#minecraft encyclopedia
mossypidder · 11 months
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So because. The minecraft hyperfixation has hit again. And my brain found it necessary to make an encyclopedia style page of ✨STUFFS✨
And I successfully did crosshatchy-ness for the first time ever
But anyway- ludicrously happy with this.
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hybbat · 4 days
Not fond of how dependant on wikis a lot of indie games are these days. Maybe this is a hot take but I think your game should be playable without looking up external resources, and I don't like having a wiki for whatever game I'm playing up all the times just to casually play it because the game couldn't be bothered.
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king-orange · 21 days
You can write Alan email!
Email? Is that like texting?
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hey would any of y'all be interested if i made a little minecraft encyclopedia type thing? not like the wiki, which is more focused on the general mechanics, but like, really getting into the specifics of individual blocks and items, including how they interact with things like resource packs and commands.
this would probably be on a separate sideblog just 'cause of how big it'd have to be
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deadcrowcalling · 2 months
DPS headcanons
charlie can't bake for shit, like he literally can't even make a box cake. he always screws something up
on the other hand, pitts is an amazing baker. the dude will make a whole damn cake from scratch like it was no big deal
anderperry = adhd and autism duo. you pick who is who
cameron is a history buff. i saw something saying he'd love top gun and i totally agree. that kid is a NERD
todd's a cat person
neil likes both. whatever makes todd happy makes him happy
charlie's a lightweight, unlike todd who (as we know) can down whiskey like nothing
considering DPS is set in 1959, meeks and pitts definitely were marvel and/or dc comics nerds. maybe one liked marvel and one liked dc, and they constantly fought about which was better. or they both like one franchise and trash talked the other
the rooftop radio dance party was totally not meeks and pitts' only dance party. they've had many
all the poets have at least been to charlie's huge house once and done stupid shit in his pool. somebody definitely belly-flopped off the diving board, really regretted it, and now it's an inside joke between all of them (probably be Knox or Pitts, if i'm honest.)
meeks likes plants. he's totally got a few small plants in his and pitts's dorm. totally has a tiny succulent named after some superhero (modern!au he'd so name it something dumb like megatron)
if transformers had come out when the poets were kids, pitts so would've been a transformers kid
charlie totally has converse (specifically red ones) and draws on the rubber parts (this is inspired from a comment on my post where i drew on my vans)
in relation to the last one, he's totally written carpe diem on the shoes. and a lighting bolt
modern!au knox would play fortnight 24/7 and never shut up about it
modern!au todd and neil have a shared farm on stardew valley. and a minecraft house
scratch that, all the poets have a minecraft server they all play on. charlie's house looks like ass while todd and meeks have a library that looks better than most modern architecture
growing up, meeks would sit in the library for hours skimming through the encyclopedias until he found anything that caught his eye. he'd be there form when the library opened to until it closed. the librarian eventually caught on to his schedule and started bringing him little sandwiches and chips and a juice, and always brought him something in the morning, like a granola bar.
maybe that's how pitts and meeks met. pitts was looking for cool like sci-fi novels and saw meeks sitting all by himself with a giant pile of encyclopedias next to him. pitts picked out a cool book and sat by him, the two never saying a word. this continued for a few weeks until one of the two worked up the courage to introduce themself. they became fast friends.
cameron over prepares. always has bandaids on him. mostly because charlie's constantly getting hurt
anyways, i could ramble for days! lmk if you like stuff like this and i can post some more headcanons and stuff
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What are the gangs favorite type of video games to play? Weather it’s Mario, Pokémon, sports, rhythm games, horror games, etc etc.
Poppy prefers tabletop games more, but she can be often caught playing or seeing someone else playing The Sims. She LOVES that game - Angel has The Sims 2 installed on their computer, and when they all move to a bigger house Poppy gets her own PC so she can play TS2 as much as she wants.
Kissy doesn't play much on her own, but she really loves 3D platformers and adventure games. Her favorites are the og Spyro the Dragon trilogy! I think she loves watching others play pokémon as well.
Huggy loves racing games. Get anything with a car and he's instantly in love with it.
I can Mommy Long Legs making super over-the-top stories on The Sims 2 as well, so she and Poppy often share news of what their sims are doing. They are both active in forums and are trying to make their own custom content for the game!
Bunzo is a pokémon guy.
PJ Pug-a-Pillar doesn't like playing games in general but he LOVES watching others play, esp if there's lots of cutscenes. It's like watching a movie!
Miss Delight falls in love with Portal 2 when it's released, but I think she's really picky with her puzzle games. She likes being a bit creative on her solutions! She's also really into RPGs. I think the Fallout franchise is her comfort game.
Catnap and Craftycorn are walking Silent Hill encyclopedias, but they LOOOOVE survival horror. Catnap's fav is the original SH1, while Craftycorn loves Haunting Ground (PS2) and SH3.
Bobby on the other hand prefers Resident Evil and Clock Tower 3, but when it's not horror it's definitely a more experimental game. She cries everytime she plays Shadow of the Colossus but she loves it.
Bubba, much like Miss Delight, is SUPER into RPGs and puzzle games, but pokémon and Ace Attorney have conquered his heart. He LOOOVES gushing about it!
Picky's favorite is Animal Crossing! It makes her feel safe and she loves just walking around her town. She made a really impressive one and everyone wants updates from her villagers, Picky loves giving them.
Kickin can't get enough of any FPS or action-adventure game, and he can and WILL ragequit if he's playing online and his teammates start being rude to him or each other. Thankfully he learned really quick how to deal with the more toxic players so now he can truly relax. Unfortunately doomed to become a League of Legends player when it comes out.
Hoppy also loves FPS, but 3D platformers and open-world games are her favorites. Anything that gives her plenty of freedom to move around or just be silly immediately catches her attention! I think she becomes a Team Fortress 2 player.
Dogday prefers to watch rather than play and he gets SO invested. I think Miss Delight likes playing puzzle games with him because they figure out solutions together, but if Dogday were to chose a game for himself to play it would probably be a rythimn game. It gives him the zoomies.
The other smaller toys all have their own individual preferences, so talking about them is more complicated!
Everyone becomes obsessed with Minecraft when it's released. Catch Catnap pranking everyone on their shared beta server by pretending to be Herobrine.
When Angel gets them an Xbox 360 they have many game nights where they play on the Kinect.
Speaking of which, Angel is down to play literally everything, but all the toys know they aren't very keen on anything horror-related. Not because it's scary, it's just that Angel finds them boring after surviving Playtime Co. They probably have an encyclopedia-level knowledge of pokémon, tho.
Prototype doesn't play videogames, but enjoyes watching the others play. Just don't put ANY war games in front of him and we're all good, otherwise he stops watching.
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aquatark · 2 months
Okay! So! I'm breaking out the correct capitalization because this news is so insane! The Japanese website for Endless Ocean Luminous received a major update last night, and I want to walk through the biggest new info from it with you! This is gonna be really long, so please bare with me, there's just so much to cover...
Here's the link for people who want to check this themselves: https://www.nintendo.com/jp/switch/a7lka/index.html
The Veiled Sea is random, but not in the way you think
It has been officially confirmed that the Veiled Sea's terrain and creatures will change with each dive, and creatures will likely spawn in accordance to the nearby terrain. But don't panic!
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After filling in 80% of an area's map, you will be given a map ID, which you can use to access that exact same map, either by yourself or with friend, whenever you like! Think of them like Minecraft world seeds. An example ID (which can likely be used upon release) is given in the photo above, accompanied by what looks like a photo of the one and only...! Maybe you can reliably encounter her on that map ID?
2. Salvages are back, baybee!!
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In what looks to be a system similar to EO1 and the Everblue games, salvages of all sorts can be found under small glints on the ocean floor! The P earned from salvages immediately goes into your current amount once you've picked it up. According to the photo above, salvaging is "essential to unravelling the ocean's mysteries", and another photo states that you may even find traces of "ancient civilizations"...
3. A diving rank system has been revealed, along with fishy friends
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As you discover new creatures and treasures, you will unlock all sorts of things, and your dive rank will increase! Higher dive ranks have access to more suit colors (which side note omg i'm loving the options), as well as larger creatures following you, and more creatures following at the same time! What does that mean? Well... you know EO1's friendship system, where if you're friendly enough to a fish, it'll follow you around? This seems to be returning, but reworked! The creatures that follow you depends on your dive rank: at a low rank, only small fish will follow you, but as your rank increases, you can have dolphins and even huge whales tag along with you!
4. Behold a whole new range of underwater environments
I already showed pictures of them in my previous post, so I won't here to save photo space, but to list a few, underwater magma flows, shipwrecks in the abyss, polar areas, freshwater caves, and active hydrothermal vent fields have all been shown off here!
5. Different missions will be available each dive
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Not much elaboration is needed here, but each dive, you will be given special missions (such as seeking out a location or creature). We don't yet know what reward these will give us, but it's gotta be good, right?
6. A new method of identifying creatures
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Creatures you have yet to identify will glow, and pressing the L button while near these creatures will unlock their information. Multiple creatures' info can be acquired this way at the same time, making for easy scanning of big groups! This info will then be available in the marine encyclopedia, which can be accessed at any time.
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The encyclopedia will also record the creature's behavior, habits, and the largest/smallest sizes of it you have found.
7. Creature variants have been introduced
Though the site did not elaborate on this, it did showcase a picture of a creature labelled "variant".
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This one is especially interesting, because though the scientific name here is accurate, the Japanese text below it reads... "Coco Maharaja", which is this EO2 legendary's Japanese name! Will we be able to encounter the exact legendary specimens from EO2 again in the Veiled Sea, or are these simply colored variants named after them? Either way, the creature variant system is going to be awesome, I can tell!
8. Photography is back, and better than ever!
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Photos will be sent to the Nintendo Switch's album when taken. What purpose they will serve in the greater game has yet to be seen, but you can take photos with yourself in them!
9. Multiplayer and singleplayer options
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I know some people were worried about multiplayer being the only mode, but this is not the case! Players can dive either solo, or with a group over the internet with the "Dive Together" option. When diving together, up to 10 random players can play... or, when diving with friends, up to 30 people can!
Additional multiplayer reveals include the ability to use tons of emotes to communicate, adding emojis to creatures or treasures you find which can be seen on the map for others to check out (the Cacao Maharaja photo showcases a bunch of these emojis), being able to teleport to any player in your current dive, and more!
10. A new mythical creature...?
The array of photos shown of new creature models is absolutely astounding... but one in particular that caught my eye is the set of new prehistoric creatures!
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One of these things is not like the others though... what could "Raja Emas" be...? Can prehistoric creatures be mythical too?
This update has made me more hyped than ever for this game! I'd be curious to hear your thoughts too~ :>
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Snooza Koopa
Debut: Super Mario Sunshine
Whenever you see sea turtles in media, they are always very well respected! We all love them and are in awe of their majesty, their beauty, their longevity, and more! And a baby sea turtle is such a classic symbol of courageous vulnerability, a precious, helpless little angel who you would be heartless not to root for. Sea turtles and their eggs feel untouchable, off-limits.
And that makes it so very weird that Super Mario Sunshine is one of the only places I have seen sea turtles and their eggs presented in an entirely NEGATIVE light!
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Snooza Koopas only appear in one episode of the game, where Mario must kill them because they are eating some flowers. But it is also much more nuanced than that! Silly.
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These Koopas are chewing on the roots of sunflowers who are PEOPLE, causing them to wilt! People aren’t supposed to wilt! Stop that! You’re scaring me! I like these sunflower people. It is always nice when Mario gets more Friends. But back to the Enemy of the day...
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Snooza Koopas are, as it turns out, an invasive species on the island of Pinna Park, and not only are they not supposed to be eating these sunflowers, but they displaced the native Yoshis! Probably because they look like Yoshi eggs themselves. Maybe they used this resemblance to get close to the Yoshis, and then eat their eggs? Maybe that’s even a Yoshi egg shell they’re wearing as a helmet! I know I would exit the establishment if this exact situation happened to me! And so, Mario must cull this population, and hopefully there are many more out there in the proper environments.
I just love seeing that sea turtles can be Koopas, too! Like in Minecraft! Where Koopas are also sheep.
What a creature! What fun. So unique from the Koopas we most commonly know of! The enemies in Sunshine were created by Bowser Jr. using the Magic Paintbrush, giving an actual, in-universe reason for them looking how they do. They gave lore to this Mario game. These Mario enemies! These WEIRD Mario enemies!!!
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Allow me to explain. Snooza Koopa showcases a great example of why I don’t like the concept! If Bowser Jr. created a new goopa Koopa like this to mess with the Yoshis, that would be fine. That would make sense. A messy little mischief.
But the Yoshis in this game were ALSO made by Bowser Jr., according the the Japanese version of the Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia! In a vacuum, this also makes sense, since they dissolve in water. But then let’s remember the whole situation of Yoshis and Snooza Koopas. Yoshis lived on the island, and Snooza Koopas displaced them. This means that Bowser Jr. must have created these Yoshis- long before the events of the game, and multiple generations ago, if they already have a natural history on the island!- and then created Snooza Koopas to drive away his own earlier creation. It just does not make sense!
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And another example is the Bloopers of this game! Yes, they look different from standard Bloopers, but we know there can simply be variants of the same enemy type. More importantly, though, Piantas are shown to catch and EAT these Bloopers, as well as Jumping Bloopers! If they were made of goop, I do not believe they would be able to die and be dried without turning back into their original goopy state. Also, they spit ink, not goop, which, yeah! They are squids! Ink is an absolutely perfect way to have a non-goop-based creature still spread A goop, to keep the goop mechanics going.
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And we know our dear Cataquack, who is confirmed to be native to Isle Delfino, and who even would reappear in later games, unlike other Sunshine-exclusive enemies! Despite this, they can turn into goop when defeated in some methods, which just makes the whole thing more confusing, and maybe even kind of meaningless if you ask me. Maybe Goop is just some kind of primordial ooze and even Mario is made of it. Even you are!
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So what do I think the deal with Goop is? I think it may come from Piranha Plants naturally! Petey Piranha is heavily associated with Goop, and he is not exclusive to Sunshine, and has been said to be a MUTANT Piranha Plant. I think he was part of Sunshine not because he was made from Goop, but because he is perfect for a Goop-related job!
We also have Proto Piranhas, shown above, which are Piranha Plants born from and entirely made of Goop, even more emphasizing the relation between the two! I’m not sure I think Piranha Plants are all made from Goop to begin with- they lay eggs, silly!- but I absolutely think they are associated with and naturally produce it, and Petey’s mutation allowed him to produce extreme quantities of it. Surely, then, the Magic Paintbrush itself was created as a result of extensive Piranha Plant research by E. Gadd!
And thus is the end of my Goop Rant. Thank you so much for to reading my post. I would like to hear YOUR Goop Takes!
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onedayimgonnasnap · 1 year
Court of darkness fandom tumblr survival guide.(read this with an Australian accent)
As a new fan you might be wondering, “WHERE ARE ALL THE FANFICTIONS?! THE FANART?! THE CRACK?! THE ANGST?! SMUT?!” And yes good sir that was me when I first got here.
Because of that I will be showing up at least 10 Content Creators that you shall follow in this barren community. And give you a list of reasons why.
So come along on this safari tour ride;
No 1. @atomsminecraft Now this person may seem like your average crazy Lou psycho fan. But you’re wrong- ⁉️
This person actually makes really good fluff of Lou. They’re like a Lou encyclopedia. But be careful you may or may not accidentally offend them depending on your take on Lou.
Their content and head cannons can range between Wholesome to crack to angst so be careful where you step on their page. It’s dangerous mate.
No. 2 @jaysquid Now come along to see this amazing artist. Now now don’t take pictures they can be aggressive if you mess up their work, so we must observe from afar,
They are extremely chill most of the time, if you have an Court of Darkness suggestion child; they’re the ones to go too-
They also have extremely great random topics about anything related to court of darkness, and they’re able to bring up excellent points in Head Cannons.
No 3. @bitchkay Now with this one, over all extremely thirsty and bisexual for everyone of them ⁉️
Don’t be afraid as the angel said unto Marry, don’t worry this one doesn’t bite but it does bark.
They’re also the No 1. Smut creator to go to if you’re over 18. If not you’ll be sacrificed to the wolves if you’re suggesting nsfw😧
Also you’ll learn things about characters you’ve never thought about that, and you may not turn dirty minded😔
Let’s sneak by from this one aye?
No 4. @toasnearlynakedghost
Do they create fanfictions? Maybe (I haven’t seen some)
Do they create fanart? Yes.
How ever this person is like the Gorden Ramsey of the fandom, especially if you’re like me. When they respond to your comment or post with “😂” it feels like you’re dad came back with the milk.
You feel like you’ve gained approval that you have not got from your parents/srs.
It’s a strange feeling in your soul yes.
However it feels goddamn good.
No 5. @abugwritesstuff You see this person you have options the possibilities are endless.
It’s infinity to beyond.
They’re also extremely chill, and when requesting something they have the characters accurate and it feels like something you’d see from the game no matter what the topic is lol.
I once requested that ended up traumatizing Knight.
Now then take pictures and souvenirs and let’s move on >:)
No 6. @chirp-a-chirp Now here we have the bird, yes I order to get them to come closer to you is to preform the bird ritual, yes you may chirp.
If you do that ritual legend has it that they’ll grant your wish/request.
First you gotta start it by saying “I have no bitches 3 times” then start chirping aggressively. >:)
Depending on your wish/request it may be granted. If the ancient bird doesn’t see it fit then you’ll die of Minecraft fall damage.
Their content is extremely rangeful to both COD to obey me, so you got options.
No 7. @marsipanic Now with this ancient being they have made the hottest female MC OCs be careful though they might take it a sign of aggression if you bark to much.
It makes you jealous of Guy- Yes Guy out of all people.
This content creator believes they can change him- well leave it at that.
They also have a creative/ smut OC series. It’s pretty bad ass. So go check it out.
No 8. @dotster001 Now with this one doesn’t have that many fanfictions, however it doesn’t make it any less great than the others.
They also have a bunch of twisted wonderland and other games fanfictions you may wanna check out, because they’re super good.
However do not take any pictures, you may not reach your hand out at them. Do not feed them-
No 9. @bobasis Now kids, this is the only one who has ever made history with creating the first MC X reader fanfiction.
It’s amazing; consorts who?
They also have amazing art so you better go check it out.
Also keep ur hands to yourself when you see their MC *sprays with spray bottle* DOWN BOY- DOWN-!
No 10. @ithseem Now this son of a bitch will roast you accurately whether you like it or not, so be careful kiddo. They’re venomous.
They also have really cute fanart from what I’ve seen after stalking their tumblr, like I do with anyone 😘 It’s just a way of life kid.
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inverted-typo · 9 months
Where do you think they’d settle like which city or would they stay in San Fran?
What would the exterior of their house look like the backyard if they had moved to a house?
I know we were talking about a library in their place how do you think that would that look like what type of books would be in the shelf’s like genre wise?
would they live in a suburban area or something more isolated?
Oooohhh. That's a good question! Idk maybe San Fran or something even more north west like Seattle? I feel like they'd try out Gotham at some point but Damian would need some distance from Dad after a while.
I think Damian would want something modern and sleek, idk like those irl-looking Minecraft houses. Again, I picture Dami to be more minimalist-leaning? But Raven wouldn't want the house to be too sterile feeling. And they'd need a yard for Titus of course. Raven might have a small garden for herbs and some plants, but nothing too ambitious.
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They'd absolutely have a library! And maybe that doubles as Damian's drawing space? They're both bookworms so I'd assume it's quite massive. Anything from history books, encyclopedias, specialized works on niche topics, all the way to genuine magical artifacts and spell books. There's a few art books definitely sprinkled in as well. I can imagine there's a whole section for editorial pieces like news reports on current/past events.
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You know, idk if it's just me, but I almost think they'd like living in the city? Maybe they'd own a cabin out in the country but urban night-life just seems to fit them.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Happy STS! What are the tsp crew's favorite games?
Heyy happy STS!
Well, I already know Lexi and Maddie play Mario Kart. Maddie's more of the gamer, Lexi wanted to do stuff Maddie liked, turns out she likes it too. Maddie's better, though.
I also think Lexi would like RPGs and classic board games.
I feel like Ash is a Minecraft person. Toggles between survival and creative mode.
Gwen would like RPGs and just fantasy related games. Final Fantasy maybe? I think she needs to get into D&D.
Noelle would like games that are easy and straightforward to learn but hard to get good at. Card games, Tetris, match-3 games. I feel like Tetris is a fitting option.
Rose is the kind of person who I feel secretly likes gaming. I feel like Minecraft again (creative mode), Animal Crossing, or even GTA would be favorite ones. Maybe even the Sims.
Kelsey would play games with her younger cousins. Like Roblox or something. She'd also have a lot of mobile games I think that she plays if she's bored with nothing else to do.
I do have Robbie play an Alii game in one chapter but it's pending what it actually is because I have no ideas! I think Robbie would like single-player games but like other people are looking over his shoulder watching him. I think he'd also like Animal Crossing and he does reference Minecraft. Definitely a survival mode person, not peaceful.
I already canonically have Akash like watching sports, so I feel like sports games for sure. I'm so sad the Wii was a bit before their time but my younger cousins have a Wii and they're about his age so Wii Sports champion Akash?
It's actively hilarious to think about Jedi and Carmen gaming. Carmen would get hooked on Match-3 games. The sillier the theme, the better. Jedi would probably like a game where you can level up a character or maybe save the world.
Outside of these guys, I canonically have George be into gaming. He ended up liking Mario Kart, but I need to think up Alii games for him. Unfortunately the gaming part is where I got stuck in the last round of revisions!
I also have Niri be super into card games. Just loves card games. Read Scarne's Encyclopedia of Card Games in eighth grade instead of paying attention to algebra loves card games. He teaches Gabriel how to play Cribbage in Part Two and it's hilarious.
This was a really fun ask actually, thank you!!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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datapacks · 3 months
Realising also that my contributions to the wiki over the years has made me kinda a walking encyclopedia for minecraft information 😭 I've played a game w my wife before where she said a random feature and I'd be able to tell her Exactly what update it came in w/o looking it up, sometimes down to the Snapshot 😭😭😭
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st4r-cr0ssed-l0v3r · 4 months
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Basic information!
My name is Romeo! I am trans man and a minor, I am Aroace and pansexual and I am an artist! I am autistic and have hyper sexuality, when i’m older I would like to pursue my love for art and become a tattoo artist or go to film school! .✩‧₊˚
Fandoms I’m In!
Sweet tooth
The lost boys
Stand by me
IT 2017
I am not okay with this
Jennifers body
The breakfast club
The Black Phone
Artists I Listen to!
Alex G
The Garden
Car Seat Headrest
I Don’t Like Mirrors
Birth Day
Micheal Jackson
Tyler The Creator
Adrianne Lenker
Sir Chloe
TV Girl
Current Joys
My hobbies include, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Writing, Poetry, Baking, hiking. I do most in school or my free time, I am a traditional artist trying to transfer over to digital but I don’t really like drawing digitally and I’m stubborn so it will take a while. .✩‧₊˚
Games I enjoy!
Detroit: Become Human
Rewind Or Die
Home Safety Security
Little Nightmares
Nun Massacre
Fun facts!
I actually have an extra bone in my foot! Yes, it does hurt when I walk too much and I need insoles for some shoes but other then that i’m okay .✩‧₊˚
I have actually had Tumblr since 2022 but deleted one blog and lost the other one not long ago .✩‧₊˚
I didn’t really grow up much with internet and read encyclopedias and watched animal planet most of my childhood and had a 11 year long hyper-fixation on dinosaurs (still there just buried by other stuff ^_^) .✩‧₊˚
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tobeferre · 1 year
I was bored so here yall have it: Les Mis if they played in a Minecraft SMP.
Courfeyrac: the second most trigger-happy player in the server. Only in half netherite though, he claims to have used all his netherite for his tools but is sported with an iron axe and a stone shovel on multiple occasions. His ign is _Courf.
Grantaire: potion boy, but is a nuisance about it. He stole all the netherwart from the nearest 10 nether fortresses (it made everyone give up finding netherwart themselves) and used his potions to troll people. He also sells them either for dirt-cheap or ridiculously expensive prices. His ign is GrandR.
Combeferre: Has the ign "FerreMan". Has a huge amassing army of villagers. Built a HUGE STRUCTURE containing EVERY SINGLE LIBRARIAN AND THEIR BOOKS IN EXISTENCE, with a toggleable raid farm in the centre (so as to grind for emeralds and totems, and getting hero of the village for the villager trades). Joly helped.
Joly: His ign is "doctorjoly", set by Bossuet. Freakishly good with redstone. Says that since he's studying medicinal science, he's attracted to anything remotely like science. Bossuet called out his bullshit, but it's probably true. Once caught him watching a 5-hour essay on redstone over his textbooks. Musichetta killed him that day.
Bossuet: Has the ign "BossGirlie". He just does whatever the hell he wants. Good on him, honestly.
Feuilly: The server's go-to for most, if not all things decoration. He took a special interest in banners and armour (he was DELIGHTED at the armour trim update), and is a texture/resource pack encyclopedia. He interior-designed almost every single house, building and structure in the SMP, and the others pay him handsomely for his services. Has the ign Feuilly, kindly given to him by someone online.
Bahorel: Has an ongoing war with Courfeyrac. The most trigger-happy player in the server. Unlike Courfeyrac, he has the gear. The two of them has killed each other more times than anyone has died in the server. If he's not fighting it out with Courf, he's grinding for more riches, trying to catch up to Jehan. His ign is "BawHorel".
Jehan: Strangely the richest and most geared player in the server. At first, he was suspected to having cheated in his gear, but seeing as he did not have administrator powers at all, he was proven innocent. (Grantaire, on one of his Spying™ moments, once witnessed Jehan continuously mining for 6 hours. He subsequently summoned the entire Amis IRL to pull him away from his computer and take him out for dinner.) Has the ign "Poet". How did he get it? Nobody will ever know.
Enjolras: He has a Minecraft account but dOeSnT wAnT tO wAsTe hiS TiMe pLaYiNg, saying that he has better things to do. Musichetta reported that Enjolras sometimes lurked in invis/spectator mode, when many of the players were online. His ign is "MrEnjolras".
Musichetta: Server admin. That's all that needs to be said... Ign "Chetta__".
Gavroche: Other than having the ign "Gavroche" and a Minecon Cape (Jesus Christ, Gav, how did you get this account? Cosette's dad, he'd say), he doesn't get on often since he's most of the time playing on Hypixel, but when he does, everyone simultaneously screams in chat.
Éponine: She's similar to Gavroche, only she is a leading figure in the anti-p2w community-
Her ign is "_epo9".
Cosette: Has the ign "CosetteF". Gets on when Marius gets on, just like how Marius gets on when Cosette gets on. There is a collective agreement to give Cosette as much as possible whenever she comes online.
Marius: Has the ign "MariusP", matching with Cosette. Gets on when Cosette gets on, just like how Cosette gets on when Marius gets on. There is a collective agreement to kill and bully him as much as possible, until Cosette tells them to stop.
(Bonus): Jean Valjean: Has two separate accounts, "Madeleine" and "Valjean" (both of them probably cost tens of thousands of dollars, he would swear to you that he got the igns when he created his two accounts). He has joined the server on three occasions: the first time on his Madeleine account (he was immediately banned by Musichetta and subsequently unbanned when people said that it was Cosette's dad), he joined back and hung around in the server directly after, and joined on his Valjean account the third time, and he was banned again. (He gave up after this.) (A note: he was whitelisted on both accounts, but was still banned on both occasions of joining with his accounts.)
(Bonus) Javert: Has the ign "Jav3rt", cuz some bastard took the name "Javert" before him. Got 200 stars in hypixel bedwars within one and a half years of playing (for reference, it took me 2+ years to get to 150). Is some sort of local micro-celebrity, due to his rank in the police force and the Amis leaking his ign on Twitter. On the SMP, he 1v2ed Bahorel and Courfeyrac and won due to the strategic use of potions and raw skills. You probably should not mess around with Javert.
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iworshipsappho · 2 months
1) what's her backstory?? 2) how is she with animals?/ any familiars? (i'm guessing there's some aquatic stuff involved?) 3) do they trust easily or are they cautious?? 4) are they comfortable with hugs and hair ruffles and physical touch in general? 5) are there any similarities between you and him???? 6) why did you chose the name ceres, which is very pretty and awesome btw? 😭🫶🏼🫶🏼
ok so here we goooo
hmm her backstory is what ive been working on for a while now, and yet i only have a few titbits here and there. one really cool thing i figured out a few weeks back is that he is ex-nobility, as in either she left nobility or was kicked out. this lil piece of information is evident in the way they absolutely loooove gold decor and jewellery. im still not sure why exactly they left, but i wanna get that sorted by this week >:)
they fucking loooove animals, to ceres, animals > human or like person interaction. her favourite animals are foxes :33 they've befriended a lot of foxes and she probably has names for each of them bc even tho he looks really stoic on the outside, he's a big softie on the inside but is just too scared to show it out. mmm also since they're an earth genasi, they live in the his world equivalent of a merge between a minecraft spruce biome and an oak biome, wait i think i have a picture lemme just check
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^^^ they live on this island !!!!
3. mmm they used to be verrryyy trusting in their teens, but something happened that made her put up a hard exterior and protecc the guy inside :((
4. again, they used to be, but etc etc happened and he hasnt really had any intereaction with people in years almost, the closest he's come to that is with the gnome village nearby who view her as a deity (i just thought of this might not be canon in the future aka in 10 mins lmfao)
5. !!!!! MMM SO we used to be the exact same person but then ceres became more ceres than me, so while yes there are a lotta similarities, he's also become a character who isnt entirely me lmao. mmm. our similarities are probably that we both find comfort in our hobbies, writing for me and wood carving for her, and sometimes would prefer to not have any human interaction, yers in their case, also they used to be like reallllyyyy talkative in her teens but then Shit Happened
6. I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME SO HELL YEAH THANKS FOR ASKING ME HEHE SO i always wanted ceres to be associated with the earth, so immediately i thought of like greek gods who were related to earthy shit, and my first thought was demeter right, but i didnt want it to be demeter bc demeter didnt fit the vibes i was going for sooooo i went hmm whats the roman version, guess what. it was ceres!!!!! AND THE COOL PART IS ceres is also the name of a dwarf planet, its my favourite one now sorry make-make, but like its so cool bc the name ceres combines 2 of my oldest obsessions, greek mythology from when i was 10 and space shit, which i was obsessed with till i was like 7 and still retain some of the knowledge i got from like boring through 3 encyclopedias on space lmao
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thevoicetournament · 1 year
the bracket is ready! please remember I randomized the seed!
first poll will start in a day
until then feel free to ask me anything!
(under the cut)
The Narrator (Pokémon) Vs. The Pa Announcer (Mash)
The Narrator (Little Big Planet) Vs. The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Delamain (Cyberpunk 2077) Vs. The Narrator (Dude, Stop!)
Brooke Page (Ever After High) Vs. Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Cave Johnson (Portal 2) Vs. God (Miitopia)
Computer (Star Trek) Vs. Dr. Glen Pierce (Superliminal)
Narrator (Dialtown) Vs. I.M.O.G.E.N. (Stellar Firma)
Alexa (Amazon) Vs. Game (There Is No Game: Wrong Dimensions)
The Beast (Over The Garden Wall) Vs. The Star Stream (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Yaweh (The Prince Of Egypt) Vs. Encyclopedia (Disco Asylum)
Hand Unit (Fnaf Sister Location) Vs. The Narrator (Manuel Samuel)
The Announcer (Scp) Vs. Mr. New Vegas (Fallout)
The Beyonder (Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur) Vs. The Narrator (The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy)
Announcer (Super Smash Bro's) Vs. Allen The Amorphous Cloud (Dilbert)
Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey) Vs. Voice (Scream)
The Fail Screen (The Henry Stickman Collection) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising)
David Attenbourough (Nature Documentaries) Vs. "X Hours Later" (Spongebob)
The Narrator (The Powerpuff Girls) Vs. Phone Guy (Fnaf)
God (Christianity) Vs. Ness' Father (Earthbound)
Discord Text To Speech (Discord) Vs. Guardian Angel (Clowntown)
Ron Pearlman (Fallout) Vs. The Voice (Trapped!/Trapped! Ever After)
The Ghost Host (Luigi's Haunted Mansion) Vs. Sayer (Sayer)
Airy (One) Vs. F.R.I.D.A.Y. (Marvel)
Dr. Death Defying (Danger Days) Vs. Art (The Murderbot Diaries)
Siri (Iphone) Vs. The Narrator (Pushing Daisies)
End Poem (Minecraft) Vs. Howard's Mother (Big Bang Theory)
The End (Sonic Frontiers) Vs. The Narrator (Word Girl)
Computer (Courage The Cowardly Dog) Vs. Hinawa (Mother 3)
Conscience (My Brain) Vs. Boxer/Unknown (Transistor)
John Doe (Malevolent) Vs. Lil Hal (Homestuck)
Disembodied Voice /Text (Scott Pilgrim Vs The World) Vs. Mr. Voice (Little Misfortune)
Narrator (Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, And The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist) Vs. Your Tie (Disco Asylum)
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