#milk anon
Hi, milk anon here
Im having a itsy bit of a gender crisis
So idk if im trans as in like full boy or non binary or genderfluid? Most the time I feel mostly masculine, never strictly feminine, but every now and then idk, I feel kinda neither?
Like, talking pronouns, I generally go by 'he' and 'they' , more emphasis on the 'he' at times, and at other times, 'they' ? I've been out as trans for around a year and a half now, and u don't want to change things on people and confuse them or (in my parents case) make them think it was some phase or whatever, but I'm just confused myself.
I know I'm not feminine or a girl or whatever. I don't like being called 'she' or 'her', but otherwise im just kind of confused? Idk
Anyway, yeah, um thank you if you do take the time to read this and all, and feel no pressure to reply or anything, and have a great day!
Okay so I can't decide that for you, but I need you to remember that it's not about other people. It's about YOU and what makes you feel comfortable. Whether you choose to identify as ftm trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, or having no label at all, please try not to worry about confusing people or what people think. What feels right to YOU? Because it's your life, not theirs.
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creative-soul-22 · 11 months
Who… who is Cynthia???
I’m confused…
-🥛 anon
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Cynthia Utrom from tmmnt!
I just brought that up because she's the milking lady... she owns the mega milker 3000!
She milkes turtles, but yeah... so I thought maybe you... never mind.
@megamilker-6900 ayo here's milk anon, I think you two would get along with each other...
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whathedickens · 5 months
..would you drink a cup of milk for ten bucks.
- 🥛 anon (if you recognise me)
" . . . i mean , sure . "
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the-halfling-prince · 2 years
how's that skull of yours doing?
–Hamlet, act 5 scene 1
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mcfuckingmcbastard · 2 years
If my milk and cow anons are still following me and still remember me…
I miss you guys. Please come back. :(
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nightshadeowl · 2 years
you should do a snow fort last life etho or bdubs stim board :) - milk anon
I uh. Forgot to actually post the request ask despite having posted the stimboard. Uhm. Coughs
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pumpkinstep · 3 months
please tell me the ad campaign on milk story :3
I don't remember all the details but there was this whole thing about trying to increase the national consumption of milk back in the late 90s early 2000s or something like that.
Apparently it's a lot easier to target school children when it comes to these kinds of things so a lot of these ads were targeted towards them.
a lot of famous athletes got in on it and there were all kinds of posters for it in schools and commercials on TV channels during times cartoons would air.
the issue was that due to some kind of oversight, the country ended up with way too much cheese and milk.
Actually, drinking milk, and consuming a lot of cheese isn't really that good for you. Most people can't digest milk or diary properly, lactose intolerance is actually pretty normal, especially amongst adults.
anyway, the government needed a way to get rid of all this extra dairy, so they basically convinced the folks across the nation that milk was super super good for you and you should be drinking lots of it. It was kind of in the same vein of advertising that the sugar industry used to pin the blame of childhood obesity and overall obesity on Fat, like fats on meat or fats like butter and lard. Also the same tactics used by Gatorade to convince people it was really good for them when working out, when really pickle juice is just as effective and often used instead. From what I've seen and heard, anyway. I think it's the sugar content that outweighs any really strong benefit of the drink long term.
Anyway, this tactic is using TV doctors and overblown statistical data to get the point across.
In the end, the most effective way was to make schools add pizza to the menu for lunch. They could make it cheap, especially since the gov was already providing the cheese at a pretty low cost I think.
That's why pizza became a pretty big deal at the time as well. It wasn't just schools using it, but other places like papa johns, papa murphys, pizza hut, dominos, and the like.
overall, the campaign was just getting rid of tons and tons of excess diary, primarily cheese, as a side effect of some oversight or something.
It's a pretty sloppy retelling but there's tons of vids on yt on the subject if you wanna get into it.
it's a super weird campaign to be sure lol
I'm no expert so please don't take what I say as 100% fact, I'm sure I got something wrong haha
edit: Here's a fun fact, the milk industry hate hate hates milk alternatives like Oat and Soy milks, they fought pretty hard to keep them out of the cold section where normal milk is stored. The issue was, they were afraid people would buy less cow milk of there was a non cow alternative present in the same section. It would cut into their profits if it was presented like a normal milk.
it's easy to see why, when the product is staged as shelf stable like those weird tasting boxed milks that don't need to be refrigerated, it's not a big jump to assume it'd taste just as similar and weird, if you haven't had it before.
Already having it cold and presented like a normal thing you could buy like a typical carton of milk on the cold section really raises its odds of being purchased. increases visibility and gives it a better image right out the gate.
eventually they lost the battle and now you can find milk alternatives in the cold section with the cow milks. cool huh?
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revasserium · 3 months
milk anon here! i sadly don't really have any tips or tricks that i know works, because i also fall into periods of creative drought. i don't think it's as bad as what you're going through though. something i am trying to work on is to make sure that i treat writing more like a muscle to be trained (like the age old saying) than something i do when i'm in the spur of the inspiration. however, i know you also wrote as a job, so i'm not sure if this might apply to you as you're probably used to writing on command? regardless, i know it's tough. it's okay if you just don't create for long periods of time too. perhaps this is your body demanding a break? do drink water and i hope you're alright... is it too personal to ask why you cried? are you doing okay? sorry i haven't been that responsive, but i deleted my sideblog and from here onwards i'll tag my asks with my other blog. @milkstore
hi milk anon!!!! its good to hear from you darling <3 and yes -- once upon a time, when i was doing writing for work, i could just kinda like "turn it on" like a switch, but that was mostly because there was a) money involved (lmfao $$$ is great motivation tbh) and b) the plot is handed to me so i didn't have to think/be inspired so it was all in all a pretty different settup.
i'm not too too worried about it bc i've had longer periods than this where i dont really write/output that much, and i've come back from it -- it guess it's just a bit frustrating for me because all those other times its felt like external factors, right -- work got busy, people were visiting, etc etc, but this time its like well i'm not super busy, and there isn't so much going on but i just don't feel like it... LMFAO
re: crying -- LMAO it was bc i watched the haikhyuu movie in theatres and waS SUPER MOVED and i was upset that i couldn't watch it on streaming; i was also in the DEPTHS of my period so... the emotions were running high for sure.
i'm okay tho!!! im on pto right now visiting my fam in california and that always picks me right up <3 i love my parents and being home always feels great -- i already feel a bit more inspired hehhehee
how're u doing !!! what have u been up to? :D <3
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eulchu · 1 year
🥛i dont think u want me here from bellas inbox
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hi, I know you must get a lot of asks and I don't blame you if you don't respond, but I'm in a bit of a predicament.
So I have this friend online and I hadn't met them in person yet but they're cousins to one of my other friends (I was fourteen, they were fifteen, when we started talking last year). We got along really well and i felt comfortable with them about certain things moreso than some of my irl friends bc we are both trans, and they were the only other lgbt person i knew at the time. We were talking for a while and then they told me they liked me and they had asked if I was interested in being in a poly relationship and I said I'd rather stay friends (I'd never been in a relationship before) and they respected that but we kind of stopped talking as much until they just stopped responding to me and idk what to do because we were pretty close and I miss them.
Again, don't feel you have to bother with this, ik you'd have other things to do, but thank you if you do take the time to read this :)
So I think this is hard because I've been on the side of being rejected. I know that it's hard because after being rejected, sometimes you just need space away from the person to heal and sort of...get your dignity back, you know? But I do think it's kind of shitty of this person to not tell you that's why they're being distant. You guys are close, and they owe you that respect. You didn't do anything wrong by saying no to them so they shouldn't be treating you like this.
I would say something- kindly, just say hey, I miss talking. It's okay if you need space, but I miss our friendship. See what they say, you know!
Naming you milk anon!
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creative-soul-22 · 11 months
Hi, the anon that said that milk is healthier then soda. I honestly meant that milk is healthier then soda, but I still think Termite should drink water.
Hi, Milk-Anon! Or shall I call you...
Cynthia Utrom??
Yes, you're right, milk is healthier than soda.
For me, it's just weird someone telling me milk is healthy because in my area that's how the milk lobby brainwashes everyone, like "milk is good for your bones because it containes calcium yada yada yada..."
But compared with soda, you're absolutely right! It is healthier than soda!
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amberswords · 2 years
Snip snop
- 🥛
Um hi
Hello milk anon?? Would you like something?
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mcfuckingmcbastard · 2 years
hey… it’s been a while hasn’t it, baja blast- milk anon
I am- holy moly guacamole hi hello there how are you doing I have missed you so much.
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sunseed-fandump · 5 months
Would… would the costume set storyline be about a worst case scenario where Shadow Milk… wins?
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Costume Set: The Liar's Circus
"CRASH! BOOM! BANG! The circus is in town! These three little tricksters put on a fantastic performance wherever they go, but trouble often follows them! They say they only want to have fun and bring smiles to everyone's faces, but is that just a lie? CRASH! BOOM! BANG! Wondrous magic tricks from the young Apprentice light up the night air. Beautiful melodies sung by the Performer enchant all who hear her. Thrilling dough-chilling feats from the brave Acrobat make the crowd go wild! CRASH! BOOM! BANG! But who is the mysterious Ringmaster of this circus? None have ever seen him. Yet when trouble arises, the three young performers are always quick to say it was their friend the Ringmaster playing pranks again. Who is He? Does He even exist? Or are the trio just lying so they don't have to take responsibility? CRASH! BOOM! BANG! Another performance, given. Another town, destroyed. Another day at the Liar's Circus."
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temeyes · 7 months
..more ghost tummy content?
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you ask, i deliver
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98chao · 23 days
Bill possessing Shadow Milk is obviously going to happen but i think he like, makes out with a mirror, checks out Shadow Milk in a much larger mirror, just generally shows his body a lot of affection. but in a plot twist Shadow Milk also possesses Bill. disembodied Bill watches as Shadow Milk measures his sides feeling many many things.
would also be strange for the gravity falls cast witnessing Bill being the possessed one
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here i'll feed you anon
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+ extra doodle
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