#mimo treating us so good
helenkordart · 1 month
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Recently the 4th volume of the english Thousand Autumns came out and when I saw Mimo′s design of beloved old fart Guang Lingsan, all I could say was "awooga humina humina humina", so like
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nut4shuri · 2 years
(Letitia Wright x Reader)
Warning's : ⚠️Some SMUT and Provocative Language Used⚠️
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"You let that fucking dipshit touch you!" She screams at you from across the room.
"I told him to stop"
"ODVIOUSLY HE DIDN'T GET THE FUCKING MIMO YOU IDIOT!"she freezed up as she realized she had gone to far.
You turn and look at her with wide eyes as you take your pocket book and throw it her way.
"Who the fuck are you talking to!"
All this started because the interviewer during your interview he had gotten a little touchy and Letitia didn't like that.
Even after you told him on numerous occasions that you weren't looking for a relationship or anything and that you've already found your "somebody"
And Letitia had gotten upset and begin screaming at you,calling you all types of names even when you tried to apologize.
And and something had made you think it must have been all the pressure she was under lately but you realized
Normally you and Letitia don't argue.
You don't speak to her all day.
You don't give her her morning breakfast..😏
You dress more provocative..even when she orders you to change.
You call her by her first name.
You purposely tick her off all throughout the day.
When she talks to you she never looks at you but keeps her shades on and looks forward. (Cause she knows its one of your pet peeves)
But even though shes angry she never fails to treat you like the princess you are.
She still opens doors,and closes them.
She kisses you good bye and never forgets to say "i love you".
She has a sad look in her eye's as if she's sorrowful but her ego won't let up.
"Letitia you where spacing out the whole interview,what's up?"
"Me and Y/N had an argument and im kinda regretting it.."
If it got to much,or went on for two long she would try to ease her way into your good graces.
"Look baby im sorry.."
"I fucked up please baby talk to me."
But the sex yall have after yall make up is unholy asf.
As soon as she gets tired of the utter silence she pulls you to the side and give you a full on SPEECH apology.
She gets really rough becayse shes so hungry for your touch.
She eats you out till and says "im sorry" each time after you cum.
She tells you how much she love you,whispering sweet nothing in your ears as her strap drills in and out of you.
"Im sorry baby fuckk"she screams as she slides her wet pussy over yours.
"Fuck baby its to much" you say trying your hardest to push her head away or stop her movments but she dosent budge.
"But i really want you to forgive me."she says as digs her fingers deeper into you.
After Hours of her Fucking You.
She bathes you.
She helps you clean around the house.
She takes you out to your favorite restaurant.
She buys you flowers,LOTS OF FLOWERS.
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She does not keep her hands and eyes off of you.
You have her full undivided attention.
She takes you to the mall,and lets you max out her card.
You two sit and laugh about how stupid the fight was.
" We should fight more often." She says winking at you.
🤍jay:if anybody asks..i didn't write this.📌
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jeonqkooks · 5 months
hello, jen love 🤍 i'm a few days late, it seems like hehe ;u; i'm sorry for not popping in sooner, and more frequently, but i hope this letter of mine finds you sweetly and serenely.
how has the new year been treating you so far? do you have any resolutions, any aspirations you'd like to achieve this year? how about places and people to see, things to do?
secondly, how was your trip home? i hope your family has been well and healthy. what did you get up to there — did you eat all the foods, shop all the shops, walk all the streets? i hope you felt rejuvenated there, a little soul reset — i recall seeing a post or two from you, saying you miss home/your mom after coming back... i hope that part of yourself has healed, even if just by a bit.
and in the land of minho, how has that gentleman been fairing on your heart? has he been holding it tenderly? has he been loving you dearly? i certainly hope so! (every time i see a mention of him anywhere, and the group, i think of you hehe) may the stay fandom (stayblr? i saw that mentioned when i scrolled through your sideblog! what a cute name 🥺) be a safe place for you, warm and cozy.
i miss you, and am thinking of you extra. continue to stay well and happy, however that may look like to you. surround yourself with light and love; and may that carry you through the rest of the year seamlessly.
thương thương, with all my heart —
cee 🤍
MY LOVE 😭🤍 i’m so glad you’re here, i’ve missed you 🥹
the year’s been going okay so far. i’m still settling back into my routine after being back home and then having my friend visit me for 10 days over the holidays. i never really have new year’s resolutions but this year i do want to get out of my comfort zone more, get out of the house more lol, start doing more things that make me happy. i also want to get a new job and move to a new country, so hopefully that could be in the cards for me this year!! wbu? do you have any resolutions for 2024?
the trip home was good!! overwhelming at first bc so many things were different after 4 years, so many people i hadn’t met in years, it did take a while to get used to. but overall it was really nice being there. i definitely felt recharged while i was there, just hanging out with everyone and seeing all the things i missed, and i’m gonna try to visit once a year from now on! but yeah after coming back, it was pretty hard at first. the seasonal depresshaun and the loneliness got to me lol but it’s better now. it kinda sucks to think that i’ll probably experience it again every time i go home but what can you do, yk? 🫠
how’s your family? how are things with you and your love? how’s the job?
the land of minho !!! 😭 i didn’t know you’ve been checking out the new blog as well hehehe. it’s been going great!! i’m having so much fun there (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood) it’s been a blast getting to explore and swoon over a new group, really reminds me of how happy i was during my early bangtan days. it’s really made me fall in love with writing again which feels wonderful. i think i’ve been writing almost every day and i’ve written more in the past couple months than i did for the majority of 2023. mimo has been the best muse and the absolute love of my life 🥹 (and right?? stay is such a cute name!!)
i’m always missing you and thinking of you. i hope 2024 treats you well (lunar new year is less than a month away!) and brings you lots of happiness and peace. love you to the moon and to saturn, thương thương 🤍
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interact-if · 3 years
hello saw your last post about ADHD and thought i’d ask i know this might not be the right place to ask so if you want to ignore this or do not know how to answer this i understand, i’ve been working on project and i tried to learn coding i’m still trying watching more videos on it but i am starting to feel stupid because my brain genuinely cannot process any of that information i really cannot understand no matter what and am this close to giving up so i thought maybe if i could find someone that can help me with coding if anyone is willing to do that like i can pay them through paypal
So, as a person with ADHD myself (Roast, hi), I get it! It's frustrating, confusing, and information you just read just goes right out the window--but me and the other mods encourage you to learn.
Coding isn't easy, it's a different language and should be treated as such--you're not going to pick it up in a week or even a month, but once you know it you'll be able to navigate it a lot easier.
I'd suggest going back to basics, making sure you've got those down before moving on. If videos aren't working for you (I know they don't really for me) I'd move to written tutorials as well as code-diving on sites that you like their aesthetic of. Start with a project that's not related to your game like a simple webpage and fiddle with the code.
Doing has always been a better educator for me than sitting there trying to absorb knowledge through lecture. I don't remember anything that gets told at me, hello high school and college--but doing has always been better.
If you're working with HTML & CSS it's difficult! But there are resources for you and we also have a lot of helpful people over in our discord server that are happy to help, myself and other mods included.
Also, you might want to try checking out your local library, they might have access to professionally made instructional videos that all you'll need to get in on them is a library card.
TL;DR Slow down, switch to different learning abilities if videos aren't working for you, write things down but only the necessary and keep it brief, for me writing notes needs to be succinct or else my brain just goes fuzzy--and keep those notes on hand while you work, I had to reference them loads of times before getting used to cscript.
Our discord! Lots of helpful people and crowd-sourcing problems is always a good idea. [Discord Link]
W3 schools is great for trying to find small tutorials on how each element in code works, or if you're looking for a specific function. [W3 Schools Link]
Freecodecamp is a bit more class-based but I'd give it a shot, same with Mimo because it leads you through projects to learn code instead of just throwing information at the wall and hoping it sticks. [Freecodecamp] [Mimo]
JSfiddles and codepen are both sites that let you play around with code without actually implementing it on a webpage--so fiddle to your heart's content! [Jsfiddle] [Codepen.io]
If you can afford it, skillshare also has great starter videos, I learned the CSS grid just this weekend with a video on there, they might have some free trials going on too. [Skillshare]
If, in the end, you just don't want to learn it/can't get a hold of it, that's okay. There are tutors out there and maybe even someone in our community who would be willing to help tutor you, but you can also put up posting for coders--but that is a contract job position and should be treated seriously with proper pay. I'd really really encourage you to take a break, take a step back, but with the intent of learning because that is way more empowering than paying someone else to do it.
With ADHD it's often trying to find what kind of adaptive skills you need to get it through to your brain, and every person with ADHD is different in that regard. For me, I have three different planners that I look at every day, writing things down helps with the permanence issue if not the out-of-sight-out-of-mind issue.
Will I remember what I wrote down? Nope! Will I look down and see it if I leave my planners open and therefore remember? You betcha!
Reach out to our discord, see if you can't get things working for you, and best of luck! <3
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valdiis · 3 years
(An RP excerpt with @pocketfox)
It wasn't that Matthias minded the fact that it was a strip club. It wasn't that he minded it was for gay men. It wasn't even that he minded he was paying for his own damn drinks because Ricky's best man was a cheapskate. What drove Mat up the damned wall about the whole thing was that every damn man in their little bachelor party group had someone to go home to that night. Mat was the only one who'd have a terminal case of blue-balls after it was all over. Resigning himself to another date with Missus Palmer, Mat slouched in his chair and tried not to stare too long at the lush bubble butts and rippling abs.
At first glance, one might not peg Mat for ex-military. His wavy auburn hair would probably have brushed his shoulders if he let it out of its ponytail and the three-day-old beard on his face made him look more rugged than scruffy. His snug jeans were dark-washed to hide any potential grease stains and his heavy boots said 'work' more than 'march.' But the way his biceps strained the sleeves of his black t-shirt and his shoulders filled out the rest might've lent one cause to think he was at least a fighter of some kind. In short, Matthias Silverton was built like a brick shithouse and looked like a common laborer.
"Heeey," shouted Henry - Ricky's best man - over the din of the music. "Figured we'd celebrate up right, yeah?" He produced a box of cigars with a flourish and passed them around. Mat grimaced - Cheap-ass drugstore shit. - but took one anyway. Everyone knew he liked them, but few understood that he liked good ones.
"It's a party and you're making them smoke that junk?" an impish voice piped up.
Next to the table, appearing as if by magic, stood a young man who looked like he had been shaped by some divine Creator for just this kind of place. He couldn't have been more than five and a half feet, dressed in acid wash jeans and a black v-neck fishnet t-shirt that both look like they'd been lovingly painted on his lean, athletic frame. He stood with one hand braced on a curvy, cocked hip and the other balancing a tray loaded with drinks of varying kinds, his head tilted and a coy smile on his plush lips.
Setting the tray down near at hand, the boy began passing out each man's chosen libations, and oh yes, you know he leaned over the table far more than necessary, his pert backside popped up to show off the sexy curves he could make from shoulders to ass. With a wink towards Matthias, he straightened up again, tucking back a loose strand of impossibly red hair that had escaped from his messy ponytail. "If you're not careful, I'll tell my boss somebody's trying to have a good time with cheap cigars in his club," he teased.
Christ... Mat was an atheist, but some days even the godless need some way to swear. He swallowed compulsively as his gaze swept over the young man exactly as that pose demanded it do. Even reminding himself that these guys trained for that special look didn't keep the jolt of lust from waking his dick. And here he'd told himself he could manage not to look much...
He took his mimosa with a grateful nod. Nobody gave a big man like him shit for his drink choices; one clenched fist put stop to that. "Tell him," Mat spoke up, his voice a smooth, easy baritone with a hint of Georgia in it. "Maybe he'll feel challenged and send out somethin' better." The other men at the table snorted and waved Mat off to a chorus of 'whatever, man' and 'snob.'
Straightening up, Fisher gave the big man a thoughtful look, one tinged with impish amusement that lit up his eyes. In the muted light of the club, they were a deep forest green, but one had to imagine they glowed like new leaves in decent lighting. Then he laughed and tossed his ponytail back over his shoulder. "Or maybe he'll come out looking for the guy who besmirched his honor," he chuckled. "And believe me, you don't want Lucian Redding thinking you besmirched what little honor he's got left; he's even bigger than you, sweet thing." His gaze raked over Mat, and yes, he was absolutely undressing the man with his eyes and making no secret of it.
Then, abruptly, the boy spun in one fluid movement and sauntered away with just the right amount of sway in his hips to give a man ideas. He made his way back to the bar, expertly dodging tables and grabby patrons both, to share a few words with the scruffy-haired young man currently behind it. Both of them glanced towards the party, and then Fisher was gone, probably through some staff only door.
Thankfully when he reappeared a few minutes later, it wasn't with his reportedly gigantic boss in tow. No, it was with a wooden box, one he presented with a flourish to the table. "Lucian was appalled," he explained, "and he demanded I rectify the situation right this instant. His words, so enjoy, boys."
For a single irrational moment, Mat wanted to know what those gorgeous green eyes looked like in the throes of passion. It was absolutely imperative to his brain for a good few seconds before he got finally ahold of himself somewhere in the middle of the word 'besmirched.' A faint blush touched Mat's cheeks at having it pointed out that he was the biggest of the men at the table; it was something he tried not to make a fuss over, but he lifted motorcycles while most of his buddies did lighter work or surfed desks. Not that he was all that close to any one of these men. He'd served with Ricky, which meant he got invited to things like weddings, but he wasn't exactly a drinking buddy with any of them.
These thoughts kept him distracted enough to not notice how the young man undressed him so blatantly, but not so distracted he couldn't watch those hips on the way out. "Damn," he muttered. So did two other people at the table (including Ricky, whose soon-to-be-husband Chase would have been very jealous to see that dazed look on Ricky's face). Mat's palms itched to hold those hips and he goddamn knew better than to daydream.
He was in the midst of stuffing all that attraction back into the mental trash bin when Fisher returned with some much better cigars in a proper wooden box. "If I didn't know Henry's already set us up on separate tabs, I'd hope you put this on his. How much?" he asked, fingers hovering already. It was an expense he could probably swing tonight. Just the once.
"This one's on the house, honey. Our treat." Fisher gave this 'Henry' guy such a look. It was the sort of look that made a guy feel like he'd just kicked a puppy and tripped Mother Theresa, because separate tabs at a guy's bachelor party? Really? C'mon, Hank.
Sliding up onto the edge of the table, Fisher took a seat like he belonged there, his long legs crossed at the knee. He knew just how to pose himself to give just about every guy at the table a delicious view, but one brawny, Georgia-flavored man in particular was getting the real feast: smooth lines, warm eyes, soft lips, and a teasing slice of tight, flat belly when Fisher's shirt rode up just so. "So who's the special guy tonight?" he cooed. "Wait, no, let me guess... You. Right?" He winked at Ricky. "I know that look... You keep telling yourself you're a bad, bad man for eating the eye candy."
Slyly Fisher cast a glance at Mat. But not you, right? that look said. You want to eat me up until there's nothing left...
Before he could spend any time questioning it, Mat leapt on the good fortune of not smoking dollar cigars and plucked up one of the Good Shit (tm) instead. He had his cigar clipper in his chest pocket, but instead he pulled out a very sharp pocket knife to clip the end. Last thing he needed was some asshole not returning it; easier to lend a pocket knife 'round the table instead. He almost laughed aloud at the look Fisher shot the best man. Somehow, he instead kept his mirth to chewing the inside corners of his lips.
While Fisher talked up Ricky, Matthias kept telling himself to stop looking - and kept failing his own orders spectacularly. The boy was an absolutely delicious creation and God help him, did he ever want a taste. His steely grey eyes never once stopped roaming those smooth lines - but for the one moment when he locked gazes with Fisher and his perusal froze. There was that impulse to see passion in his face again, not just to fuck the boy but to see real ecstasy on his elfin features. Ricky blathered something about getting married in three days but Mat heard none of it.
Flirting with the customers was part of the job, and Fisher had it down to a science. He could even rightfully be accused of mentally checking out during some of the longer nights, particularly when he had to deal with parties just like... no, not like this one. Because now he couldn't tear his eyes away from the quiet, almost grim man next to him. The man -- Fisher thought he'd heard him called Mat -- had barely spoken to him, and yet something about him had sunk its claws into the boy and refused to let go.
Fisher swallowed thickly and realized Ricky was still talking to him. He laughed and wagged a finger at the groom-to-be. "Naughty, naughty. But what happens in these walls stays here, right? Don't worry, we won't tell." He then pressed that finger to his own lips in a shushing gesture. And yet even as he flirted, his attention kept slipping back to Matthias, and suddenly he was aware of... Christ Almighty, was he hard? At work? Just from a customer staring at him? It would have been enough to make Fisher blush if he hadn't had that particular reflex numbed out of him years ago.
"So hey," he said suddenly, "I'm not scheduled on stage tonight, so how about I take care of you boys instead? Make sure you have a good time before reality tries to remind us it exists?"
A pang of disappointment hit him like a knife to the chest, inexplicably strong dismay at the thought that this beautiful boy a.) was a dancer, holy fuck, and b.) wasn't going to be dancing, goddammit. Rather than give his emotions any sway (and really, when did he ever?), Mat picked up his mimosa and took a sip. "Cigars and the hottest little thing in the club? And here I was all fixin' to be pissed off tonight," he drawled softly. When his gaze met Fisher's again, the hint of mirth was there warming the steel of his eyes long before it came anywhere near his lips.
A second later, the emotion was gone as he turned back to the party of six men. "Hell yeah," one answered. "Gonna get our Ricky-boy a lap dance?" asked another. Mat's growl cut in, "He said he'd take care of us, not that he's gonna perform. Pay a dancer for your lap dances." Why did the thought of this delicate young man dancing on the lap of someone like Ricky make him want to murder his friend with his bare hands? Homicide was not a good look on him, so he picked up his drink again and downed a good portion of it.
Fisher only barely stopped himself from blinking at Mat in open shock. With any other customer, his first instinct would have been to assume the guy wasn't into the idea of strip clubs and lap dancers, but he'd seen the way this one looked at him... Something fluttered in Fisher's belly when he realized Mat had sounded almost... possessive. Normally the little redhead detested that sort of behavior so why...
Giving his head a shake to clear it, and disguising it as a gesture of regret, Fisher flashed Ricky and his companions an apologetic smile. "Afraid your grumpy friend here has it right, boys. I'd hate to take money out of another boy's g-string... but how about I make it up to you?" Without waiting for an answer, he hopped off the table and headed off in search of both a drink and something to appease the party, because even if all he wanted right now was to snug himself up into Mat's lap and offer him his own private dance, he still had to consider just how much a half dozen drunk, horny partiers were going to bring in if they were finessed just right.
When Fisher returned, it was with a bright orange drink in his hand and a gorgeous young Asian man, built much like himself, in tow. "Boys," Fisher said, "meet Minh. I'd warn you to play nice, because his bite is much worse than his bark... but I get the feeling you'd like that, right?" Minh winked at the table and rolled his body from shoulders to hips. And while his fellow dancer worked on distracting the rest of Mat's friends, Fisher took it upon himself to slide in next to the man. "Hey, handsome. Hope your night's lookin' up."
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It’s oversharing timeTM
Thanks @burnitupmp3 for the tag now i ramble my personal life
1. what do u prefer to be called name wise?
Zak or Mimo 
2. when is your birthday?
1st february
3. where do u live?
morocco :’^)
4. three things u are doing right now?
waiting for the floor to dry, jumping from a website to another, doing this ask thingie
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
Good Omens, Twilight (the books and movies suck but the shitposting is gold) and Hermitcraft
6. how has this pandemic been treating u?
I’ve been in quarantine my whole life so no big changes 
7. a song u can’t stop listening to right now?
Candy (Baekyun)
8. recommend a movie
Jojo Rabbit 
9. how old are u?
a minor
10. school, university, occupation, other?
High schooler  😔
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
Cold, at least you can stack up clothes til you’re good
Heat sucks and it makes you sweat
12. name one fact others may not know about u
I am a nerd with super flexible arms
13. are u shy?
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
any pronoun is fine
15. biggest pet peeve?
“I know you more than you know yourself”
burn that dumb catchphrase with fire
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
yan-dere, murder is not cute
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
18. what’s your main blog?
this one
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for?
i don’t have side blogs
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
Never wait for me to start a conversation, I’m shy and anxious as hell and I always feel like i’m bothering people, but the moment i feel comfortable i can keep talking forever
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lifewithkasia · 4 years
Pani od przyrody
Nie pamiętam kiedy wzięła nas pod swoje skrzydła, ale mam wrażenie, że nie była z nami od początku.
Wchodziła do klasy stanowczo, jak zwykle ubrana zbyt poważnie do swojego wieku, z ustami zaciśniętymi w podkówkę, przez które ledwo przeciskało się „Dzień dobry”. W momencie kiedy siadała na krześle i otwierała swoją torebkę mamy Muminka, czas w klasie zwalniał. Od tego, co z niej wyciągnie, zależał los nas, nieszczęśników. Będzie to tylko notes, czy też małe, żółte post-ity?
Notes przynosił ulgę, za chwilę po prostu przejdziemy do tematu lekcji. Samoprzylepne karteczki pogrom – zaraz zacznie się odpytywanie.
Nieodłącznym partnerem karteczek był czerwony długopis. Przy jego pomocy dość okrągłym, ale idealnym pismem kaligrafowała 3 pytania, podawane z głowy lub po sprawdzeniu poprzednich tematów w dzienniku. Pani od przyrody zawsze robiła to na głos, dlatego siedzieliśmy przygotowani jak sprinterzy w blokach startowych, z paluchami powpychanymi w kartki podręcznika, na których skończyliśmy naukę. Z pierwszym pytaniem zaczynaliśmy wertować je w popłochu, licząc, że uda się trafić na zdania, które dadzą odpowiedź na choćby dwa, będące równowartością mocnej trói, a może nawet naciąganej czwóry na szynach.
Nie wiem, czy to przedstawienie z pytaniami miało dać nam szansę na uzupełnienie braków, czy raczej spotęgować strach, który i tak w nas wywoływała, ale na pewno należało do spektakularnych momentów raczej nużących lekcji przyrody.
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Jak mogłam wyglądać gdy Pani od przyrody wyciągała notes...
Fakt jest jeden, jako rasowego kujona, który prędzej umarłby niż dał sobie szansę na usłyszenie „Bania, siadaj”, na pewno zmobilizowała mnie do częstego przeglądania książki również w domu i zasiała pasję, która wydaje owoce do dziś – geografię. To dzięki niej prawie popłakałam się z wrażenia widząc Bosfor po raz pierwszy. Mimo, że pierwsze skojarzenie wiązało się z dramatycznymi odpytywankami z granic kontynentów, które tłukła nam do głowy bez litości, były to łzy szczęścia, zaskoczenie, że małe zdjęcie z podręcznika zamieniło się w ogromny obraz na żywo, który naprawdę istnieje.
Do tej pory pamiętam pozostałe zdjęcia. Program geografii był ułożony według stref klimatycznych, dlatego z każdą kolejną stroną mogłam przenosić się z sawanny do lasu tropikalnego, oglądać tapiry i pieski preriowe.
Oprócz podręcznika miałam też swój atlas, ale niezbyt lubiłam do niego zaglądać. Jeśli już musiałam, najbardziej kręciły mnie mapy z temperaturami i wysokościami, i znów, choć nie przepadam za zimnem i górami, odcienie granatu symbolizujące temperatury oscylujące wokół -50 i brązy przechodzące w burgund ośmiotysięczników wzbudzały respekt. Może też dlatego, że w naszej rodzinie przymrozki były w zasadzie wyznacznikiem życia, lubiąca dramaty i ekstrema babcia zawsze porównywała klimat Lubelszczyzny z Suwałkami (kliknij i czytaj). Był to wystarczający powód, by wcisnąć na mnie dodatkowy sweter i podwójną czapkę.
Mimo niechęci do zimna, najbardziej fascynowała mnie Syberia, monotonny obraz tajgi i tundry tam, gdzie człowiek już, a może jeszcze, nie dotarł, zdjęcia zimowych dróg na gigantycznych zamarzniętych rzekach i domy wbite na palach, chwiejące się w posadach, gdy nadchodziła odwilż i zmarznięty śnieg przeradzał się w grząskie błoto. Był to mniej więcej okres, kiedy postanowiłam, że w najbliższym możliwym czasie ogolę głowę na łyso i kupię żółte kalosze, w których będę chodzić non stop. Po dotarciu do chłodnych stref klimatycznych wraz z podręcznikiem i Panią od przyrody, na listę dopisałam także wycieczkę na Syberię. Żadnej z tych rzeczy do tej pory nie zrobiłam, a wraz z wiekiem, Syberię w rankingu „do zobaczenia” wyprzedzały inne miejsca. Poza tym do podobnych krajobrazów zniechęcił mnie kilkuletni pobyt w zasypanej przez 6 miesięcy roku tatrzańskiej leśniczówce. Mam wrażenie, że biedna, polska wersja tundry i trudne warunki atmosferyczne zaspokoiły moje potrzeby starcia z zimą na całe życie. Do tej pory mam awersję do funkcjonalnej odzieży, dostaję wysypki, kiedy widzę dzieciaki traktujące North Face jako markę modową, chociaż wiem, że na Syberii można ją zastąpić walonkami i futrem. Tak czy siak, dotknęłam absolutu na swoją miarę.
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...a jak, gdy wyciągała post-ity.
Wszystko zmieniło się, gdy w ręce wpadła mi książka „Donikąd”, wspomnienia Pani od przyrody, podręcznika i atlasu, matury z geografii i syberyjskiej pokusy wróciło ze zdwojoną siłą. Ktoś w końcu mógł mi pokazać to, co chciałam zobaczyć w domowych warunkach, bez śniegu za oknem i kurtki z North Face, w piżamce i pod kołdrą.
Ludzie snujący się po ulicach jak duchy, ciągłe wrażenie stąpania po ludzkich kościach, które z każdym krokiem chrzęszczą pod nogami. Japońskie samochody z kierownicą nie po tej stronie, tygodniowe loty helikopterem na 10-minutową wizytę u lekarza, rdzenna ludność, którą wyrwano z korzeniami i zasadzono w sowiecką rzeczywistość, sowicie zakrapianą alkoholem, świat, w którym pieczątka może zmienić bieg twojej podróży, rdza i nicość, byt i zniszczenie. Można by pewnie streścić tę książkę w jednym akapicie. Ale w niej nie chodzi o to, żeby się dowiedzieć, ale o to żeby poczuć. Trupa ZSRR, który tam wciąż się jeszcze rozkłada, zonę bez drutów.
„Donikąd”, to zanurzenie się w obrazek z podręcznika i odpowiedzi na pytania, na które odpowiedzi nie znała nawet Pani od przyrody, to pełny podpis pod zdjęciem z książki: Syberia, miejsce gdzie obrzydzenie miesza się z zachwytem. Chyba czas zrewidować swoją listę miejsc do zobaczenia z podstawówki.
Michał Milczarek udowodnił, że w marzeniu o zobaczeniu niczego nie ma nic złego i że o niczym można pisać. Spodziewajcie się więc kolejnych wpisów.
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Cała klasa z Panią od... polskiego.
The nature teacher
I don't remember when she took us under her wing, but I have the impression that she wasn't with us from the beginning. She entered the class firmly, as usual, dressed up too seriously for her age, with her lips tightened in a :horseshoe”, through which "Good morning" was hardly spoken up. The moment she sat on the chair and opened her Moomin mom’s purse, time in the classroom slowed down. The fate of us, the unfortunates, depended on what she will drew from it. Will it be just a notebook or small, yellow post-it cards? The notebook was a relief, in a moment we will just move to the topic of the lesson. Sticky notes meant a war - polling will start soon. A red pen was an inseparable partner of the cards. With its help, in a fairly round, but perfect handwriting, she presented three questions, given off her head or after checking previous topics in the journal. The nature teacher always did it aloud, that's why we sat like sprinters in the starting blocks, with fingers pushed into the pages of the textbooks, where we finished our studies. With the first question, we began to browse them in panic, hoping to find sentences that would answer at least two of them, which were the equivalent of a strong D note, or maybe even weak C.
I don't know if this performance with questions was supposed to give us a chance to fill in the gaps, or rather intensify the fear that she caused in us anyways, but it certainly was one of the spectacular moments of rather tedious nature lessons.
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How I looked when nature teacher was drawing a notebook from her purse...
There is one fact, as a thoroughbred nerd who would sooner die than give myself a chance to hear "F, sit down" she certainly mobilized me to frequent reading of the book at home and sowed a passion that gives fruit to this day - geography. It was thanks to her that I almost cried when I saw the Bosphorus for the first time. Although the first association was made with dramatic polls from continental borders, which she pounded to us with no mercy, they were tears of happiness and surprise that a small photo from the textbook turned into a huge live image that really exists. I still remember the other photos. The geography program was arranged according to climate zones, so with each subsequent page I could move from savanna to the tropical forest, watch tapirs and prairie dogs. In addition to the textbook, I also had my own atlas, but I didn't like to look at it. If I had to, I was most interested in the maps with temperatures and altitudes, and again, though I don't like cold and mountains, shades of navy blue symbolizing temperatures oscillating around -50 and browns turning into burgundy eight-thousand-high mountains grew respect. Perhaps also because in our family frosts were basically an indicator of life, grandmother who liked dramas and extremes always compared the climate of the Lublin region with Suwałki (click and read), the coldest place in the country. That was reason enough to put an extra sweater and a double hat on me. Despite the reluctance to cold, I was most fascinated by Siberia, the monotonous image of taiga and tundra where man has already, or perhaps not yet arrived, photos of winter roads on giant frozen rivers and houses stuck on stilts, wobbling in their foundations, when the thaw came and the frozen snow turned into mud. It was more or less the time when I decided that in the nearest possible time I would shave my head bald and buy yellow wellies that I would wear non-stop. After reaching the cool climate zones along with the textbook and the nature teacher, I added a trip to Siberia on my to-do list. I haven't done any of these things so far, and with age, Siberia was dropping in the ranking. In addition, I was discouraged from similar landscapes by staying in Tatra forester's lodge buried in snow for six months a year. I have the impression that the poor Polish version of the tundra and harsh weather conditions met my needs for fights with winter for a lifetime. To date, I have an aversion to functional clothing, I get rashes when I see kids treating North Face as a fashion brand, although I know that in Siberia it can be replaced with valon and fur. Anyways, I touched the absolute by my measure.
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  ... and how I looked when she was picking post-it cards... Everything changed when the book "Nowhere" came into my hands, the memory of a nature teacher, a textbook and an atlas, A-levels in geography and Siberian temptation returned with doubled power. Someone could finally show me what I wanted to see at home, without the snow outside the window and North Face jackets, in pajamas and under the covers. People wandering around the streets like ghosts, a constant impression of walking on human bones, which crunch with every step. Japanese steering wheel cars not on this side, weekly helicopter flights for a 10-minute visit to the doctor, indigenous people who were uprooted and planted in Soviet reality, lavishly sprinkled with alcohol, a world where a stamp can change the course of your journey, rust and nothingness, existence and destruction. You could probably summarize this book in one paragraph. But it's not about learning, it's about feeling. The corpse of the USSR, which is still decaying there, a zone without wires.
"Nowhere" means immersing yourself in a picture from a textbook and answering questions that the teacher didn't even know the answer to, is a full signature of a photo from the book: Siberia, a place where disgust mixes with delight. I think it's time to revise my list of places to see from primary school. Michał Milczarek proved that there is nothing wrong with the dream of seeing anything and that nothing can be written about. So expect more posts.
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Whole class with a... Literature teacher.
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payaso-gomi · 5 years
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FINALLY!! This was a /relatively/ small piece compared to my other WIPs, so let’s dive in shall we?
more under the cut because I WILL be going overboard with descriptions and be talking about spoilery stuff for DBS and the Universe Survival saga
I tried to design them around the corresponding universe as best as I could, so if you see a any similarities to existing characters you know why. I also thought about calling their position ‘chinsei’?? Which is just sedate in Japanese. I’ll probably keep it unless I can think of something else
And please keep in mind this is just a starter and is subject for changes
Cheechai (Universe 1)
-Cheechai’s relatively new to the job
-she’s small but very fast, enough to almost catch up to Iwan
-she doesn’t particularly have a lot to do in her position, given that Iwan and Anato are both pretty good at their jobs. But her presence is mandatory at this point so-
-Iwan does treat her like a student, even though hr job is to literally tranquilize him
-she’s quiet and kind of shy, and very respectful to others. Though she does have a certain amount of hate against Universe 7, more specifically Goku
-her name is derived from the alcohokic drink ‘chicha’
Bazi (Universe 2)
-Bazi is a light hearted, calm woman
-that’s honestly her whole thing. She produces a very sedative aura around her being, affecting anyone within a five foot radius
-she’s pretty blunt tho, so she’s be brutally honest to everyone
-but she always compliments and admires Heles
-needless to say Heles really likes her
-if you saw them together you’d probably assume they’re a couple
-she’s always floating about, you never see her on the ground or even sitting down on a solid surface
-her name is a pun on the alcoholic drink ‘basi’
Cervez (Universe 3)
-Cervez is a weird mix between organic life and machinery
-they can produce a absurd amount of electricity from their body, allowing him to in the very least immobilize Mule’s exterior
-initially, they’re cold and anylatical, but they were on their toes the entire Tournament of Power, showing that this stoic nature is more of a facade than anything else
-they seems to be on good terms with their universe’s deities
-their name is derived from the Spanish word for beer ‘cerveza’
Sake (Universe 4)
-Sake’s very competitive, loud, and feisty
-she’s always ready to throw hands
-she tries to keep Quitela out of trouble as best she can, but it’s a little hard for her to keep up with him
-(she honestly hates Quitela, and wishes she could switch gods with anyone else. she’d honestly prefer Universe 9)
-the other two are fine though
-her name is taken directly from the alcoholic drink of the same name
Vino (Universe 5)
-this little turd nugget has a lot of pride in the universe they get to be in
-has a bit of a sharp tongue
-he’s pretty graceful
-they know they have very little to do and are kind of useless, which they’re often criticized on by his peers
-their name is based off the word wine in Spanish, ‘vino’
Marsali (Universe 6)
-she’s means well, but sometimes comes off a little strong
-she’s kind of childish, honestly
-her method for tranquilizing is a natural chemical that comes out of her skin in the form of a gas. It’s strong enough to kill mortals but put gods to sleep. Heck, Vados covers her face when she uses it (for good measure)
-her arms and many legs can stretch but not indefinitely
-she’s also like a normal plant and can wilt if she isn’t watered or given enough sun
-she seems to get along with Vados just fine, and treats Champa like some sort of uncle figure
-her mouth tends to go :3 more often than not
-her name is a pun of the drink ‘marsala’
Buni (Universe 7)
-some of you already know her
-she’s my self insert, so I didn’t bother with giving her a ‘punny’ name
-she’s considered to be an oddball among her peers since she’s a little too involved in mortal affairs
-Beerus accidentally picked her off her planet and got attached (a little later than she did)
-she has a lot of respect for the Z Fighters
-her tail has a lot of squish in it, but its best not to pull or touch it
Mimos (Universe 8)
-he’s a mischevious and clever little fellow
-he’s also a fuckin’ tattler, which is one of the ways Liquer finds out who’s lowering the Universe’s mortality level
-kind of smug
-his name is a pun on the drink ‘mimosa’
Matai (Universe 9)
-this gal’s real serious
-got a bad case of resting bitch face syndrome
-she takes her job very seriously
-she talks often enough, but most people are surprised by how low it is
-in her case she has to watch the Universe’s supreme kai much more than the god of destruction (usually the opposite is the case)
-she’s very stern and quite intimidating
-she only speaks the truth, and finds it unforgivable when anyone lies
-her rattle tends to make sound when she gets angry or frustrated
-she has a fairly strong hate towards Universe 7, especially Goku
-in her case, she intimidates to calm them down (specifically Roh,the supreme kai). she’d never kill him for a number of reasons, but she sure as heck can make him feel pain
-she gets along with Sidra and Mohito just fine though. she has a healthy respect for Sidra, but understands Mohito’s annoyance with Universe 9
-her name is yet anothe pun off a alcohloic drink, this time being ‘mai tai’
Coke (Universe 10)
-she was married to Rumusshi
-he often describes her as kind and gentle
-unfortunately, due an accident, she’s deceased
-part of the reason she’s not up there in the drawings
-it was fairly recent and they haven’t really found or even looked for a replacement
-Rumusshi’s name is a pun off the drink ‘rum’, so I thought that I’d name her coke so it’d be ‘rum and coke’ which is also a alcoholic drink (a cocktail, I think)
Jolep (Universe 11)
-they’re a surprisingly quiet individual
-if they wore glasses they’d do a fogging thing all the time
-the type to be secretive
-they believe heavily in justice and despise all forms of evil
-they seem to communicate telepathically, as Belmond and Marcarita tend to talk for her
-very prideful in her universe, and had a lot of faith in them during the Tournament of Power
-they are, in fact, amputated, but they use magic to keep their appendages close and usable
-their name’s based of the drink ‘mint julep’
Ale (Universe 12)
-fairly talkative, despite lacking a mouth
-he’s actually a guy trapped in a ball, he can’t get out
-I got tired when I got to designing him
-he’s got psychic powers
-his name is of course taken from the drink of the same name
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shir-ai · 5 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Tagged by @thegrumpyjournalist! Thank you for tagging me, those games are fun xD
1. Are you named after someone?
My name is Max, and no, I'm not
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago. I was thinking about my future, which led me to the present and it went downhill fast
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Although, I have my flowers, which I love, and I like calling them my children xD
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah! Usually in jokes, but sometimes it's required to show the other person just how stupid is their idea
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Body language. It can surprisingly tell a lot about someone
6. What’s your eye colour?
Deep blue
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Why not both? They don't cancel each outher out ;)
8. Any special talents?
I can draw with a cartoonish style. I tried ones with more details, and sure, they look cooler, but the simplified drawings just give me somehing close to comfort xD
I'm also good at ignoring all my problems which leads to bigger problems! Yeehaw!
9. Where were you born?
Lower silesia, Poland
10. What are your hobbies?
I think my main two hobbies are gardening and drawing. But, other than that, I like reading manga, reading fanfiction, playing skyrim, dating sims, games, and making theories about stuff xD I don't know if it counts as a hobby but I also like watching ice skating
11. Do you have any pets?
I have a perfect fluffy man beautiful pup named Albert. He's literally made of glass, superb delicate treat with caution. But he's also super friendly and soft and loves pats!! When he drinks water his ears fall into the bowl so today we tried giving him a ponytail. He didn't want me to take photos.
And my kitty cat!! My bastard!! My filthy 'have a dead mouse' love! The light of my life!! I found her when she was a kitten while buying bread, she wouldn't stop following me. So I took the ugly rat home. I love her!! ( yes she has a tail )
12. What sport do you/have you played?
I ocasionally run around the village. But I have a black belt in taekwondo ( yeah. i am 100% bragging). Other than that I'm rather lazy
169cm // 5'6 I think
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
English, arts and IT. Weird trio but they're the most fun ones
15. Dream job?
Tagging: @jooniesbear kapow mimo że wątpie że to zrobisz xdd
No. Idea. Absolutely. Nada. Non.
The loose ideas though, are 1) that one flower shop in town, 2) that one coffee shop in town, but neither of those are really well paying in the log run ugh
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fridgepalm5 · 2 years
Guide To Connecticut Cell Caterers
Imagine the group you’re assembling and take into consideration the way you would possibly seat them together. If you can’t find a appropriate neighbor for any of your guests, think about eradicating them from the list or inviting someone else who will make a good tablemate for them. Be sure to get your R.S.V.P.s as quickly as possible, so if some of your friends are unable to attend, you'll have the ability to fill the empty seats by inviting different visitors with a minimal of some discover. Night two was positive to fulfill all Southern cravings with homestyle fried chicken because the entreé! Chicken and beef fajitas have been on the menu for the third night’s fiesta dinner. Finally, we closed the tournament weekend with savory BBQ smoked brisket, turkey breast, and sausage. This season, our brides are opting for a white-out style with green or citrus-colored accents. The camper was embellished with touches of greenery that complemented the relaxation of the couple's massive day décor. Eager clientele hunt down Ms. Cheezious® to experience its accessible menu and its enticing idea and design. The cheese retains melting and the Ms. Cheezious® brand now consists of three food trucks and brick and mortar location in the historic MIMO district of Miami, at 7418 Biscayne Boulevard.. Finding an excellent marriage ceremony caterer is stressful - let our experienced staff do the work so you do not have to. Once employed, Roaming Hunger will collect one of the best choices available and assist you select the caterer and menu that's best for you. Janitorial Supplies Archives The Center for EcoTechnologyhas developed the Wasted Food Solutions website that highlights sources from Rhode Island. The Center for EcoTechnologyhas developed the Wasted Food Solutions website that highlights sources from New Hampshire. The Center for EcoTechnologyhas developed the Wasted Food Solutions website that highlights sources from Massachusetts. The Center for EcoTechnologyhas developed the Wasted Food Solutions website that highlights sources from Maine. No tax is due on a mandatory gratuity of 20 percent or less, provided it's separately and clearly labeled “tip” or “gratuity” on the customer’s bill and distributed solely to employees who often provide the service. Partnering with world-leading suppliers and innovators in cleansing options to embrace the latest improvements. Some of these embrace self-driving robots that cut back water use and chemical use, chemical-free, plant-based detergents, and much more. Tri-State Carting & Recycling is a number one provider of waste elimination & recycling services throughout New Jersey. Offering Rear Load, Front Load, Roll Off, Residential, Municipal and Recycling Services to all areas. Whatever the job, Tri-State Carting & Recycling has the capabilities to meet your wants. Take benefit of an ice bath, cooling paddle or a chill blaster. According to their origin and composition, hazardous waste could be incinerated or physicochemically treated in devoted services or stabilized and buried in particular landfills. Veolia offers a quantity of collection methods tailored to the territorial and financial stakes of its clients. Waste of the identical nature is gathered in collection centers where it is compressed earlier than being sent to an applicable sorting or remedy site. Join leaders embracing the impact of Artificial Intelligence to combat food waste on a global scale. Catering Service The secret to any great birthday party, family reunion, anniversary or engagement get together, or corporate event is the seamless execution of your grand plan. Refined service and timing is a key a part of that and without it, things can get rapidly out of hand. The right level of catering service will make all the difference. The company describes its food as “playful,” and friends are inspired to be inventive within the design of their menus for their friends. Additionally, the displays at the company’s occasions are often interactive and encourage fun and participation for guests. A banquet is an elaborate meal that marks a particular event or celebration. It is characterised by a big feast with major courses and desserts which might be usually served with alcoholic beverages similar to wine or beer. Catering is the enterprise of providing meals service to particular occasions positioned at a remote website corresponding to birthdays, dinner events, or family gatherings. Since 1994, Left Coast Catering has been providing an enormous array of catering and event planning services to residents of the San Francisco Bay Area. The firm strives to be environmentally conscious, by way of such measures as a solar-powered kitchen. Left Coast Catering offers a variety of social occasions catering, including weddings, cocktail parties, personal events, and holiday events. Corporate clients can work with the corporate, with a large number of events that the corporate can present catering for. Some of those events are launches, openings, board meetings, conferences, and vacation events. Left Coast Catering moreover offers delivery of its delicacies all through the world. Having to buy meals and drinks for numerous guests could be fairly expensive. Hiring a caterer to deal with the food preparation will take one more factor off your plate. This permits you to give consideration to different aspects of the get together, and that extra time could make the distinction between a great celebration and an excellent celebration. Offering Southern-style cellular Pit Bar-B-Que to the tri-state space. Affordable Rehearsal Dinner Ideas Spicy, cheesy and indulgent — this buffalo hen dip checks all the bins for a backyard party or soccer tailgate. Serve with celery sticks, crackers or tortilla chips for dipping. If you grow a summer season backyard, likelihood is you might have tons of tomatoes just waiting to be eaten. Take benefit of your summer bounty with these tangy tomato chips — good for a crowd. With “healthy” asthe massive buzz in food, everyone’s jazzed about booze-free cocktails. And there’s extra to virgin drinks than the venerable Roy Rogers and Shirley Temple. Hire a mixologist to arrange a non-alcoholic specialty bar, and your attendees can experience the thrill of revelry without hangovers. Express expectations to the caterer (especially in a multi-day event) that the special meals should never be the same for every sitting. You don’t desire a caterer who solely does one sort of vegan meal or solely produces salads everytime somebody requests a special food regimen. This distinctive catering idea is from the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. It has built its name on connoisseur, beautiful menus that function hyper-local, hyper-seasonal dishes. 外燴 may want to go over this guidelines to keep away from any errors and to run your event smoothly with none flaws. Keeping it recent and light-weight must be a high precedence. You can serve them in various methods like a fruit salad, covered in chocolate, or with cocktails. Responsibilities And Duties Of A Caterer Managers should establish good relationships with employees to maintain up a productive work surroundings. What if they love you, but they neglect who you may be and hire someone else by accident? Craft a compelling opening paragraph of your cowl letter by introducing them to you and your intention for making use of for the catering position. List your most superior degree or culinary certificate at the top. Doesn’t mean you can go straightforward on the training part of a resume. You begin issues off in your catering resume with a resume objective or abstract statement. Before you cater any event, you’ll create a technique and meal plan, amongst other issues. Stocked and maintained essential food provides, serving equipment, and single-use utensils. Assisted within the driving of the company catering van, as required. Just above these links was our concept of top-of-the-line catering resume samples round. How to write down a catering resume that will land you extra interviews. Many ship room service meals in hotels or meals to hospital rooms. Some act as carhops, bringing orders to clients in parked automobiles. Counter attendantstake orders and serve food over a counter in snack bars, cafeterias, film theaters, and low shops. They fill cups with espresso, soda, and different drinks, and will put together fountain specialties, such as milkshakes and ice cream sundaes. Marriage Ceremony Venue, Barn Wedding, Wedding Ceremony Ceremony The Study Hall is a shocking event house situated in the historic district of Holland, Michigan and minutes from Lake Michigan. This massive 6,000 sq. foot space is perfect for wedding ceremony receptions, company and non-profit occasions with seating for 270 individuals. Black River Barn is a state-of-the-art marriage ceremony venue and corporate occasion area located in South Haven, Michigan. When I’ve seen girls choreographing their first dance or another outlandish spectacle, you can argue until you’re blue within the face, but that was to try to impress the guests. This listing is spot on, in case you are trying to impress somebody. If you really need to do it since you really wish to, go for it. I agree with this listing 100% I am in the wedding planning business and seeing them week after week I can inform you that half the stuff people do are a complete waste of money! The Harris Building was inbuilt 1892 on the location of the former Grand Rapids Union Brewery. The second ground options a large domed ballroom with 18-foot ceilings, and the third ground has skylight-illuminated hallways. The whole constructing is a testament to historical past with its brick walls and craftsman style woodwork. Our historic character is the proper backdrop to your timeless event. The Loeks Retreat Center at Camp Blodgett overlooks Lake Michigan and offers a spectacular and scenic venue. Bon Appetit! Wedding Dinner Styles Made Easy The weather in New England is so finicky, however you can rest assured that it is going to be HOT in July and August. Guests don’t need to be eating anything too heavy, especially if they're exterior. On the other hand, winters are know to linger in Connecticut. Hot selfmade dishes that evoke comfort are the way in which to go. If potential, try to examine forward of time for visitors' meals allergic reactions. You can work carefully with the caterer to execute your imaginative and prescient for the meal. You have the most management over the feel and appear of the meal. Guests pre-select their entrée choice once they submit their RSVP. Guests and relations at all times provide a personal touch to your marriage ceremony. You can handle the decorations at your occasion or you possibly can present all decorations on site at the event location and Creative Catering will set them up for you. Please call Josephine if you want to have your decorations set up by Creative Catering and provide directions for all the small print that shall be required to brighten your event. Josephine and the staff at Creative Catering love to come back onsite to your house or office to create and serve your meal. If you would like to throw a personal celebration at your house or other location a tour could also be required to find a way to plan. Are you looking forward to Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas in Crested Butte, CO? Discover these actionable concepts you have to use to excel at catering private and company events. Decide between formal, enjoyable, or some combination thereof. One of the first selections to be made is what sort of ambiance you need on your rehearsal dinner. Meals Packaging, Food Service Containers & Dinnerware Hugh More and Lawrence Luellen invented a disposable paper cup called the 'Health cup' or 'Dixie cup' that might be disposed after single use. By the Second World War, packing supplies like plastic and Styrofoam were obtainable. It initiated the vicious cycle of producing extra disposable plastic food packaging that ended up in landfills and oceans. The extra data your small business can provide to ensure product high quality and security, the higher the diploma of confidence you can garner from customers, together with their sought-after repeat business. With everything from labels to luggage, we now have the products you should safe your to-go meals. Our deli containers are a great alternative for packaging premade foods and even raw elements at your cafe, comfort retailer, or grocery store. We carry a number of take-out containers in in style sizes and styles for practically any restaurant. We carry styrofoam hinged containers, soup bowls and sizzling meals containers. When you work in an surroundings where food is served to customers daily, you wish to provide them complete and satisfying meals which may be straightforward to move and use. Solia provides quite a lot of disposable meals trays which are resistant, sensible and refined, all disposable trays are manufactured from absolutely recyclable and/or reusable materials . Offer your customers disposable meals trays that they can take anywhere to enjoy their meal in peace and quiet. Discovered in Ethiopia within the 11th century, coffee has turn out to be an internationally known and privileged drink by many workers who start their day early. On the flip facet, fail to undertake sustainable practices and also you would possibly really feel the wrath of customers who care deeply about these points. Though COVID-19 has put some environmental issues on the backburner, understanding a food’s origin remains to be one of many hottest meals developments. Customers need to know the place it got here from, what’s in it, and how it’s made.
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workrockin · 5 years
Wifi calling, 4g only hotspots, Google wifi and one plus 7
Its not that we particularly enjoy reading a dry declaration on the FCC website. Just like you we prefer to be peacefully sleeping in our bed when the clock is ticking past 2 AM. Yes sir. Sleep is a wonderful thing.
But then just as the spirit becomes a bit sluggish, and just as the night starts to clear the stage for dawn, we remember our commitment to our readers, you, who have never failed to keep your promise of coming up with deep un-examined questions on the fundamentals wireless technology.
Questions that compel us to pore over pages of legal documents, hardware specifications and protocol definitions late into the night. We do this only to reciprocate the feeling of trust you have shown in us. Night and day we keep a close watch on wifi technologies to make sure we can answer all your queries and help you make the best possible decision.
Here we round up this week’s of discussion with members on quora that has us cross examine google’s new wifi router. Clear off few doubts on wifi calling and make a couple of recommendations on wireless headsets. Hope you find them useful. As always if you’ve got any questions of your own don’t hesitate to reach us using the contact details given below. Enjoy your Sunday.
What are the disadvantages of replacing your at-home WiFi with 4G hotspots entirely?
Well since you’re specifically asking for a disadvantage it is lack of redundancy. With the wifi internet access point you’ll probably be using a fixed line. While in case of 4g hotspots you will have to depend entirely on wireless connections.
Its good to have different providers for backup in case something does go wrong. It probably won’t but what if it does? If for some reason your mobile connection is not working you’ll at-least have a fixed line broadband to fall back on to.
Secondly. When you use a wifi you’ll purchase a wireless router. If you choose a router well you can do way more than just access the internet. You can use it as a home media server. A backup storage for your photos/important documents. As a chat server for offline chatting. Wireless lan parties. You can play counterstike with your friends! Or stream videos to your phone offline.
Possibilities are endless. But to do that you’ll need to know how to flash it and how to administer a networked machine. In case you don’t you can always learn!
In short a router gives you way more options beyond simple connectivity. A 4g connection while it may have good speed is only limited to internet access.
How does wifi calling work, technically speaking?
Wifi calling is technically known as voice over wlan (vowlan or vo-wifi).
It is important to understand that wifi is no different from wired lan. Only it has no wires. In terms of OSI model a wifi network is still a physical layer.
Therefore vowlan is simply voice over IP. You can use any of the VOIP protocols to communicate over vowlan.
Even though the range of wifi is small it is very useful in internal communication and setting up networks in emergency situations. Within a building. In a hospital, school ,college , airports. Any device that is connected to the same network can be addressed.
Wifi is a cheap way to build your own local network. With vowlan you can use voice to communicate with connected devices. There is no special technology involved because wifi is still treated as a PHYSICAL network by the devices running applications. To them it’s no different than a LAN.
Does Google WiFi support 5GHz?
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In one word yes.
Google wifi is a dual band router that supports both 2.4ghz and 5ghz frequencies. Google wifi is based [1] on qualcomm’s IPQ4019 System On Chip [2]
IPQ4019 chip is a part of qualcomm’s Dakota family of self organizing network chips (SON) that enable the routers to manage their own wifi configuration. Among its many features [3] is the ability to select the best wifi channel and band for the connected device automatically [3] and it is this feature that is used in the google wifi product that automatically “places you on on the least congested channel.”
Other features include MU-MIMO [4] and Beamforming.
With that out of the way how much max speed can the device deliver?
Well qualcomm claims that it’s chip has a Peak speed of 1.733 Gbps so google wifi is essentially a gigabit wireless router.
In theory this might be possible because the chip uses a max bandwidth of 80 MHZ and it has 2 transmission and 2 receiving channels (See MIMO [4] )
To verify we can check mcs index table [5] and calculate the max possible speed and compare it with the advertised speed.
Lets see [6] …. 866.7 *2 which comes out to be 1733.4 mbps or 1.733 gbps. So the theoretical speed indeed checks out.
In reality however you may not hit that speed because you client devices (laptop and mobile phones) may not have MIMO support. Even then a speed of 866 mbps is fast.
So yes google wifi supports 5ghz and is gigabit fast. Thanks to qualcomm!
[1] https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Google...
[2] https://www.qualcomm.com/product...
[3] https://www.qualcomm.com/solutio...
[4] MIMO is a big topic in itself I’ve tried to give a beginner level overview here https://qr.ae/TWN5Pd
[5] http://mcsindex.com/
[6] 866.7 the max possible theoretical speed with a modulation [7] of 256 QAM, a 5/6 coding rateon a single antenna with 80 MHZ bandwidth. Multiplied by 2 because we have 2 antennas.
[7] Modulation Reference: IPQ40x8 and IPQ40x9 from QUALCOMM | CODICO.com
What are the cheapest yet good quality wireless headphones I can get in India? And how much?
Thank you for A2A. When choosing be sure to select on these parameters
The playback time
The charging time
Bluetooth version supported (4 is the most widely supported while 5 is the latest version)
The max distance at which the device works without a hitch.
boAt seems to be the popular mid range wireless headphones provider in India at the moment. I’m not sure what your budget is Rockerz looks nice and it seems to be on discount
The other option is leaf. Their base wireless bluetooth headphone at RS 999
You may also want to check out a few iBall headphones.
Other brands like Motorolla and JBL manufacture wireless headphones as well but they are a bit costlier. Take your pick.
Is WiFi 6 available for OnePlus 7 pro?
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Thank you for A2A. One plus 7 pro is built on top of Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 chipset [1]. So lets start with the good news. Here’s the WLAN specs of the chipset:-
Wi-Fi Standards: 802.11ad, 802.11ay, 802.11ax-ready, 802.11ac Wave 2, 802.11a/b/g, 802.11n
Wi-Fi Spectral Bands: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 60 GHz
Peak speed: 10 Gbps
Qualcomm Wi-Fi 6-ready technology features: Dual-band simultaneous (DBS), 8x8 sounding, WPA3 security support, Target Wakeup Time
Qualcomm 60 GHz Wi-Fi technology features: Wire-equivalent latency, Always-on Wi-Fi sensing
As we can see the chip is “ax- ready”. But that is no reason to jump in joy because the actual support has to be configured by the vendor. One plus 7 uses wifi 6 compatible chip but it does not itself support it. Here are the WLAN specs of the phone[2]:-
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac. Multiple protocol support so that even if your router uses an older wifi protocol your phone will be able to access it. WIFI 802.11 ac is the current, most popular deployment in devices. It is also known as WIFI 5. Unfortunately as we can see there is no support for 802.11ax that means wifi 6 is not supported. But even on wifi 5 it has a 2x2 MIMO and a theoretical max speed 1.733 gbps. Not bad!
Dual-band. Dual band usually means that your wifi base station can work on multiple frequencies. So when your phone is in a hotspot mode it can transmit signals on both 5ghz and 2.4ghz band. While it is is client mode it can access signals on 2.4 ghz or 5ghz band. Please note that this is a hardware property. The actual support for switching between the bands has to be provided by the OS of the system.
WiFi Direct . Think of it as Bluetooth equivalent of wifi. Both the devices need to be wifi direct compatible in order for this to work. The functionality is usually built into the phone and you don’t need to download any external application,
Hotspot capabilities.
General thoughts on why wifi 5 is good enough for now and why you might not need wifi 6
FIrst of all it should be noted that 802.11 ac is capable of gigabit speeds. Even a single channel transmission on 160 MGHZ can reach 866.7 mbps. With MU-MIMO you can multiply this many times. The maximum being 6933.3 with 8 streams [3]. So wifi 5 is already pretty fast. Considering that to stream HD movies you merely need a speed of 25 mbps even a single stream wifi 5 radio will be more then enough for a normal consumer.
Whenever a new version of wireless protocol comes up it requires changes in both base station as well as client hardware. These changes take a long time to propagate in the design and manufacturing of devices.
Wifi 6 or 802.11ax was announced last year. It is expected to gain deployment support in devices by the end of 2019. However I believe that it would be a few more years before it becomes more common.
Even if you buy a WIFI 6 device it will not be of much use today because you have neither many clients (in case you use your mobile as a wifi 6 hotspot) nor many compatible base stations [4] (in case you want to connect your phone to a router) that can work with these protocols. Further as you use wifi for your internet access consider how much speed your ISP provides. Its more likely that you’ll exhaust your ISP bandwith than your WI-FI bandwidth.
To truly enjoy the wifi 6 experience you need to wait for the ecosystem to develop. In the mean time wifi 6 is good enough.
[1] https://www.qualcomm.com/product...
[2] Form the official website https://www.oneplus.in/7pro#/specs
[3] MCS index look for the bottom right column http://mcsindex.com/
[4] The few that are available are mighty expensive.
Want someone to answer your wifi questions?
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weintheccc · 5 years
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BIBLE LESSONS (Sun 31st March). Ist lesson: Isaiah 43 :1-7 Second lesson: Ephesians 6:10-17 FIRST LESSON; I.The passage reveals God’s character and His character determines how He will treat any true follower, whether it is the nation of Israel or a Christian. Therefore, Christians can trust that He will be with them in time of trouble (Matthew 28:19-20). II.God's favour and good-will to his people speak abundant comfort to all believers . III.All who are redeemed with the blood of his Son, he has set apart for himself. IV.Those that have God for them need not fear who or what can be against them. What are Egypt and Ethiopia, all their lives and treasures, compared with the blood of Christ? V .True believers are precious in God's sight, his delight is in them, above any people. SECOND LESSON; I.The Christian armed for defense in battle is the word of God. II.Spiritual strength and courage are needed for our spiritual warfare and suffering. III.Those who would prove themselves to have grace must aim at all grace and put the whole armour of God which he prepares and bestows. IV.The christian armour is made to be worn and no putting off till we have done our warfare and finished our course. V.The devils assults us in the things that belongs to our souls to deface the heavenly image in our hearts . VI.There cannot be religion without sincerity ,truth is our christian girdle. THE TOTAL SUMMARY I.While on earth,temptations will arise especially for the true believers but those that are in the lord have nothing to fear because the lord is with them. II.As a true believer be always prepared for the attack ,be strong in the lord ,let the word of God dwell in you and build up the confidence in christ so as to overcome all the troubles,temptations the devil can throw. III.Walk in the light of God and he will walk with you.When you identify with God,He identify you . IV. You can't walk the journey of christianity without Faith and the word of God. Related hymns CCC hymn.701..Emi ni Oluwa mase beru aiye. CCC hymn 743...Eyin omo ijo mimo,ebusayo ninu ijo mimo CC hymn.544.E jeka dipo jesu Kristi mu. Cc Sis @igbagboyemi_tosin #weintheccc https://www.instagram.com/p/BvqaOTEnoVX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c04p20kywsw3
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girlcrushchaeng · 7 years
Crazy in love » Chapter 5
Title: Crazy in love Pairing: MiMo [Hirai Momo/Myoui Mina] Fandom: TWICE Genre: Drama, thriller, abusive romance, supernatural (vampire) Summary:  Mina called it love, back then. And perhaps it was. At least from her perspective. She had fallen in love with a monster. On TV, it was often romantized. The monster gets the shy, alone girl who falls for the misunderstood mythological creature. The creature begs the girl to stay away, because it’s not safe. The girl stays. They both fall in love. The monster never hurts the girl. End of story. They lived happily ever after. Maybe the girl too gets transformed into a monster, so that it’d be both easier on both parts. Star crossed lovers who get to live until eternity. A couple that will last forever. Sadly, the reality was nothing like that. Not at all. - Based on Momo’s performances on Hit the stage. Word count: 2000+ Rating: T A/N: Excuse the grammar mistakes, I am not a native english speaker.
Read it on: AO3 & asianfanfics
Momo left. She only pecked Mina's lips as a good-bye. She didn't even tell her when she'd come back. When the front door was shut and Momo was gone, Mina was flooded with an incredible lonely feeling. Out of despair, her eyes started to fill with tears. She didn't hold them back, and let them spill over her cheeks in an attempt to calm herself down. Maybe it was just the stress... But it only made her more upset. Sobs were cutting through her body, making her heart ache with every tensing of her muscles. She muffled her face in the pillows, but that didn't help. She tried to hold her breath, but that didn't help. She tried to think of happy things, but that didn't help. Mina cried until she couldn't cry anymore. She only stopped when she was too tired to go on. It was 3 AM when she finally fell asleep, completely drained from energy. The next morning she felt even worse. If was as if she suffered from a hangover; her head hurt like a bitch, she could hardly keep her eyes open and she defenitely didn't want to get out of bed. But today she had to get to her classes, so she forced herself out of bed. Mina was still painfully aware that she was still naked. Last night she hadn't bothered to get dressed again and she regretted that now. She was only reminded about Momo's leaving again. Mina walked up to the bathroom to clean herself. She sighed when she saw the bite and claw marks on her body again. Her back hurt of the scratches Momo had made. There were hickeys all over her neck and collar bones, even one on her inner thigh. Last night she hadn't noticed anything of the pain, but her whole body hurt now. Her muscles were more sore than ever. That'd promise something for tonight's dance practise, she thought. Would she be able to bear the comments of her collegues? She tried to cover them up as well as possible, but she doubted anyone would be fooled. Mina couldn't help to occasionally think of Momo. The blonde never really left her mind. Whatever she did, she seemed to do it for Momo. Work hard on her exercises? So she could go home early to Momo. Eat well? So she wouldn't be hungry when Momo was around. Eat peppermints? So her breath wouldn't smell. Wrap up the ballet practise early? So she could be with Momo. It was strange to suddenly have a purpose again. For the past two months her homework, her classes and her ballet practise couldn't take long enough. Whenever she was home early, she went over to Sana's to stay there until she was tired enough to go to bed immediately when she got home. She couldn't handle it being alone anymore in her apartment; she needed the constant presence of Momo to feel good. Now that she had come back, Mina wouldn't be alone anymore, so there was no need to dwell on the things she had to get done. That night, Mina rushed back home. A small voice in the back of her head warned her that this might be a one-time thing. That Momo doesn't want to visit her every night like they used to and repair their old relationship slowly. Mina pushed that thought of her mind immediatly, denying it could ever turn out that way, not wanting it to turn out that way. She wanted Momo to be there when she came back. Around eight o'clock she entered her apartment complex. She rushed up the stairs, up to her front door. The brunette pulled out the keys hastily, letting them fall due to her haste. Mina took them again and put the right key in the lock, turning it with an enthousiasm that she hadn't felt in weeks. She controlled herself enough to let the door swing open like she always did. Her eyes were met with the light of her lamps snapped on. From the corner of her eye, she saw Momo sit on her dark grey couch, playing with an empty glass that was red stained of the drink that it had held. The first time she had seen Momo drink blood out of one of her glasses she had been disgusted. She had probably washed it a thousand times before daring to drink out of it herself again, and even then her drink tasted like blood. But over the span of time she had started to care less and less about it. Mina laid keys on the small table next to the door, together with her bag. Mina took of her coat, pretending the blonde's presence didn't excite her as much as it really did. "You're early," Momo commented. Mina only then let herself take a look at the blonde, whose eyes had been glued on her body from the moment she stepped in. Mina smiled and brushed the strands of light brown hair out of her face. "Well, I wanted to get home early," she replied. Momo chuckled. She sat up straight from her comfertable position and placed the empty glass on the coffee table. The glass clinked when it hit the wood. Mina walked over to the kitchen to grab something to drink, possibly something to eat. She opened the refridgerator and looked. She heard the cracking of the springs of her couch and footsteps in her direction. Mina listened carefully. She still let her eyes run over the food and beverages in her fridge, as if she was really gonna pick something. She had eaten a quick sandwich on the way back to home and even though her body wasn't satisfied yet, it would be enough for now. At the moment her fingers closed themselves around a water bottle, she felt two arms wrap around her waist as well. A cold body was pressed to hers from behind. She felt Momo's curves on her skin, her breathing in her neck. A sigh escaped her lips. How much had she missed this. Mina left the water bottle in the refridgerator and closed the door again. A kiss in her neck that made her head cock to the left, so Momo would have better access. She closed her eyes, enjoying. "I missed you," she said. She felt the blonde smile against her skin when she pressed another kiss in her neck. "I know," Momo replied. Mina opened her eyes at that, and bit her lip softly. Weren't you supposed to say 'I miss you too' back? Momo left her neck and walked around her, so she was now facing her from the front instead from the back. Mina let herself gaze into those deep dark eyes. Momo looked back with some sort of tenderness in her eyes that she had only seen very little in the time they had known each other. When she placed her hand in Mina's neck, it was almost sweet. Both girls leaned into the kiss at the same time, meeting perfectly half way. Their lips brushed over each other, in an almost perfect way. Their tempo was exactly the same, causing it to be very much enjoyable. Momo took her time with Mina. Usually it would only take a few seconds for their tongues to touch, but this time, Momo seemed to be in for a bigger make-out session. Mina wasn't complaining. She had waited forever for Momo to finally put some love into her touches and take her time. Mina would love the foreplay to last longer than it usually did. Sure, it had something rough and special about the way she was usually treated — turning on too, even. But she was still a girl. A girl who liked to be loved. The blonde stepped into her direction, causing Mina to step backwards until her back hit the mahogany wooden kitchen table. She broke the kiss for a few seconds so she could sit on top of it, making it a little more comfertable. It was a nice variation for both of them; Momo was the taller one of the two and usually had to look down whilst kissing, and Mina had to look up. Now the roles were switched, because Mina was a good few inches taller now. They continued their easy kissing. Mina wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck, pulling her closer. Momo stood in between her spread legs, as close to the table she physically could, placing her hands upon Mina's hips. That continued for a while. Momo really seemed to take her time until a point where it was almost boring. Mina was the one to initiate the french kissing, which was happily replied by the blonde. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths, but it was still too slow. There was not a hint of lust in Momo, which caused her to stop. Mina pulled back — in her way pecking the other girl's lips another time — and smiled. She kept her face close. "Why are you so sweet?" she said softly. Momo looked up, almost confused. "I thought you wanted that?" she replied. Mina chuckled, pecking her lips another time. "Well yes, but it's a bit dull, don't you think? Make-out sessions are for lazy Sunday mornings, not when I expected to... you know." Mina nodded her head towards the bedroom, idicating she meant sex. Her cheeks coloured pastel pink. Even after all that time she was still prudish when it came to words like that. Momo chuckled now too. "You know, I finally begin to understand why men say they don't understand women. Really, Mina, I have no clue what you want anymore." Mina leaned closer and placed a long kiss upon Momo's lips. "You," she replied. Their eyes met, and she knew they were thinking the same thing. They kissed again, this time with a lot more passion. But it was still sweet, not as rough and lustfull as usual. Mina couldn't say she disliked the change. Momo lifted her up from the table like she weighed nothing and walked over to the bedroom. It was half past eleven when they laid next to each other in Mina's king sized bed. Their breaths were still fast and raging through their body, their centers still a little wet, their bodies covered in sweat. It had been one of the best experiences in Mina's life. Finally she didn't feel like she was some sex object for Momo, that she was more than a good fuck now and then and really meant something to her. The brunette rolled over to Momo's side and wrapped her arms around her waist. She let her head rest upon her chest, like she had done yesterday. "Will you stay tonight?" she asked. Mina was almost entirely sure she would. Momo had never treated her this sweet and loving before. Maybe the vampire had changed, maybe she would stay tonight. "No, I can't," came the hard response. Mina bit her lip and looked down. Her grip around the blonde faltered. It suddenly didn't feel as nice anymore. She had really thought that Momo would stay, that this was the beginning of something new, something better, but it seemed that Momo really had only come back for the sex. The brunette adjusted her body a little bit, so she wasn't leaning as much on Momo anymore. They stayed quiet for a few more minutes. A feeling of loneliness spread suddenly across her body. Even though the blonde was still right next to her — even had her arm wrapped around Mina's shoulders — she still felt so shut out. She bit her lip, trying to let the sad feeling to go away by biting hard and deep into her skin. But it didn't help. At that was left was a small wound, the taste of blood in her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. She wanted to cry, to relieve stress, but she knew Momo wouldn't comfort her. And that made it even worse, knowing that the blonde would rather go away than to help her. It only made her realize more that Momo wasn't her girlfriend and never would be. Even though they were so close, they seemed to be so far apart. She had diffeculty keeping her eyes dry. Momo left after an hour. Mina could only nod at that. Every time, she kept hoping that Momo would stay, and she let the blonde break her heart every day again when she did leave. But the empty feeling had never been this strong. Their eyes didn't meet when Momo left the bedroom. She didn't catch the longing gaze of the blonde, nor her hesitating at the door. Mina had simply turned to her side, placed her head on the pillows and stared down. She knew she'd cry if she looked up now... And it'd be best for the both of them if she did not. "See you tomorrow," the blonde murmeled. Mina 'hmm-ed' in response and closed her eyes. The door to her bedroom was left open, so she could hear the front door shut when Momo left. At the moment Momo had gone, a single tear escaped the corner of Mina's eye. She squinted her eyes even closer and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she couldn't see anything. Her sight was blurry because of the tears.
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Yehey Top Fan na din ako ni Sir Mimo.
Siya iyong sinasabi kong Tagalog Version or Filipino Version ni Pastor Rick Warren when it comes to spiritual aspect.
Sila ang nagsilbing inspirasyon na nakakahimok upang patuloy na naniniwala na may totoong Dios na pwedeng sandalan sa lahat ng sitwasyon at pagkakataon.
Sila iyong masasabi kong nagbigay sigla to encourage us to become more closer to God in spite of everything we have been through…
They lead the awakening situation of us that God is up above…the powerful one who can give the equal rights to perform in this world.  God teaches us to be more reasonable to defend the right to speak the truth no matter what people try to attack us.
Although personally I don’t know the person in a deeper sense but the motivation is surely incomparable.
They give more lesson learned about the meaning of life…how to cope with positive approach to make things possible.  How we learn things to be more satisfying and pleasant in the eyes of God…and like the one I had typed in the comment section; It is to culminate the comprehension of an individual for the inspiring words of wisdom shared by Sir Mimo about the goodness of God.  We lift them up always no matter what…the unconditional love from Him that apparently irreplaceable.
Even God is like an imaginary line, we LIVE by FAITH not by SIGHT.  We feel His unceasing love. How He forgives in times we become sinful in uncertain situation that we become unaware that we already committed mistakes.  Sometimes we are in the darkest hours until we have realized in the later years of our journey that we become tempted and affected of sinful nature.  Likewise, the sophisticated life that we have seen is gradually adapted unconsciously.
Masarap magnilay lalo na kung nasa tahimik na lugar and speaking of reflection…it is the soul searching tremendously to have done the contemplative approach.  The unusual self-analysis of how we respond to our fellowmen.  Kung paano ba tayo mag treat ng tao…kung paano natin pinakisamahan ang ating kapwa.  Tayo ba ay nakasakit ng damdamin for throwing hurtful words pertaining to a person…napagnilayan ba natin kung paano natin hinusgahan ang ating kapwa.  We have no right to measure people…to judge them according to what he can do…pero dapat nating bigyan ng pagkakataon ang ating sarili na timbangin din ang mga nagawang pagkakamali sa kapwa…kung sobrang below the belt na din ang bawat salitang tumilapon sa kanila.  We have offended unconsciously or unintentionally but we have already commit mistakes for that so we are accountable to those actions that caused their pain and suffering.
A blessed whole day to all of us!  Thank you.
Top Fan Yehey Top Fan na din ako ni Sir Mimo. Siya iyong sinasabi kong Tagalog Version or Filipino Version ni Pastor Rick Warren when it comes to spiritual aspect.
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droneseco · 5 years
AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again
Our verdict of the AGM X3: The AGM X3 is a rugged and waterproof phone that holds its own as a premium Android device. It takes a beating without breaking a sweat and performs better than any other rugged phone. The main downside is its price, which puts it in the firing line of name brand flagship phones.910
Budget Rugged Smartphones give a decent performance in a solid build, usually at a wallet-friendly price. But have you ever wondered what happens if you up the budget?
At $729.99 the AGM X3 is a premium rugged smartphone at a premium price, but is it worth the extra cash? On paper this phone competes with some brand name flagship handsets, and that kind of power in a tough shell is something rare. Today we’ll see if this phone is all hype, or a solid powerhouse.
In the Box
Alongside the phone, the box contains a quick charger which connects to the phone via a 1 meter USB Type C (USB-C) cable and provides charging at 5 and 9 volts at two amps and 12 volts at 1.5 amps.
The box also contains a USB-C to headphone jack, two rubber bungs to protect the phone’s USB port, a sim extraction tool, and a manual.
Separate from the box we found a mystery object which looked somewhat like a protective case–which seems redundant on a rugged smartphone. This turned out to be a flotation case (which we’ll test later), an optional extra available from AGM.
The Specs
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
RAM: Up to 8GB
Storage: 64, 128, or 256 GB and optional microSD
Screen: 5.99 Inch 2160 X 1080 FHD+ Gorilla Glass screen
Cameras: 20MP Selfie Cam, 12MP Primary, 24MP Secondary rear Camera
Audio: Dual JBL speakers with Smart PA audio chip
Charging: USB-C, Quick Charge 3.0, Wireless up to 10W
Battery: 4,100mAh Li-On
Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0, Dual Sim, Dual VoLTE, 802.11ac 2×2 MIMO Wi-Fi
Dimensions: 167.5 x 81.5 x 10.5mm
The phone features an “Armoured Madman Design”, which means it has an IP68 rating and is yet another phone claiming the MIL-STD-810G military certification.
In short, it should be waterproof up to a depth of 1.5 meters for up to 30 minutes, can operate from -30 to 60 degrees Celsius (22-140 Fahrenheit. It should take a lot of punishment without suffering a loss of functionality.
How It Feels to Use
Now that the specs are over let’s talk about what is actually important—how it feels in the hand. In use, the X3 feels like a premium phone. The FHD+ screen is bright and doesn’t have a notch. The bezels are small for a rugged phone, and it feels good to hold.
It is big, but given this is a rugged phone it felt much closer to a typical flagship smartphone than something designed to take a beating. It weighs just over 200 grams (7 ounces), which puts it only a few grams heavier than the OnePlus 6T or the Google Pixel 3 XL. That said, the slightly larger screen might be difficult for those with smaller hands to use one-handed.
The phone supports face unlock, which worked perfectly throughout our testing, and if you wear gloves a lot, there is a glove mode which works up to a certain thickness. This phone joins the many without a headphone jack—which I’m still totally not OK with—but in rugged phones this is forgivable. Fewer ports mean fewer points of failure, and the provided USB to 3.5mm converter works fine.
The phone feels great, but aesthetics are a little more subjective. I found the silver metal back and black sides to be clean, understated, and stylish. If it wasn’t for the hardened rubber on the corners, I could forget this is meant to be a rugged smartphone at all.
Performance and Battery
Given that the X3 has a Snapdragon 845 octa-core chipset, the current fastest in production phones, the device flies along. I tested the version with 8GB of RAM and noticed no slowdown at any point.
Games like Need for Speed and PUBG worked on the highest settings without issue. Geekbench scored the multi-core at 8670—that’s up there with the Galaxy Note 9, OnePlus 6T, and higher than the Google Pixel 3.
In terms of battery management, I used the standard settings the X3 ships with. The battery got me through my day with regular usage and much of the night, despite my propensity to watch videos before bed. In a Geekbench battery test, the x3 scored 5182.
For a high-performance rugged smartphone with a large display, it is impressive, especially at just 10.5mm thick.
The Camera
The AI-powered dual back cameras are great for taking point and click photos, and I found that I got decent pictures in a variety of light settings. The all-important Bokeh mode works well, providing good images, and is quite forgiving about the subject distance.
The front-facing selfie camera takes good pictures, with or without “face beauty,” but that’s about all it does.
This phone isn’t going to be going toe to toe with flagship camera-oriented handsets. It doesn’t even compete particularly well with other phones in this price range like the OnePlus 6T.
That said, it doesn’t have to. Good photos in places you’d usually be scared to take a phone are likely more appropriate to this phone’s target audience.
Other Stuff
The speakers on this phone are the best speakers I have heard on any smartphone. Even at loud volumes, they don’t distort, and the onboard smart PA chip adjusts the mix to stop things getting shrill. Of course, even a cheap Bluetooth speaker will blow any phone out of the water, but the dual JBL tuned speakers are above and beyond most smartphones and tablets.
Speaking of water, perhaps the most important question:
Is the AGM X3 Actually Waterproof?
The X3 has an IP68 rating, which means it is happy underwater up to 1,5m deep for up to half an hour – but this doesn’t help much if you drop it in a lake, or the sea. This is where the tailor-made floatation device comes in so handy.
Floatation aids for phones are not new, but this is designed to clip to it without obscuring any buttons, the speakers, or the camera. This completely wipes clear one of the most significant flaws of all waterproof phones—if it drops in deep water, it isn’t just gone. Note that you’ll likely have to buy this separate from the phone, but if you are frequently near or on water it’s a no brainer.
However, the waterproofing does have one small quirk. The tiny rubber bung that covers the USB port truly is tiny, and possibly the most easily misplaced item I’ve ever come across in tech. I understand aesthetics were important here, but attaching it to the phone may have been a better option.
Some other phones don’t bother with covers for their charging ports at all. This does beg the question—what are other phones doing to protect their connectors in the long term?
Can It Take a Beating?
AGM is yet another company to claim MIL-STD-810G military certification. The military does not certify consumer phones, but it does sound fancy.
I hate breaking tech, but this is a rugged phone, so we’ve got to mistreat it to see if it holds up to it’s claimed toughness.
I dropped the X3 on to asphalt a total of 6 times from 1 meter up to 3 meters, and it just didn’t care. Despite the phone having a flat front and mostly flat back, the rubber corners protected it at all angles. The back and sides are “military grade metal” whatever that means, and the phone’s innards are sprung to resist shock damage.
Whatever they’ve done, this phone, surprisingly, feels as tough as they are claiming.
I used it for over two weeks every day, and I treated it in a most terrible manner. It was dropped many more times (not on purpose), thrown in a lake, left in dust, dirt, and face down on floors. Perhaps the worst crime: the X3 was in the same pocket as my keys for the entire test.
Beyond a few scratches to the screen protector and surface scratches to the metallic back, the X3 didn’t even flinch.
Should You Get One?
I came into this review skeptical. My first impressions weren’t actually so great. I’d heard of AGM before but wasn’t really expecting anything from the name, and with so many exciting things happening with Android devices now I wasn’t expecting much.
I have been won over in every respect—this is truly a premium rugged smartphone.
Premium comes at a price, and that may be one of the phone’s significant issues. The 8GB of RAM, 64GB storage version is available from AGM for $729.99, which is high for a relatively unknown Chinese brand. Given the number of popular phones with similar performance specs at this price, it may seem quite a gamble, especially when there are budget rugged Android phones, also from China, for less than half the amount.
However, none of them offer what the X3 does. This is the first rugged phone I’ve mistaken for a regular smartphone.
If you are looking for a premium quality Android phone which will take whatever abuse you can throw at it, I can’t think of anything available that can beat the AGM X3
Enter the Competition!
AGM X3: The Premium AND Rugged Smartphone
Read the full article: AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again
AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
0 notes
grassroutes · 5 years
AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again
Our verdict of the AGM X3: The AGM X3 is a rugged and waterproof phone that holds its own as a premium Android device. It takes a beating without breaking a sweat and performs better than any other rugged phone. The main downside is its price, which puts it in the firing line of name brand flagship phones.910
Budget Rugged Smartphones give a decent performance in a solid build, usually at a wallet-friendly price. But have you ever wondered what happens if you up the budget?
At $729.99 the AGM X3 is a premium rugged smartphone at a premium price, but is it worth the extra cash? On paper this phone competes with some brand name flagship handsets, and that kind of power in a tough shell is something rare. Today we’ll see if this phone is all hype, or a solid powerhouse.
In the Box
Alongside the phone, the box contains a quick charger which connects to the phone via a 1 meter USB Type C (USB-C) cable and provides charging at 5 and 9 volts at two amps and 12 volts at 1.5 amps.
The box also contains a USB-C to headphone jack, two rubber bungs to protect the phone’s USB port, a sim extraction tool, and a manual.
Separate from the box we found a mystery object which looked somewhat like a protective case–which seems redundant on a rugged smartphone. This turned out to be a flotation case (which we’ll test later), an optional extra available from AGM.
The Specs
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 845
RAM: Up to 8GB
Storage: 64, 128, or 256 GB and optional microSD
Screen: 5.99 Inch 2160 X 1080 FHD+ Gorilla Glass screen
Cameras: 20MP Selfie Cam, 12MP Primary, 24MP Secondary rear Camera
Audio: Dual JBL speakers with Smart PA audio chip
Charging: USB-C, Quick Charge 3.0, Wireless up to 10W
Battery: 4,100mAh Li-On
Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0, Dual Sim, Dual VoLTE, 802.11ac 2×2 MIMO Wi-Fi
Dimensions: 167.5 x 81.5 x 10.5mm
The phone features an “Armoured Madman Design”, which means it has an IP68 rating and is yet another phone claiming the MIL-STD-810G military certification.
In short, it should be waterproof up to a depth of 1.5 meters for up to 30 minutes, can operate from -30 to 60 degrees Celsius (22-140 Fahrenheit. It should take a lot of punishment without suffering a loss of functionality.
How It Feels to Use
Now that the specs are over let’s talk about what is actually important—how it feels in the hand. In use, the X3 feels like a premium phone. The FHD+ screen is bright and doesn’t have a notch. The bezels are small for a rugged phone, and it feels good to hold.
It is big, but given this is a rugged phone it felt much closer to a typical flagship smartphone than something designed to take a beating. It weighs just over 200 grams (7 ounces), which puts it only a few grams heavier than the OnePlus 6T or the Google Pixel 3 XL. That said, the slightly larger screen might be difficult for those with smaller hands to use one-handed.
The phone supports face unlock, which worked perfectly throughout our testing, and if you wear gloves a lot, there is a glove mode which works up to a certain thickness. This phone joins the many without a headphone jack—which I’m still totally not OK with—but in rugged phones this is forgivable. Fewer ports mean fewer points of failure, and the provided USB to 3.5mm converter works fine.
The phone feels great, but aesthetics are a little more subjective. I found the silver metal back and black sides to be clean, understated, and stylish. If it wasn’t for the hardened rubber on the corners, I could forget this is meant to be a rugged smartphone at all.
Performance and Battery
Given that the X3 has a Snapdragon 845 octa-core chipset, the current fastest in production phones, the device flies along. I tested the version with 8GB of RAM and noticed no slowdown at any point.
Games like Need for Speed and PUBG worked on the highest settings without issue. Geekbench scored the multi-core at 8670—that’s up there with the Galaxy Note 9, OnePlus 6T, and higher than the Google Pixel 3.
In terms of battery management, I used the standard settings the X3 ships with. The battery got me through my day with regular usage and much of the night, despite my propensity to watch videos before bed. In a Geekbench battery test, the x3 scored 5182.
For a high-performance rugged smartphone with a large display, it is impressive, especially at just 10.5mm thick.
The Camera
The AI-powered dual back cameras are great for taking point and click photos, and I found that I got decent pictures in a variety of light settings. The all-important Bokeh mode works well, providing good images, and is quite forgiving about the subject distance.
The front-facing selfie camera takes good pictures, with or without “face beauty,” but that’s about all it does.
This phone isn’t going to be going toe to toe with flagship camera-oriented handsets. It doesn’t even compete particularly well with other phones in this price range like the OnePlus 6T.
That said, it doesn’t have to. Good photos in places you’d usually be scared to take a phone are likely more appropriate to this phone’s target audience.
Other Stuff
The speakers on this phone are the best speakers I have heard on any smartphone. Even at loud volumes, they don’t distort, and the onboard smart PA chip adjusts the mix to stop things getting shrill. Of course, even a cheap Bluetooth speaker will blow any phone out of the water, but the dual JBL tuned speakers are above and beyond most smartphones and tablets.
Speaking of water, perhaps the most important question:
Is the AGM X3 Actually Waterproof?
The X3 has an IP68 rating, which means it is happy underwater up to 1,5m deep for up to half an hour – but this doesn’t help much if you drop it in a lake, or the sea. This is where the tailor-made floatation device comes in so handy.
Floatation aids for phones are not new, but this is designed to clip to it without obscuring any buttons, the speakers, or the camera. This completely wipes clear one of the most significant flaws of all waterproof phones—if it drops in deep water, it isn’t just gone. Note that you’ll likely have to buy this separate from the phone, but if you are frequently near or on water it’s a no brainer.
However, the waterproofing does have one small quirk. The tiny rubber bung that covers the USB port truly is tiny, and possibly the most easily misplaced item I’ve ever come across in tech. I understand aesthetics were important here, but attaching it to the phone may have been a better option.
Some other phones don’t bother with covers for their charging ports at all. This does beg the question—what are other phones doing to protect their connectors in the long term?
Can It Take a Beating?
AGM is yet another company to claim MIL-STD-810G military certification. The military does not certify consumer phones, but it does sound fancy.
I hate breaking tech, but this is a rugged phone, so we’ve got to mistreat it to see if it holds up to it’s claimed toughness.
I dropped the X3 on to asphalt a total of 6 times from 1 meter up to 3 meters, and it just didn’t care. Despite the phone having a flat front and mostly flat back, the rubber corners protected it at all angles. The back and sides are “military grade metal” whatever that means, and the phone’s innards are sprung to resist shock damage.
Whatever they’ve done, this phone, surprisingly, feels as tough as they are claiming.
I used it for over two weeks every day, and I treated it in a most terrible manner. It was dropped many more times (not on purpose), thrown in a lake, left in dust, dirt, and face down on floors. Perhaps the worst crime: the X3 was in the same pocket as my keys for the entire test.
Beyond a few scratches to the screen protector and surface scratches to the metallic back, the X3 didn’t even flinch.
Should You Get One?
I came into this review skeptical. My first impressions weren’t actually so great. I’d heard of AGM before but wasn’t really expecting anything from the name, and with so many exciting things happening with Android devices now I wasn’t expecting much.
I have been won over in every respect—this is truly a premium rugged smartphone.
Premium comes at a price, and that may be one of the phone’s significant issues. The 8GB of RAM, 64GB storage version is available from AGM for $729.99, which is high for a relatively unknown Chinese brand. Given the number of popular phones with similar performance specs at this price, it may seem quite a gamble, especially when there are budget rugged Android phones, also from China, for less than half the amount.
However, none of them offer what the X3 does. This is the first rugged phone I’ve mistaken for a regular smartphone.
If you are looking for a premium quality Android phone which will take whatever abuse you can throw at it, I can’t think of anything available that can beat the AGM X3
Enter the Competition!
AGM X3: The Premium AND Rugged Smartphone
Read the full article: AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again
AGM X3: If You Thought Rugged Meant Bad Performance, Think Again posted first on grassroutespage.blogspot.com
0 notes