#mikhail is a good boy and I want him to be happy
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So I started Drakengard 3 recently
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troperrific · 2 months
/ekuoto spoilers chapter 71/
I figured we would be going through the circus tent first. The fact that it’s made of Mr. Priest’s memories is interesting enough, but I like that we’re seeing only happy memories.
For example, at the beginning, when they go enter the location where the orca’s show should be, they immediately get transported to the beach.
Because although his first aquarium date with Imuri was fun, the orca show was likely a bad memory: Mammon possessed an orca, almost killed the kids and Priest had to work again. So it has no place in his “perfect dream world”.
Which makes me curious about this:
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Is this foreshadowing that Mammon could break into the dream world? Could Imuri reach Priest with her art (literally)? Will Priest’s bad memories eventually leak into this “perfect world” and threaten the people inside the tent? Who knows…
Also, I guess we can add “photographic memory” to Daniel’s increasing list of abilities.
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Makes sense that Becú would fall down considering that she’s both a novice at being a witch and has been shown to be a clumsy and nervous person.
But seriously, why insist on the brooms?! That’s just asking someone to fall down and hurt themselves. And then there are nudists like Charlotte, whose ass would surely suffer horrible blisters were it not for magic, I suppose. Still!! Some consideration would be nice?? Find some means of travel that’s safer and more comfortable?? Minus points for your leadership, Vir!!
Okay, silliness aside, Vir’s comment about his powers flourishing because they might be closer to hell paralleling with Dante’s own comment about being stronger because they were likely closer to Heaven towards the end of Part 3 got me good.
I’ll wait a bit more, but the parallels between the Sloth and Gluttony arcs are super fascinating to me.
Also, this particular conflict is nothing new:
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Most of the characters pushing their values onto Mr. Priest is nothing new. The Church, the witches, the Demon Lords, all of them do it. If anything, this is hilariously like… those standard sitcom tropes where the parents keep arguing about their child’s future.
I’d like to note that… to me, this matter will always be a bit more complicated than “everyone sees Priest as a tool”.
I think most characters do feel sympathy towards him to different degrees. Otherwise we wouldn’t have moments like Vir telling him to live freely because he’s sure the boy’s suffered under the Church, Dante regretting how he couldn’t help him enough, Mikhail musing that he was glad Priest could show his suffering to others at the end of Part 4, Daniel acknowledging his fault in Priest’s declining mental health, etc.
It’s just that almost everyone thinks they know what’s righteous or how the world works or even what’s the key to happiness, and they push and project those values and their own issues on Priest due to his role as The Chosen One.
But regardless of how they feel about Priest, it’s a fact that here, the factions of the Witches and the Church are prioritizing the fate of the world and Priest as a “symbol” and “soldier” rather than as a person.
I talked about it a bit here, a few days before this chapter dropped but… I see both Vir and Daniel as the most selfless motivation-wise… they both want to save the world! They devote themselves full heartedly to their cause, regardless of what or who they lose along the way, nothing is more important than the greater good to them, I think not even themselves! Deeply heroic spirits… but the way they go about it… goodness, it can be so, so vile. And because they essentially intend to use someone who never wanted to be the world’s savior, it becomes rather selfish in a way.
Daniel wants to protect the world, but what kind of world is he protecting if he’s still going to rely on a mentally-ill teen?
Vir wants to change the world, but what kind of change is he proposing when he’s doing exactly what he condemns the Church for, indirectly trampling on the weak to gain power and intending to use a child to fight for him?
And of course, there’s Imuri:
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Imuri is simultaneously the only person who’s definitely prioritizing Priest over the world’s fate, but she also has the most selfish motive of all characters this chapter.
She, unlike the others, doesn’t care about whether he can save or protect or change the world, nor does she care to expect that from him.
However, she, like the others, is not thinking about what Priest might want. The (imagined?) danger of him becoming someone else’s is her biggest priority right now.
The manga goes on and on about themes like instincts vs rationality, selfishness vs selflessness (and how the two are not as black and white or well defined as they might appear at first), etc.
So this whole discussion and series of disagreements between the characters is not just about Priest. It’s about the on-going conflict the author wants us to think about.
Is it right to sacrifice the happiness and freedom of one person for the happiness and freedom of the many, like Vir and Daniel propose here? Utilitarians would say yes, and that’s why Daniel, Dante, Heisenberg and even Vir act like they do. But the manga has already shown us through Mr. Priest how awful and cruel that truly is.
Is it right to ignore the suffering of the world just for your own desires or for the sake of one person (be it yourself or someone else)? The demons work along these lines of thought, and that’s how they think it should be, but still remain lonely and feel unloved and unfulfilled. In Part 4, we’re shown that, this line of thinking also hurts Priest, whether it be because of Imuri playing along Asmodeus’ game, or because of his own disappointment in himself during chapters 54 and 55, where he laments giving into his own desires due to the betrayal of his own morals.
Where is the middle ground then? How can it be achieved?
The answer to that is yet to come, if there’s any concrete solution, but I do think the author has already told us where the characters can start:
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Behold, the one character who is constantly stuck between the two “philosophies” above: Leah!
If Priest’s depression is everyone’s responsibility, then it is up to them to fix things and make amends.
If the world is everyone’s responsibility, then surely, talking and apologizing and making amends and moving forward together…
Hm. Who knows.
To finish these thoughts, I just have one question:
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(The one on the right is from Priest’s memories in chapter 42)
Who is this spooky creepy demon?? I don’t know him??
Imuri’s fujo vision goes into two extreme ways it seems?
(Or maybe, just maybe Bel will have a creepier form? A scarier side? Please?)
On a side note… I wonder what are Mr. Priest’s thoughts on homosexuality…
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 21 days
My TF2 Morden AU
Here is another instalment of my TF2 Alternate Universes, todays AU is about if the mercenaries lived in the 21st century in todays society, info is under the cut snd i hope you like it 😋
First we have the Mercenaries who aren't Mercenaries -
Scout - Scout who is named Jeremy Fast was born in 1996 making his 28 and he is a high school PE teacher for the boys, he is a good PE teacher but he been in trouble with the school a few times after parents complain that he's been flirting with the high school girl all between 13 - 16, he grew up with his single mom and his 8 half brothers and he is the youngest of the brothers, he's not sure who his dad was when he was younger but then he found out when he was 18 from his mom that his dad was a guy from france who met Jeremy's mom at the bar she works at while on a buisness trip, they then hit it off, had a one night stand then scout's mom had Jeremy, Jeremy's dad then disappeared after Jeremy was born but he still kept in contact with Jeremy's mom for child support, the only issue Jeremy has is that he can't seem to get a girlfriend, he went though dating apps, went out public areas like bars and concerts and even ask woman if they were single but nothing worked making him feel depressed that he can't get anyone to love him, another issue is that he has ADHD so he struggles to socialise full time and gets easily distracted, lastly, he's uses TikTok a lot to make random videos and he is a little popular on the platform but still can't get a girl to like him.
Soldier - Soldier who is named John Dow was born in 1979 making him 45 years old, he is a ex-military man who got let go from the military after being mentally unstable to be in the military, he found out from the military after being in it for 15 years that he has undiagnosed asperger's which was the reason the military had to let him go, John didn't want to be let go as he was used to being in the military for so long and he had nobody to go to as he was a orphan since he was 2 but he now on his own for a while with a single apartment that he bought with his veteran pension, he was also accepted to have a service dog for his asperger's and he ends up having a yorkshire terrier named Squibbs (This is based on my late yorkie with the same name and i just think it's funny seeing Soldier having a small dog like a yorkie as a service dog), the apartment he lives in also introduced him to his opposite neighbour named Dell and John is now having a sexual crisis as he has romantic feeling for Dell.
Pyro - Pyro who forgot his name was a firefighter but then he got into a accident where his body got completely burnt, he also gained severe memory loss after banging his head on a falling wooden board trying to get out the fire and now he stays in a care home as he started to act childish and unstable, he is not dangerous or unpredictable, he is just a lost and severely burnt human with mental issues that the doctor and nurses are trying their best to help him, he loves to draw, make balloon animals, is easily entertained and he has a big imagination but he can't seem to get his old memories back as he can't remember anything or anyone from his past life.
Demoman - Demoman who is named Travish Degroot was born in 1989 making him 35 years old, he is a workaholic who works many different jobs in his birth country of scotland and he is very well known in his hometown form all the jobs he has, his mother use to be a workaholic like Travish until she retired at 65, Travish's family now has loads of money that demoman got from all the jobs he done and he with his mother now have a nice house together, the jobs the Travish have is a cashier, a waiter, a carer for animals at shelters and rescues, a computer tech, a cameraman for some tv shows, a boom mic operator and other things, Travish is happy with his life and he doesn't seem to want to stop doing jobs.
Heavy - Heavy who is named Mikhail or Misha for short was born in 1968 making him 56 years old and is popular wrestler in russia, he has multiple awards and is a celebrity in russia, the reason he became a wrestler was to help his single mother and 3 sisters as they grew up poor and their dad died a few months after the youngest sister was born, Misha's baby sisters are now 34, 32 and 30 and they are happily living their lives thanks to Misha supporting them when they left home, the 3 sisters are now living happily with their husband with their kids and Misha loves his nieces and nephews like they were his kids, Misha is now living happily still being a celebrity and he also has a girlfriend named sylvia, the pair have been dating for 5 years now and they act like a married couple even if they aren't married yet.
Engineer - Engie who is named Dell Conagher was born in 1980 making him 44 years old and he was born in beehive, texas, he was raised by both his dad and grandad with no mother as she left after giving birth to Dell and his grandmother died of cancer a year before Dell was born so he had no mother figure, both Dell's dad and grandad did a good job raising Dell and he helped around his dad and grandad's family buisness which was a mechanical buisness, the buisness helped fix cars, machines and recently as of 2010, technology too, Dell learn everything about mechanics getting a few PhDs for it and when he turned 18, he moved out of texas saying bye to his dad as he grandad sadly died when he was 13 and he started a mechanical buisness in america, he was doing well with his buisness and he had help fixed loads of things over the years but he decided to keep living in a apartment when he has enough to buy a house, he then met his new neighbour, John and the pair hit it off really well with even Dell adoring John's Service Yorkie, after a while though, Dell realised that he was starting to get feeling for John and he was having sexual crisis as he didn't even know he was gay until he met John, sure he didn't have a girlfriend but he just thought he was too busy to think about having one but now he was have gay thought about John and he didn't know what to do with them.
Medic - Medic who is named Wilhelm Ludwig or Will for short was born in 1984 making him 40 years old and he was born in stuttgart, germany, Wilhelm was raised by doctor parents so Will wanted to be one too but he ended up becoming a pathologist instead, Will was very good at his job with examining the dead body and finding out the cause of death to the body during investigation for detectives and the police, he was so good at his pathologist job that he was called a pathologist sherlock as he would always get it right, he was soon hired by investigators in different countries to help them with examining dead bodies and he ended up helping to solve many cases, one of these trips he went to was australia and during a day off before going back to germany, he ends up meeting a animal photographer named Mike, the pair hit off talking about animals mainly birds and they decided to keep in contact with each other, the pair soon met up often with Will visiting Mike in australia and soon, the pair started to get romantic feelings for each other, Mike would also sometime go to germany to visit Will and the pair went to places where Will knew Mike would like.
Sniper - Sniper who is named Mike Mundy was born in 1994 making him 30 years old and he born to his bio parents in new zealand but then dumped Mike off at a orphanage when he was 6 months old, he was then soon adopted by his adopted parents when he was 12 months old and his new parents were elderly parents both being in their early 40s, Mike adored his adopted mother becoming a mama's bot but he has a love-hate relationship with his dad as his dad was grumpy, always wanted to argue and never showed affection but still loved Mike as a son in his own way, Mike growing up was always picked on by the other boys for being skinny and having elderly parents but he ended up being quite handsome when he got to his teen years, he soon moved out when he was 20 and lived in a small apartment a few mintues druve away from his parents, he got a job as a photographer for special occasions like weddings, baby showers, birthdays and other things and he ended up getting a lot of money for it, he then became a animal photographer from magazines and the pictures became popular making him more money, he did ask his parents if he could use some of his money to fix up the home but his dad rejected the offer saying the house was fine so Mike put half of his money to the side for his future while using the rest to buy a RV, he then sold his apartment and then traveled around australia to take pictures of animals and irs how he met Wilhelm, Mike liked Wilhelm as they both have a big love of bird and he never had anyone who shared his interests before so he was happy to have a friend, he soon realised though that he was getting feelings for Will and he hoped Will liked him back.
Spy - Spy who is named Jacque Voclain was born in 1976 making him 48 years old and he was born in france, Jacque is a very busy businessman and he works for a very popular french company, he's worked at the company for years going from a rookie to the CEO of the company, he has also traveled around a lot and it's how he met Jeremy's mom and accidentally had Jeremy with her, Jacque payed Child support to Jeremy's mom until Jeremy was 18 and he doesn't hear for Jeremy himself but his mom fills Jacque in on what he's done and what he's been doing over the almost 3 decades Jeremy being around, Jacque had never really met anyone else after Jeremy's mom and he did try to find someone similar to her but it never worked, Jacque hopes to meet up with Jeremy's mom again as he still loved her after all of these years but he wished she didn't have all those kids with different men.
That's all for now and i'll add more if i think of anything else, see you all next time! 😋
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prettyboypistol · 2 years
Really happy that you do male!reader fics <3
Could you do Tf2 mercs x M!Reader’s first time being intimate nsfw :)
(I’m not sure if you’re taking nsfw request so srry if you’re not)
Tf2 Mercs x M!Reader "First Time With The Mercs"
NSFW so youngin's you know you can't be here :p
Includes: Scout, Spy, Heavy, Sniper, Demoman, Engineer, Soldier, and Medic x Male Reader
Scout is super awkward, but not in the shy way. Like the obnoxious way that tries to make anything a joke.
As you two start to get serious, he starts to get noisy with little whines, cut off moans, and heavier breaths.
If he tops, missionary 100%. If you top, cuddlesex/on your side.
In terms of dom/sub, he's prefer to dom, but is a natural at being a sub.
Cums embarrassingly quickly- please don't tease him he will cry.
He recovers fast, asking to fuck you/be fucked more
Suuuuuper insatiable when he gets into it
Complains that he wants more when you're tired, even if he's on the bring of passing out.
Your hands slide down Jeremy's slender chest as he shivered out a gasp. You looked to his eyes, he quickly averted his own.
"Don't be shy, I heard you're such a sex god." You tease before you kiss his forehead.
"I am! but like- it's different when you're fucking a girl!" He justified.
"Well, it's not too different really. I'll teach you." You promise as your hands slither around his waist to pull him flush against you. He squeaks rather loudly as you grab his ass through his pants.
"Now, be a good boy and take these off, alright Jer-bear?"
"That is the worst possible name you could have said."
Surprisingly he's more knowledgeable about m/m se- nvm he's quoting an anatomy book. (he knows what to do dw)
Probably a virgin because sex distracts from experiments
"I haven't lost my virginity bc i never lose" type beat
He isn't scared of touching you, his hands move like he's studying you.
He's a non-negotiable top. It doesn't matter how big or burly you are. Even if Heavy was to ask, he's a top.(95% dom, 5% sub)
You ride him on his vivisection table, his eyes are always on your chest and mouth.
God he nearly came wen you started calling him "Doctor" in-between moans.
Def dirty talks in German
"Well, hop up." He orders, like you're just here for another check up. He pats the table gently before he starts to unbutton his coat.
"Someone's all business." You teasingly mutter, a loving glare shot his way. He sighs in feigned annoyance and smacks your ass as an encouragement.
"Now sit down and start stripping."
"Alright Doctor."
You saw the word shiver down his spine. You saw his eyes light up.
You certainly felt the harsh and heavy kiss as you were pinned to the table.
He's kinda just??? neutral??? when you ask him to hook up. V upfront with what he's into and what he'll do to you.
Mundy loves quickies so fucking much. Slow sex is too dangerous and makes him uncomfortable.
Alleyways, closets, bathrooms, it doesn't matter. He's proficient in standing up sex.
He's scared of danger, but also has the biggest danger kink.
Mundy is a switch in terms of top/bottom, but only doms
He loves pulling your hair if you blow him.
If you scratch up his back as he fucks you, he'll fuck you harder.
Loves to make you swallow if you give oral.
Bites you 100%. He growls and groans. Super animalistic.
You slide between Mundy's legs as his eye is nuzzled into position. He had agreed to let you come on a job with him, calling you his 'assistant' to the client. As you unzip his pants, he makes a quiet noise of warning.
"Careful, if you fuck up my shot, I'll make you pay for it." He mumbles, barely audible.
"Of course not sir, I would never." You hum, feigning inferiority.
His hands were just as careful as you let him fuck your throat. He suddenly shoves his cock all the way down your throat and tells you to be quiet for a second. You hear the rifle click, then a sudden boom! as he pulls back and lets you cough.
"Good boy."
Mikhail is super excited and happy when you ask.
He's super careful with you, despite being surprisingly knowledgeable about the mechanics of sex with another man.
He openly says he's scared that he'll hurt you. You assure him that you like it rough.
Subtop, you cannot convince me otherwise.
As a romantic, he demands "our first" be in his bed.
You get to his room and it's full of roses and candles. You nearly fuck him in the doorway at the gesture.
He'd prefer doggy, but missionary is a close second.
The BIGGEST cuddlebug after.
"Fuck! Please!" You beg after what feels like the third hour of fingering. Heavy hushes you gently as he kisses the back of your neck.
"You need to be ready." He coos as his other hand cradles your neck and face. He's so agonizingly gentle it makes you want to cry.
"I'll be fine! I sear just please fuck me already!"
Heavy removes his fingers and pushes the head against you.
"If you're sure..."
He's the best you've ever had. If this is what sex is like with Spy, you'd have to marry him.
He knows exactly what to do to make you hot and bothered.
Honestly? a Vers Switch. He's a man that can shift to whatever his partner needs.
Bad at pillowtalk, but great at foreplay and the actual fucking.
He eats you out first, then teases you until you're begging.
Even if you're topping, he calls you his good boy. Sorry, you can't bang the sass out of him :/
Loves roleplaying. He pulls out the most convincing disguises for you.
Suit kink king over here
He's obsessed with making you cum with the minimal amount of touching.
You love the way Spy touches you. His hands pull over you in a way that makes you really feel like a man. He doesn't feminize you if you offer to bottom, either. You feel like a man in another man's arms.
"You're so handsome." He praises as he makes his way down to his knees. You cup his cheek and smile down at him.
"I bet you are too."
"Touch my mask and you'll be impaled."
"God I hope so."
Spy rolls his eyes as he unzips your pants. Hopefully you make the comment up with great sex.
Kind of confused, but gets with the program pretty easy.
Bro you're gonna have to bottom, sorry :/
He's got a praise kink the size of Texas, please call him a big strong man.
He's a bit of a sucker for outside sex, especially fields with trees.
You offer to fuck him during a picnic, you can practically see the steam whistle out of his ears at the suggestion.
He wouldn't know how to prep you, but he'd watch in fascination as you prep yourself.
"C'mon Soldier, fuck me like a man."
He had to bite his lip to stop him from cumming in his pants.
Jane is on top of you, you can see his eyes from under the helmet and his pupils are BLOWN. He's super excited and loves seeing you.
"Well? Why don't you get in me and make a man outta me?
He lines himself up quickly and tries to push in, but you stop him before he accidentally hurts you.
"Whoa there! Be a little slow." You correct gently. Soldier opened his mouth and a loud start, but lowered his volume when you flinch.
"Sorry there. Slow, right?" He repeats with a kiss to your forehead.
If sex was a performance he'd have multiple awards.
He's super enthusiastic and chill about it, retelling all of his boyflings in Scotland and hungover mornings surrounded by many burly men.
"You don't know how long it's been since I've had a dick in me!"
Powerbottom or very enthusiastic top
Multiple rounds, all night long. He's an advocate for snack breaks in-between.
You two are naked just on his bed eating pizza and shooting the shit as if you didn't blow his back out 10 minutes before.
Homiesexual as FUCK
You two are super chill, cracking jokes about your dicks during sex
"okokok serious now" "Aye lad, stick that meat in me-" "PFFT-"
Tavish is barely able to keep it together as you two banter between gasps of air. Yeah, the sex is amazing for both you and him, but the fact that you two just get on so well ruins any sort of flirtatious mood.
"I'm going to rail you so hard you can't speak." You promise.
"Didn't you say that last time mate?" Tavish teases as he locks his legs around your hips. "Doesn't mean you can't try again."
You smack his flank and both of you let out a small giggle as you push yourself fully inside of him.
He's the most LOVING ASS BITCH
Lies you down, kisses you all over, treats you like a proper houseguest and lover.
He knows exactly what to do, he talks you through what he does to you and how he'll do it.
Dell is a babbler during sex 100%
"Aw fuck baby that's it, that's fuckin' it- God damn honey you're an angel!"
Gentlest top, most loving Dom/submissive bottom
Has been in a few secret m/m relationships
"Dellllll" you whine in his arms, he kisses you at your collarbone in response.
"I know, thank you for letting me do this." He adores. You agreed to let him kiss you up and down before you started actually fucking. Little did you know beforehand, you would be stuck on the bed for twenty minutes as he worshipped every inch of you.
You felt your hands snake up his warm back as you beg him for the 30th time tonight for him to get on with it. He chuckles as your insistance.
One last kiss and he removes himself from you. "Alright, you've been patient enough."
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noes-pillow · 1 year
this one i didnt have time to edit within my 1 hour time limit so yeah... like i implied in the last post, these arent gonna be great quality, im just going off vibes... so here have some pain... happy @whumptober
VNC Whumptober Day 2:
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
cw: so much fucking angst, torture implications
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Noé is…
Right, he’s in a memory. Who’s memory?
But this is odd. This body doesn’t seem to recognize that name.
Noé has perfected this technique. His teacher trained him diligently. It was beneficial. He learned so much about the capabilities of his power. Even if now he still feels like there’s a part of them he hasn’t quite found yet.
But for now, he knows when he’s diving. It feels like a lucid dream. One where you walk the halls of the dreamscape in a body you can’t control, which is yours for the moment, although it doesn’t belong to you.
It feels deep.
It feels personal.
It feels violating.
It belongs to the person of whom his fangs are currently embedded.
While Noé’s body enjoys the nourishment of blood, the taste of which he could never find a replacement, his mind is none the wiser.
His mind is trapped.
Trapped in a body.
The body of a child.
A young boy no older than 8.
A boy covered in bandages.
A boy who misses his family.
For a moment he sees his own childhood. The times when he was alone after his grandparents died. The time until Teacher bought him.
Vanitas’ younger brother. Mikhail.
He was part of these experiments too.
Then the thought dawned on Noé.
How long had Vanitas been with Moreau when Mikhail met him?
The image he had seen in Mikhail’s blood placed him around the age of 10-12. But this body. This body was no older than 8.
2 years.
Vanitas had to endure for at least 2 whole years. And more when he took on more sessions to spare Misha.
The boy here couldn’t be called by that name. For all this body knew, Vanitas wasn’t someone that even existed.
Vanitas cradles Noé’s unconscious form. He knows the vampire is out of it. His arms are limp. They would normally seek out the closest thing to latch onto to ground himself in his slumber. But for now his mind is far from at rest.
The sapphire eyed human lays his partner back on the bed next to himself. He runs his fingers over the bite on his neck and winces at the sting.
His fingers are covered in blood. They’re dripping. He feels it dripping down his neck too. And he has a horrifyingly sensual realization.
Vanitas licks his fingers. It tastes of blood, obviously. Warm iron. But something else. There is no aroma, but Vanitas can still taste Noé’s venom.
It is a comforting feeling. A sweet gentle numbness on his tongue. As if he was feeling his adrenaline pump without any of the pain.
But for as gentle as this feeling is, Noé’s bite itself is anything but. He’s managed to rip several strands of muscle in his neck and it fucking hurts. But honestly he doesn’t mind.
He doesn’t need to look to know he’s been marked. And the wound will likely scar underneath it.
Vanitas rolls up his sleeve and scours at the marks that appeared on his skin years after his birth.
It is about time Vanitas has a scar he chose to have. A mark, dare he say, he wants.
And the human nestles his head under his vampire’s chin. Just this once, Noé would be his hug pillow for the night.
It was only fair.
Noé, experiencing the exact memories of himself as a child, needed to know he wasn’t alone.
“I’m here.” He whispers. “Noé.”
There is no response.
Vanitas hugs him tighter.
“Don’t move. Moving is bad. Moving hurts.” The vampire mumbles.
He can’t hear him.
Vanitas cries.
Please. Hear me…
Noé’s thoughts and those of this child are one and the same.
Don’t move. Moving is bad. Moving hurts.
He feels a tightness around him but he fights it. He prepares himself for another shock. These were still shocks, right? Moreau hadn’t taken out the rolling cart yet. Which means he probably wasn’t bleeding yet. Yet.
Noé’s consciousness separates long enough for him to make a single wish.
He calls out to the body of the boy he was. He hopes he can hear him. He hopes this is the part of his power he had never been able to grasp. Now is his chance. Noé wants this boy to know he isn’t alone. That he wasn’t alone. That Noé was always there with him in his pain. Just that. Just to call out to him.
Noé has this wish.
And just as Noé reaches out to this boy.
He realizes.
I don’t know your name, No. 69.
And the title is too bitter for Noé to think, let alone speak. He just can’t refer to this child as that. Named Vanitas or not, this boy will become someone important to him. This boy is someone important to him. But to the boy, what’s important isn’t his future.
Its what he was forced to leave behind in his past.
Noé can’t decide what’s worse. Thinking you are alone, or knowing someone could’ve changed that.
No matter how many times Noé could try to call Vanitas’ name, this body wouldn’t recognize it. This body would still feel alone.
And he would continue to feel as such until a chance encounter on an airship above Paris.
But that was a decade away.
Countless days.
Countless days specifically with Moreau.
Im sorry...
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king-magppi · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about the camper parents/guardians, they have so much personality already but I'm curious as to your thoughts on them!!!
OK SO. Here's a little info on some of the pairs! I based some of their backstories and "parenting" on how their children behave in Psychonauts 1 and on what little insight into the campers' home-lives we are given by their Campster pages if any at all (there's a web archive link to it on the Ps wiki when you look for "Campster" if you ever wanna check them out! Lots of interesting stuff on there! I've also tried to add it here!). They don't all have names yet, but soon enough they will!
⚠️ALSO! Before we start: a quick content warning for mentions of child abuse, alcoholism, and neglect. Not all of these kids live happy lives.⚠️
The Canolas: Don Canola and his wife homeschool Maloof and get him private tutoring in the subjects he needs help in. They're actually one of the more stable families of the bunch despite being a crime family.
Ms. Foote: Her and her Ex-husband share custody of Clem. Their relationship is extremely rocky and the only reason he even gets to see his son is because of the intense fear she has of him. She finds it hard to have a relationship with her son because of his unwillingness to show interest in anything at home. She tries her best to indulge in anything Clem seems to enjoy, but she feels like she barely knows him.
The Phages: Ms Phage is a widow and now single mother to Milka Phage. Her husband was an alcoholic that stormed off after an argument over his addiction one day and just never came home. The police found his body with several stab wounds under a bridge somewhere days later. After this death, Ms Phage went into a severe depression. During this time, she would become irritable when she saw her daughter and told her to "dissappear" because she couldn't stand to look at her (she looks a lot like her dad). Milka became so good at disappearing on command that sometimes her mom just straight up forgot she was there. During these times, Milka would help herself to whatever was in the fridge and hang around for however long she'd like. Well, at least her cat could see her.
Ms. Snagrash: The single mother to Crystal (never married). She hasn't gotten the memo that she can't go out drinking and partying all day anymore if she's a mom. Because of this mindset, she sees Crystal as a burden and make sure she knows that. She's never had Crystal in a stable environment and is always with some new guy she more than likely wants to leech money from.
The Bulgakovs: Mr. and Mrs. Bulgakov are Mikhail's parents! They live in Kazan, Russia, but sent little Misha over just so he can make some friends over in The States! Mr Bulgakov looks stern and serious, but enjoys a good bear fight. Mrs Bulgakov wishes the boys would get some different, more productive interests like carpentry or archery or something...
The Tripes: Mr and Mrs Tripe love to tell Vernon stories! They encourage him to make his own and think he'll make a great author one day (with A LOT of practice, of course). Sometimes, they'll tell Vernon a story, and he'll try to tell the same one to kids at his school but with HIM as the main character. They have an old little dog named "Lady" that Vernon likes to take on walks.
Ms. Fir: She is the single mother of Elton who works at a brothel by the seaside (this is also where she met his father). While she isn't with her son 24/7, she still makes an effort to provide what she can for him in their situation. Elton spends most of his time down by the docks talking to the marine life in the sea.
The Hedgemice: Mr and Mrs Hedgemouse are the parents to Quentin Hedgemouse! They are probably one of the most loving and supportive pairs in this bunch! Mr Hedgemouse used to be in a band himself in highschool (it wasn't very good or well known, but he had fun!) and thinks it's great Quentin's got one too! He often jokes about trying to join "The Levitators". Nowadays he works as a simple book shop clerk. Mrs Hedgemouse is a stay at home mom who enjoys baking and making treats! She dreams of one day opening her own bakery!
The Loves: Mr and Mrs Love are still new to learning about their psychic powers. They only recently got into it after finding out that Phoebe shared this gift and was having problems controlling it.
(P.S. I'm really glad a lot of you seem to enjoy them so far!!!!! Like I'm seeing a bunch of positive feedback for them and it makes me 😭😭😭/pos)
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hotarutheconscience · 3 months
1, 3, and 10 for the rogue trader asks :>
Thanks for the ask.
1) Where are they from? What is their homeworld like? Do they miss it?
As i previously mentioned, Kristina Nikolaevna Romanovsky was born on Vostroya in a noble family.
This is a canon planet, you can look it up here (https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vostroya).
"Vostroya technically is neither a hive world nor a forge world. Instead, it falls somewhere in between (labelled an Industrial World)"
"The landscape is extremely bleak - highly polluted. Life outside 'managed' zones is almost impossible. Animal and plant life is almost non-existent. Most food is imported"
Kristina is a Highborn Vostroyan, so she grew up in a fancy mansion in the wealthy district of Lenitsk. Because she was raised in the rich family, she had a rare opportunity to see the actual trees, mostly pines. The climate, however, was not nice. Her childhood surroundings were cold, gloomy and bleak. The opulence in contrast to snow, pollution and factories.
Despite all of it, she misses her home planet. This is where her childhood passed. No place like home, huh?
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3) Do they have a good relationship with their family? Who were they closest to growing up?
It is... complicated.
Kristina has difficulties remembering her birth parents, she was a baby when they died. She remembers the dad's voice and mama's beauty. And despite the fact she never felt, like she was adopted, she is still bitter. The death of her mom inspired Kristina to study poisons.
Her stepmom... She does not remember her well too. Maria Romanovskaya-Golubeva, was a noblewoman, a patron of one of the military academies. She loved her adopted children dearly, but deep down she wanted to become a mother of own children. Alas, she died in childbirth. But the doctors managed to save Kristina's cousins.
Her stepdad is a difficult story. He was her dad's brother. Uncle. Yet, she still called him Father. After his wife's untimely demise, Alexander became a much colder person. He was already a fanatic, he was strict and seemed uncaring. As if he only loved his sons, the Fisrtborn and the Heir. As if he only saw the children as regicide figures.
No. Of course he loved the all in his way. No sentimental nonsense. Alexander wanted to provide a better future. He gave the kids the best education, tried to raise them as hard believers. Yet Kristina always felt like he trapped all of them in prewritten roles, and the fact that he has chosen her a husband without asking her opinion caused her to escape.
She understood later, that he was trying his best to ensure her wealthy and happy future and this is how the nobility worked. It was, however, too late to fix anything.
She was closest with her older brother, Mikhail. They used to play together a lot, but he as a Firstborn, he was destined to serve in Astra militarum. Soon he was sent off to the Military Academy. Should i say it was hard for Kris to accept that one day he will be drafted and she will never see him again?
As for younger siblings (cousins, actually) Viktor and Victoria are twins. They are 5 year younger. At first she hated them… THEY KILLED HER ADOPTIVE MOM. But she grew older and realized, that she was stupid.
Viktor was a quiet and shy boy, he loved technical stuff. They used read together. Kristina actually liked him, a shy boy who never bothered her. He expressed his dreams to become a Magos. But Viktor was a heir to be. And Kris felt pity. Vitya is blessed by the Omnissiah.
During her escape, she took Viktor with her and brought him to Mechanicus Temple. The Techpriests accepted him as an apprentice.
Victoria was.. difficult. A psyker. Alexander denied this possibility and brushed all the signs off as "she's mentally ill" or "this is her imagination". Yet Kristina suspected, that something is wring with little Vika. And was afraid of her.
Vika was clingy. And Kristina, afraid of her potential powers and weirdness, always neglected her and sometimes even tried to hide from her. How she regrets her behavior towards lonely little sister, who used to cry about monsters in the corners.
Kristina was kinda close with her grandfather, yet she rarely interacted with him. He was always busy. Yet, he taught her how to shoot and gifted a revolver :3
Rebellious Kristina was always compared to her ancestor, Olga. Olga, who rejected the norms.
10) How do they feel about becoming a Rogue Trader? How easily do they take to being the head of the von Valancius dynasty?
Even though it was a shock, she felt like she deserved to be recognized. She worked her butt off to become a Captain, and now Emperor bestowed her with even greater chances. With being a heir, she can do more...
But the mantle fell on her shoulders too abruptly. Kristina was scared. The protectorate is not the ship. Too much people, problems and responsibilities. At first, she was paranoid and panicked. Kristina is no stranger to being in charge. But the sheer scale of newfound responsibility terrified her at first. In the beginning she made some mistakes (Rykad)
Yet with the support of the retinue she adapted quickly.
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lostcrossing · 3 months
This is @spoofaloofa's sideblog for their newest and probably most niche project in the world: recreating the entirety of the Island from Lost in Animal Crossing!!
This project was made on nothing but spontaneous whim. Enjoy!
Tag rundown:
#The Island.jpg = Includes screenshots from The Island
#The Island.gif = Includes gifs from The Island
#The Island.mp4 = Includes videos from The Island
#The Island.txt = Textpost
gets regularly updated
more under the cut (Warning: batshit insane rambling. this is in no way organised.)
Okay lets do this shit
*cue The Eyeland*
PART 1 - The Bare, Bare Bones
Okay so I have a very general idea of what kind of stuff I’m going for so far.
The entrance is going to be the bamboo forest that we see Jack waking up in during the Pilot episode. Ofc imma put the tennis shoes there too 🗣️‼️‼️
The path’ll kinda curve to either the left or right side of the beach (maybe both?) and then BAM. BEACH.
I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna use for the fuselage. I might find something later tho lol
And there’ll be like, tent items and allat there’ll be an actual tent that has a bunch of medical supplies and magazines and stuff in it when you go inside of it. Cause guess what?? THAT TENT IS GONNA BE SAWYER’SSSS RAHH and another actual tent thats SAYID’S TENT THING THAT HE SET UP FOR SHANNON cause he was SO like… he was so… omg theres no word to describe how MMMPH that was it was just so AUGH
And just before the fuselage the bamboo will shift into normal trees and there’ll be a couple nooks and crannies you can sift upwards through to get to the pascal flats that lead to… THE BARRACKS!! I’ll add the pylons too ofc (which will not be very good for my character since he’s supposed to be Mikhail 😭)
and oh boy. oh boy oh boy the BARRACKS are where its at omg. This is where all the villager houses are going to be!! And do not even get me started on the AMOUNT OF ITEMS THAT PERFECTLY FIT THE BARRACKS. IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. ITS SO CRAZYYYYYAHHHHHH
there’ll be 2 exits to The Barracks: One thats like a dedicated path to the Submarine Dock (which leads to the actual dock in game!) and a hedge thing off to the left of the barracks with a semi hidden gap in it, similar to the bushes that Sayid, Locke, Danielle and Kate peeked through whilst trying to “rescue” Jack from the others. This will lead to the Pneumatic tube dump, and reenter the Pascal flats.
Okay last night I went feral and kind of made a scrappy plan in the whatsapp draw thing whilst trying to explain what I mean to one of my friends
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I’ll put this into the Happy Island Designer sometime later 💀
sorry guys i blacked out and woke up with 35 nook miles tickets. I am going villager hunting
- Klaus (Polar bear vibes. Would go for Tutu but I feel like she’s too happy to be on The Island 😭😭)
- Boris (He’s a boar. what more can I say)
- Roscoe (As Kate’s horse. Also cause Roscoe is one of my all time faves lol)
- Goldie (Vincent!!!)
- Punchy (Nadia, cat version. He’s the closest I can get to her tbh 😭 I would have chosen Lolly but her expression is too cute to fit Nadia)
- Ruby (As Chester! At least I think that’s what Ben’s rabbit is called? not too sure.)
- Peck (He kinda looks like a Eurasian tree sparrow and since those are like literally everywhere it could technically be an island animal. idk I got him in the 3 plots part of the storyline and I just want to keep him 😭)
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ruvviks · 2 years
TAGGED BY: @morvaris & @devilbrakers, thank you so much!! TAGGING: @reaperkiller, @steelport, @arklay, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @faarkas, @cultistbase, @liurnia, @girlbosselrond, @katsigian, @dickytwister, @shellibisshe, @adelaidedrubman, @henbased, @phillipsgraves, @strafethesesinners and YOU!
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vincent x vitali || mikhail + vincent || mikhail + vitali
cwjbhn - jake scott, josie dunne mikhail & vitali, teen years
even if it doesn't work out, even if it doesn't make sense // and you never see me again, can we just be happy now
and all that i know is here in this moment // sun is still setting over the ocean // here in this light the green in your eyes is all that i see // i'm right where i wanna be
director's commentary: this song is specifically what i have in mind for their last evening together before mikhail moves to the other side of town. i added the second bit because that's literally what they spent their evening doing; watching the sunset on the docks together, and vitali gifted mikhail a necklace nadya had given him to one day give to his significant other. vitali believed he would never find someone so he wanted mikhail to have it instead
i don't want to watch the world end with someone else - clinton kane mikhail & vitali, years apart [vitali pov]
but i've, i've finally realized // if this is our last goodbye until we're gone // who cares about the wrongs we've caused ourselves // 'cause i don't wanna watch the world end with someone else
falling deeper, deeper into hopeless thinking // remember when you pulled me out // wishing you would come around again // when the room goes quiet // i'm hit with my regret like a riot // reminds me what i really want // but have i waited for too long?
director's commentary: vitali loses his phone and with that loses contact with mikhail for six years. he believes he's never going to see him again and most of his bad decisions during their years apart are a direct result of mikhail's absence
i don't wanna be okay without you - charlie burg mikhail & vitali, years apart [mikhail pov]
now i can't find the words to say // that'll be the perfect balance between loud and clear // and i can hear so well, your lovely voice inside my head // saying you love me, oh // but i only think of you, will we be together soon? // i'm thrown to the wayside, you're planted in my mind // but i don't wanna be okay without you
director's commentary: mikhail is also not handling losing vitali well. he believes it's his own fault- thinks he didn't make enough effort to keep in touch with vitali and now he's ignoring him because of it. mikhail is trying a bit harder to move on, mainly because he has to focus on school a lot; but he can't help but keep thinking about vitali and wondering if he will ever see him again
anyway - noah kahan mikhail & vitali, reunited at arasaka
today you looked older than me // hair in your face, it fills the space between your teeth // and all of your falling, does it get exhausting? have you gotten sleep? // you said you were sorry that you hadn't called me in over a week // and i said, always, i'll wait
director's commentary: when mikhail and vitali reunite at arasaka, they move on very quickly from everything that happened mainly because they no longer want to think about it. but both of them realize that things are different now; and they worry about each other, not used to each other's new habits and quirks and especially mikhail worries a lot about vitali. but he also stays patient with him. they have all the time in the world now
boy who has everything - annika bennett vincent & vitali, late 2076 [vincent pov]
what do you give to the boy who has everything? // his world is almost too good to be true // what do you say when he's starting to let you in // and you see he's better off without you?
director's commentary: when vincent and vitali meet, vincent falls in love very quickly but also worries that because of their differences vitali will never be interested in him like that. his self-confidence at that point is basically below rock bottom and all of it together causes him to be very anxious about being in love at first
higher - blanks mikhail & vincent, early 2077
sun is going down, we go look for adventure // both a little scared, but it's better together // maybe it's the way that you looked in my eyes // i haven't been able to get you off my mind // driving through the valley, got your hands in my hair // tell me where you wanna go and i'll take you there
director's commentary: vincent and mikhail take a while to become friends because vincent is at first intimidated by mikhail, while mikhail just struggles making new friends in general. they're both essentially stepping out of their comfort zone a bit to befriend each other and because of it get a fresh new start and it's all worth it in the end, and that's the vibes this song gives me
meteor showers - andy kong vincent & vitali, early 2077 [vitali pov]
tell me it's love that i'm feeling // if it's not then i'm afraid my heart cannot take much more // you're staring up // i can't take my eyes off you // 'cause i realize the reason why i'm here tonight and what i breathe for // and i found love while dreaming of meteor showers
director's commentary: vitali has been with many men in the past but none of them have made him feel quite as vincent does. he also falls in love relatively fast but at first tries to just shrug it off, feeling like he should just focus on his professional life- but it's impossible to get vincent out of his head and he is very deeply in love with him now and it's too late to back out of that
tongue tied - grouplove mikhail & vincent, 2077
take me to your best friend's house // i loved you then and i love you now // don't take me tongue tied // don't wave no goodbye
director's commentary: another song that's just a bit more fun, mikhail and vincent's dynamics are just very fun and they love each other so much by now. it's interesting how they both started out very shy and nervous around each other but at the same time didn't want the other to walk away; some of that still lingers now, but they're enjoying the time they have together anyway
i don't wanna know - goldhouse, mokita all three of them, 2077+
if the sky's about to fall or if we lose it all // if we make it or we don't, i don't wanna know // if the music starts to fade and this feeling slips away // don't wake me when you go, 'cause i don't wanna know
director's commentary: despite the fact only vincent and vitali are actually together, they do all three live together and have become such an important part of each other's lives that they all can't go too long without each other. all three of them often worry that they'll still end up alone somehow; but they will in fact spend the rest of their days together, as long as they live
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
what do you love about each character? / as the creators, what do you think makes them, as individuals, special?
Oh jeez. I could probably rant for hours on each character, but I'll keep these reasonably short & sweet.
Anton Zaytsev — His perseverance & zeal for life. It is one thing to come out the other side scathed but still standing. It is an entirely different thing to come out happy. Most people would let so much death at their hands break them, but Anton has only allowed it to fuel his spirit while also trying to fuel the people around him. He's my little energizer bunny.
Asli Yildiz — Who doesn't love a soft babe? But I really enjoy a soft babe with a backbone. Asli is wonderful to me because albeit having no interest in war or brutality despite having all the reasons to become cold, she so kind & willing to bleed with others out of a need to help somehow. But her kindness shouldn't be inferred as weakness. She still has a bite and will stand up without an ounce of hesitancy.
Igor Lazarev — My stupid, very dumb, up-to-no-good boy. All brawn and no brains. There are a lot of reasons to love Igor, but what stands out to me for him is he is the precipice of something really good or very, very bad. He has two paths ahead of him & I'm eager to see which way his character is developed. He could go very dark, or he could become something truly great.
Maksim Kedrov — Fire & fuckery. His catchphrase. My little inferno. Someone scorched so many times but burning brighter than ever now. I love seeing his role be one of someone who came from nothing; making their own way in the world and letting nothing cripple them to the point of giving up. With his minor jealousy fits & self-deprecating thoughts. Maksim, to me, actually feels like someone who could grow into being a great leader & king with how bright he burns and I just want to put my shades on and watch.
Mikhail Voronin — Could probably write a whole thesis on my mans Mikhail. I'll spare you. I'll just say I will be weeping as he burns the world who took his one true love.
Nastia Berezin — The smart kid who breaks all the rules. Love it. The smart kid who can become the most successful inventor in history and politician but chooses the harder path. Stunning. Nastia is special because she could have had it easy, but things that truly matter are never easy. She seeks the bloodshed because she knows easy won't equate to peace. Knocking heads is justice. Plus, I love her because I just imagine her sitting on rooftops reading books while picking off people in the streets like petals on a flower.
Octavia Kaverin — She deeply symbolizes archery to me. More specifically an arrow. In that she was pulled back but propelled further forward than she was ever thrust back. Octavia is someone who has flown past people and lands only to finally hit its mark with the Volki. I'm really interested in seeing the smart-mouth woman open up once more & finally feel like she has someone, or many someones, to call home after being alone for so long. Also, on the topic of arrows, I do need a threeway competition between her, nastia, & varyis. I'm betting on Octavia. She can do it blind. That is all.
Sasha Nechayez — Sweet, wonderful, amazing, baby Sasha. I love them SO much. I feel like it is all too easy for them to get lost in the mix or undervalued but Sasha can, and is, an integral role to me. The things they could accomplish. Incomparable. But what I love about them the most is actually the storyline of how you can pick & pick & pick at yourself, but you will never be perfect to everyone. So stop trying. All that really matters is that you love yourself; in any shape or form. I want to see Sasha fall in love with themself & who they can be.
Sofiya Maryin — Ummmm she a baddie. She is the wolf. The South versus the East is actually a very interesting storyline to me & I wanted it to be showcased in the roleplay still. I wanted to see its aftermath. I wanted to see its ripple. She is that ripple. Sofiya is the rage of an entire region and I think she could be the biggest crippling point. The Achilles heel. I'm extremely interested to see her plot advancement as it could be catastrophic.
Svetlana Belyakova — Oh Lana. As the player of Mikhail, she is special to my fragile heart for many reasons. I won't get into that. But I will say what I want to see out of Svetlana is two things: being the baddie she is & being okay with the consequences of living. I don't think spymasters get enough love for what they do and what it takes to do it. She's gathering secrets like apples in an orchard. A skilled beauty. But I also want to see her be capable of doing what Mikhail isn't and allowing risks back into her life despite what may come of it. She knows a lot in terms of secrets & telling others how they should be, but she still has so much to learn herself in terms of just living.
Varyis Zhuk — My first love. I almost played them. Always have the tiniest regrets and want to go back to them. There is something about an assassin role that just speaks to my heart - especially one who can stab you in one breath & kiss you in the next. They are like the glue that holds a lot of people together in this crew. They keep everyone sane. They fill the voids which is ironic since they bask in the shadows. && I absolutely need to see their storyline play out of being one of those elites once only to be faced against them. I need the discomfort!!
Yekaterina Volkova — Danielle already knows everything I love about her character. Hidden pasts & lover of the king. Sorry. Imma gobble that storyline up!!
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fe-fictions · 3 years
I've always headcanon-ed that Dimitri ends up having a big loving family that consists of boys, but deep inside Dimitri longs for the chance of having a baby girl to spoil rotten with love. I imagine that when Byleth is again with child they think that they'll have another boy but in the end they're happily surprised with a cute little princess. I totally see Dimitri exploding with joy 🥺💕 If you want to, could you write about this? Thanks in advance, I love your stories 💕
(I was so excited to write this one ;; A ;; )
The king and queen of Faerghus had been blessed with a healthy and happy marriage, a beautiful kingdom, a reunited continent, and most importantly, a trio of handsome young boys.
The firstborn, Mikhail, came about shortly after the wedding day; it wasn’t long before they were expecting, which no doubt was in part due to Dimitri’s enthusiasm for his new wife. You, of course, were hardly complaining. It was a dream of both yours to have a big family, one that could be filled with joy and the safety that came with growing up in peaceful times.
Mikhail’s two younger brothers came after with only a few years between them. Sylvain referred to them quite fondly as the Three Musketeers, mainly due to their propensity for trouble and always off on some adventure, together.
Dimitri loved his sons deeply, as any proud father would. But now that you were expecting once more, nearly ten years later, it was quite clear there was something on his mind.
“Beloved,” He called to you one night, the two of you reading peacefully in bed, enjoying one of the last quiet nights you would have for a while. You looked over at him, a tired smile on your lips. You were not far from sleep.
“Yes, Dima?”
“What do you think our fourth child will be? A boy or a girl?” He asked you in the quiet, setting his novel on the nightstand.
“Well, if we follow the pattern from the last three…” You trailed off, running an absentminded hand over your baby bump, “I’d be more surprised if it weren’t another boy.”
“Do you want another boy?”
“I do miss having a little baby boy around…now that they’re all up on their feet and toddling around, they don’t want to snuggle as much…” You trailed off, glancing back, “Why do you ask?”
“Because, well…I don’t know. I suppose I might want something a little…different, you know?”
“You don’t want another boy?”
“I-it’s not that I don’t want another boy! If we have a fourth son I will be truly beyond joyful! You have already blessed me with three beautiful sons…I would be so very happy to have another.”
“It’s all right if you don’t want another boy,” You laughed, “So long as you aren’t disappointed if it is.”
“I could never be!” He gasped, borderline horrified that you could ever think he would be. “I-it’s more that…just…well… If we had a girl…I would be very happy.”
“You would be?” You beamed at him softly, “I didn’t know you wanted to have a little princess.”
“Well, I hadn’t given it much thought until I met Felix’s daughter, and Raphael’s… Ashe’s, too. They are all so very sweet and cute. And they always have such delicate dresses, and….I don’t know. I think it would be a nice experience, having a little girl running about. Perhaps one who looks like you, even…following us around like a little duckling, having tea time or teaching her to dance, or…”
“You’ve given this a lot of thought.” You laughed at his genuine sweetness, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “I think having a little girl around would be a wonderful thing. It would certainly be a change of pace from those three rapscallions we’ve got running about.”
“And they would be such good big brothers, too. They would protect her and be so gentle with their dear sister…. It makes my heart sing just to think of it, you know?”
“I think it’s a very sweet dream, there.” You mused, “I would certainly not be opposed to having a little girl a part of our family. Having a princess of Faerghus would be an excellent addition to the family. I’m sure that you would be her favorite parent. A daughter with a doting Papa is a perfect role for you.”
“Well…it may very well be little more than a sweet dream. I’m sure we’ll have another handsome young Blaiddyd prince join our ranks, soon.” He said with a fond smile, “Which, mind you, I would be very happy with.”
“Of course.” You rolled your eyes, putting out the oil lamp and settling in for the night. Dimitri helped ease you onto your back, making sure you were nice and snug and as comfortable as a nine month pregnant woman could be, before following suit.
“I will be thrilled with any child you give me, Byleth. No matter what.” He kissed you tenderly, wrapping his arms around your waist for a proper night’s sleep.
“But you’d be happiest if it’s a girl…right?”
“I didn’t say that.” He huffed, “Forget I said anything…I fear I’ve opened myself up to plenty more teasing than I should have.”
“It’s just such a cute idea…I can’t help myself.” You giggled, cupping his cheek. “Goodnight, Papa.”
“Papa, Papa! Is the baby here yet?”
“Is Mama okay?”
“Can we see her?!”
Dimitri had been pacing outside the delivery room for ages. Hardly three days had passed since your conversation on princes and princesses, before you went into labor with the fourth Blaiddyd child.
He’d been quite worried; you were struggling with the labor, more so than the last three. He racked his brain, trying to think of why that was. All three of your sons had been more relaxed births, and the struggle to deliver them was much shorter.
But you'd been in labor for almost 12 hours straight…he couldn’t imagine the pain you were in.
Mercedes had been flittering in and out of the delivery room all day long, trying to reassure the King while also doing her best to keep you safe and healthy throughout the process.
“She’s almost ready to push, milord,” Mercedes had said to him, “She’s had a hard time so far, but…the worst may be behind us soon!”
That was hours ago.
The boys were done with their tutoring, Mikhail leading along his six- and four-year-old brothers were bouncing along with him like energetic little puppies, wondering what was happening with their mother.
Dimitri did his best to keep a brave face, but it was clear to Mikhail, at least, that his father was very, very worried about his mother.
“The baby isn’t here yet, boys.” Dimitri managed a tight smile, “We cannot visit Mama until then. We must be patient.”
“Is she okay?” Mikhail asked shyly, fidgeting at the thought that something was going wrong with his mother. He hated the thought. The prince was smart, and Dimitri knew that, but…he would not let the children see him more upset than he already was.
So instead of telling him the truth, which was that he did not know, he only smiled.
“Of course she is, Mikhail. Mama is very strong, and she has done this many times. Three times, in fact,” He tousled each blonde mop of hair, earning giggles from his little sons. “So let’s be patient, all right? We should hear from the nurses any-”
“King Dimitri!”
Annette popped out of the room, face flushed and eyes sparkling. Dimitri rushed to her, hope and fear intermingled in his voice.
“My wife…i-is she…?”
“She’s all right!” Annette assured him, “She made it through delivery, and you have another Blaiddyd on your hands!”
“Oh!” Dimitri pressed a hand to his forehead, feeling all the relief crash over him at once. The three boys cheered behind him, tackling their father’s legs.
“Yay! Another Blaiddyd!”
“Little brother!!”
“More brothers!!”
“Just one more,” Dimitri smiled tiredly, looking back to Annette, “May I see her, now?”
“She’s been asking for you since the baby was born,” She laughed, “But you should brace yourself.”
She grinned, “I didn’t say anything about a little brother, did I?”
Dimitri’s heart stopped. His mouth fell open, staring at Annette. The woman only pushed him inside, taking the lhree princes from the door and ushering them outside. “Just a little while more,” She told htem, “And then you can see your Mama.”
Dimitri needed to see her, first.
The king was nearly tripping over himself, striding into the room with a wide eye and thunder in his chest. You were lying there, in clean clothes and freshly changed sheets, looking utterly exhausted. But you had that same winning smile you had every time Dimitri came into the delivery room, with a beautiful little bundle in your arms. Everything was fine, and you had made it through another successful delivery.
But this one was different.
“I couldn’t wait to see you.” You smiled at him, offering a hand for him to take. He crossed the room and took your hand quickly, “I wanted you to meet your daughter.”
He stared at the bundle of blankets, finding a petite, pink face peeking out. A tuft of dark hair peeked out, with sweet blue eyes staring up at him.
“It’s…i-it’s a girl?” He managed, his voice cracking with emotion. You nodded, squeezing his hand. “We h-have a little girl?”
“We have a little girl.” You confirmed, gently pulling back the blanket just enough so he could get an even better look at the sweet baby gurgling in your hands. He couldn’t have stopped those tears from flowing if he wanted to.
“Sothis be praised…oh, gods, look at her…s-she’s so…oh, Byleth, she’s so beautiful!” He whispered, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. You laughed, his joy as infectious as it was, adorable.
“She’s the reason why my labor was so much more difficult. According to Mercedes, girls have a tendency to be a harder delivery than boys. But we’re both healthy, and after an extended rest, I should be back on my feet in no time.”
“That is a great relief. I was so worried.” He murmured, kissing your forehead. His hand came to rest over his daughter’s blankets, nearly swallowing the girl beneath the sheer size of it compared to her tiny body. “She’s so delicate…a-and small…were all the boys this little?”
“They were certainly more round. She’s a bit on the smaller side, but Annette assured me she’ll get big and strong in no time.”
“Of course.” He agreed, touching her tiny cheek with a cautious finger. She was as soft and warm as she should be, he decided, his heart swelling with such adoration for this tiny new royal. “I am…so proud of you, Byleth. She’s absolutely gorgeous. You did wonderfully.”
“I can’t take all the credit,” You laughed, leaning into his chest, “She’s your daughter, too. And I’m sure you’re dying to hold her, too, aren’t you?”
He looked like an excited, giant puppy. “I-if it’s al right with you, I would love to!”
Carefully you settled her into her father’s arms, nearly disappearing behind his thick arms. Dimitri cradled her as though she were a most precious creation; which, as far as either of you were concerned, she absolutely was.
“Hello, little one…my daughter. My little girl…” He whispered, tears threatening to fall all over again. Dimitri clutched her close to him, filled with pride at the very sight of his precious princess.
He kissed her forehead, earning a curious squeak and huff from the drowsy newborn. He sank into the pillows beside you, settling her onto his chest where his heart thumped full of joy.
It was clear as day that man was going to be head over heels for his little girl ‘til the day he died; and likely wrapped around her teeny tiny fingers, too.
The peace wouldn’t last, of course, when the boys were allowed in to meet their little sister. They were excited to start training with her and teaching her how to fight like true warriors (whatever that meant).
You were just glad that they all were thrillled about having a little sister. You worried they might not be happy at first, since they all assumed it’d be another brother to tousle with.
But it seemed all four of your boys were on the same page; having a little sister was easily the best thing that could have happened to them.
Of that there was absolutely no doubt.
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nancystrayed · 2 years
I held off on watching the new vampire academy tv show because a lot of people (at least on my timeline) were saying it was boring and not much was happening. But boy were they wrong. I watched all five episodes and this is everything I ever wanted in a show. There’s chemistry, a lot of romance tropes, friendship, and etc.
I admit, I was hesitant about a new cast just because I loved the original cast members but to be honest this cast is so superior!!
Lissa and Rose friendship is so beautiful and the fact that they would do anything for each other. As much as I love all the other characters in the show, these two are my favorites.
Whoever did the casting for this show needs a raise, because all the characters got chemistry!!!
Rose and Dimitri?! A very hot couple who at this point flirt in front of everyone lol, they had me screaming at the screen so many times to kiss!!! I’m pretty sure when they finally do I’m gonna yell the whole time. He cares so much for her, pushes her to do better, and is always being rational. Did I mention these two people are hot and their chemistry is just on a whole other level?
With the whole Rose and Dimitri thing, I can’t help but feel bad for Mason just because it’s clear to everyone that Mason is in love with Rose and Rose is literally the only one who doesn’t see that. I don’t consider this a love triangle at all just because Rose clearly sees him as a friend who she occasionally kisses. If he’s not going to get a fair shot with her romantically, then I hope we see a good friendship there. When he told Rose, “what would Lissa say” I was like AWWW
Lissa and Christian, when he called her a unicorn?! <3 and how much he is helping her with figuring her power out! He really likes her, cares what she think, and is always helping her out. BUT, I would not be surprised if the writers push for a whole Lissa and Jesse thing because of the whole marriage to get her seat back. I wouldn’t mind Lissa being in a love triangle. Jesse has been a unlikeable character for me so far but a marriage of convenience trope? I’m a sucker for that ngl lol.
Mia and Meredith, when Meredith said “look so she can be nice” after witnessing the interaction between Mia and Sonya was so cute. Can tell Meredith was so into Mia when she first seen her and Mia was intrigued by her. I hope to see more scenes between them in the future :)
Sonya and Mikhail!! Omg when he said he had a date to get to, I just knew he was going to die and I wish they didn’t do it just because this couple was perfect and Sonya was so happy. Seriously, our girl been through a lot and deserved him just as much as he deserved her. That last scene of her in episode five scared me, but am glad it didn’t end the way I thought it would for her and am curious to see what the writers have in store for her.
Again, I can rant about everyone on this show because they are so well written and great but I wanted to focus on my favorite couples. I do have some criticism regarding this show, and that is just more music please lol. I know it may seem dumb but this show could have more music on it :) okokok byeeeee <3
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chaotic-nick · 3 years
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Note: Used one of my headcanons as an inspiration for the story. Annnnnd I'm posting this before I go to bed because I pulled an all nighter for my midterm. The last one for this semester.
word count: 2700
warnings: mentions of infidelity, death of a parent.
Event: Forbidden Collab hosted by @1252291
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They never met. Really never.
Though it was their families that have done well in aspects beyond their business— maintaining a rivalry that started with their grandparents. Sure the (L/n) daughter tried to mend ties with the oldest son of the Zacharias family when she sat in her grandfather’s chair.
He was the typical movie villain of a CEO. Only five years ahead of her in taking his father’s position, he used it as an invitation to smoke a cigar as she discussed what could be done to fix their rivalry and then blow smoke at her face. It took everything in her not to snatch the rifle above his office door when he told her that the company should fall into her husband’s hands.
After that, (M/n) only wished him ‘good luck, and a goodbye’ at an event when his youngest son brought havoc. Hand on her belly, as if telling him to be afraid of the (L/n) heir.
But as the youngest, Miche, grew, Mikhail realised he needed more than just a ‘good luck’.
If he wasn’t the favourite child, he would’ve disposed of Miche, shut his mouth from airing out his dirty laundry to every person he spoke. His wife’s last pregnancy was enough of a mistake, and every waking day Mikhail spent proved that his youngest son was an expense.
Standing tall, blond hair combed so lovingly by his wife and his skin dusted with freckles, his words never failed to make the older men laugh. All crowded around him at the events, Miche was more amusing than his father himself.
Some would say that Mikhail hated the boy’s guts because he was a carbon copy of his mother. A woman he couldn’t control at first.
He was smart for his age, already reading books on cultures and religion. He was more than happy to share them with everyone he met. “So my papa should be a Muslim!”
Pyxis, who was the first to entertain him, bent down to his height. “Hmm. Why so, Mister Zacharias?”
“Because. I see him telling all the girls at the big building that he’ll marry them— that’s bad. My mommy tells me that—”
“That’s enough, Miche.” At the young age of eight when he started tagging along to these events, he was already bringing shame to his father’s face.
While he brought shame, (Y/n) frolicked around in her estate. Mud weighing her down. Sometimes beating the air with a stray stick.
In a way they were already connected through the shared stories of retired business executives, all gathered at Lucia’s pond. She sighed into her glass of whisky, already asking for Pyxis to pour her another one. “That child.” With the tone of her voice, they all turned to watch (M/n) chasing her around to get her in her afternoon shower. She was moving about like the pressure of her to do well everywhere.
“Now I know how much of a mischief I was with my mom,” she lit a cigarette. “I told (M/n), ‘no let her enjoy all the brands I’m buying her. She’s the first granddaughter, she should know, she’s special.’ And my poor heart can’t take it when I have to wait all year to spend two months with her.
Zackly laughed heartedly, being the one to see (Y/n) with a lot of amusement, remembering that she excitedly joined their farmers. And then ran to her father telling him that she no longer wanted to see aeroplanes, only planting seeds and watching them grow. “Sounds like she and the Zacharias boy would get along—” he turned to Pyxis, who was growing red from drinking, for confirmation. “He’s ten now?”
“Ah, six years older than her,”
Zackly turned back to Lucia and asked. “Think they’ll be the one to fix severed ties?” Not that he really expected an answer.
“I lost hope that they’d listen to us, but—” her eyebrows furrowed, she closed her eyes. Fixing the gap the Zacharias family was what she considered her only regret.“For them to force their children to carry on the weight of a generation’s hatred. How pathetic. The youngest will be the one to break their bubbles, I’m telling you.”
If only Miche hadn’t seen the many nights his mother cried over his father’s many accounts of infidelities. Or was asked to keep quiet about seeing his father ‘enjoying’ his secretary, he wouldn’t use going to university as a pathway to getting out of his father’s roof.
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Maybe if his mother was still around, he would’ve stayed in Paradis. But, her death was enough for him to move to a new country with nothing and start anew with Erwin.
He wouldn’t have met (Y/n) there, still writing her university experience story when he felt a connection with her. One that she ignored at first.
“Shit—” defeated he fell into the softness of his bed. A defeated ‘fuck’ following when he saw her lip pressed in a thin line, looking at him with a glint of amusement. “I think I should cancel class tomorrow. Head's killing me."
“That you should do,” she popped the foil sachet open, letting the tablet drop into his open hand. The glass of warm water by his bedside. Then showed him her compact mirror, just to make him see how much of a mess he was.
Hair sticking to his forehead all pointed at different places. And still, he had enough hair that it was all fluffy at the back. Eyes all red— “You were crying about how you used to respect your dad, but now you hate him so much,” Followed by her turning away, “you’re starting to smell, Miche.”
“Oh,” he fell back closing his eyes with a hand to block the sunlight. “I’ll shower if you come with me?”
“Right . . .” followed quickly by, “so you can vomit on me like what you did with Erwin.”
“I did that?!”
“At least it’s not one Levi?” True, he and Erwin have been friends enough for him to let the vomit affect him. "I was stopping Hanji from taking your pictures."
Her back was facing him as she walked from one spot to another, looking at the unfinished paintings hung up on his wall. All with base drawings. Miche hoped he knew that it wasn’t any woman that was in them, savouring how she looked so innocent in staring at them. “How do we tell them?”
A question he dreaded hearing. So many scripted answers that only came at night, but every time she asked with an added despair—
—he didn’t have all those words he guarded in his mind. Breaking his heart when her broken eyes looked away from him.
“Our age gap is one thing, and then you telling your parents . . .” fear followed when she faced him. His back hugs won’t do anything if she was beginning to lose hope that he’d have the courage to show his face for once.
She was young, if she leaves him, she’ll be able to move on. But in his case—
What he’s gotten good at besides hiding his face, was, “This and that. If you don’t worry about it enough, we can run away and settle here. Change our names as well.”
“Absolutely not!”
“Figured you’d say that.” if she ever does think about leaving him, he has all these paintings of her to remind him of the love he treasured so much. He nuzzled further into her, then after a long sniff asked, “When do you go home?”
“Maybe a month after I graduate. ”
“Then I’ll go with you.”
“It’ll get us attention from them. Two heirs arrived in Paradis at the same time. Scandalous. But I’ll make sure it’s all on me, and not you. So you can go home safely.”
“And you’re doing that because?”
“To give my cheater of a father a heart attack.”
She should’ve trusted her gut when it told her it wasn’t just that. Yes, she had every right to believe that it was the intention, MIche hated that man with every nerve of his being. However, she should have prepared for this as well.
He’s somewhere in his mansion, nursing a wound, thinking he was probably so smug in sending her family an invitation for his art gallery. A green envelope sat in the middle of the dining table. The gold Zacharias seal torn away from the envelope but done carefully to not break the wax seal. She toyed with the bouquet of baby’s breath that was sent along with it. Watching her grandmother and mother’s faces contort to different emotions.
“Are we going, (m/n)?”
She asked to break the silence that’s been there since the sender of the letter was announced. Even if she knew her mother had an inkling, attention going straight to her when she offered to open the letter too excitedly.
“Yes! Of course, it was the son who invited us.”
“Don’t.” (Y/n) tested the waters. Hoping her tone sounded too unsure enough. “What if it’s a trap? I dunno, don’t you guys hate each other?”
That only earned her light slap of a hand fan on her shoulder from her grandmother. Amused.
“Do you hate someone you’ve never met, (Y/n)?” With a tone like that partnered with a side glance, (Y/n)’s nape felt cold under the jacket she wore. Miche’s jacket. One that she’d ‘borrowed’ so she could smell him.
The gallery’s cold air silenced her more. Lips cracking under the lipstick and lipgloss that promised to keep them moisturised. Yes, the decor was beautiful. A timeless classic. Familiar faces who’s reminded her that she too has aged, no longer a child. A row of cameras— expensive and with lenses huge enough to capture a secret from afar.
Inside, she could only wish that the invitation was the end of his antics.
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Oh, how wrong all of her guesses were.
Knowing that Miche was somewhere inside, she still let the void growing inside take over her. Drying her throat and pushing her heart up to lodge it there.
“Miss (Y/n) (L/n),” came a redhead, at the entrance of the gallery, stopping her.
“Yes?” Now she was praying that those flowers that stood out on their own weren’t for her. There was already a snap of pictures coming behind her.
“From the artist himself, miss.”
Outside, she controlled every urge to smile, forcing a shocked expression. And walked with her family, head held high. ‘Try not to cry. NO, When you see Miche be civil with him. Don’t cry just yet.’
Fucking hell. MIche I swear to god— “I see, wonderful! Thank you!” Inside, all the anger melted to giddiness. The bouquet consisted of the first flowers he ever gave her. This time wider. Loud with decorations.
“He’s a talented painter.”
That he is. They all stood in front of the first canvas. Admiring it. Her voice came back, wanting to tell then that the subject of the painting was her! When she first wore a dress for him, spent her time looking all dolled up. He captured it perfectly. A simple pink dress.
And when the night ended with him dancing her along with the melody of his favourite piano piece.
Next was her side profile, was he slowly going to reveal her face to her family? It was her! Still blurry. She only recognised it as it was from when they were caught in the rain and sought shelter under a closed church.
Looking solemnly into the distance. “It’s for a future painting, I swear!” Was followed when she looked at him so— offended?
As if it wasn’t enough torture the last one was of her entire face, looking down up at his. This was from a wedding! Nile and Marie’s wedding when he told her that she’d be his, that she just needed to wait. Entranced by how his hands replicate the picture with more depth to the emotions they felt that day, she stepped forward, letting her face show awe.
“Take care of her, Miche.”
Quickly, she snapped her head to the side where she heard her grandmother’s voice. In front of another painting, her family members surrounded a MIche, forehead touching the floor as his hands balanced his body. Nothing but serene smiles on their faces. Her parents were amused. Urging him to stand up so he could join her.
He laughed as he stood up, “Of course, future in-laws,” his back being met by slaps on the back from Zackly and Pyxis. Both mumbling about how he’s become the real problem child for Mikhail.
“Hey,” he joined her, pulling her to his side. Head resting above hers. (Y/n), lowered her bouquet to feel his warmth when she turned to him. “you’re crying.”
“Of course I would.”
He reached into the back if his pocket, fishing for a box. “Guess I’ll have to make you cry even more.” Like he wasn’t crying himself when he looked up at her from where he kneeled.
“What about your family, Miche? You’ll be excommunicated!”
“So? I already have a million something.” He took her hand. “And a house somewhere.” He slipped the ring, staying on the ground longer to let them take proper pictures of her.
Any moment now his father would barge in. Yelling to have all the attention on him, make a fuss about how he’s such a disgrace and doing this was an act of treachery to the family. For now, he stood up, giving his engagement ring for her to slip on his. “What kind of wedding do you want?”
“You actually rubbed off on me, I was thinking of eloping after this.”
“Oh, so I didn’t have to kneel down like that after all? Or risked my life going to your mansion to ask for your hand in marriage.”
“You did that?”
“Yea, your grandma told me not to wake you up. She wanted to see how long you’ll keep quiet.”
“I have a picture of you asleep.”
She stared longer at the painting, leaning on Miche’s side. Her beating her heart coming to a steady pace. “Mic—”
“SIR!” Petra nearly tripped running to him if it weren’t for Levi, the panicked expression on her face telling them enough. Her shrill voice silenced the conversations among people, going all to her.
Then a loud bang from the doors being slammed open. Miche flinched, standing there to make sure it was his father before bending down to put an arm behind (Y/n)’s knees. Carrying her bridal style.
“What kind of a disgrace are you?” (Y/n) heard a she turned to her parents, standing at an open backdoor that Miche ran to.
“We’ll see you there, (Y/n). Don’t worry.”
“We love you!”
She looked up at Miche, pieces of the smashed bouquet leaving a trail as he took the steps in wide leaps. Asking him for an answer. “I also have a helicopter waiting for us upstairs,”
“Where to?”
“We have a lifetime to be together?”
“Not that,” he almost threw her in. Jumping in after. “Last time I talked to him he broke my nose.”
She looked below out the window, her family’s guards trying their best to stop Mikhail’s guards from going near the helicopter. And as the helicopter took off from the helipad, his father broke reached the rooftop. An angry stance that could only punch someone. Not land the plane. “We’ll be alright, (Y/n).”
Inside she hoped his words were true, as the conflict below them grew smaller. Then swallowed by the land as they joined the skies. For now, she could squeeze his hand. “So, Hizuru?”
Taglist: @axoxtxhxh @stigandr-the-cat @sinnerofthewalls @daichimorelikedaddy @onecelestialbeing @daichimorelikedaddy @ririthu @tinymiraclegoatee @nanaminsx @just-a-teal-android @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes
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codenameantarctica · 3 years
Thanks for your post on Alex ^^ I wholeheartedly agree the dude's a villain. The thing I wonder is though, who is Alex *really* working for? In other words, who the hell is Chernobog's kingpin?! (Call me crazy, but I can't shake the suspicion that Asami's father is playing a role in all of this mess). Any thoughts you'd like to share on the 'brains' behind Chernobog?
Hi and hello to you! I think that it is very likely that in the long run Asami's father is in some way involved in all of this.
We know that he wants his son back in his organization. Maxim talks to Asami about this, but Asami does not want to hear about it.
What we know from 'Finder no Souen' is that Asami wanted to get out of the underworld and out of his father's organization. Yet, after he saved Kuroda from the people who kidnapped him, Asami needed his father's help to dispose of any evidence. After all, Asami had killed a few people.
His father was fine with this, if Asami joined the organization for good. Though - after all this time - it seems that at some point Asami managed to step out of it to built up his own business in Japan which was detached from his father's influence.
Fast forward to today: Asami has been chased out of his own apartment, out of his own turf, out of his own business, out of his own country by Chernobog. He has been running away from them for months, hiding Akihito away at some temple, and Mikhail tells us, that even the Russian government is afraid of meddling with Chernobog.
Yet, all we see of them is them being rather stupid about most of their attempts to kill Asami. If this is not just sloppy writing and plot-armor (and I honestly hope it is not), then the best in-universe-explanation would be that Chernobog was supposed to make it seem like they were after Asami's life, to make him think he needed to run and give up his businesses and everything, until he was so completely left without defense that he had to turn to his dad. They might have sent in Rookies, might have given up quickly, might have not sent in all of their equipment, and might actually just even be happy with risking their own lives for the right kind of money. All in all, this seems to me like Chernobog was more supposed to chase Asami than to actually kill him, in order to make him turn to Daddy.
Enter: Fei Long.
Daddy might not have expected that Asami had a person as powerful as that to jump in to help him. With Mikhail joining in as well there's another big player stepping into the game that's very hard to handle.
The problem with all of this is that it is very confusing and hard to tell where what person is going for what goal. I doubt that Aaron wasn't eager to kill Asami. He definitely wanted to do that. And Yuri probably would not have cared to kill any of them. Then again, Yuri wanted to grasp control over Chernobog and Mikhail's bratva for himself, making him another player in the whole scheme himself.
But the point is, that it seems very often, like either Chernbog was not really trying hard enough, or somebody knew that Asami would be able to survive their attacks anyway. After all, we know that Asami's dad tossed his boy into war to see if he came out on top.
So all in all the idea of Asami's dad might be: I want him back! I will force him. But if he does not survive my attacks, he is not worthy anyway. If he manages to survive, however, he will have no chance but to come back into the company's fold.
And I think for this purpose he is using Chernobog. And Alex is working for him and pretty much involved in all of this, actively using people like Sakazaki and Maxim. Simon on the next page might have been told that the goal is to kill Asami. He might no be in on the "game" and might be one of those who are supposed to think this was for real so they gave their best.
Again my impression is, that Asami's dad IS indeed behind this and that his ideology reads somewhere along these lines: "I want him back, so I use force. If he does not survive the force, he is not worthy. I he survives the force, I win."
An unasked question answered on the side line: I am sure Maxim is innocent because he is a cat lover - just like sensei. Sensei would never write a cat lover to be evil ;)
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ruvviks · 2 years
🧑‍🦰🍷💓🧳💀🧸 for my boy Vito for the oc asks
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🧑‍🦰 - have they ever dyed their hair? ever cut it themself?
now this one is. well. not funny actually GHJDFHGJD vitali LOVED his long hair and really did not want to get rid of it EVER. but. well. in his fourth year of college he had an insane breakdown (i might write about this for the broker chapter at some point tee hee) and ended up cutting off his hair :( he still feels horrible about it but. well. he also refuses to let it grow out again because of. his mother mostly. something something a mother's obsession with her daughter's (gender neutral) hair and so on. there's much to say about that but i shan't go too deep into it <3 LMFAO
he's always dyeing his hair and also bleaching it too. his natural hair color is very dull brownish black. like his mother's hair :) do i need to say more :) it's funny because his sister roksana has now also bleached AND cut her hair. there's. there's much to unpack here but. you'll figure it out
🍷- how do they feel about alcohol?
vitali has VERY mixed feelings about it. on one hand he tries to limit his alcohol intake because he used to drink a LOT when he was younger and, well, in the broker chapter he's also had a lot at some point which didn't really do him well so he tries to stay away from it. but at the same time he Does really enjoy a drink or two. so. two wolves inside of him truly
💓 - what are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? how do they show their affection?
vitali is very gentle with people he cares about to begin with, but especially when he's in love this is very much visible in the way he acts around them. he's not one to initiate things anymore since. well. all of his failed relationships in the past. but he always gets SO happy when the person he's in love with is around and he's always trying to involve them in things so he can see them more :] this is how mikhail was able to tell vitali was in love with vincent SGHFJDGHD boy cannot hide it <3
🧳 - what countries have they been to?
vitali has only been in the united states unfortunately </3 though he doesn't really want to go to any other country even if it's just for a vacation, he's doing just fine here. well. "fine". you know what i mean
💀 - how do they feel about horror movies?
vitali is pretty neutral on them! he can enjoy a good horror movie but is also very good at thinking of The scariest image he can possibly imagine when he's in the dark outside. so whenever he watches a horror movie he looks up what he can expect from it first and prefers to watch with others there so hopefully he won't save a lot of scary images to the scary image gallery in his brain SHGFJDHGJDF
🧸 - do they have any stuffed animals? if so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
at this point it's safe to say all my ocs have stuffed animals unless explicitly stated otherwise SGHFJGHDJ vitali has a BUNCH of them from his childhood but most of them are in a box somewhere. until he meets vincent :] he eventually puts them somewhere in view again but they're mostly decorative, it would be around the time he and vincent also get together so if he needs to hold something in his sleep he can just hold vincent <3
oc asks!
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camthesolemnone · 3 years
*crashes through door*
Ok. Soulmate AU!! it's the one with the red string connecting you to your soul mate by your pinkie. Make up some rules for it if you need to!! I like to do the thing where the string gets tighter/looser as they move closer and farther from their s/o.
Ok, goodnight, I love you, bye!
*passes out just outside door*
Whoops accidentally made Zhanna older than Heavy in this one. Well I mean, maybe she is, but I've always written Mikhail as the oldest child in his family. Anyway, enjoy!
Wide eyes full of tears and flushed cheeks was what Mama came across upon turning to face who was tugging at her shawl. Little Zhanna, no more than five, was highly concerned about her baby brother.
"Mama! Misha’s finger is blue!"
Fearing that her son had developed gangrene from the cold brought on by the heavy storm outside, the distressed mother turned away from her soup pot and made haste towards the living room.
"Zhanna! Go get your father!" She instructed, entering the space, and the small girl nodded rapidly as she dashed off to where Papa was doing laundry.
Mama approached her child. The infant was situated in the center of the carpet, tiny hands shaking and eyes also leaking. Mikhail couldn't form words yet. He could only helplessly wail as he became light-headed; he had lost all feeling in his pinkie finger.
Mama kneeled down near him, and Zhanna and Papa appeared a second later.
"What is going on! Is moy syn alright?" The older man cried.
Mama took the boy’s hands in her own and examined them closely. As Zhanna had announced, his left pinkie was a light shade a blue. At the base of Mikhail’s finger was a small red string, fastened so tightly that it constricted the blood flow. The Russian mother breathed a sigh of relief.
“There is nothing to fear, he has simply acquired his soulstring,” Mama explained, standing up and giving her family a reassuring nod.
Papa let out his own held breath at the fortunate news, but Zhanna simply stared at her parents in confusion.
“Mama, what is a soulstring?”
Her father reached out to grasp her mother’s hand, and the two of them smiled down at their daughter.
“Young Zhanna, a soulstring is leetle red string around your pinkie that connects you to your soulmate: the person you are destined to fall in love with. Some people’s thread appears immediately after birth, but for others, it can take several years before their special partner is chosen,” Mama revealed.
Papa added on, motioning to Mikhail in the process.
“The tighter the string is, the farther you are away from your soulmate. Seeing as your brother’s is strong enough to cut off circulation, there is good chance his soulmate does not live in this country.”
Zhanna glanced over at the thread on Mikhail’s finger and then back to her parents, crossing her arms.
“What happens to the string when you find your ‘soulmate?’“ Zhanna inquired.
Papa crouched down to ruffle his daughter’s hair while Mama picked up Mikhail and left the room to resume dinner.
“Once you meet fated love, the string falls off for good,” he explained.
The small girl beamed and ran a hand through her black hair.
“Chudesno! I can’t wait to get my soulstring!”
Mikhail had given up on his chances of ever finding his love or feeling his finger again.
Forty seven years had passed since the red string initially appeared on his pinkie, and not once had he ever felt it loosen up. He felt hopeless and silently wondered most days if the higher beings had made a mistake. Maybe he truly wasn’t attached to anyone and they had tied the thread just to spite him. Instead, the Russian decided to spend his time taking care of his family.
His father had long since passed and Yana and Bronislava had run off with their soulmates, but at least Mikhail could still provide for his mother and Zhanna.
An ad in the newspaper intrigued him one morning: a mercenary job in America offering thousands. The giant immediately took to calling the company, known as Mann Co., and asked for a position. Not only would he be able to make enough money to provide a comfortable life for Mama and his sister, he was delighted at the opportunity to wield guns against evil men with no consequence. Moving away from the Russian blizzards would also prove to be a positive change.
Within two months of his interview, the new Heavy Weapons Specialist was landing down in New Mexico. A few days were spent getting used to his new surroundings and signing paperwork, but eventually, the bus came by his hotel to take him to the Reliable Excavation Demolition base. 
While lounging in the tough leather seat, Heavy glanced at the surrounding seats and took notice of two other men sitting in the back. They both wore red and yellow bands on their arms, indicating they were some of Mikhail’s new teammates. Preferring not to spend a year with a group of people who disliked him, the Russian moved to the back of the bus to make a good first impression.
“Privet, I am Heavy Weapons Guy,” he began.
The two men looked up from their respective pieces of literature. The younger of the two lazily held and flipped a baseball magazine with one hand. The other man, taller and masked, was gripping a thick, plain-covered novel.
“Yo! I heard that our Heavy was supposed to be, well, you know, heavy, but damn you’re fa--OWW!” The Bostonian shouted, being met with a swift slap from the man sitting beside him.
“Please ignore Scout here. This rotten bunny doesn’t seem to have any manners.”
“Go to hell, you French bastard!” Scout shot back.
The insults continued and Heavy found himself silently slinking back into his seat. He had the strength to snap both of them like toothpicks if he so desired, but it was better not to end his career before it started.
Along the ride, the bus stopped several times to pick up the rest of the RED team. First came their pyromaniac and engineer, then the sniper and soldier. The demolition’s expert came by himself and the final stop was saved for a relatively young woman in a purple dress.
“Er, hello, everyone. I am Miss Pauling, your boss’s secretary. I’m scheduled to give you guys a tour around the base and to break down your jobs. Raise your hand if you have any questions and please, try to cooperate with one another,” the woman sighed.
Dell, the shortest man on the team with a yellow hardhat, raised his hand.
“Yes, Engineer?” Miss Pauling prompted.
“Isn’t there supposed to be one more fella here with us?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Miss Pauling glanced toward the ceiling briefly as if she were really pondering the answer before turning to Engineer.
“Medic’s flight got delayed due to a massive snowstorm in Berlin. He should be here tomorrow at the earliest.”
It was impossible to notice the difference just by looking at it, but Mikhail nearly jerked forward when he felt it. Was he really going insane in his desperation? Had the string really just loosened? It most certainly had, he had felt the pressure ease up ever so slightly, but something in the back of his mind that told him it was just his imagination. The giant shook his head and groaned, barely able to pay attention to anything else Miss Pauling said.
His mind became a battlefield of longing versus absurdity. The thread had suffocated him during his prime. There was no possible explanation as to why his soulmate would be appearing now of all times. By forty seven, Mikhail was overweight, balding, had several scars from his time in Siberia, and was rated ugly by every woman he had attempted to romance. He couldn’t think of a single reason as to why his love would find him attractive now, and it deepened the eternal hole in his heart.
But Heavy held onto the faintest thread of hope. Maybe, just maybe, his suffering was about to come to an end. He would meet with the woman or man fate had binded him to, and he could finally be happy.
That night, Mikhail stared at his bedroom ceiling wide awake. Once their team’s doctor arrived in New Mexico, he would know for certain what destiny had in store for him.
Ludwig’s attempt at getting some shut eye on the flight failed. He couldn’t fall asleep even if he wanted to, for his pinkie was regaining its color. Somehow, this job as a battlefield medic that he had selected out of the blue was leading his soul to its missing half.
“It’s only a matter of time,” he murmured to himself, eyes more hopeful than the day he earned his doctorate’s degree.
Heavy awoke to the sound of loud yelling and banging on his door.
“Attention! You will be dressed and be stationed in the recreational room for role call in five minutes! That is an order!” Soldier commanded.
The softer, more compassionate voice of Miss Pauling sighed and spoke through the door.
“I’m sorry Heavy. I couldn’t say anything to convince him not to come with me to wake you guys up. Just settle down in the rec room in a few minutes, okay?”
Mikhail groaned, both from a lack of sleep and the sudden wake-up call. He complied, however, adorning his red, short sleeved shirt, his bulletproof vest, the bandolier for his minigun, pants, a belt, and a pair of sturdy combat boots.
When the heavy weapon’s specialist arrived in the rec room, it was absolute chaos. Spy had moved on from insulting Scout to bickering with Sniper, Demoman was already sloshing around a bottle of alcohol, Scout had stolen Engineer’s hardhat and was taunting him with it, and Soldier was shouting at a terrified looking Pyro.
“RED Team! Enough! It’s only the first day and you’re already at each other’s throats!” Miss Pauling stomped, placing her hands on her hips.
Some the the mercenaries, including Heavy, faced towards their higher-up while the others continued to do their own thing.
“Now look, your first battle will begin as soon as Medic arrives. I’m heading over to the airport to pick him up, so I advise you all check over your equipment,” her words more of a command than a suggestion.
Heavy’s eyes widened. He felt it again. 
He decided in that moment that polishing Sascha could wait.
Before Miss Pauling could leave the room, the large man scurried over to her and placed a massive hand on her shoulder to grab her attention.
“Yes, Heavy? Do you need something?” She asked plainly.
Mikhail nodded, his cheeks slightly flushed.
“Da, I want to come to airport with you, if you do not mind. I promise not to cause any problems.”
Pauling raised an eyebrow.
“Pozhaluysta, Miss,” the Russian begged, rubbing his forever blue pinkie with his other hand.
Miss Pauling opened her mouth to speak, but her words died on her lips when she noticed the tiny gesture. Instead, she gave him a short nod of understanding and proceeded out of the building.
In the car, Heavy’s leg bounced. His breathing was deep, and his whole body seemed to sweat with fear and anticipation. With every inch the vehicle moved, he could feel the burden on his finger lighten up. This wasn’t just some illusion or dream, it was really happening. After forty seven years of waiting, he was about to meet the love of his life.
Miss Pauling took note of his anxiousness, but didn’t say anything during the trip, giving Mikhail plenty of time to ask himself a million questions. What would his lover look like? Would they be a man or a woman? Would they have a heart of gold, or a rotten core that sought to make the Russian miserable at every turn?
Finally, the airport was in sight. Mikhail could hardly withstand the separation between himself and his soulmate. He wanted, needed to find his other half. He needed to shower them with all of the affection he had been waiting so long to administer. He needed to hear their voice and inhale their scent and feel their body against his own.
Miss Pauling nearly tripped over her high heels trying to catch up with the eager Russian. She had seem some truly heartwarming instances of soulmates meeting over the years, but never before in her life had she seen someone so desperate to unite with their fated love.
He had to hold onto a railing as he stepped out of the plane to avoid passing out. 
Ludwig had always experienced air-sickness while flying, but more than that, his hand was trembling. The string that had plagued his right hand for decades was loose, looser than it had ever been before. The doctor was overwhelmed; he wanted to throw up and cry tears of happiness at the same time. This was his moment, his soulmate was waiting for him.
As he stood near the loading gate, the thread loosened further, and it signaled that his soon-to-be lover was getting closer, closer.
Unable to withhold his excitement, Medic dashed across the airport. He got caught up in several crowds and passed right by the luggage pickup, but none of that mattered. He was following his heart’s call now; he let the slackening of his bindings guide his every step.
“Heavy! Please slow down!” Miss Pauling yelled, but the giant had blocked her out a long time ago.
There was only one voice he was willing to let in now. He pushed past a group of adults with the tiniest apology as he charged up the stairs. If he were anywhere else, he would have most likely been stared at and thrown out by security. In the chaos of the airport, everyone assumed he was simply running to reunite with a loved one.
An opening in the crowds.
Everything went silent.
The world slowed down.
Mikhail spotted him, his soulmate across the grand building. He was more handsome than he could have ever imagined, and although he didn’t know it yet, Ludwig also firmly believed that he had just encountered an angel.
The soulstring unraveled and landed on the ground.
All remaining distance between them was covered in a second. The force of the impact sent them to the ground, but neither of them cared. Arms wrapped around strong bodies, tears spilled out of adoring eyes, and lips whispered the pledges of love they had so desperately longed to hear.
At last, Mikhail and Ludwig were home.
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