#mini cooper fleet service
schearers · 1 month
Small Car, Big Benefits: Streamlining Operations with Mini Cooper Fleet Services
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When it comes to fleet management, bigger isn't always better. Small cars, such as the iconic Mini Cooper, offer a host of benefits that can help streamline operations and maximize efficiency for businesses of all sizes. In this blog, we'll explore the unique advantages of incorporating Mini Cooper fleet services into your business operations and how these compact vehicles can pack a big punch when it comes to mobility solutions.
    The Mini Advantage: Efficiency, Style, and Versatility
At the heart of Mini Cooper fleet services lies the undeniable appeal of the Mini itself. Renowned for its compact size, agile handling, and eye-catching design, the Mini Cooper is a standout choice for businesses seeking efficiency without compromising on style. Whether navigating crowded city streets or cruising along the open highway, the Mini Cooper offers unmatched versatility for a wide range of business applications.
    Cost-Effective Mobility Solutions: Maximizing Value for Your Fleet
In today's competitive business landscape, cost-effectiveness is paramount. Mini Cooper fleet services offer an affordable alternative to larger, more expensive fleet vehicles, helping businesses save on acquisition costs, fuel expenses, and maintenance fees. With their smaller footprint and fuel-efficient engines, Mini Coopers are not only budget-friendly to purchase but also economical to operate, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize value without sacrificing performance.
    Tailored Solutions for Diverse Business Needs
From corporate fleets to delivery services and everything in between, Mini Cooper fleet services can be tailored to suit a variety of business needs. Whether you require a fleet of compact cars for urban deliveries, executive transportation services, or promotional events, Mini Cooper offers flexible leasing and financing options to accommodate your specific requirements. With customizable features and accessories, businesses can personalize their Mini Cooper fleet to reflect their brand identity and meet the demands of their operations.
    Environmental Sustainability: Driving Towards a Greener Future
As sustainability becomes an increasingly important consideration for businesses worldwide, Mini Cooper fleet services offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fleet vehicles. With their efficient engines and low emissions, Mini Coopers help reduce the environmental impact of business operations while still delivering top-notch performance and reliability. By incorporating Mini Cooper vehicles into their fleets, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship while also reaping the benefits of reduced fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
    Enhanced Brand Image: Making a Statement on the Road
In today's competitive marketplace, a strong brand image is essential for success. Mini Cooper fleet services offer businesses an opportunity to make a statement on the road with their distinctive design and iconic styling. Whether adorned with custom decals, branded wraps, or corporate livery, Mini Coopers are sure to turn heads and leave a lasting impression wherever they go. By aligning their fleet with the Mini Cooper brand, businesses can enhance their visibility, credibility, and overall brand image in the eyes of customers and stakeholders alike.
Conclusion: Driving Towards Success with Mini Cooper Fleet Services
In conclusion, Mini Cooper fleet services offer a host of benefits for businesses seeking to streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and make a statement on the road. With their compact size, cost-effective operation, and environmental sustainability, Mini Coopers are an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their fleet management strategies. Whether used for corporate transportation, delivery services, or promotional events, Mini Cooper vehicles offer unmatched versatility, style, and performance that can help businesses drive towards success in today's competitive marketplace.
This blog highlights the unique advantages of incorporating Mini Cooper fleet services into business operations, emphasizing the efficiency, versatility, and cost-effectiveness of these compact vehicles. Through customizable solutions, environmental sustainability, and enhanced brand image, Mini Cooper fleet services offer businesses a strategic advantage in fleet management, helping them streamline operations and drive towards success in today's competitive marketplace.
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autobotsrac · 21 days
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Experience Luxury Without the Hassle: Rent High-End Cars in Dubai with Autobots Rent a Car Dubai, the city of luxury, offers an unmatched experience for those seeking the finest things in life. When it comes to exploring this glamorous city, what better way than cruising in a luxury car? Imagine driving a sleek Mercedes, a sporty BMW, a stylish Mini Cooper, or a rugged Nissan Patrol without the hassle of a hefty deposit. Thanks to Autobots Rent a Car, this dream is now a reality. Autobots Rent a Car stands out in Dubai’s competitive car rental market by offering high-end vehicles without the traditional deposit requirement. This customer-centric approach makes luxury more accessible, ensuring that more people can enjoy the thrill of driving a premium car. Whether you’re in town for business, leisure, or a special occasion, Autobots Rent a Car has a vehicle to suit your needs and preferences. Their fleet includes the latest models of Mercedes and BMW, synonymous with elegance and performance. If you prefer something compact yet iconic, the Mini Cooper is a fantastic choice. For those who need a vehicle that combines luxury with off-road capability, the Nissan Patrol is ideal. Each vehicle is maintained to the highest standards, guaranteeing a smooth and enjoyable ride. Renting with Autobots Rent a Car is straightforward and hassle-free. Their no-deposit policy removes a common barrier, making it easier for you to get behind the wheel of a luxury car. Plus, their excellent customer service ensures that your rental experience is seamless from start to finish. Next time you’re in Dubai, elevate your experience by renting a luxury car from Autobots Rent a Car. Enjoy the city’s opulence in a vehicle that matches its grandeur, all without the burden of a deposit. Explore more about their offerings and book your dream car today at Autobots Rent a Car. www.autobotsrent.com
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A cousin of mine was a terror of one of the more violent cities in Tennessee, which contains like 3 of the top 10. When I see chains of blue trucks rolling by me along the roads, I think of how many times I’ve been potentially gang murdered on account of the gang presence. And I remember the drive-by shootings that have occurred within ten miles of here. An estimate for today is somewhere around “20″, the highest so far as I can remember is between 50-60 times; if you include seven distinct red Honda Fits, a LOT of blue trucks, several mini coopers intersection after intersection, and a near fleet of Latin King colored civics to say nothing of the dodge neons. Service vehicles? Yeah, those too. They all go in the same pile because that’s “the system” for messaging without accountability between the criminal organizations here.
Edit: I was never part of any of the organizations or even the drug trade, but that doesn’t seem to matter anymore because the concept of “civilian” is nigh imaginary these days here.
So if and when *I* get murdered the motive might not be a parking space, but it could be someone not feeling like they were being actively placated at all times.
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midnight-blue766 · 3 years
Warhammer 40000 Fanlore: The Imperial Feudal System
DISCLAIMER: This is fanfiction of Warhammer: 40000 owned by Games Workshop. Nevertheless, this is more of an attempt to rebuild Imperial lore bottom up rather than attempt to slot something into existing canon. You have been warned.
The Imperial feudal system (or feudalism) was a system of intra-Imperial relations which developed due to the failure of central administration in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. It was adopted as its de-facto (if not de jure) internal organisation after the Age of Apostasy and officially abolished by Roboute Guilliman in early M42; though the practice continued widely in areas beyond his nominal reach such as the Imperium Nihilus. The basic structure of the feudal system was that of one planet (the overlord), pledging to protect a second planet (the vassal) in exchange for tribute (the tithe) and the recognising of the overlord as being the formal ruler and master of the vassal, typically in highly ceremonialised rituals of homage. This relationship was known as fealty, with the vassal’s territory formally being known as a fief given to them by their overlord in exchange for goods and services. In addition to payments in kind (during the early phases of feudalism’s development) or in cash (in later stages of its development) the vassal was also obligated to provide military support in the form of Astra Militarum regiments and Imperial Navy fleets to any military ventures the overlord may be involved in.
In addition to the concepts of fealty and tithing, a tertiary element key to understanding the workings of the feudal system was its fractal structure. On one end of the scale, it was how Terra exerted nominal control of the rest of the Imperium of Man. The Lord Commanders of Segmenta Pacificus, Tempestus, Obscurus and Ultima formally owed fealty to Terra; in turn, the Lord Commanders were the overlords of de facto subdivisions known as “Hegemonies” centred on major worlds such as Cadia. (Space Marine worlds such as Fenris and multiworld confederacies such as Ultramar were considered exempt from any other overlords apart from the Emperor) Hegemony Lords were the overlords of Sector Lords, who are in turn the overlords of Subsector Lords; with individual planets being the lowest unit of the galactic feudal system. From the point of view of an overlord, the fractal structure of feudalism liberated the Administratum from ruling too large of an empire. One may only be concerned with an immediate demesme (which may be an individual planet on one end of the scale or the size of a sector on the other), knowing that they may easily draw upon the resources and support of numerous other worlds in the event of war without having to interfere in their affairs.
Feudalism also served as a form of “peer pressure”. Governors who seceded from the Imperium would not only be at the mercy of their rivals, who would take the treason as carte blanche to settle scores with impunity. They would also be forced to deal with their own ambitious underlings, who may have resented the feudal dues they owed and used the secession as an excuse to overthrow them and install themselves as the heads of the local space. In the long-term, secession of major overlords from the Imperium served to destabilise the entire area that they formerly ruled. Upon the defeat of a rebellious overlord, the power vacuum created by their destruction would inevitably result in the disbanding of the alliance to defeat them and multiple wars of dominance as each local power strived for regional dominance, serving as another deterrent to secession.¹
On a galactic scale, feudalsim enabled rapid response to local threats and the abolition of central administration which impeded the same. Upon the ascension of the Emperor to the Golden Throne and the deaths or incapacitation of the surviving Primarchs, administering the Imperium of Man became increasingly difficult. Bureaucracy played an increasing role in government, which effectively ossified galaxy-wide administration and rendered the requisitioning of resources to protect the Imperium as a galactic entity impossible. The last nail in the coffin was the secession of Segmentum Pacifica in M34 under the Ur-Council of Nova Terra, a direct response to Terra [Vetus]’s increasing inability to handle threats to the security of the region. 
Although the Ur-Council was formally defeated, the Adeptus Administratum was effectively discredited as rulers of the Imperium. The Ecclesiarchy, which attempted to assert its dominance in the aftermath of the Administratum’s fall from grace, proved little better at administering a galaxy-wide empire, and Goge Vandire’s violent but ultimately unsuccessful purges of anti-Ecclesiarchal dissidents and the ensuing civil war, known as the Age of Apostasy. In the years after the Age of Apostasy, feudalism seemed like a highly attractive alternative to both rule by the Administratum and rule by the Ecclesiarchy for the reasons outlined above. As no real contender for a centralised governor of the Imperium arose, much of the galaxy began to be partitioned into feudal fiefdoms dominated by local lords and military commanders.
Nevertheless, Feudalism also had many disadvantages. While it enabled the Imperials to respond to local threats effectively, it led to the increasing fragmentation of the Imperium of Man as a whole, with the High Lords of Terra only being able to directly command a small demesme around Terra itself, though they retained the right to call Imperium-wide crusades and extracting psychers to sacrifice to the Emperor. (Lord Commanders of Segmenta were also limited to their own demesmes in practice and effectively irrelevant on the galactic stage.) This was exacerbated by two principles of feudalism which developed over the millennium.  First, feudal entities in the Imperium acted on a principle of primus inter pares. An overlord, while being the formal ruler of a wide region of Imperial space, was in practice forced to interact with its vassals as equals outside of feudal obligations. An overlord was prohibited from interfering in the internal affairs of a vassal; in addition, feudal terms be revised except after heavy periods of negotiation which neither party would always be willing to engage in. This often led to theoretical vassals accumulating far more power and wealth than its nominal overlord, which resulted in violence as such ambitious vassals attempted to assert independence and power from their nominal rulers. The second principle was summarised by the maxim “The vassal of my vassal is not my vassal.” An overlord’s feudal rights only extended as far as its own immediate vassals, and not to any vassals they may in turn possess. They could not exact tribute or levies from such sub-vassals except through their own vassals, and in all respects were required to interact with each other as equals. An overlord who wished to acquire resources directly from a sub-vassal was required to do so via trade agreements, while military aid between two such worlds were formally alliances between two otherwise sovereign, independent planets. The practical effect of the feudal system was the complete disintegration of Imperium as a galaxy-wide entity by the end of M41, with hegemonies, sectors, sub-sectors and even individual planets operating as de facto independent nations, who waged war and conducted agreements as such. Finally, the feudal system required the conversion of military worlds into administrative centres. While a governor of a world such as Armageddon could conduct business as a politician on one hand and a general on the other, a Chapter Master was now forced to act as a bureaucrat and administrator in addition to being a warrior. As their minds were far superior to their “baseline” human counterparts through biological and cybernetic augmentation, such Chapter Masters to employ his subordinate Space Marines as bureaucrats to run his mini-empire and rely on levies and hired mercenaries to defend their fiefdoms. By the end of M41, the Emperor’s worst fears were realised as the majority of Space Marines outside of fleet-based chapters had essentially become a class of nobles who ruled over their baseline counterparts as petty lords. The extreme fragmentation of the Imperium of Man as a result of the feudal system may have led to its complete destruction after the success of the 13th Black Crusade and the creation of the Cicatrix Maledictum were it not for the sudden return of Roboute Guilliman. Guilliman’s return and his (re-)ascension to Regent of the Imperium signalled the end of feudalism as a legal institution and the return to centralised rule under himself. Fealty was officially abolished, and the tithe became a formal system of government tribute centred on Terra once again. However, these reforms greatly angered many across the rump Imperium, who resented their loss of power and wealth. Arguing that Guilliman’s orders were somehow contravened by treacherous middlemen (or that the entire return of Guilliman was a hoax or delusion perpetrated by “fanatics” and/or “cultists”), many feudal lords violently resisted the restructuring of the Imperium. They refused to cooperate with new orders, arguing that it was a tyrannical and oppressive system, and pledged their allegiance to none other but the Emperor himself. Although the First and Second Founding Space Marine chapters were happy to join Guilliman, many newer Space Marine chapters rose up in revolt, forcing Guilliman to deploy hundreds of new “Primaris” units against their Firstborn kin. The ongoing Indomitus Crusade, originally intended to reunify the Imperium after its feudal disintegration and the horrors of the Blackening, has become the largest Imperial civil war since the Age of Apostasy, and the largest inter-Space Marine conflict since the Horus Heresy in practice.
¹ Even if the former overlord were to rejoin the Imperium and assert dominance over its former vassals, the consequences could be disastrous. After several centuries of civil wars, the planet Krieg was forced to utilise “Vitae Womb” technology to generate enough troops to fend off its former vassals, who were still fighting for dominance over its former hegemony. In turn, Krieg proceeded to bomb its formal vassals from orbit, converting them into replicas of itself that existed solely to generate troops and equipment. The Second Krieger Hegemony used these resources to wage war on its neighbours, who were alarmed by the newfound fanaticism of the Kriegers and jointly declared war on them. After decades of warfare, the High Lords of Terra were ultimately forced to intervene, successfully negotiating the destruction of all Vitae Wombs except for those on Krieg itself in return for the redeployment of billions of its clone troopers in the Macharian Crusade.
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hohm8 · 5 years
The interpretation of movie “Dune” (1984, David Lynch) and why Duncan “Idaho”?
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The movie Dune in the version of David Lynch of 1983-1984 is either to be hated or loved. The viewers which hated the movie hated it mostly by the 19th Century Outfits, Thematics which not fitting to a science fiction movie. etc while others loved it. I am surely not how many people made some deeper minds about the background thematics of the books by Frank Herbert and the film, just enjoyed the movie as it is. But I am sure about the background of the book and the movie: Dune is perhaps some 1960s/1970s preview of the wars about the oil reserves in the world and especially in middle east!
1. Spice means Oil
2. Imperator Shaddam 
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Perhaps in fact/ was already some Knowledge Frank Herbert and David Lynch surely got by reading newsletters of middle east (or perhaps he got some CIA readers of his conceptual books) of S(h)addam Hussein. In that Dune books S(h)addam got already the supremacy in middle east about all the oil reserves in middle east (imperator and in fact Iraq still got about 20%-30% percent of all world wide oil reserves).  As far S(h)addam followed the rules of monstrous and black leather latex dressed Navigator Guilds (=Intelligence services, meaning the CIA together with british MI6 -> british petrol BP, Shin Beth, Mossad, French intelligence services , BND etc.), he could have the opportunity to become/stay the imperator in middle east (till Saddam Hussein went his own way, and attacked Kuwait...)
3.The navigator guild (and the monster) Are the more developed and technical supremaced western federal government intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6, Mossad, Shin beth, French intelligence services) of USA, GB, Israel and the western countries, which are need the Spice (Oil) for their fleets and warship and they are equipped/ degenerated with super kinetic / mind and brain reading and voice transforming possibilities, to which S(h)addam Hussein had to obey... if not he got killed (what really happened to Saddam Hussein...)
4. The Navigator Monster Perhaps Frank Herbert did express the body sickening harming cosmic radiation by each airplane flight and the airplane fuel/exhausting as well as the products of Oil (Benzols, Gasoline etc.) resulting in such monster...
5. The Sardaukar soldiers vs the Soldiers of Atreides The Sardaukar warriors were looking like modern soldiers in a NBC-Protective suit (Photo next: Movie scene, Sardaukar Soldiers advancing)
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Photo next: Real existing NBC Protective Army Suit
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with super powers and better weapons than the Atreides Soldiers, although some of the Atreides soldiers (Duncan Idaho) had some switchable energy shield (looked like in later Predator Movies), but it seems that the Sardaukar had the something same and they pierced with a slow moving mini drone the shield of Atreides Soldiers (Film character “Duncan Idaho vs Sardaukar”). BTW: Why Idaho??? Is there an US Army NBC Research institute?
6. The quisatz haderakh is in fact are real existing jewish words while Mua’dib is high arabian language. In fact here is the  obscured cooperation meant between Saudi Arabia and Israel (against Iran)
7. The baron Harkonnen
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In the case of Baron Harkonnen I am not sure, whether he is one of the US-presidents or British government leaders which wanted control the whole middle east oil reserves for british petrol (BP) (I think the latter, because Regisseur Lynch let him look like the monstrous, fat, and by diabetes and syphilis deformed 
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and very aggressive medieval english king Henry VIII)
8. The Duke Leto Atreides was looking of a mix between the last russian czar and some german Bismarck, and showed by his assasination/dead (the czar and his family was really killed) that the then/today Russia had almost lost in that pre 1st WW period the supremacy of the oil in middle east. And why Bismarck? Because he was at that time the top diplomate, keeping that fragile european-russian pre 1st Worldwar system going...
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9. The outfits of the artists Lynch wanted surely to show a pre-1st World War contrast to that far in future laying story, maybe also to show the thinking viewer, that we since that pre 1st WW time in war against each high technologzised country/continents (Russia, Europe, USA etc.) for oil and that S(h)addam Hussein was a puppet of these continents and countries.
10. The worms are in fact the huge tunnel boring machines which creates tunnels for using hidden pipelines and tunnels for weapons and transport tunnels in that Iraqi / Iranian region
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There are also plenty more movies about that thematic “Future wars described obscured in normal belletristic books” and surely you know Robert Redfords movie “The three days of condor”. 
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hillcrow1 · 2 years
Each of these is a contributing consider serving to you make your decision. While we love the elegance and service that comes with a plated meal, food stations are usually very fun with their variety of options. For example, each of our meals stations options around 5-6 completely different objects based mostly round a theme such as steakhouse, Asian delicacies, or German biergarten delicacies. With this sort of occasion, the caterer offers service for a cooperate group that's gathered someplace for that particular company’s issues. Most companies maintain cooperate occasions to discuss issues affecting their company. So as a substitute of asking them to arrange a espresso service behind the room for break, go to an area already set up for the occasion like a central break location for all meeting rooms. This distinctive catering thought is from the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. Here you see they supplied a quantity of sorts of potato chips. Since salty and sweet are fantastic accompaniments, they added some candy. Instead, amass all of the issues that budget must cowl and provides each space corresponding to snacks and breakfasts their own mini-budget. Then you'll find a way to see what you have to work with and what you possibly can rearrange for some efficient splurging. Before signing with a venue or caterer ask important questions about their staff and numbers. A caterer being short-staffed shouldn’t depart you with empty plates. Overestimate the amount individuals will eat and tell the caterer you need more ahead of time. This will be extra costly though and you can find yourself losing food. Restaurant Gear And Bar Supply Burkett provides every thing needed to develop a decor that radiates refined ambiance or that down home family feeling. From stylized doorways to elegant reception desks and stands and quite lots of show indicators, table bases and tops, we've every device you should create that customized environment. Ensure that your menu is properly showcased during your catered event with meals and beverage banquet provides. The completed product is then delivered to you by Alida’s personal fleet of delivery vans and installed for you. Their turn round is quick, averaging a couple of week for their products.Their fast nationwide delivery is spectacular. Folding or stackable dining chairs for easy storage and flexibility to accommodate special occasions. Create comfy seating preparations throughout your catering corridor by selecting from our banquet furnishings selection. We provide a wide selection of tables and chairs to pick from, together with suitable table linens to cowl and defend your tables. Complete your seating area with our banquet dinnerware and banquet desk decor for a beautiful tabletop setup. Award Winning Catering Firm In Tampa Bay Above and Beyond is a full-service catering firm, serving the Bay Area. It goals to be consistent, prompt, and reliable throughout its cuisine choice, delivery, and presentation. Since 2005, Above and Beyond has been specializing in company and special occasions. Northern California agricultural bounty serves as its inspiration, and the company strives to use these local elements in its dishes. Besides a methodical corporate drop-off system, the corporate also supplies catering companies for particular occasions. Some of these particular events are weddings, mitzvahs, anniversaries, open houses, and quinceaneras. The cellular caterers would put together the menu primarily based on predetermined plans as specified by the purchasers. This is the service most fitted for those with a set budgetary criterion. Social event capabilities are more intimate affairs and require greater attention to element by the caterer. The class encompasses particular occasions corresponding to birthday events, retirement celebrations, grand openings, housewarming events, and bridal and baby showers. A good place to begin out planning for an occasion is to understand the several sorts of catering choices obtainable to you. The company can also be one of many few solely female-owned and operated catering firms in the area. Located in the coronary heart of town of San Francisco, Betty Zlatchin Catering supplies catering providers to many purchasers. The company mainly caters to weddings, corporate occasions, and any type of celebration. Besides the meals setup, Betty Zlatchin Catering also handles the the rest of the necessary particulars to make the event go easily. The company boasts contemporary, farm-to-table culinary choices, with elements sourced from native farms and dairies. Catering Marketing Strategy Template & Guide You may also see a powerful demand for bagels, espresso and specialty coffees, and "actual meals," that are typically an entree with a facet order. Consumers are additionally consuming extra hen, seafood and beef dishes than they've in latest times. At the identical time, individuals anticipate to see meatless options on the menu. Consumers are additionally demanding "consolation food"--the dishes that take them back to their childhoods, when mothers baked from scratch, and meat and potatoes had been on the middle of every plate. The trick to an excellent grazing desk is to not skimp on the good things. Sure dragon fruit appears nice in terms of presentation, but we guarantee your clients might be clinging to the nice cheese and prosciutto. Consider texture too by combining gentle and onerous cheeses, clean and coarse crackers, crunchy snacks and melt-in-your mouth magic. Make your grazing plate pop with passionfruit, figs and edible flowers. Big or small, companies need to conduct small or huge annual gatherings along with other small conferences, very often. Hearst Newspapers participates in varied affiliate net marketing packages, which suggests we could get paid commissions on editorially chosen products bought via our links to retailer sites. Large, open out of doors spaces will be a preferred as they ensure more distancing. As indoor climate back up choices will not be a consideration in your consumer destinations with a heat climate and low rainfall like Arizona and Los Cabos might be larger in demand for this reason. Be inventive when incorporating a version of this concept into your subsequent occasion. Interacting with others is the aim and the muse of every event, and 2021 might be geared toward creating an setting that feels safe for the attendees to attach in. Taking half within the hottest restaurant developments can help get more people in the door, but you then and your employees must make friends want to come back. Of course, quality of service and meals are essential to construct long-lasting customer loyalty. To steadiness high-quality, consistency, and altering tendencies, you want software program that can provide you an edge, and allow you to keep up with the top restaurant tendencies. Small restaurants rapidly realized that the phrases of third-party delivery providers had been unreasonable. Uber Eats can charge as excessive as 30% to the restaurant on every order. Catering Cook Dinner Job Description Occupation Job Duties ENTRY-LEVEL EDUCATION 2021 MEDIAN PAY Bartenders Bartenders mix drinks and serve them on to customers or through wait workers. Managers usually work lengthy shifts and sometimes spend complete evenings actively serving to to serve prospects. Food service managers’ schedules range and will embody nights, weekends, and holidays. High finish catering prepare dinner liable for prep and repair of "black tie" occasions for up to 1,500 individuals. Supervised front of the home staff and delegated jobs during catered events. Prepared catering chilly food at the facet of government chef and assisted other kitchen workers with chilly prep. With that in mind, we hope you understand the costs you see on our menus aren't present during this time. All about creating mouthwatering – and memorable – experiences, depend on Catered Creations to reinforce your subsequent event. From weddings and social parties to picnics and corporate capabilities, we’ve been serving West Michigan since 1986. Foodservice Packaging McDonald’s and other manufacturers rapidly adopted swimsuit, stepping away from cluttered designs with a number of colours and fonts. Though COVID-19 has put some environmental concerns on the backburner, understanding a food’s origin remains to be one of many hottest meals trends. Customers need to know the place it came from, what’s in it, and the way it’s made. With increased strain on corporate social duty, prospects are less forgiving of corporations who don’t share their values. Whether you’re in search of to-go bins on your quick food restaurant, cup carriers on your espresso store, pizza boxes in your pizzeria, or deli trays in your catering business, we now have you coated. As the world continues to confront the best disaster of the century, companies across the board are being forced to re-examine the unfolding panorama and adjust their offerings accordingly. In the world of foodservice, these new realities embody updating shopper preferences and understanding what they are prepared to pay high dollar for. Along with tamper-evident locking mechanisms on inflexible containers, vented packaging is a significant focus of innovation going forward. We’ve now moved into 2021, and the supply of sustainable recyclable and compostable packaging has elevated, and in some circumstances, the fee has decreased. Innovation accelerated through the pandemic, and manufacturers are tapping into new materials and codecs. If you’re stumped on tips on how to market your restaurant, takeout packaging is one of the best locations to begin out. This is especially true now that customers are more and more ordering through third-party apps, as a substitute of instantly from restaurants. Sustainable packaging may help you win over prospects who help environmentally conscious brands. Insulated Catering Transport As the catering industry grows, it’s evolving into a more versatile kind, with all of the occasion planning anticipated from the catering company. At Restaurantware, we’re committed to main the best way for environmentally conscious companies throughout the meals and beverage trade. Since 2010, Restaurantware has been a leading restaurant supply producer and e-commerce firm serving foodservice professionals across the globe. 外燴 and number of catering tools will vary according to the volume of cooking needed, number of friends, and venue. You might, in fact, start with some essential tools and then get more as you grow your corporation. There are some gadgets which you may contemplate renting somewhat than buying. Relatively straightforward to arrange in the field, they will provide back-of-house cooking choices at remote places. For quantity cooking, full-size propane versions are available too. Off-premise catering is difficult under the best circumstances. When the placement is “off the grid,” with no entry to electricity or water, cautious planning and the right equipment can hold those challenges from mounting. No need for the chisel – an ice sculpture mildew makes it fast and straightforward to create beautiful centerpieces for events. Catering Loveland Sometimes the meals truck pays a fixed amount or a proportion of its event revenue to the event organizer. And the food truck enterprise has been booming for more than a decade; it’s now a $2 billion trade and rising. Despite their recognition, they don’t break the bank for occasion organizers. In truth, food truck catering could be significantly cheaper than traditional catering. After a protracted reception of dancing and mingling with visitors, attendees will rejoice when a late-night food truck pulls as a lot as your event. Make like this couple who hired the Kimchi Taco Truck to dole out Korean fare with bold flavors. Picnic or folding tables allow people to sit down together; high-tops encourage fast turnover. They may be crystal clear about the type of meals they want and even have a few favorite vehicles in thoughts. Learn the cost to hire a food truck for an occasion and set your budget. The huge information and solutions that Cotton Culinary can apply within the midst of assorted types of disasters ensures efficient measures are taken to rapidly set up operations in an affected area. By using cellular belongings that embody a mix of self-contained kitchens, food storage trailers, transport... When important infrastructure and resources usually are not available, Cotton Culinary can respond to a number of occasions simultaneously. After conducting a quick evaluation, Cotton can mobilize assets to an occasion on short discover to stick to the fast-paced and dynamic calls for of disaster situations. Your menu will characteristic distinctive selections that reflect your objectives and desires for the occasion. Your friends will be grateful for the non-public touch in addition to the departure from the...
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dipulb3 · 3 years
Forget SUVs. These auto makers think tiny electric cars are the next big thing
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/forget-suvs-these-auto-makers-think-tiny-electric-cars-are-the-next-big-thing/
Forget SUVs. These auto makers think tiny electric cars are the next big thing
These companies are unveiling tiny electric cars that will carry just one or two people and, in many cases, go relatively short distances on a single charge.
One hurdle, though, might be the price tag: These car companies are asking consumers to consider their small size and cute designs to be benefits worth paying nearly as much as a larger car. Sometimes it has worked, as with the Mini Cooper, but it’s a tough trick to pull off.
“It’s like buying a [Porsche] 911. It’s going to make you stand out. It’s kind of cool,” said Eric Ibarra of Kelley Blue Book. “I can see that people would be attracted to these, but in very special circumstances.”
Still, it will be a tough sell, he said. Car shoppers tend to have a fairly simple way of assessing a car’s value: When we pay more, we expect to get more.
Here are just a few of the tiny electric cars these start ups are offering.
Nobe’s GT100
Nobe was founded in Estonia, a small country near Finland, in 2017.
“It’s a tough little country,” said founder Roman Muljar.
But Muljar wanted to find an even tougher market to start selling his tiny three-wheeled car, the GT100. So he’s planning to start manufacturing with a not-yet-announced partner in the United States, one of the most competitive vehicle markets in the world. He said he hopes to begin production early next year.
The charmingly retro GT100 looks like a cross between a sporty post-World War II Italian sedan and a steam iron. There’s a hint of Alfa Romeo in the three-part grille and a bit of Black+Decker Classic around the taillights. The little whitewall tires fit the mid-20th-century theme. The interior features a thin-rimmed steering wheel with a chrome horn button.
The GT100 seats two people, with room for luggage, according to the company, and is expected to have a driving range of 180 miles and a top speed of 80 miles an hour. Muljar boasts that the simple and lightweight car is fun to drive.
“You are back in the Golden Age of motoring,” he said.
The cars will sell for $24,000 for the hard-top version, Muljar said, and $29,000 for a planned convertible. And while a Tesla Model 3 might seat five and go more than a 100 miles more on a charge, it also sells for over $10,000 more than the Nobe.
Nobe, which is pronounced like “no bay,” is already planning its next product, a small four-wheeled pickup truck. That truck, which looks like a miniature 1950s American pickup, doesn’t have a name yet.
The Microlino is most clearly inspired by the classic BMW Isetta and similar “bubble cars” that were produced in Europe in the years following World War II. Those tiny gas-powered cars were designed for countries with wrecked economies and little access to gasoline,
Like the classic Isetta, the Microlino is entered through the front. The whole face of the vehicle is its door. Seating just two, the Microlino is small enough to park nose-to-curb across a parallel parking space. Weighing just 513 kilograms, or 1,131 pounds, the Mircolino weighs less than just the batteries of a Tesla Model S, company founder Oliver Ouboter boasts.
There are currently no plans to sell the Mircolino in the United States where, as a four-wheeled car, it would have to meet the US’s strict automobile safety standards. Three-wheeled cars, which are considered motorcycles in most parts of the US, have less stringent standards to deal with. (All these companies claim their cars are safe, though.)
Back in the 1950s, BMW made a three-wheeled Isetta to get around that sort of problem. Mircolino is, instead, considering a low-speed version that would also get around the more stringent regulations, Ouboter said.
For now, this tiny car will only be offered in Europe for about €10,000, the equivalent of $12,000, excluding taxes.
ElectraMeccanica Solo
The ElectraMeccanica Solo’s name derives from the simple fact that you will be in it alone. It’s a single seat car intended as the ultimate minimalist transportation for that daily trip to the train station or supermarket by yourself
The company has bigger plans than just selling to individuals interested in minimal-impact driving, though.
“We think that the fleet side of the business can be huge for us,” said Paul Rivera, CEO of the Vancouver-based company. “We think that it may actually be bigger than the direct-to-consumer approach.”
Future versions of the Solo with a cargo box in back could be ideal mini-trucks for urban deliveries, he said. ElectraMeccanica is already creating a fleet sales department.
“When you think about grocery stores, market, fresh pizza delivery, fast food franchise, security companies that go around a shopping mall at night, the tech companies that come out and service small businesses and copier companies,” Rivera said, “there are so many fleets that are in that realm.”
That’s a plan that Ibara thinks will succeed because businesses will pay for a vehicle specifically suited to their needs.
But for now, the company is starting out small. It will sell its cars only on the West coast before offering them in other parts of the US and other countries. ElectraMeccannica recently started producing the cars, which start at $18,500, in China. The company is opening a factory in Arizona later this year.
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simmyseo · 3 years
Styling Decorations Parramatta
Would you like to host a party or event? We will do what we can to ensure that our professional party hire equipment and services make your event more effective and flawless. The highest standard we have achieved. Our professional and welcoming workers can manage all meetings, parties, or shows. We are committed to delivering a service that meets all criteria. We appreciate the importance of your special occasion. We are a party rental company with many products that are suited to all kinds of events. The best options for your function or group are on sale from our consumer analyst for your budget.
Styling Decorations Sydney For Beautiful Events
Our goal as Styling Decorations Sydney is to save time and money from numerous providers. All your party & event wishes are delivered to us. We have a wide variety of items to employ based on your preference for your event or party.
Commitment activities have now been changed to mini weddings. It is a perfect place to introduce the wife and bride to both couples' extended families. The preparation and execution of an appropriate relationship promote the wedding. An engagement event planner is worthwhile to create an enticing memory of this critical moment in your life.
Party Hire Parramatta For Excellent Party Decors
Styling Decorations produce significant events that meet the needs of the customer. From the first move to the event selection party to its last phase, our dedicated fleet works in close partnership with our clients.
We partner with the trusted Party Hire Parramatta to provide high-quality photographic, DJ, floral decoration, and lighting services to provide clients with the most trustworthy services in different fields.
As an event planner, we are expanding services, including guest travel and accommodation. With our best practices and the unique specialist we hire, our destinations are stunning and high quality.
Affordable Styling Decorations Parramatta
Great work and control of your budget: dedication is not a regular occurrence in your life, but a great event, one of your most important days. Our professional approach to any case makes them as glamorous as in our customers' imagination. The patterns in party design are continuously evolving, and modern technologies streamline the process.
Our technological upgrades and our professional fleet have increased performance and financial advantages for the event. Donating a fortune does not automatically produce a faultless occurrence; the budget outcomes are correctly handled. Their research on focusing on the right elements for unique events will help you save much of your event budget for years as an engagement event planner.
Cheap And Trendy Party Hire Parramatta
Let us explore and address contrasting opinions for you: find the best suppliers of floral arrangements, hair, and maquilas, video graphics, and photographic services, costume design is a tired and time consuming work. We will find and pick the ones that match your budget and demands in continuous communication with these suppliers. The look and feel of the party decorations contribute significantly to the success of the event. We change the style to make every commitment personalized.
Several times disagreements over the choice of the theme, ideas for decorating the involved parties, and making it difficult for each person to persuade them of the final decision. Let us work on this problem and find a solution that is acceptable to all.
Engagement Party Venues Parramatta For Memorable Parties
The adaptation of the festival decorations gives the couple and their guests a unique experience. Customized elements will put the mood of a function closer to your ears, such as balls with your names thereon. Special skill and attention are required to handle an event period. Given their commitments too, many may be worried about this aspect. It must not be too long or too short in length.
Engagement Event Planner Sydney For Your Special Day
You don't have to think about it anymore with Engagement Event Planner Sydney We prepare provisional schedules and note that the events for the day of engagement meet this loose plan.
Due to numerous factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, virtual conversations, etc., you may find it challenging to arrange destination events. We ensure seamless alignment of target engagement with years of experience and continuous work in this area.
Engagement Event Planner Parramatta For Choosers
You never want to want to experiment while sharing the precious moments of your life with your husband. The Styling Decorations would be the right choice for you. In that case, we respect the tasks entrusted to us. Contact us for more detail about the decoration of the engagement party.
We are always happy and eager to join you in pursuing your dreams. In all cases, we maintain full cooperation with and obligation to responsibility assigned to us. You can select a subject from our portfolio or introduce new concepts.
We've got an explicit theory of styling decorations. It captures the most meaningful moments of your life with imaginative, creative, and frank photos and breath-taking wedding images. With videos and pictures that you'll love for a lifetime, our team of photographers and videographers will meet your needs. Wedding preparation can be daunting for you, ensuring you can have an enjoyable experience from start to finish.
We know that the cost of professional photography and Indian Wedding Videography can be expensive because we have tremendous experience in the industry. We have also customized the kit to fit your needs and budget. The Indian Wedding Photography packages are inexpensive and practical for Sydney and Indian Wedding Videography.
We have several years of experience in services in the area of Sydney and have professional Indian marriage services for videographers and photographers as Engagement Event Planner Parramatta. Our versatile and knowledgeable team will provide you with the best services you need. Not only through our services for weddings, we have gained professional experience, but also in other activities. Our team is well aware of how the marriage of your dreams will come true behind the scene. Our seasoned professionals capture timeless moments in a subtle and frank manner, which you will appreciate for years to come. It helps us stand out for some of the reasons.
Styling Decorations Parramatta, Themed Setup Parramatta, Styling Decorations Sydney, Themed Setup Sydney, Party Hire Parramatta, Party Hire Sydney
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aion-rsa · 4 years
New Christmas Movies to Stream: A Holiday 2020 Streaming Guide
It’s the holiday season again. Thank goodness. After what has been a particularly difficult year, a little seasonal cheer has never felt more comforting or needed, even if the smiles need to be hidden behind  Christmas themed masks.
There’s never been a better time to curl up with a good Christmas movie on the streaming service of your choice. Of course that includes all of your favorite Christmas classics, which we’ve rounded up a schedule guide for here, but it also means a chance to try something new. Netflix has already gotten a hardy start to the holiday season, and yet more streaming carolers are headed for your door. So without further ado here is a guide to the new streaming presents waiting to be unwrapped.
Angela’s Christmas Wish
Available on Netflix on December 1
Certainly a Christmas movie meant for younger families, Netflix’s upcoming animated film, Angela’s Christmas Wish, promises gentle Yuletide cheer for all-ages. With computer-generated imagery, this film is a sequel to Angela’s Christmas. Like the earlier film, it’s set in the town of Limerick, Ireland at the turn of the 20th century. There Angela is desperate to be reunited with her father for Christmas. Unfortunately, Da’s in Australia. So her first notion is to travel Down Under for the holidays. When that doesn’t work, her next choice is to wish very hard…
The Christmas Chronicles 2
Available now on Netflix
Santa Claus never looked as cool as when Kurt Russell slipped into the red furs with The Christmas Chronicles, a mini-holiday event on Netflix. And with the much anticipated sequel, the man who once was Snake Plissken is bringing real holiday firepower back to the Christmas hearth.
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New Netflix Christmas Movies in 2020 Ranked from Best to Worst
By Delia Harrington
Christmas Movies on Disney+ Streaming Guide
By David Crow
For starters Goldie Hawn reprises the role of Mrs. Claus in The Christmas Chronicles 2, but this time as more than a cameo. In fact, the whole film is set in the North Pole with Santa’s workshop never looking so grandiose in its Dickensian cheer—at least until Hunt for the Wilderpeople’s Julian Dennison tries to steal its Christmas magic! A sincere Yuletide epic, this is the first Christmas movie Chris Columbus has made since helming the original two Harry Potter movies. Before that? He directed the all-time classic Home Alone and wrote Gremlins. Will he finally  give Santa’s workshop the Hogwarts treatment?
Dear Santa
Available on VOD on December 4
After helming the sweet and heartfelt documentary, Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World, filmmaker Dana Nachman returns with this all-ages doc for the holidays. Dear Santa shines a bright light on one of the noblest duties of the U.S. Postal Service, which USPS has been executing for more than a century. With “Operation Santa,” the letters and Christmas wishes of thousands of children from around the country are gathered and sorted—and a lucky number are then answered by Santa’s helpers at the Post Office.
From Small Town, USA to Operation Santa’s ambitious outreach in New York City, Dear Santa might offer some much needed unity and happy tidings this holiday season.
Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square
Available now on Netflix
Dolly Parton is amazing, isn’t she? Just this year, she may save us all as one of the key sponsors of a COVID-19 vaccine that is showing significant promise. And in addition to sponsoring coronavirus research and being an absolute delight, this national treasure still found time to star in and write the songs for Christmas on the Square, another all-original Netflix Christmas movie musical.
The film is a bit of a Christmas Carol parable with Christina Baranski being a real Scrooge: She plays a woman who is going to sell her entire small town and evict all her neighbors on Christmas Eve. But with a little musical cheer and divine help from an angel—played by Dolly Parton, of course—she’s going to learn it’s a very Dolly Holiday, after all!
Available now on VOD
Even Santa Claus has his limits. And they begin with threats on his life. That’s the amusing premise of Eshom and Ian Nelms’ dark comedic take on the Santa Claus legend. Essentially trying to ground Santa in the same type of earthy nihilism that James Mangold brought to Logan, or Clint Eastwood infused into his own onscreen legend via Unforgiven, Fatman stars Mel Gibson as Chris Kringle, a man at the end of his rope.
He’s over the hill and exhausted about the loss of Christmas Spirit in today’s youth. Worst of all, some snot-nosed kid he gave a piece of coal to has hired a hitman (Walton Goggins) to take him out. Essentially a Western in the North Pole, and a violent one at that, Fatman is amusing because of how straight it plays its nonsense. Definitely not for everyone, we’re sure this film will find its niche by the time of Chris’ big night.
Happiest Season
Available now on Hulu
A true crowd-pleaser, Clea Duvall’s Happiest Season is the type of holiday movie most filmmakers hope they’re lucky enough to make. As a story about family, love, and tinsel, this is an old-fashioned Christmas romantic comedy with a modern twist: It’s the love story of Abby (Kristen Stewart) and Harper (Mackenzie Davis).
In the film, Abby is going home for the holidays with Harper for the first time to meet her family, which includes a stiff WASPy patriarch running for mayor, Ted (Victor Garber). He and Mom (Mary Steenburgen) are happy to meet their daughter’s roommate… but they know her only as a roommate. Harper passed for straight her whole childhood and still won’t come out of the closet now with her father’s political career potentially on the line. Festive holiday cheer and familial anxiety abound in equal measure.
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Fatman: Why Mel Gibson Found Christmas Spirit at the End of a Gun
By David Crow
100 Best Christmas TV Episodes of All Time
By Wesley Mead
Our own Natalie Zutter said of the movie: “That tension will be familiar to all who have weathered past holiday seasons, while the comfort of a happy ending is a much-needed panacea. You’ll want to spend every future Christmas with Abby, Harper, and DuVall.”
Available now on Netflix
Like all romantic comedy subgenres, the Christmas rom-com has been underserved in the last decade. Once a reliable staple of any multiplex diet, it could produce fleeting entertainments like The Holiday or genuine all-time classics like Love Actually.
Holidate will not be mistaken for a classic by anyone. It’s a film that gets by a lot on the general charms of stars Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey, as well as the ability to indulge an R-rated vocabulary in its humor. Otherwise, it’s a pretty standard rom-com setup with both Sloane (Roberts) and Jackson (Bracey) being ridiculously beautiful people who just can’t find a date for Christmas. So they decide to pretend to be a couple to appease each’s family by going on “holidates.” Guess what happens next?
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey
Available now on Netflix
John Legend and Philip Lawrence wrote the songs to this all-original Christmas musical. Let’s repeat that. John Legend, the Grammy winning singer and songwriter behind “All of Me” and “Glory,” and Philip Lawrence, another Grammy winning songwriter partially behind hits like “Grenade” and “Marry You,” wrote the songs for a Christmas musical.
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Is A Muppet Family Christmas the Best Holiday Special Ever?
By Wil Jones
The Best Christmas Movie Soundtracks of All Time
By Ivan Radford
To top it all off, the film stars Forest Whitaker as Jeronicus Jangle, a toymaker who has just finished his masterpiece: a sentient doll that will change Christmas forever. There’s also a dastardly Keegan-Michael Key as a rival toymaker who wishes to steal the toy, but the point is it’s a Christmas musical with ear worms for days. What are you waiting for?
Operation Christmas Drop
Available now on Netflix
Operation Christmas Drop is a real procedure that is one of the most remarkable (and remarkably overlooked) performed by the U.S. Air Force. With cooperation with local authorities in Guam, the American military drops medicine, food, and toys over multiple islands across Micronesia, bringing Christmas to tens of thousands of people each year. And this event is finally getting recognized as the setting for a lovely Christmas comedy that it is.
In Operation Christmas Drop, the Netflix movie, Kat Graham plays Erica, a congressional aide who has come to the islands looking for a promotion, and perhaps unwisely toward a future as a Grinch. She’s here to determine if Operation Christmas Drop is money Congress no longer needs to allocate. But with the help of a dreamy smile from an Air Force captain, and a little Yuletide adventure, she might just discover Christmas miracles really do come from the sky. 
The Princess Switched, Switched Again
Available now on Netflix
Remember The Princess Switch from two years ago? It’s the one where Vanessa Hudgens plays both a small town American girl and a European royal who, as luck would have it, are complete doppelgangers. And they switch places just in time for the holidays! Either you recall it or you don’t, and if you do we’ve got good news: They made a sequel!!!
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Inside Pixar’s Soul and the Secrets of Life Before Death
By Don Kaye
A Christmas Carol: the best and worst adaptations
By Robert Keeling
In the follow-up, the princess and small town gal switch places again during the holiday season. But wait, there’s more! Lady Margaret (Hudgens) also has an evil cousin named Fiona who looks pretty familiar (she’s also played by Hudgens)… and who switches places again with the princess who is not in fact a princess. Surely Santa won’t be the only one confused by all these hijinks come Christmas Eve.
Available on Disney+ on December 25
While technically not a movie about Christmas, we can’t imagine a more festive film for the actual 25th than Pixar’s long-awaited Soul. A new film co-directed by Pete Docter (Inside Out, Up), Soul is Pixar’s most ambitious film since Coco and a real emotional stunner.
In the movie, Jamie Foxx voices a guy named Joe, a jazz musician who finally gets his big break… and then falls down a manhole. Seemingly sent to the other side, Joe’s not ready to go toward the light and instead ends up taking another soul under his wing… literally since 22 (Tina Fey) is a soul who’s never lived, nor has any desire to do so until Joe teaches her the magic of jazz, pizza, and, well, living. It’s sweet, surprising, and more than its marketing suggests…
Captain Underpants: Mega Blissmas
Available on Netflix on December 4
Technically more of a “Christmas special” than a Christmas movie, Captain Underpants: Mega Blissmas appears just too blissful to ignore. Based on the mega popular Captain Underpants children’s books by Dav Pilkey, this Netflix special follows George and Harold’s misguided attempts to make Christmas “Blissmas,” a period of supreme satisfaction for everyone… but perhaps with too much selfishness. Can Captain Underpants save the day? Do you have to ask?
Also coming to streaming:
Mighty Express: A Mighty Christmas (Netflix, Dec. 4)
Super Monsters: Santa’s Super Monster Helpers (Netflix, Dec. 8)A Trash Truck Christmas (Netflix, Dec. 11)
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The post New Christmas Movies to Stream: A Holiday 2020 Streaming Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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thedentistisout · 4 years
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Cebu People’s Coop unveils 100 new units of modern jeepneys
The Cebu People’s Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CPMPC), one of the biggest and multi-awarded cooperatives in the country, has inaugurated on Saturday its 100 new units of modern jeepneys, also known as PeoplesJeep.
“We thank our partners, our funding institutions in government, government regulators and our transport operators for this new milestone of our cooperative,” Macario G. Quevedo, chief executive officer of CPMPC, said during the blessing on Aug. 15, 2020 of the mini bus-type vehicles in Barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu City. PeoplesJeep’s new garage facility is located at UN Avenue in Mandaue City.
According to Quevedo, these new units of air-conditioned jeepneys will soon ply different routes in Metro Cebu.
CPMPC now has a total of 170 units in its fleet of modern jeepneys.
The CEO revealed that CPMPC is looking to hire at least 300 new drivers in preparation for the new routes that will soon open in Metro Cebu.
“We can employ more in the future including passenger service officers,” he said.
Presently, 12 units of PeoplesJeep are plying the Talamban to Colon area with Route No. 13C.
“We are one with the government in its goal to modernize the public transportation industry in the country, particularly in Cebu,” he said.
The new Durabus Zhongtong Class 2 modern jeepneys are compliant with the Department of Trade and Industry’s Philippine National Standards.
They feature a global positioning system (GPS), speed limiter, front and rear cameras, and indoor TV for entertainment.
“All of our units have air-conditioning systems and foam seats to give our passengers a comfortable ride. They are also equipped with the required CCTV for security purposes,” Quevedo said.
These modern public utility vehicles (PUV) are powered by environmentally-compliant Euro 4/5 diesel engines, significantly reducing their carbon and sulfur emissions.
Fare payment is also very easy and convenient with the implementation of the Automatic Fare Collection System (AFCS), which is required under the PUV modernization program of the government.
CPMPC has partnered with Beep Cards operator AF Payments Inc., which is the leading AFCS provider in the country.
“Our acquisition of new units of modern PUVs is our response to the government’s call for a massive industry-wide transport modernization providing efficient, safe and comfortable public transportation to the riding public while at the same time promoting pro-environment initiatives for a cleaner and better tomorrow,” Quevedo stressed.
The Department of Transportation has eyed to to gradually replace old jeepneys with new units to reform the public land transport industry.
State-run lenders Development Bank of the Philippines and Land Bank of the Philippines have specialized loan financing programs that aim to help transport corporations and cooperatives acquire modern and environment-friendly jeepney units.
Quevedo said the program has significantly benefited drivers as they now receive monthly fixed salary and other benefits.
A transport cooperative ideally manages the PUV fleet management and distributes the monthly income to its owners and drivers.
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PeoplesJeep is a transport service operation owned and operated by Cebu People’s Multi-Purpose Cooperative, which has over 70,000 members nationwide. The company’s head office is located in 2F CPMPC Business Center 50 T. Abella Street, San Nicholas Proper, Cebu City, Philippines.
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How Vehicle Wrapping can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
The smart Trick of Vehicle Wrapping That Nobody is Talking About
The majority of people are rather reserved at heart. They actually simply desire to drive their cars and truck and not be discovered. That's why the most typical car colors are blue, red, silver, and white. And most of the times, the cars and truck is a single color with some chrome showing. It's only those who actually want to be noticed that order the orange or the green Dodge Opposition! What we're stating is, many people have cars that mix in.
If you're driving in Northern Colorado on the way to work and see a thousand cars, consider the number of wrapped lorries you see. Not that numerous, which proves that any custom-made car wrap you get is actually going to draw people's attention along the Front Variety. Put it on an automobile that is itself distinct-- a Mini-Cooper or a Nissan Juke-- and you'll be getting even more attention.
For years signboards have actually proven themselves to work, and we definitely will not disparage them. But signboards are, by nature, fixed. Sure, a great deal of people might go by them, however it's usually the very same people every day. The excellent thing about vehicle wraps is that they are typically on the roadway, driving through various parts of town and making impressions they may not usually make.
How Car And Truck Wraps can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
That raises our next point: sometimes your automobile is going to be parked. Perhaps it's at a consumer's home, possibly in front of your office, perhaps in the house. And when it is, the car wrap is still doing its task. That's because ... No matter where you are, your covered vehicle is constantly working.
But an automobile wrap is constantly on and telling people about your service. Unless you get it really unclean, there's no other way to "turn it off"! Among the fantastic parts about automobile wraps is that vehicles and trucks are three-dimensional. While a typical banner or sign might have to be viewed from a particular angle to have its complete result, a covered truck or car is efficient no matter whether the prospective consumer is next to, behind, or even above it.
For example, a wrap can keep scratches from your car, which will help its resale value down the roadway. Sure, it's not something you're considering initially, however having a better-looking car when you trade it in can be a nice benefit. (Covers can be removed quickly by an expert before you offer it off.) When you have to purchase a replacement vehicle for your business, you're really aware that it belongs to a fleet.
The Basic Principles Of Custom Vinyl Vehicle Wraps
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You leave and see it amongst your automobiles in the parking area, and you understand that it belongs of your fleet. When a worker asks which car to take, you know which lorry in the fleet they must take. But the public doesn't know that an unmarked car is part of a fleet.
And even if that car or van has an indication or an organisation magnet on it, it's not really making that much of an impression on them. However when you cover all of your vehicles with automobile and truck wraps, unexpectedly you have a publicly-noticeable fleet! Individuals see them, people see that there's more than one, and they see what an existence you have in the neighborhood.
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The majority of services wish to at some point be recognizable by just their symbol, such as Nike or Mc Donald's. But everyone has to begin somewhere, and where better than here in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming? Lorry wraps are mostly about regional marketing and drawing in people to you who are seeking to shop regional.
Unknown Facts About Car And Truck Wraps
It not only advises individuals to attempt your specific product next time they're at a bar, but likewise tells them that it's a local company that they may want to support. Here is among the most appealing elements of automobile wraps: they work! In reality, they're one of the most affordable forms of advertising readily available to a small company.
When you combine the populations of Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Longmont, Cheyenne, and the suburbs ... well, you have actually got a least a million individuals who are out on the roadways and have the chance to catch a look of your lorry. When you compare that to the cost of direct mailers or mailer packs that typically hit the recycling bin prior to they even get in your house, vehicle and truck covers are 2X to 3X more reliable.
Contact Action Signs to discover out just how incredible we can make all of your business's automobiles look. Examine out a specialized wrap we did listed below for the Division of wildlife! We can develop custom-made covers beyond car covers, truck covers and automobile covers. Anything you require created we can aid with! Inspect it out.
Vehicle Wraps for Dummies
When it comes to marketing your brand name or organisation, it's time to take the program on the roadway. Instead of depending upon the right people to drive by a fixed billboard or read the best paper, you can advertise any place you work and whenever you drive anywhere. Big Visual Group offers high-quality custom-made contact us !.
When you want to effectively promote your service, you want to make an impression that is strong. Among the very best ways to do it is through car covers . They are an incredibly remarkable method to spread the message about your company. They can be used on various types of automobiles and they're a fantastic tool for marketing and branding.
Appealing and brilliantly colored vehicle wraps aid with making your company's vehicles stick out from the other automobiles. Drivers who are passing your company cars aren't going to take notice of those white vans that are next to them. However when you have an automobile wrap on that van, it gets your automobiles and your company noticed.
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simmyseo · 4 years
Styling Decorations Parramatta
Styling Decorations Parramatta
Would you like to host a party or event? We will do what we can to ensure that our professional party hire equipment and services make your event more effective and flawless. The highest standard we have achieved. Our professional and welcoming workers can manage all meetings, parties, or shows. We are committed to delivering a service that meets all criteria. We appreciate the importance of your special occasion. We are a party rental company with many products that are suited to all kinds of events. The best options for your function or group are on sale from our consumer analyst for your budget.
Styling Decorations Sydney For Beautiful Events
Our goal as Styling Decorations Sydney is to save time and money from numerous providers. All your party & event wishes are delivered to us. We have a wide variety of items to employ based on your preference for your event or party.
Commitment activities have now been changed to mini weddings. It is a perfect place to introduce the wife and bride to both couples' extended families. The preparation and execution of an appropriate relationship promote the wedding. An engagement event planner is worthwhile to create an enticing memory of this critical moment in your life.
Party Hire Parramatta For Excellent Party Decors
Styling Decorations produce significant events that meet the needs of the customer. From the first move to the event selection party to its last phase, our dedicated fleet works in close partnership with our clients.
We partner with the trusted Party Hire Parramatta to provide high-quality photographic, DJ, floral decoration, and lighting services to provide clients with the most trustworthy services in different fields.
As an event planner, we are expanding services, including guest travel and accommodation. With our best practices and the unique specialist we hire, our destinations are stunning and high quality.
Affordable Styling Decorations Parramatta
Great work and control of your budget: dedication is not a regular occurrence in your life, but a great event, one of your most important days. Our professional approach to any case makes them as glamorous as in our customers' imagination. The patterns in party design are continuously evolving, and modern technologies streamline the process.
Our technological upgrades and our professional fleet have increased performance and financial advantages for the event. Donating a fortune does not automatically produce a faultless occurrence; the budget outcomes are correctly handled. Their research on focusing on the right elements for unique events will help you save much of your event budget for years as an engagement event planner.
Cheap And Trendy Party Hire Parramatta
Let us explore and address contrasting opinions for you: find the best suppliers of floral arrangements, hair, and maquilas, video graphics, and photographic services, costume design is a tired and time consuming work. We will find and pick the ones that match your budget and demands in continuous communication with these suppliers. The look and feel of the party decorations contribute significantly to the success of the event. We change the style to make every commitment personalized.
Several times disagreements over the choice of the theme, ideas for decorating the involved parties, and making it difficult for each person to persuade them of the final decision. Let us work on this problem and find a solution that is acceptable to all.
Engagement Party Venues Parramatta For Memorable Parties
The adaptation of the festival decorations gives the couple and their guests a unique experience. Customized elements will put the mood of a function closer to your ears, such as balls with your names thereon. Special skill and attention are required to handle an event period. Given their commitments too, many may be worried about this aspect. It must not be too long or too short in length.
Engagement Event Planner Sydney For Your Special Day
You don't have to think about it anymore with Engagement Event Planner Sydney We prepare provisional schedules and note that the events for the day of engagement meet this loose plan.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 6/3/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday 3rd June 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT), Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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BLP REPORTS PROGRESS IN SEVERAL MINISTRIES –The idea of new islands, a new depot, Cabinet supporting the implementation of a cannabis programme and training for the youth were the order of the night at the end of the first half of the Barbados Labour Party’s (BLP) first anniversary political rally. Minister of Maritime Affairs and the Blue Economy Kirk Humphrey, Minister of Transport Works and Maintenance Dr William Duguid, Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment Adrian “Medic” Forde, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Indar Weir and Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Colin Jordan were among the first slew of speakers at Carlisle Car Park, The City, where the rally was held. Humphrey said studies were being done and there was room for three islands off Barbados, best situated in the north, off Brandons, St Michael and St Philip, as the BLP strove to generate economic growth so all could “eat uh food”. Meanwhile, Duguid said a new depot would be built at Bath, St John, to service the constituency and surrounding areas. Weir, MP for St Philip South, noted Cabinet had just given its support to start a medicinal cannabis programme in Barbados, worth over $100 million. He said he held extensive discussions with farmers, and said there would be no banning of chicken wings unless an alternative local supply was in place. Forde, who leads Christ Church West Central, told the BLP faithful, the Government wanted to give the young people a voice and would seek to train them in technology, while Jordan asked Barbados to keep the faith and stay the course “because better times are coming for all of us” after giving his report on labour, the role of the Social Partnership and changes at the Employment Rights Tribunal. (DN)
$3 BILLION BOOST – A beautiful Bridgetown is coming. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley last night rolled out the initial plans for a new-look City, saying revitalising the capital would be the first and most important thing on her agenda now that the economy had been stabilised. In addition, she revealed Government would soon be seeking over 300 acres of land specifically to provide 3 000 housing solutions, mostly for Barbadians earning less than $4 000 monthly and working in the public service. Mottley said that within the next seven years, a total of $3 billion would be pumped into a special Carlisle Bay project with hotels to be constructed between Batts Rock, St Michael and the Savannah Hotel in Hastings, Christ Church. (DN)
DUGUID’S REPORT – Hundreds of people clad in red descended on Carlisle Car Park, The City, as the Barbados Labour Party held a public meeting to mark the anniversary of the first year in offices. Minister of Transport Works and Maintenance, Dr William Duguid, took the stage first and gave a recap of what the island’s transport sector accomplished over that time. He said three factors contributed to the current state of the Transport Board, the reluctance of the last administration to buy any buses, effective privatisation of the entity and the issuing of over 300 permits to public service vehicles. Those factors, Duguid said, had resulted in low revenue and difficulties in servicing the many routes throughout the island. The Minister also promised more roads will be fixed through funds from the Inter-American Development Bank. These include The Belle, Highway 6, Lears and Highway 3 at Hothersal in St Michael; Carmichael, St George; Long Bay and Belair in St Philip, Searles, Christ Church; Ermie Bourne 1 and 2 in St Andrew and the eastbound section of the ABC Highway. Other roads to be fixed under Latin American Bank funding include Well Gap, St Michael; Welch Village, St John; St Catherine, St Philip; Babylon, St Andrew, Boarded Hall 1 and 2 in St George, Greenfield in The City and several areas in The Pine, St Michael. Duguid said citizens queried why certain roads – which did not appear to be as bad as others – were paved first, but they assessed the level of deterioration, the volume of traffic and so on. The Ministry also embarked on a nighttime road marking programme and replaced hundreds of broken lights on the ABC Highway. Duguid said more lights will be replaced. (DN)
MORE BUSES COMING, SAYS TRANSPORT BOARD CHAIRMAN – Chairman of the state-owned Transport Board Ian Gooding Edghill this evening briefly outlined a plan to put more buses on the road. He told the crowd at a Barbados Labour Party meeting celebrating its first year in office at Carlisle Car Park that a number of parked buses are being readied for inspection and this will add another 40 buses to the Transport Board fleet. Gooding Edghill also disclosed that an initiative was underway to retrofit another 30 buses. He also assured that the Government was working to deliver new buses as pledged. “ We also have to get some new units and we are working on that. “Have no fear, we will make buses available to the Transport Board,” he told the crowd. (BT)
TRUST LOAN FUND A SUCCESS, SAYS COMMERCE MINISTER – Government has provided 1,843 loans valued at $8.5 million under its Trust Loan Programme, Minister of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Commerce Dwight Sutherland disclosed this evening. Expressing his satisfaction with the initiative, which was announced by Prime Minister Mia Mottley in the June 11, 2018 Mini Budget, Sutherland also reported that applicants have already started to repay their loans. “114 successful applicants have begun to repay their loans and indeed we can account for 170, 000 thus far in receipts as a result of persons who have begun to repay their loans,” said Sutherland as he reported on his ministry’s achievements before Barbados Labour Party supporters attending a rally marking the party’s first year in office. Sutherland noted that half of the loans were distributed to females and a wide cross-section of businesses from a range of sectors including manufacturing, tourism, retail and distribution, metal work, auto body repair, beauty, word work, sign making, print shops, construction, and child care have benefitted. “My mission is to give back life to business and to create intergenerational wealth,” he told the crowd at Carlisle Car Park. Sutherland also reported that his ministry was able to launch three new co-operatives, including the Barbados Taxi Cooperative and the Cooperative Investment Fund that provides loans to members. (BT)
YOUTH MINISTRY TO ROLL OUT TALK YOUTH TALK PROGRAMME, FORDE SAYS – Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment Adrian Forde says the Ministry will be rolling out a suite of programmes geared towards addressing the needs of the country’s youth. Addressing the Barbados Labour Party’s 1st Anniversary Political Rally at Carlisle Car Park, Bridgetown, on Sunday, Forde said the Talk Youth Talk programme will seek to get the youths involved in the development of the country. Forde said the programme will be launched in St Lucy. “We are going to take it in every nook and cranny in Barbados,” Forde said. “That is what serious Government is about.” “We are not talking down to them. We are setting up an avenue where young people can express their concerns,” he added. Forde also announced that his Ministry would soon be launching the Next Step Training Initiative and the Building Blocks Programme. “A lot of things that were not done, we are here to correct and we have a lot of corrective work to do,” he said. (BT)
BETTER SERVICE AT QEH – Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic has not yet delivered on the 24-hour polyclinics, but he is reporting other improvements at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) which should provide a better patient experience. Bostic delivered the report card on his ministry earlier tonight at the Barbados Labour Party’s public meeting at Carlisle Park, Bridgetown, on the anniversary of the first year in office. As they work towards building a better Accident & Emergency Department, Bostic said they introduced a second triage station – manned by a doctor – which has reduced the wait time in the department. The minister said there were other staff issues which had to be addressed, some of which were brought to his attention when he convened the meetings on the 24-hour polyclinic. These include transportation for those who work the graveyard shifts, security, nurses working and not being paid for five or six months on a stretch and doctors not being paid gratuity at the end of contracts. Bostic also announced more than 180 nurses would soon be appointed. The 40-odd elderly people who were abandoned at the QEH have all been relocated and housed, but Bostic said 20 new ones had taken their place. He said his ministry would have to work in conjunction with the office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Elder Affairs to address the vexing issue of those who have abandoned the elderly but enjoy the benefits of their pensions. The Minister said discussion would continue towards a solution for the 24-hour polyclinics while also announcing nationals of St Lucia and St Vincent, for example, who have toiled in Barbados, would soon enjoy free healthcare once legislation made its way through Parliament. (DN)
NO BAN OR REDUCTION OF CHICKEN IMPORTS, MINISTER WEIR SAYS – Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Indar Weir this evening served notice that there will be no ban or reduction of chicken wings imports. He made the declaration while delivering his report card on his ministry’s performance as the ruling Barbados Labour Party hold a massive rally to commemorate its first anniversary in office since May 24 general election. Weir told the crowd at Carlisle Car Park that the issue was not merely about chicken wings, pointing out that several Barbadians were engaged in selling and buying the product to earn a living. “I cannot ban the importation of chicken wings, neither can I speak to the reduction of the importation of chicken wings until somebody is willing to come forward and fill the void. And as a responsible human being I understand that Barbadians must find a way to participate in and be part of the economic structure of this country. “I refuse to pursue any conversation where I am going to stop, reduce, ban chicken wings from coming into Barbados unless you can give me the alternative,” he declared to loud support from the crowd. Chief Executive Officer of the Barbados Agriculture Society James Paul has persistently called on the Government to ban the importation of wings, claiming that the local chicken farmers are losing much needed business. But Minister Weir issued a message to Paul: “I want James Paul to know that when he is … making his noise about chicken wings, you have got to understand the poor people. You claim to be part of a party that said that it stood for poor people and now you want to ask me to come and tell Barbadians they can no longer sell chicken wings. I can’t do it unless there is an alternative. “My conversation will not change in this country if I cannot see the numbers to justify the action. Go away, get the information and present me with it,” he said. (BT)
DIFFICULT TIMES WON’T LAST FOREVER: CADDLE – Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment Marsha Caddle, says the Barbados Labour Pary (BLP) is aware that many Barbadians are experiencing hardship, but the they are calling on residents to stay the course. “There are some parts of this adjustment that are difficult,” Caddle said Sunday at the Party’s 1st Anniversary Political Rally at Carlisle Car Park, Bridgetown. “This part of the adjustment and the transformation is the hardest part,” she said, while noting that they BLP had managed to pull the country back from the brink of disaster. She called on Barbadians to “stay the course”, adding that “we know that weeping may ensure for a night, but my Barbados Labour Party family, joy is coming in the morning”. “There is an end in sight and we are putting the things in pace, laying the building blocks. This time next year we are going to see growth, we are going to see jobs, we are going to see wealth. We are going to see Barbadians benefiting more and more and moving to the point where every Barbadian can be the best they can be.” (BT)
NURSES NOT FOR FLEXI TIME – Government’s decision to introduce a 24-hour polyclinic service is now in limbo, with nurses, the Ministry of Health and the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) at loggerheads, and set for another closed-door meeting today. The 24/7 service was to begin last Saturday at the Winston Scott Polyclinic in St Michael and the David Thompson Health and Social Services Complex in St John, but has since been postponed. It has all to do with additional hours, and some nurses have expressed their frustrations. “There is no nurse at Sir Winston Scott who will volunteer for flexi-time. We’re already short as it is and struggling to fill an eight-hour shift, and that is one of the issues the powers that be seem not to be able to comprehend,” one nurse told the DAILY NATION yesterday on condition of anonymity. (DN)
INCREASE IN PETROLEUM PRICES EFFECTIVE MIDNIGHT – Barbadians will be paying more for petroleum products effective midnight Sunday, June 2. The retail price of gasoline will increase from $3.88 per litre to $3.93 per litre, while diesel will rise from $3.08 per litre to $3.14 per litre. Kerosene will also increase from $1.41 per litre to $1.43 per litre. This represents increases of five cents per litre for gasoline, while kerosene and diesel increase by two cents and six cents, respectively. Similarly, the prices of liquefied petroleum gas have increased. The 100lb cylinder will retail for $158.71, up from $149.60. The 25lb cylinder will now be sold at $44.78, up from $42.50, while the 22lb cylinder will cost $39.57, an increase of $2.01. Additionally, the 20lb cylinder will retail at $35.97, up from $34.15. These price adjustments are in keeping with government’s policy of allowing retail prices to be reflective of those on the international market. (BGIS)
US NOW REQUIRING VISA APPLICANTS TO LIST SOCIAL-MEDIA NAMES –The United States now wants to know the social-media user names of people applying for visas, part of stepped up screening of foreign visitors and immigrants. The change, first announced last year and taking effect this month, follows on a 2017 order by President Donald Trump requiring heightened vetting for visa applicants, according to a State Department official. An estimated 14 million travelers and 710,000 immigrants to the US each year will be affected by the changes, according to notes in the Federal Register. The official said national security is the top priority and every would-be traveler or immigrant already faced screening, including requirements to list their travel history, family member information, and previous addresses. The American Civil Liberties Union had opposed the proposal, arguing the questions would create “an environment ripe for profiling and discrimination.” “National security is our top priority when adjudicating visa applications, and every prospective traveler and immigrant to the United States undergoes extensive security screening,” the U.S. State Department said in a statement to the AP. “We are constantly working to find mechanisms to improve our screening processes to protect U.S. citizens, while supporting legitimate travel to the United States.” In the past, this enhanced screening information, including email, phone numbers and social media had only been required for applicants who had been identified for extra scrutiny — primarily people who had traveled to areas with a high degree of terrorist activity. Roughly 65,000 applicants per-year had fallen into that category, according to the AP. New questions on the visa application forms list social media platforms and require applicants to provide any account names they may have had on them for a five-year period. The forms also request phone numbers and email addresses applicants have used over the past five years, along with their international travel and deportation status and whether any family members have been involved in terrorist activities. These new obstacles to immigration come at a time when competition for highly-skilled talent is at an all-time high. And according to data from the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development, the US is no longer the top-ranked destination for highly skilled workers or entrepreneurs. Increasingly, immigrants are turning to countries like Canada,  Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Australia and New Zealand as destinations to settle and start businesses or find work, OECD data suggests. It’s a (not unexpected) turn of events that could have significant consequences for the country as tensions with China continue to rise. (BT)
SHOOTING DEATH SHOCKS BELAIR COMMUNITY – Residents of Belair, St Philip are alarmed by the shocking act of gun violence that has disturbed their peaceful neighbourhood. Twenty-four-year-old Ashantio Blackman was gunned down outside his home around 8:25 Friday night, while his girlfriend and four-year-old son were inside. When  Barbados TODAY arrived at Blackman’s residence, his brother, who was one of the first to discover his body, declined to comment. However, neighbour Karen Moore said residents were traumatized. Still shaken by the incident, Moore shared that she was in her bedroom lying down when “about eight gunshots” echoed throughout the district. She remained in her house for approximately ten minutes before she ran outside and saw Blackman’s limp body lying across the street in a pool of blood. According to Moore, Blackman was shot behind his home and succumbed to his injuries while running away. “It was shocking because this is a very quiet and close-knit community. It was really shocking. Belair has never had anything like this before . . . I think the residents were traumatized because we are not accustomed to this,” Moore told Barbados TODAY. Moore described Blackman as “ a good person”, and Trevor Gittens referred to him as “a quiet individual”. Gittens, who is a friend of the family, was shaken by the circumstances surrounding Blackman’s death. He was in the backyard when the shooting occurred. “I heard the shots and I was so frightened I went and park the bicycle between the house. I was scared, I didn’t look out,” Gittens said. “I feel really bad about his death. He was a guy who didn’t use to go out a lot. He mostly carrying school his little boy and go for him on evenings,” he added. Blackman’s death marks the country’s 26th homicide for 2019. (BT)
MAN SHOT IN HANDS, LEGS IN BLACK ROCK – Police are investigating an incident which left a man nursing gunshot wounds. Around 2:15 p.m. on Saturday, police responded to reports of shots being fired in the area of Fernihurst, Black Rock, St Michael.  On arrival police learnt that Bobby Jones, a resident of the area, was shot in his hands and legs by an unknown person.  Jones was transported to the QEH by private motor car where he was listed in stable condition. Anyone with information that can assist with the investigation is asked to contact the police at Emergency number 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-5477 or Black Rock Police Station at 417-7500. (BT)
PANTON, FENNELL JR CRASH OUT OF SOL RALLY – Car parts flew in all directions after defending champions Jeff Panton and Mike Fennell Jr crashed on the Sagicor Kendal Stage of the Sol Barbados Rally 2019 today. Co-driver Fennell Jr was unhurt but Panton complained of back pains. He was examined by paramedics on the scene and taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for observation. The incident occurred on the first stage of the third and final day of the rally at Kendal, St John, in a chicane in the area of Guinea Plantation before noon. Trevor Thorpe, The Nation’s writer at the rally, said Panton had “a little too much wood in the fire” and lost it while he was trying to catch race leaders Dane Skeete and Tyler Mayhew of Barbados. The Jamaican pair had won the last three titles and also have a fourth when it was tagged the International All Stages Rally. Meanwhile, Skeete is following in the footsteps of his father Roger “The Sheriff” Skeete, hoping to bring the crown back to Barbados. Thorpe said thousands are watching the rally which is currently on lunch break. There are seven more stages to go. (DN)
DANE’S THE NEW SHERIFF – A new sheriff’s in town. Dane Skeete, son of Roger “The Sheriff” Skeete, and co-driver Tyler Mayhew were declared provisional winners of the Sol Rally Barbados yesterday. Driving the Sol/CO Williams Sand & LIME/Automotive Art Subaru Impreza WRC S12B, they returned a total elapsed time of 1 hour, 6 minutes, 45.18 1 seconds. They are also provisional winners of the WRC group. But it was not all plain sailing for the pair, who started the final day with a 64-second lead over defending champions Jeff Panton and Mike Fennell Jr. (DN)
US INSTITUTE INDUCTS BARBADIAN SUPERSTAR INTO 'WALL OF FAME' – The Washington-based Institute for Caribbean Studies (ICS) on Saturday inducted Barbadian pop icon Rihanna into its “Wall of Fame” as Caribbean nationals here celebrate National Caribbean American Heritage month.  ICS said that Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, is “one of the biggest pop stars to emerge from the 2000s.” Born on February 20, 1988, Rihanna grew up in the parish of St. Michael in Barbados Barbados and began singing in primary school.  “New York music producer Evan Rogers heard Rihanna perform while vacationing on the island and brought the then 16-year-old to the United States to record demos and shortly after, Def Jam’s acting president –  Jay-Z, signed the young Barbadian. The Barbadian pop sensation is now the recipient of eight Grammy Awards from 24 nominations.  “She is a businesswoman, too, and is a co-owner, with various other music artists, in the music streaming service Tidal,” ICS said. It noted that Rihanna, in 2006, formed the Believe Foundation to help terminally ill children. “She frequently performs in charity concerts to create awareness about social issues and to raise money to help the underprivileged,” ICS said. “So far, she has helped to raise money for children in need, cancer research and Haiti earthquake victims.” In 2018, the Government of Barbados appointed Rihanna an ambassador – promoting education, tourism and investment. (BT)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 212 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Uber rival Bolt returns to London 21 months after a TfL investigation shut it down
Bolt, the Uber rival formerly known as Taxify, is taking a significant step this week in its effort to build out its transportation-on-demand business across the biggest cities in Europe and Africa, which currently covers 25 million users in 30 countries and 100 cities: it’s finally opening for business again in London, the biggest ride-hailing market in Europe.
“Finally” and “again” are the operative words here: the Tallinn-based company had launched in London as far back as September 2017 — nearly two years ago — only to shut down its services after three days, when Transport for London, the city’s transportation regulator, started to investigate the terms of its license.
It turned out that not all was right in the state of Estonia . To roll out its services more quickly, Taxify (as it was then known) had acquired a London firm with a license valid until 2019 and had launched its own service using that loophole. At a time when TfL was decidedly unhappy with Uber and was already fielding complaints from politicians, a drivers’ association and union reps over Taxify’s launch, the writing was on the wall and Taxify shut down its service.
Slow and steady wins the race
Bolt’s run-in, and eventual cooperation, with TfL underscores the shift we have seen in the transportation market over the last few years in London, which has changed from a hacker mentality of “move fast, break things” to “slow and steady wins the race.”
“So far, there has been a monopoly, which leads to the same problems of higher prices and poor service,” Bolt’s CEO and founder Markus Villig said in an interview this week. “We are here first to fix that, but it will take two to three years to do so.”
Launching with a car-only service in London (it has other transportation products, such as scooters, in other cities like Paris), Bolt is — even before adding in that three year fix-it plan — nevertheless coming to the market relatively late.
Uber has been active for years and is just one of a number of incumbent private car-based ride providers, which include other on-demand transportation services like MyTaxi (owned by Bolt’s investor Daimler) and Gett, other fleet-based providers like Addison Lee, a plethora of local mini-cab firms and, of course, independent Black Cab drivers.
But with late arrival also comes a more knowledgeable approach built on the experience (vast operating costs) shouldered by others.
First and foremost, Villig said the new and improved Bolt will be hoping to woo away both drivers and passengers with competitive discounts based, it seems, mainly on undercutting dominant providers.
On the driver side, Bolt will change a 7.5% commission for the first two months before switching to a 15% commission, which it claims is up to half of what other firms charge, and works out on average to 10% more earnings than driving with competitors.
On the passenger side, Bolt will be launching with a 50% discount that will then default to regular rates that will still be between 5% and 10% cheaper than competitors’.
Price competition is not the only area where Bolt is making a modification. There is also a big change in the app’s safety features: specifically, it will launch with a “panic button” that will let both passengers and drivers alert bolt and police if they feel they are in danger, and also to alert Bolt’s trust and safety team to open a ticket and address the problem.
Villig said that this safety feature is not a default in every market where it operates. It is a variant of a feature that Bolt uses in, for example, its South African business “where safety is also an issue” and while it was not directly mandated by TfL, Villig noted that it pointedly asked about safety features and so this was included, along with other new features, such as sharing details of your ride with a contact.
Safety will also extend to increased vetting of drivers before they ever join the platform — again, to a level higher than in some other markets that have not had track records of safety incidents.
Better service comes at a price
With the drivers getting better commissions and passengers getting lower prices, Villig said that Bolt itself would be absorbing the cost of offering everything.
“The operational costs are higher than in other cities, but the opportunities are so large and there is such a need for an alternative, that it made sense.”
That will, inevitably, mean more funding. Although it has already raised around $185 million — with $176 million of that coming last year in a round led by Daimler that valued Bolt at $1 billion — that will run down fast through launches and the extra operational costs associated with them.
(Uber and Lyft’s books, now open to the world post their public listings, detail the hundreds of millions of dollars that ridesharing efforts can potentially cost companies before they can hope to turn a profit.)
Indeed, we confirmed in May that Bolt was indeed raising another round at a valuation of over $1 billion. This week, Villig said that it has “nothing to announce” on that front just yet. In addition to Daimler, the company is backed by Didi (the Chinese ride-hailing giant) and, ironically, Uber, by virtue of its Didi divestment deal in China,
While expanding beyond motor vehicles might be putting the cart before the horse, so to speak, Bolt does have plans to stay for the long run and use its positioning to become one of two market leaders. That will also eventually take Bolt to other modes of transportation beyond cars, but using a light-touch approach.
“All we want on micro-mobility is to be a platform,” Villig said. “W don’t want to own hundreds of thousands of bikes and other vehicles. The question is: how do we enable all that to appear.” He anticipates that Bolt will start to offer bikes — and other other transportation forms as regulators allow them — by next year.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/finance/hyundai-in-talks-to-pick-up-4-stake-in-ola-for-250m/
Hyundai in talks to pick up 4% stake in Ola for $250m
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BENGALURU: Korean auto giant Hyundai wants a slice of the lucrative Indian car-sharing business, and may invest as much as $250 million in ride-hailing major Ola. The move would push up the valuation of the company to over $6 billion, according to three sources familiar with the development.
The transaction, which is in advanced stages of discussion, will be the first major investment by a top auto company in one of India’s biggest ride-hailing service. There have been instances of auto majors picking up stake in smaller shared-mobility companies, such as Mahindra and Ford’s investments in self-ride company Zoomcar (see graphic).
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“The finer details and investment size are still being finalised,” said one of the sources mentioned earlier. The deal may close in the next few weeks, giving the South Korean auto major about a 4% stake.
The investment will come as part of the ongoing funding round at Ola, which is looking to raise over $400-500 million. Investors like Flipkart co-founder Sachin Bansal and Hong Kong-based hedge fund Steadview Capital have already committed capital as part of this round. Mirae Asset-Naver Asia Growth Fund is also in talks to participate in this round by investing $30-40 million, said one of the sources mentioned earlier.
“Hyundai Motor is open to cooperation with various potential partners, but it is our policy not to comment on market speculation and rumours,” said a Hyundai Motors India spokesperson, while Ola did not reply to queries till the time of going to press. The transaction was first reported by online portal Entrackr.
If it goes through, the deal will help Hyundai push its vehicles — including electric car Kona EV, which will be launched soon — to the leasing unit Ola Fleet Technologies. Hyundai also has plans to electrify some of its existing vehicles, including mini cars such as Grand i10. According to industry analysts, 7-8 lakh cars are on platforms like Ola and Uber. Over the past few years, 75,000-1,00,000 cars were leased by drivers and companies in a year but that growth has slowed down recently as they increase focus on additional forms of transportation like autos.
However, a transaction is not likely to result in an exclusive arrangement as companies like Southeast ride-hailing major Grab have raised money from multiple auto makers, including Toyota and Hyundai.
“A lot of car sales are going down because shared economy is going up. While there will be growth in Ola, Uber or a Lyft, the reality is they (auto companies) still need to grow their sales. So car sales are moving from business to consumer (B2C) to business to business (B2B). They are basically putting it (investment in cab-aggregators) to have a more preferred access to this market because growth is going to come from there,” said Ankur Pahwa, partner and national leader (e-commerce & consumer internet), EY India. He added that auto makers could also leverage the driver data to bring improved car models for their consumer business.
The action on shared mobility business has also been there in the two-wheeler space. The Munjal family, that controls the country’s largest two-wheeler company Hero Moto, recently made an investment in scooter-sharing company Vogo.
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
Red Streak [3.2]
Chapter 03: One of Those Faces [Part 2 of 3. Revised August 2017]
Read the complete fic on AO3 
Albacus Shanxi 2157 CE
Albacus passed the omni-tool hardware from hand to hand, worrying a circle around the projection ring with idle thumbs. He was too tired to be nervous, and too well-trained besides, but he allowed himself to indulge in a momentary feeling of dread as he left the main body of his torini in the square and made his way alone to the industrial quarter.
Hannah Shepard’s supply hub was crammed into a rough, riverside area to the west of the city proper, and it was a desolate mess. The entire block looked as though it had been ramshackle to begin with, and the ambiance had been little improved by the orbital debris that he himself had dropped down from above, smashing half of the structures to rubble. A lopsided, impoverished collection of useful but ugly buildings: metal refineries, lumber mills, and several smaller food processing facilities, all of them gaping and silent now.
General Arterius would never approve of Albacus handing any meager scrap of technology to the humans, even this first-tier Elkoss Combine plaything with no melee capability. The General rarely approved of much, as far as diplomatic approaches was concerned, but Albacus had yet to find anything in this situation that was worth compromising several centuries of inherited ideals. Spending a year in his youth as political aide to an asari Matriarch had taught him a thing or two about the importance of negotiation and compromise. The General could take his ambitious, self-serving warmongering and hang with it.
Their hands had already been bloodied; a soiling so deep it would never be cleansed. It made no difference if the Citadel Council appeared in person and ordered the Tenefalx to exterminate civilians and children. The only reason Albacus would knowingly allow his ship to continue to risking innocent lives was if he himself were dead.
An omni-tool was the easiest way to help a solitary human manage the enormous logistical task of supplying the colony, and there were other benefits that had nothing to do with the possibility of mutinous assault. For one, the rudimentary communications app would allow him to contact her in case of emergency, and emergencies were inevitable. It was hard to say which side was more likely to crack first, but it was certain to happen sooner rather than later. He refused to be responsible for catching Shepard’s child in the crossfire. Overloads, sabotage, even an underpowered shield might help the two of them survive a few extra minutes if the storm broke without warning. He owed her that much after dragging her into this: a chance.
He had no concerns about the human female’s ability to handle the tech; she was surprisingly adaptable. So far, most of the humans seemed to be. The human general - Williams - had adjusted to several galaxy-broad political concepts in the span of minutes, and his willingness to cooperate with the surrender had filled Albacus with shaky respect. It was never easy to relent to a superior enemy force with minimal bloodshed - Albacus understood that all too well from his own forced cooperation with Arterius.
As he approached the depot entrance, he nodded to Obren Ilmek, taking note of the tired ashen patina of the lieutenant’s plates. He would require a relief soon; the torin looked liable to die on his feet if he was forced to stand much longer. Albacus had personally posted his own sub-lieutenant to Shepard’s guard detail - he trusted Ilmek not to mindlessly open fire over a translator glitch. He was a just and reasonable torin with two decades of service on his record, nearly half of those aboard the Tenefalx. Albacus would have trusted him to guard his own blessed matrem, had she still been living.
For now, General Arterius was allowing Albacus his attempt at cooperation. Nonetheless, Albacus had made every attempt to keep Shepard and her child surrounded by his own trusted hands, in case Arterius’ feelings suddenly changed. Albacus knew the Tenefalx crew like the back of his own hand, and was likewise familiar with the sister crews of the Miriton and the Bexitani, but the rest of the shakedown fleet was a mishmash of junior officers fresh out of the recruitment hall, with General Arterius’ own hot-headed brother among them. None of them were ready to be considered real falxi of the Blackwatch, and Albacus would have loved nothing more than to send them all home to their compulsory service colleges. The juniors were far too inexperienced, far too headstrong and eager for blood, to be trusted alone with human prisoners.
Especially not Shepard, he thought. She was unpredictable in her own right.
“All quiet here, Regidonis.” Ilmek reported, shuffling his armor around a stiff neck. “Tulubri is inside. She said the human started working as soon as the sun came up.”
“Has the mother given you any trouble?”
“No, not as long as the child is in her sight.”
“I suppose at this stage, we can count that as progress.”
Albacus shoved open the stiff, un-powered door and stepped into the cavernous darkness beyond.
As his eyes adjusted, he could see Sergeant Tulubri standing at attention, thankfully without a weapon drawn. Ris Tulubri was his best hand-to-hand practitioner; she could disarm a charging krogan just by looking at him. If Shepard started trouble, he knew this was the tarin who could end it swift and clean, without an untimely death on either side.
For a moment, Albacus thought he might be imagining things in the dark, but after a few seconds of squinting, he realized that the shadowy blur near Tulubri’s right side was in fact the human child, and she was holding the sergeant’s hand like it was made of precious salarian spunweb. Not merely holding Tulubri’s hand, she seemed to be studying it, pulling the fingers right down to her tiny face, and as Albacus approached, he saw why. The tarin had removed her glove to show off the long, smooth lines of her talons. Surprisingly intimate for the sergeant - he had never known her to be sentimental before. Then again, he reflected, he had never seen her around a puer, much less an alien one.
“Getting friendly, I see.”
Tulubri gave him a polite nod, then looked down at the little one, her mandibles flickering in an embarrassed grin.
“She’s very curious, and kind of cute, for a monkey. She reminds me of my fratliae, back on the Citadel.”
“Still,” he teased, allowing a welcome bit of warmth into his sub-vocals for once. “Never thought I would see you barehanded and petting a puer.”
“Is it still a puer if it’s a monkey?” she asked, rubbing one talon curiously along the soft and fleshy side of the little human’s face.
“She’s not a monkey,” said a voice. Albacus dimly recognized Shepard’s drawl, though she was calling down from high above him, somewhere near the ceiling. Like some kind of spirit. “She’s a great ape.”
He peered deeper into the shadows and spotted Shepard dangling from a large steel shelf as if she were climbing a tree, apparently doing her utmost to remain true to her family’s distinguished primate origins. When she prised open a sealed bin and then poked her head inside, she wretched. Reeling away from the stench, she barely kept her grip on the scaffold.
“No, it’s all bad. Once we lost the air conditioning it was a fool’s hope anyway. Damn.”
So far, Shepard had been economical with her words in front of him - this felt like her longest sentence so far.
“What do you have left?” He asked, watching Shepard scrambling back down to solid ground.
“Almost nothing.” She said with finality.
He palmed the omni-tool and begged the spirits for a damned reprieve.
Shepard jumped the last few meters to the floor, and when she stood at her full height, Albacus was once again surprised by her stature. She seemed taller by half than the rest of the humans in the colony, with arms and legs almost as long as a full-grown tarin’s. Nor did she seem intimidated by much, with the exception of any threats to her child’s well being.
Whenever she spoke to him, she looked him square in the eyes; something that her own general had been too dwarfed to attempt.
After measuring Albacus’ intentions with another one of her perceptive once-overs, she wiped her hands on an immaculate white cloth that was wound around her torso and sighed.
“The computer has been down since day three of the bombardment,” she said, looking as if she were trying to internally calculate several large figures all at once. “This morning, I’ve been trying to take an inventory of this storehouse, but it’s slow going… damn near impossible.”
“I have something that may help with that,” he said. He held out the small hand attachment of the Elkoss Cipher Mini. “I smuggled you an omni-tool.”
“Is that one of those…” She floated her right hand around her opposite forearm, mimicking the familiar haptic interface.
“It is. I pre-loaded it with all the data we could mine from your storage media; one of my engineers was up all night cobbling this together. A few things were lost or corrupted, but it should be usable for the most part.” He tossed it to her, indicated how to fasten it to her wrist and power it on. “I apologize, but this model does not transform into anything lethal.”
“Figures.” She said, as the omni-tool flared to life on her arm.
As soon as the omni-tool was illuminated, Shepard’s child let go of Tulubri and rushed to her mother’s side with a reverent ooooooh. Shining, bug-like eyes stared into the glowing orange hologram with unabashed wonder.
“Yes, Jane. Definitely ‘oooooh.’”
The child reached out to touch it. Shepard looked to Albacus, her expression rock-hard.
“Is it safe?”
She prodded it a few more times with a bare fingertip, just to be sure, and then lowered her arm within reach of the little one.
“Ooooooooh” the child said again, squeezing the orange hologram between her many chubby fingers. “Orange!”
“Jane, I need to talk to Captain Regidonis now. It’s important.” She withdrew her arm, but was well prepared to redirect the child’s frustrated whine. “Hey, where’s Lionel? You should show him to Sergeant Tulubri.”
“Okay! Tulu-bee, come find Lionel. It’s important!”
With the child and the deadly hand-to-hand tactician sufficiently distracted, Shepard approached and held out her left arm.
“Show me,” she said.
He slowly walked her through the menus that would pull up the relevant documentation; shipping receipts, inventory records, maps of her suppliers. She caught on quickly.
“There are some viable crops in the southern quadrant, soybeans maybe.” In an unconscious, droning voice, she explained the contents of her ledgers. Endless financial figures and budget estimates whizzed by, which Albacus’ translator could process, but he himself could not. “The corn might be ready in a few weeks, if it’s still standing. I have no idea what sort of yield we could expect, but someone should be assigned to comb the farms, in case there’s anything we can salvage.”
“I can have a junior detail supervise a small group of cooperative human workers - how many do you need?”
“Can’t your men drive a tractor?” She paused to look into his face, and her soft, foreign expression was similar to one he’d witnessed on more than one asari: sarcasm. Was she joking with him? In the middle of a crisis? He blinked.
“Nevermind,” she amended, voice flattening out. “A dozen farmhands should do, if you allow them to use a transport.”
Slowly, clumsily, she pulled up a map, then pointed to several areas of interest.
“I have some storehouses in the north. Dried goods: rice, flour, beans. Some of the apples and root vegetables are probably still edible. Cans and boxes too, we can use all of it. I’ll need a full shipment as soon as possible. Send a convoy. And this time, don’t blow it up.”
“Anything else?”
She stared at the omni-tool and tried swiping through a few screens, but quickly got lost in a sub-menu, unable to find the return command.
“Here, like this.” He reached over her shoulder and tapped her back to the correct area. Despite his proximity, his armor, his visible weaponry, Shepard didn’t flinch, or even blink, when he got too close. Her fortitude continued to impress.
She studied the omni-tool again, frowning. “Looks like… a mess. In the best case, we’ve got enough supplies in remote storage to last a few weeks. We lost too much in the bombardment. Half the farmland is as good as salted now, and we don’t have time to turn it over. If your people are planning to hold this colony for any length of time, additional supplies will have to come from off-world.”
“The General will never allow your ships through his blockade. Aid will come through us or not at all.”
“Do you have spare rations?”
She might have been kidding, but he took the question seriously.
“Unfortunately no. We have different protein structures - our food would be useless to you, possibly deadly - never mind that we barely have enough for ourselves. I might have some levo relief stocks available, but it would be asari, salarian… completely foreign. Chemically sound, but you might have a difficult time convincing your people to take it.”
“If you can get it to me, I can cram it down their throats.”
“Maybe I could--” he cut himself off. It would be a huge risk, trying to slide a message under the General’s watch. Benezia would help, Albacus had no doubt about that, but the General would be a problem. Once an asari Matriarch saw what was going on down here, Arterius’ grandiose theatre of war unearned would be as good as curtained.
“What?” Shepard asked, turning to face him more directly.
He buried the hope for now. See if his restless torini would settle into a work detail. See if some semblance of cohesion could be maintained for more than an hour. Then he could worry about sending smoke signals to Benezia. The Matriarch had taught him that, after all: always walk the longest roads one step at a time.
“Preparations to secure your supplies from the north and south will start within the hour.” he said, willfully refocusing on problems that were immediately solvable. “If you like, I could assign a supervised work detail to help you clear away this mess, maybe restore some power. I understand that since you agreed to assist me, there have been some tensions between you and the other colonists--”
“Nothing fixes tension like sharing a work load.  Yeah. Send them over. I’ll give a few sad sacks something to do. Keep ‘em busy, and show them I’m not feeding you all of humanity’s secrets.”
Firmly, suddenly, she grabbed hold of him, enclosing his gloved palm between her many strong fingers.
“Thank you,” she said. “For taking this on.”
Her hand squeezed his. Once, strong and certain. Then she disappeared into the shadows, calling for the little one named Jane.
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