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gophergal · 22 days
I know fuck all about tf2 except for character names. Most I got is you and a few other mutuals posts, and they're 10/10. How does the game..... work exactly? Like is there plot? Is it first person shooter sort of thing? Is there a tf1?
I could google it but that's not nearly as fun
It's a team based first person shooter published by Valve (of portal and half life fame) in 2007 with nine classes to choose from, each with strengths countered by other classes (for example, the Spy is often a counter against the Sniper and Engineer. Respectively, by picking off the Sniper with a quick, stealthy backstab or by destroying the Engineer's machines). The game has been free to play since 2009 (i think. grain of salt please), and has a healthy playerbase to this day, aside from the bots. But not every tf2 fan actually plays the game. I play sometimes, but mostly just rotate the characters in my brain like a microwave burrito.
It is ALSO, however, a multimedia franchise. Aside from the game, which shows off worldbuilding and characterization through the environment and character dialogue (as well as the update announcement flyers on the official blog), there are also animated shorts and comics created by Valve that further flesh out the world and characters of TF2. Frankly, I think you should give the Meet The Team shorts a go if nothing else. They're iconic. It's hard to pick favorites, but I'm partial to Meet the Medic (obviously), Meet the Engineer (which I can quote verbatim), and Meet the Sniper.
Broadly, the world and aesthetics of TF2 are based on 60's/70's cold war thrillers and spy movies. Think James Bond and the Manchurian Candidate. These impeccable vibes are then wrapped neatly in a cartoony artstyle that wasn't common at the time (and arguably still isn't. I'm pretending that fortnight doesnt exist, as is custom). On a related note, the soundtrack FUCKS SEVERELY. Like. They just DO. They have influence from Jazz, Funk, and miltary marching songs, with more specific influences for individual characters (ex: country western for engineer, polka for medic, and bagpipes for demoman)
An important thing to note is that every class is a play on some stereotype from the movies that inspired the vibes:
Heavy Weapons Guy is a husky ruskie and a man of few words, but he has hidden depths. He's a family man, most importantly, and has been supporting and protecting his mother and younger sisters since his father was killed when he was a teenager. He has a close bond with the Medic and speaks highly of the Engineer ("Engineer is credit to team!"). In a debatably canon piece of dialogue from TellTale's Poker Night At The Inventory, he is revealed to have a PhD in Russian Literature.
Engineer is a texan with 11 PhDs in hard science. He exudes southern hospitality and seems like the most sane man on the team. He also takes great joy in the death and destruction his weapons cause, and ALSO helps the Medic in performing deeply unethical experiments that go against the laws of nature for curiosity sake. He's the third in a line of engineers, btw, and his grandfather basically conquered death. Which isn't super relevant, but I feel is a good lead in to some of the wackier elements of this world I would like to mention.
And every character is like this to some degree. Some more so than others- Soldier is basically just "how american can a man be before it starts impacting his mental health" and Pyro is unknown in terms of nationality, gender, and background
TF2 has a plot by the way! Yes, there is a reason for these many dudes in funny hats to be fighting. They are fighting over gravel. Yeah. So, these two brothers are fighting over land willed to them by their father (who died in the 1890's) which is largely useless aside from having a lot of gravel. Their names are Redmond and Blutarch Mann, and they're the ceos of their own corporations. Reliable Excavation & Demolitions (RED) and Builder's League United (BLU) respectively. They each hired mercenaries to fight a proxy war for them with the goal of owning it all. All the while, a third party, The Administrator, has been playing both sides of the Gravel War to keep it going as long as possible. Why? It's a mystery...
(most of this is just stupid shit that was made up for Pure Random Funny HaHa and has very little bearing on the plot, but tells you a LOT about the tone of the franchise)
Rocket Jumping (that is, shooting a rocket propelled grenade at your feet and crouch-jumping at the same time to launch yourself into the air) was a technique pioneered by Shakespearicles, the STRONGEST POET TO EVER LIVE. He also invented the concept of a Second Floor in a building
Btw, stairs were not invented when the second floor was invented. I want you to take a wild guess how people got to the second floor before stairs were invented. (hint: it involves explosives)
Stairs were invented by Abraham Lincoln. He died due to rocket jumping up said stairs which caused him to accelerate rapidly into a wall. He was also the first Pyro in the 1890s.
New Zealand sank below the ocean sometime in the 40's. By which I mean it was intentionally sank because a Jor-el knockoff believed that the world was ending and that going underwater was the only way to save the nation.
CisMpreg exists. This fact is Medic's fault.
OK But What About Team Fortress 1?
So, its. Not complicated but it's not exactly simple. Quick answer, the original TF game has nothing to do with TF2. Team Fortress was originally a mod for the game Quake and has the same basic gameplay premise as it's successors (team based FPS with 9 classes) and quite a few maps have actually been remade for TF2. It was released in 1996, so, as TF2 was taking A Very Long Time to complete, Valve released a sort of... updated version that was meant to hold fans over. It uses the half life 2 engine, I believe, and was released in 1999. It is called Team Fortress Classic and it's only a LITTLE confusing to research I swear.
TFC takes place in the same universe as TF2, but in the 1930's instead of the 60's. Ignore the scifi/modern looking tech. Don't worry about it. This has no bearing on TFC, really, because it was only confirmed in one of the comics released in 2014. The TFC team matters to the comic plot, but is otherwise kinda just. there. Like, they only exist in the Mann Co No More story line and otherwise just exist.
Fun fact: TFC (the game) was updated to change the ingame class models to more accurately represent the appearance given to them in the comics.
For example, look at the glow up given to the TFC Medic! (original on the left, updated on the right)
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In Conclusion:
I will be surprised anyone actually reads all of this, but that is my rambling summary of what in the fuck TF2 is. To be fair, the game is richly detailed but also kinda sparse at the same time. Its all vibes and interpretation my dude. Honestly I think what has made TF2 so popular and long lasting (lore wise) is related to what early FNAF games had going on
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deaths-accountant · 1 year
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dorotheian · 7 months
Here’s my take on Ridley Scott’s Napoleon
Personally, I enjoyed the movie, but for a lot of people, it will be a mixed bag. Let’s just say there’s a lot of leaf in a story that people are probably watching for the forest and the trees.
That said, it’s a given that Napoleon’s multifaceted full cylinder 3D miltary-political-domestic Europe-changing life is worthy of a TV series that can’t be portrayed properly with a mere 2-hour movie. As it is, the history is compressed and the transitions are janky (lmao Egypt). The history seems inconsistently tagged with dates and names for people.
Click the readmore and scroll past to the TL;DR if you want my assessment of the movie’s lens without excessive critique or spoilers. Ridley Scott retains his instinct for horror. In the end, it comes off as a bit of a black comedy… but why?
It’ll be controversial and there are good reasons for that….
…. especially in the sexually conservative/uncomfortable United States (the theater experience was interesting; I heard a lot of scoffing and snickering, depending on what was going on). Yes, even prople who are “bored by and desensitized to shock value Game of Thrones sex scenes” that aren’t romantic or sexy, but nevertheless marital. A good amount of the movie feels like it is about Josephine, and her relationship with Napoleon.
These scenes - and much of the movie - would seem to reflect the distorted image of Napoleon as depicted by the papers and propaganda more so than the historical Napoleon, afaik.
I thought Joaquin’s Napoleon was charismatic enough, if a little tight-lipped in a military way … that didn’t fly for everyone; I’m not sure how true it is to his real historical figure.
The French will surely have an opinion, and hopefully they get a lovely dubbed version to listen to. The English-accented script was occasionally trying.
TL;DR ——
As I watched the movie, I was struck by how many tiny details were drawn out… little moments that emphasized a few things:
Honor and Dishonor
Victory and Defeat
Success and Failure
I don’t think Ridley Scott was primarily concerned with Napoleon the person per se. I think Ridley was all about portraying this theme:
The indignity of being human stays with you - poor and unknown, rich and powerful and charismatic, ruined and exiled, indignity remains.
I’m serious! You could run a drinking game on every moment Napoleon suffers a major or minor indignity onscreen. The indignity of flies and mosquitoes, of gore, of beheading, of forgetting one’s hat, of dragging chairs around, of being bested, of being harassed and tested by the press, of being powerless in fertility and faithfulness, of being thwarted, of being lectured by young women in lieu of training young men….. It’s everywhere. It explains almost every weird drawn-out detail.
Life is constantly, inexorably undignified, and NO ONE is immune, even at the height of glory.
Now, was Napoleon the best person to explore that theme? IDK. Perhaps Ridley is saying that he was a man driven by indignities and his desire to exert control over them? Seems like you could do the same theme with modern, contemporary Hollywood stars today. But their lives are glamorous and “clean.” 1800’s France was decidedly not dignified and not under control in ways that are decidedly offensive to the American audience.
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thebridgehqs · 7 months
Welcome to 1926 – Monkey D.Luffy !! I hope you feel right at home here in Sydney. Before you get too comfortable and see what all our city has to offer, be sure to review our CHECKLIST. We’re so glad to have you with us, Britt !!
** Eddie Brock (Marvel) is now reserved for 48 hours!!
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Look who just woke up- is that INAKI GODOY? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s MONKEY D. LUFFY from ONE PIECE.  I heard they are NINETEEN years old and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, he still gives off A TAN STRAW HAT THAT HE IS OBSESSED WITH, CURLY MESSY HAIR THAT IS USUALLY MATTED DOWN BY THE HAT, EXPRESSIVE EYES THAT ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE, A SENSE OF LOYALTY FOR HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY, STRECHY LIMBS THAT GET HIM IN TROUBLE AT TIMES, AND AN EXCITED VOCABULARY. . But here, they are working as a MILTARY SOLIDER at THE MILITARY. They’re known to be quite FRIENDLY and LOYAL but have a tendency to be NAIVE & IMPULSIVE on their bad days. (britt here, could i reserve Eddie Brock from Marvel?.)
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Back to the Future, Be Like, and Beer: lyrangalia Folow prokopetz experience bizarre malfunctions wih such overwhelming frequency isnt just an artefact of the television serial format. Rarer, ศ3 because the Federaoon as a cuture are a bunch of deranged hyper-neophiles, tooling around in ships packed ful of beyond-cutting-edge bech they don't realy understand Endlessly trustraing t you have to fight them, because they can puil an efectively unlimited number of bulsht space-magic countermeasures out of their arses but they're as lkely as not to give themseves a lethal five-dimensional wedgie n the process. All those rampant holograms and warp core maunctions and ncidents? That doesn't actualy happen t anyone else, rs lteraly just Federaion vessels mat go off the rais ike that And they do so on a fairty regular basis So to everyone else in the galaxy all humans are basically Doc Brown prokopetz Alens who have seen the Back to the Future movies ineraly dont realise that Doc Brown is meant so be funny Theyre just ike yes, mat is exactly what at human sclentists are lke in my experlence" THE ONLY REASON SCOTTY IS CHIEF ENGINEER INSTEAD OF SOMEONE FROM A SPEC ES WİTH A HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL APTITUDE IS BECAUSE EVERYONE FROM THOSE SPECIES TOOK ONE LOOK AT THE E ROOM AND RAN AWAY vulcan science academy why do you need another warp core humans we're going to plug two of them together and see t we go twice as ast vsa last time we gave you a warp core you threw k into a sun to see if the surn humans hahaha yeah s IT EXPLODED humans it exploded twice as fast I love this. Especially because of how wel plays with my headcanon that the Federation does so much bemer against the Borg than anyone else because beating the Borg with mitary tactics is nigh-impossble, but beating them with wacky supersclence shenanigans works as long as they're unique wacky Yeah, I love this. Reminds me of the thing I wrote a whle back about Humans in high fantasy realms- they're basically Team Fuck it Hold My Beer I Got This Impulsive, passionate to faut the social structures they build to try and regulate this hotheadedness ironicalty creates even greater levels of sheer buill-headedness. Even their "cooler heads take action in monng or weeks Al their great heroes of the past were impossbly rash by galacoc standards Humans Just Go With It, which is ther great flaw but also their greatest strength roachpatiol Ingons: okay we dont get vulcan science academy get what ingons: you vulcans are a bunch of stutfy prisses but you're also tougher stronger, and smarter than humans in every single way ingons: why do you let them run your federation vulcan science academy look ukan sdience academy: this s a species where you give them two warp cores they don't do experiments on one and save the other for if the frst one up ucan science academy: this is a species where you give them two warp cores, mey wil ask for a third one, immediabely plug all three into each other punch a hole into an artemate universe where humans subscribe to an even more destructive ideological system, fight everyone in R because theyre offended by that, steal meir warp cores, plug those together, punch ther way back here, then try to burn a nearby sun into a torus because that was wha neir initial scientric experment was for and they dien't want to waste a trip ucan science academy: they did that last week we have the weite-up right here. it's getting published in about six hundred scientific jounals across two hundred aiterent discipines because of how many established theories their dculous Ittle expednon has just caled into question. also, they did turn that sun into a torus, and no one actuaily knows how vulcan science academy s i why we ler mem do whatever the hee mey ingons..can we be a part of your federation the-real-seebs Come to think of it, I mean. Look at the Trst human warp drive thing in the movie. That was. Not how Vuicans would have done t you know what the best evidence for this is? Deep Space 9 amost never broke and back, sure almost none of the truly welird shit hat befel Voyager and all the starships hat imtated O'Bnen to Enterprise what was the weirdest malfunction 09 ever had? the senior stat geting brapped as holosuite characters in Our Man Bashr, and that was because a human decded to just dump the transporter buter Into the station's core memory and hope everything would work out somehow which is a bt like swapping your compuner's hard drive out for a memory card from a Play Station 2 and expecing to be able to play a game of Spyro the Dragon with your you know what I'm not done wth this post let's talk about the Pegasus the USS Fuckng Pegasus, testoed for tme first Stameet cloaking device. here we have a handful of humans working in secret to develop a cloaking device in olation of a treaty wh the Romulans they're playing catchup trying bo develop a technology other species have had for a century and what do the do? do they decide to duplicate a Romulan cloaking device precisely, just see if hey can match what other species have? nope. they decide, hey whle were at it, while we're building our very first one of these mings just to find out r this s possibie, lers see we can make mis thing phase us out ofnormal space so we can fy through planets wnile we're invisible but wihy said the one Vulcan in the room because that would fucking rule said the humans, high-hving each other Red Bul mere must be like twenty dfferent counseling groups for non-human engineering students at Starfleet Academy, and every week in every single one of them someone waks in and starts up with a story ke 'our assignment was o repair a phaser emitter and my one human classmate buit a chronometric- tux toaster that toasts bread aner yourve eaten it MacGuyver" is the equivalent of Vulcan vintage human horror belevision during orientation at a human coliege, vulcans are presented with a ist of what is the word tuck for," the innocent young ulcans want to know. "surely mere are more logical intensty moaitiers yeah, yourd think so. say the weary jaded vulcan professors. "youd real)y here is a phrase in vulcan for the particular moment you understand what he This is why the Federation is the only organisation to ever stand a chance The Borg can adapt to the brilant miltary strategies of the Romulan Star Empire. the koingons and even the cold logical imellectual prowess of tme The Borg weren't prepared for a starship captain to hare them, into his 50% nor detective holo-novel and then machine gun them to death with a weapon made of hard light
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tenorself34-blog · 6 years
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inspired3crochet · 7 years
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lhenerycop2-blog · 7 years
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Gallerie D’Italia 
I visited Gallerie D’Italia as it was one of the most highly rated museums in Milan. In search of paintings and any depictions of figures wearing hats, I scoured the museum and found these, however this is all that I could find. 
Gallerie D’Italia is a museum hosting works from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including the collections of the Cariplo Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo, two prestigious Italian banks. The quality and history of the works makes them unique in Italy; many of the paintings once belonged to illustrious owners such as the Emperor of Austria, to Italian sovereigns, to high ranking aristocrats or new entrepreneurs. 
It must be observed that the artwork here with figures wearing hats are illustrations of people of status. There were many paintings of the working class however none of the figures of the working class wore hats. The two sketches by Bernardo Bellotto in 1762 show miltary figures. The first image shows two Polish hussars wearing hats and the second shows two haiduks with another figure in the background also wearing a hat. These two groups of military figures are of high ranking and according to Thorstein Veblen, although the ‘wearing of uniforms or liveries implies a considerable degree of dependence, and may even be said to be a mark of servitude’ (1899, p. 392), fighting ‘easily acquires a reflected honorific character’ (1899, p. 392) and thus it can be concluded that these two images depict honourable members of society. 
The third image is a painting of Prince Jozef Poniatowski, Nephew of the King by Bellotto again, in 1773. He is illustrated to be learning Horsemanship and is shown sitting on a horse wearing a large hat. It is unnecessary to question his position in society as the message that he is royalty is communicated clearly though the description of the painting, the clothing worn and the image of him riding a beautiful white horse. 
The fourth image, ‘Portrait of a Lady’ by Emilio Gola in 1903 shows a woman dressed in navy blue wearing a navy blue hat. 
The fifth image is a landscape of Warsaw painted by Bellotto once again, showing nobles and peasants. In this painting only the nobles are wearing proper hats providing a stark contrast to the peasants in bonnets.
Similarly, in the final image, a painting named ‘A Visit to a New Mother’ by Domenico Induno in about 1875, shows four women all wearing hats. However there is one woman in the painting wearing a hat however by the style of her clothes, she is clearly a maid or nurse of some sort. Although she wears a hat, it is evidently a piece of her uniform rather than a fashion item. Her hat in comparison to the other three women is very different. It is plain and white with little shape and no decoration. In contrast, the three other women wear highly decorated hats matching their dresses in colour and embellishment. Their hats are complicated and glamorous. These women are clearly members of the gentry. 
Analysis of these pieces of artwork allows one to conclude that only the upper strata of society such as the nobility wear hats as fashion items. These hats are purely for decoration and for indicating one’s position in society. 
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