inexplicifics · 2 months
“Such a scandal, Lady Mignole, letting strange men abduct you in the middle of the night.”
“A little scandal is good for the soul.”
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vesemirsexual · 1 year
Vesemir taking little Lambert anywhere:
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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Hellboy - Forbidden Zone Art by Mike Mignola
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Countess Mignole
Vesemirs' lover in 1234. Became an avid collector of witcher gear (vedyminiaca). Vesemirs' gambeson became the first of her many collection - its sentimental value has no monetary equivalent.
The major reason why I had to postpone the Battle of Kaer Morhen just so I can talk to her with Vesemir still alive, and then talk to him about her.
(Shots from my PS4 gameplay, with PS enhancements)
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dukeofdogs · 1 year
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Season of the Viper
Chest 1: The School of the Viper no longer exists, yet what exactly led to its demise is not precisely known. Most likely, it was closed by Emhyr var Emreis when he no longer found value in it. Knowing the emperor and his favored methods, one could reasonably suspect that the school's closure spelled a death sentence for every one of its members.
Chest 2: Today, weapons and armor from the Viper School are collectors' items for Vedyminaica enthusiasts – those who occupy themselves with the literature and history of the witcher profession. The owner of the largest collection of such relics was the Countess Mignole of Oxenfurt. Yet what compelled a highborn lady to take such a keen interest in monster hunters? She alone holds the answer.
Chest 3: Although witchers are hired to protect people from monsters, they are often repaid with distrust – even outright hostility. Kolgrim, a witcher from the Viper School, experienced such suspicion firsthand. While working on a contract in White Orchard, a local boy went missing. The villagers unanimously accused the witcher of abducting the child, and – ignoring his pleas of innocence – brought the witcher's life to a gruesome end. The townsfolk learned later that the boy had been killed by a drowner. Alas, it was too late for their judgment to be undone...
Scroll 1: It is oft said that witchers took on the characteristics of their schools' namesake creatures. Without a doubt, this was true of the Viper School. They were agile, quick, and frequently made use of deadly poisons.
Scroll 2: As with the other witcher schools – the Wolves' Kaer Morhen as sole exception – none were aware of the Viper School's location. Only one detail ever became widely known... That it stood somewhere south of the Yaruga. In Nilfgaard.
Scroll 3: Perhaps it's no wonder then that Vipers were less inclined to neutrality than other witchers. The Empire would never recognize such a stance. There is only obedient servant... Or mortal enemy.
Scroll 4: For this reason, few in the North were surprised to learn that the assassin of King Demavend III of Aedirn and King Foltest of Temeria wore a viper-shaped medallion – and that soon thereafter Nilfgaard readied itself for war.
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Countess Mignole/Vesemir (The Witcher)
Echoes and Memories by bookscorpion
Kaer Morhen is not what Mignole has imagined, but she can see that it used to be. It's old, and crumbling into ruins. Sitting down on a stone to catch her breath, Mignole can relate. Mignole goes to Kaer Morhen
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sassaffrassa · 1 year
First lines meme
Rules:  Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @deerna and tagging @kuwdora @bomberqueen17 @bittylildragon @eatingcroutons @witch-and-her-witcher if any of you feel the urge 💕
(ok so i have an unholy number of drabbles so i stuck to works with a word count over 500)
pattern: i love to jump straight into the action, in media res with the least amount of context possible to start, especially if i can do it in a way that subverts the readers expectation for what's about to happen. the more distant the POV, or the greater time frame that the story's describing, the more background info i'll add. (drabbles tend to start with a line of dialogue, turns out lol)
Taste the Rainbow
Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | T, modern au, 3.8k
Geralt flinches when something comes at his head, but when his hands fly up to catch it, he finds he’s got one of Ciri’s wrists in each hand, and a string of bright colors laced between the two.
Witcher | Vesemir/Mignole | E, daddy kink, 4.8k
She can’t sleep, despite her best efforts. The blankets tangle around her legs as she tosses and turns, feeling hideously ashamed of herself.
Putting the 'FUN' in Dysfunctional
Witcher | Roche/Jaskier | E, spies, 9.1k
Roche has never had much time for music in his life. As a boy there has been fêtes in the market square and bawdy minstrels who came through the house, paying with their entertainment to draw custom before heading upstairs to get their own, and not much else.
A Hangdog Look
Witcher | Iorveth/Roche | E, animal transformation, 10.3k
The bed shifts beneath him, just enough to startle him awake, and Iorveth draws a knife before his eye even opens against the dim light of his rooms. He lurches upright when the weight of whatever is attacking him lands against his back, heavy and startlingly cold and Roche whimpers, ducking his head between his paws.
Witcher | Geralt/Roche (& Roach) | T, drug use, 2k
Geralt leans his head back, blowing a stream of smooth blue smoke into the air. It clouds around his head, hazing over the bright pinpricks of stars in the night sky.
Your Hand in Mine
Sherlock Holmes ACD | Holmes/Watson | T, remix, 500
Holmes had been standing by the window for a quarter of an hour at least, turning the necklace over and over in his hands. Watson looked down again, reining his focus back to the treatise in his hands.
you've got a friend in me
Witcher | Kiyan & Gaetan | T, possession, 2k
When a Cat goes missing, they usually stay missing, for one reason or another. There’s already too few of them, fewer by the year, witchers of all schools declining as the mages get more and more power hungry, and the caravan has to go further and further out of its own way to avoid Nilfgaard’s expanding territory. They make it hard to find them on purpose, and sometimes that means Cats can’t make it home, if they been gone too long.
the wonders of the universe
Torchwood | Ianto Jones | T, aliens, 3.1k
The first one he brings back to the Hub, he really actually does think it’s a cool looking rock at first.
Team Building Exercise
Witcher | Roche/Blue Stripes | E, sex pollen, 12k
There’s an elven shrine somewhere in the woods, and bloody Roche is the one who stumbles onto it.
Safe Harbor
Witcher | Roche & Anaïs | T, TLOU au, 900
They’re still two miles out from the township when Roche spots the first tripwire. He jumps to yank Anaïs out of its path.
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inexplicifics · 8 months
🤎 For Vesemir, Mignole, and Guxart. I’m thinking Invictus verse, but not required.
This one's a little long for a tumblr post, so it's HERE on AO3!
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vesemirsexual · 2 years
au where gaetan ends up getting badly roughed up and thrown into a prison cell
and shockingly gets sprung by some rich lady. so he’s taken back to her residence and low key shitting himself because he does not know this lady and has no idea what this is. she’s trying to be calming and he’s even more suspicious, and the thing that nearly makes him lose his shit is witcher armour in this lady’s house??? gaetan is lowkey convinced this woman is going to taxidermy him
so she’s very calm and defusing and is basically like okay buddy listen I’m just trying to help out a witcher in need, chill
so it comes about that gaetan is pretty fucked up and they have to send a scout or two in the direction of wherever gaetan estimates the caravan should technically be
so anyway this results in guxart, dragonfly and cedric kicking down the door, completely ready for a trap and to fight for their lives
gaetan is dirtying up some couch that is worth more than his entire life, and some rich lady is sitting on the ground next to him gossiping while they both sip fancy drinks
naturally the rescue team is like what the fuck, until guxarts eyes drift, catch the gambeson and he delightedly goes “vesemir????” mignole looks at him sharply and goes “you know vesemir?”
somewhere, vesemir pauses and gets a shiver down his spine. little does he know the most unholy alliance has just formed on the continent.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
Fic title: Vesemir's Bunny
I cackled so loudly my cat left, Leaf. For this, as tempting as it would be to put him in bunny ears, I'd probably write a mature sugar daddy AU, Vesemir/Guxart:
Modern AU, Vesemir is still a Witcher.
It's several years since Mignole passed away. Vesemir always knew it would happen, but it still hit him like an absolute freight train.
He's now extremely wealthy, but lonely as all hell.
Lambert, annoyed by his moping, jokingly suggests a sugar daddy service. At least Vesemir would get laid (not that Lambert wants to think about that: fucking yikes).
In a moment of weakness, Vesemir searches for it on the internet and falls down a rabbit hole.
Most of the "sugar babies" looking for someone are far too young and he closes the window at least four times in self-disgust.
Then, he happens upon a website where all the pictures are of older people. People like him, sometimes a little younger.
One photograph in particular catches his eye: a tall man with tawny skin and bright green eyes. His hair is lightly curled salt and pepper, and he looks absolutely dashing in a three piece suit.
The biography offers a name: Guxart, or Artie to loved ones.
The biography tells a familiar story: Guxart worked hard all his life, but he's looking down the barrel of a penniless retirement, because every Crown he made went to his extensive family.
(wow, Vesemir thought his family was large; Guxart has children and grandchildren in the double figures.)
Vesemir tells himself it's foolish. But he keeps returning to Guxart's page. Over and over.
Vesemir writes his number down and stares at it for several days.
And then he calls.
The man that picks up sounds tired, but brightens when Vesemir explains why he rang. They talk for a little bit: Guxart is funny and charming, and Vesemir loves the sound of his voice.
The words call out of Vesemir's mouth before he can stop them: would Guxart be available for dinner next week? The answer is an enthusiastic but surprised 'yes'.
They meet at one of Vesemir's favourite restaurants: an old Ofiri place just outside Novigrad.
He arrives first and orders a nice red wine for their table, and watches the door. He half expects to be stood up. After all, he sent a picture of himself so Guxart could spot him upon arrival.
But Guxart arrives. He tugs nervously at his jacket as he appears in the doorway, and straightens his tie. He looks even more dashing than in the pictures, his dark curls neatly arranged, his short beard trimmed.
He shakes Vesemir's hand and smiles warmly, but Vesemir can tell he's nervous. He touches the cutlery like Lambert does when he's straightening them to avoid eye contact, he touches his face once or twice and chooses a salad off the menu.
After a while, Vesemir can't stand it any more. He asks Guxart why he's so worried.
Guxart's lips press together tightly, the laughter lines around his eyes crease a little: he doesn't want to ruin it. The last few appointments didn't go so well. He was too old for one, too loud for another, the third was... well, he doesn't want to talk about that one.
Vesemir tells him that he's looking for a companion. Someone who he can talk to, share a bottle of nice scotch and fall asleep by a fire with. Most of his friends are dead; he lost his best friend several years ago.
It's hard to make new friends at their age. Vesemir's just desperate for a friend. He will pay, of course. That's how the whole thing works.
Guxart blinks once or twice, and then the tension melts away with a single breath. Yeah, he wouldn't mind a friend.
After that, the meal goes well. Vesemir takes Guxart back and they share that scotch on his balcony. Vesemir buys Guxart a cab home, and they agree to meet again soon.
They message each other in the days in between. Vesemir feels a warmth growing in his chest.
The next time, they play chess and discuss botany.
The time after that, they go to a beer tasting and end up snoring on Vesemir's sofa.
After that, they attend a theatre performance and there's another meal, then a country walk, then a horse trek, then a poetry reading, then...
...a kiss. On Vesemir's balcony. Guxart cradled against Vesemir's chest, a hand in his hair and another at the small of his back.
Guxart damn near purrs, and Vesemir asks whether he would like to stay a little longer than an evening.
Guxart ends up staying a whole lot longer than an evening. Forever, in fact.
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 4 months
Things you specifically or always do when playing certain videogames
I'm doing another tag game about videogames and our not-so-quirky quirks. Give 5 examples this time of habits or behaviors you commit when specific games or genres are played.
Here are mine:
Yakuza Series (PS4): I always, always call the local izakaya and order a take out of tekkamaki (tuna rolls) or some kajiki sashimi. because this game has your character nosh on premium sushi. Worse when you read the description and it always gets me mouthwatering for it. Nevermind the ramen or the donburi in that game, I love sushi and I will never play the Yakuza games without a dozen or so tekkamakis!
Streetfighter/Tekken: Or any one on one fighting games. I never play competitively. So when I sit in the arcade and play against the machine, and someone comes in about to pop in a coin, I always tell then "please don't. I do not want a challenger." I suck at actual human challengers. Thank goodness I've not encountered a jerk who ruins the game for me and let me finish my game.
Rune Factory/Harvest Moon or any farm sim: I check the list of marriageable candidates in advance and always pick the oldest bachelor. If there is an option to create a harem, mores the fun!
Resident Evil 4: I play tetris with my inventory. I am sure I am not alone in this :D
The Witcher 3: Nilfgaard always win! Also, I do not search for Ciri in the Isle of Mist until I get to talk to Countess Mignole with Vesemir still alive, then talk to Vesemir about her T_T.
I taggeth @bittersweetbark, @valandhirwriter, @regis-favorite-raven, @andordean, @alphagravy, @rotatingremains, @gauntermetaverse, @geraltyen-of-corvobianco. Anyone can also join and make their list!
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For the wip game: Spit of You god I am BEGGING I listen to that song way to often because of you
oh my god this one has been bedeviling me. I haven't been able to get the tone quite right -- Lambert doing deep introspection is unnatural to my hc of his character and it's really difficult to write it without it going wildly OOC but here's an excerpt for you: (Backstory is Lambert happens to be in Oxenfurt for some reason and runs into Vesemir at an inn)
He’s not entirely sure what to do. If it was Geralt or Eskel or even one of Aiden’s siblings he would swagger up and sit down, steal a bite of whatever they were eating and immediately try to goad them into a fight or a drinking game played with dice. But this… this he has no idea how to deal with. 
Vesemir is the foundation the keep rests upon, the keystone of that whole hellish place. He’s not a person, he’s an emblem and to see him here, away from everything he represents, is destabilizing, shakes him to his core. He looks drawn, worn thin, some of the old grief that always seems to hang around the corners of his yellow eyes inscribed deeper than Lambert's ever seen it; worry, pain, a self-contained crisis. Vesemir doesn't have crises.
“Sit down, will you?” Vesemir growls, not looking up from his ale. Something in his voice shakes loose the frightened child Lambert still carries in his chest and he finds himself dropping to the bench without his own conscious thought. 
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here” Lambert says after a moment, when he has control of his tongue again. He feels like he’s walking on a cliff’s edge, as though any wrong footing will send him tumbling. But into what he isn’t sure. 
Vesemir shrugs  as though he leaves the mountain all the time, as though this is a normal day in Oxenfurt, a normal chance encounter on the Path and not a sign that things are very, very seriously wrong. 
“Here to see an old friend”
“Right” Lambert replies. 
He wants to ask, wants to clasp Vesemir on the bicep and ask what’s going on, old man? How can I help?  But he chokes on his own tenderness, and the words stick molten to the roof of his mouth and burn. He settles for taking a sip of his ale instead, fixing his eyes somewhere at the wall over Vesemir’s shoulder and trying to inconspicuously clear his throat. 
(Vesemir is in town to see Mignole one final time before she dies and Lambert has Realizations and Feelings and it's all very stilted and couched in this prison of toxic masculinity that both Vesemir and Lambert conciously trap themselves in)
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fullmoonandstar · 1 year
*spoilers for the Witcher 3*
There is this widow, Countess Mignole, who reveals that she had something with Vesemir when they were younger but never met again.
From now on I will pretend that the battle of Kaer Morhen ended differently and Vesemir retired to Mignole’s estate 🙈
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week 12/14
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Art Brut #1 (of 4) -  W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, & Mat Lopes
Presenting here the first major work from the creative minds behind ICE CREAM MAN-re-lettered, remastered, and under its original intended name! The world of fine art is falling apart, and only ART BRUT knows how to fix it. Alongside the Bureau of Artistic Integrity, Arthur Brut the Mad Dreampainter (and his trusty sidekick, Manny the Mannequin) must dive back into the very paintings that made him insane...or reality itself might just crumble to pieces. A colorful, gonzo romp through art and art history, ART BRUT is equal parts police procedural, hyper-fantasy, and psychological thriller-a veritable Pollock-splatter of comics genres tossed onto one giant pulpy canvas! Each issue features new covers, new design, and a new Silver Age-style backup story featuring the art hero that no one's ever heard of-until now! Originally published under the title The Electric Sublime, this special edition presents the NPR-lauded, critically acclaimed material in its intended form.
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Assassin’s Apprentice #1 (of 5) -  Jody Houser, Robin Hobb, Ryan Kelly & Anna Steinbauer
Until recently, Fitz was only known as "boy." The bastard/illegitimate son of a powerful noble, Fitz is taken in by his uncle, Prince Verity, who prepares the boy for a journey to the capital to meet his royal grandfather. But Fitz is not a normal child. An ancient power stirs inside him, something that will change the destiny of the Six Duchies forever!
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Blade Runner 2039 #1 -  Mike Johnson, Mellow Brown, Andres Guinaldo & Jung-Geun Yoon
Los Angeles 2039. It has been three years since Niander Wallace introduced his brand of 'perfectly obedient' Replicants, and the ban on synthetic humans has been lifted, at least for the new Wallace models?the older Tyrell Corp's Nexus 8 units are still hunted by Blade Runners. Cleo Selwyn, first seen as a small child in Blade Runner 2019, has returned to L.A. some twenty years later, searching for Isobel, a Replicant copy of her real mother who died when she was three. Cleo believes that Niander Wallace is holding Isobel captive, and the only person she can call on for help is the one who saved her so many years ago: Aahna 'Ash' Ashina, now an aging and disgraced ex-Blade Runner.
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Guyabano Holiday GN -  panpanya
Beloved indie manga artist panpanya discovers the wonders of the Guyabano fruit and the Philippines! A trip to Tokyo's Asian market district, Ameyokocho, leads the protrag on a trip to hunt down the mysterious guyabano fruit! Little does the protrag and their crew know that their curiosity will take them on a wild and mouth-watering trip to the Philippines!
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Holding Her Own: The Exceptional Life of Jackie Ormes GN -  Traci N Todd & Shannon Wright
Jackie Ormes made history. She was the first Black woman cartoonist to be nationally syndicated in the United States. She was also a journalist, fashionista, philanthropist, and activist, and she used her incredible talent and artistry to bring joy and hope to people everywhere. But in post-World War II America, Black people were still being denied their civil rights, and Jackie found herself in a dilemma: How could her art stay true to her signature "Jackie joy" while remaining honest about the inequalities Black people had been fighting?
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The Hunters Guild: Red Hood GN Vol 1 -  Yuki Kawaguchi
In a world where fairy tales are fact and humans live in fear of werewolves, witches, and monsters, only the Hunters Guild can keep the monsters at bay. These red-hooded fighters are anything but little, and only those able to pay a king's ransom can afford their services, but it's a small price to stay alive.
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Leonide The Vampyr: A Christmas For Crows One-Shot -  Mike Mignola & Rachele Aragno
When good and honest mountain folk come upon a small coffin among a carriage wreck, they find themselves among darker company than they bargained for. In this haunting Christmas carol, Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and artist extraordinaire Rachele Aragno weave a chilling holiday tale as the vampyr Leonide once again casts her spell over unsuspecting audiences.
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Midnight Rain GN -  CTK
Ethan lives a monotonous life trying to pay off his crippling debt-until the day Mike appears at the neighborhood laundromat looking worse for wear. Both men find themselves struggling to go on in different ways, and it's these struggles that bring them together while simultaneously threatening to tear them apart.
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My Gently Raised Beast GN Vol 1 -  Early Flower & Yeoseulki
The orphaned Blondina lives a tough life on the streets, left only with a memento from her late mother-one that proves she is the child of the emperor of Ates. From the streets, Blondina moves into the royal palace where she lives a lonely existence...that is until she befriends a brash and surly cat named Amon. Not only can Amon talk, but he also turns into a cute boy! The truth is, Amon is no mere cat but rather a member of the Divine Leopard Clan, a group of powerful demi-humans often at odds with humanity. Will the two be able to stay friends despite all the conflicts?
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Night Club #1 (of 6) -  Mark Millar & Juanan Ramirez
You're 17 years old and you've been bitten by a vampire. Do you live in the shadows and drink human blood, or do you use your newfound gifts for the dream costumed superhero life you've always wanted? 
You're bulletproof, you can crawl up walls, and you can turn to mist, bats, or even a wolf. Why not have a little fun?
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Sad Girl Space Lizard GN -  Iggy Craig
Lieutenant Left is barely scraping by at her maintenance job on a lonely, two-lizard mech crew. Every day seems just as monotonous as the last, until disaster strikes Commander Right on a routine mission. Now it's up to Left to step up, or risk being stranded in space... with nobody around except her hot crewmate for millions and millions of miles. Cartoonist Iggy Craig's debut graphic novel is a queer mech action romance (for lizards). If you are a lizard, or have an appreciation for lizards, this comic is for you. If not, you'll probably still enjoy it.
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Too Dead To Die TP -  Marc Guggenheim, Howard Chaykin & Dave Johnson
Writer/artist team GUGGENHEIM & CHAYKIN (Blade, Wolverine) reunites for an all-new original that brings classic spy novels to the modern world. In the 1980s, Simon Cross was America's top superspy. Today, his past has come back to haunt him, forcing him out of retirement for one final adventure.
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A Vicious Circle #1 (of 3) -  Mattson Tomlin & Lee Bermejo
Shawn Thacker is a trained assassin from the future who seeks revenge on the only other man with his affliction-each life they take forces them both to travel between vastly different past and future eras. Spanning from 22nd century Tokyo to 1950s New Orleans to the Cretaceous Era and beyond, the two mortal rivals are locked in a battle of wills that spans millions of years, all to alter the course of history. With each time period, Lee Bermejo adjusts his artistic style to pay homage to luminary comics artists and historical master painters, all presented in a prestige, oversized format!
Whatcha reading this week, Fantom Fam?
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by Chantress
Kaer Morhen is not what Mignole has imagined, but she can see that it used to be. It's old, and crumbling into ruins. Sitting down on a stone to catch her breath, Mignole can relate.
Mignole goes to Kaer Morhen.
Words: 34, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Countess Mignole (The Witcher)
Relationships: Countess Mignole/Vesemir (The Witcher)
Additional Tags: Kaer Morhen (The Witcher), Vesemir is Dead, Conversations with the dead, Samhain, Zaduszki, kind of, Bittersweet, Saovine (The Witcher), Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Podfic to Fall Asleep To
Listen on AO3
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olitaly · 2 months
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