#mige paananen
zheniakirsikkalove · 5 months
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❤ HIM - band from Finland. 1999 ❤
photo 1: Ville Valo, Mikko "Mige" Paananen, Juska Salminen, Mikko "Linde" Lindström, Gas lipstick / Mika Karppinen
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iamtryingtobelieve · 1 month
To cry is to know that you're alive
But my river of tears has run dry
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thisnoisemademe · 1 year
The blood on our hands is the wine, we offer as sacrifice.
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unsung-tragedy · 2 years
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radionotfound · 1 year
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IE: What’s it been like performing those songs without the other HIM guys?
VV: I’ve only done it a few times. It felt really weird. [Tavastia] where we performed was the club where HIM played their last gig. So, I’m hopping on that same stage and singing some of the same songs with a fresh bunch. Then again there were actually a lot of familiar faces in the audience. [Mikko Paananen] Mige the bass player of HIM was in the audience. He was throwing the horns and really going for it. I think it was weird for a lot of my mates because they thought that it was HIM. They knew it wasn’t, but it was hard for them to separate or realize it was a new thing. It’s quite endearing. It’s not a negative at all. A lot of weird emotions and the fact that I haven’t done any harder-hitting stuff in English since HIM disbanded. It was kind of like riding a bike, but I think I rode my bikes before electrical ones were invented (laughs).
Check out my latest interview with Mr. Ville Valo himself (our second time chatting!) on Illinois Entertainer. You can also read my recap of his show at the House Of Blues in the same article.
By the way, Ville was very sweet, very upbeat, and chatty! He was an absolute blast to speak to and as a huge HIM fan it was surreal to be interviewing him again but this time face to face. Being an independent writer with little to no pay isn’t easy, but it’s moments like this that make it so rewarding.
Link in source.
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Haven't heard H.I.M. in years
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Ranking the songs on each HIM album
i’ve always wanted to do something like this and seeing as I am absolutely loving HIM again, I thought I’d start with them!
Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 (1997):
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1. The Beginning of the End
2. It’s All Tears (Drown In This Love)
3. Your Sweet Six Six Six
4. Wicked Game
5. For You
6. Our Diabolikal Rapture
7. When Love and Death Embrace
8. (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
9. The Heartless
Razorblade Romance (2000):
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1. Join Me In Death
2. Wicked Game
3. Gone With The Sin
4. Death Is In Love With Us
5. I Love You
6. Poison Girl
7. Your Sweet 666
8. Right Here In My Arms
9. Razorblade Kiss
10. Heaven Tonight
11. Resurrection
12. Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights (2001):
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1. Pretending
2. Salt In Our Wounds
3. In Joy and Sorrow
4. Heartache Every Moment
5. Lose You Tonight
6. Please Don’t Let It Go
7. Close To The Flame
8. Love You Like I Do
9. Beautiful
10. Don’t Close Your Heart
Love Metal (2003):
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1. Buried Alive By Love
2. Soul On Fire
3. The Funeral Of Hearts
4. The Sacrament
5. Endless Dark
6. Sweet Pandemonium
7. Circle Of Fear
8. The Path
9. This Fortress Of Tears
10. Beyond Redemption
Dark Light:
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1. Killing Loneliness
2. Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly
3. Behind The Crimson Door
4. Drunk On Shadows
5. In The Nightside Of Eden
6. The Face Of God
7. Vampire Heart
8. Under The Rose
9. Play Dead
10. Dark Light
Venus Doom (2007):
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1. The Kiss Of Dawn
2. Venus Doom
3. Dead Lover’s Lane
4. Bleed Well
5. Passion’s Killing Floor
6. Cyanide Sun
7. Sleepwalking Past Hope
8. Love In Cold Blood
9. Song Or Suicide
Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice (2010):
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1. Like St. Valentine
2. Katherine Wheel
3. Heartkiller
4. In Venere Veritas
5. Ode To Solitude
6. Scared To Death
7. In The Arms Of Rain
8. Love, The Hardest Way
9. Dying Song
10. The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness
11. Shatter Me With Hope
12. Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)
13. Acoustic Funeral (For Love In Limbo)
Tears On Tape (2013):
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1. I Will Be The End Of You
2. Into The Night
3. All Lips Go Blue
4. Drawn & Quartered
5. Love Without Tears
6. Tears On Tape
7. Hearts At War
8. No Love
9. W.L.S.T.D
10. Unleash The Red
11. Kiss The Void
12. Trapped In Autumn
13. Lucifer’s Chorale
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
Let me know what you think, are there some songs that you think should be higher in the rankings? Some that you would put lower down?
It would be cool to hear from other HIM fans, it’s a very quiet fandom now unfortunately!
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cupcakecurl · 4 years
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I completly missed that Migé appearently was seen on Finnish TV last year :)  (Look at his laugh <3) (source:  Mikko Paananen - Miks mä oon Sakustars tuomari)
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yoursweetvalo · 4 years
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• download, 2008.
ville & mige interviewed by NME.
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hisinfernalmajesty · 4 years
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zheniakirsikkalove · 5 years
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#VilleValo #EsaPulliainen #Agents #Finland 17.04.2019 - Tavastia, Helsinki Mikko "Mige" Paananen!!! ^-^ <3
credit to Marco
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comeonerleen · 7 years
Your Sweet 666 (Pt. 2)
(Excuse the occasional screaming)
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nostalgiachan · 2 years
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Aw ye, time for more OC redraws, this time featuring: Pretty Keyboard Lady Accidental Alcoholic My First D&D Character (aka WHY DID NO ONE ROLL A HEALER OH GOD) and The Angriest Boy
Character lore below the cut! 
#21: Selene Lumiere Coueri/Selene Amour Idea: The elegant goth keyboardist Story: D.A.R.K.
Oh my God with that name though, especially with a character whose hometown's in West Virginia. Yet another member with a HIM reference name, this one to bassist Mikko Paananen aka Mige Amour.
Selene is the keyboardist of the band, and as elegant and composed as they come. Both she and the band refer to her as the designated hot chick, though I was careful to point out she's an intellectual and spends most of her non-music time reading. She also only apparently needs glasses when she's performing.
#22: Mige Enkeli Idea: Hard-partying, laid-back drummer Story: D.A.R.K.
Oh, hey, one of the people I named after Finnish men is actually a Finnish man. I don't know if he's the most flattering portrayal of a Finnish man, but I knew fuck-all about Finland at the time. Like Selene, Mige's name comes from, well, Mige the bassist; meanwhile his last name's the Finnish word for angel.
Mige had attended a private school in West Virginia for a few years (which was based on the college prep school I'd attended which was a horrible, shitty place, but it attracted some international students so it gave me an excuse to have a Finnish dude in WV...because I guess I didn't think of exchange programs) and had kept in touch with the friends he'd made there after he returned to Finland. One of them mentioned that his younger sister, Selene, was putting together a band, and Mige was compelled to return to the States and join as their drummer. And it worked out pretty well for him.
Except for the fact that apparently I wrote the man as a chainsmoker and a constant drinker. He's still a nice, chill sort of guy, but Adult Nost is like, "Oh no, I think I wanted 'guy with some vices' but I overshot the mark into 'alcoholic' instead."
I do have one intentional alcoholic, but we'll get to him later probably
#23: Sydan (II) Idea: WHY DID NO ONE ROLL A HEALER? Story: Gamers' Club D&D 3.5e game
Ah, my first tabletop character. For the last two-and-a-half years of high school, I was in the Gamers' Club, a tabletop/TCG/LARP club. We started a D&D 3.5e game and I specifically rolled a character based on what we needed in the party - for some godforsaken reason, nobody rolled a healer, so I made an elven Cleric of Pelor the sun god. That game fuckin' ballooned to, like, 10 characters and our club pres made the terrible decision to split the party about a year in, which took forever to resolve, and some weeks we wouldn't even play because people wanted to play Magic: The Gathering instead, and then one of the players started a villain campaign for the freshmen, so yeah, that shit never concluded before most of us graduated. We tried to set up play-by-post over AIM in the days before Roll20, but we got through one game before it fell apart.
But to tell the story in as much of a nutshell as I can: Sydan was a 106-year old elf who had been adopted by a cleric in a small village, wherein lived Lewar the halfling rogue, Twinkles McGee the half-elf druid, Fred the half-orc barbarian, Monk the Monk (human, I think), and Chaos the human mage. One day, the village was obliterated by a lich and his undead army; our intrepid heroes managed to get some villagers to the undercroft of the church, but everyone else was killed and zombified, including Sydan's adopted father. So, when the coast was clear, the squad led the survivors to the nearest town, Sydan wrangled some shelter and employment for the villagers because she was the only one capable of speaking, I guess (more specifically, I was one of the four players who actually roleplayed), and they set out to figure out just how the hell to take the lich down.
This is about the clearest part of the story I remember beyond brief moments like a dwarven bard managing to castrate a hydra with a spear; Sydan giving the later half-elf ranger a phobia of celestial summons because he failed a perception check as they were falling out of the sky and she summoned a celestial griffin to save them both; asking if Sydan could use Monk's ability to turn his skin to diamonds as a catalyst for resurrection spells (No); and our DM having to deus ex me a bunch of diamonds because a squad of party members managed to get themselves killed almost to a man during a fight.
As for Sydan herself, I'd intended for her main goal to be putting her undead father to rest and avenging the village, but as I said, we never managed to get there. I played her as a nice, polite, helpful young woman who was a dutiful cleric, but had her little quirks like being obsessed with rapiers and having an occasional spiteful streak. But BOY OH BOY, it's hard to roleplay with that many goddamn people at once, only four of whom tended to pay attention.
#24: Enosin "Sin" Alexander Idea: Former loyal soldier of the dictatorship turned rebel, secretly a living weapon, SECRETLY secretly a DOOMSDAY weapon Story: Year Zero (based on the Nine Inch Nails album of the same name)
Ah, yes, my first attempt at mature storytelling. Good gravy. Like "Experimentals", this story actually has seven chapters posted on my dA. If you really want to read it, go for it. Most of it is cliché and dull, but boy oh boy does Act VI get uncomfortably misogynistic. Full disclosure.
The story flips POVs in a few chapters, but our main character is Enosin "Sin" Alexander, a captain of Lord Gerardis (aka G) of the dystopian city of Lacryma and colleague of captains Hime and Luris. While overall, he's loyal, he questions his lord's plans for the impoverished Outer City, wondering why he won't share the wealth of the affluent, yet tightly controlled, Inner City. But that becomes the least of his concerns when G is informed of a strange find at a planned city expansion site; a mysterious glowing tree with a human figure embedded in it. As soon as G retrieves the tree man, he tells Sin to wait in his quarters in the White Tower, the seat of the government, until he calls for him.
A week passes, and Sin doesn't hear from G, so he takes matters into his own hands and goes to G's lodgings; there, he finds that not only has the room been trashed, but there's some documents he hasn't seen before lying around detailing both the tree man, now named Absolution, who apparently has the power to create life from nothing, and a project to build a weapon in the shape of a man that G had started 27 years ago. Said weapon was then raised as a normal human and had joined the Lacryma Army: it was Sin.
G was intending to use Sin as a weapon to obliterate other cities, people and all, then have Absolution rebuild those cities however G saw fit, thereby conquering the world. Well, Sin didn't take kindly to this. He took to this so unkindly, in fact, that he made straight for the White Tower labs with the intent of killing Absolution and G, hacking up every guard that stopped him along the way (because why wouldn't he use a sword instead of a gun?).
While he managed to stab Absolution in the chest, G found him before he could finish the job and proceeded to beat the absolute Christ out of him before leaving him for dead on the lab floor and sweeping Absolution away to who-knows where.
Meanwhile, two young Outer City rebels who had broken into the White Tower to steal intel and parts for a superweapon of their own, Alucard and Rez, found the dying Sin and brought him back to their hideout. They believed that if he could be persuaded to join them, he'd be a great asset to their cause of overthrowing G; of course, their leader, Taris, made sure to inform him that if he didn't accept, they'd kill him. Sin, convalescing in their base and boiling with rage, accepted...and as soon as he was left alone, he started to have a freakout because he could now hear the voice of the weapon speaking to him and it wouldn't shut up until he carved a capital G into his hand.
Chronologically, Act VI was the last completed work to happen, wherein his former compatriot Luris happened to have found him at the base (which was a problem because if she knew, then G almost certainly knew). Sin had never liked Luris because her specialty was seduction and assassination, and because she'd apparently started to even murderfuck Inner City citizens just to keep her skills sharp. Luris tried to convince him that she'd abandoned G, and that she'd always been in love with Sin, but he knew better. He played along until the clothes started coming off, got her on his bed, and then whipped out the knife he apparently kept under his pillow and stabbed her to death.
Our hero, ladies and gentlemen.
I know Teen Nost was going for "The weapon was making him slowly lose his mind and become this angry, monstrous thing," but much like accidentally making Mige an alcoholic, I accidentally made Sin a misogynist.
As for what was supposed to be the rest of the story, since Sin now knew G was definitely coming for the rebels, they'd need to get their superweapon up and mobile immediately. The rebels would fight their way to the Inner City,  and return to the White Tower, where G and Absolution were waiting. Absolution would pull a little coup of his own against G, because Absolution had no interest in G's world domination plan. Instead, he was much more interested in Sin's inner weapon, the Great Destroyer. He wanted to activate Sin to kill absolutely everything so he could create a world for just the two of them.
They have a fight, Enosin wins, Enosin Man~
More specifically, the Great Destroyer would be activated, but Sin would manage to contain the damage to the Inner City, he'd fight and destroy Absolution, and then he'd probably fuck off to wander the Earth while the survivors picked up the pieces.
This is one of those stories that I come back to from time to time just because I feel like there is still a worthy outline here, and Adult Nost might have the chops to make something a little more interesting with it.
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I still can't believe that HIM broke up.They are my favorite band and seeing this today broke my heart into a million pieces. HIM I wish you all well and I love you so so much.Thank you,thank you so much for such beautiful music, I wont ever stop listening to it.I LOVE YOU HIM AND I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST
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kawaiipickle · 8 years
HIM - Join Me In Death 
 The aesthetic in this clip was insane *_* 10/10
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