something new and Louis ends up on the other end of the line
I’m Kinda Into It (E, 4.4k) Harry smirked and moved off the bed, never breaking eye contact, making sure the other knew exactly what he was about to do. His finger tapped the spacebar of his computer to bring it to life then reached up to switch his camera on with a small click.“Are you into it?” Harry asked, the corner of his mouth stuck up in a grin, dimple deep and genuine though very playful. Louis seemed to be in a small stupor and stared back with darkening eyes before swallowing hard.“I’m definitely into it,” Louis nodded.
Or things take an unexpected turn when Harry meets up with wrong number admirer for the first time
I’m Gonna Pay for This (M, 3k) Naked sunbathing has not turned out so well for Harry.
1st of the Month (E, 2.5k) Harry and Louis enjoy some morning sex before some highly anticipated mail.
Let’s Try That Again (E, 2.7k) The delivery finally arrives and Harry can't help but have a little fun with it. Louis is pretty cranky about Harry's antics until he isn't.
All Over Me (E, 2.4k) Louis is falling for Harry more each day, even all the quirks that make him special.
Christmas is Canceled (G, 2.7k) It is the first time Louis will be cohosting Harry's annual Christmas party with him and everything needs to be perfect. Everything doesn't go perfectly.
Cold As Ice (E, 2.3k) It is the first hot day of summer and Harry is dying. So of course the most logical solution is to head for the dildo in the freezer.
Bored (E, 2k) Harry is bored and decides to put on an unscheduled cam show. Louis never misses a show.
Hoping to Find the Respect I Deserve (G, 3k)
Harry has starry eyes for the professional world after uni and takes an unpaid internship in a foreign country thinking he'll be on top in no time. It doesn't quite work out that way.
Out of the Wild (E, 21.5k, abo)
Louis has spent most of his life as a wolf in the wild, Harry has spent most of his life as a human in the city. Their worlds collide during the audition process for the hottest new singing competition. What happens next should have expected.
Out With The Old, In With The New (E, 7k, abo)
Harry becomes the pack's new alpha and Louis can't wait to be bred
But She Doesn’t Know Who I Am (9k, Part 1 of 2)
“Stop following me!” she growled out firmly, squaring her shoulders and pulling herself up to her full height plus the added inches of her heels that made it feel like she was towering above him.
And… that wasn’t the voice of a woman.
His jaw dropped in shock but he couldn’t tell if his face physically matched that expression or if it was a mental jaw drop. He hoped the latter but knew at least his eyes had grown wide. It wasn’t what he had been expecting.
Prompt #807: The discomfort of walking on a deserted street at night behind a woman who probably thinks you're stalking her.
Maybe I’ll Try Falling Up (E, 6k, Part 2 of 2)
“It’s just… I thought…” he stumbled nervously, “I figured it would be me, you know… that I’d be the one doing you.”
“You thought I’m a bottom because I dress like a girl,” she deadpanned, schooling her expression into a mask of indifference.
Miscommunications can happen with anyone but sometimes it's just a sensitive subject.
Fur Up In Flames (G, 5k)
There's not really much you can do during a job interview when the only thing you can focus on is whether or not you remembered to turn off the stove...
My Sins I’ll Claim, I’m Not Immune to Shame (M, 5.6k)
It's been two years since their break up and Harry still hasn't been able to completely move past the day that things ended between them. When he gets a chance at a big fat "I told you so", his reaction isn't exactly what he expects. He finds himself hard from some inappropriate thoughts and, well, sometimes even the best of us succumb to the darkest emotions.
Day 2: Slow and Steady (E, 5.7k, 30 Days of Smut)
Harry wants everything to be perfect, a scene from a romcom for just the two of them. It doesn't quite go according to plan, but he can't say he's disappointed.
And the Truth Shall Set You Free (Maybe...) (E, 18k, abo)
Betism: A religion based on the belief that the beta gender has been chosen by God to protect and defend the purity and dignity of the human race by resisting and condemning the lustful ways and flawed biology of the alpha and omega
Harry is a Betist and Louis is an alpha who runs with a bad crowd. This is what happens when two worlds collide.
Come Fly With Me (M, 9.6k)
Louis and Harry are university students that meet in an airport while trying visit home during a school break. Their first flight goes as planned but their connection leaves them time for some unexpected adventures.
They Won’t Let Me Out (I’m Locked Up) (E,15k, abo, WIP, to be finished early 2018)
Harry is the alpha heir to a prosperous pack who has just presented as he approaches the age of 18. Coveting their resources and desperately seeking to merge their packs together, rivals kidnap Harry and force him into a life of chastity that would prevent him from ever mating and inheriting the pack he was born to lead. As they lose hope they reluctantly begin the process searching for a mate for Harry's older omega sister, the only way to keep the pack in the Styles' bloodline. What happens when a hot headed little alpha-to-be stumbles upon Harry's little secret and ends up sharing one of his own?
Tell Me That You Want It Cause I Already Know (E, 3.8k, abo)
Who knew all it would take was some good ole porn for Louis to discover his friend, Harry, is a wolf and for it to awaken an urge that would bring them together in a way he hadn't anticipated.
Just Bend and We Can Learn To Love Again (M, 28.5k)
Louis is a single dad of twins just trying to get through each day one step at a time. Harry has his own struggles as a young dad. Maybe Louis' curiosity and nosiness has found just the friend that he needs in his life. Maybe they both just need each other.
Starbucks Lovers (M, 2.5k)
He pushes the Starbucks door open hard, the momentum slamming it into the trash station on the other side. All eyes are on him as he raises his voice, pulling the phone away from his ear. “ARE THERE ANY GAYS IN THIS STARBUCKS??” his chest moving heavily than normal with frustration.
He looks around, suddenly realizing the scene he has caused in his regular coffee shop, all eyes still on him. A few beats pass and most of the customers turn their attention back to what they had been doing before the interruption.
His shoulders begin to slump as out of the corner of his eye he sees a timid hand start to raise above his head. It might just be the fact that he's sitting by the window, bright sunlight shining through the tinted glass, but his hair seems to shine like a halo, a beacon drawing him in.
Not From The Cookie Cutter (M, 31k, WIP)
For the last 5 years Louis has been keeping himself alive. Deemed an untouchable by society when he was only 14, he had to watch the path he always thought his life would follow be erased before him. Existing in the shadows of the nice part of town, the picture perfect lives he watches every day are the closest thing he will ever have to a normal life.
Coddled by his mother, Harry is a dreamer. As hard as he tries to bring himself back to the ground on his father's command, he just doesn't think he has the will power.
Or Louis is a homeless omega and Harry is an abnormally observant alpha.
Are You Open Minded? (M, 1.5k)
College AU where Louis is dared to make a phone call and Harry takes the bait.
I Wish You Were Here With Me (G, 2.5k)
After Louis' sudden death, the boys unanimously decide they can't and don't want to continue One Direction without him. With the ghost of Louis following his every move, Harry tries to push forward though he knows he will never been the same.
Shrink Wrapped Jeans (M, 2k)
Louis gets a new pair of jeggings and it drives Harry wild.
Impossible Secret (G, 1.8k)
Harry and Louis find themselves apart during the first break the band has truly had. Making the best of it, they keep their temporarily long distance relationship as strong as they can while Harry holds back a secret he can barely hold back.
So that’s all folks!  I’ll add as I write more things :) 
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Mid-April Update
Hi there, folks!
So, seeing as I’ve made it until Mid-April (and not forgotten about my writing/reading goals I’ve put online at the start of April), I thought it was time to revise the goals I’ve managed to draw up half a month ago! :) The full post can be read under the cut!
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Here goes: In terms of WRITING, my goals for this month consisted of:
Participate in Camp Nano and write 25k words in April (if for one story or spread out over multiple I’m not sure yet). Yah no, definitely spread out over multiple stories, that one, although I’m well on track. I have already written 18.117 words for Camp Nano.
Write and finish chapter 4 of A Gamble in Time, one of my One Piece fanfictions - not yet finished, so I’ve got work to do here.
Write and finish the first eleven chapters of DMW, another One Piece fanfic of mine and a 24-day-challenge that I’ll be doing starting at the end of May, putting it online chapter by chapter from then on out. I’m at chapter 7 currently. I have managed to write for chapter 10 by now, as well, but this fanfic is in dire need of more attention to be paid to it as a whole.
Write and finish “IT support, how can I help?”, my Yuuri! On Ice fanfiction. That one has developed into a monster with an endgoal of 100k words, most probably. Not gonna be finished or done and over with anytime soon, methinks.
Write at least three more 7-10 sentence drabbles in other, less-used languages and post them here. I might come back to those later on, but for the time being, my focus is on other projects.
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Concerning my READING goals, let’s see what we’ve got:
名探偵コナン・業火の向日葵 - めいたんていコナン・ごうかのひまわり:  Japanese. Considering the rereading that I’ll be doing, I want to have made it until page 40 at least, by the end of April. That one might’ve been a bit too ambitious of me, actually. I’ve put it to the side, again, for the time being.
Arsène Lupin, L’agence Barnett et Cie: French. It’s got 187 pages and I would like to reach about half of those by end of April, at least. Have reached page 22 by now, but haven’t gotten farther yet. Will put this one on ice as well, methinks, until I’ve got things irl settled that are currently more important.
Yuuri! On Ice fanfiction: English. I managed to cross over into One Piece territory, again.
Concerning my German endeavours I’ll do as I’ve done before and keep going.
Now, half a month later, my goals have shifted quite a bit, wouldn’t you say?
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NEW GOALS concerning writing have come up in the meantime:
Finish my thesis until end of April. It’s supposed to have ~50k words and around 50 pages, I’m on page 25 by now, with most of the research I need done.
Write Oneshots that come to me whenever I feel like it, most probably in the One Piece and Yuuri!!! On Ice fandoms.
Work on the remaining Writing Goals I’ve decided on.
While my writing goals needed revision, I have put my reading goals to the side for now. I will definitely work on those later on again, once everything has calmed down, once more. :)
Thanks for reading!
This was written and posted on the 15.04.2020
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theycallme-tunathot · 7 years
So, my Wonho one-shot, Shots (this title may changed in the next hour or so lol) will be out later tonight, I’ve queued it for 9 p.m. CST.
I have three drabble requests that I’m working on and the first one will be out by tomorrow morning/afternoon. Extremely excited for that too.
Road to Ruin, my Jackson Wang series, will have an update next week. I’m estimating next Wednesday since I’m halfway through with planning and have the first part written out already.
What the Fates Will Allow will be updated next Saturday, 9/9. I had to restructure the orders of the chapters, but it’s coming together a lot smoother.
ALSO, I am putting together a new series called Sleep. It’ll be ready by mid September, early October and it’ll be more horror themed. It’ll have a mix of kpop stars in it though. I think so far, I’ve plotted to have Wonho from Monsta X, Lisa and Jisoo from Blackpink, Yoongi and Namjoon from BTS and I might throw in Jae and YoungK from Day6. It’ll deal with demons. 
I have an idea for the month of October, since I’m such a fan of Halloween and horror things galore, I was thinking about doing a 31-day challenge for October. Like, there’s an Inktober and there’s that December fic challenge and stuff, but I want to do one for the month of October. Any thoughts on this? Would you guys want to read a bunch of drabbles or oneshots centered around GOT7, MONSTA X and BTS in Halloween/horror plots? Drop me a line and let me know.
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