mikarusart · 1 year
I like blue dinosaur but this was hell to draw... stupid metal hand!!
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chuckdraug · 8 months
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Halloween 2023 (feat. Monty, Chiki & Mike)
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jackce · 1 year
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Mikaru and Yudai (from G.L.A.M.S) ❤️ commission for Birdie 💙
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ymkw-yui · 2 years
Seeing the memes I posted made me realize just how versatile wrwrd's deformed illustrations are. Like you can literally slap them on anything. You can see how creative the guys can get with them especially in shoten videos.
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They're also really cute too. I mean, look at Shaoron.
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But seriously wrwrd's video/manga illustrations are one of a kind and I love them so much.
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Mikaru Suzuki The Demigod Mercenary Femboy Bisexual Portrait i hopeful u like that...
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明日が見えなくて - Ashita ga mienakute - Tomorrow is not visible - Demain est hors de vue
Un souhait que je nourris depuis toujours
きれいな花を 咲かそうって
Fleurira telle une magnifique fleur
 夢が叶わないなら あきらめるなら
Si mes rêves ne se réalisent pas, si j’abandonne
ひと粒の種 まいておこう
Je planterais une nouvelle graine
Maintenant au cœur d’un vent transparent
静かに眠りたいの 翼を抱いて
Je voudrais m’endormir paisiblement tout en enlaçant mes ailes
 託された運命の 行方探そう
Je suis à la recherche du lieu où repose le destin qu’on m’a écrit
Des plumes tombent et virevoltent ci et là
C’est comme être attiré par un mirage
Seulement je suis déjà venue en cet endroit
 ひとりぼっちじゃないと 誰か教えて
Que quelqu’un me dise que je ne suis pas seule
夢が姿を 消す前に
Avant que la silhouette de mes rêves ne disparaisse
Dans mes yeux réfléchissent
哀しみのカケラを 拾い集めて
Les fragments rassemblés d’une tristesse
 永遠は切なくて 果てしなくて
L’éternité est douloureuse et aussi sans fin
Je supposer que je l’ai beaucoup trop désiré
 愛されたい そばにいてほしい
Je veux être aimée, je souhaite que tu sois à mes côtés
だけど明日が 見つからない
Seulement demain est introuvable
Parolière: MARIA
Compositeur et Arrangements: Tsurugi Masaki, Nobuchika Teruyuki
Chanteuse: Shintani Ryouko
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mahoutoons · 3 months
magical girl moments that pissed me off
the entire breakup arc in sailor moon
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nozomi and coco's wedding. to this day i refuse to watch the last episode of otopre for that alone
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these fuckass indian cures in happiness charge precure. as an indian i would rather have no representation than... whatever this is
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kuroe's death. actually all of magireco season 3 but ESPECIALLY kuroe's death
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utau kissing ikuto. THEY'RE SIBLINGS.
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also every time ikuto was touchy with amu. SHE'S 12, LEAVE HER ALONE
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rika and terada. just rika and terada. WHY THE FUCK DID CLAMP THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!?!
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aiko's dad blaming his wife for her miscarriage. throw the whole damn man away
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mermaid melody pure introducing mikaru just to force in a messy love triangle
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also basically the only sapphic rep in mermaid melody being the FUCKING SISTERS
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ik some people count the pretty series as magical girl so. pepper taiyou. just pepper taiyou. she could've been great rep but no, they decided to make her a borderline racist caricature. this is the same show that had a canonical nonbinary character and a plus size character who was treated with respect, what the fuck happened?
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mikarusart · 1 year
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chuckdraug · 10 months
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Ice Cream Queen
Nothing like some ice cream... though that doesn't look like a respectable stand.
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glitchydraws · 10 months
My character's Full names {w/Picture reposts}
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Both Glitchy and Mikey have the same last name {BloodRose is my friend group's family last name} Mikey: Mikaru Ruben Bloodrose Glitchy: Glitchscreen diablo Bloodrose {based on my creepypasta oc}
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Corruption Mikey: Mikanaru Kisaki Volkrye
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oreobug · 7 months
So sorry if this sounds rude, but is Mikaru kinda based on that 'concept' PSMD Nuzleaf you talked about in the dream you talked about? Considering both characters are essentially something possessing a corpse.
Dw, you don't sound rude at all! I like questions about my characters :)
Funnily enough, no! Mikaru is actually a super old character of mine I decided to revamp, but now that you mention it the ideas are super similar
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dvdhappycom · 9 months
Gangbangs Of Japan
Gangbangs Of Japan スタジオ: Nippon 更新日: 2023/09/08 時間: - 女優: Mikaru Kira Hiromi Fujii Ai Misaki Airi Mashiro ***********************************
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【DVDハッピー】 https://dvd-happy.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD $1.49~ 正規品最安値保障 ***********************************
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elliestoybox · 1 year
So i have officially finished reading the mermaid melody manga and i have many questions and notes
(it might sound very negative but ive had a weird amout of fun with it and i am still a fan of the anime lol)
How did the anime improve on the material so much while still being pretty bad? (Dont get me wrong i love the anime very much)
Its very clear that the closer to then end it got the characterization shifted to fit the anime more (i mean this completely neutrally)
Is it me overthinking or were Michel and Michal (Mikeru and Mikaru) meant to be called Michael when they fused but everyone forgot? Including the creators? (Fr one translation note ive seen had no idea why they called him Mikeru cause that not how you say Michael in Japanese and im just like ?????)
It felt like they forgot to introduce some characters... Like Nagisa lmao (my partner was shocked when i told them taki basically only exists in the anime)
It kinda just ...ended? Like it was a very weird place and pacing to stop?
Ive seen i think wikipedia mention that some people argued that the writing is too childish and im just like ...how did you get through the WALLS of things to criticize to get to the writing??
Seriously the conveyance is so bad on the manga i couldnt begin to explain it in under an hour
Can i ask why do all the men Pink drew (at least at the time, i didnt check out aqua yet) just look like Kaito? Even Mikarus brother who Lucia says looks nothing like Kaito??
Also i literally have to talk about how the writer was the lead writer of Princess Tutu (in addition to some other things that caught my eye less lol) LIKE HOW DID END UP THIS INCOMPREHENSIBLE?????
I definitely had more I'm just very tired and surprisingly excited to check out aqua (i am expecting an absolute disaster lmao)
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aquaregina · 2 years
i have other headcanon/au stuff, such as yuri surviving the season 1 finale and working at pearl piari, mikaru being a disaster bi for kaito and luchia, seira being sara and taro-sensei's daughter, etc
PSA to the fandom + other serve members, please send me your headcanons! I love this kinda stuff. Ok now that that’s over onto your asks!
I toyed with the idea of a Yuri lives AU but I had more I could do with Seria & Gaito so…I love this idea!!!!!! Yuri deserved to live and the wish episode makes me cry every time 🥹 They just wanted to be happy!!!
DISASTER BI MIKARU! Headcanon accepted!!!!
OMG SERIA BEING SARA AND TARO’S DAUGHTER????? OMG? Like what if Sara’s Pearl had gone missing after the tsunami? And like the Indian Ocean is is disrepair without their princess and the fact that their Pearl is missing. Maybe Sara and Gakuto live and they are trying to repair the Indian Ocean and her people are like where is your Pearl…?
Queue Pure being about Seria connecting with her mermaid heritage and getting to know her mother. Bonus points for Luchia being like a little sister to Seria and only belated realizing that she’s a mermaid…because Luchia is kinda dense 🤣
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chisaiyume · 3 months
DIO-Distraught Overlord [disbanded]
Vocal: Mikaru
Guitar: Kei
Guitar: Erina
Bass: Ivy
Drums: Denka
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