hannshines · 1 year
FlintWood as a Medical Specialties
I've always wanted a FlintWood Au fic of doctors, at least a one shot, but I'm having a hard time trying to imagine Marcus studying such a complicated and time consuming career 100%, because he would be the typical one who wants to leave since the first semester and just doesn't do it for his family and until his fifth semester he realized that he could not do it anymore.
So i prefer doing this.
Of course, it wouldn't be all specialists, most of them would be residents, Katie, Adrian would be interns and Daphne would be the medical student going to internship
But since we are only talking about specialties for the moment.
Marcus Flint
Trauma would be a good choice, those are not afraid of God and when they operate it looks like they are killing someone.
Besides I'm not a fan of grays anatomy but I have in my head the trauma certification that April Kepner did and I'm sure Marcus will do the same shit just to make the other residents cry.
Always decides to be in the ER rotating to see Oliver.
Oliver Wood
Emergency medicine. I need something where Oliver is entertaining and moving around and the ER is never quiet, I like ER for the same reason, you can go from having one patient with a simple food poison to having three bastards in the shock room because they were killing each other.
I can't imagine Oliver in a specialty clinic just consulting, he'd be the deranged guy who would think it was a quiet day after treating a giant car accident.
Adrian Pucey
Pediatrics i am sure Adrian would be perfect for the pediatrics area, the sensation among moms, he wore different cartoon lanyards identification every week.
He would get along very well with the children, and he would take his console to play with the kids in the hospital.
He always loses and not on purpose.
Percy Weasley
Pathology, I don't have a very substantiated reason I just hate Pathology and only Percy could study a subject I hate.
But if it is not pathology, internist
I'm not so much of the idea that Percy would go into a specialty like neurosurgery or something like that, I do feel like he would be looking for something big and possibly if he was in intern medicine he would do a double specialty like infectious disease along with nephrology or hematology.
He's a real prick.
Daphne Greengrass
Oncologist. It's not an easy specialty and to begin with it is a sub specialty, you need to be good and agile to make accurate decisions but above all you need to have the heart.
I don't have the idea of Daphne as a complete stuck up child, she is calm and I am sure that if she couldn't do more to her patient she would be with them all the fucking time.
Odd as it sounds she gets along well with Percy because he is her seconded.
Katie Bell:
Neonatology. If anyone asked her why she chose that specialty she would say that her patients are very polite because they don't talk, she would certainly make a lot of jokes at family parties saying that her children are waiting for her.
She gets along very well with Adrian because he gets to have the patients she had and surely they would send each other pictures of any accessory they buy with the image of a cartoon to buy the same one.
Graham Montague
Resident in General Surgery, surgeons are pretty stuck up, but let's believe Montague would be the cool surgeon who buys you coffee in the morning.
He never looks worried and always goes to bother Marcus and play his respective round of video games with Adrian when he is sent to pediatrics to see a patient (if there is no pediatric surgeon in the hospital, the general surgeon does the operations).
Alicia Spinnett
Sports medicine. She takes advantage of it and some of her patients have given her tickets to several games of different sports, Oliver forces her to take him if they give her an extra ticket.
She gets along well with Marcus and has given him tickets so that he and Oliver can go alone.
I like sports medicine and I just put her there because I have a teacher who has that specialty and I'm sure Alicia would be like that teaching.
Terence Higgs
Psychiatry, he is interested in people from another field and from my point of view, one of the most important, although he might have a hard time when he starts seeing so many people with problems. It is very exhausting at times
He likes to joke and tell Marcus that he has narcissistic tendencies, he forces Adrian to go to a psychologist after one of his patients died.
Angelina Johnson
She would be a nurse for sure.
Head nurse when she was older, she hates it when a doctor thinks she's better than her and when they say the nurse's job is simple she would tell him to his face to do if he believes he's so smart.
If she doesn't like you, believe me, the on-call will not be easy, because she will be one of those who tell you that they will let you sleep on call but in reality they will wake you up after 10 minutes.
George and Fred Weasley.
I would surely study something that went hand in hand.
Fred would be in obstetrics and gynecology and George in pediatric surgery, they would keep talking about opening a hospital and they would hire all of the above mentioned except Marcus.
George would surely go through pediatrics and tell the kids "I brought you the world".
Fred would agree with Katie and Adrian to go together for a celebration like Christmas.
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raviliuz · 2 years
Smoking and drinking headcanon
Hiya, I dunno why cigarettes are so Slytherin but they are so let's take a look at drinks and cigs
Terence Higgs
Terry loves wine and whiskey, he's the type of person who drinks alcohol with meals for its taste not to actually get drunk. And he really likes cigarettes, especially flavored ones. Terence likes to try new flavours but his ultimate favorite is a mint
Marcus Flint
He likes drinks with those little umbrellas. The sweeter the better. If he just wants to get wasted for whatever reason, he would drink straight-up vodka, but his ultimate choice is always Clover Club. Marcus doesn't really smoke, sometimes at parties but it's rare
Cassius Warrington
Boy, oh boy. Cass hates the taste of alcohol but likes that dizzy feeling. So he prefers vodka so he would get drunk without drinking much of it. About cigarettes, he was the first of them to start smoking and dragged Montague and Higgs with him. So yeah, he smokes a lot
Peregrine Derrick
Perry loves rum. It's always his choice and when he's drunk he always jokes about being a pirate. He doesn't smoke, he tried it and started coughing and it was awful. But he usually goes with the rest for a cigarette break during parties or between lessons. Derrick is there for the conversation, not for cigarettes
Lucian Bole
Luke is a health freak. He keeps his diet, doesn't eat sweets, trains every day, and sleeps for at least 8 hours. He's abstinent, never smoked and doesn't plan to even try. The only alcohol he has ever drunk was a sip of champagne on his 16th birthday
Adrian Pucey
Adrian likes alcohol more than most people would have guessed. He enjoys trying new drinks and new flavours of beer. He has a surprisingly great tolerance for alcohol. He tried smoking, he sometimes does that at parties. For whatever reason, Higgs never smokes around him so Adrian wouldn't inhale that. The dude literally lives with Montague, he does inhale that. On topic...
Graham Montague
Graham is abstinent. He doesn't really care about his health (talking about teenage Graham), he doesn't drink for a different reason. His father is a drunk and Graham doesn't want to be like him. He hates feeling similar to him so he has never drunk even a sip of any liquor. He loves cigarettes tho. Montague tried it because of Warrington and ended up addicted. He enjoys having a cigarette between his fingers and holding it to his lips. It's weird but sometimes he does that gesture with e.g. pen, it just feels right
Miles Bletchley
Miles drinks only at parties and barbeques. At parties, it's funny drinks and at barbecues, it is rhubarb flavoured beer. His favourite drinks and cocktails are the ones with chocolate. Miles hates cigarettes, he never tried smoking but the smell itself disgusts him. He fights with Graham over smoking in the dorm and never goes with the rest of the team for cig-break
Bonus, I think all of them except Lucian Bole would be willing to try smoking weed. Higgs would be a philosopher, Marcus would be emotional and sappy, Warrington would just be relaxed, Derrick would for sure have an anxiety attack, Adrian would be even more touchy than usually and I think he would swear more, Montague and Miles would be sleepy. And Lucian would be the mother of the group and take care of them and panic every time anyone moves thinking they're on their way to do sth stupid
Please, take care of yourself and remember alcohol and cigarettes are extremely unhealthy, didn't get into that shit
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 8 months
ru lost bbygirl
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loverssfevers · 2 years
heaven: these lyrics are adrian and terence
me: because they're GAY????
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 9 months
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I have some more @hprecfest fic recs for y'all that includes a dash of angst, sweetness and some holiday cheer. Give these 4 fics a read or add them to your TBR after your celebration shenanigans!
Day 20: A Fic Rated G
A Question of Seriousness by Diary (Perciver, G, 2.3k)
In which Percy is arrested, Oliver brings food, and they have a discussion about how serious their relationship is.
I honestly love how real this is, but it's soft. There's definitely something deeper and serious between Percy and Oliver going on, but also...Percy will stand up for what he believes in, and Oliver's supportive of that. I just love how much they care about each other as friends (and hey...probs more). ❤️
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Day 23: A Soulmate Fic
The Ripples They Cause by@p1013 | p1013 (Drarry, M, 9.8k)
As Draco's mind tries to process his next move, the air ripples around his wrist, and he freezes. It's a subtle thing, as gentle and forgettable as an errant breeze. But it's one he's never felt before, a breath against his pulse, a fleeting touch from a stranger, the weight of eyes on his skin. All of those soft, tender, almost-not-there sensations, centered on the series of three numbers scrawled across his skin. * Everyone is born with a date on their wrist, the date of their soulmate’s death. On Draco Malfoy’s wrist, it's 02.05.1998
OKAY. This story not only integrates soulmates but the timeline follows canon seamlessly and the concept of soulmarks fits in so naturally. This is a comfort fic for me because it's angsty, heartbreaking, and it really gets into Draco's PoV on the events that have happened over time up to DH. *chef's kiss* because of how well woven the little details are. Also, Draco needs a really big hug.
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Day 24: A Holiday Fic
A Home for Christmas by @themightyflynn08 | TheMightyFlynn (Flintwood, T, 7.2k)
Marcus Flint never expected to run into Oliver Wood ever again. He is kind of glad he did, though.
What I love about this fic is the way Oliver pulls Marcus right into his bubble, which also extends to the Weasleys. It would be easy for people to hold grudges from the war, but it's clear that everyone has matured and are willing to move past some terrible things. Also, I love how Percy knows just how to plant a seed or two that gets Marcus' mind reeling when it comes to Oliver...🥰
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Day 25: A Fic Rated T
so tentative in your confession by @mxrcusflint | slyther_ing (Terence/Adrian, T, 3.7k)
Adrian kisses Terence without knowing it's Terence, and then everything goes to shit.
Hucey is one of my fav super rare pairs, and this friends to lovers fic totally embraces how Terence and Adrian need to talk more so there aren't any mixed signals or miscommunication. Also, there's a side of Flintwood here, who totally mean well when it comes to giving advice. In other words, everyone is an idiot, that's just how it goes yet everything works out in the end! 😂
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ravenfrogsandco · 3 years
headcanon that the slytherin quidditch team is the gayest quidditch team in hogwarts and they brag about it constantly
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anendofeverything · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Thank you @nixie-deangel for tagging me, I’m so late to this!
How many works do you have on AO3? 28
What’s your total AO3 word count? 81127
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 5th - Love Like I’ve Never Known | Flashwave; Coldatom 4th - Just You Wait | Flashwave; Coldatom 3rd - Baby Just for a Moment | Flashwave; Coldatom 2nd - I See Things That Nobody Else Sees | Coldflash [A/B/O] 1st - I’m Lost In Your Love | Coldflashwave [A/B/O]
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do my best to reply to comments, but occasionally I forget.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Maybe On Your Pillowcase, as it’s pure Coldatomwave fluff.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Er...... maybe my Malec Alpha/Alpha fic?
Do you write crossovers? Somewhat, I suppose.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yeah, but that shit get deleted, bc I can’t be arsed with it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do, and it depends on the ship and the context and the setting of the fic.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? If it’s ever happened, I’m not aware of it.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yeah, but those works were never on AO3, and I’m pretty sure they’ve been deleted at this point. 
What is your all time favorite ship? Coldwestallen - these three have barely had any screen time as a trio, really (especially if we’re talking about E1!Snart interacting with Barry & Iris), but the chemistry. Holy shit - you cannot convince me that if Len had stuck around, he wouldn’t have eventually developed a proper friendship with the West-Allen’s. But hey, thanks to fanfic, we get to see them in love, which is what they deserve.
What is a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? It’s not finishing WIP’s that I struggle with, it’s being motivated to write in the first place.
What are your writing strengths? Angst comes naturally when I’m writing, so maybe that?
What are your writing weaknesses? Adding unnecessary angst when it isn’t needed. And actually writing shit in the first place.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’ve done it, and prayed that it makes sense.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, I think, like.... eleven years ago? Christ.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? My Hucey fic, You’ll Always Be the One For Me.
Tagging: @partialtotheperiwinkleblue, @tutselutse, @eaion, @molivier, @snowylucas, @fallenqueen2, @callonielb
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
Okay, I have to talk about this.
You know those obscure characters. The ones where we basically have a name and one character trait and everything else is us making it all up.
*Looking at you Terence Higgs *
I love how everybody is going at the character from a different angle.
I've seen him be as old as Flint and Wood, a bit older, a bit younger. Heck, I have seen his parents force the dark mark on him, or him being paired with Harry and having the animagus of a snow owl.
I just wanna share my thoughts if that's okay...
First off, he hates being called Terry. Everybody will be able to call him Terry once and then something so bad will happen to that person that'll make them forever stop. Only exceptions are his younger sister, his grandmother and Adrian *big surprise I know *
He has two sisters. An older one that graduated four years before him and a younger sister that's barely four years old and worships the ground that he's walking on. So no surprise that he allows her to call him Terry.
His family isn't pureblood but halfblood. His mother is raising them on her own and is a bit of a Evelyn Harper about it. A bit of a black widdow. She gets a wealthy married dude to do the do, then has his bastard and collects his money in exchange for her silence.
Not to say she doesn't love her bastard kids, she loves them to bits but she also has high expectations and she doesn't consider there to be big money to be made in quidditch.
I headcanon Terence to have had his last year in 92/93, during chamber of secrets.
Like, Wood was fucking surprised that Slytherin had a new seeker, which was Malfoy. And you can't tell me that he didn't knew when EVERY SINGLE PLAYER FROM ANOTHER HOUSE WOULD BE GRADUATING AND LEAVING THE TEAM. OLIVER 'OBSESSIVE AS FUCK' WOOD!
Which would mean that Terence started Hogwarts in *quick calculations * 1986, and we could safely assume that he would be part of the *more calculations * year 75/76.
And therefore he's one year older than Flint and Wood, at least. And yeah, I am going off book canon where Flint didn't have to do his final year again. JKR did joke about him having to redo the exams, but they also correct later editions of philosophers stone to say that Flint was a fifth year, so...🤷‍♀️
Talking age gap considering Hucey, because we all know that we're here for the Hucey, that would be between three and four years. Which would be a deal breaker for some so I can see why some people make them closer in age, but I don't particularly care.
Flint knows that Adrian has a crush on Terence and he actually talked to Terence to deal with it. Not because of the age gap, Flint couldn't care less about that, he just has a strict rule that there will be no drama on the team. Yeah he still allowed Malfoy on the team. Hypocrisy thy name is Marcus Flint.
Speaking of Malfoy, I headcanon that Terence actually already knew that he wouldn't be able to play during his final year. Because his mother wanted him to focus on his academics to get good OWL's to get a good job with the ministry.
Flint had already been at odds between taking Malfoy and his brooms or keeping Terence, so Terence telling him he wouldn't be able to play meant he'd be able to kill two birds with one stone. He still offered Terence to be kept on the team as backup and get a new nimbus 2001 on top of it. And honestly, who's Terence to say no to that.
Continuing on, I really like to think Terence got into professional quidditch, regardless of what his mom wanted. Kinda like a Niki Lauda getting into racing situation. He cuts his ties and pursued his dreams, and was bloody good at it.
And because they're my favorite team and I already put two of my OC's in there I'm gonna have him play for the Bellycastle Bats as well.
Really I just want Terence to be able to still talk shit with Flint, because I really like to think that Terence was the one that talked the most shit with Flint.
Like, in the big slytherin quidditch team dynamic Terence was like the oldest brother that long since gave up on keeping his younger brothers at bay and is just watching the carnage unfold.
That's also why he was one of like two players that didn't cheat, he didn't view it as necessary. And Adrian, as the little duckling that he was, did what Terence did and was therefore also not a cheat.
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1littleshippergirl1 · 3 years
Christmas questions!
- What do they say/do if they reach for the last cookie at the same time?
- Which one is the most difficult person to shop for?
- Who says holiday related puns?
- how do they react to seeing (the real) Santa Claus?
- Who decorates the tree?
- Who sucks at ice skating?
- Who initiates cuddling by the fire?
- Who is all decked out in Christmas gear?
- do they kiss under mistletoe?
- What is their favorite picture of them that was taken on Christmas?
Send me your OTP! Can also request multiple times
Doesn't just have to be what I've tagged
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toddtakefive · 4 years
Sometimes I worry that my amount of mlm and wlw ships in the HP universe is too many, and then I remember the J*R didn’t even include any canon LGBTQ+ characters in her books despite saying that she did ten years later and that worry leaves in an instant.
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mintpiastry · 4 years
hear me out: flintwood idea ?? or just Oliver meets the Slytherin boys au
(feel free to use it or actually make it better because I suck at explaining myself and at writing sooo)
ANYWAY the point is:
Imagine that Oliver and Marcus start dating and after a while they decide to let their teams know about it to stop everyone from hide pointy objects while the two of them are in the same room and being afraid of them starting a fight about Quidditch (those still happen but they found a better way to resolve their fights that does not involve punching each other in the face).When they finally tell the news to their teams no one object and all of them knows Marcus and Oliver will still be over competitive during matches.
Okay so Oliver start hanging around Marcus’ friends whom - of course- are also part of the Slytherin Team at first he is worried to be left alone with any of them without Marcus expecting them to threaten him in some ways, but he soon realizes that they are pretty much harmless, like those dogs that bark but don’t bite.Then he start noticing that everyone in The Team -which includes Higgs too even if he technically has been replaced by Malfoy, who is not in their friend group- babies Adrian Pucey, everyone treats him like he is the softest person in the world and keeps talking about how soft and caring the boy is. Montague even refers to him as a missed Hufflepuff, and what baffles Oliver even more is the fact that even his boyfriend soften talking about Pucey, everyone in the Slytherin team is ready to fight every single person that tries to bad mouth Adrian Pucey., their bay boys aura just vanishes the minutes they start talking about the boy. So the first time he accidentally finds himself alone with Adrian, he is not worried at all, he already listened to Higgs ranting about how cute Pucey is when he eats cake and read his potions book at the same time while scrunching his nose, so Oliver knows the boy is harmless, then he commits his first fatal mistake: he relax and start being friendly. 
That night when he meets with Marcus, Oliver recounts the meeting he had with Ade to his boyfriend who just start laughing. 
“Marcus please stop laughing, I tell you I am genuinely scared of Adrian Pucey, please never leave me alone with him again.” 
The next day during practice the Slytherin team just randomly stops to tell something to their captain while they are on the pitch.
“Cap, we just wanted to tell you that Wood passed our test, we approve him; he is a lousy Gryffindor, but he seems serious about you.” Marcus stares at them, he did not tell Oliver but he kinda expected his team to pull something like that off to understand the Gryffindor Captain intentions with him. Slytherins are loyal and protective of their own after all.
“well boys, I appreciate your intentions but this doesn’t mean that I am going to let you go earlier so now start running again assholes” he turns around and before the whole team resumes  training he says: “oh and before I forget it, Pucey you get extra reflex training with bludgers for a month, so never threaten to hex my boyfriend’s dick off ever again, are we clear?”
“yes, captain”
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skys-unused-main · 4 years
Flintwood for ship questions~
who’s the cuddler: definitely Marcus although he will deny it and say that he doesn’t cuddle.
who makes the bed: Marcus. Oliver would just leave it messy forever.
who wakes up first: Oliver wakes up early so her can get some quidditch training in first thing.
who has the weird taste in music: they both listen to normal music so neither.
who is more protective: Oliver is definitely more protective whether it’s someone flirting with Marcus or Marcus getting hurt playing quidditch. He also kind of a hypocrite because he’ll tell Marcus to be careful then almost get himself killed.
who sings in the shower: Oliver does but he’s a horrible singer.
who cries during movies: Oliver is more emotional and cries during sad movies and Marcus who can almost always mask his emotions will cry during children’s movies.
who spends the most shopping: Oliver because Marcus cannot stand shopping.
who kisses more roughly: Marcus definitely.
who is more dominate: they are both very dominate but Marcus is probably a little more.
who burns the dinner: Oliver is a horrible cook.
who picks the restraunt to eat: Marcus does because he think his taste in food is better.
who forgets dates: they both forget sometimes because they focus so much on quidditch that they sometimes stay out training to late. Sometimes they both forget on the same night
who has to remind the other to take their meds/pump/clean their medical equiptment: Marcus because Oliver forgets to take care of himself.
who has to remind the other to go to bed: they both do because they are always staying up too late
who makes breakfast in bed: Marcus does because despite what you might think he is a great cook
who will eat food no matter if it is under/over cooked: Oliver will and Marcus is always telling him that’s disgusting because Marcus grew up in a rich family where the food was always cooked perfect.
who is more likely to get lost: neither of them normally get lost but when they do they end up arguing over who’s fault it is they’re lost especially on long road trips. One time Terence and Adrian were on a long road trip with them and debated getting out and walking
my raiting for the ship 1-10: 9/10 this ship is one of my personal favorites I love it so much
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raviliuz · 1 year
@suckerforhucey (why tf wont it tag) reminded me of three posts "things I've written but wouldn't post" in 2020 so here I am guys
Hucey edition (and a little Flintwood ok)
1) whole two thousand words one shot where Adrian is writing a letter to Terence, looking back at their relationship. Its actually not bad but I'm too lazy to translate it (and too busy atm, I have my final exams in a week), actually here, have a piece (background info, Montague convinced Adrian to ask Terence out)
"After hearing your answer, I didn't know what sounded better — ripping your head off or maybe my own."
Adrian also considered the option of beheading Montague."
2) "If you wanted to make Terence Higgs do something, all you had to do was be his two years younger friend; when Adrian asked for something, Terence simply did it, because he couldn't say no to him at all. This was the object of mockery, but purely friendly, from Marcus Flint, who bravely and stubbornly claimed that he could not imagine being wrapped like that around someone's finger while chasing after Wood like Tramp from muggle animation. The captain of the Slytherin team even let the gryffindor beat him in Quidditch sparrings and that means a lot"
3) Flint was notorious for coming into their room, while Terence was sitting with Adrian, covering his eyes to "not disturb whatever the lovers were doing there." This happened so often that Higgs had already developed a standard answer. Every time he answered with: "if we wanted to have sex here, firstly, we would lock the door and secondly, we would do it on your bed"
4) "Even if you're annoying, mean, rude and you poison my life, I missed you"
~ Oliver Wood, to Marcus Flint
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flintwoodandco · 4 years
Hucey. “I’m not jealous!”
“I’m not jealous!” Terence huffed as he crossed his arms. 
Adrian raised an eyebrow but held his tongue as Terence started up again. 
“I mean, really, did Pansy have to come over here and flash her nice, new engagement ring at us? Okay, so she’s having a big grand wedding, okay, she’s somehow not disowned by her family. We’re going to have a nice wedding too!”
“And with people who have become our family,” Adrian couldn’t help add. 
“Exactly!” Terence pointed and flopped down on the couch next to Adrian. 
He rested his head on Adrian’s shoulder and when Adrian kissed his forehead, Terence scrunched up his nose. 
“i do love your competitive spirit,” Adrian hugged Terence close. “The one thing Malfoy didn’t bring to the team.”
“Flint’s loss,” Terence grinned, snuggling impossibly closer to Adrian. “Now, do you think the tables should have flowers or enchanted fish bowls?”
Oh, how quickly Terence’s attitude could change and Adrian loved him that much more for it. They would have a perfect wedding. Then, it would be Pansy’s turn to deny her jealousy.
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loverssfevers · 2 years
adrian pucey and terence higgs are together in every reality. as friends or as lovers, they always have each other. you cant have one without the other.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Aww, thanks for sending this over, M! I’m getting better at self recs, though I’m still shy about my writing. But I’ll give this a shot anyway: Little did I know (Perciver, T, 2.4k)- This fic is my baby. It marks so many firsts for me: first fic of 2021, first time posting a fic after a 10 year hiatus, first time writing different character PoVs and for a different ship, and first time trying to stay under 2.5k words. The love and support it has gotten has been phenomenal, and has encouraged me to keep building this world and to keep going with a whole series. Summary: Right after the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy and Oliver find their way back to each other again. Sweet Surrender (Jegulus, E, 333 with art)- This ficlet also marks new firsts: first time writing smut in 11 years (I guess I haven’t lost that skill yet ;D), first time delving into PWP in writing, first time making something for Jegulus, and first time posting fic AND art together. I wrote and drew this up in 2 days (don’t ask how), but I’d say that was quite an accomplishment! Summary: Spanking always served as foreplay to get the adrenaline going. But if James wanted more, Regulus would give it to him. Testing the Limits (Hucey, E, 147)- Okay, more firsts! First time writing this rare pair, and first time trying to write smut in under 150 words. Let me say, that was not easy. This drabble was one of my favs from A Study in Kink, and there really needs to be more of these two together. Summary: Terence is caught by surprise when Adrian fulfills one of his longtime fantasies. Hooked on You (Flintbell, E, 148)- Another fave rare pair I got to write for. First time writing them and writing het. This drabble was on fire and one the quickest ones I wrote because the idea just worked. I’m definitely up for exploring more of this ship in the future because I really like their dynamic. Summary: Marcus lets himself get carried away every time he goes down on Katie. There’s a guiding light (Perciver, G, 2.5k)- I posted this one up at the beginning of the month, and I am so proud I finally finished it! Fun fact: I wrote this in 2020 but threw it to the side because I wasn’t sure where it was going, and I was iffy about my writing back then. Only recently with inspiration and some cheer-leading did I pick it up again, and now it exists! Summary: When Percy struggles to conjure a Patronus, Oliver helps out by giving him a motivating push. Maybe in a separate rec list, I’ll include my favs dating back from 2006-2011, since I’m planning to edit and re-release some older fics on AO3 for the first time starting in the next month or so (that’s 50k+ of Drarry and 12K+ of Deamus :P). ANYWAY, if you’ve read this far, thanks! For funsies (and no pressure at all), I’m tagging @emansil, @awesomedig, @vdoshu, @ladderofyears, @mystickitten42 and @wheezykat if you fancy doing this too. I’d love to see what fics you’re most proud of!
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