#anyway hii if you read all of this. please marry me
ruvviks · 1 year
TAGGED BY: @morvaris & @devilbrakers, thank you so much!! TAGGING: @reaperkiller, @steelport, @arklay, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @faarkas, @cultistbase, @liurnia, @girlbosselrond, @katsigian, @dickytwister, @shellibisshe, @adelaidedrubman, @henbased, @phillipsgraves, @strafethesesinners and YOU!
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vincent x vitali || mikhail + vincent || mikhail + vitali
cwjbhn - jake scott, josie dunne mikhail & vitali, teen years
even if it doesn't work out, even if it doesn't make sense // and you never see me again, can we just be happy now
and all that i know is here in this moment // sun is still setting over the ocean // here in this light the green in your eyes is all that i see // i'm right where i wanna be
director's commentary: this song is specifically what i have in mind for their last evening together before mikhail moves to the other side of town. i added the second bit because that's literally what they spent their evening doing; watching the sunset on the docks together, and vitali gifted mikhail a necklace nadya had given him to one day give to his significant other. vitali believed he would never find someone so he wanted mikhail to have it instead
i don't want to watch the world end with someone else - clinton kane mikhail & vitali, years apart [vitali pov]
but i've, i've finally realized // if this is our last goodbye until we're gone // who cares about the wrongs we've caused ourselves // 'cause i don't wanna watch the world end with someone else
falling deeper, deeper into hopeless thinking // remember when you pulled me out // wishing you would come around again // when the room goes quiet // i'm hit with my regret like a riot // reminds me what i really want // but have i waited for too long?
director's commentary: vitali loses his phone and with that loses contact with mikhail for six years. he believes he's never going to see him again and most of his bad decisions during their years apart are a direct result of mikhail's absence
i don't wanna be okay without you - charlie burg mikhail & vitali, years apart [mikhail pov]
now i can't find the words to say // that'll be the perfect balance between loud and clear // and i can hear so well, your lovely voice inside my head // saying you love me, oh // but i only think of you, will we be together soon? // i'm thrown to the wayside, you're planted in my mind // but i don't wanna be okay without you
director's commentary: mikhail is also not handling losing vitali well. he believes it's his own fault- thinks he didn't make enough effort to keep in touch with vitali and now he's ignoring him because of it. mikhail is trying a bit harder to move on, mainly because he has to focus on school a lot; but he can't help but keep thinking about vitali and wondering if he will ever see him again
anyway - noah kahan mikhail & vitali, reunited at arasaka
today you looked older than me // hair in your face, it fills the space between your teeth // and all of your falling, does it get exhausting? have you gotten sleep? // you said you were sorry that you hadn't called me in over a week // and i said, always, i'll wait
director's commentary: when mikhail and vitali reunite at arasaka, they move on very quickly from everything that happened mainly because they no longer want to think about it. but both of them realize that things are different now; and they worry about each other, not used to each other's new habits and quirks and especially mikhail worries a lot about vitali. but he also stays patient with him. they have all the time in the world now
boy who has everything - annika bennett vincent & vitali, late 2076 [vincent pov]
what do you give to the boy who has everything? // his world is almost too good to be true // what do you say when he's starting to let you in // and you see he's better off without you?
director's commentary: when vincent and vitali meet, vincent falls in love very quickly but also worries that because of their differences vitali will never be interested in him like that. his self-confidence at that point is basically below rock bottom and all of it together causes him to be very anxious about being in love at first
higher - blanks mikhail & vincent, early 2077
sun is going down, we go look for adventure // both a little scared, but it's better together // maybe it's the way that you looked in my eyes // i haven't been able to get you off my mind // driving through the valley, got your hands in my hair // tell me where you wanna go and i'll take you there
director's commentary: vincent and mikhail take a while to become friends because vincent is at first intimidated by mikhail, while mikhail just struggles making new friends in general. they're both essentially stepping out of their comfort zone a bit to befriend each other and because of it get a fresh new start and it's all worth it in the end, and that's the vibes this song gives me
meteor showers - andy kong vincent & vitali, early 2077 [vitali pov]
tell me it's love that i'm feeling // if it's not then i'm afraid my heart cannot take much more // you're staring up // i can't take my eyes off you // 'cause i realize the reason why i'm here tonight and what i breathe for // and i found love while dreaming of meteor showers
director's commentary: vitali has been with many men in the past but none of them have made him feel quite as vincent does. he also falls in love relatively fast but at first tries to just shrug it off, feeling like he should just focus on his professional life- but it's impossible to get vincent out of his head and he is very deeply in love with him now and it's too late to back out of that
tongue tied - grouplove mikhail & vincent, 2077
take me to your best friend's house // i loved you then and i love you now // don't take me tongue tied // don't wave no goodbye
director's commentary: another song that's just a bit more fun, mikhail and vincent's dynamics are just very fun and they love each other so much by now. it's interesting how they both started out very shy and nervous around each other but at the same time didn't want the other to walk away; some of that still lingers now, but they're enjoying the time they have together anyway
i don't wanna know - goldhouse, mokita all three of them, 2077+
if the sky's about to fall or if we lose it all // if we make it or we don't, i don't wanna know // if the music starts to fade and this feeling slips away // don't wake me when you go, 'cause i don't wanna know
director's commentary: despite the fact only vincent and vitali are actually together, they do all three live together and have become such an important part of each other's lives that they all can't go too long without each other. all three of them often worry that they'll still end up alone somehow; but they will in fact spend the rest of their days together, as long as they live
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archernarbeta · 1 year
For all the moments
✴︎ pairing : Chanyeol x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, idol!chanyeol, editor!reader, angst, fluff, comfort, yearning
✴︎ summary : For all the moments, you were always by his side. For all the moments, he was always next to you.
✴︎ warning : none, maybe mild cursing but nothing else!
✴︎ word count : 4.2K
✴︎ author’s note : hii! It’s archie! This one has been hanging out on my drafts for way too long and I finally decided it’s time to take it out! Anyways, this fic was initially for Baekhyun but I felt that the scenario fits better with Chanyeol. I was highly inspired by EXO-SC’s Jet-lag and Kyungsoo’s recent birthday party where he sang Beautiful Day! I hope you enjoy this one and feel free to leave feedback or comments! likes are also much appreciated ♥ 
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The loud drizzling sounds of rain hitting your apartment window can’t help but stir you up from your deep slumber. What the hell, you thought, rubbing your eyes a little to wash away your sleepiness. The clock beside your bedside table reads 3.40am, the timing indicates that it’s too early for anyone to be awake at the moment. The sky kept rumbling, with thunders flashing every minute and you groaned at the sight of the storm rolling in front of you. Being woken up from a storm was one thing but being awake without your husband, was another thing. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again so you grabbed your phone to check if Chanyeol had landed in Seoul from his recent work trip from Paris. 
Notifications 02.30am KST Yeol: > Babe? > I just landed with the worst weather ever! > I can't wait to see you > I missed you so much :(( Read 03.43am KST
Being married for 2 years to one of the most famous idol in Korea, you were accustomed to his busy schedule. Flying out here and there to attend concerts, award shows, photoshoots and prestigious events was part of the job. With you working as a fashion editor, his daily agenda was not out of the ordinary for you. The difference only being the fact that he works under the limelight, but you don’t—not that you mind at all. Nevertheless, both of you made it work. It was too easy to understand how it feels to work under a tight schedule without any time to breathe. You with your never-ending deadlines and meetings, and him with his idol life. 
However, dating him for 6 years and being married to him for three, being away from him never gets easier.
You zoned out for a while before a loud thud distracted your attention, followed by your bedroom door clicking open. Your husband was finally home, his tall frame resting against the door with a huge grin on his face. Even with the minimal lighting of your bedroom, you could make up the bags under his sparkling eyes and the sight made you frown. 
“Hii honey,” his voice soft as ever, “I missed you so much..”
You sat up beaming at him while reaching out, welcoming him with open arms. He took a step closer to the bed, engulfing your sleepy figure. You replied with a small ‘hello’ as you melted into his hug. You really can’t help but wonder how he’d smell so nice after a long-haul flight, but nevertheless, you love inhaling his scent that brings you nothing but comfort.
“How long have you been awake? The storm must’ve woken you up.” His voice was laced with worry.
You held his cheeks with your hands and he practically melt under your touch, 
“Not too long ago.”
“Please quickly shower and join me in bed, huh? Pretty please…” you pouted at his tired state. 
“Anything for you, baby. Give me a while and I’ll join you as soon as possible!” 
He didn’t close the door as he showered, not that you’d mind, at this point you were too sleepy to even think of peeking. As the water ran down on his back, he unconsciously kept you awake by chatting with you. He really couldn’t help that he missed his wife so much. 
“Babe, do you have plans tomorrow?”
“No? Not that I could think of…I might drop by the studio and the office tomorrow morning but other than that, I don’t think I’ll be booked the whole day. Are you going somewhere tomorrow?” 
“The office? Isn’t tomorrow like..Saturday? Is Saerim giving you a hard time? What about the interns? They’re not helping you enough? Are you working too hard again?” He rambled on with concern with a raised voice as the running water muffled his voice.
“I- Uh..” you stammered, “Yeol, I t-told you work is fine” you quipped. The sound of the water subsided as a tall figure emerged from the bathroom. Chanyeol dried his hair, ruffling the soft brown locks with a towel as he frowned at your response. He knew you were having a hard time at work and had asked you to quit a thousand times by now. Even without the math, anyone would know that his pay would be enough for the both of you to live comfortably. 
You looked at your golden-retriever husband in the eye, “So where are you going tomorrow?” 
A thing about Chanyeol is that he’d waive things out so easily, as easy as shifting the conversation to another topic and he won’t go back to pester the elephant in the room. 
At your question he blinks a few times, “Would you mind if I take a day out tomorrow with the boys? Baek said he needed some pointers for his upcoming solo album and Junmyeon-Hyung had things to discuss for the group.” He scratched the back of his head. 
“But that is…if it’s okay with you?” he nervously asked. 
“That’s okay, babe…” you half yawned, sleep lulled you once again as you tried snuggling inside the comforter, 
“I really don’t mind”, the drowsiness took you as the soft satin sheets came in contact with your skin. He smiled at the sight as he returned the towel to its place. Chanyeol didn’t take long to join you in bed, cuddling you in his arms. 
After his hectic schedules and weeks without holding you, being beside you was the perfect medicine to charge his tired form. He sighed, relieving all his weariness before the slumber took him out.
He knew, this was home. 
You, were home.
Morning came faster than you’d like. The rain from last night hadn’t stopped, raindrops trickling on your high-floor apartment as the sky was still dark as ever. Beside you, a tired giant, possessively hugging you amidst his sleep. You giggled at this grown-up man’s clingy behaviour.  Chanyeol will always be the cutest, ever. 
You blamed your body clock for waking up so early on a Saturday, especially on this dreading Saturday. 
With a little struggle, you free yourself from Chanyeol’s hold and tiptoed to the kitchen. It was just 6.00am but you quickly prepared breakfast for the both of you and salad, for Chanyeol just in case he wants a light lunch. 
As you sipped your coffee, last night’s conversation went through your head. He knew you had troubles at work, he had plans and you said you were okay, you didn’t mind.
You internally sighed because mind you did.
You were far from okay.
Because even though you’d hate to admit it, you’d love to have him for yourself. In fact, you have missed him so much these past few weeks that it physically hurts. 
But no. 
You had work. 
Your useless-piece-of-a-shit-partner Yoon Saerim, will probably taunt you if you don’t come up with a better concept for this month’s pictorial. So even though you miss being around your ball of sunshine more than you’d like to admit, fate was just not in your favour this Saturday. 
You could always quit, is what Yeol usually says after your long rant about your horrible boss and the disgusting amount of workload you had to handle. Sure you have subordinates and interns working under you, but working in fashion for so long, you came to the conclusion that nothing is never ever enough when it comes to the industry. 
Thinking back, Chanyeol always loved being under the spotlight as an idol ever since his debut days and making music was as precious as that. After both of you settled down and eventually got married, you were quick to admit that Chanyeol sacrificed a lot for you, even if you didn’t ask him to. He paid the bills, every bill. He took care of the parents, dinner dates with your parents and his every other week were a staple and he’d never miss sending health supplements once in a while. You never asked him to do so but married Chanyeol just stepped up and took on the role as a caring husband so naturally. 
Even with his burning passion in music, he went the extra mile, producing countless songs by the count of months. At times he goes on an overdrive, he’d lock himself up in the studio and he would forget about everything else. Situations like this scares the shit out of you. You remembered the first time he went berserk, it took you and his members two days to figure out where he was. He’d gone AWOL and you had to call the police to track down his phone, just to find out that he’d been coping himself in the studio for 48 hours without sleep or food, only water. You and Sehun found him sitting down in front of the recording booth with a guitar in hand, music sheets sprawled on the floor. His eyes were already bloodshot red, it was clear that he was sleep-deprived, very tired and out of focus. Sehun sighed, ready to scold Yeol for his stupid behaviour before your husband quipped, 
“Please don’t take me away, not yet…” 
his eyes all over the place with brows furrowed, his forehead creasing.
“I swear if you give me more time, I’ll finish this tomorrow and I’ll go but please leave and don’t come here until tomorrow, yeah? I need to finish this song because they’ll pay a huge amount for this one… Give me more time, please?” He is disassociated as ever, you were aware that he didn’t notice you due to his state.
“Hyung…” the younger sighed again.
“S-Sehun-ah, I have Y/N now.. You might not know how it feels now but I- I want to give the world to her. We’re idols but our prime time is way past us, when the momentum is gone, we might too.” He dropped his head to the door of the recording booth as he sighed,
He mindlessly draws patterns on the floor, “I need to save up for Y/N, for our future.. and it won’t happen if I don’t work like this. So-“
In a blink you crouched down, embracing him with tears already wetting your face. Words couldn’t form but the pressure, the knot that he bear was starting to unravel. He got your message,
You’re enough. 
Moments like these, his breakdowns, were one of the things that kept you grounded. If you’re being honest, your job also keeps you on your feet. Working as an co-chief editor in fashion was always your dream and to be frank, you enjoyed the job more than you let on. But the past year has been nothing but hell, thanks to the newly appointed co-chief editor Yoon Saerim. You habitually ponder how she got the position as she wasn’t really suitable for the job, she didn’t really have the knack for fashion. But moreover, you just didn’t like the fact that she ogled Chanyeol and Sehun when they came by for a photoshoot. 
You quickly snapped out of your deep thoughts when you gulped your last drop of coffee, thinking of Yoon Saerim never fails to make you turn sour. 
Without wasting more time, you prepared yourself to head to your studio. For disclaimer, the studio was Chanyeol’s, not the office’s. Not long after you started the job years ago, both of you decided that it would be nice to rent out an old apartment in the city for the both of you to work. The studio has a built-in recording booth, production space for Chanyeol and a creative working-space for you. However, with time passing, you ended up using the space more than your husband. 
Before you left the house, you gave him a forehead kiss and stuck a post-it-note on his phone, 
‘Good Morning My Happy Virus ♡  thank you for always working so hard,  sometimes you worry me, love :( have a great time with the boys today! am out for work - it’s deadline week ◡̈   i love you 3000 —  much, much love, Y/N ‘
You arrived at the empty studio with your shoulders slumped, looking at the stacked paper, pictorials and mood boards around your disoriented workspace. The interns must’ve sent these yesterday, fucking hell, here we go again. 
Not long after, you succumbed to the job you love and hate at the same time. To be honest, as one of the high-ranked chief editor in your company, it wasn’t your share to do these tasks anymore, those days were over you. But reviewing each and every item, every trend that goes into the magazine is a job you love no matter how meticulous it actually is. Besides, the information you extract from all this has proven to help your career so far, making you one of the sought-out fashion editors in Seoul. However the fact doesn’t relieve you from the burden and pressure you get from your useless co-chief editor.
“She’s bossy and pushy but useless— and you’re too compliant, Babe,” Chanyeol would always joke and you’d usually tackle him back with a pillow, leaving both of you cackling in the process.
Speaking of Chanyeol, the man in question just stirred up from bed, barely opening his eyes, adjusting to the gloomy weather in front of his open-windowed bedroom. He instantly rubbed his sides, sleep evidently washed away when he realised his beloved Y/N weren’t there. He called your name out a few times to make sure that maybe, you were outside the room, just to know that his voice had filled the void of your apartment. 
As expected, he immediately sat up and grabbed his phone to call you. Before even unlocking his cell, he found your oh-so-lovely note that you stuck on this morning. Chanyeol sighed, he knew you were having a hard time but you never fail to warm his heart with your sweet note, he particularly loved the use of his favourite iron-man quote. 
He stared at the note lovingly for a while before heading to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When he entered the kitchen to see a packed lunch box and another one with breakfast inside, he sulked further. Your puppy-like husband misses you and you doing this, made him sappier. He carefully unpacked the meals you prepared, gratefully munching your cooking. He was supposed to meet his members at 10 and so, he drove quickly as he was running late. When he parked his car in front of the company’s building, a text came from Baekhyun. 
Notifications 10.08am KST Baek: > Yeol? > the meeting’s canceled > Junmyeon-hyung said something came up > and my mom called, she wanted my help :O > Really sorry for the sudden intrusion! But have a good rest day with Y/N ^^  > Send her my love too!! Read 10.15am KST
Baek:  > Oh.. > The message didn’t come through 😅 I texted you way before,, must be the reception?  > But you can always have a good time with y/n!!  > I’m so sorry 🥺 Read 10.17am KST
Chanyeol couldn’t be sulkier. His ears literally drooped down as he huffed in annoyance. He didn’t reply back to Baekhyun as he slid the phone back in his pockets. He drove home in silence, even the thought of going back to bed to aid his tiredness didn’t make him feel better. He entered the foyer of the empty apartment and he shuffled inside lazily. You’d probably melt if you see him right now, his shoulder slumped slightly with a goo-goo look on his face. Especially now, with his buffier-form, compared to his pre-debut lanky state is something you’d administer as a cute change as a result of his exercising habits over the years. But it doesn’t matter because you’re not there and alas he came home to a cold, dark, empty apartment with his love nowhere to be seen. 
The sky dark, rain still pouring down, much like his mood. The thing about Chanyeol is the fact that he’s a clingy extrovert when it comes to people he loves. You love that about him. He didn’t care about the hectic schedule, it’s the ‘being away from you’ that made everything hard to surpass. That’s why after every schedule abroad, Chanyeol would love going home when he knows his love is waiting for him. There’s nothing better than coming home to a warm apartment with you snuggled on the couch. However, now, he’s the only one on the couch, alone. 
He pondered for more than an hour, zoning out, before deciding to stand up and head to the door once again. The silence is deafening, he misses you too much and he had to do something about it.
In your studio, coming in your nearly fifth hour of productivity, you’re starting to break down. You were now on the verge of crying while doing your work, it’s the creativity block, you mentally cursed. You’ve been dealing with it lately but having to work in fashion, it’s inevitable and you never really told anyone about it, especially not Chanyeol. You felt that his occupation demanded more of him than yours did to you, you wouldn’t want to burden him with your problems. 
“Fucking hell!” 
“This is so not happening right now…” tears welled as the screen of your precious laptop turned pitch black. You scoffed at the situation with the waterworks falling down your eyes. You were over this. 
You slumped near the corners of the room, hugging your knees as you stared at your now dead device, silently crying as your head whirls for other, worse negative possibilities of happening. Numb, is probably the best way to describe your current state after crying your heart out for 30 minutes straight. You end up curling yourself into a ball, hanging your head low in the corners of the room as your mind goes blank. 
As you hid yourself in the darkest corners of your office, you failed to notice the jiggling sound of the key, the clacking locks and the noise of the door opening. 
“Babeeeee?” the sound traveled from the hallway. Lo and behold, a sulked Chanyeol is here. His mood is still on the low but the idea of meeting you gets him excited like a puppy. 
You couldn’t hear him though,  your head still in a blocked-state and the room you’re in was the furthest from the hallway. 
Chanyeol entered the studio, footsteps tapping against the hardwood flooring. It puzzled him why he didn’t receive an answer back, but knowing your shoes were on the foyer, he knew you were somewhere inside. He set foot to the break room, your coat was on the couch but where were you? 
He continued peeking into his recording studio, the nearest space to the break room. The lights were out, signalling him that you’re probably not there. The bathroom and the other rooms were also empty, your office was the only place left. He slowly knocked, hoping to get an answer. To his surprise, nothing. He then gently pushed the door open, just enough for his head to peek inside. Before he could call your name, he heard sniffles from the farthest corner, he could make up your hunched, clearly crying figure and your favourite beige socks too. He exhaled as his worries washed away. Even though his heart ached more than ever, finding you with a meltdown was a relief as he initially thought you passed out or worse. 
He didn’t enter the room. He shuffled himself out as quietly as possible to grab his guitar in his recording room. This should do, he thought.
He re-entered your office, walked closer and sat on the floor near you. The cramped space barely fits his long legs. 
“Hey,” he greeted you with a hushed voice. 
Noticing his voice, you instinctively lift up your head to see your husband, sitting in front of you. In your shocked-state, you forcefully brushed off your tears in embarrassment, your skin will probably turn red later.
“Hey.. No, no, no..” he reached out, wiping your tears, caressing your disheveled hair. 
“Gently, yeah, yeah.. You’ll hurt yourself” he continued as he patted the areas under your eyes with his long sleeves.
After you calmed down, you didn’t have the courage to even say anything to the man. Deep down, you were embarrassed to be found in a silly breakdown, even if it was your husband. Besides, you didn’t know what to say to him anyways. While you were overthinking and avoiding eye contact with him, he pulled the guitar behind him and started to play a familiar song,
“It's a beautiful life 난 너의 곁에 있을게 (I'll stay by your side) It's a beautiful life 너의 뒤에 서 있을게 (I'll stand right behind you) Beautiful love”
Slowly but surely, your heart warmed up to the sound of his voice and you couldn’t help but stare at your husband. He stopped singing when your eyes met and he gave you a comforting smile. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up princess,” as he helped you stand up, circling his arms around your waist. You haven’t articulated a sound but he didn’t mind, he just let you lean into his sides as he guided you to the couch in the break room. He sat you down before abruptly standing and rummaging a brown paper bag on the coffee table, 
“I got your favourite cake and hot chocolate actually,” he grinned, facing your puffy face. “I thought you were having a hard time, well- I know you are having a hard time… But you never tell me you know, Babe?” He rambled as he unboxed a variety of sliced cakes and pastries on the table. 
“I-I get the fact that you wouldn’t want to burden me, but I’m kinda your husband and best friend too.. I wish you wouldn’t keep these things from me” he picked up the fork and scooped a piece of cheesecake to feed you, 
Before you had the chance to reply,
“I mean—open up a lil’ baby— I don’t mind you working and all, it’s your passion and I will support you either way, but you don’t get to shield your meltdowns from me… Who’s gonna hold you when you cry, huh?” he kept on chattering while feeding you, giving you no room to talk.
“I’ve said a thousand times that we’re super comfortable right now, yet I know it’s not about the money, I’m super cool with you working.. It’s about the workload a-and the pressure you get from your subs and colleagues!!” He raised his arms as a sign of annoyance. 
You gulped down the big chunk of cheesecake and shut him up with a peck. The action took him by surprise but it didn’t fail to shut him up.
“Okay, Chanyeol.” you softly replied, followed by another peck on his lips
“I get what you mean” you smiled at your husband. 
You then began on telling the troubles you had at work, silently thanking the universe that he came in the right moment and that he was your saving grace. He listened intently, even going to the measures of contacting his technician friends to help fix your laptop as soon as possible. He made jokes too along the way to lighten your mood and gave you warm touches here and there to comfort you further. 
You were his home, his ground zero.
He was yours too.
Hours passed and now you were back working, Chanyeol in the other room, busying himself in the recording studio.
“Yeol?” you called him.
“Hmm? What’s up princess?”
“Uh- I just remembered, didn’t you had like- plans? You were supposed to go with Baek and the members today right?”
Footsteps were apparent as he walked closer to the opened door of your office, his head peeped through the door.
“Junmyeon-Hyung canceled, Baek too.. I was quite grumpy because I reached the office when Baekhyun texted me” He walked in further.
“Then I came home but the house wasn’t warm enough even though I cranked the heater up!” He sulked, and sulked further. 
“I was alone, I don’t want to be…I also don't want you to be alone too Y/N.
I only wanted to be around you, I really tried staying in!! But I couldn’t be alone in the house without you when you’re my home.” he pouted. 
You want to die then and there, you miss him as much and he was sad, it makes you sad too, but he was being sulky-cute… Can you turn into a putty of love?
“Come here you big baby!” you excitedly threw yourself in his arms. He buried his soft locks on the crook of your neck as he whispered ‘I miss you' s and you couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.
“I miss you too, Yeol..
I miss you so, so much.” He hugged you tighter as he giggled too.
This was it, you thought. This was love at its finest and you couldn’t be happier that you’ve found it. For all the moments, good or bad, both of you never failed to become each other's home.  
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lvmity · 4 months
byler tag these days simulator
🫂 bylerairporthug Follow
Hey guys .am i the only one who doesn't know whats the Waterfalls and village? Can someone let me in on the joke?
#byler #byler endgame #waterfallgate
3 notes
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💀 iknowwhatyouarevecna Follow
The way they look at each other in this scene.... please be fr they're so in love like. suffer brothers i will come for you if you don't make Byler canon . im storming into the Netflix studios idc
#byler #st5 #byler is endgame #byler is real
11 notes
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👨🏻‍🦲baldmikhailfanaccount Follow
POV its 2025, you're sitting on your couch ready to watch st5 . FINALLY. you press play on netflix. the opening scene . youve eaited years for this moment. tbe camera shows one waterfall. then another. then another one to complete the three. someone's voiceover comes on. it sounds weirdly like finn's voice, but there's something off about it... he comes on screen. it is mikhail. and he is bald. he tells the main characters to not worry, they've found the local village and will be safe from the ud here. you wake up screaming
#byler #mikhailgate #mikhail
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🎨 what-did-you-think-really Follow
let's not forget what happened with that other actor. please stop speculating on someone's sexuality, it is none of our business and he would have said something.
#byler #<- target audience
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✉️ lettergate-writing Follow
hii I was thinking and im working on this new au, it would be if mike wasn't that oblivious in ST4 and there was only one bed. anyways lmk what you think im also thinking maybe lettergate? wr all know it's real tbh
#byler #byler fic #also new chapter of my rewrite of freezer scene is up if u. are interested in that then also check out my other works #letterwrites
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🎉 partyrockismikewheely Follow
Uhhh i was away for literally two weeks what is a waterfall?? Village?? and did we get episode titles
#byler #target audience
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🐢 bylering4ever Follow
honestly soooo so tired of bi mike vs gay mike discourse. in the end he wants to kiss will byers. who cares
#byler #"it doesnt make sense narratively for him to be x or y" UHHH have you heard of having fun with hcs. #is this your first fandom.
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🎂 birthdaygate1407 Follow
always thinking about how mike and will are each other's first true loves and they're probably married nowadays, making comics together being successful. i mean, they're old now. and they are still together. man.
#byler #sometiems it hits me. they're so meant to be #endgame byler
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💇🏻‍♂️ blue-n-yellow-meet Follow
Ok here's some more tweets from that account. Honestly take all of this with a grain of salt as we can't know who's behind this, they say they're working on the set. Possible spoilers.
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#st5 speculation #st5 #anti milkvan #byler #<- Target audience. #stranger things 5
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💛hearteyes-cgi-truther Follow
HEJQJAHEJJWHSSJ OMG . wraaagehehdgeh
#byler #the way im insane abt them #might even say #crazy #like. they need to kiss. on the mouth #boyfriends
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. hii for the next itmf do you have any recommendations for fics in which sizhui is wangxian biological son? any au or length is fine thx <3
you can have the best of me, baby by stiltonbasket (Not Rated, 9k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Pre-Relationship, Dual Cultivation, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Sunshot Campaign, Getting Together, a-yuan is wangxian’s baby, Happy Ending)
five years gone by quillifer (E, 14k, WangXian, Mpreg, a/b/o dynamics, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Breakup/makeup, Miscommunication, Pregnant Sex, consent is king, soft sad and horny, Happy Ending, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU, Unplanned Pregnancy)
🧡 Many Lan babies Series by LuckyMoonly (Varied, 414k, WIP, WangXian, Story collection, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX only, Family Fluff, Found Family, Kid fics) has several where A-Yuan is Wangxian's biological son
Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, war changes people, resulting to OOC, no pinning, Established Relationship, Mpreg, Good Uncle LQR, a little grey LWJ, a bit of JC bashing from LWJ, BAMF JYL, 16 years of yearning, mainly CQL verse but has scenes from the novel as well, LSZ is WangXian's Child, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Canon Rewrite, Happy Ending, Fix-It of Sorts)
My Pride and My Prejudices by Erbyrose, TitanPandora (T, 122k, WangXian, ZhuiYi, Father-Son Relationship, Canon Compliant, Misunderstandings, Bonding Over Dead Parents, Character Study, Sizhui calling WWX Mom, Family Drama, Survivor Guilt, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mpreg, Suicide Attempt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Major Character Injury, Male Lactation, but it's not sexual, REALLY LONG CHAPTERS, Attempt at Humor)
Transcendent by AkatsukiShin (M, 162k, wangxian, fantasy au, demons, half-demon WWX, pining WWX, mpreg, childhood memories, angst w happy ending, fluff, hurt/comfort, mystery, action/adventure)
2. Hiiii! Lovely blog, you’re a godsend truly!! Anyways I was hoping that for the next itmf you’d rec some fics with identity shenanigans?
Like, it could be wwx in mxy’s body but only lwj knows so everyone else is all confused because ? Hanguanjun moved on form wwx? Impossible! Or maybe a fic where they mix it up a bit and it’s lwj that’s disguised or something like that! Basically a good old fashioned identity porn fic. Wangxian please! Thank you so muchhh
By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal)
🧡 a paper friend by soft_wanning (G, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Paperman!WWX, Identity Porn, Meet-Cute, Different First Meeting)
3. Hi! This is my first time doing this, sorry ^^. Itmf lwj kind of repeating his parents story, by marrying wxx and hiding him in cloud recesses (before he dies) and maybe putting himself in seclusion? The more angst the better, but preferably one where lwj isn't toxic, just really really worried. Idk if i should ask for more or less specific things, but thanks either way! I feel like I've read every fanfic like this (I've found like, 3) and I crave blood and tears. Thanks for the opportunity ^^
it's a webcomic and it's still ongoing, but House of Gentians by Pakhnokh on tumblr is amazing
4. Hi! First of all I want to thank you for your hard work, I have found so many great fics through this blog. <3 And now I’m in a mood for a (preferably) established relationship wangxian fic where WWX is the one taking care of LWJ. Maybe some hurt/comfort and protective/possessive WWX? That would be my jam if any fics come to your mind~
hello my old heart, how have you been? by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, Pining, Hair Washing, Hair Brushing, Hair Braiding, Soft WangXian, A lot of prose, wangxian are MARRIED and they have a SON, LWJ Needs a Hug, Sleepy Cuddles)
5. Hi! I was hit with the unexplainable need for some fics with ghost WWX who's searching for something (a family member or he's connected to one of his things and people don't realize it maybe), like looking for one of his siblings or for A-Yuan or one of the Wens and just like haunting everyone everywhere (or just one place), I don't know if there's even fics like that, there should cause it's a good plot in my humble opinion lol. Thank you mods! @jiangclaritybell
scatter and sunder by silversshadow (T, 15k, XuanLi, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Canon Divergence)
💖 Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 15k, wangxian, canon divergence, grief/mourning, angst w happy ending)
asymptotic by chinxe (T, 26k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Pining)
The Ghost of Lotus Pier by daiki (G, 3k, JL & WWX, JC & WWX, ghost WWX) Its ghost wwx but for me he is more guardian angel than ghost
6. If possible, could I also get fics with NMJ and NHS being involved in the płot or fics taking place in the Unclean Realm for one of the IITMFs? I dont wanna swamp you guys with request messages so I wanted to combine them, hope that is fine. (rest of ask in a FF)
1PB2PB3PB4 is a good author for NHS and NMJ-centric fics
7. Hello, I hope you're doing well. This request is for the IITMF.
Fic(s) where WWX is politically powerful in the cultivation world; but not as a sect leader. I mean
He's a sect heir;
Or a head disciple, but with power and authority of the same, not as how he was canon, with only responsibility but no authority.
Only canon era please.
Please only rec fics where he's a cultivator as I've read a few where he was a non-cultivator but politically powerful.
Thank you for your time 🌼🌼 @utxqia
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 64k, WIP, WRH & WWX, WangXian, WWX is a Wēn, Abuse, Whipping, Manipulations, Warning: WRH, Smart WWX, Possessive Behavior, Warning: JGS, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
8. Hello everyone can you recommend wangxian or quartet time travel fic
❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
does the requestor know about the time travel comp? that way I don't rec stuff on it already
How Much Love Has the Inch Long Grass by Vainwyrm (M, 12k, WIP, WangXian, ZhuiLingYi, XuanLi, Time Travel Fix-It, Permanent Injury, Disability, Canon Disabled Character, Physical Disability, Non-canon disabled character, Self-Worth Issues) if the requestor is okay with ‘triplet’ instead of ‘quartet’ then How Much Love Has the Inch Long Grass by Vainwyrm has a lot of interesting things going on in it for a time-travel AU
parent trap by tongzhi (T, 23k, JL & LJY & LSZ & OYZZ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel, cloud recesses study arc, humor, matchmaking)
9. Do you know any fanfic where Lan Zhan is kind of rude to Wei Ying (or like, he rebukes all of WY's attempts to befriend him) only to end up regretting it when WY finally leaves him alone?
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, College/University, Modern: No Powers, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others, inter-faculty romance, strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers, mostly book characterisation)
Of Bunnies and Sleeves and All Happy Things by moonwaif (G, 3k, WangXian, two dorks, failed attempts at flirting, Lan Zhan is jealous, but he doesn't know it, unresolved romantic and sexual tension, Mutual Pining)
10. Hello! Idk if this is the way but I’m looking for fics where lz of the past time travels to the future and finds himself married to post canon wwx. I love those type of fics but I can’t seem to find them now :’(
An Arrow Through Time by syrus_jones (M, 166k, WIP, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Time Travel, Reverse time travel, into the future, Potentially a Fix-it-fic?, Mistaken Identity, WWX is a Little Shit, POV LWJ, Angst, Gay Panic, Falling In Love Humor, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon)
11. I’ve been playing “I say no” from heathers the musical on loop for a few Days now and now ITMF xiyao heathers-inspired? I hope someone knows one, thanks!
12. Hello! Itmf WWX being a badass swordsman? People being in awe of how well he fights: twining through enemies, sword flashing, people stopping in awe at his capabilities (like "oh, he isn't just a badass with talismans and dark energy, he was head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang for a reason!"). Thank you! (Bonus points: him wielding other cool weapons like daggers or a whip!)
A Glimpse of Past Glory by masked (T, 1k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Swordfighting, BAMF WWX)
13. Hi do you know any fics where Lan Xichen is called out for his hatred of Wwx because he thinks Wei Ying ruined both his and Wangji's life. Like it can be anyone calling him out, i just want to see him feel guilty about it.
When has silence saved anyone? by Vrishchika (T, 6k, WangXian, Post-Canon, LXC Critical, Gūsū Lán Sect, Not for LXC Fans, novel canon, Salt, Angry LWJ, Angry LSZ, Family Feels, WWX Protection Squad, LXC Gets Scolded, Based on Chapter 99 the Novel)
break by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LXC Critical, JC Critical, Canonical Character Death, Guānyīn Temple Scene, BAMF WN, Protective WN)
💖After Truth Lies the Honest Path by Vrishchika (M, 10k, wangxian, canon divergence, truth serum, WIP)
aftereffect by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, wangxian, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LWJ & LXC, post-canon, canon divergence, politics, LXC critical, JGY survives a bit longer)
Bitter Recompense by mondengel (M, 1k, LXC & LWJ, Angst)
Wasting Time, Asking Why by mondengel (Not Rated, 1k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & JGY, WangXian, Angst, Character Study)
14. ITMF for something really intense and intimate. Like the fic is written so well and intense the you get overwhelmed. Preferably canonverse, but i don't mind otherwise. Please let it really be intense and intimate. @whateverweilanlovechild
Damn I wish The Roots Grow Riotous was still on ao3 for #14. Really intense and strange but beautiful with a hopeful but not typical ending. I have it if op wants to try but mind the tags. Modern au. The Roots Grow Riotous by hansbekhart (E, 104k, wangxian, modern, fashion au, garment company, casual sex, group sex, implied/referenced cheating, switching, recreational drug use, angst w/ happy ending, single dad WWX, panic attacks, implied/referenced self-harm, grief/mourning, catharsis, body horror, floral horror)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing)
💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murders, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, extreme fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, badass!LXC, top!LWJ, Bottom!LWJ)
i don't love you (but i always will) by sixstepsaway (E, 71k, WangXian, XianQing, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmate AU, wangxian endgame!!, handjobs, this ends wangxian and happy i promise, Angst with a Happy Ending, i had to give lwj an oc soulmate, Blanket Permission, Infidelity, Emotional Infidelity, Cheating, Pegging, Bottom!LWJ, top!WWX, Bottom!WWX, slight femdom!wq, Implied Consensual Somnophilia, Cockwarming, implications of consensual polyamory, undernegotiated polyamory, internalized ableism, Grief, Pining while fucking)
simple love | 簡單愛 by auberjing (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Caretaking, Angst and Feels, Grief/Mourning, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Hopeful Ending, Nude Photos, Nude Modeling)
lotus flowers rising from the dark mud by nu_breed (E, 122k, WIP, WangXian, WWX/Others, MingXian, LWJ/Others, JGS/LWJ, JGS/WWX, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Courtesan WWX, Courtesan LWJ, Pining while fucking, Palace Intrigue, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Sex Work, Top/Bottom Versatile WangXian, Minor Original Character(s), Light Dom/sub, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Light Bondage, Hurt/Comfort, Warprize WWX, Period Typical Attitudes, Values Dissonance)
The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby (M, 101k, wangxian, slow burn, pining, yiling wei sect au, fluff & angst, dark, romance, WIP)
Turn Left by kianspo (M, 186k, WIP, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters, Neurodivergent LWJ, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, lwj-centric, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies)
If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
And I Will Call You Home by Spodumene (E, 42k, WangXian, Case Fic, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Ghosts, Suicide, Explicit Sexual Content, Attempted Sexual Assault, LWJ whump, Original Character Death(s))
crossed the world with these empty hands by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 166k, WangXian, Modern AU, Artists, Non-Linear Narrative, POV LWJ, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Demisexual WWX, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending, Weddings, Separation Anxiety, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Self-Worth Issues, Casual Sex, College/University, Temporary Long Distance Relationships, Relationship Pressures and Stresses, Insecurity)
The Vessel by Solmae (M, 54k, WIP, WangXian, XiCheng, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers)
A Life Without Regrets by naqaashi (M, 74k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, musical cultivation, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Murder Husbands, Happy Ending, PTSD, BAMF WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics, Worldbuilding, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, No Yīn Iron, Genius WWX, Inventor WWX, Artist WWX, Musician WWX, Bad Parent JFM, Bad Parent YZY, Cultivation Theory, Sentient Burial Mounds, Dysfunctional Family, Grief/Mourning, Parent-Child Relationship, Angry WWX, Angst, No Golden Core Transfer, BAMF LWJ, Idiots in Love)
every love story is a ghost story by aisthuu (M, 59k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Mixed Canon)
Alter by Solmae (E, 162k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Rape/Non-con Elements, Gang Rape, Forced Prostitution, PTSD, Bottom LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Slavery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Torture)
We can fix that by Spindoctor (E, 35k, WangXianJue, NMJ Lives, Arranged Marriage, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Cock Warming, Caretaking, Light BDSM, Thigh jobs, Everyone Loves WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Frottage, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Starvation, Starvation recovery, PTSD, PTSD RECOVERY, Suicidal Ideation, Scars, Discussion of Surgery,mild body horror, discussion of starvation, body talk, cnc fantasies, Light Bondage, tender fucking, Slow Burn, JYL Lives, BAMF JYL, Erectile Dysfunction, Weight Gain, Chapter Specific Tags in Beginning Notes)
Something at the Door by Pip (Moirail) (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Intrusive Thoughts, Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Temporary Character Death, Blood, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Urban Fantasy)
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie (E, 68k, WangXian, Case Fic, Blood and Injury, Demons, Body Horror)
a small change Series by celialoveslwj (T, 92k, JC & WWX, Background WangXian, JC Centric, Angst, Sickfic, yunmeng trio, Canon Divergence, Break-off before Qiongqi Path incident, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Dealing with sickness, Golden Core Transfer Failure?, Bittersweet Ending, BAMF JYL, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Fix-It of Sorts)
15. Do you guys have a rec list for outsider point of view stories? People reacting to the nonsense WangXian get up to is always great fun!
My chain hits my chest/When I'm bangin' on the radio by x_los (T, 2k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, case fic, competence kink, YLLZ WWX)
boom clap the sound of—Public Displays of Affection by Whispering_Sumire (E, 13k, wangxian, modern, reincarnation au, temporary character death, heartfelt conversations, crack treated seriously, outsider pov, accidental voyeurism, scheming NHS, redemption, angst & feels, family drama, panic attacks, hugging, crying, love, grief/mourning, hopeful ending)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, [PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
Six in one hand by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 2k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Modern: No Powers, Crack Treated Seriously, Compulsory Heterosexuality, POV JC)
16. hey do you by any chance know ff where lwj is injured and wei ying gets in his protective husband mode? angst and gore would be preferred
silk threads and precious metal by Sevidri (M, 4k, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Sunshot Campaign, Whump, Blood and Injury, WWX' Canonical Vengeful Streak, LWJ Makes A Beautiful Damsel in Distress, Non-Consensual Ribbon Touching, Protective wwx, Hurt LWJ)
17. Hi!! I'm in the mood for a fic where jgy is put through torture (preferably at the hands of jgs or jin-furen and preferably psycological) and tossed to either nmj or lxc (or both). @halfwizardprincess
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Hii PastorCraigEnjoyer you always give the best style recommendations, can you please recommend style stick of truth fics? <3
AAAAAA I am not even gonna lie this list is gonna be SO long bc not only am I a style enthusiast, I’m also A STICK OF TRUTH FANATIC!!!
A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies (yes I’ve reced this one before it slaps ok) LISTEN THE ANGST IS SO PAINFUL AND SO SLAY and the CRUMB of love we get is gorgeous
The king and the kite by brookeginko DUDE OK this is unfinished but one of the best sot/tfbw crossovers out there
Highest Honour by 24parts so this may not be an au technically but it’s the boys playin sot and ITS SO DAMN CUTE the “are we still playing” “I don’t know” AAAAAAAAA such a cute and quick read I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this
Helping The Enemy by yeahbisalive420 y’all know how I love stan whump, esp stick of truth, and this is one of the first I read in that category, it SLAYS DUDE ITS SO GOOD the gangs all there, it’s fun, it’s sweet, omg
Your name written upon mine by sooduhnim WHEN I SAY THIS IS GORGEOUS!!! Soulmate au, incredible plot, style getting married (the wedding is beautiful ok), conspiracy and outside enemies trying to fuck shit up, kickass ending, pls read this one frfr
A kinights duty by brookeginko this is another really sweet oneshot (we know I love those) ohhhh my god it’s so wholesome Stan bbg I love knight Stan with everything in me!!!
How We Began by PastorCraigEnjoyer (also the other small works in the Of Forests And Finding Love series) OKAY YES ITS CRINGE TO RECOMMEND YOUR OWN STUFF but y’all I started writing fanfic SPECIFICALLY because I had a very particular set of tags I wanted to see and that was stick of truth fluff and hurt/comfort. And I loved writing these ones. 3 are oneshots if you’re not down for 20k words lmfao. (I have multiple unrelated sot style oneshots too)
The King’s Forest by iksolforb I JUST LOVE ONESHOTS and elf Kyle being bold and flirty dude oneshots are my lifeblood especially stick of truth and this Kyle is SO fun
Entries From The Past by ViviBaby69420 GUYS OH MY ABSOLUTE FUCK THIS ONE IS BEAUTIFUL IN SO MANY WAYS!!! The prose, the discriptions. AND it’s written in journal format from our elf king’s pov which feels SO personal and special dude seriously and the characterizations are beautiful STAN MY BBY plus the dialogue and the rapport between the guys absolutely slaps ALSO!!!! Guys check out their art (btw the story is illustrated holy shit I can’t emphasize the beauty enough) you can find it at @mellowybaby FOR REAL JUST PHENOMENAL AND I AM NOT KIDDING!!!
sleep tight by startwithsnail this is so rad a certain elf prince… meeting a certain warewolf… absolutely delightful oneshot fr guys
Y’all I’m totally blanking I KNOW I have more to recommend but I CANT THINK OF THEM RIGJT NOW maybe later but ANYWAY that’s your Fanfiction Librarian List for now!
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koocycle · 10 months
hii lira! ive been seeing a lot of wedding tiktoks (maybe a sign for me lol) but instead of actually taking it as one, im gonna tell u how i imagine ow wedding... and you really don't have to read this if you want to cus ...😭
first of all, the dress - since oc is THAT girl, i imagine her with 2 dresses, the main one and one for sort of like an afterparty? anyway i imagine first one obviously as a princess dress, not too huge but not too minimal. and the second one, something more simple - like vivienne westwood bridal dresses. though, with an original touch. i see her as a creative person and she just oozes the energy of someone that's different. (not in a pick me way). that's why she doesn't really "fit in" in the neighborhood - i see her wanting to do something completely original for her special day. so maybe self designed main dress and spicing up her other one. (personally, i rlly love this vw bridal dress, and i'd kill a bitch to wear it at MY WEDDING, https://pin.it/3dG0HSG - though, the original design doesn't include the gloves shown in the picture, so you can think of those as the special added detail.) but tbh, i'm not really sure about the big dress thing since i see her not doing too much, but at the same time, i see her doing everything she has ever imagined doing for her big day and i can tell that girl is a softie inside...no matter how much we deny it
the veil - i see her doing something VERY unique, like maybe sofia richie veil typa thing. maybe covered in pearls or diamonds for that rain droplet effect.
and i see her creating her dream dresses with designers she once worked with, because i bet she's adored in that industry!! so i bet they threw hands over who got to do the honors of working with her for her big day.
jk's outfit - well. i can't really say much cus men are basic... i mean who even looks at them while the bride is right there in all her glory? but i'm pretty sure he looked absolutely DELICIOUS that day. he definitely cried while oc was walking down the aisle and we LOVE him for that.
the guests - i don't think there were too many guests, but enough for the place to be filled with love. oc definitely doesn't seem like the type of person to invite the neighbors of relatives of relatives.
the speeches - OMG JUNGKOOK DEFINITELY CRIED HIS EYES OUT. i strongly believe that both their speeches were so so so cute that they still feel their eyes water when they see the videos of it.
the place - hmmmmm, i feel like it could've been in south korea, or if they wanted a more private one, italy or south of france maybe? and flying all the guests out, but that must've cost a fortune. OR JEJU ISLAND OMG HOW COULD I FORGET?!
but i see them getting married in the place that's really meaningful to them. one that's filled with great memories or the one they've always been talking about and planning on going to. since that hasn't been shown (yet), i cant rlly tell.
the venue - honestly, i haven't really thought about this one. it depends on the place they had their wedding in. but maybe a gorgeous beach view. a LOT of flowers. lots of lights too!
the musician - just because i love her with all my heart, i would hope one of them was none other than miss LEE-HI. especially the song "only". "On tiring nights and busy days, please make room in your heart for me to rest" like hello?? "I'll do better when you promise me we will stay together" i literally cant believe lee hi wrote a song about overwine couple??
idk but that wedding definitely had everyone going wild, had everyone wanting to marry as soon as possible and she ended up on a LOT of wedding inspiration boards.
aaand last but not least, their wedding night. but that's for lira to tell😉
anyways lira bae if u have something different in mind for their wedding, please don't let this distract u from all ur beautiful thoughts, i was just really bored!
oh. my. god.
you just made the rest of my year with this single ask. and now you make me want to write a wedding drabble :( that’s definitely added to the list. oof.
lemme give u my comments on your thoughts :3
so true!! not sure if oc is the type of girl to do “too much”, but she definitely is the type to stand out in a classy and simple way, yet very very outstanding with the way she carries herself in the dress. vivian westwood is so true and oc coded. it’s like you see right through her!! that dress is absolutely beautiful she’d definitely rock it. that dress makes me want to get married.
but also very true when you mention the two different dresses for her big day. i feel like she would get a different dress for the ceremony, something that brings up that princess feel but remains classy, like this (1) or this (2). love the off the shoulders look for her honestly!!
for the rest of the day she’d definitely be wearing something sexy, silky and shiny
the sofia richie veil is spot on. she’d have one that sweeps beautifully over the floors and is three times her size lol
and during the prep of their big day, stylists, decorators and designers were probably standing in fucking line to offer her all sorts of dresses, pieces and decor.
men are very boring when it comes to attire, but jungkook would eat that shit up!! he wouldn’t go with any black, grey or blue suits to live up to the standard, but instead i imagine him in a true, soft beige with a very muted corsage. imagine him in that!! we all know he shed a tear or two while she was walking down the aisle. imagine that cute little scrunch of his nose that makes wrinkles at his eye appear to laugh off the fact that he was getting teary!! especially after he tried to convince all his relatives he would not (!) cry
THEY WERE BAWLING! oh my good it was a mess and babies didn’t even try to hide it. their speeches were probably so personal and cute and a total mess!! got all their guests on a rollercoaster lmao
they’d most likely invited tons of guests but chose a more private location to celebrate at france/italy, or jeju island seem like great guesses! definitely somewhere secluded with mountains, calm sounds of the waters and a beautiful scenery to look out on. some place fairy tale worthy.
only is so wedding coded. so over wine coded. imagine them hiring a singer to sing for them while she walks up the aisle ?!? or jungkook even singing her that song later on the day
oc definitely ended up having two full spreads in some vogue or bazaar magazine :3 no one can tell me otherwise
wedding drabble. do i do it ?!? wedding night included 😋
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babyblue-mind · 3 months
intro post yeah yeah!!!
hii im blue! or you can call me sam!
i'm also on ao3 and spotify!
my pronouns page (no need to read in full tho! my pronouns are he/she <3)
don’t forget your daily clicks 🇵🇸
currently fixating on: supernatural and mission: impossible!!!!!
my main interests:
boy meets world (jeric has my heart + i love shawn)
high school musical
the amazing world of gumball
teen wolf
indiana jones (ask me about him. Please.)
mission: impossible
ask me about any of my interests and i will explode!! (positive)
DNI (may add more if i remember something i missed)
everything you'd expect. if you suck. go away. terfs, racists, queerphobes, ableists, etc.
people who ship samifer, samruby, any form of w*ncest or winkline, or angel/angel ships
people who actively hate on ships i like
and here's some more stuff, no need to read :)
my top movies (no particular order):
back to the future films
dead poets society
the truman show
high school musical films (especially 2!!!)
the talented mr ripley
mission: impossible films (especially 1 & 3)
spider-verse films
my fav characters of all time:
liam dunbar (teen wolf)
indiana jones (indiana jones)
ethan hunt (mission: impossible)
marty mcfly (back to the future)
my supernatural ships!
(i will post about them so don't follow if you don't want to see- or just block tag)
others (loosely ordered):
ketchdean (mixed feelings about ketch...)
stacey/max (lebanon)
my mission impossible ships
i hc ethan being in smth in the vein of a qpr with benji and with ilsa in that he kisses and holds them sometimes and calls them pet names like baby and darling, stuff like that! but they dont consider themselves to be dating. i also dont think ilsa and benji would have this kind of relationship with each other.
ethan and brandt are dating for sure, i think they’d get together immediately after ghost protocol, not sure how this relationship is going after brandt’s departure from the series. but anyways yeah casual dating i reckon
ethan and julia!!! this is pretty much their canon relationship— married, divorced, but still deeply in love. ethan always wears his wedding ring when he’s not on a mission, i think julia would wear it pretty often too!
i am a casual enjoyer of alanna x grace and
alanna x ilsa too!
i think that ethan and zola had. Something. between fallout and dead reckoning
music artists i like:
the smiths
led zeppelin
def leppard
jeff buckley
fiona apple
the cardigans
pink floyd
might add more to this post later <3
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choices-and-voices · 1 year
Hii can you please explain the real ending of Arthur in the legend? I've heard from it but never really knew the full story :)
~~~ Updated 01/05/2023 after some further reading on my part, because apparently I’m obsessed with Arthurian legend now 😅 ~~~
Hi Anon! No problem, here’s a summary. Disclaimer that I originally made this post using just the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but I now can’t find the articles I originally referenced & I kept coming across contradictions to them in other articles, so I’ve decided to cross-check everything against CliffNotes & sections of original text. If anyone reads this and finds things that still need correcting, please lmk ☺️.
The legend of King Arthur is set in 5th-6th century Britain, although the details of the time & the geography are more fiction than fact. As with all folklore, it developed over hundreds of years through a mostly oral storytelling tradition, so there’s no one version of it. However, most of our modern adaptations are based on a book called Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur), written in the 1400s by an English knight named Sir Thomas Malory. Malory basically compiled as many pre-existing stories about Arthur as he could, and also tweaked them to suit his time period. He was the first person to add a lot of the themes of chivalry and brotherhood that are now considered central to the legend. (As a side-note, Malory also went to great lengths to link the legend to his homeland, which can make his descriptions of geography even more confusing. He frequently mentions England and reports that Arthur became King of England by pulling the sword from the stone, when actually, ‘England’ didn’t exist yet in Arthur’s time. Instead, the island of England/Scotland/Wales was divided into many independent kingdoms, like Camelot and Carmelide, and the only way to collectively refer to them was as ‘Britain’. In this post, I’m going to be mirroring Malory’s language, but it’s worth noting that when he says England, it’s more accurate to say Britain, and when he says that Arthur was the King of England, it’s more accurate to say that Arthur was a King of Camelot who began to unify Britain through his influence & may have been destined to eventually rule it all. In fact, Camelot is usually identified as being in modern-day Wales rather than modern-day England. I know that all of this is tangential, but it confused me a lot during my reading & I wanted to help clarify it for other people, so 😊).
Le Morte d’Arthur sets up Arthur & Guinevere’s relationship very differently to Choices. For a start, they get betrothed earlier in the story, before the Knights of the Round Table are established – in fact, the physical Round Table & the first hundred of its knights are an engagement gift from Guinevere’s father. Secondly, they do know each other a little before they get betrothed – they meet a few months prior, while Arthur is helping defend Carmelide from attack – and although Arthur getting married is a political decision driven by his advisors, his choice of Guinevere as his wife is inarguably a personal decision driven by love. According to Malory, Arthur loved Guinevere from first sight & refused to let Merlin suggest any other brides when the time came, instead sending him to Guinevere’s father to ask him for her hand. We never really learn if Guinevere returns Arthur’s feelings, but honestly, the point is kinda moot – and that’s because, in perhaps the most important difference from Choices, Malory’s Arthur walks into the relationship knowing that Guinevere will betray him. When Merlin suggests choosing another bride, he explicitly warns Arthur that Guinevere will fall in love & cheat with a future Knight of the Round Table named Lancelot, and Arthur puts that aside, marries her anyway, and befriends Lancelot anyway.
I could go on such a long rant here about how complicated Merlin’s characterisation is in Le Morte d’Arthur – even more so than in Choices – and about what the symbolism might be of him making that prophecy & of Arthur ignoring it. But there’s tons more background reading that I’d have to do about that, and it’s also not the point of this post. Suffice to say, I think we’re given enough clues that Arthur ignores the prophecy not because he doesn’t believe it, but because he loves Guinevere and later Lancelot so much that he’d ignore anything just to have them by his side. When the two of them do start their affair, it’s stated that Arthur suspects what’s happening but ‘[won’t] hear of it’ from other people, particularly because of how much he loves & trusts Lancelot. It is left up to the reader whether that means that a) Arthur is deliberately overlooking the affair to protect his wife & friend or b) Arthur is burying his head in the sand about the affair happening – most critical sources go with Option A, but I personally think that both are presented as equally plausible. A similar trend continues throughout the book, with Arthur making several ambiguous decisions that Malory never directly explains, instead leaving us to judge him for ourselves. It’s quite a cool literary technique for a character who lives under public scrutiny, and who has had his story told in so many different ways over the years.
Before I move on, it’s also worth noting that Malory’s Arthur is… not quite as saintly as in Choices, so it’s not inconceivable that he’d struggle to handle the affair gracefully. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still incomparably noble & brave, but he’s also a young man under a lot of pressure who’s prone to dichotomous thinking, bursts of impulsivity, and difficulty telling people ‘no’. He himself has a few affairs between meeting Guinevere and marrying her, including one with a woman whom he doesn’t know is his half-sister with whom he conceives a son, Mordred. Like in Choices, Merlin then prophesies that Mordred will be Arthur’s downfall – more specifically, he prophesies that a boy with Mordred’s birthday will be Arthur’s downfall – but unlike in Choices, Arthur actually endorses Merlin’s horrific plan to prevent that. All baby boys with Mordred’s birthday are exiled to sea in a ship, until Fate, in one of its inevitable twists, sinks the ship and has Mordred wash up on shore. He eventually ends up in Camelot as a Knight of the Round Table, where he plays a big role in everything falling apart.
(And before we move on to that, just one more aside: the half-sister with whom Arthur conceives Mordred is not Morgana, although modern adaptations of the story often conflate the two characters. Her name is Morgause, and she also has four other sons – Arthur’s half-nephews – who are Gawain, Gareth, Agravaine, and Gaheris. I mention them not just because of the nod to Choices, but because they’re also very important in what happens next).
The trouble starts when Lancelot & Guinevere get extremely obvious about their affair, to the point where it becomes common knowledge among the Knights of the Round Table. Most of them ignore it, but there are two – Mordred & Agravaine – who insist on formally bringing it to Arthur’s attention, thus obligating him to deal with it. Arthur initially refuses to do anything unless somebody catches Lancelot & Guinevere ‘in the act’, but Mordred & Agravaine then suggest a plan to achieve that – they ask Arthur to spend a night away from the palace in the hope that Guinevere will invite Lancelot to her chambers, where Mordred & Agravaine will lie in wait for him. And this is the point at which Arthur makes his second ambiguous decision. The facts: Arthur agrees to the plan, and even tells Mordred & Agravaine to take more knights on their stakeout as backup, because Lancelot is more than capable of killing them in a rage. The question: Why would Arthur say that? Is he genuinely still unsure about whether an affair is happening, and eager for his wife & friend to be investigated and captured at any cost? Or is he trying to dissuade Mordred & Agravaine with threats about Lancelot’s wrath, while also making sure that there are witnesses to whatever happens so that nothing gets too out of hand? There are a couple of subtleties in Malory’s writing that might imply Option B – for a start, the conversation about the plan goes back & forth for a while, with Arthur giving three separate warnings about Lancelot before Mordred & Agravaine literally tell him to shut up and let them deal with it. So it’s not hard to read some reluctance in Arthur’s voice, and to consider that maybe he’s grasping at straws trying to stop this disaster he’s been backed into. Secondly, Mordred & Agravaine are explicitly said to be very unsubtle about their plan, to the point where Lancelot’s supporters at the Round Table suspect it and try to warn him. So it’s possible that Arthur is counting on Lancelot & Guinevere recognising and avoiding the trap, meaning that the stakeout will come to nothing and the ‘rumours’ of an affair may actually be put to rest. That said, it’s not like Arthur tries to warn Lancelot or Guinevere himself – sure, he can’t be seen to do that in public, but you’d think that he’d be able to catch Guinevere in private at least. Instead, he goes out hunting, Guinevere summons Lancelot to her chambers, and Lancelot goes, ignoring his supporters’ advice. The two of them are together when Mordred & Agravaine’s 14-knight party starts banging on the door, and everything immediately goes to hell. Lancelot & Guinevere know that they’ll be put to death for treason and agree that Lancelot should escape while he can, so he can return and save Guinevere later. Lancelot does make a show of wanting to resolve things peacefully – he says he’ll voluntarily stand trial in the morning if the knights let him walk away – but by now, everyone is raring for blood. Lancelot ends up killing all the knights except Mordred, who runs off wounded, then escapes Camelot with his supporters in tow. He does offer to take Guinevere with him now that her captors are dead, but interestingly, she turns him down – she actually says that he’s done a lot of harm by killing Arthur’s knights, and she doesn’t want him stealing her as well unless Arthur goes through with her death sentence. This is probably the first sign of doubt that we see from Guinevere, and it’s a cool, subtle hint of what’s to come.
Of course, Arthur does go through with Guinevere’s death sentence, and for once Malory actually explains his reasoning. Arthur has founded his entire reign on principles of honour and equality – on the idea that no one, not even a royal, is above morality or the law. Guinevere has committed treason – has even contributed to the deaths of 13 knights – and the punishment for treason is death, so Guinevere must die. What Malory does leave somewhat ambiguous is Arthur’s actual wishes for Guinevere & Lancelot. The facts: when Arthur first hears what’s happened from Mordred, he mainly expresses grief, both because Lancelot has torn the Round Table apart & because he now has no choice except to put Guinevere to death. He doesn’t express any anger until later, when Gawain tries to convince him to spare Guinevere in case her interactions with Lancelot have been misconstrued. At that point, Arthur says that Lancelot will have a ‘shameful death’ if he ever gets captured, and orders his knights to stand guard at Guinevere’s execution in case Lancelot attempts a rescue – even Gawain, who begs to be excused, and Gareth & Gaheris, who agree to be present but refuse to carry weapons. Now, it is possible that Arthur is doing all of this because he genuinely wants Guinevere & Lancelot dead. But there’s also another popular interpretation that actually, it’s all just for show – Arthur knows that Lancelot is going to rescue Guinevere, and by setting up a public execution with sympathetic guards, he’s maximising their chances of a successful escape while also ensuring he can’t be accused of letting them go. Essentially, he’s giving them a clean break away from Camelot, while also still trying to maintain the laws of the kingdom & his integrity as a king.
Of course, even if that is Arthur’s intention, this story is a tragedy & things can’t go according to plan. This time, the complicating factor is that Lancelot goes on a violent rampage while rescuing Guinevere, killing another 24 knights including the unarmed Gareth & Gaheris. When Arthur hears about this, he’s openly devastated, and I think it’s impossible to argue that he doesn’t have at least some anger for Lancelot from that point on. He does make an attempt to prevent further violence, asking his knights to shield Gawain from his brothers’ deaths so that he doesn’t swear a vow of vengeance, but when Gawain goes ahead with the vow Arthur is quick to offer support. He musters an army from across England and lays siege to Joyous Gard, where Lancelot has hunkered down with Guinevere, his original supporters, and an accumulated army of his own. What follows is an all-out civil war, and Arthur’s emotions are quickly torn from anger & righteousness to heartbreak & regret. There’s one particular scene burnt into my brain where he and Lancelot are duelling one-on-one, Lancelot refuses to kill him despite the fact that it would end the war, and Arthur just breaks down in tears, because he doesn’t want to be fighting anymore. Eventually, the Pope gets involved to bring about peace, and decrees that Lancelot & Guinevere be pardoned, that Guinevere be returned to Arthur, and that Lancelot be exiled to France. This leads to a tragic scene where Lancelot delivers Guinevere to Arthur before leaving England forever, and every single character cries except for one: Gawain. He refuses to retract his vow against Lancelot & insists on pursuing him to France with Arthur and his army, leaving England in the care of Mordred. Mordred, of course, has been out for trouble since the beginning, and this is the point at which he truly goes off the rails. He forges a letter saying that Arthur has died, gets himself officially coronated, tries to claim Guinevere as his wife (she refuses, fleeing to London & barricading herself in its Tower), and drums up discontent about Arthur’s past reign until public opinion is on his side. It helps that he also inherits most of Lancelot’s supporters, although a few of them do follow Lancelot to France.
When news of Mordred’s treason reaches Arthur & Gawain in France, they return to England to fight him. However, Gawain is already badly injured from repeatedly duelling Lancelot, who always refused to land the killing blow. On his deathbed, Gawain writes to Lancelot, granting him forgiveness and begging him to come to Arthur’s aid. And Lancelot does come, as fast as he can, but – he’s destined to arrive too late. On his final night alive, Arthur dreams of Gawain, who tells him that Lancelot will arrive in a month & that Arthur will die if he goes into battle before then. The next morning, Arthur meets Mordred on the battlefield to negotiate a month of ceasefire, but then a snake slithers out onto the field and a knight unthinkingly draws his sword to kill it, breaking the peace. Arthur rides into that battle knowing that he won’t come out alive, and watches in despair as all but one of his knights are also slain. Eventually, he sustains his mortal wound while killing Mordred. His only remaining knight, Sir Bedivere, tries to carry him to safety, but instead Arthur asks him to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake & to place Arthur in a boat being rowed by her attendants (including Morgana), who take him to their mystical isle of Avalon. In many versions of the legend, Arthur is said to still lie on Avalon under Morgana’s vigil, being healed from his wounds by a magical slumber from which he will eventually wake up immortal – a ‘once and future’ king. In Le Morte d’Arthur, that rumour does circulate, but Malory is ultimately clear about the fact that Arthur dies on Avalon, and is returned to a forest outside Camelot for a quiet burial. His throne is taken over by a distant half-nephew, his Order of the Round Table dies with its knights, and his dream of unity & honour across England dissolves. Guinevere, filled with grief & guilt, retreats from the world to join a convent, where Lancelot eventually finds her after his return. The two of them still love each other, but Guinevere refuses to renew their relationship, and Lancelot ends up joining a monastery himself as a way of honouring her & showing his remorse. When Guinevere gets sick a few years later, she prophesies that Lancelot will come to perform her funeral & to bury her beside Arthur, and sure enough Lancelot sees her death in a dream & rushes to her side. Six weeks later, he also dies of a broken heart, and is buried at Joyous Gard.
Whenever I revisit Le Morte d’Arthur, I’m always surprised by how subtle & complex a text it is, especially considering how long ago it was written. There are no clear heroes or villains; nobody is blameless in bringing about the tragedy, and yet nobody acts in a way we can’t sympathise with; nobody gets a happy ending at the expense of somebody else. But there is a general idea, reinforced over time by simpler adaptations, that Arthur is the member of the love triangle who suffers most. He loses not just his wife & his friend, but also his kingdom, his dream, and his life. Yes, he makes some questionable decisions along the way, but they’re all made for the sake of other people – he’s torn apart trying to simultaneously protect his loved ones, his country, and his ideals, whereas Lancelot & Guinevere precipitated everything by being publicly affectionate without any regard for the consequences. They also both get at least a chance at a future, while Arthur does not, and I think there’s a public sentiment that it’d be nice to see him end up happy for once. I’m personally really glad that Choices gives us that option, and it seems like some other readers feel the same way. Speaking of which, it’s also nice to see other readers interested in the original legend. Thank you so much for the ask 💕
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chloeseyeliner · 2 years
[with the intention of talking about the Casey McQuinston book universe once again]
I haven't ordered the rwrb collector's edition,because I am a university student in ✨this economy✨ who only spends money on public transportation every day and the supermarket once in a while these days,lol-but I found "one last stop" on pdf last night to read during class breaks,or when I have the time at home,so,who's laughing now,capitalism?
(please,this last one is just a joke-don't come at me,capitalism.)
anyway,classic Maria (name reveal,wow) move,getting out of topic.
so,since I won't read it any time soon,I wanted to share some of my thoughts. I mean,I know it's only one chapter,but we know dear Casey (and I mean it with every single grain of love I have inside of my chest for this wonderful person whose books make me feel whole again whenever I read them) I wanted to get some "theories"/thoughts/whatever out of my chest:
do you think we are going to find out more about June and Nora's (and Pez's,because why not? Personally,I deeply ship junora-is that the ship name?I am not great at ship names-and all of them together,too) relationship? I mean,since it's Henry's POV,I think the readers might get a little more into this relationship. No offense to Alex,he is literally my book fictional male crush (there,I finally said it) and one of my favourite characters in every media ever,but in my opinion,Henry is a liiittle more observant than him when it comes to that stuff. with all that being said,I hope we do get junora and/or june-pez-nora 💗moments💗.
another thing I was thinking about:do you believe the headcanons (I think??) almost everyone agrees on that fandom that Bea is aroace and Pez is non-binary/genderqueer will be confirmed,at least mentioned somewhere (although it would be absolutely great to have more than just mentions,it's one chapter and all that,even for Casey,I am afraid)? I really hope they do-if they already have and I have missed it,I am a dumbass and you should say it straight (ha) into my face. thank you very much.
we are going to find out who proposed to whom between Alex and Henry!!!
I don't like the concept of marriage at all,because every single (of course only cishet) one I have ever heard of,lived *Claremont-Diaz siblings moment* or (unfortunately for my poor social skills) attended has fallen into pieces,but I want to scream from the rooftops of the world (no,that wasn't an intentional Dead Poets Society reference) that Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz and HRH Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor are getting married!!!
do you think Zahra and Shaan will cry at the wedding? and that Rafael will get fifty dollars of everyone the day it happens because he had foreseen it happening before Alex and Henry even got together? (with the "joined Christmas card" thing,I mean.)
I have many other thoughts right now,as they have been appearing like fireworks in the night sky inside my brain ever since I started writing this,but I am going to leave it here for now.
all in all,happy collector's edition day. I hope you all enjoy reading it and scream and cry and react however makes you happy,because of course you will,it's Casey McQuinston after all and whoever does not,like me,don't push yourselves,loves;it's completely fine. more than.
[in the king of books of my heart's (Jack Edwards,I mean) words] byebyeeee! *blows kisses everywhere*
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redheadbigshoes · 4 months
So I‘m sending this for the second time because somehow tumblr always says that something has gone wrong with the sending but anyway I wanted to ask about one of your posts about stone butch blues. I don‘t know if it‘s old or not but I was very confused about you stating that the author had married a man or something along those lines.. maybe I misunderstood something but all the book talks about is butch/femme culture, being trans and ofc sensitive topics like SA and police brutality. But Leslie has never been with a men. She‘s been „out“ as a butch lesbian since the 50‘s and was only ever with femmes,nb‘s, trans women and drag queens.. also has been married since she died to a female author..
Please tell me if I misinterpreted something I was just very confused when I saw a blog that is mostly about lesbianism say something like this..
That wasn’t me talking about that, someone else sent me an ask telling me apparently the author of some book (idk if it was stone butch blues) was married to a guy, but honestly idk where that info comes from. I remember someone sent me a link to some source of said author saying they were married to a guy, but I don’t remember which book it was about.
I’ve never read that book nor do I know who the author is to be talking about it. What you probably saw was information someone else brought up and I was talking about that info
0 notes
maiverie · 1 year
hii!! i’m not quite sure if your taking asks but!! sorry in advance if this is long & messy 😭. it is currently 1am, but i wanted to share how i am absolutely in awe?? i just read up to recent chap in “triage”,,,,
let me just say that your work is utterly fantastic?? seriously, like i’m in genuine awe at how wonderful and lovely this series is?? the only way to possibly describe it is “just every single positive adjective in the book”. — the emotions????? I FELT DURING READING, MY GOD??? SERIOUSLY I WANNA CRY?? the way you wrote everything is absolutely amazing,, the dialogue?? the descriptions?? - literally about to go full-on english teacher?? i’m in shock. the characters are so,, meaningful, and have such a beautiful story / personality to them?? like, basically, everything just goes together so well???
heeseung & y/n….
im crying?!3!:@2&:9:&2&@:@/‘ ITS SO GOOD THE DEVELOPMENT,, THE BLOSSOMING?? i’m so in love w the characters, and that takes such great skill??? for an author to create characters who the readers adore?? you’re immensely talented, & i mean that!! the plot is perfect, and i cannot even fathom how brilliant you are to have created / written such a wonderful story?? it’s truly such a work of art??? literally bowing down to you rn 🫡🫡🫡
ahh,, anyways, i would write much more, but i don’t want to spam too much 😭😭 — basically, your writing moved me & many others!! keep up the great work!! & thank you for sharing such a lovely story!! so proud of you! - btw! if you see this, would you add me to your tag list? hehe!! ~~ i’m excited for the next chap!! ~~ :D / very very very interested to see what’ll be next for the two!
kind regards, (get it? ~~),
- a huge fan! (i’m new!! but i will be reading your other works as well hehehe, just had to share my love for this series at 1am)
STOP THIS LITERALLY MADE ME WANT TO SOB YOURE SOSOOSOSOSO NICE????? 😭😭😭😭 PLEASE DONT apologise because this genuinely made my heart melt +++ gave me the final push i needed to finish triage :(( it's been a while since i last logged into this acc hence the late reply (im so sorry!!!) and i've just been really busy + lacking motivation,,, so thank you os much for sharing such kind words —- i cant even express how much this means to me T^T
im literally in awe and all your compliments and feedback im @$ER#T&y8oiujsadhfygoj going insane my brain is gen not functioning rn ;-; THANK YOU SO MUCH?? ILL REREAD THIS EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED?? MARRY ME?? HAVE MY BABIES??? IM FR THE ONE BOWING DOWN TO U HFJLASDOIJWE ILYSM FOR THIS AAA thank you so much for the encouragement!! i think i really needed this :(
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prodagustd · 2 years
Woooooh! So... I finally had the time to read Drunk after being so busy with school and work.
Tina.... That was wonderful!!! I'm speechless...
I feel so bad for past Yoongi, he was so selfless with Dasom and you can really tell that he tried his best to help her but he still lost her, his best friend, and broke his heart. I understand now why he's so scared to commit again. He doesn't want the same thing to happen again, he's just trying to protect his heart but ended up hurting OC in the process. And now that he's set on winning OC back I wish him all the best!! I can't believe I said I want him on his knees 😭 Yoongi I'm so sorry 😭 But still OC did not deserve what Yoongi did to her so I guess seeing Yoongi getting jealous over Tae is enough revenge for me 😏🤭 I can't wait for the next chapter!! I'm excited and also scared for Yoongi and OC's 'TALK' 🥺🥹 PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIGURE SHIT OUT SO YOU CAN KISS AGAIN, BE LOVEY DOVEY, GET MARRIED, HAVE KIDS, AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! ❤️‍🔥
And BTW, I hope jungkook's plan works on Tae and Lucy too 🥺 and I hope we get to see more of jimin or him and OC meeting 🥹
Thank you for writing this amazing fic, Tina!!! 🤍
I hope this ask makes sense I literally speed type this after reading it while snot dripping down my nose because this fic hurts so good 😭 maybe i'll send another one once i have my thoughts organized and collected 😫
Anyway, I hope your days are always bright and happy 🫶🏼
- 🍣
HII!!!! So happy that you could finally read it!!!
That is what I meant when I said I was kind of a Yoongi apologist lmaoo, Yoongi getting his heart broken was one of my favorite parts to write and I cried a lil doing it 🥲. But OFC I agree with you, poor oc didn't deserve to be treated like that!!!
This made me laugh bc my sister said the same thing that you did, that she regretted saying that wanted Yoongi on his knees after reading the chapter hjdhg. (We got him on his knees tho 😭)
I'M SO EXCITED FOR THEM TO MAKE UP TOO!! Since I posted drunk I'm thinking of the next part and all the resting angst when all I want to do is write them just being together already!!! But don't worry, I'm thinking of all the ways I can repay the angst. (That includes all the drabbles I've been writing 😭)
(Btw jimin and oc meeting!!! I'm not going to say anything else...)
And thank you for writing as always!!! I understood everything considering that I read it as soon as I woke up jfhgfs
I hope your days are bright and happy too 💜💜💜
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
I'm a simp for your writing, really went through all your work all night just to read about my favorite male-waifus XD
Don't ever stop writing, please!
So if it won't be weird can I ask for a request? Never done this before sorry if it's gonna be like jibberish XD Maybe another isekai type of stuff
Sanemi, Rengoku, Muzan(we all need a little bit of demon Jackson, hee-hee), Kokushibo and maybe any character of your choice?
Like the "Darling" woke up of just traight up yeeted into KNY world, knowing what happens and trying to help out the main characters? Maybe trying to prevent the bad things that may happen(and fail, because IDK, drama). While also trying to find a way to go back, because they understand that they don't belong there, but want to help as much as they can. Idk what else, a sprinkle of nsfw somewhere maybe, if the idea is decent I know you'll do some magic, if not I'd be happy to get a meme as an answer tho XD
- Different World -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes ( NSFW )
Characters = Sanemi , Rengoku , Muzan , Kokushibou
A/N = Hii Darling!! Thank you so much for requesting this. I had a bunch of fun writing this. I am really sorry this took so long to make I hope you understand . To be honest this is my first time writing something like this so I hope yall understand if this comes out really shitty x-x . Feel free to submit requests . Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this!! <3
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• When he first heard about you situation he was extremely confused about it. It took the other hashira multiple attempts to explain it.
• At first he wanted you dead. He was very rude to you and would go out of his way to make your life more difficult then it already was . Eventually he started to notice how kind and caring you were to others.
• He understood that you had to go back to your world but at the same time he did not want you to leave. In the past you had warned the other hashira about upcoming battles and tried to give them advice about it. He found himself thinking about you all the time. He always thought about how unique you were. As time went on he found himself feeling more and more possessive over you.
• He wanted you to himself. Since you were not from their world you needed someone very strong to protect you because you are truly defenseless. What if a demon comes and you can’t protect yourself from it. Every time he would catch you crying about wanting to go home he will try to comfort you in his one way.
• He would say stuff like “ I don’t know why you want to go back to your world . Don’t you like it more here?”. Every time you tried to tell him that you missed your family he will say “ Aren’t we your family. I thought you cared for the other hashira and me . Don’t you want to protect us.”?
• Because he can’t risk you going back to your world , he results to kidnapping you. He completely cuts you off from everything and everyone . His excuse is that you don’t need anyone other than him. Lucky for you, Sanemi does not treat you badly. He can be very sweet. After a while he does want to get married. His goal is to get you to forget about your old life and stay with him forever.
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• Let’s talk about sleeping with Sanemi. Despite popular belief I feel like he would be a total gentlemen in bed. Every once in a while he might take out his anger in you but he will always give you kisses and cuddles afterwards. Ugh his aftercare is perfect.
• When Rengoku first met you , he was very wary of you and your presence.
• Overtime he realized that you had very. Good intentions for everyone. You always tried to help people and give them advice right before they go on a mission. As Rengoku starts to study you more , he realizes that you are very kind and companionate. Whenever he is not on a mission he tries to spend as much free time as he has with you.
• He will ask you about how your life used to be in your world. He will even go as far as to ask you to talk about your family. Sometimes he will bring you little gifts from his missions and travels.
• Whenever somebody does not make it back alive from a mission. He always tries his best to comfort you and constantly remind you that it is not your fault. Rengoku will never get mad at you . The only time that he will get mad , is when you talk about your world a little too much.
• In his eyes you and him are soulmates and you are supposed to be together forever. He has no trouble announcing his feeling in front of everyone. Because Rengoku is known to be a very kind and reliable person , nobody will believe you if anything were to happen.
• Rengoku’s breaking point is when he hears you talking about finding a way to go back to your world. That same night he kidnaps you. He tries is best to convince you that what he is doing is the right thing but you seem unconvinced. Every single night he goes in a long rant about how much he loves you . He won’t shut up until you say “ I love you “ to him. Don’t worry though he will take very good care of you !
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Rengoku is very loud in bed . This fact should come to no surprise. Rengoku also really wants to have a big family so be prepared darling. He will never non-con you he is not that evil. He will probably wait till the two of you get married before sleeping with you. He is traditional in a way.
• If I am being completely honest , when this man first heard about you he was very intrigued. He thought that you were very strange. Because he was so curious about you decided to follow you and see what you would be doing.
• Imagine his surprise when he found himself fawning over how Handsome / Beautiful you were. He could not help himself from staring at you.
• That night when he was doing his lightly patrols looking for people kill. He ran into Tanjiro … and you.
• He could see the terror in your eyes. You gave Tanjiro a look before apologizing a thousand times for disturbing him. He found it almost amusing how you attempted to drag Tanjiro out of there. Normally he would kill Tanjiro in a instant , but the truth was is that he did not want to give a bad first impression. Instead he looked at you before smiling and telling you to enjoy your night.
• Tanjiro and you were stunned.
• Over the course of a couple of weeks he would send out his upper moons to keep a eye on you. Any demon or human that would try to lay a finger in you would be dead. In his free time he would like to watch you himself. He found you adorable. At the same time he was worried for you. He hoped that you weren’t to stressed out about being in a completely different universe. When he was stalking you , he would watch you as you cried to Zenitsu about wanting to find a way back home .
• That was when he snapped. That very night when you were in town looking for fresh food you felt yourself being gagged and knocked out.
• Don’t worry Muzan won’t really hurt you physically but he will gaslight and manipulate you. Very rarely will punishments ever get physical. He will do anything in his power to convince you that this universe is where you belong. He will also try to get you to forget all about your old life and family members.
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• Sorry hunny but this man will always top you. Being the bottom really makes him feel weak and like he is not even in control. He can be very doughy but also very passionate if you have been behaving well recently.
• I feel like the only Kokushibou would be aware of your existence, was if Muzan had sent him to kill you. He never go the full story except for the fact that you were not from this universe and that you apparently “ knew too much “ about Muzan. He had never seen Muzan get this stressed over somebody in a long time. So like the food servant to his master he went out to hunt you down.
• Imagine his fave when he finally found you. He was stunned by your beauty. When he found you , you were feeding some rabbits. You seemed like you really cared for those timid animals. Immediately he felt his heart ach. He did not know what this feeling was since he had not felt it in a long time. He was confused to say the least.
• He knew that he did not have the heart to end you. So what was he going to tell Muzan when he failed his mission. He stood there behind a tree watching you for what felt like ages.
• Eventually he decided that before he killed you he wanted to ask you some quuestions about you universe and reality. He felt ashamed by how he felt about you even though he had just met you. He did not want to scare you when he approached you so he made sure to announce his presence to you. To his shock you only waved at him. He sat down before introducing himself as upper moon 1 and he wanted to ask you some questions. You knew you could not exit this conversation so you nodded and told him your name before talking.
• You ended talking for a couple of hours before the sun started to set. Eventually you got down in your knees and begged for your life. He told you that he would not kill you and that he really enjoyed talking to you and how he hoped to cross orbs with you again. You were very uneasy to say the least. That demon was strange.
• He ended up thinking about you a lot. Then he came to the conclusion that he was in love and needed to protect you from this horrible world. He knew from your conversation that you were trying to find a way back to your universe and that could not happen. So he kidnapped you.
• Kokushibou was very patient with you it was almost scary. He treated you kindly and waited for Stockholm Syndrome to set in before he proposed the idea of y becoming a demon. You happily excepted your livers offer.
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• Similar to Muzan he will never let you top him. It makes him feel inferior to you and he hates that feeling. He can surprisingly be very soft to you after the deed and will cuddle you .
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
You guys can start sending in some Halloween requests !! Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Hii there, do you know any good idol namjoon fanfics ? Thank you in advance !
🌷   Hello, anon! My reco might not be as extensive as the other fic recs I usually share (I keep saying idolverse is not part of my top themes). If you are an idolverse enthusiast, you’ve probably read this or have read more.
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Fic Recs | Idol AUs - Namjoon
↬ I didn’t include underground rapper or producer fics
A - angst | F - fluff | S- smut
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🌷 Drabbles/One Shots
There’s a First Time for Everything @jcwriting
Drabble | 2.8k | new established relationship, pwp | s, f
↳ Namjoon has never had a blowjob before. you’re about to change that
Baby, Please @lookingforluna
drabble | 2.5k | established relationship | f, s
↳ You can’t seem to help yourself these days. Lately you’ve been getting more and more into children. When your cousin asks you to babysit her daughter Hae, you never imagined the situation you’d be thrown into and the outcome of her visit.
Unbroken @sahmfanficbts
one shot | 15k | idol!namjoon x bonsai grower!reader, strangers to lovers, one night stand au, hurt/comfort | a, f, s
↳ After a devastating loss, you go back to what you know best: bonsai. Growing your bonsai business shelters you from having to deal with the pain in your heart until a new client challenges you to journey on the road to recovery.
🌷ggukkienote: you can also check their catalog! they have other idol!namjoon fics 🥰
Always in My Dreams @sunshinekims
one shot | 15.4k | soulmate au, dream au | f, s, a
↳ red strings, bursts of color, tattoos of words first said. the universe works in mysterious ways to bring you closer to your soulmate, and it has never failed to bring partners together. you expect the first meeting of your soulmate to be physical and chaotic but you never anticipate that you would meet him while you dreamed, and that it would feel like coming home.
Dream a Little Dream of Me @hollyhomburg
one shot | 9.3k | long distance relationship | f, s
↳ Sometimes being in a long distance relationship isn’t so bad, other days Namjoon wakes up and misses you so bad he almost feels like it will summon into existence (and the one time it actually was)
🌷 You have to listen to Home by BTS when reading this (it’s the recommended song by the author). Also, please check their Namjoon masterlist! I think they have other idol!namjoon fics
Duck and Cover @versigny
one shot | 6.4k | tour assistant!reader, staff/tour au, humor | f
↳ There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera.
🌷 This is an old fic (but I basically consumed everything the author has written so I remember this). He is still “Rap Monster” here but it’s very important because it’s part of a very funny dialogue 😆
Everything Goes @vantaenims
one shot | 11.2k | Before Sunrise AU, travel au | f, some a
↳ Namjoon plans to travel Europe for their long deserved break. On his way to another destination, he meets a girl on a train that will lead to an unexpected turn of events as they embark on a spontaneous trip of their own in a span of 24 hours.
Oppa @jungk0oksthighs
one shot | 3.6k | boyfriend au, pwp, oppa kink 🤭 | s, f
↳ The two of you met in a small independent bookstore in Hongdae, Seoul. His charismatic charms and shy, sensitive personality won you over in a heartbeat, and you hadn’t looked back since.
Venezia @bangtanlalaland
one shot | 3k | idol!namjoon x tourist!reader, pwp | s
↳  your trip to Venice, Italy takes an unexpected turn when you unintentionally get lost. what happens next is all in fates’ hands.
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Everything in Between @barefacedjiminbias
Two shot [2/2] | 5.8k | husband au, pregnancy au | a, f
↳  a pregnancy should be a happy occasion
Always @hollyxqx
Series [3/3] | 20k | exes au | a, s
↳  the story of how almost divorced, disgraced idol kim namjoon tries to put his life back the way it was after the world found out he was married and had a kid.
Confirm or Deny @dinoyoongi
series [6/6] | 25k | Established Relationship, both idols | a
↳ You’re a member of the rising group FRNZEE. You’ve been dating Namjoon for years when Dispatch releases an article exposing your relationship. Your company confirms the relationship. Big Hit denies it.
House of Cards @xjoonchildx
series [3/3] | 14k | idol!namjoon x stylist!reader | a, s 
↳ you know how this is going to end. that’s not going to stop you from doing it anyway.
🌷 A great reco by @sahmfanficbts. I started reading right away and oh I have a lot of thoughts and feelings afterwards 😥
Promises @jeonsweetheart
series [6/6] | 18k |  Marriage AU, themes of infidelity, idol au | a, s
↳ Marriage life with Namjoon hasn’t been the same lately. He’s been cold  and distant, always whispering on the phone. And you can’t help but  notice…
To Make a Power Couple @joheunsaram
series [9/?] | 66.5k+ | idol!namjoon x ceo!reader, strangers to lovers | f, a, s
↳ One a world renowned idol, the other an up and coming company’s CEO. Torn between work, fans, and their own self doubt, can they make a relationship work? Alternatively, as a CEO of an up and coming company, you never expected to meet the man of your dreams at a gala you hosted, but seems like fate had other plans.
🌷 Also recommended by other readers!
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🌷 posted: 2021 May 20 🌷 other fic rec lists 🌷 I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =)
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itsnothesameasitwas · 3 years
hiii! im looking for good freinds to lovers fics bc i go through them sooooo fast :/ if you have any good ones pls send them !!!
hii… sorry this took me a whole day but here some Friends to Lovers fics… all the fics I’m recommending are Larry and please be careful with the tags before start reading and leave kudos :)
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♥ Promise Me You Won't Run Away by thinlines @thinlinez | 23k | E
“Does kissing me stop you from having bad thoughts?” Harry asked, voice muffled into the collar of Louis’ dress shirt. Louis chuckled at this. He trailed a hand down Harry’s back, feeling the muscles tensing along with his touch.
“I guess you can say that. You’re a good distraction.”
“Then I will be the best distraction.” Harry answered, pulling back and watched Louis’ lips unashamedly.
“Come distract me, then.”
Or the Prince/ Knight AU in which Harry left Louis, but the omega never once gave up on them.
♥ i don't wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck by crybaby | 19k | E
Harry has been in love with Louis Tomlinson for four years, five months, and thirteen days.
Harry had fallen in love with Louis Tomlinson like how he’d seen in movies, and how he’d read in all the books he’d stolen from Gemma, headfirst and shameless. The only problem was, that in films and books, love was always either returned instantly, or else it took time for unrequited love to lose the first two letters, and since the first option was obviously not true, Harry decided he would wait for the second to become reality. And so Harry waited, three years, eight months, and four days, before his heart had been broken by a gentle rejection and a misplaced blowjob, before Louis and Gemma had packed up and gone to Manchester for university.
(Harry is a hopelessly romantic omega and Louis is his sister's best friend)
♥ picking up the pieces by falsegoodnight @falsegoodnight | 35k | E
“Zayn,” he murmurs, quietly but desperately.
Knowing what to do immediately, Zayn discreetly glances behind them to scan the room. “Walking over,” he says, confirming Louis’ worst fears.
“Maybe he’ll just pass by without stopping,” Louis says, glancing at the tables next to them as if hoping to find some other group of friends Harry had in high school that he could possibly want to talk to.
Eyebrow arched and lips pursed, Zayn has the nerve to look amused. “He’s looking directly at us.”
“Cause a diversion,” Louis rushes through his teeth, panic clawing up his throat. He can’t look Harry in the face again. Not yet, maybe not ever.
Zayn rolls his eyes and grabs his hand, interlocking their fingers. “It’s now or never, dear.”
- Louis returns to his hometown for the first time in ten years for his high school reunion and is faced with memories he’s long since tried to forget.
♥ waiting on you by beckywritesthings @beckydoesthings | 21k | M
“Do you want to touch?” Harry asks, taking one of his hands off to tangle with Louis’. His open invitation finally drags Louis’ attention away from his baby and up to his face, blue eyes wobbly with emotions. It’s clear that he’s too taken to really form words, so Harry takes the initiative to press their laced hands against his shirt fabric, warmth from the skin radiating through.
Louis pushes his shirt up to his chest, taking Harry’s hand and pressing it to hold the fabric in place. His hands return to warm skin, palms even more scalding now that there’s nothing in between them. And then, as if that wasn’t enough for Harry’s heart to handle, Louis leans in, pressing his lips right above his belly button.
“Hi, baby,” he says, lips moving across his skin softly. “I’m your… I’m Louis.”
Or Harry is pregnant with a stranger’s baby and Louis doesn’t know. It’s a minor detail that Harry’s both living with Louis and in love with him. No big deal.
♥ you fit me better than my favourite sweater by brightbluelou | 13k | NR
Harry didn't mean to fall in love with his best friend, and he definitely didn't mean to get pregnant. Despite that, it’s probably still the best thing that’s ever happened to him. And after that, well. It just kept getting better.
or; the one where Harry and Louis are friends-with-benefits and Harry unexpectedly gets pregnant. Harry never wants to stop getting pregnant after that, but Louis thinks seven kids is probably enough.
♥ our matchmaker: the fucking universe by peachloulou | 8k | E |
On your eighteenth birthday, you end up with your soulmates' name tattooed on your body. The universe works in a fairly simple way, so Louis knows Harry is his soulmate. He's got Harry's name tattooed on his ass cheek like a tramp stamp, and Harry's got the name Lou written on the inside of his wrist. Except Harry doesn't know what Louis' soulmates name is because Louis is a romantic fool, and, ever since Harry woke up with the name Lou two years after Louis, he's been a quest to find his own soulmate. Meeting after meeting.
But maybe Louis' wrong, and he and Harry are nothing more than best friends.
Or the one where the universe is annoyingly fucking complicated.
♥ Love Isn't Always on Time by softfonds @softfonds | 45k | E
Falling in love with your best friend sounds like a good idea, until he comes back from a work trip engaged to another man. A Made of Honor AU.
♥ You Might Want to Marry My Husband by Rearviewdreamer | 37k | M
When Harry’s husband dies, he asks one thing of him; to find love and happiness again without him. It’s a request that Harry is happy to disregard, until he meets the one person who is impossible to ignore.
♥ Work of Magic by Bekita @justalarryblog | 34k | NR
"C’mon Liam, are you really going to use this against me now? You know the kind of humans his kind is! You know very well why we hunt them!" Louis said, done with the conversation and walking down the hall.
"No! We hunt people who don’t care about others, and neither Harry nor anyone in his family is like that!” Liam exasperated, following behind. “Louis, it's been two weeks, don’t you wanna know how Harry is? Has this hatred taken over so fast?" Liam inquired, knowing the hit a nerve.
"You know what, Liam? I'm not going to have this conversation with you." Louis said decisively, turning his back to his friend ready to go to his class.
But life is never fair, is it? When he turned around he was face to face with Harry in the middle of the hallway. The two stared at each other. Do I hate him? Louis wondered as he watched Harry's eyes fill with tears and seem to be begging for something. He preferred to ignore the pang in his chest and the urge to comfort the boy in front of him. He lowered his head and continued on his way.
Or the one that Louis is a WitchHunter and Harry is a Witch and they keep it as a secret, but they fall in love.
♥ practice in pencil, seal it in pen by loubellies @loubellies | 16k | E
AU where drunk Harry lifts Louis up after someone says “bottoms up”. Louis blushes at Harry’s antics, flustered that his best friend knew him more than he thought. Friends to lovers with a happy ending pleaseor Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
♥ plant new seeds by glitterhaz @cloudslou | 44k | TUA
Harry nods, not trusting his words. Slowly, he crawls under the covers of his bed, all too aware that Louis is doing the same, so close to him. Initially, he faces his desk, not looking at Louis, but after a few minutes he gets uncomfortable and turns over. Now, he’s only a foot from Louis’ face, and Louis has turned around too.
He doesn’t think Louis is asleep already, and it's confirmed when Louis’ eyes blink open sleepily. Harry looks at Louis, and Louis looks at him. Really looks.
“Can you see me?” Louis whispers.
Harry doesn’t understand the question, not really, but nods anyway. “Yeah, I see you,”
**Louis works at a lonely community garden, Harry is the upstanding fraternity man who makes it all feels a little less lonely. Over the course of a semester, that is.
♥ Skin New, Hands True, My Hands All Over You by PearlyDewdrops | 44k | E
Harry designs wedding cakes, so of course meeting blissfully happy couples every day is part of his job description. Unfortunately, it's caused Harry to perpetually hope each new day is the one he'll find love, too. That is, until Harry realises everything he's ever wanted is right under his nose in the shape of his best friend, Louis.
But predictably, Harry only comes to this epiphany when Louis starts seeing someone else. And this is not a John Hughes movie as far as Harry is aware. Everyone else is pretty sure, though.
Featuring a heavy dose of pining, copious amounts of alcohol, drunk dialing that results in a situation reminiscent of Rachel Green's, a ginger cat that likes to interrupt intimate moments, and a Halloween party that changes everything.
♥ if it kills me by you_explode | 110k | M
Harry and Louis have worked together in a difficult office environment for six years. They're best friends; Louis is the bright spot of all of Harry's days. But Louis is in love with Harry, and Harry's engaged to someone else. And that's only the beginning.
The Office AU. More or less follows the first five seasons. A lot of pining and misunderstanding the depth of feelings and rejection and angst, until there isn’t.
♥ In This Light by exhilarated | 99k | E
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
♥ smell the sea, feel the sky by lightswoodmagic @lightwoodsmagic | 16k | E
They’d been planning this beach trip for months, stressing around work schedules and engagement parties, trying to find the perfect place to stay in and a time where there wouldn’t be families everywhere but the weather still perfect. Louis had spent what felt like hours researching and planning, dinners with Zayn and his boyfriend at their house that just ended in looking at places and sending them to Niall. He’d been looking forward to it for weeks, getting away from his job and his bullshit neighbours and the noise of the city.
It seemed ridiculous, really, that in all that time, Zayn hadn’t mentioned once that Harry was coming.
Or, Louis doesn't know how he's going to spend a week with the one person he wants and can't have. Harry proves him wrong.
♥ This Shifting Ground by zarah5 | 28k | M
University AU. In which Louis, law student, is the cheeky waiter to Harry’s dates. This is how it starts.
♥ No One Like You by myownspark | 19k | M
Dear Niall,I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Sincerely, Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
♥ across city skyline (and straight through my heart) by Halos_Boat @halohamilton | 76k | M
Louis Tomlinson meets Hollywood Heartthrob, Harry Styles when he walks into Louis' little bakery one day.
Immediately, Louis is charmed by him and Louis thinks Harry might feel the same way, given the fact that Harry has visited the bakery everyday since he'd come to town.
Until one day, Harry walks in with a boyfriend under his arm and a smile on his face.
The one where Louis owns a small bakery that's well known in his town and Harry Styles is an actor who comes to town to film a new movie. Louis is endeared by him, but that doesn’t seem to matter since Harry Styles is already taken.
♥ Tired Tired Sea by MediaWhore | 113k | M
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
♥ Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds | 88k | NR
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
- 1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
♥ Nicotine by KrisStylinson | 42k | E
"We're two different types of people, Liam. He likes sex and drugs, I like theater and tea. Trust me, we'd never date." Except they would, they do, and neither of them plans on letting go anytime soon.
"Just because you can get me hard doesn't mean I like you," Louis whispered. The fact was, he didn't like Harry right now, not at all. Not even a bit.
"Yeah, yeah," Harry murmured, his breath fanning over Louis' cock as he spoke. "You done telling me how much you hate me so I can suck you off?"
♥ California Sold by isthatyoularry | 123k | M
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
if you feel like you need more, don’t hesitate to ask me :)
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lizzielikeborden · 3 years
Married? (Part 1)
Request: Hii your stories are so good 🤍 could you please write oneshot where reader got „married” with jj like john b and sarah did and then a reader don’t want to say it in front of everyone ( like Sarah when Topper asked in front of pogues and john b got mad) that would be good omg i hope it’s not too long🙏🏻
Authors Note: You all really live for your angst I stg 
Summary: JJ had been acting very happy and told his friends that you were married, but when it came to the party where your friends showed up you just claimed that you were dating, making JJ look like a liar and make him sad.
Warnings: angst, swearing, and sadness
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The storm outside was wild, at least that’s what you thought laying in bed with earbuds in listening to music at the highest volume. Yet you still heard an incredibly loud pounding at your window. Every instinct in your body advised you to just lay still and play asleep as if you weren’t just lip syncing the music and moving around to it a bit. You tried to tell yourself that some piece of nature had been released from its usual place and drawn to your window because of the storm. But then the pounding didn’t stop, slightly rolling over you saw someone and froze, just staring at the person hoping they didn’t just break the window and come in. The more you stared the more the figure looked more like JJ than the grim reaper or some crazy ass person. That’s when you looked at your phone 
I have surprise coming over now - Deputy Shoupe’s Favorite❤️ , 11:55 PM
^^^ uh surprise - Deputy Shoupe’s Favorite ❤️ , 11:57 PM
You ran over to the window and unlocked it as fast as you could. JJ looked mortified, freezing, and soaking wet. If zombies were real that’s what he looked like minus missing pieces of flesh. 
“I’m so sorry, my phone was on do not disturb.” You moved out of the way and helped him inside, his skin was cold to the touch. 
“Mhm.” His eyes were still wide open, he hadn’t blinked yet, his t shirt and shorts were completely glued to his body. His shoes were leaving full water marks all over the floor. 
“Are you dying?” You grabbed his face and moved him to look at you. 
“I almost was.” He blinked and shook his head a little finally focusing. 
JJ stood up and your hands dropped. He took off his shoes and his socks were absolutely soaked, taking off his head he shook it around getting water everywhere. 
“I will be right back.” You walked away to go towards your bed where stray clothes seemed to survive the best. You found a pair of his shorts and boxers that had been in the clean laundry basket before you slung the clothes everywhere for a specific shirt earlier that day. 
When you turned around he had already taken off his shirt and shorts, laying them down next to his shoes, you walked over and handed him the clean dry clothes. 
“You really do have a second wardrobe for me.” He stripped down and put on the clean clothes, directly after that he yelled, “KO.”
Before you could even question it you were tackled back onto the bed and he was laying directly on top of you counting to three and slamming his left fist into the mattress. 
“JJ quiet down my family is here and can you please move you are freezing cold.” You tapped on his right bicep to try and get him to move.
“Excuse me but you are the reason I was outside in the absolute pouring rain, SOMEONE doesn’t like to read their texts.” He rolled over off of you and grabbed your phone, “You see what time it is? Yeah. 12:30 . I was out there for like 10 whole minutes.” 
“I’m sorry you didn’t answer me for like ten minutes and I can’t tell when you’re tired because you text bad anyway.” He grabbed his chest and looked at you offended. 
“I am an excellent speller, you just can’t read.” He pouted at you now playing on your phone. 
He was acting normal besides being almost captain america-d outside in the cold. But something else was off, he seemed very nervous like as if something was gonna happen or did happen and he didn’t know how to tell you. 
“Okay well I can read and you said you had a surprise and that’s why you were coming over.” Sitting up more on your bed, you laid your head on his shoulder and wrapped your right arm around his left.
“Ah that,” he took a deep breath in and swallowed hard, “I do.”
“You okay? Is this a good surprise or a surprise like when you jumped off the pier in the dark and cut your entire arm open.” You looked at him slightly concerned. 
With another deep breath he relaxed his jaw, “I love you, and i’ve loved you since the first time you told me that my dad was an ass. You didn’t even really know the half of it, but your instincts told you better. Or your intuition or something like that. Anyway, i’ve loved you for a really long time now, and I can’t imagine anyone else taking care of me when I do fun stupid shit, when I have a really bad day for reasons, or when I have good days and I wanna talk about them. There’s no one else I would ever not get mad at for locking me in a giant angry rain storm for ten whole minutes. The idea of you being with some other dude makes my blood absolutely boil and it makes me cry sometimes. You’ve been my rock, my anchor, and my whatever the Spanish word is for love for a while now. With all of that being said,” Shaking, he took a ring off his finger and held it tight in his fist, “Will uh well would you possibly be interested in marrying me?” 
Your eyes got big and full of tears, you looked like he did earlier. No blinking just completely wide eyed. He was looking at your reaction and he nodded taking it as more of a negative due to your lack of response. The second he moved to put the ring back on his own finger you shook your head and snapped out of it.
“Yes.” You you looked at him and took a deep breath trying to settle down a bit. Instinctively, you grabbed his arm and smiled biting your bottom lip in the corner.
“Wait seriously? Are you sure? It took you a second to answer, don’t do anything you don’t want to.”
“Yes, i’m dead serious. You just shocked me there for a minute I wasn’t expecting that at all.” You laughed as he took your hand and put his ring on your ring finger. 
“Yes?” He looked up at you and kept his hand right under the one he hand just put the ring on. 
“That’s the wrong hand honey.” You laughed with tears in your eyes as you looked down at your right hand. 
He looked at you confused and then turned his body slightly forming L’s with both of his hands to see which was his right and which was his left.
“I’ve got it this time.” He took your left hand and put it on the proper finger. “Alright, you ready?”
“Ready for what?” You looked at him confused as to what he was talking about.
“On the count of three we are both gonna say I do, hands in.” He put his hand in the middle between the two of you. 
You laughed and put yours in as well. 
“ON three not before. Okay? Count with me.” 
You nodded and waited for him to start counting. 
“1...2...3. I do.” You talked in unison and at the end you held hands and pushed your heads together. 
“I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to kiss.” You whispered at him and he nodded, leaning in, he gave you the most gentle and meaningful kiss you’d ever had.
“You ready for bed now sleepy?” He ruffled your hair and then pressed his palm against your forehead.
“No! I was sleepy and then you did that.” You griped at him in a joking manner. 
“Oh wow already regretting it. I see.” He played along with your demeanor. 
“NO.” You not-so-gracefully climbed over into his lap and laid against his chest.
He just laughed and wrapped his arms around you kissing your temple and rocking you back and forth gently. 
“I love you.” You whispered.
“I love you too.” 
Alarm- 7:00 AM
“What the hell is that horrible siren?” JJ rolled around in bed tryna find the source of the sound, accidentally crushing you in the midst.
“It’s the police, they’re here for you.” You mumbled underneath of him. 
He jumped up, “Do what?” 
“It’s just my phone alarm dummy.” You pulled on your charge cord in order to find the phone in question. 
He grabbed his chest taking deep breaths, “Are you trying to kill me? You wanna be a widow?” 
You yawned and sat up turning on the lamp near your bed, “JJ, you’re the one who told me ‘Set an alarm an hour before your dad gets up for work so that I don’t get shot.’” You did your best impression of him with you eye lids halfway opened.
“Why does your dad wake up before the sun?” He rubbed his eyes and gathered his shoes and some socks. 
“Because he doesn’t like mother and she wakes up like 30 minutes-3 hours after he leaves.” You checked your phone for any interesting notifications. 
“Alright, time to climb out the slippery window. I love you.” He threw his hat at you, it was still cold from the night before. 
“Hey hell no come here.” You dropped your phone in your lap and flapped your hands for him to come over there.
He jogged over and gave you a hug and a kiss. 
“Okay fine I love you too, get out.” You put his hat over your eyes and laid back down turning off the lamp.
“Get out. Man aren’t you so sweet at 7 in the morning.”
“Put on a shirt when you get home tarzan, it’s too cold for you to be half naked.” You mumbled and began to fall back asleep. You heard him laugh and gently close the window. 
2:00 PM
“My god you’re still asleep?” Your mother stood in your room with the door wide open. 
“I was.” You rolled over and found your phone.
“You need to get on a better sleep schedule, staying up all night and not waking up until the afternoon is not healthy. I didn’t even think you were asleep I just thought you were avoiding me and hiding in your hobbit hole like always.” She complained picking up laundry from around the room. 
“Yeah I know you tell me everyday.” You sat up and looked her unhappily. 
“Clearly I don’t tell you enough, take a shower your hair looks like a rats nest.” She left and didn’t shut the door all the way. 
With a groan you got up and made your way to the bathroom, knowing good and well that if you didn’t take a shower right then that she’d be back and even more bitchy. As you shut yourself in the bathroom you read through your texts.
Sunset party @ the beach 3oclock -  Deputy Shoupe’s Favorite❤️ 1:32 PM
Getting in the shower you made sure you placed the towels from the back of the door closer to the shower. Once you were in your played music, and before you actually showering you texted JJ back. 
I’ll probably be late, but count me in - You, 2:10 PM
Setting your phone down you showered, after that you wrapped up in towels, brushed your teeth, and went back to your room to get ready. Shaking your wet hair around you flipped it back into place out of your eyes somewhat and looked for clothes. You knew it was colder than usual because of the storm, so you settled on shorts, one of JJ’s many t-shirts, and one of the flannels he had left there. “2:45″ is what your phone said when checking the time, so instead of taking the time to really fix your hair you brushed it and put JJ’s hat on. Digging around on your dresser you found your keys. ‘Keys. Phone. Hat. Ready.’ You checked everything off looking around for other members of the house. Until you went into the kitchen and found the note your mom left about where she went. 
“Woke me up so you could leave. Thanks mom.” You rolled your eyes and made your way to your vehicle. 
3:15 PM
“Hey there she is.” JJ jumped out of his seat and greeted you as you made your way across the sand to the group of teens sitting.
“Hello.” You kissed his cheek and he picked you up. You made noise of surprise and wrapped your arms around his neck as he took off running with you through the sand.
“Hey Y/n.” Pope smiled and waved laughing.
“Hi.” You had bug eyes in fear of JJ falling due to the uneven sand. 
After being put down you all spent time playing little games, racing, building sand castles, throwing sand at each other, JJ chased you around with half a dead fish on a shovel, seeing who could stand in the freezing ocean the longest, and talking once everyone settled down. 
“So, we heard the news.” Sarah sat down her bottle looking at you. It was you, Kie, and Sarah sitting in a circle.
“What news?” You sat up straight and put your arms behind you to hold yourself up. 
“You and JJ?” She quirked her eyebrow up at you confused as to why you didn’t understand her.
“What about us?” You gave her the look she was giving you. 
“That you’re married.” Kie spoke up looking at you the same way you and Sarah were looking at each other.
“I mean, we’re together, we’ve been dating forever.” You mumbled and looked away from them. But when you looked back at them they were looking behind you. 
Peaking over your shoulder you saw JJ....
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