#might change sunny's name it just doesn't seem That fitting
dellain · 9 months
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well, not much of a ref sheet, but i had fun
the family:
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thank you to flowerbloom for piquing my interest in muddler-like creatures sdhskfh
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
one piece live action thoughts?
It looks very much like a live action adaptation of One Piece. For better, and very much also for worse.
I mean this in the sense that it's adapted to fit a form that helps it make sense 1) in live action and 2) to a general audience which isn't intimately familiar with manga or anime, and which a broadcaster or streaming service would want to reach.
Luffy especially, at least going by the relatively tiny snippet we have seen so far, seems to have had some of his more peculiar edges sanded off to fit more comfortably into the mold of a typical young adult protagonist, which includes the... I guess what people call "marvel speak" now? The little funny quips and asides and ironic saying-the-obvious-thing-out-loud beats, which are more Americanisms than Marvel specific but I digress.
In One Piece, Luffy is most often not the point of view character, especially early on. Luffy is usually observed from outside by other characters - Koby serves this role in the early chapters, and from then on usually we see Luffy through his crew, or through whatever secondary characters they're interacting with in that particular arc.
People have observed this before, but in the manga, we essentially NEVER get any internal monologue from Luffy, he always either SAYS what he's thinking, or he runs on head empty no thoughts just vibes instinct and gut reaction.
And that... probably doesn't really work with a typical young adult protagonist. If adapted faithfully to screen, I think a lot of audiences would read him as just a reckless, inconsiderate and kinda heartless asshole, because a framing and presentation of Luffy that makes sense in a manga or anime just doesn't read the same in live action filmmaking.
Like, One Piece opens with Luffy recklessly sailing off to sea despite having no idea how to sail, getting sucked into a whirlpool and surviving on sheer dumb luck, getting picked up by some pirates in a barrel. Then he meets an abused child named Koby who has been getting the shit kicked out of him daily for months and immediately calls him a clumsy, stupid, cowardly worthless loser to his face and laughs at him.
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Like, if you adapted that faithfully, how would that come across to a general audience? Imagine this scene staged in live-action, with human actors having to portray this conversation rather than stylized cartoon people. It simply wouldn't come across the same way, Luffy would come across as an It's Always Sunny character at best. Why would a general audience sympathize with him? Why would they find him compelling or worth investing emotionally in?
And I'm not saying there aren't ways to adapt One Piece faithfully into live action, there absolutely are (much like the manga, I would make everyone ELSE the point-of-view characters looking AT Luffy rather than try and present him as a Likeable Protagonist, for example).
My point is just that in any translation into live action, there are going to be concessions to the medium, there are going to be concessions to film language, concessions to audience expectations, concessions to the market conditions, concessions to the studio funding the filming, and so on. That's just the nature of the endeavour.
When it's done well, you get an adaptation that preserves the spirit of the thing while fitting its medium. Lord of the Rings comes to mind, an adaptation which changed huge amounts from its source material, but preserved the spirit.
When it's done poorly you get... well, Cowboy Bebop on Netflix.
I don't know from the tiny trailer snippet we've seen whether this show will preserve the spirit of One Piece, it very well may not, and end up another victim on the pile of bad anime adaptations. But I don't think the fact that it changed the vibe of the characters or Main Character'd Luffy alone are reasons to dismiss it, at least not yet. Those might have been necessary concessions for the show to work in live action at all. We shall see.
I'm not super optimistic or excited (because, again, I remember Cowboy Bebop), but I'm not despairing of it yet either.
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Reverse Engineering the Half Page Character Arc.
[ sunday ] | [ sunny ] | [03.132022]
Hi All!
Thank you all for your patience and support these couple of years. It hasn't been easy if I'm being honest, however, it has become a bit bearable enough to allow me the chance to write again. I know I have a bit of an update to share with y'all regarding my WIPs, but I will post about those at another time.
My focus for this post is in regards to the somewhat known process called the One Page Novel method (I shall link its source at the end of the page). The premise of the One Page Novel is fairly to the point, plot out the basics of your novel onto one page. As a writing tool, I find it very useful and it has helped me organize my thoughts as well as keep my clutter of random sticky notes to a minimum.
I'll add a page break here since I can get a bit wordy trying to explain this, though I must add a disclaimer, I might write in that assumes you've heard an understood the aforementioned process.
Now comes the purpose of my post, the One Page Novel method has a companion method for character arcs, also named the One Page Character Arc. However, there doesn't seem to be a clear version of it online by the creator, nor is it available in its intended form. Paid membership for the creator's online writing classes is supposed to allow one access to these documents, but sign ups appear to be offline. Hopefully I'm mistaken, given the circumstances of the recent decade, I can give this creator the benefit of the doubt. But nevertheless, this character arc sheet has piqued my interest.
So in clear simple terms:
There's a One Page Novel method and its pretty good.
There's also a One Page Character Arc, and it might be better.
I am not calling for a bounty hunt for all to find it illicitly and bring it forth.
Rather what I will attempt to do is reverse engineer the process to fit onto only half of a page (reasons to using half the page this shall be explained below).
So what do we know about the One Page Novel Method?
According to the website it's a way to "condense and organize the plot of an entire novel on one sheet of paper".
As stated before, it works well.
Its structure is similar to that of the three act structure except everything is bundled together so it eases the process of figuring out where something should go where.
It's also split into two sections (those being the ones on opposite sides of where the paper folds) and directions of the One Page Novel has you planning the third act together with the first, leaving the planning of the second act to happen on one side of the page.
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The One Page Novel method also plays well with the "Action + Reaction" type of scene organization. Seeing as this tool is scene based, it's not surprising.
The full process is described in the link below, but I just wanted to gush about this process for a while before getting to the meat of my post.
From what is available to me, there is a collection of "Write with Me" videos posted, our mysterious yet intriguing One Page Character sheet can be found in only one of them.
Below are photos for my proposed revisions and some explanations as to how this half page character arc could work.
But why half a page? You may be asking. Well I'm glad you asked.
While using the One Page Novel Method, you will be prompted to fold it up from this:
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To this:
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My theory is, since you're going to be flipping through the One Page Novel while its a mini booklet, might as well make accessing the Character Arc Sections a little easier. That would be the main purpose of changing it from one page to half a page.
So what's in the Character Arc sheet?
From what I've been able to see from the previously mentioned "Write with Me" video, I've created a somewhat good rendering:
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While there's no article explaining the One Page Character Arc's process, but looking at this, you can see there's a some sort of flow to it. I'm guessing one works from the top down and from the end to the beginning. Looking at the story's resolution, I think writers are supposed to think of their character's fully realized self (or at least the character after the events of the story have occurred. Stasis would be the opposite, well maybe not the opposite, but a different to the Resolution's protagonist - a version of your character at the start of the story.
I love that there's a Relationships tab! While its small here, I think it's an important detail that most writers tend to forget when writing character arcs - that being their relationships with other characters.
There is also an entire side dedicated to backstory. I'd like to think the entire side was meant for backstory in order to give writers who love their characters can just have a free for all in describing their character's details.
With this in mind, take a look at my revised, half page version below:
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So in my prototype, I have stacked the sections for the Future, the Resolution, and the Stasis on top of each other making it a bit easier to go section by section to figure out what your character wants & needs to. I'm sure by reshuffling these five aspects can help with the layout, but I just wanted to explain the thought process a bit.
The Future would be a section where the characters wants and needs can be placed. Think of this section as what the character envisions their future to be.
The Resolution would be there to provide writers with the details of what needs to happen before then.
The two can be switch according to what you feel needs priority.
The Stasis would be there to provide writers with their character before their story even begins.
Backstory would have all the information either before our character impacts the plot (your character probably has no idea what's happening at this time) or the world of the story (maybe they weren't born yet while the big bad was doing their big bad things). Basically, anything having to do with our character.
Relationships would hold details about the main character and their connections with others. How they might change or grow or even end.
I hope this was an okay explanation on how to use my proposed character arc half sheet. I will try to post a few trial runs I have made using some of my characters later this week.
This should go up shortly before or after an update post regarding my WIPs. So I hope you all have fun experimenting with the one page format. I encourage everyone to have their try at it and maybe share their process!
Thank you all for reading! Hope y'all have a great day and stay safe!
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Gonna post this because it's been on my mind for a while. :D
"Bulbel" from Ender Lilies kinda fits Spamton in a way.
DON'T GET ME WRONG, you can't compare the hardships of Spamton and... the character this is really for. Imo, the character this was originally for went through worse things than Spamton ever did, but the lyrics still fit really well. This may depend on whatever headcanons people have, though. You could probably also say they fit Kris, Susie, and Noelle.
Sidenote, just because someone "had it worse" doesn't mean you had it good. Please keep that in mind.
Trigger warnings for these, a lot pertain to failure and a lack of self-worth.
All the seeds I sowed in a garden can't be claimed by me
Thought: Spamton's success wasn't truly his own, as much as he'd like it to be.
I gave it it my all
Isn't it supposed to be sunny now?
But my rain won't stop
My rain won't stop
Thought: Spamton achieved so much, yet it seemed he remained unhappy
The dreams that I lost changed nothing at all
I'm still my insufferable self
Thought: The goals he achieved were short-lived, and even after he failed, it's possible he didn't change much
But somehow I thought these crazy thoughts
That I deserve to be loved
I deserve to know love
Thought: Spamton's so used to being shunned by everyone that the thought of someone truly loving him in any way seems far-fetched, especially if the Addisons were the ones who showed him kindness and (familial) love. This might be something more applicable to if he ever sought therapy somehow
Isn't it better to be dumb?
To be ignorant?
Not knowing there is liberty in this world not meant for me
Thought: ...you probably know already.
Also, go play Ender Lilies! It's a great indie Metroidvania with a great (albeit super sad) story. The art style, the music, the story, the backgrounds... gorgeous as all hell! Idk how to describe it without spoiling it, though... Uh.
You play as a little girl named Lily. She's what's known as a White Priestess, someone with a high resistance to a plague that swept the kingdom, and tasked with curing people by absorbing the plague from them. It's an excruciating burden she carries, to say the least. In many ways.
Lily doesn't exactly have much in the way of combat skills, but she's able to defeat bosses and use their spirits to aid her in battle. The major bosses also give movement abilities, such as wall climbing, grappling, dashing, breaking the ground, etc..
That's... about as much as I can say without completely spoiling it. Sorry if I wasn't able to spark interest in it. ^^" Seriously, though. Check it out in some way, either by watching someone else play it or playing it yourself.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
A Chance to Love: A chance to know Tin and Can Part 2/2
Identity in a Name, as a literary device used for Symbolic Foreshadowing.  
A chance to love episode 4:
What’s in a name? A chance to love episode 4 introduces the background of each of the names of the main characters to the audience. Both Tin and Can reveal the reasons for their names at the same time sharing their perspectives and what it represents to them.  Both these two scenes are catalysts for the relationship between these two and will be explained further. This post will focus on how Mame uses  names in this story to  reveal the subtext/understanding of these two’s characterisation. 
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The reason for Tin
Tin later reveals the context  for the creation of his name in a vulnerable moment. It is Tin who tells Can the origin of his name which already showcases again intimacy because he’s showing a vulnerable side of himself to Can. Unlike Can's embarrassment, Tin shows resentment and bitterness towards his name and also towards his mother. Whilst Can doesn't want him to know about his name because of fear of being teased, Tin reveals his and lies that it's a messed up joke done to play with Can. Tin's mum named him after his brother as an afterthought; she didn't want him as a baby and preferred Tul over Tin. She named him after his brother so he can follow his footsteps and be like him. This  already starts to unveil his characterisation and his story arc especially when it revolves around  the shadow of Tul in Tin's life.
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Tin first shows up to the show, cold and distanced from people in his world. Until he bumps into Can who’s determined to not let him get away with his rude behaviour.
First thing we should notice about the naming of Tin
1. He’s resentful and bitter because of his relationship with Tul. He did use to look up to Tul but a revelation about his family dynamics has made him stop trusting Tul and also feeling betrayed by Tul.
2. He feels neglected and without his own space to fit in, and belong 
3. He feels like a shadow without his own story, character or importance in his own environment. 
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Tul and Tin brother’s who are forced to see each other as enemies, both turned cold and heartless because of the lifestyle they were forced into.
A shadow of Tul
Tul is portrayed as the most significant emotional impact on why Tin is the way he is. He shows massive resentment towards Tul, always calling him out and threatening to expose his fakery. Tul acts naïve to his claims but also indicates a snide approach enjoying Tin's insults, even saying to himself he won't be able to break down his mask. In Love by Chance, we're shown that Tin looked up to Tul, but something he did cause him to be broken and not to trust, his family members, Tul or even the world. Tin being named after Tul suggests that the shadow of Tul is what follows him around throughout his whole life until he meets Can. As a shadow Tin feels he has to always be behind Tul, never foward or in the spotlight, always being overshadowed by Tul’s presence and achievements. And it also suggests a competition for the family inheritance/wealth which both brothers may have to go through. Tin is determined to be seen as stronger, wiser and just over all ahead of Tul in everything in order to survive in life. Tul isn’t just a competition but he’s the very obstacle Tin will have to overcome to really grow and find peace/joy this until he meets Can who represents to him light and trust. 
 The shadow also suggests again the feeling of being haunted (connecting to trauma, pressure, neglect). Tin's stifling family environment has made him become someone who has to be cold, to survive. It suggests a competitive environment in which he has to fight to be noticed and taken seriously. The harshness of what he has to go through has shown him to distrust everyone, always to be alert and to see everyone as manipulative. (Including the poor, who he's been taught to see as gold diggers who would do anything for money)
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The tin man is a known character in Wizard of Oz his goal is to get a heart and start to feel again. Meeting Dorothy helps him regain the ability to emote and take care of someone again.
The actual Tin Man:
Based on connotations of the wizard of oz. Tin’s name is alluded to the very archetype in the story known as Tinman. A man who’s been cursed to be made of Tin, he feels stuck, can’t move forward and also loses his heart. Being a man made of tin has been alluded to stiffness, coldness, (without a heart), and emotionless. A very dark atmosphere and mood is set and  like the Tinman, Tin is seen as heartless by Can; he acts stiff and cold to everyone he meets apart from his nephew. He's also been taught or turned into someone who should not feel emotions that allude to trust, or love because he's built up a wall to protect him selves from others. Especially as the story unveils his past we see Tin is suffering from wounds of  being too trusting and to naïve. 
The way others perceive Tin is not who he is though, from episode 4 he slowly starts to reveal who he really is and Can also senses that he's more than just cold-hearted which is why he likes hanging out with him. We also see his transformation alluded to in the future events like in episode 1 where he calms down Can and comforts him.
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Can’s sunny and childish atmosphere contradicts with Tin’s cold and brooding atmosphere. One is  a child, whilst the other was forced to grow up to quickly in order to survive the hostile environment.
Can and Tin's dynamics: Juxtaposition as a device
From both analysis of these twos names, it’s obvious to notice the dynamics hinted and reasons for why they both need each other. There's a juxtaposition with the sunny personality of Can and the heaviness of Tin's disposition. Can's family dynamics also differ from Tin's, making Tin realise that warmth can exist in a family, (from season 1). There can be a trustworthy and loyal person that is for him who wouldn't be affected by money and greed, someone who doesn't think about his family's name (this also needs a complete analysis) because he doesn't care about wealth, or kissing up to people. 
Can hates feeling like someone bought him, and this is precisely the proof that Tin needs to know he isn't by his side for his money. Tin's love for Can makes Can realise that he doesn't need to be alone, and having someone by his side is worth the pain because of how much joy and happiness can be found from being with them. Their personalities compliment each other, provide the paths for the character developments needed, and they cover their shortcomings.
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Tin comforting Can shows how much his character grows and how much influence Can has on him. They both form an intimate connection where they both rely on the other the most.
The reveal of both their names: A catalyst for their relationship
The scene where Can's name is revealed is what causes Tin to start to opening up to him. Mostly because it makes him adore Can all the more because he begins to understand and trust him. He tests out Can's reaction immediately by opening up to him about his name. In the previous season he uses it as a way to tease and get Can flustered, he also uses it to blackmail him though I don't think that's happening in this season. (which is fine by me). 
Can's name being revealed to Tin changes their dynamics in the first season, gives Tin more power and reasons to be near Can. In this season it's used to make him reveal the truth because it makes him even more convinced that he likes being around him and he enjoys the warm atmosphere of Can’s family.
The reveal of Tin's name also causes a change in their dynamic both in season 1 and this season. Tin is shocked to see Can openly believe his story and Can reacts by feeling guilty for calling him unloved previously and also sympathises with him. 
For Tin, it makes him realise that Can is very trusting again, the same reason why he likes him, and Can like a child   latches onto his words and  takes on his burdens to comfort him. On the other hand, this is the first time Can sees Tin vulnerable and slowly starts to piece together why Tin acts the way he does, why he spoke to his mother the way he did and why he doesn't trust anyone. Can starts to find him self caring for Tin because of this reveal and ends up feeling hurt even more when Tin plays it of as a lie. 
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Their relationship focuses on having a hand to hold, someone to trust and feel understood and known by. Someone who invades their comfort space and makes them confront their insecurities.
The relationship changes because Can is more open to Tin and willing to be a friend to him because of this reveal. This makes them see parts of themselves that people don't see usually making them start to lean on each other whenever the other needs, i.e. episode 1 when Can cries to Tin on his shoulder about his failures.
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Tin and Can played by Mean and Plan in A Chance to Love
Both the names of Tin and Can while seeming odd actually ends up revealing layers of their characters which also shows why the two are made for each other. Whilst this post might be repetitive; it's because there is an emphasis on how different they need to be to complete each other. You've heard the phrase opposites attract, Mame uses Tin and Can to showcase the strengths of that argument. As we continue to break down the dynamics of these 2's relationship, I can't wait to know more about the two, especially why Tin is the way he is, is Tul actually as bad as he thinks or is it a misunderstanding, and how will Can realise his feelings for Tin and will the family try to ruin that. So many places the story can go and I can't wait to watch it. 
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goldenswan · 5 years
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Diary #2
Sunny morning and enjoyable coffee. Today was quite relaxing. No calls to ring, no big news to be rushed to me, no person in need of training. I've received some new gifts too. The one i am the most grateful is a beautiful set of oil colors. I've played with them during the day working on beautiful sunrise. Such a productive day made have such a good mood that i started preparing for the job a bit earlier this time. The dress for tonight was a long, close-fitting, backless dress made of with a deep blue velvet. Today i hade chosen a diamond necklace as my main accessory.
The bar opened like any other evening. People came and go. Jungwoo sent me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, again, which only meant today is friday. I wish i've could more but i can't apreciate men like him. His effort is something to be admired. But until he will be able to be more upfront with his desire for me it won't work. Come here, show yourself in front of me if you truly want me to see you as a man, do not just hide behind small gifts, like any man i've just worked with. I wish for the time you will actually be able to do it, maybe you might be able to change my heart but curently you're just one of my admirers, nothing more, nothing less.
Anyway, the day still went its own way.
From the people i chitchat with to the ones i've eavesdropped from what i learnt it seems that the new drug which showed up on the blackmarket is actually more dangerous than it looked at the first sight. It spreads like a virus, and big dossages makes people lose sense of themselves for bigger amounts of time, some actually don't recall but there have been some acts of violence because of them. The addiction grows bigger too after each usage. We need a deeper investigation. Our bussinesses might suffer but also win from it, if we play it right. We might need to get the cooking recipe from the source itself. We will need a plan.
The night passed easily this time. No callamities this time. But even if they would have appeared I have a small protector this time. It's actually a cute feeling to have someone here, but still, not healthy at all for him. He doesn't even consume alcohol but he stayed and watched me for the whole night. I do understand the loneliness he has, i had it too. Living in an orphanage will always be harsh on a young mind. I let him sleep at my place from time to time, when he wants to talk, having my couch free, but still, he has his dorm room and friends of his age now. It was cute in the past but he shouldn't always just come to me. I don't want to break him. I feel flattered by him but still that's not how he should live. He's at the age where he should hang out more with his teammates, train with them and prepare for anything that might appear, maybe it's my fault for babying him too much when he first joined. Sorry Jisung, I need to be more cold and push you for a bit. It will hurt but it has to be done, towards many people around me, i can let only one person to rely on me, even with him i have doubts. But... how many times have i already wrote this but didn't actually put it into action. I've became too soft. I wonder, how much my past self would laugh seeing me like this. I can already hear the inflexions in her voice while calling me weak. In my voice, i am still her and she is me, i need to stop from putting boundaries to myself. But... It's still sad.
In the past I proclaimed myself as a man-eater, a cold woman who would stomp on any men that would show in my way, trying to lead me, fools that have been played. Now i desire more and more to belong in the heart of somebody, to truly be loved and love him too. Who is the fool now? Maybe i played myself or maybe this was always in my heart but only now i finnaly see it and admit it.
After all, look at you, the one who in the past woudn't even give a second chance of a man to talk to her now just as easily prepares the glass of wiskey to a man even before he reaches the club, even when you know it well he might not show up, again, just to jug it yourself when you have to close.
Open relationships are strange, i loved them in the past. They were the part that build my freedom mentality, but now i feel getting myself tangled with feellings that would only boast somebody's greed and ego. Getting all the attention i want, no need to actually give it back without a price or having any responsibility on anyone's feellings, flirting easily, getting any gift i wish just by pointing to it, thrill to step on a man heart, crushing him, only to give him a drop of hope after it, feeding the hungry eyes with my love but only by my rules, having a new expensive dress each night, i was living for these in the past. Now? I'm not sure anymore if this lifestyle.
Maybe i got old or got out of shape that i don't enjoy it as before, the wiskey glasses seems too get more sweeter too each time i drink another one of his, or maybe it's cause i use his glass, a small indirect kiss. How funny, only a teen would feel so naive at heart to dream like that, but this is my first time actually experiencing, ironic. Each piece of ice melts one day, maybe yours too will happen at the right time with the right person.
Ah, the right time, when I close my eyes and just let the memomries play again and again in my head. Him coming to the bar. The hard day being seen in his tired eyes, making me want to hug him and take all that heaviness away. His hand going up to loose his tie while he takes the glass that was already waiting him with the other free hand. A small smirk taking shape on his face because of me reading his mind.
I liked that. Just to stare at him while the low soothing music plays in the background. The dim lights kinda painting his features, sculpting his face and becoming a breathtaking piece of art to my eyes. Everything dragging me closer to him, being tempted by his tainting eyes and small sparkles within them, just like losing track of the time by simply staring at the night sky, dark, silent, mysterious. I always wondered what new sercrets took place again in his heart. Making his eyes getting darker and darker each time i see him. I fear that light that keeps fading might really dissapear some day, or worse, i will just let myself be eaten by it, his own darkness, together with him, getting myself covered in his own black. Romantic but tragic too. Tempting myself to just forget and lose myself in him. I can still picture it right. My attention would fall easily on his hands. Taking his coat off, raising his shirt sleeves up. Seeing his beautiful neck and adam's apple dance each time he would take a gulp from the wiskey. A small sound leaving his beautifull lips, together with a deep breath exhaled, relieving any tension from his body. His eyes locking on mine while his hand is traveling easily through his hair. I take my time, letting myself be mesmerized by each part. Soon my eyes travel again to his hands, each small detail that is elegantly decorating them, each vein pulsating from his blood rushing, how many stories can he write on me with those.
My own hands wish they would be his while i caress myself, letting my imagination run wild. Traveling and hugging each side of my body. Wishing to melt again in his touch. Feeling a rougher grasp but also gentlier feather like glide. Hearing his growls playing sweetly in my ears while i feel each part of him tensing stronger and stronger, his chest rising and lowering in the same rythm with mine, never allowing to catch my breath, selfishly drowing each of my moan i wish to let out with his mouth. The highs and lows i fell fought until we got closer and closer, relivieng with eachother climax and getting deeper into our desire with each new session. Open towards each raw fantasy we had. Embracing each shade of color we would have had it hidden. I might have learned how to work my body the best way but it's been too long not to crave for his way of loving me. His kisses and moans, the passion and hunger that he is able to pour into me, making me forget about any other woman that shared his bed in his travels. Making me forget about any man that took out a bit of my loneliness while he was away. I crave you, i need to see you showing up late at night, to enjoy eachother's silence while we get through our work and simply sharing in each other eyes the desire that only this walls will know it after i close. To scream your name and hear you calling mine. Doyoung, i swear i hate myself for it, but after so long away, i cannot lie, i do miss you.
All of this, because of her. She changed a bit of me, she made me see the beauty of such love, whishing to have it my own, to feel through my whole, she changed all of us, and her accident even more after it. I still have sour taste in my mouth looking back at it.
The only thing i could actually do was to show my support, which i am faithfully still doing it for you, my beloved brother. Even though i know you've strayed away from the man you wanted to be. I know you are aware of it. I know you won't allow me or anyone to get you out of this hell. You only wish to be watched. You wish for everyone to see and experience the purifying fire you want to unleash. Taeyong, you might have supporters on this dream, but, why i feel this is only a mission fueled by the guilt and resentment, a guilt you should actually share it with us, so we can all grieve fully, so you can heal. Cause while i look to the story that you plan i only see an ugly ending. I know i should let you do it, but you leaving me, is a selfish thought that i would never want to happen. I will support you, but i will also be sure somebody will stop you. You need a wake up call. Has the promise you made for your grandfather been forgotten.
I need to go back to church, i can only pray for you. Pray for you that for each night you visit my place and let out all your cries of guilt and desperation burried deep indside it will be enough to just be with you. Going together through this, trying to lift a bit of your heavy cross, even if it will mean making mine push me harder to ground.
I need time, time to find the right solution to make you keep going until a new light will show at your end of tunnel. Please don't leave me so soon my dear brother. I love you too much to see you turning away. Hope my own cry will be heard one time by somebody and hope you will truly understand that what i will do, it will be for your own good. Until then, i will need to keep working and become stronger, for the two of us. I will bring it back that life, we will be like the old times, when we were together, playing family. I will keep you strong. This time i won't allow myself to be weak, to anyone, not even to the ones i love.
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nullum-nocte · 6 years
Layers: About the muse
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Name -  Gladion Aether 
Eye colour -  A light Emarald  
Hair style / colour - Light blond hair his hair is shaved on the side with ripped designs shaved into it to match his edgy aesthetics. He has long messy bangs that covers one of his eye and part of his forehead. His hair type is straight and is unlike for it to ever curl or have waves naturally though in humid weather it puffs up slightly. When it’s clean it’s very soft and silky to the touch. 
Height- currently is 5′8 when he’s older he’s a settled 6′0
 Clothing style - tight clothing, it slightly restricts his movements but on a subconscious level that comforts him. While in public he wears long sleeves to hide his skin, another subconscious comfort for him to keep his skin out of sight of others or he’d feel to open.  While alone in his safe spot he’ll mostly stip to his boxers and relax fully. Once he’s able to afford other clothes he’ll wear sweatpants or loose pj’s while alone and short sleeves. He has one or two black skirts hidden away in his closet, he wants to wear them with the black and red leggings he bought but is too shy to do so. 
Best physical feature:  His smile, his truly happy smile. It’s like watching a flower bloom, from the grumpy cool bud to the open flower. When he's truly happy it’s hard to hide the corner of his eyes crinkling to the way he seems to glow.  
Fears -  Lusamine, failure, letting Lillie and his friends down, getting Lillie/his friends killed, losing his team
Guilty pleasure -  Cooking while listening to Taylor Swift
Biggest pet peeve - Being looked down on
Ambitions for the future - currently he wants to take Lusamine down, in post-game verse he’s lost and unsure of what he really wants to do now that his biggest motivation is taken care of. If he had the choice he’d go back to traveling the islands and listening to music. If he felt like he had the choice he’d quickly flee the islands and travel across the world on foot.
First thoughts upon waking up: “Did I sleep for an hour this time or has it only been 20 minutes?”
What you think about most: His team, his complicated relationships with his friends and Lillie, his team's health, where he can get food next.
What you think about before bed: “I hope I’ll be able to feed my team tomorrow...” money is tight and when money is tight he’ll more times than not feed his team before himself.
What your best quality is: Being able to stay relatively calm in stressful situations/emergencies  (as long as Lusamine is not the cause of the stressful situation)
Single or group dates -  Single, he’d die if his friends came along on his date with their own dates. He’d most likely try to sneak out with his date if he was forced to go on a group date.
To be loved or respected -  Outwardly he might say respected but inwardly he rather be loved. At least if you’re loved you have their loyalty.
Beauty or brains - Brains, he’s seen what vanity can do to a person and along with his mixed up perception of beauty, it’s just for the best.  
Dogs or cats -. You dare ask this question to a boy who has mostly dog like pokemon? ridiculous! 
Lie- Any time anyone asks about his well being and emotional state 
Believe in yourself- Doesn't but pretends he does. If he doesn't believe in himself then how will he get stronger?
Believe in love- Daydreams almost obsessively about this when he’s upset or lonely
Want someone - Is not unaware of the need but it’s more of an abstract concept of a person then something solid.
Been on stage:  Yes
Done drugs:  Maybe.
Changed who you were to fit in: Was more done for survival then the actaul want to fit in.
Favourite color -  Black, Blood red‘s, Silver, Greys, Browns 
Favourite animal -  favorite animal? you mean? Type Null? Yes.
Favourite movie -  Is it some tragic tale that has lots of heartbreak but then near the end everyone manages to be happy in their own way? Then yes, those types of films give him hope for himself. 
Favourite game - story-driven games with an open world to explore on side quests ( or dating sims )
Day your next birthday will be - November 22
How old will you be - Depends on verse.
Age you lost your virginity - *angry computer beeping sounds* 
Does age matter - in relationships? Yes to an extent, he won't mind if the person is older or young then him as long as they’re in a similar age range. He’s not going to date someone who's like 40 when he’s 20 he's noping out of there so fast. Age doesn't matter as long as the subject matter isn’t about kids being groomed by lousy adults saying that to try to get their guard down. Besides that? Go nuts.
Best personality- Someone who is able to be the sunshine to his gloom. Even if he won't admit it and says that sunny loud excitable people are the bain to his existence it’s not true. Seeing happy people like that always makes him smile a little bit maybe not outwardly smile but you get the point.
Best eye colour - Less about the eye color and more about the person letting him get lost in their eyes. He’s the type to stare into a person's eyes a long time then come back to say something either stupidly romantic or just stupid in general, “oh Selene your eyes make me think of a dying flashlight” 
Best hair colour - Soft hair- that’s not a hair color but he has no preference. Maybe red hair red like blood for his edgy ass self but that’s him being edgy not truth. 
Best thing to do with a partner - Cuddling with his partner in his bed at the motel while listening to soft music or cuddling out under the stars. Will wrap himself around his partners like a dang octillery and won't let go not even in sleep.
I love - My team, Lillie and my friends 
I feel - the darkness inside of me consuming my very soul dragging me down into the abyssal plain in attempts to drown my individuality. 
I hide - the bruises I get from training and the way my chest hurts when I see friends linking arms 
I miss - my sister and what our family use to be 
I wish - that I could go back and change the things I did wrong
Tagged by: @toeachfuture & @moonkxssed @intelligentskull
Tagging: ????? 
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