the-angry-pixie · 1 year
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the losers love each other moodboards (8/?) - Mikeverly 🌼
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boyduroy · 3 years
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I'm a moon-walker, I'm like MJ up in the clouds ☁️
{for full effect, go listen to Dancing's Not a Crime on repeat for a full week straight v3v}
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hanlonging · 4 years
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feeling productive so I made charts on pairing / character popularity based on AO3 tag counts
sources: AO3 and too much time procrastination
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antisociallilbrat · 4 years
Sunflowers: DGMR Chp.1
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Ableist character warning, R and F slur warning.
A/N: Long time no see lovelies.
All things considered, his first morning at public school could’ve been a lot worse.
He still had his nerves, still felt like everyone was looking at him, but he would just keep up the mantra his mom had instilled in him when she dropped him off this morning. “It’s going to be a good year Bill. Yes, everyone will be staring at your chair, but eventually it’ll lose it’s shiny newness and they’ll forget that you’re even in it. It will be a good day. ”
God, he hopes she’s right.
Having his mom drop him off was nice, allowing him to get to class early enough that there were hardly any students in the hall. And the ones that were were too groggy and out of it, first day back to school and all.
Plus Eddie and Stan were right there to greet him bright and early. Eddie in his polo, excitedly bristling on about the new year, Stan listening to his frenzied prattling with a small smile. Stan was dressed almost like a miniature professor in his opinion, which made him a little self conscious of his choice in jeans and a simple red t-shirt. (The t-shirt matched his gloves, and with Bill, that was as much outfit coordination as it gets.) But that was soon forgotten as Eddie showed Bill to his locker.
“Wait don’t touch that!” Bill had looked up at Eddie in confusion, mid reach to his locker handle. Eddie paid him no mind as he reached into his murse or man purse (Eddie absolutely hates when Bill calls it that, but he himself couldn’t find a better word for it) to pull out sanitizing wipes. He wiped down Bill’s locker and then proceeded to do the same to his locker, which thanks to some string pulling and pulling the wheelchair card, was right above Bill’s. Stan’s locker was located down the hall, but still within viewing distance.
Eddie helped Bill stuff his locker full with all the things his mom had bought for him for the impending year. They had gone school shopping, just the two of them, after Bill’s monthly visit with Dr. Gray. A visit that bore nothing but bad news that his mom went a little overboard with the buying, trying to lighten up both their moods. It was a vain attempt, and the news Bill had received still lurks in the back of his mind like an overcast cloud, but dammit! He would not let it affect his first day of high school!
Stan had come by soon enough, to show Bill the way to their advanced English class, kissing Eddie on the cheek as he made his way to his own class that morning.
Being alone with Stan was new, but not necessarily bad. It was quiet, but not really awkward quite. That being said, when Bill pulled up the desk that was obviously hauled in to accommodate him, he still expected Stan to go sit elsewhere, maybe by some of his other friends.  
Instead Stan sat in the desk right next to Bill and flashed him a smile as he pulled out his notebook and pencils. Yes, today will be a good day. He just knows it.
Bill started to doubt that sentiment as the class started to fill up with students, each of them taking a second look at Bill as they entered. His desk, annoying, was right at front, so he felt like he was some freak on display at an exhibit. They look at him, and then immediately to the chair, their eyes to never return to him. Mostly they looked at him with curiosity, but he did catch a few looks of annoyance, as if his disability would somehow impede them.
He could hear the whispers starting up behind, catching questions like “Isn’t that that Bill kid? The one that was in that accident?”  with jabs at him, jokes about short buses and asking if he’s in the right class, if he should be in the one with the key codes on the doors. This was only the first class, he suddenly wants to just curl up under a blanket at home in his bed. Maybe his mom was wrong.
“Don’t listen to them. Their lives are so boring they’ll find anything to talk about.” Stan’s voice cuts through his growing doubt and he looks over at Stan smiling at him, a comforting smile, “I bet their choices are either talk about the new kid or their summer, which only consisted of getting high and having mediocre hetero sex.”
This gets a snort out of Bill, not getting a chance to reply as the teacher walks in just as the late bell rings, closing the door behind him.
He looks like a very tired old man, age spots adorning his face, receding gray hairline. Walking up the podium in front of the class, he sets down his thermos on it before turning to write his name on the white board behind him.
Mr. Wallace. Bill knew this though, as he’s sure the rest of the class does already as well.
The teacher turns around, eyes landing on Bill. He looks briefly confused as his eyes linger on Bill’s desk, but then seems to suddenly remember something as he shrugs it off.
“Good morning students, I am Mr. Wallace and I will be your advanced English teacher for this year. To get started I will be calling out roll, if you have a preferred nickname then what’s on the roll, please tell me after class. Do not interrupt.” He pulls a folder out of the briefcase he’s brought in with him, as an awkward silence that can only be found on the first day of class at the start of the year fills the room.
A few moments of rustling papers and it seems Mr. Wallace has found his list, “Okay, let’s begin. Jonathan Brandis?”
A guy with blonde hair in a Derry High sea explorer’s club t-shirt lets out a “Here,” and the list starts. Bill tentatively waits for his name to be called, feeling quite proud when he doesn’t stutter through his confirmation. Though he does cringe a little at the use of  his full name, he’ll have to let Mr. Wallace know he goes by Bill after class.
Mr. Wallace for his part doesn’t even look up from his list, seeming to have no desire to actually match names to faces.
That is, until he calls out a name and gets no reply for the first time. “Richard Tozier?” He’s scanning the room out of the tops of his reading glasses as if the person in question will just suddenly appear.
He goes unanswered and again and just decides to move on. Bill hears a disapproving huff from Stan and turns to look, making eye contact with him. He just gives Bill a look that looks as if it means to say ‘good, let him not be here’.
Eventually the list is finished and Mr. Wallace is handing out the year's syllabus, Richard Tozier momentarily forgotten from Bill’s mind. Mr. Wallace begins a PowerPoint about what kind of books they will be reading this year in class and what is to be expected of them as students in advanced English. Bill’s a little disappointed and a little relieved to see that over half the reading list for the year, he’s already read. He’ll probably just reread them again, just for the hell of it. God, he feels like such a dork.
It must be half way through class, Bill dutifully taking notes on what Mr. Wallace is saying, before the classroom door slams open. “Gauley Mr. Wallace! Can you believe I slept through six alarms? And on the first day too! Way to start off my junior year! Am I right ladies?”
Half the class laughs while the other half groans, Stan groaning and Bill laughing. Mr. Wallace doesn’t look the slightest bit amused at the new guy’s shenanigans, “And who are you exactly?”
“Tozier, Richie Tozier,” he says with a positively bad British accent. He’s dressed in an awful Hawaiian t-shirt, black jeans and converse. With crazy curled hair half pulled up into a man bun, showing off his ears which are pierced, Bill can not believe for one second that Eddie, Eddie Kaspbrak, dated this guy...He’s kinda hot though.
Bill quickly pushes that last thought from his mind, as Mr. Wallace grumbles something, telling Richie to take a seat. To which the only available seat happens to be right next to Stan, who looks absolutely thrilled...not.  
He walks by Bill’s desk, and he can smell the cigarette smoke hanging off him. He also has to crane his head to look up at his face, since he’s so damn tall . Nope Bill refuses to be attracted to this guy, no way.
It doesn’t help when Bill peaks past Stan to see Richie already smirking at him. He has the audacity to point a finger gun at him and wink! Bill quickly looks away, a blush creeping down his neck.
Mr. Wallace finishes up his first day lecture with about five minutes to spare before the bell for change of class. A grace period before the bell ensues, giving Bill time to freak out over his next class. Anatomy with Ms. Ryder. Anatomy means a science classroom which means tables instead of desks and he’s not too sure what accommodations the school has made for him in there, if any, only that it’s probably embarrassing. More likely than not, they brought a desk in for him, to sit all by himself at. Alone. Signifying him as an outsider.
“Bill you have your next class in the science hall correct? Do you know how to get there?” Stan breaks through his thoughts, genuine concern for his new friend twinkling in his eyes.
Yes and no, he’s vaguely aware of where the science hall is. Though the location of his next class down there is a total mystery. His mom and him had come and walked the school, finding his classes a week prior. Now it seems all that carefully planned information has evacuated his brain. Fucking coinvent. So he smiles and nods his head, hoping that appeases Stan.
Stan obviously doesn’t buy his bullshit for one minute. “Bill if you don’t know where-”
“I can show him where it is. Let me flirt with the new guy Staniel, you already have my ex.”
The look of concern for Bill instantly turns to a look of annoyance for Richie when Stan realizes he’s been easy dropping. Not even turning over his shoulder to look at him, he replies, “Thanks but no thanks. Leave us alone trashmouth.”
Bill can see Richie in clear view over Stan’s shoulder, and briefly sees a look of hurt flashes across his face. He’s not even sure he saw it, as Richie stands up out his desk and swaggers over to sit on Bill’s, turning his back to Stan. That earns an indigent huff from the latter.  
“I say the new kid can answer for himself, can’t ya toots?” He tops it off with another wink towards him.
“I-I-I- I’m-m-” he’s stammering and it’s not because he has a stutter. The blush has returned and it’s spreading down his neck once again, he can’t bring himself to look Richie in the eye. This must be some cruel joke, flirting with the new disabled kid. That word burns like venom in his brain.
“By gee, I do believe I’ve taken your breath away,” he easily rolls out in a bad southern accent, clearly amused by Bill’s reaction.
“Richie leave him alone!”
Stan is standing now, by Bill’s desk, and appears ready to push Richie off of it. And Richie, well he looks a little taken back by it. He can tell now by Richie’s expression, he didn’t mean to cause any discomfort, he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong. He was only wanting to joke around, to joke around with Bill. And people get so protective of Bill, always assuming he’s fragile. That he can’t be treated normally because he may break more. He doesn’t fault Stan for acting this way, he’ll learn in time that Bill Denbrough is not fragile, but it’s refreshing to meet someone who doesn’t take that approach to him, or instead just bullies him.
He gulps and tries to break the growing tension in the air, “He’s fuh-fine Stan.” He places his hand on Stan’s elbow, causing to jump a little before shooting a look towards Bill, not believing his statement. “Serious-luly Stan. It’s okay,” Sending a reassuring smile towards him, he turns his attention to the giant sitting on his desk still. “You cuh-can show me the way, just don’t get me l-lost.”
Richie visibly relaxes, “Can do! I can even show you the best places to hide to smoke and have some pretty person along the way!” they both see the disapproving look Stan shoots him, causing Richie to laugh, “Don’t worry Stanny boy! I’ll show you too someday! Maybe you and Eds will finally have place to-”
“Beep Beep Richie.”
Richie must know not to push that issue as he quickly drops the rest of that statement. Bill’s kinda glad too, he’d rather not think about his best friend like that. “I think just the cluh-class will do. Maybe another tuh-time.” He’s kinda proud of the devious smile Richie shoots back at him.
“You betcha hot rod, my next class is also in the science hall.”
Stan looks mad but before he can say anything, stick up for Bill’s honor or some shit, Bill is laughing. Fucking hot rod?? That's the best he can do, hot rod? He can honestly say he’s never heard that one. “Don’t, don’t call m-me that aguh-again,” there's no malic in his tone, and Richie looks so happy to cause him to laugh.
“Alright alright, I’ll save that for our second date toots. In the meantime, what's the name?”
“Just B-Bill please.”
“Okay Billiam! If you haven’t noticed, the name’s Richie.”
“Or trashmouth,” Stan snorts.
Richie looks like he’s about to rebuttal when the bell rings. “That's our cue Billiam! Let’s go.”
The problem arises when everyone gets up to rush out the class door, leaving Richie, Stan, and Bill to awkwardly leave the class last. Stan gives them an unsure look before going his separate ways, telling Bill to meet him at lunch.
Bill struggles a little to keep up with Richie, long legs carrying him ungracefully through the halls. Richie sees him struggling and boldly takes the initiative to just push Bill through the halls. The whole thing catches him by surprise and typically it would piss him off, but Richie is talking animatedly above him, gesturing to places they pass and spilling little secrets he knows. It gives Bill the vague impression of being on a tour guide so he just relaxes back in his chair, trying to pay as much attention as he can to Richie.
All too soon they reach his next class, “Well Mr. Bill it looks like we’ve reached our next stop.”
Richie is looking down at him now, toothy smile and all and Bill can’t help himself from swooning a little. “I’ll see you around Bill.”
Richie turns to leave him in front of the door, and Bill watches the mess that is Richie Tozier walk down the hall, a million questioning thoughts racing through his head. Of course now is not the time to dwell on those, his next class is starting.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur, each one relatively the same. First day syllabuses and kids gawking and making hushed comments about the new kid, about the chair. Some teachers ignore Bill all together or pay extra attention because they think they get bonus points from someone if they’re extra nice to the wheelchair kid.
He does meet the kid named Ben in his art class though, the one that’s also friends with Eddie. They immediately hit it off, and Bill likes his completely soft and sweet demeaner. They’ll be great friends, he already knows. His art class is right before lunch so him and Ben have no problem walking there together.
At lunch he’s reunited with Eddie and Stan, also meeting Mike and Bev. They’re ridiculously sweet together, and if they were single, Bill’s pretty sure he’d have a crush on both of them. Bev was so sweet, and he didn’t even mind that her eyes kept trailing back to the chair. She was obviously curious about it, but held all her questions. They all did. He was able to laugh and chat with them at lunch like a normal teenager.
Stan recounted their story from the first period involving Richie, groaning when he told them his ‘awful’ jokes from the morning. Bill didn’t think they were that bad, he actually thought Richie was quite funny. At least Bev seemed to share that same sentiment. When Stan told them that Richie had called him hot rod , Eddie got offended for him, like Stan did. Apologizing for the trashmouth, to which Bill told him not worry about it, no hurt feelings. He was half tempted to tease Eddie for dating Richie, but decided not to push his luck.
Throughout lunch Bill found himself constantly scanning the room for the man in question, to no avail. He must eat lunch somewhere else. Probably in one of those nooks he pointed out to Bill early. Maybe he was there with a pretty girl. No, he doesn’t want to think about that.
Mike and him actually had the next class together, and listened as Mike gave him a little bit more information about himself. Mike was homeschooled for most of his life, only transferring to public school at the start of the year. So he wouldn’t have known of Bill before the accident, but he already knows Mike must have heard the rumors that have started circling since his return.
Mike actually met Ben first and the two bonded over history and being outsiders. Through Ben he met Eddie and Stan, and last but not least, Bev. He didn’t go into too much detail about that, Bev was the romantic one out of them according to him, but Bill did find out a surprising fact. Bev actually hung around Eddie and Stan because she had a crush on Stan.
That of course was before Stan was out as gay, and it didn’t matter anyways. Shortly after meeting Mike, her crush on him was long forgotten. Bill noted how Mike looked a little smug when he admitted that fact. The two ended up getting together way before Eddie and Stan.
By the end of their shared class, history, they exchanged numbers. Much like he did with Ben after art. His first day of school was turning out not to be totally shit after all, his mom was right.
That is, until the end of day came around.
It was supposed to be simple. He just needed to go to the front of the school where Stan and Eddie were, from there they would walk Bill home. Simple. And he almost made it too, if he didn’t get stopped in the near vacant hallway.
“Long time no see B-B-Billy boy.”
Fear shoots down his spine, it’s been years but he knows that voice. He should pretend like he didn’t hear and keep moving.
That’s a choice he doesn’t get though as two strong hands grab hold of the back of his chair, preventing him from going anywhere. A boy with a horrible self cut mullet walks in front Bill, leering down at him. Henry Bowers.
Two of his goons stand to the side of him, their faces have aged but he knows they’re Victor Criss and Belch Huggins. That means the guy holding his chair is…
Looking up he sees Patrick Hockstetter staring him down like he’s piece meat. He looks a lot scarier than he did when he used to terrorize Bill and Eddie on the playground.
Panic is setting in, he’s all alone in the hallway with them, the other kids have already vacated the premises. Bill curses the fact that he had to go to the office after his last class, give some bullshit report on the how the desks are working for him.
“We thought we wouldn’t have to deal with stuttering Bill anymore after your dad wrapped your car around a lamp post.” Henry places his hands on either side of Bill on his armrests, getting his face level with him. Bill will not let Henry see how scared he is.
“Fuck off Buh-Bowers.” He sounds braver than he feels.
Henry doesn’t look the least bit fazed. “Look boys! He speaks! Here I was thinking that it wasn’t just his legs that were broken, that he had become a retard too.”
In a moment of anger Bill lunges to punch him, only for Patrick to yank his chair back and his fist to only collide with air instead. They all laugh at his pathetic attempt.
“Sorry Henry, maybe you spoke too soon,” Patrick sneers, still chuckling.
“Let me g-go!” The word ‘please’ sits on his tongue but he knows it won’t get him anywhere.
“Where’s the fun in that? I’m bored and I’m starting to wonder how fast we can get you flying in this chair of yours.” Henry’s goons all make agreeing sounds like he’s just come up with the best idea ever. He feels so screwed.
He briefly wonders if yells loud enough that maybe a teacher will come running. Or not, they didn’t back then when Henry terrorized him. Turns out he doesn’t need to anyways as a new voice joins the group.
“Really Henry? Bullying the new kid on the first day of school? That’s a new low even for you.” All their heads snap around to face Richie, who’s just come down the hallway.
“Fuck off Tozier, this doesn’t concern you.” Henry has finally pulled away from Bill.
“That is technically true. But lay off him would ya? You have all year to terrorize him.” As he speaks he’s slowly inching his way towards Bill. “Why don’t you go bully one of your normal kids. What about the one that spits when he talks? I saw him by the bike rack not too long ago.”
“I’ll do whatever I want Faggot and right now I think the the cripple needs to be reintroduced to how things work around here. Now fuck-”
A grunt comes from behind Bill and all of a sudden he is flying through the hallways.
“You’re dead Tozier! You hear me?! DEAD!”
It’s not Henry yelling that, but Patrick. Richie is hauling ass pushing Bill down the hall, but he still manages to look back to see a pissed off Patrick holding his bloody nose. Richie must’ve hit him.
He looks up at Richie, who is flushed from running and pushing him and he looks radiant . His dopey smile causes Bill to fall back in his chair laughing. Yes the Bower’s gang will want them both dead, but that’s a problem for another day.
Teachers yell out their doorways as Richie sprints down the halls towards the front of the school. Henry and his gang aren’t chasing after him so Richie is just running for the hell of it. Bill likes the feeling of flying.
Richie finally comes to a stop when they burst out the front of the school, slightly panting and still smiling. Stan and Eddie are on the sidewalk looking worried, only looking confused and slightly annoyed when they see the pair laughing in front of the doors.
“Some advice for the future, don’t go picking fights with Bowers on your first day. I won’t always be around to be your knight in shining armor.”
The audacity of this guy he chuckles to himself. “Oh puh-please! I had it under khu-control. I was just about to rol-ll over Patruh-ricks foot.”
“Well cool, next time they corner me, I expect you to return the favor Billiam,” Richie looks up to see Stan and Eddie making their way towards them, “Ah looks like the misses is coming, that’s my cue to scram.”
Bill doesn’t even get to thank him or say goodbye before Richie starts walking away, “See ya tomorrow Big Bill!” Shooting up a peace sign as he goes.
Eddie is with him, asking questions Bill doesn’t hear as he thinks about just how easy it is to develop a crush on the trashmouth.
A/N: I'm sorry about Henry! I felt icky writing that dialogue, but I am keeping him in character, and well, that's what to be expected from Henry. He won't be in the story much dw.  Let me know what you think so far! What news did Dr. Grey give Bill that he doesn't want to think about? Will Bowers continue to be a problem for the school year? Will Bill finally speak more in his own fic? Find out (maybe) next time! (Also caps off to you if you got some references) Also also, fic updates for this one every friday !
Tags: @kleokhan 
If you want to be tagged for this fic or any other, please let me know !
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denrbough · 4 years
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I really like the idea of the other losers helping around the farm as teens. Mike and Bev went to the garden shop to get some flowers and now they're deciding where to plant them.
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reddiekast · 5 years
Mike: I am NOT going to answer that.
Bev: Come on! Between all of the losers if you had to, if you had to, who would you punch?
Mike: I don't know, they're my friends!
Bev: Is it Richie?
Mike: yeah but I don't know why
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serendipitous-magic · 5 years
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Mikeverly in yellow for @the-angry-pixie
This is such a lovely concept, agh!
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mikeyourownbusiness · 5 years
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oh-tea-seven · 5 years
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Me and Mike stole our best girl and we’re trying to have fun after everything today — it’s rainy but there’s something in the air!!
- Ben
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
♡ Valentine’s Day is coming up! Send me prompts for some V-Day drabbles. ♡
specify pairing and if you want smut and/or fluff
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boyduroy · 3 years
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shut up and dance with me! ⭐
{lineart for my dancing loser prompts. Can't decide if I want to ruin them digitally or with Prismacolor markers ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯}
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the-angry-pixie · 5 years
For me I'd say Ben? The guy in the gif looks kind of bulky? So yes Ben imo. Though I could also see it being Richie. Simply because he seems like the Loser who would instigate any sort of sexual endeavour.
It could be Ben - but I always think of him as kind of private and self-conscious when it comes to sexual stuff. Whereas these peeps appear to be going at in full daylight in a non-bedroom setting.
I personally was thinking Mike. I’ve always thought of him and Bev as having a very playful dynamic. I believe they are both very sexually comfortable people, so I can see them getting into lots of cheeky mischief together.
referring to this nsfw post
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
That's all
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Mike Hanlon Friendship head canons
Mike Hanlon just being really good friends with his friends
Their friendship is the epitome of the word ‘PRANKED’
Mike is never calm when he and Richie hang out
Both trigger each other’s fight of flight response
Dare each other on stupid shit all the time
Fuck each other up with conspiracies
‘Dude, the government killed J.F.K’
“Bro, if god made land animals and water animals, he probably made space animals too. Aliens.”
Make Karaoke night a thing and always *very dramatically* sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’
Each other’s wingmen
Play with action figures and fight each other like nerds
Will push each other off a cliff for experiment
‘Two brooooossss, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz’ they’re not gay’
Encourage each other to do the best all the time
Take care of each other buds
One of them is sick?
Well shit, now both of them sick, because no friend will suffer alone
Sensitive hour, feelings are talked about with these two
Trying things for the first time buds
Trust each other with the other’s life
Lying isn’t a thing between them, the truth always
Resemble a happy married couple
Each other’s light in the darkest times
They are cute as hell and it makes everyone cry
‘Stop right there, I just want you to know I love and cherish you and if anything were to ever happen to you, I’d kill everyone in this world then myself.’
‘Okay, but me too.’
Either doing homework together or dancing together
Probably dancing
Eddie loves doing the ‘Dirty Dancing’ with Mike
Romantic Comedy Movie buddies
Bunk Bed Buddies
‘Hey I’d die for you.’
‘Not if I die for you first.”
‘Wtf’ (Most likely Stan)
Have monthly friendship anniversaries because they’re extra as hell
Go market shopping together for the group because they love their friends
Cuddle sessions at least once a week
Totally sad if they don’t see each other once everyday
Have plans of going to Vegas and taking cheesy tourist pictures
Mom Friends, they mom each other to no extent
Eddie molds his body into Mike’s bike basket and he regrets it when his legs are pressed against his rib cage
They watch horror/psychological movies at like 3 a.m and they regret it every time
“What the hell, what the hell, what the hell.”
Museum dates as friends, because, friendship
Have a secret language 
They only speak in looks
It pisses off the other losers to no end
They do Finger Guns as a greeting and a goodbye 
Have dreams of starting a store together, it will happen, one day
Tease Richie together
He hates it
Share food when together like a couple
Make forts and read to each other
They write stories and create imaginary worlds together and it’s cute
Mike carries Stan bridal style everywhere
Have a handshake for each day of the week
‘The Cool Ones’
Piggy Bank rides to the quarry 
Surprise, it’s Mike on Bev’s back
Call each other ‘Babe’ and sometimes random white suburban mom names
‘Alright, Karen.’
‘Thanks, Shelly’
Would fight anyone for each other
Exotic food tryers together
Judge each other’s outfits hardcore, but they don’t take it personally
They can dance and love to show off together
They’re friends on the school ground but enemies on the basketball court, football field, tennis court, the HOCKEY TABLE, ect.
Would blackmail each other with fetus photos for whatever reason
Bicker like a married couple
Share clothes all the time
Have a theme song for when they enter a room
Are they?!??! A thing?!?!?
Have a plan to marry each other if they don’t have an s.o at 40
Either two little angels or two little devils, no between
Hand holds, bear hugs, all that pda shit
Always each other’s new years kiss, they don’t give a flying fuck
They laugh that kinda laugh when you can’t breathe and you have to but the situation is just too funny, ya’ know
Sleepovers with no sleep
Will fight each other
Will kiss each other
All in good nature
‘Bill, why are there pancakes on the ceiling?’
‘I t-tried to pu-pull a Gordan Rah-Rahmsey...It didn’t wor-work out.’
Stupid as hell together but somehow manage to be smart and get stuff done
All nighters with Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ playing in the background
They try to sneak out but Bill’s hands slip and accidentally press a button on Mike beat box and Duran Duran’s ‘Hungry Like The Wolf’ begins to play
I just love Mike sm and he needs more content so here are some friendship headcanons! 
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camoolla · 6 years
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robinsactualgf · 6 years
hi please someone rp IT with me, i want to make an rp group on discord. if you're interested message me, richie's the only one taken 💕
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