#miles x worf
orangexmachina · 4 months
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randomthunk · 9 months
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A DS9 button/sticker set that I've been working on for the past few weeks, that I soon plan on getting made to have available for the 2024 con season. What a fun little gang of space rascals.
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goodsavetheking · 3 months
Polyamorous queer commune. (sorry)
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lonelymoonrambles · 8 months
I just finished season 4 of ds9 and here are my thoughts as a first time viewer:
- starting the season off strong with some Garashir flirting in the medbay 😏
- love to see Worf, but where's Alexander?
- and where the hell is KEIKO
- cool can't wait to ugly cry every time I think about 'The Visitor'
- omg did Julian and miles break up? :(
- they got back together, thanks Keiko :)
- let Jadzia bang her ex-wife!!! LEAVE HER ALONE! GET A JOB!
- Our Man Bashir is just Julian and Garak on a date, having a normal fun good time as boyfriends
- Quark is really out here just trying to get Odo's attention huh
- I am once again asking: if Dukat evil, why sexy!!!?!
- Kira's line to Dukat : "why is that when you smile I wanna leave the room" is so real
- Keiko really said, "you don't need to break up with Julian just cause I'm back, Miles 🙄" our poly matchmaking queen
- Fashion Spotlight: Whatever the hell Quark's been wearing all season 🌈
- Jake. Please. Date someone your own age, I am begging you.
- Benjamin. Stop letting older alien women near your teenage son!
- crazy mirror Julian can still get it, but a little less cause of the haircut
- Ah Weyoun, I've heard so much about you and idk I'm not sold yet pal 🧐
- the Jem'hadar are still serving 💅 they're so sassy and for what
- ommmggg kira joining the polycule as a surrogate / Keiko's girlfriend
- so Quark's just openly pining for Odo now huh
- Miles suggesting Julian move in...DO IT! KEIKO WILL LET YOU! COMPLETE THE POLYCULE!
Ds9 is still holding the title of my fave star trek franchise (sorry tos I love you forever) let's go season 5!
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tuttle-did-it · 1 year
*Sorry Nicole de Boer, nothing personal, but it’s true
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ghostlyfanparadise · 11 months
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ashesoriley · 2 years
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trest-a-mess · 1 year
Miles O'Brien FUCKS
In DS9 Miles was at the center of a station wide polycule among the upper staff. With only 2 couples being exclusive in the upper echelons of the station. By necessity, DS9 spoilers. The reason why I didn’t include Julian is that him being with Ezri is a very late show addition, and she and Julian get together even later. Whereas from very early on Miles is fucking 3 people. Plus, miles has more metamours than Julian.
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leohttbriar · 1 year
like i love jadzia dax bc not sure i’ve met (howdy) a character that loves the world and its critters as much as she does except for kira who, from a survival episteme, is Devoted. so. that’s their whole thing as a pair.
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ds9-polycule-tales · 2 years
A little roundup of context and background info to help with any confusion:
So in the "present of this timeline (2375, just after the end of the DS9 series. It's an AU so there are some differences from the series timeline)
The entire polycule includes:
- Elim Garak (Cardassian, he/him)
- Julian Bashir (human, he/they)
- Miles O'Brien (human, he/him)
- Keiko Ishikawa O'Brien (human, she/her)
- Kira Nerys (Bajoran, she/they)
- Jadzia Dax of House Martok (Joined Trill, she/they)
- Worf Rozhenko of House Martok (Klingon, he/him)
The children of the polycule are currently
- Molly O'Brien (she/her, human, bio parents Keiko and Miles)
- Kirayoshi O'Brien (human/Bajoran, undefined but provisionally he/they, bio parents Kira, Miles and Keiko)
- Alexander Rozhenko of House Martok (he/him, Klingon/human, bio parents Worf and K'Ehlyr (deceased).)
(Yup, in this AU, it's just as possible for people to be biologically the child of more than two people as it is to be a hybrid of two species. They have the technology.)
The active partnerships are currently:
- Keiko, Miles and Kira (married)
- Miles and Keiko
- Keiko and Kira
- Miles and Keiko
- Julian and Miles
- Julian and Garak
- Kira and Dax
- Kira and Odo (on hold? Does "Odo" actually exist any more? Is Kira in a relationship with the entire Great Link now? Is the entire Great Link now Kira's *ex*? I'm sure we'll find out 😈)
- Dax and Worf (married)
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risingchaos · 3 months
Explanation of pips in Star Trek (TNG onward)
Explanation of the wrist cuffs in Star Trek TOS
This will mostly have pictures of Star Trek: Next Gen because of ease but this is generally applicable to any ST media chronologically after TNG. If I’m remembering correctly it doesn’t really deviate.
So, the way that Star Trek ranks work is based upon the U.S. Navy. I’m going to break this down into five classes and each rank inside it, lowest to highest.
If you just want to know the look and don’t care about any explanation, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Cadet - Uniform distinction
These are people enrolled in Starfleet. They wear distinctive uniforms to help differentiate them from others. Left is dress uniform, right is regular. The Cadet uniform is almost always an entirely red outfit, also shown in the AOS movies. Also I believe they have lines on their uniforms usually to tell what year they’re in. Think Cadet Uhura from Strange New Worlds (technically ranking works different in this show but the uniform is the same).
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Petty Officer - No pips, CPO wears one empty [x]
Petty Officers wear no pips. This rank really isn’t talked about because almost no one is really featured. It’s comprised of people who are enlisted but didn’t attend the Academy. You see it on some engineers. Within this rank, there’s also a command structure like Chief Petty Officer who wear one empty pip, but it’s difficult to find reliable breakdowns of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any clear pictures of a lapel. Miles O’Brian is a Senior Chief Petty Officer.
Ensign - One gold [o]
It’s generally what people are promoted to out of the Academy. Technically they have command but not really. Under this rank is also Acting Ensigns and Ensigns who were promoted for the field. Think Wesley Crusher’s arc.
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This has three ranks within it.
Junior Grade Lieutenant - One empty, one gold [xo]
These are just above Ensigns. They wear one empty pip next to solid gold. Medical personnel are typically Junior Lieutenants out of the Academy due to their extended training. They often have actual responsibilities on the ship. We actually watch Geordi La Forge’s promotions through Lieutenant, as he starts the show as a Junior Lieutenant along with Worf.
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Lieutenant - Two gold [oo]
This is what we see most often interacting with the crew we’re following. They have genuine responsibilities. We see them taking head of teams or working at consoles. They’ve proven themselves to Starfleet. Worf and La Forge are promoted to this in season two, and Tasha Yar was a Lieutenant in season one. Spock is a Lieutenant in the first two seasons of SNW.
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Lieutenant Commander - One empty, two gold [xoo]
These are heads of departments, the one people default to about smaller issues on board, and general senior officers. They are the ones defaulted to for ship’s command, as seen throughout TNG with Data, and are often relied upon by Commanders and the Captain to keep the ship going. Data is a Lieutenant Commander throughout all of TNG, La Forge is promoted in season three. Worf is not promoted until season four of DS9. Deanna is actually a Lieutenant Commander for almost the entire duration of TNG. They are often referred to as “Commander” instead of Lieutenant by officers unless introducing themselves.
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Commander - Three gold [ooo]
Most often called “Number One”, this is the second in command. They are competent, capable, and willing to take lead and help the ship. Commanders are trusted by the crew and the Captain, and are often a yin to the Captain’s yang. The Head Doctor is often a Commander to give them authority, like Dr. Beverly Crusher. William Riker is the iconic Commander in TNG, Spock is Commander in TOS.
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Captain - Four gold [oooo]
We’re all very familiar with Captains. They are as senior as you can get on a ship unless there’s an Admiral on board. Captains are intelligent, confident, and understand what must be done, even if it’s a bad situation. The lives of their crew is in their hands. It comes with a great deal of free will to choose their ship’s path, yet an insane amount of responsibility. Captain Picard of TNG, Captain Kirk of TOS, Captain Janeway of Voyager. We know the names.
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Admiral - Entirely different system
Admiral pips are strange. They do not wear pips on the collar, instead wearing them basically in boxes. It really was not standardized until the end of DS9, I think. The Admirals wear a different uniform to make themselves stand out. Admirals are representative of Starfleet. They make the big choices for the fleet, the life changing ones. They give direct orders if needed and expect respect from all lower officers. They’re incredibly powerful. We don’t get to see much of Admirals in any show, but we know of a few, such as Admiral Picard in Picard, Admiral McCoy in TNG, and Admiral Kirk in the movies.
Here is a complete guide to each rank in Starfleet, excluding Cadets and Petty Officers.
Ensign - [o]
Junior Lieutenant - [xo]
Lieutenant - [oo]
Lieutenant Commander - [xoo]
Commander - [ooo]
Captain - [oooo]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [[o]]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [[oo]]
Vice Admiral - [[ooo]]
Admiral - [[oooo]]
Fleet Admiral - [[ooooo]]
x is an empty pip, o is a gold, and for the Admirals, the double brackets is to indicate that they’re in a box.
Hope this helps you understand ranks in Star Trek better, as it has helped me. Let me know if anything needs clarifying! I have edited this a few times to add more clarifying information.
Thank you to @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv for asking for this! I had a great time putting it together.
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themightyleg · 4 months
Star Trek Ship Poll #15
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calocera · 1 year
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Santa Claus
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Pairing: Constable Odo x gn!Reader Words: 1.3K Summary: Odo knows a lot of people however he never met a certain "Santa Claus". From what he knows, he might be a criminal
Not my gif !!!!
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Odo wasn't sure how exactly he had ended up in this situation, but at the moment he was sitting at a table in Quarks with the Chief, Doctor Bashir and Commander Worf. Actually, he had only intended to make his usual rounds through the establishment, but the Chief and Bashir had successfully talked him down to join them.
From the look on his face, Worf didn't seem to feel any different.
"So, Commander? How are you going to spend the holidays?"
O'Brien glanced over at the Klingon, who looked even a little grimmer than usual. "I'm going to visit my parents on Earth. So far I had been able to avoid that tradition, however, I'm afraid it didn't work out this time." Bashir and O'Brien grinned at each other before the latter took a sip from his tankard.
"But Worf, Christmas is a time for fellowship, family and love. You must be looking forward to seeing your parents again, right?" Bashir grinned at Worf and Odo could see the man's jaw working.
"I never said I wasn't looking forward to it. I merely think the traditions are ridiculous. Santa Claus, the presents. A fairy tale for children, nothing more."
"Don't say that too loud or Molly will hear you," O'Brien returned, sighing. "She's gone insane lately. That's all she talks about, and she's driving me and Keiko right crazy."
Bashir laughed. "So I guess you're going to stay here?" O'Brien nodded and raised his eyebrow. "And you?"
"Also. I promised Garak I'd teach him some traditions this year. He thinks it's absolutely ridiculous, but it's worth a try."
" How about you, Constable?"  Odo looked up at the question and turned towards the doctor.
"Are you going to celebrate the holidays?"
When Odo did not answer, Bashir suddenly blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry. You probably don't even know what exactly we are talking about, right?"
O'Brien chocked on his drink and started coughing. "Julian!"
"What?! Odo basically 'grew up' on Bajor. They do not celebrate Christmas here!"
Slowly the three men turned to look at Odo, who grew more uncomfortable with every passing second.
"Of course I know what Christams is. I don't live under a rock" he growled before standing up abruptly. "If you gentlemen would excuse me now? I have a job to do!"
They couldn't really help but twist their lips into a smile when they heard the familiar hiss of doors announcing the arrival of their partner.
They lifted their head from their book just in time to see the doors close behind the changeling.
"Hey," they smiled and reached out to him. "How was your day?"
Odo came over to them and took their hand in his as he settled down, however he seemed lost in thought. "The usual."
Already used to his short answers, they smiled. "Oh, yeah? Well, you were gone longer today for that. Did you have to fill out any reports that were left behind?"
He snorted lightly. "I don't leave anything undone. My work routine is efficient enough to avoid such things." Slightly he rolled his eyes, however they knew he wasn't serious. "When I did my last round in Quark's bar, I was stopped by Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien. I tried to talk my way out of it, but it seemed impossible after they convinced Commander Worf.
"Wow," they said, straightening up so they could turn their body to face him.
"Julian and Miles have accomplished what I had always wanted to accomplish with you."
"Talking to me? We do that a lot."
They laughed. "No. Taking you out for a drink at Quark's."
Odo wrinkled his nose, though they could see the corners of his mouth twitch in a desperate attempt not to give in to a smile.
"Perhaps you'll be reassured to hear that I haven't taken a sip myself."
"You hardly ever drink."
"Then you should begin to realise that your great goal will probably never be fulfilled."
A laugh escaped them and Odo felt deep satisfaction in having made his partner laugh. He leaned back as they turned their backs to lean against him.
For some time they sat side by side in silence. As they went back to their book, Odo was perfectly content to rest his chin on their head and close his eyes.
In his mind, however, a question floated around that he did not want to banish.
"Who is Santa?"
They were mid-sentence when he asked his question, however, they stopped abruptly when Odo's question reached their hearing.
" Santa Claus." They felt Odo shifting back and forth uncomfortably beneath them.
"Chief O'Brien mentioned in our conversation that Molly would not be happy to hear Worf talk about Santa Claus being a ridiculous children's fairy tale."
They sat up straight so they could look him in the face. For a moment they regarded him and with each passing second they realised that it made Odo incredibly uncomfortable not to have that bit of information and their faces softened.
They knew how discomforting it could be for the changeling not to know certain information, especially when it was natural or taken for granted by everyone else.
But the fact that he had confided in them instead of asking the computer warmed their hearts.
"That's what Santa Claus is, technically. A child's fairy tale, a made-up fantasy figure who is the symbol of Christmas."
"But what is his purpose? His function?"
They put the book aside. Probably they wouldn't get very much reading done in the near future.
"I'm not too familiar with the history behind all of it. Its origins are in Europe, with a man, a saint called Nicholas. St Nicholas, parents told their children, judges children's behaviour over the year and depending on how well they have behaved, on one day , usually the sixth of December, he brings them rewards such as small gifts, sweets or fruit, or a rod with which to punish the 'bad' children."
Odo's eyes widened. "He hurts children?"
"No! No he doesn't," they laughed. "That's what they used to tell the children, and in the very early days the children might have really been beaten, but definitely not today. Today the kids mostly just get little presents and stuff, at least in the regions where they still celebrate." Odo nodded slowly, understanding.
"And Santa Claus..."
"Is the American and, unfortunately, more famous version of him, even outside of America. He's usually depicted as an old man with white hair and a white beard wearing a red coat, red trousers and a red pointed hat, flying around the world in his flying sleigh pulled by reindeer.
Depending on the region, parents tell their children that Santa Claus comes to the house on Christmas Eve or during the night and brings the children presents, which they are allowed to open either on Christmas Eve, the twenty-fourth of December, or the morning after. As a thank you they leave him a glass of milk and biscuits, at least in America.
In England, I think they leave a glass of sherry outside. He then eats and drinks these things in the house. The gifts are probably the reason he is so popular. Although they still say that he judges their behaviour, it is hardly relevant to the number of gifts.
If you walk around anywhere on Earth at Christmas time, you can see him virtually everywhere."
They looked over at Odo, who looked plainly horrified.
"So, just to be clear," he began, looking at them from wide-open eyes. "Parents tell their kids they're being judged and stalked all year by an old man who breaks into their house at the end of the year and leaves stuff there that no one knows what's in it, which is a big security issue by the way. Much more, the children have to make sacrifices to him, in the form of alcohol and the parents make them believe that he drinks this glass of alcohol in every house and then manoeuvres a flying sleigh?"
They frowned. "I never thought about it that way, but you could put it that way, yes."
Odo only looked more disturbed than before and rose to leave with slow steps. A laugh escaped them, so loud that they almost missed him shaking his head and saying "humans".
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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only-in-december · 1 year
Hi! Here's a list of ten of the weirdest ships I could come up with for Star Trek off the top of my head! (Don't ask why. Just go with it....I was bored.)
The rules are simple, 1) the characters have to either come from the same show, or exist at the same point in the timeline (so for example Chekov x Kira would not be allowed, but Kira x Geordi would....that ship is solely for example purposes and will not be used in the final list.) 2) Characters can be used however many times I see fit. 3) No incest, pedophilia, or other generally icky pairings. And finally, 4) There is no forethought put into whether or not they would actually work as a couple. It's just for fun.😁
Christopher Pike x Sam Kirk
Hikaru Sulu x Spock
Pavel Chekov x Jim Kirk
Beverly Crusher x Worf
Quark x Guinan
Spock x Sam Kirk
Pavel Chekov x Nyota Uhura
Geordi La Forge x Kathryn Janeway
Kira Nerys x Miles O'Brien *EDIT* After many (read 3 or 4) people informed me that this is a real ship (usually in a polycule with Keiko) I rescind this as an odd ship. I apologize. In my defense, I've only watched like...maybe the whole first season of DS9 at most, and so haven't gotten to that storyline. My most humble of apologies to all.
Una Chin-Riley x Montgomery Scott
I don't think any of these are plausible romantic relationships for any of them. But if anyone wants to try and defend any of them, I'd love to see how you think that relationship would work! And if somehow I put a ship that you actually do ship, then I'm sorry! I tried my best to think of pairings that no one would really ship in the genuine kind of way!
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worst-t4t-couple · 1 year
ALL Pairings are out! Long post, so look under the cut!
Round 1 1/4
Sweep, cap’n, k_k VS Jay Walker, Nya
Vee, Marsha VS Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle
Cherry Blossom Joe VS Doofinsmerch, His Ex-Wife
Percy jackson, Annabeth Chase VS Jack O Valentine, Sol Badguy
Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose VS Lug, Anode
leorio, kurapika VS Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak
Luz Noceda, Marcy Wu VS Varian, Hugo
Swap, Neo VS Queen Roger and Fly Minetti
Daffy, Bugs VS Vash, Wolfwood
Ren Amamiya and Goro Akechi VS Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson
Sam, Max VS Hunter, Willow
Stepan trofimovich, Varvara Petrovnad VS Rex Salazar, Noah Nixon
nellie lovett, sweeney todd VS Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd
bubby, dr coomer VS Neku, Beat
Dave Miller, Jack Kennedy VS Kermit, Mrs. Piggy
Cleo, Etho VS Zelda, Link (Rip)
Chip, Gillion VS X, Zero
kagayama shigeo, hanazawa teruki VS Kris, Berdly 
Caranthir, Haleth VS Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood
Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg VS Miyamoto Uran, Sapphire
Texas, Church VS Solid Snake, Otacon
Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind VS Phillip Carlyle,Anne Wheeler
Soos, Melody VS Red, Blue
Jungleberry Cookie, Royal Berry Cookie VS Blaze, Sonic
LDshadowlady, Smallishbeans VS Mr. Neighbor, Wegg
clark kent, lois lane VS Popeye, Olive Oyl
Round 1 2/4
Brandon Quark,  Doctor Robotnik VS Elrond, Celebrian
Yoo Joonghyuk, Kim Dokja VS stanford pines, fiddleford mcgucket
Pepa & Félix Madrigal VS Duskie & Hibiscus
Emu Otori, Rui Kamishiro VS momoe and kaoru
C!fundy and c!hbomb VS Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu
Agent 3 and Agent 8 VS c!schlatt & c!connor
Zoro Roronoa and Sanji Vinsmoke (Black leg Sanji) VS Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy
Herbert West & Daniel Cain VS Snorkmaiden & Mymble Jr 
charles "trip" tucker and t'pol VS Mytho & Princess Tutu (NOT duck; just her princess form)
Gregory House and James Wilson VS luz and amity
Paintbrush and Lightbulb VS Vriska Serket & June Egbert
geordi and data VS peter sqloint and rumi sqloint
Q!ElMariana and Q!Slimecicle VS Poor Boy and Love Interest
Scar and Grian VS Jolyne/Anasui
Kian Stone, Rolan Deep and Timothy Rand VS Dr. Boris Habit and Kamal Bora
red guy and duck VS MK & Red Son
jonathan harker and mina murray harker VS Zagreus/Thanatos/Megaera
Crowley and Aziraphale VS Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Tuor and Idril Celebrindal VS Snorpy and Chadlo
jack harkness x the tardis VS Mizuki akiyama and mafuyu
Jackieboyman and Marvin the Magnificent VS Arashi Narukami and Mika Kagehara
Barbie, Ken VS ron and desiree delite
Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran VS Magnus Burnsides and Julia Burnsides
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla VS castiel and dean winchester 
Eda and Luz’s mom VS Jadzia Dax & Kira Nerys
c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo VS Rex Salazar & Circe 
Round 1 3/4
Pixal + Zane VS Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin 
The Monarch and Dr. Ms Monarch VS Juno Steel and Peter Nureyev
Kaito and Meiko VS Kamille Bidan & Fa Yuiry
Sun Wukong and Six-Eared Macaque VS Skwydd & Cricket
Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello VS Wade Ripple & Ember
Byakuren Hiijri and Toyosatomimi no Miko VS Cosmo, Wanda
Roboky and Venom VS Cellbit and Roier
Numerous BFDI ships VS Hiccup, Astrid
Beatrix and Casey VS anakin skywalker and captain rex
Raven and Beast Boy VS Neo and Trinity
Mario, Princess Peach VS Rashmi Jamil and Amelie Maçon
Denji, Asa Mitaka VS Vivi Yukino and Lewis Pepper
Benrey and Gordon VS Lace and Hornet
Beren and Luthien VS neku sakuraba, joshua kiryu
Shin and Noi VS Morticia and Gomez Addams
Paul Matthews and Emma Perkins VS Moomin, Snufkin
james t kirk + s'chnn t'gai spock VS  Nico Robin and Franky
Dave Strider and John/June Egbert VS Moominmamma & Moominpappa
Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot VS shaun riley and liz
louis and lestat VS Spamton, Jevil
fox mulder and dana scully VS will t riker + deanna troi [+ worf rozhenko]
Amy Rose, Metal Sonic VS Quackity and Slimecicle
Diego Brando & Hot Pants VS Elrond and Celebrian and Gil-Galad
mia fey & diego armando/godot VS Luigi and Prince Peasly
C!Quackity, C!Karl, and C!Sapnap VS Sonic, Shadow
Drey Ferin and Finn Tidestrider VS Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell
Round 1 4/4
Shaggy and velma VS Surge the Tenrec and Amy Rose
Yamato/Portgas D. Ace VS audrey & seymour
Randy Jade and Oliver Swift VS Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi
Lup and Barry Bluejeans VS Reimu and Marissa
Mizuki Akiyama & Rui Kamishiro VS Jimmy The Robot and Mc Bat Commander
C!Quackity and C!wilbur VS Espresso cookie and Eclair cookie
Junpei, Akane Kurashiki VS Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze
Raine Whispers and Eda Clawthorne VS Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsen
Maxwell 'William' Carter and Charlie W. VS Mothwing and Leafpool
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke VS Baxter Stockman and The Alien Computer 
Keith Kogane and Lance McClain VS Wood Man and Robbie Rotten
Scott and Barda Free (Mister Miracle and Big Barda) VS John Notwoodman + Nick Lushwood
Caranthir and Haleth VS Susie and Noelle
orpheus and eurydice VS The doctor, Rose
luke skywalker and mara jade VS Princess Daisy and Luigi 
time and malon VS Simon (Scissor) and Spoon
Dave strider, Karkat Vantas VS Miles “moles,” Edgar, and Madeline
Mary Anta and Reginald Tetra VS Koichi Haimawari and Kazuho Haneyama
Yoshi and Birdo VS lazlo & nadia
Celebrimbor and Annatar VS Rendog and DocM77
Jesse + Jane VS Adira Tal and Gray Tal
Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson VS Dazai Osamu and Nakahara
Jessie and James VS jeff and britta
Anji Mito and Baiken VS Shiver and Frye
ALL of MLP* VS ALL of TF2*
*Minus any familial relationships
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