#might delete this later I haven't decided yet
kabalow · 11 months
as I lie in bed, 4am and the hopes to fix my sleep schedule even a lil bit, I can't help but feel proud of my gamin today. I explored more of the open world it provides, i set myself for some great things (hopefully🤞) in the future but most importantly? I had fun
I have more thoughts but i would rather not dwell on negativity, somethin I've been strugglin with lately if I'm bein honest (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) but main thing is I'm tryin to be happier with all the complex emotions i got swirlin abt in my silly skull an makin my chest feel cold an dizzy. It ain't a good feelin but if it's wantin to stay i outta make it live by my rules ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
I wanna be happier an the only things stoppin me rn is.. well myself, time an the fact I need to talk to someone special to me but that's a lil tricky rn
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white-nolse · 8 months
This is a hypothetical question, nothing has been decided.
Yet, I'm still interested in your answers...
*Mostly simple stuff like the one I post on @stardust-3saders (promo? PFF, where?), but no fake screenshots since I'm still getting a better grasp on those (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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castleofshit · 2 years
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Gonna wake up sober tommorow like "who the FUCK stitched this"
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Anonymous asked: When do you trust yourself instead of writing what you're supposed to? I've reworked my current novel over a dozen times to nudge the structure closer to more standard ones, but it's just not working. It completely unravels until I barely recognize it anymore and gets worse with every attempt. I end up changing it back, until I remember that I'm not even remotely qualified to make that kind of decision, and then the cycle starts all over again. I'm starting to wonder if this story just simply can't exist? Or do I trust myself and write it the way I want to even though it's the wrong? I've been writing long enough to feel ashamed for asking this question, but only short stories and a disaster of a nanowrimo novel, so working on a Real Novel is entirely new and very scary territory. I know there's not technically a right or wrong way to write, but you also have to learn the rules before you break them and since this is my first Real Novel, I haven't shown that I know the rules yet, so I obviously shouldn't break them, right? I'm going absolutely nuts.
[Ask edited for length]
Imagine if you loved to embroider and crochet, then one day you decided to take up knitting, and you decided to start with a really complicated sweater pattern. As you can imagine, that's probably not the best project for your first time knitting, even if you are skilled at other types of needlework.
Writing is no different... when you shift from writing short stories to long fiction, if you're trying to tackle a really ambitious plot, you're going to plot yourself into knots. And that does sound like what may be happening. If it was a simple, straightforward plot--the kind that is friendly for a first-sort-of-second novel writer--it probably wouldn't be unraveling so easily.
So, one thing to consider is whether it might be time to set this story aside for a little while. You're not scrapping it... you're just letting it percolate in the background for a little bit while you hone your novel writing skills on something easier to tackle. And remember, every novel you write doesn't have to be with the intention of publication. In fact, it's quite rare that people publish the first or even second novel they ever wrote. Sometimes, just giving yourself the permission to write something uncomplicated and fun (for you to write), without the pressure of it having to be publishable, makes all the difference in the world. When you can focus on the story and sharpening your skills, your brain suddenly has the bandwidth to actually grow.
And... another possibility is you just do write this story the way you want to write it, not worrying about the "should do this" or "should do that." Just let it be what it wants to be, take the practice you get from it, and move onto something else. Even that doesn't bar you from coming back to it later, when your skills have improved, and doing more with it than you're capable of doing now. Sometimes, the answer is just beyond our reach, but when you give yourself time to grow as a writer, the answers can be as plain as day. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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moni-logues · 1 year
Namjoon fic prompt: 🚿🧼
Not sure to what extent this fulfils the brief, but I had a LOT of fun writing this one!!!!!!!!! Thank you anon!!! this is unbeta'd and kind of unedited. PEACE.
Sexts and Showers
Pairing: Namjoon x f.reader
Genre: pwp/smut, secretly dating
Summary: Namjoon accidentally sends a photo meant for you to your roommate, who does not know that the two of you have been sleeping together. First you deal with one problem (sex with Namjoon), then you deal with the other (telling all your friends about it)
Word count: 2.8k
Content: shower sex! Namjoon and reader haven't told their friends they've been fucking!, sexting, a dick pic, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex
* * *
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god,” Yeji repeated over and over as she barged into your room and sat herself on your bed. “Why is Namjoon texting me this?!” 
She thrust her phone into your face and the colour immediately drained from it. 
Namjoon: I think I'm going to need a cold shower... unless you want to join me... 
Ok, you thought, could be worse. There was maybe some wiggle-room left for some kind of plausible deniability. 
Unfortunately, the text was only part of it. It was accompanied by a photo that left almost nothing to the imagination. He wasn’t fully naked, but as near as dammit. You could’ve seen his erection from space.  
You spluttered, choked, didn’t know what to say. And then another message came through. 
Namjoon: OH FUCK 
And in a second, both previous bubbles disappeared, replaced by ‘This message was deleted’. 
Namjoon: I know you saw that... I can see you read them... 
Namjoon: I’m SO sorry 
Namjoon: Obviously they weren’t meant for you, Yeji 
Namjoon: PLEASE forget you ever saw them 
Namjoon: PLEASE 
Namjoon: I’m so so so so sorry 
“Wow,” is all you could choke out.  
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Yeji screamed, so close to you that you thought your eardrum might burst. “WHO IS HE SEXTING?!” 
The answer was you. Or rather, he was supposed to be sexting you and not Yeji. He had been sexting you recently. Doing a lot more than that, too. You just hadn’t told anyone yet.  
It was an accident, really. Neither of you meant it to happen. It just did. There was nothing ground-breaking about it. Same old story: you drink too much and get a little handsy with each other because you’ve secretly kind of always liked each other; then you get more than a little handsy and then you do it again and again and, suddenly, it’s A Thing. A thing you decide not to tell everyone else about.  
You sat on your phone to try to hide its buzzing. You didn’t need to check it to know that it was Namjoon. You didn’t know why he was calling; you and Yeji lived together: of course she was going to run straight to you with this. Of course you wouldn’t be able to answer.  
“I don’t know,” you answered Yeji. “It might just be some person from an app.”  
She looked at you sharply. 
“Why are you not also screaming?! Did you not SEE what I saw?! What I showed you?!” 
“I saw it! I saw it! But... I don’t know, he’s a grown man; he can sext who he likes.” 
“Not without telling us! Ugh, the gossip! He’s depriving us! Besides, wow, who knew he was packing like that?”  
You nudged her with a grin. 
“Ahh, let the man have a couple of secrets, eh? What's the harm? He’ll tell us when he wants to. And I think he probably doesn’t want you to know he’s packing like that. Doesn’t want me to know either,” you added hastily. “He would probably prefer that neither of us had seen that. You shouldn’t have shown me that! He’ll be embarrassed. Just let him have his secrets and his privacy, at least for today.” 
“But I want him to tell me NOW! I’m going to reply to him. The interrogation is starting. Maybe I’ll call him.” 
She was already standing and wandering back out of your bedroom.  
“You want to interrogate him with me?” 
“No, thanks; I’ve got some stuff to work on.” 
“Suit yourself. I’ll fill you in later.” 
She shut your door as she left and you whipped out your phone. 
Namjoon: oh god i’ve done something bad 
Namjoon: like really bad 
Namjoon: I was trying to text you—I was supposed to send it to YOU 
Namjoon: I accidentally sent a photo of my dick to Yeji 
Namjoon: she definitely saw it 
Namjoon: I don’t know how I get out of this. What do I say? I can’t tell her it was meant to go to you! 
Namjoon: Help me  
You laughed and pressed dial, hoping Yeji didn’t actually call him herself. 
“Hey.” He sounded a little breathless, his breathing a little heavy down the phone. 
“Yeah, so Yeji just left my bedroom actually. She showed me what you sent.” 
Namjoon groaned. 
“I’m sorry.”  
“You don’t have to be sorry; it was just a mistake.” 
“But how do we get out of it?”  
“I don’t know. I told her it might just be someone on an app; you could go with that. Pretend to have a casual thing-” 
“But then if we come out and say we’re... whatever we are, the timeline won’t work-” 
“Oh, that’s a bridge we can cross when we get to it. We can just say you lied to keep it a secret.”  
“I guess.” 
“Seriously, Namjoon, I think it’ll be fine. Yeji will find something else to obsess about soon enough, by tonight probably.” 
You were trying to convince yourself as much as you were trying to convince him. You were right, Yeji would find something else to be distracted by. It probably wouldn’t erupt all over your friendship group; it probably wouldn’t get out of hand. They probably wouldn’t tease him mercilessly about it until you abruptly shouted up that it was you, thus revealing everything.  
It’d be fine.  
He groaned again. 
“Just such a stupid thing to do. And I’ll tell you this for free: a very effective boner killer, too.” 
You laughed. 
“So you don’t want me to come over and shower with you?” 
“Oh, shit, I didn’t say that. My door is always open to you, you know that.” 
You sighed. 
“I’ve got a lot of work to do tonight so I don’t know if I’ll make it.” 
“But keep thinking those thoughts, ok?” 
“Yes, ma’am.”  
“Oh and Namjoon?” 
“Send me the photo, yeah?” 
You didn’t know about Namjoon but you did keep thinking those thoughts. They were driving you to distraction. You had barely read more than a page of your report in the last half-hour. You kept unlocking your phone, looking at your message thread with Namjoon, at that photo. At a certain point, it becomes more efficient to do the distracting thing first and then knuckle down. Get it out of your system so you can concentrate afterwards. That was starting to sound like a very appealing course of action. 
You picked up your phone again.  
You: have you showered yet? 
Namjoon: No, why? 
You: Can I come over? 
Namjoon: Do you even have to ask? 
Namjoon: (that means yes. Please. Please come. Come now) 
You shut your laptop; Yeji was similarly sequestered in her bedroom so you were able to sneak out without rousing any sort of curiosity. Thank god. 
“So about this shower.” 
The door had barely closed behind you before Namjoon was kissing you, pulling you closer, running his hands up your body.  
“You really want to shower?” he asked. His voice was low and gruff, his words mumbled against your neck. 
You laughed. 
“Transparency: I want you to fuck me in the shower.” 
He responded by nipping at your earlobe.  
“You gonna ask nicely?” 
He gave your nipple a tweak and you jerked against him, your hips knocking into his, drawing a quiet moan from his mouth. He grinned at you and kissed you firmly. 
“That’s my girl.”  
Your clothes littered the floor as they were discarded en-route.  
“Why haven’t we done this already?” Namjoon asked as he hoisted you onto the edge of the counter. “Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this so much.” 
“You’re a shower sex guy, huh? Noted.”  
“For you? I’m an anywhere-sex guy.”  
Your words were taken from you, from your mouth to his as he pressed his lips to yours and licked into your mouth. You were hot already, even before the shower began to fill the room with steam. That was the thing about Namjoon; he made you so impatient. The mere thought of him had your heart racing. A kiss was enough to get you wet. You were feral with need for him. Insatiable. 
When he kissed you, your mind was wiped clean, a blank static fuzz. When he sucked hard bruises into your neck, your chest, you were nothing but animal. No shame, no overthinking, no insecurity, just pleasure buzzing all over your skin, shivering down your spine, coiling in your guts, pooling in your core.  
Namjoon sank to his knees on the hard, tiled floor and kissed your inner thighs. He wrapped his arms around them, pulled you a little closer—you clutched the edge of the counter and his hair for balance—then he licked you, firmly from slit to clit and back again, into every fold and then into your cunt. You weren’t backward about coming forward and, when you had first done this with Namjoon, you had been fully prepared to tell him how to do it, how you liked it. He hadn’t needed the instruction. That first time, he’d had you reeling after a screaming orgasm within a minute.  
You didn’t think you’d last even that long this time. Not with his lips around your clit, his tongue warm and wet against it, the soft pressure as he sucked, the harder pressure as he flicked, the feel of his fingers as he rocked them inside you, insistent and unstoppable. He made a mess of you and, moments later, you made a mess of him, coming over his face, your slick dripping down his hand.  
He pressed sticky kisses onto your stomach, his tongue laved over your stiffened nipples, his lips pressed softly against yours and then harder, his teeth took your bottom lip and he bit down.  
“So about this shower,” he murmured against your lips, his eyes poring over yours.  
You couldn’t speak, could only nod, and he held you steady as you settled your feet back on the floor, your legs still wobbly.  
The room was hot now, the water hotter. As Namjoon crowded you against the shower screen, you felt breathless, a little suffocated but you didn’t know if that was down to the steam or to Namjoon. He ran his hands all over you as you kissed, your bodies pressed tightly together, his flushed, leaking dick trapped between you.  
Whereas Namjoon made you impatient, he seemed to have an unlimited supply of patience. He soaped you up, every inch of you, and you realised how intimate this was; it suddenly wasn’t just sex. He was touching your body with a different kind of care and attention now. Sex was imminent but this moment, this moment wasn’t about sex really. He turned you around, gently, running his hands down your back and over your backside, all the way down to your feet and all the way back up. He pressed a kiss to your soapy shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips then found the shell of your ear. 
“Baby, you’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered and a spark rushed down your spine.  
You turned and kissed him, trying to say with your body what you couldn’t find the words for. And then, 
“Can you fuck me now?” 
He grinned and turned you back around, his hands squeezing at your glutes, kneading, then pushing you forward a little, smoothing up your back and along your arms, placing your hands flat on the tiled wall, braced. He held you like that, in suspense, in anticipation, his hands here and there, his lips first on your hip, then the back of your neck, his body distant, then pressed close.  
You begged because you had learnt that he liked it. That he liked it when you sounded a little breathless, a little whiny, your voice catching as you asked him, please, please, to fuck you.  
“Namjoon... Namjoon... Please?” 
You dipped your head, pressing your forehead to the wall, your fingers scratching down the tiles as you continued to clench, your soft, wet walls coming together around nothing. Still.  
“Just one more time, baby. Just ask me one more time.” 
“Please fuck me. Namjoon, ple- ah, fuck—hnn-” 
It was familiar now, the pressure of the stretch as he pushed inside you. You swore quietly again as he bottomed out and dragged backwards, slowly, torturously slowly. He kept a hard grip on your hips, keeping you or him steady or both. The steam swirling around you, the clean, fresh scent of Namjoon’s soap, the water hitting your skin, Namjoon’s lips on your neck as he thrust a little harder now, squeezing past your g-spot, making your legs tremble—it was overwhelming. You felt transported. No longer just in the shower in Namjoon’s apartment. No longer was this just sordid nor was it mundane. It was you and Namjoon. A thing that had lain dormant in you, something you hadn’t seen coming until it happened and then you couldn’t believe that it hadn’t happened before. This was what you had been looking for. Yes, him fucking you, yes, the way he kissed you and the way he knew which buttons to press, yes, his dick hot and heavy on your tongue, thick and slightly curved and fucking you just right. Yes, all of that but more, too.  
You had not really talked about where this was going, what you were to each other, but now you knew and your heart grew three sizes.  
Namjoon grunted behind you, his breathing becoming laboured. Your name fell off his lips as though it had always lived there. His fingers found their way forward and onto your clit, rubbing in circles that started slow and got faster and faster as you made your dizzy way to a second orgasm.  
He wasn’t far behind, his thrusts hard and rhythm faltering before he came with a long drawn-out curse. He pulled you backwards, held you tight against his chest and you were grateful for the support, not sure if you could stand.  
“As good as the fantasy?” you asked, panting, your head tipped sideways and up to look at him. 
He kissed you, deep and slow, making your knees weaker, your hands gripping tight at his arms around your waist.  
“Better. Way better.”  
You twisted and wrapped your arms around his neck. He kissed you again, pushed you backwards, your body meeting the wall. He sucked on your bottom lip, nipping lightly with his teeth, then he opened his mouth and you rolled your tongue with his, still able to taste yourself on him. You traded kisses, still under the persistent patter of water, still hot and wet and soft against the unyielding tile. Namjoon murmured your name against your lips.  
“What should I tell Yeji, huh?” 
“You could always tell the truth,” you answered, too dazed to think it through. 
“You want to tell people about us?” 
“I never minded in the first place. You were the-” 
“No,” he said. 
He pulled back and looked at you quizzically. 
“What are you talking about? It was you who suggested keeping it a secret,” he continued. 
“Not at all! It was you!” 
“No, it wasn’t!” 
“Well if it was neither of us, then why are we keeping it a secret?!” 
“I don’t know!”  
You looked at each other, aghast, bewildered. Then you laughed.  
“We’re so stupid.” 
You kissed his shoulder and he returned it on your temple. 
“So should we just tell people now?” 
“What do we tell them?”  
You shrugged.  
“That depends what you want this to be, I guess.” 
“What do you want it to be?” 
“I want to be with you.”  
The sigh of relief that came from Namjoon was so large it was almost comical.  
“Me, too. With you.”  
“So it’s settled then.” 
You nodded at each other, once, firmly, and then went back to kissing under the water. 
Later, you sat with Namjoon in his bed, resting between his legs, your back against his chest.  
You: btw, Namjoon meant to send that photo to me 
Yeji: um 
Yeji: WHAT 
You took a photo of the two of you, Namjoon’s topless torso visible, your heads close, your smiles respectively bright and bashful. You sent it to Yeji. 
Yeji: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
You: yeah it’s kind of a thing 
You: that we’ve been doing 
You: for a little bit  
You: probably going to keep doing it some more, tbh 
When she didn’t reply, you assumed she’d had a heart attack. That, or she was busy letting every single person she’d ever met know about the two of you. If you needed news spreading, she was the one to go to.  
“So now everyone knows,” Namjoon said, nuzzling against your neck, dropping light kisses against your skin. 
“Everyone knows,” you replied, tipping your head slightly to give him better access. “Oh, also,” you said, suddenly remembering, “everyone knows about your big dick, too. There’s no way Yeji kept that back.” 
He laughed, hearty and full.  
“I think I’m ok with that, actually.” 
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vyxated · 6 months
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finally answering asks I've been keeping for a while ~.~
📝 sims2 & chalk'd ui, phone icons & wallpapers, cas bg recolor, font replacement, and some more (reshade & rig helper asks will be answered at another time ;; )
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tysm anon!! I had to wrestle a bit with the file to make the taxi image work, and at the end it came out looking super neat! Especially if you have the sims 2's music playing (found a super cool music override that does that). It's such a cool idea, and I've been researching on how to do it 😆 ngl, making cc objects is something I wanna do someday, tho from the looks of it it's gonna take me a while to understand the process lol. If/when I make any breakthrough, I'll be sure to post about it :p (It'd be neat if it costs money too to use the taxi.)
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jdfklsjf tysm @hellofears & @oshinsimblr !! I've been doing some final adjustments so hopefully I can release it within this week c:
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thanks anon ^7^ you can replace them as long as you have access to the files (pancake1 made a pie menu & wants sound replacement and buurz replaced the in-game music with ones from other sims games). I looked around and found these resources you might want to check out: TS4 Sound Tool, UI sound kit & UI audio instance list
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hehe tysm anon! My UI mods won't remove the shop icon so you'll need to grab other mods that do that. I decided not to do it myself to avoid having a new mod conflict ^^
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Hii @simplyamazingsims, I've tested both mirroredup & triple mirror and both v3 files are working w/ the latest update. The reflection setting must be set to low or higher for the reflection to show up. You can also try clearing your caches and try removing the resource.cfg file (file will regenerate, and doing this fixes the issue for some). Oh and ofc having other cas backgrounds can cause mine to not show up so make sure there's only one in your mods folder ^^
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@claravizeu it's a map override that I'll probably work on whenever I'm in the mood 😆
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Hi anon! For the phone icons, I used xosdr's phone icons psd to create mine. For the wallpaper, I haven't found someone who've gathered & shared the files for it, so I'll see if I can do that myself :)
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Heyy anon, it's a CAS bg that I made for the previews so it's not available to download. I haven't got the chance to prepare the files yet, but I'll try to find the time to do so ^^
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Hey anon, unfortunately the notification wall is associated w/ the texture file that handles most of the UI panels, so you won't be able to remove a specific file to achieve it. I've received a request just like yours so what I can do is share it a separate file later on ^^
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Hii as well, it's compatible yes ^^ you can use both mods as they don't have any files in common that conflicts with each other.
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heyy @icyaliyah, sorry it took a while to respond! While I don't have plans to recolor them, you can download these pink recolors by estellics & dumbabie ^^ and thank you very much!
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Hii as well, it's been a while so I don't know if you're still having the issue or if it's already been fixed. Afaik my mod shouldn't cause any loading issues on its own, as well as if you have the conflicting mod & files present and if you remove the conflicting files. So far, I've not received any reports of this exact issue, so I can't be of help. Sorry if that doesn't answer your question 😅
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ahhhh @veone thank you as well for using it ever since it came out!! 🙈
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Heyy anon, basically you'd want to only remove the files that conflicts w/ the mods that you do use, and not the other way around. For example, if you use TOOL, you'd want to delete the files in the Additional Files > TOOL folder (either both text and texture files or just the text file alone, depending on which one you prefer). If you don't use TOOL, keep the files be. So, if you only have the UI Cheats mod and none of the listed conflicting mods, then you don't need to remove any files ^^
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heyy @swithdream, well very belated happy new year to you as well despite it being april already lol there's an update to the cas organizers that I haven't done yet, and when the time comes that I update those, I'll try to include the psds for all the templates I did ^^
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Hii @kneptoone, it's a font replacement using TS3's Helvetica Rounded font that I made & haven't shared yet, yeah ^^ I can try putting it up for download since there isn't one out yet.
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Heyy anon, I've been focusing on other things so I haven't yet found the time to work on my older uploads >< I'm definitely interested in doing those, but not sure when that'll be.
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Hello anon, tysm! I'll do it at some point but not sure when :x I haven't properly played around w/ CAS since last year :X
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darkbluekies · 1 year
What are some of your favorite ideas that have been sent in from your fans/ viewers/ readers?
That's hard, I love a lot of them, but I'll try to remember the best ones I've seen (memory of a goldfish here)
two yanderes with their darlings becoming friends. I loved this idea and I have tried to write it, but I don't know how to do it, from who's perspective etc. It's a challenge I might not be able to do.
I think that there was an ask about Silas with a ballerina darling (or maybe I thought of that, pretty sure someone asked for it though? A long time ago?) that i really liked and now on later days have actually come up with a plot for that idea!!
An ask about Silas and Jerry sharing a darling where the darling is a part of a rival mafia but not involved with them, so that they're used to that world but doesn't like it. Still haven't figured out how to go around it in a way that feels the best.
I liked the idea for "hold my heart" even if it was dark. I don't know why, but writing it felt "healing" somehow.
Absolutely loved the ask for "i'd kill for you", still one of my favorite oneshots because it captures hedwig's character so well
We CAN NOT forget about this that sparked the entire "witty and uncanny" series
I have gotten requests about doing a collaboration with Jerry and Hedwig and I WILL, i 100% will because that sounds like so much fun, but i don't know how to do that yet, so that will be a future thing. if anyone has any ideas on how to put them together nicely, hit me up <3
I have gotten quite a lot of asks about Dry Kry falling in love with a med student that has sparked ideas in my head <33
Edmund going too far and realizes that he cannot buy / just fix his queen after killing a lot, that memory and fear doesn't get erased with money and now he has to actually comfort his darling. Hasn't started on that either
Edmund with a time travel reader. In the beginning, i did not like the idea and actually deleted the ask, but then someone else asked for it and I decided to try give it a shot and might have come up with a plot that could work! I haven't started though
I love ideas where the darling is sick or something, like this oneshot although its vague.
I think these might be the ones I can find for now (it's 23:37 i need to sleep) but theres a lot that i really like that people send in, i just haven't been able to find them all here <3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Okay- こんにちはこんにちは how are you doing sorry if this might be a long ask I do not know but anyways could you do door fam we're like I don't know since I haven't seen alot of mha content a lot on here so I decided to give you some anyways with ror fam with either a Todoroki!reader or toga!reader whichever one you want and please take your time with this take breaks if you need to also welcome back!
You can delete / trash just if you want I do not mind:-)
-You couldn’t help the quirk you had received; one could never tell what quirk one would have, even those who would do quirk marriages, meant to make children with stronger quirks, something that was now becoming not only outdated, but illegal.
-Your quirk was blood related, if you ingested blood from someone or something else, say a cat, you could transform yourself into that person or creature, but the strength of the transformation depended solely on how much blood you ingested.
-Your parents, your family, couldn’t understand, you were such a cute little girl, how could you have such a brutal and evil quirk.
-You couldn’t understand why they were always yelling at you, telling you that you were evil, having a blood related quirk, they told you to hide it, so you could be considered somewhat normal.
-The day you met your new family was one of the happiest days in your life, you were hiding from your parents in the backyard, hugging your knees close to make yourself small, not wanting to be hit anymore.
-A swirling portal of light opened up just a few feet from you, it was so pretty and after hearing your mom shout out your name, you took the chance and jumped into the portal, tumbling forward as you landed.
-You found yourself in a large room, filled with strange people, later learning that they gods and humans, warriors of the past, and you landed in Valhalla.
-The uproar caused when you arrived, a child, shaking, injured, and scared, was almost overwhelming.
-However, they were gentle, treating your wounds carefully, not trying to cause you more pain, and they were nice, patting your head and telling you what a good girl you were.
-When you told them what happened, with the portal of light, they were all unsure of what was going on, having never heard of magic like that before.
-They also learned about the world you came from, that most everyone has quirks, superhuman abilities, but were furious to learn how you had been treated because of your own quick, being blood related.
-Despite having never dealt with someone with a quirk before, your new, adoptive, family were supportive, they helped where they could understand and learn about your quirk, guiding you.
-Unlike your parents and doctors who were unsupportive and abusive, they helped you realize that your quirk was not your fault and that there was nothing wrong with it.
-Due to their support and love, you grew up with support and reassurance, and learned that your quirk was not scary, it was more mischievous than anything.
-When you first started experimenting with transforming into others, you, Loki, and Nostradamus got in trouble, them for coercing you to change into Odin, and you for agreeing to do so.
-You didn’t want to think about how you might have turned out if you had stayed with your parents, you knew it had taken years of therapy, on insistence of Adam and Zeus, that you get counseling, but you try to not to think about the ‘what ifs’ if you didn’t go through the portal.
-Your family all adored and loved you and encouraged you to always try new things, however, they were not prepared for when you came home with a boy one day.
-Your family knew that you were growing up, being a teenager now, but they weren’t ready yet!!
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crow-caller · 6 months
Also terribly sorry to send a second one so quickly but I hadn't scrolled yet. I see you're an indie author, and judging by the pinned post, at least privately published. How'd you do it? I've had two hundred years worth of an alt history dieselpunk lowfantasy world's lore knocking around in my brain but cannot for the life of me seem to get it cohesive enough to put words on my annoyingly blank Google document.
I am not a wild author success story but that might make my advice more approachable.
(I did a post on types of publishing and some very basic advice as someone who's done it, self and indie, with three books. That's here (I'll honestly reblog it again too in a sec) )
I think you're asking more though just on how I write. Hm. Well.
At the moment, I don't write much- 2018 was when Bad End came out, and beyond working on 1dg manuscript, I haven't had another full book since then. If I say 'that's six years' I may want to explode my bones, but it has been. The thing with writing advice, as in how to just do it, is... it's hard and devastatingly unique for everyone. I have an overflow of ideas right now, and I've been stuck on the same issue of starting and organizing it- as well as a panic over being a good enough writer.
Personally, I tend to work on a few keystone ideas and improvise in the moment. I decide the world and the main character and a few cool notions I want to incorporate or lead to, and set out. I find it takes a few thousand words or chapters to Get The Hang Of a writing project. It's one thing to imagine a cool world, it's another to try and write a character interacting in it, and just that experience of trying often leads to me changing my mind about a bunch of stuff.
I really like beginnings and endings, so I usually have them in mind when writing. If you don't have that, you can always start clumsily and revise later. Once you have started a narrative, it's much easier to think about your ideas in terms of that project rather than the blob of potential paths.
Still, how do you FIRST start? You have a world built up, so you have a status quo. A book usually starts with that status quo being challenged. A character leads a peaceful life, but a stranger arrives. Something strange is sighted in the salt flats. Someone finally quits their job.
The people in your world are used to the grand world you've built. They won't talk about how it works to each other and infodumping is awkward. So start instead with something being different and you'll find it much easier to explain how it ought to go. Also, read books. You should read mortal engines by the way. everyone should but it sounds relevant to your interests.
This has been some advice on starting books because I could ramble a lot more (and have, and have deleted) but I should call it somewhere.
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hes-a-plant · 1 year
Make Filet Crochet Patterns!!!
I found this website called flosscross.com which is super awesome for making filet crochet and cross-stitch patterns from images.
Here's an explanation of how to use it for filet crochet:
Find the image that you want to use. It's important that your elements aren't too small, especially for filet crochet, as it's going to be pixelized. Also, keep in mind that your image will be simplified to only two "colours" - boxes that are filled in, and ones that aren't. If you have a more complex colour image, it might be a good idea to make it black and white ahead of time, so that you can have better control over what it looks like, and edit contrast. To do this, use Photoshop and "posterize" - this makes it so that there are only two colours in your image, black and white.
Go to flosscross.com. I would heavily recommend doing this on a computer, it works a lot smoother.
Import your image. It will prompt you to crop your image, you can also edit this later.
Select chart size. This is where it gets tricky. If you know how big you want your finished product to be, good for you. If you want it to be approximately a certain size, crochet a swatch to determine how big each stitch is and do some math to see how many stitches you would need. If you have absolutely no clue what size you want, and just want a pretty final product, pick an arbitrary size that looks kind of okay and bear with me.
Select your palette. If you were doing cross-stitch, this would decide which colours would be closest to the ones in your image. But, with filet crochet, there are only two colours. See the box where you can type in "Max Colours Count"? Do not erase what is in the box and type two. The website will crash. Instead, make sure that there is always a value in that box. Mine reads 30 to start with, so I will delete the 0, and replace it with a 2 so it reads 32, then use my arrow keys to go in and delete the 3 in front. Your pattern might show red and white, or blue and white instead of black and white, this is ok. It depends what colour is the most dominant in your picture. You can change this later.
Brightness and Chart Size. If you haven't picked a chart size yet, this is when you will do it. You're going to go between the chart size tab and this one, changing the chart size and the brightness. You want to find a balance between image resolution and project size. Changing brightness will make the lines heavier or lighter, and can help all elements of the image be seen. This will take a bit.
Reduce Colours. You don't really need to do anything here. Do not make your white transparent. You won't be able to count your number of stitches when reading the pattern.
Editing. Here, you can get rid of any pixels that are out of place. Make any final edits to chart size under Edit>Change Chart Size. Select the symbol that you want to represent your colours with, I'd recommend going with the white square for your white (or "empty") stitches. You can change your symbols by clicking on the little box or square under the colour that is selected.
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9. Make sure the symbols look okay. Click on the box with an x in it on the top menu, and view symbols. Make sure they are legible.
10. Export your finished pattern! I like doing mine as a PDF, as it's the easiest. At this point, if you have a weird colour instead of black, you can un-check the Colored Pattern box under pattern setup.
Here are some screenshots of the pattern that I made.
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Here's the first page.
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Here's the second page, the actual pattern. When I print this out to use, I plan to highlight the squares as I do them.
Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions! :D
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selenacloud · 9 months
Bloom Peters
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Name: Bloom Peters
Age: 18
Race: Faerie/Fairy
Curious, Emotional, Insecure, Creative, Leaderly, Courageous, Resourceful, Prone to Anger if Pushed & Reactive
Physical Features: 
Light Peach Skin with Long bright red hair and crystal blue aquamarine eyes
Unique Physical Detail: 
She has light tint red cheekbones on her face.
Fashion Aesthetic: 
Loves Casual type of clothes, will be trendy from time to time but mostly wears feminine clothing. 
Unique Fashion Detail:
Has a Blue heart necklace around her neck that she has had all of her life.
Alfea Academy of Magix
Magic Skills:
Can Control Fire Magic
Has the Power to Heal
Has the Ability to Summon Power from the Great Dragon
Female Best Friends:
Male Best Friends:
Love Interest:
I kind of imagined her musical vibe would be a combination of Nothing is What It Seems and Take on Me both by Hidden Citizens.
I got inspired by @rivensdefenseattorney and @dragonfly0808 so I decided to try a hand at rewriting the girls. Bloom is first. I was gonna do her a teenager...but honestly, I couldn't figure her out lol. I've written and deleted her teen self like...4 times so I aged her up to 18. I wanted to make sure it wasn't the same but like.. It is hard so I hope its still unique in its own right. Anyways um this is my bloom. I feel like she should show some of that shy but hot-headed side as well which is honestly something I haven't seen yet, mostly told in the cartoon while Fate mostly went with her hot-headed side with not that much sweetness...also.. what's wrong with having parents who love their kid? Its in like every teen drama where a parent and child fight, its insane. Anyway hope you guys Like her. I might update this from time to time. Might do the other girls, including Terra. I honestly think that show did not do her good, especially with her outfits (next to the love interest, I liked that)
Will I make fic...no clue still thinking about it.
See you guys later!
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ddejavvu · 1 month
hi I submitted a request a while ago and I’m just wondering if you didn’t receive it or aren’t interested in pursuing it :) if the later than totally fine of course!!! Do you sometimes decide not to do them and delete the ask? Just wanting to know is all of course! Sorry if this is a bit demanding that isn’t my intention at all. I truly appreciate the time you dedicate to writing and then going as far as to sharing it with all of us!
well i can't really share details on your specific request if you don't tell me which one it is, as you're on anonymous 😭 but usually if i know for certain that I won't do a request I'll post it with an explanation as to why. if i haven't done that yet than you're probably good, it just takes me time to write and some requests don't always inspire me right away, it might take a little while.
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veeble-beeble · 1 month
Ok I don't have Reddit and I don't feel like making a whole account for it yet (I might do it and delete this later) but I need to have some written form of my idea out there somewhere,
*this is my idea for a Pokemon game similar to Legends Arceus, just in the future, in the Hoenn region. If you're not into that just keep scrolling*
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(I don't think I've seen this before, so if it already was created by someone, oopsie 💀)
My idea is that Hoenn, a few years into the future after Ruby and Sapphire, is developing odd, irregular weather/climate patterns that are causing major problems.
Hoenn, unlike some other regions, doesn't have a large area that is full of snow and ice; this means the region's ice-type pokemon aren't as prevalent compared to that of other regions.
This is where the game's antagonist comes in.
So there's this scientist (original, I know) and she is absolutely infatuated with ice-types. She loves them, they're her favorite type, and she thinks they're fascinating. She notices the fewer ice-types in the region and it upsets her since she's grown up in Hoenn, she loves the region, but her favorite type is lacking.
Her plan to solve this is to create a machine that will generate a colder area for the ice-type pokemon, but there's little to no funding for these projects (for a reason I haven't come up with yet). She is also criticized by the other members in her scientific community for her recklessness in failing to acknowledge how her plan would affect other nearby pokemon. They immediately reject her idea of the machine due to its dangerous possibilities if she pulls it off (they are taking no risks after Team Magma and Team Aqua's stunts).
After all of this, this scientist becomes very upset and uses what little money she was able to collect to proceed with inventing a smaller scale of her machine, despite her machine being prohibited.
This machine allows you to put a pokeball into a compartment, and it will materialize certain moves that pokemon has. (I have no idea how this will work, it just sounds neat. I'm being a lil silly w/ this 🫶)
When this machine is created, she gathers the small amount of colleagues that supported her idea to establish Team Blizzard. She uses this machine, with her ice-type pokemon, to force Hoenn to have more snow and cooler temperatures.
But it doesn't work very well, since her machine can produce snow, but not permanently change the weather, since none of her pokemon can (it's like when a pokemon sets up a weather condition that only lasts a few turns before it stops or is replaced with a different one)
So she considers the actions of an old friend she used to conduct research with (Maxie w/ Groudon), and another old friend she used to hang out with (Archie w/ Kyogre). And she decides to try and find a way to use Rayquaza (recently discovered after previous events from Ruby and Sapphire) to keep the snow around, permanently.
Of course, the player doesn't know any of this when they start. They pick up bits of the story as they play along, trying to figure out what's happening. The twist I want to put on it is that the scientist leading Team Blizzard is trying to gaslight them into helping her with Rayquaza and covering up her true intentions.
(This is as far as I've gotten so far, I might add more/edit it the more I think about it. If it's a stupid idea, let it be stupid ✌️😔 this is just a silly idea that came up in my mind)
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renegadeknight · 3 months
Can I be super obnoxious about the ask game? ‘Cause I’m gonna.
2, 4, 17, 18
If you only want to answer one… 17 or 18. (You know I’m a whore for the snips.)
love that for me 💙
2. a character whose POV you're currently exploring
I'm actually currently trying to wrangle some Tommy POV, which has been harder than I thought it would be 😅
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
Ugh so many but one I'm really excited to get to eventually is another alt meet au where Joel finds an injured Ellie in the woods while he's on a remote-ish Jackson patrol and then he has to deal with the fallout when some raiders/fireflies come looking to take her back
17 got a little long so I put it under the cut with 18, thank you for the ask!
fic writer ask game!
17. talk about your writing and editing process
it feels like a chaotic mess to me but I usually start with a very rough just bare bones draft of something, I usually call this "word vomit" cause that helps me combat the perfectionism and just get shit on the page. some parts will be more fleshed out than others on this initial pass if a certain scene/moment strikes me, but sometimes it's literally just "Ellie says something that makes Tommy want to walk in front of a train" like vibes and what I want are easier to jot down at first even if I don't know how it's going to play out quite yet then I go back through for a second pass and try to flesh out the structure of the scene, what's my goal and who goes where and does what to achieve that goal. this can be more or less polished depending on how many mental drafts I've done of the scene. sometimes if it's a lot of convo I'll cut that to another document to work on just the dialog with no narrative distractions and then cut it back in to work out the body language interactions etc. but I still sometimes leave carrots like "<something something he asks one more question and she snaps something back" and leave it for future me to figure out and then the third pass is where I start to finalize things and paying more attention to how I'm saying things instead of what I'm saying. I try to work out all the carrots that I left behind and make sure I've hit all the story beats I was aiming for. if I'm not completely done with it after that, I'll read through one more time just for a flow/vibe check, pick up some typos if I'm paying close enough attention and then post it immediately because if I don't then I will keep picking at it until my eyes bleed
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
This was some very early drafting for Stubborn Love where I thought Joel might push for Ellie to get a say that first time Tess came to take her to a permanent placement, and then Ellie promptly disappeared from said placement. Obviously I ended up going a different way with it, cause I felt like it was too early in the game for her to be running away and Joel to know exactly where she went. So I used that later 😉
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And this was also very early SL drafting of the "not your dad/not my daughter" conversation where initially I had this idea that Ellie thought Joel was just estranged/ghosted Sarah and so she sort of stepped in it a bit. Ultimately I decided to let Ellie figure that out before this conversation cause it felt like she would piece that together. (also an example of mostly keeping to the dialog in early drafting, and "Silence for a hot second" would defs get revised to something more eloquent lol)
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"Open to Interpretation" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 3/16: Small Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Word Count: (1K/24K) Summary: Emma Swan is appalled at works by modern artist Killian Jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. As their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally thought. Chapter Summary: a little glimpse into the life of Emma Swan Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, modern au Author's notes: As you may notice this while reading this chapter, I haven't given Emma's cringefail ex boyfriend a name yet. as you continue with this story, you'll find that I never refer to him by name at all. This is intentional so that you, the reader, have freedom to make him whatever cringefail ex boyfriend you like. You could make him Bagel or the flying monkey, or even your own cringefail ex boyfriend, or that guy who cut you off in traffic yesterday, or anyone else you despise. That is my gift to you 💞 Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 An hour later, Emma sat down on the couch in her apartment with her phone in one hand and a mug of ramen noodles in the other.
 She scrolled absentmindedly through Facebook, playing the mental game of "will I see more engagement posts or birth announcements today?" and regretting friending so many people back in college, all of whom she never spoke to anymore. Once the life update posts ended, she switched to Instagram, and was only a few posts in before she realized social media was a mistake today.
 It was only a week after her ex had decided they should take a break- but after all they'd gone through together, Emma shouldn't've been surprised to see him already posting a picture with another girl. Careful not to accidentally like the photo, she read the description, words about being excited to see where this goes getting blurred by the anger and annoyance clouding Emma's mind- not just sorrow over his betrayal, but frustration that she was stupid enough to let him get away with it. She should've seen this coming from a long way off, but she'd given him the benefit of the doubt all this time, only to find herself trampled on.
 She unfollowed him on Instagram, then on Facebook, and was well on her way to deleting and blocking his contact in her phone- when she noticed she hadn't opened the text that Killian had sent her before she left the museum. It was just the picture they'd taken together, which she immediately saved to her phone, then figured she should probably say something in response.
 "Thanks for the picture. Had a great time!"
 She was half tempted to post their picture on her Instagram story, just to rub it in her ex's face that she had a date this weekend too, coupled with some caption about how it wasn't every day she met such a talented guy, but she felt it might be petty and shallow, and generally uncool to get Killian caught in the crosshairs like that out of the blue.
 She turned off her phone screen and set it down on the couch, then flopped her head back.
 There had to be something healthier than social media to handle this annoyance and betrayal- wasn't that why she went to the museum today anyways?
 She looked back at her newspaper covered coffee table with a canvas and paint supplies all set up. It had been a while since she'd painted something with feeling, so she'd been hoping to find a little inspiration at the museum.
 She picked up the canvas and a pencil and tried to sketch something out. How could she describe how she was feeling after the fallout of this week? Broken? Betrayed? Small?
 Small. Believing you're someone's everything for months, then finding out you're more replaceable than a double A battery- the only thing she could call herself was small.
 She sketched out a figure, a young girl, just an outline, with her head hung down. She didn't take up too much of the canvas. She then drew an outline around her, one not unlike a shadow across the corner of the page, like it was coming from someone off the canvas- and like his shadow was part of why he felt so small.
 "That's got a message." she thought. She then thought about the message that Killian had included in the three paintings she'd seen with him. Maybe if things worked out well on Friday, he'd walk her through his whole exhibit sometime, explaining the story behind every painting.
 She wondered how much social media presence he had for his art- his Instagram had been mentioned in one of the brochures.
 "Maybe I should take a fresh look at some of his paintings for a touch of inspiration."
 She opened her phone to get distracted from her painting, but found herself distracted from that as well- Killian had replied to her text.
 "You're welcome. Did you make it home safely?"
 She smiled, endeared at the concern for her in those words.
 "Yup. Thanks for asking." she texted back.
 He replied almost immediately.
 "Pleasure's all mine. See you Friday at 5:30!"
 "Can't wait."
 Then she opened instagram, and tracked down his art account. She tapped on the profile and viewed his story- a link to a newsletter about the benefit dinner, a snapshot of a view of the city out the window of what was apparently the apartment the museum had him set up in, a screenshot and a link of a news article about his display, the picture he'd taken with Emma….
 She held down the screen so it wouldn't disappear before she read the caption.
 "Always a pleasure to meet a new fan! @nolan.blanchard.art.museum"
 Emma's gut reaction was a hint of annoyance at her photo being used as a publicity stunt- but it made her feel special as well. As she realized she was charmed by this and not appalled, she also realized that she would now seem a lot less petty to do the same thing. In fact, since she'd seen the story, it would almost be impolite if she didn't respond.
  So, she screenshot his story, then uploaded it to her story, adding a caption of her own.
 "The pleasure was all mine! It's cool meeting such a talented artist @artists.life.for.me @nolan.blanchard.art.museum."
 If he was gonna get clout from their picture together, she felt no shame in doing the same.
 She then went back to his profile and followed it, then liked some of his recent works.
 "The 'don't like after three days' rule doesn't apply to influencers," she reasoned, so she felt it alright to like every picture of his paintings that spoke to her.
 Which, though she wouldn't've expected it of herself even two hours ago, happened to be most of them.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Artificial Condition, Chapter 1
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we catch up with our pal.
SecUnits don't care about the news.
Murderbot never paid much attention to it, even after hacking its governor module. Entertainment is less likely to ping alarms, while news is carried on channels closer to protected data.(1) And, of course, news is boring and it never cared.
Now, as it crosses a station, it skims a newsburst while mostly just trying to get through the crowd without attracting attention. Fortunately, the humans of all sorts are too busy with their own journeys to pay it any mind. It has worried a little about security drones scanning for SecUnit specs, since they're all identical, but they shouldn't unless instructed to do so specifically, and nothing's pinged MB yet.
MB is very pleased with how well it's navigated so far.
Then, in the newsfeed, it sees… itself.
It stops near a food court, so people will think it's deciding where to eat, and pays more attention to the news. The image it saw was from the lobby with Pin-Lee's comment to the reporters, and credits MB simply as "bodyguard". The story mentions Mensah buying the SecUnit who saved her(2), as a human interest note to soften the grisly details of the body count. But, the journalists are only used to seeing SecUnits in their assigned roles, and usually in armour, so they haven't yet connected the new augmented human in the Preservation team. Which is good, because it increases MB's confidence in going undetected as itself.
The rest of the story covers how the company, DeltFall, Preservation, and three other political entities are joining forces against DeltFall, even as they fight each other over bond guarantees and jurisdiction.
Still, the newsburst is days old, and now MB wonders if the official news channels will have anything more recent. But, the higher priority is keeping moving.
On that note, MB keeps moving toward the transit ring. It can't use the typical facilities to purchase passage, as weapons scans will reveal it immediately unless it hacks the scanners, and it has no currency so it would have to hack the payment machines as well, and that's just too much work.(3)
So, MB catches a bot transport to the bot-driven transport section of the ring, and downloads some new media, and thinks about why it left Mensah and what it might want out of its life and freedom. Though, before it can have any of that, it needs to answer one very important question, and to do that, it needs to go to a specific place, with only two bot-driven transports leaving in the next cycle. The one leaving later is the better option, as it gives MB more time to talk the bot around.
I could hack a transport if I tried, but I really preferred not to. Spending that much time with something that didn’t want you there, or that you had hacked to make it think it wanted you there, just seemed creepy.(4)
On the way to the cargo transport, it does have to hack an ID-screener and some weapon-scanning drones, as well as a bot guard, but it just deletes any record of its existence, which is downright easy compared to what it usually has to do to work with company equipment.
The first dock it tries, with the bot transport leaving later, has a bunch of humans there dealing with an accident. Reluctantly, because it shouldn't be here in the first place, it goes to the other bot transport. The newsburst has it rattled, and it wants to escape into its media ASAP.
The other transport is a long-range research vessel, currently assigned to an uncrewed cargo run that will stop at the place MB needs. It's owned by a university in this system, and the cargo runs pay for its upkeep between assignments. MB would really like the twenty-one gloriously isolated cycles between here and its destination.(5)
MB finds the research transport, and pings it, receiving a return ping almost immediately. It gives the same offer it gave the first transport: all its media, serials, books, music, and some new shows it picked up on this station, in trade for a ride where it's going.(6) It offers the same explanation for its presence, as well: a free bot making its way back to its human guardian.
There was a pause, then the research transport sent an acceptance and opened the lock for me.
(1) I find this a little suspect, as far as explanations or worldbuilding choices go. I'm not an expert in any sort of communications methods, but I don't feel like this tracks with what I do know about broadcasts or feeds generally or how they'd logically be laid out if they did work this way. (2) That feels like a romance novel title. Technically, it's almost exactly a romance novella title: The A.I. Who Loved Me, book 1 in Alyssa Cole's The Hive series. (Book 2 has no info yet, but book 1 was really cute, I thought. In case anyone wondered.) (3) MB being relatable again. Why do all that work just to look respectable, when you can sneak around and get your real work done in peace? (4) Gotta agree. Even if they can't retaliate against you, either of those just sounds… awkward, at best. (5) Is it just me, or does that sound like the sort of phrase that would not come true when stated in chapter 1 of a book? (6) I could question why a bot transport couldn't download its own entertainment from the feed, but MB's explanation of the feeds possibly raising alarms about bot access have already more or less answered it. As a part-human construct, it probably has access that can look less suspicious.
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