instantpansies · 2 months
i think what makes milo/zack/melissa so fun is that each one is the world's biggest shipper of the other two. we already know milo is thee zalissa stan of all time. zack's like "oo, childhood best friends, don't worry i know there's smth between you ;)". melissa sees zack and milo hitting it off and goes "milo's finally hitting it off with someone new!!". of course, this could also be interpreted as none of them being in a relationship and tbh i think that's equally valid. i just think they're neat
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redrangermike · 9 months
plus it’ll be cliche
Not cliche...more like Disney's MO like it had been for years dating back to another fave of mine - Recess. Recess was literally pushing TJ and Spinelli together. Lone exception to this as I recall was American Dragon Jake Long. That, of course, was before shows like Gravity Falls and Owl House came along.
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mysteriesofmilo · 9 months
plus milolissa will be too cliche with male lead female lead getting together
Danny and sam aang and katara phineas and isabella arnold and helga jimmy and cindy kim and ron marinette and adrian simba and nala
I've already said this, but yes, I'm glad Milo and Melissa stayed Just Friends after never having been shown to have romantic interest in one another. They have an almost Phineas and Ferb-type relationship.
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danvillecheese · 1 year
if milolissa happened will it just be a second phinbella
I think milo and melissa have a very different dynamic to phinbella like yea they’re childhood besties but there’s definitely a lack of romantic chemistry between them lol
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sunsetcarnation264 · 3 years
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The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy AU. 3: Heart
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"And... There! All done!", Melissa said, and she looked proudly at her work. She had just finished organizing the pictures and moments from her and Milo's latest adventure (which she had dubbed "Missing Milo") and was now appreciating the adventure, the memories and her best friends safe return.
As she was finishing up she took a look around her Murphy's Law room and remembered how she herself wasn't sure why she continued collecting pictures despite deducing that Milo wouldn't want a cure for Murphy's Law. She knew it wasn't because she had feelings for him.
Or... Did she?
Melissa suddenly found herself thinking about the possibility of her having feelings for Milo. She was taken aback by this. She didn't have a crush on Milo! They were friends and that's it!
She thought to earlier that day, when Milo was missing. Man, she was worried! Would he be ok? What if he was lost? Confused? Sad? That was the last thing Melissa wanted and she had spent too much time thinking that yesterday.
But she also remembered how happy she was to see him. Zack later told her that she had the silliest grin on her face when Milo finally returned! But... That was just her being happy to see him!
But again, she felt doubt. She looked at a picture of Milo and her at a school dance. It was a few years back, when Milo had no one to ask to the dance too. Back then, he and Melissa would go to flings as friends. They had so much fun dancing then!
She considered her problem. Would it be so bad if she had feelings for him (which, she reminded herself, was not necessarily what she felt)? After all, it was Milo! Milo was so special to her, so funny, so smart, so... Milo-ish! He made her feel special in a million ways!
"But Milo loves Amanda!" shouted Melissa internally to her mind. "And I would never get between that!"
If Melissa was sure of on thing now, it was that. She'd definitely not hurt Milo's chances with Amanda 'cause she was "confused".
But that wasn't the question. The real question was does she like him like that?
Would it be so bad? Dating wouldn't be horrible. It was Milo! She'd do literally anything if it meant she got to spend time with the person that makes her happy most, that she cares for most!
Would it ruin their friendship if she had a crush?
Melissa was getting a headache. She just wanted to be the best friend she could be for Milo! She didn't need confused feelings!
Suddenly, she saw it. A very important picture had just fallen from it's place and landed right on her lap. She picked it up, and she was immediately flooded with happiness and warmth. This picture was very close to her heart: It was the first picture ever taken of Milo and her. She had convinced Milo to take one so that he'd understand she was his friend. A tree had just fallen behind them as the camera flashed and the two, arms over each other's shoulders, were laughing hard. It was the first time she had seen Milo laugh.
Later that day, they had promised each other to stay together forever and always be best friends.
The picture carried much significance in Melissa's heart, but now it reminded her of one more thing.
And that thing put Melissa at ease.
Who knows? Maybe one day, she and Milo will discover feelings for each other and date.
And maybe they will always stay best friends and not become a couple.
Melissa would be happy no matter what.
Because, as she looked at the picture, Melissa felt what she had felt all those years ago when she discovered her beloved cyclone of calamity, when they took their first picture, when they brought all those robots back into that shark cage, when they went to that lumberyard to apologize, when they had the Llama Incident, when she saw Milo return earlier that day with the pistachions and what she would feel for the rest of her life.
And so would Milo:
That Milo would be in Melissa's heart.
And Melissa would be in Milo's heart.
Post Credit Scene:
Milo was at his house during all this, gazing intently at something.
He seemed... Confused.
Like a thought had crossed his mind for the first time.
His face was warm from the blush that was prominently featured on his cheeks.
His heart beat rapidly.
His smile was telling.
Did he really?
Surely not...
It was just an odd feeling, that's all...
Sara put down the megaphone.
"Sorry, little brother, but how didn't you hear..."
Sara then noticed the picture Milo had.
The picture of a girl, in the middle of the park, smiling at the camera.
She smirked at him.
"It's... It's not what you think!"
Sara left, with an odd look in her eyes.
Milo followed her.
"It isn't like that!"
As Milo left, the picture remained on his bed.
The picture of Melissa Chase.
Did he like her like that?
Only time would tell... 
Post Credit Scene 2:
About a year later...
A warehouse in the middle of Danville is shown. A large portrait of Vinnie Dakota hangs on a wall. Six black gloved hands reach for the picture. We reveal six people all clad in black. A seventh is concealed in the shadows, unseen by the others.
The six (and the hidden seventh, under his breath) all vow an oath:
"Vinnie Dakota… IS OURS!"
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lunawolflight · 6 years
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Why hello there, here I am again! Well, I don’t like this ship (let’s say I can’t stand it a lot, I just see them as bf), but I made this for a friend’s birthday, hope she’ll like it x3 I’m actually pretty proud how Melissa came out, her hairs have been a torture to made but it’s pretty similar to the show and Milo is not good as her, but it’s still cute, his hands have been death xD I also have another new draw that it’s almost finished, I hope to get it done for today x3
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tallgirl14 · 7 years
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First kiss Just like in spider man
based off this
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confetti-cat · 8 years
Can we take fan-wagers on what ship is going to sail in Milo Murphy’s Law? Like, Melissa-style ultimate fan wagers? Because I bet a piece of Bradlissa fanart that Milo/Melissa is gonna be canon. >;D
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Why is Zalissa so controversial?
I have absolutely no idea why. They just existed.
I think one of the reasons has to do with the fact that some people expected Milo and Melissa to end up together. But literally early in the first season, Milo shows interest for Amanda, so I don't know why they would think that.
AND I LOVE MILO AND MELISSA AS FRIENDS. It's nice to see the main character and his girl best friend just be FRIENDS.
I think that milolissa is the main reason why its controversial.
Please tell me why it may be if you have any extra!
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redrangermike · 9 months
like is it a law to have the main male and female lead become a couple
Apparently it was with Disney TVA dating back to around 1997. Also kinda was with Nickelodeon too with shows like Danny Phantom and Hey Arnold...
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mysteriesofmilo · 4 years
You think they didn’t have Milo and Melissa be a couple is because it’ll be phinbella all over again
Interesting question, mayodayo. One of the rules of fiction writing is that when you're coming up with characters, you think in terms of opposites. So I think the main reason why they went with Amanda x Milo is because they wanted someone who was the living embodiment of order to fall for someone who was the living embodiment of chaos. And one thing Dan and Swampy don't really seem to like in their shows is cliche sitcom/ romantic rival drama.
But yes, the fact that Melissa x Milo would have been interpreted as Phineas x Isabella 2.0 probably also has something to do with it.
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awigglycultist · 3 years
You know what? No. No more arguing over the mml kids ships. No more milanda vs milolissa vs bradlio vs zalissa vs zilo vs bradlissa. All the kids are in a poly relationship, thank you and goodnight.
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froggydoodles · 4 years
What would the Milolissa get-together-as-an-official-couple scene look like in your mind?
I have imagined like they would realize their true feelings for each other at some point. I mean it would make perfect sense, they knew each other for so long and spending most of their time together. Even though Milo's curse, Melissa never gave up on him. Also not to mention that she saved a whole room with the stuff about Milo and even she admitted she realized that Milo wouldn't want to get rid of his curse but she still continues to keep stuff about him. Also, I still behind my words and still think that they were perfect for each other and could make a great couple. Thanks to creators of the show they ruined every possibility and ended the series with a forced Zalissa finale. I wouldn't even mind if they were ended the series without making any ships canon. At least that would have given everyone a chance to continue supporting their ship. Anyway talking about this really making me upset. I hope one day I can completely forget about that final episode.
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The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy AU: Balthazar Cavendish Vs The World: Chapter 1: Prologue: The First Domino Falls
The stage is set.
The curtain parts and we are greeted with a big ass title card that states in what can almost be described as a whisper that the year is
2141 The place? Marlborough Lines, Andover, Hampshire, in the United Kingdom. 51° 12′ 32.72″ N, 1° 31′ 17.65″ W.
As we cross non league football grounds, a railway station and a flour mill, we can see a mostly industrial town, in which the clouds are grey, yet cool.
Not your stereotypical English weather here, folks!
In this sort of lifeless small town, rooted in traditional thinking, we approach the very basis of this old timey tree of a town: Marlbourough Lines, the official Army Headquarters of The United Kingdom.
At first glance, the building would seem unimportant to most: Beige walls, multiple green doors, surprisingly miniscule.
In fact, its most striking external feature would be its oddly shaped roof.
Ah, but you see…
It is what inside that is important.
And it is definitely true with Marlborough Lines, and as we enter the doors, the hustle and bustle of Behind The Scenes army management is shown to our curious eyes.
Here you will not see men and women in green practice their shooting, however.
Here, my dear friends, is where we find the minds behind the operations.
Men in dark blue high neck tunics and elaborate headwear shuffle along importantly, discussing matters with a dry, formal air.
Everything, even the most trivial of conversations is gravely important.
Bushy beards and wrinkled faces nod and harrumph, and sounds of hurried typing and fax machine dials reverberate in a light room.
One of these bearded men, a Sergeant Arthur Wilson, former bank clerk from Thetford, Norfolk, currently twiddling his thumbs and pacing agitatedly near a big, wooden brown door, made of the oldest and finest yew,  is tasked with a most unenviable errand: Deliver the Chief of the General Staff bad news.
The polished wall clock tick tocked the seconds away, causing more and more sweat to glisten on Sergeant Wilson’s forehead, as he took out a hankerchief to wipe the droplets away.
“Just get it over with, Arthur old boy…”, he told himself, trying to ignore his heart’s desire to leap out and travel the world as a minstrel.
Or a dog show judge. He hadn’t chosen yet.
“You may come in, Sergeant Wilson.”, the gruff yet deathly serious commanding tone of the Chief of the General Staff sounded from within the office out to poor Arthur’s ears.
Arthur gulped, his throat almost croaking like a toad as he edged nervously towards the shiny brass metal door knob.
As he wiped his brow once more, he tried to settle his irate nerves.
“Take it easy, old chap. It’s just routine. Yes, routine.”
He nervously turned the handle.
“Why, you’ve told him this a million times.”
Of course, a small voice inside him couldn’t help but retort “Well, he’s also massacred you every single time you’ve said that.”
But there was no time to dilly dally.
Otherwise Arthur would get massacred twice.
And there were only so many times that could happen in a day.
Arousing last bits of blind courage, Arthur swung the door open wide, entering the office with a frenzy.
“Sir, I have bad news to report!”, he shouted out in attention, saluting the currently turned with his back to him chief.
The office was quite a sight to see: Swarms of medals decorated the walls, maps and diagrams of key hot spots and defensive positions hung on every spot that wasn’t filled with pictures of important people meeting the Chief, and shelves upon shelves of thick, detailed books on military history stood proudly, knowledge practically oozing from their yellowing pages.
However, that was not what caught Arthur’s eyes, and certainly your eyes would agree.
All eyes would and should dart towards the Chief himself, his imposing and towering stature present even when seated.
His back was hunched in thought, but since no one could see his eyes, no one could tell whether said thoughts were stormy or cordial.
One thing for sure: He would not like the news.
And that was immediately apparent in his dark, turquoise eyes that almost cut Arthur to ribbons without a single word.
The rest of the slaughter would be done with his piercing and sharp voice, one that could slice through air like it was… Well, air.
“What… Bad news, Sergeant?”, The Chief asked with a decidedly displeased tone.
Sergeant Wilson took a moment to breath as his voice trembled.
“Well… You see… It’s about… Um… Oh, you know…”
“This never gets easier, does it?”, he thought to himself.
The Chief, his rifle green high neck tunic and monocle now present, stood up, his large form now even more apparent as he strode towards Arthur, each step echoing in the halls of Arthur’s mind.
“In actual fact, Sergeant Wilson, I don’t know. If I did know… The matter would have been resolved long ago.”
His hands crossed behind his back, his head now lowering to meet the meek man below him, The Chief stared him straight in the eyes. The whites of his eyes to be specific.
“Refusing to report under order could lead to serious trouble for you.”, He said with way more than a hint of a threat in his words.
He tugged at the cross adorning Arthur’s chest.
“Would be a real pity if someone as essential as you lost their privilege to serve the Queen’s army over something as trivial as… Bad news.”
His words were loud and clear, and as Arthur gulped one last time, he choked out the message he so feared.
“Understood sir. It’s… It’s about your son, sir.”
The Chief’s composure died alongside Arthur’s words, his monocled eye twitching and his dulcet tones now replaced with rage and frustration.
“You don’t mean…”
He seethed and huffed, slamming the door aside, knocking Arthur down to the ground with a loud thud.
“Back to your duties, Sergeant Wilson!”, The Chief barked as he marched down the hall towards the entrance doors with great intensity.
“I will deal with Balthazar personally!”
As the doors swung wide and the sun invaded the premises, a doozy Arthur weakly saluted from the ground.
“As you wish, Chief Cavendish…”
1. Just seeing that there’s a title and a tagline and that this story is finally happening is magical to me. A friend of mine and I came up with this back in October 2018, and I’ve been adding more and more to it ever since!
2. Believe it or not, back when I was consistently making stories for the wiki, the plan was to post this on December 2018 (preferably Christmas). There would be a sequel (which I hadn’t chosen yet, and would end up becoming WaffleTail’s requested “Is This A Crossover Fanfic?”) and the threequel, “The Question”, was scheduled for Serend’s birthday. As you all know, the reverse happened.
3. Only a few things were clear to me from the start: The title, the plot (at least, parts of it), the villains and the ending. The musical parts were only thought of back in September 2019 after a first viewing of Steven Universe: The Movie left quite the impression!
4. The purple font that stops after Cavendish is on purpose: Purple is the official BI-Sexual color on the LGBTQ+ Flag. It represents his denial. The World is black because most of it (outside of a few close friends) want him to be someone else.
5. I like the intro! The story is written as a movie, a musical and a play, so the whole curtain shebang was fun to add!
6. I must say that another inspiration comes from MelissaFan’s musical about Milolissa! It sparked something in me, so thanks, Colleen!
7. 2141’s green font (that you can't see) is because of Cavendish, and because it felt kind of soft and homely, before everything goes to the shit.
8. Every detail in this one, from the military uniforms to the longitude and latitude to the locations are accurate. Lot’s of research for this one!
9. It was fun writing this chapter! This story HAD to be different to my usual stories, so I spend a lot of time on locations. It feels slower than most of my work, and it was fun to try doing that!
10. It is what inside that is important isn’t very subtle, true.
11. Arthur Wilson is one big “Dad’s Army” reference, and I love him for that!
12. In general, writing this scene was so different! It really feels like nothing we’ve seen before in the AU, which is most of this story. It’s easily the most mature, adult and sad story yet, and it takes us to places we’ve never seen!
13. And we finally see Cavendish’s Dad! He did appear as a ghost in “This Date Must Work” but it is here that is his true debut! He doesn’t feature that much (in fact, once this prologue ends, you won’t see him again until the end), but he is important! His presence is the reason Cavendish is the way he is, and he is arguably the biggest figure in Cavendish’s life!
I’m sure some of you may find this chapter a tad disappointing: Only 1k words? And it’s not even about Cavendish? Yes, I get you. But don’t worry! Not only is this chapter important, it will  be continued on Monday, where some REALLY big things happen!
In short: Lil’ Cavendish. Nuff said.
Please share your thoughts on this one! I’d be more than happy to answer all maner of praise, critique and questions you may have! Here, on FF.Net, Ao3 or Tumblr, I’ll take anything!
See ya then!
The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy.
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revenblue · 5 years
tfw dunno what to do
I could write but that involves working around my nonfunctional s and glitchy q
I could browse the pnf tag but there's A Lot bc I haven't looked through in months
I could browse the mml tag for s1-compliant fanart but I'd have to dodge s2 (if anyone could tag me in good s1-compliant art that'd be great, no dakavendish or milolissa pls)
I could try my other computer but cold
I could try to sleep off this migraine but I can't sleep on command
I could close EVERYTHING so my registry edits to fix my q key take
easier to continue on tumblr and work around my q that way
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