#im just ramblin dont mind me
kabalow · 11 months
as I lie in bed, 4am and the hopes to fix my sleep schedule even a lil bit, I can't help but feel proud of my gamin today. I explored more of the open world it provides, i set myself for some great things (hopefully🤞) in the future but most importantly? I had fun
I have more thoughts but i would rather not dwell on negativity, somethin I've been strugglin with lately if I'm bein honest (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) but main thing is I'm tryin to be happier with all the complex emotions i got swirlin abt in my silly skull an makin my chest feel cold an dizzy. It ain't a good feelin but if it's wantin to stay i outta make it live by my rules ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
I wanna be happier an the only things stoppin me rn is.. well myself, time an the fact I need to talk to someone special to me but that's a lil tricky rn
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan! Its infected my brain as well (<- predictable deerposter behavior)
oh that one :) ive at least seen the deer girl floatin bout my tl ...
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hearin only good things bout GK is always a good sign ... can only hope ill have someone drag me by the ankles to watch/read it someday
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pasta-pardner · 2 years
rifp to every traditional artist who does their pencils and inks on the same sheet of paper. y'all are braver than me.
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rebelcosmonaut · 7 months
Im kinda tired so I might not express myself clearly, but complaining about adhd sounds so... stupid sometimes? Like I hate adhd for a number reasons, but when I try to express my reasons for hating it, I feel like I'm a tik tok teen trying to be quirky or something. Guh... like yeah, I caught myself at the store yesterday spinning my cart in a circle and making weird mouth noises, but like... is it an adhd thing at all? Like I know it is, kinda, but it SEEMS like it should be something I could control better. And idk why I can't sometimes. But that complaint in and of itself makes me feel so silly and like its even annoying to complain about. Maybe its just that I'm an adult with ADHD now, but sometimes I feel so childish. Does this make sense? Probably not....
The point is, sometimes I worry I look like a crazy person out in public for doin things like this and most of time I brush it off, but sometimes I annoy myself for doin it in the first place. Like, I'm an adult, can't I act like one? Or maybe sometimes I feel like my feminine side expresses itself more childishly and I don't wanna appear so feminine all the time? What does that even mean? Idk, its just a feelin really. I probably don't look as doe eyed as I feel sometimes, but man... Either I should lean into it or I should work to break the habit right? I wonder what to do...
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musicalghost413 · 1 year
ok. heres my hot take. theres a lot of like backlash against fanon versions of ships distorting the characters ect. which is completely correct, but heres the thing. sometimes this comes out as no i ship these to characters n its true character to canon but theyd hate each other actually. i cant see this ship every being a healthy relationship.
on the one hand thats a valid take ig each to their own but also why herald your take over everyone elses. like... in canon they do not hate each other. youre valid in thinkin it could become like that but it doesnt make you better than people who ship them bein sweet w each other.
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dozingzzz · 15 days
the first tickle moment ive had in yearsss happened today HENDBNDD it was tiny but omg in putting it under a cut cus imma be RAMBLIN
okok so. im sitting in the library doing some history work n whatnot yk reading my textbook and taking notes and my friends (ill call them o and j) come back from their class and come sit by me and are just doing work and messing around jokin around j can never be serious for 10 seconds lmfao
but yk i go back to my work, occasionally j says something to o that im like wtf what are you talking ab lmfao?? and go back to my work just back n forth for a lil while and then
all of a sudden
j traces their finger down my back and im like
??!?!??!!?? and squirm away so hard and j LAUGHS. they knew what they were doing fs. but omg lately ive been doubting like am i actually ticklish? no more doubt not for my back thats for sure. like. it was so weird its been so long since ive felt that it was just so HDNDHND??
j does the same thing to o who has a very minimal reaction and then was like "i did that to [irl name] did you see they reacted so funny" and im just like BDNDVDMHEJDBDN DEAD but just go liek "dont. do that." CUS IM SO NERVOUS and go back to work to not bring attention to it cus AAAA and its all i can think about the rest of the time they're there and was a lil nervous theyd do it again but they didn't
but like
J WHYYYYYYY BROO it was so weird its such a funny feeling like i didn't even mean to move i just did like knee-jerk reaction hdndhdndb
losing my mind
im so glad it wasn't more violent tho cus last time a friend did somthin like that to me was in middle school and i kneed my desk and it was super loud and i really dont wanna bring that attention to myself in the super quiet library HDMDBDM
it. was fun fine ill admit it but AAAAAAAAA and maybe yeah I hope j does it again but BDNSHDNDBND?!?!??!??!! im losing it
it was so weird its such a silly feeling i lowkey forgot
ty for coming to my ted talk
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dragon-queen21 · 4 months
AHH im back again howdy, i dont exactly have one headcanon i go off of this time, theres a few, its more like my misc hcs until i come up with somethin i can reallt write about, i hope you dont mind ☹️ i just like ramblin in these asks, its really fun
—first off, i see brook as a regessor, but i dont see him as a little regressor or even a kid regressor. i see him regressin to his 30s, when he was alive and still with his old crew. or he regresses to his 40s; a little after he died. when hes regressed its really hard to tell, for both him and the strawhats. its in moments when he wakes the crew up with his songs or sometimes when he gets scared of his own reflection or its when he has to be left alone on the sunny. he doesnt need to be cared for like a younger regressor, but he would need care in other ways. when hes regressed, he thinks about the past, his old captain and crew, he misses laboon.
Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Brook, Nami, and Sanji are flips. (Cg + Reg)
Franky is a caregiver only.
Usopp + Chopper are babysitters & regressors.
woah they we go!!! feel free to tell me if you have different ideas ! i love hearin from others !
— i have the hc that the crew enforced little zoro naptimes because he gets fussy (hes like a cranky old man except hes like. 8.)
— luffy can walk a lot of the time he regresses, he just doesnt want too. he prefers when people carry him. it makes him really happy
— sanji and luffy regress the youngest normally. theyre really silly! luffys very energetic, and sanjis more calm, but put them together and oh boy!
okay im done now, im sorry its so unorganized and im sorry ive been sending in a lot of asks
also i hope your doing okay, make sure to take time for yourself yk:)
It’s really fun to hear from you! I was hoping you would have more to share! :D
Oooh I like that idea. Especially love characters who have been alive for longer than a normal life span, when asked “hey, how old are you feeling?” They genuinely don’t know how to answer because age is so subjective to them. (I was actually thinking about this recently for two of my own characters so it’s funny that you bring this up)
Adding my own head canon, Nami sews plushes for the crew members, she would definitely make a whale plush for Brook! (Also she would make Zoro a cat plush and Sanji a mouse, anyways~)
Adding Jinbei as being a caregiver only. Just, very dad coded.
I don’t know if I see Chopper being a regressor. Well actually scratch that, maybe a pet regressor???
Because any childhood he could return to would be of a deer so obviously it’s less baby instincts and more fawn instincts. Does that make sense??? I don’t know if I worded that right, but you get the idea
(hes like a cranky old man except hes like. 8.)
<- XD oh my goodness I love this. So much. You have no idea. It fits so perfectly
Let. Luffy. Cling. 👏 ends up clinging to his crew mates backs if they can’t properly hold him.
Mkay but might I offer you the idea of baby space luffy? Paired with little Sanji who’s regressed to around two. Just. The tinies.
No apologies! Like I said I quite enjoy these! Send in as many as you would like to I shall happily answer all of them. It feels very rare to get comments like these and I love getting the excuse to ramble about characters with someone who is also into the conversation, you honestly make my whole day :D
Also I need to take some time for myself in the creative sense. The urge to write a very self indulgent fic grows stronger each day. I just need to make the time.
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cursedgarbage · 6 months
yeah! Cocoagraft! Hot chocolate biograft! Maybe you could make it make coffee,, im just ramblin though. Dont mind me.
I'm not sure if it would let me even... It was probaly made by Subspace after all.
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lightofunova · 1 year
DONT MIND IF I DO i arrive precisiely on time like im pepsi man, and you cant expect pepsi man of all people to be anonyous
where do i START? thats the greatest hurdle thats been presented to me today. and, you know, as i send this, ive kind of come to a realization.. that, like??? 99% of our conversations are via my streams, and i feel like thats FUCKED UP thats my bad and i apologize for that. i need to make an effort to DM more because you are such a bright light!!! literally every time youve ever popped in, said hello and gone to work; every time you helped me in pokemon; or kept company on drawings- its the highlight of the day!!!!!
youre so exquisitely yourself, you know?
youre like... i dont know if this metaphor is gonna resonate with you, but youre like when theres a really tough day. the universe is testing you, and youre tired. you go, you sit down, and you pick up a familiar game where just its sight brings you comfort. resting back, you alight the game, and you just.. enjoy. thats what your energy is like. your presence is a comfort, and you brighten the day. youre good. youre just really good. thank you for being in this community and allowing us to partake in this silly adventure we call askblogging
also, i try to not play favorites, but bah gawd, reshi is definitely up there as one of my all times. such a great character whom i love unconditionally. youve done well, and i cant wait to enjoy more of the story you wish to tell, and i really appreciate the effort you put into it. its a delight and a blessing to enjoy your content. thank you again
NDJFJDBSBSB YOURE TOO KIND HONESTLY- Ill be honest sometimes I really dont feel like I deserve such sweet words from others haha, when I first read this I thought that for a moment. But honestly this really resonated with me once I reread it, it means alot to be surrounded by such amazing people who see me in such a wonderful light and enjoy me just being me? Sometimes I get worried that me being me feels kinda like,,,a third wheel LOL or like my ideas arnt as interesting or cool as others. But its people like you that really help build me up and get past all that.
Honestly seeing you stream can be such a highlight to my day and it gives me something to listen to while I’m busy drawing or going about my morning! Even thought we don’t talk in dms too much, it makes me happy to chat on stream and just chill cus the vibes are always immaculate haha.
And honestly oml the metaphor is just too kind 🥹🥹🥹 I completely know what you mean XD i’ve been there so many times myself and have done it alooot the past few days(hgss shiny hunting rn, no luck on starters so far haha) But gah you’re too kind honestly, It always makes me so happy that people like reshi in all her silly forms and aus(i feel i saturate her alot in some places and that sometimes people get sick of her,,,shes my main child im sorry LOL i play favs) but knowing people love her honestly make me giddy and happy because it makes me feel like I can craft a story with her or make a game with her. It makes my dream feel real, yaknnow??
Anyways i’ll stop ramblin haha you’ve made my night so much better esp after a tougg shift and I just appreciate it so much, thank you for everything truly
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sumbreon · 3 years
this is really just for me to look at but i was like ehh why not post it anyways
ive been struggling with art feeling like im getting nowhere and seeing others like art summaries and bein kinda down that i cant do that. but i must remind myself that i work full time at a job i hate and have spent most of the past 2 years in a real deep depression funk. i either dont have time or energy to do as much art as i want, therefore i do not improve as fast as i want. but also I HAVE IMPROVED! below are what im loosely calling self portraits, in that kinda furry adjacent idealised way (the horns are missing from the last one purely cause i havent painted em yet, ill get there, gotta have horns but fuck horns are hard) im workin on not being so, so, so much of a perfectionist. but thats also hard
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side note: every hair above colour bar yellow i have had! hmm i never did a self portrait for the purple hair huh... I have wanted to have yellow hair for almost 2 years at this point but covid keeps preventing me from it! the yellow i originally did purely to get an idea for how it would look. soon... i hope.
with that sumbreon go the fuck to sleep, do you want to fix your sleep schedule or not bud???
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Oh Mahal.
Thorin could have grown old (with Bilbo). He could have watched Fíli assend to the throne with Kíli at his side. The salt and pepper hair turning into a regal grey mane. Maybe they stay in Erebore, or maybe they go off and live in the Shire. But neither of those will happen because
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good-beans · 3 years
Aaaahhh I start my internship tomorrow
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protectorcraft · 4 years
hmmmm. i should worry. considerably less.
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anemo-chocobo · 4 years
tododeku is really a titanic..................
its a huge ship that is going to sink  😭
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beehivebutch · 5 years
im suddenly recalling the first time I told one of my friends I identified as butch, she was shocked, very surprised to say the least. she thought I was femme and I guess I don't really blame her. i just wish she hadn't put a label on me I wasn't ready for, it wasn't her choice, I'm still figuring it out even now
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eirian · 2 years
just a couple things on my mind tonight
this whole time i thought i was taking the critique that my art style is “tired and stale and outdated” pretty well b/c i kinda agree w it, im heavily inspired by a show from 2008 so like of course its gonna be outdated right!  but like a friend said it does kinda feel bad to hear that abt smth ive honed and fine tuned for so long to get it to where it currently is u_u i guess i havent let myself feel bad abt it this whole time until now.  ive had many people say they love my art style and i have fun w it too so i guess it never occurred to me that it would be outdated
another thing sorta in a similar vein, sometimes i wonder if i stick w my art style because i genuinely enjoy it or just because ive worked towards making it look the way it does for so long and i dont wanna feel like i wasted that effort if that makes sense.  like..theres a lot of other art styles that i enjoy and would like to pursue i think, but i keep coming back and sticking to the one i usually draw in for some reason and i cant figure out what the reason is u_u 
art style is really complicated for me b/c i acknowledge that its not the most important thing in art and it develops naturally over time so theres not a super huge point in trying to focus on developing it otherwise, but also i feel like bc im tryna break into the industry i need some sort of appealing style too yknow? so i kinda do have to focus on it a bit more than id prefer.  hmm
idk. i’ll figure somethin out surely. i’ll get to where im happy with my style for real one of these days
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