#milevens are so unreal
jaegerisim · 1 year
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im still not over the dennis method/milkvan parallel btw
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mikesmelodrama · 1 year
this is the dumbest argument ever... shipping a lesbian with a man is obviously different than shipping a gay guy with his love interest 😭
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queerxqueen · 11 months
It is unreal knowing that Byler has seemingly surpassed Mileven in popularity. I know that Mileven might be more popular with some of the general audience, but I saw that Mileven was trending before and I swear one of the top tweets about them only had 58 likes. It's just unreal to me because I remember when the Byler tag was a ghost town a few years back. There are so many new shippers too since season 4 came out, and I think that really means something about the direction it's going. Many people see it now, even some people in the GA.
It's seriously been so cool to see the tag and fandom grow and see perspectives shift as more and more people realize that Byler is a real and distinct possibility that the show wants you to consider. I do think we're at the point where most Critical fans who watch the show as more than just passive entertainment see the real possibilities here, even if they don't 100% trust in it being endgame like I do. Even the broader GA and casual fans are at least picking up on the vibe that Mileven is not quite right and that something's going on with Mike and Will.
My parents tend to be my personal benchmark for GA perspectives, and while their heteronormative goggles prevent them from seeing Byler as a real option, I can clearly see in them the way that the writers have laid out delicate groundwork. My mom adores Will, and while she didn't recognize the blatant flirting, she cheered when Will and Mike made up in 4x04. She sees that they're better together. While she didn't see the painting lie as the blatant Chekov's gun for season 5 that I see it as, she was emotional about Will's monologue and hopes for his happiness next season. While she didn't see that Mileven is broken beyond repair, she was neutral at best when it came to Mike's monologue to El. She just didn't care or feel emotionally invested, especially compared to her emotional reaction whenever Mike and Will fought or made up.
Even if GA viewers don't quite see how it all fits together, they feel those emotional beats. They're getting underlying vibes of Mike and Will are great together, and Mike and El are not as strong as they used to be that will make everything come together in season 5. Even if they don't expect it now, they will see how things were laid out in hindsight.
And of course it helps when there's external things like the "Byler won't write itself' sign or ST day's snubbing of Mileven and nods to Byler.
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spicybylerpolls · 7 months
while people are on the topic of finn, a little appreciation for our will byers' actor! noah!
i feel like he could have turned out like a model or something, if you see when he was younger, he was all in proportion and like very pretty boy, a traditional, good looking young man. but now thats he's older and grown into his features a little more - he's not entirely there, that wont happen until they finish growing at like 25 ish, but he is more oddly proportioned now in a nice way. he's EVER so slightly chubbier. he's also mega goofy, but in a different way to finn (although not THAT different actually). he gets away with it more cos he's still handsome in a traditional western way except for the obvious jewish features that im sure lots of bigots hate (see all the toxic milevens on twitter). his teeth are kinda goofy but also cute, but it's his smile that does it. it's kind of contained and shy, down-turned as though he has internalised not wanting to smile too widely, or perhaps just feeling shy and bashful when he's happy. which is VERY will. i think they are more similar than he let's on tbh. i think he's secretly a shy one, just like when he was a kid.
whereas finn seems to burst with light and laughter, then sudddenly realise he's in public and become self conscious again, and his face just turns sour af lmaooooo bless him
mad props to the casting director tbh - these are two performers with faces that are endlessly mesmerising, and acting skills to match. i feel so grateful to be watching their portrayals of this story unfold in real time. the fact that it may break new ground is a bonus, but even if fit doesn't, i've had a ball for the past couple of years! if nothing else, having their first adult scene together could work wonders for their professional confidence. if i was a pro actor, i would love to do an intimate scene with a close friend of mine, we would have a ball and the trust would be unreal.
and lastly, here's a funny little story...
years before i joined the fandom proper in 2022, when s2 was just coming out, my friend (who was very mainstream) showed me some pictures of a photoshoot with noah and finn. we were in our early 20s, fresh from college and no clue what to do with life. and my friend showed me this black and white photoshoot on insta (i think its the one noah recently posted to show his excitement of working with finn again for finn's birthday?), and she was quiet as i looked, waiting to hear what i would say.
and i was like... they look....
*massive pause while I look at her, incredulous and mildly disturbed*
and she said '... hot.'
and I was like YES, WTFFFFFFF
and she was like WTFFFFFF
and we were so uncomfortable and confused! they were young teens! but the fact that it was my mainstream friend who had literally just discovered the 80s through this show, who had a first class English degree from Edinburgh university, who had just started working at a prestigious publishing house in the city, who had a rather gorgeous boyfriend... i mean she was the most down-the-line person you ever met. and i was just so surprised and grateful she had trusted me to say this, and we proceeded to discuss wtf was going on.
basically - photoshoots, esp when the cast were teens, kind of passively sexualised them. im not talking explicit, but rather encouraging pensive brooding stares and poses that are something you would see in a couture magazine. they looked older because they werent smiling, and were emulating these poses that adult men would do.
on top of that, finn esp really reminded me of the first boy i ever had a proper crush on at 13. i remember it so clearly because its not the hair or the skin or whatever superficial stuff, but rather his expressions and attitude (and the freckles). finn, when younger, had this arrogant (and therefore irresistible) teen boy vibe which exactly matched this boy i fell in love with at 13. i realise now that thats all probably from a place of insecurity on finn + the boy's part, but even at 22 sitting in this cafe with my friend, browsing insta innocently, i could remember exactly what it was like to be 13 and my heart was just beating. whenever i think of that crush on that boy, i am 13 again. i am not a grown woman perving on a young boy. i am 13.
so i think, maybe, thats how many of us here connect with spicy byler tumblr.
and now, of course, watching them grow up on my screen (having rejoined the fandom post s4) has been a very... interesting experience for me. i think byler sex discussion on here speaks volumes about how we are all from different walks of life. if i wasn't an art major who has literally been drawing naked bodies from life since I was 16 at school, and a psychology student, i might not understand how to discuss all this stuff. as it is, i've got too much emotional education under my belt, and i know how to embrace my shadow self as long as im not hurting myself or anyone else. (vecna would take one look at me and say NOPE lol.)
sorry for the ramble! thanks for hosting me.
p.s. sadly im not friends with that girl anymore, but this will always be a legacy of our friendship (plus the fact that she was so grateful for my pre-existing knowledge of 80s music lol. & we both bought corduroy sheepskin jackets immediately after watching s1, lucas KILLED it. fashion king)
Thank you for sharing your story and adding to the discussion!
Your cafe story raises so many interesting psychological ideas about the nature of storytelling and connecting to coming-of-age narratives or even writing it/creating it, as the Duffers have done. As you put it, "Even at 22 sitting in this cafe with my friend, browsing insta innocently, I could remember exactly what it was like to be 13 and my heart was just beating. Whenever i think of that crush on that boy, i am 13 again. i am not a grown woman perving on a young boy. i am 13. So i think, maybe, thats how many of us here connect with spicy byler tumblr," and I think there's a lot of intrigue there.
Even though your story is related to Finn IRL, I'd say a part of writing/reading a story is putting yourself in the shoes of the characters and seeing things from their eyes. And that includes temporarily "becoming 13 again" (or becoming the age of the characters you're exploring). And that's not creepy. It's just a part of the process. Art itself is messy and psychologically layered.
A lot of Bylers seem to believe the Duffers would be creepy for including a sex scene in S5, even with the characters aged up, because they watched Finn and Noah (and by extension Mike and Will) grow up. But really, it's all a part of them engaging with the coming-of-age themes they've set up and "becoming 17 again" to properly tell this story how it's meant to be told, wherever that journey takes them. And in the context of a gay coming-of-age tale, it just might include sexual exploration and discovery. *Gasps*
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bylerconfessions · 7 months
i HATE gamze SO MUCH it's unreal, i pray for that hag's downfall every single day, and when s5 comes out and byler is endgame i'm gonna spam them and rub it in their face non-stop.
while I love this sentiment, we cant be mad if milevens do this to us if that becomes endgame
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I'm curious as to what you mean by saying Mileven is a geek fantasy, as I haven't heard that before that I can recall. Is there a specific trope you think Mileven is emulating?
It's like Weird Science.
Mike was pegged in season 1 for not only being a nerdy loser, but also being ugly (frog face). Then along comes this strange girl with superpowers who ends up having eyes for Mike and only Mike. He dresses her up to look like his image of a girl. She takes care of his bullies for him. She essentially solves all of his problems. She's an amazing girl, capable of unreal things. We see him brag about her abilities and the fact that she saved the world (twice!). It's very important to him that she be this grand mythical figure who no other girl could possibly match. She makes him feel amazing because, while, in his mind, she could have anyone she wanted, she chose him.
Ultimately, Mike derives value in his life from the fact that El sees value in him. It's a crisis for him when he thinks she doesn't need him anymore because he doesn't think anyone else could ever love him. It's a very pathetic relationship, but it's the sort of fantasy many loser nerds, especially in the 80s when Weird Science came out, had. That's why it worked so well as a concept.
Now, Weird Science had a twist to it. The girl the losers created wasn't actually there to be their fantasy girl. She actually manipulated their lives to the point that they developed the confidence to go out and get real girls, at which point she left them as they no longer needed her. They created her so they wouldn't be losers anymore, and that's just what she did, only not in the way they planned.
Here, though, the Duffers appear to be missing the entire point of the movie by having El need Mike, despite her entire story supposedly being about finding herself, as much as, if not more than, Mike needs her. They're essentially subverting a trope that was, in itself, a subversion. El isn't going to have a "my work here is done" moment in regards to Mike. This magic girl who came into Mike's life and made everything better isn't there to nudge him into being a better person. She's there to be his ideal girlfriend, just as he's there to, essentially, be a trophy boyfriend.
The sad thing is that they've added this extra element to the story. We have Will, someone who has known Mike for most of their lives, who is absolutely gone for Mike. Mike loves El due, in large part, to the fact that he doesn't feel anyone else could ever want him. He's totally unaware of the fact that someone else does, and the real tragedy is that we're meant to believe Mike could never return Will's affections anyway. It's a ridiculously cruel twist that, honestly, didn't need to be added, especially since it's mostly just been used to further prop up the geek fantasy relationship. If they were genuinely invoking what Weird Science did, El would be a vehicle for Mike to recognize and act on Will's very real feelings for him. However, they aren't about to do that to the most popular character on the show.
I don't know if the Duffers have some surprise on the way, but I feel like it's far too late, anyway. They had their chance to address this to set up some good development in the final season, but they didn't. Yeah, there's subtext that hints that Mike has unaddressed feelings for Will, but the time for subtext is over. They missed their chance to do anything meaningful with this, should it really be the plan. It really does look like the geek fantasy is what they've been going for, even if the biggest movie to invoke it completely subverted it.
Maybe I'm wrong. Hell, I'd love to be wrong about this. But you asked me an honest question, and I wanted to give you an honest answer.
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grumpy-lesbian · 2 years
no scene between vickie&robin, using will’s love to get back mileven together oh they are so homophobic this is unreal
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beth-march · 2 years
The straight up assholery of bylers is unreal. Im so tired of it. I feel really bad for Millie and Finn bc they are on the receiving end of this shit too. I stopped going into the mileven tag. It’s so toxic and I really hope for the sake of them that in ST5 will is given a love interest that isn’t mike so maybe they will stfu. What’s most annoying is that they shit on mike literally on the daily (also in the actors tag too) saying he’s such an awful bf for el but they still ship him with will. Like make it make sense.?!?!
I know, it really is unreal, and very tiring. Stay strong, though, we need sensible people to stick around!
Whenever I think about Millie and Finn having to deal with all of this ridiculous discourse I get embarrassed, like how awful for them that there are such vocal components of the fandom for their show that are like this.
Fingers crossed on Will getting a love interest in ST5 - it's what he deserves as a character, a requited and honest love. Hopefully such a depiction will show Those People what would actually suit Will.
All of the Mike slander going around is really gross and quite strange. People have notions of what they want him to be and what they want him to want and when he didn't fit their head canons they dropped him? In such a harsh way, too. It doesn't make any sense when you consider this is the person they want to get with their favourite character.
Milevens are built different, I guess. I loved Mike through "I care for you... so much"! That's how devoted I am to him.
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knownoshamc · 2 years
Am i the only one who still thinks that mike is gonna let Will down gently? I’ve been queerbaiited too many times and it looks so unreal that Byler could really become canon :(
Also cause the duffers would lose a lot of fans if they split mileven up.
and they'd lose many fans if they queerbait us too.Look, I get you, and you may be right. I think, though, that you are overestimating the impact mike & el fans have. listen though. If they wanted El & Mike to be a couple that stays together...they could have written them better. They can write couples better than this. Mike & El seem to have so many problems that are not even new (i.e. lie). They could have slowly build this couple up too. Like s1 they are just friends (no random kisses), s2 same (cause I mean they knew each other for a week, were separated for a year and they danced) but they also get to know each other, s3 implications and s4 they can finally be a thing. But...it wasn't set up like that.
why would they have Will be canonically in love with Mike only for him to be heartbroken again? they could have easily queerbaited us with just implications. so I don't think there will be a rejection. perhaps Will is never gonna confess...at worst.
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fatechica · 2 years
So we all know Twitter is a hell scape; however the hate they have for both Finn’s performance and Mike in general is unreal. I absolutely live for angst so I loved the fight. It was so much better than the bubble gum/middle school issues in ST3 imo. Would I have loved to see a little more mileven before the duffers threw heartache at us, sure, but angst makes for an awesome reunion. Ugh ST2 anyone? Mike seeing El after a year! Amazing! I also think people forget that mike literally grew up in a household with two parents that don’t love each other and who are oblivious to their kids emotional needs. As for Finn and mike hate, I do not accept the haters. They can choke. Sorry for the rambling
Ok, I'm going to go ahead and admit it: I think there were parts of Finn's acting in S4 (especially in the beginning) that felt very... wooden, phoned-in. Not sure why - maybe he was tired, maybe it was a choice, maybe he's just moving on or something - but that was definitely an impression I got from some of his scenes. Not all of them! But some of them.
Overall though, I thought he was fine in S4 (not that he had the most tremendous amount of screentime fml, but what are you gonna do?). But I still love Mike Wheeler and I still think Finn does a good job playing him. Do I think Mike Wheeler is a perfect person? Oh hell no - his lack of support for Lucas in Ep 1 was the epitome of Not Cool (looking at you too, Dustin) and he definitely needs to learn to a) think before he speaks and b) LISTEN BETTER.
But he's also 15 years old, so I'm gonna cut him some slack here because who was perfect at 15 years old? And if you answer "well, I never/wouldn't have done that" you haven't answered the question. Because NONE OF US ARE PERFECT, especially when we're teenagers! We've all done stuff that is stupid or mean or just not cool in general. Most of us learn from it.
You can hate the character and be dissatisfied with an actor's portrayal of a character - no one's forcing people to love fictional characters or the actors who play them - but hate towards the actor has to stop, especially if it crosses the line into harassment. At the end of the day, it's a job Finn gets paid to do and he doesn't owe anyone but the people who hired him. If the directors and show runners are satisfied with his performance, then that's all that matters. Hate him all you want in private, but don't harass him.
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jonny-byerss · 4 years
Why Jancy Is Endgame
So, recently, I’ve seen quite a bit of Jancy hate which I literally don’t understand, because how can you look at Jancy and think “Wow, I hate them”...like, it genuinely baffles me that people don’t ship Jancy, like how? They have SO MUCH CHEMISTRY it’s unreal. In all three seasons, it’s evident that there’s something more between them than just “monster hunting partners”. So, recently, I have been asking multiple people including my irl friends why they think Jancy is endgame and this is what I’ve come up with.
1.) The Duffers Aren’t Dumb
Even though quite a bit of people are disappointed with the way they’ve taken their writing, you have to admit one thing: they aren’t dumb. They’ve been setting Jancy up to be canon since S1, and fans have been rooting for them to get together since S1. It’s not until Steve’s turn-around that people started hating on Jancy.
Jancy is definitely more popular than Stancy for sure. To a majority of fans, even if Jancy isn’t their favorite Stranger Things ship, they still at least ship it. And, with the exception of hardcore Steve stans, most people who like Steve as a character admit that Jonathan and Nancy fit better together than Steve and Nancy ever did. We know the Duffers like to give in to what a majority of fans want, and Jancy seems to be what a majority of fans want.
There’s 3 core ships that the Duffers have been building up since S1. Those are Jopper, Jancy, and Mileven. It’s obvious in S1 that these ships are going to become canon eventually, and they’re also the three core ships of the show that people love. They also tend to focus on these three relationships quite a bit in their writing, with the majority of major relationship moments being with these three ships, especially Mileven. It’s obvious they want us to root for these ships.
The main point I’m trying to make is the Duffers have been setting Jancy up to be canon since S1. They have shown us many moments in all three seasons that show us just how much chemistry Jancy has. From the bed scene in S1, to the hallway scene in S2, they’re obviously trying to show us that Jancy is meant to get together.
Not only that, but Jancy was ACTUALLY supposed to be canon in S1. I don’t know how many people know this, but Steve was supposed to die in S1, and Jancy was supposed to get together. The writers liked Joe Keery so they decided they needed to find a way to keep him on the show. It’s clear to me that the writers themselves are rooting for Jancy, which means that they want us to root for Jancy too.
I’m not here to say how the Duffers should write the next seasons, and I myself don’t know what happens in the future seasons, but I do see the clues that the Duffers have given us since S1 and I also believe that the Duffers know what they’re doing. They know what the majority of fans want and it’s clear to me that they want us to root for Jancy, so obviously they’re gonna keep them together.
2.) THAT Ending Scene In S3
A lot of people that say “Jancy has no chemistry” clearly have not seen their last scene in S3. To me, that scene is a promise. A promise to each other and to us that Jancy is in it for each other.
In this scene, you can see that they are so painfully in love. They don’t want to leave each other. You can tell it breaks both of their hearts that they have to separate for a bit.
I could do a whole analysis of this scene, and I just might do that later, but to me, what they’re saying to each other is “We’ve been through so much together, why can’t we go through a little more?”
Sure, long-distance would be harder in the 80s, but I do believe that their love is strong enough to last. They clearly both love each other very much. And there’s always phone calls and letters and visiting each other on breaks.
When thinking of the LDRs that the Byers move caused, lots of people think of Mileven, but Jancy is actually way more likely to be endgame than Mileven at this point. We don’t know what happens in future seasons or if the Byers eventually move back, but we do know that Jonathan and Nancy are seniors in high school and almost 18. Mike and Eleven are barely starting high school and have more time to be apart than Jancy does. Once Jancy graduates, they can do whatever they want. Sure, one could say that Jonathan might feel an obligation to stay with his family, but we also know that he has an ambition for NYU. We have no idea what Nancy wants. I can honestly see her go to college for journalism or something similar. What’s to stop her from going to NYU or somewhere in NY with Jonathan?
We don’t know what the Duffers have in store for Jancy’s future, but I trust that they can give Jancy the perfect ending they deserve. That scene in S3 has so much underlying meaning to it, like the fact that the song that play in the background during it is called “You’re a Fighter”. I have a whole different thing planned on analyzing that scene, and I’ll post that later, but basically, with that scene, to me, the Duffers are trying to say “They’re in this for each other. They’re so in love that they’re going to make it work”
3) They are the most mature relationship on the show
I’ve seen quite a few people say that the argument they had in S3 is “proof they are incompatible” but that is simply not true. In fact, if anything, it shows how they are exactly the opposite. Here’s why.
So, every couple fights. It’s the ability to work through a fight and come out stronger and more understanding that shows just how committed a couple is to each other. Jonathan and Nancy are a prime example of this.
Jonathan and Nancy come from different backgrounds. This argument of “I’m poor” and “People are being sexist towards me” is a very adult argument. I mean, most teenage couples you see have fights about jealousy-type crap. Jancy’s fight is a fight that adults would have. That’s why I believe they are a very mature couple.
Not only that, but the key thing to remember is that they both admitted that they felt bad for what they said and apologized, reaffirming their commitment to each other. This is a fight that they can grow from as a result. Because they apologized and acknowledged their wrong-doings, they have a better foundation for understanding each other in the future and they can grow as a couple. This can also give them a perspective on life that maybe they didn’t think about before.
Honestly, Jancy has been through a lot crap together so they kind of have to be mature. Plus, Jonathan himself had to grow up faster than most children, which gives him a perspective on life that he most likely passed on to Nancy.
This is why I believe Jancy is the most mature couple. Instead of letting their fight get the best of them, they acknowledged their wrong-doings and became more understanding of each other as a result. It takes real maturity to do something like that.
The reason I compare them to the other couples is because, look at Mileven’s fight in S3. It seems sort of childish compared to Jancy’s. And Lumax has broken up 5 times apparently. And Jopper, gosh, they have a lot of issues to work out. Jancy seems to have effectively worked out their differences and become stronger as a result.
Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) himself said that when he first read the S3 script, he thought that Jancy seemed like a married couple, which I think says a lot about their relationship. They are so mature and comfortable with each other like that. He also said this, which basically sums up what I said, here:
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4) They are more than just “shared trauma”
I’ve seen a lot of people criticize Jancy by saying stuff like “Shared trauma isn’t a good foundation for a relationship”, but I’m about to prove why that’s bullcrap, because Jancy is more than their shared trauma.
So, shared trauma seems to be what the writers like to point out about their relationship. In the ending scene in S3, Jonathan tells Nancy “We’ve got shared trauma”. He is referring to what Murray said to them in S2 when he was telling them why they should get together. Just because “shared trauma” is what Murray emphasized, doesn’t mean it’s their only foundation.
I’d quickly like to point out though, that shared trauma is actually a real life relationship trope and there are real-life couples founded on this. But, I’d also like to point out that Jancy’s trauma isn’t just any trauma. They didn’t just fight in Vietnam together or something, like it’s not every day your loved one gets kidnapped by an otherworldly demon.
I think the main emphasis that the show is focusing on when they say “shared trauma” is the scars. I mean, when Jonathan said that line in S3, he was touching Nancy’s scar that he shares with her. They are the only two people with those matching scars. Those scars are something that unites them and reminds them of the past they share.
Their “trauma” isn’t just how they met either. I mean, they obviously knew each other before the events of S1. Their brothers are best friends. I’m not saying they were friends or anything, but they were definitely acquaintances.
Their trauma is how they grew closer. I mean, before their first traumatic experience, they seemed to be getting on each other’s nerves a bit. It’s not until Nancy almost became Demogorgon lunch that they started realizing they could trust each other. After that, they realized they worked well together and they may or may not have fallen in love.
Also, let’s not forget all the flirting they did before their traumatic experience. The darkroom, even the target practice scene.
I think the key thing to remember with their trauma though is that, because they both went through similar experiences, they understand each other in that way. I mean, part of Stancy breaking up was because Steve didn’t realize the trauma she was going through and didn’t understand fully how to help her. Jonathan understood in a way what she was feeling because he went through something similar.
And yeah, shared trauma might not be a good foundation, because obviously there’s other things to consider in a relationship, but if there’s anything S3 showed us it’s that Jancy knows how to communicate and work through their problems, so clearly that’s not an issue for them.
5) The love triangle is done
I’ve seen some online articles that say things like “Now that Jonathan is gone, Nancy will go back with Steve”. I’ve even heard people say “Nancy will go with Robin”. Both of those are bullcrap.
First of all, Stancy’s arc is finished. S2 showed us how incompatible they were by showing how Steve hasn’t been a good support system for Nancy and showing that Nancy no longer loved Steve. Nancy obviously felt something more for Jonathan, who could support her in a better way than Steve could, because Jonathan had similar experiences. After they broke up, they were done. And when Jonathan and Nancy kissed the love triangle was over. It was solved.
I think most of the fans can agree that they are glad the love triangle was solved, that way Nancy’s story can be about more than just boys. It would be stupid for the Duffers to bring it back and it would ruin every ounce of character development that Steve and Nancy have gone through. And I am confident that the Duffers aren’t stupid.
Part of Steve’s S2 arc is getting over Nancy and accepting that she no longer loves him and even finding a friend in Dustin. Part of Nancy’s arc in S2 was realizing she should embrace that girl she was for a week in November 1983. She gets justice for Barb and even embraces her feelings for the school outcast. Nancy and Steve can still be friends, and even Jonathan and Steve, but that’s it. Nothing more. It’s been decided that Nancy doesn’t love Steve, she loves Jonathan. Even if Jonathan is far away, it’s possible to love him from a distance.
And about Robin and Nancy, it’s also highly unlikely. Again, I think most fans are tired of Nancy’s love life and love triangle and are glad it’s over. Adding Robin to the mix would make it even more complicated.
First of all, it’s not canon that Nancy is bisexual. The only canon LGBT character is Robin. It is implied that Will may be as well, but nothing has been confirmed.
I can see Robin and Nancy being good friends, but Robin did call her a priss in S3 and also, it’s like an unspoken rule in best-friendship that you don’t date their exes. Robin and Steve are best friends. This would break that rule.
I do know, based on leaked photos, Nancy and Robin most likely work together (maybe even with Steve) in S4. I believe, however, that the relationship is fully platonic. It would be nice for Nancy to have a friend that’s a girl after her loss of Barb, and Robin is a good person and would be a great friend for Nancy. I also believe, however, that Nancy is 100% dedicated to Jonathan (based on the last scene in S3) and will only be working with Robin (and maybe Steve) because they know something that would be useful.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is: Nancy’s love life arc has ended. It’s been decided that Nancy doesn’t love Steve and he can’t give her what she wants. And I think most Ronance shippers are just trolls, tbh. No one seems really serious about any Nancy and Robin relationship that’s anything more than platonic.
And I think that about sums up why I believe Jancy is endgame. Jonathan and Nancy clearly love and care for each other very much as shown in all three seasons. Plus, there’s the fact that THEIR ACTORS ARE LITERALLY DATING IN REAL LIFE! (Seriously both Jancy and Natarlie are relationship goals).
I am extremely confident that even if Jancy does break up at some point, it won’t be for long and they’ll somehow find their way back to each other because they are soulmates. That is a guarantee. I have full confidence that the Duffers can give their relationship the perfect ending they deserve. I’d like to hear your guys’ feedback (please try to keep negativity away). Do you believe Jancy is endgame?
And here’s proof that Jancy loves each other:
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willthecleric · 5 years
Man it’s gonna be unreal crazy when byler happens and all the toxic people will be proven wrong
I’m literally counting down the days. At this point I hate Mileven as a couple and 99% of the shippers. Most of them are so entitled that they actually think the show is about their ship and the Duffers owe them all their success. After two years of dealing with these people constantly telling Bylers to kill themselves/invalidating our ship/stealing every one of our moments, I’m so ready. 👏👏 I’m not usually petty, but with this I’m petty as fuck.
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midnightmillie · 6 years
Any ST blog recs?
I’m so tired but I wanted to do this now so I don’t forget in the morning.
Yeeees! I do have some! Lots! Okay sooo...
@faithtrustandstrangerthings - she has some very, very cool content and her icon and theme are the most adorable thing on the planet. Also bonus - tons of IT and JDG content. Send my cupcake lots of love.
@reddie-trashetti El is dying over Mileven as much as I am but she has tons of content on tons of aspects of Stranger Things. ALSO, DUDE, HER ART IS TO DIE FOR! I’m having her Mileven and Jancy paintings on my walls real soon! So that’s a pretty amazing blog with ST content.
@mileven-and-contemplation GO FOR IT. CLICK ON THE URL. you won’t regret it. Also has the best music taste™
@80smikewheeler - I discovered this gem literally a couple weeks ago but ohmygod. Mel has TONS of amazing Stranger Things content and is also pretty sweet to talk to.
I’m just going to link some more with no particular order because I love them all so much it’s unreal:
@beep-beep-byler @sadiesinkt @finnwolfhards @finnywheeler @el-and-hop @thepartylosers @yourfinnwolfhard 
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spicybylerpolls · 7 months
to this anon:
“personally i find bottom will to be more canon compliant purely because we have yet to see them sexual together AT ALL”
this is so contradictory it’s unreal…….. like, right. we have yet to see them sexual together at all. and we haven’t seen anything of mike’s desires for will because that is actively spoiler territory. people have to see this, right?
i see your point about not having seen them sexually yet, but i was speaking as if roles in bed are a representative not only of real life characteristics for real people, but of fictional character characteristics that are portrayed on screen for us to pick up on. it's not unreasonable to assume that the dynamic between mike and will in non-sexual capacities will be mirrored in their sexual one.
and seeing as we havent seen mike and will sexual together, how is it not natural to speculate based on evidence, as we've done with so much other stuff regarding their relationship, how they will be in bed?
perhaps i should have clarified why i view it this way. mainly it's about the knight in shining armour thing - dnd - paladin and cleric - mike playing the saving role throughout the show yet never actually properly saving will on his own yet, which i think he is desperate to (or at least its a concept he responds well to). mike is desperate to save will's life. even if will saves the day in s5 (and i think he will), mike wants to (and hopefully will get to) do a little mini bit of saving will on top of that, and this will be shown by him tending his wounds/protecting him in battle/pulling him from danger/holding him in his arms when will gets hurt.
mike smiles flirtatiously when will suggests that their friends /fam were the ones to save him instead of the gov. you could read this subtext as mike hearing 'YOU saved me', and the writers showing the audience even more of this saviour dynamic.
even if we didnt have this overt scene, the entire premise of the show is based on mike going out of his way to save will. they even have the above-mentioned analogous imagery, being dnd and knights etc, and THEN they confirmed this imagery with a pre-raphaelite style painting in s4 which WILL HIMSELF MADE. mike wants to save will, and will wants to be saved by mike.
mike saving people is also his overall Thing, his solution to his insecuritiy, his way to be needed.
does that mean mike doesnt also want to be saved? nope. this true love story works because they save each other. and neither does the above dnd imagery mean will is a useless damsel either, especially when his cleric powers are suggested to be pretty damn powerful. but if you take away all this stuff, mike has still been shown to be the assertive one in their relationship, such as coming up and asking will to be his friend.
it also doesnt have to be about power dynamics. often, people love to assume the opposite role they do in life in the bedroom as it gives them release, such as all those executives and CEOs who are into being dominated. but when mike and will begin sleeping together for the first time, i think they would take the roles that feel most natural to them without consciously saying 'hey, who is the sub here?' because not only is that anachronistic for their knowledge of sexual activity in that era/locale, but they are teens who will be just trying to do it right and not cum after two seconds, let alone able to roleplay yet.
they'll be leading with their hearts and bodies, and to me, everything we have seen of will is that he wants to be underneath mike. i'm not saying this is CORRECT and nothing else can happen, but your response made it sound as if i was CLEARLY WRONG when actually, that was just my interpretation of events, and i have plenty of reasonable evidence that supports bottom will. you can't say i'm wrong because the evidence is there, for me.
you can disagree, and say you dont think this is evidence at all, but thats just the same as milevens saying that mike looking at will's lips a million times is not evidence that he fancies will.
and lastly, i think roles in bed are much more complex than this anyway. its about power when you make it about power (such as BDSM), but that takes conscious effort. in nature, someone is not just submissive because they are physically underneath, or a bottom, bla bla. i once read a take about hetero sex and dom/sub roles, and someone said the woman was always in control because the man is on her turf. inside her. something delicate of his is inside her body. there are whole horror movies about this concept, like Teeth. and usually, the woman/bottom wants to be there, meaning the idea of submission is very nebulous.
yes, mike could get off on being the bottom, and i dont see why they wouldnt both be vers in future. but early doors, and especially in a fictional tv show where everything a character says or does must tell the audience something about who they are (or else why is that scene even there?), i think they would both gravitate towards mike being a top and becoming, for will, not only someone who is going to take care of him, but someone who shows him that its safe and even enjoyable to let go and let someone in, after all those years of abuse of different kinds. mike is the only person will would trust to be inside him. if will topped mike first time they slept together, what would that portray for will's dynamics? and for mike's?
for me, it would mean will was still not letting somebody in, even mike - someone he was in love with and trusted to the ends of the earth.
will bottoming = will finally feeling safe.
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Not From Around Here
A/N: An anon request for a Spencer x Reader where the reader works at a mall and Spencer goes to interview her to see if she’s seen anything related to the case the BAU is investigating. Since she’s so personable, she knows most of her customers and realizes why Spencer is there. 
“Have a good one, Mel!” Y/N called as one of her frequent customers left holding her medium caramel machiatto with whipped cream on top. 
Going to graduate school and working full time was absolutely kicking her ass, but as a barista in the local mall, she did her best to get to know everyone that came in. Her shift provided customers that weren’t too busy to talk to anyone because of the morning rush, so she knew most of them by name and at this point had even memorized a lot of their orders. “Hey, Dan,” she said with smile. “Work go okay?”
“The usual,” he laughed.
“Speaking of, you want a large regular coffee with 4 milks and 1 sugar packet, right?”
“You’ve got a great memory,” he replied, making idle conversation as she prepared his usual order.
It went like this every day and gave her the social interaction she needed. With such a packed schedule, she had little time to hang out with family and friends. Studies were increasingly lonely. 
That’s how she knew that the tall, lanky man with wildly fluffy brown hair, warm brown eyes and glasses was out of place. She always noticed people who weren’t part of her usual clientele. He was a cute one though. She’d seen him around the area, so she assumed he lived here, but he definitely wasn’t a typical mall patron. 
For the most part, he kept it covered, but occasionally his coat would fall open, revealing the little sliver of his gun. Law enforcement was not what she first expected when she saw him, but after seeing him pass the store quite a few times during a short amount of time, she asked the manager of the shoe store opposite her job while she was on break. “You know what that’s about?” She asked the manager, Dillon. 
“What?” He laughed. “You’re gonna have to be more specific?”
“The cute, gangly guy that came to talk to you and a few of your employees over the past few days?”
Dillon chuckled. “Oh, so you think he’s cute. Want me to set you up?”
“I can do that myself thank you very much. Who is he? He’s law enforcement?”
Dillon walked away for a second to light his cigarette before answering. “His name is Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid, apparently. I’m curious as to what doctoral degree he has. But he stopped by because we had an employee here about a year ago that might possibly be involved in something that he’s investigating. Oh, he’s FBI, not local PD.”
“Ooo, interesting. The employee he referred to, was that the creepy Abe guy that I hated.”
“Yup, that’s the one,” Dillon. “So glad I got to fire that asshole. He tried to apply over by you guys shortly after right?”
Y/N shivered as she remember the year before when he’d strolled into the shop. Reluctantly, she’d given him an application, but when it came time to actually hire people, she begged management not to hire him and they’d agreed. “Yes, I talked Brenda out of it, thank God.”
Looking at her phone, she realized her 15 minute break was nearly over. Way too soon as always.
The next few weeks went by as they always did. Y/N went to school and then came to work, assisting the same customers she always did, with the occasional newbie whose order she didn’t know. And then the not-so-mysterious Dr. Reid showed up again - this time though, he came into her shop. “Hello, my name is-”
“Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI, amirite? Not a mall guy?” She smiled at the look of confusion upon his face. “When you were asking my friend across the way a couple questions a few weeks ago, I asked what it was about and who you were?”
Dr. Reid stammered. “O-oh okay. This isn’t about the same case. And no, I’m not. I’m not from around here. Can I ask your name?”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m the shift supervisor. Is there something I can help you with Dr. Reid?” 
When she winked at him, he got flustered, looking at the floor for a moment. “Ummm, y-yes actually. I have a few questions about your co-worker Melissa.”
Melissa hadn’t been in for days, but Y/N wasn’t particularly close with her either. “What about her? I haven’t seen her a lot over the past few weeks. I’ve seen you here more often actually.”
“Do you know her boyfriend?” When he pulled out the picture, she recognized him as the man Melissa had introduced her to - Evan. 
“She didn’t introduce him as her boyfriend, but she did tell me his name was Evan.” A shiver ran up her spine. 
Dr. Reid must have noticed. “What is it? Did something about him unnerve you?”
“I-I’m not sure. It could’ve just been me overreacting.”
“Can you tell me anyway?” He asked, with an edge of desperation. 
“I-I don’t know. He just made me very uncomfortable. Like I wouldn’t want to be caught in a dark alley with him, you know?” He nodded sadly. Although she felt like she knew the answer, she had to ask anyway. “Did something happen to Melissa?” They weren’t close, but it wasn’t for any particular reason.
Dr. Reid hesitated for a moment. “I’m sorry, but Melissa was found murdered last night in her home. It was done in a very similar way to a string of murders that have happened recently and the Bureau was called in to determine whether the cases are connected or not. Evan is a person of interest.”
An immediate sinking feeling took over her stomach. “Oh my god.” Poor Melissa. “Is there anything else I can help you with, Dr. Reid?”
“Spencer, please,” he replied. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
“Spencer. I’m okay as I can be given the news.”
“Okay, well I just have a few more questions. How often has he come here with Melissa?”
“Maybe once a week.” This was unreal. She knew somebody that had been murdered, and she might’ve even met the murderer. 
Spencer seemed to make a mental note. “And is there anything else about him that stood out as being off?”
Y/N cycled through her thoughts. “Actually, about six months ago, he came in with her and they got a couple drinks. Hers was cold and she accidentally spilled it on his hand. He had a ring on - with an emblem of some kind I think - and he got very, very angry. Saying it was a family heirloom and if it was damaged he was going to...I assume he was going to say kill her, but I told him to calm down before he could finish.”
Something sparked behind Spencer’s eyes. Apparently that ring might’ve had something to do with the case. How...she didn’t want to know. 
Grabbing her drink, she took a swig and tried to wipe her mind. If she was going to make it through the rest of her shift, she needed to try and not think about this. 
“Thank you very much for helping me, Y/N.”
“It’s no problem,” she replied. “I hope you find whoever did this to her.”
“We will,” he said. “Do you mind if I get something to go?”
Good, she could get her mind back on coffee. “Of course. What can I get for you, Spencer?”
“A large coffee with 2 milks and six sugar packets.”
“Six?” She chuckled. “Someone likes their sugar.”
“It’s one of my only vices.”
“Could be worse.”
Chuckling, he made small talk with her while she fixed his drink. As confident as she’d been with Dillon, she was always nervous being straight forward, so instead of asking him, she grabbed a marker and wrote her name and number on his cup. “Here’s your drink. And I wrote my number on it just in case you need to ask me anything else.”
He blushed so hard she almost laughed. “I-If I wanted to c-call you for something not related to the case, would t-that be okay too?”
“I think I’d actually prefer that.”
“Me too,” he said, smiling. 
He gave her a small wave and started to head out when she called his name again. “Spencer?”
“Please catch him. I wasn’t close with Melissa, but she didn’t deserve this.”
“No, she didn’t,” he replied. “We’ll get him. I promise.”
@jamiemelyn @coveofmemories @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @unstoppableangel8 @reddie-for-mileven @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @veroinnumera @hogwarts-konoha @lookwhatyoumademequeue
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