jammin-media-medium · 6 months
Political dark funny story thing idk
Henry kissenger is dead, taking his final breaths, after his life has flashed before his eyes, he's transported to the next world.
Youth and viggor restored to him, to his golden years,the best man he was, the best man he could've ever been. This must be heaven, he thought, and opened his eyes.
Forced through fire and flames by spike and spear by demons and the possessed, he was driven to a giant pile of buring coals, handed a shovel and told to dig, he tried to fight, he tried to run, he tried to hide and he tried to die, and he died and died and cried and cried until he picked up a shovel.
And so he shoveled, shoveled and shoveled his back in every swing, his arms in ever lift, burned and singed by every falling ember but once he found a rhythm it wasn't too bad,
burned by the coals and worked to the bone. At least he had something to do, time to think about his life as the centuries swing by, until finally the pile was low enough to see the peak
Wanting to be the ruler of whatever meek kingdom he possessed, he ran school boy like up the mountain of hot coals, his hand and feet burned black and blistered ,but now standing the tallest around, basking in his own glory.
looking down he saw another man digging the same pile of coals
Running after him, running for human contact, after years in silent, Henry tripped and fell down the hot coals, tumbling buring and rolling the whole way down until stopping and looking up meeting the man's gaze
Henry was meet with a look of shock, the man's mouth left a gape then quickly replaced with anger.
"are you Henry fucking kissenger" came a turnt respones, a meek yes was all Henry could manage after years of silence.
" I knew, I was a bad guy, I accepted my place in hell, but on the same level as Henry fucking kissenger, go fuck yourself, there must have been a fucking mistake ,YO JERRY "
The man ranted and raved paying no mind to Henry until a demon swooped in from smoke-filled sky's up above
jet black wings blowing gales of smoke into henrys face as it landed with a thud revealing a blood red body dotted with flecks of white bone, a sharp tooth grin and spoke with a broklin accent.
"Yo Mikey, what's up, what's all the commotion forrrr" the demon and mikey begain chatting like old friends, Henry guess after enough time anyone can be friends but his demon never spoke to him .
"There's no mistake mikey he's meant to be hear" the demon folded his arms
"fuck that, I'm going to make a complaint" Jerry pointing a finger in the demons face which huffed and started walking away
" if you wanna go do that you'd hav to go talk to the big guy down stairs......and you'd have to take HIM with you" the demon point at Henry using a thumb over his shoulder
Jerry spun on a dime and pointed at Henry " YOU, you're coming with me "
the man grabbed Henry by what reminded of his coal singed suit
"NO IM NOT " Henry finally managing to break his silence and started fighting back
Jerry pulled Henry in close "listen here you war criminal piece of shit, come with me now or I'll beat you to death. " ............
with that, the rage in the Jerry's eyes dissappeared, he let's go of Henry collar
A look of joy and wonder in jerrys eyes: "It's been so long I totally forgot I could do that "
Jerry began to beat Henry kissenger to death, when his limp broken body finally died Henry was born again, and died again, and again , and again until Jerry's skin was stained red by All of Henry blood, dotted with white with flakes of bone from the thousands of years bashing henry kissenger skull in, and when henry kissenger was finally truly broken, Jerry sprouted jet black wings and flew off to the smoke filled sky
Every time a war criminal dies
a demon earns their wings
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cliffordchick · 7 years
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Happy 22nd Birthday Michael!
November 20, 2017
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holymalvm · 7 years
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broken pieces by 5 seconds of summer.
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ghostsofhood · 7 years
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I’m ignoring the bar’s dirty mirror just cause my hair looked good
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puckerupmikey · 7 years
What's your favorite type of pie, ice cream, and cake?
pie: apple or strawberry
ice cream: merlot raspberry truffle
cake: i don’t really have one!
thanks beeb!
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sillavie · 7 years
Hiya. It's almost been a year now since we first communicated with each other. I love you. 💚💜🖤
Aaaaaaa youre right! 🥂 I wanna do a toast thingy 🥂(or should I say, eggs in a basket thingy ayyyy nvm)Myrena! We still havent gotten bored of each other yet!!!! You know what that means: youre still stuck with me weeeeee!Sometimes I can’t believe we are friends, I feel like we are so close but theres this giant ass pool of water between us? Lol. Youre literally the pen pal I never had except you are my homie and the absolute best. Anyway, to many more years of friendship! 🍾 (my mind keeps going like*plop* when I see that emoji like wtf mind calm down)
Love you homie 💜
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dangerdaysdiary · 4 years
From Cassie the Venomous... A Danger Days FAQ
You can find the original post on Cassie’s website here.
Frequently asked 'Danger Days...' Questions Answered!March 18, 2011Now that My Chemical Romance's Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys is out, I'm finding more and more questions about it leading people to this site. I figured it would be beneficial to address some of the ones that are asked most frequently in one place for the benefit of all! I hope this helps! ORIGINAL POST:  November 24, 2010 @ 11:57 P.M. UPDATED: March 18, 2011 @ 9:47 P.M. ____ The Killjoys Fun Ghoul -Corresponding MCR member: Guitarist, Frank Iero -Raygun: Green with horror-style stickers attached to it -Symbol: A smiling face with one eye crossed out and a jagged mouth -Physical Description: Wears a yellow shirt with black-striped accents over which he wears a military vest. In the video for "SING," Fun Ghoul bears a scar on the right side of his face at his mouth. -Mask: Purple and green Frankenstein mask -Additional Information: ... Jet Star -Corresponding MCR member: Guitarist, Ray Toro -Raygun: Blue with red and white details and the text "BECAUSE I SAID SO" -Symbol: Star with a face and a lightening bolt rising from its left side -Physical Description: Wears an eyepatch on his right side. His jacket displays an American flag on its back. -Mask: Black astronaut-style helmet -Additional Information: The original name for Jet Star was "Raygun Jones." Kobra Kid -Corresponding MCR member: Bassist, Mikey Way -Raygun: Red with white details and a decal that says "deluxe" (his raygun was originally named "Demon-shark Deluxe"). -Symbol: the face of a hissing cobra -Physical Description: Wears a red jacket over a yellow-and-black zebra-print shirt -Mask: Yellow helmet with blue and red eye-like details that displays the message “GOOD LUCK” on its visor -Additional Information: In addition to his raygun, Kobra Kid can also be seen using a power glove in the video for “Na Na Na…." Mikey describes Kobra Kid as a "misunderstood" character with a "short temper" who "knows Kung-Fu." Party Poison -Corresponding MCR member: Vocalist, Gerard Way -Raygun: yellow with pink details and "Give Me Money" written in Japanese on its side. -Symbol: pill with an "X" beneath it -Physical Description: Wears a blue jacket with red details, a "dead pegasus" logo on the front and his Killjoy symbol on the back -Mask: yellow domino mask with blue circular details and clown-style eyes or a decorated "mousekat" helmet. -Additional Information: Party Poison was among the Danger Days... characters active on Twitter preceding the album's release. The Killjoys' names, which Mikey Way told NME are "themed after designer drugs," started as the names of their rayguns, but later turned into character names. The band has said that their Killjoy personas are not characters they are playing, but how they picture themselves in the future. Are the Killjoys Dead? Currently, as a result of the “SING” video, the Killjoys are presumed dead. However, a picture from Gerard Way of “Party Poison” in what appears to be an unzipped body bag (left) captioned “Killjoys never die” has many fans questioning how dead they truly are. UPDATE: April 10, 2011 Dr. Death Defying tweeted: that "there are four acceptable levels of dead after posting an ode to Party Poison, whom he called "dearly departed." More information will follow if the four levels of dead are explained further. Dr. Death Defying Played by Steve Righ? of Mindless Self Indulgence, Dr. Death Defying is the smooth-talking narrator who filters in-and-out of Danger Days…. He is a D.J. for 109 F.M., WKIL, a pirate radio station that operates in the Zones. He is recognized by his “Slaughtermatic Sounds” jacket, which also says “Jackals” and “Philly,” his aviator sunglasses and the bandanna he wears tied around his head. Dr. Death Defying uses an electric wheelchair because of an apparent injury to his left leg, to which an electric brace is strapped. In an hour-long video “listening party” hosted by the D.J., the character implied that he is a veteran, possibly of the Helium Wars, which have been alluded to vaguely. Show Pony and the Girl Show Pony, the character who can be recognized by his "NOISE" half-shirt, blue-and-white polka-dot tights & helmet and rollerskates is the companion of Dr. Death Defying, the narrator of Danger Days... (played by Steve from Mindless Self Indulgence). Show Pony is played by performer Ricky "Rebel" (Twitter | Reverbnation). Rebel opened for My Chemical Romance as Show Pony at the band's Hollywood album release show. The actress who plays the Killjoy girl in the videos, whose character name has thus far only been "the Girl," goes by Grace Jeanette. She, too, is an actress and a musical performer. The Girl's role in the Danger Days world appears to be a significant one; as, she was kidnapped by Better Living Industries for a stull-unknown reason. The Zones and Battery City
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The Killjoys world centers around Battery City and its surrounding concentric Zones. The map to the left shows how the Zones are laid out in relation to the city. Utopian Battery City is central, corporate, clean and the center of manufacturing. It is where Battery Towers is located. Battery City, California is the setting for My Chemical Romance's "SING" video, to give you a better perception of what it looks like. The setting for the "Na Na Na..." video is in the Zones, which are a more lawless, desert terrain in which the Killjoys live, run and fully embrace their freedom. The Zones are dirty, wild and dangerous-- the opposite of Battery City. Geographic landmarks include: Route Guano, which is the road on which Gerard has said, "the shit happens." It is where Jet Star and Kobra Kid are "ghosted" by an exterminator in the Danger Days... track "Jet-Star and The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report." "The Getaway Mile," which may be a specific location, is mentioned in the song "Bulletproof Heart." There is also a place which Dr. Death Defying on Twitter called "Wolfblood Beach." Better Living Industries Better Living Industries (Also known as BLI, BL/ind, or BL industries) is the corporation that controls Battery City. The corporation strives to bring about structure in a post-apocalyptic world. It is known for producing emotion-eliminating medications as well as every other manufactured product one can acquire in 2019. BLI crosses over from the Killjoys world and into real life. The made-up corporation has its own  web site with products that you can actually purchase, a mission statement and a "Zone Report" in both Japanese and English.  Also, MCR takes it a step further by having changed the name under which their music is published to "Better Living Industries Music," which you can see in the liner notes of Danger Days.... BLI also overtakes the edited version of Danger Days..., whiting out the internal album art, taking away the lyrics and putting its smiling face logo (above right) all over it. The Danger Days: California 2019 Edition box set is packaged in a BLI box and the 3-song The Mad Gear & Missile Kid E.P. that comes with it is printed on a disc made to look like a BLI brand CD-R. Check out some BL/ind commercials and "Fact News" reports. Dead Pegasus Dead Pegasus is a 2019 oil company. Korse, Draculoids and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
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Korse is an exterminator for BL/ind's SCARECROW Unit. In the videos, he is played by comic writer Grant Morrison. The "SING" video has raised speculation among fans that Korse could possibly a robot of some sort; as, he is seemingly "activated" in his chamber by the push of a button. Some also speculate, based on Gerard Way's character sketches and his indicating that Korse suffers from "Zone sickness," that he may stay in the  chamber shown in the "SING" video for medical reasons. Grant Morrison revealed to MTV that Korse is "intimately connected with the Killjoys and their secret history," which has yet to be revealed. The SCARECROW Unit of BL/ind is a sort of police force. Korse leads it, and The Draculoids are the other exterminators that appear to be of lower ranking than Korse. They're a "clean-up crew" for the Zones, getting rid of the things and people who do not comply with the monochromatic standards of Better Living Industries. The Mad Gear And Missile Kid
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The Mad Gear and Missile Kid is My Chemical Romance's alter-ego band for Danger Days... Mad Gear is what MCR imagined the Killjoys would listen to in 2019. Fans who ordered the California 2019 Box Set received a bonus E.P. of the three tracks MCR recorded as The Mad Gear And Missile Kid: 1. F.T.W.W.W. (acronym for "fuck this whole wide world") 2. "Mastas Of Ravenkroft" 3. "Black Dragon Fighting Society" The genesis of TMG&MK came with the writing of "Black Dragon Fighting Society," which was originally recorded for the pre-Danger Days album the band "scrapped." "F.T.W.W.W." and "Mastas of Ravenkroft" followed as songs created specifically for TMG&MK. Gerard Way told Alternative Press that the MCR is interested in creating a full album as The Mad Gear and Missile Kid and that they would like to play shows as the alter-ego band on off-days of tours in the future. EVENTS in the Zones 2012: The Great Fires 2017: The Pig Bomb ?: Helium Wars
-- If there's something about which you are confused that you would like added to this post, let me know! Consider this a perpetual draft that will update as often as you, Reader, need it to. Also, please don't hesitate to submit corrections! I have compiled the information in this post using knowledge I've gained from interviews of the band by several sources. Suggested Reading to Expand your Killjoys Knowledge: The Twitter development of the Zones presented in a linear fashion. A full interview transcript series posted by Coup De Main Magazine. XoXo c.
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foreverafangirl11 · 7 years
Chair :P
I sat on a chair all day today bc I was studying and now my butt hurts 😩😩
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tiny-ruby-seeds · 5 years
The Nature of My Game
Michael Langdon x Dean Winchester
AN- This is what I do on my birthday. 
I post strange crossovers with (not so much if you think about it) crack ships. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but... Damn do I like this crazy thing and I hope you guys will like it too! Especially my fellow AHS & SPN lovers and my fellow Pisces whose birthday is tomorrow (you know who you are)!
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Graphic made by me, picture taken from Pinterest found here with credit to their owners
Trigger Warnings-  Blasphemy (It’s Supernatural and American Horror Story yo), Demonic Shenanigans (death, destruction, souls get barbequed... That stuff),  Language, Violence, Mentions of Blood/Gore/ Dismemberment (I mean cannot you guys not see it happening with these two? Don’t lie), Mentions of Solo (Male) Masturbation, and Slight Knife Kink
Word Count- 4206
It was first time in the past few minutes that the bar had fallen silent. There was an almost eerie quality to it after the carnage of a few moments ago, save for the terrible wet fleshy smacking sounds that rang over and over of the records clicking and changing in the jukebox in the corner. Soon that terrible sound went silent as the jukebox hummed.
A silence that was almost ringing between the two men (left alive) in the bar. The one closest to the jukebox surveyed his ruined clothes (he may have worn a red velvet dinner jacket it but blood had a tendency to dry to a disgusting dark brown if not washed) before looking to the bar around them.
Now, he hadn’t been keen on coming here in the first place. Had sighed and rolled his eyes when his companion insisted on dragging him into this place that stank like stale beer and made his stomach turn when seeing some over greased concoction that seemed to coat his veins just looking at it. But now…
It was filled with the scent of blood as patrons everywhere around them were slaughtered. Blood, a few limbs, and viscera covering the floor mixing with the bar peanuts and odd bits of silverware. Normally he didn’t mind the sight and smell of destruction, in fact, he would have dared said it was an improvement but right now was not the time to admire the chaos. This would be a problem soon enough.
“Was that really necessary?" He asked suddenly; voice silky, cool and calm above the notes that were starting to filter from the jukebox.
He could hear the drums of a famous band his caregiver (dear sweet black-hearted Ms. Mead, long gone) had once loved. He could hear the slight accent from the singer even as he sang the word he had once sung with her as a child.
“...Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
Been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul to waste…”
Maybe later the Antichrist, Michael Langdon, would chuckle at the irony that of all songs it was this one that the old jukebox decided to ring out and sing. Maybe later he would admit it was rather amusing that amidst the carnage of the bar that the jukebox was still rather untouched, as though it were a living thing thinking that playing that song would save it from any further damage save for the splatters of blood and gore (Seriously, that idiot had it coming thinking he could aim a shotgun at them both and that one of them wouldn't break his bones, snap tendons, before tearing his heart out). All of it would be funny later. Right now… Annoyance reigned supreme. It gleamed in his icy blue gaze, drew taunt in the line of his shoulders and the grip of his hands tightly behind his back, and all over his handsome (although slightly blood splattered) features framed in ginger blonde hair.
He had a reason to be annoyed, even angry. After all, this bar had been full of hunters before they had walked in and it was the blood, guts, and limbs of hunters that decorated it now. It had just taken one of them saying the wrong thing for his companion to finally explode. A companion who was already of short temper thanks to the ancient mark branded on his arm.
A companion was currently on the floor, resting slightly from pounding the remnants of blood, bone, and gore into the dark hardwood floor. Michael had no time to marvel at how, a few moments ago, that had been some poor bastard who had made the mistake of trying to make a break for it out of his hiding spot. Needless to sa,y he didn’t stand a chance when pitted with Dean Winchester. The man’s green eyes turning jet black before he all but threw himself at him as soon as Michael shouted at the former hunter to stop him (Good to see he can follow orders when it suits him, The Antichrist thought grudgingly).
There was a terrible dark chuckle answered Michael’s question, as Dean looked up. The once hunter was smeared with more blood than Michael was. It was all over his face, across the stubble of his chin, his black shirt, and red button up, even starting to stain his blue jeans, and it certainly covered the ancient jawbone fashion into a blade, the first blade in fact, in the man’s hand. It seemed oddly fitting in a way, the once hunter now Knight of Hell didn’t have the Antichrist’s distaste for getting his hand dirty.
No… He lives for it, Michael thought.
He was born for it.
"Nah but admit it, Princess," Dean said easily, a terrible grin crossing his face. “It was fun as hell.”
Michael felt his jaw tighten feeling a flash of anger in his gut. He couldn’t allow himself to think of how it had been a physical effort to pull his eyes from the newly turned demon as he watched him work. Even as a hunter, the older Winchester was something to behold. Movements sharp, precise, that mark of a warrior trained to hunt monsters But bearing the Mark of Cain…Dean turned killing into an art form. A primal dance that was hard to pull away from even after the newly turned Knight of Hell just fucked Michael’s plan off into the sunset.
Michael couldn’t let himself think of how this awful, horrifying, utterly beautiful being was how Dean was supposed to be. Nor could he allow himself to think of how the hunter’s dirty blonde hair was just a little too mussed from its normal look and he fought the itch in his hand to correct it. But he couldn’t ignore the simple fact that blood on the other man’s face seemed to bring out the deeper hazel hues hidden in his sage colored eyes.
Dean meanwhile couldn’t help but watch as Michael sighed, starting to pace the room, appraising the damage. If Dean didn’t hear it in the other’s voice he could see it clearly from how the blonde was looking over the carnage, eyes lingering in disdain on bodies Dean knew he could add to his ever-growing kill count thanks to the mark:
Michael wasn’t happy.
Of course, he wasn’t, this wasn’t the way he liked to do things, hadn’t been since before when Dean was the hunter. Of course, it would be the same when the tables had been turned.
Dickhead Antichrist is such a damn hypocrite, Dean thought as he wiped the blood off his face, smearing it slightly but it was enough to get rid of that sticky feeling as it was starting to dry.
A few of these bodies had their hearts torn clean out, the blood belonging to them had trickled down Michael’s plump lips in a way that had made it really damn hard to focus even with the mark screaming in his veins, Kill Kill Kill! Not to mention the pile of ash that was at the corner of the bar that had once been of the fuckers who thought an exorcism would do anything other than burn their ears.
He fixed the Antichrist, his so-called lord, with a glare. Trying not to notice how Michael seemed to blaze even brighter when he was angry. Not for the first time… Dean wondered what the hell was wrong with him after all… It was so very hard to look away even if he wanted to.
Stupid damned prince...
"What the hell is wrong now, Lestat?" The knight of hell finally snorted after a few beats getting to his feet once more.
That little dig was one the former hunter turned knight knew Michael hated. Dean didn’t want to give the other the satisfaction of thinking he cared or anything in the like (because he didn’t damn it), but he was pretty done with this silent treatment. Only watching Michael paced the room doing… Well, whatever weird demonic shit he was doing. Was he destroying their souls? Or did he have to burn them for that? Did have to eat their hearts? Who knows?
“Oh, whatever gave you the idea something was wrong?” Michael replied coolly without missing a beat.
Smart ass.
Dean fixed him with one of the looks he had learned from watching his once little brother (once, it was easy to say once now, Demons didn’t have family at least that’s what he told himself). The phrase that's bullshit showing on every feature.
“Cause you’re acting like a little bitch, Mikey.” He said with a smirk (if Michael hated being referred to as an Anne Rice vampire, he despised that nickname even more). “You can't tell me you didn't like every damn minute of that. Here I was thinking you were a better liar than that.”
Michael stopped in his pacing, turning to Dean. His face was expressionless but his eyes… Dean wasn’t sure if it was because of the slight trace of sunset crimson (how the hell Michael could wear makeup and look like that while doing it was always beyond Dean) or the blood splatter on his face but his eyes seemed to shine. Even in the dim light of this shitty bar.
“I’m the one acting like a ‘little bitch’?” The Antichrist snapped. “Odd… I wasn’t the one who fucking started this temper tantrum because of something some Neanderthal with half a brain said.”
The smirk on the demon’s face sunk into a dirty look as something deep within him whimpered at Michael’s tone. Not this crap again, Dean thought. Hating the strange instinct he had developed since waking to serve the Son of Satan before him. Damn Knights of Hell and their damn Knightley bullshit.
“Dick was asking for it,” Dean said with a shrug.
“Oh?” Michael said turning to him full. “And he told you this, did he? Got on his knees as begged you to gut him when you insisted going to the bar after his outburst earlier? I must have missed that as you were suddenly breaking a bottle over his head, as I had made it very clear to you to leave it alone.”
The knight shrugged.
“Didn’t see you doing anything about it,” Dean said. “You think I'm gonna let some backwater bitch say that crap to me?”
Or say that crap about you, a terrible little thought in Dean’s mind added but he locked that up. Not wanting to touch that with a ten-foot pole.
Meanwhile, Michael had fixed his knight with a glare that Dean half wondered if would cause him to burst into flames for a moment. He's probably still thinking about it so… Fuck it.
“You do realize I just had to whisper in the right ear and I wouldn’t have had to?” Michael said coldly. “There were some here who were thinking of getting revenge for a failed hunt he had been on and it wouldn't have taken much for them to seek it.”
“Cause that wouldn’t have taken too damn long.” Dean snorted, doubtful.
“It certainly wouldn’t have caused the entire bar to react when you decided to flash black eyes when started slamming his head against the bar repeatedly. Causing us to kill every one of them when I had made it very clear we were trying to keep a low profile-.”
“Yeah but that was awesome and you know it.”
“Dean...” Michael said as though he were dealing with an idiot child, something that grated on Dean’s nerves a bit up there with that annoying look on his face.
The knight tried not to think of how Michael hadn't ever called him that before. By his name. It was always Winchester, Hunter, or (quite recently) Knight or something like that. As if Dean were just another piece in the Antichrist’s game. This was probably the first time that silky voice had said it (his name, his) and something in him… Wanted to hear Michael say it just a few more times.
Just a few more.
Just one more.
“... Must I remind you again of what we are trying to do now that I have reclaimed the throne?” Michael continued.
Dean rolled his eyes, that feeling dashed with the reminder of the plan. Of course, he knew about the damn plan as Michael had all but beaten him over the head with it.
“We’re trying to take over hell, trying to get rid of the trash Crowley left behind, trying to start the Apocalypse up again,” Dean said, mimicking the Antichrist’s tone mockingly. “Blah be-blah blah blah.”
Dean could see a tick in Michael’s facade as he simplified this grand elaborate plan to just a few sentences. It was a small chink in the armor of Lucifer’s Kid but it was fun to see nonetheless. Just as he was about to try to put another chink in that armor, suddenly the Antichrist spoke.
“We’re trying to avoid the attention of those who would seek to thwart us before we set out what I was born to do… Righteous Man,” Michael replied.
Dean didn't just hear those two words, he felt them. Felt them as strong as the knife in his hand, tasted them as clear as the blood he felt on his tongue, heard them as clearly as the souls he had ripped apart what felt like a lifetime ago some days and felt like yesterday during others. He hadn't been called that in years but… Hearing it was like kicking a Pandora’s box of pain open, tearing open a scar that was barely healed.
Dean fixed Michael with an angry glare. The urge to attack starting to flicker in his veins.
“Or… Does something in you want us to fail?” Michael lilted suddenly
“Shut up.” Dean snapped.
The Mark branded on his arm started to ache as it started to awaken once more.
“It does, doesn’t it? You want them to find us, don’t you? That’s why you are not hiding it anymore aren’t you?”
“Shut your damn mouth.”
Dean could see red glowing at the edge of his vision. Knight or no, the mark was craving blood.
“After all… Any word of you would bring your beloved little brother running now, won’t it… Winchester? Do you think they would save you from what you have become? What you are? Your brother and that sweet little angel friend of yours… What were their names again? Castiel and Sa-.”
Michael didn't finish as, at that moment, Dean crossed the room in what seemed to be just a few steps. The hand without the blade going right to Michael’s throat, finger’s clenching. Instinctively the Antichrist’s arm raised and Dean felt the sharp edge of a blade Michael had claimed in the fray. In the hands of a normal human, it would be an annoying little pain. But in Michael’s hands though, with the power he possessed...
The hunter turned demon’s eyes locked onto the Antichrist’s, sage burning onto cerulean, as a war of instincts clashing in his mind. One crying KILL KILL KILL as the other screamed NOT HIM NOT HIM NOT HIM. Dean wanted to scream above the din in his seemingly empty soul for both of them to shut up but… He knew it was useless. Nothing every stopped it before and Dean was started to believe there was no force on earth that could 
“Ya gonna keep going, Princess?” The knight said with a terrible smile despite hating this, eye’s flashing black, raising the first blade as though to stab the man before him through the heart.
It would probably do nothing to Michael, it might do everything, but Dean was having trouble caring even though something in him knew he wouldn't be able to do it. Something would stop him before he tried. Something always did.
“I’m doing this cause I like doing it. You may be my king or whatever but don’t you think I give a damn about you or your little kingdom. I’m just here cause a regime change sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.”
To his surprise… Michael didn’t sputter, didn’t choke. Rather his blue eyes seemed to set alight, a slight smirk crossing his face for the first time since Dean had insisted that they go into this small hole in the wall bar. Dean wondered what it said about him that his black heart seemed to stop for a moment when he noticed it. Before he had the sense of danger that followed Michael like a shadow.
“Really?” Michael managed to get out, voice breathy, the sound going up Dean’s spine.
What was he-?
“Is that what you are still are telling yourself when you follow me, Dean?” Michael asked, silky voice honeyed. “I am to take that staring you have been doing as nothing more then forced devotion to your lord then? Defending him when someone slanders his name even among the the unwashed masses...”
That grin fell away from the former hunter’s face, replaced by an angry glare.
Damn it… He had thought he was being so careful sneaking glances when he could of the lithe man before him. Had thought the man was so focused on his plans of world destruction. Had thought he beat the bastard (the one who started all of this shit) into a pulp before Michael had heard what he had said to Dean… About him.
Dean really couldn’t be blamed for the way he was drawn to the man before him… Michael was far too damn handsome for his own good. The hunter had thought so when they first met the Son of Lucifer not long after his father had risen, and as a demon, as a Knight, it was far far worse.
Every awareness of him was heightened, maybe because Knights of Hell were created to serve their lord and thereby his son but it was true all the same. Dean could hear every sweet breath that left the Antichrist’s too soft lips, could feel the silky waves of hair when the blonde would pull those locks back on occasion, could almost sense that too hot skin when his lord would change in their shared room (because of course they had to share a fucking room as something in him felt the need to protect Michael even though he had the feeling Michael didn’t need protecting). Even he knew choking Michael like this wouldn’t do anything to him other then annoy him…
And give Dean an excuse to touch that golden sun kissed skin that he had craved touching since the day they met.
Dean had hoped that Michael was done. That he wouldn’t keep digging. He couldn't know could he? No, he couldn't, Dean was careful. Besides, Michael may have that night vision of the soul but his soul was too corrupted and black too see right? Dean’s answer came in the way that smirk became a full blown smile.
“... Not the sounds I have heard you make the shower when you think I’ve gone or when you think I'm asleep. When you moan my name… Should I call them false prayers of thanks to your savior?”
The blade almost tumbled from Dean’s hands in shock.
Son of a bitch!
Dean jerked his hand away from the man’s throat as if Michael had burned him, stumbling back from the Antichrist snarling as if the other man had struck him. Yet he didn’t have an excuse for that one ready. Wasn’t prepared. Rather he was kicking himself.
He had sworn he had been quiet.
Had sworn that Michael had gone.
Dean you stupid son of a bitch, He thought. Self hate was an old friend of his… Even as a demon. And he could taste it’s bitterness. He went to tear and stalk away when he felt something on his cheek. 
Long clever ringed fingers tracing the stubble on his face. It’s strange… But… The dance of those fingers across his face… They felt like home. The silence in his head, the ringing urge to kill... It was a barely even a rumble of thunder in a oncoming storm He heard Michael chuckle and looked up to see the devil’s smile… Yet there was something in it. Something that made something in him he thought was dead with his humanity stop.
Something fond, something almost sweet… Something that blazed and Dean suddenly had the urge to burn.
Michael was suddenly stepping closer and closer into his space. The scent of that spicy, musky cologne mixed with the metallic tang of blood washing over him. Dean was finding hard to breath as the Antichrist started to trace down his chest with the edge of the knife. As the fingers on his cheek started to leave scorching paths up his jaw, going to the small hairs on the back of his neck. A bit of tenderness followed by the threat of pain. Yet Dean had a feeling in Michael’s hands… It would be like heaven and hell rolled into one.
Michael was close now, so close that Dean could feel the heat of him. And the former hunter could feel his breath catch when the Antichrist forced his head down slightly. Dean's eyes slid closed as he could feel the Michael's breath dance across his lips, felt his nose nudge against his own.
“Pity you insist on being a fucking thorn in my side as your false lord would have been tempted to answer those cries for salvation.”
Dean's eyes snapped open, seeing that smug smile on Michael’s face.
“You bastard son of-!”
“Now now Dean, you went against my wishes. Do you really think I would reward such misbehavior?” Michael said, pulling his hand away. “Perhaps you will do well to remember. In the meantime do insist that if you must attack like a rabid wolf you do so when the occasion calls for it. Regardless of how... Amusing it is to see a wolf tear apart the sheep.”
Dean was tempted to snap back, tempted to grab that hand and put it back on his face, when he noticed Michael’s too blue eyes lingering on his own lips. Unconsciously, he couldn’t help but wet them, tasting the lingering bits of beer and whiskey. Trying not to wonder if Michael’s would taste like that red wine he had ordered (cause Michael would order wine in a dive bar, the high and mighty prick) or the blood of those hearts he had taken bites out of like candy or a mixture of the two. Something in Dean craved to find out but knew he couldn’t…
Not until his lord gave him leave. Although he didn’t give a shit about everything else Michael spouted or believed in or everything else… This was something that would be so much sweeter when he did.
And damn am I going to make that little shit pay for it when I fucking get it.
He swore he saw a spark in Michael’s eyes at that thought but it faded as soon as he tried to focus on it.
“Come,” Michael said. “We have work to do.”
“Yeah yeah,” Dean muttered.
The knight glanced over to the jukebox, the telltale clicking sounds making it clear it was changing records once more.
“Actually hang on…”
Dean put the First Blade in his belt as he strode over to the jukebox, he reached over grabbing a nearby unbroken chair (probably one of the few in the whole place), a grin crossing his face as the first few notes of a new song rang out. He could hear Michael sigh, could feel the Antichrist roll his eyes. He was betting through that the other man was probably eyeing him, could almost feel it with his demonic senses like he could sense everything to do with his lord. And for some reason, he wanted Michael to watch.
Dean pulled the chair close, pulling it so it would be easy to lift up and then…
Wham! Wham! Wham!
The music became disjointed, off-key with a loud sound of metal twisting, glass breaking, wood cracking as Dean took the chair to the jukebox. The sound of the new song sounding terribly discordant and broken.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Soon the jukebox was sputtering.
Wham! Wham! Wham!
And with a few crackles and a few fading notes… The jukebox died.
“Do you feel better now?” Michael said with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah, that one from the Stones was the only decent song on that damn thing. I looked, everything else sucked. Lead on boss.”
Cause if you insist on being a tease then I'm gonna check out that ass of yours. Dean thought.
Not for the first time, he wondered if Michael could read minds as he tilted his head slightly. But he shook his head and led them out of the bar nonetheless as suddenly flames erupted behind them the scent of burning cloth, wood, flesh, and alcohol following them as they made their way to the door.
As they did Dean couldn’t help but think, Maybe this pain in the ass Antichrist ain't too bad after all. And Dean could swear he caught Michael trying to hide a smile as they stepped into the night...
Tagged: @sojournmichael (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO!)  @youshouldbescared and @eternally-jkatherinehale 
Trivia- Title and lyrics song from Rolling Stones “Sympathy for the Devil”
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maluminspace · 6 years
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I can’t believe that there are 2000 of you that follow my lil blog! I can’t thank you all enough for putting up with me <3
Bold: best buddies
Apologies to anyone I have missed, I’m terrible at this kind of thing. 
I love you all!
@abbie-ghostofyou @abbbiehemmings @addictwithapoisonpen @aesthetiqueash @ahoeforhemmings  @allymendesisawesome @allypanda15 @aghostofmgc @angelbabycal @angelicalashton @antisocialhood  @ashtonwahs @ashsaussieaccent @ashtonismyuniverse @ashtoniwir @ashtonssgirl @ashtonwrapped @astroashtonio @aussie-punk-rock-idiots @aw-mikey @babylonchlo @babylonnhood @babysmilemike @badhabitluke @bands-mess @bby-calum @bbylonxcal @bloopmichael @blue-skies-are-alright @bodaciouslycth @boytoynamedcalum @brattyluke @breathe-me-in-like-im-vapor @breathlashton @breedoe @bringbackhemmo1996 @brokendisco5sos @bumblebet20 @burnxcrash @burnedcitylights​ @cake-boners @cakeboyfriends @cakestan @cal-entine ​@calthesensation @calum5sos @caluke-is-great @calum-is-adorable @calum-mf-hood @calumacoustic @calumhollister @calumincolor @calumish @calumglows @calumhampton @calumneedstocalmdown @calumofficials @calumscereal @calumskiss @calumsluck @calumspeachy @calums--penguin @calumsteenagedream @calumtrashtm @caluuumh @canadian-phsyco @cashtontrash @castawayclem @catastrophicdelusions @catching-fire-like-kerosene @caulm5sos @caulmhood @caulmhoods @causeweredreamingoutloud @charismaticcal @chokemecake @classy5-sos @clemmingsaturn @cliffactura @cliffordcntrl @cliffodorable @cliffordchick ​ @cliffordsbye @cliffordtrasho @cliffxrdsloveaffair @cliffophobic @clummyhood @colourfulhead-erin @combativecth @converseandcharactershoes @cthoodaf @crowned5sos @cuterfluter ​ @dangerousmuke @dankpunks @darkinurheart @deathstaratemysoul @demonashton @demoncal @diary-of-oryan @diistractedbymaluum @dimplelashton @dirtbag-hemmings @dirtynutmeg @dnaielhwoell @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind @dolanfivsosxox @draglucas @dudesos @fakebetch @feel-so-damn-lost @figlia--della--luna @findingmalum @fitzherburt @fivesoskingdom @fuckngcal @fuckthealiens 
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Non 5sos blogs run my faves:
@bipisces @marblossom @tee-in-the-shade 
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ashtonfightme · 7 years
Myrena! 💚
m - miss missing you by fall out boyy - young god by halseyr - robbers by the 1975 e - everything i didn’t say by 5sosn - new man by ed sheerana - american money by borns
send your name and i’ll make a mini playlist
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cliffordchick · 7 years
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Hello it's me being cute for once because it's finally below 70 degrees in California.
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holymalvm · 7 years
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okay. can we talk about this
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kobrakids · 6 years
(making this a post... just because i want to i guess lmao. i put a lot of work into it? idk just check it out if you’re interested at all. but it’s fuckin long so it’s under a cut. desktop version can be found here)
here's a huge list of the tags i use often. that is all.
pre mcr (does not include pencey prep)
black parade
pro rev
post tbp
conventional weapons
danger days
all eras
aes tags (by era);
bullets aes
revenge aes
tbp aes
danger daes
general (all members or no one in particular):
this is the cutest shit i have ever seen
he scream
fuck you and your eyebrows
mcr (merch, signatures, etc)
why (sometimes nsfw...)
good/cool lighting
my heart is singing
lesbian gerard
bat belt
teal roots
hesitant alien
party poison
shut the hell your mouth
vile little demon man
lesbian frank
frank “i have no idea” iero
skunk boy
tiny rat boy
twink/tiny twink
fun ghoul
cardigan tag
the ween hand
the skeleton apron
pencey prep
cellabration era
patience era
death spells
gf mikey
lesbian mikey
macaroni penguin hair
kobra kid
floaty ray
jet star
solo stuff
i dont have enough tags for ray i'm sorry i have failed you
way bros
those boys (mikey & ray only)
videos & other stuff:
music videos (including behind the scenes)
in the studio 2002
life on the murder scene
random videos
random audio
lyric edits
my edits
killjoys comic
umbrella academy
mcart (mcr fanart, gerard’s art for mcr, etc)
art (all non-mcr-related art)
danger days:
party poison
fun ghoul
kobra kid
jet star
the girl
dr death defying
show pony
killjoys comic
the zones
battery city
better living industries
danger daes
other bands/people:
green day
green day trio
billie joe armstrong
mike dirnt
tre cool
mindless self indulgence
lynn gunn
against me!
laura jane grace
panic and the disco
ryan ross
jon walker
destroy boys
mt. eddy
palaye royale
the used
bert mccracken
pencey prep
my popular posts:
100 notes
500 notes
1k notes
5k notes
10k notes
i also have tags for all of mcr’s songs that include any lyric edits of those songs and some music video clips, etc. most of them are just the name of the song but a few are different:
honey, this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us
early sunsets over monroeville
you know what they do to guys like us in prison
the jetset life is gonna kill you
it’s not a fashion statement, it’s a fucking deathwish
i never told you what i do for a living
party poison
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puckerupmikey · 7 years
Michael's fingers or his lips?
fuuuuuk his lips are so pretty and they have such a deep beautiful color and i love them so much but i’m gonna have to go with fingers. because they’re so smol ‘n cute. his lil hands are my fave. but also like, his fingers are so skillful. he has amazing dexterity. he’s great with his fingers and i’d love him to put them to good use on me  ;)
send a _____ or ______ and ill respond with which one i prefer
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sillavie · 7 years
19, 20, 21, 26, 39, and 42!!! Yikes it's so hard to pick questions because I know so many of them. Hahahahahahhahahahahaha. 💚💜🖤
That made me smile so much :) its a good thing right? Hahaha
19: A fact about your personality:When I’m really comfortable around someone I will go crazy around them and also tell a lot of things nobody asked for.
20: What I hate most about myself:I’m a pretty selfish person. I’m fine with it usually but it makes me feel bad about myself every now and then. Which is pretty selfish as well lol it’s a never ending cycle
21: What I love most about myself:Torn between everything and nothing hahahaMkey probably how I do my own thing? I aspire to not give a shit (in a good way)
39: My favorite ice cream flavor:Okay so this actually depends on my mood, its either something chocolate/caramel/coffee flavored orrrrr lemon-yoghurt flavor
42: The last thing I ate:Some crips or chips or whatever you like to call em :’)
Thanks for asking myrenaaa! 💜💚🖤🍋🍆
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