atempause-art · 7 months
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Přišli nám nový kuřátka, to znamená že kreslím další kuřecí ceduličky
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waking-hell · 2 years
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Northlane // Quantum Flux
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cozy-milo · 18 days
I think the worst aspect of my autism is the lack of unawareness to the point I make people uncomfortable. And I genuinely never mean to- but I am completely unable to read where a situation is going, or how a person feels about me, and I always then have to deal with the guilt of pushing someone to the point of discomfort.
It’s never purposeful, of course. Maybe I think that a person is forgetting to message first, so I keep pushing. Or I think that they want to open up but I’m just being forceful. Or I’m too affectionate. Or I’m assuming what someone wants.
I think it’s just particularly distressing because I have to deal with the guilt of pushing a boundary, or being inconsiderate. Part of me thinks the reason I struggle to maintain online friendships is because of that. I can’t understand what someone online is trying to communicate, and eventually, they get tired of it.
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hotkari · 3 months
Ó velký čumblre, vyslyš mé prosby!
Komu se nechce číst: Běž jsi poslechnout kapelu Celest & Charles.
Minulé léto jsem na festivalu v Třebíči poprvé slyšela naprosto skvělou českou kapelu Celest & Charles. Hrají takové funky disco, spousta saxofonů, trubka, elektrické kytary a dva super zpěváci + mají zajímavý a propracovaný texty.
Zatím jsou prakticky neznámí, ale tohle léto mají vlastní tour po Česku a dělají předskokana Divokýmu Billovi. Zkrátka, myslím, že to dotáhnou daleko a chci je podpořit.
Včera jsem si udělala výlet na jejich koncert do Bratislavy a ano, opravdu jsou tak dobří, že jsem se kvůli nim vydala na východ. Na živo hrají skvěle a ke každé písni mají sladěné pantomimické minitanečky. Když jsem poprosila o fotku, byli nadšení. Charles/Karel si se mnou moc mile popovídal a dokonce jsem dostala jejich kšiltovku, zkrátka interakce 11/10.
Takže pokud máš dneska prokrastinační den, pusť si Zvedni prdel.
Jestliže jsi v párty rozhoďnožka éře, poslechni si Jste můj svět.
Pro teoretické fyziky a filozofy je tu Hodinář a pro vás, kteří byste raději své vztahy hodili do stroje, Ve dvou se to táhne líp.
A samozřejmě pro milovníky disca je to Miluju Disco.
Konec hlášení a běžte šířit lásku!
Díky 🧡
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Milo Greer? HA! More like Milo Queer
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genderfluidsgetguns · 3 months
college is mean…wish you were done for the day alreadyyyy
:[ you can’t tell but I’m pouting
jussssttt an hour and a half more babbeeeee
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gyuocji · 6 months
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i was gonna wait till i hit level 55 to show my boy but fuck it he's too pretty
his name is Milov
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n41r · 7 months
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Trollskull Terrors by heyyeliah
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chaosthrive · 1 year
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cozy-milo · 3 months
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 ☀︎︎
➾ Hi there, I’m Milo! \(^ヮ^)/ I’m 17 years old, and use he/him pronouns. This is just a blog for all my silly interests and to ramble, vent, reblog my sillies.. whatever the case may be!
➾ I have a variety of hobbies, interests, and enjoyments! These include (but are not limited to) deep sea gigantism, sharks, psychology, reading, music, a variety of fandoms (you should ask me about it hehe) and Waffle House.
➾ I caregive in the agere community- You can check it out @cozy-cg, if you’re curious.
➾ If you don’t fw the devils lettuce (or tolerate mentions of it), you probably won’t fw or tolerate me.
➾ Lastly, I don’t really have a DNI or anything. As long as you’re not being an asshole, you’re welcome to stay and hang around! Though, if I am uncomfortable for any reason, I do block at my own discretion.
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲! ꥟
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mattiwee · 1 year
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JK 너무 귀여워 <3
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merotwst · 2 years
Charcoal, Steel, Carmine. I would add a lot more but I think there is a good number to get my point across. <3 <3 <3
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genderfluidsgetguns · 4 months
babe it’s important what’s your birthstone please i need to know for normal reasons totally not very very gay reasons
Uuuuuhhh *Google birthstone* Amethyst/Amber :3
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10ve1etter · 2 years
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a study in heather cheryl mason ; a never ending final girl arc,  when is it my turn to be happy, blood as an accessory, death doesn’t eat me / i eat death, running away from your past, the damsel saves herself and everyone she loves, oh shit here we go again, dread crawling up my throat, a knife dripping red and staining the kitchen floor, all hot girls go a little feral sometimes, i’m all grown up and all i’ve got to show for it is a mouth full of blood and eyes that have seen too much, loving despite the tragedy, and saving your friends.   ( @godpact​ )
dazed and confused - led zeppelin / from this pin ! / teen idle - marina and the diamonds / results from this quiz !  /  from this pin !  /   from this pin !  / excerpt from anatomy titus fall of rome by heiner muller. 
do not reblog unless you have permission from intended recipient ! 
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