#minor rwde
unovaslankiite · 2 days
Prolly gonna be my one and only rwde post (cus the fanbase is rancid and I'm not rlly a rwby fan, just a person who watches the show): some of you rwby fans are too comfortable using your queerness as a shield to silence BIPOC voices about the racist writing and your 'precious' bigoted CRWBY. You guys unironically act/think that just because you have to deal with queerphobia; you are IMMUNE to being bigoted yourself and you are INCAPABLE of parroting bigoted beliefs. Cus I know there will be a dumbass ant1-rwde posters who will try to drown out this post by saying its 'lies from the EVIL RWDE!!!': You would rather weaponize your queerness to bash on BIPOC voices, while claiming to care about our voices. You would rather be complicit with the racist writers and their racist writing, just because your racist writers gave you a queer ship. There is no shame nor issue in projecting the abused you suffered onto the characters, however you refuse to see through the characters and their writing through a BIPOC lens. You do not get the right to impose your perspective of the characters at the expense of BIPOC voices, you do not get to twist our voices to be alt-right bigots because we called out RWBY's rampant racism. You do not get the right to say you give a shit about BIPOC and have #BLM in your bio when you fervently defend your bigoted company. You do not get to pretend to care about racism when you buy merch off of your bigoted company. My fellow BIPOC (especially the queer BIPOC): why are you guys so comfortable dismissing your fellow poc about their discomfort with RWBY's racist writing? BIPOC are not a monolith with the same opinions about racism in media; but some of you guys are weirdly comfortable with turning a blind eye to your fellow BIPOC getting dogpiled by the white fandom. We can and will disagree, you not agreeing as a BIPOC about RWBY's racist writing is not what I take issue with. The issue lies within you upholding the racial colourblindness in the fandom; like how the fandom was ok with throwing the racism under the bus in favour of queerness, you are ok with throwing your BIPOC peers under the bus for white queerness. Sincerely, a POC who has been watching the fandoms rampant racism problem ever since 2019.
#rwde#bitches be like: 'yeah we know that rwby handled racism bad :)))'#then get fucking furious when you say 'adam taurus being retconned from a minority rights fighter to an abusive ex was kinda bad'#go watch unicornofwar's white fang video and think about it holy shit. listen to the white guy if u dont wanna listen to poc#white fans get furious when you say that rwby has a racism problem TO THIS DAY#you dare mention how the 'villains' are all poc with visible ethnic traits/darker skin tones#while our heroes are white as fucking paper with zero ethnic traits#they would scream to the heavens that ruby and yang are chinese#despite being very much modelled off of white women/afabs#while also be giddy about whitewashing james to fit their evil facist dictator narrative#despite james being modelled off of an ACTUAL asian man unlike ruby and yang#and is one of the few characters who have visible ethnic features unlike ruby and yang#fandom racism goes unchecked over here and i have never felt so unsafe in a fandom#at the end of the day: ig white ppl will always prioritize themselves at the expense of bipoc#'omg we're ur allies#i totally understand how it feels like to be discriminated against 🥺'#<- not even a week later you borderline gaslight a poc rightfully saying its fucking weird to be making animal jokes about blake#at this point? call me a slur#dont pretend you give a shit about me as a poc#dont even fucking bother being my friend as a white queer if ur just gonna spout the same shit i see online#rwby fans you guys are one of the most racist fandoms out there#btw if you guys are gonna come at me with racism and harassment#you will be blocked <3#especially if u are as slavic as the vikings#do not bother lecturing a poc about how ur racist anime isn't that racist
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hyasinthum · 1 month
okay so this latest episode of rwby beyond was beautiful and moving and all, but it never ceases to amaze me how good crwby is at putting their feet in their mouths when it comes to the implications they make about certain things
like what do you MEAN jaune and the gang went to the farmers market to buy farmers? to buy PEOPLE to do AGRICULTURAL LABOUR for them??? temporary arrangement or not, it's Deeply Weird to write your pale-skinned, blond-haired, blue-eyed character buying other sentient creatures. they literally could have written any other quirky afteran interaction. christ, these people need sensitivity readers
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anothergayrobot · 1 year
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Honestly this whole trend skeeves me out but with B/lake specifically like... we just forgot how the one on the left would actually speak her mind and stand up for herself while the one on the right constantly hides behind her friends whenever somebody is mean to her?
V1-3 B/lake was a revolutionary. Current B/lake calls herself a cat.
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snowowlll · 7 months
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lilithfairen · 1 year
Really, any time you think RWDE/RWBY "critics" care about racism and the portrayal of such, just remember that most of these folks take genuine offense with how a black woman defected from the villains before a white man did.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
ok but like one thing that will always bug me about the [you know fucking what] wf arc is that. why the fuck did they bring in jacques at all. why bring in this racist motherfucker straight from Lorax 2012 rich white ass awful abusive father and yet. continue to paint the MINORITIES he oppressed (namely the man who was enslaved as a child BECAUSE OF HIS COMPANY) as somehow morally worse? that the minorities NEED to be put in their place and “learn the RIGHT way to protest” by the Schnees of their fucking race, because the reason why people like him and other rich racist bastards ARE racist is because they’re SCAWED. awww poor oppressors!
like. they could have easily written the fang AS villains to our heroes in the first 3 volumes, but then slowly unravel their nuance, show that the reason they’ve been pushed to such measures as violence is because of all the suffering they’ve been dealt by humanity by simply being born as who they are, show them helping out Faunus in different ways, while then painting the SDC and Jacques in particular as a genuine evil and not just a fucking joke like the show portrayed him as.
but nope. racism got ahead of good writing i fucking guess. Yay for that. The former child slave died before the man who caused his enslavement did, woohoo!
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You are just mad they have shown Atlas for hellhole it was
Yes, totally. I am totally angry at them doing that, that's what it all is about.
glances at the notes for my AU
Wouldn't want Kingdoms to be seen as incompetent, messy or bad...totally not...
I would never do that
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swordswoman97 · 3 months
As someone who stopped watching RWBY several volumes ago I'm very conflicted on how I feel about it potentially never getting a conclusion (obviously everyone who worked for Rooster Teeth suddenly being out of work is a bad thing no doubt)
On one hand I have some issues with RWBY's writing the last couple volumes, some bigger than others but on the other hand I really did love that show once upon a time, and I have a lot of fond memories of it. And even now the show has a lot of potential and I'd hate to see it just... die.
I think I'm hoping someone does take a chance on buying RWBY but reboots it rather than continuing it. It would both keep RWBY from straight up dying but allow some things from the very beginning to be reworked (For example assuming CRWBY was telling the truth that Bumble/bee was meant to be canon from the beginning they really should have spent a lot more time building up Blake's relationship with Yang and a lot less building up her relationship with Sun. I have no problems with Bumble/bee in concept I just don't think it was handled well by the series)
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dragynkeep · 1 year
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pain. torture even. traumatizing. stop fucking doing this.
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strykingback · 11 months
RWBY Stans: Adam is just a White Man, Blake is a POC!!!
Me as a POC:
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saltwukong · 1 year
People who bought Bumbleby merch 🤝 People who bought Hogwarts Legacy
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melonisopod · 2 years
Thinking of how the Tin Man and Cowardly Lion were subversive characters in their own right, told by society that they were lacking in something but ultimately realizing that they never needed/always had those things in them all along. The Tin Man showing that he did have a heart, if not physical, he was still compassionate and caring, and the Lion moved forward despite his fear, proving he was truly courageous.
And then I think about how RWBY took these characters and made edgy “subversive” takes on them that end up making both shallower and less interesting. Leonardo Lionheart is barely even remembered because his only job WAS to be a coward and nothing else. Ironwood descends into villainy while playing “cybernetics eat your soul” completely straight and making a disabled man (physically AND mentally due to his PTSD) monstrous and “inhuman”.
RWBY took two beloved characters meant to subvert our expectations, and made them into boring, offensive stereotypes for the sake of being “edgy”.
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exposeaz · 1 year
tw for the sexualization of minors!
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i just. genuinely have no words. for anyone willing to say these are "jokes", i'll remind you that they also made jokes about ryan raping his children for laughs and he is currently in court for the sexual abuse of a minor.
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Oh I see how it is. When Neopolitan beats one of the mains to a bloody pulp it's forgivable because she looked a little sad but when I ADAM TAURUS do the exact same thing it's suddenly unforgivable. /heavy j obviously but the double standard is absolutely insane.
Hmmm what’s the difference between Emerald and Neo and Adam…it’ll come to me but hmmm I can’t figure it out…hmm…hmmmmm
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good-sapphicrwbyaus · 11 months
I usually write these kind of posts on my personal R/WBY account, but considering the topic I’m about to discuss it makes more sense if I do it here. Trigger warnings for transph*bia, TERF rhetoric and the s3xualization of minors underneath the cut.
So for those that don’t know, a well-known creator within the F/DMN known as y8ay8a has been shown to support TERF ideology via her Twitter follows & likes and she follows the Twitter account of “Gays Against Groomers” scumbags who spew a bunch of hateful/harmful rhetoric against the trans community.
I’m not going to bother arguing why this is obviously a bunch of bullshit to be subscribing to, especially since it seems y8ay8a’s been doubling down {at least on Twitter}. She’s “addressed” things on her Tumblr blog and I use that loosely because she didn’t actually address anything at all. So let me make it perfectly clear to y8ay8a, her fans and the rest of the F/NDM…
Regardless of what she says, she is transphobic, she doesn’t support the trans community and she is a TERF.
One cannot say that they support trans people {or as she put it “adults” I see what you’re trying to imply there, you piece of shit} and then subscribe to TERF ideology/anti-trans rhetoric. It doesn’t matter if you say that you follow trans creators, you don’t actually support them and you’re using them as a shield.
Y8ay8a, there are legit reasons why people are upset with you right now, people aren’t “bullying you” they’re literally getting after you because of the hateful beliefs that you seem to support. If you decide to keep ignoring the justified criticism that’s being thrown your way, then the only one to blame for your “cancellation” within the F/NDM is you.
Also I find it incredibly “hilarious” that you say that “there isn’t much drama to feed from my accounts tbh” when there’s actually a couple of things that you can also be criticized on… like how you’ve drawn multiple NSFW images of R/uby, most of which involve her being paired with adult characters such as H/arriet. It doesn’t matter if she’s a “fictional character”, she’s still a god damn minor you fucking freak… I thought that you & the bigoted groups/people you follow cared about the safety of children? How can you care about the safety of minors, when you’ve drawn NSFW artwork that involves a fictional character who’s underage? You do realize that you’re only giving the impression that it’s okay for others to sexualize minors whether they’re fictional or not, right? Gotta love the blatant hypocrisy of it all…
There’s also you shipping I/Ilia x S/ienna and drawing NSFW content involving the ship. The age gap between them is large and there’s a power imbalance because S/ienna was the leader of the WF {I/lia’s boss}. I’ve also seen that you’ve drawn NSFW content of N/ora x E/lm {large age gap} and S/alem x E/merald {do I even need to explain why this is fucked up}amongst other things.
I don’t want to hear the pathetic excuse of “but some of those were commissions”… you had the ability to say no and yet you still decided to take the money and do those art pieces anyways, there’s no fucking excuse.
For those looking for evidence, I obviously cannot show the images here. However, if you send me a DM I’ll let you know what her NSFW Twitter name is… just don’t be surprised if they delete the account for damage control. I’m not sharing the account name publicly, since I don’t want minors accessing it and viewing that filth {DON’T DM ME IF YOU’RE A MINOR}.
If anyone who follows me still follows/supports this creator, unfollow me immediately. This blog is a safe space for everyone who identifies under the trans umbrella, TERFS aren’t welcomed here. I myself am Bigender and simultaneously identify as a woman & non-binary {she/they}, so this topic is important to me.
As an LGBTQ+ space within the F/NDM, as someone who identifies under the trans umbrella and as someone who has many trans friends/loved ones, I felt that I needed to speak up about this. We don’t need people like y8ay8a within this community, especially if they refuse to acknowledge that they support incredibly harmful ideology/groups. If anyone claims that I’m being a “big, mean bully”, this is a grown-ass woman {if this isn’t how she identifies please let me know} who’s rightfully being criticized/called out for her alleged bigoted views… all of you {including y8ay8a} need to grow the fuck up.
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sapphic-sustrai · 11 months
It gives me a serious ick when people within the F/DMN will fight tooth & nail just to be able to s3xualize R/uby and/or O/scar. There are plenty of adult/of age characters that you can produce ✨spicy✨ of and yet you actively choose to make content with underage characters…
It doesn’t matter if they’re fictional characters, they’re still minors and you’re a bunch of fucking freaks for engaging in this degenerate behaviour.
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