#mike thinks will is going to dance with this girl and be with her forever.. and so will's now the one walking too far ahead
freakartack · 2 days
What is your least favourite misconception or fan interpretation of the WarioWare cast?
And/or do you have a favourite headcanon the community has made for the cast?
Oooohhhh we are really going for the hot hot takes today huh. Just handing me the baseball bat like that
Well I suppose it had to come to this. I've been dancing around this for far too long. It's time for
NOTE: please do not open this if me shitting on popular headcanons will ruin your day. I don't generally care what people do with their life do what you want forever
OK with that out of the way it's time to get narsty. Many of these will be ship-related so if that will make you mad or bored just a heads up
OK i lied you can't do this one forever. ENOUGH!! She is in HIGH SCHOOL and if you think she has to secretly be an adult just because she has a job and drives a scooter then not only have you never been to high school but you also have not been paying attention during any of Kat and Ana's cutscenes. "High schoolers don't usually drive that much" 5-year-olds don't usually trek the mountains high and kill people with swords but they do. I get when people get frustrated that almost all the girl characters in warioware are marketable kids, because that does kind of suck, but you can't just ignore that to get shippy about it. Cmon. "Wario was dreaming about her in that 1 microgame break" yeah, and I thought that was weird. I choose to read it as a non-romantic moment (since, again, he's old enough to be her dad), and the fact is that nothing like that has happened since. Yeah mona might think he's a hunka hunka but she has every right to! Doesn't mean they have to get married
This one will stir far more pots/torches/pitchforks/etc. but since we're bringing out the fine china i might as well go all out. Here's my reasoning: Orbulon is 2000 years old. Mike is like 2. I'm not saying this one is Problematic (mike is a robot that can file taxes after all) but moreso that it is unrealistic. Picture this: You are orbulon, with all of your weird hangups and whatnot. Your buddy that fixes your car all the time and plays Go with you just had a robot son. Would you fall in love with him? Probably not. On the other end of the coin, you're the robot son now. Your inventor/employer/cyborg dad keeps inviting this weird animal into your house to study it. I don't think he would fall in love with that either. "I would," you say, "i'm built different." And more power to you. I just don't think they are.
FINALLY, a non-shippy one! Anyways, since Get it Together came out, a lot of people took one picture on the wall and the shape of mona's house to mean that Mona's House is actually Luigi's Mansion and that Luigi and Daisy had a child together 16 years ago and promptly abandoned it to play tennis. I think it is obvious by now that I don't think that's true. Not only has Mona described her parents extensively (one of them is an artist that is obsessed with noses, the other is a supermodel that travels the world), but neither of them are anything like Luigi and Daisy. "But what if Luigi is secretly obsessed with noses and Daisy is secretly a supermodel," you say. Okay. Then I think that Luigi cheated on Daisy with Peach, and had Rosalina together, because Peach and Rosalina both have blond hair and Luigi had a telescope once. Don't play games with me, Matthew. I know what you are.
He's not
OK now that all of that is out of the way, let's move on to the fun stuff. Top ten favorite things that people have said about warioware!!!
I first saw this thought expressed here, but I've seen many people continue the sentiment and I think it's beautiful. Penny Crygor is the good doctor's transgender lesbian clone whom we all love dearly.
Self-explanatory. Unfortunately the genius who thought of this one has since deactivated and the post is forever under an inaccessible read-more so this is the only evidence i have that it ever existed. You have to trust me on this one.
This isn't really a headcanon moreso a popular interpretation of the text but I do like to think that despite being a jackass he does genuinely care about all the weirdos he has racked up, including the many wayward children that have glommed onto him over the years. This is like every toxic "we're all a family here!" workplace, except that they actually are all a family here and it's toxic for unrelated reasons
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When Blue Meets Yellow In the West: A Series Long Theory - Part 2
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Kickstart My Heart
Eddie x Fem!Reader
Description: Eddie's taken aback when someone makes a bigger scene in the cafeteria than him. Maybe he's finally met his match?
Warnings: Mostly fluff, smidge of angst, very very slight smut (making out/slight grinding) mentions of drug use, use of y/n twice (I try to avoid it if at all poss) use of pet names (princess/sweetheart etc) Reader has curly hair and a back tattoo and I'm totally projecting I'm fully aware.
A/N: Honestly I keep seeing Eddie with cheerleaders and I respectfully disagree. I wanted him to meet someone with similar interests and also wanted to see how he could deal with someone being a bit of a dom as well. I'm not 100% on this but it's been sitting in my notes forever. I'm thinking this would be a good mini series so let me know in the comments/reblogs if you like it enough for that! Edit, Part 2 now out!
5.2k words
Masterlist Part 2 Here
Eddie lounges on the bench in the cafeteria, his legs draped either side, tapping a tattoo on the floor with his feet. He was laying back, magazine in hand, reading out choice paragraphs to his followers, the Hellfire club. And anyone else who might be listening. "....see, they don't even realise how much of a joke they actually are!" Eddie flourishes the magazine and starts rolling it into a tube, mock conducting with his hands, pointing at the more popular kids in the hall.
The boys at the table nod make agreeable noises, knowing it's easier to just let Eddie continue when he's like this; but then something catches Dustin's eye.
"See? I told you Mike, she does go here." Hitting him on the arm.
"Where? Where?"
"Right there, walking in, that's the girl." Dustin stares at the doorway, transfixed.
Eddie laughs, still laying there.
"Don't tell me your losing your mind over a girl Henderson."
"I heard she just got out of Juvie. She showed up in my science class and threw a drink over Jimmy Clayton." Gareth pipes up, following Dustin's gaze.
"I saw her at the arcade wrecking it on Galactic Warriors."
"You should talk to her Dustin!" Mike laughed.
"Screw that, she's a senior and she's scary dude."
Eddie, now annoyed at the lack of attention, jumps up onto the seat, standing on it, knocking the gang out of their spell. "Hey sheep, this is reality calling!" He shouts to them in a sing song voice, bonking Dustin on the head with the magazine, then turns and looks around the room trying to find who they are talking about.
He doesn't have to wait long. A commotion starts two tables away, and the prettiest girl Eddie has ever seen is facing off with Jason Carver.
Long, messy curls adorn her head, wearing a faded Anthrax t shirt tied at the waist, nipping it in, and tight jeans, a wry smile on her lips.
"Get out of my face, freak!" Jason sneers at her.
"You just tried to grope me, now you don't like me sweetheart?" She shouts sarcastically back at him. She leans forward then sticks her middle finger up right in Jason's face.
Eddie has frozen, standing on his seat, mouth slightly open, magazine hanging from his hand, forgotten.
The girl starts to back away. As soon as she turns her back Jason mutters loudly, "as if anyone wants to touch you slut."
Eddie's about to jump off the chair, a fire lit in his stomach. But before that can happen, the girl spins around, and in one smooth, almost dance like motion, pulls her sneaker off her foot and throws it straight into Jason's face. Jason looks furious, his face bright red. The girl smiles, takes a bow, and just leaves the hall. Without her shoe.
Eddie is in love, he's sure of it. It's a peculiar, foreign feeling. He's warm all over. A flush begins to creep up his neck. A flutter in his stomach, mouth dry, head fuzzy. He watches those curls bounce off until the door shuts.
"Eddie! Earth to Eddie!"
He shakes his head to get a grip on reality, and realises oh yeah, I'm Eddie.
"What?" He jumps down to the floor, trying to act nonchalant.
"What was that about losing my mind over a girl?" Dustin grins at him.
Eddie's composure breaks for a second, then smiles back, with that signature Eddie grin. "That, my friend, is not a girl, that is a force of nature."
A shriek distracts him for a second. Someone had grabbed the sneaker and flung it at their friend, sending a drink flying. Another student grabs it with a look of disdain and flings it over their shoulder. Eddie watches it land on the floor a few feet away.
A smile parades across his face. He flings the magazine at Dustin and bounds over and grabs the shoe, then races back and grabs his battered metal lunch box in the other hand.
Dustin groans. "Oh shit Eddie, no, no!"
Eddie grins and winks at Dustin with a glint in his eye.
"Eddie, come on, you cant go after her." Mike rolls his eyes.
"And why not?"
"Because! Because she's basically you!"
"Mike's right, the universe might implode. Or you'll end up in prison." Dustin says, knowing its hopeless.
Eddie laughs. "Well now I gotta find out." He spreads his arms wide, sneaker in one hand, box in the other. "I bid you adieu," and leans into a low bow, turning to leave the room.
After a few minutes of searching and feeling embarrassed, Eddie's annoyed. No one should take up this much space inside his head so fast. You had captivated him and it was a wholly new experience. He'd had crushes on girls before, fleeting things, but this was different. He felt a burning in his chest that he'd never felt before. He decides the best thing to do is to get some air, have a smoke and chill out. There wasn't much left of lunch break after all.
He starts to walk over to his usual spot in the woods, inspecting the shoe in his hand in the process, turning it over and over. It's small, even for a girls sneaker, and about as dirty as his own. There's marks on the white leather, and scribbles and drawings on it in ballpoint pen. He sees 'Iron Maiden' in spiky letters across the side and his heart leaps. Oh come on, get it together Munson, you getting all excited over a shoe?
What a grade A prick you think to yourself as you lay on the picnic table in the woods that another senior told you about, smoking a cigarette.
You were seriously thinking this is a bad idea, coming back to Hawkins. You hadn't been here since Middle School and the crowds hadn't exactly improved. First that pervert in Chemistry tried to put his arm around you, now some basketball playing entitled dick gropes you in the lunch line.
You try to lay still and calm down, but your fingers were pulling at the hole on the thigh of your jeans, unravelling it more, your leg restlessly shaking.
Eddie approaches the clearing cautiously,  surprised to see someone on the table. Then his heart swells. It's her. She's laying on the table, curls spilling over the edge, one knee up and legs slightly apart, one socked foot dangling off the table. She looks so peaceful, and slightly vulnerable. Eddie suddenly feels a twitch in his pants, really Munson?
"You lose something?"
You look up, slightly startled, to this very pretty boy with messy brown hair, standing there grinning sheepishly, waving your shoe in the air.
"Only my mind." You say back, sitting up.
"Oh, is this isn't yours?" He smirks at you, a glint in his eye. His very familiar eyes. You take in his figure. Leather jacket, band t shirt and black jeans. He's lean, and tall, and handsome.
"Now that, that I didn't lose. I ejected it. With force."
He laughs loudly at that and moves towards you, holding the shoe out. You reach for it and he pulls it away, a cheeky smile on his face.
"So you want your homemade missile back or...?"
In response you stick your socked foot out to him. He seems surprised at this small but bold movement. He puts down the lunchbox he's holding and undoes the knotted laces, then slides the sneaker onto your foot.
"What do you know, it fits!" You giggle at him which makes his face light up.
"So what's your name?" He says tying your laces.
He grins at you, still holding your foot. You take a last drag of your cigarette and look him in the eye. There's a moment when you both look at each other, a heat in the air.
"Gonna need that back." You motion to your foot. He lets go and puts his hands up in mock submission, smug smile on his face. You jump off the table and start to make your way back to school.
"Hey- wait!"
"See you around Prince Charming." You say over your shoulder.
"See you princess." Is his quiet response.
Eddie's standing there, for the second time today, staring at your curls bounce, watching you leave.
Oh my God its Eddie Munson. You think to yourself, grinning now your back is turned, a flush creeping up your cheeks. You cannot believe it. He was the year above in Middle School and you crushed on him, hard. You nearly didn't recognise him with long hair but he smiled at you and it clicked and you nearly melted right then and there. God, since you'd been held back a year after the chaos that is your life you were sure you'd never see him again, at least at school. He must have been held back two years.
Eddie Munson. He looked good. Real good. And you just left. But he had looked so smug and sure of himself and you never like to do what people expect. Practically skipping to class, you kept saying his name in your head. Eddie Munson. You grin to yourself. Maybe this year wont be so bad.
"Late again Mr Munson?"
"Only so we can have these chats Mrs O'Donnell"
"Thin ice young man. Take a seat."
Eddie flops down in his chair, and leans back. Its last period, and his concentration is elsewhere. Chin resting in his hand, he thinks about the brief encounter with, well, with her yesterday. Whatever her name is. The princess. He smiles to himself. Not many people can surprise him. Why did she just run off though? He thought their chat was going well.
Halfway through the lesson, he feels something on the back of his head. Then again. Turning round, he sees her. Smirk on her face, balling up a strip of paper. He grins, then runs his hand through his hair, sending an avalanche of little white balls to the floor like snowflakes. She laughs silently, banging her hand against her mouth to be quiet, and looks at him with glee. Eddie's heart is about to burst, looking at her joyful face. Lost in her eyes for a second, he remembers his 'thin ice' and whips his head back round to the front. Coast is clear.
She taps him on the back, he glances round and she waves a folded piece of paper. He looks back to the front but holds his hand out behind him to take it. She presses the note into his palm with warm fingers.
Taking the note, he unfurls it with deft movements:
Meet me after class Mr Munson.
He composes himself for a moment, his stomach somersaulting, a wide smile just itching to spread across his face. So, was he right, did she like him? He turns his head briefly to flash her a lopsided grin and a nod.
The bell rings. There was the general scuffle, chair screeches and chatter that a accompanies the end of a lesson. Eddie leapt up and nearly ran to the door, hearing a soft giggle behind him.
Look at him, he's practically skipping you laugh to yourself. Seems a shame to mess with him. You were going to mess with him though. Only a little. It's not every day your childhood crush seems to like you back.
"Hey princess." Giving you a goofy grin. "Hey" you beam back, tilting your head to one side. "Can we go to the bench, I need to ask you something."
"Er sure?" He looks happy, but confused, searching your face for answers. You whip your head around and start walking briskly. He hops to try and keep up with you. I could get used to this, Eddie Munson trailing behind me.
He catches up, and you have a chat about music, passing the time. Turns out you have pretty similar taste. He points out your Anthrax t shirt from yesterday and you talk about Iron Maiden, Ozzie, Dio, Metallica. He waves his arms in the air and bounces, so excitable, like a child. You make it to the bench and you take a seat, hands steepled in front of you, pulling a serious face.
He hops down and sits opposite, head cocked to one side, giving you his full attention. God he's handsome. That hair falling around his face, those full lips, those eyes that seem to stare into your soul and beyond. Even his neck is attractive. You realise you are staring, a cough clearing your throat.
"I hear good things about you Munson."
"Well you cant be talking to most of Hawkins then, I'm a Satan worshipping weirdo!" He opens his mouth wide, sticks out his tongue and wrinkles his nose up at you. Look at that tongue.
You stare at him in mock horror, your hand flying to your mouth.
"Really, do you sacrifice virgins?"
"I would if I could find one." He winks at you.
You laugh then, so hard you snort a little, then your cheeks blush pink.  Eddie revels in the slight drop in your guard.
"Wow princess, that was really something." He smirks at you.
"Damnit Munson, stop with the 'princess!'"
"Well what am I supposed to call you, you wont tell me your name sweetheart."
Something about the way he called you sweetheart stirred something between your legs. You rubbed your thighs together briefly. It was a great feeling, but it also annoyed you a little. You hated being out of control, and you felt a flash of, wait was that fear? He'd caught you off guard. You were supposed to be catching him off guard. You smile at him lazily.
"Well maybe you need to earn it." You winked at him.
"Ah I see how it is. Hmmm. Well, what did you want from me then, dragging me into the woods."
You reach over and grab his hand, lean closer. The warmth of his hand contrasts with the cool feel of his rings brushing your palm. "I hear you can help a girl out." You say to him breathily.
Eddie's eyebrows raise so high that they disappear into his hair and a flush appears on his cheeks. You smirk at him.
"Word is your the school's supplier. Or am I wrong?" You bat your eyelashes at him.
He nods in understanding and for a second, looks a little deflated. "Well you ain't wrong sweetheart." He grabs his metal lunchbox and plants it on the table, giving you the sell.
You agree to half an ounce, and you are sure he gives you more than that, not that you are complaining. He holds it out and you go to grab it, but he snatches it away at the last minute, grinning at you. 
"Come on Munson!" You say to him, mock pouting.
"It comes at a price."
"Oh yeah? I just gave that to you!"
"Something else. I gotta know your name." His eyes near bore into your soul.
"I told you. Cinderella."
"Very funny princess. I tell you what, we can make a deal. You come to the Hideout tomorrow night, and listen to my band. Then we can forget the name. For now."
Smooth Munson.
"Maybe I will then."
"Ah ah ah princess, you gotta. Comes with the deal you see. You need to promise."
"Fine. Cross my heart. I'll come see your band."
His grin damn near splits his face apart. "I promise you sweetheart, with your discerning taste? You're gonna love it."
Eddie gets ready for the gig tonight, backstage, standing in the mirror. Maybe he spends a little extra time on his hair. So what? He's playing a gig. Nothing at all to with her. He wondered who he was trying to kid. He hadn't been able to stop thinking of her. His mind just kept wandering. She was gorgeous and feisty and everything he could ever want. It takes a lot for him to focus on the moment. He steps out, guitar in hand, and takes a deep breath. Starts playing, and searching the very small audience. She's not here.
First song of the set down, then the second. Eddie's starting to give up, glancing at the door, when a familiar head of curls bounces through. She's here. She's just late. Eddie laughed to himself. Like Mike said, it was very Eddie of her. She sauntered over to the bar and got the attention of the server immediately, tossing her head back and smiling. Eddie felt a hotness creep into his chest, almost as if he was jealous. It was only after ordering a drink she hopped onto a bar stool, turned and looked at him, legs seductively crossed. She's fucking beautiful. Her hair seemed neater, she had clearly styled it somehow, but the curls still fell around her face. Her dress was figure hugging and black, a zip running right down the front. Her curves took his breath away. Eddie couldn't help but wonder if the whole dress came undone if you pulled that zip. He nearly faltered in his playing thinking about it. Another song down and then another, then one of the waitresses came over to him, beer in hand.
"A beer from Cinderella?" She said, pointing at her. Eddie laughed, of course she would send a drink over. Shit, do I like her because she's like me? His band finish the set, and he downs half the beer. Taking a deep breath, he moves his way into the audience.
Ok he's coming over, act natural. You try to look like you are looking the other way, then start to inspect your fingernails. Eddie stands in front of you, and you look up into those deep brown eyes of his. It takes your breath away.
"Why if it isn't Van Halen, I'm you're biggest fan" you say breathily, a smirk on your face. I'm not done playing with you yet Munson.
Eddie smirks at you, "looks like you decided to turn up after all princess."
"Well, you know, I kinda promised this guy."
"This guy must be impressive if you're coming here to this dive just to see him."
"What can I say, he's got a bit of an ego but he looks damn sexy when he plays the guitar."
Eddie nearly falters, seeing you bat your eyelashes at him. He looks so cute when he's not so sure of himself. Then he takes a different tact, pointing at the beer in your hand "aren't you a minor sweetheart?"
"Aren't you Munson?"
"Well, they don't know that " another Eddie wink.
"Don't know about me either. I told the bartender I'm 35."
Eddie laughs at this, for once feeling out of his depth.
"What are you, 17, 18?'
"Try 19 Munson." He looks at you quizzically. "Yes it's not just you that's been held back."
"How do you know about that?" Shit nearly gave it away.
"Everyone knows, you're famous Eddie."
"So, you gonna actually tell me how you know that, and how you know my full name sweetheart?"
You scrunch your face a little, realising you never said his first name before. Got a little too carried away with the game you had been playing. Shouldn't have called him Van Halen either. Seems like the right time to confess. Well, here goes nothing. You take a deep breath, your heart in your throat.
"I know you Eddie Munson. I went to middle school with you. You were in the year above. My names y/n l/n."
Eddie's eyes widen. He looks at you, really looks at you. Then the words you never thought you would hear come out of his mouth.
"Shit, y/n, I remember you. You were always running around with those nerds, you wore glasses all the time. I remember you getting pulled from school!"
"And how the fuck would you remember that?" You said, feeling uncomfortable.
"Well, I remember, I remember the talent show. When you sang in front of the whole school. Hotel California. I never expected it, no one did. You were really good."
You blush a deep crimson, annoyed at your vulnerability. Eddie doesn't seem to notice, just looking over your shoulder, remembering.
"Shit I remember hearing you sing, then having to go on with my band near straight after, feeling like we weren't gonna be shit compared to that."
You blush red to the roots of your hair. "Well, your bands really good, really good Munson..  I was just, you know, karaoke singing..."
"No, honest, I thought you were amazing." He grins at you, fingers tapping on the bar next to you. That Eddie grin makes you want to melt into a puddle. Weren't you supposed to be teasing him?
You stare into those eyes. Those big, beautiful brown eyes and realise something. Maybe you had been wrong about Eddie. You strip that bravado back, that fake confidence, and he is just a kid. An overexcited, vulnerable, kid. Just like you.
He's looking at you, staring at you with those eyes of his, and you need to do something before you are his, right here and right now. You turn to the bar and wave at the bar tender. "Two tequilas, please." As you flash a comfortable smile. The bartender catches your gaze and pours out two shots, smiling at you and raising his eyebrows at Eddie. You take your shot in hand, staring at Eddie, and down the shot. You swallow with barely a flinch, waiting to see his reaction.
"You're gonna be the death of me sweetheart." He grins, then takes his shot the same way.
"You wanna get out of here?"
I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Eddie gazes at you, your cheeks flushed, laying on his couch, your feet resting on his lap. Listening to the metal music Eddie had put on, curled up on the couch. You had been joking and chatting for an hour or so and he just felt so comfortable around you. You seemed to have the same sense of humor as him, laughing at all his jokes. It seemed a far cry from the way you had reacted to him before, building walls up. He thought it was nice to see you as you, without defences.
"So, you want a beer, or you ready to sing for me."
"Not on your damned life Munson, though I'll take that beer."
Eddie laughs and gets up, lifting your feet softly to one side, and grabs two beers, opening them by the fridge.
"So, why wouldn't you tell me your name before." Eddie asks, his head to one side, intrigued.
'Because Munson, it was fun messing with you." You smirk back at Eddie, but there's a blush to your cheeks that makes him think you weren't being honest with him.
You continue, "a lot of people know things, or think they know why I left. I just didn't want you to judge me before you knew me."
"As a victim of judgement I can safely say I know what you mean." Eddie brings his hands up, indicating to himself. He hands you a beer which you place on the table, and he does the same. He sits next to you, close, head turned towards you. 
Damn she's intoxicating. Eddie coughs, and looks into your eyes. You smile back at him, his eyes drawn to your lips.
Come on Munson, kiss me already.
You both sit, mulling in this hot silence, looking at each other, flushed cheeks and beating hearts. It's almost a stand off, each waiting for the other to make a move. You lick your lips and try and build up that confidence that you had before. Reaching out, you hold your hand to his jaw line, gently rubbing your thumb down it, coming to rest on his chin. He moves forward, expectantly, and you take that as a sign. You lean towards him, your breath on his lips, as your hand snakes into his hair. Your noses touch, the tip of your nose rubbing just to the side of his, as your lips ever so lightly graze, sending shivers of sensation through you. His mouth opens slightly, and you both press your lips to the other, tongues touching, softly, hesitantly. Your mouths open more, tongues reaching out, exploring each others mouths leisurely, deeply. His hands reach out to hold you at the hips, pulling you closer. You pull at his hair slightly and he moans into you. You break apart, both panting slightly, and stare into each others eyes. You see those soulful dark eyes pouring out feeling to you, and you know that he has stolen your heart forever.
Eddie breaks the silence. He grins and chuckles at you, "Now that was intense."
You're breathless, wordless for once, biting your lip. "Eddie..." you manage and he smirks at you. You press your lips to his again hungrily, urgently. His hands grip your hips, and you crawl into his lap, swinging one leg over so you're straddling him. His hands massage into you, and both of your hands end up in his hair, tugging at it. You are both kissing almost violently, and you break away so you can breathe. You rock your hips forward, feeling how hard he was getting through his jeans. He takes a sharp breath at that, his hands moving lower to grab your ass, grinding you into him again. You moan low into your throat, throwing your head back.
"Jesus princess you're so fucking hot." He manages to say, his voice so low and rough its almost a growl.
You lean forward again, pulling him into another fervent kiss, tongues clashing, hips bucking. He groans and bites your lip. Grabbing you by the hips he suddenly stands up and you throw your arms around his neck for balance, wrapping your legs around his waist. He carries you to his bedroom, never stopping the urgent flow of hot kisses.
He throws you on the bed and climbs on top of you, then seems to remember himself. "Sorry, you just.. you do things to me."
"You drive me wild Eddie Munson" you grin back at him. "But maybe we should, you know, take it easy. I like you, I really like you, but I mean, you barely know me."
"Not true, I know you from middle school, remember? That's years." He winks at you, then flops down next to you, on his side "Seriously though, whatever you want. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
You could have cried at that. His face turned to you, that look of concern on his face, his brows slightly furrowed, it melted your heart. You hold a hand to his cheek.
"I'm not saying I don't want to, you know. I'm just saying not yet. I do want to, I just, want to take my time with you Mr Munson."
He grinned at you, stroking your side.
"I've wanted you since your shoe connected with Jason's face."
You laughed out loud at that, he smiled at you, enjoying how much he could make you laugh. He pulled you in for another kiss, less urgent but still passionate, long and deep, like you had all the time in the world. The rest of the universe melted away, it was just you and him, wrapped in each others arms.
"Can I stay? Is that OK?" You stare in his eyes.
"Princess you're not going anywhere as long as I can help it."
"I meant for tonight, like sleep here." You poke him playfully in the ribs.
"Sure! Tonight, tomorrow, maybe the next one.." you giggle at that.
"Hold on let me grab you something" he jumps up and leaves the room. You hear the music stop and a small cry.
You sit up, as he walks back into the room, looking dejected.
"Eddie what's wrong?"
He looks at you with a miserable face, throws his hands in the air "we forgot the beers!!" He falls to the floor on his knees in mock anguish. You chuckle at his theatrics.
"You're an idiot Eddie Munson." You throw a pillow at him. He grabs it in the air and throws it back.
"What the hell was I doing? Oh yeah" He throws a faded black band t shirt to you. "To sleep in."
You get up with your back to him as Eddie sits on the edge of the bed.
"So yeah if you wanna just go to the bathroom you can change..."  he stops mid sentence.
You had started to unzip your dress, letting it fall to the ground, uncovering your back. You have a tattoo that covers your back, huge, black, bat like wings. Your black, lacy matching underwear is on display. Still with your back to him, you unhook your bra, and that falls too. You slip the t shirt over your head, it's big on you and reaches just to the tops of your thighs. Ok that was mean.
You turn around and look at Eddie's face. "What?" You smirk.
Eddie's broken. He's staring at you, beetroot red face, mouth hanging open, unable to speak.
"Holy shit.. You- you're... you've got...erm, wow." Eddie is speechless for once. "Cool tattoo." He manages to stutter out.
You smile at him sweetly. "Thank you."
"Jesus y/n that was really mean" He says, regaining some composure and pulling you roughly towards him. You laugh, throwing your head back, and his lips find your throat, kissing and sucking your neck. You let out a whimper, he feels so good against your skin.
"You've made me really hard, I hope you realise that you devil woman." He keeps kissing but he's digging his fingers into your ribs, tickling you. You giggle and squirm, enjoying the effect you seem to have on him.
"Sorry, I know, I'm an awful tease. Someone really needs to teach me a lesson."
"Oh just you wait princess. I'm totally getting you back for that."
"I look forward to it Munson." You wink at him.
Getting ready for bed, you grab your bag from the living room, and make your way to the bathroom. You come back to the bedroom with your hair piled up in a bun. Eddie's in his boxers, laying on the bed. His lean figure is relaxed, a smattering of tattoos cover his torso and arms. Your gaze settles on them, unable to take your eyes off him, and drifts down to the rather clear outline of his hardness in his boxers. Now he certainly looks impressive you think to yourself, your mind wandering.
"What's on your mind sweetheart?" He smiles at you smugly.
"Nothing" you say a little quickly. He chuckles. You're enjoying this, the to and fro between you to, even if you had lost that one. He seems to be enjoying it too, his eyes were twinkling, dark pools staring at you.
You join him in bed, under the sheets, wrapping around each other, impossibly close. He kisses you softly on the forehead. "Goodnight princess."
You smile to yourself in the dark, thinking how lucky you are, to be in Eddie's arms.
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
Mike feels abandoned by Will for a girl so Mike turns around and does the same thing to Will
2x09 and 3x01, just one episode later
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the party is having fun together, Mike and Will are stuck to each other's sides
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But then a girl takes them away from the group. Will says yes hesitantly, with Mike's urging despite his devastated face here. Mike goes willingly.
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Mike watches Will and complicated feelings about it.
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Will watches Mike and has complicated feelings about it.
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Both feeling sad!
I think there's something to be said about Mike learning about how things are going to go as they grow up at the Snowball. Lucas left them first to go with Max, and then Will went off with some girl, which hit him even harder for some reason he may or may not get yet. Dustin walked away to find any girl to dance with, which left Mike alone until El showed up.
He was hit hardest by that feeling of abandonment at the Snowball bc he was the only one left alone. He decides to roll with the lesson he learned and make sure to always be the first to bail after that. He runs off with El, thinking that's how he can make sure not to be the one left standing once everyone's run off with a girl. This is made stronger by his fear that he doesn't like girls.
El is there so he clings to her as the girl he can run off with so he's not left alone once Lucas and Will and Dustin find girls to be with instead of being with him.
This also goes along with his projection during the rain fight.
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Mike is projecting his own feelings here, and I think a lot of this came from the Snowball. He saw how Lucas left the group easily with Max, he saw how Will (who he was probably hoping to hang out with all night) leave with some random girl, and Dustin, instead of staying with Mike, left to spend time with a girl, any girl. Mike wasn't about to ask any girl to dance, he didn't want to, plus El was there in the background, she'd tried to kiss him again before closing the gate, even though he hadn't really wanted to (he didn't close his eyes or lean in). He had an excuse to not seem like he wanted to dance at the Snowball, but he hadn't expected everyone else to leave to dance. He's the one that wasn't expecting everyone to suddenly need to get girlfriends, and he was the one left sitting at that table alone, wondering when everyone had grown up without him and why he wasn't feeling that same way towards girls.
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And Mike is surprised and devastated when he throws that hypothetical future that he wanted but felt like he couldn't have in Will's face and Will says he wanted that too. Even though Will went to go dance with a girl, he's saying now that he thought they'd never have to get girlfriends and they could hang out together forever. But Mike is too far into his facade at this point to backpedal.
I can imagine that a lot of this is stirred up again when reading that Will has a crush on a girl in Lenora too. Mike is right back at that table, watching Will walk away for some girl he doesn't even know.
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redraven393 · 1 year
catching up with Philza QSMP Vod. where:
the federation had ruined an old man's front lawn
Rycharlison is adrugdealer
forever took an opportunity and "marries" Philza
immediately met with his wife
the federation send an anarchist an invitation to become a president
Tallulah will rather eat a lime than an avocado or potato
Philza guess Ramon's password
Tallulah's father may or may not be real
Hide and seek in an awesome map Holly shit
the 4th wall has been broken so many times in Philza's Minecraft stream that the admins just let it be broken.
both dad and son thought that the other hid in the same place
the Brazilian are here! :D
there are so many screaming
Tallulah finds him yayyyy
hello Rycharlison
aww there gonna play music
"my son is DEAD" omg Max
PHILZA OMG u didn't need to describe it
PAYthe SERVER Quackity
Pac and Mike are so cool
omg Philza is spreading the 4th wall break
the file is so big omg, paper ASMR
"Are you gonna be a president" Sir he is an Anarchist
Max the sound system-the microphone
awww Supportive Philza, opp
aww the Kids are playing the Guitar
it's nice when the cc are doing lore the admins are still acting like kids
yey go stuff that girl with candy
Chayanne is really making plenty of use of his interest in cooking
omg Richa thinks that Will is like Hatsune Miku
Bye guys
is sweet to know that Philza is telling about Will to everyone
OMG Philza the Brazillian magnet
the eggs hear Will's songs too
oh? what do you have Richa
is that a llama
Forever is so obsessed with this friend of his omg
wait the Brazilians are all gone
oh shit
oh no this is like that time with the trio
Trauma Phil
a Square??
the old man witnesses a shameless PDA
Tallulah is dancing in the background
opp Tallulah not here
the fish is drowning
hey Cellbit
Yay invitations for everyone!!!!
no one believes Wilbur exists
Cellbit nooo
Chayanne is cooking for the WEDDING
Cellbit nooo
Cellbit supports Creative Freedom
omg Phil's right Quackity will pull that type of stunt
Cellbit nooo
Richa has never taken a bath wtf???
oh shit he running
yeah show him your dad's picture
omg photoshopped
Forever and Roier is here!!!
omg Forever is gaslighting Holly shit
A Mouth!?
Chayanne is busy planning the catering
Professional Cheft Chayanne LETS GOOOOO
past life Philza omg
Philza is not having it
yeah Richa hit him in the head
your PLAN?????
oh well fair enough
Gaslight vs Guilt trip
omg that is a whole ass restaurant menu
yey french
tour pog???
oh shit a BAND??
the band is playing at the WEDDING???
they are so cuteeeeeee
nice home, it sweet that everyone try to make space for the kids in their home
why Cellbit is keeps killing other player
omg Baghera sound so scared that Phill would steal from her the poor lady
nice Megalovania mix it takes me back to 2018
the girls are so talented on music omg
hehe secret
holly shit a bucket full of honey
scary noises
ohh candy apple
Chayanne professional chef bag
Tallulah is the best
Bagheraa nooo
oh thank god she believe Will is real
Will would have to socialize so much after he came back.
Tallulah is following her old man foot step
bye Bagheraa
oh no the flowers
the Federation building is heighten Phil's property value
ohhh the kids are visiting the build
don't stand on the grass kids
walk on grass anyway
what is that???
it is a pretty building
what is going on with the train station??? it was fixed
so they can leave now??
it looks brand new?
fancy train, but bumbpy ride
aw god no VENUSSS
another venus gone
its okay Tallulah
that is so fuk
oh dragon magic
lol the flies is sitting the trains
lol Chayanne try to catch the bees but got stung
aww Tallulah babby dont be sad
eyy the bois are here
glad they could make Tallulah cheer up
looks like the happy couple happy with the menu
bye boisss
Max is going to get food lmao
it's nice to live near everything but it could also could be dangerous
Tallulah's and will's house really feels like a nice little fantasy corner
yay the kids are now able to get out
sleepy timesss
ohh an album
lol the Wedding photo
Great Album Tallulah
Dragon Story POG
is it Mumza????
you guys will absolutely outlive me
oh is the Admins asking advice for the Dragon designs???/
if the kids get their wings i hope they also give the bird designed CC wings too
Tallulah pls he's an old man you can't make him run so much
Whooo birthdayyyy
AWWW thank you Tallulah
why is Foolish drowning?
oh god
lol Foolish
omg they were trying to give richa a bath
yeah secur the party old man
kinda sadge
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beedlemania · 3 months
the boys invite both millie and micky’s mom over for dinner and the whole time davy is just being pampered like hell. he’s so smug about it.
(im still thinking about baby davy all the time forever)
Yes yes yes. When they’re over there’s not a second that goes by without Davy having his hair brushed, his cheeks pinched, or his face wiped!
They always make sure he’s well fed, piling his plate up high without him even finishing his first helping. (“Davy, honey, would you like more potatoes? I didn’t ask you Micky, get your own!”). They even let Davy sit at the head of the table because he’s their special boy (this is Mikes designated place no one else is allowed sit so Davy’s very smug about it (Mike doesn’t actually mind)).
Davy loves performing for them (the guys got sick of his little routines the fifty millionth time he done it) and he loves having all their attention and being praised for his little songs and dances. He also loves having an excuse to dress up (thinking Cuddly Toy get up).
They also always let Davy pick what to put on tv after dinner (much to the guys’ protests). (Davy always picks something they all like though, mostly because he knows Micky will kill him if he misses the film he’s been waiting to see.)
There’s a few things Davy doesn’t like though. When the ladies are over, his bedtimes even stricter. Usually he can argue with Mike and coax an extra hour or so out of him but the ladies are firm. Davy has a very strong fear of missing out so he hates having to go to bed first (especially since Micky knows and is laughing at him for it as payback). But one of them always reads to him and tucks him in and even kisses his teddy’s head too so it’s not all bad. Peter usually chooses to go to sleep at the same time also, half because he’s sleepy and half so Davy doesn’t feel as left out or lonely.
The ladies also cramp his style at the beach when he spots a cute girl. It’s hard to chat someone up when there’s a lady pinching your cheeks and calling you her special little boy. (It also makes some girls think he’s about twelve, curse his height). But they bring him snacks to have while he plays in the sand. He builds castles that they excitedly compliment and Mickys mam always has her camera ready to take a picture of him next to his creation. (It goes into a Davy photo album or up on the fridge). (The guys all each have their own separate photo album kept by Mickys mam but, other than Mickys, Davy’s is by far the fullest).
Davy loves the extra attention they give him and definitely rubs it in Mickys the guys’ faces. He loves being pampered, especially since he doesn’t have his own mother and he misses his sisters a lot so it’s nice to have a dose of feminine touch.
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myownau · 1 year
Alone Tonight
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
18+ MDNI
Summary: Your best friend is getting married tonight.You should be happy for him, and you are but… you’re also kind of in love with him.Luckily you meet someone at the wedding just as love lorn as you are.Maybe you won’t really have to be alone tonight.
Word Count: 9914
Warnings: strong language, terribly written smut, size kink, suit kink?, breeding kink, daddy king, angst, fluff, strong language, canon upside down, unprotected p in v, use of y/n, lots of nicknames, reader called a whore at one point, that’s all I think???
A/N: hello 😅 this is the first fic I’ve written in around 10 years, so please go easy on me. I’ve also never ever ever written smut before. I’m a little insecure about posting this because I’ve been silently admiring all of the incredibly written fics on here and y’all are such amazing writers!! So anywayyy, I’ve also posted it on AO3 as well, I’ll add a link at the end if you’re interested in reading there. Thank you for reading!
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You don’t know why you’re here. Who convinced you this was a good idea? Oh right, it was Will. You could never say no to that kid. Jonathan being your best friend at college, and you having no contact with your family anymore, it made sense that you’d follow him home for every holiday. Just like that, Will was the little brother you never had and always wanted. Jane was like a little sister to you as well, but you were closer with Will.
This, however, was even harder than you thought it would be. You loved him. Jonathan that is. Obviously, he was your best friend. But it was more than that. You were IN love with him. Of course, you’d never tell him that. You’d never hurt Nancy like that.
She’d come to be a good friend of yours too. Picking you and Jonathan up from the airport, taking you out on girls nights when Jonathan wanted alone time with his family, trying to be your wingman when guys would look your way at the bar. She was just a beautiful person, inside and out. You could see why Jonathan loved her. And when he asked her to marry him on the Hemlock Cliffs in Hoosier National Forest, you were there to take the pictures. Memories set to film forever.
Your heart ached in these moments, but they were the only family you had and you loved them too much to run away. So even though you tried to make excuses to get out of going, you were here, sitting on a white bench 4 rows back at their beautiful outdoor wedding. Because Will convinced you it was the right thing to do. That kid. He was too intuitive for his own good. You could tell he knew how you felt about his brother, but you also knew he’d never spill your secret. Just like you’d never spill his.
The vows were made. The bride was kissed. The cake was cut, and you were glued to your seat in the reception hall. The majority of guests were either eating dessert and mingling, or busting a move on the dance floor. Including Will who was timidly dancing near Mike and Jane after you all but forced him to leave your side.
But you, you were looking around the room, trying to find any sort of distraction to keep you from thinking too hard. Your eyes had welled up several times in the night but you refused to let them spill. There was no point. And you were happy for them really, it was weird. You were mourning your love but you were happy that two people you cared about were living their fairytale.
As your eyes danced across the dark room you noticed someone. Standing alone in a dark corner of the room, drink in hand. He was taking large gulps and staring at the dance floor like it kicked his puppy.
Sad man? At a wedding? Sounds like good company. You grabbed your camera, putting the strap around your neck and walked over to him. The closer you got the more you could actually see his features and, oh goodness, you were fucked. He was gorgeous. Long, thick, unruly brown hair. The manliest square jaw you’d ever seen, smooth like he just shaved. Tall, and thin but you could tell there was muscle under his suit. And you didn’t notice until you were right up on him but he was covered in the most beautiful freckles with a light splattering of moles. Your heart jumped when he looked up at you.
“Hi” you said smiling, offering your hand to him “I’m y/n”
He put his drink down on the nearest table, then took your hand and shook it “Steve” he replied.
“Steve,” your smile only grew “You look like a Steve” there was no point not flirting. He was pretty and you were sad. And he looked sad too. Why not be sad together?
“What does a Steve look like?”
“Like you” you laughed, knowing it was the most obvious and dumbest answer. You thought you’d probably heard it somewhere before but you didn’t much care.
“Good one” he smirked, picking his drink back up and staring at the dance floor again. You thought, he was probably trying to dismiss you, wanting to wallow alone, but you weren’t having it.
“So, who are you here for? The bride or the groom?”
“Technically?” He cleared his throat “I guess both? We went to high school together. All of us. But really I’d say, I’m here for Nance.”
His eyes shot to the floor, jaw clenched, adams apple bobbing lightly. “You know her better?”
“We uh, we used to date actually.” He admitted, finishing off his drink and placing the cup back on the table.
Bingo. You could see it, in his mannerisms, in his eyes. He still loved her. “You still love her.”
His eyes shot up to your face. He looked worried all of the sudden, he looked like you just told him his nana died and you were the one who killed her. “No” he whispered “no I don’t.”
“Yeah…” he was down bad. But so were you. “You do. But that’s okay” you put your hands up in a defensive position “I won’t tell anyone I promise” you mimed locking your lips and throwing away the key.
He cleared his throat again “thank you.” And as if realizing you weren't going anywhere, he finally turned fully towards you. He brushed his hair back out of his eyes and looked you up and down. “So who are you here for then?”
“Both, technically” you repeated his words back to him, smirking when he caught on “but really I’m here for Jonathan.”
He looked at you and waited for what he thought you might say, seeing the look in your eye that he felt in his heart.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Sure” you could barely hear him over the music.
“I’m in love with him.” Your eyes welled up again but you pushed them back as best you could, taking a deep breath “so. You’re not alone.” You smiled softly at him. He smiled back, just as soft. Grabbing your hand and squeezing for just a short moment before letting go. He was warm. You wished he would have held on a little longer.
“How did you meet Jon?”
“We go to college together.” You looked around the reception hall, finding Jonathan happily holding Nancy close as they swayed to the music “although I wonder if he’ll go back now that he’s married.”
“I’m sure he will. Nance is a stickler for education. Even if it’s, camera education.”
You laughed at his description of your college degree “You know I’m also getting a camera education?”
“No kidding, is that why you have a camera around your neck?”
“Yes! Actually it is! Wow, you are observant! Pretty and smart. We’ve got ourselves a double threat!”
He giggled along with you, biting his bottle lip. “So why aren’t you taking pictures? You’ve got the camera…”
“Well, I didn’t want to work the event, since they’re my friends and all. But I always want to be ready in case I see something inspiring.”
“Inspiring eh? So you don’t take pictures of like, models?”
“Why? Are you offering to be my model?”
“No no” he huffed a laugh “definitely not.”
“I mean you are very beautiful, come on let me take some pictures of you pretty boy.” You giggle putting the camera in front of your eye and flashing him with the flasher attachment “Pose for me.”
Steve throws his hand up in front of his face and tries to push the camera away as it flashes in his eyes “Stop that,” he laughs. You put the camera down leaning with your hand on his shoulder as you laugh with him “See, now you’ve wasted all that perfectly good film on pictures of my hand.”
“Nah, it was just the electronic flasher, no actual photos were taken, although now I kinda regret it because you do have very nice hands.” You wink at him. He looks down at his shoes, blushing and trying hard not to smile. You give him a gentle nudge with your shoulder “Come on Steve. You’re allowed to have fun. Even if the love of your life just happens to marrying someone else.”
Steve looks up at you, face solemn as he remembers the reason he’s here tonight. Lost in the moment with you for the last few minutes. “Yeah, you’re right” the corner of his lip tips upward and you count that as a win.
“I know I’m coming off a bit… aggressive. Or I don’t know. Optimistic? But I’m honestly feeling pretty fucked up too.” You look down, your smile gone, a serious expression taking over. “And I know it’s not the same, because Jonathan and I never dated. But I feel like, unrequited love might be on the same level of painful. Different. But it still hurts.” You take a shuddering breath and try to smile again. “So I say screw that. No more sorrow for what will never be. Let’s live and be in the moment. What do you say big guy?”
His face lights up, he looks at the ceiling as if in disbelief that you’re real. His fingers reach out towards yours, just tickling finger tips. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
“Yes!” You fist pump the air, a little dramatic but you just want to make him smile. You take the camera strap off from around your neck and grab his hand, pulling him to the dance floor.
He follows behind you, hand in hand, a little hesitantly “I’m not a very good dancer.”
“First of all” you turn towards him, grabbing both his hands and putting them on your waist. “I don’t believe you.” He laughs at that, shaking his head. “And second of all, you’re lucky because I’m a FANTASTIC dancer.” A total lie but he’ll find that out soon enough.
He hesitantly places his hands on your hips, and with the same hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders. You sway, full arms length apart like you’re at a middle school dance. Laughing at how stiff his arms are on your waist “How old are you Steve?”
“I’m 22” he says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Then hold me like a man” you step up closer to him, knee almost slipping between his legs. Your hands leave his shoulders, slipping down to his broad chest.
He sharply inhales, looking around the room like he’s looking for a chaperone to swoop in and scold him. But like a good boy, he wraps his arms more tightly around you, gripping the back of your dress tightly before letting go again. Tapping your back with his hands nervously before laying them flat. “Is that uh, is that, that better?”
You’re looking up at him from your much much closer position and humming in approval “yeah” you whisper. The truth is, it’s too good. Your hands are pressed into his chest and you can feel the rapid beat of his heart. From this close you can smell him. His soap and his expensive cologne. You want to rub your nose into his neck but you don’t know him well enough for that yet. You’re rocking with him to the music. Feeling the rhythm of the beat as you make slow circles.
You slide your hands up his chest and push them into the hair at the nape his neck. He looks down into your eyes, he looks a little dazed and you feel it too. Like the air is thicker than it was before and you’re sneaking glances at his lips. His perfect lips, with the most attractive cupids bow. You can see the gears turning in his head as he looks at you. “What’re you thinking about” you break the silence.
He takes a deep breath, letting out slowly through his nose. “I’m thinking that, I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He whispers, loud enough to be heard by you and only you “I’m thinking that you are so incredibly beautiful” you watch his adams apple bob again, like it’s hard for him to say these things, “I’m thinking that you were sent to me on one of the hardest days of my life so far, by my guardian angel” he gently presses his nose to your nose, rubbing against you with the softest of motions “and I’m thinking that I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your breath stops short in your lungs. Hearing all the things that you were thinking too. “You won’t hurt me.” You whisper against his slightly parted lips “I don’t want to be alone either.”
You push up on the balls of your feet, closing that small distance between your faces and pressing your lips to his tender kiss. You pull back just slightly, let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A jolt of arousal shooting straight to your core. Looking up at him, you can see the heat in his eyes too.
Using the hair you’re still holding onto on the back of his neck, you pull him back to your lips for a searing kiss, pushing past his lips to feel his tongue on yours. And before you can even comprehend what’s happening you see a flash to your left. You both break apart and jump back. When your eyes readjust from the flash you see the actual hired photographer smiling at you with a thumbs up.
Your jaw dropped and you look over at Steve who is just as stunned. When you realize your rendezvous born of mutual pain has been captured on film and will be immortalized in the photo album of both your unrequited loves wedding album, you can’t help but laugh. Doubling over and grabbing for Steve’s arm to keep you from falling. Steve covers his face with his hand, smoothing it through his hair again, and laughing like he just got in on the joke.
You're clutching your stomach, cheeks hurting from smiling. “Come on,” you say, lowering your hand and intertwining your fingers with his. “Let’s get out of here.” You’re once again pulling him behind you, but this time it’s out the door, only taking a brief detour to pick up your camera from the table.
“My place or yours?” He asks.
“Your place, I don’t live here remember?” You smile up at him.
“Oh right” he looks around the parking lot “so I’m guessing you don’t have a car either?”
“Okay good. We won’t have to come back for it then in the morning.” He gives you a wicked grin before grabbing you by the hips and pulling you in for an intense kiss. It’s all tongues and teeth and you can’t help the moan that escapes the back of your throat. You can feel all of him pressed up against you, but it’s not enough.
Without a word he’s picking you up, you squeal but wrap your legs around his waist like you’ve done it a million times. Your mid thigh dress rides up, leaving your clothed core vulnerable against his fancy dress shirt. “I knew there were muscles under that suit.” Your words are more breathy than intended. “I can’t wait to see them.” He groans at your words and walks as quickly as he can to his car with you wrapped around his waist.
“Can’t say things like that right now or I’ll fuck you in the back of my car instead of on my California king.”
“Ooo I knew you were a rich boy,” you chuckle “I could tell when I smelled that fancy cologne on you.”
“Oh yeah?” he said finally reaching his bmw. He placed you back down and opened the door for you “just wanted to go home with a rich guy, huh?”
“Mm no, I wanted to go home with a handsome, funny, strong guy. Rich is just a bonus.”
He smirked closing your door and walking around to get in on his side. Once he sat and turned the car on, he looked over at you again with a serious expression “well that’s good. Because I’m not rich. I live in a one bedroom apartment, in a tiny town, and Im the manager at the Family Video. My parents, they are rich. And they’re kind of the awful. So sometimes, they try to buy my love with weird random expensive gifts. But me? I’m nowhere close that. I’m a loser. Thats why I knew I’d never be good enough for Nancy. Why she didn’t pick me.”
You look at him from the passenger seat. Deep frown on your face. “You’re not a loser.”
“You don’t even know me” he whispered, huffing a humorless laugh without looking at you.
“I know enough.” You get up on your knees in your seat, reaching out to him with your right hand. You place it on cheek and pull his face to look at you. “I haven’t known you for very long, but I know you’re not a loser. A loser wouldn’t have been so kind to someone calling them out for pining for the bride at her wedding.” You looked between his eyes “a loser would’ve decked her for being so forward and like kind of rude.”
“You weren’t rude,” the side of his lip quirked “you were just being real.”
You smoothed your thumb on his jaw and licked your lips. “I’m so tempted to just, crawl into your lap right now and prove to you what a fucking winner you are.”
He surged forward, driven by your words, kissing you deeply. You moaned openly into his mouth, pressing your thighs together. Chasing any kind of friction you could get as your arousal built.
You didn’t want to pull away but you were also getting pretty desperate for him, and you really didn’t want to fuck in a car at the reception of your best friends wedding. “How far do you live from here?”
“Like five minutes”
“Oh that’s the best news I’ve heard all night, let’s go.” You sat back down properly in your seat, trying hard not to look at the growing bulge in Steve’s pants.
Steve opens the door to his apartment, hands shaking slightly as he hangs his keys on the hook by the door. Both of you take your shoes off and leave them on the rug by the door. He looks over at you as if waiting for your approval.
Your eyes are taking everything in. It’s small but clean. And it feels like home. The ambiance is warm. Small lamps on side tables by his worn leather couch. Plants in pots scattered around the room and hanging by the windows. Framed photos placed lovingly around the room. You walked in, smile on your face as you walked over to the nearest photo. It looked like a family photo but it was just a bunch of teenagers.
Steve walked up behind you, placing one hand on your hip and the other he used to point out each person “Thats Lucas, Max, and Dustin.” He looked at your side profile “and I think you know the rest of them.
“Nancy” you pointed “Jonathan, Will, Mike and Jane. But I don’t recognize this guy. He is really handsome though, could you introduce m-“ he cut you off with a quick kiss to the neck and you squealed and giggled as he grabbed you with both arms. He held you close from behind and you melted in his arms.
“Yeah I’ll introduce you.” He leaned in again, smoothing the hair off your neck before coming in to nip at you. You breathed out a low hum.
“Well where is he? I’m ready to meet this guy.” You pushed you ass into his ever growing erection and he hissed at the contact.
He let go of your waist and grabbed your hand. “Come on, he’s right through here.”
The moment the door closed he was on you. Pushing you up against the door and attacking your mouth like he would die if he didn’t get his tongue on yours. You pulled him by his belt loops, craving more contact. He growled into your mouth, grinding his clothed cock against you. “Fuck,” you moaned into his mouth. He pulled back to look at you, eyes black with lust “I haven’t been this worked up in,” you took a second to think but your thoughts were too muddled with thoughts of getting Steve naked “Years.” You whispered up at him.
“Me either” he shook his head, reaching down between you and loosely gripping the bottom of your dress. You nod at him in approval and he pulls it over your head. “Fuck” he moans looking down at your bare chest and cunt.
“The uh” you cough, a little embarrassed “the dress fabric wouldve, uh wouldve showed my panty lines and well I mean, the straps are just these little strings so obviously I couldn’t wear a bra either” you can’t stop rambling. And he’s listening, like actually listening.
“You’re really fucking cute.” His fingers trace up your side, you’re shuddering under such light touch. “And so hot. Like so hot. I don’t know how I got so lucky” he emphasizes the last word with a pinch to your nipple. You mewl grabbing his arm to keep you on your feet. “Bed” he orders kissing you once and pulling you over.
You walk over to the side of the bed and sit, fully exposed as he stands in front of you. You open you legs for him to stand between them. He’s still fully clothed. “Take this off, I want to see you.” You help him push the suit jacket off his shoulders, and get to work unbuttoning his shirt. “I may or may not have a suit kink” you mumble looking at the toned expanse of his stomach. Reaching out to touch the moles that have come into view. You want to kiss each one you find, but that would take too long. You bite your lip hard at the sight of his chest hair. Running your hands up his chest to run your fingers through it.
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles “so you want me to keep this on for you?”
“No, no” you lean forward and bite the softness of his tummy right under his belly button. “Maybe just the pants for now.”
He starts pulling of his shirt, seeming a little unsure. You’re not sure why until he pulls it off fully, determination written all over his face. Large white and light pink scars decorate his sides. They’re not ugly but you can tell he’s a little self conscious about them. You reach up with both hands trickling your fingers slowly down his sides. Looking up at him with your face pressed against his stomach “You are stunning.”
The air shifts again, thick with anticipation and arousal. He grabs you by the hips and pushes you further up onto the bed, crawling over you and settling himself between your legs.
He grinds down on you experimentally, his suit pants rough fabric rubbing against your clit and the moan that escapes you is almost pornagraphic. You’ve been worked up for what feels like hours now and this was the first bit of real friction you’ve gotten. Your pussy clenches hard around nothing. Your moan only encouraging him to continue as you kisses you hard. He starts working kisses and bites down you throat and chest. Leaving little purple marks along the way.
Cupping your breasts in his big hands, he looks you dead in the eye as he sucks the right one into his mouth. Your hips buck up into him unintentionally when he nips at the nub. Gasping into the air. Your hands fly to his hair pulling just a little too hard but he moans and pushes himself down into the mattress, searching for friction. Mm he must have liked that.
He looks like a lust filled mess. Hair in every direction, lips wet and swollen. You pull him back up to you by the hair. Biting his lip and pulling. “You like it rough huh?”
“Mm yeah” you’re writhing beneath him.
He pins your arms above your head, continuing to grind his clothed clock against your bare pussy.
“Mm you want me big boy?” You breathe. Steve stops for a second. Looking at you with this look in his eyes. This look like he’s known you, like hes been in love with you for years and you don’t know what to do with that. It feels almost to intimate. Too beautiful. Like you’re not about to have a one night stand to forget about the wedding. Like you’re about to make slow, passionate love.
He leans down, nuzzling his nose into yours and whispers “when you say stuff like that” he presses the softest kiss to your lips “you remind me of someone. Someone I used to know.”
Your brows furrow, you’re a little lost. “Oh?” Your chest is still heaving, heart rate excellerating as you start to worry.
“Yeah. A really good friend. It’s a good thing, I promise.” He smiles as he starts to trail kisses down your neck. Biting when he gets to your pulse point. You whimper against him and he kisses the spot, hot and sloppy. “He was outgoing and funny and sweet, like you. And he’d use those same type of nicknames. Always truly himself.”
His hips are meeting yours in a gentle rhythm and you’re starting mewl with every thrust. Wanting to cry out for the ache in your empty hole. “He sounds like a great guy.” You pull your hands out from Steve’s grip and go straight to unbutton his pants. The dress pants are soaked with your arousal.
“He was.” Steve smiles down at you. You stop trying to pop his button when says that. It becoming clear that this friend is no longer wandering this earth. Your chest grows tight. He’s kissing you again but your hearts not in it. Until he’s biting your lip and pulling it. He lets go and smiles with his teeth biting at his bottom lip “I told you. My guardian angel brought you to me.”
A tear escapes your eye before you even realize you were about to cry. Steve wiped it away with his big beautiful hand and rubs it down your cheek, looking at you with such adoration. You’ve never been looked at this way. Granted you haven't really dated much but you just met this guy tonight and it’s hard to understand this undeniable connection you have with him. “Steve,” you whisper, barely audible over your heartbeat “I need you.”
“I’m here” he starts trailing kiss down your chest and you know he’s about to go down on you but your past the point of waiting.
“No, I need you right now.” He stops his ministrations and looks up at you unsure. “I need you to fuck me, right now.”
“Fuck, okay” he sits up and climbs off the bed unbuttoning and kicking of his pants and boxer briefs in one go. The first look at his cock leaves you breathless.
“Oh shit” you breathe out quickly, “never wear those pants to bed again, hiding that monster is a tragedy.”
Steve looks dumbfounded but breaks into a laugh “what happened to your suit kink?”
“I take it back. I take it back so fast, fuck. Never wear a suit again. Only ever be naked, here. With me.”
“So you like what you see?” His grin is so wide and so beautiful.
His member bounces of its own accord slapping against his belly button as he crawls back up the bed and over you again. “I’m obsessed.” You know you’re stroking his ego but you don’t care “I’d call animal control on the beast but I don’t want to loose my opportunity here.”
“What are you even saying?” He’s smiling so hard you swear you’re discovering his dimple for the first time.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry I was just so taken off guard when you whipped out that 2 liter like it was the most normal thing in the world to have a cock bigger than my forearm. Fuck me.” You giggle against his lips. He kisses you deeply. Getting lost in the feeling of his mouth.
“I plan to,” he whispers “condom?”
“I’m clean. And on birth control.”
He hums into your mouth, “good. Me too. And I want to feel all of this.” He reaches down between your bodies and grabs himself, lining his fat head with your hole. “Are you ready me?”
“Well shit I hope so. I might need surgery in the morning but I want you to destroy my pussy.”
He groans at your words, cursing under his breath as he pushes past your barrier. You both let out a load moan. Finally feeling each other the way you’ve been dying to since you kissed on the dance floor.
He’s slowly pushing into you inch by inch and by now you’re thinking you might regret not letting him go down on you, but when he hits the special spot inside of you… you change your mind. You arch you back groaning. Your fingernails digging into his shoulders. He’s not even all the way in but you’re gushing around his thick length. “You okay?” He asks, concern filling his eyes.
You nod quickly “more, ah, more than okay. Please don’t stop.”
He presses his forehead to yours when he bottoms out. You feel so full. More full than you ever thought was even possible. Every bit of your cunt feels the pressure of his cock and the pleasure of it is causing your legs to tremble already. He kisses you once, gently. Just a peck. Rubbing his nose against yours and then tucking his head into your neck. “You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts.
Your eyes are filled with tears of pleasure and they start to spill as you laugh a little, “I feel like, I feel like anyone would feel tight to you with this mighty hog.”
He huffs a laugh into your neck, biting at your pressure point. He hums in agreement “Maybe. But I’m not fucking anyone.” He pulls out a little bit and thrust back into you hard and fast pulling a noise from you you’ve never heard before. “I’m. fucking. You.” He thrusts between each word and you forget everything you’ve ever said. As he starts to set a rhythm you completely forget your name, who you are, where you came from. All you can think about is your impending orgasm. All you can hear are the moans escaping both your mouths and the slapping of his balls against your slick covered ass.
Steve pushes up, holding himself with both arms as he looks down, watching himself fuck into you. “Look at that” he says smoothing his hand over your lower torso.
You pick your head up to watch and you're not expecting what you see. “Oh my..” you gasp “I didn’t know that was possible.” You see his tip poking up from inside you. The sight of it brings a deep heat to your core and you’re starting to feel the cord tighten. You drop your head back down to the soft duvet as he continues thrusting into you.
“I wonder if I just..” he starts to say but stops and presses his palm against your lower stomach, essentially pushing the head of his cock further into your vaginal wall and holds it there. You can’t help it, it feels unbelievably good and you scream. You scream so loud you can’t believe the sound came from you and you cum on the spot. The edges of your vision go white and you think you’re going to pass out. Electricity rushing through every part of you body. It takes you a second to recover and remember what was happening. When you do you look up and see Steve red faced and sweaty and looking far too sexy. “Fuuuck” he groans thrusting into you harder. “Oh shit you’re gripping me so tight I don’t think I can l-last much longer.”
It feels so good, the sensitivity is almost overwhelming but you don’t care for him to stop. You want him to cum inside you. You don’t realize until this moment but you NEED to be filled by him. “Mm yeah Daddy you gunna cum?” You whimper. He cursed under his breath and moves his arms under your knees, folding you in half as he pushes into you with unrelenting force. You keep talking, his thrust breaking up your words and making it hard to understand, but he does “Gunna fill up my aching pussy with your cum? Put a fucking baby in me and make everyone jealous that I got your fat cock all to myself.” He moans louder, fucking into you faster but his hips start to falter and you know he’s getting close. “You like that? You like when I call you Daddy? Thinking about your cum dripping out of me? Wanna cum inside my pussy and go back to the wedding with it dripping down my legs?” And that’s what does it. He cums hard, pushing deep inside of you and thrusting once, twice more.
He collapses on top of you. Completely spent. And you smile against his hair. Wrapping your arms around him, petting his hair and caressing his back. “You really do want kids don’t you, big boy?”
He laughs against your chest “what gave me away?”
“Well, could be all the photos of all the kids around your apartment and you saying you're not close to your parents. So that tells me your family is one you made. And usually people with made families like big families of their own.” You hug him closer to your chest. “But more than that, your dick twitched when I called you Daddy. And twitched even harder when I told you to put a baby in me.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Mm” he leaned up on his elbows, releasing the pressure of you holding all his body weight. “You’ve got me all figured out, huh? All that just from one look around my place and sex?”
“Psychology is a prerequisite. See, we do more than take pictures at camera college.” You bite you lip, looking up at him as he hovers over you, his soft cock still resting in your bruised cunt.
He kisses you so gently, he kisses you like this isn't a one night stand. Like you’ve been in love for years and he can’t get enough of you. It should scare you, but it doesn’t. You feel more relaxed and open than you have in years. Since before you even met Jon.
After a few minutes of this, Steve leans back and sighs heavily. Removing himself from your center. You feel his cum start to spill out of you, but he uses two fingers to stuff it back into you. He really does have a breeding kink, you think. You hum in satisfaction, “you want me to put my legs up on the headboard? Make sure these swimmers have a chance?”
He smirks at you, a little sadness in his eyes as he gets off the bed to get dressed. “Don’t tease me now.” He opens his dresser and throws you a pair of boxer briefs. “Put these on, I’m not ready for my swimmers to drip down your legs yet.” He smiles recalling your dirty talk. “This too. Although I’ll be sad to cover up so gorgeous tits.”
“Whatever you say, Daddy” you slip on the underwear, biting your lip. You throw on the yellow sweater he hands you just as quickly.
“I could get used to that.” He thinks for a moment. Leaning against his dresser in just his underwear. “You look really good in my clothes.”
“Well,” you say, playing with the loose threads at the end of his sweater, “you look really good, out of your clothes.”
He snorts, “should’ve seen that coming.”
You’re both quiet for a beat. It’s comfortable. Still reveling in your activities. Until, Steve clears his throat. “So, uh, y/n. Where uh, do you live?”
“Everywhere, nowhere. Santa Barbra, California is where Brooks Institute is though. So I guess that’s where I live for now. Did Jonathan never tell you about where he went to school?”
“Nah, we’re really not that close.”
“California. That’s really far.” He looks down at his feet.
“Yeah,” your voice comes out a little sadder than you were expecting, you inhale deeply “yeah, it is. But, I’m only one semester away from graduation actually. So. Who knows after that. I could go anywhere.” You look up at him suddenly feeling shy. “Could go to New York, or Florida, or I don’t know… Indiana.”
“Yeah?” Steve smiles up at you.
“Yeah! I mean why not?” You get up off the bed and stand in front of him, leaning back to sit on the end of the bed before him. “I mean. I know a little something about found family. I’m not close to my real family. The Byers-Hopper clan welcomed me with open arms and they’ve been my family since the moment we met. So my only family is… here.”
Steve nods like he understands. Watching you with glossy doe eyes.
“Plus, there’s this really handsome guy I met at a wedding in Indiana. And I mean, I’ve only known him for like, a few hours but he’s really cool and he really helped me in a tough time in my life. And he’s like really good in bed, although he doesn’t really have to try. I mean you should see this guys dongle. It’s HU-“ Steve cuts off you rant when shoves his mouth onto yours, smiling and laughing against your lips. “Oh my gosh stop” you say pushing him away and laughing “you’re going to ruin my chances with the guy from the wedding!”
He grabs your arms and kisses you again, but this time you let him. Falling easily into the kiss. His lips are so soft and you try to commit the feeling and taste to memory. “You are,” he huffs “unbelievable.”
“Yeah” you put your palm on his cheek, pushing some hair behind his ear. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“You might change your mind after I wake you up in the middle of the night with my loud, obnoxious snoring.” He nuzzles into the hand on his face, kissing your palm.
“Mm, so you wanna wake me up in the middle of night?”
He laughs, backing up to lean on the dresser again. “You really do just hear what you want don’t you?”
You put your finger on your cheek like you’re thinking about it really hard, “mmm… yes. I guess I do.” The light in the room is low and warm and as you're admiring the soft look on Steve’s face, the lean muscle of his chest and arms, you can’t help but want to take a picture. “Hey, I know you said you didn’t want to be my model…”
“Oh geez” he smirks, shaking his head.
“Hear me out, hear me out. You look incredible in this lighting. I want to immortalize this night. Can I? Even if it’s just for us. Never to see the light of day or the inside of my working portfolio” you snicker, “you just look too good, I can’t pass this moment up.”
He licks his lips, and nods “Okay, okay sure.”
You get up from the end of the bed and stand in front of him, leaning up on your tippy toes and grabbing his chin with your index finger and thumb, “Don’t move” you whisper into his parted lips, kissing him as you go to leave the room.
You pick up your camera from where you dumped it on the leather couch. You probably should have laid it down with more care, but you didn’t much care in the heat of the moment.
You give it a quick once over, seeing that everything’s fine. Thankfully. You throw the strap over your head and start walking back to the bedroom. When you look up, you notice a photo on the bookshelf against the wall by his bedroom door. You hadn’t noticed it before, being so preoccupied by Steve’s mouth. The picture is a blown up yearbook photo of young man with long curly hair complete with bangs. He has, quite frankly, a dazzling smile. You wonder who this is, having not seen him in the group photo by the door. But that’s a question for later. Right now it’s time for you to take someone else’s photo.
You take one last look at the picture and head back into the bedroom. Steve is still exactly where you asked him to stay. “Good boy.” You whisper in his ear, nipping at his lobe. He grunts his approval as you jump up onto the bed.
“So, uh, what do you want me to do? Like do you want me to pose or something?” He looks nervous.
“No baby I want you to stay exactly as you are, but you’re all cramped up and nervous looking now” you chuckle “loosen up handsome. I want that post-coital glow back.”
“Post coital glow?” He arches an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Where you’re all hopped up on endorphins and just blissed out and lose.”
“How do I do that when I know you’re about to take a picture of me?”
You pull the strap of the camera off of your neck and drop it on the bed. “You want me to come over there and loosen you back up?” You slide off the bed again, walking over to him.
He still looks nervous “how’re you going to do that?”
You place your fingertips gently on his toned stomach, slowly trickling down down down. Goosebumps are popping up all down his tummy and arms. His breath becoming uneven. Your left hand drags down his thigh and right hand lightly grips at his half chubbed cock. You look him in the eye as you grip him a little harder in your hand, “are you still nervous now?”
His forehead comes to lean on yours, “no” he whispers on your lips.
You kiss him gently, stroking him halfheartedly. “What do you feel right now?”
“I’m feeling,” his breath stutters from his chest, “like I want to bend you over and fuck you into my mattress.”
“Mmm good, keep that feeling” you peck him on the cheek and run back to the bed. You jump up on it, sitting on your knees and grabbing your camera. “Oh yes. Yes. This is perfect, keep that fucked out expression.”
“I thought you wanted post-coital glow.”
“Yeah, we can take more like that later, but right now I’m loving this look. It’s like you want to eat me alive and I love it.”
A small moan slips from his lips, “I do”
You take a series of photos. Full body, just his face, just his body. His hands death gripping the dresser he’s leaned against. His predatory eyes. His juicy wet lips. The fucking monster bulge that’s growing wildly in the his boxers briefs… that one is just for you. Definitely. You want that one framed and hung in your closet. The more photos you take the harder it is to focus, you feel yourself becoming more wet as the seconds pass. “You are… unbearably attractive.” you whine.
“Please tell me you’re done because I don’t think I can stand here another second while you're straddling my bed in my clothes.”
“Oh fuck me, okay yes yes I’m done.” You take the camera off and gingerly place it on the side table. “Come take me, pretty boy.”
That’s all he needs to hear and he’s pouncing. “I need to taste you baby, please let Daddy eat you out this time.”
You’re nodding so hard you’re getting dizzy. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
He groans deep in his throat, “it’s going to be a long night.”
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, the smell of bacon and coffee filling the space. You look over at the clock on the side table and groan. It’s 11am already and you never told Joyce or Hopper or anyone you were leaving or where you were going or that you wouldn’t be going home that night. They’re probably worried sick thinking you wandered off drunk and fell in a ditch somewhere.
You stretch your arms and back as best you can on the bed. Throwing the covers off, you slide off the bed. Immediately noting your cunt throbbing. It was a long night. And you did tell Steve you wanted him to destroy your pussy. He did his job, and he did it well. 10/10, 5 stars, Excellency Award, Employee of the month.
You walk sluggishly out into the main area, seeing Steve in front of the stove, dish towel thrown over his shoulder. Now that you’re in the open space you hear the quiet kitchen radio playing ABBA. Steve moves his hips to the sound, singing along slightly out of tune “gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight…” he still hasn’t noticed you as he slips a piece of bacon into his mouth and continues to hum the song. It’s so domestic it almost hurts.
You slide up beside him and he smiles when he notices you, bringing you into his side for a half hug while he has to focus on not burning the rest of the bacon. “Good morning, beautiful” he says after a moment. He turns off the burner and kisses the top of your head.
“Good morning handsome” you smile up at him. “Anything I can help with?”
“Nope, I’ve just finished up. How do you take your coffee?”
“Cream, 6 sugars” you cover your face with your hand.
“6… 6 sugars?” He looks baffled but prepares your coffee anyway. “Sugar fiend.”
“Coffees like, kinda gross without it. I just ugh, I just love sweet things” you’re smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt.
“You are ridiculous.”
“Yeah… but you like it” you poke him in the side.
“I really do actually.” He’s looking at you in that way again. The way that makes you feel like you’re in love and have been for a century. You’re starting to crave that look. It’s like you’ve been starved all this time and never knew until he fed you. “Here’s your coffee, now go sit on the couch and I’ll bring you your breakfast.”
“Thank you” you take the coffee in one hand, and pull him in for a soft peck with the other hand. “Oh wait, can I use your phone? I don’t want Hopper sending out a manhunt thinking I’ve gone missing.”
“Oh no you’re good, Will called earlier. Said he figured you’d be here since everyone saw us leaving together.” He looks up at you through his messy hair, “guess we were pretty obvious” he blushes.
“I’m not mad about it” your cheeks feel hot but you cover it by sipping your warm coffee. “Okay, good. As long as they know I’m alive.”
You walk around the island to the living room and set the cup of coffee on the coffee table. But you don’t sit right away. Instead you’re drawn again to the bookshelf with the yearbook photo.
You’re still analyzing it when Steve walks in with your plates. He sets them down by your coffee and joins you by the bookshelf. He wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on your shoulder. “That’s the friend I was telling you about” he whispers “his name is Eddie.”
“He was incredibly beautiful.” You whisper just as low.
“Yeah” he chuckles, but there’s no joy in it “Inside and out.”
You clear your throat, starting to get choked up “H-how did he umm” you swallow hard “how did he die?”
He sighs, pulling you harder into his chest. “It’s a long story for another time, but he was a hero. And he saved my life. He saved a lot of people’s lives.”
You turn around in his arms, gently caressing his sides “is that how you got these?”
He presses his face into your hair, you can tell he’s getting emotional thinking about it. “Sort of. What caused these scars, is what killed him. It’s a lot to explain. And maybe I will one day. But it’s too much for now.”
Tears silently roll down your face, “you were in love with him too, huh?”
He looks you in the eyes, choking on a wet laugh “How do you do that?”
You look down, away from his wondrous gaze. “I don’t know, I guess I can just read people really well.” You shrug.
He pulls your chin up with two fingers and gives you a sloppy wet, teary kiss. He pulls back and looks you in the eye again, searching. “I didn’t know him that long. But yeah, I think that, given the chance, I would have loved him.”
You nod, brow furrowing. “I’m so sorry you didn’t get that chance.”
He presses his palm to your face, thumb smoothing over your cheek. “So, it doesn’t scare you? That I… that I could’ve loved a man?”
You huff a laugh, brows raising “Not at all. We can’t help who we love.” You press your palms to his hairy chest, fingers gripping loosely at the hair there. “I think you and I both know that. Hints our night together.”
He licks his lip, shaking his head, “Guardian. Fucking. Angel.”
“What?” You laugh.
“You were definitely sent to me, by a guardian angel.” He kisses you on the tip of your nose and you can’t help but to smile at that “or shit. Maybe Eddie sent you to me himself.”
You look back over your shoulder at the photo on the shelf. You can almost feel him winking at you. A chill runs down your spine. “Yeah” you look back at Steve “I definitely think it was him.”
“What, are you communicating with him now?”
“Yeah” your expression goes very serious “he told me to call you sweetheart.”
All the blood drains from Steve’s face, he goes stiff and his face looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
“Oh no way, did he call you sweetheart?? I was just guessing because you said he called you all these little nicknames I kept using.”
“That-that was a joke?” He mumbled “you were so spot on I…”
“Oh shit Steve I’m so sorry. It was just a joke, oh man what an insane guess.”
“Don’t do that again” he pushes his hand through his messy hair.
“Yes sir.”
“Fuck, I’m all frazzled now.”
You grab him by the arm and pull him to sit on the couch, “come on then, let’s eat breakfast. I’ve got a lot of questions to ask about you.”
“Oh no,” he rubs his hand over his face.
“Oh yes, I want to know everything about you mystery man. Because so far as I can tell, Nancy messed up letting you go.”
He pulls you into his chest, running his fingers through your hair. “ I could say the same. Jonathan has no idea what he missed out on. But honestly, I’m really glad he did though. Because I’m selfish as hell and I want you all to myself.”
Four months later
“Hello, Steve Harrington speaking.” Steve answers the phone the same way every time. And it gives you butterflies every time.
“Hello Steve Harrington. This is y/f/n y/l/n speaking” you giggle.
“I was hoping it’d be you.”
“Who else would it be? Who else calls you? Is it other girls? Are you seeing other girls behind my back Mr. Harrington?”
He laughs hard, covering the mouth piece so he doesn’t blow out your eardrum “Hundreds of girls, calling out at all hours. I can’t sleep with all the ladies I’m drowning in.”
“Okay, see I was joking. But I fully believe it when you say that because you a massive co-“
“Yes yes alright” he sniffs “to what do I owe the pleasure of todays call Ms y/l/n ?”
“Well, I want to first thank you again for allowing me to use that photo I took of you in your bedroom for my senior art show.”
“You are welcome baby girl. If it wasn’t so artfully taken, by such a beautiful woman, I never would have agreed.”
You smile broadly into the receiver “Mmhm yes yes, well, you’ll never believe this, big boy.”
“Yeah, I’m listening.”
“That photo won 5 local awards, an offer to be hung at an exhibit in San Francisco and I was offered a book deal. They want me to create a book of my photography Stevie. Me.” You’re practically buzzing.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Y/n. I’m so proud of you. We’ve got to celebrate!”
“Thank you baby. I’m so happy I could fly. And it’s all thanks to you.”
“No way, I definitely can’t take the credit here. It was all you and your incredible eye. I’m just grateful I could be your muse.”
“And you will continue to be my muse… that is, if you still want me to move to Indiana.”
“I would love nothing more. Please say you will and that you’re coming soon.”
“How does 2 weeks sound?”
“Not soon enough”
“Thank goodness,” you sigh in relief, “because I’m actually here now.”
“What?!” Steve almost drops the phone, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
“Yeah” you take a deep breath, your chest is tight with emotion “I wanted to surprise you. I just got here, and I couldn’t wait. I literally just walked in the door not 10 minutes ago.”
“Where? Where are you? I’m coming right now.” Steve looks around the room, searching for his pants and grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, phone precariously pressed between his ear and shoulder.
“I’m at the Byers-Hopper residence, my new home. I’m staying in their basement until I can get on my own feet.”
“I’ve never been happier to live in such a small town. I’m leaving now sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
“I can’t wait.”
3 years later
Byers-Hopper Residence
Nancy and Jonathan walk in, hand in hand and you’re genuinely so happy to see them. You greet them at the door hugging each of them “hey! So good to see you! I’m so glad you could make it.” You tell them, grabbing Nancy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Wouldn’t miss it” Jonathan said, patting your shoulder.
“Well get on in there and mingle! Steve’s out back at the grill. There’s beer in the cooler and chips on the table.”
“Oh beer sounds amazing right now. It’s such a hot day.” Nancy says fanning herself.
“A scorcher.” You wink at her.
Once everyone’s arrived you make your way to the back yard, beelining straight for Steve. He’s wearing his classic kiss the cook apron and you don’t mind if you do.
“Hello handsome” you push up on your toes and kiss his cheek.
“Hello my love,” he turns to you fully and presses his hand to your swollen tummy, “and hello to you too my little love.”
7 months along and you’re still not over how sweet it is when Steve addresses your baby bump. You pull his chin to you, kissing him gently. “I love you, you know that?”
He breaths a laugh “I’d hope so. Wouldn’t want to be married to someone who didn’t love me.”
You bite your lip, “yeah well. I just like to remind you.”
“I love you too, baby.” He kisses you again. So soft and sweet. You just can’t believe how lucky you are.
“Alright lovebirds, enough mackin, let’s eat!” Hopper calls from the fold out table surrounded by the family you’ve made. And unfortunately, Steve’s terrible parents.
“I was just so shocked when I heard you were already pregnant, I mean you’d barely been married a year.” Steve’s moms voice is shrill.
“Oh yeah” you put on your best fake laugh, “I wasn’t surprised at all. Your son has a breeding kink. He’s wanted me fat and pregnant since… well probably since we met.”
She stares at you, mouth agape, obviously in shock.
“And I mean, have you seen your son's penis? Sure like when he was a kid I’m sure but did you know it was going to get so big?”
She blinks at you and tries to stutter a response.
“That thing is massive. I didn’t stand a chance with that semi trunk pounding into me. I think he actually just like, came straight into my uterus once. Like busted right past my cervix and came right on my eggs. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get pregnant sooner.”
She put her hand on her terrible husband's arm, “Let’s go. I can’t stand to be here any longer. Your son married a whore.”
“A whore?” You mock outrage, “I’m only a whore for your son, which is allowed, hints the ring.” You point at it, wiggling your left fingers to watch the ring sparkle in the dimming sunlight.
Steve just smiles and waves “Bye mom and dad! We’ll let you know when our bundle of joy arrives.”
“Great thanks.” His dad shoots back, exiting through the front door.
“Well” Hopper huffs, “that was horrific. But you’re not my biological children so I think the trauma of hearing that will affect me a little less than your parents Steve.”
“Sorry Hop. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” You can’t help but laugh.
“Well then you probably shouldn’t have said it so loud” Will comments.
“Alright fiiine, I won’t speak publicly about my amazing, insane, adventurous, mind blowing sex life in public anymore.” Everyone groans at the excessive adjectives, Steve again just laughing silently, only ever encouraging you. “But when you all stop getting boners, or your sex lives get boring, don’t come running to me for stories tips or tricks. And definitely don’t look at my photo album.”
“We won’t, trust me.” Mike rolls his eyes.
“Hey Mike, did I see you sne-“ you start.
“Hey hey y/n what uh, have you come up with any baby names yet?” Mike cuts you off, finishing with a nervous cough.
You look at Will's frozen expression and wink at him. “We have. Go ahead baby, I’m ready to announce it if you are.”
Steve pulls you close, one hand around you, the other sitting on your belly. “We’ve decided to name him Eddie.” He kisses your hair.
Eddie Harrington. You know it’s cliche to name your baby after someone like this, but the man saved your husband's life. And his family. And the town. And after you’d heard the full story of what happened to them all, you knew you didn’t have any other choice. Steve’s hero, his almost love, his guardian angel. Yeah, you know it's the right choice.
Edward William Harrington. You can’t wait to meet him.
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scheodingers-muppet · 6 months
taylor time: 1989 edition !!!!!
welcome to new york: the older teens. this song really is just having fun with your friends in your twenties, to me, at least. i can only really imagine it as like, the older teens or the kids when they’re older just having fun ❤️ also, “you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls” and them heading to a new place to just be free and themselves
blank space: steve. long list of ex lovers. i know you heard about me. it’s gonna be forever or it’s gonna do down in flames. you’re the king, baby i’m your queen. i get drunk on jealously.
style: stancy. let’s be honest. the whole chorus fits them so perfectly. james dean daydream look in your eye? long hair, slicked back? that’s steve. good girl? tight little skirt? red-lip, classic? that’s nancy. you come and pick me up, no headlights? nancy totally snuck out to go see steve. i should just tell you to leave, cause i know exactly where this leads? the studying scene.
out of the woods: jancy. there’s always something going on between them. if they’re not fighting the upside down, they’re fighting each other. “last december. we were built to fall apart and fall back together” “the monsters turned out to be just trees”
all you had to do was stay: mileven, post season 4. “people like you always want back the love they gave away, and people like me wanna believe you say you’ve changed” mike kinda, pushed off el’s love and comes back, saying he’s changed and that he does love her. “had me in the palm of your hand. why did you have to go and lock me out when i let you in?” “i’ve been picking up the pieces of a mess you made” “you were all i wanted, but not like this”
shake it off: steve, honestly. “got nothing in my brain, that’s what people say” “go on too many dates” bros just having a little dance party with robin
i wish you would: lumax. “i’ll never forget you as long as i live” “i miss you too much to be mad anymore” “you always knew how to push my buttons” just lucas wishing he could make everything better after vecna
bad blood: will/el and mike in season four. they’re both hurt by him. “it was my season for battle wounds, battle scars, body bumped, bruised” “if you love like that, blood runs cold”
wildest dreams: stancy, from nancy’s pov. talking about just starting to get with steve. i can also see this as nancy talking to him before sacrificing herself or something, asking him to remember her for the good at the beginning
how you get the girl: stancy again. steve coming back to do a big apology like he did in season two, knocking on her window with flowers and saying he missed her and he’s sorry and he’ll do better
this love: jopper ! joyce talking about losing hopper but having him come back to her in season 4 (or, not be dead, really). hopper talking about letting her go in high school and her coming back. “flickered in the night for only you” “you showed up just in time” “this love is alive, back from the dead” “when you’re young, you just run, but you come back to what you need”
i know places: steddie. the whole theme fits all the older kids, fighting monsters together, but i think it matches really well for not only a queer couple hunting monsters, but also having the added issue of the witch-hunt on eddie. “let them say what they want, we won’t hear it” “something happens when everybody finds out. see the vultures circling dark clouds”
clean: nancy, talking about her trauma. it was months and months of back and forth. you’re still all over me like a wine stained dress i can’t wear anymore” being clean not from steve, but looking back at the last several years of her life after defeating vecna and finally feeling clean from the upside down and the guilt she felt about barb. “let the flood cary away all my pictures of you” “butterflies turned to dust, they covered my whole room” and finding her room in the upside down
wonderland: elmax. finding a place they can be innocent and kids when everything is scary and knowing it won’t last forever. “haven’t you heard what becomes of curious minds?” “i should have slept with one eye open at night” both el wanting to protect max from vecna and max wanting to protect el from billy. “life was never worse but never better” both having their own struggles and being in bad spots but getting to be together
you are in love: steddie. specifically bonding after season 4. “the light reflects the chain on your neck” “your shoulders brush. no proof, one touch, but you felt enough” “you keep his shirt, he keeps his word” steve with eddie’s battle vest and eddie keeping his word of not running. i can also see this as joyce talking to steve about their guys. like, “he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown” being hop with a pic of his family in his office
new romantics: the older teens. just imagine it; they’re all on a trip to indie after graduation, just running around and having fun. sneaking into a club and finally just getting to be teenagers
“slut!”: nancy. be that with jonathan or robin or even steve. this is the most nancy coded song i’ve heard in a longggg time. “moonlit swimming pool” (sorry) “adorned with smoke on my clothes” steve smoking at the pool party in season one with her “i’ll pay the price, you won’t” nancy always getting hated on but jonathan and steve getting praised “if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once” nancy “the slut” wheeler trying to find love again “if i’m gonna be drunk, i might as well be drunk in love” the halloween party fight in season 2. “everyone wants him, that was my crime. wrong place at the right time. i break down and he’s pulling me in. in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman” going from “king steve” to fighting monsters all because she was in the wrong place just as barb was taken. jonathan helping her out when she was upset and getting her to bed after the fight
say don’t go: mike and el, from el’s perspective in season 4. “i said i love you, you say nothing back” “why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night” from whispering in mikes basement to mike not being emotionally available, especially after what happened with hopper.
now that we don’t talk: stancy, from both sides. first verse is steve to nancy, second and third are from nancy to steve. last verse is both of them, with steve no longer caring about seeming cool in season 3 (ie being more “dorky” with dustin and stuff) and nancy “returning to her dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery” becoming more reclusive and closed off to friendships in season 3 and 4 after barb, which she blames herself and steve for
suburban legends: steddie. former lovers steddie, to be specific, from eddie’s perspective. such a good angst story, with the references of loving someone who was “flush with the currency of cool” and talking about high school reunions and breaking your own heart. v steddie coded
is it over now?: stancy again. they’re very harry and taylor coded, what can i say? from nancy’s pov, talking about season 4 when they’re maybe flirting with each other again, just wanting it to be over. “lying traitor” and “bullshit” parallel. “only rumors about my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs” and the movie theatre incident. steve being known as a lady’s man, even brining new dates to watch games at hawkins high
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
A song fic based on "she knows" by Hollie Col
I love Nancy so I have to break her heart ;)
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She gave me a million ways to call her back
And i gave her a million reasons to forget me
Nancy wasn't meant to like a girl, especially not when she's supposed to like boys. But meeting Y/N and realizing a crush was growing on her. She got scared.
Y/N made it clear she was smitten with Nancy Wheeler. She made it clear that she had a crush on the good girl. Y/N didn't care when Nancy dated Steve, she wanted that girl and she was going to have her.
Y/N gave Nancy a million ways to call her back. A million reasons why Nancy should pick up the phone and say the words. She left it all up to Nancy in the end and Nancy couldn't handle the answer. She was terrified of how fast she fell for Y/N.
But Nancy was too scared, so she never did.
Nancy gave Y/N a million ways to forget her. A million reasons to move on.
So Y/N did.
If Nancy didn't want her then she was going to find someone who did. Someone who wouldn't be afraid to tell her they were in love. Someone who was honest with themselves.
Thoughts were always clear, words just weren't that easy
Now you've got her body and i haven't been sleepin' lately
Nancy knew she loved Y/N. The thoughts were there and very clear. The feeling of kissing her made Nancy's head spin. Y/N's breathless moans stayed in her head. The thought of her naked body had Nancy clenching her sheets night after night. The blush on her cheeks whenever Y/N held her hand. The butterflies in her stomach when she'd smile at her. She never felt this way with Steve. This felt real.
Nancy just couldn't get the words out. Words never came easy to her. They weren't easy when she was with Steve, they weren't easy when she broke up with Steve. And now they weren't easy when she needed to get them out the most.
She wanted Y/N and Y/N was more than happy to be hers. The only thing that stood in the way was Nancy admitting it.
Now she has to take deep breaths to keep her tears back as Chrissy and Y/N giggle in the booth in the back. Chrissy twirled her hair as Y/N made her blush. No doubt Y/N's hand was on Chrissy's thigh, teasing her slightly.
Chrissy has got Y/N's body now and the thought keeps Nancy awake. Laying in her own sorrow and pity. How many people did she have to watch leave her before she realized the problem started and ended because of her.
I knew i had to go when she said she loved me
She's the one i'm saving, she's my rediscovery
So i can't do this now, holding on for always
Then you came around when i thought she was holding on too
Nancy knew she had to run when Y/N said she loved her. She pulled away from her kiss, with a frown.
"don't say that" Nancy sighed. Why did feelings always have to be involved. Why did love always have to be announced?
"Nancy, I do love you. I'm sorry but I can't just ignore how I feel. I know you love me too. Just say it" Y/N begged
They've been doing this dance for over a year. Sneaking into Nancy's window and pleasing her under the sheets. Holding hands in the dark movie theaters. Y/N has been running in circles, following Nancy wherever she went. Y/N wasn't afraid to show she loved Nancy. All of her friends knew, even Mike noticed how she was smitten for his sister. And he noticed how Nancy for once seemed in love.
"why do we have to say it? Can't I just show it?" Nancy asked.
"that's the problem Nancy. If you can't say it, or believe it, how can you show it to me?"
"I do show it!" Nancy argued
"Nance, you only show it when we are in the dark. Just tell me you love me. Just be honest with me for once. If you love me then you have me! But I'm not going to run in circles for another year. If you can't tell me, then I think we should break up. Secret love just isn't for me. I've been patient but I can't do it anymore"
Nancy sat in silence. Her mother opened but the words didn't come out. All she had to do was say the three words and she had Y/N forever. Yet, she couldn't.
Y/N nodded at the silence. Standing up from the bed as she leaned toward Nancy.
Nancy watched as the girl cried. Kissing her cheek softly with her wet lips and going out the window.
Nancy thought it would blow over. When her bed remained empty for weeks, she knew she was wrong. Y/N made it clear how important the words were yet Nancy wanted to believe it was all for show. That she would come back even if Nancy never said it.
Nancy was selfish, believing as long as she held on to Y/N in her mind, the girl would stay. That she would still try for Nancy. The way she has been doing for the past year. That she lied, she'd love to run in circles for Nancy all over again.
But then Chrissy came along. Totally swept Y/N off of her feet.
Because Chrissy wasn't afraid to say how she felt. She wasn't afraid to kiss Y/N in public. Wasn't afraid to introduce her as her girlfriend. Not like Nancy who always said "just a good friend" with a fake smile, hickies hiding under her blouse. No not Chrissy, Chrissy could do the things Y/N asked for.
And Nancy hated her. She hated the blonde with the pretty eyes.
She hated that Chrissy was the opposite of her, and it seemed like Y/N liked her better.
The whole time Nancy figured Y/N would stay holding on, now Nancy watched her hold on to Christy's hips as she kissed her.
Nancy wanted to lie to herself that Y/N would always be hers, even if she refused to say it.
You don't know me and you're holding onto all the things i love the most
And now i'm asking politely, could you let her go?
Chrissy and Nancy didn't speak a word to each other. Nancy truthfully barely knows who Chrissy is. Just heard small details about her from Robin.
But she knew one thing about Chrissy, and that was she was holding on to all the things Nancy loved.
Nancy knew she did this to herself. She had Y/N for a year and refused to make it real outside of her four walls.
If Nancy had some dignity she may have left Chrissy alone. But the pain she felt not seeing Y/N in weeks was weighing on her.
Nancy was a reporter, she knew how to sneak around and get the answers she wanted.
She found all about Chrissy's schedule, quickly finding her in the schools parking lot with a smile.
"I'm Nancy" Chrissy shook her hand confused.
"I understand you know Y/N?" Nancy asked
She hated the way the blonde smile with a big nod
"yeah she's my girlfriend!"
Nancy hated hearing it even more. She couldn't deny it anymore when it was said straight to her face.
"I know you don't know me but you have the girl I love and I can't stand here and watch her move on. I know it's selfish and totally bitchy of me, but with all my politeness in the world, I need to ask, can you just let her go?"
cause i can't see me falling in love with anybody else, anybody else
And you don't know her the way i do
And she knows it, i can tell, she knows it
"um what?'" Chrissy stuttered out.
Do i tell you she's been calling when you look away?
"Chrissy, I just can't see myself falling in love with anyone else but her. You don't know her the way I do and you never will. I've been loving her for the past year and that just isn't going to disappear. She knows that you can't love her the way I do, I can tell. Please just let her go"
Nancy was desperate. She needed Chrissy to let her lover go. She needed Y/N to be ready with open arms when Nancy got the courage to say the words. Because she can't imagine ever feeling this way for anyone else.
Should i tell you that she missed me? should i tell you she's afraid?
Now i don't wanna ruin all the things you have
You don't know what it's like to find your love and lose her twice
But she knows that i love her and my patience is wearing out
Nancy doesn't know if she should tell Chrissy that Y/N still calls.
Calls her late at night, with the soft whispers of I miss you
"I miss you Nance and I shouldn't. I'm afraid I won't ever get over you." Nancy could never reply fast enough, the dial tone echoed in her ears.
Nancy didn't want to ruin everything Y/N has been building. She didn't want to ruin Chrissy's chance at knowing what loving Y/N was like.
But Nancy could only be patient for so long before she snapped.
Nancy was the one finally running the circles. Y/N watched as she stared from across the room. The pain in her eyes when Chrissy kissed Y/N's cheek.
Y/N could see Nancy loved her. She just needed to hear it.
You don't know what it's like to find your love and lose her twice
You might think that you've got time but she's not your love
She's not your love, she's not your love
Chrissy doesn't know what it's like to lose Y/N, not once but twice.
Feeling the sting of Y/N walking away. But the salt being added to the wound when she lost her again when Chrissy made them official.
Chrissy doesn't know what it felt like to fall in love with Y/N, and lose her twice.
Chrissy doesn't know because Chrissy did everything right.
Nancy is fine with Chrissy believing she has all the time in the world with Y/N. But Nancy was on a ticking clock. Passing in seconds as she reached closer to that breaking point.
Because at the end of the day, Y/N was not Chrissy's love.
She was Nancy's.
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bzedan · 2 months
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[ID: A digital illustration of the Vault Boy condition image from the PipBoy 3000, a glowing green outlined figure on a dark screen with health metre indicators for head, body and each limb. Rather than the regular coverall-clothed guy, the figure is an outline of Garfield. All health indicators are full and he is smiling. Text below him reads "April 2024 - Level 41." End ID.]
A show came out for a game I've thought about 3-7 times every week for the past nine years and I've been completely normal about it. In my birthday month too! It influenced the playlist cover more than the contents, which are all indulgent as should be for a birthday month playlist. A lot of Carly Rae Jepsen this month, thanks to using her song titles as prompts for Storytelling Collective's April Daily Poem challenge (see results here). Two hours and 33 minutes but despite how I love playing with the length I shan't drop a one of these tracks to get to my birthday-day. Close enough, I say!
Related media to some of the songs:
'Two of Hearts' was in my mind thanks to a random video I'd encountered about the "I-I-I-I-I" sample in 'Groove Is in the Heart' by Deee-Lite, summarised over at Laughing Squid.
'Harder' was Medusa's I think birthday month track and had been out on Bandcamp for a bit but finally wended its way to Spotify, allowing me to drop it into a playlist. Their music is always a mood. They also have an At-Cost collection of merch specifically to make things available to more folks, with the option to pay it forward as well.
The way things go I think songs from a playlist I picked up from a Fallout: New Vegas fan artist are in May but heck there's a Nancy Sinatra on here so why not share now, 'Atomic Cocktail' is a very long, vibes-based playlist that is great to have going in the background.
Anyway here's a link to April's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
Or embedded if you like that:
'Time to Pretend' - MGMT
'How Does it Feel' - Dizzee Rascal
'Free Animal' - Foreign Air
'Girl Inform Me - 2021 Remaster' - The Shins
'Complex' - Tristen
'Fun But Not Forever' - girlish figure
'Sociopathic Dance Queen' - Amaarae
'Jackie' - Scott Walker
'I Could Be Happy' - Altered Images
'GO! (feat. Karen O)' - Santigold
'Black Sheep' - Kailee Morgue
'Good Luck, Babe!' - Chappell Roan
'Me And My Shadow' - Peggy Lee
'Only A Fool Would Say That' - Steely Dan
'Seabird' - Alessi Brothers
'Thank You (Not So Bad)' - Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike
'Feels Right' - Carly Rae Jepsen
'Two of Hearts' - Stacey Q
'Hey Sorry' - Boy Jr.
'Houdini' - Dua Lipa
'Hard (er)' - Medusa
'i like the way you kiss me' - Artemas
'Really Big Deal' - Jake Shears
'Eye On The Bat' - Palehound
'Sunshine Superman' - Donovan
'Sunset Superman' - Dio
'Godzilla' - Blue Öyster Cult
'Shadow' - Carly Rae Jepsen
'Cute & Cruel (feat. First Aid Kit)' - Tove Lo
'Evil Eyes' - Dio
'Do Right' - Jimmie's Chicken Shack
'Dancehall Queen' - Robyn
'I'm Like A Bird' - Nelly Furtado
'Chemical' - Post Malone
'Juke Box Hero - 2008 Remaster' - Foreigner
'The King of Rock 'N' Roll' - Prefab Sprout
'Call Me Maybe' - Carly Rae Jepsen
'Bury Me With It - Jacknife Lee Remix' - Modest Mouse
'That Life' - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
'Oh to Be in Love - 2018 Remaster' - Kate Bush
'Sideshow' - Nick Lutsko
'Primadonna' - MARINA
'When I Needed You' - Carly Rae Jepsen
'This Hell (feat. CHANMINA - Gyarupi Remix - Spotify Singles)' - Rina Sawayama
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sennqu · 2 years
Cleaned up a few posts to reorganize them into a more coherent write-up with less fluff.
So, here is my interpretation of Will's romantic arc spanning S3 to S4: (with some mentions of S1 and S2)
To start, my interpretation is that Will has already fallen for Mike once S3 begins. my evidence for this are
the script for the snow ball scene where Will was said to be looking at Mike
the filmed scene when he looked to Mike when a girl asked him to dance
Will's line about not falling in love at the beginning of S3.
setting this up to ask the question: when did Will realize his feelings? in-between S2 and S3? during S2? or is it possible he was already developing feelings for Mike in S1?
i think the likeliest scenario from the text is that Will was already starting to develop feelings for Mike before S2 but he fully realizes he is in love during that season. My personal headcanon is that the definite moment was in the shed after Mike's tearful recounting of when they first met. With that, we can then assume Will might have been jealous of El before he even met her since Mike talked about her often. This then builds up to his outburst in S3E3 months later.
Will's jealousy of El is possibly a big part of why he was so insistent on playing DnD in the early episodes of S3. it's not just a wish of returning to childhood but to a life before El, before Will felt like he lost Mike to her. And of course the fight with Mike after cements it in Will's mind how stupid the notion was and how stupid he was to think that maybe he could be with Mike forever.
Additionally, I think Mike's outburst at the cabin ("i love her!...") forced Will to confront his own feelings even further. Then Hopper 'dying' and El staying with the Byers, along with the 3 month timeskip, is what really propelled Will to finally let go of his jealousy. Mostly because he had to. I think a lot of Will's arc in S3 is moving on/growing up because he felt the need to. I think that's what the scene with Lucas trying to apologize was implying. Mike and the rest of the party were "growing up" and moving onto serious things so Will felt he should too.
Now, Will leaving his DnD set behind is seen as like this gesture that DnD will always be his and his best friends' thing: their connection to one another. Will's not going to play with anyone else. The popular byler interpetation is of course that Will will always love Mike ("Not possible") and not want anyone else. I agree with this for the most part but I do somewhat think that leaving behind his DnD set was also part of an intent to leave his feelings for Mike behind in Hawkins. He doesn't want to, but he has to. Mike will always be his first love, but like the DnD set, it'll be a remnant of his childhood in Hawkins.
Then we get to S4 where I believe Will is still trying to get over Mike. And this is where the painting comes in.
I believe it's likely that Will made his painting as
a platonic gesture, and
as a form of closure and way of moving on from Mike romantically.
Like putting all his feelings into it so he could give it to Mike and rip off that yearning like a band-aid. That's why it's a painting of their DnD group and why Mike has a heart on his shield.
This is why he brought it to the airport. What better way to move on than by giving it to Mike on the day Will is third wheeling the best friend he's getting over and Mike's girlfriend who is also now Will's sister? Except Mike then starts acting oddly and (from Will's point of view) starts ignoring Will the moment he arrives. Then Will's mood darkens ever further when he is continuously ignored throughout the day. Does Mike even still think of him as a best friend? Finally, we get the fight ending with both of their feelings hurt and out in the open.
From Will's perspective, it's possible that after their fight in the roller rink, he thought he'd ruined his friendship with Mike. But Mike making amends with him gave him the hope that they still could be best friends. not just a team, not just friends, but back to best friends status. So he brings along the painting with the intent of giving it to Mike at an appropriate time as way to also make amends. Because during that convo, you gotta admit that Mike barely let Will get a word in, lmao. So Will probably felt he had to do something special to make up for his own culpability in their fight/drifting apart.
This ties into why I think Will giving Mike the painting in the van was done unintentionally on Will's part. He wasn't planning on giving it to Mike there and then, but seeing Mike so insecure and so upset had Will giving it to Mike in the spur of the moment and inadvertently confessing his own romantic feelings (under the guise it was El's) so he could make Mike happy. When Will is overcome with the realization of what he's done, he starts crying.
Will's arc in S4 was him attempting to move on romantically and tragically failing by a magnitude no one expected, making it clear to himself and to the audience that there is no one but Mike for him.
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rllymilerlly · 1 year
I posted this on twt forever ago but I thought to share here too, a list of Mileven Wedding HC’s to go along with these doodles
I like the idea of Mike and El waiting a long time to actually get married. Like they might get engaged pretty young (19/20?) but have a long engagement. So they can get their degrees and save up for it. Also I just like the idea that they wait so long everyone forgets they aren’t actually married already, including themselves.
-For Mike’s bachelor party, Will plans a crazy long campaign for the boys to complete (like DAYS) and it just encapsulates the boys whole journey of friendship. They are all in TEARS by the end
-Mike has a hard ass time picking a best man, he doesn’t wanna choose between his 3 best friends. So he knights (yes knights) them all as his best man (tho technically Lucas is the one walking with Max in the wedding + she is the maid of honor. So Lucas does tease the other two about being the “official” best man)
- El grows out her hair for the wedding and it’s Joyce who helps styles it for the ceremony. Nancy does El’s makeup and Max paints El’s nails
-Holly is their flower girl (atp she thinks she’s a little old to be the flower girl but accepts it nonetheless)
- Bridal Party: Max (Maid of Honor), Nancy, and Suzie and/or Robin (my gf is making a ronance fic based off some of my mileven wedding ideas soooooo yes u_u)
-The main colors of the wedding are purple and yellow
-It’s an outdoor ceremony and looks straight out of the lotr books. Which there are most def hints (not subtle at all) of actual lotr decorations
-El may or may not walk down the aisle to a variation of Princess Leia’s theme
-The guest list is still pretty small, mostly intimate family of the Party + very few outsiders
-Mike is practically sobbing when he sees El walk down the aisle.
-Hopper walks El down the aisle and they have a father/daughter dance at the reception and he’s in tears
-Really everyone cries at some point
-Dustin breaks it down on the dance floor the whole night and drags El into his shenanigans whenever he can
-Robin and Lucas dance off Dustin and Steve at one point
-Robin is the one to catch the bouquet on accident (and may or may not share a moment with Nance)
-Karen and Joyce are so happy their families are finally legally united after YEARS
-Max multiple times threatens to Mike multiple times that she’s going run away with the Bride. Mike pleads with her to stop
-Though he isn’t in the wedding party officially, Joey Kim is at the wedding as Will’s date + extra videographer so Jonathan can enjoy his sister’s wedding too (because Jonathan is also the Wedding Photographer)
-Will and Jonathan both have their own brother/sister dance with El. While Mike has one with his sisters
I have a lot more thoughts about them and ideas but I’ll stop here for now
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cringefail-loser · 11 months
The Art of Screwing Up, by Mike Wheeler
SUMMARY: Mike Wheeler, (an absolute idiot), stupidly decides to procrastinate asking Will to senior prom, before it's too late. Watching his childhood crush dance with a girl is absolutely heart wrenching for him, but there's nothing he can do about it now... right? NOTES: Hey !! This my second ever byler fic, so soz if it kinda sucks. I'm in a really shitty mood because I said something horrible to my (ex) boyfriend and now he hates me, so I figured that writing fan fiction about it would get my mind off of things. Hope you enjoy !! Also, the song that plays at the end is "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol :)
warnings: mild language
words: 1.7k
also read it on AO3
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I screwed up. It was as simple as that. I didn't ask Will to the dance in time, and now he's dancing with some random girl I don't even know. He looks like he's having the time of his life, and I'm standing over here in the corner of the room, shuffling my feet awkwardly while Dustin, Lucas, Max, and El are all laughing and drinking fruit punch. I'm such a loser. "But there's always next year, Mike!" You might be thinking to yourself. No. No no no no. This is senior prom, which means that it's the last dance of my life. At least, probably. Unless I become, like, super famous, and get invited to a bunch of super fancy parties or whatever, there is no other dance I can ask Will to. This is it.
I figured that, as much as it seemed like my only option in the moment, moping around wasn't the best plan of action, and maybe I should just, y'know, go talk to my friends like a normal person who doesn't have a prom date would do. 
I awkwardly make my way over to the snack table, and nonchalantly grab one of the mini bottles of water out of the plastic material that they're kept in. You know what I'm talking about. (If you don't, that's super embarrassing for me, and I'm sorry.) I tried my best to make my presence known to the rest of the party, but Max is the only one who does, and all she does is give me a little wave. Even Lucas, the friendliest member of our little group, doesn't even look my direction. My logical mind is saying that they're just too distracted with whatever they're talking about or doing to notice, but my emotional mind is saying that they're purposefully ignoring me because I did something to piss them off. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems. I guess I did make that one slightly mean joke to El about how she needs a haircut, when I know full well that she's very sensitive about her hair. Whatever it was, they were clearly pissed with me. 
Except for Dustin, apparently. 
He's chatting with Lucas about our most recent campaign (the one where I was clearly flirting with Will, but he didn't seem to take notice), when he spots me. He waves me over to where the pair is standing together. I awkwardly make my way over to them.
"Mike! Hey, man! I feel like we haven't seen you in forever," Lucas smiles. He gently pats me on the back. I don't know how to reply, so I just smile. "How have you been?" He asks, but I'm too distracted at the sight of Will, laughing and smiling as he dances and twirls with the brunette. Dustin takes notice and elbows my arm. 
"Are you really checking out Will at senior prom, instead of asking him to dance?"
"Look at him! He's having the time of his life with some random girl," I groan. "And why would he want to dance with me anyways?" 
"Because... you're super awesome and cool? And he clearly loves you?" Lucas suggests. I'm not sure about the second part, but the first part is totally accurate. 
"Thanks, man." I smile weakly. 
"So, are you going to ask him to dance, or what?" I hear Max from behind me. She's managed to roll her way over to us without me noticing. It's been a while since we've hung out. Ever since she's been using a wheelchair to get around, her mom never lets her leave the house. I mean, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Although, she did get her hair cut short, and I will admit, it looks pretty rad on her. 
"I-I mean-" 
"Just go do it, Mike." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms "I'll help you, even." My eyes go wide.
"Really?" I ask. There is just no way that Max Freaking Mayfield is willing to help me. She basically hated my guts when we first met a few years ago. And for good reason. 
"Yes really, dumbass," She rolls her eyes once again. "c'mon, let's go!" She pulls on my arm with her one free hand, and drags me across the room, making her way through the crowd. I'm closer to Will than I have been in like a week.
"Ok." She speaks. "When I say to, you're going to go up to Will, and say 'Hey, do you want to dance?', got it?" I nod in response. I look over to Will again. He's sitting on the wooden bleachers, smiling and nodding to everything the girl he was dancing with says. A lump in my throat forms. Sure, most people at this point know that I like men (and women, but that's not really important right now), but still, asking another boy to dance in front of someone I don't know? What if she like, yells at me or something? You really never know with people. 
My heart is beating faster, palms covered in sweat, like I dipped my hand in a bucket of grease. I can feel myself heating up, the feeling boiling in my chest and sending a tingling sensation throughout my body. It's uncomfortable, but it only gets worse.
"Mike? Mike!" I hear Max yell. I look over to her, she has a concerned look twisted on her face. "Are you ok?" she mouths. My quickened breathing slows down to a light pant. "Dude, you like, totally zoned out there. It was weird. Is everything ok?" She asks. I nod like an idiot. "then get yourself out there, and ask Will to dance!" It's obvious at this point that she's tired of my shit, and honestly? Me too. I'm tired of my own bullshit. I've spent the past five months pining over Will, and doing literally nothing about it, basically clinging to him like a wet kitten, and always talking about him. But apparently, I don't even have the courage to ask him to dance? What's wrong with me? I'm going to take a deep breath, puff out my chest, go up there and ask Will to-
"Hey, Mike!" Apparently, Will had made his way up to me without me even noticing. Maybe I fell in love with a ghost instead of a real human boy. 
"o-oh! Hey, Will! Wh-what's up?" Why am I stuttering? I've talked to him like a bajillion times.
"Oh, not much, just, y'know, waiting for you to ask me to dance?" He grins. Wait. Did I hear him correctly? He wants me to ask him to dance? He's waiting for me to ask him to dance? Am I going insane?
Will notices my pause, and how I nearly choke on the air trapped in my lungs. "I-i mean, only if you want to? We don't have to dance. Sorry if that was weird."
"No!" I yell, maybe a bit too loudly, as a few people turn their heads my way. "I do want to. I do want to dance with you." His slight frown turns into the biggest smile I've ever seen on a person, and I swear to God, his eyes were glistening a bit. I turn to Max. She's motioning wildly to the dance floor.
"Go, you idiots!" She yells, playfully shoving us to the center of the room. Will looks at me. He places his arms on my waist.
"Wait." I furrow my eyebrows.
"Yeah? What's up?" He asks. 
'I've never danced with anyone before." I hate to admit it, but it's true.
"Honestly, I haven't either. At least- I've never slow danced with anyone. But I'm sure we'll figure it out." He grabs my hands and puts them on his shoulders, then he wraps his hands around my waist. He steps one foot backward. I'm not sure what to do, so I just stand there. He tugs on my arm a little bit, causing my to nearly topped forward on top of him. "Mike. you're supposed to dance with me, not just stand there." he laughs. But I'm nervous. There are dozens of couples surrounding us, and none of them are two boys or two girls. Or two of whatever. To make matters worse, a few of them are staring at us like we've just formed into one being with two heads. I can feel myself starting to panic again. 
"Mike, come on and dance with me! Everything's going to be fine." My head immediately snaps towards Will's directions once the words leave his mouth. "Just dance with me!" He smiles. I nod. "All you really need to do is shuffle your feet a little bit." I do as I'm told, and move my feet like I need to piss, but in slow motion. I can see Will is trying to stifle his laughter. I'm a little bit embarrassed at first, but once I watch him move around, I get into the flow too.
Right as I finally feel like I've got it down, the music is changing and all of a sudden everyone is jumping up and down and dancing at a fast pace. I feel disoriented and like all of a sudden, I'm all the way across the world at a different party. The whiplash doesn't seem to affect Will, though, as he's grabbing me by the hands and yelling at me to dance with him while he moves his body around, not exactly to the beat, but also not exactly to a different beat either. He's just moving around and having fun.
On the floors of Tokyo, or down in London town to go-go 
The crowd is singing along, and Will is screaming with them. You only live once, so why not join in?
When there's no one else in sight, in the crowded lonely night
Now we were having the time of our lives together. I had successfully danced with Will at senior prom. I didn't throw up, I stand in the corner all night, and most importantly, I didn't chicken out like I thought I would.
Maybe there were some things I could do right in life.
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missyourflight · 1 year
we're doing this again! here are some of the things i read/watched in feb:
dopesick: not sure how i feel about the mix of real/created characters! a lot of the sackler stuff i was familiar with from empire of pain (more on patrick radden keefe later) (relatedly i'm so eager for the nan goldin doc to be streaming over here), some great performances, also doesn't disney have money for better wigs?
happy valley (s3): as a nation we don't deserve sarah lancashire. magnificent television!! good thing f1 is coming back so i can continue to experience tension on sundays etc
lovecraft country: i got myself into a whole jonathan majors situation just in time for creed iii and this was Wild. i wasn't always in love with it but it took some massive swings and honestly reminded me a tiny bit of doctor who just in like the genre-of-the-week approach. also wunmi mosaku, my beloved
justified (s3): as ever this should just be the boyd/raylan show. jfc but raylan is bad at his job. i'm torn re: the progressively more deranged gay antagonist bc he was kind of fun but also whew @ some of those backstory elements
full swing: golf to survive! i didn't know any of these men apart from rory mcilroy! bit of a mixed bag but i loved joel dahmen and his caddy and also matt fitzpatrick, tiny stats nerd from sheffield. lol forever @ zak and lando's golf friend defecting to the sketchy saudi tour etc, like fucking obviously
the green ray: woof a bit close to home! aching for connection, crying on holiday... rohmer girl summer forever in my heart
scream 4: just fine until it goes gleefully Bonkers in the last act
scream 5: last act not as much fun as scream 4, jack quaid is charming, weirdly i found some of the stabbings like off-puttingly intense?
great freedom: this was wonderful and i cried. almost shockingly tender at times and just like, we have always been here? franz rogowski is remarkable and i can't wait to see him in passages (ben whishaw basically doing the andrew scott role from cock 14 years on?? i mean)
devotion: see above re: ongoing jonathan majors situation, thought he was beautiful in this, loved the partnership w glen powell. there's a part that's like you think is going to play out like top gun maverick and then it doesn't because it's based on a true story (why is joe jonas here)
magic mike's last dance: obviously doesn't approach the heights of xxl but channing is still so fucking charming (why is she's the man not streaming anywhere here. i need it). i saw it with some friends and one of them was sad afterwards bc her husband never dances with her - not to be like are straight people okay, but are you?
creed: i am not well versed in the rockyverse lore but i Need to see creed iii due to the jonathan majors situation and i really liked this! mbj charming, i do not care for boxing as a sport but ryan coogler can really move a camera, also pleasantly surprised by the liverpool of it all??
creed ii: this was fine! the fighting didn't have anywhere near the impact of the first one bc this director is not as talented as ryan coogler
patrick radden keefe, rogues: really enjoying this collection of some of his new yorker profiles. listening on audio and i feel like it's kind of rare for a non-fiction author to read their own work this well? also this month i listened to his wind of change podcast (was not prepared for the tommy vietor cameo lol) which was a lot of fun but took a lot of time to not really answer the question
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2023 Movie Journey: Masterlist
if you’ve known me for any time at all, you should know by now that i will not watch very many movies this year. i’ll aspire to, i’ll think it’s a good idea, but it’s just not that likely to happen. however, that shouldn’t stop me from the fun of trying! 
my goal was to average one movie a week so by year’s end i’d have seen more than 50. that didn’t come close to happening, but i’ll keep reviewing them here and check them off my watchlist as i go. (this list just keeps getting longer but i enjoyed updating it for 2023.)
last year’s list is here, with every movie i reviewed linked now, in case anybody wants to read those and hasn’t before. 
4th man out (2015)
12 years a slave (2013)
80 for brady (2023)
a family man (2016)
a haunting in venice (2023)
a man called otto (2023)
a room with a view (1985)
a simple favor (2018)
a single man (2009)
a wrinkle in time (2018)
about time (2013)
admission (2013)
after yang (2021)
all the bright places (2020)
always be my maybe (2019)
american fiction (2023)
american gangster (2007)
ammonite (2020)
amsterdam (2022)
an education (2009)
ant man (2015)
ant man and the wasp (2018)
ant man and the wasp: quantumania (2023)
anyone but you (2023)
anything’s possible (2022)
aquaman (2018)
are you there god? it’s me margaret (2023)
arrival (2016)
atonement (2007)
august: osage county (2013)
babylon (2023)
bad education (2019)
barbie (2023)
be kind rewind (2008)
bedazzled (2000)
begin again (2013)
big eyes (2014)
billy elliot (2000)
blockers (2018)
bohemian rhapsody (2018)
bowfinger (1999)
boy erased (2018)
breaking (2022)
brideshead revisited (2008)
bright young things (2003)
burn burn burn (2015)
cairo time (2009)
call jane (2022)
can you ever forgive me? (2018)
catherine called birdy (2022)
chef (2014)
clemency (2019)
coco (2017)
colette (2018)
crazy rich asians (2018)
creed (2015)
creed 2 (2018)
creed 3 (2023)
crouching tiger, hidden dragon (2000)
crush (2022)
cyrano (2021)
damsel (2023)
daughter of the bride (2023)
dazed and confused (1993)
demolition man (1993)
devil’s knot (2013)
die hard 2 (1990)
die hard with a vengeance (1995)
dog day afternoon (1975)
dual (2022)
earth girls are easy (1988)
effie gray (2014)
ella mckay (?)
elvis (2022)
eurovision song contest: the story of fire saga (2020)
fast color (2018)
fighting with my family (2019)
fright night (2011)
galaxy quest (1999)
girls trip (2017)
glass onion: a knives out mystery (2022)
gone girl (2014)
good luck to you, leo grande (2022)
goodbye christopher robin (2017)
gosford park (2001)
gunpowder milkshake (2021)
happy death day (2017)
happy death day 2u (2019)
happy texas (1999)
heart of stone (2023)
her smell (2018)
holes (2003)
honk for jesus. save your soul. (2022)
honor society (2022)
how to talk to girls at parties (2017)
how to train your dragon (2010)
hysteria (2011)
i am not your negro (2017)
i don’t feel at home in this world anymore (2017)
i, tonya (2017)
if beale street could talk (2018)
inception (2010)
indiana jones and the dial of destiny (2023)
infinitely polar bear (2014)
jackie (2016)
jane got a gun (2015)
joyful noise (2012)
judas and the black messiah (2021)
judy blume forever (2023)
junebug (2005)
jupiter ascending (2015)
just mercy (2019)
kajillionaire (2020)
keeping mum (2005)
knife fight (2012)
kubo and the two strings (2016)
laggies (2014)
last holiday (2006)
late night (2019)
legally blonde (2001)
lemonade mouth (2011)
little (2019)
live free or die hard (2007)
logan lucky (2017)
love, simon (2018)
m3gan (2022)
ma rainey’s black bottom (2020)
magic mike xxl (2015)
magic mike: last dance (2023)
mansfield park (1999)
mars attacks! (1996)
mary queen of scots (2018)
master (2022)
master gardener (2022)
me and earl and the dying girl (2015)
meet the robinsons (2007)
megamind (2010)
memento (2000)
men in black international (2019)
mermaids (1990)
midsommar (2019)
migration (2023)
miss pettigrew lives for a day (2008)
miss sloane (2016)
missing (2023)
monkey business (1952)
monuments men (2014)
moonlight (2016)
moonrise kingdom (2012)
moonshot (2022)
moving on (2022)
mr. magorium’s wonder emporium (2007)
mr. mom (1983)
much ado about nothing (2011)
muriel’s wedding (1994)
nancy drew and the hidden staircase (2019)
nanny mcphee (2005)
nanny mcphee returns (2010)
never let me go (2010)
newsies (1992)
no time to die (2021)
nope (2022)
northanger abbey (2007)
not okay (2022)
obvious child (2014)
on the come up (2022)
oppenheimer (2023)
other people (2016)
overboard (2018)
pacific rim (2013)
palm springs (2020)
parasite (2019)
paris is burning (1990)
passing (2021)
penelope (2007)
pete’s dragon (2016)
pirate radio (2009)
please stand by (2017)
polite society (2023)
pride (2014)
pride and prejudice and zombies (2016)
professor marston and the wonder women (2016)
return to oz (1985)
rise of the guardians (2012)
rita moreno: just a girl who decided to go for it (2021)
rocketman (2019)
roll bounce (2005)
rosaline (2022)
saving face (2004)
say anything (1989)
scream (2022)
scream 6 (2023)
see how they run (2022)
seeking a friend for the end of the world (2012)
she said (2022)
shoplifters (2018)
short term 12 (2013)
sing street (2016)
sleeping with other people (2015)
someone great (2019)
sorry to bother you (2018)
soul (2020)
spiderman: far from home (2019)
spiderman: homecoming (2017)
spiderman: into the spiderverse (2018)
spiderman: no way home (2021)
spin me round (2022)
spotlight (2015)
spy kids (2001)
stage fright (2014)
step up (2006)
talk to me (2023)
teeth (2007)
the 355 (2022)
the age of innocence (1993)
the anniversary party (2001)
the batman (2022)
the best exotic marigold hotel (2012)
the breadwinner (2017)
the children act (2017)
the color purple (2023)
the craft: legacy (2020)
the disaster artist (2017)
the divine order (2017)
the emperor’s new groove (2000)
the eyes of tammy faye (2021)
the fall (2006)  
the fallout (2022)
the fighting temptations (2003)
the five year engagement (2012)
the gentlemen (2020)
the godfather (1972)
the godfather part 2 (1974)
the godfather part 3 (1990)
the great gatsby (2013)
the hunchback of notre dame (1996)
the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes (2023)
the hunt (2020)
the iron lady (2011)
the kill room (2023)
the legend of tarzan (2016)
the little mermaid (2023)
the lost city (2022)
the marvels (2023)
the master (2012)
the matrix resurrections (2021)
the menu (2022)
the notebook (2004)
the old guard (2020)
the outfit (2022)
the photograph (2020)
the prestige (2006)
the prince of egypt (1998)
the prom (2020)
the queen (2006)
the royal hotel (2023)
the second best exotic marigold hotel (2016)
the secret garden (2020)
the skeleton twins (2014)
the spy who dumped me (2018)
the suicide squad (2021)
the super mario bros. movie (2023)
the trial of the chicago 7 (2020)
the truman show (1998)
the unbearable weight of massive talent (2022)
the united states vs. billie holiday (2021)
the velocipastor (2018)
the way he looks (2014)
the woman king (2022)
the wonder (2022)
their finest (2016)
this means war (2012)
tootsie (1982)
treasure planet (2002)
troop zero (2019)
two lovers and a bear (2016)
us (2019)
valley girl (2020)
velvet goldmine (1998)
violent night (2022)
venom (2018)
venom: let there be carnage (2021)
victoria & abdul (2017)
walk the line (2005)
wet hot american summer (2001)
what happens later (2023)
what we do in the shadows (2014)
where’d you go, bernadette (2019)
widows (2018)
wild target (2010)
wish (2023)
women talking (2022)
wonka (2023)
yesterday (2019)
young adult (2011)
zombieland: double tap (2019)
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willstheheart · 2 years
Alright I said I’d do it and I fullfilled my promise. He’s another one-shot of Mike realising his feelings while watching someone flirt with Will ;)
Everyone was freaking out. Why was everyone freaking out? What did he miss?
“I can’t believe this” that’s Lucas, and he’s whispering too, clearly trying that the other tables beside them don’t hear their conversation.
“It’s not the first time it happens” El says to him. Also immersed in whatever has caught their attention.
Mike’s confused. He left their table for like a minute just to grab a drink, so what could be happening all of a sudden that made the party this curious? Maybe Will can explain it to him, he’s normally the most unbothered one when it comes to the party’s drama.
He searches for him around the table… Wait. Where’s Will?
“Um, guys…?” no one is listening to him. Everyone is looking in the same direction and Mike’s eyes try to follow the same path. Well, there’s Will, standing next to the counter, probably trying to get himself some ice-cream, and he’s talking to some girl. “What is going on?”
Lucas is nice enough to answer his question, but he’s not even bothering to look away from the scene “Random cute girl is totally flirting with Will.”
“What?!” that came out way too loud, Lucas turns to look at him for a second.
“Don’t yell, they’ll hear you!” he whisper yells at him. Mike covers his mouth with his hand quickly out of reflex.
“Yeah Mike, we only watch and listen on this table, no talking” Max intervenes, clearly living for the situation. She looks at him with a suspicious glint in her eye, like she’s having fun.
“I think I’m allowed to ask, he’s my best friend after all” Mike sits back on his chair next to Dustin, putting his own drink on the table.
“She’s been looking at him from the other side of the room for a while… I caught her staring a couple of times” Dustin informs him. And Mike is left without words for a second. He’s still confused, his brain trying to catch up with the rest. They’re not used to this kind of thing happening to any of them. They’re not popular, everyone is aware, everyone has kind of accepted it. So he’s a little startled at first, was she really flirting or was she just… being mean to Will? Because if so then he’s more than ready to just up and go put a stop to the scene.
He stops for a second, and then his brain starts to work. Starts to make connections.
“El” She looks at him, taking a sip of her milkshake “what do you mean it’s not the first time?”
“Oh yeah, back in California lots of girls tried to get close to him…”
To Will? Girls tried… to get close to Will?
He’s not sure of what face he’s making, because El is now looking at him with the same weird look Max had given him before. Damn it, she really was a bad influence for her. He tries to look at Will and this unknown girl as discreetly as possible.
She’s cute, Lucas is right. Tall, with wavy brown hair, nice smile. Yup, she’s definitely pretty. He focuses on Will now, who’s looking just as awkward and uncomfortable as that one time that girl asked him to dance with her at the Snowball. He’s looking at her with a sort of puzzled expression. Like he’s just as confused as Mike that the pretty girl was talking to him.
Mike’s happy for him, really. Everyone deserves to have someone like them, to feel loved or appreciated. That’s what he learned being with El, even if it hadn’t ended too good for them. They still cherished one another, just not in the same way. They had promised to stay friends forever though, and Mike was more than happy to comply.
“But why?” Lucas is asking, like he doesn’t understand why his friend caught the girl’s attention.
“Are you kidding? Come on Lucas…” Dustin chimes in, sounding a little offended “Will has always been the most popular of the four of us, it’s nothing new.”
“Yeah, I know but still…” Lucas knows? He’s noticed this before? Mike hadn’t noticed. Why hadn’t he noticed that about his best friend?
Max jumps in all of a sudden, sitting back, hand to her chin, like she’s thinking hard, considering. “I see the appeal.”
“You what?” Now Lucas is the offended one. “Excuse me.”
“Sorry but it’s true, Will is really cute.” she crosses her arms now, clearly convinced.
Dustin is nodding along with her, agreeing with what she’s saying “He’s a good guy too, you know? He stayed with me the longest when I came back from the science camp” and that one stings a little bit because Mike remembers quite clearly that he had been the first one to leave. He sinks a little in his seat.
“I mean…” Lucas starts, stops to think for a second “Yeah, I guess I can see it too.” El nods beside him. And then everyone sort of turns to look at him, like they’re waiting for his opinion, that he agrees with them. Mike goes to grab his drink instead, taking a sip, trying to act like he doesn’t notice that everyone is probably expecting him to say something about his best friend being irresistible.
He looks at Will again. Dustin sighs by his side and he suspects that it has something to do with him and it’s not just his friend being jealous of the attention that Will is receiving. Why would he? He already has Suzy.
Right then, he sees Will and the girl saying their goodbyes, Will turning and heading back to their table. Everyone acts like they weren’t looking, creating fake loud conversations with each other. Mike doesn’t. Why would he?
“Who was she?” The question is out before he even really has time to think about asking. He can see Will give him an embarrassed looks before he sits right in front of him.
“I… don’t really know her. She just came up to me to talk I guess.”
“You guess?” Lucas asks, teasing tone on his voice “Come on dude, she was totally interested in you.” Dustin continues to question him.
“Yeah Will, how did it go? Did you give her your number or something?”
“Um, no, she uh… She gave me hers.” And he shows the small note he was clutching in his hand. “I got so nervous I forgot to get my ice-cream.”
“That’s what you’re worried about? The ice-cream?” Will shrugs at them, looking sheepish.
“I just don’t think I will call her, I’m not really interested.”
“Why not?” Mike really needs to start thinking before he blurts out things he doesn’t mean. Will stops for a second, he looks like a fish out of water, uncomfortable, nervous, like he doesn’t really know what to respond to Mike’s very valid question. For a second Mike regrets asking.
“Um… I just don’t think she’s my type.”
“But she was totally hot!” Lucas interjects.
“I guess…” Will does not sound convinced at all. “She was really pretty but I just- don’t think…” He’s struggling to create words, Mike notices “I don’t think it would work out. I’m uh… me?”
Everyone is looking confused now. Dustin, Lucas and Mike open mouthed, eyebrows pulling close together. Max and El haven’t said anything for a while for some reason.
Mike is shocked. What did Will mean by that? Did he think that he wasn’t good enough for that girl? Was that it? Mike is feeling sort of irritated by that, and he lets out an indignant sound.
“Why would you say that, Will? She was practically drooling, dude.”
“Yeah!” Dustin backs him up on this, sounding just as exasperated “She liked you, that’s why she gave you her number, don’t give up before even trying!”
“You should call her, Will.” Lucas continues, his tone a little softer, and Mike is a little touched by all the support given to his best friend. “I think she really did like you, you’re a total catch.”
Will was looking very surprised by this. He was blushing too, clearly taken aback by his friends attempt to give him confidence. And then his expression flipped a little into the uncomfortable look from before.
“Will” and something inside Mike clearly cannot handle seeing his childhood friend like that, so he starts to speak again “You are great. You need to believe it, man. You are the best person ever, you are funny, and-and… and kind. You can create some sick D&D campaigns, you survived the end of the world basically.” He’s counting with his fingers as he enumerates now, like he’s desperately trying to prove a point “You can draw and paint these incredible things, and also you are very…” He stops then. You are very good-looking? Cute? Handsome? What did he almost say just now?
“Um…” he sits back, pretending like he just almost spewed out something he didn’t mean to say “Anyway! My point is…! If you want to you should give her a call!”
The conversation ends there. Max tries to change the subject, for Will’s peace of mind. 
They leave after a while, Max and El on the bus, the boys on their bikes. Lucas and Dustin say goodbye one after the other before taking a detour and driving to their own houses. And now Mike is alone with Will.
They haven’t really talked to each other since Mike’s rambling at the mall. He turns his face a little to the right. Will is riding slightly ahead of him. And Mike can’t stop thinking about it, about the fact that he had almost called Will hot to his face. And not in the matter of fact, objective way Lucas or Dustin had implied it, because if that’s so why did Mike feel like he was running out of breath? Why did his heart beat so fast at the thought of it?
Will had changed a lot. From his position slightly behind him he can see Will’s shirt stretching over his back, his sleeves rolled up his arms, forearms visible, strong and tan. He looks at his profile, his hair wild and moving with the wind, face peaceful now, a healthy pink color on his cheeks and ears. Mikes eyes go down without thinking, shamelessly staring at Will’s butt in front of him.
“Bye, Mike, see you tomorrow.” Will’s voice startles him then, deep and seemingly unaware of Mike’s devilish thoughts. Mike almost falls off his bike, scared that he’d been caught.
“Yeah! see you, Will.” And his friend turns in the next street, leaving him alone.
Mike breathes again. Oh, no.
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