#might post some pics of the haul i got-
Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you!!
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figurecollection · 1 year
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So, my suruga-ya haul came in that I got during their free shipping campaign. Lots of figure magazines, lots of trading figures, some Lucifer merch, and a Keroro figure I've wanted for a long time.
More pics under the cut.
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A lot of figure magazines I am very excited to read and scan. I will upload them to The Internet Archive once I do so, although it might be a while. I'm really excited to post stuff from here on this blog and find some rare GKs. There is also a Mine Yoshizaki artwork and one of the Haruhi Newtype magazines (weak to gay cover)
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Here's the full set of Wonda Shot Coffee Haruhi figures. They're really lovely, and also include the only official figure of Sasaki, in the middle. These were a Family Mart exclusive, and the gaps in the packaging would have had a bottle of coffee in them.
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Some trading figures; a lot of these are ones I've been meaning to put in my collection for a while. I'm particularly happy with the Saber Konata Nendo petite, the Hypmic Movic set, and the Iwatooshi Koedarize. SMT Mary (far left) came with some broken pieces from her candle, but its nothing some plastic glue can't fix.
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Some Lucifer bits for my itabag; his merch is very expensive everywhere for some reason so being able to get it relatively cheap second hand was nice. The bag smelt of cigarettes though lmao.
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And my beloved Natsume figure. I've wanted this for a long time. I really did get her at a good price. I'll take more pics of her soon.
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itsshinyineedit · 16 days
My first 2 weeks back into |yfting (Long post)
4+ years ago I got into |yft1ng, but after a pretty big change in my life I decided to stop. I've had another big change in my life meaning if I were to get back into |yft1ng, now would be the best time :) Since I'm starting again, I thought I would document my first 2 weeks getting back in to it. I didn't add photos of the clothes this time but I will for future |yfts.
Disclaimer: you might see the words “vintage” being used. I do not condone b0rr0wing from small businesses for the most part, but many charity shops/vintage shops/small businesses operate under false pretenses. I consider where I |yft from before the fact. Fuck salvation army and anyone similar.
Day 1/14
Royal botanical gardens hand sanitizer - £6.95
First |yft (in 4+ years)! Literally everything was fine but it took me so long to walk out the store it was ridiculous. Still, I did it! It smells amazing
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Day 2/14
Honeycomb chocolate - £6.99
I thought I was so smooth until I looked down after I left and saw the huge indent in my jeans ;-; I don’t know I did this before and I definitely have a lot of catching up to do
Day 6/14
Vintage 70s button up - £35 Vintage maxi skirt - £30
A friend of mine tried on a top that was MADE FOR HER but was out of her price range so I had my other friend take her to another store so I could surprise her with it! (and a skirt she also really liked) The |yft had no complications: No monitored dressing rooms, no tags, and they even gave me a bag when I asked so it looked like I bought it for her. That said, neither of my friends b0rr0w or know that I do, which definitely added some risk. The friend wanted to go back in the store (I went to another store while holding the bag so no issues there) and she could have mentioned what she thought I “bought” while in the store (staff was not suspicious at all but still risky.) I'm still happy with my 🏋️‍♀️, especially how incredibly happy my friend reaction made me <3, but in future I think I would avoid b0rr0wing for unknowing friends with them present (or maybe just do it before we leave the area? Still needs some thought)
Day 7/14: The w0rk$
A5 sketchbook - £2 Small stationary pack - £4
Picked up some stationery before meeting with a friend to sketch. Bagged the stationary while the SA was helping someone else. I can definitely feel my |yfts getting faster/smoother.
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Day 9/14: H0bbs and 1tsu
White button up - £79 Seaweed snack - £1.99 Chocolate rice cakes - £1.49
Ho66s was great. Unmonitored dressing rooms and 2 floors, I just d3tagg3d with my hair tie. Went into TK m@xx but the security was intense so I couldn't get anything :(. 1tsu now has automated locations where you pay on tablets so I just took a couple snacks with me as well.
Day 10/14: @nthr0p0l0gie and f|¥ing tig€r
Black hair bow - £24 Hair brush - £18 Hair ties - £2
I found the cutest dress at @nthr0 but couldn't det@g it ;-; I just put the bow and the brush in my bag in a b1ind sp0t. The bow is cute but I'm not sure how much use I'll get out of it so I'm thinking of giving it away. I've needed a new hairbrush for a while though so yay! I then just stopped at FT to get new Hairties which took surprisingly long, the store was very busy.
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Day 14/14
Pearl earrings - £18 Scarf - £18
Easy and quick :) put in my bag in the dressing room, no complications. Scarf pic is different since I had to take it while I was out.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this. I know seeing the massive hauls are always fun but I wanted to show something realistic and documented. If you want to see more in this format lmk!! Thanks for reading and happy shopping <3
This is all roleplay! I do not condone nor encourage theft in any capacity.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
Imagine d word Matty taking hot swimsuit photos for girlie and her insta on the boat and in the water <3 or better yet Polly taking pics for her while she’s Mad at matty and posting them while on different boats
oh, before the drama, matty's literally acting like your own personal photographer any time you do anything. he's got so many cute pictures of you in the 893922 little sundresses you bought for the trip (one of these, a pic of you smiling while you rest your head on his chest, is his lockscreen), and then every time you went to the pool or beach he was like "babe i NEED to take a pic of you right now you look incredible", and you would roll your eyes but be like "ok" and immediately pose lmao. your favourite, the one you post on insta (which i think might be a private account), is one of you lying on a sun lounger at the beach reading a book captioned "i wish book club was like this all the time" - you look amazing in the swimsuit, and just so fucking cool. matty giggles when he reads your caption like "babe, if you looked like that at every book club meeting i wouldn't get anything done. s'difficult enough as it is to pay attention to the book and not you. you're quite distracting, especially in that outfit lol".
speaking of distracting swimwear... the day of the boat trip, i think you pick the sexiest swimsuit you own to wear, the set that rendered matty genuinely speechless when you did a little try-on haul at home, but you keep a cover-up on until you get onto the boat so he has no idea. and you're taking pictures with the girls anyway (and thinking up h2o just add water-themed captions as you do) when polly offers to take some of you by yourself. she posts a pic of you and gabi on her insta story, which matty (bored on the boring boat with the other girl, who's annoying him a bit at this point) views quite quickly. and as soon as he registers you and your outfit, he's craning his neck to try and catch a glimpse of you on the fun boat. polly sees him and she's like "he's looking right at you", and you're like "is he? that's nice of him" completely deadpan; you don't look over at him at all, though, until the boats have stopped and he's trying to get your attention for the front flip, and we all know what happens then lol. but yeah, that swimsuit - when things are better between you and matty and you go away on holiday just the two of you, you take it with you and let him appreciate it properly, if you catch my drift lmao <3
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a-s-levynn · 1 year
A few weeks back i did an extremely self indulgent Sleep Token inspired ring haul on the darkest corners of the internet (fast fashion websites my beloatheds) and i finally got five minutes to myself to open them up and take a look. I also need something to make myself feel better and this might just be it. So with my little helper -my paperweight whale- i'm going to subject all who happens to stumble on this post to my madness. (some of the pics are objectively bad also because of the tumblr pic limit i cropped them together in bunches)
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The one with the gold inside of course coming from Aqua regia. The jaw one is fairly obvious i think. And i just simply like octopi, that one is just kind of a bonus.
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The one on the left, altho the pic is objectively poor the middle has red inlay and.. my brain made a connection to Vore so to the basket it went. The larger one reminded me of Vessel's mask a lot. The flower is kind of self explanatory again.
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The blue one is kind of a happy accident. I was listening to Atlantic at the time and i really like how it looks. Also the stone is kind of the same blue as the stagelights during the song. So it's my Atlantic ring from now on. The ? is so on the nose but it's fun.
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The tentacle one reminded me of the artwork of Hypnosis even if that's a starfish.. don't ask me how my brain works, i don't understand it either. Maybe the most self indulgent one is the double stafish.. yeah i have no excuse for that. And the eyes are.. well eyes and a lot of them.
And my little guy for the closing.
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queen-elizab3th · 1 year
Electric Callboy @ Palladium, Times Square, NYC [09.15.23]
Small disclaimer:
Anyone can reblog this, it's all good. Also, this post is very long.
I have no idea where to even start. The moment my sister (@mrs-kaunisvesi) and I got there, it was pure fangirl chaos for me and her lmao. We were the first ones there and got to see the boys get off their bus.
When they weren't busy hauling their suitcases and what not into the venue, we stopped each of them when we could and took pics with them. The first one we stopped was David.
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David was so sweet. We didn't wanna take up too much of his time because he seemed busy. After taking the picture, I asked for a hug and he smiled and said "sure" enthusiasticly, and gave me a quick hug. I'm pretty sure he giggled because I made a weird noise as I hugged him lmao. When I'm excited I make weird sounds, okay?? Lmao
After that, he went back on the bus. Some time later, he came off the bus, carrying more stuff. Whoever was their camera person that follows them around filming their vlogs was also there? The camera was on David. I have no idea what david was saying because I wasn't close enough to hear, but after talking, he pointed to me and my sister and then the camera panned towards us. Like the idiots we are, all we could do was stand there, wave and smile. So we might be on a vlog?? 😂
The second one we met was Pascal.
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I was a little hesitant to go up to him because he was on his phone and I didn't know if he was doing something important. My sister called out to him and he immediately walked towards us. He smiled and said good morning. He didn't seem to be in a rush, and was very polite. He legit had a small conversation with us, asking why we were there so early and how he was on his way to have a nice walk. After the picture, I asked for a hug. Ngl, his hug had me like 🥴. He was taller than I expected, I felt like my facial expression, as I looked up at him, was like an excited child lol. And... He smelled nice. After the hug, he thanked us for being there and said it was nice to meet us. 😭
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After a while, we met kevin. Kevin was very friendly and I could tell he was happy to meet us and take pics. His presence felt very welcoming and warm. Also, this man got me fucked up. Weak at the knees af. 🥵 I asked for a hug and he said "of course", he then proceeded to give me one of the greatest hugs of all time. This big ass man engulfed me in his arms. It was like someone put a blanket over me. 💀 When I hugged him, I remember feeling his strong shoulder blades and feeling a type of bliss I've never felt before. AND HE SMELLED SO GOOD 😭. His cologne actually clung onto my sweater for a while. Later, I jokingly told my sister that I'd never wash my sweater again. 😂
Next, we met Daniel K.
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Meeting him went very quickly. I don't know if he was tired or just wanted to be alone while he smoked. Hesitantly, my sister asked if we could take pics, he said "yeah". He seemed to be soft spoken. Idk if shy is the right word to use to describe how he was but he was definitely mellow. I was verrrry shy to ask for a hug but I asked anyway, and he he agreed. This time around, I know for a fact that when I hugged him, I made a small squeaking sound of excitement and he giggled gently. I'm definitely over exaggerating here, but I felt like he giggled right next to my earhole because my spider senses started tingling. I blushed internally lol.
Last was Nico. (Please excuse my crazy ass face. Idk what happened to me. 😂)
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I spotted Nico randomly speed walking out of a side entrance of the venue with some crew members. I panicked, slapped my sister's shoulder and pointed at him lmao. He's my sister's favorite and so she chased him down. She called out to him and he turned. She asked for pics and he very politely told us that he can but that we needed to be quick because he was busy. After we took pics he thanked us for coming and walked away quickly. He was very sweet. I wish we could've interacted more but it's all good because this mf made hella eye contact with me during the show lol. Little sis DEFINITELY wasn't jealous at all. 😅
Unfortunately, neither of us got to meet Daniel H. Earlier, when we got there, we were able to shout hi to him when he walked out of the bus. He said hi back and waved to us. Then he went into the venue and we didn't see him again until he was on stage. He's so cute irl with his lil glasses. ☺️
The actual show, was fucking amazing. We got VIP so we were right up against the barricade. There were bodies flying over my head but I didn't care because I was having so much fun singing my heart out and just vibing. It was so wild and hot and sweaty but I was having the time of my life.
I made a TON of eye contact with Daniel H. He winked at me a few times and gave me some cheeky looks. 🫠 Whenever he looked over at me, I was really feeling myself and unintentionally would stare into his eyes while singing the lyrics to whatever song that was playing. I say 'unintentionally' because we would randomly just lock eyes when it was least expected, and I'm NOT just gonna look away lmao.
Nico winked at me and we had small moments where it felt like we were singing to eachother.
I remember at some point when it was quiet and the guys were having one of their talking points, I screamed kevins name and waved, he smiled and waved back. 😭
Important piece of context for this next bit:
The night before, my sister made me make a sign for David. Originally, I didn't want to because I was shy and didn't wanna feel dumb holding it up. Also, I'd never made a sign for anything or anyone in my life. Eventually, I gave in and made a sign asking for a drumstick. (pic included further down)
During one of the first talking points, I screamed David's name. I waved, got his attention, and held up my sign. The moment he squinted, I shit myself because I knew he was trying to read my sign. He gave me a big smile and waved... I was sent to the after life. 😂
I was able to get David's attention multiple times because I have an obnoxiously enormous crush on him and I'm loud af. All I did was scream his name the whole time lmfao. And every single time, he'd either wave, or point at me and wink. 💀💀💀
At the very end of the show, the band was throwing guitar picks and setlists. David walked up to the front of the stage and threw drumsticks out to fans. I remember, he had 2 drumsticks left in his hand and when he also noticed that, he kind of looked at me and with his body language told me to wait one second. He threw one of the 2 drumsticks into the air, and then finally he was down to one. He then walked as close to the edge of the stage as possible, kissed his drumstick, leaned over, gave it to me, and bowed, like a fucking prince handing me a rose.
.......The blood flow to my brain shut off 🤯
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I honestly don't know how in the fuck I was able to function at all after that. I was the happiest person on the planet at that very moment. I'm tearing right now just thinking about it.
After the show was over, we decided to wait outside to see if we could finally meet Daniel H. Unfortunately, again, we weren't able to get a hold of him. As he was leaving the building, he had a ton of stuff on him and I didn't wanna make him put his stuff down for us so we just told him goodnight and he smiled at us before disappearing.
We ended up waiting for the rest of the guys too.
When I saw David leave the building, I froze up. My sister dragged me by the arm while calling his name and asked, "can my sister hug you?". (I heard someone behind me say "aww" and I felt like curling into a ball and rolling away.) David literally stopped walking, parked his suitcase with his stuff next to some crew members, and turned around. He looked at us and was like "Yeah, I saw you in the front row", and smilled gently. He turned to me and gave me a proper hug. I hugged that man so tight, I could smell his cologne. While hugging I told him I loved him and I was so deliriously flustered that I don't even remember if he said anything back. He might have thanked us for being there. He hugged my sister. Then went to talk to other fans that were there briefly.
We also saw Nico, Kevin, and Pascal, but they seemed too busy to stop plus they had all this luggage with them. We did all manage to tell eachother goodnight. ☺️
And that was it! There might've been a few small things I forgot to talk about but the Majority of it is there. This was a lot for me but in a good way.
Greatest night of my life and I'm so happy that I was able to share it with my sister (and mom, she was there too).
If I could do it all over again, I would.
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discipleofmothra · 2 months
Birthday Haul! My wide and ai are celebrating my birthday today. We don't usually do big gifts, and opt for experiences, but this year we were doing OKish cash wise so we did both. Here's my haul:
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A locally made play doh based lobecraftian wargame that I've had my eyes on. I know it's for kids, but the concept is so fun I have wanted to try it for a while.
A King of Tokyo expansion!
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Baby Gigazaur! Now I don't need to get the big box for one monster! Also for a kids' game, but I have been collecting since 1st Ed, and I love this big dumb game.
What might be the coolest thing ever:
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A Kaiju Knitting Zine! Just look at this. It's so rad. Crafting, kaiju, zines? It's perfect.
She also got me some new pink Allbirds, but I got a rule against feet pics, so just know they are really cool shoes.
My Battleteck Mercenaries Kickstarter box was delivered today too, so I'll post them later. Between this and Swill it's a great birthday for a Skirmish wargamer.
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Hey there, good luck this week!
Do you have any interesting things about the Holden Crewman? I have the '07 model and very rarely see other ones on the road, after years of driving a 2-door Getz it's like I'm driving a bus lol. Here's a pic of the cool back, take care!
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Oh my, a ute! We get to tell the rest of the world about them!
Utes (from the "utility" in "utility vehicle") are passenger cars that just so happen to have a truck bed behind the people - providing both the comfort and refinement of a regular car and the versatility of a pickup, with huge advantages in fuel consumption, noise / vibration / harshness (NVH) and speed - you can haul ass while hauling donkeys! (Don't haul ass while hauling donkeys.)
The name wasn't familiar to me, as someone a bit out of tune with the Australian market's largely isolated automotive ecosystem, and now that I check that's even less of a surprise - my man, you've the last year of the only four-door ute Holden's ever made! Considering its production spanned five model years, I'm not surprised it's that rare -had it been more requested it would probably have seen itself through to the end of Holden (R.I.P.)- and likely would've appeared sooner in their lineup.
If you want me to say more, well, all I have is a call to action: Apparently a yankee fit one of these with the bits from the Pontiac GTO (the name they got the Monaro by) - LS included.
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Voices say that's the only such ute in the world - and it surprises and saddens me that you're letting yankees beat your nation at its own game. Go out there, scout the nearby wreckers, there's bound to be some Monaro with a fauna-remodeled rear. You know what to do.
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
Thanks for the well wishes, by the way - all is going fine! :)
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elizabethplaid · 1 year
daily notes, july 26, 2023
Hoo boy, what a long day. Here’s some brief summary points, because a lot happened JUST today.
1- Dad’s out of surgery and doing well. We both got a bit misty at points, but he felt pretty normal by the time I left (nearly 8:30).
1.5- A lot of the time I spent waiting for dad to wake up was spent texting. Had a short cry, as I was stressed. The nurse was really sweet - looking out for me as much as for my dad.
2- Traffic and parking suck. 2 instances where I could BARELY get in the truck. Scraped the first guy. (Left a note and took pics of the damage. Didn’t cry until much later, though I had totally earned it by that point.) 2nd guy actually left the lot as I was sitting, waiting to cool down. After that first scrape, I made sure to park far from others.
3- Target, Goodwill, Michael’s. Goodwill had the best haul, and I specifically mean photos of funny things. @vintage-tech got to see the images first. I also bought a gag-gift for Neighbor-J, as it is topical and his family is looking after our cats.
3.5- Couldn’t find the orange faux fur/eyelash yarn at Michael’s... which was the whole point of my trek! I DID find it in blue at Goodwill; there were a couple other colors, but I left those behind.
4- Hospital called me (saying dad was done) just as I was finishing at Michael’s, so I missed lunch. Ate dinner by myself at “Green Tea Asian Cuisine”, which was really nice. I didn’t like that the booth was on a platform, but I liked that the waiter helped me sit in the corner. (I said, “I’m feeling shy tonight,” because I couldn’t quite explain how flustered I felt being by myself.)
5- Took a shower as soon as I got back to the room. The tops of my feet have slight bruises from how tight I tied my shoelaces and all the walking I did.
================== I have lots of things to talk about in counseling. Mostly good things, because of all the shopping and cell phone fun. I might ask for a slightly longer session, so I have time to ramble. I’ll curate my topic list to keep myself from straying too far.
Really glad I won’t be going back to the library right away. Counseling is next Wednesday, so I’d like to take that Tuesday to get my topic list in line and pare down what to bring for “show and tell”.
I will make other posts later, after I get home. My thrifting post will likely be directly here, rather than submitting it to shiftythrifty right away. Is it less work for the mods to reblob me, versus approving a post themselves? I’ll ask Didi later.
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siodium · 2 years
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AFA!!! i haven't been to an event in so long and i was so excite about the idea of going that i couldn't sleep properly lakjsdklajs but it's ok my soul has been healed by bootiful cosplayers and merch ✨
luwi and i bought tickets for friday online and i thought that would allow us to skip the queue bUT NO we still had to queue for an hour before we could get our entry wristbands :// we got scammed
there were sooo many ppl in line to collect the wristbands and it didn't seem like they controlled the number of ppl going into the event hall so i mentally prepared myself to become a canned sardine the moment i enter but it was actually really spacious inside?? i didn't have much trouble walking around at all O:
my budget was particularly massive this time round bc i'm now a proper working adult (i earn money... to spend it!!) and there were no events for the past two years so i got to save up!!
still can't believe that some stuff i wanted were already sold out on the first day (இ﹏இ`。) before 2 pm too????
anyways i'll post my humble haul soon!! pls look forward to it
we had a super late lunch at mos burg and i decided to do some accounting bc my dumbass was so engrossed in the shopping that i didn't even realise i was walking around with loose cASH in my hands in between the merch i bought and i was afraid i might have dropped something (i didn't,, thankfully)
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also went on sunday as best jeanistinumaki with luwi as yuta~ her yuta is actually very hansum!! in a pretty boi way but still ♡♡♡
first time having so many ppl ask me for selfies aslk;asjdklsa i'm,,, shooketh,, must be the Luwi Effect
i was trying my very best to maintain a (sleepy) poker face throughout the event (Fake Face Tattoo Problems™) but it was so weird not smiling for pics HAHAHAH
found a merp!! idk the chara but very shuai 😙👌 haven't seen coopa in forever i hope he still remembers chi
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tfw your bro just wants to be bros
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decided to go chill at the sky garden for some fresh(???) air and to get better lighting for selfies lol
a gojo coser came by and asked us for pics?? the way he asked was so cute (ಥ◡ಥ) he said something like "my students! would you like to take a photo with sensei?" aw
one of the things we wanted to do was to make tiktoks LMAO but we're too paiseh to do the thirst traps/dancing ones soooo
obligatory dorito chin/chad face bc we're cosing hansum jujutsu boisss
luwi and i managed to smuggle ourselves into the event hall with the wristbands that we acquired from merp and hf (thanks!!) when they were about to leave
absolutely had to show ban our coses in person before we changed out (・ε・`) mission completed successfully
and since i was inside i decided to also do some last min merch shopping in case i missed something
i stuck around to wait for ban and midori to pack up so we could go have dinner together~~~ it was ramen and ramen bois share everything y'know
i was so tired by the end of the day but it was fun so worth it!!!
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psychicequalizer · 10 months
Hi! It's your Secret Santa again 🎅.
How are you? I'm glad there's only 2 days left of my workweek. Adulting sucks sometimes lol.
Ooh, finals week. I remember those, definitely a hectic time. I'm sorry to hear about history. I struggled alot in biology. Made like ds and fs on all the tests. Then miraculously made an a on the final. Kinda saved my grade. Maybe you'll get lucky in history too 🤞.
I love guitar music. Alot of people in my family play guitar, so I grew up listening to alot of great guitar playing. I think you sounded really good in the videos, and I bet you sound just as good when you're sober too.
Thats awesome you've been in a band and play solo too! What kind of places do you play at? Do you ever get nervous about it?
Yeah, college definitely isn't for everyone. Do you know what you might want to do if you decide not to go the college route?
I read some of your poetry! One of my favorites was this one... it didn't have a title so I just copied the beginning of it: "somewhere in south carolina there is a dying boy sitting". What inspires you most when writing poetry?
I would love to see your photography! Is it posted on your blog as well?
I see you have alot of Dukes of Hazard pics on your blog. Is that one of your favorite shows? I'll admit, I've never seen it before, and don't really know much about it. So I'm curious, what are some of your favorite things about that show and what draws you to it?
I hope you have an amazing night tonight and a wonderful day tomorrow!
Until next time!
i'm doing pretty good, just turned in a final paper for philosophy. a little hungover lmao, me n the boys got a little crazy last night. crossed while watching fight club is INSANE.
as far as where i play: parties, bars, church, funerals, you name it, i've probably played it. any old place will do.
im gonna be so real i've always said that if life don't work out i'll be a trucker. already know how to drive a rig pretty good—i been driving bigass trailers n hauling shit around the hunt club since i was old enough to drive. n by old enough to drive, i mean old enough to reach the pedals.
i'm so glad u like my poems! really im mostly just inspired by the world around me n my own experiences. also, i'd forgot about the one you mentioned n goddamn that hit different rn.
some of my photography is on here, yeah. tag is my photos.
lmaooo yeah i been on the dukes BAD lately. watched it growing up bc they played reruns on tvland and my parents liked it. i don't remember why i started watching it again but im glad i did bc its rly fun n takes my mind off all the big pressing shit i have going on. bottom line abt me n that is: im from the south, i like cars, n i don't like the cops. the whole thing is just fighting the system (any system) n driving like hell. whats not to love fr
you have a good day too!
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apttonki · 2 years
07 kw king pins
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#07 kw king pins license#
If you set them up right and it isn't worn out, I am told they aren't too bad. I am with Frank on the torsion bar setup. When I get ready to build another one, that is exactly the truck I want to get.Ĭheck under the dash for damage from the apparent bullet hole in the side of the cowl (LOL). There are a bunch of KW people on the board and I am sure that just about any of them can tell you where to find just about any part you may need.
#07 kw king pins license#
4.10 while maybe not the most fuel efficient are still high enough to cause you to loose points on your license in some states. Hang with the13 if it is not a OD then you might want to consider doing that. again kitty parts are not cheap never have been never will be. if it has a 3406A then take it to what ever you want, just about. if you ever have to up the kitty I'm assuming that it is a 1674 due to the period you can take it up several notches for about the same total rebuild price as keeping it at 270 but parts are getting farther apart and more and more pricey. Seeing a torsion suspension truck at a show is a novelty hardly never more than just a few, if any. but mostly because almost every one removes it in favor of something else. If you are ditching the Dayton's, we might have to make a deal.Īlthough if it were me I would think 3 or 4 times real hard about tossing the torsion suspension if it is going to be setup as a play thing there are a couple of things you can do to make it ride a bit better I think. Great project,love the cat and 13,are you keeping the spokes or going to buds Welcome to the forums! Great looking project there, that's the one truck that I have always wanted to get my hands on. Pics are what I bought it off of ebay with in a leap of faith! I just happen to live 1/2 mile away from erickson truck parts if any of you have ever bought parts there. Its got the KW torsion rear suspension which is going bye bye. Runs good but at the moment she dont move due to air leaks ect. Sitting for 3 years got to it more then anything. Anyway, she's a 74' 900A, 270 cat, 13 speed with 4:10's in the rear, 27x,000 miles and the way it looks they are orginal miles. Well Here goes- Bought this in late august off ebay- gonna use her on the farm after I restore it, hope to find a 40' grain trailer and a low boy to haul my pulling tractors and antique tractors around. Be automann assured.Welcome FrankSurber - Control Panel - 1 New | Logout | Search | New Posts Don't take a chance with your truck parts. Automann Assured Value represents our dedication to providing the best possible price points for our customers. Automann Assured Service reflects our commitment to a simple, streamlined ordering process, including superb catalogs, rapid turnaround time, and professional, knowledgeable customer service. Our ISO9001:2015 CERTIFIED operations, combined with advanced in house engineering expertise, translate to a quality product offering. We call it "Automann Assured."Īutomann Assured Quality drives our corporate culture. The Automann brand on your part means you will benefit from the highest levels of quality, service and value, every day. Automann is committed to the long term success of its distributors and continues to invest in expanding its product offering and improving its services. The company’s sales force is also strategically located in the markets we serve, to support our distributors.įormed in 1994 Automann has evolved into a leader in the heavy duty aftermarket. Also serving the Canadian market is Automann Heavy Duty Canada with two strategic locations in Brampton Canada and Edmonton Alberta. To effectively service our customers with faster transit times, we operate four strategically located USA distribution centers in Monroe Township New Jersey, Ontario California, New Lennox, Illinois and Arlington Texas. Automann services regional warehouse distributors and repair shops with more than 25,000 products, ranging from air brake & wheel components to steering products - and just about everything in between.Īutomann is headquartered in Monroe Township, NJ. Welcome to Automann, a premier global distributor of aftermarket truck and trailer chassis components. About Us: The Ultimate Source for Quality Truck Parts.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
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heart's got teeth
summary: tired of never seeing your boyfriend after his hunts, you stay awake and interesting things happen.
rating: M, if i see a single one of you minors anywhere near this we are going to have a long talk about how you have got to wait until you're eighteen for this word count: 4697. i do not want to talk about it.
tw: blood, vampires, a bit of dirty talk, biting, bruising, hurting other people. it's kind of self explanatory when i mention vampire austin. blood kink. a lot of blood, like it's a bit much.
author notes: blame the discord, ana, gabby and basically any long haired picture of mr. austin butler. oh and that one pic from the dead don't die. yeah i am apparently going to write fix it fics, whole love letters to priscilla and elvis and reader inserts that are dirty af with maybe a fluff on the side. i don't know what this fandom has done to me?? also forgive me i am secretly a boomer when it comes to editing my tumblr posts, so if something messed up someone's got to tell me. also totally not beta read because i like to pretend i don't need one.
It should have freaked you out when he told you, he had thought it would freak you out when he told you after all not many people react to finding out someone they care about is a vampire. Sure, it's always a cliche that when you're dating someone you'd find it so cool if they were a vampire but that's for movies and television, not in real life. Except when Austin sat you down one night looking more nervous than you've ever seen him- with the exception of when he had been waiting to hear from Baz about Elvis- you found yourself joking from the moment he had told you.
"Is this why you have such a baby face? Not just good genes but being a vampire? That's just mean, Austin, you should have saved some for the rest of us."
The resulting smile and laughter you got back could have powered the entire west coast for years to come. It's that moment that told you you were in it for the long haul with him and that death itself would have to come between you. The problem was that Austin always needed more blood than you could give. You'd offer time and time again but it was always the same song and dance.
"Baby, I can't take that much from you," or "darling, I don't know if I could stop myself." 
It was bullshit, in your opinion, you were a grown woman, if you wanted your boyfriend, the love of your life to feed from you so much you almost passed out then who was he to stop you. Besides maybe someone who might have known better since he had been a vampire for as long as he had and someone who knew how much blood he requires. 
Okay so maybe you knew he had a point which is how you and him had come to the agreement that whenever he needed to feed an excessive amount beyond what you could take from your own vein by needle that he'd go out and take what he'd need from others only to come home to you and your life. It was a simple enough arrangement but Austin complicated it by never coming home when you were still awake. At first it didn't bother you because for all you knew he just lost track of time or it took longer to find willing victims who wouldn't spill his secret the second his fangs would enter their skin. However it kept happening over and over again and it seemed no matter how late you stayed awake you'd always find yourself in bed tucked into a clean and put together Austin Butler. 
It was in a singular word- infuriating. He wasn't cheating, he wasn't gallivanting around, he was just doing what he had to do to survive but he wasn't letting you be a part of it. He was shutting off a part of his life- hell he was shutting you off from him actually sustaining himself so he could live a life. 
Tonight was going to be different though, you had made sure of it. Austin had left hours earlier with a soft kiss on your forehead as he tried not to wake you up from a nap and you had woken up an hour or so later ready to stay up until the break of dawn if you had to because this was it, this was when you would see just how your boyfriend looked when he arrived home. In hindsight, this was perhaps the worst idea you had ever had in your life.
Austin knew better than to show up even remotely before midnight, knowing your night owl tendencies would make it impossible for him to sneak by you to shower without seeing him covered in blood that wasn't yours or his own. He chose 1AM, his usual time to open the front door slowly without turning on any of the lights. It was situations like this that made him thankful for his heightened vision at night, without it he's positive he'd run into every chair and bit of furniture between the front door and the master bedroom of the house. Normally he'll check to hear your breathing the subtle rise and fall of your chest to make sure you were asleep but tonight had been particularly rough and all he could dream about was the shower and your body curled up against his. He shifted a little as he stood for a second, trying to remind himself that he couldn't climb into bed just yet. Maybe once he did though, he could lick you awake and watch you- okay no he needed to shower first, then contemplate how he was going to wake you up.
You had heard the front door open and carefully tried to not move a single muscle until you heard the creek of your bedroom door open. The moonlight manages to illuminate Austin's silhouette enough that your tongue darts out to lick your lips. You've never known yourself to have a blood kink- maybe a small one like all girls- but seeing your boyfriend like this sends such a shock to your core rest you have to stop and remind yourself of the plan and stop yourself from just moaning. Austin's white shirt is ripped and covered in blood with his neck practically drenched. There's a part of you that knows you should be concerned about the amount of blood but all you can think of is how Austin had to have looked at the time to leave such a mess. It's in that moment that you can't help the huff of air that leaves your mouth just picturing Austin's face buried in another person's neck, sinking his teeth into them-
Shit. You were caught. It crossed your mind to stay silent and try and fake being asleep but then what would be the point of you still being awake. Still you stopped yourself from answering immediately and waited to hear Austin once more.
"I can hear you breathing, darling."
"That's creepy, Aus." You replied back without even missing a beat. Not the smartest thing for you to do, but you also knew you weren't wrong in saying that. 
His hand moved to the light switch by the door and he stopped just short of turning it on. He knew what would happen when he did that, you'd see him covered in someone else's blood and run away screaming. He hasn't decided if he wants to risk it yet, if he wants to lose you yet. Thankfully you chose now to be a smart-ass and he can't help but chuckle.
"You're up late, you're gonna-"
Rather than hear him lecture you about staying up late you cut him off with a simple sentence as you stood up and started to walk up to him. "I stayed up to see you." Your eyes drifted to the light switch. "Turn on the light, Austin. Please."
He never had been able to resist you when you said please like you had earned it. It was never begging, it was always a simple please knowing that he couldn't deny you with what you deserved. His head shook and he found himself trying to come up with excuses as to why he wasn't going to before he looked at your face and saw your eyes pleading with him. Later on he would blame his response on the thrill of his hunt still strumming a steady beat of "take take take" in his head but you both know there was something else at play and he found his eyes drifting down to your neck where he sees your arteries taunting him and he shudders just slightly before doing as you asked.
If Austin looked gorgeous in the moonlight, seeing him in the light of your room puts him in the realm of a Greek God. Your tongue darts out to lick at your lips and you found yourself moving in front of him and before he had a chance to stop you your cheek was rubbing against the blood on his neck. You nuzzle your way up to his cheek, placing soft kisses as you do and your hand snakes up to cup his chin so that he's looking at you. It occurs to you that your face looks like a mirror image of your boyfriend's covered in blood and you tried to bite back the slight groan that exits your mouth at the thought before realizing that no, he needs to hear what this is doing to you.
"Y/N," He chokes out, trying to look anywhere but you and your now blood covered lips. He has had dreams of this, dreams of you hunting with him and coming back covered in blood he could just lick off of you slowly, after all you two were busy people you couldn't afford to waste a good meal. He forces himself to swallow after his tongue darts out to wet his lips. "What are you doing? I'm- you've got blood on you."
You look up at him through your eyelashes, batting them ever so slowly, a grin forming on your face. "I do, don't I? Oops. I just wanted to touch you, kiss you, show you how much I missed you." Your tongue runs across your lips slowly, licking at some of the blood on them. "Is that a problem?"
Austin's eyes narrow in on your lips and your tongue before he just snarls, flashing his canines as he picks you up. Here you were teasing him, licking at blood he hadn't covered you in, blood that you hadn't gotten yourself covered in while hunting with him, blood that isn't yours or his and that just wouldn't do. No, you needed to be shown this side of him if you were going to flagrantly disrespect it. 
You let out a yelp as soon as your feet are lifted off the ground. It wasn't completely unexpected, you knew you were teasing Austin and that he was only a former human, he had limits to the amount of teasing he could take but the snarl and the lift was making you realize you might have pushed too far. Your arms found themselves wrapping around his neck, trying to give yourself some leverage to do anything other than be carried along for the ride. It works well enough for you to be able to nip at his exposed bloody neck, trying to get him to speak or say something so you know that everything is fine. His hands tighten on your thighs and in what feels like a single second you find yourself pinned between the wall and his heaving chest.
"You- You can't- fuck, Y/N you don't know what you're doing to me," He nuzzles at your neck, taking a controlled breath, you'd say he's sniffing at you but you're honestly not one hundred percent sure. "Haven't ever drunk from you like this, you already taste so sweet, you'd taste like ambrosia from your neck, baby." 
"Austin-" You start to speak before you feel his teeth grazing your neck, you're pretty sure he's not breaking skin, but you know there will be a bruise tomorrow. "You can- you can if you want. I want you to do it."
"Darlin," His voice sounds wrecked and you can hear him dropping the g in darling like he's still Elvis Presley. Your thighs reflexively clench around his waist when you hear it as you try to gain some relief. "You promise? Because I-" 
"Do it." It comes out more forceful than you mean it to but something in your tone seems to spur Austin on and you find yourself being practically thrown against your bed. You scramble up the sheets almost like you're trying to run away before feeling Austin's hand on your ankle pulling you down to the edge of the bed as he starts to place kisses up your thigh, lifting up your nightgown as he does.Your hands find their way to his hair, pulling at the strands and earning a groan from him before he actually bites down on your upper thigh so very close to your center. The sensation of his canines piercing your skin causes your thigh and entire leg to tense up and Austin notices, pulling away almost immediately, his mouth looking even redder than it was before.
“You tensed up.” His chest rises and falls quicker than you’ve ever seen it and for the first time you realize just how much power you might have over him. He would do anything for you, wouldn’t he? It makes you want to do what you’re pretty sure he wants desperately. You want his bites all over you, you want both of you to be covered in your blood. Your eyes flicker down to his crotch and you see the outline of his cock in his pants hard and likely ready for you. Your thighs clench together before you rub them together ever so slowly as your eyes find their way back to his face. 
“It was- I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know it would feel like that, you’ve never drank from me like this. I liked it, Austin.” You unclench your legs and open them up so that Austin can see what he’s doing to you- what the idea of him biting you is doing to you. “Come back here please.”
He waits a moment, almost appearing to consider the merits of not doing as you ask before he ends up on his knees with his hands finding purchase on your legs. It’s a startlingly submissive position but the more you look into his eyes the more you realize it’s not, it’s him relinquishing just a hair bit of power to you just until he can take over when he knows what you want. “I want to- Y/N, I need to know you’ll stop me if I hurt you. I don’t trust myself to stop-”
You move quickly to silence him with a kiss on the lips. “I trust you with my life. Show me who you are, Austin.”
It’s as if a switch is flipped in him and within a second there’s another bite on your thigh, another puncture of your skin and you find yourself leaning back and grabbing at the white sheets. His hands make quick work of your nightgown as you hear the tearing of the fabric, any other time and you’d care but instead you shiver at the sensation of the cold air reaching your already overheating body. You want to tell him to kiss you, let you taste your own blood on his tongue but you can’t manage the words as he nips his way up to your cunt. You know you’re wet, probably drenched if you had to guess but if you had any doubts the growl you hear from your boyfriend’s mouth confirms it before you feel his tongue licking a stripe up your slit and you feel his fingers opening you up. His hair is the first thing your hands head to as his tongue starts to trace small circles around your clit. God, you always have loved his mouth and what he can do with it, but now after just two bites you swear it’s heightening the feeling of his tongue and his fingers. He bites down very softly on your clit before enveloping it in his mouth, choosing to just lavish the attention only there as you pull at his hair, your chest heaving as you feel the warmth in the pit of your stomach growing quicker than you thought was possible. You’re pretty sure you’re muttering nonsense at the moment but Austin seems to enjoy it, letting out a small hum that makes your hand tighten. His head starts to move back like he’s going to remove himself from your cunt before you can actually come and you don’t want that. You whine, trying to use the leverage you have holding his hair to your advantage to no avail as he pulls away, his mouth slick with a mixture of your juices and your blood. It is the hottest thing you have seen in your life and a whimper escapes your lips before you know what you’re doing. 
Austin smirks before kissing your thighs until he reaches your hip bone, taking another bite and allowing you to see the blood dripping from the wound and letting some slip out of his mouth leaving a trail up your body as he leaves marks across your torso. You want to feel the pierce of his fangs again, but it reassures you that there will at least be bruising that you won’t be able to cover up in the morning. His eyes settle on your face witnessing how you’re shuddering at the touch of his fingers and of even the hint of his teeth and he wonders why he's waited this long to do this with you, had he known you'd react like this he would have done it far sooner. He wants to move to your breasts but he stops himself and moves back down your torso, licking the blood he had spilled on the way up. After all, it'd be a waste to have your blood just covering you without him devouring it.
"Mm," He hums, pulling away for a moment to place a kiss on your lips, "just like I thought, you're better than any ambrosia known to man."
You didn't know what ambrosia tasted like but if the way he spoke with such reverence was any indication it must have been something phenomenal. As it stood your own blood tasted strange but you couldn't tell if that was due to the blood itself or the mix of it with your other fluids. You want to keep kissing him, see if you can taste any more of yourself on his lips and in his mouth but he pulls away, kissing and licking a trail down to your breasts. 
"I'd bite you on here, baby, but I don't want to ruin these girls."His tongue darts out to lick at your left nipple, giving it a little flick before enveloping it with his mouth, his teeth worrying it as you try to reach in between your legs to touch your neglected clit. Before you can reach it, however, Austin's hand is batting it away and replacing it with his own. He doesn't do what you want him to do, instead just leisurely touching it, almost teasing it with just grazes of his fingers. 
"Austin Butler if you keep teasing me-" You have to pause as he bites down with just a little more force on the underside of your boob, "I will find holy water and a stake to kill you with." 
You feel the huff of his laughter against your chest before he moves to your other breast and cups your mound, completely ignoring your clit. He knows what he's doing and you know it just as well. He's in control, not you. You don't get to make demands of him and yet when he pulls away after leaving another mark on your chest, you grab at his hair and pull him up to your lips, smashing your lips against his and biting at his lower lip. It's then that he finally just crawls on top of you, pressing his pelvis into yours and giving you just enough friction to let out a groan of relief. Still, you want more and now that he's actually on top of you, you use the slight advantage you have to flip your positions. 
He shouts mildly startled before his hands go to your hips. "Baby girl, I'll put you back up here if you get up and let me take my pants off. I want to fuck you, but I can't do that with pants."
You don't want to get up but the idea of getting fucked when you're both like this is intoxicating so you jump off and notice that you've already dripped blood onto the sheets. That'll stain. He makes quick work of his pants, his belt clinking to the floor before you have time to really think about it and you end up just allowing yourself to slowly straddle Austin, sinking slowly onto his cock. His hands move back your hips and he feels the warmth of your blood in one of his hands before realizing that was the hip that he bit already. He knows he shouldn't do what he's about to do, but he finds himself glancing at your mouth with the blood on it and your neck with the blood on it and he's reminded of the many visions he’s had of you bloody just like he is when he comes back from a hunt. Later on he won’t even bother to explain why he does what he does, but before you even realize it, Austin’s hand finds its way to your chest and what feels like all over your skin, you can feel the warmth of your own blood under your skin and on your skin and before you know it, your mouth is back on Austin, trying to devour his lips, your tongue meeting his own as you grind your hips. You can feel him trying to pull away but you move your hand to cup the back of his head, your fingers tangling in his hair and pulling him even closer if possible. He moves his hand to your breast, taking your nipple in between his fingers, pinching it and causing you just enough pain that you gasp into your kiss and he manages to pull away from it. You whimper at the loss but soon follow that initial whimper with more as his lips kiss a trail down to your neck. Austin’s mouths at one specific spot, he doesn’t use teeth, not yet, instead just wanting to see what he can cause before he bites. You hear him mumble what almost sounds like nonsense if you weren’t paying attention to your neck in between kisses.
“Gotta promise me you’ll make me stop, God I wanna turn you, want to live with you forever, drink from you like this forever. Cover you in blood. Claim you in blood.”
Everything he says should terrify you but all you can think is that you’ve never wanted anything more than what he’s talking about at that moment. Maybe that’s why you find yourself trying to expose your neck to him more with a small whisper. “Bite me, Austin. I want to taste myself on your tongue.”
Those are the magic words for him and in a flash you feel the pierce of his fangs into your neck and you swear you see stars. You keen as you feel your cunt clenching around him. You’re not coming, not quite yet, but you’re pretty sure if he even touches your clit you’re done for. He sucks for what feels like an eternity before pulling away with a snarl as he kisses you with such reckless abandon that all you can do is wrap your tongue around his, and swallow the blood that you find is still in his mouth. It ignites something in you that has you pushing him to lay down on the bed, making even more of a mess of your white sheets. Austin grasps at your skin as you bounce on his cock, trying to get the angle just right as he covers you in your own blood, smearing it across your skin like he’s painting a masterpiece.
“Jesus Christ, baby. Come on, ride me like this, let me feel you, feel how much you wanted this.” He’s practically slurring his words, the pleasure from him drinking from your neck and your cunt squeezing his dick combining into a haze. He wants to hold off on coming, wants to make sure you come first, but he can feel every bit of your body strumming in the air and his hands tense on your hips, trying to get you to stop moving. “I’m gonna come, I can’t-”
“Do it, come in me Austin, it’s fine, I want you to.” You’re not focusing on anything but the feel of his dick inside you and how your body is winding tighter and tighter and how for some reason you want to do this every night and how you want to taste his blood or more of your own. “Show me what this did to you, please. Please.”
That’s what does it, your final please has him tensing under you and coming with a groan against the sheets, trying to muffle it so the neighbors don’t wonder what is going on this late at night between the two of you. You feel the warmth of his cum and with only a bit of a stutter in your hips you move to grab one of Austin’s hands and guide it to your clit. Despite how his eyes have practically rolled into the back of his head, he gets the message, and starts to play with it, touching it in just the way you like while you slowly grind on his softened cock. You start to worry for just a moment that you won’t come but Austin sits up just enough with you still on him to nip at the other side of your neck before moving right back to his bite and taking just one more sip. Your cunt pulses around him as you come with a silent shout, your body suddenly acknowledging your mild blood loss and flopping almost immediately onto his body. Austin rolls you just enough off of him so that he can look at you from the side. His hand goes up to your hair and down to your still mildly bleeding neck. 
“I’m going to take care of that, sweetheart. Won’t even know it was there.” He whispers, placing a light kiss there. “You need to drink some orange juice.”
You hum contentedly, your eyes shutting just a tad. You’re pretty sure Austin didn’t take too much from you, but whatever he did you feel might have worn you out. “A cookie too?”
Austin laughs, pulling out of you and slowly getting up. “A cookie too, since you look like I spilled three blood bags on you.”
It takes a bit of energy to glare but you manage before letting out a tiny giggle. “The sheets are probably worse.”
“They actually look like a Picasso painting, we should frame them!” He shouts as he walks to the kitchen, preparing you a glass of orange juice with a few cookies. When he arrives back, he finds you on your back looking up at the ceiling, seeming more content than you had been in ages. He sits down next to you and forces you to sit up to take a sip of orange juice. “I love you, Y/N, you know that, right?”
“Mmhmm,” You hum as you swallow the juice. “I know and I love you too. It’s why I trust you with my whole life.”
Austin just watches you for a moment and waits until you take a bite of a cookie to place a soft kiss on your lips. “Thank you.”
A tiny smile appears on your face because that’s exactly what you wanted to hear from Austin after this, just a tiny thank you for letting him do this, letting him drink from you. It was your choice, but you think he had forgotten about that for too long. It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to finish the cookies and juice but when you do, you set them on the side of the bed next to you. “So what do you say you run us a bath and we talk about what someone was saying about turning me? And forever.”
Austin flushes and looks down at the ground before looking up at you and biting his lip. “Your wish is my command, baby.” 
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echoalyssa · 3 years
Through His Window | Marcus Baker
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Authors Note: Marcus is 18 in this and will be for every time that I write for him! Plus look at the boy, as if he’s 15 😒 I love this boy with all my heart, and could not write about anyone younger than 18 ever. Oral sex! Female receiving.
Y’all get yourself a man (or a woman) like this. I never KNEW until i experienced it. Don’t settle for less!
It’s late at night when you scurry across the street and into the Bakers’ yard. Normally it was your boyfriend climbing through your window, but today, or rather tonight, you decided that you wanted to switch it up.
You reach for the lowest branch of the tree below Marcus’ window, hauling yourself up and wedging your foot into the crevice before reaching for the next branch.
Its really not the most comfortable, stray leaves and twigs hit you in the face and if you weren't wearing leggings you'd certainly have some very scratched up legs.
Thank god it wasn’t a fern tree, that would be utter hell. How Marcus climbed up so gracefully was beyond you.
You finally reach his windowsill and with a might haul, you manage to pull yourself up. You wiggle so that a butt cheek and a thigh rests on the ledge, your other leg still on the tree branch and then you push the window up.
Luckily he hasn’t locked it, otherwise this whole thing would be ruined. Plus, stairs were boring.
You focus more on climbing into the room safely than looking for him. And when you’re seated on the floor, gasping slightly because it sure was a workout, you look up.
Marcus is standing by his dresser just staring at you, looking downright shocked. He blinks, his jaw opening and closing like a fish. His eyebrows rise and then fall again.
“Hey baby!” You say with a giggle.
He blinks another confused blink and then his face lights up. Your boyfriend crosses the room to you and then hauls you up so he can kiss you.
You melt into him, the ever so present fact that the two of you fit together like puzzle pieces looming over you.
“What are you doing here?” He asks with a chuckle of disbelief after he’s pulled away.
You stroke your jaw and grab your crotch, like teenage boys did for their instagram pics. “I’m Marcus Baker. I crawl through windows at night.”
He eyes you, and then simultaneously the two of you break into laughter.
Your fingers find the hem of his tshirt and you tug lightly, before backing away from him to slide off your shirt (one of his old ones, though it unfortunately didn’t smell like him) leaving you in those black nike running shorts that you loved.
He obliges, not because he enjoys being shirtless but because he likes you in his clothes. Or nothing at all. He wasn’t picky.
You slip it over your head and then dart for his bed, you fling yourself onto the mattress and your body bounces back up after impact.
He darts after you, jumping on top of you and pinning you to the mattress. His fingers go to your sides and he begins to tickle you, knowing all the right places.
You squirm, all giggly and thrashing. You can feel the lack of air and you smack at his shoulders playfully, trying to escape his wrath.
He pulls back, knowing you need to breathe. “Give me one good reason as to why I should stop.”
You gasp, and gasp again, sucking that precious air back into your lungs. “I-I-“ You suck in more air, a stray giggle following. “I’m horny!”
At that his eyebrows raise and he peers down at you. “Horny eh?”
You nod curtly and then for extra effect add a little army salute.
“I’ve got a spectacular solution for that problem then miss. Will you allow me to assist you?”
He rolls over to the right of his bed so that he’s no longer on top of you and then pats the space between the sides of his head.
You give him a blank look.
“Ride my face babe!”
You feel your eyes blow out wide. Oh. OH. “Isn’t that dangerous? What if you can’t breathe?”
“Death by thick thighs, I would not complain!”
“No death Mar!” You exclaim.
He pats the mattress again. “Bless me with the glorious juices of your body.”
This kid. This kid would be the end of you.
Reluctantly you tug the shorts off, and because of the built in underwear you didn’t need to wear underwear. You straddle his chest first and look down at him.
“Are you sure?”
You knew he loved eating you out, loved cleaning you up and he loved giving. But you’d never sat ON his face before.
Slowly you scoot up, seeing his face disappear between your thighs. Though you hover over his face, reluctant to put too much weight on him.
His arms wrap around your thighs from the back, his palms resting on your hips, and then abruptly he pulls you down onto him.
His lips land on your clit and you gasp, trying to rocket back up but he holds you there, his grip firm but not tight.
He drags his tongue through your lips and you whimper. It’s always so good when he does this, but the fact that you’re on his face is ridiculously enticing even if you’re still worried. His tongue then flicks upward and- he catches your clit and your hand shoots downwards, wrapping in his hair.
“Oh god-“
He groans from underneath you and you know it’s because he loves the way you taste. The vibration of the groan rockets through you and your legs shake.
His tongue picks a steady rhythm on your clit and you find your hips rolling forward ever so slightly.
“Is that o-okay?” You gasp out, worried you’ll hurt him.
He lets out a ragged moan in response and tugs you further into him.
Something about this angle, about this position, it was stirring a fire in your belly already. If only there was a mirror, if you ever did this again (and you had a feeling you would) you’d definitely be adding a mirror to the equation.
Your body is succumbing to him, you fall forward, grabbing the headboard for support, fisting his hair.
His tongue stays steady and when he needs a slight break for air he’ll pull you off just slightly before tugging you back onto his face.
Your eyes are glued to his face between your thighs, the source of all the pleasure coursing through your body. At the way just his eyes and forehead are visible below you. His gaze flickers to you occasionally, watching your reactions every time he changes the angle and alters the pressure.
He drags his tongue down to your opening, plays with you there for a bit and then returns full force to your clit.
It’s enough to make you keen out his name.
“M-mar-marcus b-babe p-please” You beg.
The sound of your voice, racked with your impending orgasm and the taste of you does him in and his tongue speeds up, his lips curl around your clit, he sucks on it, like a cherry.
“Oh I-“
Your legs are shaking and you knew that if you wanted to pull off of him you wouldn’t be able to. You hoped he was doing okay on oxygen down there.
It hits you like a truck. Like the first time you vape but have no idea what it’s like. But harder. Your entire body seizes up and then… heaven. Euphoric bliss.
You release onto his face, into his mouth and he laps it all up, urging you through your orgasm and then further. He’s obsessed. His arms keep you pressed onto him.
Your hips jerk, reaching over sensitivity but he doesn’t stop. Instead Marcus keeps going, showing your body how it’s down. What a real orgasm is. You’re seizing above him and the pleasure just won’t stop.
Eventually his pace slows and he slowly pulls off. He helps you lay down next to him, where your entire body is shaking, especially your legs. Who knew post orgasm shakes were really a thing?
He grins at you, mouth and chin glistening with your liquids and then as you watch him, he uses a finger to collect and literally cleans himself.
It’s about one of the sexiest things ever and you don’t think you’ll ever recover from this. Not that that would be such a bad thing.
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tapioca-puddingg · 2 years
Drakengard 3 Headcanons that no one asked for
Hey so like. Been thinking about the Drakengard 3 ladies again lately. So here's some headcanons for if the existed IRL and what kind of nonsense they'd be up to. Enjoy?
So i feel like if she had a YT channel she would post content about hair, make-up and fashion. Make-up tutorials, clothing hauls, lookbooks, etc
If she streamed on Twitch, I can see her doing those like hot tub streams
She'd be all over Instagram, good lord
I feel like she would probably have an OnlyFans. Sorry, I don't make the rules around here
I like how this progressively got more intense lol
Four would be a hot ass mess ngl
She definitely would be a pick-me girl on tiktok
She'd be in the black pill community. RIP, we hardly knew her
So if she had a YT channel, I feel like she'd have an Abby Shapiro type of channel
If she streamed, she'd probably have a bunch of gender-related debates with other streamers
Maybe a semi-political streamer
Four is a literal Karen so she'd be all over twitter unfortunately
Wow this took a turn didn't it
So Three is an interesting one
I can see her doing asmr for some weird reason
She has the voice for it I feel like
I also feel like she would be into 3D printing and stuff
Maybe she has her own shop on Etsy, selling custom made figurines and dolls and such
Other than that I can't see her having much of a presence on social media
Speaking of creating things, Two would absolutely have her own cooking channel
Cent makes cameos in the videos sometimes. Or he's the cameraman
I can also see her running her own cooking blog
Might do those short cooking vids on Instagram or tiktok
For some reason I can also see her having a garden
I feel like she would definitely have pets
If she had an insta or twitter, she'd post cute pics of her and Cent regularly
Just overall wholesome content, you love to see it
Definitely a political Youtuber or streamer
Prob more left leaning
I feel like she might also do debates with other YTbers or streamers
A feminist
Frequents Reddit and Twitter
RIP, hardly knew her
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doctorbeth · 5 years
Stripes the 50 year old tiger
This will be a longer post, because it’s all about the details, and there was a lot of going back and forth with photos and emails to get Stripes and his stripes just right.  So be sure you’re comfy when you sit down to read it. :-)
Stripes person first wrote to me back in December about her tiger, Stripes, and his companion RedEye the snake.  Both were starting to feel their age, but as she said,
“ As you can see Stripes is in the most need of repairs. Personally, I’m guessing that a full recovering is needed, but I’m certainly no expert and will follow your advice.  Here are some pics which show Stripes fur disappearing and soon he will be bald.  Amazingly he has no damage that I can find. His ears need some stuffing, but they have never been tall, firm standing Teddy Bear ears.”
Here are the diagnosis photos she sent:
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As you can see, his belly section was pretty good, but his furry parts were wearing and fading.  His person really wanted his fur recovered, in an orangier rather than tanner fur, and she opted for him to have a spa too.
Here he is in his bubble bath:
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Once he was dry, he got restuffed and of course, got a heart with a bit of his original stuffing.  Here’s his heart being made:
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Then it was time to choose furs.  As some of you know who’ve been reading for a while, usually with tigers we use a solid fur of the preferred background color, then add the stripes by hand afterwards.  Here were the best fur options:
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His person opted for the orangier, furrier one.
Stripes got recovered, and some smaller wounds on his belly were sewn.  Then, it was time for hand striping.  I did some basic  striping, and then sent photos for feedback:
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His person’s first response was:
Beth, you’ve made me cry at work.  I’m absolutely over the moon with Stripes new look!!!  Holy cats he’s looking beautiful!!  You are AMAZING!
But I was asking for striping feedback, and she happily provided it:
The stripes.  Thank you for being so conservative. :) I would like to add some more stripes. I’ve included an updated pic that shows where I would like some stripes added.
Tail:   Could you put 2 stripes in a ring pattern around the tail? They continue the black spots you started. I also noticed with other Gund tigers that the ring was painted at a slight angle or sprayed as 2 “halves”, not a straight ring that looked like a raccoon’s tail. (pics)  I know that there was more black at the tip of the tail, but I don’t think the whole tip was black.
Back Leg:   I’ve continued your 3 spots into stripes.
Body:  I’ve added 2 stripes, but if you will notice stripe #2 is in the shape of a ‘V”. (I remember this detail as a child)  The stripes do NOT have to line up with the fabric underneath.  They didn’t before.  :D
Face: I’ve added a short stripe above Stripes’ right eye. This detail always gave him a slight serious look without being mean. (not a lot of slant to the line, if any) I have always loved this detail about him.  And I’ve elongated the stripe on his forhead.
Beth, I’m pretty sure we will be adding some more stripes to the back, especially his head but I thought we might tackle this bit first.
She closed with:
Again, I just absolutely can’t thank you enough for your beautiful and loving work on my best friend. I have been showing people the before and after pics for the last 5 hours.  I’m so happy!!!
So back to drawing stripes on Stripes I went.  Here are the next batch of photos:
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Stripes person was thrilled:
Stripes looks spectacular!!  I mean he is just awesome with the stripes that you’ve filled out.
She wanted just one more stripe.  She sent a photo, but it was in another format, so I won’t put it here, but she also described what she wanted very well:
So I just have 1 more stripe for you.  If you look at my pic, you will see that I’ve drawn a line over the small black dot that is on his forehead.  In the last pic you sent me you can still see that it’s just a spot and not a stripe.  Could you lengthen that spot into a stripe for me?
Please note the position. When you are seated facing Stripes, this stripe includes/starts at the black spot and runs towards the right.  You have a pretty stripe that’s higher on the head already placed on the left so this one goes off to the right and is the same length as that one.
Adjustment made, I sent another photo (you can see the printout with her line instruction next to him):
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Her response:
Perfection Achieved!  I’m so so happy!!!!   How many exclamation points can I put in an email to show you how perfect Stripes is!!
So Stripes got packed up and headed home to a grateful human and snake.  Here he is at home with his pal, RedEye:
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His person was soooo happy!  She wrote a very long thank you, with a history of Stripes and RedEye, and I don’t want to edit it, so I’m copying it entirely here for you to read.  But you can skip it if you want and just know she was happy!
Hi Beth,
Sit back and relax.  This may be a little bit of a long happy read.  :D   Please feel free to use any content or pics from my emails for your blog.
I waited anxiously for Stripes to arrive.  Yes, my husband signed for the box and I couldn’t wait to get home!
And so the moment has arrived.  I brought Stripes best friend Redeye in from the bedroom to help me open the package. We open,  I close my eyes dig in past the packing peanuts and pull out our best friend.  Oh My Goodness!  He is beautiful! bright! and colorful! He practically glows! I see his face. Yes, yes! It’s Stripes!  I see the same face I’ve gazed into and loved for 50 years. And that’s when the tears start. Crying, mouth open in shock but my husband says he’s never seen me happier.  ..After many long years, I can finally cuddle my friend again.
Beth you have given me back something I thought I would never have again.  I love Stripes so, but I couldn’t, didn’t dare to pet him or cuddle him. I had to be so gentle, so afraid that I was doing more damage to him. But now all that is over!  I can sleep with my buddy by my side. I can take him on vacations again!  I’m tearing up just writing this.  I can’t express my joy…absolute joy over the work you have done. Stripes looks like a beautiful and bright toy again.  Thank you Beth.  Thank you so very much.
…And I’ll be sending Redeye to you some time in February.  I’ll be sure to email you first to start the process.
And here’s a little history about Stripes.  Stripes was a Christmas present in 1969. I have always loved tigers and I was in deep love the moment I saw him. He has enjoyed play tea parties with me, and watched drive-in movies sitting in the back window. He has looked over the candy hauls that I collected during Halloween and been in a beautiful oak tree during the crisp dry autumn. (Carefully placed on a towel, but he needed to experience a tree. He is a tiger after all.)   He has been with me in Japan for a year and traveled all over the US northwest  looking out of a train window. And he has done all these things with Redeye by his side.
--But let’s face the facts, in the last few years my friend was disappearing before my eyes. There was good fortune that his seams were okay but the fur was coming off. His stripes were completely gone in areas. He was looking more yellow everywhere. And I dared only to pat him. That’s when I began to search for help to restore my friend and so I found Realms of Gold on the internet.
Beth has been wonderful, corresponding with emails and working out details by sending pictures back and forth. She listened to my input and was absolutely amazing at applying the stripes in the right places. We actually discussed exactly where to put them.  :D  I trust Beth’s skills so much that I will be sending Stripes best friend Redeye along soon.  He was amazed and so happy with Stripes look, that he can’t wait to go to Realms of Gold!
Okay Beth, this may be a little serious but I wanted to express my honest feelings, and let you know why this has been so important to me.
With my 2 stuffed animals loosing hair and looking tired a sobering thought occurred to me. If something happened to me, what would happen to them? We have no children to give them to. We can’t donate them because being so worn out, no one would take them. And the thought that they might end up in a garbage bin was too much. Of course for me, my goal was to pet, play and enjoy them again.  That goes without saying.  But now, seeing Stripes beautiful bright colors, I am happy and secure in knowing that years from now, I can donate or will him to a children’s home where he will continue to be loved. (I have several friends who grew up in orphanages and we think it’s a wonderful idea.)
Thank you so much Beth!!!!!!
I don’t know about all of you, but that made me smile all day. :-)
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