#minoru oe
shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Main Characters Cast Design Edition
So we’re finally here! The last post of this series dedicated to showing off Novel AI’s depictions of the main DRT cast! I hope you enjoy! doing this was quite fun!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!  
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Suzuhiko Otsuki (Minoru Oe)/Moleman
“First one up and he’s...already a doozy. You see, compared to Kazuya or Shinobu, Suzuhiko doesn’t have artwork (that we know of) or description. Thus, he’s in the realm of ‘making a design that best fits the character he’s filling for this trilogy’. In this case, with the thought of him acting as a NEET for a while, I gave him a black tracksuit, inspiration being gotten from the main characters of Konosuba and RE:Zero. His black hair and eyes stem from another character’s trait below. I imagine that, that Moleman would prefer keeping his mask on and trying to cover his face up with his hair and hat as much as possible, due to his reclusive style. Buuuut, Suzuhiko himself prefers everything to be loose, thus his hair is no longer parted, no need for a mask and his jacket’s pretty much partially off.”
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Kazuya Togami (Orvin Elevator)
“Eugh, this nutjob. Given how he’s Togami’s doppelgänger, his design is meant to reflect that, from the blondish hair to the similar suit...okay. Well, I couldn’t quite give him a matching suit due ot AI constraints, but the point still stands. Speaking of the suit, its grey in color as a reference to how both Byakuya and Sagishi where black and white suits, respectively. Golden eyes are reference to Borges, though only his right eye holds his actual Borges Think of his other golden eye just being a coincidence that worked out.”
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Shinobu “Blue Ink” Togami
“For our extra special main character, she gets some extra special variants! Now, Blue Ink’s design stems from a certain other one that is down below. Namely, her pale skin, long black hair (which Suzuhiko got) and black pupils come from said design. I gave her a blue jacket and skirt as I always thought it suited her. Now, concerning her eye, this AI struggles with heterochromia so I basically had to hide one eye at a time if I want to generate Blue Ink. Granted, it also fits how I imagine her eye working so I don’t mind too much but, still. Honestly, I think she came out pretty well! She also gets that protagonist ahoge!~“
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Blue Ink (Post-Borges)
“Yeesh, this thing also struggles with giving Ink a cool eyepatch. This was the best I can manage after a while. Still, you get to see her black eye here and I really look how stoic she comes across here. This is an Ink after her talk with K and learning the truth.”
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“The girl of the hour! She’s not an actual cow! Ahem, anywho, Kudan actually has a description of what she looked like in volume 2. This being being long black hair, the white dress and, yeah, the black eyes. Erm. Yeaaaah, I couldn’t make the cow-like eyes so they’re regularly black instead. Honestly, I just chalk up the eyes to unreality exaggeration. Still, since Blue Ink was actually the Kudan, I modelled her after such description. Suzuhiko’s eyes and hair is also a reference to their supposed familial relationship(?)...I think they’re still siblings regardless? Bah, a story for another day!~”
And thus, the cast of Danganronpa Togami is complete...right? Well...sort of!~ I got a bonus in mind for later on! Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed!~
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 4 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 11 (Summary)
@coolacejudge​ Your question gets answered in this summary!
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​
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Both eyes were bloodshot. A long tongue like a snake stuck out of her mouth. Giggling and laughing loudly while waving scissors in both hands. This person seemed to be Toko Fukawa, but it wasn’t. What's going on here? I didn't know such a person. The "Super High School Level Literary Girl", the one known as Toko Fukawa, would never do this kind of thing. At the same time, Suzuhiko was excited for some silly reason. 
What came out of his mouth were: "It's scissors... Their weapon is scissors, wow, it's great!" 
It seemed that there was only one normal person here.
Toko jumped quite high and landed on the car.
"DING DING DING! I’m the Super High School Level Murderer, Genocider Syo!! Kyeehahahahahaha"
Shinobu tries to talk to her, namely by using the name of Toko Fukawa, but Syo is having none of it and demands to be called Genocider Syo. Shinobu complies and asks what she’s doing here. Syo says she is under orders from Byakua Togami. Well, to be specific, she’s just following orders from a piece of paper he wrote. When asked about his location she turns hostile and shoots it right back if they know where he is. She also notices Suzuhiko’s rising bloodlust. Suzuhiko comments that it’s rather unexpected for such a famous serial killer to be a liberal arts girl, and Syo comments he must be the SHSL Hitman. With that being said, talk is cheap to her and they both start fighting.
They are so quick and striking so hard that Shinobu finds it hard to keep up with them. Syo moves and strikes with her scissors, and Suzuhiko blocks and counters each time at an incredible speed. Both of them share a laugh at how thrilling the fight is, being content to being locked in such an epic battle. Syo remarks that Byakuya is free to move to a certain extent, and that they are just pawns in this game.
Shinobu is glad to hear Byakuya is ok, when suddenly Kazuya appears and asks what is going on. “Hope's Peak reinforcements…” is all Shinobu could say. Kazuya wishes they would both take each other out… before asking if he was talking too much. Shinobu promptly points out how he was nearly killed by a bomb moments before. Isn’t it obvious?
Kazuya, somehow, takes this as her being good to him…before asking if Suzuhiko looks a little tired. After a while, Genocider Syo hits Suzuhiko really hard, making him fall to the ground. Genocider and him banter about how he’s gotten old and, in the midst of all their song referencing and frenemy talk, Shinobu realizes that Suzuhiko was no longer the murdererous, psychopathic brother that he was four years ago. Admittedly, she is somewhat saddened by this. Suzuhiko talks about growth and how he accepted the way he has grown, but Syo is not having the same thoughts. She jumps up and prepares to finish Suzuhiko off, but Kazuya interrupts and saves Suzuhiko with his lightsaber.
"Brother, what are you doing? A high school girl has spent so much time on you. You don't usually do this."
Kazuya was very unpleasantly narrowing his eyes and glanced at the reorganization of the situation.
"Don't mind it, Kazuya! I just wanted to try it once."
"A character that has been very powerful before will, once a new character appears, immediately becomes a jobber. I wanted to try that. To develop the plot!"
"You are still playing around..."
Suzuhiko remarks that an adult can have just as much imagination as a kid does and asks why Kazuya saved him, to which he says he just didn’t want to see him so weak. Genocider is gushing over the appearance of Kazuya… though she points out it seems as though he’s ripping off Byakuya. Kazuya asserts he is not ripping off Byakuya and that he is Byakuya. Needless to say, Genocider does not take too kindly to that and the fight goes into a two on one. During it, Genocider takes note of Kazuya’s saber and wonders if he got permission from George Lucas [1] to use it, or to be accurate, wonder what the heck is it. Kazuya claims it is his ‘talent’ but Syo has none of it and makes fun of him further. 
“I sentence you to death for copyright infringement!!” says Genocider Syo towards Kazuya.
Still with the combination of both Suzuhiko and Kazuya, she is, eventually, backed into a corner. However, just before they can kill her… a gunshot rings out.
The world was frozen. My intention here isn’t to express any cheap effect, but everything really stopped moving. My mouth was wide open like an idiot. Both Genocider Syo and Kazuya stood still. In front of Kazuya, Suzuhiko stood with open arms as the red blood on his chest slowly dripped down.The flow of time started again... Then began the sound of total ‘awkwardness’. The sound of the knife falling from the hand of Suzuhiko. Suzhiko’s eyes flew wide open. He moved his hand to his chest as if he was in slow motion. He looked at the blood on his hand, whispered "What is this?", and then fell down. Then the world was back to normal...
The sword disappeared from the hands of Kazuya. He wanted to lift our fallen brother from off the ground but Suzuhiko groaned in the throat and pushed him away. During this trip, I have seen countless deaths all the way, so I can see that the former “Super High School Level Hitman", Suzhiko Otsuki, my brother, has been fatally wounded. 
False, fake, fake, my brother is going to die? My brother ruled me, even if he wasn’t there. The brother who has been constantly putting pressure on me, is he going to die? How could this happen? How can I believe this kind of thing? In the face of this nightmare, I was dizzy.
Genocider Syo is disappointed with this ending and says that it’s a good thing that the killer is hiding in the car’s trunk or she would have already killed them. She points towards the old Skoda car. Kazuya looks at the car and sees that the trunk is slightly open and a gun’s barrel is poking out of it.
The reaction of Kazuya was exceptionally rapid. Before the second bullet was fired from the muzzle, he had rushed up with his cane and stabbed the car’s trunk, not once or twice, but countless times, countless times, countless times and then some. Blood was sprayed from the gap in the trunk. However, Kazuya seemed to be unsatisfied, he dragged out the stab riddled Yuika Ketouin from the trunk and cut her head like a clumsy executioner. After her head was separated from her body, the octopus on her head finally moved, but Kazuya stabbed without mercy. The octopus spat out a little ink and died.
Kazuya returns to Suzuhiko’s side and is begging for the hitman to stay with him. Suzuhiko, possibly due to the blood entering his trachea, refuses to speak up (something that Shinobu interprets as him not wanting to sound weak or shameful in his final moments).
As Shinobu feels tears coming from her left eye and Kazuya keeps calling for Suzuhiko’s name, things become clear to Shinobu. Namely about Suzuhiko Otsuki’s identity.
“Big Brother Minoru…”
This sentence caused the fanciful armor of the imaginary skin to crack, and the truth hidden inside was smashed out. Yes, the name of this person is not Suzuhiko Otsuki. The name of the one who greeted me into their home and was kicked out of home, was not Suzuhiko Otsuki.
This is Minoru Oe [2]. That is the truth. Maybe it's because I don't have Borges so the memory is easier to wake up. At the place that my brother is going to die, I finally remembered the truth. I wanted to finally say a few words to him, so I built up the courage to lift my eyes... but my brother had already died. I truly think that my youth is now over.
I heard an untimely sneeze. Looking back, Toko was now the normal girl I'd known her as, and her eyes returned to her usual dark color. The familiar nervous face of hers shouted "How, how can I not do anything? I Can't believe she came out again..." She seemed to have been too flustered and did not notice us, so she began to climb the walls of the alley.
I took a deep breath, took the smell of my brother's blood into my body, and out again. After repeating this process several times, I recovered and calmed down so I stood and started to move. It didn’t make sense to stay in this hell again, no... I want to avoid making a more cruel hell. I am moving forward.
Kazuya chased behind me with his cane.
"I have to go, Byakuya-sama is waiting for me." Shinobu says, and to this, Kazuya questioned if she cared about Suzuhiko. She says she does love him, or to be specific she has to love him, if she didn’t there was no way she could have accepted the ‘violent love’ he brought. In a way, this love for him is also a confirmation that she exists and does have a past even if the feeling is quite negative and out of self-defense. She knows it’s wrong but it is the only thing she had left. Without that, who even is she?
"But sister... don't you want to shed tears for him?" asked Kazuya to which Shinobu refused.
"I won't shed tears for him. This is the only revenge I can get."
Kazuya asks if he can come with her, but Shinobu says this is something that has to be done alone.
"I don't want to be Cinderella," I stopped. "I am not a princess, I am tired of this. Kazuya, you and your brother want to keep me locked in a castle, but I am not happy at all. I also have my own way to go."
Kazuya begs for her to take him with her. He wants to reach a conclusion with Byakuya. Shinobu concludes that even after all this time, even after taking a new identity and becoming a high ranking WHO member, Kazuya still can’t shake ties with the Togami Family. Ever since the Kuchinashi Village Fire and the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in the Togami Family, his future was burnt to a crisp and thus he’s been obsessed with defeating and becoming Byakuya Togami. Even now, he’s still chasing him. It’s the same with her. Even without Borges and Journey Under the Midnight Sun, she is just as obsessed with finding Byakuya Togami.
Even after four years have passed, in the end, I am still a child of the Togami’s.
"Yeah, in order to get rid of the gravitational pull of the Togami’s, maybe we really need to face the Togami’s..."
"Sister, where is Byakuya?"
"Prague Castle."
"What, how is that possible?!"
It’s no wonder that Kazuya is so shocked. Prague Castle is not only a representative building of the Czech Republic, but also the seat of the presidential palace. Byakuya Togami, who attempted to conquer the world is hidden inside the central institutions operating the entire Czech Republic. This is too far from common sense. However, when I heard the broadcast, I firmly believed that Byakuya must be in Prague Castle. Byakuya-sama is like reminding me that he said "a place that matches me", and there is no place in the Czech Republic except Prague Castle. There is no other choice. Byakuya-sama managed to escape the eyes and ears of the government, the police, and the UN army. He sneaked into the city. He was waiting for me there. This is definitely the case.
"If you want to enter Prague Castle, I think you will definitely need me," Kazuya said "I am now a WHO official, no one would dare to not listen to my words in Czech."
“Then when we go in you blockade the castle. Do not let anyone come in."
"I know. Well, let's go."
"Yes. I’ll stake the Togami name on it."
Prague Castle.
I went to that castle to escape my own castle.
Translation Notes:
[1] George Lucas George Walton Lucas Jr. is an American filmmaker, philanthropist and entrepreneur. Lucas is best known for creating the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises and founding Lucasfilm, LucasArts and Industrial Light & Magic. He served as chairman of Lucasfilm before selling it to The Walt Disney Company in 2012.
[2] Here is the Kanji for Minorus name. (大江稔)
[EX] Cut down a lot of the dialogue between Otsuki and Syo since it was a bunch of songs and references that I couldn't be bothered looking up. Just wait for a full translation whenever that happens. I'm sure you were more interested in the plot then some jokes anyway.
To Be Continued
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designdailynet · 2 years
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wickedhayn2591 · 8 years
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On January 16, 2014 at 9:31pm you came into this world. Granted we had to coax and get you out, but into this world you came at 10 pounds 8.1 ounces and 22 inches long. Your first 2 years have changed my life so profoundly; going into your third year I expect our lives to change even more. Luke Minoru Kamahoahoa Odin Metzger, you filled the empty spaces in my heart and soul that I didn't even know I had. You challenge me to be a better human being for you and you encourage me to raise you into someone I can be proud to let out into the world one day. You are so loved and will always be loved. Hau‘oli lā hānau iā ‘oe. Happy 3rd birthday to my big boy. Here's to many more moments and beautiful memories to come. #WeLoveYou #HappyBirthday #Lukes3rdBirthday #LukesMilestones #3YearsOld #Cutie #CutestKiddo #MyLove #GrowingUpSoFast #TimeFlies #HapaBoy #BlondeHawaiian #FirstSonOfAFirstSonOfAFirstSon #ProudMommy (at Disney Aulani Resort)
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jogopolitico · 6 years
Conheça os candidatos a senador pelo Acre
Conheça os candidatos a senador pelo Acre
Jorge Viana (PT) 1º suplente: Nazaré Araújo (PT) 2º suplente: Jamyr Rosas (Psol)
Jorge Viana nasceu em Rio Branco, é engenheiro florestal e tem 59 anos. Foi prefeito de Rio Branco e o primeiro a governar o Acre por oito anos consecutivos, entre 1999 e 2006. Foi eleito senador pela primeira vez em 2010, com 205 mil votos. Em 2013 e 2015 foi eleito vice-presidente do Senado.
Márcio Bittar (MDB) 1º suplente: Eduardo Velloso  (PR) 2º suplente: José Eugenio de Leão Braga (MDB)
Márcio Bittar tem 55 anos, é agropecuarista e nasceu em Franca (SP). Foi eleito deputado estadual em 1994 e deputado federal em 1998. Em 2002 concorreu ao Senado e em 2004  disputou a prefeitura de Rio Branco, mas foi derrotado nos dois pleitos. Conquistou seu segundo mandato de deputado federal em 2010.
Minoru Kinpara (Rede) 1º suplente: Joice Nobre (Rede Sustentabilidade) 2º suplente: Eudes Lima (Rede)
Minoru Martins Kinpara, 49 anos, é natural de Itapaci (GO). Ex-presidente estadual do Partido dos Trabalhadores, desde 1997 é professor efetivo da Universidade Federal do Acre e em 2012 tomou posse como reitor da UFAC.
Ney Amorim (PT) 1º suplente: João Albuquerque (PSB)2º suplente: Josué Amorim (PT) e Joviniana Alves (PT)
Josiney Alves Amorim tem 41 anos e nasceu em Rio Branco. Foi deputado estadual por três mandatos, sendo que, em 2014, foi reeleito com a maior votação da história do Acre. Também foi o primeiro petista a presidir a Assembleia do estado.
Pedrazza (PSL) 1º suplente: Frank Lima (PSL) 2º suplente: Sueli Bessa (PSL)
Paulo Luiz Pedrazza, 67 anos, é natural de Erechim (RS). É advogado, especialista em finanças públicas e sócio no escritório de advocacia Pedrazza Advogados. Foi presidente da Comissão de Licitação do Acre em 1997.
Petecão (PSD) 1º suplente: Maria das Vitórias (PSD) 2º suplente: Maria Alice (MDB)
Sérgio Petecão tem 58 anos e nasceu em Rio Branco. Empresário, foi eleito deputado estadual em 1994 e reeleito em 1998 e 2002, chegando a presidir a Assembleia Estadual do Acre. Em 2006, foi eleito deputado federal e, em 2010, foi eleito senador com a segunda maior votação no estado.
Fonte: Conheça os candidatos a senador pelo Acre
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 4 years
The official wiki for Danganronpa lists Minoru Oe as one of the characters. Who is this?
Actually you’ll meet him next summary, so look out for it!
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