#mido's flash fics
Mido's Flash Fic Friday
Send me a ship and something you did in the week. I'll try to write a short drabble on it.
Ships & Fandoms:
Mo Dao Zu Shi (main): XianCheng (OTP, no switch); ChengQingXian (OT3); LingYi, XuanLi, NieYao (comfy ships); ChengQing, XianQing WangYu (willing to try)
Priest ships: YiYuan (QiYe); RuChun (Liu Yao); ChangGu (SPL); WenZhou (TYK, novel only)
Nu Carnival: EiEd (no switch); KuEiEd (switch Eiden & Kuya. Fixed Edmond); QuinYa, Aster/Morvay (fixed d/s)
Others: MafuKana (prsk); MEIKO/Luka (prsk Empty Sekai ver); KaeLuc (recent, wanna try)
Will write first two.
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gremlin-bot · 11 months
wip ask & tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @fanfiction-artist-prototype !! this will be a mistake!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Unfortunate Confusion of Courting a Violent Bird
Down The Line, Flowers Of Mine
You’re about to find out
Drake's are magics
magic Tim :)
Corpse in the garden
break up
Danny just wants a grave (to be loved)
Punk danny in gotham
Johnny's old bike used by jason
Vanishing BatPham AU Danny As ethan and Constinten as Paul
Power Quadrouple AU
STOVE prompt
Footage of life before the past
head in the Game: Heart in the Zone
Gotham's own royalty, (living and dead)
Danny siren of gotham
oh core! oh core! Where are ye?
Mourning Danny
Escape this
Last pice of infinty prompt
Time likes some wings
Smut fic, yes the one with star wars
Body's more then just flesh, you can sell it for success
1 new reply
A place to go (Kiss me better)
There is Closure, Just Adaption to Life
Messages From the Formally Deceased
sexy times ig
Kwan flash villain
Kyle weston & JLD
Mother of monsters
Tattoo And Piercer Mido!!!!
Ass class & BNHA
Bnha fae Izuku&Aizawa AU
tagging @spite-sapphic-starlight @gilbirda @bewitched-forest
9 notes · View notes
Midoriya-sensei AU
Part 13: Kacchan
Part 12 | Ao3 | Part 14
Look... these past few manga chapters have really fucked with me and some parts of this fic and I'm super mad about it, but alas canon can go fuck itself. Also unreq tdbk lost the poll *sad trombone noise* Anymoo, happy Mido-sensei Monday [is actually tuesday now bc I fell asleep proof-reading] - I hope you enjoy ❤️ TWs for this chapter include: -PTSD -Breakdowns and dissociation -Self-loathing -Accidental injury
'Honey? What time are you going out?'
Upon hearing his mother's question, Izuku removed his headphones and turned to face her.
He was currently cluttering the dining table with his hero analysis notebooks, along with his laptop. Shoto had hired a new sidekick recently—who could adjust the temperature of anything they touched—so naturally, Izuku had spent the morning analysing the quirk in detail. He was heading to Himura Agency soon to visit Shoto, so he wanted to finish up so he could take his notebook with him.
'In about fifteen minutes.' He double-checked the time, confirming his response. 'Why?'
'Do you not want to start getting ready?' She tilted her head to the side with concern. 'I don't want you rushing.'
'I'm nearly done, it's okay.' He assured gently, albeit he could definitely understand where she was coming from. Once he got into his flow state, it was difficult emerging from the other side. 'I'm just gonna finish this page, and then I'll clean up. I've already got my bag ready, and I don't need to get changed.'
He patted his yellow backpack, situated under the table, and smiled. 'Satisfied?'
'Yeah, alright.' She huffed, good-naturedly. 'I just don't want you stressing. I know what you're like. Plus, last time, you rushed out so quickly that I had to clean the table for you.'
'That was one time!' He cried dramatically. 'And I said I was sorry! When will the suffering end?'
'Never.' His mother flashed him a serious expression, before her joking smile resurfaced. 'Anyway, I'm going to the library to return a book for one of my patients. Have fun!'
'You too! If you see Himura-san, tell her I said hi.' Izuku picked up his pen and resumed writing.
'Oh, Todoroki-san's mother?' She paused, stroking her chin, before seemingly realising something. 'Wait, the nice lady with the white hair is their mother? Why didn't you tell me sooner?'
'I assumed you'd figured it out by the fact that Shoto's agency is named after her?' Izuku answered slowly. 'And that she and Fuyumi look really similar.'
'You hush now!' She pouted, walking past him to go put her shoes on. 'I can't believe we could've been sharing embarrassing childhood stories together this whole time. I should go to the library more often. Better make up for lost time.'
'Wait, hang on-'
Izuku grumbled as the door shut behind his mother, but didn't dwell on it too much. In truth, he didn't mind what the two women spoke about—he was old enough now where he wasn't affected by people knowing about his All Might obsession, which was his mother's main go-to when it came to embarrassing him—he was just glad they had the opportunity to maybe become friends.
He continued his analysis for another five minutes, before using all of his self-restraint to call it a day and tidy everything away. Once packed up, he grabbed his bag, put on his red shoes, then left the apartment.
It was a decent walk to Himura Agency—around thirty-five minutes—but Izuku wouldn't begrudge a little exercise. The streets weren't particularly busy, a normal amount of bustle for a Sunday, so he weaved through the crowds with relative ease. Once the agency was in his sights, he felt a small smile grace his face, glad of the familiarity.
However, just as he was about to enter, his path was blocked by someone else leaving.
Izuku stepped to the side politely—using the time to quickly type out a message to Shoto, to let him know he was here—but the person continued to shadow over him. He pointedly didn't make eye contact, but frowned at the inconvenience. Why were they standing in the way?
Instinctively, Izuku flinched so violently that he dropped his phone and jumped a couple of steps backwards.
That voice.
He finally looked up at the person he'd been patiently waiting to pass, only to find spiked blonde hair, familiar red eyes, and an orange and green hero suit that was featured on so many sports brands throughout Japan, he'd have to be living under a rock to miss it.
The hero Dynamight was a household name, after all, but it wasn't him who was addressing Izuku at that moment.
'K-Kach-chan?' The way his voice broke was humiliating, as was the way his body immediately began shaking. For years, he’d been conditioned to react a certain way under the scrutiny of his childhood bully; it made him sick to know their decade apart hadn't changed that in the slightest. ‘W-W-What are you doing here?’
A stupid question. There was a clear reason why the number five hero was just leaving the agency of the number two. ‘Ah, you don’t have to answer that. Of course, it’s obvious why you’re here. In fact, you’re probably wondering what I’m doing here, as that’s certainly more out of the ordinary. It’s just, I didn’t expect to see you as it’s been years and I’ll stop talking now. I’m sorry.’
Kacchan sighed. Izuku closed his eyes with a wince, anticipating a hit. However, it never came.
‘It has been a while.’
Hesitantly, he opened one eye to find Kacchan regarding him with a mixture of emotions; his eyes were squinted in his usual displeased manner, albeit the anger that had typically manifested when they were children was absent. Izuku wasn’t sure whether that made him more or less nervous.
The silence was agonising, yet he kept his lips sealed. He knew better than to start talking and risk suffering Kacchan’s wrath. Wistfully, he hoped Shoto would read his message and come out to meet him before anything could get out of hand.
Kacchan sighed again. ‘I was actually hoping to run into you at some point. I could’ve reached out sooner, but it would've been weird tracking you down.’
Izuku tilted his head to the side.
‘Don’t sound so shocked.’ As soon as he said it, it became evident that Kacchan knew that what he was ordering was unreasonable. He shook his head. ‘Look, we need to talk. Are you free now?’
Izuku’s head thudded and his stomach dropped with anxiety; he could feel adrenaline pulsing through his body. In the past, he'd learnt the hard way that going somewhere alone with Kacchan was never a good idea—not that he'd ever really had much of a choice in their teen years. Now, he was being given a choice, yet it still felt like an illusion: he knew Kacchan well enough to know that “no” wasn’t an option.
‘I’m just about to see Shoto-kun.’ He pointed towards the agency, hoping that an excuse would be met better than an outright rejection. ‘I don’t really want to keep him waiti-’
‘You know Half n Half?’ Kacchan frowned for the briefest of moments, before bending down to pick up Izuku's discarded phone. ‘Doesn’t matter. Look, it won’t take long. Come on.’
Before he could protest further, a large hand grabbed his tricep and guided him past the building and down the side alley. Izuku tried to level his breathing—in, two, three, four, and out, two, three, four—to prevent him hyperventilating and entering a panic attack. He couldn’t show any weakness right now; he had to be brave.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. He can’t hurt you, he’s a hero now. He tried to reason, desperately trying to ignore the other voice that reminded him of everything Endeavour had done to his family whilst working as a hero; of everything that had happened when they were children in the name of Kacchan wanting to be a hero.
He yearningly eyed his phone, still grasped in Kacchan’s hand. There was no calling for help. He was stuck.
After they passed some bins, he was finally released. 'That'll do.'
Izuku's back faced the wall, and he stared up at his old bully. He never did grow much taller; he still had the same colour trainers, and a backpack containing hero analysis notebooks. And of course, he was still quirkless, whereas Kacchan still defined himself through his explosions. Sure, he wasn't as over-excited and sadistic as he used to be, and his face had matured, but that didn't change facts.
Izuku was afraid.
It felt reminiscent of their middle school days: backed into a corner with nowhere to run, while Kacchan threatened to use his quirk on him. The only differences now were that they were older and one of them had a hero licence; and while he was hesitant to admit it, Izuku was also a lot stronger than he had been back then. Briefly, he entertained the thought that maybe—maybe—he could take Kacchan in a fight…
If the latter didn't have a quirk at his disposal.
'You wanted to talk?' He prompted, hoping the other would take the hint and explain, instead of just staring at him. 'What is it?'
'I can't just come out and say it!' Kacchan snapped, albeit there was little bite in it. He rubbed his brow. 'I just… Give me a sec.'
Izuku didn't have much of a choice, so he stayed where he was—body poised and ready to bolt at a moment’s notice—as Kacchan gathered his words.
'I did a lot of thinking over the years, about the way I treated you.' He started, slowly. 'I fucked up. I was a piece of shit.'
Izuku said nothing; he frowned, confused.
Where is this going?
Kacchan let out a frustrated groan.
'I realise now—why I did everything that I did. It's just, you were obviously meant to be behind me... but in a lot of ways, it also felt like you were ahead of me too.' Kacchan paused. 'I didn't like it. I didn't want to see you, so I bullied you to get away from you; to feel superior. I was scared… scared of you. Not in a prissy way obviously, but I hated how… stupidly heroic you were. You'd put yourself in stupid situations to try and help people and it made me mad, because it was supposed to be me whose body moved without thinking. I wanted to protect you from yourself, put you back in your place before you went and killed yourself, but I was wrong for what I did.
'I got my way back then, you failed at becoming a hero, yet I failed in my own goal. I wanted to be on top—I still do—but in order to do that, I have to get better. I have to recognise my mistakes and atone.
'So, that being said. Dek- Izuku… I wanted to apologise.' Kacchan hung his head. 'For everything I did to you.'
Izuku's body shook, whilst his heart pounded against his chest—so violent it hurt; his nails dug into his palms from how hard he was clenching his fists. He didn't know what to think—which probably reflected in his dumbfounded expression—it just didn't make sense. All these years, he'd had nothing, then suddenly… this? Kacchan was… sorry?
'Ha. Good one, Kacchan.' He laughed hollowly, then quickly slipped past the blonde with the intention of leaving. If this was some kind of elaborate prank, then he wanted to get a head start before he became the punchline. 'You almost had me. Anyway, nice seeing you, but I really have to go.'
'I mean it.' Kacchan didn't shout, but his voice carried; firm. 'I'm sorry.'
Izuku stilled, throat swelling as he forced his emotions to remain at bay. At first, he wouldn't—couldn't—believe it, but now he was faced with reality: Kacchan was actually apologising.
He wanted to ignore him. He wanted to keep walking. He wanted to forget this ever happened.
He didn't do any of that.
'You're not serious?' Izuku murmured, lips feeling foreign, as he turned around to face him. 'Is this a joke?'
Kacchan met his eyes and growled.
'Do I look like I'm fucking joking?!'
Izuku's arms shot up to protect himself, but the threat never came.
'Shit.' Kacchan at least had the decency to look guilty. 'Calm down, I'm not gonna hit you, and I'm not joking. I mean it.'
Izuku slowly lowered his arms.
He was conflicted. He knew he should be happy with the apology—it should be cathartic and he should admire how much Kacchan had grown. The right thing to do would be to forgive him, but as compassionate as people thought him to be and as much as he tried to be kind, resentment sprouted from the pit of his stomach.
'Why?' Kacchan echoed, sounding physically pained. 'I just told you why! It was a whole speech!'
Izuku's pulse drummed against his temples; his jaw clenched. Distantly, he heard a vibration.
'Cut the bullshit.' The words were out of his mouth before he could comprehend them.
'Hah?!' Kacchan started to exclaim, then caught himself, lowering the volume. 'It's not bullshit.'
'It is. It's all excuses.' Izuku gripped his hair and shook his head, surprised by his own nerve. He wanted to tell his brain to shut up. He wanted to forget this interaction all together—what was he doing? 'If you're s-sorry, then just say it. Don't try to justify it.'
'But I need you to understand why.' Kacchan argued, like it was obvious. 'I was trying to-'
'You've had a long time to think about this, to try and rationalise it.' Izuku interrupted, eye twitching from barely-repressed anxiety. He couldn't get his voice to stop trembling. 'But at the end of the day, Kacchan, y-you bullied me because I was- am quirkless.'
This time, it wasn't him who flinched.
'That's… that's not…'
'Isn't it?' He smiled wobbly. 'It wasn’t because I was useless D-Deku who couldn't fight back?'
His throat closed up, betraying him. 'I was an easy target. You say wanted to protect me from myself? You were my worst nightmare, and we both know that if I had a quirk, you wouldn't have done what you did.'
He had so many scars, so much mental baggage that he was still unravelling with his therapist after several years. He might not look after himself as well as he should sometimes, but that was irrelevant right now; it was always the same insults being thrown at him.
Useless, quirkless Deku.
'You d-don't need to pretend you did it with honourable intentions.' He shook his head slowly. 'If you genuinely regret what you did, just tell me. I might not have much self-preservation… but I don't think I deserve excuses.'
He bit his lip, waiting for a reaction. Initially, Kacchan remained silent, staring at him. Izuku wasn't sure if he was thinking of a response or waiting for something. Again, he could hear an indiscernible vibration.
'Okay.' Kacchan finally responded. 'No excuses… I- I'm sorry.'
A beat passed, then another. Izuku wanted to feel something, yet his mind—despite the adrenaline going through his body—felt numb.
'I accept your apology.' He forced his mouth to move, keeping his resolve. 'Th-'
His head whipped around so fast his neck clicked. Shoto was walking towards them, slightly rushed and phone in hand. The first aid supplies on his belt clicked together from the momentum, as did his boots against the concrete.
When he came to a stop in front of Izuku, those dichromatic eyes scanned him carefully. 'Are you okay?'
He nodded, not trusting this voice.
Shoto's shoulders slumped with relief, then looked past Izuku to see who he was with. His eyes immediately narrowed. 'Bakugou? What are you doing here?'
Kacchan scoffed.
'Dek- u- Izuku and I were just having a private conversation.' He answered brashly. 'None of your fucking business, Half n Half.'
Shoto stepped past Izuku, putting himself between him and the blonde. It was almost a defensive shield, which he had to admit, he was grateful for.
'Then why have you got Midoriya's phone?'
Izuku's eyes widened—the vibration sound he had been hearing on and off—Shoto had been ringing him this entire time?
'Because he dropped it.' Kacchan stepped forward, holding out the device, which Izuku hesitantly took. 'Fuck off with the interrogation, Todoroki. I thought you hated cops, so stop sounding like one.'
'I don't need to be a pig to worry about my friend.' Shoto quipped, before switching his gaze to Izuku. 'Midoriya, are you ready to go or should I give you another few minutes?'
The idea of spending another few minutes alone with Kacchan was enough to make him feel nauseous, but he also didn’t want to convey that in his answer.
Don’t cry. Be brave. Don’t show them how weak you are.
‘Yeah, I’m ready now.’ He spoke quietly. ‘We’re done now, right, Kacchan?’
Crimson eyes regarded him carefully, before he waved his hand dismissively.
‘Whatever. I’ve said everything I needed to say anyway. I’m going home.’ Kacchan strode past them, towards the main street. However, before he could disappear completely, he called back. 'I've changed, Izuku. I won't ask you to believe me, but just… watch me, and I'll prove it to you.'
Izuku didn't reply, other than a slight nod of acknowledgement, and Kacchan made his exit with a grunt. Now that they were left alone, he felt a new sense of numbness wash over him; his eyes glazed over; his muscles refused to move.
Panic consumed him briefly. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't feel in control of his own body, yet instead of fighting it, all he could do was succumb to the way his senses slowly shut down. His mind soon followed after, rescinding the last of his perceived independent thoughts.
Powerless. Useless Deku. Weak-
‘Are you sure you’re alright?’ Shoto was in front of him again, but Izuku couldn’t focus. It took several seconds of silence before his friend cursed. ‘Shit, okay. Let’s get you up to my office… Can you still hear me?'
He couldn’t speak, but he did manage a slight nod.
'That's good. Okay, one more question: are you comfortable with me carrying you?’
Izuku nodded again, eyes falling shut of their own accord. He wasn't sure why he was acting this way—his episodes usually manifested into hyperactivity—but he couldn't even begin to analyse his behaviour right now. All he could do was focus on Shoto's body as the hero guided him into a piggyback and lifted him up with a slight grunt.
His arms rested on Shoto’s shoulders, while the strong hands under his legs held him up. Izuku's chest pressed against his friend's back—he tried to concentrate on the temperature contrast, which manifested into him resting his forehead against the left crook of Shoto's neck.
The warmth felt safe.
Had he not been stuck in his head, Izuku would have definitely panicked over their proximity. Instead, his body welcomed the touch with open arms; it was grounding. It also helped that Shoto didn't stiffen or reject him. He encouraged Izuku.
'I won't drop you, but try to hold on.' He murmured gently. 'Ready?'
When Izuku nodded, Shoto bent his knees, then jumped into the air, using fire from his left foot to send them higher. It didn't take long before they landed on the agency balcony, and Shoto slid open the door to his office.
Izuku kept his face firmly pressed against his friend's neck, until he was gently coaxed to sit down on the tatami floor and shed his backpack from his shoulders. He felt significantly lighter without it—his body had gotten used to the weight—but he didn't let the uncanny feeling linger for long, before he returned to nothing.
'I'm still here.' Shoto assured him gently. 'Just give me one second.'
The world was bright when Izuku tried opening his eyes in response, and he winced. Before he could squeeze them shut and resign himself to darkness again, Shoto pulled the hanging curtain framing the balcony door half-shut, bathing them in a dimmer, manageable light.
Izuku exhaled—the closest he could come to conveying his thanks—then watched as Shoto moved around the room, looking in drawers, on shelves and even Izuku's own backpack. Eventually, when his friend approached him once more and knelt in front of him, his arms were full.
'I've got some things that I know help me when I have a catatonic breakdown.' He shuffled slightly. 'I know this probably isn't the same, but yeah. And I know it's rude, but I also got some stuff from your bag because you've mentioned before that you have comfort items in there. Try to let me know if you're uncomfortable with anything.'
Shoto waited a moment, before taking two large pillows, placing them behind Izuku and switching on a remote, which made them start vibrating softly—like a purring cat. He then picked up a fluffy cream blanket and wrapped it around Izuku's body like a cape, making sure to cover most of his front too.
Izuku found himself leaning back against the materials, which cushioned the wall behind him, as Shoto started playing rain sounds from a portable speaker. He then handed Izuku his favourite All Might-themed stress ball that he always carried with him.
It was practically a reflex, the way his hand closed around it and started squeezing.
‘Th-Thanks.’ He spoke, matching each syllable with his wrist movements. It wasn’t much, but it was progress. ‘Helps.’
‘I’m glad.’ His friend replied. ‘Do you want to stay like this for a while, or do you want to try some grounding exercises?’
Izuku was aware enough to recognise that he wanted to escape this feeling as quickly as he could, but realistically, he knew that he needed a little longer.
‘F-few minutes.’
‘Okay.’ Shoto slowly got to his feet. ‘I’ll just be at my desk doing some paperwork. I'm not on-call, so take as much time as you need… unless there's suddenly a national emergency.’
On a normal day, Izuku would've laughed.
For the next half an hour, the office was quiet, if not for Shoto's fingers on the keyboard and the tropical storm playing from the speakers. Izuku, for the most part, clung onto the mindlessness—not wanting to acknowledge what had happened nor what was currently happening—but soon, his internal monologue started to resurface; it never liked being quiet for long.
He supposed he'd have to face everything sooner or later.
His friend looked up from his computer, then locked the screen and approached him once more. He sat down in front of Izuku, crossing his legs and tucking his hair behind his ears.
‘You ready to do some grounding exercises?’ He waited for Izuku’s nod, before continuing. ‘Okay, you probably know this one, but can you tell me five things you can see?’
He did know this exercise—he’d applied it to both himself and his students in the past—so the familiarity was comforting.
‘Y-you.’ He started with the obvious. ‘Bookcase… bonsai tree… computer… charred table.’
‘Good job, but don’t worry about the chabudai.’ Shoto’s cheeks darkened slightly. ‘Four things you can feel?’
Izuku had always been sensitive to touch, despite what his high pain tolerance might've implied, so he felt more confident with this one.
‘Stress ball, blanket, pillows… tatami.’
‘That was a lot quicker.’ Shoto furrowed his brow. ‘It’s good touch, right?’
‘Yeah.’ The corner of Izuku's lips quirked up for a moment in an attempt to be reassuring. 'Thank you.'
His friend nodded his head in acknowledgement.
'Three things you can hear?'
'Your voice.' He began, without giving it much thought. 'The rain noises… and my own voice.'
He was slowly starting to feel more like himself—his movements became fluid as he squeezed the stress ball, and his eyes were more focused than they had been. It wasn’t like being trapped in a bubble, it was more like a viscous liquid had been clouding his surroundings and was finally starting to evaporate.
'Two things you can smell?'
'Peppermint.' Courtesy of the teapot next to him. 'And you. The room smells like you.'
He desperately wished his filter would return before he could embarrass himself further. Luckily, Shoto didn’t seem to mind the comment.
‘That makes sense. After all, I’m the only one who works in this room.’ He paused for a few beats. 'Okay, last one: one thing you can taste? Don't worry if you can't think of anything. You've done really well.'
Usually, when Izuku was the one asking, he skipped that final sense. After all, most people would just reply with a confused “the inside of my mouth?”, but he supposed it was worth acknowledging.
'I…’ He paused as his taste buds identified iron. ‘I can… I can taste blood?'
Ignoring Shoto’s concerned look, Izuku poked his tongue around his mouth, until he found a freshly bitten wound. 'I must've started chewing the inside of my cheek at some point without realising… It happens a lot, I just don't usually register what I'm doing till after the damage is done, but it's nothing to worry about.'
His friend’s worry didn’t seem to dissipate upon hearing that, but after a few moments, he ultimately decided to let the issue slide.
‘That’s a conversation for another day.’ Izuku wasn’t sure which of them Shoto was promising that to. 'At least you're more vocal now. How do you feel?'
That was a loaded question. How was Izuku supposed to begin answering that?
Shoto seemed to read his thoughts. ‘That was a bad question. I’ll be more specific, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when I ask, “how do you feel”?’
‘Shit.’ Izuku snorted without mirth. However, that seemed to be the gateway for an elaboration. ‘I’ve never reacted this way before. It’s always been more erratic, not… yeah. I hated it. I couldn’t control my body.’
‘I can understand that.’ Shoto was earnest. ‘The first time it happened to me was during a training session with Endeavour when I was a child. The stress was too much, so my body shut down… only okaasan could get me out of it, but it took hours. I barely remember it, only that I was scared.’
‘That sounds awful.’ Izuku lowered his eyes.
‘Yeah, but my point isn’t to gain your sympathy, it’s to show that you’re not alone.’ Shoto paused. ‘You can talk to me… about anything.’
Izuku gnawed the inside of his cheek, before forcing himself to stop damaging the already wounded area.
He trusted Shoto—he really did—but he didn’t deserve to listen to Izuku’s turmoil; his friend had gone through so much worse that his own struggles paled in comparison. However, he remembered some of their earlier conversations, and how Shoto never flinched when he’d explained his failed dream of becoming a hero. He thought about all the times his friend had been open with him and accommodating when he spoke.
Izuku trusted Shoto… so maybe he should trust that he knew what he was signing up for.
‘I just… seeing him again after so long and with no warning.’ He began, trying to piece his words together. ‘I told myself to just get through the interaction, but I didn’t expect to spiral like this.’
‘I should’ve told you he was at the agency.’ Shoto pursed his lips, guilty. ‘It wasn’t scheduled in or anything, but when he showed up, I should’ve messaged you.’
‘It’s not your responsibility—you didn’t know I’d react that way. Plus, if I’m your friend then I guess I should’ve been prepared to run into him at some point.’ Izuku was quick to argue, but when he took a breath, he couldn’t help but sigh. ‘As you’re probably aware, we weren’t exactly best friends… Well, we used to be, before his quirk came in and I was diagnosed as quirkless.’
Shoto nodded deliberately, prompting Izuku to continue.
‘I used to follow him around a lot—he was familiar, and I didn’t really understand that I wasn’t wanted anymore—and soon, Kacchan started to make it more obvious that he didn’t want me around. He had a lot more friends—ones with cool quirks that would obey him—and I was… pushed around a lot.'
He intentionally omitted the specific details: verbal taunts and physical attacks. He didn't want to incriminate Kacchan more than he already had. After all, it was in the past now.
Izuku pressed his palms to his eyes. 'I just… I admired him so much—he had a great quirk and the bravery of a hero, and we both loved All Might—but… but I hated him.'
His voice turned into a whisper. 'I really did, and that somehow made everything worse because I really tried not to. Heroes aren’t meant to hate people… But I kept trying to placate him, hoping that he’d leave me be, but when it came to applying for high schools, I just couldn't simply make him happy.’
'He told you not to apply for UA, right?' Shoto asked, albeit it was obvious he knew the answer.
'Yeah.' Izuku replied anyway. 'Things got unbearable when I refused. The things he'd say, the things he'd do.' He swallowed thickly. 'It doesn't matter. When he got into UA and I didn't, that was it. Everyone laughed at me, because I never stood a chance in the first place. After we graduated, I never saw him again… until today.'
Ten years…
It had been so long, and as much as he tried to forget, he couldn't. He still had nightmares; he still flinched at loud, sharp noises; he still struggled with his self-worth.
He still had the scars.
His throat prickled, but he persevered, pulling back and staring at his hands instead of Shoto; he couldn’t bear to see his reaction just yet. 'He took me down that alley—I didn't want to, but I felt like I didn't have a choice—and I thought he was going to hurt me; follow through with one of his old threats- I shouldn't say that.'
He sighed, frustrated at himself. 'Anyway, instead… he apologised to me. Actually apologised. Like, it wasn’t a joke! I should've been happy. I should've forgiven him.'
Izuku dared not continue that sentence. Admitting it out loud would just solidify that he was a bad person.
'But you couldn't forgive him.'
Izuku broke.
For the first time today, tears built up, breaking the surface tension and running down his face without restraint. An accompanying sob escaped his lips and Izuku finally allowed himself to cry. It wasn’t loud or dramatic, like his reputation implied: he brought his knees up to his chest and buried his head in his arms to muffle his already quiet sounds—just like when he was little and tried not to draw attention to himself.
Part of his mind was screaming that even this was too much; he couldn't cry like this in front of anyone, not alone Todoroki Shoto. What would he think of him? How could Izuku show just how weak and pathetic he really was?
Yet those thoughts only led to more tears; more baggage to throw onto the already crushing pile.
He held his breath then, trying desperately to quell the crying, but it was futile. He only succeeded in making himself lightheaded and congested. His nose started to run and saliva built up in his mouth.
'I don't know how best to help you.' His friend admitted, just loud enough to be heard over Izuku's own thoughts. 'But I do know that it's okay to cry. I'm not judging you.'
How was he supposed to respond to that? Shoto was so kind; so understanding. He wasn't disgusted or disdainful.
But he should be….
'Would you-' Shoto hesitated. '-erm, like a hug… or something?'
Izuku's eyes immediately shot up to stare at him, exposing his gross face in all its glory.
Shoto didn't seem put off by the snot and tears, albeit he did rub the back of his neck awkwardly.
'A hug, would you like one?' He clarified, confirming that Izuku had indeed heard him correctly. 'It's just… I'm not good with words, but I know physical contact can help alleviate pain. So I thought I'd offer.'
If this were a typical day, Izuku would turn bright red, stutter so much that he couldn't get his words out, and probably overthink to the point of exhaustion. However, this wasn't a typical day; while his face was blotchy and his mind was both overthinking and exhausted, he couldn't fathom his awkward crush right now.
In front of him was his friend—whom he adored in a way so unique—offering comfort, and Izuku was starving.
'Please.' He whispered, blinking as more tears stained his cheeks. He then wrapped his arms around his thighs and rested his forehead against his knees.
He could hear Shoto shuffle closer until they were side-by-side. After a moment, he shifted the blanket to accommodate them both, and slowly wrapped his arms around Izuku; one hand splayed out across his back, while the other reached around the front to cup the side of Izuku's head. Shoto then gently guided him to lean against his chest.
Izuku's entire body moved with him, putting all his weight against his friend, who willingly shouldered the burden with ease. In fact, he even rested his cheek atop his curls.
The relief was instantaneous: his body relaxed—basking in the positive touch—and a fresh sob escaped his lips. Shoto rubbed his shoulder with encouragement; repetitive, but soothing.
Izuku wasn't sure how much time they spent that way—quiet if not for his muffled sniffling—before his friend spoke again.
'I won't pretend to know what you've been through.' He murmured, each word careful. 'So feel free to tell me to fuck off, but I think, if you can't forgive him now, that's okay.'
Reactively, Izuku opened his mouth to counter, albeit Shoto beat him to it.
'And if you can't forgive him in a few months, a few years or never, that's okay too.'
Izuku's words died on his tongue and he swallowed heavily. It was like the entire concept was new: he never even considered a scenario where it was acceptable not to forgive Kacchan. After all, it was what the world preached—forgiveness was part of being a hero.
A sudden thought emerged.
'Have you forgiven Endeavour for everything?' He asked quietly. 'Not that you need to tell me.'
Shoto didn't answer straight away, contemplating the question first.
'No.' While the answer was firm, his tone sounded thoughtful. ‘And that’s okay too. It doesn't make me less of a hero.’
‘You don’t think you’re a bad person because of it?’ Izuku’s eyes widened, and he shook his head, almost jumping out of Shoto’s hold. ‘Not that I’m implying that you’re a bad person! You’re a very kind person and I think you’re amazing! Just… that was a pointless question.’
Shoto blinked once, lowering his arms.
‘He’s changed, which I accept and welcome, and we've moved on, but that doesn’t erase the past and the damage he's caused. I’ve forgiven myself, and that's enough for me.’ He scratched his cheek. ‘So, no. I don’t think I’m bad.’
Izuku nodded slowly. It made perfect sense—it was similar to his situation Kacchan—but convincing himself and rationalising his thoughts was still arduous.
‘I think I understand.’ He wiped away his tears, feeling more at ease. ‘Sorry for being like this.’
‘You have nothing to apologise for.’ Shoto was adamant; unyielding. ‘I’m just glad I could help.’
His small smile ignited a fresh wave of emotion through Izuku—his usual flustered affection for Shoto returning in full force. Mentally, he kicked himself for pulling out of their hug sooner than necessary.
‘Y-you did. Thank you.’ He flashed his own wobbly smile. ‘You’re…’
Perfect, amazing, I think I’m fall-
‘A great friend.’ He finished, admiring Shoto’s reddening ears.
‘You too, Midoriya.’
Me [1740]: Just fyi next time I see you I am going to personally ram my foot so far up your arse you’re shitting icicles for weeks
Bastard Gremlin [1742]: Fuck off Icyhot
Me [1743]: Like I knew you were an asshole but really?
Bastard Gremlin [1749]: Deku told you everything then
Me [1751]: Left out some finer details but yh
Me [1751]: Enough for me to piece together the rest
Bastard Gremlin [1752]: Why do you even care?
Bastard Gremlin [1752]: How do you even know him?
Me [1753]: He's my friend. That's all you need to know, so dont bother replying.
Shoto stared at the screen a moment longer. In truth, he wanted to say more, maybe even follow through with his initial message, but Midoriya would get upset, so Shoto reluctantly put his phone away. However, as soon as it was secured in his pocket, it buzzed again. Rolling his eyes, he took out the device, expecting a snarky retort.
Instead, he was met with a pleasant surprise.
Midoriya 🙏🔥 [1754]: Thank you for today, really
Me [1755]: You don't have to keep thanking me
Midoriya 🙏🔥 [1756]: I know but I want to
Shoto's lips twitched with fond amusement.
'Texting Midoriya again?' Fuyumi commented dryly, not even looking up from the homework she was marking next to him. 'You're both insufferable.'
'You started it.'
Me [1758]: You can thank me by relaxing and going to bed at a normal time tonight
Midoriya 🙏🔥 [1759]: I take it all back I hate u
Me [1759]: You love me 😇
Shoto paused then, cheeks heating up as he stared at his message. Why was he suddenly so warm? Why did anxiety pool in his stomach after he sent that message? Why was he getting more nervous the longer it took for a reply to come through?
He was just making friendly banter, like his old classmates taught him, yet it felt more significant when he was saying it to Midoriya.
Midoriya 🙏🔥 [1802]: I guesssssss 🙄
Shoto immediately felt himself relax; his stomach fluttering in a way that had started to become a common occurrence around his friend. He wasn’t sure if it was a bi-product of his quirk, now that he was using his fire more often, but it was strange that it was only when Midoriya was around.
Midoriya 🙏🔥 [1804]: Hey, I thought Id ask,you don’t have to or anything, but the HQA information session at the school is on tues and I was wondering, if you’re free, it’d be good to see you there? Even if you wore a disguise or something. Totally okay if not though!
Shoto tilted his head to the side, processing the message. He and Fuyumi had spoken about the session a lot over the past few weeks, but they'd given no indication that they wanted him there—why the change of heart?
'Fuyu-nee, Midoriya's inviting me to the HQA session.' He told his sister, not really sure what he was expecting her to say. 'Should I go?'
'I mean, you can if you want.' Fuyumi shrugged, albeit not dismissively. 'Whether it's supporting him or advocating your own knowledge, it might help. I certainly have no problem with it.'
Shoto nodded slowly in thanks, then turned back to his phone. He supposed in asking his sister, he was really just looking for validation, because of course, if Midoriya was inviting him to something, then he'd happily accept; he was just glad Fuyumi thought he was making the right choice.
Me [1807]: I'll be there :)
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windskull · 6 years
The Heart of a Hero: Chapter 2
For more information about this fic, check the links on my tumblr.
Chapter 2: Adventure Calling
"Hey, are you listening to me?"
Link was, in fact, not really listening to the fairy trying to get his attention yet. Nor was his friend, apparently. At the moment, he was only focusing on her appearance. She was a smaller fairy. Her body let off a pale blue-white glow, reminding Link of the Kokiri's guardian fairies. But she was not yet close enough for him to get a whiff of her scent and figure out if she actually was one of the Kokiri Forest fairies. Still, it was rare to find a single fairy by themselves in this area. Maybe she had become separated from her Kokiri?
The fairy did not seem happy about being ignored. She erratically flew up close between his and Skull Kid's faces, until the two were finally forced to acknowledge her. Skull Kid raised a hand up to wave her away from his face.
"Okay, okay fine!" Skull Kid grumbled. "What is it?"
"You two are skull kids," The fairy stated matter-of-factly. "Are either of you a Link. Or do you know a Link?"
Skull Kid paused for a second, then slowly raised up a hand and pointed to his friend. "That's Link."
The fairy turned to look to Skull Kid, then to Link, seeming to calm just slightly. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought it would take me hours to find you." She fluttered over to Link and flew a couple circles around him as he stood up and tilted his head to the side. "The Great Deku Tree sent me to find you," she explained. "I'm Navi, a fairy in his service. I've been asked to bring you to him. Right away. So please, follow me. It's urgent."
Without waiting for a response, Navi zipped off to the edge of the clearing, before turning back to look at Link expectantly.
Link looked over to his friend, then back to Navi. Skull Kid shrugged and stretched before standing up, offering a hand out to Link. "I say check it out. It's so rare that a fairy comes to give any of us skull kids attention, you don't pass up that kind of opportunity. Besides, it could be fun. And I'll come too!"
Link finally nodded and accepted his friend's hand, climbing to his feet. He paused for a moment to stash his flute back in his pocket, and to pick up the sword from before, then scurried after Navi and his friend.
The fairy zipped through the woods, leading them through clearings and twists and turns at a rapid pace, the boys having to run to keep up. Fortunately, they had already been on the edge of the lost woods, only a short jog from the Kokiri Forest.
Upon their arrival, the fairy continued to make a beeline directly for the far end of the area the Kokiri called home. As Link followed her, he heard some startled cries and gasps from behind him. It wasn't the first time he'd entered the Kokiri Forest, but it was the first time he'd come in broad daylight in a long time. And although there was no ill will between Kokiri and skull kids, his kind tended to avoid wide open spaces with few places to hide, like this place.
As they reached the end of the clearing, Link had to skid to a stop to avoid stumbling into a Kokiri standing in his way. Navi just fluttered on past the child. Skull Kid, on the other hand, did not stop in time and slammed right into Link. The two tumbled to a ground in a heap, then looked up to the other child, who stood in front of them with his arms crossed.
As the two climbed to their feet, the Kokiri spoke up with an impatient edge to his voice. "Why are you two here?" The boy asked, tapping his foot.
"Mido, the Great Deku tree asked for them to come," Navi responded for the two, having circled back to see what the holdup was.
"Oh yeah?" Mido narrowed his eyes, unconvinced by the fairy's words, and swept his gaze between the two skull kids. "Why would he ask for either of you instead of me, the great Mido. The leader of the Kokiri? I don't care if you are Saria's friends, I'm not letting you pass!"
Skull Kid gave the Kokiri a blank, silent, unnerving stare for a long moment. Then he leaned over to Link, and with one hand cupped to the side of his mouth whispered just loud enough for Mido to hear. "Hey. Are we supposed to know this guy?"
Mido seemed to falter for a moment. But his resolve was strengthened when he locked eyes with the sword at Link's side. "Hey! Isn't that my sword?"
Link turned his gaze to his friend, who giggled nervously and rubbed the back of his head, eyes darting back and forth. He "found" it, huh? But before he could question his friend, suddenly, Skull Kid jerked an arm out, pointing to a spot behind Mido. "Hey look, here comes Saria!"
"Huh, where?" Mido twisted to look in that direction. Immediately Link felt a push at his back; Skull Kid gave him a quick shove before taking off past Mido himself. Getting the idea, Link quickly took off after him, the sound of Mido calling after them quickly fading as they left him behind. Skull Kid laughed, and even Link found himself fight back a giggle.
Navi zipped along behind the troublemaker, quickly taking the lead as they finally reached the tree spirit. The trio found themselves in a great clearing, grass spreading as far as the eye could see. In the center was the great guardian spirit of the forest, a tree whose branches stretched far into the sky, covering the entire field in a canopy of leaves.
"Great Deku Tree… I'm back!" Navi exclaimed. "And I found the boy you asked for!"
The tree was quiet for a moment, then in a voice that crackled with age, he slowly spoke, his voice reverberating in the trio's heads. "Oh… Navi… Thou hast returned…" There was another pause. "Link… Welcome… And you as well, other child of the forest… Thou must forgive me, for I know not your name…"
The skull kid blinked once, then laughed and placed his hands behind his head. "Aw that's okay, I don't know my name either! Everyone just calls me Skull Kid, or Skully, like Link here usually does." The boy gave Link a quick pat on the back, then turned his attention to the Great Deku Tree as the spirit began to speak again.
"Whatever thy name may be… as a child of the forest, thou art welcome here... All children of the forest are under mine own protection." With the pleasantries out of the way, the tree then focused his words on Link.
"Listen carefully to what I tell thee… Link, thy sleep these past moons must have been restless and full of nightmares."
Link let out a small gasp of surprise and took a step back but nodded in confirmation.
The Great Deku Tree chuckled. "Oh ho, thou must be wondering how I would know that… There will be a time for that later... For now, time is short… As servants of evil gain strength, a vile climate pervades the land, and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it. Verily, thou hast felt it."
Skull Kid tilted his head and reached a hand up to place it on Link's shoulder. "...Link? Have you been having nightmares lately? Why didn't you tell me?"
Link considered it for a moment, and nodded in response, following it up with a shrug. He had not a clue why he had not told his friend about the dreams. Perhaps it was because he considered it unimportant? He could not say for sure. Whatever it may have been, it was unimportant for now. He turned his attention back to the tree.
"Link… the time has come to test thy courage…" When the boy only tilted his head in response, the tree continued. "I have been cursed… I need thee to break the curse with thy wisdom and courage. Dost thou have the courage to undertake this task?"
Link looked away. "That's a lot to take in," he finally mumbled, letting one arm hang and reaching the other up to grip his elbow. On one hand, this was not his fight. This was not really his home. But on the other hand, he'd always felt some sort of connection to the Kokiri Forest. And if something happened here that he could have prevented? Well, he'd feel pretty terrible. Besides, like the tree had said, even the skull kids out in the Lost Woods, like him, were offered some level of protection by the spirit. So he let his hands rest at his side and nodded.
Again, a silence hung in the air, and then there was a creaking. Slowly, a part of the front of the Great Deku Tree slid down, leaving a great entryway more than spacious enough for Link to be able to walk through.
"Then enter, brave Link… And thou too, Navi… Navi, you must aid Link… Link, listen well to Navi's words of wisdom."
Link gave a nod, and Navi bobbed up and down in response as well. As the two stepped forward though, Skull Kid spoke up.
"Hold on!" He exclaimed, prompting Link to turn his head. He reached into his pockets and removed his flute. It wasn't much of a weapon, but he knew how to use it like one. "Wait for me, I'm going with you." He trotted to catch up to the two, and gave Link a light nudge "What, you think you could just leave me behind? I can help too!"
Link flashed his friend a toothy smile and gave him an enthusiastic nod. The three stood together at the base of the tree for a moment, then together, the two skull kids and Navi stepped inside.
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XianCheng: By the book | fluff, modern au, meet cute of sorts
For @thegothicfantasydomain
“Have you decided on what you’d like to borrow?”
Wei Ying couldn’t help startling violently at the voice regardless of the fact that it was one he’d been dreaming of for a while now. His chuckle was a little sheepish under the weight of that (unfairly attractive) eyebrow quirk and the judgement said man in question held for him. “Hi! Um...yeah-- th-the one that I’m currently reading?”
“Right,” as beautiful as the librarian, Jiang Cheng he was called, was, his stare was still a taaad bit intimidating. Only a bit. Wei Ying dearly wanted to make a good impression on this man but it was proving rather difficult seeing how much he seemed to flounder around him for some reason. “I do however wonder how much help an anthology on fictional fantasy will be when you did say you’re looking for books on Chinese mythology. They are frankly not the same if you ask me.”
Gods, he had a beautiful voice and Wei Ying wanted to taste it. Against his mouth. While making him chant and breathe his name. While-- *coughs* right yes, mythological books. A subject Wei Ying could frankly care little about but he’d needed an excuse. But he wanted to hear Jiang Cheng talk to him some more and mythology was perhaps a good excuse since the librarian seemed rather learned about the subject matter. “Erm.....I’ve always thought mythology is basically fantasy so what’s so different? Would you rather I begin from non fiction?”
“Technically modern or even period fantasy popular amongst the masses now stem from mythology so you’re not completely wrong there. But thinking of them as one and the same is disservice according to me. So, the thing is,” Jiang Cheng began unexpectedly rambling and, much to Wei Ying’s delight, pulled out a chair to sit next to him. On a normal day, not to be rude or anything, but Wei Ying would most definitely tune everything out if someone suddenly began giving him a lecture on a......scholarly topic like mythology. He swore it wasn’t because he didn’t care! He just had a terrible attention span! But the usually quiet and grouchy librarian never bothered to look his way much less talk to him so Wei Ying was grateful for the stroke of luck on deciding mythology to be his random excuse and his librarian crush turned out to be a mythology geek.
“Ah, apologies. I have talked too much,” Jiang Cheng suddenly coughed, a light embarrassed red dusting his cheeks and Wei Ying realized to his dismay that he’d ended up even tuning out this cute human being in his bid to drool over his voice. “I’m uh...I’ve been told I get a little insufferable when mythology is concerned. Anyway, if you need some recommendations which are interesting and not too text heavy or draggy I have a few--”
“Or you could tell me about whatever you know as well,” Wei Ying hurriedly prompted and made the other man’s eyes widen in surprise. “You told me a lot of things so I couldn’t get everything but I’d like to learn more! Talking is more interesting when it comes to idea exchange anyway!”
“Oh,” Jiang Cheng murmured and nodded in a slightly awkward manner. The judgement and intimidation was gone from his eyes. “Huh....well. I don’t....mind, I guess.”
“Great!” Wei Ying grinned, internally crowing at the victory of landing a date. “So, uh, are you free tomorrow? We can go to a cafe or something to not disturb others here. My treat!”
“Y-yeah, tomorrow sounds good,” Jiang Cheng pushed up his glasses and cracked the smallest softest smile. It hit Wei Ying like a bulldozer, just that little uptick of lips. He wanted to feel that against his mouth too. “I can bring a few books if you want.”
“Cool! I look forward to it!”
Perhaps, Wei Ying would begin caring about mythology after all.
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KaeLuc: Pillow (fight) | fluff (i think), childhood friends, canon compliant
For @just-gals-being-pals-but-gay
Kaeya took pride in the fact that he wasn’t someone who lost his composure so easily. Suave, charismatic as the cavalry captain and efficient no matter how much Amber seemed to bitch about his methods (he got his work done, thank you very much) - there were few who actually ever saw any outright display of explosive or uncontrolled emotions from the man.
There was one man who knew the more emotional sides of him, had seen him at his most vulnerable but....well. That man was way more tightlipped than even him so Kaeya doubted Mondstadt would have a sudden deluge of embarrassing secrets being swept around about the cavalry captain’s less graceful habits. Why, said man refused to even recall a childhood spent together much less think of petty forms of payback like this! Hah! Hah--
The point was, Kaeya rarely ever lost his composure. He certainly never retaliated with childish outbursts when something struck him as unfair. Kaeya was good at compartmentalizing. Kaeya didn’t let his anger control him. 
Which is why, he watched just as astonished as the bartender standing before himself who held onto blackened and tattered remnants of the Baron Bunny he’d flung only a few minutes prior in rigid stillness. Angel’s Share was deathly quiet - even Charles’ familiar clinking around with the wine glasses from the extra room behind the bar counter stopped ringing out. 
Kaeya never let his emotions control him. Kaeya wasn’t one to indulge in sudden outbursts of anger. Kaeya had flung the Baron Bunny Amber had given him in a request to patch up a few tears on its fabric at Diluc in a moment’s fit of anger.
Of course, seeing he was an excellent Pyro user himself, Diluc hadn’t sustained a single scratch and had shielded his face from the Baron Bunny’s blast at the nick of the moment. He’d also somehow absorbed in the flames so none of the precious wines in the cabinet were harmed. Regardless, the wild mane of red hair framing his face were singed and smoking - the smell extremely foul. Slight bits of his eyebrows were burnt off and the sight struck Kaeya as suddenly so comical, his anger got replaced by a loud “pfft” that left his lips.
Diluc’s stunned expression morphed even as Kaeya nearly toppled off the stool laughing. “Sir Kaeya, what is so funny about nearly ruining all my precious wine?! I would’ve made you pay for every single bottle and you’ve got enough on your tab already!”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m just....hahahahaha! This is the first time I’m seeing a Pyro user being affected with fire,” it had been a while since Kaeya had had a good excuse to guffaw out loud and Diluc’s soot stained face with the singed eyebrows was just what he needed. He couldn’t help teasing. “Well, I certainly think Master Diluc was in a bit of a need for a haircut so don’t you think I did you a bit of a favour?”
Maybe he should’ve worried about actually incurring the bartender’s wrath but to the surprise of everyone present, Diluc let merely let out a frustrated sigh before tossing Baron Bunny’s sad remains at Kaeya and picked up a rag to try and wipe off some of the soot staining the counter’s pristine top. His formerly tensed shoulders looked a little more relaxed, Kaeya noted in some wonderment. “A favor my foot. Isn’t it common knowledge to not toss around explosives in a tavern of all places? What has suddenly gotten into Sir Kaeya? You are usually not this careless.”
Kaeya paused and tried to see if there was something more underlying the question. Maybe it was wishful thinking - things weren’t the same after all. He pressed an elbow against the countertop and rested his face on his palm, grinning. “Oh, who knows, Master Diluc. Perhaps this poor man here is going through withdrawal symptoms because you’ve held him back from Death After Noon for too long.”
Kaeya couldn’t really explain it either - anger outbursts really were rare. He’d been feeling under the weather mood wise that day and even the sight of grape juice and a firm no which he was usually used to were enough to set him off. Human moods were such strange things. Perhaps it was the failure in one of the team quests that day against some greater Abyss beings. Perhaps the sight of injured comrades reminded him of his own helplessness - Kaeya didn’t really know. He was forced out of his thoughts when the heavy damp rag hit him square on his face.
“Perhaps you can compensate by wiping the counter and I’ll consider giving you a glass of something weaker. Death After Noon is out of stock,” Diluc deadpanned and Kaeya rolled his eyes once before picking up the rag. A small thoughtful smile pulled at the corner of his lips.
Strange how only one man was capable of drawing out any and every locked emotions from himself so easily. It had always been like this, hadn’t it?
“I am not weak! I can look after myself!”
“But Kaeya, that’s not what I meant!”
Kaeya didn’t like getting angry at Diluc. They were friends, weren’t they? It wasn’t right to fight as friends and especially not with the boy who’d done so much for him. Regardless, Diluc’s insistence on looking after Kaeya, hovering around him like some crystal fly except much more annoying and protecting him all the time got suffocating. Kaeya didn’t want to depend on the other boy so much all the time but Diluc didn’t get it.
(Having someone insist on protecting him all the time was also scary but Kaeya didn’t know if he wanted to look further into that one)
“I don’t think you’re weak!” Diluc still insisted, his little bright face so earnest. “I know I got my Vision early but I don’t think that makes me better! Someday, you will too! I just want to protect you still because--”
“Shut up!”
The rest of Diluc’s words were smothered out and Kaeya looked horrified at his own self when he realized he’d thrown a pillow at his friend’s face hard enough that Diluc had stumbled backwards and fallen on his behind. “Diluc! I’m--”
Diluc let out a small groan and pulled off the pillow. His already wild hair ruffled in all directions and in addition had some of the pillow’s fluff and feathers stuck decorating the bright red strands. Coupled with the bewildered expression on his face, the whole scene struck him as so comical that Kaeya suddenly found himself clutching his belly and yelling in laughter. 
“Wh-why are you laughing?!” Diluc’s little face heated up in embarrassment and he grabbed the pillow in retaliation to rush at the other boy. “You’ll pay for this!”
Loud screams and childish laughter rang out as the pillow fight commenced, their little squabble forgotten. Even a rushing Adelinde and her reprimands couldn’t stop the two boys from catching each other’s eyes and chuckling.
Kaeya recalled that night all too well. He smiled to himself as the soft “thunk” of wine glass rang out when the Diluc of now placed it in front of him with a quiet “Dandelion Wine” grumbled under his breath.
Many things were different, but even as Kaeya took sips and fixed his eyes on the back profile of Diluc working on something, he felt both fondness and melancholy rise up in his chest on the fact that some things were also the same. “I should extend my apologies for this evening, Master Diluc. Allow me to repay you somehow. Should I trim the singed hair for you? I’m not half bad a hair dresser, if I say so myself.”
“No thank you,” Diluc’s refusal was immediate. “I am quite satisfied with my looks already. I can visit my usual dresser just fine.”
“Aw, not fair,” Kaeya chuckled. The anger and distress was far away. This one man was a special man. “Then how do I repay you, pray tell?”
“Promising me not to set my tavern on fire would suffice.”
“A lunch outing to Good Hunter’s it is then! Done!”
“That is not what I meant--”
Kaeya was known for keeping up a cool head and calm demeanor. Cavalry Captain Kaeya was known for his air of mystery and suaveness. In all of these things, perhaps Diluc was ever the only exception.
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Mido's fic writing exercise: Flash Fic Friday
This is both to get me more active on Tumblr and an exercise for my current writer's block.
Send me a ship + a random object in your room so I can write a silly little drabble on it.
Fandoms & ships:
Mo Dao Zu Shi (main): XianCheng (OTP, no switch); ChengQingXian (OT3); LingYi, XuanLi, NieYao (comfy ships); ChengQing, XianQing, WangYu (willing to try).
Priest ships: YiYuan (QiYe); RuChun (Liu Yao); ChangGu (SPL); WenZhou (TYK, novel only)
Nu Carnival: EiEd (no switch); KuEiEd (switch Eiden & Kuya, yes. Fixed Edmond); QuinYa, Aster/Morvay (fixed d/s)
Others: MafuKana (prsk) ; MEIKO/Luka (prsk Empty Sekai ver); KaeLuc (only recently began genshin but I wanna try)
Will write first three.
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