#might take the whole weekend off tumblr (probably won't but)
vega-and-the-pleiades · 9 months
Fueled by an alcohol and a content warning for some particularly impressive trauma, and bringing out the classic read more (while recognizing nerds are not gonna read this). TW for probably some dead kids, Palestinian genocide, and god fucking knows what else.
I'm starting to feel like younger generations have a problem fetishizing trauma and violence. Hear me out.
I'm fully capable of recognizing that this is arguably my debut into judging the younger generation and this might very well read like a gen xer saying "man all those violent video games must be messing the kids up" but have you looked at the state of social media right now? Have you taken even a cursory glance at the doom cult that is guestimating how many of us won't survive 2024 and making a habit out of showing pictures of dead children on the regular? I'm recognizing the incredible signs of burnout amongst my pro-Palestinian friends. Discussions regarding how "I can't even bring myself to go to work when this is happening" and, more importantly, ungodly guilt trippy posts about how it's one's duty to push through that. How the only voice for the Palestinians rests upon us and if you're tired, too fucking bad. You're not going through half of what they are so you can deal and keep doing what you're doing. And you're a bad person if you don't.
I've already talked about how I work in public safety and I've seen that attitude kill my friends (or mess them up beyond reason). You know who copes well with the job? People who maintain balance in their life. People who take their weekends to go fishing or skiing or whatever the case is to get themselves ready to dive back into the mess. The ones who can't handle it don't break because they lack fortitude. They break because they work 60+ hour weeks and fail to divorce themselves from the job on their off time. They have a devastating call and don't take the sup's offer to go home early that day. That's not a sustainable model for anyone and I really feel like these youngins don't have the life experience to understand that they are irreparably damaging their brains and their bodies with this.
As a complete aside, I would be remiss if I didn't talk about my personal toll these last weeks with all this. My socials at this point are cute cats, goth fashion, and my friends. Lighthearted and low key. I don't mind activism on my feeds to any extent, and you bet I've gotten some good reminders to kick a few dollars to orgs doing relief work in Palestine and Jewish orgs doing decolonial work here and abroad. But you know what the last thing I needed to see a week before Christmas when I got off a dead kid shift was? More dead kids. We're talking active CPR, ECMO cannulation, whole nine yards on a literal child in literal person, I got home not okay, went for some cute cats on insta and the FIRST THING on my page was dead kids under rubble.
I appreciate the fact that to some of y'all, the shock value of all this is motivating. But I desperately need you to leave your approximation of the grief of seeing a dead child, or a dead pregnant person somewhere out of reach of those of us who have fucking been there, okay? And I SURE AS FUCK don't need you guilt tripping me for logging out of instagram over that, okay? I swear to god it's like some of you are so fucking desperate to live these experiences and if that's the case, public safety, healthcare, and international disaster orgs can use you. But this shit has to stop. Unmoderated doomscrolling trauma porn doesn't help you and it pushes some of us so close to the event horizon that we risk losing our literal livelihoods.
Say what you want for 2013 Tumblr. At least we had content warnings and read mores. Inb4 someone tells me I should quit my job or that I'm weak or whatever.
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ohmyhellogoodbyes · 2 years
hi guys tumblr just let me back into this account (read: i got a new laptop and completely forgot the password for this account until now)
i'm back to talk about religion (i saw someone on here talking about ocean's entire thing w/ having a bat mitzvah and confirmation and it got me thinking, i think it was @/pheliau ??)
(TW for mentions of religion, primarily catholicism for those who need it!! stay safe friends)
(im not jewish so i cannot offer any insight into that aspect of ocean's character, but i am vaguely* catholic so i will be speaking from that perspective!)
confirmation is a sorta a big deal to Catholics (???), mainly bcuz we're baptized as babies and confirmation is quiet literally confirming that baby baptism (confirmation is basically just baptism #2). that being said, did ocean ever have a baptism in the first place? her parents don't seem ultra-religious (and you don't have to be catholic to go to a catholic school), so i doubt she was baptized as a baby, which is arguably a bigger deal than confirmation (note on this: i say that confirmation isn't as big a deal because typically the baptism is the most important part, the confirmation is the other thing you have to do *eventually*, there isn't a specific age when a person is supposed to be confirmed---personally, i put it off for as long as i could because i didn't feel like going through the entire thing)
i wonder how ocean convinced St. Cassians (which is, I'm assuming, the catholic church in Uranium) to confirm her if she didn't have a baptism?? maybe she speed-ran her baptism too?? (lmao imagine you had her baptism, confirmation, and bat mitzvah in the same weekend) although, i will say, typically the process of getting confirmed is not a long one---some Catholics do sunday school for a couple of years in preparation for confirmation, but some learn a couple of prayers, do a confession, and then get confirmed. the process of the different rites varies a lot depending on the community your in
tl;dr: confirmation is not rlly /that/ big of a deal, but ocean probably had to have been baptized first, so either her parents had her baptized when she was younger OR she speedran her baptism as well as her confirmation as well as her bat mitzvah (also, i am aware that this is a joke in the show, but i think it's very interesting to think about)
*by vaguely catholic, i mean that i don't really practice catholicism? i guess it could be classified as being culturally catholic, but it is a little bit more than that. in essence, my community as a whole is very lax about religion and it's typically not discussed very often. basically, i don't formally practice catholicism but i do know a whole lot about it, but what i know about it might be specific to my community. take what i say w a grain of salt! i just love ocean a lot and want to talk about her
(i find different religions very interesting as a part of culture so i don't shy away from discussing it, but i probably won't make a habit of it! just wanted to get my thoughts out of the way)
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fifteensjukebox · 9 months
Hey hello how about 01, 12, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and 55 for the HORRIBLE ask game. This year.
hiiiiiii anon! i haven't gotten an anon in ages this is so exciting <3
also sorry i'm answering so late i explain it in the middle but i had a family outing and i thought mobile would let me edit
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i do! my mom's my best friend in a way i'm sure is annoying to people who don't, and my dad is annoying but he is the best dad i know
03: Do you regret anything? biiiiiig question. i try not to. i try to tell myself i needed to do things to learn or whatever but i'm always wondering how else things could've gone and second guessing things as i do them
05: What is your relationship status? very much single. if you want to hear about my latest crushes you'll find it in my "vie" and "lore" tags but i'm sure they're not going anywhere so shoot your shot!
08: Played any sports? my dad coached a soccer team i was on when i was 4 but i was more interested in the dandelions on the field… outside of required gym class stuff (which i did not enjoy) i've enjoyed tennis and beach volleyball with my family (18 y/o brother included)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? i think my record is 36, the last day/night/flight home from seeing my now-ex tumblr gf
well. if anything (back to earlier qs i could say i regret the whole met-online-ldr thing but it was good when it happened and im seeing it work out so well for friends so it could've been worthwhile in the long run!
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? irl i don't entirely hate anyone but i have some strong mixed near-hate feelings about the exes (and one not-yet-ex? i think? they're on the way out) of people i care about, and a certain ex friend of mine (if she makes the next move in reaching out i might be able to find it in myself to forgive but at this point it won't be as easy as it could've been)
21: What are your plans for this weekend? tbd but probably festive family things? extended family christmas dinner is on monday and we'll do our gift exchange that morning (speaking of which i need to get ready rn to leave for our family brunch followed by mall trip to shop for secret santa - my parents+18 y/o brother+i do a mini secret santa - well mini in that there are only 4 names but we have a generous budget bc it's usually our main/only source of gifts amongst ourselves. i got my mom again this year and she made it a little too easy by requesting a specific pair of raybans that make up most of the budget, but i'll get creative with the rest) we're also going to the distillery district for the vibes on thursday and my dad's taking these 2 days off work so collectively it all feels like weekend plans. maybe i'll go skating on the actual weekend! i haven't done it yet this season and i miss it
update here is that i didn't find anything for mom except the raybans so i may be going out alone to shop more on fri/weekend
34: Who/what was your last dream about? damn. the one time i don't write it down. oh! ok the last one i remember was one where a version of my ex bestie and i got back together so to speak but she was being overtly manipulative and i had to decide if i was ok with that? which. thanks subconscious! way to mix her with the bitch i had a crush on in middle school! real ex-bestie would never do that but i think it's created some irrational fear where before i just had sadness that i was mostly over (to briefly recap the situation there, she's depression-ghosted and blocked me before and she did it again earlier this year but it hurt more bc we'd been closer leading up to it than we had before the first time)
55: Are you mean? i think i can be really petty but people take it hard because they think of me as being so nice, so i know of some people who'd say i'm mean
thanks again for asking anon! i hope you're having a wonderful holiday season <3
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iron-parkr · 2 years
Hi, y'all.
Not sure if anyone'll see this or if anyone cares tbh. That's not me trying to get pity points or anything, I just know I've been gone for a hot second. I didn't mean to disappear for so long. This little hiatus was very much unplanned and unintentional but is not permanent. I'll explain under the cut.
You don't have to read all of this but long story short, the last couple of months have been A Lot.
Content warning up ahead for vague mental health stuff, animal death, medical stuff, broken bones, and religion (if anyone needs a warning for that)
I originally probably stepped away from Tumblr for a minute by accident because I got overwhelmed by the March OC Bingo stuff on top of my school stuff and whatnot. I'm hoping to maybe retroactively fill my Bingo card, but I honestly can't make any promises. The next few weeks are really busy, but I'll get to that in a second.
A big reason I accidentally pulled away is that my family had to make the incredibly difficult decision to put my dog to sleep in April. We'd had my dog for about 11 years and he literally felt like a third brother to me. Saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I was incredibly lucky that I was away at school and surrounded by friends on the actual day it happened, but I won't lie, it was fucking awful. My mental health was absolute shit. I got extra lucky that day because I was on a spiritual retreat that weekend and it helped guide me toward rekindling my relationship with God, which brought me a lot of peace exactly when I needed it. I'm by no means religious, even after the retreat, and I would never ever try to shove my nebulous beliefs down anyone's throat, but I personally have begun to find comfort in God again after years of struggling with faith in the wake of religious scandals and difficulties with organized religion, and I attribute that with keeping me sane after that weekend.
Reason #2: A little under two weeks ago, I had a little accident and ended up fracturing a bone in my foot and spraining my ankle (on the same leg). I was on crutches for a few days, but luckily I'm able to put weight on it in a boot, so I'm more mobile now. Overall, it's been genuinely one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced. Not only are the broken foot and sprained ankle physically painful beyond belief, but it's just mentally and emotionally draining because I'm the type of person who hates having to ask for help and I've had to force myself to suck it up and ask for help so many times. I have no idea how long I have to wear the boot, and there's a chance I might need to do physical therapy after I'm cleared to take the boot off, it's all kind of up in the air.
Reason #3 is a bit more exciting - I'm graduating college! I finished my last semester of classes and exams this week and tomorrow (Saturday) I'll be graduating from my university summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA in both semesters of my senior year (hopefully, still waiting on a couple grades but it's looking good) and making the Dean's List all 8 semesters of undergrad. So, yeah, the last few weeks have been hectic with senior events, finishing up classes, and getting ready for graduation. It honestly still doesn't feel real. When I was 15, in high school, I swore up and down I wasn't going to go to college because the future seemed so overwhelming and terrifying, and now I'm only a few hours away from graduating. It's just... absolutely insane and I can only hope 15 y/o me would be proud of 22 y/o me.
Even though I haven't been posting or creating any edits on Tumblr, I've continued to write this whole time. I created an OC for Dragon Ball Z because it's my current hyperfixation and I'm currently working on the first draft of her second chapter. I've also been spending a lot of time on Kate Winchester, my Supernatural OC, rewriting the chapters I'd previously written and outlining a roadmap for the portion of the story that takes place before Supernatural begins. And I finally started looking at and working on Maggie Stark's next chapter, which feels really good considering I have a better idea of how to connect the cliffhanger from Chapter 5 (which was unplanned, surprisingly enough) to the plan/roadmap I already had. As an aside, I have a feeling that I'll also end up semi-hyperfixated on HP and Aquila, Liza, and Gracie once I get down to Florida and visit HP World at Universal Studios, so that's another fun thing to keep an eye out for.
I'm hoping to ease back into posting here on Tumblr, but I can't guarantee that I'll have pretty edits and gifsets out the wazoo. The next month or so is hectic but really exciting. I'm home next week, then I'll be in Spain and Rome on a pilgrimage trip until the beginning of June. After I come home, it'll be prep time because I'm supposed to start my Disney College Program at Disney World in mid-June. The broken foot may throw a wrench in those plans, which is a definite worry, but I won't know for sure until I see the doctor next week.
All that to say, I'm sorry for disappearing. You know life, it kinda sucks sometimes. And if you made it this far, thanks for reading and caring. But I'm hoping once I'm finished with school, and then once I get settled into life as a Disney World cast member, I'll be able to be more present on here <3
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
Miss Thorny aka Brooke. I dunno how you feel about the finale (I was devastated). How part 1 can be so amazing and part 2 feel so rushed and badly written, is beyond me.
I think Steddie art helps a bit, so if it also makes you feel better too, you should check out Littleststarfigther. Their Steddie art is amazing!!
Hi!!! Honestly I'm really gutted about the whole thing because S4 is the first season of ST that I've really loved. I always just liked the show, like I would watch it when it was on, but I'd never really think about it afterwards or take part in the fandom.
But with S4, it was such a step up and everything felt so elevated and the stakes were higher and they had this amazing villain, and I got so sucked into it, and a huge part of that was Eddie. Like Eddie quickly became my favourite character out of the entire series, even more than Steve! And to see the writers just kill him off because it "completes his arc" and "shows his transformation from a coward to a hero" is so lazy, because he could have done that and still survived. And it's a cheat too because they wanted a big death at the end of S4 but weren't brave enough to kill off any fan favourites or brave enough to have killed off Hopper at the end of S3, so they thought "let's just kill off the new guy" probably because they didn't realise what a huge hit Eddie was going to be with the audience.
They should have been smarter and subverted everyone's expectations. And they also should have cared about the character more. All Eddie wanted was to finally graduate and get out of Hawkins, so they should have had him in S5 and then shown him leaving at the end like he'd always dreamed. That's the ending that would have touched and resonated with fans! Not this awful ending where they kill him off by those stupid bats of all things because they didn't know what else to do with him. And you're telling me everyone out of the main group gets to survive *but* Eddie? So dumb. And Joseph Quinn has said how much he wanted to come back! So we'll probably get some measly little cameo in S5 and that's it.
It just sucks because like a lot of other people, I got so attached to him and I hate seeing him treated like that. Like knowing his body was left in the Upside Down and no one in Hawkins will ever know he wasn't a murderer makes me SO UPSET. I don't even want to be on tumblr reblogging posts and gifs about it, I just feel too sad right now!!! And it zaps my creativity to write fics for ST. Like I'll finish my current one because I'm halfway done, and I might write a tiny little fix-it fic over the weekend because it'll make me feel better, but I think that's all I'll have the inclination to write. Which is a shame because I had wanted to write more but it's hard having the inspiration when I know he won't be in the next season.
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So...ummm....hi...it's...ME. Hopefully you aren't disappointed. Oh thank GOD. What do you MEAN? Why would I be let down? I think you're forgetting that I'VE...actually SEEN YOU...and THEN...drove all of the way OVER here. So are you going to invite me in?...or did you just want me to perform for the entire neighborhood. I agree...inside probably IS better.
So how long will your husband be gone for?...because I can just demonstrate a commercial break bathroom quickie, or...OH...fishing ALL weekend huh? WELL...in THAT case...I'm going to need the largest towel that you have...and an escort to your bedroom.
I actually use a towel at home as WELL when I have the time to do it completely naked...since the yield is usually more than that of the old teenage rub and tug. There's just no point of making a mess that you can't just conveniently pop into the old washing machine. It IS okay with you if I get fully nude in your house...RIGHT? I assure you that I will make NO attempts to touch you or involve you in the demonstration.
So HERE it is. Now you've obviously seen an adult penis before, so I don't have to tell you that YES...it WILL get bigger. I mean, not PORNO big...but big ENOUGH just the same. Hmmm...you KNOW...I would LOVE that?...but I'm honestly afraid that even the touch of a single one of your soft fingertips would end this show before it's even had the chance to get started.
Okay...now as you can see, I usually just start by laying down and spreading my legs nice and wide...not even touching myself for MINUTES. Young men will typically grip it and rip it like their mother is at the door, but us GROWN men?...we let it aerate like a nice wine. I mean...you can even see how much more firm it's gotten just as a result of the temperature change from taking my clothes off. Come here...come sit on the edge of the bed so you can see what I'm describing. I WON'T touch you...I PROMISE.
Okay...so when I DO decide to touch it, I start with ONLY my fingertips...JUST like this...running them up and down my shaft to excite ALL of those many nerve endings. Now if you'll NOTICE, the skin on my cock isn't even taught yet...but my balls are ALREADY drawing closer to my body...which tells you that the whole blood flow situation is still trying to figure itself out.
Ok...now it's time to up the ante. I've obviously gotten it to MOSTLY full attention, so now I'm going to place the pads of my index and middle fingers just under the tip now...and rub that EVER so sensitive spot in a small circular motion. Just look at the head as I do this...how it begins to swell...and how the edges of it become much more full...and less defined.
Now if there's such a thing as a point of no return in masturbation, then THIS is probably IT...and you'll see just WHY in a second. Annnd...THERE it is.
I was probably in my late twenties before I discovered JUST how essential precum really IS in self gratification. I mean...the texture of it makes it a great stand alone lubricant, but the VOLUME just isn't there. However...if you add JUST the right amount of saliva at the right time, then you've really got something. But you just can't do it too early or the skin becomes tacky...kind of like when you jerk a guy off after blowing him for awhile.
But before it even GETS to that point, I like to saturate the underside of the shaft with precum as much as possible WITHOUT prematurely pulling the eject lever. So as I begin to trickle more, I'll run those same two fingers from the tip down to just about an inch below the cut...just like this...anything lower really isn't sensitive enough to benefit from such a precious resource.
Now this is ALSO when I decide who my "partner" is going to be. It might be someone from work, a celebrity, some random stranger that I saw that day, or in THIS case, some woman with a belly and a big ass that I met on Tumblr. But the steps are always the same when I'm lying on my back...you...I mean SHE will suck my cock...and then climb on top of me just in time for me to finish inside of her.
So this is where I introduce the saliva...and close my eyes. Here in the darkness...I'm going to spit into my hand...and then wrap it around the upper two inches of my cock...allowing it to mix with the precum that HAD dried, but is once again viscous.
Now...I'm going to pull my hand up over the tip...closing my fingers against my palm as my hand clears my cock. I'm going to replicate this motion several times...imagining of course that my loose grip is this mystery woman's mouth on me...sucking me off again...and again.
You'll notice in a few moments that when I finally DO begin stroking my cock, I'll be doing it in steady measured strokes. The reason for that is that after years and years of regular masturbation, I found the perfect medium between finishing with too SLOW of a stroke, which is borderline torturous, and too FAST of a stroke...which produces an orgasm that you can't really even feel.
I'm getting closer now...but don't worry...I won't leave any evidence. If I was at HOME right now, I'd probably just aim my cock towards my stomach and cum on IT since I could just jump in the shower afterwards, but I'm going to finish into my off hand out of respect for you and your home.
Oh yeah...that's it...suck that cock girl. Mmmm....yes...yes....but I don't want to cum in your mouth...no...I want to cum in that nice tight pussy of yours. Would you LIKE that? Mmmm....I would too...but are you sure that you can even HANDLE this dick? Oh yeah? Then put your fucking cunt where your mouth is and fuck every God damned drop out of me. Yes...YEs...YES!!!...YES!!!...fuck YES.. buck those fucking hips for me....GRIND on this fucking cock like the whore that you ONLY are for ME...Fffffuuuu..ahuuu..ahuuuu....yesssss....harder...harDER...HARDERRRR....III'MMMM ABOUT TO CUUUUUU!!!!!
Oh my God...I am SO sorry. That was SO much more intense than I expected it to be. But at least it looks like MOST of the fallout is confined to my lap area, so hopefully you won't have to wash your comforter. Let me just wrap this towel around me so that I can go clean up in the bathroom.
What do you mean "better idea"? Well of COURSE I find you attractive..and I'd be a fool NOT to want to know how your pussy REALLY feels, but....as you can CLEARLY see, my cock looks like a fucking Dunkin' Stick...that's STILL somehow solid for some reason...and your reproductive system has a wedding ring on it. Oh...OHHH...so THAT'S what you meant by "better idea". Well THAT certainly couldn't hurt I guess...unless you're the BITING type that is.
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Social Media Anon Here!
Firstly, never change Grumpy ;) you are probably the only person on Tumblr to LISTEN to another view and let it change a prejudice.
Secondly, the Padagram/Social Media change bus continues. Don't be fooled people will be looking at positive and negative reactions to that change on social media.
So here goes!
1. They are starting to market season 2 of Walker in Hiatus. That really doesn't happen. That means they know they need to target new viewers. They are acknowledging they have a problem. The main problem is Jared either didn't learn enough about production quality on SPN (Jensen/Misha were both more interested in behind the camera's) or that he thought he could stick a Stetson on and we all had such sh1t for brains we'd watch anything. So they need a viewer boost DESPARATELY and are going all out to (a) persuade Walkers remaining viewer(s) that it's worth sticking around and (b) get back old viewers or convert 1m+ viewers to season 2. So now we see all the cast (and Keegan has more followers than Jared and Lindsay has a VERY engaged following) trying to persuade their followers how fabulous Walker is. Expect this scrabbling to continue if they want their COVID paychecks.
2. Connected to 1, Jared has started trying to break out of the fandom bubble. I don't think he's trying for power couple (the clue in a power couple is that two FAMOUS people get together and create a super brand, here we have one niche C famous guy and a hanger on wife), I think we are in Jared profile raising and trying to raise his recognition score, which is probably a little low having half assed it in the last year and a half. He's doing it by scatter-gunning so I'm not sure it's going to stick.
3. Connected to 2,
(i) if I run my algorithm clean laptop with a "Jared Padalecki" news search, I get (a) a daily mail article on Jared "clarifying the rift" (b) a "hello" magazine saying he's been "inundated with support after death of "family member"" (c) the new york times article on Walker and Supernatural. It then goes into a variety of articles about Jared raising money for Holly's family (fucking atrocious in my view to use her death for publicity) and a series of derivative articles on his mantrum and later explanation. ONLY THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE MENTIONS WALKER other than as a throw away, all of the others link to Supernatural only. Walker isn't on the main radar of anyone as a show. It's not mainstream enough to mention. it has ZERO buzz.
(ii) if I run the same search on my compromised tablet, I get a SEA of fluff articles "jared padalecki goes to venice", "jared padalecki's wife wishes him a happy birthday" "jared padalecki goes to watch soccer" "jared padalecki goes to the wrestling". I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow.
At the end of that I get the same articles as in (i) but the majority of his publicity is still going through the fandom and the, not very viewed, endless zine type websites that update on every episode of every geek show every day.
So we are seeing, and I expect it to continue, a break out Padalecki, (who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films), and a fluff Padalecki, trying to stay relevant a year after SPN relevance ended, because he hasn't got the same push for season 2 of Walker as he had for season 1 and Walker has zero presence. No one, not even the fans are talking about Walker.
Will it work? I don't think so. Keegan has 7m followers on Insta and that's because he's a photographer and writer and it's interesting. I would follow his account (I don't), but certainly it isn't a Walker instagram.
Jared is a clever guy, but he's boring on social media. He has a limited appeal. He does family snaps, hunk snaps, flogs orange pee and flogs his show. He says "family" and "mantra" a lot but that's really it. The clue is, if you didn't know who he was and came across his instagram you wouldn't follow him. Why would you? For a video of a guy running up steps? A smug picture of two middle aged men trying to flog you something?... (oh and lots of "brother" comments on Keegan's social media, which is irritating. It's like he thinks that is his repeatable formula and it isn't).
His media approach won't work because advertising and exposure pushes a product. In TV's case, it's not a one off product and there is a lot of competition. Product Jared needs to be more interesting (his mantrum's are the only exciting thing about him - and that is tragic) and his TV show just needs to be BETTER, well, a LOT BETTER.
Soooo, expect the Padapush to continue, but it's not about a couple, it's about individual marketing and for Jared breaking out of SPN bubble. For Gen, it's her tag along profile that she'll never break out of. She'll have to be satisfied with her superpower of being able to persuade people to buy toothbrush's and dog food (if she can).
Expect though the couple's bit to die off a little. Jared is getting over exposed. His engagement rating is plummeting (nearly 3% is a plummet) because of the repetitive photo content. He'll have to back off or people will switch off (I have already). What makes me laugh is.... from the dawn of time when cavemen took their wives 2 miles away for a new cave weekend.... NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN INTERESTED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOLIDAY SNAPS.... Gen and Jared apparently need to learn that lesson...
I might stop these posts now because, well, it's gotta be a bit boring for you and I write LONG. :)
Stay safe and wear your masks ;) xxx
I don’t want you to ever ever change, lovely! Also, I’m NEVER bored by your messages! You put so much effort into the research you do and the messages you send and it’s appreciated! <3 
I started following Lindsey on IG because she seems pretty genuine, and her cat is way too cute! Plus, I like her attitude. I haven’t followed her for the whole Walker season, but even she doesn’t post a lot about it. She posts interviews and then posts about that night’s episode, but other than that, nothing.  Can’t speak for Keegan, but how are fans and non-fans supposed to be excited about a show when the people STARRING in the show can’t be bothered? Maybe they’re all aware of how shitty it is or maybe they’re lazy, but it doesn’t make sense. 
I’m always interested to see the difference in an “algorithm-free” setting and one that has an algorithm. I always figured Google was the same for everyone, but seeing the difference in articles you’ve outlined is insane. It really just goes to show that Jared isn’t the star that his stans think he is. He’s not as important as they think he is, he’s just an actor.  It’s even more jarring to see just how little Walker is talked about at all. All of my devices probably have been “contaminated” when it comes to algorithm so I can’t really speak personally about the public and fans talking about Walker or not talking about it. I can say that on the posts about Walker from the Supernatural Facebook page, a good chunk of the comments are people saying they stopped watching, never got into it, or thought it was trash. There are only a handful of comments talking about how they enjoy the show. 
I think it was disgusting for him to use a fan’s passing for publicity. And no, I don’t think it was anything other than a PR stunt. Her family had a GFM going that was promoted by plenty of the case INCLUDING GEN, so you know he knew about it. But for him to make his own special one and then have articles posted everywhere about how charitable he is? That’s gross PR bullshit and I hope it backfires. 
I still follow a few Supernatural fans, Jared fans, Jensen fans, etc. on Tumblr and even they aren’t mentioning it. I think maybe the hardcore Jared stans post gifsets or whatever, but I don’t see much praise for the show itself, just Jared’s looks. Even the fans aren’t biting and that would make me reevaluate everything if I was Jared. 
I'm expecting "Jared Padalecki defecates regularly" tomorrow. This made me laugh way too hard!
who knows he and his forehead may wish to have a final crack at films You are on a ROLL!  Maybe I’ve become biased, but I can’t see Jared doing films. I mean, I could see him doing like a side character role or something small, but I can’t see him having a big part of a movie. Like I said, maybe that’s me being biased but I see him staying in TV. I could be proven wrong, but I don’t know. 
I agree about Jared being boring on SM. I used to get some giggles from his Twitter posts and even some of his early IG posts because they were goofy, clever, and candid. It showed his humor and was more personable. Now it’s just all fake and comes off as someone whose only motivation to engage with fans is money and that’s a big turn off. 
For me personally, I think that if instead of the “couple goals” bullshit that they try to push for their lavish trips, if they just posted cool pictures they took of different locations, activities, food or whatever, that would be more palatable than all the “Look at my hubster and I! We’re in Italy! Look at how in love we are!” But maybe that’s because I’ve become a bit of a photography nerd? 
I guess time will tell whether or not Jared will make positive changes and if Walker can be saved, but I’m not really optimistic about it. 
I AM optimistic about your takes on things so keep them coming! Long posts or not, I love them! <3
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Life changing
Pair: Chan x fem reader x Felix
Genre: Mafia, smut (slightly)
Warnings: strong language, threesome, terrible jokes, sexual content, unprotected Sex.. Dont do that guys(wrap it before you do it lol)
A/N: The smut isn't my best and I'm sorry for that. I tried to do my best even tho my writing block is active. I hope you don't mind that the smut is not that's described. I had a lot of trouble with this one. Oh and Tumblr put the moodboard at the end. Why Tumblr why.
It was past midnight, her hand is tangled with another two pair of hands. A smile crossed over her face and her cheeks slightly turned into a pinkish color. How she got into this situation?
It was easy. Everything began with a lighter.
,,[Y/N]! Hey [Y/N]! " the voice of her best friend pulled her out of the daydreaming state she was currently into. Her eyes focused on nothing, turned to the side right in the eyes of her better self.
,,yeah? What's the matter? Do you want to go home already?" In her mind she wished that her friend would say yes. She wants to go home so badly, that another answer would bring her mood even more down.
,,No I'm just.." Rose bites down on her lip, a cheeky smile plastered on her face. ,,You know what I mean."
She nods, of course she understands what's going on. Of course this would have happened, but now? It's not even past might night and Rose already had found a guy to spend the night with? That's even new for her.
,,Tell me his name. So I know who killed you once you don't return." she said with a soft smile and low voice. She wants to go home, and the fact that her best friend found a men for tonight is the reason she finally can leave this place. Finally.
Rose giggles at her terrible joke, it was nothing new. She always said that. ,,Jisung. Han Jisung and now I have to go. He looks so desperated over there." she said with a wink and left her best friend standing there on her own. A small giggle leaving her mouth as well.
She watches how Rose leaves the club, something she wants to do too, but her mind told her to just stay a few more minutes and drink the rest of her drink. Nothing changed at all.
It was always the same. They would come together in this club and in the end Rose would get a men for the night and leave her alone. But it was fine. She never wants to get a men anyways. Why would she bother to search for a guy, just so he can leaver her straight away again. It doesn't make sense.
,,[Y/N] you should really learn how to flirt." the bartender behind her told her, not bothering to look up from what the hell he was doing right now. If it wasn't for the fact that this guy knows her better than anyone in this club, she would have punsh him in the face. But to her dismiss he is the only one knowing her right now.
She doesn't know when or how, but one night she drank too much. The cried her problems out to the poor guy who just want to make her drinks and from that day on, they are some kind of friends. But not really.
,,That's not really something I want to do."
,,I know that's why I'm saying you should. Listen, you are a pretty girl and if you wouldn't mind me saying, you could easily get fucked every weekend you and Rose are here."
,,I mind you saying that someone would fuck me." the answer was dry, some kind of sarcastic, but she knew that he was right.
,,Oh I'm so sorry. I hope you won't tell my boss that I told you, that I would probably fuck you if it wasn't for my job here right now."
,,You are gross."
,,Maybe." she can easily hear the smirk in his voice and it makes her sick.
,,Why am I even talking to you. You are saying the same things over and over again. It gets kinda boring you know."
,,Because you like me?"
,,Oh yeah of course." she rolled her eyes. ,,I like the guy who tells me that he would fuck me every weekend, but can't because he is working. Classic isn't it."
,,You are sooo mean. I don't say it every weekend." he complained with a pout in his voice.
,, I wish you would."
,,Oh? So you want to be laid down by me?"
,,You didn't say nooo [Y/N]"
,,I didn't say yes either." she told him, placing her glass next to her and looking with a small smile at the bartender. His company is always the best, even if she would not tell him that.
,,No one would belive you that you are gay,if you keep saying that you want to fuck me."
,,Isn't it a compliment that I want to fuck you then? "
,,Point for you." she turned around again, a deep sigh leaving her lips. ,,Flirting is exhausting."
,,It's not. I'm literally doing it the whole time." His voice went quite and he smirked visibly this time.
,,Yeah with the same guy over and over again. You are so.. So.. "
,,Handsome? Cute? Breathtaking?"
,,Idiotic would be better to discribe you."
,,I will spike your drink next time [Y/N]. Why are you always so mean?" he pouts again and she only shakes her head with a small smile.
,,Don't ask me. I'm going home now." she told him, shooting him a last smile before she walked through the crowd to the door.
Someone runs into her, red hair, his body framed in expensive clothes, that it is more than ridiculous that he wears them in this place. He shots her a look, not even planning to say Sorry.
She looks up to him too, quickly stuttering an apology out, before he leaves her. With a red face she looks down. How embarrassing. Her eyes find a small black object, she picks it up.
A lighter? She sighs. She doesn't even smoke so the found is not a good one. She turned around, looking for the handsome stranger, but he was already gone.
Maybe next time.
,,[Y/N]. Hey [Y/N]?" Rose speaks to her best friend, but she didn't respond right away.
,,What is it Rose?" she asked her, just wanting to know if it is already time for her to leave.
,,The same as ever. His name is Choi San I guess. We see eachother tomorrow." she kissed her cheek and then went off. Leaving a surprised women standing at the bar.
Today seems different. Not only Rose talked different than usual no, today she wanted to stay here. She doesn't want to leave as soon as her best friend stepped out of the club. It was different then the last times.
Her hands played with a small black object in her jacked, the lighter. It rested in her hand, but it wasn't the reason why she wanted to stay. Or was it? She doesn't know.
,,You look very fuckable today." His voice was just annoying as always. So maybe it wasn't that different than the other times.
,,I know." the answer was as dry as ever, maybe not even sarcastic this time.
,,Arrogant huh? Didn't know you could act like this too." he sounds surprised, but not as much as she wished he would.
,,Sometimes I really hate you, you know? "
,,Oh yes I know, but look at the bright sides-"
,,One whiskey." there it was. A deep voice. Her eyes found the figure of the men she never thought to see again. His hair was like a week ago red, he was still dressed in this ridiculous fancy clothing at this place and he still looked so good. She thought about him a lot, and yes she even wondered how his voice would sound like.
,,It's disrespectful to stare like that little one." His smirk was something else she thought. It is breathtaking and pulled her out of her stare. Another time her cheeks turned red infront of him.
,,I.. I'm sorry sir."
,,Sir? What am I 40? Do I look that old? You really hurted me little one."
,,W.. What no I just-" she gulped harshly and hardly down. He was too handsome for her liking. With the target to change the subject she pulled out his lighter and smiled at him. ,,That's yours right?"
His eyes had a cheeky sparkle and he smirked even more at her, before he took the lighter.
,,Oh yes that's mine." God how can a voice sound so good. ,,Thank you."his eyes turned away from her.
,,Another drink for the lady."
The bartender smirked and nodded, before he made another drink for her and shoves it to her.
,, O.. Oh uhm.. But I wanted to leave I-"
The stranger interrupts her, taking her hand pulling her into a much more comfortable place of the club.
,,Hey! You can't kidnap me like that. I-"
,,You brought my lighter back and now you can have something for this." he said with his even more handsome smile.
He sits down on a black leather couch, and she looked around. Noticing how no one else was in the room beside a few other man. It made her uncomfortable.
,,What your name little one."
,,[Y/N].. D.. Dont call me little one."
,, [Y\N]. Yeah it rolls down my tongue perfectly."his look wandered around the room. ,,Everyone leave."and just a second later you two were alone.
,,U.. Uh thank you.." she said and he pulled her next to her.
,,Chan I have-" a silver haired boy came into the room, but abruptly stops when he saw her. A smirk forming on his lips.
,,Felix don't come in without knocking. I could have dome something very special."
,,You would never. Not without me." the silver haired make countered and then approached you, sitting down next to you and playing his hand on your thigh.
,,Hey there beautiful. I guess Chan his charm already lured you here."
,,N.. No.. I-" she stopped and then looked at Chan. ,,The lighter. I'm here because I gave him the lighter back."
,,The lighter?" a even bigger smirk appeared on his face. She was confused. Why is he smirking like that?
,,Y.. Yeah. He wanted-"
,,Chan why don't you invite me now. Share with me."
,,Felix no. She gave me the lighter." His strong arms wrapped around you waist and pulled you into his lap. Your face turned red again and you struggled against his tight hold.
,,Nahh you don't decide anything now Chan. Let the little kitten decide what she wants." Felix face lightens up and leans forward, his face just an inch away from yours.
,,I.. I- don't even know what you mean." she stuttered out, but then a loud moan escaped her lips as she felt Chans lips on her neck. Just in the moment she wants to protest, Felix kissed her, shutting her up in a very soft way.
She moaned into the kiss and shifted around in Chans lap, already feeling how something hardens under her. Just in this moment the silver haired male breaks the kiss, looking at her shooked face with an amused smile.
,,You didn't read what is written on the lighter did you kitten? "
,,W.. Written on the lighter? " she asked geniusly confused. What does he mean.
Chan breathed against her ear before he slightly bites it and then whispers. ,,If you want to fuck return the lighter with a smile."
She choked out a moan and looked at both of them in shook. Did she know that? No. Does she want it anyway? Definitely.
She rocks her hips against Felix, not caring about Chans tight grip. ,,Nghh you better do a good job then." she moaned out and Felix didn't let her tell him this twice.
He took of his shirt, and soon her followed his. His hand cupping her breasts and playing with them, letting moan after moan come out of her mouth.
,,F.. Fuck Felix nghh.." she tilts her head to the side, feeling Chans lips wandering down just like his hands. Just a moment later she feels Fleix lips replacing his hands and Chans fingers pulling down her panty under her short skirt.
,,You looked so good I couldn't hold back to let the lighter fall down."chan whispered breathy in her ear and right after that pushing one finger in her wet entrance.
,,A.. Ahh n.. Ngh fuck C.. Chan please" she begged and Chan gave easily in, pushing another finger in.
,,Don't forget me kitten." Felix chuckled darkly into her ear. ,,You have to take care of both of us." His voice was heavy and before she could react Chan pulled his fingers out. And pushed her forward, so she sat on all fours infront of him.
,,What did you call me earlier babygirl? Wasn't it sir? Why don't you keep thag attitude and say it with your sweet voice." His hand slapped her ass cheek roughly and she yelped out in pain and in pleasure. Both of this man are way to much to handle for one night she thought.
,,S.. Sir a.. Ahh please. I-" she begins but Felix shuts her down again, pushing his dick roughly in her mouth.
,, I hate noisy cats kitten. So you better use your mouth for something better than this pathetic begging." His voice went even deeper this time and if it wasn't for the fact that she chokes on his dick, she would wonder how that is even possible.
,,Hm that's right babygirl. If you don't use your pretty little mouth good we might not take you home tonight." His threat sends a shiver down her spin.
,,Now be a good little baby and take what we give you."
Chan takes you by surprise just like Felix did. The red haired boy roughly begins to fuck you, not caring that he pushes you against Felix with each thrust. Or that's excatly what he wants.
,,Oh fuck she is so wet Felix. I guess you have to take her too later. I don't think this slut is satisfied after just one round." His degradation sent another wave of excitement down her body and she could not do anything about the choked moans leaving her mouth.
,,After that you can fuck her mouth too Chan. I'm sure she wouldn't mind choke on another dick as well. Or would you kitten?" it is an hypothetical question and all three of them knew it. Why would she deny the offer to suck on another dick?
They hold the promise. She did her best in pleasing them, just like they did. Chans empty threat to not bring her home with them was big enough to make her do her best. Because who wouldn't want to go home with this two handsome strangers?
,,Hmm kitten go to sleep." Felix raspy voice interrupted her thoughts and just like he said, she did.
Not knowing that sleeping in the same bed with both of them, would change her boring life even more.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
I made an AU but Tumblr won't let me send the whole thing and I'm impatient
Well, fuck my need for privacy, because none of my friends really “love” BNHA like I do, and the limit for Tumblr anonymous asks are apparently “five” and I want some feedback (and validation. I admire you a lot and love your works, hamlet. God, I’m a mess) So, here we go. 
I’m just going to call this AU “The ‘Quirkless’ Givers” AU. So, in this BNHA AU, most people who gain quirks lose a piece of the humanity they and their anncestors once had. Sometimes it’s their intelligence, sometimes it’s their empathy, sometimes it’s their bravery. 
It’s part of the reason why so many people with strong quirks don’t apply them well or become selfish heroes.
However, Quirkless people, or people with weak/invisible quirks? They’re the most human of humanity, and that’s to say, while they may not be the strongest or most clever, their empathy is very strong. While some don’t show it, they all have a heightened sense of emotional awareness. Basically, a case of “you gain some, you lose some”.
The only setback? Most quirkless people do not live over twenty. Quirklessness is considered a disease, because in some ways, it is. 
See, quirkless people may be emotionally strong and aware, their bodies aren’t. All quirkless people are born “sick”. They all seem to have some sort of illness that drains their weakened bodies of its energy, until eventually, their bodies gives up. Because of this, most quirkless people remain in hospitals.
It only adds to the pre-existing myth that “Quirklessness is contagious” (it really isn’t), so the people who live past twenty don’t get to live long, often taking their own lives.
Except… they aren’t quirkless. Not really. And only one person knows this.
Quirkless people actually have the ability to give their energy, their happiness, their well-being to others- all at the cost of their own. And when you live in a hospital, there’s plenty of people to give it to.
Midoriya Izuku was born Quirkless and sickly. Before he turned four, he often played with the other kids at his school who were often accident-prone. (He’d visit everyone when they were sick and/or at the hospital. Some kids who observed fatally injured were miraculously cured/healed. I wonder why… )
Anyways, when he was diagnosed “Quirkless”, Inko immediately rushed Izuku to the hospital to see if he had “the disease”. Unfortunately, he observed several symptoms. 
Fortunately, though, he was told that, while he would probably have to stay in the hospital in his teenage years, he could, for now, stay at home and go outside.
Cue Izuku walking around town and helping everyone he can. He actually runs into a lot of (future) Class 1-A like this, as well as two very familiar black-haired and yellow-haired teachers… hm…
His friends either avoid him (because of the stigmas around “Quirklessness”) or treat him like glass. Bakugo tries this, too, and at this point, he’s Izuku’s only friend, so Izuku sets him straight… by clocking him with his fist. (He got in trouble, but it fixed his relationship with “Kacchan” by reassuring him “I may not become a hero by your side, but I can help where I can and I’m strong enough to hold my own”.) 
As his little “walks” continues, his health deteriorates and it stresses out his mom. He’s actually hospitalized at the early age of eleven. The symptoms just got worse faster than the doctors thought they would. 
The Bakugos and Inko visit Izuku frequently (Inko and Kacchan: daily, the rest of the Bakugos every weekend). Occassionally, one of his school friends will come hang out… from a distance (and we thought misinformation was bad in this day and age). Kacchan will come and drop off schoolwork/homework, because Izuku was dropped off the school registry, because the school decided, with Izuku bedridden, there’d be no point in continuing his education. Izuku and Kacchan were very salty.
Anyways, Izuku meets many people who are in need of help, love, and encouragement during his stay. Whenever he’s allowed to (or if he decides to sneak out), he’ll walk around and help visitors and reassure them that things will be alright. Somehow, the people he visits are discharged early for somehow recovering so quickly… hm… 
(He also meets Todoroki Rei during his time there and quickly befriends her. She laments to him of a husband who she loves but keeps her caged here. Soon enough, she gains enough mental fortitude and courage to stand up and speak against her husband, with the help of Lawyer Mamadoriya. Soon, Endeavor has his licence temporarily revoked (there’s only so much she can do) and her children are in her custody. Izuku is suddenly visited weekly by Rei and her kids, including Dabi, because I subscribe to “Dabi=Todoroki Touya”)
Anyways, fast forward, Izuku is fifteen, and UA’s USJ has been attacked. The damage is devistating, and UA is actually shut down for a whole week because of it. Izuku watches as a bunch of 1-A’s students and two of their teachers are wheeled in (he recognizes all of them, except for Thirteen, from his past hero-hunting days.)
That day, he visits Todoroki and Bakugo after they’re removed from the ICU. He sees how devistated they are and how badly their classmates and teachers are hurt, and decides, since he’s stuck at the hospital anyways, he might as well do his best to keep the other students and teachers happy and help where he can.
(He doesn’t live past the week. He knows he won’t, but he doesn’t care.)
In the end, he dies clutching Aizawa’s perfectly healed hand the day before Aizawa is discharged. 
The next week, school starts up for them again, but every 1-A student and teacher attends the funeral of a fifteen year-old boy who died saving them all.
And to this day, you’ll still hear them herald the tale of a green-haired boy who gave all that he had to them, until he was left with nothing.
(What they won���t tell you is that he wrote each of them a letter. A letter explaining his hopes, his dreams, his passion, and how he wished them the best. However, they will tell you that he is now the dead author of “The Givers”, a book that explains the true condition of the Quirkless. And in the end, the thing he gave most of? Hope. He gave hope to the people who lost theirs.)
Woo, this one was fun. It’s mostly just tidbits and scenes I thought up throughout my day. I hope you like it. I think I’ll write about it, but like I said, I want some feedback from someone who’s actually watched (and likes) BNHA. (Also, what dignity? There’s none here! ;v;) Also, please tell me if there’s something I need to fix. It’s currently one AM, and my creativity might not sleep, but my grammatical skills and logic sure can.
PS: If I could go on a rant on how much I love you and your work, I would. Maybe I will. Just needed to let you know before I disappear off the face of Tumblr again. 
From Hamlet: 
AHH BRO IM CRYING HHHH I LOVE THIS,,,, bru him,,, the truest hero - giving his everything to save people no matter the cost,,,, i love this also bruh the p a i n this is so sweet dude 
b r u h 
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