#millie x victoria
othsource · 7 months
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month
Blech, worst mother on this show and Millie…. 🥹🥺
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jasicorn2419 · 1 year
Would you like to join the POC/Princesses of Color Discord server?
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mapileonxputellas · 1 year
Spanish or Dating? (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Sorry for the long break but updates will be a lot more frequent now. In honour of the Leila and Ona photo from this weekend which had everyone freaking out even though Leila had someone else there. Note: translations are at the bottom (google translate before my Spanish wrong) Feel free to send in your requests. 3k words x
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Spanish or dating? That age old question.
Sometimes it can be one or the other, sometimes it can be both. In this case your nationality was known, the both of you were Spanish and there was no hiding that. Your relationship on the other hand was something you’d never felt the need to make a statement about, not to mention how amusing it was to the both of you that no-one had figured it out yet. Family and close friends from back home knew but no-one else.
You weren’t exactly hiding it, you regularly posted photos of each other cuddling or quite close but your nationality stereotype meant no-one ever connected the dots. Not the fans or your teammates.
The both of you moved over to Manchester in 2020, however your alliances spread to different sides of the city. Ona moving to Manchester United from Levante and you making the move to City from Barcelona where you had been an up-and-coming prospect in need of game time after two years with the Spanish giants.
The two of you already knew each other from the national team however your times in Barcelona did not overlap. You started off as roommates, turned friends, turned best friends, turned girlfriends.
It was March 2020 when you both separated to go back and spend the pandemic with your families in Spain it became clear how much you really did mean to each other and when you both moved back to start the new season you made the first move. Nearly three years later you were stronger than ever.
Of course it helped that Deyna, Leila and Laia were also in Manchester now and it was no longer always just the two of you hanging out all the time but still very few rumours circled around you both.
“Where’s Y/N?” It felt like your flat was never empty, both of your teammates were regulars at your flat and this time it was the united players spread around your living room with Ona.
“She’s gone shopping after training.” Ona answered Ella’s question as the two of them along with Alessia and Millie spread out on the sofas after their own session. “She should be back soon.”
“Do you think she’d mind if we ordered pizza?”
“You know she would.” Whereas United had just come from a win at Old Trafford you had a late night training session preparing for your game against Arsenal tomorrow. Any other day you would be up for it but tonight you told the girls you would cook for them when you got back.
Out of the two of you, you were definitely the stricter one and whereas Ona was seen by fans as almost this ball of fluff, you were almost the complete opposite. Slightly intimidating when you needed, always tense on the pitch to be but around your friends you were just like Ona.
“Cariño estoy en casa” You shouted as you opened the door to your flat.
“The girls are already here, we’re in the lounge.” Ona replied.
“Hi Y/N.” Ella also shouted.
“Hi Ella. Hi girls.” You got a replies back from the rest of the group as you stuck your training gear in the corner and quickly nipped into your shared room to change into some sweats, otherwise known as Ona’s sweats.
The empty spare room, which people presumed was your room holding your summer clothes as the wardrobe you shared in your room was a free for all of both your winter clothes.
Before you then joined them in the living room, a smile on your face as you took in Ona in your clothes. “Good game?”
“A great game if you can beat Arsenal tomorrow.” Alessia answered.
“I mean we’ll try but not for you.” You said before moving to stand behind Ona, bending down to press a kiss to her cheek as your hands found cradled her chin. “Gran victoria mi pequeña superestrella”
“Gracias, ¿cómo estuvo tu día, querido?” She said pressing a kiss to your own cheek as she looked up at you.
“Buena, now who’s ready for some chicken pasta?” Even though you would consider yourself a good cook that was your signature dish, a creamy chicken pasta which everyone seemed to love and seemed appropriate both pre and post-match.
“You know Y/N if you don’t find someone soon I’ll marry you.” Alessia commented.
“Very funny,” Ona dry laughed before jumping out of her seat and wrapping her arms around your waist as you hugged her back, her lips again finding your cheek.. “She’s mine.”
“All yours, now come on.”
It was moments like this, moments that happened often, that for anyone else might spark rumours but no-one in the room batted an eyelid.
You were just Spanish.
“I didn’t know Ona was coming today.” Leila asked Y/N as they sat in the changing room the next afternoon at half time, having heard rumours of a certain Spaniard in the crowd.
“Yeah she mentioned she would come. Check out the composition.” You said tying your boots once again. “I think Ella was coming with her.”
“Did you see her before you left this morning?”
“I did.” I mean it would be hard not to when you woke up in her arms every morning. “She made me a coffee.”
“God you two are like a little old married couple.”
“Shut up.”
It wasn’t exactly uncommon either to attend matches other than your own and that’s how Ella and Ona found themselves at the Academy stadium the next morning watching City beating Arsenal  in the second half. With a two goal cushion the game was fairly safe with only ten minutes left and with that Ella’s attention turned to the Spaniard.
“I heard someone in training today say they were going to ask you about Y/N…. see if she’s single.”
“Did you?” She kept a straight face going between the actual game and the game on her phone.
“Would you mind? See if she’s up for going on a date.”
“Ask her yourself.”
“You know I saw something interesting yesterday, I don’t snoop and I wasn’t like looking but Y/N said I could borrow her nail file and I went to go and get it but then I kind of saw the photo.”
“What photo?”
“The photo on your bedside table…. The one of you kissing.”
“Well I guess you did need a little help working it out” Ona knew you wouldn’t be angry about your secret unravelling and she wasn’t either. “Surprise.”
“What the fuck? You’re actually dating, like actually dating.”
“Like actually dating.” Ona imitated the confused English woman.
“For how long.”
“Nearly three years now.”
“Shut up, you’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“So all that time, you weren’t just being overly friendly with her.”
“You’re so smart Ella, well done.”
“Shut up, I actually can’t believe this.”
One almost wished she had lied and made an excuse about the photo when Ella then wouldn’t stop asking questions about her relationship for the rest of the match. When the final whistle rang the two of them stayed up in the stands until the majority of the crowd had left and the two of them could make their way down to the city girls.
“Hey girls.” You came over all sweaty from playing the full ninety minutes in the midfield giving Ella a quick hug before wrapping your arms around Ona. You would have stayed there much longer had it not been for Laia and Leila coming over to greet their Spanish teammate before moving over to the rest of the lingering crowd. “Starting to worry about us?”
“No way.” Ona answered, wrapping her arms around you once again to whisper in your ear. “Ella knows.”
“Ella knows what?” You questioned the midfielder.
“That you two have been sneaking around, behind our backs.” She pouted. “I can’t believe I missed all the signs, it was so obvious.”
“You’re telling me, I mean the only thing you didn’t do is walk in on us.”
“I’m never walking into your flat unannounced again.”
“Yeah, don’t do that.” The smirk you and Ona shared reminded you of that moment less than a year ago when your secret was nearly unveiled.
“Ona! Y/N! I’ve brought donuts.”
That was the last thing you wanted to hear in that moment, Leila’s voice resounding around the flat. She made the move to Manchester less than a week ago and you were really here only friends in the city.
The problem was that yourself and Ona had been celebrating your second anniversary which fell in the midweek and one thing had led to another causing you both to be left naked in your bed at not even 8 o’clock.
“Where are you both?” That made you realise that not only was Leila in your flat you could hear her footsteps and it wouldn’t be too long before she reached your door.
“Don’t come in.” Ona shouted to her, scrambling out of the bed and tugging the nearest clothes on “We’re in here, I’m just getting changed and Y/N’s in the bathroom.”
“Why did you say that?” You whispered.
“I panicked, what was I meant to say ‘oh sorry we were in bed together’.”
“Why is she not in her own bathroom?” Leila’s voice came again.
“Erm, the shower broke. She had to borrow mine.” Thankfully Ona made that up on the spot but it still wasn’t convincing.
“Okay.” Leila didn’t sound convinced but let it go. “I’ll be in the living room, I’ve got donuts.”
“Thanks Leila.” Ona said, pulling you back into her. “I can’t believe she chose now to turn up.”
“Get some clothes on.” You ordered, pressing a kiss to her pouting lips. “I guess I better dampen my hair a bit.”
@Y/Nfan1: Saw Y/N and Ona at the match cuddling today after the match. We love our Spanish besties.
To Ella’s credit she never said a word about what she knew, well at least to your knowledge.
The first time the fans had even the slightest inkling that something more could be going on and clocked onto your previous moments together was at Leila’s birthday.
You couldn’t arrive with Leila as you promised Ellie and Alex you would get ready with them but that just meant you had the joy of watching her reaction as you arrived. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t clocked her immediately, your white suit that she had obviously borrowed took your breath away as her eyes trailed on your figure in just a black wrap dress.
“Hola.” You greeted Laia, Deyna and Leila who were also at her end of the table, a seat spare between Ona and Laia. “You all look stunning.”
“Not as stunning as you, mi hermosa.” Leila said, wrapping her arms around you as you sat down, Ona’s arm immediately coming to rest on the top of your chair, her fingertips lightly dragging over your exposed collarbone. “Maybe we can find you a girl tonight.”
You didn’t have to look at Ona to say she would be pissed off by that comment, a little scowl forming on her face but the indicator was the hand which came to grip your thigh underneath the silk material of your dress. “No way, tonight is all about you Miss Ouahabi.”
Thankfully someone else distracted you and that left you free to speak to the girl to your left.
“You look incredible tonight mi vida.” You whispered in her ear, noticing the glass of wine already in front of you. “Is this for me?”
“All for you, just like you’re mine later.” She whispered back discreetly, squeezing your thigh. “I can’t believe you’ve got me hanging out with the enemy.”
“We hang out with them all the time and I’m always with your teammates.”
“Yeah but not like the full time, we haven’t done that in a long time.”
“Well we’ll all be together next week.” Next week it was your birthday and you were having a little soiree, you wouldn’t call it a party as you didn’t want your flat to be trashed but teammates from both sides of Manchester were being invited.
One thing you love and hated about Leila was that girl knew how to party. Loved because she knew how to have a good time and therefore you were able to let loose for the night having beat Chelsea earlier in the day. Hated because that left you and Ona very tipsy and therefore boundaries you usually had were smashed into smithereens.
“Let me take a photo.” Leila said just as you were about to suggest maybe it was time to go home and stop drinking before you were at risk of throwing up. “My senoritas.”
You had to make room to all fit in the photo frame and that meant squashing up so you were half on Ona’s chair, almost on her lap as your arm wrapped around her waist. That move left yours and Ona’s lips barely inches away from each other and as you looked her in the eye all you could think about was just tipping your head forward and placing your lips on hers.
“Cheese girls.” Leila broke you out of your spell as you turned to look at Alanna taking the photo.
Alanna took the photo and Laia went to go and sit back down again but before you moved back you turned to Leila. “Can you take one of just Ona and I?”
“Of course.”
You would never have done this stone cold sober and neither would Ona but that would be tomorrow’s problem as you moved so you were sat on Ona’s knee sideways, facing the camera as you rested your head on her shoulder.
“You two are so cute.” Esme commented from further down the table. “Lauren would never take a photo like that with me.”
“Shut up.” You heard Lauren shout back to her former roomie but you focused back on the camera.
It was too good not to post the photo. Even with your blurry eyes you could see the love in both of your eyes in the multiple photos Leila had took, some of you looking at the camera but one really stood out for you. The both of you were looking at one another, your hands clasped together in your lap as you couldn’t help but laugh at whatever someone must have said.
Nothing could stop you posting it, tagging Ona and leaving the caption ‘mi vida’ with a love heart and as you woke up to a few comments the next morning suggesting you were maybe something more than just Spanish you couldn’t help but pull your girlfriend closer to you, prepared to let this unravel together.
Birthdays with Ona were your favourite. You would have been happy with just spending the day with her but thankfully you had both played your games yesterday and so your wish and more could come true. She was the most thoughtful person you knew from breakfast in bed to a spa day together in a fancy hotel, something you had being wanting to do for a while, and then a fancy meal together.
Now you were stood in your kitchen, all your friends around you as you sipped on your favourite cocktail.
“Have you had a nice birthday?” Millie asked coming to wrap her arms around your shoulders. “Has our girl spoiled you?”
“I’ve had the best day. We went out today and she got me some concert tickets.” Not to mention the trainers and clutch bag you had been eyeing for months but that was maybe too much to not be suspicious.
“Ready!” You had no idea who shouted that but all of a sudden the lights went out, Ona appearing from the doorway with a cake full of candles in her hand. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Y/N. Happy birthday to you!”
This felt like the moment as you blew out the candles, everyone cheering and Ona set down the cake next to you to be able to wrap her arms around you. You had your girl, you had all your friends around you and more importantly you just felt content.
“Ready?” You whispered in Ona’s ear, she recognised the look on your face and knew what was coming as you cradled her chin, bringing your lips down onto her own.
“Oh my….” You heard someone shout as you pecked her lips again.
“I’m no expert but I don’t think Spanish people do that with everyone.” Lauren questioned. “Wait are you two dating?”
“We are.” Ona confirmed.
“How long has this been going on?”
“We got together nearly three years ago.” You answered Hayley’s question. “I can’t believe it took you this long to work it out and we basically did the work for you.”
“Did anyone know?” Chloe asked. “I can’t believe this has been right in front of our eyes and we didn’t connect the dots.”
“Who’s their favourite?” Ella stepped forward. “I am, I knew.”
“How did you know and I didn’t?” Laia asked.
“We didn’t exactly tell Ella, she found out.” You told everyone.
“In other words I found a picture of them kissing and they had to spill their little secret.” Ella teased you both. “Don’t get it out by the way, I had to bleach my eyes when I saw it.”
“Very funny.”
“Wait…” Leila’s spoke up. “You weren’t in the shower that time were you?”
You and Ona couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, your reaction a stark difference to everyone’s confused looks and Leila’s disgusted face.
“I’ll let you work that one out for yourself.”
This time you left no room for confusion. Alanna once again had been the perfect camerawoman, ready on call to snap a photo of the kiss. You cake in the background and your arms wrapped around her neck as hers went around your waist.
‘Spanish or dating?”
Estoy en casa – Honey, I’m home
gran victoria mi pequeña superestrella – great win my little superstar
Gracias, ¿Cómo estuvo tu día, querido? – Thank you, how was your day my dear?
Buena – good
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Please keep in mind I don't know most of the ships/couples in the preliminary round. If you think something doesn't belong in this poll, vote that couple/ship out & please be civil!
For Yuzuriha and Sagiri:
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For Johnny and Gyro:
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For Moxxie and Millie:
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For Ashley and Victoria:
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For Nueng and Palm:
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blippymilk · 5 months
Celebrities I believe that Trolls 3 characters stan:
John Dory - Sir Mix-A-Lot, H.E.R, J. Cole
Bruce - Ciara, Kelly Rowland, Ne-Yo
Clay - Sza, Travis Scott, Tyler the Creator, Michael Jackson, The Weeknd
Floyd - Jhené Aiko, Brent Faiyez, Kali Uchis, Tame Impala
Branch - Bruno Mars, Labrinth, Steve Lacey, Whitney Houston (for some reason??)
Poppy - Ariana Grande, Usher, TLC, Pinkpanthersss, Gwen Stafani
Viva - Fifth Harmony ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Victoria Monét, Ella Mai
Velvet - Lana Del Ray, Melanie Martinez, Brittney Spears (to a certain degree)
Veneer - Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, Flo Milli, Chloe x Halle, City Girls, Ice Spice
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narcobarbies · 5 months
Post your favorite and most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).
Tagged by @maxxxines <3 thank you so much for taggging me!!
MOST POPULAR: india love via instagram stories (2,547 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét via instagram stories , ryan destiny as alex crane on star on fox 2.02 , beyoncé as lilly on the fighting temptations
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (1,716 notes)
FAVORITE(S): ryan destiny via instagram , carlacia grant via instagram , joyce wrice's bittersweet goodbyes MV , keesha ward from general hospital , joyful joyful from sister act 2
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (2,901 notes)
FAVORITE(S): nikolas cassadine calling out everyone in port charles from GH , carlacia grant via instagram , tessa thompson for armani beauty
MOST POPULAR: sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG (1,152 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét via tiktok , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , sofia wylie via tiktok
MOST POPULAR: taylor russell by kali kennedy (2,789 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét party girls MV , saweetie via instagram stories , tems met gala after party , carlacia grant via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét and janelle monáe at the age pleasure LA listening party (06/10/2023) (2,283 notes)
FAVORITE(S): saweetie via instagram (06/26/2023) , saweetie via instagram , ryan destiny via instagram , victoria monét via instagram , carlacia grant as cleo for obx s4 promo , kiana ledé via instagram , sofia wylie via tiktok
MOST POPULAR: Earth, Wind & Fire sit down with Victoria Monét (1,682 notes)
FAVORITE(S): flo milli in want em hood MV , saweetie birthday mv , india love in flyest in the city mv , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , carlacia grant during the ACQUA DI GIO and Gen A event by Giorgio Armani. (07/15/2023)
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (1,651 notes)
FAVORITE(S): foxy brown in i'll be mv , mya whine mv , kiana ledé via instagram , saweetie shot o clock mv , saweetie via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram for spotify’s RNBx (779 notes)
FAVORITE(S): FAITH EVANS | CAN’T BELIEVE FEAT. CARL THOMAS (2001) , NELLY FURTADO – 2023 MTV Video Music Awards , sofia wylie via tiktok , saweetie via basedkenken’s instagram , ryan destiny via instagram , victoria monét via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét photographed by byjamiebruce (615 notes)
FAVORITE(S): kiana ledé via instagram , saweetie via instagram , savannah smith via tiktok , alina baraz in breathless mv , faith evans in never gonna let you go mv , saweetie via instagram , danna paola via instagram
MOST POPULAR: sydney sweeney for armani beauty (1,150 notes)
FAVORITE(S): VICTORIA MONÉT photographed by chanellington , cassie photographed by jorden keith , india love for true religion , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , ryan destiny for off white
MOST POPULAR: tems via instagram (2,333 notes)
FAVORITE(S): tabyana ali as trina robinson on GH , sydney sweeney 'anyone but you' NY premiere , victoria monét via instagram , chloe bailey via instagram , jhené aiko via instagram
tagging: @miss-lauryn-hill , @oneofdem , @itszonez , @blackerthings , @ivanpellicer , @agorahills , @saw-x , @keatinglayla , @zendadya , @possession
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
including miscellaneous content that isn't exactly fic but sure are thoughts. author's commentary can be found at the bottom of the list
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ ko-fi
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💔 angst
💝 fluff
🖤 nsfw/sexual, features content not intended for minors
(parentheses): brainrot/thoughts that relate to another fic i wrote
[will add more if needed]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
lazulight 。・:*˚:✧。
⛅ elira pendora
🐠 finana ryugu
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
obsydia 。・:*˚:✧。
🌹 rosemi lovelock
🐧 petra gurin
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
ethyria 。・:*˚:✧。
🕊 enna alouette
🪄 millie parfait
👻 reimu endou
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
luxiem 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ 4402 reacts to luxiem 2.0
🖋 ike eveland
༻✧༺ i got fanart of ike and his 700-dollar 3 foot tall miku! | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ hotel california (in pursuit to and from the sun) | original fic 💔
༻✧༺ ike realizing his feelings (pliskinverse) | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ first time with ike (pliskinverse) | original fic 💝 🖤
🦁 luca kaneshiro
🦊 mysta rias
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming 💝
👟 shu yamino
༻✧༺ worldbuilding and magic (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ pale blue by kenshi yonezu (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ playing with shu’s hair | original fic 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ winter cuddles | original fic 💝
༻✧༺ thoughts on shu’s ponytail before 2.0 reveal 💝
༻✧༺ infinity thoughts
👹 vox akuma
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
noctyx 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ 4402 reacts to noctyx 2.0
🎭 alban knox
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming 💝
🐑 fulgur ovid
༻✧༺ prosthetics 💝
🔗 sonny brisko
༻✧༺ warm towel 💝
༻✧༺ infinity thoughts
🔮 uki violeta
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
iluna 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ weebcon 2023 moon bros q&a (non-verbatim)
༻✧༺ weebcon 2023 iluna girls q&a (non-verbatim)
🐰 maria marionette
💫 aster arcadia
👼 aia amare
🛸 ren zotto
༻✧༺ alien features + thoughts after wanderer 🖤
💅 scarle yonaguni
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
xsoleil 。・:*˚:✧。
🐣 doppio dropscythe
🌂 meloco kyoran
❗️ hex haywire
⚡️ kotoka torahime
♦️ ver vermillion
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
krisis 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ inexperienced krisis brainrot 🖤
༻✧༺ i swear zali is the real menace of krisis 💝
༻✧༺ krisis is happy to be here 💝
༻✧༺ krisis as men of the night 🖤
🧻 vezalius bandage
🔪 vantacrow bringer
🥽 yu q. wilson
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
these three troublemakers 。・:*˚:✧。
🍡kunai nakasato
🧋 victoria brightshield
🧤 claude clawmark
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
tempus hq 。・:*˚:✧。
🎇 regis altare
⛓ axel syrios
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
tempus vanguard 。・:*˚:✧。
🎩 gavis bettel
🪫 machina x flayon
🔅 banzoin hakka
🏹 josuiji shinri
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
avallum 。・:*˚:✧。
🍻 gale galleon
🌿 cassian floros
🌙lucien lunaris
♈ zander netherbrand
🕹 rosco graves
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
#ao3 wrapped 2023 questions
༻✧༺ most comments and favorite line/passage
༻✧༺ most proud of, longest time writing, and most troublesome character
༻✧༺ feedback comparison between tumblr and ao3
༻✧༺ most hits and biggest surprise
༻✧༺ favorite fic title
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
fic commentary and notes
༻✧༺ worldbuilding and magic (trading a heart) | original fic
༻✧༺ zombie au notes (in pursuit to and from the sun) | original fic
↪ explaining luca's characterization and breaking down shu snapping
↪ reader as an unreliable narrator and luca as an ignored character
↪ ike and reader: where are they now
༻✧༺ stars above your skin notes (pliskinverse) | original fic
↪ reasoning behind the title and star symbolism
↪ thoughts on reader as a vtuber and limits as a fan writer
30 notes · View notes
clonehub · 5 months
Music Tastes
Sunlaou: Mick Jenkins, Smino, JID, Megan Thee Stallion, Victor Ray, Toulouse, Dreamville, Burna Boy, Coast Contra, Kassa Overall, Sza, Ari Lennox, Lucky Daye, Kaytranada, Tyler the Creator, Tobe Nwigwe, FKA Twigs, Kendrick Lama, Beyonce, Wizkid, Tame Impala, Frank Ocean, DUCKWRTH, Amine, 6Lack, Drae Singleton, Jay-Z, Gallant, grouptherapy
And then afrobeats generally, RnB, UK drill, anything that's Black and chill
Hahkin: Ice Spice, Pop Smoke, Sza, Cardi B, Lucky Daye, Flo Milli, Doechii, Bree Runway, Kendrick Lamar, Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Baby Keem, 6Lack, Drei Singleton, Migos, Future, Jay-Z, Baby Tate, City Girls
And then NY drill generally, rap, jersey club
Kiki: Mick Jenkins, Dreamville, Ice Spice, Megan Thee Stallion, BoysWorld, Hozier, JID, Chloe, Halle, Chloe x Halle, Victoria Money, Janelle Monae, Jungle, Sza, Ari Lennox, Lucky Daye, Kaytranada, Lucky Daye, Flo Milli, Doechii, Bree Runway, Glass Animals, FKA Twigs, Tamino, Akintoye, Beyonce, Tame Impala, Arctic Monkeys, Sufjan Stevens, Woodkid, Frank Ocean, Taemin, DUCKWRTH, 6Lack, Drae Singleton, Hyukoh, Starset, Gallant, grouptherapy
And then electronic/dubstep remixes of songs. a lot. classical, jazz, very very specific pop songs
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 11 months
Finally They Have A FC!
Yes, I had some (read: too much) ocs without fc that were already on my masterlist... but now they have one! (Everyone thanks my brainstorming for my new ocs)
Good Omens
Althea Price - witch; Eltanin’s girlfriend; immortal being (kind of? it’s complicated)
Her faceclaim is Diana Silvers!
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Nico Lightwood - Shadowhunter; descendant of Violet & Samuel’s kids; Vienna’s younger brother; lives in Rome Istitute; main character in TWP (Yes, I know that series is not out yet)
His faceclaim is Finn Wolfhard! 
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Alice Knight - witch/warlock; adoptive “mother” of Lydia Knight; Alice and Magnus are like the fixed points of all the series lmao; angst queen
Her facelaim is Lily James!
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Lydia Knight - witch/warlock; Elys’ childhood friend; Brian’s girlfriend
Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Brian White - werewolf; Elys’ childhood friend; Lydia’s boyfriend
His faceclaim is Mark Mckenna!
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Jackson Milligan - Mundane; Elys’ adoptive father
His faceclaim is Tyler Hoechlin!
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Samuel Milligan - Ascent Shadowhunter; Mundane raised in a Shadowhunter family; Alistair Carstairs’ parabatai; madly in love with Violet Lightwood
His faceclaim is Josh Whitehouse!
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Vienna Lightwood - Shadowhunter; Nico’s older sister; been to the Academy the same year with Simon Lewis
Her faceclaim is Shelley Henning!
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Cassandra Blackthorn - Shadowhunter; Ty and Livvy’s twin sister (they’re a triplet); main character in both TDA and TWP
Her faceclaim in TWP is now Emilia Jones! (Her fc in TDA is Malina Weissman)
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Downton Abbey
Lady Elisabeth Crawley - second daughter in the Crawley family; takes shit from no one; her and Sybil could run the world if they wanted to
Her faceclaim is Keira Knightley!
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Madeline Barrow - Thomas Barrow’s niece; the most rebel girl in town; a menace to society
Her faceclaim is Millie Bobby Brown!
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Victoria Vill (2) - Spider-Girl; Vicky from Raimi!Verse
Her faceclaim is Emmy Rossum!
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Victoria Vill (3) - Aranea; Vicky from TASM!Verse
Her faceclaim is Willa Holland!
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Ate Erisdottir “Aimee” - goddess; daughter of Eris; Loki ship (they’re literally soulmates okay? 🥺)
Her faceclaim is Emilia Clarke! 
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XCU (X-Men)
Leia Forbes - Mutant; half-aware of the fourth wall; Wade ship
Her faceclaim are Zoe Kravitz & Margot Robbie! (Trust me, it has sense, okay?)
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Ness from the original timeline
Her faceclaim is Angelina Jolie!
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Ness Fitzgerald - Hellfire; Arcane; Ness from the New Timeline (but not First Class)
Her faceclaim is Nina Dobrev!
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Catarine “Cata” Johnson - Redacted; parents Redacted; Apollo/Lester’s friend (her story is setted during TOA); powerful lesbian
Her faceclaim is Rachel Zegler!
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Evelyn Chase - Magnus’ adoptive sister; daughter of Loki; TJ ship
Her faceclaim is Kiernan Shipka!
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Teen Wolf
Redacted “Addie” Lewis - werecat; Stiles ship
Her faceclaim is Anya Taylor-Joy!
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Stranger Things
Autumn Hopper - 013; Anya Richards; Hawkins Lab experiment; Miles Henderson’s sister figure; Steve ship
Her faceclaim is Jenny Boyd!
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Under this you have my Harry Potter ocs! You’ve been warned!
Harry Potter 
Nath Andrews - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Ravenclaw;
His faceclaim is Jordan Fisher!
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Theo Denton - wizard; part of the S.Q.U.A.D.; Gryffindor
His faceclaim is Evan Mock!
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Callisto Black - witch; daughter of Rosalinf and Sirius; sister of Jan us and Justine Black; Hufflepuff
Her faceclaim is Danielle Campbell!
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Janus Black - wizard; son of Rosalind and Sirius; brother of Callisto and Justine Black; Gryffindor; Luna Lovegood ship
His faceclaim is Joe Keery!
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Justine Black - witch; daughter of Rosalind and Sirius; sister of Callisto and Janus Black; Slytherin
Her faceclaim is Alba Baptista!
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othsource · 1 year
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ramonathinks · 5 months
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(runs @blkwriters) ao3 under the same name (ramonathinks)
ramona ཐིཋྀ— black. 22. (18+ only please). i interact with dark content/age up. i don’t condone any of the dark content that i may interact with. all my y/n’s are black.
hottest girly in town. may taurus. lesbian. satoru’s girlfriend. english-creative writing major with gender-women studies minor. 5’4. owner of too many purses and resident lover of hello kitty.
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octavia butler lover. legendborn supremacy! recommend me books <3 and i’ll add them to my ongoing list.
i suffer from a lot of chronic pains and sometimes rant about it!
beyoncé. mariah carey. ariana grande. sabrina carpenter. normani. fauna hues. sza. victoria monet. megan thee stallion. pinkpantheress. amy winehouse. loona. cleo sol. renee rapp. esperanza spalding. umi. chloe x halle. dua lipa. flo. monaleo. flo milli. joyce wrice. mitski.
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sunflowerswriting · 1 year
a little list of things i want is down below! if you'd like any of these pairings, fc's or plots in your life, hit me up!
fcs i wanna play:
pedro pascal. mason gooding. camila morrone. riley keough. suki waterhouse. courtney eaton. jasmine savoy brown. melisa barrera. jeremy allen white. emma d'arcy. tati gabrielle. chase sui wonders. dylan o'brian. nick robinson. milly alcock.
fcs i wanna play against:
riley keough. suki waterhouse. sydney sweeney. daisy head. jessica chastain. phoebe tonkin. jenna ortega. victoria pedretti. hunter schafer. melisa barrera. milly alcock. emma d'arcy. renee rapp. margaret qualley.
pairings i'd like (people i wanna play bolded):
mason gooding x jenna ortega
jenna ortega x jasmine savoy brown
pedro pascal x jessica chastain
suki waterhouse x riley keough
camila morrone x riley keough
plots i want:
stalker/obsession plots
serial killer plots ( bonus if its f/f or female serial killers )
enemies to lovers
slutty plots for my mason gooding muse that i'm thinking of
preachers daughter/rebellious bad girl
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… crashed the app the first time I tried to paste the list Oof… this is entirely unhinged so enjoy! (I tried to avoid ones we’ve talked about before but I’m sure some slipped in and also I’m sure that I missed some 😭)
Send me a 🔁 and I’ll list one or more crossovers between our ocs that I’d be interested in talking about
Ophelia Wayne
Isolde Kean
Lorena Falcone
Seraphini Zambini
Adhara Black
Ara Black
Carina Goldberg
Venus Malfoy
Violetta Greengrass
Augusta Beauchamp
Dorothea Bridgerton
Eliza Huntington
Emmeline Bridgerton
Georgina Pemberton
Harriet Warwick
Betty Fabray
Christina Hummel
Faye Anderson
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
May Taylor & June Harris
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Dolly Corcoran
Jaci Jones
Johanna Berry
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Charlotte Smythe (… no I don’t know anything about her I just love Hizzie)
Joy Schuester
Kendall Pierce
Marilyn Pillsbury
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Betty Fabray
Jaci Jones
Kendall Pierce
Lilibeth Anderson
Sadie Berry
Savannah Evans
Abbie Hudson
Betty Fabray
Cece & Colton Cartwright
Dolly Corcoran
Joy Schuester
Roxie Flores
May Taylor & June Harris
Blake Castellan ( & Jasper Gabriel )
Cressida Brantley
Crystal Solace
Elaine & Felicity Castellan
Liz Castellan
Melody Weiss
Penelope Grace
Stella Beauregard
Victoria Blofis
Viola Di Angelo
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford & Charles Gilmore
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Elle Hearst
Lili Gilmore
Sienna Elliot
Sophie Dugray
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Sienna Elliot
Allie St James
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford & Charles Gilmore
Brady Mariano
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Charlotte Howard-Danes
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore (ft the Willow Squad)
Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Marley Tinsdale
Preston Gilmore
Sam Gleason
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brady Mariano
Emmeline Forbes
Jacqueline Grant
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Elle Hearst
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore
Nellie McCrae
Preston Gilmore
Sienna Elliot
Lexi Danes
Jocelyn Gilmore
Preston Gilmore
Gwen Merlyn
Annika Webster
Dani Merlyn
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Allie St James
Annabel Gilmore
Antoinette Kensington
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford (& Charles Gilmore & Kaito Lauder but also Blythe x Richie)
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller
Cosette Gerard
Dani Gilmore Danes
Eleanor Doose
Elle Hearst
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Hyacinth Nelson (???)
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Lili Gilmore
Lucas Gilmore
Lorrie Gilmore-Danes
Marley Tinsdale
McKenna Hayden
Natalie Lister (ft the whole willow gang)
Nellie McCrae
Paige Huntzberger
Preston Gilmore & Lexi Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz (??)
Sienna Elliot
Viviana Lozano
The Band
[ Carlotta Hayden once she’s renamed ]
Allie St James
Brady Mariano
Eleanor Doose
Evan Mariano
Gabi Mariano
Holland Bass
Ilsa Gilmore Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Lucas Gilmore & Natalie Lister (ft the entire Willow Squad)
Paige Huntzberger
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
The Band
Kirsty & the dance squad
Willow & the squad
Sam Gleason
Holland Bass
Sage Hall
Avery Stiles
Blythe Langford
Brielle Livingston & Austin Geller & Brooks Livingston
Chelsea Geller
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Nellie McCrae
Paige Huntzberger
Sienna Elliot
Annika Webster
Imogen Allen
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Parker Allen & Noah Altman
Angelina Winters
Dani Merlyn
Diana Queen
Kelsey Doyle
Mercy Bowen
Mia Queen
Lillian & Max
Annika Webster
Dani Merlyn
Imogen Allen
Kelsey Doyle
Mia Queen
Nia West
Parker Allen & Noah Altman
Carissa Grace
Cassandra Aelius
Melody Weiss
Penelope Grace
Josie Spencer
Calleigh Sheridan
Odelia Kowroski
Deborah Winchester
Elle Winchester
Esther Colt
Isla George
Jude Winchester
Nevaeh Murphy
Phoebe Winchester
Trix Stilinski
Calleigh Sheridan
Odelia Kowroski
Chiara Potts
Finley Rider
Harmony Of Atlantis
Lani Of Atlantis
Finley Rider
Isadora Darling
Violet Kingsleigh
Winnie Pan
Ariana Pendragon
Elsine Pendragon
Allyria Pendragon
Lynette Starfall
Princess Aelia
Clara Gale
Andrea Hagreeves
Andromeda Hargreeves
Audrey Hargreeves
Cleo Sullivan
Dahlia Mort
Gemma Hargreeves
Helena Hargreeves
June McLaughlin
Lorelai Hargreeves
Max Carmichael
Sierra Nearing
Sunny Talbot
Tiffany Katz
Tori Hargreeves
Virginia West
Wilhelmina Hargreeves
Finley Rider
Harley Hook
Princess Isabelle
Rosabelle Legume
Ara Black
Adhara Black
Carina Goldberg
Danica Lestrange
Lyarra Vance
Venus Malfoy
Violetta Greengrass
The Healer
Abbey Baker
Carys Harkness-Jones
Cassiopeia Harkness
Celeste Nichols
Ceridwen Lewis
Estella Tyler
Mina Ambrosia / The Scribe
Rose Harkness
Rusalia / The Oracle
Theia Wolfe
Matilda Fairbanks
Abbey Baker
Carys Harkness-Jones
Cassiopeia Harkness
Celeste Nichols
Ceridwen Lewis
Estella Tyler
Mina Ambrosia / The Scribe
Rose Harkness
Rusalia / The Oracle
Theia Wolfe
Beatrix Shellstrop
Bridget Atkins
Tatum Shellstrop
Amber Cain
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
hey music anon! I absolutely adored all of the music you've recc'd to me so far! Is it possible for me to ask for some more? I've loved all of it but found that some I have loved the most are EX0, Beyonce, Heize, Monsta X, Tiger goods and wonder girls.
If not that's cool, you've already given me so much more to explore :) I actually ended up getting recommended SZA by spotify and loved her stuff :)
I don't remember everything I rec'd you before, so sorry if I end up reccing something I already rec'd you but I remember your general taste from the first ask and might mix tht in
but also I'm gonna take a LOT more wild swings to kinda test the boundaries a bit, so it's okay for you to tell me what DIDN'T work for you
you might like:
t by 88rising with utada hikaru (disclaimer, the song isn't the greatest but it's nice playlist filler)
make it by 2pm
sour diesel, wrong, too much by Zayn
soul lady or neon by yukika, this feels a bit like a reach but if i remember hte heize tracks i rec'd you it's maybe not a reach??
thank u soooo much by yubin (she was a wonder girl!)
drink i'm sippin on by yaeji
how we do by xiumin (he's from exo!)
easy by wjsn the black, unnatural or new me by wjsn
love talk by wayv
love me do by vixx might match your exo tastes
freak by victoria monet
love foolish by twice
tri-angle by tvqx
retro future or 365 fresh by triple h
walkin by tomoko ikeda (not kpop, jpop)
rascal, save room for us, 2 on by tinashe
scent of you by &TEAM (again, not korean, it's japanese)
sexuality or criminal by taemin
runner by t1, raiden, baekyun (from exo!!), and changmo
sunmi is a member of wonder girls and it's hard to rec any one song by her! curve, sunny, heart burn are all great ones but gashina and siren are her biggest tracks. if you liekd yubin, sunmi did a track with her called who am i
16 shots by stefflon don, this is more a shot in the dark but i think it might combine some energies you're into?
fntsy by so!yoon! again this is a HEAVY out of bound swing but.... maybe?
do you want it right now siedah garrett
te felicito or chantaje by shakira or... since you like beyonce now... listen to shakira's collab with her "Beautiful liar"
fear by seventeen
28 reasons by seulgi or her song feel good she did with irene (would be listed under irene & seulgi i think)
F'd Up by Savannah Cristina ft Flo Milli
Smooth Operator by Sade
if you liked beyonce, know she recently sampled show me love by robin s. used to know me by charli xcx ALSO samples this but idk if charli is where you're at rn
my friends who like monsta x also seem to really like pentagon but i'll admit i only know two songs by them?? shine and naughty boy and they aren't... quite monsta x energy. but idk amybe it ticks the same boxes?? i am VERY unsure of these but the songs are cute
i hear my two cats fighting and have to take a break to break them up but i was going reverse alphabetically by artist so i can pick back up after M if you still want more or want to use this list to stop me where i'm overreaching and encourage specific sounds
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brokenhardies · 1 year
5️⃣ + skye or tina? whichever you're feeling more rn (or both) — @xoteajays
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OTP - Skye x Fridge!
BROTP - Skye & the whole party, but Skye & Spencer and Skye & Bethany are my two faves! (nothing against Martha or Alex but Skye's dynamics with with Spencer and Beth are more fun lol)
OT3 - Skye x Fridge x Bethany, the old fave! I mostly dropped it bc I realized that Skye has more chemistry with Fridge than Beth lol
NOTP - Skye x Alex *shudder* and Skye x the real Avatars *double shudder*
Alternate Love Interest - Skye x Bethany!
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OTP - Tina x Millie!
BROTP - Tina & Booker, Tina & Josh (mlm/wlw solidarity and hostility) and Tina & Rory!
OT3 - Tina x Millie x Victoria (my other Freaky OC!)
NOTP - ofc Tina x the Butcher, but also Tina x any guy
Alternative Love Interest - Tina x Nyla or Tina x Victoria!
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