#might draw them being haters together tomorrow
lapdogss · 1 year
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certified goofballs
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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Slides and Serendipity
Part 5 (3.6k)
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AN: So this one is a little shorter but that’s only because I would’ve had an awkward break otherwise. The next part will be up as well though so enjoy
Warnings: Language at most
I had to know what people were saying about me, so the next morning I asked Mara to give me some pointers but ignored everyone else blowing up my phone. I’d deal with this the same way I’d dealt with the issues before that, by myself.
Yogi could tell that something was up as well, staying close by on our morning walk and then following my every step after that, even nosing at me from time to time.
The pictures of Tyler and I that were circling the blogs were actually kind of cute, even I had to admit that. There was one from the aquarium that I liked most with me leaning against his side while his hand was resting on my lower back, his big fingers easily spanning from one side to the other. I remembered the tingling feeling his touch caused and not for the first time I wished that people had just let us be in peace.
You cursed at the two girls in the front of the video that had caused this entire shitstorm, even if they seemed too oblivious to notice anything around them. They were sitting at the edge of the pool and the camera focused on them before slowly panning out towards the rest of the area. That’s when you could clearly see Tyler with me wrapped around him, his tattoos making him easy to recognize for anyone. I watched myself smile up at him giddily while reaching out to run my hand through his hair before finally joining my arms around his neck.
The video ended then, thankfully not showing our moment that we’d had by the waterfall but the damage was already done. I could see why people thought there was something going on between us, hell from looking at the ‘evidence’ I was almost convinced myself. The hike with the dogs, the clinging to each other in the pool, the constant touching in the aquarium and lastly the shopping run for furniture all pointed towards something more that was hard to dismiss.
“At least I look good in those pictures”, I muttered to myself because if there was one thing worse than having such personal moments displayed to everyone, it would be looking bad so everyone could make fun of me.
After a light breakfast I finally dared to face Instagram. After tapping on the icon the app lagged for a second under the amount of notifications pouring in at once. I hadn’t been on the site since the aquarium and couldn’t believe the amount of traffic on my profile.
My message requests were overflowing and my follower count had climbed up quite a bit in the last 24 hours. People had even started commenting under my more recent posts, asking if I was Tyler’s girlfriend or insulting me.
I couldn’t believe the amount of people interested in this supposed relationship. For a while I contemplated deleting all of those stupid comments but I was pretty sure that new ones would show up anyway so there really was no point.
Some people in my messages were actually concerned about me ‘wasting myself on a player like Tyler’ but most of the messages were just downright mean, some even implying that I was a gold digger. I was pretty confident, especially proud of my body after countless hours at the gym, but reading those messages was harder than I’d imagined. I didn’t respond to a single one but didn’t delete them either.
Thankfully I was used to taking heat and I wouldn’t exactly describe myself as sensitive when confronted with insults. People had given me shit after I took down Flappy Bird and I’d even received multiple death threats, but at least the hate had been about something that I’d done and not because of who I was associated with or the way I looked. I took great pride in my work and people mentioning my name for something else besides my accomplishments hurt my ego more than I’d like to admit.
To distract myself from all this drama I put together everything that I’d bought for the office the day before, enjoying the mindless work for the next few hours, but I knew that eventually I had to face my situation so I looked at my phone.
Tyler had texted me earlier to see how I was doing and Katie had reached out to me as well. My girls had let me know that they’d listen if needed and then proceeded to send cute animal pictures for me to look at, knowing full well by now that I usually preferred to be left alone to deal with my problems.
Before I could even think about what to respond to Tyler, my phone announced an incoming call from Mia. It was weird to hear her voice again after close to three years but we instantly fell back into our old patterns, chatting easily before deciding to grab dinner together tomorrow. I was pretty confident that I could convince her to come work with me and at this point I couldn’t wait to be productive again.
I let everyone know that I was doing alright and then decided to go on a run, something that always helped me to think.
I changed and put a leash on Yogi, my feet pounding on the pavement soon. I played some music for the rhythm but kept it low so I could clear my head.
Setting one foot in front of the other I tried my best to see the situation from an objective standpoint. It was a fact that the damage was already done and no amount of denying the rumors would stop them if I wanted to keep seeing Tyler. I didn’t want to stop seeing him either, not willing to sacrifice our connection at this point anymore.
The run had the intended purpose and I soon came to multiple realizations.
Tyler was a famous pro athlete which meant that him and media attention were kind of a package deal and maybe, just maybe I should just get over my bruised ego. As I kept thinking about the issue at hand I realized that I kind of had no other option than to put up with the shit coming at me.
I pushed myself until I felt like my lungs weren’t getting enough oxygen and then circled back to my house at a slower pace, basking in the runner’s high to plan out the rest of the day before showering and getting to work.
I’d realized that Katie was probably the most suited to give me some tips about my current struggle so I called her. She didn’t answer at first but then she called back as I was pulling out ingredients for some lemon cakes, suddenly in the mood for some baking.
“Sorry I didn’t see you calling, we just got back from this team get-together. Tyler was deep in thought all afternoon and kept checking his phone by the way”, she greeted me and I smiled at her attempt to make me feel better. I didn’t like him not being in a good mood because of me but it showed that he cared at least.
“Yeah about that, I need some advice from you…”, I started and then asked how she dealt with people thinking that they had the right to judge her based on her relationship with Jamie. I knew that she had a private Instagram profile now and while that might deter some hate, I guessed that she probably still got lots of stupid comments.
Going private was not an option for me, as I used my media presence to pull in new jobs even if most of my posts had nothing to do with my work.
“I know me saying just ignore it is stupid because it seems impossible, but trust me it isn’t. It also doesn’t help that people think you’re with a player that has one of the biggest fanbases among the league. People probably already looked at your profile as soon as he started following you, some are that obsessed”, she said and I flinched at the thought of people following Tyler’s every move to this extent.
“Do you not care at all that people basically treat you as an accessory to Jamie?”, I asked her the question that had been bugging me all day.
“I try to look at it differently. At hockey events I’m simply there to support him and I’m more than willing to take a step back in those cases. For everything else you just have to remember that while the fans may only focus on him, you’re the most important person to him so it doesn’t really matter what everyone else thinks”, she explained and I understood what she was trying to say, even if our situations were different.
She told me about how she struggled with the attention at first, something I at least had some experience with. Only now it was for a different reason but I decided to just ignore that fact, drawing from years of practice at ignoring insults.
“You’ll actually get a lot of nice messages too because hockey has really supportive fans and those are always great to read. If I were you I wouldn’t delete the stupid messages though, new ones just keep coming either way. Don’t give the haters the time of your day and just let them pile up in your requests. Sometimes I respond to the nice ones but mostly I enjoy them in silence, that’s up to you though”, she said and I decided that I’d probably handle things the same way. I had to check my requests for work opportunities but I could just skip over everything else.
“You just have to stay calm amidst all of the crazy stuff. Things will get even worse when you two officially start dating so be prepared”, she continued and I couldn’t help bun notice how she said when, not if but I didn’t correct her.
“Thanks for everything Katie. I kind of reached that way of thinking over the course of the day but it still feels good to hear it out loud”, I sighed as I finally put the cake into the oven.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ve all been there before and supported each other through the ups and downs. By the way, some other better halves and I are going out on Saturday, just the girls, and your presence has been requested as well.”
I debated her offer for a second, knowing full well that I wasn’t a ‘better half’ like the rest of them but ultimately decided that I needed to make new friends either way.
“Of course I’ll come, thanks for asking. Just text me when and where.”
We continued talking for a while but then she had to leave because Jamie wanted to start on dinner. I decided to finally talk with Tyler and texted him to see if I could come over.
Tyler: Of course, I’m in the backyard with the guys so bring Yogi too if you want
He then proceeded to text me the code to his front gate, which surprised me. It wasn’t the code to his house but a big step nevertheless. I decided to bring along some lemon cakes and then made my way over, Yogi excitedly pulling ahead.
I entered the code and made my way around the house towards his backyard. Tyler hadn’t noticed me yet and I could see him spitting something into a bush.
“Well that’s mildly disgusting”, I announced my presence flatly and he jumped a little before turning towards me. As soon as I let Yogi off his leash he ran over to Gerry, greeting his new best friend before chasing him around the yard.
“Sorry, bad habit”
“I think you just mispronounced ‘addiction’”, I commented, knowing exactly that chewing tobacco wasn’t any better than smoking it. I reached up with my free hand to hug him and reveled in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. It had started to cool down already but he was radiating heat through his t shirt.
“I brought a piece offering and don’t worry, it’s diet-friendly”, I said, holding out the box for him to take.
“Why would you need to make a peace offering?”
He looked at me with his eyebrows crinkled in confusion, a look that made him look young and innocent.
“Because I shut you out and basically ignored you all day”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, I know it’s kind of a lot to be caught up in this shit so I don’t blame you for needing some time to sort everything out. If anyone needs to say sorry it’s me for dragging you into this.” He looked at me sheepishly, lifting his snapback to run his hand through his hair before putting it on backwards.
“It’s definitely been a crazy week since we met”, I admitted with a small laugh but I wasn’t mad anymore. It would take some getting used to but I was willing to try.
“Has it really only been a week?”, he asked and I knew exactly what he meant. So much had happened already and I was feeling closer to him that I should after just seven days but yet here we were.
“Are you hungry? I was about to make dinner.” I gave him a skeptical look that made my doubt in his cooking skills, or lack thereof clear.
“Hey I know how to feed myself. I’m not as good as you but I get by with a few easy standard meals”, he protested and I had to laugh at the cute pout he was now sporting.
“Lead the way then. I’ll watch you and we can have the cakes for dessert.” At least one part of dinner was safe that way.
I watched him prepare some pasta and was baffled when I discovered that he barely used any spices, despite having a full spice rack in his pantry. With a huff I grabbed some of them and then proceeded to explain to him when to use what, the pasta smelling more delicious by the minute.
“This tastes like an entirely different meal”, he exclaimed after I was finally satisfied with the result. He really had a lot to learn but at least he was enthusiastic about trying new things.
“I’ll make a cook out of you yet but it is a mystery how you could survive up to this point by yourself”, I teased and he laughed.
“That’s thanks to the nutritionists that supervise us, otherwise I’d eat like shit all the time.”
Tyler loved the lemon cakes, explaining that they were ‘just the right amount of sweet’, which was due to the apple sauce I’d used in place of regular sugar.
We settled on the couch with the dogs surrounding us, some sports show quietly playing in the background. He was spread out on his back and I was tucked into his side, my head resting on his shoulder. I was glad that it didn’t take a lengthy conversation for him to understand my point of view on the situation, that certainly made things easier. As if he was reading my thoughts he said:
“You know we can talk about what happened. The fans are a big part of my life and I know that they can go a little overboard sometimes but I can’t change that. I’m still sorry that people are giving you shit now though.”
“Really it’s okay. I think I just needed to wrap my head around things. I get that the attention and you are a package deal and if having haters is what it takes to keep you around, I’ll gladly do it.”
He smiled softly and opened his arms for me to fully snuggle up against his side, his arm now wrapped around my back.
“I’m glad that you’re willing to put up with it”, he murmured against my head and I smiled. We’d only just met and yet here we were. I’d never felt anything like this before, although to be fair I hadn’t really tried either. Besides the obvious attraction that was between us, there was also something deeper. He didn’t just make me happy, he understood me without needing long conversations or years of friendship beforehand.
Every moment I spent with him I could feel my resolve against not sleeping with him weaken. He’d been nothing but sweet to me but while I deemed myself a good judge of character I knew that one week wasn’t enough time. We needed to be stable enough for a friends with benefits situation to not get awkward or we both had to want something more. Until I wasn’t sure where we stood there simply couldn’t be any sex, as hard as it may be sometimes.
The show was showing some football highlights and I soon grew tired of watching. Despite having lived in the States for quite a while now I still couldn’t understand the obsession with it. The games were slow and too long and there were too many commercial breaks in my opinion. I didn’t follow any teams and the only reason I regularly watched the Super Bowl was because of the parties and the food.
“This shouldn’t be allowed to call itself football, their feet rarely touch the ball. It should be throwball or something like that”, I huffed and I could feel Tyler’s chest rumble with laughter beneath my cheek. As a German there was only one football in my life and it was the one that was actually played with feet.
“Throwball sounds ridiculous.”
“Well football is a little ridiculous in itself so it would be fitting.”
“You should be glad that I’m Canadian or otherwise I would have to kick you out for insulting America’s favorite sport.” I knew that he wouldn’t do it either way, his arms wrapped so tightly around me that I wouldn’t be able to leave even if I wanted to.
“I’d like to see you try”, I teased and lifted my head to stick out my tongue at him.
“Are you sure you’re 25? I’m thinking more like five.”
“Five and a half actually if you have to ask.”
“Very funny.”
“I’m hilarious and you know it.”
Now he was actually trying to push me off the couch but I just wrapped my leg around his thighs and held on tightly so he had to try a different approach. I didn’t expect him to pick me up before throwing me back town and moving to hover over me however. I didn’t even get the chance to resist before he grabbed both of my hands in one of his. His other arm was boxing me in and he had now effectively rendered me defenseless below him. At this point our giggles had turned into pants, his probably from the effort of throwing me around and mine because I loved the way he was manhandling me.
I looked up to him through my lashes, my thoughts going to places I’d sworn I wouldn’t let them wander to anymore just minutes earlier. He looked down at me with an unreadable expression and I would’ve given anything to know what he was thinking in that moment.
For a few seconds neither of us moved but then the moment was ruined by Gerry, who probably wanted to be a part of the action, licking Tyler’s face.
“Ew dude what the fuck?”, he exclaimed, sitting up to push the dog away before wiping the slobber off his face. Now I had to giggle at his exasperated expression and moved to sit up as well.
“I should probably go either way, I know you have an early practice and it’s gotten kind of late.” I was actually just trying to prevent myself from jumping him but he didn’t need to know that.
“Here put my sweater on, it’s gotten pretty late and I don’t want you to get cold on the way home.”
He pulled off his sweater and I really tried not look at the skin that was exposed as his t shirt rid up with it but my horny brain caused me to fail. I didn’t even try to reason with him that a five-minute walk in the cold wouldn’t kill me because I knew that there was no point, once he set his mind on something there was no stopping him. I also really wanted to wear his sweater but I would never admit that.
I put the sweater on and reveled in his scent for a moment before getting up to grab Yogi’s things.
“Look at what you did buddy, you scared her off”, I could hear Tyler say quietly to Gerry and I was pretty sure that that wasn’t meant to reach my ears. A small smile crept on my face but I tried to not let anything on as I reached town to get Yogi ready to go.
“Thanks for dinner Tyler, your attempt wasn’t completely terrible”, I joked as we finally both stood in his front door.
“Thanks for the lemon cakes and the spice tutoring, I definitely still have a lot to learn though. And again I’m really sorry for what people are saying about you, they just don’t know you well enough to know that you’re actually amazing.” I could tell that he didn’t plan on letting that last part slip because his cheeks immediately turned pink which in turn made me blush as well.
I reached up to hug him before wishing him a good night and then making my way home, thoughts running wild until I finally managed to fall asleep.
Part 6 here
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kokoinupi · 4 years
Jitterbug (Hashiya Nanashi, feat. Hatsune Miku & MEIKO) analysis, from an autistic point of view
Disclaimer: This is based on my personal experience growing up with autism, and the experiences of the people around me. This song is also really gay by nature, so if MikuMei isn't your thing, this is your warning. Obviously this is in no way any sort of official analysis, and actually, ironically due to my autism, I may misinterpret some things or have a hard time not taking lines literally, so don't get mad at me if I get something clearly wrong. I'm just very passionate about this interpretation, and this song comes very close to representing a real (canon) autistic experience. No one else seems to comment on it from that point of view though, so naturally I had to write this up! This is also my first full analysis, and I'm not good at being concise, so please bear with me!
Overview: The video, for me, is a major factor in how Jitterbug comes across as an autistic narrative. The name itself, while it is still a reference to a 1920s dance (befitting of the electroswing style of the song), doubles as a meaning for someone who can't sit still, and actually on a personal note was an affectionate nickname my family called me as a kid, so that tipped me off right away. All throughout the video, I noticed most of all, the way Meiko moves her hands while she dances is very close to stimmy behavior, not really like how a neurotypical would normally dance (nor is it a part of the jitterbug itself). While Meiko is moving her hands like that, Miku very often has something in her mouth, either a kind of stick, or the laser pointer, definitely suggesting an oral fixation. Of course, both girls obscure their eyes with sunglasses (I think Meiko's aviators look so cool), and while that definitely has some metaphorical meaning as others have pointed out in their analyses of the song, it's really not uncommon for autistic people to wear shaders and/or noise dampeners to combat overstimulation and sensory issues. None of these things on their own prove anything, of course, as the video is often a small part of a song's meaning, so let's dive into the main course!
Lyric analysis:
I can't talk about any wishes, nor my ideals
Giving out the same, invariant answer all the time
For being the first line in this song, this really already punches home the idea that Miku is dissatisfied with herself, and, as is often the case with autistic people, doesn't even know how she's supposed to navigate the world. She either doesn't know her aspirations in life, or doesn't know how to talk about them without being judged.
You don't need a rotten yesterday
Dump it before you get betrayed
Meiko, being the free spirit in contrast to the masking, frustrated Miku, assures her that she can't just hold onto bad things that happened, being judged or not knowing herself, she needs to dump her perfectionist tendencies and learn to live as herself a little before her own precariously-built persona comes crashing down on her.
Just fully utilize it, tame it
Can't give it away nor dye it tomorrow
I'm fully ready
Meiko tells Miku that she has to learn to work with herself the way she is, find her talents and use them fully, rather than constantly trying to change or push her feelings deep down. She can't give away her personality, and she can't truly make herself different inside, no matter how hard she masks on the outside.
Hungry critics that can't even move
are just glancing at you sideways
The people who would judge Miku for who she is are just hungry for something to laugh at, someone to other or exclude, but when it comes down to it, they're no real threat. If she can just get over that initial hurdle, she'll realize her haters are just pathetically lapping at any entertainment they can get, and they're really not that scary at the end of the day.
Who cares! Ignore those idiots
Given this is the first line they sing together, it almost feels like an admission on Miku's part, she wants to believe Meiko and stand up for herself for once, even if it is just among them for now.
Come at nights, grab my hand and dance
The girls are obviously fond of each other (just gals being pals), and in a way, understand one another on a deeper level than other people understand them, having similar neurotypes. Dancing itself is sort of a wild, energetic activity, that can help express a wide variety of pent-up emotions, and the jitterbug itself is a pretty manic dance that fits the image rather well.
Use your eyes only for me and let's light it up,
Your one and only, scorching laser light
This line is honestly just gay. I don't think there's any deeper meaning to the laser light specifically, but it is a cute thing to call your funky spunky girlfriend, isn't it? It actually may be a reference to how Miku really is on the inside, bright and strange, and often blinding and scorching to others. She hides that side of her pretty well normally, but with Meiko it's not only fine to be bright and weird and full of personality, but actually encouraged.
Fitfully ranking things and aligning them vertically
Abandoning my heart, I convert them to numbers out of impulse
Honestly, upon my first translated listen of this song, I didn't think absolutely anything autistic was happening until this line hit me. This is so autistic in nature, I'm surprised that a lot of analyses leave it out. Miku not only sees the world in sets and orders and numbers like many autistics do, but actually feels (most likely from outside influence) that by her brain being wired to see the world like that, she's abandoned her humanity and become a robot.
The magic gradually faded out
Instead, pessimism flowed in and was entrenched
I'm taking a little liberty here, but many autistics with savant syndrome (and/or gifted kid syndrome) are praised in their youth for the amazing things they can do, such as doing complex math quickly or reading at a faster speed than their peers, but later in life, when those skills are either no longer relevant or have averaged out, the things they used to be praised for become seen as annoying, not something to brag about, or a burden. Miku no longer sees the way her brain works as magical and special anymore, it's a curse and proof to her that she's not like the people around her.
Struck speechless by the awful scenery,
Very clearly overstimulation.
I linger in the raining streets, soaked from head to toe
Some wait for the sun, some grumble about the rain
All pointing at me inside their umbrellas
This line could very well be taken literally, but it's most clearly just a way of describing how different Miku is truly. She doesn't see the same things as bad as other people, she doesn't see the same things as good either. She could be the type that embraces darkness in life, both literally and figuratively. People may not actually point, but she can feel eyes on her, and it makes her feel even more alienated. Even when she tries so hard to fit in, there are some parts of her that are too obvious to change, and she knows she draws attention anyway.
Who cares! Ignore them right now
Let's smile, choose my hand and sing
Feel the rhythm with your heart and dance
I'm not sure exactly why, but the line about feeling the rhythm with your heart made me feel really connected to the song. It might just be because of my own personal music stim habits, but either way it's another line about leaving behind your facade, being as true to your nature as possible, and just dancing out your worries to the beat of the song.
On this rainy stage, as bright as the scorching light
This line embraces the idea of Miku preferring the rain. No one else has to like the stage they set for themselves, because when they're together, it's just about them and what they want to do. Miku can soak herself in rain and bright, scorching light, and just exist with no one around to point and stare.
Eyes go dim and words are lost
While this can just be a reference to depression in general, it's worth noting that many autistics have trouble showing expressions, and/or go nonverbal, often in response to stress or unusually upsetting circumstances.
The colors of today have faded out
Still, it couldn't end because of someone
This can be a way of insinuating that Miku is actually suicidal due to how she's seen by others, and Meiko is the one thing keeping her here, or it could just mean that Meiko stopped her days from getting too bad in a moderate sense. Either way, pretty gay, and shows more how much the girls depend on each other in mutual understanding.
Who cares! Ignore those idiots!
Come at nights, dance and grasp your aspirations
Referring back to the first line, Meiko does assure Miku that not everything needs to be worked out for others' sake, but by spending time with your true self and unpacking your feelings, the future you're supposed to have and the things that truly make you happy will become clear.
I shall dedicate my entire life to you
Let's shine on, like the scorching light
Reach your hands out, until the very end
Miku is in lesbians with her. Ending the song on such a gay note is never a bad thing of course, but it is a little anticlimactic for this analysis. Though, the line of reaching your hands out might actually refer to their hand movements in the video, symbolizing to keep being weird and authentic as long as you can, but that may be a bit of a stretch (or a reach, if you will)
Final thoughts: I have seen other analyses (though not as in-depth) about the meaning of the song, and while they definitely do have some meaning and I can see it from that point of view, there are just some obviously autistic cues that I couldn't ignore that just swayed my perception of the song entirely that direction. I'm not sure if I only picked up that meaning because of my own experiences biasing my view, or if I actually am onto something with the original intention of the song. If you guys have any insight to offer on any of the lyrics, or if I missed or misinterpreted something, feel free to let me know! Thanks for reading this far, honestly! 🌸
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chimchiri · 6 years
Sooo, I feel the need to vent. This is a very emotional, pessimistic post intended for me to collect my thoughts and get it off my chest. This is not an invite for a discussion about fandom/politics/society. But if you feel the same or similar, feel free to comment or message me. It would be nice to know I’m not the only one feeling like this. Tomorrow will be better, but today I just need to vent.
I actually, really don’t like fandoms and online spaces anymore. As a whole, on tumblr and twitter, I mean. This includes the ones I’m in. I used to like ‘fandom’ when I was younger. When I drew only for myself, when I basically never interacted with people because German communities didn’t really exist (or I didn’t find them) and I didn’t speak English. I just found content. ‘Pure’ and not ‘pure’. Yes, I love drawing, yes I love the games/shows/books/media I consume. And I love the few friends I made and talk to. But I’m just getting more and more tired. There is only negativity anymore. Either people are hateful for ships, for opinions, for a drawing, for what someone said a few years ago - And people are so damn aggressive most of the time. People get upset over the littlest things, claiming that doing or liking or condoning XY is ‘normalizing’ or ‘problematic’ (I’m mixing a few topics together here, I’m aware of that. This isn’t just about shipping but it’s definitely included)
No one is happy anymore. And if they are then it’s only stuff like “YAAAAS QUEEEN” and “my baby/son” and other phrases like that, to an extend where you’re a hater or problematic if you don’t consider it important or good. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this type of culture/humor. It’s just...It’s always so loud. There are only absolutes with most of the time it being very, very negative. People cry, scream, they interrupt, they are overall just rude. People feel the need to be heard, no matter if they were addressed or not - and this isn’t just about politics. It’s about fandom too. There are non-stop discussions with endless posts of essays to which parties are unwilling to actually listen to the other person, unwilling to understand where they’re coming from and unable to admit they might be wrong wor worse - understand the other person. There’s only screaming. 
Compromise is never an option. Agreeing to disagree is never an option. If you don’t think like me, you’re my enemy. If you have one different opinion we can never be friends, because it’s all or nothing. 
I’m so tired of it all. I feel like I can’t escape it. I’ve unfollowed, blocked and soft-blocked so many people but I’m still tired. I’ve wanted to delete this account several times and just get away but I do still enjoy seeing my friends’ art, and yes, interacting with other people is nice too. And I still love drawing. I’ve always drawn for myself, then for my friends too. I will probably never get tired of this, no matter the negativity.
This isn’t a sad post per se. I’ve just had these thoughts so many times that I felt the need to vent. It’s not really meant as an open discussion, rather to get it off my chest. I’m not depressed today, nor am I anything similar.  Just pessimistic and exhausted.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I read a series of fanfics called The Cities or something and it was a series of one-shots each happening in a different European city. Kinda Before Sunrise style, they weren't connected so the couple kept meeting in every city under different circumstances, they had different dynamics too, it was really good especially if you're into travelling and already saw yhe places mentioned. <3
Delulu delivery is here! It was a fanfiction seriously and I wonder if I actually read a fanfic like that and my mind just decided to play it out for me... Here's the re-cap I sent to my friends, hope it's somewhat coherent. https://imgur.com/a/kg4Oksb
Yes! I'm glad you have taste aka you're a TB and Suho hater, I knew I could trust you! I didn't mind Suho at first but once Mr Han Seojun showed up I ditched that mf real quick, lmao. Seriously they had so much chemistry, but Jug jeopardised their relationship so much because she was so insecure and Seojun also had his own issues going on, ugh. But damn Suho and Jug became a bit toxic at some point and I couldn't believe people didn't see that...
You're not prepared for Tomorrow, I mean each episode is sad, but some hit me especially hard. And the crumbs and unanswered questions... Yeah but THAT ship has so much potential, it's criminal we're not seeing more of them. AND Seonghwa grim reaper AU please, someone 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Oh no, not an Amber supporter 🤡 but yes I can imagine, either some weirdo guy simping for her or a fake woke feminist who thinks men can't get abused.
I know TWO nights in a row, and her brain came up with a long-haired Hwa. And for what??? I don't remember the JK dreams but one of them happened on his birthday and I had no idea it was his birthday, so? 🤫 Awwww, that's so cute though, the Yunho dream
I didn't get to approach Taemin I don't think 😭😩
And for some reason I'm sometimes a bit mean to Hwa in my dreams or he ends up crying wtffffff. Pretty sure I didn't see Harry and we probably didn't get the tattoos either, but at least we ate some pizza
I'm only seeing the angelic MILF and I love it. 🥰
Happy anniversary to 🐺 Hwa 😩
And this lil meow meow 🥺 look at him, kiss on the forehead coming his way
- DV 💖
I read a series of fanfics called The Cities or something and it was a series of one-shots each happening in a different European city. Kinda Before Sunrise style, they weren't connected so the couple kept meeting in every city under different circumstances, they had different dynamics too, it was really good especially if you're into travelling and already saw yhe places mentioned. <3
OH???? thats so cool?? like they keep meeting in different cities is like soulmate’s meeting in different au’s but connected together 😭😭😭 i will absolutely look into this !!!
Delulu delivery is here! It was a fanfiction seriously and I wonder if I actually read a fanfic like that and my mind just decided to play it out for me... Here's the re-cap I sent to my friends, hope it's somewhat coherent. https://imgur.com/a/kg4Oksb
“his long legs pushed my chair a few times,” ISNT THIS BBHWA FBWMFBWK ANON U EXPERIENCED BBHWA??????? 😭😭
“I kept staring at his back and NECK and peeking at his drawings,” SLAP IT SLAP IT SLAP IT FBWMBFK
“so it looked like this: S******A btw I wish I was joking but my birthname starts with S and ends with A and has 8 letters too, lololol” OMF I JUST KNOW UR NAME IS SO PRETTY 😭😭 what a coincidence, mine is exactly that but with hongjoong (not the ending with g) and his last name 😭😭😭
“I felt angry and devastated cause everyone thought my good marks were due to me cheating and being 0a whore" — their words 🔫 Seonghwa didn't believe them though <3” BEST BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
“he said "if they already gossip about us, might as well" HELLO????? RHWKDH JAIL??? J A I L
“And I didn't get the scholarship, Seonghwa switched to art major, because he punched the disgusting professor, Imao.” LMFAOOOO THIS IS SO INTENSE BUT SO FUNNY AND CREEPY BUT CHAOTIC 😭😭
Yes! I'm glad you have taste aka you're a TB and Suho hater, I knew I could trust you! I didn't mind Suho at first but once Mr Han Seojun showed up I ditched that mf real quick, lmao. Seriously they had so much chemistry, but Jug jeopardised their relationship so much because she was so insecure and Seojun also had his own issues going on, ugh. But damn Suho and Jug became a bit toxic at some point and I couldn't believe people didn't see that...
U CAN ALWAYS TRUST HERE 😭😭 no fr,, the second they entered han seojun, like he took the helmet off?? every person in the kpop fandom fell IN LOVE with that man and as they SHOULD !!!! i was skeptical at who seojun would be so i was rooting for eunwoo’s bUT WHEN HE CAME I GONE. STOP THAT TOXIC THING IS SO TRUE??? LITERALLY NO ONE TALKS ABT HOW TOXIC THEY GOT??? seojun my man, was rOBBED 😭😭😭
You're not prepared for Tomorrow, I mean each episode is sad, but some hit me especially hard. And the crumbs and unanswered questions... Yeah but THAT ship has so much potential, it's criminal we're not seeing more of them. AND Seonghwa grim reaper AU please, someone 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Oh no, not an Amber supporter 🤡 but yes I can imagine, either some weirdo guy simping for her or a fake woke feminist who thinks men can't get abused.
EXACTLY THAT 😭😭😭 its the very first lecture too so yOU KNOW THERES GOTS TO BE SOMEONE also apparently amber’s making johnny testify from her side?? 😭😭 can’t wait for cross examination to start
I know TWO nights in a row, and her brain came up with a long-haired Hwa. And for what??? I don't remember the JK dreams but one of them happened on his birthday and I had no idea it was his birthday, so? 🤫 Awwww, that's so cute though, the Yunho dream
TAKE HER RIGHTS AWAY IDC IDC THIS NOT FAIR SHE DREAMS ABT THIS AND THEN TELLS US TO BE JEALOUS 🔫 ANONS FRIEND 🔫 RIGHTS 🔫 GONE 🔫 jk dream, and if i tell u i have this uni au with jk where the reader was a senior and he was a junior who played basketball and he was cheeky asf and he would TRY to woo the reader by saying “u know my parents have a age difference too,” “oh really?” “my mom is older” “whats that gotta do with me?” “you’re older too, we ca-“ “nO”
I didn't get to approach Taemin I don't think 😭😩
And for some reason I'm sometimes a bit mean to Hwa in my dreams or he ends up crying wtffffff. Pretty sure I didn't see Harry and we probably didn't get the tattoos either, but at least we ate some pizza
ANON???? 😭😭😭😭😭 NAURR POOR GUY SOBBING 😭😭😭😭😭 okay at least u weren’t hungry in ur dreams too 😭😭
I'm only seeing the angelic MILF and I love it. 🥰 Happy anniversary to 🐺 Hwa 😩 https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1524781002333515776?t=5A_8ndTGtWkfQyBw76BwBA&s=19
THIS DAY PEAKED MY EXOTEEZ CRUMBS I WAS FUCKING SCREAMING FBWKFHWK his red hair 😩😩😩😩 reminds me of addicting kitten fjwkfhwk pls
And this lil meow meow 🥺 look at him, kiss on the forehead coming his way https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1524439363907555331?t=5XFyctAJVPXFZzlrCyXf8w&s=19
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im gonna kiss him
0 notes
retailmarketing · 4 years
Killer Retail Marketing Tips to Drive Sales Year Round
There are two types of people in this world: those that love to shop, and those that hate to shop. I would say I’m more of a hater than a lover myself, but we all have to do it from time to time.
In this consumer-driven world we live in, there are messages left, right, and sideways trying to convince us to buy one product or another. This is what makes retail marketing so darn challenging. Retailers are often fighting for attention to get prospects to hit the “buy” button or come to their brick and mortar storefront and swipe their cards. And with such a big shift to ecommerce dominating the retail space, those who are managing storefronts may be suffering.
According to Big Commerce, 51% of Americans prefer to shop online, and almost everyone – 96% – has made an online purchase in their life (not surprising to me!). So if you are retailer with a store presence, how can you get shoppers to come by? The old strategies of simply having a good location or putting up flyers or ads in your local newspaper aren’t going to cut it anymore.
Well, fear not! We have 11 powerful retail marketing tips to help you increase your retail sales, both online and offline, starting with…
#1: Run Beautifully Executed Google Shopping Campaigns
With over 3.5 billion searches occurring on Google each day, it’s no secret  that people use Google to shop. Between searching for product reviews and store locations and the convenience of ordering online, the most powerful search engine has become a digital shopping tour guide for most.
This is why retail marketers absolutely must be capitalizing on Google shopping campaigns. Google shopping campaigns allow retail marketers to sell their products directly through the SERPs, so whether you have a storefront or not, these campaigns are worth investing in. While some of you readers may already be running Google shopping campaigns, here are some additional strategies to capitalize on your SERP sales…
Organize Shopping Campaigns by Best-Selling Items
When you’re configuring your Shopping campaigns make sure your products of similar value are grouped together so you can easily allocate and adjust budgets in a logical manner. Grouping together your best sellers will help you capitalize on online sales.
Want a more in-depth look at Google Shopping? Download our free guide and learn how to build super profitable campaigns!
Ensure Your Ad Images are High-Quality and Crawlable
This tip might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised at how often marketers overlook the quality of their ad images, which is your first chance to grab the potential buyer. So, what makes a good quality image? One with little grain, fine detail, and a simple white background so that searchers can focus on the product that’s being sold.
It is also critical to follow Google’s guidelines when configuring your images. For instance, for non-apparel products Google advises using an image that is at least 100 X 100 pixels, and for apparel items at least 250 X 250 pixels. The image URL needs to start with http or https, and use an encoded URL that complies with RFC 2396 or RFC 1738.
For more information on specific technical requirements to ensure your images appear beautifully on the SERPs and are able to be crawled by search bots, check out this resource.
Include Merchant Promotions and Product Reviews
With retail marketing being one of the most competitive industries to be in, it could not be more critical to gain votes of confidence on your products through a sea of 5-star reviews. Of course, your products actually need to be well-received to earn these justly, but assuming you do have items on the market with great reviews, you should absolutely be showing these reviews off.
Why? Because reviews drive purchases. This isn’t revolutionary! In fact, 88% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. So, how can one take advantage of reviews within their shopping campaigns? Here are a couple ways…
Utilize Merchant Promotions: This will allow you to add tags like “Special offer” to your shopping ads. Set-up requires a few steps including filling out the merchant promotions interest form and either using the +PROMOTION tool or setting up a promotion feed. Follow the steps here to get your promotions approved.
Configure Product Ratings: You’ve all seen the little star rating underneath products on the SERPs. Don’t you want these for your ads? You need to gain at least 50 reviews on one of Google’s third-party approved sites to ensure the reviews show. Check out the approved third-party sources here, where you should be actively seeking reviews to ensure they appear in the SERPs.
#2: Give Shoppers a Reason to Visit Your Store
Currently I’m cozied up in my pajamas in my South Boston condo watching as another New England snowstorm buries me into my couch even further. Do you really think I’m trekking through the snow to make a purchase in your storefront while I could just browse for a similar product on Amazon Prime, and have it at my doorstep by tomorrow afternoon?
The convenience of online shopping has been hard on many retail marketers operating physical storefronts. Yet, many still do prefer shopping for items in person because you have the ability to see and touch items and try things on without going through the hassle of shipping back items that don’t fit.
Unfortunately, these benefits alone aren’t always enough to get customers to leave their Netflix at home. So, what to do? Well, retail marketers desperate for more storefront traffic need to start giving their customers a reason to come in. Perhaps you have a special in-store discount for shoppers. Lululemon is constantly convincing me to come by their stores with their free yoga classes. Check out the Facebook post below.
What a great way to incentivize shoppers to come into the store for a free and very on-brand offering, where they then will of course be surrounded by all of the tempting new yoga clothes for sale. You should try the same, and make sure to promote your offerings on your social networks to spread the news.    
#3: Use Social Media Targeting Capabilities to Your Advantage
You likely already have some form of social media presence, but if you haven’t yet invested in the world of social media advertising you are surely missing out. Why? Because platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter make it absurdly easy to find and get in front of the people most likely to buy your products.
Let’s run through an example to see how detailed you can actually get. Let’s say you sell wedding dresses in the city of Boston. You have a pretty clear idea of who your target audience is based on your product and the prices of your dresses so you decide to configure a campaign. You start off my targeting women, who make up 99.9% of your customer base. Then you set up the age ranges between 24 and 40 years old, since the style of your dresses cater most to this age range.
Next is location – you type in the zip code to show your ads to Facebook visitors in a 25-mile radius. Are you set? Actually, no. You can dig into various categories and sub-categories to target engaged shoppers, interested in marriage, weddings, women’s clothing, and dresses. Perhaps you narrow your audience even more by targeting friends of people who already liked your page.
Basically, the possibilities are quite endless with the detailed targeting you can do so make sure to get on these platforms to start reaching your audience faster on social!
#4: Don’t Forget to Be Locally Relevant
Whether or not you are operating a retail storefront, if you can be locally relevant to each audience this is going to help your chances of winning them over. People want to feel like they’re part of their community, and if your brand blends in seamlessly with their home then they are more likely to draw an emotional attachment to your business.
There are a few key ways to ensure you’re being as locally relevant as possible…
I touched on this a bit in the tip above, but the more granular and local you can get with your targeting, the easier it will be to appear locally relevant. Use geotargeting on platforms like Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords), Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to reach the locals.
Ad Copy and Imagery
Fill your ad copy and images with local appeal – for example, by taking product shots in scenic local parks or even selling local products. Take this example from a design and décor shop in Southie called Neatly Nested. They designed a Southie mug for locals to enjoy, and it was such a hit that they had to order more!
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legendsmag · 5 years
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Working in the Legends office, with that majestic laminated press badge, often puts you into the heart of the action. This has proven itself a few times over my decade long career under the Legends Magazine press circuit. None of my simple hour-long interview assignments, however, have ever yielded such unexpected and high-density results. That's exactly what happened when I sat down with four-piece Pop/RnB group PHASES, to discuss their new place on the Top Ten chart, their poor reputation as a band, and the future of their work.
Let this be a warning that should you ever approach a group of twenty-somethings with the reputations that a Punk fifteen-year-old might look up to, they will quickly derail any conversation into sexually transmitted diseases, murder, and namedropping the celebrities that they'd like to sleep with.
PHASES just recently experienced it's first-ever Top Ten single, despite having been releasing quite regularly. How does it feel to have finally made it into the top of the chart?
Marco Right: “I’ve spent a lot of time calling out the chart and how little it means to the people on it. So it seems really backwards for me to then say ‘this is so important to us, it means so much’ but the truth is that it does for us. We’re still a pretty small band, especially in comparison to the other people on that chart. So having that kind of recognition helps us by allowing us to continue releasing music.
Ace Lafleur: “It really gives some sort of validation that I didn’t think I needed. We enjoy the music we create and we know our fans do as well but to finally be getting recognized for it on a bigger scale is something I, personally, never expected. But it’s great. The more people that hear our music, and like it the more we can do in the future.”
M: “I mean, Essence Woods - uh, Penny Lane: they’re gonna keep releasing music anyway. Whether they get into the top or not. But it really makes a world of difference to us.”
Bowie Hendrix: “I agree with [Marco]*, on the whole, calling out the chart thing--it really just seems more like a popularity contest most of the time more than anything, but [expletive]**, being on it? Finally being /apart/ of the popularity contest? Feels pretty amazing, because like Ace and [Marco]* said, we’re a small band and this isn’t something we expected, but it means exposure, it means more people knowing our music and perhaps connecting to it, and honestly that’s huge.”
Are there any reservations about being in the Top Ten?
A: “Other than the pop stars of the world sending their hitman out to get us? No. Not for me at least.”
B: “I’m a little worried that Austin Harper is going to slit my throat in my sleep now, but otherwise, nah.”
Ezra Addams: “I feel like just saying that is going to make him sic a hitman on us.”
M: “Not if I get him first. Austin Harper: square up.” †
A: “Bowie and Ezra would like that too much. Those Camisado fangirls.”
B: “Yes, actually, being murdered by Austin Harper is my kink.”
E: “Now Essence Woods is gonna kill us, too.  Thanks for that.”
M: “That happened in a dream I had. She can call me if she wants to, we can chat about it.”
A: “Now that’s a terrifying thought. Having to interact with Essence about anything ever.”
E: “I like being played on the radio so love you Austin and Essence and Penny! Don’t listen to them.”
A: “Suck up”
B: “I mean, if Austin would let me, I’d [expletive] something of his, if you know what I mean.”
A: “Maybe after Essence steals all his money and ruins his life you can have your way with him. Just wait like six months.”
M: “If they’re ever feeling adventurous, I’m on call.”
E: “I can’t wait to see who husband number three is gonna be after she sucks this one dry of all the money and runs.”
M: “I’m broke as [expletive]  but I got a great life insurance policy. Let’s give this a shot.”
E: “What he’s trying to say is /Essence/ - whenever you’re looking for husband number three Marco is here and ready. We love attention.”
The band seems infamous for the lyrical content of your music, with protests happening outside of some shows. Which of course is amplified because of the kinds of reputations that each of the band’s members has. Do you ever feel like you're glamorizing drug use and casual sex?
A: “We’re not your cookie cutter boy band looking to become the next role model. We write what we know and what our fans know and if other people relate to it that��s great. But as far as glamorizing it? No. I don’t think that’s what we’re doing at all.”
E: “If people take it as glamorizing, then there is very little we can do about that. We're not telling anyone to actually do drugs. Most of our listeners are adults who are more than capable of making their own decisions.”
M: “In order to glamorize it, we would have to be talking about how cool it is. We don’t do that. We’re too busy talking about other shit that just so happens to involve that stuff. I think there have been quite a few lines where we straight out say that it’s a bad idea. So I don’t know how we would be glamorizing it.”
B: “What’s that Love, Actually quote? “Don’t do drugs, become a pop star and they give them to you for free”? I feel like that would be glamorizing. We’re just writing about what may or may not be our own personal experiences with those things, not telling other people to go out and follow our leads. Which, to be honest: 3/10, would not recommend.”
What would you say to people who protest at your shows or Twitter users who think that your band is "problematic"?
A: “Thanks for the free publicity? No, seriously. The people who protest, they’ve heard the music clearly or they wouldn’t make the signs with our lyrics on them with those giant x’s. So whether they like us or not, they’re still adding to that total spin count. So thanks to the haters. We appreciate you.”
M: “I personally enjoy the entertainment. It’s a lot of fun to have a huge group of people outside who are ready and willing to stare you down and have it out, face-to-face. How many people can say that people travel all sorts of distances to protest them? But as far as what I would say? Probably thanks. And also: [expletive] you.”
A: “I thought you weren’t just [expletive] whoever anymore Marco?”
M: “It’s a different kind of [expletive]. It’s like a hate [expletive], but more loathsome.”
B: “What the [expletive] is more loathsome than a hate [expletive]?? But listen, okay, protests just draw more attention, and I don’t really give a [expletive] what some bored mom on Twitter thinks of us. Bad publicity is still publicity, babe, and it’s still giving us views and listens and putting our name in people’s mouths. At the end of the day, I feel like it does us more good than ill.”
The last single was "NUMB TO THE FEELING", and this new single is "LIKE A ROCKSTAR". Both of which are still heavily describing drug use as a coping mechanism for things like anxiety and depression. So what exactly is the lesson that you hope for younger listeners to take away from these releases?
A: “I didn’t start creating music in the hopes of guiding the youth of tomorrow.”
B: “I would be terrified of you as a role model, honestly.”
A: “What? I’d be a great role model!”
B: “Kids, don’t listen to your uncle Ace, okay. Just don’t ever do the [expletive] he does.”
M: “I hope that they learn an important lesson, which is: stop buying the pop [expletive] and just buy our record instead. It’s cool as [expletive]. Your friends will love it.”
B: “Listen, people deal with shit in their own way, right? And sometimes that way isn’t [expletive] healthy or whatever, but it’s still a coping mechanism and you do what you have to do to get through tough [expletive]. We’re not, like we said, glamorizing drug use - but if this is what works for us, then who the [expletive] are any of you to tell us differently?”
M: “On a more serious note, I do think that there’s probably some misconceptions about how kids begin to take an interest in just checking out. Music isn’t really the thing that does it. Most of the time there are some really serious things going on and for whatever reason, they’re not being offered alternatives. I would hope that if people are actually listening to pick this [expletive] apart, then they’ll pick that apart, too.”
B: “Thank you for putting that much more eloquently than I could, you extreme show-off.”
E: “On another serious note - we’re not your babysitters. Talk to your kids about drugs if you don’t want them to do drugs.”
Because so much of PHASES comes from personal experience, what will the band sound like once you get married, have kids, or "settle down"?
A: “Oh [expletive]. Sorry, Ezra. I didn’t realize you got divorced”
E: “I’m married, not dead. We sound the same because being married doesn’t mean you’re suddenly boring.”
B: “Did you forget that Ezra is married? Because that man is married as hell. And we still sound like this. So, I feel like that’s part of your answer, right there. Ace is like half-dating MJ Kirsch all the time which would mean they’re basically settled down. We’re gonna sound like this all the time, my dude.”
A: “[expletive] off Bowie. You’re practically married to what’s his face.”
B: “Excuse you, we’ve been broken up for a year, we’re just casually [expletive] at this point.”
M: “Casually [expletive] or not, there’s a very big chance that Bowie will be married and have six kids before the next record hits. And I think that record will sound exactly the same as this one, but hopefully with more references to sex.”
B: “Why am I the one who’s gonna have six kids?? That sounds like my personal hell.”
These singles lead for the next album, but what exactly will come next?
B: “Oh, you know, we thought we’d do a cooking show next. Like a real-life Breaking Bad, show kids how to make drugs. No, I’m kidding. It’s [going to be] more music.”
A: “Rehab.”
B: “Oh, wait, I forgot that Ace and MJ are going to make a Disney album together. He’s Prince Eric, she’s Ariel.”
A: “Excuse you. I’m Prince Charming. Get your facts straight”
B: “Yeah, okay, babe, whatever you say. That would make MJ Cinderella, though, and that [expletive] is boring as [expletive]. Let your girlfriend be a cool princess!”
A: “You know what’s boring as [expletive]?”
B: “The fact that you’re still talking?”
A: “[expletive] off.”
M: “They wanna kiss each other so bad, look at them.”
B: “Ace, come here, let me kiss you!!”
A: “Anyone have some mouthwash? I can’t kiss him until he’s been thoroughly disinfected.”
B: “Wow, rude. I currently have no STI’s, thanks.”
A: “That you know of.”
M: “I can confirm for him. He’s clean like one of those little white glove test things.”
B: “You’re my favorite, Marco.”
(At this point, Ezra looks up from his text messaging, which he'd been doing a lot throughout the interview.)
E: “Are you guys still [expletive] talking?”
B: “Ezra! Pay attention to me!”
E: “/Bowie/, [expletive] off.”
A: “Any more questions?”
E: “I have one.”
A: “Then I guess we’re done here.”
E: “That is so mean. I’m nothing but nice to your dumbass.”
A: “Ugh. Fine. What do you want to add, Ezra?”
E: “Where are we going to eat when we get out of here?”
A: “I thought that’s what you were doing on your phone this whole time! You weren’t ordering us food? [expletive]!”
E: “If I was ordering food it’d just be for me. I don’t like you guys that much.”
The new single from PHASES, "LIKE A ROCKSTAR" is out wherever digital music is sold or streamed July 6.
* Multiple times during the interview, Bowie Hendrix made the decision to call Marco Right "Marcus", which may be fundamentally confusing for readers.
** The band cursed almost as much as they provided responses. The uncensored interview in its entirety can be read in the printed issue.
† Legends Magazine does not agree with or condone any speech, threats, or actions taken by any person interviewed or featured within its publication.
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bitway-arts · 8 years
Title: Be My Robot Rating: T Series: Danganronpa V3 Characters: Kokichi Ouma, Kiibo Pairings: Kiibouma Summary: Valentine's Day is when Ouma plans to confess to Kiibo. What could possibly go wrong? {AU where the nrdv3 kids are in Hope's Peak. No spoilers.}
"Ughhhh! Why is this so hard!" Ouma whines as he looks to his batch of chocolates. This one had not come out perfect in the eyes of the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Rather than looking close to perfection, they were practically burnt to a crisp. Definitely not even worth a second glance from him.
A pout was on his face as he glared at the inedible pieces of chocolate. He picked one up, feeling the piece of chocolate in his hand before trying to toss it into the trash can, which was a few feet away from him. He missed. And that soured his mood even more.
"This holiday is stupid! It's literally the lamest thing ever. It's so gross and mushy. Who even likes eating chocolate made by someone else anyway?" He could spout out more 'insults' at how stupid everything was about the upcoming holiday, but came to a halt as his eyes caught the calendar.
Tomorrow was February fourteenth. Valentine's Day. A day when Ouma would usually be giving out weird tasting chocolates (or these burnt ones) to friends, stealing the good ones from them, or simply telling people he loved them, which was followed by a 'did you seriously believe me?' comment.
Slowly, the boy let his body go from resting against the counter to sliding down and sit on the floor. His arms were crossed and that pout had yet to leave his face. At this point, he could care less if any of his ten thousand members saw him like this. It wouldn't be the first time they saw him throwing a mini tantrum.
For, what seemed like, the hundredth time today, Ouma was beginning to question why he was even bothering to put in effort to making chocolates. It's not like a robot could eat them. He knew this, since he had asked and received an answer. One that had made his heart sink.
"Robots do not need to consume food. We survive off of our battery and other mechanics that work together in order to make us fully functional. There may be some who can eat and digest food, although I am not one of them."
Kiibo just had to be the robot that did not need to eat anything. He could understand not drinking to an extent, but couldn't that professor guy add an eating function? At least that crossed off his question of 'can robots take a shit' from his list.
Seeing as he was unable to make perfect chocolates, he considered why not just buying ones already made? Or have his underlings do it. As long as they looked perfect and were edible, thats all that mattered. He could lie about having made them anyway! Which probably wasn't the best thing, but it wasn't the first time he had lied to make himself look better. Besides, that robot just might end up believing him anyway.
With that thought now stuck in his mind, in just an instant the boy seemed to cheer up. He could buy some of the best tasting and looking chocolates for Kiibo. Even if he couldn't actually consume the chocolatey treat, the robot might just be willing to share some with him.
"Nishishi~! I'll definitely be getting a new robot boyfriend and some sweet desserts all in one day!"
During the course of school, Ouma had stuck his tongue out to any sign of couples sharing chocolate or giving them out. He'd make snide remarks and try to 'sample' chocolates for poison (which really was just an excuse to get some more chocolate out of people). It was all just to keep his mind off what he was going to do after school.
It should be a piece of cake for someone like him to hand over chocolates that he had made (he was going to argue that he had indeed made them himself to the very end, even if evidence said otherwise) and confess his feelings. Which all sounded great in theory and even more amazing in the scenarios he was playing out in his mind, but in reality, he was far too nervous to admit.
It was driving him crazy to the fact that Kiibo might actually reject him and his offering. Why would he reject the great and almighty Supreme Leader? Because he was a jerk to him, he was all talk and no walk. And his overbearing curiosity may have caused some arguments between the two. Though he did show his sweeter side to him every now and then. Protecting him from derogatory comments and keeping robot haters away with his minions. He had even called Kiibo a friend without adding he was lying.
Ouma was nearly ready to chuck his wrapped chocolates out the window as his thoughts persisted. If he could throw them away, then he wouldn't be sick to his stomach with his insecurities. But if he did, then how else would he ever ask Kiibo out? He could do something extravagant, but he wasn't sure when he would be able to draw the courage to even do something like this again.
While trying to not let his doubts begin to eat at him, the boy looked down into his hands to see the purple bag, neatly wrapped in a silver ribbon, decorated with a red heart sticker at one of the ends. He adjusted one end of the ribbon, wanting it to look just right before taking in his breath. He was going to do this no matter what. Things would go smoothly, they had to. And if they didn't...well, he wasn't going to think about the possible bad outcomes of this day.
The boy was moments away from giving his chocolates to the robot. He had spotted the robot alone outside one of the buildings, which gave him a perfect opportunity to confess. All Ouma had to do was go up to him and hand over the chocolates. For once, his surprise would be a good one! Though he planned on saying something like they were poisonous to robots just to play around with him.
"Kiibo!" Ouma shouts with a happy tone, about to rush towards the robot. Yet, he finds himself coming to a sudden halt. In the blink of an eye, his happy expression falls. Apparently, his eyes had deceived him, Kiibo was not alone. Another classmate of theirs, Kaede Akamatsu, was standing with him.
Normally, Ouma would not care who Kiibo was speaking to. He'd literally pop out of nowhere and greet him with a question or if he was feeling affectionate, a hug. This time, he had to take a step back and watch due to the wrapped package in the robot's hands.
Kiibo was handing over chocolates, on Valentine's Day, to Kaede. Someone who was not Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader.
Although Ouma couldn't make out what they were saying from his spot, he had an idea of what was going on. A sweet yet naive confession. That idiot robot that was supposed to be his was asking out someone else. Kiibo's face was beet red, that cute flustered look that only he was supposed to see, was being displayed before her instead.
"Stupid robot..." Ouma mumbled. His chest was beginning to hurt to the sight. Everything was going downhill before he could even try to set his plan in motion. What was the point of it now? He could try to see steal the robot away from her, but not at this moment. The pain in his chest seemed to be spreading all across his body, everything was hurting. If this was how heartbreak felt, than he would rather be off dead.
He somehow manages to hear the two call out his name. Ouma could only guess that one of them had noticed his motionless presence, simply standing there while the two were interacting. Whatever they were trying to say, he couldn't make out a single word. Everything was being drowned out, until he had heard Kiibo calling out his name.
"I hate you, Kiibo!" The boy shouted while clutching the small bag in his hands. Both Kiibo and Kaede looked deathly surprised to see him shout something like that. Even he was surprised to hear that come out of his own mouth.
"O-Ouma! What do yo-" Kiibo's question was cut off by a bag of chocolates coming in contact with his face. Ouma had thrown them in a fit of frustration. He didn't want them anymore, he didn't need them. The robot couldn't eat them, so let him give it to his new girlfriend. If they hadn't been destroyed by his metallic face that is.
After tossing the chocolates, he ran. He could hear two calling his name, telling him to come back, but he didn't dare to acknowledge either one. He was certain he was getting odd looks, but he didn't care at all. He just wanted to get far, far away from Kiibo and wish that this day was over.
Ouma was sulking in his room, he had been the moment he had arrived. After catching his breath, he had dropped his body onto his bed. Before he could even recover from that run, he could feel the tears beginning to well up in his eyes. He had tried to lie to himself, tell himself that he was strong and didn't need to cry, but that didn't help. The tears fell and for a long while, it seemed like they never would have stopped. Luckily for him, his tears had stopped not too long ago, but he was still in a bad and sulky mood.
There was a sudden knock at his door, followed by a voice that reminded him of why he was in such a terrible mood in the first place. "Ouma...? Are you in there?" It was Kiibo.
"No one's here!" Ouma shouted, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tightly.
"But you responded, therefore you are in there."
For once, he was actually sick of the robot's too logical answers. Part of him wanted to make a snappy comeback to it, but just couldn't muster one up.
"Go away, Kiibo!"
"I will not! I have something I wish to speak with you about, Ouma."
The boy groaned to his response. Kiibo was the last person he wanted to see (aside from Kaede now). Couldn't he just leave him to sulk in peace? Or did he really have to rub in the fact he was going to be dating that pianist now?
"If you don't open the door, I'll have to break it open."
Ouma rolled his eyes to that. Even without physically see him, he could still spot out a lie a mile away. "You wouldn't dare. It's not in you to do something so drastic."
"Please, Ouma..." Kiibo sounded distressed and that managed to tug on Ouma's heartstrings. With a sigh, the boy begrudgingly forced himself off his bed, tossing the pillow over to the side, and went over to the door. Before opening it, he tried to compose himself. All he had to do was work that smile of his, which came naturally.
"Ouma!" Kiibo looked happy for a split second before noting the look on the human's face. "Your eyes are red and puffy. Are you alright? Did something bad happen to you?"
Yeah, a hunk of metal broke my goddamn heart.
"I was eating onions and they made me tear up," Ouma stated so casually. That smile of his wasn't lasting long, he could feel it begin to fade as he stared at the robot. "What do you want Kiibo?"
"Please...this needs to be a private conversation," Kiibo said, looking to the boy with pleading eyes. After a moment, Ouma ushered the other in, slamming the door behind him.
The room went silent afterwards. Kiibo was fidgeting as he stood in Ouma's room, eyes wandering around the place while Ouma was trying to keep a neutral and indifferent look. He was just waiting for bad news to spill and make him want to kick the robot (which sounds like a good idea but would hurt the human more).
"Ouma..." Kiibo started, trying to clear his throat (or sound like he was). "Did you mean what you said? About...hating me?"
"What?" Ouma asked, sounding surprised.
"You shouted that you hated me earlier..." A very disheartened look was displayed on Kiibo's face.
"Oh, right, I did." He had nearly forgotten about what he had done. Most of that memory had just been what happened prior to his angry remark. "Hmm...do you think I mean it?" He decided to counter his question with his own.
"Sometimes I think you do, I can't always tell if you're joking around or not. But you sounded really angry that time..."
"So, you think I hate you?"
"No! I mean, I don't want you to hate me."
"I don't hate you," Ouma said in a more serious tone. Did he after all that had happened? His heart was definitely in pain, but he could never come to hate Kiibo. If anything, he figured he should be directing his hate towards Kaede, the one who stole his robot. "Anyway, if thats all you wanted to ask, then you can go. I have important business to get to."
"O-One more thing!" Kiibo shouted, easily catching the other's attention.
With a bit of curiosity peeking through, his eyes remained on the robot. "What is it now?"
"I..." Kiibo began to fidget again, his face now going red. Ouma could only stare at the robot, trying to read what he wanted to say, try to see what was going on in that mechanical brain of his.
"I want to give this to you!" He quickly pulls out a small pink bag, decorated with hearts that contains chocolates from a small comparment (which Kiibo calls a robot version of a pocket) and holds them out to Ouma. "I want you to accept them! A-As well as...my f-feelings!"
Ouma stared at the offered chocolates, definitely confused by what was going on. Kiibo was now offering him chocolates? On Valentine's Day? After he had done the same to Kaede? This definitely had to be a prank.
"Why would I accept that from you?" He asked while crossing his arms. His eyes narrowed as he inspected the bag a little more. They were beginning to look familiar. It looked like the bag he had given to his 'girlfriend'. "Did Kaede turn you down?"
"Why would Kaede turn me down?" Kiibo asked, genuinely confused. "These chocolates were not for her."
"Liar!" Ouma hisses. "I interrupted you giving her these stupid chocolates! I'm just a round two, aren't I? I wasn't your first choice! Or maybe this is just out of pity. Oh, Ouma is sad and hates me, let me make it up to him with this chocolate. I'll bet he'll love it and then love me in return!"
"Ouma, that is not the case-"
"Liar!" Ouma shouted, stomping his foot and looking down. "Liar! Liar! Liar!" As he shouted he could feel the tears returning. God, how could he cry in front of this stupid robot? "You hate me, just admit it..." He muttered under his breath before beginning to rub his eyes.
Kiibo began to panic over seeing him begin to cry. That was a bad sign! And to make matters worse, he couldn't tell if they were real tears or crocodile ones that he was known for. The robot reached out a hand, having read that physical comfort was a good thing, but Ouma slapped his hand away, which just ended up hurting himself.
"Ouma, are you okay?"
"Do I look okay?"
"Well, no..."
"Just leave me alone, Kiibo." While holding his now slightly hurting hand, he moved towards his bed. Maybe if the robot saw him in such a bad mood, he'd decide to leave. Though he had a feeling he wouldn't, that robot was always out to make others feel better. Ouma was no exception.
"I won't go until you hear me out, Ouma," Kiibo said, waiting for a reply from the boy. He waited for a moment expecting a response, but since there was none, he decided to speak.
"I...did not confess to Kaede."
"I was practicing with her in order to confess to you."
"It is true! I was worried that I would not be able to get what I want to say across to you."
"I believe that I...have romantic feelings for you and that I..."
"l-love you, Ouma!"
He knew a lie when he heard one. There was always something, a little tic or the sound of the voice that would tip him off to one. He knew literally every little thing that would be done in order to try and make a lie plausible. All that Kiibo had said had been nothing but the truth, especially that last one. Even if the robot would have tried to lie, he would be nowhere as genuine sounding as that. Kiibo was not the master liar; he was.
Ouma lifted himself off the bed, looking to Kiibo with a curious gaze. His stare bore into the other, making the robot begin to feel uncomfortable.
The human was only registering what had all been said. Kiibo was in love with him. Not Kaede. He had to question if this really was some dream or a big prank. Could it be both? But what if this was real?
"If you love me...then will you show me your dick?"
"O-Ouma!" Kiibo's face easily flushed and Ouma couldn't help but laugh to that reaction. "Please! I am serious!"
"But I'm serious too you know," Ouma huffed as he walked over to Kiibo, looking up at him. A smile formed from his lips, a genuine yet cheeky one. "Can you say it again?"
"Say...what again?"
"That you love me."
"I-I...I love you, Ouma."
"I l-love you, Ouma..."
"Ouma!" Kiibo whined, feeling so embarrassed to say something over and over in front of him. It didn't help that his face had continued to grow red with each time he had to admit that. "Not until you give me an answer."
"An answer to what?"
"Well, its technically not an answer. I just want to know if you will truly accept my feelings or not. If yes, than you're supposed to take the chocolates, or so I've been told. If no, then...I will understand your feelings and not bring this up ever again. I only wish for you to be happy with someone of your choice."
"If that's how it goes...than okay! I want the free chocolate! Nishishi!" Ouma said with a grin, quickly snatching the chocolates away and eyeing them like a child would. It didn't take him long to begin unwrapping the small bag and popping one of the little chocolates into his mouth.
"Then...you accept?"
"Maybe...maybe not!"
Kiibo sighed to that response. Honestly, he was hoping for a truthful answer from him. Though, Ouma accepting his chocolates meant a definite yes, right? Even if he had said he only wanted them because they were free...that had to be a lie.
"Oh, by the way, I have these." Kiibo began to pull out another wrapped chocolate bag, a purple one, from his compartment and held it out to the boy. "These are yours, right?"
Ouma froze to the sight of that too familiar bag. He had thought Kiibo or Kaede would have simply tossed them away. It's not like they were that special or anything. Or so he was telling himself in this moment.
"Y-Yeah...they are. Why do you still have them?" Ouma asked, stopping his chocolate eating for now.
"Kaede said they might be yours and I should return them to you. I did not wish to break them, but I believe some did when they came in contact with my face. These are...Valentine's chocolates." Kiibo frowned to the realization. "Are they for someone?"
Now it was Ouma's turn to blush and gaze away from Kiibo. It was his turn to give an embarrassing answer to Kiibo.
"Yeah...they're, um, for you."
"For me?" Kiibo asks, his face beginning to light up before looking confused. "But I do not require food...You know that, Ouma."
"I do know that! But I wanted to give them to you anyway!" He huffed, holding back on how his plan was ruined thanks to him jumping to conclusions. "Don't you want to participate in human stuff? Me giving them to you is one way to do it. And now you have to since you love me. You can't say no."
"Than...this means you were planning on confessing to me to!" Kiibo's eyes sparkled to that fact, but it made the Supreme Leader's face flush. Did he really have to say that out loud?
"I-I was not!" Ouma defends, naturally. He wasn't going to deny it, but it was in his nature to do so.
"You were! That is the only suitable reason for giving chocolate to someone today!"
"Okay! So, maybe I was." He shrugged as he was trying to regain his composure. "I don't know what you're going to do with them though...if you can't eat them, they'll just melt or something."
"I will save them until they go bad."
"...What?" Ouma was expecting the other to share it with him. So much for that plan to have delicious chocolates.
"I cannot lose something like this, but I also cannot eat it...so, saving it until they expire is the equivalent of it."
Robot logic was really weird sometimes.
"Fine, they're yours, do whatever you want with them," Ouma replied. If he couldn't have those chocolates, at least he had the ones Kiibo had given to him. "So, now that we're a thing, that means I can touch you all I want, right?"
"Umm..." Kiibo's face returned to it's red state. "I-I suppose. I know that couples do touch in intimate ways, but I am not prepared for that yet. I still need time to read and learn about the human body."
"Uwah! You have such a dirty mind for thinking I meant that..." Ouma smirked, teasing his new robot boyfriend. Of course he was still curious, but he wouldn't push Kiibo to that point yet. "I meant cuddles. Lots and lots of them!"
"Cuddling? But, I am not suited for such a-"
"Sit on my bed."
"I want cuddles!" Ouma demanded with a pout. "Come on! It's such an innocent thing! As innocent as holding hands!"
Kiibo was going to protest to that, but all he could hear was a whine coming from Ouma. As much as he didn't understand the human need to...cuddle, this might help him understand it a little more. Besides, he'd end up being closer to Ouma to, which made his parts whir with joy.
The moment that Kiibo had sat down, Ouma was found in his lap, arms already wrapping around the robot. It took a moment for Kiibo to put his arms around the human, pulling him a little closer towards him. While he was worried for Ouma's discomfort, when he gazed down, he looked extremely content and comfortable.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Ouma."
"I think you mean, Happy Kiibo and Ouma Day. I'm renaming the holiday, permanently."
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