#orvin elevator
shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Main Characters Cast Design Edition
So we’re finally here! The last post of this series dedicated to showing off Novel AI’s depictions of the main DRT cast! I hope you enjoy! doing this was quite fun!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!  
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Suzuhiko Otsuki (Minoru Oe)/Moleman
“First one up and he’s...already a doozy. You see, compared to Kazuya or Shinobu, Suzuhiko doesn’t have artwork (that we know of) or description. Thus, he’s in the realm of ‘making a design that best fits the character he’s filling for this trilogy’. In this case, with the thought of him acting as a NEET for a while, I gave him a black tracksuit, inspiration being gotten from the main characters of Konosuba and RE:Zero. His black hair and eyes stem from another character’s trait below. I imagine that, that Moleman would prefer keeping his mask on and trying to cover his face up with his hair and hat as much as possible, due to his reclusive style. Buuuut, Suzuhiko himself prefers everything to be loose, thus his hair is no longer parted, no need for a mask and his jacket’s pretty much partially off.”
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Kazuya Togami (Orvin Elevator)
“Eugh, this nutjob. Given how he’s Togami’s doppelgänger, his design is meant to reflect that, from the blondish hair to the similar suit...okay. Well, I couldn’t quite give him a matching suit due ot AI constraints, but the point still stands. Speaking of the suit, its grey in color as a reference to how both Byakuya and Sagishi where black and white suits, respectively. Golden eyes are reference to Borges, though only his right eye holds his actual Borges Think of his other golden eye just being a coincidence that worked out.”
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Shinobu “Blue Ink” Togami
“For our extra special main character, she gets some extra special variants! Now, Blue Ink’s design stems from a certain other one that is down below. Namely, her pale skin, long black hair (which Suzuhiko got) and black pupils come from said design. I gave her a blue jacket and skirt as I always thought it suited her. Now, concerning her eye, this AI struggles with heterochromia so I basically had to hide one eye at a time if I want to generate Blue Ink. Granted, it also fits how I imagine her eye working so I don’t mind too much but, still. Honestly, I think she came out pretty well! She also gets that protagonist ahoge!~“
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Blue Ink (Post-Borges)
“Yeesh, this thing also struggles with giving Ink a cool eyepatch. This was the best I can manage after a while. Still, you get to see her black eye here and I really look how stoic she comes across here. This is an Ink after her talk with K and learning the truth.”
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“The girl of the hour! She’s not an actual cow! Ahem, anywho, Kudan actually has a description of what she looked like in volume 2. This being being long black hair, the white dress and, yeah, the black eyes. Erm. Yeaaaah, I couldn’t make the cow-like eyes so they’re regularly black instead. Honestly, I just chalk up the eyes to unreality exaggeration. Still, since Blue Ink was actually the Kudan, I modelled her after such description. Suzuhiko’s eyes and hair is also a reference to their supposed familial relationship(?)...I think they’re still siblings regardless? Bah, a story for another day!~”
And thus, the cast of Danganronpa Togami is complete...right? Well...sort of!~ I got a bonus in mind for later on! Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed!~
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doctor-hopper · 9 months
danganronpa: komaeda will never and should never be a thing but i can’t stop thinking about it sometimes. the hypotheticals. dr: togami brought us despair high school (like hope’s peak but with blackjack and despair), a mukuro cult, a reality-rewriting ai, actual alien life (that’s kinda cute imho), and a guy named orvin elevator who took togami’s place. so i shudder to think of all the noncanon lore one could derive from the most danganronpa character of all
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Have you ever drawn Orvin Elevator actually with his own Borges and lightsaber arm? Since I don’t think anyone in the fandom has ever drawn him, now that I’m thinking on it: to note you would be the first to do so, were you to (draw him, that is).
I haven’t but I really want to! I want to start posting more togami light novel stuff but I feel like people wouldn’t recognize them since they don’t have designs yk? but I’m gonna draw him later with my own headcanons
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 4 years
Last time I asked about ranking the protagonists along with the spinoffs. Can you do a one with the antagonists?
Im going of the thought you soecifically mean like masterminds behind a thing so ill base it on that
1. Junko Enoshima (DR1, IF) how can it not be.
2. Tsumugi Shirogane (V2, V3) super interesting and also very pretty
3. Yasuke Matsuda (DR0) (using him instead of junko again since he was a major antagonistic force in the end)
4. Kyoka (KGS) its just kirigiri plant
5. Izuru Kamukura (DR2) god
6. Monaka Towa (UDG, UDH) crazy child
7. Mikado Shinsen (DRK) literally the grim reaper
8. Kazuo Tengan (DR3) his plan eould have worked if not for some dumbass factors he didnt take into account so he gets the bonk hammer
9. Shuji Fujigawa (DRGKK) just kinda stupid
10. Jutaro Akafuku (DRSF:MNWDE) kind of a nothing guy with some interesting ideas
11. Orvin Elevator (DRT) # Fuckazuya
Unless im dummy that should be it
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jinjojess · 6 years
Dangan Ronpa Togami Vol. 3 Part I
Happy Anniversary, DR Togami! In celebration, let’s get started on DRT3.
Because I’ve been asked several times, for this volume I will try to mostly straight translate everything, though we’ll see if I can keep that up in the middle section of the book when it gets extremely dense and theoretical. You may thank me for condensing there, haha. Either way, I’ll give it my all.
Another change from the usual style is that these updates are going to be much shorter. As rewarding as it is to dump a several-thousand-word summary on my blog and knock out a huge chunk of the book, it also takes a LOT of time to do, and it will be way easier for me to tackle things in smaller chunks, even if I’m translating every word.
Finally, my translator notes and personal reactions will still sneak in sometimes, probably [in this format.] If you want to skip them, feel free. References to real life places/people/historical events/etc. will remain links for you to check out on your own time later.
Anyway, please enjoy the first few pages of the book--I’ll try to be back with some more soon! Summaries of the other side novels can be found on this page. If you enjoy my translations and other content, please consider donating to my ko-fi.
Chapter 1: The Three Togami Byakuyas
It’s a simple story. One young man decided to try to take over the world. After many repeated extraordinary adventures, the young man got what he wanted and was able to return home safe and sound. And he lived happily ever after.
But here is the problem: which of the following young men is the protagonist of this story?
“I believe I’ve given everyone a slice of cake, no? Back during the Yalta Conference when the world was being split up, the president’s daughters prepared food to calm the atmosphere. Since we’re in a helicopter, a banquet is out of the question, but at the very least I can offer some cake…”
“Who cares about the cake? Let’s continue our conversation. After all, at the moment I am allowing you the right to lead.”
“Heh heh. What admirable conduct from you, Togami Byakuya. Well then, let’s get started, shall we? Nee-san, you eat up too. Please sample this sweet, saccharine cake--it’s American, filled with sugar and butter.”
A dreamy expression crossed the boy’s--Togami Kazuya’s--face.
And so began our discussion of world domination--over a tea set, under the watchful eye of countless gun muzzles, within a WHO helicopter.
In the four years since I’d seen my younger brother, he had grown so much that I barely recognized him. His thin frame had filled out with an appropriate amount of muscle, a sarcastic smile stretched across his lips, his eyes which had once been filled with constant fear now sparkled with self-confidence, and he now wore glasses that resembled Byakuya-sama’s. This young man who had only once referred to himself as Togami Byakuya was now brazenly exerting control over us, UN military forces in tow. He was certainly throwing his weight around.
Since I wasn’t restrained, I put a finger to my temple and accessed Borges, intending to get some information.
Borges Search Result #71009224 Data Type: Person Title “Togami Kazuya”
The perpetrator behind the Biggest, Worst Incident in the History of the Togami Family. He was the sole survivor of the Burning of Kuchinashi Village, but was raised by Furuhata Michiko as a legitimate son. No body was discovered during the large-scale search that followed the incident, but he was presumed deceased. He has had direct contact with Kudan. One of the top targets marked for assassination by the Togami Conglomerate. Is currently posing as Orvin Elevator, the adopted son of World Health Organization Infectious Disease Prevention Unit director Keith Elevator, and working as the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.
“Togami Byakuya. You are under arrest by the UN-affiliated organization WHO, and currently in our custody. We are acting in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter set out by the United Nations Security Council. Considering the weight of your crimes, they will require action on par with the International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslovia.”
“Hmph.” Despite being handcuffed, Byakuya-sama’s usual demeanor was unruffled. “If you are planning to treat me the same way as Pol Pot, I will not forgive that.”
“But you are the one spreading the seeds of massacre around the world, aren’t you?”
[Based on what I know about DanRon, no.]
“And do you intend to take me to the International Court of Justice as is?”
“Yes. We will cross the border from the Czech Republic into the Netherlands, and you will stand trial. Your crimes are heavy, Togami Byakuya, for trying to pick a fight with the world. Don’t forget that I could allow you to be lynched at this very moment to nary a complaint.”
“You certainly seem like you want to beat me.”
“I’m rational. I don’t intend to contribute to the violence you’ve brought upon the Czech Republic by drawing so many maniacs crazed with bloodlust.”
“What are you talking about, you ‘won’t contribute to violence’? With all of these guns here?”
“Think of the number of guns as an estimation of how dangerous you are.”
“If that’s the case, then there’s far too few.”
To my delight, the UN forces’ gun muzzles bobbed in surprise at Byakuya-sama’s uncharacteristic smile. Similarly pleased, Kazuya cheerfully responded with: “Don’t move, okay? Togami Byakuya.”
“Obviously. If I couldn’t keep still at a time like this, I would not be fit to be a Togami.”
“Well then, until we get you to the International Court of Justice so you can be stuffed into a cell, why don’t you enjoy this tea time with me?”
“If you do not remove these shackles, I won’t be able to teach you table manners.”
“Would you prefer to eat like a dog? I know you are revered as the SHSL Heir, Togami Byakuya, so it would certainly make for a good story, showing you eating like a mangy hound.”
“To think, such a powerless brat saying things like he’s part of society.”
Byakuya-sama, despite the handcuffs, skillfully pushed up his glasses with his fingers.
“Heh heh. But you see, I am already part of society. I’m the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.” Kazuya, as if to mimic Byakuya-sama, adjusted his glasses as well. “I’m much different from how I was four years ago.”
[That’s it for part one. Thanks for reading, and see you again soon!]
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valfeathers · 2 years
Is this the flashback Insane Decapitator Imposter Lightsaber Kazuya, or the modern-day WHO Captain Orvin Elevator Cyborg Lightsaber Kazuya?
i was going for orvin! flashback kazuya is a little less grown and a little less insane looking
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 4 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 14 (Summary) (Finale)
Finally finished! What an incredible journey. Stay til the end for my analysis!
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​​ @jinjojess​​ @hopeymchope​​ @ blackflirtlarping
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Coda - Byakuya-sama is God
Byakuya Togami is walking towards Hope Peak’s Academy.
There are other Super High School Level students who are walking around him. They are also on their way to school. Such a scene seems to say that talent itself does not have any privilege, which makes Byakuya happy. Their so-called talent is just a ticket, used to catch the train to victory. If they have no ticket, then they take a car. With no car, they can walk with their own feet. In order to make your life head towards victory, as what analyzing the data determines, it depends on personal effort. That’s what Byakuya believes.
There was an unspeakable voice behind him.
That is the voice of the Junko Enoshima, and she is from the 78th class of Hope’s Peak Academy just like Byakuya.
"Hello, Byakuya! You have such a pained look so early this morning! You are a hero! Can’t you be a little more heroic again? Hahaha!"
"Don't you know how to say a hello that sounds more suitable for the morning? I have a headache."
To be precise, a headache had started since he returned to Japan and continued to this day. For Togami who claimed to be "Super High School Level Perfection", health management mistakes should not exist.
"The voice of Junko is full of charm from morning to night! Anyways, I have a problem!"
"What is the problem?"
"Your life. Haven’t you been arrested or tried?"
"Oh, I am the one who saved the world."
That weekend, a young man, Orvin Elevator, triggered the "World Domination Proclamation" to make the world head towards destruction. The long-standing resentment and the naive desire to conquer the world drove him to carry out the incident.
Orvin Elevator pretending to be Byakuya Togami, using the power of being leader of the World Health Organization's Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Unit, spread seeds of chaos including the "Despair Novel" all around the world. However, he found the wrong opponent...at least Togami thought so from the bottom of his heart. Togami, who happened to be in the Czech Republic, experienced a series of extraordinary adventures, unveiled the truth of the "Despair Novel" and arrested Orvin Elevator, proving his innocence. In this way, he became the hero to save the world, but for Togami himself, this was just a slightly busy weekend.
The world is not over.
Conquering the world had not been successful.
Same as before.
"Speaking of which, saving the world is great!!" Enoshima put her face together. "To tell the truth, I really looked down on you before!"
"It’s very annoying to hear you say that so clearly."
"Although I didn't leave Japan, I was still also a partner who saved the world with you! Yeah, the smart and cute Junko earns another gold medal, all while working hard towards the next magazine! Gah, but there’s still no time to eat that popular pocky!!!” A noise came from the rear. Looking back, Sonia Nevermind was sitting on a golden cow cart that looked stupid. A boy with a hat and a fierce look was sweating and pulling the cart forward.
"Listen to me! I saved the king of the world! And the people of this world's heads were lifted higher than before and they all bowed and bowed and bowed!!!...Ah,aren’t they our juniors? Good Morning!"
Sonia poked her head out of the swaying cart.
"Hey, idiot princess, it’s so early you’ll wake the dead. Besides, and this is no boast by any means, it was just me who saved the world. You were just next to me."
"Togami, are you alone this morning?"
"I have always been a person to go to school alone."
"Yes, it looks like you have no friends at school."
"It’s very annoying to hear you say that so clearly."
"Hey, hey, hey - too heavy..." The boy who pulled the cow cart was about to get dizzy. "Ah, you, you misunderstood! I don't mean that Miss Sonia is too heavy. And, I don't want to use the face to feel the weight of Miss Sonia. Honest!"
"So Togami, I wish you a good day."
Sonia ignored the boy and waved her hand. The cow cart drove forward.Togami and Enoshima, who was still there, carried an unspeakable mood as they walked along the road leading to  Hope’s Peak Academy.
"This result...the world is still not over," after a while, Enoshima whispered. "I actually have some expectations."
"Is it true that you believe in eschatology?"
"That's not it. I think if the world really ends, I want to see what it is. Don’t you have such a desire?"
"No." He replied without hesitation. "A person who wants to see the end of the world just proves that person is dissatisfied with reality, just like the one who created the 'World Domination Proclamation"
"I forgot pretty much everything. What happened to the culprit of the incident?"
"I have forgotten the details...I only heard that he went mad in prison. He has been chanting some inexplicable words. Presumably, he is very difficult to appear in court for trial."
"What a boring end! Now I’m in despair!!"
On the other hand, Enoshima stretched out and suddenly found Ikusaba in front of them, "Oh, it’s my sister, alright Togami, see you at the classroom--" she says and ran off towards Ikusaba. Although the sisters did not look like each other, they looked very good together and they walked away.
Togami walked into the school. There were many students in the corridor. In the eyes of Togami, they are all dull in appearance without exception. Peaceful life, boring days, ordinary campus life. This boring scenery Togami is satisfied with. In this world of mediocrity and temptation, he is able to act quickly and he is satisfied.
He found a girl standing opposite the corridor waiting to be there. The girl wearing a Gothic Lolita style costume was his classmate Celes...or to be accurate, it was Celestia Ludenberg.
"Good morning, Togami. Your walking posture is as proud as usual."
"I don't want to be picky about my walking posture," Togami felt that there were a lot of people who greeted him today. "What about Yamada?"
"I am not always with Yamada-kun. Not to mention, I checked my account and my reward was received."
"Oh, a Togami never lies."
"This way I am one step closer to my dreams."
"Don't mention any dreams. The people I met this weekend liked to talk about their dreams. I have had enough of that topic."
"Then I’ll change the subject and give you a piece of advice before entering the classroom."
"The classmates in our class plan to hold a surprise party to celebrate you, Togami. The moment when you enter the classroom, you will be greeted with a lot of confetti, a lot of paper guns and a thank you on the blackboard. Togami-kun'."
"...A rare surprise. Why should you tell me specifically?"
"Was that an accident? I thought you didn’t like any surprises.”
"The activities planned by the fools are also the obligations of those who are in high positions."
"It's really sympathetic. Say Togami, have you heard that rumor?"
The tone of Celes changed.
"Rumor? What's the matter? Explain."
"Thanks to you, world peace has been restored...but the gunpowder-like 'Parade' is still going on, and it is hard to say whether there will be another incident similar to this in the future, so the school has strengthened its guards in order shield itself against despair.Togami, you should have heard the rumors of the 'Hope’s Peak Academy Shelter Project'?"
“'The Hope’s Peak Academy Shelter Project'?”
"In order to protect the students they’ll turn the campus into a fortress. That is the rumor."
"This joke is not very clever, and the idea is too outdated."
That was his feeling from the bottom of his heart. The countermeasures made in the movies filmed during the Cold War would be better than this.
"In my opinion, this is not a joke. I don't care if the world is ruined, but if the world is over, things will be troubled because my dreams have not yet been realized."
"Oh, don't worry about that, as long as I am there, the world will not end."
"Ha ha."
"What's so funny?"
"No, just thinking of something funny..." Celes pressed her head. "As long as I try to think about what happened in the Czech Republic, I get a migraine. It must be because the time spent with Yamada was too long. In order to vent some pressure, I’ll have to scold him."
Having finished all that she wanted to say Celes left. As he walked up the stairs, Togami intended to think about the "Hope’s Peak Academy Shelter Project" that he just heard about, but his thoughts were a mess. His own thinking became dull, which gave Togami a sense of unease. He, finally, went to the classroom.
Then he discovered Toko Fukawa.
With a gloomy expression on her face, Fukawa walked forward and complained: "Why, why do people want to move things?" Looking at it, she held a cardboard box in her hands.
"Fukawa, what is in the box?"
"No strange noises, I am asking you what is in the box."
"B-B-B-Byakuya this is...a cat’s body!!"
"I picked it up by the river!"
"Is it a gadget intended to surprise me?"
"You! How do you know!?"
"Don't think there is any concealment in front of Togami."
Togami replied before the cardboard box fell from the hand of Fukawa. She lowered her head in frustration. The gloomy expression was deteriorating further. The long braids hung down on the floor of the corridor, and her whole body revealed intense sadness.
"It's finished ————.......I proposed this 'Big Battle Plan To Hold A Surprise Party In Order To Grasp The Heart Of Byakuya-sama'. I couldn’t stop myself from leaking it, and I don’t even know why I leaked it. It is completely over. What----"
"I have heard about it already."
"My veins are not enough. I really want to cut my hands..."
"Oh, don't worry, Fukawa, there will be a surprise party."
"It is also my duty to make fools happy."
"Are you really going to it with that kind of reaction? ."
"Oh, hehehehehehehehehehehe, Byakuya-sama You are too gentle, really, really!! I can’t bear it!, The mouth of my uterus has opened ————...!"
Fukawa's eyes turned into heart-shapes. With a smile on her face, she tried to pick up the box, but suddenly she screamed and held her wrist.
"Are you hurt?"
"Yes...my wrist is sprained. It seemed  to have been hurt in the Czech Republic. D-Definitely from the guy behind it...hey, why did this happen to me?"
"Regardless, you have completed your mission. Although you may not remember it."
"Is that right?"
"You have contributed to my work."
"You are too polite. Even if you didn't have me, you solved this incident perfectly."
"That is, of course, correct. Having said that, I was only able to solve the ‘World Domination Proclamation’ because this task happened to me at the right time. If the position or situation at that time was different, the protagonist would not have been me. The act of saving the world was just good opportunity
"You have saved the world, yet you’re so modest! How great!--...!"
"Don't come near me."
"I will follow you forever!"
"Don't drool."
"As long as the body fluid is of Byakuya-sama, I can drink it!"
"Don't say such a terrible thing. Will you try even now to make a move on me with your hand sprained?"
"Yeah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah?!"
"How old are you? So noisy. What happened this time?"
"This, this gentle composition of Byakuya-sama is going on 100% ! Am...am I dreaming?" Fukawa pulled her face to its limit. "Still, it's looking as if the world might be facing rapid destruction by almost next week's time. What do you think??"
"If it really becomes like that, it will be your turn to protect the world. You will prove it to me that the word 'hope' in you is not for show."
"I can't do that kind of thing...all I can do is be beside Byakuya-sama, everywhere, just like the air."
"Which air will you express yourself as?"
"I will become a vacuum! Become nothing!"
"Hey, listen, Fukawa. In quantum mechanics, a vacuum is not equal to nothingness."
"What are you talking about?"
"A vacuum will rise and fall, and the matter will continue to appear and disappear."
"I’m just a liberal arts student...I can't imagine it."
"I would like to make an analogy, for example, say your close friend is dead."
"Byakuya-sama, don't die!!"
"I said that it’s an analogy. Also, my relationship with you is not at all intimate." Togami said immediately. "You imagine that after the friend died, you walked into his room. This room is also a vacuum. There is only a table and a notebook used by this friend in the room. Of course, the friend is not in this room, but is that really the case? At the same time, you can feel the presence of the friend strongly even in this void.There is no complete nothingness in this world. It must be somewhere. Local observations, influences and impacts. Do you understand?"
"I don't have friends..."
"There is so much to say to you. Go into the classroom."
Togami bent down and tried to move the cardboard box out. Something fell out of the chest pocket of his jacket.
It was a pen.
Perhaps it was because of the impact when it fell, the blue ink came out from the edge of the pen cover and flowed like a girl's tears. Togami watched the ink spread across the hallway, and a gentle feeling appeared in his brain, like a gentle touch by angel's feathers. It was just a matter of a short moment, and the memory of Togami soon returned.
But that was it. Just like waking up from a long dream, just like watching a long story, soon there was nothing left.
The End
Works Referenced:
“To entertain the reader, I have written interesting and informative nonsense. That said, some readers may fancy themselves intellectuals for thinking "interesting and informative? that means pointless!"...while feeling in their heart of hearts "it was interesting and informative". While I may have written this book pointlessly, nevertheless what I am telling you is the truth. I have lured in readers with amusing themes, deliberately cut down any challenging passages, and arranged everything in superficial sentences, all of this was intentional to further the aim of "standing up to reality". I will not let that be written off as "pointless". To any readers who engrave that idea into their heart and want to learn more, there is nowhere to turn but the original texts these pages allude to works in and out (Inner and Apocrypha) of the Buddhist canon, so by all means read them.” -Jien, Jottings of a Fool (Gukanshō) [Authors Liberal Translation] [1]
Kazutaka Kodaka, Rui Komatsuzaki, “Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc”, Spike, 2010
Same Author, “Danganronpa/Zero”, Volume 1 and 2, Seikaisha FICTIONS, 2011
Same Author, “Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair” Spike Chunsoft, 2012
Same Author, “Ultra Despair Girls Danganronpa Another Episode” Spike Chunsoft 2014
Seiji Kishi, “Danganronpa: The Animation” Supervised by Kazutaka Kodaka, Lerche, 2013
Takekuni Kitayama, “Danganronpa Kirigiri”, Volume 1-3 (of 7) Seikaisha FICTIONS, 2013-2020
“Danganronpa THE STAGE ~Kibō no Gakuen to Zetsubō no Kōkōsei” Supervised by Kazutaka Kodaka, CORNFLAKES, 2014
“Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubō Gakuen THE STAGE” Supervised by Kazutaka Kodaka, CORNFLAKES, 2015
“Danganronpa THE STAGE 2016 ~Kibō no Gakuen to Zetsubō no Kōkōsei” Supervised by Kazutaka Kodaka, CORNFLAKES, 2016
Daniel Alarcón, “At Night We Walk in Circles” Translated by Fuji Hikaru, 2016
Project Itoh, “Genocidal Organ”, Hayakawa SF Series J-Collection, 2007
Same Author, “Harmony”, Hayakawa SF Series J-Collection, 2008
Same Author, “Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots”, Kadokawa Shoten, 2008
Imaeda Yoshiro, “Japanese Buddhism seen from Bhutan Buddhism”, NHK books, 2005
Imagawa Yasuhiro, “Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still”, Bandai Visual and others, 1992-1998
Meron Uminekozawa, “『World’s End X Book End』A Story About Books, Forever (Collection)” Kadokawa Bunko, 2015
Kazuo Umezu, “My Name is Shingo”, Shogakukan, 1983 to 1986
Kenzaburo Oe, “Death Of A Political Youth”, Shinchosha, 1962
Same Author, “The Silent Cry”,1988, Kodansha Literature Library, 1988
Masachi Osawa, “Origin of Sociality”, Book, Kodansha, 2013~
Same Author, “Quantum Social Philosophy: Cats Say Revolution Saves the Past”, Kodansha, 2010
Eiji Otsuka, “Tsuguhiko Kadokawa and The Age Of Media Mixing”, https://sai-zen-sen.jp/editors/blog/works/kadokawatsuguhiko/?page=3, Frontline, Kadokawa, 2014~
Atsushi Onami, “Illustrated Hand Weapons”, Shinkigensha, 2006
Shinobu Orikuchi, “The Book of the Dead”, Whistle Collection, Iwanami Bunko, 2010
Chohei Kambayashi, “Enemy Pirates * Pirate Edition”, Hayakawa Bunko, 1983
Same Author, “Kototsubo”, Chuko Bunko, 2000
Same Author, “Ima shūgōteki muishiki o”, Hayakawa Bunko, 2012
Alfonso Cuarón, “Gravity”, Heyday Films, 2013
Natsuhiko Kyogoku, “The Summer of the Ubume”, Kodansha Novels, 1994
Yosuke Kurode, “Magical Girl Pretty Sammy”, Fujimi Fantasia Bunko, 1995
Milan Kundera, “The Art Of The Novel”, Translated by Yoshinari Nishinaga, Iwanami Bunko, 2016
Hideo Kojima, “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain”, Kojima Productions, 2015
Yuya Sato, “Flicker Style - Kagami Family Saga 1”, Kodansha Novels, 2001
Same Author, “Specific Gravity of the Soul Coated with Enamel - Kagami Family Saga 2”, Kodansha Novels, 2001
Same Author, “Sunken Piano - Kagami Family Saga 3”, Kodansha Novels, 2002
Same Author, “Kagami Sisters in the Flying Classroom - Kagami Family Saga 4”, Kodansha Novels, 2005
Same Author, “Cream Sodium Cyanide - Kagami Family Saga 5”, Kodansha Novels, 2009
Tha Blue Herb, “Stilling, Still Dreaming”, Real Life Recordings, 2002
S-nery, “School Girls Don’t Wake From Dreams”, BMG Victor, 1996
Sayawaka, “The Age Of Us And Idols”, Seikaisha Shinso, 2015
William Shakespeare, “Richard III”, Translated by Tsuneari Fukuda, Shincho Bunko, 1974
Jien, “Jottings of a Fool (Gukanshō)”, Japanese Classical Literature 86, Proofread by Masao Okami and Toshihide Akamatsu, Iwanami Bunko, 1967
Same Author, “Jottings of a Fool (Gukanshō) Modern Language Translation”, Kazuo Osumi, Kodansha Academic Library, 2012
Harald Stümpke, “The Snouters: Form and Life of the Rhinogrades”, Translated by Toshitaka Hidaka and Setsuko Haneda, Heibonsha, 1999
Cordwainer Smith “Norstrilia - Instrumentality of Mankind Series”, Translated by Hisashi Asakura, Hayakawa Bunko, 1987
Munehaya Taga “Jien - People Series”, Japanese Historical Society, Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 1959
Ivan Turgenev “Ahibiki” Collection, Translated by Futabatei Shimei, Iwanami Library, 1955
Paul Tibbit, “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water”, Paramount Animation, 2015
Yoshiyuki Tomino, “Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation | 1-3”, Sunrise, 2005-2006
Same Author, “Gundam Reconguista in G”, Sunrise, 2014
Tori Miki, “Pasiphae’s Banquet”, Chikuma Shubansha, 2006
Nakano Minoru, “Revolution”, (Modern Political Science Series 4), Takashi Inoguchi, University of Tokyo Press,1989
Norihito Nakayashiki, “Amanojaku”, Kakikūkyaku Theater Company, 2015
Same Author, “Ripe Richard III - Female Shakespeare 007”, Kakikūkyaku Theater Company, 2015
Osamu Hashimoto, “In Search of Lost Modernity 1- Birth of a Word Matching Body”, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2010
DJ Hazu feat. Ill-Bosstino, “Nora Inu”, Victor Entertainment, 2002
Laurent Binet, “HHhH”, Translated By Kei Takahashi, Tokyo Sogensha, 2013
Toru Fukasawa, “Truth and Lies of Gukanshō - Beyond Self-referencing Historical Narratives”, Shinwasha, 2006
Seth Fried, “The Great Frustration”, Translated by Fuji Hikaru, Shicho Crest Books, 2014
Ulrich Beck, “World at Risk”, Translated by Shimamura Kenichi, Chikuma Library, 2010
Eric Hoffer, “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements”, Translated by Masaaki Takane, Books Kinokuniya, 1969
Same Author, “The Temper of Our Time”, Translated by Kojin Karatani, Shobunsha, 1972
Munesuke Mita, “Jiga no kigen: Ai to egoizumu no dōbutsu shakaigaku”, Iwanami Modern Library, 2008
Yutaka Maya, “Winged Darkness: The Last Case of Mercator Ayu”, Kodansha Novels, 1993
Same Author, “Summer and Winter Sonata”, Kodansha Novels, 1993
Saiichi Maruya, “Yokoshigure”, Kodansha Literature Library, 1989
Mix JUICE, “The IJIN-DEN Genius Law”, Lantis, 2003
Yumeno Kyūsaku, “Dogura Magra”, Kadokawa Bunko, 1976
Same Author, “Bizarre Song - Yumeno Hisaku Complete Works 7”, San-ichi Publishing, 1970
Jonathan Littell, “The Kindly Ones”, Multiple Translation Credits, Shueisha, 2011
Aruco Czech, “How To Walk The Earth 15”, Edited by Diamond Big, 2011
“No. 56 in Fantasy Literature - Kudan” Atelier OCTA, 1999
“Basic Knowledge of Guns - From Gun Viewing to History, Construction and Ballistic Science”, Translated by Hiroaki Kobayashi, Gakken Publishing, 2008
“For Japanese - Japanese Literature Complete Works 30”, Edited by Natsuki Ikezawa, Kawade Shobo Shinsa, 2016
Translation notes:
[1]Jien, Jottings of a Fool (Gukanshō), is a historical and literary work about the history of Japan. Seven volumes in length, it was composed by Buddhist priest Jien of the Tendai sect c. 1220. The author uses this quote to compare Danganronpa to buddhism which is quite funny but only if you understand the context.
Translators Afterward and Analysis:
Heyo, SeriousSeiko of Dr Medic’s Game Surgery here! Thanks so much for reading this terrible translation summary I made with some editing help by other people! Hopeful DRT2 and 3 will get proper full translations someday, as I know for certain I don't do it justice. The intricate way it's written and wordplay is just completely lost in english unfortunately. In the end i think Danganronpa Togami is my favourite spinoff for sure. The way it starts off with just a tonne of weird crap that gets pretty much completely explained in a believable way (unlike Killer Killer, which adds a tonne of weird crap and doesn't explain anything at all.), it is just satisfying to me. Anything weird can just be talked up to misinterpreted perception. That also includes the Moleman portions as we know suzuhiko would go as far to trick anyone with false thoughts and monologues too. Octopus helmets? Unreality. Melting disguise suits? Unreality. So from now on is mere speculation on my part but if you wanna hear my thoughts and theories, here you go.
First off: Who are the Ketouins, Hasegawa Research Institute, and many other of the new characters seemingly introduced really. As you might have guessed, they are part of the K2K systems Unreality, but what does that mean really? To put it simply, the K2K system has been fed the Kagami Family Saga novels and is creating a spinoff story based on that. I actually own all of the novels too so here is some information my smooth brain can gleam from short summaries and such. 
Yep, so basically these 5 + 1 books are somewhat “Meta Prequels” to Danganronpa Togami (all mentioned in the credits, except for “Nine Stories” which is a short story collection). If you are familiar with Jorge Joestar, it's similar to how it's connected to the Japan Detectives Club, and Maijoverse as Meta Prequels. Funnily enough JDC gets mentioned in the first book, alongside some other Maijoverse books/characters too. I guess Yuya Sato is a fan of Otaro Maijo.
Back to the topic on hand, what is a big theme in the above books? Well in this collection of murder mysterious, there is a mysterious talent/ability some people posses which are known as Kudan Abilities. The Hasegawa Research Institute has been trying to make Artificial Kudans, and has developed special Cattle Killers, such as Taeko, in order to be able to fight against Kudans. 
Basically, I believe there is no such thing as a Kudan in Danganronpa, and it is just leftover Unreality juice from Borges. In this case it probably is just referring to Shinobu's extraordinary ability to predict things. I would go ahead and say if the Ultimate Analyst was brought up in the book, she would almost definitely have been called a Kudan by Borges too, at least that's what I think. After all, the Ultimate Despair (or Despair high School as Borges was mistakenly identifying them as) only needs one of those in their possession to work for them, they don't need the good guys to have one too. Here is Naomi, Sana and Taeko BTW.
Now as we have an idea of who Taeko and her group really were, and who the Kagami’s really were, how about the Ketouins? Well I have an interesting theory. First of here is an image of Hiroyuki and Yuika. I believe that Hiroyuki and Yuika are Kazuya and Shinobu. The real ones who “died”. Just so much lines up if this was the case. Why they were in Prague, how they are treated, why they were so unceremoniously killed off, and literally everything Hiroyuki said about himself, and why Blue Ink would “know” him. Now obviously we now know that the flashback in Volume 2 was a bunch of fabricated memories meant for Blue Ink and Orvin, so we don’t really know what happened in it. Byakuya said in his FTEs that officially the togami family was killed, but they were merely just banished. Everything would just line up nicely. Obviously that is just speculation but it makes sense.
So, who then, is the anonymous man known as Orvin Elevator. That one is pretty simple, it is likely he is the researcher who went mad when K, (Likely Milan Kundera, if you hadn't guessed by this point), was helping out with the Bible Plan at Hope's Peak. As for Satomi Aoba, you know she survives anyway in the end anyway, I would have liked a how, but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. 
And just to get meta, surprisingly this went uncredited, so it might just be a massive coincidence, but there is a book by Vladmir Nabokov called “Despair (novel)”, and is about a man who meets his doppleganger while travelling in Prague.
Now let's talk about Reality. What can we take away from DRT as definitely real. Well unfortunately the only thing we know for certain without any meddling by K2K is the third coda, after “Journey Under The Midnight Sun” ended. So here is the situation, I am fairly certain everything up until that point is “Byakuya's Journey In Prague But Brought To You By Michael Bay aka K2K System Ver2.3 Special Blu-ray Edition”. Meaning basically, not even the moleman chapters can be counted, as it's merely a literary reconstruction of events. 
As we are told, Molemans own soliloquies aren’t even safe due to the fact the “reader” needs to also be tricked alongside everyone else in order to advance the story to get to his target, by any means necessary. Which would be incredibly meta, if not for the fact that it is most likely actually a literal “fake book” in itself, written by K2K. (Oh yeah, TVTropes, that interlude in book 1 was also K2K, so can you please remove that derogatory statement about Sato flaunting his ego or whatever, maybe do some of your own research next time before flinging slander around.)
So really, the only thing we can really definitively put on a wiki under true events is what happens we are told in the third coda. Everything else is likely fabricated, or malformed in some way, some more so than others, but there is no way for us to know, as is the way it is with Pure Literature. Only the author knows the true meaning of a text within that genre, if it really does have any meaning.
All the best to the spirit of the original.
If there really is such a thing.
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Translation dedicated to the unnamed, one-eyed Cinderella, who lost everything and received only a fate worse than death itself.
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 9 (Summary)
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ 
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CHAPTER 14- I Don't Want To Be Like Cinderella
The city of a hundred spires. The city with fingers of rain. The hometown of medieval rock. The spells carved on the forehead of golems. The story of the headless templar. The legend of the sword hidden at the pier. The sound of the military boots that once stepped on the cobblestone. Kafka’s lifetime. The aftertaste of the Baroque dream. "Pravda vitezi". My eye of the typhoon. All now at the center of the world. [1-9]
I am back.
Shinobu goes back to Prague. There, many UN soldiers are patrolling every corner of the city. Compared to them, the number of citizens who walk outside is very small. Shinobu wants to break through the soldiers to save Byakuya, but without Borges it would be impossible.
There are only a few cars, so she thinks she would draw too much attention with the old Skoda. She decides to leave the car and hide somewhere. It shouldn’t be hard since the city is basically a big maze. She walks on the stone road while paying attention to not being spotted by the soldiers. Shinobu wishes she could go back to the time when she wasn't worrying about her existence collapsing in on itself, when the concept of “I” hadn’t died. Immersed in the sweet memories of the never-ending, a poster flying with the wind lands at her feet reading:
 “Emergency Declaration:
 1. Byakuya Togami and his accomplices have breached containment at our convoy.
 2. Assisting in the arrest of Byakuya Togami and his accomplices will grant bonus awards; if you hide or assist Byakuya Togami, or if you don’t report spotting Byakuya Togami, you will be severely punished.
 3. It is forbidden to harm or kill Byakuya Togami and his accomplices.
 4. Now that Prague has declared a strict martial law State of Emergency, the specific details are as follows:
a. It is forbidden to go out at night before the situation subsides, no exceptions.
b. Restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and other recreational facilities are closed without exception.
c. Those who violate the ban at night and do not immediately identify themselves will be arrested on the spot.
d. Other regulations will be published through posters, broadcasts and other channels.”
 -Orvin Elevator, Captain of the World Health Organization Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Unit
 Looking around, Shinobu sees that several posters have been hung all over the city.
She wonders why the WHO wants to keep Prague under lock and key. Was it because it was the origin of everything that has happened so far? Or...was it because they know Byakuya is somewhere within the city? She couldn’t say at this point, so she decided to move forward. She arrives at the Strahov Monastery [10], known for containing pieces like the Dodo specimen, located near the Hunger Wall [11]. Shinobu theorizes if she can pass through the courtyard of the Monastery she’ll be able to reach her destination and Byakuya. However, the problem was that it would probably be heavily guarded. Since she lacks an invisibility cloak...or any sneakiness for that matter she feels as though she’s gonna have to win by using her wisdom alone. She starts thinking but realizes her ideas aren’t going to necessarily pan out in her favor. Call the police? Working with WHO. Get a disguise? Shops are closed and the few people out here would make dressing up a waste of time.
Not to mention all potential allies she could have used are gone now. Hiroyuki Ketouin? Dead. Pennyworth and the Needle Force? Not equipped to handle this. The 78th class which came to Prague (Sakura, Celeste and Hifumi)? No word on them after they escaped arrest. It was up to her and her alone.
In the gradual expansion of despair, the observations that tend to be hopeful will bring death.
“It’s so pointless. How utterly despairing.”
However, with the knowledge of war movies and video games at her disposal, Shinobu continues onwards crawling and hiding behind things like flower beds, even thinking of watching out for security cameras even though there didn’t seem to be any around. She notes at that point that losing Borges she also may have lost the grasp of her character at that point. As a consequence of her ‘everything is a battlefield’ mentality, this results in getting herself stuck hiding behind a flower bed and unwilling to pop out unless she finds a good opportunity to do so.
At this time, in the silent city of Prague, the sound of an engine suddenly roared. I decided to believe my instincts and rushed out of the flower bed and quickly passed through the courtyard. I hid in the bush next to me and observed the road outside the courtyard. A jeep turned over the road along the Vltava River and drove towards me. The United Nations soldiers saw the jeep and saluted. judging by that, whoever is in that car should be someone in a high position. The moment the jeep passed by the bush, I saw someone I was very familiar with in the car.
My mind was in chaos as I was watching the jeep disappear out of my vision. Under the protection of UN soldiers, my brothers are sitting side by side in the city of Prague...? The two of them always had their own differing opinions on me. It was hard to imagine that these two people would shake hands and talk, and it was impossible for Suzuhiko to lose to Kazuya. He must have come to an agreement with Kazuya. That is to say, an agreement for Kazuya to recruit Suzuhiko, he held off his own self-esteem in order to find me and Byakuya Togami. For the object that he once was so hostile and did not hide his desire for challenge, he now shook his tail. While feeling guilty about this and Kazuya, I also learned a truth from it: in order to achieve the goal, I can’t take it now. The means of choice.
The jeep disappeared, and the United Nations soldiers stopped saluting and resumed patrolling. I turned back into the garden, went the other way out, and rushed into the alley. I once again chose to believe in my own consciousness, ran for a while, and finally found the jeep parked in the corner of the alley. Since I returned to Prague, I have only seen the one jeep just now, so I think this is the same one as they were sitting in. There was no one in the car. I was going to hide in the car before they both came back, but the jeep was too narrow and there was no place for me to hide. At this time, my ears caught unsuspecting footsteps. I thanked that Prague’s roads were made from cobblestone, followed the footsteps and found the back of the person I was looking for. I did not hesitate to say "Wait!".
When he turned around, his expression was a little surprised, and it seemed that he was not surprised by me, but that I actually appeared on my own. Suzuhiko concealed that rare expression with a smile, and still made unsuspecting footsteps approaching me.
"No use, Shinobu. Is anyone else gonna come out from playing hide-and-seek, halfway through the hiding like that?" snarks Suzuhiko. 
"I don't want to hide any more."
"Well, it looks like it. Then, what's the matter?"
"Let me say something first."
"Be my companion."
Translation Notes:
[1] Prague is also called the "City of a Hundred Spires", based on a count by 19th century mathematician Bernard Bolzano; today's count is estimated by the Prague Information Service at 500.
[2] The city with fingers of rain: Prague with Fingers of Rain is a book written by  Vítězslav Nezval in 1936, showing off the many sides of life in Prague. Mixing real and surreal, Nezval evokes life's contradictoriness in a series of psalm-like poems of puzzled love and generous humanity.
[3] The hometown of medieval rock refers to the buskers of the city playing a unique genre of music to collect money.
[4] The spells carved on the forehead of golems. The most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late 16th century rabbi of Prague, also known as the Maharal, who reportedly "created a golem out of clay from the banks of the Vltava River and brought it to life through rituals and Hebrew incantations to defend the Prague ghetto from anti-Semitic attacks" and pogroms. Depending on the version of the legend, the Jews in Prague were to be either expelled or killed under the rule of Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor. 
[5] The story of the headless templar. According to legend, a headless Knight Templar rides a magnificent white horse carrying his own head. He appears on the cobbles of Liliova Street between midnight and 1:00 o’clock. His ghost is doomed to roam the city until someone is brave enough to stab the Knight through the heart with his own sword. Some claim to have seen the ghost – and some have even claimed the horse kicked them.
[6] The legend of the sword hidden at the pier is referring to the legend of Bruncvik’s sword. Bruncvik was an adventurer who came across a magic sword who would kill at just the command of the user. It is a story of tragedy with the sword ending up hidden near Charles Bridge in Prague.
[7] The sound of the military boots that once stepped on the cobblestone is referencing the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. 
[8] The aftertaste of the Baroque dream is referring to the type of architecture used commonly throughout Prague's beautifully designed cities. 
[9] "Pravda vitezi" meaning “Truth Prevails” is the national motto of the Czech Republic.
[10] Strahov Monastery is a Premonstratensian abbey founded in 1143 by Jindřich Zdík, Bishop John of Prague, and Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia. It is located in Strahov, Prague, Czech Republic.
[11] The Hunger Wall is a medieval defensive wall of the Lesser Town of Prague, today's Czech Republic. It was built on Petřín Hill between 1360 and 1362 by order of Charles IV. Marl from quarries on Petřín Hill was used as construction material. The purpose of the construction was to strengthen the fortifications of Prague Castle and Malá Strana against any attack from the west or south. Originally the wall was 4 to 4.5 metres high and 1.8 metres wide and was equipped with battlements and (probably) eight bastions.
To Be Continued
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 1 (Summary)
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ for helping out! Merry Christmas!
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Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 - I'd Stake The Togami Name On It
In terms of the development of talent, we are still in the experimental stage because we do not know how to cultivate talent.
(Eric Hofer, "The Temper of Our Time") [0]
This text was written using the following note-taking system.
K2K System ver2.3
Pseudo books, bad books, and popular books. I think that one must often tolerate these in a world rife with copies of copies of manuscripts. I am left speechless by the solidity and sheer veracity of a system.
Therefore, my job is only to add or delete a few things.
I am very aware of my place, I will hold onto my spirit until the very end.
I pray for the soul of the original.
That is, if there is such a thing.
CHAPTER 11- The Three Byakuya Togamis
It’s a simple story. One young man decided to try to take over the world. After many repeated extraordinary adventures, the young man got what he wanted and was able to return home safe and sound. And he lived happily ever after.
But here is the problem: which of the following young men is the protagonist of this story?
“I believe I’ve given everyone a slice of cake, no? Back during the Yalta Conference [1] when the world was being split up, the president’s daughters prepared food to calm the atmosphere. Since we’re in a helicopter, a banquet is out of the question, but at the very least I can offer some cake…”
“Who cares about the cake? Let’s continue our conversation. After all, at the moment I am allowing you the right to lead.”
“Heh heh. What admirable conduct from you, Byakuya Togami. Well then, let’s get started, shall we? Nee-san, you eat up too. Please sample this sweet, saccharine cake–it’s American, filled with sugar and butter.”
A dreamy expression crossed the boy’s–Kazuya Togami’s–face.
And so began our discussion of world domination–over a tea set, under the watchful eye of countless gun muzzles, within a WHO helicopter.
In the four years since I’d seen my younger brother, he had grown so much that I barely recognized him. His thin frame had filled out with an appropriate amount of muscle, a sarcastic smile stretched across his lips, his eyes which had once been filled with constant fear now sparkled with self-confidence, and he now wore glasses that resembled Byakuya-sama’s. This young man who had only once referred to himself as Byakuya Togami was now brazenly exerting control over us, UN military forces in tow. He was certainly throwing his weight around.
Since I wasn’t restrained, I put a finger to my temple and accessed Borges, intending to get some information.
Borges Search Result
Data Type: Person
Title “Kazuya Togami”
The perpetrator behind the Biggest, Worst Incident in the History of the Togami Family. He was the sole survivor of the Burning of Kuchinashi Village, but was raised by Michiko Furuhata as a legitimate son. No body was discovered during the large-scale search that followed the incident, but he was presumed deceased. He has had direct contact with Kudan. One of the top targets marked for assassination by the Togami Conglomerate. Is currently posing as Orvin Elevator, the adopted son of World Health Organization Infectious Disease Prevention Unit director Keith Elevator, and working as the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.
“Byakuya Togami. You are under arrest by the UN-affiliated organization WHO, and currently in our custody. We are acting in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter [2] set out by the United Nations Security Council. Considering the weight of your crimes, they will require action on par with the International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslavia.” [3]
“Hmph.” Despite being handcuffed, Byakuya-sama’s usual demeanor was unruffled. “If you are planning to treat me the same way as Pol Pot, I will not forgive that.” [4]
“But you are the one spreading the seeds of massacre around the world, aren’t you?”
“And do you intend to take me to the International Court of Justice as is?” [5]
“Yes. We will cross the border from the Czech Republic into the Netherlands, and you will stand trial. Your crimes are heavy, Byakuya Togami, for trying to pick a fight with the world. Don’t forget that I could allow you to be lynched at this very moment to nary a complaint.”
“You certainly seem like you want to beat me.”
“I’m rational. I don’t intend to contribute to the violence you’ve brought upon the Czech Republic by drawing so many maniacs crazed with bloodlust.”
“What are you talking about, you ‘won’t contribute to violence?’ With all of these guns here?”
“Think of the number of guns as an estimation of how dangerous you are.”
“If that’s the case, then there’s far too few.”
To my delight, the UN forces’ gun muzzles bobbed in surprise at Byakuya-sama’s uncharacteristic smile. Similarly pleased, Kazuya cheerfully responded with: “Don’t move, okay? Byakuya Togami.”
“Obviously. If I couldn’t keep still at a time like this, I would not be fit to be a Togami.”
“Well then, until we get you to the International Court of Justice so you can be stuffed into a cell, why don’t you enjoy this tea time with me?”
“If you do not remove these shackles, I won’t be able to teach you table manners.”
“Would you prefer to eat like a dog? I know you are revered as the SHSL Heir, Byakuya Togami, so it would certainly make for a good story, showing you eating like a mangy hound.” [6]
“To think, such a powerless brat saying things like he’s part of society.”
Byakuya-sama, despite the handcuffs, skillfully pushed up his glasses with his fingers.
“Heh heh. But you see, I am already part of society. I’m the captain of the WHO Infectious Disease Prevention Unit’s task force.” [7] Kazuya, as if to mimic Byakuya-sama, adjusted his glasses as well. “I’m much different from how I was four years ago.”
(Thanks to Jinjojess for the translation up to this point).
“Listen here boy, if you want to have a tea party, how about at least some tea talk? Tell me how much the WHO has this current state of affairs under control.” Byakuya asks Kazuya, and he begins.
"The situation has progressed to the following stage: The 'Despair Disease' can now be spread without the 'Despair Novel'. This is why the tragedy in that village occurred just now.”
Byakuya mocks him by saying that the ‘tragedy’ in the village wasn’t brought about by the disease but by them massacring everyone without distinction. Kazuya retorts calling them all trash and all he did was throw the rubbish away, so there is no big deal. Shinobu thinks to herself that it might be her fault Kazuya turned out this way.
Kazuya then declares that Hope’s Peak Academy is also under investigation, since the Despair Novel was written there.
During the investigation, continues Kazuya, they found out that the academy is secretly working on two projects: the “Sage Plan” and the “Bible Plan”. Kazuya says both names have religious connotations, which is ironic considering Hope’s Peak is a school that worships hope as a god.
He still doesn’t have enough information on the “Sage Plan”, [8] but he says that apparently the Despair Novel was written using the system of the “Bible Plan”. The “Bible Plan” consists of an AI which studies all the books and stories in the world to create a Bible which will bring hope to people just by reading it. The data that the AI works on are input by SHSL such as SHSL science fiction writer, SHSL oral inheritor', SHSL light novel writer, SHSL folk story collector etc.
"What do you think Hope’s Peak Academy is most afraid of? Is it human extinction?"
"No, it is human despair."
"That's right, whether it's a giant meteorite or a nuclear war, I hope that the academy will not budge, but if at that time, human beings are in despair, give up their struggles, give up hope... they will be intolerable.”
Byakuya says that he is boring and to go to a bookstore to buy some actually well written books. Kazuya goes on to say that since they couldn’t touch the hearts of all humans, that they instead, let an AI create a story that could. Shinobu is confused and wants to take headache medicine, but Byakuya is simply and utterly bored by the idea. Kazuya says it’s not in an AIs essence to defeat humanity, such as in Go or Chess and that Byakuya’s way of thinking is backward.
"I will say it is 'boring' on the premise of correctly estimating AI capabilities. No matter how good an AI is, one thing is that it can't be done anyway."
"I would appreciate further details."
"That is 'creation', if you don't have the ability to create, you can't write a story."
Kazuya retorts saying that it has no need to as since it has analysed narratives for so long, it has merely become an algorithmic process. He points out that it’s the same as Dr. Victor Frankenstein’s story: they tried to play God and as a result they created a monster. As Kazuya puts it, "People often compare Dr. Victor to God who is the Creator, and the monster is used to compare with Adam, created by God. However, this contrast quickly collapsed. Dr. Victor as a human being imitated God's behavior, the result is a terrible monster, a monster will only kill everywhere. The story writing AI is also a fake God, it and The Bible that was created, are just a strange monster."
After listening to the talk of Kazuya, the expression of Byakuya became very smug, he took a sip of black tea and said, "Let us not stick to these old literary theories."
"Listen, Dr. Victor who created the monster, and God who created human beings, the situation is exactly the same. If you ask why, it is because both sides have encountered unexpected situations. Isn't it? Yes, that is the death of Christ. Is Christ as God's own being killed on the cross, is this also within God's plan? If Dr. Victor is a rebel to God, then God is also a traitor to God Himself; if Dr. Victor is guilty, then God is. Just like this, after the negation is denied, the result is that God and Dr. Victor are put on the line. In essence, they are equals. Since you are a student of Hope’s Peak Academy, you should know these things in advance."
"It seems that you have read a lot of Zizek's [9] books, but in any case, the books written by anarchists can't save humans. This motive makes me very displeased."
“It’s a third-rate motive to let an AI write a Bible out of fear of human despair. When Hope’s Peak Academy was subjected to this boring uneasiness, they were already poisoned by despair, which is like making a doctor who got a cold force the patient to give him an injection."
After Kazuya and Byakuya throw witty insults at each other, they both look over at the guy next to Byakuya, stuffing his face with food.
*Chew chew*
It may be because their hands are cuffed, or just because they are too greedy, but Imposter is buried in the cake, eating like a pig. He seemed to find it hard to notice that he was caught up in the crowd and slowly lifted his face. His face and glasses were covered with cake. Kazuya calls out to Ultimate “Mr. Pig” Imposter.
“Mr. Pig,” says Kazuya. “To be a student at Hope’s Peak Academy, having ties with those who those who took the ‘Bible Plan’ system and started the “World Domination Proclamation”...who are you?”
To all of this the Imposter responds with this:
"Pardon me but, since you aren’t eating those carbs, give them to me."
Shinobu wonders about who the Imposter is, originally thinking he might be with Kazuya, she dismisses the idea. Is it possible that Imposter shares some sort of relationship with Byakuya, then.
The Impostor snorts and tells everyone to don’t bother trying to figure out their true identity and they are  just a teenager. Even when Kazuya asks how many people have joined Super High School Level Despair or if they were the ones who are behind inciting the Reserve Course to to hold their “Parade”, they merely dodge answering it.
“I just said you don’t have to think about my identity. I am just…yes, I am just chasing a star.”
Byakuya seemed to looked bored as he gazed at the Imposter. “What do mean by chasing the stars? Explain it to me.” he ordered. 
“I have been paying attention to you. To me you are the ‘Super High School Level Heir’, a symbol of Hope. It is because you are that symbol of Hope that I will fall into despair.”
“How twisted. Also, deal with the cream on your face.”
The Impostor tells the real Byakuya that they should eliminate the WHO, which doesn’t have anything to do with the story, and then start once again the battle between Hope’s Peak Academy and the Despair High School. Shinobu compares this to a girl rejoicing after they confessed their love to their crush and she becomes somewhat embarrassed upon seeing it. 
Byakuya-sama is God. 
Shinobu believes this to be the absolute truth of the world, though it doesn’t need to be expressed in such a way like what the Imposter is doing. Shinobu is also quite unhappy that other people are now declaring it as truth as she believed that “fact” was her own personal secret. But Kazuya says that the Impostor is the one who doesn’t have anything to do with the story since he is just a fake pig. The Imposter shoots this back at him as Kazuya being the one no one wants to see and that he can’t even match up as an imposter himself. Imposter equates Kazuya’s skills as a fake to a worm. The Imposter then tells him to heed these words and go back home.
"I have been taken away, my hometown, my name, and my life. It is all gone. There is no place for me to be able to return. No matter what people say to me, I will stand in front." Kazuya says.
"Tell me one thing, is life interesting being robbed by others? Hometown, name, life, and even your beloved sister. Has losing all of those made life interesting?" taunts the Imposter with a smile.
The Imposter’s ironic smile makes Shinobu want to vomit, as it reminds her of Kazuya and she avoids their sight. Since the Imposter isn’t Kazuya, she has no idea what to make of them.
Kazuya looks at Byakuya and asks him to return his sister and everything he stole from him, starting with the Kudan. The Imposter also gets in it out as well, since they desire the Kudan as well.This is because, at least how Shinobu sees it, since the Kudan is the secret behind the Togami’s family prosperity:
If you can’t get it, even if you don’t understand it, you can’t really become Byakuya Togami.
“Answer me, Mr. Authentic, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
“Answer me, Byakuya Togami, where is the ‘Kudan’?”
As both demand it, Shinobu notes that the two seems to be acting less like those who want to become Byakuya Togami, but rather those who want to become his enemy.
Byakuya answers that he sealed the Kudan away, since he doesn’t need it to dominate the world. As such, Kazuya demands it back since he found it, though Byakuya believes the knowledge of the Kudan’s prophecy is worthless since the future can’t be changed regardless of one knowing or not. While this is happening, Shinobu looks up information about the Kudan. 
Borges = Search Results
Classification data
Title "About the various Kudans (short version)"
It seems that you do not understand the meaning of the prophecy.
No matter how many methods are tried and how many means are used, it cannot stop it. This is the prophecy.
——TORI MIKI's Banquet in Parsifal [10]
Kazuya argues that even if one is destined for failure, they would still be able to minimize the loss thanks to the Kudan’s prophecy given him a warning. Byakuya just insults him and calls him a defeatist that was needed to face reality. To prove his point, he then he wraps the handcuffs he is wearing around Shinobu’s neck, and pulls with strength. Shinobu however is loving it, because of how close Byakuya is.
"You have been escaping from reality all this time. I want you to see it clearly,” Byakuya says “Look carefully: this woman, ‘Blue Ink', belongs to me, so I can even treat her like this."
Byakuya-sama raised my head up and rubbed against my cheek. Ah, now i'm really sweating, this feels weird.
Kazuya’s exploding blood vessels appeared on his forehead, and hid glasses trembled without him having to touch them. No, his whole body was shaking, from the top of his head to his fingertips. This was, without a doubt, a sign of true madness. Kazuya’s body trembled, staring at us intently.
I heard such a voice, and in the next moment, the table was cut into two halves from the middle. The cake and the teacups flew around, and the fake Byakuya screamed with a clearly frustrated voice, "Gah, I haven't finished eating yet!"
Kazuya’s right hand… It’s the same...
The same light sword as that time.
My brothers and sisters, murdered in cold blood with that very sword.
"Your lives... are now in the palm of my hand. So, will you be dying now? Do you want to Die? Answer me."
"My my, what a strange sword that is. How did you manage to pull that party trick off."
"I cannot wait to slit your goddamn throat."
Kazuya approached us with that lightsaber in hand. Byakuya-sama, in Kazuya’s blind fury, whispered quietly into my ear.
“Wait for me.”
Then he finally let me go. Kazuya has snorted and repeatedly gasped in a mixture of pure anger and sexual excitement, restraining the impulse to use the sword on his hand immediately. His expression was so distorted, it looked like a twisted laugh.
"There is still a long time before we arrive in the Netherlands. Now, Shinobu, it’s only been for years since we last met, but let us continue where we left off… Nice and slowly…” [11]
Translation notes:
[0] Couldn’t find the actual quote in english but hopefully this will suffice.
[1] The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and code-named the Argonaut Conference, held February 4–11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe. The aim of the conference was to shape a post-war peace that represented not just a collective security order but a plan to give self-determination to the liberated peoples of post-Nazi Europe. The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. However, within a few short years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, Yalta became a subject of intense controversy.
[2] Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets out the UN Security Council's powers to maintain peace. It allows the Council to "determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" and to take military and nonmilitary action to "restore international peace and security". Chapter VII also gives the Military Staff Committee responsibility for strategic coordination of forces placed at the disposal of the UN Security Council. It is made up of the chiefs of staff of the five permanent members of the Council.
[3] The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was a United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990s. During its mandate, which lasted from 1993 - 2017, it irreversibly changed the landscape of international humanitarian law, provided victims an opportunity to voice the horrors they witnessed and experienced, and proved that those suspected of bearing the greatest responsibility for atrocities committed during armed conflicts can be called to account.
[4] Pol Pot was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea between 1976 and 1979. Ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and Khmer nationalist, he was a leading member of Cambodia's communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, from 1963 until 1997 and served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. Under his administration, Cambodia was converted into a one-party communist state governed according to Pol Pot's interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. 
[5] The International Court of Justice (ICJ),sometimes called the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ's primary functions are to settle international legal disputes submitted by states (contentious cases) and give advisory opinions on legal issues referred to it by the UN (advisory proceedings). Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law. It is located in The Hague, in The Netherlands.
[6] Japanese food culture believes that food is placed and eaten at a table. It’s extremely unsightly to lean over, or on the floor or elsewhere, because that is where dogs eat.
[7] The full name is the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit (IDCU).
[8] You don’t get an explanation for the sage plan so my guess is it's referring to Izuru. Also I wasn't sure if it’s actually translated as Sage Plan but thats what im going with for now.
[9] Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher, currently a researcher at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, and International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. He is also Global Eminent Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul. He works in subjects including continental philosophy, political theory, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, film criticism, Marxism, Hegelianism and theology.
[10] Parsifal is an opera in three acts by German composer Richard Wagner, who you would know for composing Suisei Nanamura’s ever favourite “Die Valkyrie”. It is loosely based on Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, a 13th-century epic poem of the Arthurian knight Parzival (Percival) and his quest for the Holy Grail (12th century). This exact book by TORI MIKI, however, does not exist, at least, not in this Reality.
[11] So it looks like you weren’t supposed to like Kazuya **AFTER ALL** TV Tropes?
To Be Continued.
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