#millie b brown tag
letprecioustimegoby · 7 months
say what you want about millie bobby brown but can we all agree that no one does determination and agonizing pain like that absolute fucking weirdo
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
if i started writing on here would yall jump me yes or no
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meilas · 1 month
I used to work at a nursing home serving breakfast and lunch to twenty residents on an assisted living floor. I knew their likes and dislikes. Given a choice between two different meal options, I could guess correctly most of the time which one they would want. I knew who wanted what juice, and who wanted coffee before their meal, and who wanted coffee with their meal. (Occasionally someone would change their juice order and it was no problem to give them a different juice.) They also liked the temperature in the mid to upper 80s on the floor, even in summer, and they often had the fireplace running. It was extremely toasty on that floor.
Dorothy (cranberry juice) wanted coffee with her meal, and Ron (orange juice) wanted coffee any time his mug was empty. (He wanted regular coffee, but the cnas told me to only ever give him decaf. No one could tell the difference in taste, so I brewed two pots of decaf but always gave Ron the "regular" pot.) It became a running joke between Ron and the cnas and I, that he would get the shakes if he was without coffee for even a minute. I would come up to the floor in the morning, go "hey Ron!" and he would hold out his Packers mug to me and shake it a little. Ron was paralysed on one side of his body and confined to a wheelchair, but I did once see him get himself out of his wheelchair and into an armchair just so he could tear the tag off his wheelchair cushion. He had a hard time talking, but no problem making himself understood. He could sing along to every song he knew. That’s how I learned the words to Show Me The Way To Go Home.
Dwayne liked pickled herring, and that was all he would willingly eat before he passed away. I didn’t know him very well, and he was a pretty quiet guy. He sat at the same table as Bill. Bill always had cranberry juice and a big breakfast. He was one if the few in AL who used a wheelchair all the time. Ron was the other. Alan wasn’t with us for very long because he moved in with his daughter a few months after moving into assisted living. He looked a little bit like my Opa, who passed away the year I met Alan.
Caroline (cranberry juice) liked her coffee extra strong, and she would add her own coffee grounds to her coffee. She was a pianist, and I brought my horn and some Christmas sheet music once on my off day and we played together in the nursing home’s chapel. We would sometimes sing “Sweet Caroline” when she would come out for breakfast. I visited with her every day after work in the week before she passed away. I played my flute for her one of those times. I can’t hear the song Sweet Caroline without thinking about her.
Susan (orange juice) had the same last name as my Oma, and her mail sometimes ended up at my Oma’s apartment so I would just bring it to her. Susan sometimes gave me a bunch if change and asked me to get her as many sodas as I could from the soda machine and bring her back the change. She started calling herself my grandma Sue, and I loved it. She was a little bit of a troublemaker. She always looked out for Gertrude, and helped her fill out her meal ticket every day. Gertrude was German and spoke with an accent. She always wanted option A and B for breakfast but she would only ever eat the oatmeal. The last time I saw her, she told me I would make a good mother. (She didn’t know I was trans. At the time, I thought I didn’t like kids because I never interacted with them. I now coach learn to skate and regularly work with kids and I love it.)
Millie liked brown bananas and burnt toast. We would always save the brownest bananas for her. Sometimes she would send the banana back because it wasn’t brown enough! Same with the toast.
Jean always wanted to be first and she had some serious resting bitch face. She could glare across a whole room and you would feel it. She didn’t seem to like me when I first started, but she warmed up to me one day after asking me what the weather was outside and I was able to show her on my ipod. That christmas, she brought homemade pfeffernusse cookies from her family’s house and gave me a couple to try. They were delicious. She was the first resident I knew who passed away.
Ted liked to watch Gunsmoke. He and Ron would also watch football games, and Susan would join them. They were The Trio. Ted had a daughter and a granddaughter. The granddaughter once nearly gave me a heart attack because I looked up from washing dishes one day and saw a rollator (walker with four wheels),just rolling across the dining room. My first thought was “oh my god this place is haunted” and then I realised it was just his granddaughter laying on it and rolling around.
Dorothy 2 was always late for breakfast (she would come out at about 10am) and I was always in the middle of cleaning up when she finally came out. My boss always got mad at me because I wasn’t supposed to serve breakfast after 9-9:30 and the dining room was supposed to be totally clean by 9:30-10. I started saving breakfast for her, and I was done and off the breakfast floor before she came out. I would come back to prep for lunch, and I would take care of her breakfast dishes then. My boss still wasn’t happy.
Diane was a chronic worrier. It was hard not to be frustrated with her. She was friends with another resident whose name I can’t remember. The cnas speculated that she liked the guy. Her favourite song to sing during vespers when the chaplain came around was Jesus Loves Me.
Chuck was really weird. He was very smart, and spoke Spanish and some Hmong, but he would do weird things like shaving his head with an electric razor in the shared living room. He once left the floor and walked to the gas station without telling anyone that he was leaving, and we didn’t find out until the gas station called us to say our resident needed a ride back.
One resident whose name I do not remember (it’s been so long) once fell while trying to sit down. She hit her head and it bled a lot. I was the only one to see it happen, and I hollered when it happened. The activities director came out of her office to yell at me because she thought I was yelling at a resident. I ended up cradling the resident’s head in my arms while the cnas got towels for her to make her more comfortable before they could get her off the floor. Her biggest complaint was that the floor was hard. I had blood all over my forearms and I was just told to go wash it off in the kitchen sink.
My great aunt (by marriage) was there for a while. Her sister would stop by every couple days and I would get a cup of coffee for both of them. My boss wasn’t happy about that, and said I should be charging the sister for that cup of coffee. Her sister died of ALS very suddenly, and my great aunt moved to a different nursing home closer to her sons and daughter in law. I visited her a few times. She passed away last year. In her last few years, she didn’t know who I was, but she always smiled when she saw me.
Another resident whose name I can’t remember never came out of her room except when her son came for lunch, which was about once a week. He was loud, but pretty friendly. I was never fond of him, but he never did anything wrong that I can remember. We were supposed to charge him for his meals, but we never did. His mom always had the hottest showers possible, and the cnas hated being the ones to do her showers because their scrubs would be soaked with sweat because not only was the water unbearably hot, her room was like 90 degrees.
I didn’t like Helen at first because she was very picky. But then I realised after I got to know her that she was just picky in the way I was. She liked the chewiest bacon, so I made sure to save those pieces for her. She also noticed when my dinner coworker Darion didn’t do a good job cleaning dishes. I recruited her to help me point out to my boss that Darion was not a good worker. Helen started saving a bunch of silverware for me that had food chunks on them, and then gave them all to me to show my boss. My boss told me to check the dining room before breakfast and make sure Helen had absolutely sparkling silverware, so that plan backfired. After Helen passed away, I ran into her daughter and son-in-law at a Culvers and the daughter gave me her contact info and said I could use her as a reference the next time I applied for a job.
It has been six years since I last worked there, and none of my residents are there anymore. I miss them all.
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Fandoms+Characters: Inside Job, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, Spiderverse Movies
Brett Hand, J.R. Scheimpough, Andre Lee, Rand Ridley, Gigi Thompson, Reagan Ridley, Ron Steadler, and Magic Myc
Blitzø, Moxxie/Millie, Stolas, Loona, Vortex, Asmodeus/Fizzoralli, Striker, Crimson, Husk, Alastor, Vox/Valentino, Angel Dust, Lucifer/Lilith, and Charlie/Vaggie
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Search tags; #samEEL'S post, #incorrect quotes, #personal post, #would you rather or #sameel's masterlist
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sixwrites · 2 years
hello! i’m back after a small break & i apologise to those i did not notify ( my previous rp partners tbh ) - it was unexpected, extremely important/urgent & now i can’t gain access to my old discord because silly me forgot the email. if you were plotting with me beforehand, please feel free to reach out! anyway, now that things are 100% back on track, below you’ll find a list of fcs i’m dying to portray & plots i’m down to do. if interested pls like this post, send me a mssg or dm me on discord at sixwrites#6049 - bold & italics together mean fave & i rp strictly on discord: 
faceclaims i wanna use:
andrew lincoln
harry styles
joe keery
ben barnes
jack falahee
theo james
chris evans
chris wood
jon bernthal
jacob elordi
rome flynn
rege jean page
emmy rossum
natalia dyer
selena gomez
sadie sink
milly bobby brown
maia mitchell
madelyn cline
lily james
plots i wanna build on:
greys anatomy type plot
enemies to lovers
fake dating
celebrity/old flame, best friend, etc
forbidden romance
totally not gay for you or at all m/m or f/f plot
totally not into you but we makeout every night type of plot
it’s muse a’s first year at attending a uni for wealthy people... enter muse b, a typical rich brat who doesn’t care about anything but money, drgs, and alcohol :)))
best friends brother/sister
i’d literally kill for you type of plot
zombie apocalypse plot
anything christmassy pls
anything on my plots tag but it hasn’t been updated in forever
honestly open to anything lmao
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sometinybees · 1 year
Tagged by @argyleheir! ty 🥰doing b/c why not 🤷‍♀️
1.Are you named after anyone? Nope! just a name my parents thought was pretty, which valid
2. When was the last time you cried? last night watching a tiktok of someone taking in and caring for an abandoned parrot. I cry easy 🥹
3. Do you have kids? no, and don't plan to
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? honestly no
5. What sports do you play/have played? played soccer as a kid, mostly to get out of having to go to my brothers band practices (both were on the same day) so I wasn't very invested
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? presentation, like how they dress, haircut. Also the general vibe/energy they give off.
7. What's your eye color? a light brown, the kind that gets kinda golden in the sun.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? why not both!
9. Any special talents? I can pick up most crafting skills quickly by just watching someone do it once.
10. Where were you born? southern california
11. What are your hobbies? too many. Sewing, cosplay, crafting, art, book binding, miniatures, crochet, gardening, probably more things I always have a project of something going.
12. Do you have pets? two kitties, Millie and Milo💕
13. How tall are you? 5'2" I short :)
14. Favorite subject in school? art lol
15. Dream job? I do not dream of labor ultimately, but I'd love to do middle grade and young adult book illustration.
Not going to tag anyone in particular, but if this seems like fun I say tag me and go for it!
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lovelyirony · 4 years
sorry i’m not over how fucking good the movie enola holmes was 
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mikewheely · 2 years
I don't understand why Millie got such unnecessary questions. Will's sexuality and Byler have nothing to do with her character. I would have asked something like Idk If the hoodie that El wore at the end was really Mike's or what she thought of his monologue. What are her wishes for Mileven's future bc I just can't get enough of it where she talks about wanting a mike x el wedding in the end.
I will never understand how such an opportunity for good questions can be wasted on rubbish questions.
Because these people, they are absolute attention seekers. They would flood the mileven tag everywhere with their bullshit posts. Let the ST/ ST writers/ any of Netflix accounts post a SINGLE thing about Mileven and they would flood the comment section with how they hate Mileven and ship B*ler. They would smother everyone with their opinions. They would purposely talk to you to tell you they ship b*ler and hate Mileven. That is why you go to such a great thing like Comic Con to SEE MILLIE BOBBY BROWN and say bullshit like this. This is all you do when you know sensible people really don't give a fuck about your opinion. Empty vessels make the most noise.
The other day someone said they are dishonest and it is the best word to describe them tbh. They are dishonest and manipulative. They twist things, make shit up and push people to believe things that aren't there. Like only yesterday I found a post from one of their fan accounts on my Instagram explore page. I swear to God the Instagram explore page is a blessing and curse at the same time. Anyway, so this person had taken a screenshot of someone's post from Tumblr, that was a picture of Mike and Will from ST3 finale, that was making it look like they are holding hands, when Mike's had was actually in the pocket. And the post said something like "can someone tell me what the FUCK is happening here?" So, automatically I was like okay let me check what the fuck exactly are they twisting again. I went and it was a screenshot from just before the moment when Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas come closer and do a group hug kinda thing. The shot was taken when Will was moving his hand towards Mike's back for the group hug. And they had the idea of taking a screenshot of a single frame from that to mislead people into thinking things differently.
Like can you believe how ridiculous, pathetic, dumb, dishonest, manipulative bullshit that is!
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digital999placebo · 2 years
DEAFENING silence from Germany who is trying desperately to not be noticed and dragged into whatever the fuck is going on.
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1. The man already has his hands full with Veneziano n Prussia who r tweeting shit like “@brdeutschland doesn’t put the toilet lid down 🤨🤨🤨🤨dealbreaker yes Or no?” “@brdeutschland wet his bed until he was 13” n Germany does the one thing ur never supposed to do if u want someone to stop cybebullying u: he responds. “Hi, I’d really appreciate if you did not tag Germany’s official Twitter account for these things. If you must, tag his personal @ludwigbbeilschmidt Thank you” n everyone thinks his overly formal responses r hilarious so every1 just starts tweeting the sickest shit n tagging him, it’s like Millie Bobby Brown is homophobic but Germany. “I was at the grocery store today and Germany was working the register, when he got to me he threw the milk in my face n called me the f-slur”. Like Spain’s PR team, Germany’s PR team r like: stop tweeting PLEASE” but instead of Germany being horny on main, it’s just him trying to set the record straight that he did not call someone the f-slur, he did not hit someone with his car just bc they were in a wheelchair, he does NOT leave the toilet lid up.
2. UGH literally. I hate to say it but Alfred would b like the best one at social medias. Sadly his social media probably have that corporate feel to them, like ppl responds to his tweets with “SILENCE BRAND”
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savagc · 3 years
all of them
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
TWIN A - first born.
Name: Felix Reyes.
Gender: Male.
General Appearance: brown hair/brown eyes, warm complexion most similar to Raven's. Felix has Luna’s eyes and Raven’s smile.
Personality:  Felix has his ‘moods’, some days he wants nothing more than to being running around and playing with cove, his mothers, other days he is most content being unbothered, and would rather sit and be more ‘lazy’, though there is nothing lazy about him. he is a thinker, a watcher, and often comes up with the best of ideas and plans, the most intricately detailed ways of helping his mothers and sister in any way they might need. he is quite the inventor...problem solver...and snuggle bug all rolled into one.
Special Talents: ingenuity, he takes pride in vocabulary, fluency in english, trigedasleng, asl, and spanish, his ability to catch ANY Animals he comes across, and he is an excellent chef. Felix knows the stars by name, and plants as well.
Who they like better: Raven ; with raven he gets to put many of his inventions and ideas to the test. but he needs Luna’s arms around him a lot and tries to hide at her side sometimes when he wants to be invisible.
Who they take after more: Luna ; Felix very much takes after luna when it comes to ‘personal space’ and shying away from people outside of his family.
Personal Head canon: approach him with care and at times...caution. Felix does not always like people in his personal space, unless it is his mothers. he has been known to yell at cove for bothering him when he’s ‘thinking’ and he feels horrible for outbursts even in the midst of them. they tend to be nothing that climbing into luna’s lap can’t fix, for a gentle reminder...that everything is going to always be okay.
Face Claim:
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TWIN B: second born.
Name: Cove Reyes.
Gender: Female.
General Appearance: luna's curls, raven's deeper brunette color, dark brown eyes, warm complexion, luna's various constellations of freckles upon her body. Cove has Raven’s eyes and Luna’s smile.
Personality: Cove is sassy, and at times very bossy. she does not always take the hint when Felix wants to be left alone and instead will insist that he plays anyway and that he should ‘learn to like it’, [ this tends to be where Cove turns Felix’s vocabulary against him and requires he be accommodating and adaptable ] however...she is very quick to back down when she understands she’s being too pushy, and then does her best to make up for upsetting her brother. it’s because of her soft hugs and her knack for singing comforting songs that makes Felix crave to be beside her often when he’s upset for other reasons. Cove’s loving nature makes it impossible not to forgive her quickly. 
Special Talents: making up her own songs [ most are about flowers and animals and her family and make no sense when it comes to ‘flow’ ] but her voice is soft and precious considering she has trouble with her r’s. Cove can create and sew her own clothing, she can make anything grow, and knows nearly as much medically as Luna does. often she assigns herself as head nurse to animals Felix finds. 
Who they like better: when Cove needs her energy spent...she follows luna around and helps with gardening, cooking, and in equal measure she’s at raven’s side happy to be a momma’s girl and see pride in raven’s eyes when she learns something new from her.
Who they take after more: Raven. when it comes to physical energy, Cove is entirely Raven’s daughter, the same is to be said when it comes to her determination to follow-through. overall, she is a good blend of luna and raven’s compassion, leadership, and flexibility.
Personal Head canon: there are days, usually following Cove and Felix fighting, where Cove will not talk to luna or raven. she will only speak to her twin brother using sign language until they both feel better. this once went on for three days, not because Cove had upset Felix, but because Felix had upset Cove by releasing a garden snake back to the wild without giving her a chance to kiss it goodbye.
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Name: Isla Li Nolan-Kaiser
Gender: Female
General Appearance:
Personality: Isla tries her hardest to be a tiny grown-up, independent and opinionated and with the sweetest heart. she does not like liars or information being kept from her. very empathetic, understanding, finding reasons for the tiniest of mysteries in the world around her and in the people around her. she is often quiet, watchful, but her smile is contagious and she tries her best to spread it to everyone that she meets. stranger danger is something luna and kody have had to work on teaching her due to how friendly she is with everyone she meets. isla's heart is easily broken if she feels she may have upset her mothers or family members.
Special Talents: cooking, ballet and hip-hop dance, knowing how to drive [ a little ] because to Luna’s dismay...Kody taught her. speaks english, spanish, german, takes stuffed animals apart and sews miss-matched parts together, calls them little monsters and thinks they’re hilarious. 
Who they like better: she would be upset if she was expected to like one more than the other. absolutely offended and shattered if she were asked to choose such a thing.
Who they take after more: a perfect blend of them both.
Personal Head canon: Isla was an on-purpose accident, when it comes to conception. her mothers both had to grow up a bit quickly when they learned they had a baby on the way, but they had never been more happy to. luna and kody learn just as much from Isla as she learns from them. both woke up a little late one morning and found Isla in the kitchen in a mess of making breakfast, before they realized they didn't have many of the ingredients to do so. turns out Isla had taken their debit card just across the street to the small grocery store and bought the things that she needed, having accompanied her mothers grocery shopping countless times before, she knew well how to do it herself. this was the day that she made friends with a neighborhood cat, and the store bagger lady named Millie. The cat, Isla called Millie from that day forward too. She won't go to bed without setting out a bowl of milk. [ the cat is not a stray it's collared, tagged, and overly fed, living its best life. ]
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[ bonus bc even though neither wants kids i stumbled upon an fc too good not to show at least so i did a shortened response. ]
Name: Juno Lennon Parker.
Gender: Male.
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mute-chaos · 4 years
5 songs on repeat tag
Tagged by: @viinxen
Sorry - Skinny Brown ft. Toil, Ash Island
Boyscout - Kim Hyo-Eun ft. Skinny Brown
ANA - Loopy ft. Changmo
IndiGO - JUSTHIS ft. Young B, Kid Milli, NO:EL
Emotional consumption - GI$t ft. VINXEN
I'm tagging @heart-bleeding-autism-angel and anyone else who wants to do this
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f-ngrl · 5 years
i was tagged in sth like this for the 1st time ever, thank you @khhsh-t! ♥ ^__^
Rules: List the first ten songs that pop up on shuffle mode and tag ten people. No cheating
- Mino: Body - Lee Young Ji: Dark Room - BewhY: My Star - Giriboy, Kid Milli, NO:EL, Swings: flex - 24K: Our Block - JUSTHIS, Paloalto, CIFIKA: Brown Eyes View - Young B: ILOVEUMYSIS - Stray Kids: District 9 - Block B: Very Good - Rough Ver. - Monsta X: Shoot Out
tagging anyone who wants to♥
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darman1685 · 5 years
Godzilla review
               Godzilla: King of the Monsters is a fantastically fun film which brings the creatures to life in a majestic and epic way and gives them the screen time they deserve.   The whole thing is tied together with a pretty flimsy plot that depends a lot on the stupidity of the human characters, but none of it detracts from the sheer fun of watching the Titans wreak havoc.  Sure, I couldn’t remember anyone’s name nor did I care much but that didn’t stop the audience from cheering in the right spots and having a good time.  NOTE- SPOILERS AHEAD- READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
               Things start with Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Madison, and her family.  She’s currently living with her mom, who works for Monarch, an organization tasked with monitoring and taking care of all the giant monsters that have popped up since Godzilla woke back up in the first film.  Dad used to work for Monarch too, but after they lost their son in the ending smackdown of the 2014 movie, he said “eff this” and left to do something slightly less dangerous such as study wolves and drink heavily.  Mom decided to stick it out and stay with Monarch not let her son’s death be in vain by studying these creatures.  Mom’s kinda stupid however, as there is suddenly a disturbance in the creature she’s currently studying, and first thing she does is bring Madison with her to check it out.  After losing one child to a giant monster, having your other tag along to investigate a giant monster just makes sense.  
               Well, turns out Mothra’s hatching from her egg, and its just the time to prove Mom’s new invention works.  See, Monarch is kind of stupid too, as the first thing they do upon awakening a giant Worm is throw it in a laser cage, and when their laser cage starts breaking on its own, start shocking the crap out of said worm.  Mothra, to her credit, dispatches all her attackers nonlethally, thus cementing her as a “good” monster in the audience’s eyes.  But Mom (can’t think of her name) whips out what she calls the Orca, a machine that can match frequencies with Titans and calm them, control them, what ever the plot needs asking for.  The Orca works but no sooner do we get a docile Mothra to bond with when the entire Mothra lab is gunned down by terrorists, who promptly kidnap Madison and Mom.  
               Cut to Monarch trying to defend itself in front of the UN.   They’re demanding, not unreasonably, why they’re not finding and getting rid of the things that can level cities.  Ken Watanabe makes the case that these are animals that deserve to live, that we need to co-exist with the gigantic Titans, that Monarch is doing a fine job of monitoring and containing them and excuse me I have a phone call.  Right in the middle of claiming they’re not incompetent Monarch receives the call that dozens are dead, they lost control of the giant worm and had the invaluable talk to monsters device stolen.  With the Orca gone, Watanabe (I could look up his character name but honestly it doesn’t matter) and crew look up Dad (Likewise, I can’t remember his name either).  Not only will he have an interest in getting his daughter and ex wife back to safety, but he worked on the Orca with Mom when it was a prototype and thus is the only other person who can track it.  While the humans do human things, Godzilla speaks for the audience and gets on with it. He veers off his usual territory and makes a beeline for Antarctica, where Monarch has been holding the biggest and baddest Titan on ice; Monster Zero.  Godzilla, like the audience, put two and two together and realizes that the bad guys are clearly going to use the Orca to control the Titans and are going after public enemy number one.  The big G isn’t going stand the presence of another alpha and heads out to put his house in order, the audience is along for the ride, and the human characters are doing whatever they’re doing to catch up.
               Sure enough, Monarch’s stupidity is on full display as the terrorists completely sweep the base where Monster Zero is sleeping, kill everyone, and start plans for the thaw.  Dad and crew arrive shortly after, which leads to a big confrontation between Monarch and the terrorists.  Going on his own, Dad finds Mom and Madison, but instead of coming with them, they….bah bah baaaaaaaaaah stay with the terrorists!!!   See, Mom is even Stupider than previously indicated and is on board with the plan to kill dozens of her coworkers and letting the three headed dragon roast the planet.  Madison, I can forgive, because she’s supposedly a kid and trying to look out for her moronic mother.  But Stupidmom doesn’t even hesitate to push the button let Mr. Zero, who we know as King Ghidorah, out of the ice cage before even SHE has an opportunity to get off the premises.  Ghidorah awakens, and again the movie shines.  He looks amazing, wonderfully realized in a blend of modern, animalistic queues and his classic Toho design.  Between the tongue flicks, the tail rattle, and the coiled necks, there are a lot of snake details that really breathe realism into the giant hydra.  Hell, each of his heads even has their own personality.  It’s clear a lot of love went into the real starts of this movie.  Godzilla arrives and the first epic smack down begins.  For the moment, all the dumb humans and their drama is forgotten, and we get what we came for.  Awesomely choreographed action between two behemoths that needs to be seen on the big screen.  
The first round ends with Ghidorah beating cheeks, leaving Godzilla in hot pursuit and mad as hell because he can’t fly.  While the humans again struggle to keep up with the characters we actually  care about, Stupidmom calls in to warn her surviving coworkers and reveal the depth of her crazy. She even had a little slideshow prepared about how we humans are basically scum, and the best thing to heal the planet is letting giant monsters do whatever they want with it.   You see, everywhere the monsters go, after they’re done stepping on and razing thousands of innocents, life finds a way, or some such nonsense.  I for one understand the point they’re trying to make, and honestly they’re not wrong about human kind and what we’re doing to the planet, but the idea that Stupidmom is selling goes beyond that.  She’s telling us the Titans are like natural disasters, but, A-They’re Apex Predators that they’re waking up ON PURPOSE with the Orca, not letting naturally awakening, and B- They’re assuming all of these Titans are going to have the same effect of healing the Earth and not just, you know, using it to beat each other to hell.  That’s not even counting the thousands of innocent deaths.   Sufficiently showing how batshit she is, Stupidmom signs off, and then proceeds to release Rodan because why not add another.  Dad and Monarch desperately try to get the town the base of Rodan’s volcano evacuated (I might have done that BEFORE the giant Pteranodon awoke but that’s just me) but soon the big bird himself awakens and proceeds to wreak havoc.  Our heroes decide to try and lead Rodan away from the town and straight into King Ghiodrah, who’s been booking it towards the volcano looking for another alpha to fight that wasn’t Godzilla.   Their plan works (for once) and while Ghidorah takes out Rodan, Godzilla catches up and the two begin to duke it out again.  At the point, the military has had enough of Monarch’s shit and has been developing an anti-Titan weapon, which at they’ve already launched at Godzilla and Ghidorah, barely giving Dad and crew time to get the hell out of there. The weapon goes off, but only seemingly kills Godzilla.  Ghidorah gets away and is now unchallenged, so far as even making Rodan his little titan sidekick.  
So Godzilla is presumed dead, and Ghidorah is crowned new king and is broadcasting his cry to all other Titans around the globe, causing them to awaken and go berserk.  You see, it turns out King Ghidorah is actually not a Titan FROM EARTH, but he’s actually from outer space, so Stupidmom’s whole reasoning for the plan is turned upside down because he can’t heal the Earth if he’s not FROM the Earth! Madison finally had enough and starts looking for a way to use the Orca to stop the chaos.  I could go on nitpicking the plot to humorous effect, but I’m going to stop here to at least leave SOME surprise.  Needless to say, it all leads to a multiple monster smackdown that again, must be seen on the big screen.  The plot starts to drag after Godzilla “dies” (come on, no one really believes it even in the movie) because the humans are left to their own devices for a bit.  However once the true king awakens the action picks up again and the pure fun of a monster movie plays out in front of us.  
I’ve been ripping the movie apart, but honestly none of it detracts from how enjoyable it is.  A lot of talk is going around about how thin the plot is, and don’t get me wrong it is, but that’s not what I’m here for.  I’m here to watch Godzilla fight, and have fun, and that’s what the movie delivers. It’s almost like a modern B movie, something that’s cheesy and campy but serviceable as a monster delivery system. Its an event, and one that the audience totally got swept up in, wanting less of Stupidmom’s crusade and more of the monsters and their world.  While it drags at a few times, this is a great popcorn flick that anyone will enjoy as long as they know what they’re getting into.    I highly recommend it.  
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tag game
i was tagged by @i-am-steve-rogerss -- thanks babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
drink: coffee
phone call: my mum
text message: to @mrvelunvrse “fetus” ksdjfksjdf
song you listened to: iris // goo goo dolls is playing atm 
time you cried: other than right now because iris makes me emo?? uhh yesterday. because i went a whole 24 hours with no sleep and i was just a fucking wreck lmao.
dated someone twice: i haven’t dated someone once
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no. but uh. i think i was technically “the other woman” once but. that was a) online and b) the most fucked up situation i’ve ever been in so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: depressed is my constant state yo i don’t remember what it was like to not be depressed
gotten drunk and thrown up: i mean, i drink a lot so i’ve been drunk, yeah, but i haven’t thrown up.
favourite colours: black, grey, green, blue, red, pink.
made new friends: yess!!! @ragnarokbarnes @shegavehersunflowers @transmaschawkeye and i love them bunches
fallen out of love: nah
laughed until you cried: lmao yeah a few times
found out someone was talking about you: nope
met someone who changed you: nope
found out who your friends are: yeah
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them, except one guy who i’ve been bffs with for a couple years and met him through WoW but we’re talking about hanging out irl one of these days
do you have any pets: i have an italian greyhound called texas who is very cute and cuddly and energetic as fuckity and i love him a lot
Tumblr media
do you want to change your name: nah, i fucking love my name.
what did you do for your last birthday: mum and i went and bought me some jewellery and then we went out and had pizza for dinner. then with my dad i pulled the “it’s my birthday i get to choose the movie” card and made him watch a marvel movie. we got tipsy. it was great.
what were you doing at midnight last night: getting some much need sleep after being awake for 24 hours.
what is something you can’t wait for: avengers 4 skdfjskdf
what are you listening to right now: rule the world // take that ((one of my favourite songs))
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah--my uncle, a family friend, and one of the boys in my weekend acting class
something that gets on your nerves: my dad being pissed that i’m listing sebastian stan as an inspiration on my acting school application because “you’re applying for acting school!! they’re going to be movie snobs!! they won’t know who he is!! pick someone who can act!!” it’s my application and i’ll name whoever i please as an acting inspiration thanks.
most visited website: tumblr 
hair colour: brown
long or short hair: long
do you have a crush on someone: nope
what do you like about yourself: i guess i like my eyes and my hair. maybe my humour?? skdfkdsf idk
want any piercings: no thanks
blood type: i...have no idea
nicknames: my name is saskia so i get called: sass/sassy, super sassy, sassy sausage, sassmatass, saskia violent, sassykins...and then my gaming buddies call me twinsie/twinsay and specialfred ksdjfksdjfksd
relationship status: forever alone
zodiac: cancer
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv shows: daredevil, outlander, game of thrones, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, gossip girl, skam norway, riverdale
tattoos: nope but i’d like to have one 
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: nope
piercings: nope
sports: i played hockey at a club for a year, did swimming for 3 years, and did a little bit of football, soccer and volleyball at school.
vacation: idk if this is asking for dream vacation?? the last vacation i went on??? so uh. dream vacation would be new york ((thanks romcoms!!)) and last vacation was to my family’s holiday house in metung with my dad for a week back in january.
eating: just ate last night’s leftovers which were chicken wings
drinking: coffee
about to watch: nothing. if i was, it’d probably be “push” or “gifted” because i want to watch more of chris’ movies.
waiting for: 2019 because avengers 4
want: ...to get into acting school
get married: i kinda do but also no thanks
career: student
hugs or kisses: hugs. definitely. i’d kill for a nice hug rn
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: eh either’s good
older or younger: older
nice arms or stomach: nice arms for those cuddles please
hookup or relationship: uh. i have no experience with either so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
troublemaker or hesitant: hmm. troublemaker
kissed a stranger: nope
drunk hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: yes
turned someone down: nope
sex on the first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: nah
had your heart broken: yeah but not in a romantic way
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yepp
yourself: yeah, i guess. 
miracles: nah
love at first sight: sure
santa claus: lmao no
kiss on a first date: why not
angels: uhh no
best friend’s name: @brooklynbabybucky i love you best pal 😘😘😘
eye colour: hazel
favourite movie: before we go, captain america: the winter soldier, stardust, terminator 2, interview with the vampire, the mummy, it (2017)
favourite actors: sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr, noah schnapp, millie bobby brown, sam heughan, catriona balfe, charlie cox, sigourney weaver, winona ryder, david harbour, david boreanaz 
tagging: @brooklynbabybucky @shegavehersunflowers @ragnarokbarnes @transmaschawkeye @thegirlnooneknows5 @mrvelunvrse @bizexualrosadiaz
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paper--planes · 6 years
My Emmy’s 2018 Predictions
Below the cut are MY Emmy’s predictions.  These are not made to win anything, just what I hope to win.  I have another list of predictions on another site that are made to win LOL. If you use my list to make your predictions, TAG ME! I want to see who gets the most winners.  If you haven’t seen my blank copyable list of nominees, CLICK HERE!
Anyways, let’s get to what you actually want to see.  Click the Keep Reading to open my FULL LIST of my Emmy 2018 predictions, my choices are in bold.  HAPPY EMMY DAY!
Best Comedy Series “Atlanta” “Barry” “Black-ish” “Curb Your Enthusiasm” “GLOW” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” “Silicon Valley” “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”
Best Comedy Actor Anthony Anderson (“Black-ish”) Ted Danson (“The Good Place”) Larry David (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) Donald Glover (“Atlanta”) Bill Hader (“Barry”) William H. Macy (“Shameless”)
Best Comedy Actress Pamela Adlon (“Better Things”) Rachel Brosnahan (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”) Allison Janney (“Mom”) Issa Rae (“Insecure”) Tracee Ellis Ross (“Black-ish”) Lily Tomlin (“Grace and Frankie”)
Best Comedy Supporting Actor Louie Anderson (“Baskets”) Alec Baldwin (“Saturday Night Live”) Tituss Burgess (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”) Tony Shalhoub (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”) Kenan Thompson (“Saturday Night Live”) Henry Winkler (“Barry”)
Best Comedy Supporting Actress Zazie Beetz (“Atlanta”) Alex Borstein (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”) Aidy Bryant (“Saturday Night Live”) Betty Gilpin (“GLOW”) Leslie Jones (“Saturday Night Live”) Kate McKinnon (“Saturday Night Live”) Laurie Metcalf (“Roseanne”) Megan Mullally (“Will and Grace”)
Best Comedy Directing “Atlanta” (Episode: “FUBU”), directed by Donald Glover “Atlanta” (Episode: “Teddy Perkins”), directed by Hiro Murai “Barry” (Episode: “Chapter One: Make Your Mark”), directed by Bill Hader “The Big Bang Theory” (Episode: “The Bow Tie Asymmetry”), directed by Mark Cendrowski “GLOW” (Episode: “Pilot”), directed by Jesse Peretz “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Episode: Pilot”), directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino “Silicon Valley” (Epiosde: “Initial Coin Offering”, directed by Mike Judge
Best Comedy Writing “Atlanta” (Episode: “Alligator Man”), written by Donald Glover “Atlanta” (Episode: “Barbershop”), written by Stefani Robinson “Barry” (Episode: “Chapter One: Make Your Mark”), written by Alec Berg and Bill Hader “Barry” (Episode: “Chatper Seven: Loud, Fast, and Keep Going), written by Liz Sarnoff “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Episode: “Pilot”), written by Amy Sherman-Palladino “Silicon Valley” (Episode: “Fifty-One Percent”), written by Alec Berg
Best Drama Series “The Handmaid’s Tale” “Game of Thrones” “This is Us” “The Crown” “The Americans” “Stranger Things” “Westworld”
Best Drama Actor Jason Bateman (“Ozark”) Sterling K. Brown (“This is Us”) Ed Harris (“Westworld”) Matthew Rhys (“The Americans”) Milo Ventimiglia, (“This is Us”) Jeffrey Wright (“Westworld”)
Best Drama Actress Claire Foy (“The Crown”) Tatiana Maslany (“Orphan Black”) Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Sandra Oh (“Killing Eve”) Keri Russell (“The Americans”) Evan Rachel Wood (“Westworld”)
Best Drama Supporting Actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (“Game of Thrones”) Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”) Joseph Fiennes (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) David Harbour (“Stranger Things”) Mandy Patinkin (“Homeland”) Matt Smith (“The Crown”)
Best Drama Supporting Actress Alexis Bledel (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Millie Bobby Brown (“Stranger Things”) Ann Dowd (“The Handmaid’s Tale”) Lena Headey (“Game of Thrones”) Vanessa Kirby (“The Crown”) Thandie Newton (“Westworld”) Yvonne Strahovski (“The Handmaid’s Tale”)
Best Drama Directing “The Crown” (Episode: “Paterfamilias”), directed by Stephen Daldry “Game of Thrones” (Episode: “Beyond the Wall”), directed by Alan Taylor “Game of Thrones” (Episode: “The Dragon and the Wolf”), directed by Jeremy Podeswa “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Episode: “After”), directed by Kari Skogland “Ozark” (Episode: “The Toll”), directed by Jason Bateman “Ozark” (Episode: “Tonight We Improvise”), directed by Daniel Sackheim “Stranger Things” (Episode: “Chapter Nine: The Gate”), directed by the Duffer Brothers
Best Drama Writing “The Americans” (Episode: “START”), written by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg “The Crown” (Episode: “Mystery Man”), written by Peter Morgan “Game of Thrones” (Episode: “The Dragon and the Wolf”), written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Episode: “June”), written by Bruce Miller “Killing Eve” (Episode: “Nice Face”), written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge “Stranger Things” (Episode: “Chapter Nine: The Gate”), written by the Duffer Brothers
Best Limited Series “The Alienist” “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” “Genius: Picasso” “Godless” “Patrick Melrose”
Best TV Movie “Fahrenheit 451” “Flint” “Paterno” “The Tale” “USS Callister: Black Mirror”
Best Movie/Mini Actor Antonio Banderas (“Genius: Picasso”) Darren Criss (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Benedict Cumberbatch (“Patrick Melrose”) Jeff Daniels (“The Looming Tower”) John Legend (“Jesus Christ Superstar”) Jesse Plemons (“USS Callister: Black Mirror”)
Best Movie/Mini Actress Laura Dern (“The Tale”) Jessica Biel (“The Sinner”) Michelle Dockery (“Godless”) Edie Falco (“The Menendez Murders”) Regina King (“Seven Seconds”) Sarah Paulson (“American Horror Story: Cult”)
Best Movie/Mini Supporting Actor Jeff Daniels (“Godless”) Brandon Victor Dixon (“Jesus Christ Superstar”) John Leguizamo (“Waco”) Ricky Martin (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Edgar Ramirez (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Michael Stuhlbarg (“The Looming Tower”) Finn Wittrock (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”)
Best Movie/Mini Supporting Actress Sara Bareilles (“Jesus Christ Superstar Live In Concert”) Penelope Cruz (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Judith Light (“The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story”) Adina Porter (“American Horror Story: Cult”) Merritt Wever (“Godless”) Letitia Wright (“Black Museum: Black Mirror”)
Best Movie/Mini Directing “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (Episode: “The Man Who Would Be Vogue”), directed by Ryan Murphy “Godless,” directed by Scott Frank “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert,” directed by David Leveaux and Alex Rudzinski “The Looming Tower” (Episode: “9/11”), directed by Craig Zisk “Paterno,” directed by Barry Levinson “Patrick Melrose,” directed by Edward Berger “Twin Peaks,” directed by David Lynch
Best Movie/Mini Writing “American Vandal” (Episode: “Clean Up”), written by Kevin McManus and Matthew McManus “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (Episode: “House by the Lake”), written by Tom Rob Smith “Black Mirror: USS Callister,” written by William Bridges and Charlie Brooker “Godless,” written by Scott Frank “Patrick Melrose,” written by David Nicholls “Twin Peaks,” written by Mark Frost and David Lynch
Best Reality Competition Program The Amazing Race” “American Ninja Warrior” “Project Runway” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” “Top Chef” “The Voice”
Best Variety Sketch Series “At Home with Amy Sedaris” “Drunk History” “I Love You, America” “Portlandia” “Saturday Night Live” “Tracey Ullman’s Show”
Best Variety Talk Series “The Daily Show With Trevor Noah” “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” “Jimmy Kimmel Live” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” “Late Late Show with James Corden Late Show with Stephen Colbert”
Best Variety Special, Directing “Dave Chappelle: Equanimity,” directed by Stan Lathan “Jerry Seinfeld: Jerry Before Seinfeld,” directed by Michael Bonfiglio “Steve Martin & Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget For The Rest Of Your Life,” directed by Marcus Raboy “Super Bowl LII Halftime Show Starring Justin Timberlake,” directed by Hamish Hamilton “The Oscars,” directed by Glenn Weiss
Best Variety Special, Writing “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: The Great American* Puerto Rico (*It’s Complicated),” written by Samantha Bee, Pat Cassels, Mike Drucker, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Miles Kahn and Nicole Silverberg “John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous” at Radio City, written by John Mulaney “Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady,” written by Michelle Wolf “Patton Oswalt: Annihilation,” written by Patton Oswalt “Steve Martin & Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life,” written by Steve Martin and Martin Short
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anothertumbleracc · 6 years
Tagging Game
Ok, let's see how it goes, thanks to my musical prodigy friend for tagging me  @james-bucky-barnackle​ !!!
Name: Desirée 
Nickname: Dess, Desi
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5′5″ 
Age: 20
Time: 12:54AM
Favorite Bands/Solo Artist: Taylor Swift and + (plus because I really enjoy listening to music so you can probably name the band or musician and I can tell you if I have heard their work)
Song stuck in my head: Casanova - Allie X and Private Idaho - B’52 
Last movie I saw: Ant man and the Wasp
Last thing I Googled: Millie Bobby Brown age (I thought she was 20 something, she doesnt look 13 IMO)
Other blogs: And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell ... You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl
Do I get asks: Not really
Why I chose my username: because thats my nickname and the numbers because thats my house number 
Following: my friends and some meme stuff 
Average amount of sleep: 8 hours? 
Lucky number: 13 (you can tell I’m a swifte)
What I’m wearing: my neon pink pijamas 
Dream job: I’m a acting student so I must say, somewhere in Hollywood?
Dream trip: Los Angeles, Tel Aviv, Milan and Argentina
Favorite food: I’m a peruvian so I must say EVERYTHING! 
Play an instrument: I can play “tinkle tinkle little star” on my keyword ;)
Nationality: Peruvian (y te lo digo con el taco) 
Favorite Songs: El Arbolito - Nectar 
I tag thee @hobbits3s @sergeantpuggybarnes @connieisland @target 
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