#millennial tree x reader
i-just-like-crk · 28 days
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One-sided love with Millennial Tree Cookie…
He already knows of your affections— has known since the day they first bloomed. He can see it so clearly in your eyes, feel it so earnestly from your heart. The admiration, the absolute reverence, the yearning; alas, he can not return it. Not in the way you hope for.
And you know this. And he knows this. Yet your lord is merciful, and he does not push you away or chastise you. Instead, The Millennial Tree only smiles. He spares your heart by not commenting on the way you stutter, or the way you stare, or the way you seek his praise and approval. He subtly reminds you that you don’t need to prove anything, for he can already see your devotion in the way you faithfully serve him and guard his nest.
He loves you, but he loves you just as he loves all life on earthbread— loves you in the way a god would love their devotees. Loves you in the way the sun loves it’s planets, or the way a gardener loves it’s roses.
He loves you, just not in the way you hope for. And for you, that is enough.
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kalopses-sonderes · 3 months
“The Dance with Ash”
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Pairing: Platonic! Father! Millennial Tree Cookie x Child! Gn! Reader
Featuring: Pure Vanilla, Wind Archer, Fire Spirit, and Dark Cacao if your squint
Part 1 “The Dance with Fire”
Word count: 1k and some change
Remember, this is STRICTLY platonic relationships with the reader. The reader is a child/minor the entire fic, they will never have a love interest, only father figures, sibling figures, and maybe a mother figure one day. Just needed to clarify for certain people.
A/n: I was reminded that I was supposed to make a part two to this fic I made a year ago, I’m here to deliver. Per usual, the custom here, Pure Vanilla and Millennial Tree are enemies in all platonic aus I do, its a habit at this point and literally what I’m know for on tumblr ;-;
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It didn’t take long for Millennial Tree to arrive with Wind Archer in toe a day after they were asked to come to the palace. You were grounded to a room on the highest floor of the castle with guards standing outside it to make sure you don’t try and escape. You can’t leave the room, ever. Everything you needed was brought up to you. Their cloaks did little to no hiding from Pure Vanilla’s glaring eyes. Pure Vanilla skipped the pleasantries as he leaned forward on his throne, this was important. For a moment, they just looked at each other, daring to see who will talk first.
“They are close to figuring out who you both are, they have followed you around the kingdom numerous times. The fire has also invaded the area around Dark Cacao’s kingdom, he came to me about it and it seems we cannot ignore this situation anymore.” Pure Vanilla states, his grip tightening on his staff, his blue and yellow eyes staring daggers into the two cookies who stood before him steps below his throne. “Fire Spirit knows you’re still alive, Dark Cacao’s kingdom is now at risk, so is mine..” There was no warmth in his voice, his poker face hiding any inkling of emotion he feels on the current matters at hand.
“Is it so wrong for me to come back for my child? They deserve to know the truth, they are old enough to understand, Pure Vanilla. I will handle Fire Spirit how I see fit. I’ve spent the last few years recovering sand making myself better for the war that will inevitably come.” Millennial Tree retorts. He slid the hood off his horns and head. He looked no different than before: long brownish-green hair, horns in perfect condition, and not a single eyelash out of place.
“I refuse to give them to you. You both barely escaped Fire Spirit the first time, what makes you so sure you can do it again? They barely made it out alive, I can’t let them fight a battle that doesn’t involve them. They will be happier here than on the run with you.” Pure Vanilla stood from his throne, turning away from the cookies. “Maybe, just maybe I’ll let you see them if you can fix this mess.”
“You.. You bastard! I asked you to take care of and protect them in my absence, knowing I’d be back for them, and this is what you do once I return?!”Millennial tree, usually the stoic and calm cookie was becoming more agitated at Pure Vanilla and his actions towards his child’s safety and well being.
“I am protecting them, I’m protecting them from you.” Pure Vanilla walked away from the cookies deeper into the castle, leaving them alone with their own thoughts.
“We’re leaving, Wind Archer.. I will get my child back one way or another.”
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There was a knock on your door before it was pushed open, revealing Pure Vanilla with his usual calm smile. You were by your window, sitting in the plush couch, looking out at the kingdom below, refusing to even talk to the cookie that just walked into your room. “Still refusing to talk to me?” He said, taking a seat next to you. “I’m doing this for your safety, you know that right? I’m only trying to protect you from the dangers of the world that lurk outside the castle walls.”
“Was that my dad you were talking to?” You said, not even looking at Pure Vanilla but the accusatory tone was loud and clear. “Don’t answer that, I saw them walk out the gates with their hoods down before they lifted them.. Why are you not letting me talk to him?”
“It’s not what you think-“
“Then what could it be? You have hid me away for years and now my father is back you keep me from him!?” You continue, all the built of emotions pouring out.
They both sit in a long silence, the tension so thick they could choke on it. Pure Vanillas face displayed no emotion which made you feel even more upset, not even an ounce of regret for what he did to you. Pure vanilla sighed once more before speaking. “Unfortunately you still don’t understand my point of view and how I’m doing what’s best for everyone even if you don’t like it. Maybe you need to stay in your room longer.” he turned and walked out your room, closing the door behind him. After a few seconds the click of the lock captures your attention. You run up to the door and began pulling on the doorknob which doesn’t budge, your free hand banging on the wood full of intricate designs.
“Pure Vanilla let me out of here!”
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“Millennial tree, where are we going?” Wind Archer breaks the silence as he walks behind Millennial Tree, the grass and flowers crunching beneath their feet.
The two cookies were walking through the maze like thick forest. The trees blocked most the sunlight from touching the grass, leaving an eerie feeling to anyone that strolls there. There was nothing in sight besides trees, branches, grass, and the few flowers that managed to grow in the dimly lit forest. Millennial Tree walked with haste and pure anger, not that he’d ever say those feelings out loud. There was anger in each step he took, if you looked close enough you could see small pieces of grass rotting and withering under his feet.
“I have a plan.. Did you see them when you scoped out the castle when we first got here?” Millennial Tree continues to walk, his steps becoming a bit more aggressive.
“Yes, they were in a room high in the castle.” Wind Archer replied, he fixed his cloaked to hide him and his bow once more, knowing what he was about to do.
Millennial tree stops walking completely, he looks over his shoulder at Wind Archer. “When night fall comes, get them, bring them to the home in the deep part of the forest, I have business to take care of with Fire Spirit. I should be done soon. We can all live peacefully once I’m done..”
Millennial Tree was determined to get what he wants, at any cost.
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A/n: now time to decided if I want to kill off Millennial tree or fire spirt >:)
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speed-world · 3 months
Hellooo how are you?? I was reading some fics and I noticed that Millennial needs some more love yk? Sooo I thought dad Millennial tree x child reader shot?? If it could be angst better heheheeheeee
His Sacred Flower (Dad! Millennial Tree Cookie x Child! Reader One-Shot)
TW: Angst (kinda resolved), mentions of physical harm
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You were currently being held in the arms of your father, being healed from your injuries. Millennial Tree Cookie looked at you with a hint of worry, something that you never wanted to see from his eyes.
“My child, you can be at ease, you know? Anything that troubles you I’m here for you, there’s nothing you need to feel you must hide from me.”
You did everything you could to avert his gaze, you hated the idea of doing something that would hurt your father. Little did you know that you being in pain would hurt him the most.
Dad I…I disobeyed you. You warned me of the dangers in the forest and I didn’t believe you. Now I’m hurt…and I can tell you’re hurt seeing me like this…
Millennial Tree Cookie’s went from shock, and immediately turned into a soft smile. Which…confused you a little.
“Little flower, while it haunts me seeing you in pain, I am more than relieved that you’re safe. And besides, there are so many friends and watchers of the forest, and they’ll keep you protected even when I can’t. I promise you, you’ll never have to worry again.”
You wiped your tears away as your father softly reassured you. He’s amazing at this, being able to comfort you even when you think you can’t be helped. Neither of you even realized that the wounds were completely healed as you enjoyed the softness of sitting together, the sounds of the birds and the prancing of critters being the only sounds you heard.
You loved Millennial Tree Cookie so much, and he loved you too, his sacred flower.
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nombre-va-aqui · 3 months
Estoy EN SHOCK vi que tu cuenta en español me leí el shot y vine corriendo no VOLANDO, y como el Stan #1 que soy de Millennial tree te quería pedir un Millennial x reader, y q sea angst porque ya me cansé de ver finales felices 😡 (??
Ah bueno. En lo personal yo prefiero los finales felices, pero si mis seguidores me piden angst tendré que darles angst.
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Todas las plantas se marchitan (Millennial Tree x Fem Y/N Cookie)
Advertencia de contenido: Angst (para los que no sepan es básicamente dolor emocional), muerte de personaje
Millennial Tree Cookie siempre sintió felicidad y amor en su corazón. Pero no supo lo que de verdad se sentía hasta que la conoció a ella... Y/N Cookie.
El amor floreció tan fuerte como el mismísimo árbol milenario. Ambos se completaban el uno al otro, con un vínculo tan fuerte que nada ni nadie podría romperlo... O eso creían ellos.
Las fuerzas de la oscuridad no perdonan, consumen toda la vida que se interpone en su paso. Al ser la encarnación del árbol milenario, Millennial Tree tenía la misión de proteger a los seres vivos. Aún si eso suponía... pagar un precio muy alto.
Su misión había sido cometida y la oscuridad había sido eliminada, pero Millennial Tree no iba a sobrevivir. Su cuerpo se marchitaba como una planta y se volvía cada vez más débil.
Y aún así, él sonreía como siempre. Mantenía esa sonrisa tranquila mientras te miraba a los ojos, agarrando tu mano con todas sus fuerzas mientras estas se desvanecían.
Millennial Tree: Mi amor... Por favor, no llores...
Y/N Cookie: ¿Como quieres que no llore? Diste todo de tí para protegernos a todos y yo no pude hacer nada para ayudarte. Y ahora... tengo que ver cómo me dejas... y todavía no puedo hacer nada por tí...
Las lágrimas salían de tus ojos y caían por tus mejillas, golpeando la piel ahora grisácea de la persona que más amabas mientras él daba sus últimos respiros.
Millennial Tree: Te equivocas... Si me ayudaste... Tú fuiste mi motivación para no rendirme... Siempre te amaré, mi hermosa florecilla...
Los ojos de Millennial Tree te miraron con cariño antes de cerrarse. Los dos sabíais que ya no volvería a abrirlos.
Millennial Tree: Y/N Cookie... Gracias por todo lo que hiciste por mí...
Empezaste a llorar amargamente como un bebé que había sido separado de su madre. Sujetaste la mano de tu amante mientras su cuerpo entero se convertía en polvo.
Gritaste mientras un gran dolor se apoderaba de toda tu alma. Tu amante, la persona que más te importaba en toda tu vida, se había ido para siempre. Al igual que una planta de verdad, había dejado una pequeña semilla tras partir, y ese sería el único recuerdo que te quedaría de él...
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yoshimura110 · 1 year
Millennial tree
Well... I couldn't find good information that can make him a yandere, but I tried anyway.
The first meeting between millennial and player was very unexpected, player went to venture into the balloon, but because of the lack of introductions they lost control of the balloon, which ended up falling into a mysterious forest far away from the kingdom...
With that, Player finds millennial tree in the forest.
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Of course, the millennial tree was very surprised by this situation that suddenly a little cookie appears out of nowhere crying, asking for help. Millennials have always loved cookies, especially children. He will calm the player down and play with them just a little bit, and in the meantime, he will always try to keep an eye on them so they don't get hurt. He will be very protective of players, even if it's someone he was seeing for the first time.
In that short time, a small connection was created between the two.
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But without the player noticing, the pass days by, and they forget that they need to return to the kingdom. Millennial Tree is responsible for this. At first, he even wanted to help them, but with that little time between them, he changed his mind. He didn't want the player to walk away, is it out of concern for what would happen if he let them go and left them alone if they managed to protect themselves? or is it because he felt this feeling of being alone or empty inside? He didn't know. He just knew he couldn't let them go. It doesn't matter if the player wants to stay or not. It doesn't matter if he has to use his roots or branches to make them stay,
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He would do everything for the safety of his little child...
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katfisha · 1 year
millennial tree and mc (aka you or someone else! ^-^)
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It was a warm and fairy day, the sun’s rays painted over the vast and vibrant forest.
And somewhere in the forest, there was two cookies that rested in this fine day.
MC was resting their head on millennial tree’s lap, they weren’t sleeping as they found it difficult to do so, due to the most recent incidents related to other cookies.
But now that they found this forest, they were able to get away for a bit from other cookies, as millennial tree was fairly tolerable.
Otherwise, he was quite a calm and patient entity, he was also comforting MC after everything went through as he was humming a hushed, pacific tunes to allow them to feel more at ease.
As he was stroking their head, he was listenting to the leaves rustling in distance as the wind was also gentle today; it was also slightly cold in a satisfying way as hopefully it will cool the poor MC down to more stable state.
As they both continued to rest, millennial tree has spoken up in a soft tone.
“Don’t worry, MC, nothing will happen to you while you are with me…”
As he still kept their on his lap, lovingly stroking their head in slow motioncontinuously.
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hugemilkshake · 3 months
Hello!! I’ve recently encountered your acc and I LOVE how u write, if you don’t mind could you make some Millennial tree dad headcannons?? (・ω・)
Enjoy the milkshake! Thank you for liking my account!! ^.^
Father Millennial Tree headcannons
Millennial Tree is a very patient father
He lets you explore and learn things on your own but will help you/ teach you if you ask
One of the earliest lessons he teaches you is that nature is a friend, not an enemy.
Wind Archer is kinda like your brother or your babysitter depending on what type of kid you are
If you get into trouble a lot then it’s babysitter, but if your more calm then it’s brother
But some of your best memories with your father is him singing to you and making flower crowns for you
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whysimp · 9 months
Sleeping with cookie run legendarys (in the room)
(I wanted to do sea fairy cookie, but I had no ideas for like a year. Woops)
Moonlight cookie: she would hover above you as you sleeped being your night light, while she can't protect your dreams (like she can with the cookie) she can hope that you have good dreams, and soon she'll drift off to sleep as well.
Wind archer cookie: he would patrol the area surrounding your bed to protect you while you slept (even though there's nothing to protect you from), but soon he would get tired from being up all day and then trying to be up all night. He would go to witch ever is closer to him, and ether sleep on your night stand or on your pillow with you.
Millennial tree cookie: like wind archer, he would ether sleep on your pillow with you or on your night stand, but unlike wind archer where 50% of the time he sleeps with you, with Millennial tree it's more like 80% of the time he wants to sleep close too you.
Fire spirit cookie: like moonlight cookie, he would be like an night light for you, but after awhile (wether your asleep or not) he'll get bored and try to get rid of some of his energy so he can sleep too (whether that means burning some small things that you don't need or going in to his skill and flying around your room), soon he'll lose energy and fall asleep.
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sumthinganarchy · 1 year
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subnautica fixation has been kicking my ass
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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Speak of the Tree (Millennial Tree Cookie, Churro Cookie)
Requested by: anon! Bummer that the anniversary featuring Tree ended up being broken whoops!
You probably had wandered a little too close to the City of the Millennial Tree before Churro Cookie intercepted you. After a quick and rather panicked introduction about yourself, you were able to convince Churro that you weren’t a threat and he kinda had to agree. You didn’t have that aura in you that indicated any possible threat to the Tree. Instead, you spurred a different kind of feeling about you instead, to where he would ask more questions about you then what were you doing here.
It seemed the initial trouble with Churro carried over to the churro villagers who were immediately suspicious of you entering the village from the outside, but oddly enough, Churro was able to vouch for you as he didn’t think you could cause any kind of trouble, but he’s definitely sticking by you just in case. You’ve decided to use the opportunity to have conversation with Churro about the temple and its rich history,
However, your arrival into the environment would bring the attention of another cookie, who could feel the wonderful vibe you gave off, he felt drawn to it. So this was the Y/N Cookie that Wind Archer has brought up many times before. This cookie simply had to meet you more up close and get to know you better.
Utterly fascinated by the temple and its many sights has Churro feeling pretty proud as he explains that it was thanks to the work of the Millennial Tree and all that has been done for them. You did ask him if the vines that were suddenly reaching to your legs was part of the scenery, making Churro take a look and was surprised to see that yes, there was branches creeping toward you as they slowly curled around your legs.
“I believe you’re the Y/N Cookie Wind Archer Cookie has talked about so much…it’s wonderful to finally meet you.”
Churro had just remembered about the few times he’d hear Wind Archer talk about a certain Y/N Cookie in passing a few times, and it seemed you were that cookie.
“The Great Wind is familiar with this cookie, Great Tree?”
“Yes, and if he saw the purity in this one’s spirit as much as I’m seeing it right now, I can see why he’s gone through so much to protect it…please, have a conversation with me.”
Churro had only met you a while ago, but as he looked closer, he could see it too once the Great Tree brought it up. He had this sense of a warm spirit that resonated with you..something he had to protect at all costs. Of course, the Tree’s judgement is never wrong.
Who knew that taking a step too close would have two cookies taking steps close to you!
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millennial tree cookie smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (07/03/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; millennial tree cookie
outline ; “May I request millennial tree cookie nsfw headcanons”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, soft dom!millennial tree, praise kink
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
complete service dom who prioritises your comfort, care and pleasure above anything else — which includes having an intensive list of safe words, safe actions and a boundary system in place that you discuss every time you’re intimate
he has a bit of a praise kink and loves being able to leave you flustered and swelling with pride in yourself — never missing an opportunity to tell you how attractive you are, how well you’re doing and how much he loves you
very gentle with you, almost to the extent that it feels like he thinks you’re made of glass — touching you so chastely that you can barely feel it sometimes because he fears accidentally hurting you due to your mismatched sizes and strengths
has an extremely low sex drive but does enjoy helping you get off in one way or another — seeing it less as an act that arouses him and more like a way for him to take care of you as your partner
leans more towards romance and vanilla sex than disconnected kinky or rough sex — he’s constantly worried about causing you harm accidentally so any sort of pain play would be completely off the table as a result
finds you equally as attractive wearing any sort of ‘sexy’ clothing as he does when you’re in the nude — basically whatever helps you feel more confident and attractive makes you more sexually appealing to him but otherwise he’s going to be attracted to you regardless
his cock is pretty big, both in terms of girth and length, so he’s extremely cautious about penetrative sex — taking a while to work you up to it and never moving forwards without lots of foreplay and prep and assurances
doesn’t have any shame around sex and quite enjoys having sex or being sexual outdoors, being surrounded by nature and fully in his element makes him more comfortable — but if you’re worried about getting caught/being seen or have any issues with it then he’s happy to accommodate and move things inside whenever the mood strikes you both
much more of a giver in bed to the extent that he’s more likely to refuse you if you try to return the favour (that’s also because of his lower libido but either way he just prefers not to receive much)
loves going down on you and can happily sate himself with that alone — taking on a more humanly proportioned form and lounging between your legs as he pleasures you, moaning at your flavour and massaging your thighs and hips and stomach as he pleasures you (on some occasions you might even catch him grinding against whatever surface you’re laying on because he’s so aroused by the act, but that’s pretty rare)
aftercare often translates into the two of you sharing a bath with you leaning back against his shoulder whilst he diligently scrubs and massages away the stresses and grime of the day — talking with you and making sure that you’re okay both mentally and physically after you’ve been intimate
king of aftercare and pillow talk and he’ll happily hold you close and sing/hum/whisper to you until you fall asleep — his body warm and soft and comfortable enough that it doesn’t take very long for you to drift off once he’s wrapped his arms around you
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
“In Another Life”
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Pairing: Self Aware! Millennial Tree Cookie x Gn Baker! Reader
Word count: 703
Summary: Millennial Tree loves you, how does he show it?
Notes: death, its rushed, this was gonna be fluff but its not
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“Baker.. I love you.” Millennial Tree whispers against your skin.
It was late, the sun had already set. Everyone but you both were long asleep.
You and Millennial Tree were in your throne room with all the doors locked. You were seated on your throne, Millennial Tree was on his knees in front of you. His head on your thigh, kissing them every here and there.
“Aw, my dear Millennial Tree.” You lift his chin up with your finger.
“I love you..” He kissed your thigh. “.. I love you so much..” he tiredly said.
It could have been eleven pm or three am, time didn’t matter to either of you, but Millennial Trees tiredness started to seep through.
He was a desperate, lovesick mess you had wrapped around your finger. All he wanted was you. Your love. Your touch. Your everything. Your eyes to be on him and him alone. He basically melts everytime you show him any attention, he wants it all.
Millennial Tree grabbed onto your hand and kissed the back of it, then slow kisses up your arm until he couldn’t. He still stayed between your legs.
“I devote myself to you entirely. I will use my body in any way to protect you. I will do everything you say, I love you so much baker..” he continues to whisper against your skin, making eye contact with you.
You run your hands from his shoulders down his back, causing him to arch his back and him to gasp.
“B-baker.. Touch me how you please.” Tears form in the outer corners of his eyes and he tightly shuts his eyes from the sudden touch.
You run your hands back to his shoulders and to his cup his face. “My dear Millennial Tree, my favorite, my love..” You turn his face to the left slightly and to the right slightly like your examining it. You frown and say, “You know this is all a dream, correct? You must wake up soon.”
Millennial Tree frowns, he holds both of your wrist. “This can’t just be a dream.. I love you and this has to be real.” Millennial Tree sounded more desperate by the word, trying to convince himself its all real and not a dream.
“Its real in your dreams, but when you wake up its not. I will be gone again. You must let go of me Millennial Tree, I died long ago. Forget me-”
“I will never forget you! I never had the chance to tell you how much I loved you before you died, you died in my arms.. But I can do it now! I can make it right!” Millennial Tree cut you off, tears forming in his eyes.
“Millennial Tree! Snap out of it! You can’t make it right, Im long gone.. We will never be together no matter how hard we try.”
Millennial Tree started to cry, something he hasn’t done in a long time. “Im so sorry..” he said, barely above a whisper. “Its all my fault you died..”
“Let me go Millennial Tree, wake up and live on.” You caress his tear stained cheek as he closes his eyes. “I’ll always be watching over you.” Your voice gets quieter and more distant.
Millennial Tree shoots up. He looks around and hes back in his bedroom. The sun has slightly risen, the small bit of sunlight cast into his room leaving a golden glow on the walls and objects across his various bookcases. He rubs his eyes and feels a liquid touch his fingers. His tears. He slowly started to remember the dream and began to sob. Today was the anniversary of your death. He always visits your mausoleum, and today was no different.
He dreams this dream often, he hopes he never wakes up and stays with you forever.
He brought a bouquet of your favorite flowers, stuffed animal of your favorite animal, and a picture of you both together to your mausoleum.
“Hello Baker..” Millennial Tree places the gifts down. “I miss you..” Tears flood his eyes again.
“We’ll meet again, in another life time. I’ll save you then, unlike this lifetime. I’ll be everything I said I would be, please forgive me.”
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@n0n-gh0stn4ry @cosmolumine @sorbella
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kwanisms · 9 months
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» stray kids masterlist | collab masterlist «
➮ hyunjin x f!reader
wc: 20.1k
summary: Y/N never expected to run into her ex again, especially not at a holiday party of all places. Nor did she expect for him to offer to drive her home when her ride bails on her. She definitely did not expect Hyunjin’s car to get stuck in the snow and for them to have to spend the night at an elderly couple’s house where they, unsurprisingly, have to share a room and even more unsurprisingly, there’s only one bed.
genres/themes/au: angst, smut; holiday themes, rekindled relationship, exes to lovers, one bed; non idol au
warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alcohol consumption, mention of previous alcohol abuse, flashbacks of toxic relationship, mentions of arguing and fighting (nothing physical except pushing and MC hitting Hyunjin's chest), sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut!
special tags: @millennial-fangirl @twisted-tales-of-all @staytinyville @skyechild
permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife @luvsooby @surveilenceysystem @salty-for-suga @devilsmatches @dmnspiit @simeonswhore @yangracha @atinypurr @aikyubi @labyrinthonmymind @bintificreads @toxic-babexe @plutoneu @prestineaugstine @sunwoosbaby @lilramennoodle @deadgirlwalking3 @tigerhoshi25 @chocolate-scoups @spilled-coffee-cup @aaniag @ayoo-bangtan @walkingtravesty97 @yevene @certifiedmoa @nottkwiwin
stray kids taglist: @cixrosie @hoeforcheol @smhlino @cutiespaghetti @peterparkoure @chubbyanarkiss @anyamaris @nattisbored @mlysalt @cinnamoon-belle @briannabk22 @vampiirose @plants-w0rld @0325tiny @justiny @lacie220900 @dementedaly to be contin.
join my taglists!
Strikethrough means I cannot tag you.
a/n: my first piece was nothing but tooth rotting sweet fluff but I knew from the get go when I picked Hyune for this collab that I wanted to write angst for him. That being said, NO. I WILL NOT BE WRITING A SEQUEL TO THIS TO GIVE THEM A PROPER HAPPY ENDING. The ending is up to reader interpretation. So please do not ask for a part 2 because there will not be one. Thank you so much for reading and joining us on this collab! The Tales from Camp Holiday Special begins now and once that’s over, I will be focusing on Under Your Skin. If you are a SVT fan, you can read the OG Tales from Camp here and the Holiday Special here. And for those of you who are SKZ fans, consider checking out Under Your Skin here. As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it up), dirty talk, slight voice kink, use of pet names (baby, angel, sweetheart, etc.), oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), handjob (m receiving), lowkey lovemaking, biting (f receiving), slight possessive sex, soft dom!Hyunjin, sub!Reader, it’s hot and heavy and Hyunjin is clearly very much in love still. If I missed any, pls let me know!
“Promise me you won’t ditch me the moment the doors open,” you whined, looking at your friend who gave you a blank look. “You know I can’t promise you that!” Kaia said as she raised her fist to knock on the door. It opened a moment later, warmth reaching out to pull you both into the house. You clung to your friend as you removed your coats and they were hung up and put in a room off the foyer.
The house was a typical suburban American home. The walls were an off white color, decorations like something out of a Christmas catalog. The partygoers were dressed in varying shades of red, green, white, gold, and the like.
The white vaulted ceilings reflected light to make the rooms appear even larger and brighter than they already were. A massive fifteen foot pine tree dominated the far corner of the living room, professionally decorated with gold and red baubles, strings of white lights sweeping across the branches and small faux icicles hung from the tips of the branches. Under the tree lay a red tree skirt with gold embroidery, perfectly wrapped gifts lying atop the red fabric.
You followed Kaia further, not wanting to lose sight of her as you made your way to the kitchen.
The open concept floor plan into the kitchen made the already large space seem just even larger. The white quartz counters contrasted with the dark gray shaker cabinets with golden hardware. A massive kitchen island separated the spaces, decorated with an assortment of snacks.
Along the wall leading into a breakfast nook was a table with even more food and at the back of the breakfast nook room was an actual bar set up where a young woman with blonde hair curled and neatly tied back was making drinks for patrons.
In the kitchen Kaia dragged you over to the bar and ordered drinks. Once your drink was in your hand, Kaia pulled you aside and scanned the room. She waved at a few people, sipping on her drink as you eyed the food, wanting to eat something so you weren’t drinking on an empty stomach.
Before you could say anything, Kaia was downing the rest of her drink, ordering another before she looked at you. “You’re on your own,” she simply said before leaving your side and making her way across the room where she introduced herself to someone you didn’t recognize.
‘Bitch,’ you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes. You made your way over to the table to grab a small plate, adding an assortment of hors d'oeuvres to it before sneaking off to the side and out of the way. You nibbled at your food, sipping your drink intermittently as you watched the party unfold around you.
It hadn’t even been your idea to come here. Kaia had begged you to come with her for a week straight until you caved and agreed but on the condition she didn’t ditch you once here.
She clearly didn’t hold up her end of the bargain.
As you ate, a couple people you did recognize came up and chatted with you politely and you felt a little better, knowing more than just your awful so-called friend. You saw a couple of people from your previous workplace as well as some old college acquaintances.
About an hour into your arrival and three White Russians later, you were exiting the bathroom when you bumped into something hard and stumbled slightly. Kaia had insisted you wore these heels and you were starting to regret letting her talk you into it. You were regretting a lot of things regarding Kaia truthfully but it wasn’t the night to get into it.
Looking up as you smoothed your dress out, you started to apologize until you saw the face of the person you’d just run into.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
The look on your ex’s face was one of pure shock. He clearly wasn’t expecting to see you either.
You turned away from him, intent on finding Kaia and leaving. This was a mistake. You never should have come here tonight. “Y/N, wait.” you heard him say, feeling his hand gently grab your arm. You pulled sharply from his grip and glared at him.
Hyunjin fell silent, holding his hand up in surrender before you stormed away to find your friend.
It didn’t take long to find her, perched on the lap of the guy she’d ditched you for as he sat on one of the pristine white couches in the living room. You weaved through the crowd, stopping by her to glare down at her. “Y/N!” she said excitedly. “I was just coming to find you! We’re about to play a game!”
You grabbed Kaia by the wrist, dragging her up and off the guy’s lap, leading her away from the group.
“Y/N, what the hell?” Kaia hissed as you pulled her to a spot near the wall. “I’m going to ask you something and I want the truth,” you started as Kaia inspected her wrist before looking up at you. “What?” she grumbled. “Did you know Hyunjin was going to be here?” you demanded.
Kaia stared blankly at you for a couple moments before speaking. “Theoretically? I knew there was a chance.” Your mild annoyance turned into blind rage. She knew he might be here and yet she still insisted you come anyway? What was her problem? 
“I want to leave,” you snapped. “Now.” 
Kaia scoffed, rolling her eyes and gested at the door. “Go ahead. Leave,” she replied. Your lips parted in shock. “You’re my ride, Kaia,” you reminded her. “Then I guess if you want me to drive you home, you’re gonna have to stay until I’m ready to leave.”
You glared at her. Ditching you was one thing but knowingly stranding you here was another.
“And what about him?” you hissed, throwing a dirty glance towards Hyunjin who was now nursing a drink. As if sensing you were talking about him, he looked over, meeting your gaze but only for a moment before you looked away. Kaia shrugged. “That’s your problem, babe,” she replied.
Before you could answer, she walked away, taking her previous perch and leaving you to seethe alone.
“Un-fucking-believable!” you hissed as you stormed off, making a path to the bar. If you were going to be forced to be here, might as well make the best of it and get as many free drinks as you could stomach.
You were grumbling to yourself as you waited in line, the guy in front of you kept turning to look at you though it wasn’t annoyance on his face. More like concern. “Are you okay?” he finally asked, having turned back to you. His accent caught you off guard but you nodded all the same. “Rough night?” he asked and you scoffed. “You have no idea.”
He offered a warm smile, holding his hand out for you to shake. “Felix,” he introduced himself. “Y/N,” you replied, shaking his hand. “Want to tell me about it over drinks?” he asked, gesturing to the bar. You couldn’t help but chuckle and nod. Once the two of you got your drinks, you stood off to the side, talking about your lives. What you did for work, how you ended up at this party.
Felix was exceedingly easy to talk to and he kept a smile on your face. He was also a pretty good dancer. You almost couldn’t find a fault with him until he tried to beat you at darts in the rec room downstairs. It’s not like you were a champion when it came to darts but he just really sucked at it.
“So tell me about Straya,” you said in a half convincing Australian accent as the two of you sat on one of the couches in the rec room, taking the place of a couple who got up to get more drinks upstairs. Felix let his arm rest on the back of the couch behind you.
“It’s hot,” Felix answered. “Really hot,” he added. “And there are spiders everywhere.” You shuddered. You hated spiders. “And they’re the really big ones,” he continued. “They’re known to catch lizards and even mice if they’re hungry and fast enough. And boy are they fucking fast,” he added with a laugh.
“Okay, enough with the spiders,” you said with a shiver. “Don’t like them?” Felix asked and you shook your head. “Absolutely not!” Felix chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “What about the roos?” you asked suddenly, making him give you a peculiar look. “The roos?” he asked.
“Yeah. The kangaroos,” you clarified. Felix let out a chuckle. “Oh, those roos!” he replied.
“Big and mean,” he answered. “The males are super territorial and they’re buff. They’re majorly jacked. They look like bodybuilders.” You covered your mouth as you let out a laugh. “What?” you asked incredulously as Felix nodded.
“They’re mean,” he replied. “They’re not cute and cuddly. They can kill. Those claws on their hands aren’t just for show. And they can kick like a kickboxer.” Your eyes widened. “Wait, really?” you asked. Felix nodded. “You don’t fuck with kangaroos. Same with koalas. They look cute and furry but they also have gnarly claws and they’ll take a swipe at you if given the chance.”
Your perception of Felix’s home continent was changing by the minute as he talked. As your cups emptied, you made your way back upstairs to get more drinks, opting to find a seat in the four seasons room off the living room where it was a little quieter.
“So,” Felix said, taking a sip of his drink and looking up at you.
“What had you so upset earlier?”
Your smile dropped a little as you let out a deep, heavy sigh.
“My friend I came with is being a real bitch right now,” you admitted. “She begged me to come to this party when I didn’t really want to in the first place. She promised if I came with her, she wouldn’t leave my side,” you continued.
“But she ditched you anyway?” Felix asked, prompting you to nod in response. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he raised his cup to his lips. “That’s a pretty shitty thing to do,” he agreed. You nodded slowly. “And that’s not all,” you added. Felix glanced up as you settled back against the cushions.
“My ex is here tonight.”
“And that’s bad, I take it?” Felix asked. You nodded.
“We broke up a couple years ago,” you started. “The relationship was… not good. We fought a lot. Constant arguing. We kept accusing the other of cheating. We were constantly at each other’s throats.” Felix nodded slowly. “Who ended it?” he asked before backtracking.
“Sorry,” he stuttered. “That’s really none of my business.” You shook your head, dismissing his apology with your hand. “It’s okay,” you replied. “I broke up with him. I knew if I didn’t do it, it would never happen so I bit the bullet and pulled the trigger.”
Felix let out a sigh. “Man,” he said softly. “That’s rough.” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “And when I asked my friend that I came with to take me home because I wanted to leave, she basically said to find my own way home.”
“Did she know he was going to be here?” Felix asked, raising his cup to his lips. “She said she knew there was a possibility,” you replied.
Felix’s jaw dropped. “What the fu- look, I’m sorry,” he started. “But you need to find better mates,” he said, shaking his head, baffled by the audacity. “Do you still want to leave?” he asked softly. You nodded. “Yeah,” you replied. “Parties just really aren’t my scene., and seeing my ex really just ruined my entire night.” Felix nodded. “No, I get it,” he replied. “I’m here cause this is actually my cousin’s place and I’m crashing here for the holidays,” he explained.
“But I think I actually might know someone who’s planning to leave soon and he lives in the same direction you’re going so maybe he can give you a ride?” Felix offered. You gave him a smile. “Really?” you asked excitedly. “That would be so amazing!”
Felix smiled at your reaction and got to his feet, holding out his free hand. “Let’s go ask him,” he said, smiling wider as you grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull you up.
“Yes,” you answered. “Let’s ask!”
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‘Twice in one night is enough,’ you told yourself as you stared back at Hyunjin while Felix spoke to your ex. Granted, he didn’t know the guy he was trying to ask to give you a ride was your ex-boyfriend. Felix smiled as he turned to you. “It was great meeting you,” he said, holding his hand out for you to shake again. “Hyunjin’s a great guy. He’ll make sure you get home safe!” he added before bidding the two of you goodnight and moving into the next room to rejoin the party.
You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him. Hyunjin downed the rest of his soda, tossing the can and turning to you. “Did you bring a coat?” he asked nonchalantly. “I’m not leaving with you.” He ignored your words, instead getting up and fishing his phone out of his pocket.
You watched as he typed across the screen quickly and pocket the device again. “Go get your coat,” Hyunjin said softly. You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’m not leaving with--”
He looked at you, looking slightly annoyed. “Look, either I take you home or you’re stuck at this party. It’s your choice,” he explained. “But I am leaving.” You stared at one another, both unmoving, unblinking until you sighed and rolled your eyes. “Fine,” you snapped. “But I need to get my stuff out of Kaia’s car.”
Hyunjin nodded and gestured forward. “After you.”
You managed to get Kaia’s attention, asking for her keys so you could get your bag out of her car. She gave it up without question as you headed for the front door and got your coat from the coat room. Hyunjin was waiting on the porch for you when you exited the house and walked with you to Kaia’s car, waiting patiently while you got your bag from the back.
He took the bag from you while you ran back in to return Kaia’s keys to her and headed back out. He’d already turned on his car and backed up as close to the door as he could get without going onto the grass. He waited at the base of the steps for you, making sure you didn’t fall and helped you traverse the snow in your boots, even going so far as to open your door for you.
Once inside he returned to his side and got in, clicking his seatbelt in place as he fiddled with the temperature controls. You shivered, holding your hands in front of the heater. Hyunjin put the car in drive and slowly pulled away from the house, following the long driveway back out to the street.
It was snowing when you first arrived at the party with Kaia but more snow had accumulated, covering the roads and was starting to come down heavier as Hyunjin pulled onto the road and started driving in the direction of the city.
“Picked a hell of a day to have the party, didn’t they?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood. You hummed in response, looking out the window at the scenery as Hyunjin crept along. Silence fell over you both again. “Did you want to listen to music?” Hyunjin asked softly. “Oh my god, Hyunjin, I don’t care!” you snapped.
Silence fell once more. 
“Sorry,” you finally said softly. “I’m just really frustrated.”
Hyunjin nodded silently, opting not to turn the radio on.
He continued to drive carefully, remembering the last time he’d driven in snow like this. He’d managed to wreck his first car during a snowstorm and his mother had scolded him to the moon and back about how he needed to be careful. Since then, he’d been overly cautious when it came to driving in the snow.
The car reached a curve in the road and Hyunjin followed it, hands gripping the steering wheel as the back end of his car started to fishtail. “Whoa,” he mumbled. “Hyunjin!” you said, panic in your voice as the car quickly veered out of his control and slid over the edge of the road and down into a ditch.
The impact wasn’t as bad as Hyunjin expected but he was still jerked forward as the car came to an abrupt halt, nose pointing down toward the ditch. The car slowly slid sideways down the steep embankment until it finally stopped moving.
Immediately, Hyunjin put the car in park and looked around seeing nothing but white.
He turned to look at you. “Holy shit, Y/N, are you okay?” he asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded, looking around and checking yourself over. “Y-yeah,” you stammered. “I’m alright. What about you?” Hyunjin exhaled in relief. “I’m fine,” he answered.
“What about the car?” Hyunjin glanced out his window. “Well, I don’t think we hit anything,” he explained as he looked around, checking his mirrors.
“I’m gonna get out and make sure,” he added. 
Before you could stop him, he opened his door and got out, shutting the door behind him and walked around the car, trudging through the snow as he inspected the outside. He returned moments later, getting back into the car.
“There are no marks outside but it looks pretty stuck,” he said as he shivered, shaking the cold off.
You pulled your phone out and groaned at the no service symbol at the top of the screen. ‘Fuck.’ Hyunjin pulled his phone out and saw he also had no signal. “Shit!” he cursed. “What do we do?” you asked softly, looking up at him. Hyunjin looked around before looking in his rearview mirror.
“Hey, we passed a house, right?” he asked, turning to look out the back windshield. “Uh, I think so?” you replied. “Maybe like a mile back?” Hyunjin nodded, looking at your face. “Okay,” he said softly and turned in his seat.
You watched as he reached into the back seat, digging around for something. He produced a hat and scarf, wrapping the scarf around his neck and pulling the beanie on. He then reached behind your seat and pulled out a blanket. “I’m going to walk to the house to see if anyone is home,” he said as he threw the blanket over your lap.
“You stay here and keep warm,” he added. “I’ll be back with help or good news,” he added as he opened his door and got out, shutting the door behind him. You watched as he climbed up the embankment and started to walk down the street in the direction of the house you’d both seen.
You sighed, pulling the blanket closer around you, a shiver running up your spine as you looked outside the car. Snow was still coming down, joining the blanket already on the ground. You curled further into yourself, trying to preserve whatever warmth you could manage.
You heard the doors lock and readjusted the blanket to cover your legs and looked around his car. It was the same car you remembered him having just before the break up. The one he’d been so excited and proud of because it was the first car he bought when he started his job.
Another shiver went up your spine and you hoped Hyunjin would find help, even shocked that he offered to go find it. In the past, he never would have done so, a memory surfacing of your attempt to go to the beach on a road trip. You managed to get lost on back roads as Hyunjin refused to ask for directions.
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[flashback - four years ago]
“Babe, why don’t we just stop and ask for directions?” you asked, looking up from the map. You glanced out the windshield at the rolling farmland surrounding you which was certainly not the beach which you should have been at by that point.
“No,” Hyunjin said flatly, gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white. He was leaning forward, chest almost pressing against the steering wheel as he tried to get a glance at any sign possible.
You glanced back down at the map, squinting as you tried to figure out where you’d gone wrong. Where had you made the wrong turn? Where were you headed now? You looked back up, turning to look at Hyunjin. “I really think we need to stop and ask for directions,” you started.
“Goddamn it, Y/N, will you just shut the hell up and let me drive?!”
You flinched at the volume of his voice and fell silent. You folded up the map and placed it on the dashboard, leaning back in your seat and looking out the window to keep your boyfriend from seeing the tears that threatened to spill.
Minutes passed in silence as Hyunjin continued to drive, turning down random roads, only to hit a dead end and have to turn around, growing increasingly more and more frustrated. You said nothing, instead indulging in your own sadness as you let the tears flow silently.
“Can you look at the map and see where we are?” Hyunjin asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
You didn’t move. You heard his request but you chose to ignore it, knowing nothing you did would figure out where the hell you were. “Y/N?” Hyunjin asked, slowing to look over at you. He saw the way your arms were crossed over your chest and how you refused to look at him.
“Did you hear me?” he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He really didn’t like it when you ignored him.
“Yes,” you replied softly. “But what difference would it make?” you asked, still not turning to look at him.
“We haven’t seen any signs in hours so I can’t even pinpoint those on the map. We’re lost, Hyunjin.”
You heard him inhale sharply. “So it’s my fault, right?” he snapped and you finally turned to look at him, giving him a glance at your tear stained cheeks. “Yes, Hyunjin,” you retorted. “It is your fault. I told you we should have stopped and asked for directions when we first got off the main road but you refused to listen to me. You just kept going, insisting we didn’t need help. You aren’t a road map. You don’t have a GPS built into your head!”
Hyunjin let out a groan, rolling his eyes. “Well, will you check your phone, then?” he asked.
You grabbed it from the console and unlocked the screen, holding it up for him to see. “No service. How the fuck am I supposed to look it up when I have no service?” Hyunjin turned to glare at you. “Have you never heard of offline maps?” he snapped. “Yeah, you have to download them before you lose signal!”
“Well excuse me for not knowing that! I’m not some know-it-all bitch like you!”
Silence fell over the both of you as your stomach sank. “Stop the car,” you muttered.
Hyunjin looked back at you. “What?” he asked softly. “Stop the car,” you said a little louder. Hyunjin glanced out the windows before looking back over at you. 
“You can’t be serious--”
“Stop the fucking car, Hyunjin!”
[end flashback - the present]
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Hyunjin kept his head down, the flurries of snow hitting his hat instead of his face. He reached up to readjust the scarf around his neck to cover the lower half of his face. The cold air was sharp, biting and stinging his skin as he walked, the wind blowing through him despite his heavy coat.
“Fucking hell,” he cursed. “It’s freezing!”
As he walked, he was reminded of the time the two of you had taken a road trip to the beach and gotten lost. After an argument outside the car, he finally managed to get you back into the car and start heading back the way you’d come only to run out of gas just before you got onto the main road. He snorted as he remembered his ignorance and refusal to listen to reason.
He was young, dumb, and thought he knew everything.
He thought he was above asking for directions but he knew better now. He knew it was okay to ask for help. In that, he knew he had grown as a person at least.
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[flashback - four years ago]
“Now what,” you sighed exasperatedly as the car started to sputter, slowing as Hyunjin looked down at the dashboard. His eyes scanned for an engine light or something similar but felt his heart sink as he noticed the gas gauge was sitting on the little white E.
“Shit,” he hissed. You looked up at him. “What?” you asked as the car rolled to a stop. Hyunjin cut the engine and leaned back in his seat, letting out an annoyed huff. “We’re out of gas.”
You stared at him, stunned. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He shook his head. “I wish I were.”
You hesitated before finally moving. Hyunjin watched as you grabbed your purse and phone, hastily unbuckling your seatbelt before yanking open the car door and getting out. Hyunjin opened his door and stood up, one foot still in the car as you started walking.
“Y/N, where are you going?” he called. 
“I’m going to find a gas station!” 
Hyunjin sighed, shutting his door and starting after you. “Not by yourself, you’re not!” he called as he jogged to catch up to you. “You can’t just walk out here in the middle of nowhere by yourself, Y/N.” You ignored him and kept walking. 
He knew you were still reeling from the earlier fight.
Hyunjin caught up to you rather easily, grabbing your arm only for you to pull from his grip. “Don’t touch me!” you shouted. Hyunjin grabbed your arm again, pulling you back and turning you to face him. “Y/N,” he started as you struggled to pull out of his grip. “Don’t touch me!”
“Y/N, stop,” Hyunjin said calmly, trying to hold you in place. “Stop, stop it,” he continued.
“Y/N, stop it!” he finally shouted as he gently shook you. You stared up at him in shock before you hit his chest with your fist. “Don’t fucking yell at me!” you shouted back, hitting his chest again, albeit not very hard. Hyunjin took your face in his hands.
“Get your hands off me,” you growled, fighting back tears. “I’m sorry,” he said firmly. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” he continued as you looked up at him. “And I’m sorry for not listening to you.” The tears you’d been holding back finally spilled and a sob escaped you.
Hyunjin pulled you into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispered into your hair. “I shouldn’t have said that and I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” You cried softly into his chest. “I’m just frustrated,” he continued. “I know that’s no excuse. But I am sorry.”
“I got us into this mess and I’m sorry.”
He continued to hold you tightly, swaying the both of you back and forth until your sobs subsided. Hyunjin pulled back, taking your face in his hands, thumbs wiping your tears away. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go find a gas station,” he said softly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead.
[end flashback - the present]
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Hyunjin lifted his head, relief flooding his body as he caught sight of the driveway he’d driven past earlier. He continued down the drive, leaving deep footprints as he trudged through the deep snowfall.
As he continued, trees lining the driveway, lights from the house came into view. He continued to amble through the snow, making his way to the front porch. He hoped it wasn’t too late as he carefully climbed the steps. Hyunjin raised his fist and knocked loudly, quickly tucking his hands into his pockets.
It took a couple moments but through the frosted glass, Hyunjin could see shadows moving towards the door, the sound of the lock clicking before the door cracked open. “Yes?” a voice asked. Hyunjin pulled his scarf down, offering an awkward smile. “Hi,” he said breathlessly. “I’m so sorry to disturb you so late but my car’s slid off the road and into a ditch just down the road from your driveway,” he explained.
“My friend and I don’t have service on our phones and I was wondering if I could perhaps use a phone or if you might know someone who could help us get the car unstuck?”
The door opened a bit more to reveal an older gentleman. He had gray hair, wore round spectacles and had light blue eyes. He wore a simple gray plaid button up tucked into black pants, a dark blue cardigan over the shirt. “Your friend?” he asked, looking around for a second person.
“Yeah, she’s wearing a dress and heels,” Hyunjin explained. “We’ve just come from a party down the road,” he added, anxiety starting to build. ‘What if this man just told him to leave and slammed the door in his face?’ Hyunjin was very much aware of how suspicious this sounded.
Another figure appeared, an older woman Hyunjin assumed was the man’s wife. “Oh Larry,” she said softly. She wore a white and black floral button down blouse, a khaki maxi skirt and a light pink knit cardigan over her shirt. Her silvery hair was curled and styled. Gold wire framed glasses hung around her neck.
“They need help,” she added as she joined her husband. “Where’s the car?” the man, Larry, asked. Hyunjin pointed over his shoulder. “Just a mile down from the end of your driveway,” he answered. The man nodded and moved from the door.
“Are you hurt at all?” the woman asked and Hyunjin shook his head. “No, we’re okay. Mostly just shaken up. The car seems to be fine, too,” he added. “It’s just stuck in the ditch.” The woman offered a warm smile, putting Hyunjin’s nerves at ease.
The man returned moments later, dressed for the weather and sat on a bench to put on his boots. “Be careful,” his wife said as he got up, pulling on a thermal hood before putting on his gloves. He grabbed a shovel and stepped out onto the porch to join Hyunjin. “I’ll be back in a bit, Edi,” he said, pulling the bottom of his cowl up to cover his mouth and nose.
The door shut and Hyunjin led the way down the porch, the man, Larry following him. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this,” Hyunjin said as they walked side by side. “What’s your name, son?” the man asked him. “Hyunjin,” he answered. “Hwang Hyunjin. My friend is Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“I’m Lawrence,” the man introduced himself. “That was my wife Edith.”
They reached the end of the driveway and started down the road to where the car sat. Hyunjin hoped that they’d be able to get the car out of the ditch so he could get you home. He didn’t want to force you to spend more time with him than necessary as it seemed you already didn’t want to be around him.
“Where did you say you were coming from, again?” Lawrence asked. “A party down the road. About ten miles. It’s my friend’s cousin’s house,” Hyunjin explained as they neared the car. Snow had begun to collect on the surface, covering the windows. “Boy, it’s really coming down,” Lawrence noted.
“You really managed to dig yourselves in here,” he added as he looked at the car. Hyunjin nodded slowly. “Yeah, honestly, we just slid right off the road and I tried to back out a few times but the back wheels couldn’t catch on anything. Too much snow.” Lawrence nodded as he walked over to the back of the car, carefully dragging his feet through the snow.
“Snow’s too powdery,” he added as he kicked at the snow. “And it’s not packed down, so you would get any traction.” Hyunjin nodded as he spoke before he remembered you sitting in the car. “I’m gonna check on Y/N,” he announced and walked over to the driver’s side door, wiping the snow away with a gloved hand. “He peered in before opening the door and looking in.
“I brought someone who might be able to help,” he explained. You nodded. Hyunjin could tell you looked cold. He kneeled onto his seat and looked behind his seat into the back of the car. He removed his glove, grabbing another blanket and tugged it out from under a duffle bag.
“Here,” he said, handing it to you. “We’re gonna try and dig the car out or pack some snow under the wheel and see if we can’t get the wheels to get any traction.” You took the second blanket and immediately spread it out over you. “What if you can’t get the car out?” you asked, your voice soft.
Hyunjin pulled his hat off and scratched the back of his head before running his fingers through his hair a couple times. “I don’t know,” he finally said, putting his hat back on. “I’ll keep you updated,” he added before getting out and shutting the door again. Hyunjin moved back around to the back of the car with Lawrence who was bent over, peering at the back wheels.
“Well,” he started as he stood up straight. “We could pack snow under these tires for hours and you probably still won’t get enough traction to get out. This embankment is too steep. You’re gonna need someone to pull her out,” he explained. Hyunjin’s heart sank as Lawrence spoke. He’d feared as much.
“What are we supposed to do?” Hyunjin asked softly. “I suppose I could call my road-side assistance,” he continued. “But they may not be able to get out here until after the snow lets up.” Lawrence nodded. “And they run the risk of getting stuck themselves.”
Hyunjin sighed, looking up and down the deserted road. “I’m sure Edi wouldn’t mind if you came and stayed with us for the night. Hopefully in the morning, the snow will have let up and the crews are out clearing the roads so you can be on your way,” Lawrence explained.
Hyunjin turned to look at him. “Wait, really?” he asked. Lawrence nodded. “Seems like your only option at this point. Otherwise you’d be forced to stay out here and that could kill you.” Hyunjin nodded and moved to the door, pulling it open and ducking down to peer in.
You looked up at him with hopeful eyes. “We won’t be able to get the car out tonight,” he started and your stomach immediately sank. “But this guy I brought said we can stay the night with him and his wife.” You perked up at the thought of a warm bed and perhaps a hot shower. “Really?” you asked and Hyunjin nodded. “You got any boots in that bag of yours?”
You nodded quickly. “I got boots and some clothes.”
Hyunjin closed the door so you could change, pulling on a pair of pants and socks, slipping on the boots you thankfully brought along before stuffing your shoes into your bag. Once you were dressed, you tried to open your door but found it was stuck. You leaned over the center console and knocked on the window.
Hyunjin turned, opening the door and peering in at you. “I can’t open my door. Something’s blocking it.” Hyunjin cursed under his breath. “Probably the snow,” he murmured. “Give me your bag,” he said, holding out a hand. You handed it to him and he set it on top of the car before leaning back in. “Hand me my duffle bag,” he instructed. 
You grabbed it from behind his seat and pulled it to the front. Hyunjin opened it, pulling out his gym gear he wouldn’t need and tossed it into the back before taking one of the blankets, folding it and stuffing it into the bag. He then set the bag with yours and leaned down one last time.
“Come on,” he said, holding his hand out. “You’re gonna have to climb out this way.”
You threw the other blanket into the backseat and started to climb, cursing under your breath as you struggled. You took his hand as you climbed into the driver’s seat and scrambled out into the snow, Hyunjin steadying you with his hands.
You murmured a thank you and looked up. “Don’t mention it,” he replied before grabbing yours and his bags. You noticed an older man standing on the road. He took the bags from Hyunjin so the two of you could focus on climbing up the embankment, Hyunjin helping pull you up onto the road.
“This is Lawrence,” Hyunjin introduced the older man standing there with a snow shovel in one hand and both of your bags in the other. “Hello,” you said breathlessly, your breath coming out in puffs. Lawrence nodded in response.
Once on level ground, you took your bag and followed them as they headed back down the road. Hyunjin made sure to lock the doors and looked sadly at his car before jogging to catch up with you and Lawrence. “My poor car,” he mumbled. You looked up at him, the cold stinging your skin and biting at the tip of your nose. “It could have been worse,” you commented.
The walk back to the house wasn’t long and soon you were walking up the steps to the porch. Lawrence let you two in first, making sure you kicked any snow off your shoes before stepping inside with him bringing up the rear. Hyunjin started to remove his coat and you followed as Lawrence hung up the shovel and also started to shed his winter gear.
An older woman came around the corner dressed in floral, khaki, and pink. She reminded you of a sweet grandmother who baked pies and knitted her grandchildren hats and scarves. “This is my wife, Edith,” Lawrence explained. You nodded at her politely. “This is Y/N,” Hyunjin introduced you and you smiled at the woman, Edith. “You look frozen,” she commented. “Come in and warm up.”
You followed Edith, leaving your cold weather gear behind as you walked into the living area.
The room was a modest size, the living room separated from the kitchen by a large kitchen island. Along the back wall was a large fireplace with a fire already going. The kitchen was a galley style, taking up the side wall of the house, a door leading to the back of the house at the other end.
“Come, come in,” Edith said, guiding you over to sit in front of the fireplace. You glanced up at Hyunjin who nodded and followed you. “Are you hungry?” Edith asked as you took a seat on the couch nearest the fireplace, letting your bag fall to your feet. Hyunjin took a seat beside and looked up at your hosts.
“I could eat,” he answered. “Y/N?” he asked. You looked up at the mention of your name. “You hungry?” Hyunjin asked. You shook your head. “Actually,” you said, looking past him at the couple. “I could really use a shower.” Edith smiled and nodded. “You get some food heated up for our guest,” she said, patting her husband’s arm.
“I’ll show you to the upstairs bathroom,” she added, turning to you. You grabbed your bag and got up, following her through the house and towards the front door. She guided you up a set of stairs, into a hallway where there were three doors. 
“This is the bathroom,” Edith said, opening a door and turning on the light. “This room next door is the office and the extra bedroom is that room there,” she continued, pointing out the different doors. “Are you sure you aren’t hungry, dear?” Edith asked as you moved to enter the bathroom.
“I’m sure,” you replied. “I ate at the party we were at earlier. I think I just need a shower and some sleep.” Edith hummed and moved into the bathroom, where she opened a small door to show you the contents. “The towels are in here,” she said softly before shutting the door.
“Just make sure to clean up any water,” she said with a smile and moved to the door. “If you change your mind after your shower, just let me know and I’ll whip something up for you.” You smiled as she exited, thanking her once again before closing the door.
You turned to the shower and pulled back the curtain, turning on the water and letting it heat up. Stepping under the stream, you sighed, letting the hot water run down your body before scrubbing away the events of the night. Once you felt you were sufficiently clean, you turned the water off and got out of the shower, grabbing a towel and starting to dry yourself off.
You chose to change into your pajamas you’d packed before stepping out of the bathroom and making your way to the bedroom. Upon opening the door, your eyes landed on the bed and sighed. ‘I can’t wait to get some sleep,’ you thought to yourself as you stepped into the room, setting your bag in a cream colored armchair near the door. In the middle of the room against the wall was a queen sized bed, cream colored linens covered the bed.
You moved over to the mattress and sat on the edge, letting out an exhausted sigh. As you were about to start getting under the covers, you heard the doorknob turn and looked up in time to see the door open and Hyunjin appear. ‘Oh no. no way.’
Hyunjin sighed, entering the door and shutting it behind him. “One bed,” he murmured, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. Judging by the damp locks, you assumed he’d just taken a shower as well. “Yep,” you said, looking down at the mattress. Hyunjin shook his head before letting out a huff.
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” he said suddenly.
You looked up at him in shock as he moved to drop his bag in the opposite corner of yours. “Hand me those extra pillows,” he continued. You started handing them to him, watching as he made himself a small, measly bed on the floor with pillows and moved to grab the blanket he’d brought from his car.
“Goodnight,” Hyunjin said as he laid down, covering himself with the blanket. You hesitated, staring down at him before finally turning off the lamp and throwing the room in darkness. The only light source coming from the flood light reflecting off the snow outside.
You turned over, your back to Hyunjin on the floor, and tried to fall asleep but you kept opening your eyes. Minutes felt like they were ticking by, the only sound being the house creaking occasionally and Hyunjin’s steady breathing.
You finally couldn’t take it anymore. You sat up, reaching over to turn on the light. “Get up,” you said.
Hyunjin sighed and lifted his head to look at you. “What?” he asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
“I said get up,” you replied. Hyunjin grumbled as he sat up, pushing himself up to his feet. 
“What?” he asked, turning to face you. “Am I breathing too loud? Do you want me to leave?”
You hit the bed beside you. “The floor can’t be comfortable. Just get in the bed.”
Hyunjin froze, staring at you with a mixture of shock and confusion.
“What?” he whispered. You looked up at him. “Just get in the bed.”
Hyunjin shook his head. “No,” he replied. “I said I’d sleep on the floor. It’s f-”
“It’s not fine and I won’t ask you again, Hyun,” you cut him off, his heart skipping a beat at the nickname he hadn’t heard in years. “Just get in the bed, please.”
He hesitated for a moment more before bending over to grab the pillows and blanket, moving around to the other side of the bed and sitting down. He replaced the pillows and pulled the blankets back, settling under them before throwing the extra blanket on top.
“And you’re sure about this?” he asked softly as you laid back down.
“Yes!” you replied, turning your head to look at him. “I’m sure.”
Hyunjin nodded, saying nothing as he turned onto his side. “Thanks,” he muttered. You reached for the light, your heart pounding at being this close in such an intimate setting after two years. “Don’t mention it,” you replied, turning off the light and throwing the room back into darkness once more.
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You awoke the next morning to find the room was bright from the light reflecting off the snow and in through the windows. Blinking the sleep away, you started to sit up when you were aware of a weight across your midsection. You glanced down, lifting the blanket to find Hyunjin’s arm wrapped around you, his chest pressed into your back.
Your stomach leapt as you tried to remain calm. You carefully removed his arm and sat up, making sure to try and not disturb him. Getting up, you walked over to one of the windows and looked out to find a thick blanket of snow had fallen during the night, covering everything in white.
You briefly wondered if the car was covered as well before you heard Hyunjin groan, starting to rouse.
You quickly moved to grab your toiletry bag and headed out of the room, down the hall into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash the remnants of sleep away.
Once you were done, you returned to the room where Hyunjin was sitting up, phone in his hands as he scrolled through his notifications. He looked up as you entered and you internally chuckled at his mess of black hair. He’d always woken up with the messiest hair.
“Morning,” he grumbled, returning his gaze to his phone.
“Morning,” you replied as you put your toiletry bag away and searched through it for something to wear.
You heard the mattress creak as Hyunjin got up and heard his feet shuffle over to the corner where his bag was. You kept your eyes down as he made his way past you and into the hall, letting the door shut behind him. You let out a breath of relief before launching into hyper speed, stripping your pajamas off and redressing.
You zipped your bag, remembering how he used to see your open bag as an invitation to root around. ‘Surely he wouldn’t…’ you thought but decided not to take the chance. You opened the bedroom door and headed out and down the stairs where the smell of coffee and food greeted you.
Walking into the kitchen, you found your hosts already up and dressed. Lawrence had donned a dark blue sweater with a white collar peeking out from the neck and a pair of thick boot cut jeans. He was sitting at the dining table, a plate of breakfast in front of him and a mug of coffee in his hand as he read the paper.
Edith turned to look at you, offering a warm smile as she cooked at the kitchen island. She’d put on a pair of khaki slacks with a white and pink heart polka dot print top, a red cardigan draped around her slender frame. 
“Morning!” she chirped and you couldn’t help but smile as you entered the kitchen. “You hungry?” she asked, to which you nodded. “Starving, actually,” you replied as the stairs creaked. “There’s coffee,” Edith said as she stirred the contents of the skillet. “Help yourself. Creamer is in the fridge and sugar is on the counter.” You moved towards the coffee pot, noticing two mugs sitting on the counter for you and Hyunjin to use.
You grabbed the red one with the words “world’s best grandma” on them. You busied yourself with fixing a cup of coffee as Hyunjin entered the kitchen, greeting Edith when she spoke. “Coffee’s over there. I’ll have your food ready soon,” Edith said as she flipped the eggs over, cutting them with the tip of the spatula.
Hyunjin moved to stand next to you, reaching for the mug but you stopped him, handing him the mug in your hands. “Cream and extra sugar, right?” you asked, making him look up from the mug at you. He nodded, taking the mug with a murmured thanks. You smiled to yourself, content with the knowledge that he was going to be drinking from a mug that said “World’s Best Grandma” as you made your own cup of coffee.
Once you’d taken a seat, Edith plated the food in the skillet and brought them over, setting both down in front of you. “I wasn’t sure what you liked,” she started. “So there’s a bit of everything.”
You smiled at her, thanking her before turning your attention back to the plate. There was an assortment of breakfast food from eggs to sausage to bacon. There was even a biscuit, already buttered and sitting open on the plate. You dug in, relishing the flavors and having a hot meal in your stomach.
“Over a foot of snow fell last night,” Lawrence said, drawing your attention as you glanced up at him. “It’s still snow,” he continued, folding the newspaper and looking up at you and Hyunjin. “There’s more on the way, according to the weather forecast. A blizzard is supposed to blow through the area.”
You swallowed thickly at this news, glancing quickly at Hyunjin to your right. His eyes were on Lawrence, looking as if he was trying to process what to say next only Lawrence beat him to it.
“Edith and I think it would be best if you two stayed another night. Just until the blizzard blows through. I’ve already called a neighbor who has agreed to help tow your car out of the ditch after the blizzard. He’s gone to uncover and dig out the car so when the blizzard arrives, we’ll have less to dig out afterwards.”
Hyunjin nodded, you could see relief wash over him. “Thank you so much,” Hyunjin finally said. Lawrence nodded, giving him a smile. “That does mean, of course,” Lawrence continued. “That we’ll need your help to prepare for the blizzard.”
You nodded, thankful they were allowing you to stay another night. “Just tell us what we need to do,” you said with a firm nod. “We’re happy to help since you’re letting us stay.” Edith interrupted with her soft voice. “Finish your breakfast first and then we’ll go over what needs to be done.”
After eating and downing another cup of coffee, Lawrence and Edith explained everything that needed to be done before the blizzard arrived. They needed more firewood chopped and brought in from the cellar. Edith needed to restock the pantry and fridge and Lawrence wanted to get up on the roof and knock down most of the snow that was up there to keep the roof from potentially buckling under the weight.
Hyunjin offered to climb the ladder so Lawrence didn’t have to. Edith voluntold you that you’d stay inside with her and help with the household chores while Lawrence and Hyunjin handled all the outdoor and heavy lifting.
After divvying up the tasks, Hyunjin and Lawrence pulled on their snow gear and headed out into the frigid white wasteland while you and Edith started cleaning up the kitchen and getting a load of laundry going. You made sure to follow her instructions carefully before setting the timer on the washer and joined her back in the kitchen.
“I’ve asked Larry to send Hyunjin up with some stuff from the cellar. It might take him a few trips,” she explained as she opened the pantry door and you peered in. You noticed that it was modestly stocked, the shelves not as full as they could have been. “We buy in bulk,” Edith continued. “And keep the majority of it down in the cellar. We’re able to buy enough groceries to keep us going for a few months.”
You said nothing as you watched her, jumping slightly when you heard a knock at the back door.
Edith walked over and opened it. Hyunjin was carrying a massive box. “Where do you want it?” he asked, his voice strained. “Set it on this,” Edith said, pulling out a small rug and setting it on the floor. Hyunjin did so and Edith thanked him. “We can just slide this over,” she added. Hyunjin nodded and turned to leave but not before stopping to look at you, catching your gaze.
You turned away wordlessly and helped Edith push the box across the wood floors to the kitchen. 
Inside the box was an assortment of refrigerated and frozen goods. You sat on a stool, pulling contents from the box to hand to Edith while she arranged them neatly in the fridge. Once you were finished, she took the box and walked over to the door just as a figure appeared behind the glass.
Hyunjin had returned with more food from the cellar. “He said this should be everything for the pantry,” Hyunjin said as he looked into the box and then up at Edith. You got up and hurried over, taking the box so the older woman wouldn’t have to. “Oh, thank you Y/N,” she said with a smile. You nodded as you shifted the box in your arms. “You got it?” Hyunjin asked softly and you looked up at him.
Your eyes met and you felt a warmth spread throughout you, something you hadn’t felt while looking at him in a long time. There was a look on his face. Part of it was concern, but the rest of it was nothing but compassion. “I can carry it if it’s too heavy,” he added.
You shook your head. “It’s okay,” you replied. “I got it, Hyun.”
He nodded, glancing at Edith as she watched the exchange with something akin to adoration in her eyes. “Okay,” he replied. “Well, I’ll just go help Lawrence chop wood or something,” he murmured, cheeks turning a shade of pink. Whether it was from your exchange or the cold you couldn’t tell.
Hyunjin left, allowing Edith to close the door and lead you over to the kitchen where you set the box on the floor and moved the stool so you could start to pull cans out of the box and set them on the counter while Edith took note of everything, checking it off her list. Once you emptied the box, Edith took it back over to the door, setting it to the side.
You said nothing as she started grabbing the cans from the counter and putting them in the pantry, arranging them on the shelves the way she liked them. While she worked, you continued to pull cans out of the box, your mind wandering.
Ever since you’d run into Hyunjin again, something has been different. The usual tension you felt in his presence seemed to be missing. It was like after two years apart, you were strangers again. Strangers who had grown apart but also grown up and changed, possibly for the better?
You couldn’t be sure but something was definitely different about Hyunjin, that much you were sure of.
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“So,” Edith’s voice brought you from your thoughts. You turned to look at her. “How long have you two kids been together?” You stared at her in stunned silence. ’What?’ You shook your head slowly.
“We’re not together,” you answered. Edith gave you a surprised wide-eyed look. “Oh, I’m sorry dear,” she replied. “I thought you were together. My mistake for assuming.” You stared at her as she turned away, putting the items from the cellar into the cabinets. “We used to be,” you finally admitted.
Edith turned to look at you. “Hyunjin and I used to be together.”
She offered a kind smile. “I thought there was something there,” she said softly, moving to grab more cans. “What ended it?” You glanced up, watching as she neatly stacked the cans in the cabinet. “We weren’t exactly good for each other,” you admitted. “We fought a lot.”
Edith nodded wordlessly before turning one last time to look at you as she gathered the last of the cans.
“Fights happen, dear,” she replied. “It’s normal to fight from time to time.”
You shook your head, playing with your fingers as you avoided her gaze.
“It wasn’t just every once in a while,” you explained. “It was almost every other day until it became everyday. We were both insecure, accusing the other of cheating. I would demand to know where he was every minute and he retaliated by demanding to go through my phone. We had a lot of issues and our break up was inevitable and honestly, we’re better off.”
Edith pursed her lips as she finished gathering the cans, turning to the pantry to finish stocking it.
“Sometimes insecurities can drive a wedge between one another,” she started. “But there had to be a reason you stayed together,” she added, turning back around as she closed the pantry door. Your cheeks burned. “I’m not sure why we stayed together so long,” you admitted.
It was the truth. You couldn’t recall why you and Hyunjin stayed together for so long. Without the fights, you couldn’t recall many positive memories. You were both young, working and finishing college. You shared an apartment for convenience and for costs as well but you hardly spent time there.
You were mostly at school, work, or the library studying. The apartment was for food and sleeping. You only ever saw Hyunjin in passing or on the rare occasion you both had time off from work. At first, those sparse moments of time together were spent enjoying some time to relax from your exhaustive lifestyles. You weren’t exactly sure when things got bad just that one day, the fights started and didn’t stop.
The makeup sex was always fantastic but the moments of peace didn’t last long and soon you were at each other’s throats again. It was a vicious cycle that continued until you inevitably ended things.
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[flashback - two years ago]
The apartment was cold and empty when you returned from work. ‘Hyunjin must not be home,’ you told yourself as you slipped your shoes off and set your bag on the kitchen counter. You moved towards the bedroom, entering and starting to strip as you felt like you were pulling off the weight of the day.
It had been a rough few days at work and it was starting to wear you down. Not to mention you had been doing the bulk of the housework as your boyfriend was never home anymore, always working or not being around you. It didn’t bother you like it used to. You were used to this by now.
Once you were in some clean clothes, you headed back to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat, noticing the dirty pot Hyunjin no doubt used to make ramyeon earlier. You weren’t sure why but seeing that small piece of cookware just sitting on the counter made your blood boil.
‘So he can cook and eat here but he can’t clean up after himself?’
You scoffed as you moved to the sink, picking up the pot and starting to wash it, scrubbing it with a sponge. You finished rinsing it and set it to dry as the front door opened, Hyunjin entered with a heavy sigh as he shut the door and kicked his shoes off by the door.
He started to pass the kitchen and caught sight of you standing by the sink.
“Oh, you’re home,” he said and you could detect a bite of animosity to his tone. How dare he.
You whipped around, anger taking over your form as you unloaded on him.
“Of course I’m here,” you snapped. “Where else would I be?”
Hyunjin’s brows rose for a moment before a frown appeared on his face. “I never know where you are anymore,” he snapped back. “Working, Hyunjin! I’m working! That’s all I ever do!” you shouted, throwing your hands up in frustration.
“I go to work, I bust my ass and then I come back here and I still have to work because you can’t seem to clean up after yourself!”
Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. “What are you talking about?” he asked as he let his own bag fall to the ground with a thump. “I’m hardly ever here. What is there to clean up?”
“Dishes! You make yourself food and then leave the dishes sitting on the counter and I have to clean them up otherwise they will pile up!” you shouted. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, setting you off further. “I was going to clean that up,” he started. “I was just in a rush to get out of the house for a meeting. I work, too, you know.”
You could feel your blood boiling. “Oh, is that what you call it?” you asked sarcastically. “Meeting with your boss’ secretary again?” you snapped. Hyunjin groaned, rolling his eyes again. “She’s my coworker! How many times do I have to tell you, there’s nothing going on there!”
You ignored him, moving to the fridge, yanking the door open to hide him from your line of sight. You stared into the fridge at the contents, trying to figure out what to make yourself for dinner. Silence fell over the two of you before Hyunjin spoke.
“So, what’s for dinner?”
You slammed the door shut, rounding on him. “Nothing!” you spat. “You can make yourself something. I’m going to bed.”
You stormed past him, not noticing the way he turned to look at you in shock.
“But you haven’t eaten!” he called as you reached the bedroom and slammed the door shut.
Hyunjin sighed and turned back to the kitchen, moving to open the door and inspect the fridge contents. He grabbed several of the items and moved to the stove, grabbing the now clean pot. He’d just make something simple and split it with you.
You laid on your side, knees curled up as silent tears flowed. You couldn’t keep doing this. It wasn’t working. You’d done nothing but fight with Hyunjin for as long as you could remember. You couldn’t remember the last time the two of you had a civil conversation.
As you laid there, a soft knock sounded on the wood of the door. You quickly wiped your eyes but remained silent. You heard the click of the latch as Hyunjin turned the knob and pushed the door open with a quiet creak.
“Y/N?” he called in a whisper. You ignored him, keeping your back turned. “I made some food. I brought yours.” You heard him enter the room fully now and move to your side of the bed. There was a gentle thud as he set presumably a bowl on the bedside table before a light clicked on.
You felt the bed dip as he sat on the edge of the mattress behind you.
“Babe,” he said softly, placing his hand gently on your arm. “You sleeping?”
You shook your head wordlessly. You felt his thumb trace soft circles against your sleeve.
“Baby,” he started, leaning over slightly. “You need to eat something.”
“M’not hungry,” you croaked. Your voice sounded awful from the silent sobbing you’d been doing since you slammed the door earlier. Hyunjin tugged you onto your back, looking down at you with concern. “Are you sick?” he asked, moving his hand to feel your forehead. You pushed his hand away.
“No,” you replied and tried to turn back over but he stopped you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, preventing you from rolling away from him. 
“Talk to me.”
You let out a weak laugh. “Talk. Yeah, we haven’t talked in ages, Hyun.” His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?” he asked, moving his hand to cup your cheek. You pushed his hand away again. “We don’t talk, Hyunjin,” you replied. “We fight. That’s all we ever do when we’re together. I can’t remember the last time we had an actual conversation that didn’t result in one of us coming in here and slamming the door.”
A look of hurt flashed over Hyunjin’s face. “It’s just a rough spot,” he murmured. “We’re both swamped with work. It’ll work itself out,” he continued. You shook your head. “No it won’t,” you replied. Hyunjin watched as you sat up before moving to take your face in his hands. “Let’s just forget it. I’m sorry,” he said softly, thumbs caressing your cheeks. “I shouldn’t have left my mess for you to clean up. I should have managed my time better.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss against your lips. Normally, you would have melted into his kisses but you were too numb now, having spent the last hour in a dark room making up your mind to do what you’d been dreading to do.
But knowing it was what you needed to do.
Hyunjin pulled back to look at you. “Y/N?” he asked softly. You took a deep breath and looked up to meet his curious gaze. “Hyunjin,” you started, your heart hammering in your chest, stomach churning at what you were about to say.
“We need to break up.”
[end flashback - the present]
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You blinked as the memory leading up to your break up with Hyunjin dissipated into the background as you returned to the reality in front of you. Edith was looking at you with the expression you imagined a wise old sage would give before giving some kind of ancient wisdom.
“I don’t know,” she said softly. “The way he looks at you says another story.”
Your eyes widened slightly. ‘The way he looks at me?’ you wondered. ‘What does she mean by that?’
“I don’t know what you mean,” you replied, shaking your head. Edith chuckled softly. “It just means that maybe there’s still something there, on his end.” You fell silent, thinking back to your recent interactions with Hyunjin but not finding anything that would even remotely paint the picture Edith was imagining.
That was it, she had to be imagining. Projecting hers and Lawrence’s happiness onto you and Hyunjin. There was no other explanation.
You forced a smile. “I highly doubt that,” you replied quietly, still grateful all the same. Edith sighed and shook her head. “You never know if you don’t ask,” she started. “But what do I know? I’m just an outsider, dear,” she added, moving to pat your hand before she moved to start dinner.
“Be a dear, and give me a hand,” she half asked. You nodded, standing up and moving to her side. 
“How can I help?”
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“How much more wood do we need?” Hyunjin asked as he loaded another armful of firewood in his arms. “Just a few more bundles,” Lawrence answered as he started to grab pieces as well. They’d spent part of the afternoon salting the pathway from the doors to the cellar to make sure they could get down there if needed. Hyunjin had cleared the snow away with a shovel for Lawrence to follow.
They’d then spent some time chopping wood for the fireplaces just in case the power went out. Hyunjin learned a lot from Lawrence including how he and Edith met, how long they’d been married, and how long they’d lived in this house.
“Take those to the back door and come back to get one more bundle,” Lawrence instructed as Hyunjin headed towards the steps leading out of the cellar. He nodded and climbed the steps, following the shoveled path to deposit the wood by the back door.
He stopped as he stood up straight, catching a glimpse of you through the glass as you helped Edith in the kitchen, chatting away as you cooked. He watched as you threw your head back, a laugh escaping you. It was a sound he hadn’t heard in years. A sound he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss it.
He could recall plenty of times you’d both been happy in your relationship but he couldn’t seem to pinpoint the last time you’d been happy together. When you suggested breaking up, he panicked. He threw out promises to do better, to be better. He reiterated how much he loved you.
He didn’t want to lose you but ultimately he did. You offered to leave the apartment but he refused, telling you to stay and he could move in with a friend. It was a last minute situation, crashing on his friend’s couch. He stayed there until he was able to find a place of his own and came back to get his things.
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[flashback - two years ago]
Hyunjin looked up at the building, letting out a sigh as he tried to calm his nerves.
He really didn’t want to do this but he had no choice. He didn’t have the money to replace his things and he was sure you were sick of having his shit in the apartment.
He finally willed himself to move, putting one foot in front of the other and entering the building. As he waited for the elevator, he contemplated chickening out and asking you to send him his stuff instead but he knew you’d be angrier than if he just showed up.
The ride up to your floor was shorter than he remembered and soon he was standing in front of your door. He raised his fist to knock but hesitated when he heard laughter coming from behind the door. It was your laughter but there was another voice as well.
His heart sank as it dawned on him that another man might be in the apartment with you. Suddenly chickening out and facing your wrath seemed like an easier option than facing whatever was waiting for him behind the door. Seeing as he’d already made the trip here, he knocked three times, his knuckles feeling sore at the force he put behind it.
There was a moment of silence before he heard the familiar click of the lock turning before the door opened and your face appeared. Each time Hyunjin saw you, it took his breath away. You were still just as beautiful as the day he left, even more so because you looked healthier.
“I uh, came to get the rest of my stuff,” he murmured softly. You nodded, taking a step back and pulling the door open for him. Inside the apartment was unrecognizable. What was once your shared space had changed. The furniture was gone, boxes taped shut and labeled stacked neatly against the wall.
The cabinets had been emptied and cleaned. Standing in the kitchen was a man Hyunjin had never seen before. He stared at the man as he cleaned the stove, making sure to scrub the surface well. He turned and met Hyunjin’s gaze. You must have noticed Hyunjin’s reluctance to move because you moved to introduce the man.
“This is my coworker, Minho,” you explained. ‘Coworker?’ Panic spread throughout his body. Had he been correct in assuming you were sleeping around behind his back? Footsteps pulled him from his thoughts and he turned to find yet another man entering the living room, carrying another box.
“That’s everything from the bedroom,” he announced as he carried the box over to the others along the wall and set it down. Hyunjin eyed the second man before glancing at you for confirmation. “And this is Minho’s partner, Jisung,” you added, gesturing to the second man who smiled warmly.
‘Partner? So you hadn’t been sleeping with your coworker?’
“Uh, hi,” Hyunjin answered meekly. When did he become so soft-spoken? Especially around you? The break up had really done a number on him. His confidence had dropped drastically and he’d been a mess. He spent a lot of the first week crying himself to sleep on his friend’s couch. He couldn’t even find it in him to be angry. He just wanted you back.
“Your boxes are over here,” you said, beckoning to follow you and leading him to the corner of the living room opposite the door. “I made sure to keep them separate from mine and I went ahead and labeled them so you’d know what’s in them,” you explained. Hyunjin’s heart skipped a beat. Even now, you were still looking out for him. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble,” Hyunjin said softly.
You shook your head, dismissing his concern with your hand. “I had to label mine anyway, so it wasn’t any trouble. Do you need help carrying them down to your car?” you asked, looking up at him. He almost shook his head but was interrupted by the man in your kitchen, Minho. “Ji’s done bringing the boxes from the kitchen, he can help you carry your stuff down,” he offered, looking at Jisung who smiled and nodded. “Yeah,” Jisung replied, walking over to where the two of you stood.
“Then we can load your stuff up,” Jisung added, turning to look at you. “We still have to set up your room,” he added with a nudge. Hyunjin looked between the two of you, a brow raised. “Her room?” he asked subtly. Jisung nodded. “Y/N’s moving into our spare bedroom and helping with rent!”
You smiled sheepishly at Jisung, turning to catch the look on Hyunjin’s face. He looked confused. “I tried to find an apartment,” you explained. “But nothing was in my price range.”
Hyunjin felt guilty even though he knew it wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t expected you to leave the apartment but then again, he should have guessed it would happen as it was far out of your range alone. “I see,” he said softly. “Let’s get these down to your car,” Jisung said, breaking the awkward tension and picking up a couple boxes.
Hyunjin moved to grab one as Minho finished cleaning the stove. “There,” he said with a smug smile. “There’s no way you aren’t getting back that deposit,” he continued, sending a wink your way. Hyunjin continued walking, following Jisung to the elevator which was thankfully still on the floor.
The ride down was silent as neither wanted to be the one to speak first. Silently, the two carried the boxes out to Hyunjin’s car that was waiting by the curb. “Where d’you want these?” Jisung asked as Hyunjin unlocked the car, balancing the box in his arms against his chest. “Just in the backseat,” Hyunjin replied.
The two silently loaded the car and went back for more.
On the ride up in the elevator, Hyunjin finally spoke. “Make sure she eats,” he said softly, not looking at Jisung. From his periphery, he could tell the man had turned his head to look at him. “Sometimes she gets so engrossed in her work she forgets to eat. And make sure she takes her medicine. She forgets that sometimes, too.” Jisung said nothing, nodding instead wordlessly.
Upon entering the apartment, Hyunjin found you standing alone by the window, looking out over the city.
He walked over silently, grabbing a box as Jisung grabbed the last box and headed out into the hall. Hyunjin stared at you, the realization that this would be the last time he ever saw you dawning on him. He needed to say something. Say anything. He just needed you to look at him one last time.
“Y/N,” he said suddenly. You turned to look at him, tearing your gaze away from the window.
The two of you stood there, unmoving as you stared at one another, silence falling over you.
This was it. Hyunjin needed to say something. To tell you one last time how much he loved you.
His voice faltered and the words slipped from his grasp. You offered him a kind smile.
“Good luck, Hyunjin,” you said softly. “Live a good life.”
Hyunjin hesitated, his words failing him yet again before he uttered a simple “you, too.”
He turned away, forcing himself to head for the door despite his heart telling him to go back. Go back to you and bed for your forgiveness. To beg for a second chance. To pull you into a hug, hold you in his arms one last time. Kiss you and tell you he loved you and always would.
But instead of doing any of that, he went down to his car, throwing the last of the boxes with his shit in them, thanking Jisung, and getting into the driver’s seat. He drove straight to his apartment and sat in the quiet car as he fought the urge to cry. To sob. To scream. To do anything.
Just like that, you were gone from his life and he would never see you again.
[end flashback - the present]
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Hyunjin forced himself to turn away from the door and head back down into the cellar. Lawrence had finished collecting a pile of wood and smiled as Hyunjin started to collect more. “Once you’re done, meet me inside and we’ll put the firewood in the holder and I can show you how to light one.”
Hyunjin nodded wordlessly as he gathered wood, listening to the sound of Lawrence retreating. He was trying to make sense of everything. Meeting you again like this two years after your break up. It had to mean something but Hyunjin wasn’t sure what it meant.
Was it pure coincidence? Was the universe giving him a second chance? Did it mean nothing and just that the two of you were sharing the same group of friends? He had too many questions and none of the answers.
Hyunjin climbed the stairs out of the cellar one last time, using his foot to close the door before heading to the backdoor and climbing onto the stoop where he kicked off the snow on his boots. He struggled to open the door and felt relieved when it opened for him, bringing him face to face with you.
You smiled warmly at him. “Saw you struggling out here,” you explained as you stepped back, holding the door open for him to enter. Hyunjin thanked you, making sure to wipe his feet and moving over to where Lawrence was ready to take the wood.
With his hands free, Hyunjin was able to remove his shoes and cold weather gear before walking over to where Lawrence was crouched by the fire. Hyunjin joined him, glancing back over his shoulder at you as you helped Edith in the kitchen.
“She seems like a lovely young lady,” Lawrence said softly, drawing Hyunjin’s focus away from you. He met the older man’s eyes and cleared his throat. “Yeah,” Hyunjin replied. “She is,” he added. “I sense some hesitation?” Lawrence asked, Hyunjin nodding silently.
“She’s my ex-girlfriend,” Hyunjin said softly, a sadness falling over him like the flurries of snow outside. Lawrence was silent for a moment before speaking. “How long ago did it end?” he asked as he grabbed a few logs of firewood and placed them in the hearth.
“Two years,” Hyunjin replied, not daring to look back at you for fear that you were watching them.
“How long were you together?”
“Six years,” Hyunjin answered. He heard Lawrence click his tongue as he grabbed a canister of fuel. “Two years isn’t a long time,” he muttered as he flipped the cap and poured a generous amount of the fuel onto the logs and set it aside. “Not nearly enough time to undo everything that happens in six.”
Hyunjin let out a sigh. “We fought a lot,” he explained. “Too much if I’m honest.” Lawrence nodded as he pulled out a box of matches and handed them to Hyunjin. “Fights happen,” he replied. “Lord knows Edith and I have had our fair share over the course of our relationship. There were times I was sure we wouldn’t last.” Hyunjin looked at him with wide eyes.
“All I’m saying is that it seems like the universe has given you a second chance. You just have to make sure you strike hard and true,” he added, tapping on the box of matches. Hyunjin glanced down at the box and opened it quickly, pulling out a match. He scraped the end against the side of the box, lighting the match easily. 
Lawrence nodded at the hearth and Hyunjin tossed the match into the fuel soaked firewood which caught quickly. Lawrence used a poker to push the logs around to make sure the fire spread evenly before grabbing the cover and placing it in front of the open hearth.
“Let’s see if they need a hand in the kitchen,” Lawrence said with a smile, gesturing towards the kitchen where you and Edith were still cooking away. Hyunjin hesitated, looking at you as you tested a sauce you were making. You let Edith try some and he couldn’t help the smile that started to spread when Edith nodded and smiled, turning back to her project.
Hyunjin walked over behind Lawrence who stopped at the kitchen island. “You two look like you’re having way too much fun,” he stated sternly. “We’re just cooking,” Edith replied as she turned over the food in the skillet. “Y/N here has a talent for it.”
Hyunjin nodded, leaning against the counter. “Yeah, she does,” he said softly. Your eyes lifted to meet his and he could have sworn time stood still. The two of you staring at one another as if nothing else in the world existed. His heart hammered in his chest and just as quickly as it started, you looked away and time started up again, the sounds of cooking returning.
“Well,” Lawrence asked, leaning over to see into the skillet his wife was using. “Need a hand?”
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After Edith effectively kicked her husband out of the kitchen, Hyunjin in tow, the two worked to make sure all the windows were locked and shutters shut for the incoming storm. The last thing the couple needed was a broken window from wind.
Once Hyunjin was certain the windows in the spare bedroom were shut tight and locked, he started for the door, stopping to look at your bag lying innocently in the chair in the corner of the room. The urge to look through it crossed his mind but as he moved over, he simply closed it and headed back to the door, turning off the light and heading for the stairs.
Downstairs, Lawrence was helping transfer the prepared food over to the table as you filled water glasses. Lawrence sat in his usual spot with Edith to his left. Hyunjin took a seat across from Lawrence, thanking you as you set a glass of water in front of him. You smiled at him before pouring another glass and setting it down in front of your place.
You turned away and Hyunjin forced himself to look away and not follow your movements.
Once you took your seat, Lawrence said grace and you started to help Edith serve the food. Hyunjin couldn’t help but feel like his life could have been like this had your relationship gone in a different direction. “Thanks,” he murmured as you handed him his plate, loaded with food.
Edith made you sit so she could serve you, which you protested against but eventually gave in, taking your seat and thanking her when your plate was also full. The four of you ate mostly in silence, only answering questions when asked. “Did you get a lot of firewood chopped?” Edith asked her husband.
Lawrence nodded, swallowing his bite. “We did. Hyunjin is a natural at chopping,” he added, giving Hyunjin a smile. “Oh no,” Hyunjin said with a shake of his head. “I was struggling a lot,” he added with a chuckle. “Nonsense,” Lawrence replied. “You did a lot better than most.”
Hyunjin thanked Lawrence for his compliment, returning his focus to his food.
The rest of dinner followed in mostly silence until no one else could anymore. “We’ll do the dishes,” Lawrence announced. “You ladies relax.” Edith lightly hit Lawrence with her napkin. “Sit,” she said in faux sternness. “Could you clean up the leftovers, Y/N?” she asked and you nodded, getting to your feet quickly. Edith cleared the plates as you packed away the leftovers and put them in the fridge before grabbing the rest of the dishes and moving to help her.
Hyunjin stared at you from his seat, watching you with a fond expression as you took the rinsed dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. Once this task was complete, you returned to the table with two small plates each with a slice of pie. You set one down in front of Lawrence who chuckled. “When did you make this?” he asked his wife. “I didn’t,” she replied.
“Y/N did.”
You smiled as you moved around to set the other plate in front of Hyunjin. “Cherry cobbler pie?” he asked, looking up to meet your gaze. You nodded slowly. “You remember?” you asked him softly and he nodded. “Of course. It was my favorite.”
Your cheeks burned as you turned away.
You knew Hyunjin had always loved the pies you liked to experiment with and bake but you never expected him to remember the Cherry Cobbler Pie. You returned to grab the other two slices, setting one down for Edith before taking your seat and setting your plate down.
Edith joined the table moments later and the four of you dug in. Edith smiled after the first bite. “So it’s a cherry pie?” she asked. You shook your head, your mouth still full. “It’s a mix between a cobbler and a pie,” Hyunjin explained. “She makes the bottom a pie crust but the top is a streusel.”
You looked up at him, eyes wide. He gave you a smile before taking another bite.
“You’ve had this before?” Edith asked with a knowing smile. Hyunjin nodded, swallowing. “I was the first to try it,” he replied. “I was there the day she made it.” You looked down at your slice, a lump forming in your throat. Just how much of these little things did he remember? You were certain he didn’t remember any of it. After the day he left and the way he left the apartment the day he picked up his stuff.
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After dessert, you offered to do the rest of the dishes alone to let Edith rest. Hyunjin was quick to join you, getting up and offering a helping hand. You stood in the kitchen, side by side as you rinsed the dishes and handed them to him to put in the dishwasher.
Hyunjin glanced back at the living room where Edith and Lawrence were sitting together on the sofa, the tv playing quietly in the background. He turned back, catching sight of you as you rinsed the dishes silently and handed them to him. It wasn’t awkward or hostile. It was a comfortable silence.
The snow outside had started to pick up more and the sun had completely set by the time dinner was ready. “Are you tired?” Hyunjin asked you suddenly, breaking the silence but only enough for you to hear him. You looked up to meet his gaze. You nodded. “Today was exhausting,” you replied, turning your attention back to the dishes. “I can’t even imagine how tired you are from chopping firewood and hauling it in here,” you continued.
Hyunjin shrugged. “It’s not that bad,” he replied.
You shut off the water as you handed him the last of the dishes and removed the gloves, setting them aside to dry as Hyunjin finished filling the dishwasher and shut it. He turned to look at you. “Do you want to go to bed?” he asked. “It’s okay,” you shook your head. “I can tough it out.”
Hyunjin chuckled at your determination. “You can go to bed,” he said softly. His hand twitched as he resisted the urge to reach up and caress your cheek as he would have done in the past. Before the break up. Before the fights. Back to a time when you were both happy.
“Would you like to watch a movie?” Edith’s voice called and you staved off a yawn. “Sure!” you called back and turned away from Hyunjin, walking over to the living room. You took a seat on the other sofa, Hyunjin occupying the space beside you.
Lawrence started the movie and you tried to focus on it instead of Hyunjin’s body next to yours. A cold chill ran up your spine and Hyunjin quickly grabbed a blanket, pulling it over your laps as he settled back beside you.
About halfway through the movie, your eyes fluttered shut as sleep overtook you.
Hyunjin noticed you were sleeping when you gently slumped over against him. He moved his arm around your shoulders, allowing you to sleep as he kept his eyes on the TV screen but he couldn’t help glancing down, admiring your peaceful expression as you slept.
When the movie ended, Edith and Lawrence chuckled softly at the sight of you fast asleep against Hyunjin. “I’ll take her upstairs,” he said softly, pulling the blanket gently from your laps. “Y/N,” he said softly, giving you a gentle shake until you started to rouse.
“The movie’s over,” Hyunjin said softly. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs.”
Once he finally got you on your feet, Hyunjin guided you to the stairs, calling goodnight to your hosts before he started the arduous task of helping you climb the stairs in your half-asleep state. Once at the top of the stairs, he guided you to the bedroom and shut the door.
He dug out your pajamas from your bag and set them on the bed. “I’ll give you some privacy,” he announced, moving to the door. He went to the bathroom to do his business and when he returned, he was relieved that you managed to change your clothes. He quickly changed his pants when your back was turned, pulling his shirt off as his mind wandered.
“They really love each other,” Hyunjin said as he pulled his sleeping shirt over his head. You glanced up at him from your spot on the bed. “Yeah,” you murmured, looking away as Hyunjin turned, making his way to his side of the bed. “They really do.”
You felt the mattress dip behind you as Hyunjin sat down, pulling the covers over as he laid down. You hesitated. Could you share a bed with him after the thoughts and memories you did earlier? You shook your head, mentally willing the thoughts away and laid down, your back to your ex.
You murmured a goodnight, reaching up and turning the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into darkness. Silence fell over the two of you as you tried to force yourself to fall asleep. 
“Y/N?” Hyunjin’s voice broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “Hmm?” you hummed.
“...do you miss it?” Your eyes popped open and you rolled over onto your back to look back at Hyunjin. “Miss what?” you asked, though you had a sinking suspicion what he was going to say.
“Us.” ‘There it is.’
You hesitated, taking a deep breath before answering him. “Hyunjin,” you started.
“We broke up for a reason.” He fell silent, letting your words sink in before he spoke.
“I know,” he answered. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss things.”
“Miss what? The arguments? The constant fighting?”
Hyunjin turned his head to look at you. “Is that all you remember?” he asked softly, looking mildly surprised. You shrugged. “It’s hard to remember anything else,” you admitted. Hyunjin turned onto his side to face you. “You want to know what I remember?” he asked, his voice still just above a whisper.
“What?” you asked, wondering what he could possibly remember from your relationship.
“I remember that old run down truck you used to have and how we used to go ‘camping’ where we’d throw an inflatable mattress in the bed and take blankets and pillows. Then we’d drive out to an old abandoned field and watch the stars.”
Your heart skipped a beat as the memory came to the forefront of your mind.
Your old black beat up pickup truck. The paint was peeling in places and part of the bed was rusted but you refused to get rid of it until the engine eventually quit. The camping had been Hyunjin’s idea. You’d had a bad day at work and managed to score the next two days off and Hyunjin decided to go to the store, making you drive. He grabbed the mattress and some other essentials.
He instructed you where to drive and where to park before getting out and setting up the mattress in the bed and grabbing the pillows and blankets he dragged from your apartment. He then made you get into the back with him. That night, you lay under the blanket of darkness, looking up at the sparkling stars and just existed. No worries, no talking.
It was one of the few times you and Hyunjin hadn’t fought.
“That was also the first night I said I loved you,” Hyunjin added softly, pulling you from your thoughts. You stared at him in silence, too shocked to say anything. “I also remember the time you tried to make french toast,” he continued, a chuckle slipping out. “And you burnt everything to a crisp!”
He was laughing now and you lightly slapped his shoulder. “Lawrence and Edith are sleeping!” you hissed but couldn’t stop the smile that started to spread across your face. You remembered that moment, too. “It tasted awful!” Hyunjin added. You rolled your eyes.
“I told you that you didn’t have to eat it!” you reminded him. “My girlfriend went out of her way to make me breakfast in bed. How could I not eat it?” The mention of the word girlfriend made your heart jump again. You stared at him, the only light being from the flood light outside reflecting off the snow.
Hyunjin pushed himself up onto his elbow to see your face better. “I miss that,” he replied. “Miss what? My cooking mishaps?” you asked with a scoff. Hyunjin chuckled but shook his head, reaching a hand out to cup your cheek. “Calling you my girlfriend,” he replied softly. You stared up at him, heat radiating from his palm against your cheek. “Hyun,” you whisper.
You needed to stop him. ‘This is dangerous territory. You’re sharing a bed in an elderly couple’s home in the middle of a snowstorm.’ “What?” he asked softly, leaning closer, hovering over you now. ‘We shouldn’t,’ part of you wanted to say. ‘We can’t.’ You had to stop him but part of you didn’t want to.
So instead, you said nothing, instead staring up at him silently. Hyunjin’s eyes dipped down to look at your lips once before he leaned in, closing the distance and pressing his lips against yours. You accepted the gesture, arms snaking around his neck and pulling him closer.
You knew this shouldn’t happen but what was one last time?
Hyunjin pulled back, lips just inches from yours. “Y/N,” he murmured, his hand moving to your waist. “Maybe we shouldn’t--”
You cut him off with another kiss, this time pulling him over you. Hyunjin followed your movements, careful not to put his weight on you as he settled between your thighs. “Fuck,” Hyunjin groaned, rolling his hips against yours, eliciting a moan from you.
His lips left a trail of kisses down the side of your neck, stopping to nip at the spot where your shoulder met your neck. Your thighs tightened around his waist, another mewl leaving your lips. You felt his hand push your shirt up, immediately taking one of your nipples into his mouth, tongue circling it as he sucked. “H-Hyunjin,” you whispered. He pulled back, looking at you with wide eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice slightly hoarse. “Nothing,” you breathed, moving a hand up to grip his hair, guiding his head back down to your chest. “Just feels good.” Hyunjin wasted no time, taking your nipple back on his mouth, one of his hands tucked under your back against the mattress while the other trailed down your body, sneaking between your bodies as he fumbled to push your shorts and underwear aside.
You let out another moan as his fingers found your slick entrance, tracing it before spreading your lips and finding your clit. “I forgot how wet you get,” Hyunjin groaned. “I could just slide right in.”
As if to demonstrate his point, he eased one of his fingers into you, almost with a sigh as if it brought him some sort of relief. “Fuck, baby,” he hissed, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you, adding a second slowly and marveling at the way your walls sucked him in.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this,” he murmured, lips leaving your chest to meet yours in a sloppy kiss. You moaned into his lips as his fingers continued to move, scissoring you open. It had been so long since you’d had sex with anyone that you were sure the last time you did was with Hyunjin before your inevitable break up.
But now, it was like no time had passed. Hyunjin still knew your body just like he did before. He knew what you liked and didn’t like as it hadn’t had time to change. It wasn’t like the first time you ever had sex with him. He wasn’t a nervous wreck, murmuring a sorry every five minutes.
He was a practiced lover, having had years to get accustomed to your body and you to his.
You let out a whine as Hyunjin pulled his fingers from your cunt, pressing a tender kiss against your collar before bringing his fingers to his mouth, cleaning them of your arousal. “Hyun,” you started but he cut you off with another kiss, groaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
He started to kiss his way down your neck again, down your chest and stomach as he reached the waistband of your shorts. He pulled them down, pulling your panties along with them and discarding them on the floor. He continued to kiss down your exposed skin until his head was between your thighs.
He pressed a quick kiss to your thigh before diving into you, spreading your folds and giving your sex a slow lick, almost groaning at the taste. You felt his lips wrap around your clit and you gasped out a moan, louder than you had intended.
“Shh,” Hyunjin whispered, lifting his head to look at you. “We have to keep it down,” he added. You nodded, murmuring out an apology. Hyunjin’s head dipped down, tongue flattening against your clit once more. Your hands snaked down, fingers curling in his hair as his tongue teased you closer and closer to the edge.
You warned him you were close and regretted it immediately as he pulled back. “Not yet,” he growled as you whined, trying to push his head back down. “Wanna cum together.” You sat up and pushed him down onto the bed, ignoring the squeaking of the frame as you struggled to pull his pants down.
Hyunjin fought the urge to laugh at your impatience as you managed to pull his pants and underwear down just enough to free his cock from its confines. The laughter died before he could even let it out when he felt your fingers wrap around his cock. He shuddered as you spit on the tip, using it to lubricate your movements, stroking him quickly.
“Shit, baby,” Hyunjin hissed. “Slow down.”
You hummed in response but didn’t listen to his request. You added more spit and continued to pump your hand, looking up to meet his heated gaze. Your lips curled into a smirk and he narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed, knowing the look in your eye.
“Then fuck me already.”
Hyunjin grabbed your wrist, pulled your hand off him and pushed you onto your back, settling between your thighs as he took his length in his own hand, guiding the tip to your slit. “Only because you asked so nicely,” he murmured as he rubbed against you before pushing into you.
“Oh, shit!” you gasped as he slid into you. You glanced up at him, taking in his messy hair and flushed cheeks. His lips were swollen from your kisses, still glistening from tasting you earlier. You tugged at the base of his shirt, drawing his attention as he bottomed out.
“Off,” you whined. Hyunjin chuckled, grabbing his shirt and pulling it off, tossing it aside before he leaned over, placing his hands on either side of your head on the mattress. His hips pulled back only slightly before giving you a measure thrusts, making sure there wasn’t any restriction or discomfort.
“I’m fine,” you gasped, grabbing his bicep and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Just move, please.”
Hyunjin took your pleas to heart, snapping his hips and driving his cock into you. You moaned as softly as you could manage. Hyunjin set a firm but steady pace, losing himself in the feeling of your warm walls enveloping him, fluttering as each thrust pushed you towards the edge.
“Slowly,” he reminded himself verbally. “Wanna cum together.”
You whined as he slowed to a roll, the head of his cock brushing against the spongy soft spot inside you. “Oh fuck, Hyunjin!” 
Hyunjin gave you a lopsided grin as he aimed for the same spot. “Right there, yeah?” he asked, his voice dropping an octave.
“Feels good when I fuck you, doesn’t it?” he asked, keeping his eyes on your face as he watched it contort in pleasure. “Only I know how to properly fuck you, isn’t that right?” You nodded, letting out a mewl as he slammed into you, punctuating his words.
“Say it, baby. I need to hear it.”
“Only you can fuck me right, Hyun.”
You heard him groan as his hips stuttered. “Only you,” you added for good measure.
“Shit, that’s right,” Hyunjin whispered, his voice barely audible of the sound of his cock pistoning in and out of you, a thin layer of sweat starting to collect on his skin from exertion. “Remember how you used to beg me for audio of me getting myself off?” he asked suddenly.
You did remember. You had told him early on in your sex life that you loved it when your partners moaned so Hyunjin would send you audio of him moaning as he touched himself. You saved almost all of them but deleted them after the break up.
“Used to love listening to me, didn’t you?”
You nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. Hyunjin let out a moan, slowing his hips to a roll again, making you feel almost every inch of his cock. “God, you’re squeezing me so tight, baby,” he said as his head dropped into the crook of your neck, punctuating his next sentence with thrusts. 
“So,” thrust. “Fucking,” thrust. “Tight,” thrust.
Your walls clenched around him, making him slow in an attempt to prolong his own orgasm. He wanted to indulge in you a little longer because he knew at some point this would end and you would eventually go your own ways but he wasn’t ready for that just yet. He needed to make this last as long as he could.
“Hyunnie,” you whined, hips moving to meet his, desperate for more friction. Hyunjin lifted his head, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek as he took your lips in a passionate kiss. “Faster, please,” you begged against his lips. Hyunjin couldn’t resist when you begged him, your voice breathless as he filled you with his cock over and over.
But he needed to. “Shhh,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut as he rolled his hips again. “Just enjoy it,” he added, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, chuckling when you chased him for more.
“I promise I’ll fuck you real good, sweetheart,” he continued. “Just let me enjoy this.”
You fell silent, looking up at his face, eyes shut as he focused. “Hyun,” you whined, trying to get him to look at you. “Please baby,” you cooed. You knew he normally couldn’t resist the plea in the past, not when you called him baby. His lips twitched as he fought off a smile.
“Not going to work, angel,” he replied softly, slowing his hips entirely and stilling inside you. You whined in protest, trying to move your hips but strong hands held you in place. “If you don’t stop that, I won’t let you cum at all,” Hyunjin warned. Your brows rose as you contemplated fighting him.
Finally, you huffed and admitted defeat. “Fine.”
Hyunjin leaned in, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Good girl,” he murmured, not missing the way you clenched around him. “Such a good girl for me,” he continued, taking full advantage of your weakness. “Doing so good and taking me so well.”
You whined again. “Hyunjin!” you whimpered. He leaned in, pressing his lips to yours again, one hand finding one of yours and lacing his fingers with yours. He pinned your hand against the pillows, lifting his hips and uttered a single warning in your ear.
“Don’t scream,” he whispered.
You didn’t have the chance to ask what he was talking about when the first thrust knocked the air out of your lungs. He’d held back earlier and you knew he did but now he wasn’t going to. Your moans turned into cries, rising in volume and pitch. Hyunjin hissed, moving his free hand to cover your mouth as he pounded into you.
“I told you not to scream,” he muttered as he muffled your screams, his hips slamming against yours. “Fuck,” Hyunjin groaned. “M’gonna cum. You close, baby?” You nodded, moaning loudly against his hand. “That’s it, baby,” Hyunjin said breathlessly. “Let go and cum for me.”
Your walls contracted around his cock, your toes curling as stars exploded in your vision, a searing white hot feeling spread throughout your body from your fingertips to your toes. At the same moment, you felt Hyunjin’s cock twitch inside you, signifying his own orgasm. His teeth sank into your shoulder as he came with a groan, spilling his hot load into you as his hips continued to move, fucking it further into you.
“Oh shit,” he gasped as he fucked the last of his release into you before his hips finally stilled and he let out a heavy sigh. You pushed his hand off your mouth, breaths coming out in pants as you tried to come down from your high. You felt Hyunjin pull out of you carefully, his seed starting to spill out onto the sheets.
“Ah, shit,” he cursed, rolling out of bed and hurrying to pull his pants back on. He disappeared and returned a moment later with a towel and started to wipe your thighs and clean the cum off the bed sheets. “I think I was quick enough,” he murmured.
Once he was certain he’d gotten it all, he helped you back into your panties and shorts, pulling the blankets back over the two of you as you settled against the mattress, him beside you. “Y/N?” you heard him ask softly and opened your eyes, rolling back to look at him. “Hmm?” you replied.
Hyunjin turned his head to look at you. “Can I hold you?”
Your heart skipped a beat and you nodded, turning back over as Hyunjin scooted into position behind you, one arm snaking under your head beneath the pillow and the other going around your waist. You felt his chest press against your back and felt a warmth envelop you.
The two of you were silent for a moment before Hyunjin spoke. “I miss you,” he muttered into your hair, almost too quiet for you to hear but you did hear it. “Hyunjin,” you started but he tightened his arm around your waist. “Please, let me finish,” he begged. You fell silent and nodded.
“I miss you so much, Y/N. Ever since that last day in the apartment. The day I came to get my stuff. I had the opportunity to tell you how much I loved you. And I messed up,” he fell silent and you waited, hearing him swallow the lump in his throat.
“I messed up so bad, baby. I know that. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve done. I loved you so much that not being with you nearly killed me. I stopped leaving my apartment, I stopped going to work, I stopped eating. The only thing that numbed the pain was drinking and it only worked for so long.”
Your breath caught as you listened to Hyunjin. “Please believe when I say that I’m not blaming you. Everything that happened to me was my own fault. I guess I just didn’t want to live without you. When I lost my job and then my apartment and was back on my friend’s couch, it finally hit me that I couldn’t wallow in my misery. I had to go on. You had told me to live a good life and I wasn’t doing that. So I sought help,” he continued.
“I got clean, found a better job, moved into my own place, and started living that life you told me to live. Because you told me to live a good life, I got to meet you again.” You blinked away tears as Hyunjin spoke, not wanting to give into the emotions you’d been trying to suppress.
“The universe brought us together again and I feel like it was for a reason,” he continued to speak softly. “I believe in second chances. I know you do, too. I want us to try again. We’re not the same people we were eight years ago,” he hesitated and you took this as a moment for you to speak.
“I don’t know what to say, Hyunjin,” you whispered. “This is a lot of information to throw at me at once.”
Hyunjin nodded, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. “I know,” he murmured. “But I loved you, Y/N. I still love you. I regret everyday I didn’t spend reminding you of that.” You took a deep breath and turned over to look up at him. “Can we talk about this another time?” you asked, blinking away the burning in the corners of your eyes. Hyunjin moved his hand to cup your cheek and nodded.
“Of course,” he replied. “Whatever you want.” Your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in to press a kiss to your lips. He pulled back and you turned back to face forward as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you snug against him.
You closed your eyes and sighed, hoping sleep would come sooner rather than later.
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The next morning Hyunjin awoke to find light filtering into the bedroom. He groggily opened his eyes and looked around the room. Your side of the bed was empty and he sat up, checking the time on his watch. He dressed in silence. He headed down the stairs, looking for any sign of life.
Upon entering the kitchen he found Edith sitting at the table with a mug of coffee. She looked up and smiled as Hyunjin looked around. “There’s breakfast in the microwave for you,” she said, getting up and walking over to open the door on the appliance, pulling out a plate and guiding him to sit at the table.
Hyunjin’s heart started to pound as he looked around but saw no sight of you anywhere. “Where’s Y/N?” he asked, looking up at Edith who patted him on the back, gesturing for him to eat. “She caught a cab early this morning,” Edith said softly. “Said she had important business to attend to.”
Hyunjin’s stomach sank. ‘You left? After last night? After everything? You just…left?’ He looked down at the plate, the corners of his eyes burning, Blinking the urge to cry away he composed himself and looked up. “Where’s Lawrence?” he asked suddenly. “Oh, he went to dig your car out of the snow! A neighbor came to help him pull the car out of the ditch but they needed to dig it out first.”
Hyunjin nodded wordlessly and ate in silence while Edith read something on her tablet.
Once he was finished, Edith took his plate and started rinsing it off. As she was putting it in the dishwasher, the front door opened and moments later, Lawrence appeared, dressed in a thick winter coat, coveralls, and boots.
He had a black wool hat jammed onto his head and smiled at Hyunjin as he pulled his mask down.
“Good news!” he said excitedly. Hyunjin perked up immediately, the irrational side of his brain hoping you had returned. Instead he was greeted with news that his car was now dug out and waiting in the driveway for him. Hyunjin forced a smile, thanking Lawrence.
“And they’ve been by to clear the roads,” Edith added, turning to Hyunjin with a smile. Hyunjin thanked them both and headed up to gather his things. As he moved around the room, he noticed the towel he’d used the night prior to clean up the mess you’d both made in the bed.
Hyunjin grimaced and decided to pull the sheets and tuck them up in a wad to carry down to put in the wash himself so he didn’t have to explain to Edith what it was staining her nice floral sheets. Once he was certain he had all his things, Hyunjin headed downstairs, dropping his bag by the front door before walking into the living room where Lawrence was warming up by the fire and Edith working on some form of needle work, possibly crochet, Hyunjin wasn’t sure.
She looked up as he walked over. “I wanted to get these in the laundry for you,” Hyunjin explained. “Oh that’s okay, dear,” she said as she set her work aside and got up. “I can do it,” she added, reaching for the bundle. Hyunjin internally cringed and pulled back slightly. “It’s okay. I’ve already got it in my hands. Just point me in the right direction,” he replied.
Edith gave him a knowing smile and pointed to the laundry room off the kitchen. Hyunjin thanked her and moved to open the door, opening the washing machine and dumping the sheets and blankets and towel into the drum. He added some soap and fabric softener before setting the timer and starting the machine.
Back in the living room, he found Edith back in her spot and Lawrence now sitting in his armchair with a newspaper. Hyunjin cleared his throat, catching both their attention and they looked up at him.
“Well,” he started awkwardly. “I think I’ll head out,” he continued. “We’ll walk you out,” Lawrence said, setting his newspaper aside and getting to his feet as Edith set her project aside and got up as well. Hyunjin walked towards the door with the couple following. He pulled on his coat, wrapping his scarf around his neck before tugging his beanie on.
“Walk him to his car,” Edith whispered, lightly hitting her husband’s chest. He moved to get his coat but Hyunjin stopped him. “Really, it’s okay,” Hyunjin reassured them. “You’ve done so much for Y/N and I.” Hyunjin pulled on his shoes and grabbed his bag.
“You’ve gone above and beyond what anyone else would do,” he continued. “Even though Y/N isn’t here to thank you, I’m thanking you for her.”
Edith smiled at him. “She already thanked us,” she explained. “Oh, she left a note!” she added when she noticed the confused expression on Hyunjin’s face and moved into the kitchen before returning with a paper note and handing it to Hyunjin. He read the writing on the sheet which he recognized as yours.
‘So she left a note,’ he told himself, forcing a smile as he handed it back. “That was nice of her,” he said shortly. Edith smiled, producing an envelope. “She also left this and asked me to give it to you,” she added, holding out the envelope. Hyunjin took it curiously and thanked her.
“Drive carefully!” Edith said as Hyunjin opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, his bag slung over his shoulder. “And no more driving into ditches,” Lawrence joked. Hyunjin laughed and nodded. “I’ll do my best. Thank you so much for everything,” Hyunjin said again and with a wave, he carefully made his way down the steps and started the trek back towards the road.
He was halfway down the driveway when his black sedan came into view and he smiled, picking up the pace as he hurried to his car. He unlocked the door and after tugging a couple times, managed to break the ice and pull the door open. He got in, kicking the snow off his shoes and dumping his bag onto the front seat. He shut the door and looked around.
Everything seemed in order. He said a little prayer before turning the engine over and the car surprisingly roared to life, Hyunjin cheering with an excited laugh. He immediately turned the dials and got the defroster and heater working. He pulled his hat off and threw it into the passenger seat. As he shed more layers, he caught sight of the envelope and stared at it for a few moments.
What could you have possibly needed to say that you could haven’t waited to tell him?
Hyunjin fought with himself on whether or not to read it, going back and forth until he finally grabbed the letter with a groan and opened it. At least he’d have something to do while he waited for his car to warm up. He pulled the letter out and unfolded it, eyes scanning the sheet before him.
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Hyunjin, I’m sorry for leaving like this. I know it’s wrong and makes it seem like I’m running from my problems and maybe I am but I can’t give you an answer. I know it’s not what you want to hear but I’m just not sure.  I’m not sure of anything anymore. I thought I was okay and that I was over you but seeing you at the party and then getting stranded and having to share a bed and then what happened last night. It feels like things happened so fast and I didn’t have time to catch up. I couldn’t process it all in a few hours.  I need more time.  I need to think about everything you said and what’s going on in my own mind. There’s a lot for both of us to think about although you made it pretty clear where your mind is last night. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still feel something for you because I do. I do feel something for you and it scares me. I didn’t want to make a decision in the heat of the moment and come to regret it so instead I’m going to take some time to think.  I also want to thank you. For offering to give me a ride home, even if we did get stranded. It wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened. And thank you for opening up to me and being honest with me. I’ve seen a much different side of you. One that reminds me of the man you were when we first met. I don’t want to use up all of Edith’s letter paper so I’ll end with this: Don’t hesitate to reach out and when I’m ready, I’ll contact you. xxx-xxx-xxxx
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Hyunjin’s vision blurred and he hastily wiped the tears from his eyes, a small smile gracing his lips.
For the first time since the car slid off the road the other night, he felt something he hadn’t felt in years.
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He felt hopeful.
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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ghouldump · 6 days
To Be Loved | Armand x Reader
ෆ idolized and worshipped by your coven members, alive but not living, things quickly change for you when you move to Paris, and meet your soulmate.
requested via private messages, this was so cute, no manipulative gremlin armand.
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What is Love? A feeling of deep admiration or likeness? Patience, kindness, unconditional forgiveness? It was hard to tell. The emotion had become so distant from you, a faint memory from half of a millennial ago. Love required trust, and you couldn't bring yourself to trust another.
“My lord, the sun has departed for the night,” Demetrius said, making you look up from your lap. Everyone kneeled before you, their heads down.
“You may go and hunt,” you dismissed them, closing your eyes. You could feel their stares lingering, hesitating, as they stood up, leaving you alone in the dungeon.
“How long will you starve yourself? At least feed on the rodents, you look like death,” hearing her voice, feeling her closeness, but refusing to face her, to acknowledge the concerned expression.
“Good, then I’m one step closer to dying for good,” you sighed.
“Y/n, don't be stupid, go drink, it is an order from your maker,” she ordered, making you open your eyes.
“Leave me,” you screamed, facing her, but she was gone.
Cassia, the reason you were here today, the last person you trusted. You were from a wealthy family, and your father, and his father, both swordsmiths, valued, oftentimes working alongside kings and their soldiers.
While he was never home, your mother was too immersed in raising your younger siblings to focus on you, nevertheless, you were loved. On birthdays and traditional holidays, you'd receive amazing gifts of all kinds, praised and advised on everything, you couldn't have asked for a better life. It wasn't until the mysterious young woman, Cassia moved close by, that your life changed.
You had been out later than usual, on your way home from a friend’s house, when you saw her. She stood outside of her house, reaching for the apples on the tree.
“Hey, could you lend me a hand, I can't reach these,” she called out, stopping you, just as you passed her short fence.
“I really need to get home,” you said, apologetically.
“It will only take a moment, please, come,” she said, watching as you awkwardly entered the gate. You didn't understand how she thought you could help when there wasn't a big difference in your height.
Jumping a few times, you managed to knock the apples out of the tree. Picking them up, you placed them in her basket, turning to leave, but she stopped you.
“Bring them in,” she told you, already walking into the house. Glancing down the road at your house, you picked up the basket, and you entered the home. It was much brighter than outside with all of the candles, neatly arranged.
“You can sit them on the table,” she said, turning to face you. Your eyes widened for a moment, she was one the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. Her skin was perfect, smooth with a few small moles, full lips, doll eyes, and glossy soft hair.
“Thank you,” she told you.
“You're welcome,” you said, turning to leave.
“How old are you? I heard your family a few weeks back, celebrating a birthday,” she said.
“And you aren't betrothed?” she asked, as she moved closer.
“No, my father will begin looking for arrangements later this year,” you explained.
“Good, whoever has you, will be lucky, you have a heart of gold,” she said, her hand going to your cheek. She was moving closer, making you uncomfortable, an eerie grin on her lips.
“Go, it is getting late, but come back tomorrow night,” she continued.
There was something intriguingly bizarre about the woman because despite how weird she seemed, the next night you found yourself, fidgeting with your fingers, in front of her door, contemplating if you wanted to knock. Just as you raised your hand, the door opened.
“Come in,” she smiled, moving out of the way.
“I don't believe I got your name, yesterday night,” she continued.
“Y/n,” you held out your hand.
“Cassia,” she raised an eyebrow, taking your hand into her own.
Awkwardly staring at your hands, while she gazed at you, she continued caressing her thumb against your skin. Clearing your throat, you took your hand away.
“What did you need?”
“I have a gift, for your generosity,” she said.
“No need, it was nothing-
“I insist, please, sit,” she pointed to the table. Gulping, you went to sit down, something peculiar about her tone sent a chill down your spine.
“I hope you like apples, I made pastries, it has been a long time since I’ve made anything like these, but I know they are delicious,” she smiled, setting the tray in front of you. The slice of fresh apple pie, along with cookies.
“Thank you, this really was unnecessary,” you shook your head, breaking a piece of the cookie.
“You were the first and only to help me, it is obvious that you have been chosen,” she told you, watching as you ate the cookie.
“Do you like it?” she asked, smirking as you nodded. Chewing, you began to cough a little, repeatedly clearing your throat, and staring into the cookie. Standing up, you made your way to the door, stumbling, Cassia slowly behind you, catching you, as you fell unconscious.
Waking up, you struggled to move, opening your eyes, confused to see Cassia, straddling your lap, placing a variety of ointments and oils onto your body.
“W-what is going on?”
“I am preparing your body for your death,” she told you before she started humming.
“My what? Release me,” you wiggled, stopping as her hand went to your throat.
“You have been chosen, do not ruin this,” she snapped.
“Cassia, please, what are you talking about?”
“Those who must be kept were cursed, damned to eternity on earth, and to live off of blood, but the creator showed them mercy, bestowing soulmates. A companionship stronger than any other, the perfect partner, meant only for those with the dark gift. My soulmate, Elias, was weak, he chose the sun, he chose death over me. I’ve prayed and prayed, and I asked for another soulmate, and you have come along, helping me and I have to turn you to ensure we have each other forever,” she said, your eyes widened in fear, shaking your head.
“You're mistaken-
“I haven't been more certain,” she told you, her fingers brushing over your lips before she bared her fangs.
“To us, and an eternity of our love,” she said, sinking her fangs into your neck draining the life from out of you.
Turning you, within a single night, you had lost everything. Your family, friends, life, everyone sensed how different you became. How you suddenly left home and would only be seen with the strange woman. The same exterior, but a different entity possessing the body they once knew. The new social discrimination you experienced didn't help, being shunned for your not-so-obvious relationship with Cassia.
She was a lonely soul and out of your kindness, she convinced herself you were her second chance at love. She would later explain how it felt when you would come across your soulmate. How you would love them no matter who they were, their shade, or where they were from. She didn't realize it until turning you, but she had been wrong, there was no second chance. She would've let you go, to find your way with the dark gift, but she couldn't.
After the side effects wore off, the way you looked at her, your maker, brought butterflies. She knew it was only the gift, bringing on the newfound lust, but she gave in anyway. It was nothing more than sex for you but after centuries of celibacy, it felt like lovemaking to Cassia. On the living room floor, until morning came, then reality came down on you. Pulling away, a hint of disgust in your eyes, she knew then. Running outside, you only made it past her fence, before you fell to your knees, screaming in agony.
“Cassia,” you cried out, confused why this was happening.
Wearing a cloak, she grabbed a blanket and rushed out to save you, carrying you back into the house. From that point, even if you weren't hers, she loved you and felt a need to take care of you. After a few decades together, you eventually accepted her, but she knew it was only a matter of time before you came across your soulmate. That is why, a century into your companionship, she finally surrendered to the sun, leaving everything to you.
The last person to love you had left you alone. Her wealth and dark gifts, she passed, but you were utterly alone. You became a vagabond, you had no one to keep you settled in one place. You attempted to surrender a few times, but Cassia’s spirit wouldn't seem to leave you alone, talking you out of it every time. You formed a bitterness towards her, she claimed to love you, yet she brought you into this lonesome life, just to leave you.
Eventually, you found yourself in Rome, Cassia’s homeland. She and her soulmate were both turned and met here. You acted as if you hated her, but found yourself in the very place she was born. Buying a large home in the countryside, you were satisfied with the large dungeon in the home.
Not long went by, before your encounter with the local vampires. They came to you on a night you stood near a cliff, trying to pray. You had been trying for so long, you didnt have an end solution. For God to make your life less lonely, to bring your soulmate, to help you finally end your life, you were sure he wasn't listening, but it helped pass the time.
As they surrounded you, you didn't bother facing them, maybe they could kill you, but then Cassia came, telling you to show them your power. You had inherited all of the gifts and were much older than them. Begrudgingly, you turned to them, flying above them, watching as they quickly submitted to you. Then, one of them pointed out that you were praying, perhaps you were their saint, a mediator for the damned to god himself.
You denied their claims, but they didn't listen, asking to reside with you, which was the beginning of your coven. Eight young vampires, you grew closest to Demetrius, Jonah, and Marianne. Three centuries came and went and they all remained devout. Even though, for the last few years, you would be off and on starving yourself for weeks at a time.
“My lord?”
“Yes, Demetrius?” you answered, slowly turning to look at him. On his knees, his head bowed, he held a box.
“For you, you shouldn't starve yourself like this,” he said, as you took the box, surprised to see the trapped rats inside.
“Thank you,” you said, grabbing one of the rodents, and biting into it.
“The others are too afraid to mention this, and asked me to bring it up with you,” he said, nervously.
“Well, out with it,” you told him.
“We want to leave Rome, a few locals have gotten suspicious, and the talk has made its way to the city. We could easily kill them, but it would cause too much attention, so we think it is best to leave,” he said.
“Stand up,” you told him. You found it so bothersome having all of them bowing and crawling at your feet.
“The others are aware that they are able to leave this coven, I will not stop any of you,” you told him, as he stood in front of you.
“Yes, but we want you to come, Marianne thinks we will be safe in Paris, but we want you to join us,” he said.
“Go with them, Rome no longer serves you any purpose, you only await death here,” Cassia told you, as you stared at Demetrius.
“How soon did everyone expect to leave?”
“As soon as possible”
“Then we will leave for Paris, and you all can come out from hiding,” you said, watching as your coven members slowly revealed themselves.
“Thank heavens, there is one more thing, Demetrius hasn't told you, my lord,” Jonah said, making you face him.
“And what is that?”
“We have hopes of blending in with society”
“Very well-
“I think they mean everyone”
“I mean everyone, and with the utmost respect, you will also have to adjust, or you will look out of place, Marianne can take care of your wardrobe,” he said nervously, glancing at her.
“Tell them yes,” Cassia said excitedly.
“If these are the plans, you all will need to prepare, as soon as possible,” you said, watching as everyone’s faces lit up, dropping to their knees, they worshipped you.
“This is good, you need the change, you can finally take steps towards living your life,” Cassia told you, as you lowered your head.
Hopefully. How long would your life continue like this? The vain worship, as if you were their god. You couldn't remember the last time someone looked into your eyes and saw you as an equal. Maybe Paris could change the agonizing lifestyle you felt trapped in.
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“I hope I haven't overdone myself, my lord,” Marianne said, her head down, following you into the large castle-style home.
“It is perfect, I can't remember the last time I saw coffins this nice,” Cassia clapped, walking next to you.
“You have done well, everything is pleasant,” you told her, patting her head as she thanked you profusely.
“Amazing, we have our own coffins?” Alexander, one of the younger, newer members of the coven exclaimed. He was also Marianne’s soulmate.
“Yes, I apologize for my negligence as a coven leader over the years, in the dungeon, I felt no need for coffins, being that it was dark, but coffins are much more comfortable than the cold floor,” you told him, you didn't realize until after speaking, everyone stared at you with such admiration in their eyes.
“We chose you as our leader, and we accept any conditions, as long we can stay with you, although we are very thankful for the upgrade,” Jonah told you, everyone agreeing.
“Enough of the praise, there are still a few hours left in the night, go hunt, and travel together, until you are familiar with your surroundings,” you waved them off.
“You're not coming?”
“Perhaps another time, go on,” you told them, turning away, and going to your room.
It had only been a few hours since arriving in Paris, at the large house. Demetrius took care of finding the place, while Marianne furnished it, before your arrival. You couldn't lie, you felt uncomfortable, your usually unruly appearance had been completely changed, replaced by fitted trousers and a soft turtleneck.
You refused to be walking around in the strange dresses of the age and preferred androgynous pieces of clothing.
“Will you hunt tomorrow?”
“Cassia, why is it that even in death, you force yourself into my life, I am not yours,” you told her sternly.
“You are my fledgling, my blood flows within you, I can not leave you to die, not when you have so much potential and when you haven't given yourself a chance to find your soulmate, even in death, I love you more than myself”
“Then why did you leave? All you wanted was for me to love you, and when I did, you left,” you faced her, pointing accusingly.
“I made a mistake turning you, out of my own selfishness you were created. I couldn't keep you, and deny you the vampire meant to be yours. You can hate me, but I knew what was best, and trust me when I say, that coming to Paris was for the best, what’s yours is soon to come, sooner than you think,” she said, vanishing.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and Cassia never spoke to you. It was refreshing, not having her in your ear. Other than the praise and worship, Paris seemed like the change you needed. No one encountered any other vampires, and they all were beginning to blend, amongst the mortals, as they originally wanted.
“My lord, please help,” Marianne burst into your room. You were levitating, attempting to pray, but opened your eyes.
“What is it?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at the blood smeared all over her face.
“Alexander is in trouble; he wandered off while we were hunting and came across a few other vampires, they followed him here and they're much stronger than the others, please do something,” she said, her voice filled with urgency. Nodding, you let your feet touch the ground, before following her.
Just as the door opened, you could see the vampires surrounding your coven, taunting them. Lifting from the ground, with only a flick of your finger, fire sparked around them, making them confusing look around looking up at you.
“Get away from them,” you warned them.
“You and your coven are in claimed territory, you’ve been here for months and haven't made your presence known,” one of the vampires spoke, his back had been turned to you the entire time.
“Careful,” Cassia spoke, you looked over at her. This was the first time seeing her in over seven months.
“I do not answer to other vampires,” you told him, going back to the ground, as he began to turn around.
Fire appeared in his hand, making you do the same, and just as he faced you, both of you froze. His eyes widened, while you shook your head in disbelief. Your heart was racing, goosebumps on your skin, as you stared at this beautiful creature. Your heart was reaching out to him, yearning to be loved and cherished by him, he was your soulmate.
“Enough, let them go,” he spoke to his coven, making them look at him confused.
“We can't just-
“Enough,” he raised his voice, and immediately they stopped, moving away.
Your coven slowly came to you, each of them bowing their heads at you. Alexander looking the most apologetic.
“I am sorry, my lord,” he started.
“You have done nothing wrong,” you reassured him.
“I am Armand, What is your name?” the man spoke, making your eyes shift back to him. As much as you knew for sure he was your soulmate, you refused to give in. To be used for his personal pleasures, like Cassia.
“That is none of your concern,” you said, and immediately he was in front of you. His eyes softened, reaching for your hand, but you took it away.
“You are my soulmate,” he started.
“And if I wasn't, what would have happened? You threatened my coven and me, I am quick to forgive, try again another time,” you spat, turning away, your coven following.
“You're just letting them leave,” Santiago asked, frowning.
“Yes, for now, we must go, the sun will be out soon,” he said, walking toward their bikes.
“Why would you deny him, deny yourself love?” Cassia asked.
“The sun will be out within the next hour,” you announced.
“You would rather be alone, and sulk until you die”
“Stop talking,” you muttered.
“You have followed in my footsteps with your selfishness”
“Cassia shut up,” you yelled, as your coven members shared looks of concern, seeing you yell at what seemed to be nothing.
“Everyone to your coffins,” you said, clearing your throat and going to your room.
“It is not my intention to hurt you, my love, but I don't want you to do this to yourself. If you could have seen from another perspective how he looked at you, he didn't want to harm you, if he comes back, give him a chance, please, for the both of us,” she told you, holding your cheek, before disappearing.
Going to your coffin, you blocked everyone out as they talked among themselves. Whispering questions, and ideas. As the sun came up, you fell asleep easily, all of them leaving your mind as you gave in to the well-needed rest.
Just as the moon covered the sky, you opened your eyes at the sound of a knock on the front door. Getting out of your coffin, you began to leave the room. You could see Demetrius at the door, it was only cracked, but you knew who stood on the other side.
“If I may speak with your leader”
“I don't think that is a-
“It is okay, Demetrius,” you told him, watching as he bowed, opening the door more to reveal him, holding a bouquet of roses.
“Are you sure?”
“I am, thank you,” you said.
“Good boy,” the youthful man said, tauntingly, while Demetrius slowly walked away, growling at him, as he disappeared into his room, as you approached the door.
“Is there something I can help you with?” you asked.
“You told me to try again another time, these are for you,” he said, holding out the flowers for you to take.
“I didn't think you would come so soon,” you said, making them fly across the room, landing on the nearby table.
“You are my soulmate, I couldn't go another moment knowing you are out there, away from me. I apologize for my coven and my behavior, we have been aware of your people for some time now, waiting for any of you to reveal yourselves,” he said.
“I too am at fault, I sensed the presence of another older vampire, but I didn't realize you would be so close,” you admitted, you couldn't decide if it felt odd or refreshing, as he stared into your eyes, nodding after each word that came from your mouth.
“Fate has a way of working, come with me, somewhere more private,” he said, holding out his hand. Hesitantly, you accepted his hand, exiting the house. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he lifted from the ground, flying through the sky.
He didn't stop until he was at the famous art museum, freezing security, slowly lowering to the ground. As your cold feet touched the floor, his hand went from your waist to your hand, leading you up the stairs.
“Your coven, they worship you as if you are their god, Y/n, it took a lot of digging to find out your name,” he started.
“They have convinced themselves I am some sort of saint for the damned, I have denied the title, but now I think they have simply chosen to be loyal to me,” you shrugged.
“And your faithful servant, Demetrius?” he asked in a tone you didn't like.
“What about him?”
“He is only your devout worshipper? He seemed to care-
“He is loyal, but if we had anything going on, it wouldn't be any of your business-
“Y/n, don't act like that,” Cassia appeared.
“Would you be quiet,” you started, but froze, realizing you spoke to her, in front of Armand.
“Are you…alright, darling?” he asked, glancing at you.
“My maker insists on haunting me, to make up for her mistakes,” you confessed.
“Her mistakes….”
“She thought I could potentially be her soulmate, so she turned me, but when she realized I would eventually meet my soulmate, she went into the sun,” you said, as you focused on the artwork along the walls.
“I’m sorry”
“Centuries, I have been alone, honored but unknown to my coven, it was her, who had convinced me to come to Paris”
“Then I should be thanking her, for bringing you to me,” he smiled, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
“Armand, I can’t be with you, I hardly know you-
“You and I, we are more alike than you think, untrusting, hurt, a wall built around us, in hopes of protecting what was once wounded. I’m not asking for you to jump out of your comfort zone, but rather, I’d like to invite you to visit my theatre. You have to get to know someone to decide if they are worthy of being trusted,” he said, making you glance over at him.
This beautiful man, your soulmate, the deepest parts of your soul pleaded to give into his words. Fall into his embrace and exchange your love, but the emotional scars held you back.
Clearing your throat, you walked away from him, towards the next piece of art. “I’ll think about it,” you said, hearing his small chuckle, before he followed behind you.
“Where did you reside, before coming to Paris?” He asked, making you slightly frown.
“I’m only curious to know more about you, your background, how did a woman as beautiful as you, become a coven leader, with such powerful gifts,” he said.
“I could say the same, you look very young, how old were you?” you asked him.
“Ladies first,” he smirked. Looking into his eyes with a straight face, you searched for deception, any reason to not trust him, but you could find none. His body language was completely defenseless and open to you. Sighing, you opened your mouth, starting from the beginning, you shared your story with him.
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From the windows, you could feel the eyes of your coven members. Lowering to the ground, with Armand, you held on comfortably, as the two of you continued talking.
The coven couldn’t deny how different you already seemed. This was the most they’d ever seen you speak, occasionally laughing at whatever the man had said. The sun would be out in less than an hour and here you stood out in the open, with the mysterious man.
“You should go, the sun will be out soon, and my coven, they are watching us”
“Intensely,” he agreed, making you snicker.
“You look so beautiful when you smile,” he continued, watching as you bit down on your lip.
“I have to go,” you said. Turning to leave, he reached for your hand, stopping you. Pulling the card from his pocket, he slipped it into your fingers.
“Come to the theatre, you and your coven,” he smiled.
“Sleep well, Armand,” you told him, walking away. You could feel the wind blow, as he flew into the sky.
Entering the house, your mood changed, seeing your coven shift their eyes from you. You knew it was out of respect, but you saw them as equals, and this was growing tiring.
“If any of you are up for it, we have been invited to Théâtre des Vampires, I’ll be going tomorrow,” you told them.
“And if you expect to blend in, then there will be no bowing or titles, we are going to enjoy ourselves, save your worship,” you said, turning to go upstairs.
“My lord,” you heard, as you were about to enter your bedroom.
“Yes,” you turned, facing Marianne.
“He’s your soulmate, isn't he?” she asked, a small smile, on her face.
“I’m afraid so,” you said lowly.
“Give him a chance, you deserve to be adorned with love and kisses. Just looking at him, I’m sure your heart flutters tremendously,” she said.
“Is that how you feel about Alexander?”
“From the moment I looked into his eyes, I fell in love, and it hasn't faltered since then, please, you deserve this,” she said, for the first time, meeting your eyes differently. Not as a devout worshipper, but a friend.
“Get some rest, Marianne,” you smiled at her, turning to leave her, going into your room.
“She’s right, you know,” Cassia spoke, as soon as the door shut.
“I thought you were done for the night,” you told her, as you removed your clothing, changing into your pajamas.
“I will be leaving you soon,” she smiled, looking down at her hands, two wedding rings decorated her finger.
“Giving me another break?”
“For good,” she said, as you snapped your head her way.
“What do you mean?”
“You have found your soulmate, you may not see it now, but Armand is persistent, and he loves hard. You will give in to his love, and finally, this void within you will be filled. Meaning, my work is done,” she smiled, a bloody tear dropping from her eye.
“Where will you go?”
“I am damned, so I would assume hell, not that it matters,” she laughed, bitterly.
“You don't have to do that, you can stay-
You began to protest, coming up with possibilities, while she stood, shaking her head. Approaching you, you began to cry quietly. You held a resentment towards her, yet you couldn't deny how much she meant to you, at this moment.
“You don't have to go,” you whispered.
“I may be damned, but I’ve done well with you, my greatest creation, my love, my angel — you make the dark gift shine beautifully in the night. You will always be the best thing that happened to me. All I ask is that you live, and continue to flourish, no matter what. No more dungeons, starving yourself, isolating from the world, do you understand?” she asked, smiling sadly, as you nodded.
“Yes,” you managed to speak.
“As much as I’d love to savor your lips, I will save them for your soulmate. Even when I’m not here anymore, I will live on through you. My blood flows in you, leaving a small piece of me with you, for an eternity. Goodbye, my sweet y/n,” she said, slowly fading. As she completely disappeared, you noticed the teardrop blood stain, right where she stood. Proof that she hadn't been part of your imagination, but actually with you, throughout the years.
Opening your coffin, your mind shifted between Armand and Cassia. Love. You still didn't what it was, but perhaps he could be the one to show you — with Cassia gone, what did you truly have to lose?
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“We're trying to assimilate and these pricks are blatantly doing this, acting like it's a play,” you could hear Demetrius grumble, as you all sat, attempting to watch the play. The play that you all quickly realized, was one, terrible, and two, their way of killing humans in front of other humans.
“Exactly, but these mortals are just as pathetic because they find it scary,” Jonah laughed, as the curtain closed. The young girl could still be heard screaming, her voice growing faint.
“I see him,” Marianne bumped your shoulder, making you look over. He sat in a booth, facing you, and as soon as you met his eyes, he smiled. You almost returned the gesture, but instead, you kept a straight face, making his face falter for a moment.
Turning back towards the stage, you listened to Jonah, Demetrius, and Alexander go on about how terrible the play was, going as far as making jokes about the actors. You could feel his gaze, but you ignored it, watching as humans began to leave the theater.
“That was almost two hours of my life wasted,” Alexander whined to Marianne.
“Look who decided to show his face,” the familiar man spat, standing in front of you all, his eyes on Alexander.
“He doesn't want any problems with you,” you told him, as his eyes sharply shifted to you.
“Their dear coven leader, you have all of them afraid of you, but perhaps it's because you haven't met your equal, or someone stronger,” he hissed at you, as you stood up.
“Is that supposed to be you?” you tilted your head, fire sparking from your fingers.
“Enough, Santiago,” Armand spoke up. The man rolled his eyes, but obeyed his orders, backing away from you. The action seemed to catch the attention of all of his coven members, as they stopped what they were doing to watch the scene unfold.
“Y/n is my soulmate, disrespect to her is disrespect to me, and it will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?” he raised his voice, and many of the members nodded in agreement. Santiago remained quiet when Armand grabbed him, choking him.
“Do you understand, Santiago?” he asked him, watching him struggle to nod, muttering an embarrassed, “Yes”.
“Good,” he shoved him away, his eyes moving to you.
“Come,” he held out his hand to you, watching as you slowly accepted it.
Looking down at your hands, his fingers intertwined with your own, you looked back at your coven. They smiled excitedly, Jonah giving you a thumbs up.
“I was surprised you came, what did you think of the play?”
“It was awful, but in a good way, I guess. I enjoyed the ending,” you said, laughing at his surprised expression.
“At least you're honest,” he sighed, his thumb brushing against your hand.
“I thought of you throughout the night, I hoped that you would show up,” he admitted, as he led you in the direction of the park.
“All I wanted was to see your beautiful face again or smell your scent. I’ve never met any-
“Armand, this is difficult for me. I haven't experienced this kind of passion, for over half of my vampiric life. I didn't know how to love, or what it even means to,” you told him, but he only shook his head.
“Do you feel the same way, when you look at me? As if time stops, the compelling force to do or be anything your soulmate wants, as long as they will have you. The elation of just looking at your soulmate, because they look nothing but perfect in your eyes, do you feel this way too?” he asked, relief when you hesitantly nodded.
Pulling you closer, his eyes shifted from your lips to your eyes. He seemed a bit hesitant, making you think of Cassia and Marianne. Their words replayed in your mind, you thought of the same saying from the previous night, what did you truly have to lose?
Standing on your toes, your lips pressed against his own, immediately, his arms were around your waist. Moaning into the kiss, you could feel the almost static connection between the two of you, just as your skin touched for a kiss.
“I-I want this, but I’m not ready,” you told him, feeling guilty, as you pulled away.
“There is no rush, as long as you remain close, we can take as much time as you need,” he said, holding your hand, and placing a kiss on it.
“And our covens?”
“They will learn to coexist, or they are free to leave,” he shrugged.
“I think we should get back, and maybe share this information with them,” you said.
“Anything you say,” Amrnand said, holding your hand, as he led you back to the theatre.
On your back way, you passed through the market, a young girl catching for attention. She stood next to a tent, holding a sign, in front of a crate of apples.
“Would you like an apple, mademoiselle?” she asked, reminding you of Cassia.
“I-no thank you,” you smiled, before looked back at you in confusion.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yes, we should hurry back,” you said to him, as he continued walking, pulling you close, leading you back the the theatre.
An eternity, you had an eternity with your soulmate. You could see now, that you would enjoy his company, he was protective, considerate, and kind. An eternity of being with Armand, perhaps then you would could finally begin to learn what it meant, to be loved.
i had to end it here bc y'all know i would go on and on 😂
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hugemilkshake · 9 hours
Loved loved LOOOVEEEDDD the greenie shot 🥲🥲 I love how u write tbh, soooooo hear me out 😈😈 Millennial tree x reader but more DRAMATIC AKD ANGSTIER BCZ IDEK SHY I LOVENTHOSE STORIES ok ty 🥰🥰
Enjoy the Milkshake! I had to think about the plot for a while. I also am in a bit of a writing slump so yeah-
Darkness consumed a friend
-platonic or romantic-
!TW! Uhh sad
Wind Archer kneeled down on one knee, showing his respect to the tree, for he brought terrible news…
“Oh benevolent tree, I’m afraid to be the bearer of bad news. But, darkness has taken hold of a beloved friend of yours… I’m sorry i couldn’t prevent it…”
The tree smiled but behind his eyes, there was a tinge of pain. “You did your best Wind Archer, go take a rest, you must be tired from fighting.”
Wind Archer was uneasy with leaving Millennial Tree alone but he complied. The guardian must be upset about this discovery.
The fact is… Millennial Tree already knew… he knew that his beloved friend, Y/N Cookie had become the body for an unknown darkness… but it hurt to hear Wind Archer confirm this…
How… did this happen..? There’s nothing that can be done… purifying a darkness as intense as the one that engulfed his friend was an impossible task…
So all Millennial Tree could do was wait and let life and time decide how your fate would play out…
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whysimp · 1 year
There favorite forms of affection/ activities (g/t)
Millennial tree cookie: any form of you playing with his hair, whether that be putting it in an braid or just actually playing with it.
Wind archer cookie: any thing where he can be touching you. out in public, he's on your shoulder. at home, he's on you. Sitting or standing, he's with you. He says that he does it so he can protect you, and that's 50% true but the other 50% is that he feels comfort when he touches you.
Fire spirit cookie: he also likes it when you play with his hair. Since his hair is made of fire no one in the cookie world can touch it, but to you it just feels soft, so fire spirit wants you to play with it all day long because he never had anyone touch it before.
Sea fairy cookie: sitting in water while watching you do things. Like you fill up the sink with water to do dishes, and she'll just sit in the water and watch, maybe she'll help with the dishes. It's calming.
Moonlight cookie: just anything. She likes to be with you all the time, doing whatever. Shopping? She's in your bag. Working? She's floating not too far away.
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