#minus all of the brothers having said they’ve watched it in that one interview
viriborne · 1 year
I still wonder, with the Devilman references made sometimes in OM, whether Michael’s design is gonna reference Devilman’s Michael.
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Son of none
Based off this post: Aka Percy Weasley was abandoned by his family and I don’t think they realised just how much danger an 18 civilian blood traitor son would be when stuck behind enemy lines. Well never fear, a fic is here as if I don’t have any other drafts...any whoooo
Warning for blood, torture, self loathing. Mentions of bullying and neglect. Cursing.
(Also while writing this I was listening to Polaris by Natewantstobattle and...yeah if you want more angst while reading this listen to them and think of Percy :)  )
Percy deserved this.
Knowing that didn't change things. It didn’t make it easier to make it duck past the office that had once belonged to Barty Crouch Sr without feeling dread and greif. As harsh as the man could be and that he had not bothered to learn Percy's name... Percy still mourned his loss. For all that he was, Barty Crouch Sr had been a good man.
Life at the ministry taught him quickly, that kind of wizard was few and far between.
He wondered if the look Barty Crouch Sr had shared with his son before his death wax the same his father had shared with him the day he left.
Maybe it wasn't wise to compare yourself to a deranged murderer, but if that's the kind of wizard his family thought he was...
It was stern, drenched in spite that was not unlike his old potions professor. But sadly even Snapes treatment of him in class did not hold a candle to what was happening now.
Percy lifted his head, it felt heavy. Infact all of him felt that he was on fire. The figure infront of him came into focus, not that Perch could quite recall his name. Edward? No that didn't seem right. Not Edward was his wand in hand and looked very annoyed, his dark mark was on full display.
Percy became very well aware in that moment that he couldn't move. He was bound to a chair in a room that looked very much like a cellar. He was still in his ministry robes, though they were dirty and tattered and stained in something.
It took Percy longer than he should've to realise it was his own blood. Not that he knew where he was bleeding from. "You Gryffindors and your bloody stubbornness" sneered Not Edward, he was a broad man, towering over Percy.
"You're wasting my time, and yours of you don't hurry up and tell me where your family is hiding." Percy shook his head, defiantly even if his body protested at the sudden movement. "Like I said before, even if I did know, I would never tell you." 
And than Not Edward would shout profanities all the while using his subordinates to use Percy as target practice till he passed out. That had been the cycle for... Well he wasn't sure for how long. Apart from the first time when Percy had weaved a convincing story about the family heading to Romania to hide away with Charlie...a whole false hunt that ended with the brand he now had on his arm. 
But this time was different.
Not Edward smirked "thought you'd say that, no matter. We've found out how to get there attention, and they'll hand themselves over." Percy laughed, it was a strangled and it sent another wave of pain through his body.
Not Edward was still smirking, in fact if anything his confidence grew. "And better yet, you're going to the bait that brings them here." And that stopped Percy laughing at once, he was quieter. "What makes you think they'd come" the words were barely above a whisper that echoed throughout the room.
Not Edward (Percy really needed to learn this man's name for his own internal monologue's sake) rolled his eyes "don't pull that on me, you Weasely's are more attached than a bunch of grapes. Rest assured, they'll be coming one way or another."
With that he left. Percy tried not to think about the fact a death eater had more confidence in his families arrival than he did. His mind wandered to the day he left, guilt pooled in his stomach. No amount of head trauma would erase the disgust and rage in Arthur’s eyes, Percy knew at that moment he had lost all right to call the man father. 
He could never look him in the eye again, he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror without seeing him staring back. His mothers eyes haunted him, she’d been the only one to try to reach out but he had slammed that back in her face. Not that Percy should have been surprised, he’d always been a parasite. 
If anything they must’ve been relived to be rid of him. 
They wouldn’t come, he knew that. Than why did his heart race, did tears threaten to fall and his stomach churn at the thought? Percy thought of his siblings, young and old...they wouldn’t have given him a second thought. Fred and George would mourn the loss of their favourite target, but they would move on they all would if they hadn’t already. 
For Percy though, this was the end of the line. 
Weasley family dinners were always something else, Bill knew this better than most. He smiled to Fleur who sat at his side, amusement on her face as they both watched Molly do as she does best. It was organised chaos at its finest, and while Shell cottage was a far cry from the Burrow, somehow it all came together. Harry was laughing at a story Ginny and the twins were telling, Charlie and Hermione were actually helping Molly along with Arthur. 
But even with how familiar it was, it was missing a certain brother rolling his eyes at the story and telling the true ending to the annoyance of the twins. Who would than direct the others to helping out with dinner to there mothers amusement. 
Ever since the watch, a muggle watch at that had arrived on his wedding day, with no name for the sender but only Bill’s name signed by an all too familiar handwriting...Bill hadn’t been able to take his mind of his little brother. His absence at his wedding and just seeing him around the house stuck out like a sore thumb to Bill. He wasn’t the only one either, he could see how his Mum would pause her eyes searching before looking down and moving onto something else.
Much like now when she put down the plates and realised that she’d left a little extra to the side. “Mum, I get that you miss him but you can’t keep doing this. Percy’s not coming back” the first to say it was Charlie, his voice soft like he was talking to an irate dragon. “Good riddance” that came from Ginny, in that whisper that wasn’t even trying to be quiet. 
Instantly Molly became much like a dragon. “Ginevera Molly Weasley, don’t you dare speak about your brother like that!” She yelled, hot tears burning in her eyes. “Molly...” Interjected Arthur, putting a calming hand on his wife’s shoulder “you can’t blame her for her anger. Come on, let’s dig in.” And that should have been the end of it but Molly turned to him, her own temper boiling. 
“Don’t you start, Arthur. Don’t you tell me I should be sat eating dinner while my son is out all alone.” She spat. “Mum, it’s fine Percy’s probably having high tea with the new minister, talking about the importance of  cauldron bottoms” snickered Fred, “pfft yeah, just sat around telling the dark lord about his book report” agreed George. Bill frowned, as did Fleur but that was nothing compared to Molly. 
Her gaze hardened and the twins shut up instantly, they’d never seen her this mad. “I dont care if you hate him, I don’t care if this isn’t my home...you speak of my son following HIM, get out of my sight now.” She said, slumping into a nearby chair. Bill stood up, putting his own hand in his mums which she took gratefully. “Percy may be the most ambitious lion around, but he wouldn’t join you know who. He left to join the ministry because that's what he believed in, death eaters isn’t even in the equation.”
And Bill meant those words. More than he ever thought he would. 
“Though is there any difference between the death eaters and the ministry anymore?” Asked Harry, the place was filled with them after all. “Yeah? Might be but they’ve kept the employees, not that I know what’s going on in there anymore.” Said Arthur, adding his 2 galleon’s into the mix. “And there not going to take kindly to a Weasley” Said Hermione, making everyone look down as if they hadn’t just realised that. 
It didn’t matter if Percy had disowned himself, his family was very much publicly fighting the people he was now stuck with. 
And that was when fate decided to be extra cruel and the radio burst into life. 
“Greetings from the Ministry. Our daily transmission has already been received today but we have an exceptional treat for the wizarding public. We will be instead hosting an interview with one of our newest employees, give a hand folks to Percival Ignatius Weasley.”
Everyone in the room froze, and yet Ron who was the only one of the family minus Fleur not to speak, ran to the radio and put the volume as loud as he could. 
“Say hello your family, Percival.” Taunted the voice, it was very gleeful as it spoke. No response was heard. “Oh, silly me I forgot how many hours you young people work, not to worry let’s get him up boys.” 
A splash was heard and a shuddering scream. “Morning Percival, sorry do you prefer Percy? Don’t care, lets start the interview. So Percival, how are you finding the ministry?” Everyone sat with baited breathe.
And yet it was there Percy who, through shuddered breaths managed to whisper a “fuck you...fuck you and your ministry”
“Well that is very rude, and here I thought your mother would have taught you manners” “don’t...don’t you talk about her.” Said Percy, Molly broke down into tears and Bill held her close. Unable to tear his gaze from the radio, no one could. 
“What do you want to say them? I’m sure they’ve missed you. In fact, just for you we’ll be hosting a party. And there all invited to the ministry, so long as they bring a certain Mr Potter.” 
There was a silence before “don’t come...don’t. Whatever you do, don’t... it’s fine. I’m fine, I love it here.” He laughed, everyone cringed at the sound he made, as if he was choking. “It’s fine, don’t come...parties are overrated yeah.” The transmission started cutting off, Ron frantically along with the twins tried to get it working. 
They heard “too busy. Don’t come, Harry don’t...stay where you are!” Before the  transmission cut off.
No one could speak, horror was etched into all of there faces. The twins were scrabbling over themselves with wand in hand to track where the transmission had come from. 
The Ministry. 
“We’re going...now” said Molly, standing up. Her tears were gone, grabbing for her wand and coat. “Molly...be rationale, we need to plan this.” Said Arthur, Molly spun on her heel and glared. “I am not going to sit here while those...monsters torture MY son! Planning will take to long, did you hear him Arthur?! Did you hear your son crying out in pain...he doesn’t have long left...” Arthur looked down, unable to respond. 
Molly looked at the rest of the family, her gaze saying it all: You can come with me or you can stay. The first to stand was Bill, closely followed by Fleur who met his thankful gaze with a determined smile. Charlie and Ron were next, grabbing there wands with Harry and Hermione following. Ginny and the twins exchanged guilty looks but stood. Arthur couldn’t look at any of them, he simply picked up his wand. 
“Harry, I understand if you wish to stay” said Molly, he shook his head. “I might not know him well but Percy’s family 2...I cant sit here while you guys go even with the danger.” He replied, and somehow that was all it was, Percy was family...enough said. 
And so the family of lions got up and left, to find the one they left behind. 
Percy was terrified.
A part of him argued that he should be grateful they came at all for him. Maybe it was out of pity, out of ensuring that he wasn't able to be used against them.
Yes, that's all it was. He was nothing afterall, he was merely a civilian in a war.
And yet hearing Molly tearfully and frantically whisper his name. Hearing Hermione yell the counterspell to his imprisonment to Ron who did so perfectly. Seeing the light of spells cast by Ginny and the twins to stun Not Edward... (Who was apparently called Edgar... Eh close enough.)
Feeling Charlie carry him in his arms, mumbling curse words. Smelling Arthur's cologne.
It all felt right. It was warmth that he couldn't remember experiencing. It was enough to lull him to a facade that everything was fine.
But when his wounds were healed and he saw them all looking at him... Percy knew he had to shelf that dream. "I told you not to come" was the first thing he said, averting his gaze. (Couldn't look them in the eye)
"And you must've lost a few screws if you thought we wouldn't" said Bill, meeting Percy's gaze. "You shouldn't have" is all he replied. "And what, let you be killed by the ministry?" Gaped Ginny. Percy shrugged "wouldn't have made much difference, you've only gone and put yourselves in more danger."
"Are you... Are you fucking with us right now?" Asked Fred, incredously. "No, im too busy ranting about cauldron bottoms to do that." And if Fred paused, Percy didn't see it.
Seeing as no one was getting anyway, Bill sat beside Percy who immediately felt on edge. "Thanks for the watch" he said simply. Everyone blinked in confusion and than realisation as no one has known where Bill's new watch had come from. Percy smiled faintly "You're welcome, reminded me of you."
"Although, I do wish you could've gave it in person" continued Bill, testing the waters. Percy surprised him by shaking his head "no you wouldn't have. It was your day, I wasn't going to ruin it." Bill frowned "is that what you think?" Percy shrugged again "it's what I've been told."
"You are way to chill after being tortured" said Charlie, Percy looked at his bandaged arms and snorted. "Eh? It's nothing new. That guy was just there for the theatrics, sadist if you ask me." Charlie raised an eyebrow "nothing new?" Percy nodded "yeah, what you think the ministry that's so far up Voldermorts ass would allow me to work there without some 'interviews'."
Everyone paled.
"But than why stay there?" Asked Arthur, Percy froze. Steeling himself, switching from calm to panic to calm in an instant but they all saw. "I've got business there, things I need to get done and ensure are done. Speaking of which, thanks for the rescue but I should be off."
He didn't belong here. Not anymore.
"Percy, you can stay." Said Molly, already standing up to get his room prepared. "No, I can't. I have work, I have a duty... And I'm no longer part of this family." When he said that, Percy felt like the wind was knocked out of him but stood his ground. "Percy... That's not true.."
Percy met Arthur's gaze, his father's eyes. "Really? Than pray tell why did no one tell me you were all in hiding... Or a warning? And don't say it was impossible because I managed to send a parcel to a location I didn't even know about nor knew existed."
No one could answer that.
"I'll be off, and don't worry I won't tell them anything. Just do what you do best, and leave me alone." Arthur managed to grab Percy's wrist though he hissed in pain and pulled his arm back like he'd been burnt. "Don't.. Touch me, Arthur Weasely."
Arthur recoiled, Percy looked away. "I spent my whole life wanting to be someone you could be proud off...I listened to all the critism and yes I was a prat. But the moment I made my own choice you already made me aware I didn't belong in my own house. I’m sorry...that I’m not athletic like Ginny, I’m not smart like Ron or as successful as Bill and Charlie, I’m not a hero like a Ron or fun like Fred and George. That I’m just plain ol prat Percy.”
He began to walk away. Just like he did before.
"That choice was against following Dumbledor, turning against the light." Said Molly, wanting him to understand. Percy laughed, with no humour at all but glaring hard. Rage emanated from him.
"I'm sorry if I choose not to stand behind an old coot who routinely sends an abused boy to his abusers, who nearly got 3 11 yearolds killed because he wanted to weed out a possibility. Who nearly got thousands of children killed and did nothing to save Ginny with the chamber. The man who wouldn't give an innocent man a trial and got him sent to the worst prison for 12 years... Who put teenagers in a death game and let an underage kid join because why not. That man is a monster and I refuse to follow someone like that. But no that means I'm blindly following authority." He sneered, staring at them all.
"And the ministry? Because as corrupt and fucked up as it is I know I can do something. That changes can be made in the systems to benefit everyone, Dumbledor is someone who breeds child solider’s and let's a known abuser teach at his school and somehow I’m the only one who isn't okay with that."
And with that Percy left, no one knew what to say. They simply sat in silence, absorbing everything they just heard. Ginny thought about how Percy had profusely apologised after she was free from the chamber, how he’d made time for her since than. Ron thought of all the times they’d have an adventure and Percy would watch over them like a mother hen. 
Bill and Charlie recalled when Percy would still come to them for help before he started Hogwarts. When they found him bruised and broken from bullies except this was because of them. “He really thinks that doesn’t he...?” Said Fred, George nodded. Neither could smile, guilt pooled in their hearts that they didn’t think he felt like that. 
Molly sobbed for her son who was once again lost and Arthur wondered where he had gone wrong to lose his son all over again. 
Meanwhile Percy entered a muggle flat in London. Alone again just like he belonged, laying on his bed and looking at the brand on his arm.
'Son of none'
And if that didn't hurt most of all.
Suffice to say they all things to think about for when they’d meet again. 
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x12 Review
Second Chances was a lacklustre finale for an uneven season. Let’s dig in!
Earlier this week I re-watched S1 in preparation for the S2 finale and the contrast between the two seasons is jarring. In almost every way S2 has been worse and after seeing this finale I’m less optimistic that Tim will be able to fix the long list of things that have gone wrong. Tim has said in some of his interviews today that pretty much all of S2 was written before the pandemic and that they didn’t have to do as much re-writing as people might think due to the stringent safety measures Disney put in place. Of course, that removes an excuse for the bad writing we’ve seen so much of this season as according to Tim what we saw of S2 is largely what he envisioned minus big crowds and background dancers.
 Across his many interviews today, the one consistent point is that Tim does not have any real plans for future seasons; things like Ricky’s endgame he hasn’t decided on and he can’t even guarantee the summer season the finale sets up due to the weather in Salt Lake. I do think a S3 is an almost certainty given the show’s popularity but I’ll take Tim at his word that he truly doesn’t know if they’ll be renewed since it seems to be a new Disney tradition to wait until seasons are done airing before making a renewal decision (the same thing happened for the popular and well received Mighty Ducks: Game Changers which got a silent renewal only after all of S1 aired). That being said as poor of a season finale as Second Chances is it is also a terrible potential series finale. In large part it goes back to his lack of planning, he wants to keep all options open but in doing so Tim is crippling the show’s ability to deliver any pay offs or tie up loose ends.  
The one mostly well done plot line this season was Portwell which got a happy ending tonight as they canoned. The only good thing about the big brother angst was that it was so insane that it had to be addressed and sure enough it was and Gina got her first kiss with a guy she really liked. If Tim is to be believed the reason we didn’t get an on screen Portwell kiss was not because of their age difference or covid concerns but because he felt that everyone’s first kiss was different so he wanted it off screen so viewers could fill in the blanks themselves. Tim’s line of reasoning is profoundly stupid. Imagine if they had Jamie show up and he and Gina talked off screen and Tim tried to claim that because everyone has a different relationship with their own siblings that he wanted the audience to fill in the blanks as to how their conversation went!
Still we saw great character development on Gina and EJ’s part as both really grew from the people they were in S1. As Tim noted, EJ bringing Gina back in 1x10 was kind of the set up for this story line. The only thing missing was a brief Portwell scene sometime in eps 2x01-2x04 to set them up. The consistent development they got from 2x05-2x12 is unlike any other ship on the show; only Rini exceeds their development. 
Unfortunately I don’t think that will last in S3 because Tim will always favour Ricky over EJ and if he wants to do Rina he’ll dispose of Portwell before doing so. I was surprised that they never bothered to have Ricky and Gina have a conversation about Gina’s S1 confession. It was a huge mistake to have Gina pine over Ricky for half the season and it was no surprise that Gina’s story line got instantly better once she stopped interacting with Ricky. Tim has made clear in interviews that he’s still interested in the possibility of Rina which makes his poor writing of them even more bizarre. What conclusions are the audience supposed to draw from the Rina story line this season? That Ricky never cared that much about Gina? That it’s totally fine for the show if they don’t interact for 6 eps in a row? That Gina has moved on? I’ve said before that a wiser man than Tim would recognize that doing both Portwell and Rina will do tremendous damage to the show and he should pick one and not do the other. Of course he’s not that smart but it is wild how he’s accidentally written their story line to make for a perfect end to Rina. 
Second Chances was great and is the only part of the finale that would have been well suited to being part of a potential series finale. 
The Rini closure was a sad inverse of their S1 opening night confession. They’ve fallen so far from being the it couple of the series and I fear Tim doesn’t actually know what to do with them now. He really needs to decide if he’s tearing down that treehouse for real. 
The less said about the Valentine’s chocolates the better but at least Gina and Nini are cool again and Nini can explore her budding music career with Jamie’s help. Tim repeatedly said in interviews that the scripts about Nini’s music career were all written before Driver’s License came out and I think he understands that the audience is just going to see the show as copying from Olivia’s life. 
The wildcats just deciding to drop out of the Menkies was a lame cop out. Tim has said he always meant for that to happen though they were originally going to compete at the Menkies then drop out (presumably that’s where we would have heard Lily singing Home). Somebody should have mentioned the $50 000 prize money which the East High theatre department could surely use after Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara burned it down (remember that story line that had no consequences?). And that NYU scholarship could have been life changing for one of them and yet no one even brought  it up once this season. 
I did like the twist that it was EJ and his dad who got Mazzara into Caltech. He’d be a fool not to take it but I’m glad he confessed to Miss Jenn. She’s had a really rough season and I hope she redeems herself in S3.
Howie was acting so weird tonight and last ep that I have a hard time believing he was really so awed by Kourtney’s talent rather than feeling guilty for helping to steal the harness. The harness is another useless plot device; there are no consequences for Lily stealing it, she’s not caught, East High pulls off another version of the transformation off screen, and then East High withdraws from the Menkies anyways. Doubtless the harness will eventually come up to serve Rily angst. 
At least Lily was straightforward, I’ll give her that. She has such an odd way of speaking, almost child like. As awful as it is there is potential for a forbidden/secret romance story line with Rily. It really does not speak well to Ricky’s character that he’s so easily fallen for Lily’s act when he has no reason to trust her and she never apologized for making fun of Big Red during the auditions or making Ashlyn feel insecure during the dance off. 
The one way in which S2 was drastically better to S1 was in regards to the Seblos story line. Clearly Joe being bumped up to regular made a big difference. We got the first same-sex kiss between two boys and the first love song sung by one boy to another in Disney history and that is a legacy to be proud of. Of course, there was still some Disney censorship such as Carlos and Seblos being unable to use the word gay in the same ep that focused on Carlos singing In a Heartbeat to Seb. 
S1 of HSMTMTS had a clear direction, the wildcats would have to try and come together to stage High School Musical and Ricky and Nini would have to decide if they still had a future together while Gina and EJ had to work on being better versions of themselves. It was simple sure but it worked very well. There was a lot of heart but also a lot of humor and the show never took itself too seriously. What has S2 had? Beauty and the Beast was hardly the main focus of the cast or the writers and the central couple that S1 was built around is now broken up either for a long time or for good. There was a lot less of the meta moments that jokes that made S1 such a hit, for far too many eps this season the show took itself way too seriously. Hell even the lighting this season was darker than in S1. 
Olivia Rodrigo’s team had complained in a recent article that Olivia wouldn’t be able to potentially tour until fall 2022 due to her contractual commitments which is a sign that they think a S3 is very likely though I wonder how late S3 filming would have to start to keep her occupied until late 2022. There’s no confirmation of this but I thought it might be worth keeping an eye on; a post on r/hsmtmts by someone who claims to have a source working on production says that the plan is for S3 to be a summer theatre camp possibly with Camp Rock renditions and the plan for S4 is to jump 6 months ahead to the final semester of senior year and end with Ricky, Nini, Big Red, and Kourtney graduating from East High. They also say that part of the delay in the S3 announcement is a conflict between Tim and Disney executives. Tim wants to move production to LA and film on sets as it’s easier and cheaper while the Disney execs still want some on location shooting in Salt Lake. Again this is all unconfirmed but if it pans out it will represent a major shift in the series. 
Regardless if Tim wants the show to remain successful he needs start planning out what he wants to happen. He should not assume he’s getting more than 4 seasons. If the series gets a S3 but then is suddenly cancelled then how would he want all the main story lines to wrap up? And if they make it to S4 where does he see it ending? The graduation of the current juniors is a logical series ending point but if Tim wants to do something different he needs to start thinking of that now. I can’t say I’m excited anymore for S3 but I do really hope that Tim and his writers can turn things around and that will only happen if they recognize what they did wrong and learn from their mistakes. 
Until next season Wildcats
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milkybunbuns · 4 years
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iii. battles → previous →  perfection masterlist → next
w/c: 1.4 K
warnings: spoilers for season 1 episode 8, swearing
a/n: this series is such a slow burn dang, i just can’t bring myself to make y/n be with todoroki 24/7 but then by the time i finished typing everything i realise i have like 5 times more text than todoroki time udiswjokaq
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You found yourself heading to school on time, only to find a hoard of reporters standing outside the gates attempting to interview every student that passes by. Arms crossed across your chest, you were NOT going to budge until the damned reporters got out of the way. Like yeah, it’s your job, but aren’t you going too far? What a joke.
“L/n-san. Are you not going in?”, Todoroki appeared beside you magically, almost scaring you.
“Well what does it look like to you?”
Before even properly processing what he was saying, Todoroki blurted out, “Are you on your period L/n-san? Fuyumi told me this is what happens to females-”
“WHA AHSIJQKAOW”, you threw your hands towards his mouth trying to shut him up, “You don’t just say that to a female’s face!” Your outburst seemed to capture the attention of the press as they rushed towards the two of you, microphones sticking out and tripping over each other.
“Sorry L/n-san”, and with that he pushed through the crowd of reporters, entering the school and leaving you to face the hoard by yourself.
“TODOROKI YOU BITCH!” okay you didn’t have the guts to yell that out loud cause if that was caught on cameras you could pretty much say bye to your hero career smh. Maybe that was a bit exaggerated. Sighing, you took matters into your own hands, activating your quirk to cover most of your body in a bright light. “Okay guys!”, you smiled fakely, clapping your hands together, “This material around me is light energy and is super hot, I don’t really want anyone to get burnt today, so if you would all kindly back off and let me get through, that would be wonderful.”
The reporters surrounding you immediately backed off, a path clearing for you to walk through. Closest to the gates was Aizawa who looked quite tired, shooing away as many reporters as possible. “Thank you for the help L/n, but that does not mean you can use your quirk in public. You still don’t have your licence.”
“Alright Aizawa-sensei”, you nodded your head, walking through the gates with Aizawa following.
You flinched slightly, turning around to see what happened while Aizawa just kept walking forwards, not paying any mind to the sound. The gates had just shut, activating the defence system at the gates.
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“Okay everyone. Today we will be picking class representatives. This will be an extra way to gain recognition. Now do whatever you want until homeroom ends, just don’t bother me”, Aizawa immediately fell to the ground in his sleeping bag. Poor guy must’ve been so exhausted from shooing those nasty reporters away :((
Yells filled the room, everyone fired up to be representative, honestly, you had no want to do it and you weren’t responsible enough for sure.
“Calm down! We will do this is an orderly fashion!”, Iida exclaimed, robotic arms gestures following his words and the room quieted down for a moment.
“Kero, but won’t everyone just vote for themselves.”
“Precisely! That means that those who get more than one vote will be deemed suitable for representative.”
Names were hastily thrown into a random box then counted up, you had voted for Tsuyu cause she was such a nice person! Even though Iida would’ve been ideal, let’s just say you were biased towards Tsuyu since she’s basically your second friend at UA.
“And the class representative will be Midoriya with 3 votes and deputy will be Yaoyorozu with 2 votes.”
Silently, you were agreeing with Bakugo, minus the shitty part. I mean, Izuku, really? He was a nervous mess and a bundle of uncontrolled nerves, there was no way someone such as himself could lead when he could barely keep himself under control. But then again, who are you to complain, you ended up with 0 votes anyways.
“Okay home room is dismissed.”
Everyone hastily rushed out of the room, eager to see what was on Lunch Rush’s menu this time. Holding onto your tray of (favourite food) tightly to make sure that it wouldn’t get knocked over, you scanned the full cafeteria, deeming it too full for their to be space for yourself anywhere. Sighing, you hauled yourself into the seating area outside where it was slightly drizzling. There was a picnic bench under a tree which would at least provide some shelter from the rain. You stabbed your fork into the food, repeatedly stabbing all around it.
“L/n-san, may I join you?”, a cool voice made you look up from your food, to be met face to face with none other than Todoroki.
“Yeah, sure, take a seat”, you said, trying to act nonchalantly. You still hadn’t really forgiven him for the morning’s events.
And it was like he read your mind, “Look, if it’s about this morning’s situation, I am deeply sorry”, Todoroki could only stand so much awkward silence.
‘Okay whatever I forgive you.”
You swore you saw a small smile on his face and a sigh of relief, but Todoroki was seriously a tough nut to crack. The awkward silence turned into a calming one, as the two of you had your respective meals in peace. Neither could be bothered to make small talk, too much work.
You shot up from your seat, Todoroki doing the same not much after., “Let’s go, it’s probably not safe out here”, by now the rain had gotten heavier than before, “Take off your blazer and use it as an umbrella”, you facepalmed as Todoroki tried to follow you through the rain without any protection. He nodded, forming a temporary umbrella for himself.
“L/n-san, we should be going to check on the gates to see how they’ve broken in.”
“Are you out of your mind Todoroki!? If it’s a villain we’re doomed okay!?”
“To become a hero, you must face your fears.”
“I’m not scared of villains okay?”, you grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him into the building of UA.
“L/n. Why do you think this is called an evacuation, it means we have to get out not get back in”, he snatched his arm away from your grip, rushing his own way up the stairs.
You stood in shock for a moment before realising, “That’s just going deeper into the school Todoroki!”, but he had already walked off and could definitely not hear you. Without wasting a moment, you ran after him, stumbling over stairs and at the top there were 3 ways to go, left, right and straight. He’s probably gone back to class, the alarm’s stopped ringing, it means everything’s okay now. You took a turn to the left, passing by the staff room where you couldn’t help but notice a masked figure in the room with a black hoodie on. You slammed open the door, startling the figure.
“Who are you? I know for a fact that you aren’t one of the staff here”, a surge of confidence rushed through you, you were in UA, surrounded by heroes and high tech. If you yelled once, the man would be immediately apprehended.
“My name is none of your business and I wouldn’t be yelling for help if I were you, Takami Y/n~”, he dashed towards you, putting his fingers dangerously close to your throat, “Keep quiet about this, or I will find you and make you watch as I kill your brother. And then you will be next, or maybe I’ll let you live in pain and suffering”, he grinned under the hood, falling into a mist of darkness that spawned behind him.
You were left speechless, hands shaky and sweat uncontrollably forming on your palms.
“L/n-chan! What are you doing in there?”, you turned around, ready to start your quirk up, before heaving a sigh of relief. It was only Nejire fortunately. “Oh uhm Aizawa-sensei just sent me to grab some papers for him!”, you nervously replied, reaching behind you for a random handful of papers.
“Oh right! Are you okay? You seem a bit shaken up, though I mean I guess it makes sense since it’s still your first week here and there’s already been a level 3 security breach. I can take you back to class if you’d like?”
“Thank you for the offer but no thanks Nejire-senpai, I can walk there myself.”
“Okie dokes, see you later!”, she smiled brightly, walking off to her own class.
Sighing, you put the papers back onto the desk, trying to make them look how they did originally, before peeking your head out to make sure there was nobody near by, then walked towards 1-A looking as unbothered and calm as possible. Who was that man..should I still tell Aizawa-sensei...
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tagged: @awkwardangelthings​ @dyna-m1ght​ @chibishae34​ @vhskenma​
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kate-sinclaire · 5 years
hey, baby, I think I wanna marry you (maxwell x mc)
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Author note: The song “Marry You” by Bruno Mars randomly wedged itself into my mind, and I thought, “You know, this sounds like something Maxwell and MC would do.” So, voila. Enjoy!
 The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Maxwell x MC (Emily Beaumont)
 After their many, many attempts at pregnancy, Maxwell and Emily are lying in bed together, breathless, laughing. Emily brings up how different things are, now, compared to how they used to be. Maxwell brings up their wedding - their real wedding that happened in Las Vegas during one of their sneak outs. Most of the story is told through a flashback.
 PG-13; mature themes, nothing explicit.
Word Count: 2,192
TAGS: @itsbrindleybinch
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future TRR/TRH/Maxwell x MC posts :)
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios (minus, for the most part, Emily), I’m just borrowing them. Some events, however, may not be canonical, rather imaginative scenarios. I also do not own the image. Image found on weheartit.
Emily rolled over onto her back, breathlessly, and tilted her head to look at her husband. A grin spread across his face, and he rolled to his side to take in Emily completely. Whenever Maxwell looked at her, it was as though he was taking in the constellations for the first time, stunned and mesmerized by their beauty. He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes and closed his own, inhaling a deep breath of air.
Sleepily, he lifted propped his hand up with his elbow, and she struck it. Some people sleep after sex, others eat, Maxwell and Emily high-fived.
“That was a good one,” he remarked, his widespread smile returning. “Might be my favorite attempt so far.“
She laughed and cuddled into his side. He was always so warm and embraced her without hesitation. Not only was Emily married to the love of her life, but she was also married to her best friend. "You’ve been keeping track?”
He shrugged and absentmindedly ran a hand up and down her arm. “Hard not to, Em. Each time is better than the last.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head, and butterflies rushed through her stomach. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Max,” she smiled, brushing her lips on his arm. “It’s crazy how different things are now, isn’t it? It’s like, we were constantly attacked by terrorists, got married after I was kidnapped and we all almost died, and then boom. Suddenly we’re irresponsible because I’m not pregnant after one solid week on our honeymoon.”
“That’s politics, baby,” he said with a yawn.
“How do you feel about all this?” Emily asked, lifting her head up to make out his features. “I know it’s….a lot.”
“Honestly, it’s a little scary, but we’ve got each other. And I know that our baby is going to be awesome. He’ll basically be a mini version of both of us. The kid will be unstoppable.”
“First Cordonia,” Emily started, running her fingers through his hair.
“Then, the world.” He attempted a villainous laugh, but it ended up just being his regular laugh with more intensity. She gave him a light kiss on the lips and curled back into his arms. “Seriously, though. I believe in us. I know that we’ll be okay.” Maxwell gave her a reassuring squeeze, and she felt her fears dissipate.
“Favorite part of our journey so far. Go.”
“Strip Poker,” he answered almost immediately. She looked up at him incredulously, and he flashed a grin. No one should be allowed to be this cute, she thought.
“Try again,” she said as she began to run her fingers through his hair, massaging softly. He leaned back on the pillow, his body completely relaxing at her touch.
“Mmm…Red pandas,” he answered softly.
“That was pretty great,” she admitted, thinking of Pip and Pup back at the animal sanctuary that she apparently owned, now. Maxwell let out a small moan as she continued stroking and brushing.
“Actually, I wanna change my answer. I think the moments like these. When I get you all to myself. No politicians, no feelings of guilt, no pressure, no angry Bertrand,” he smiled, reflecting on his brother. “These moments are my favorite moments.” She stopped for a minute, taken aback. He never got this sentimental or this lovey, especially not after…royal duties. He glanced over at her somewhat anxiously. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, not at all,” she reassured, continuing back to the massage. “You said everything right.”
He beamed and wiggled his shoulders proudly. “Well, I am Maxwell Beaumont. Should you expect anything less?” A moment of comfortable silence passed, and Emily was almost positive that he was asleep until he asked, “What’s yours?”
She pursed her lips together thoughtfully. There had been so many things they’ve seen and done. It was hard for her to pick just one thing. Then it hit her. “The time we eloped in Vegas.”
“Oh, that almost makes me want to change my answer again,” he teased, prompting a playful nudge to his side. “I’m shocked you even remember that, to be honest.”
“I remember!” she promised, only half honest.
“I still can’t believe you stole a crown, Maxwell,” Emily giggled as they sneaked out of the hotel for, what, the third time that night? He shrugged, his teeth nibbling at his bottom. It was clear that he was proud of himself.
“They have so many, Em. I doubt they would’ve even noticed. Liam didn’t even notice until today. It’s been gone for weeks,” he paused, taking in the array of lights dazzling all around them. “And I wasn’t stealing it. I was borrowing.”
“Mhm. And what would you have been doing if someone had taken it?” He looked up thoughtfully and then down at her with a grin.
“It would’ve been misplaced for a very noble cause,” he answered with a dramatic wink. She stared up at him blankly. “Get it? Noble? Because we’re nobles?” Rolling her eyes with a smile, she wrapped her arms around his waist and continued on past the New York, New York Casino.
Looking at the Statue of Liberty, albeit, a very small one, she felt her heart warm. There was never any doubt in her mind that Cordonia was her home, now, but she still missed her roots. Noticing, Maxwell stopped and gazed at the whole site. “It’s pretty, but nothing compares to the real thing,” she commented.
“Let���s go in,” he offered. She glanced up in confusion. “Come on, just trust me.” He guided her inside and past the smokey, alcohol scented floor of the casino, his pace nearly impossible to keep up with.
“Slow down,” she pleaded with another laugh.
“No time,” he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her with an unreadable expression. Holding out his arms, he ordered, “Jump.”
“What?” she implored, out of breath and bent over with her hands on her knees.
Again, he replied, “Jump up.” With a hesitant sigh, she wrapped her arms carefully around his neck and hopped into him, draping her legs off of his triceps. He paused to kiss her hard on the lips and then took off once again.
“Max!” she yelped excitedly, eyes frantically taking in the blurring view. His heart raced against his chest as he sprinted up some stairs and then turned to run at the ticket booth. The woman managing the stand looked at him with widened eyes as he approached with a huge, cheeky grin.
“Hello,” he panted, setting Emily down on the ground. “Two for the coaster, please.”
“That’ll be $28, honey.” He pulled out his wallet and peered over at Emily with a smile. “Hey, aren’t you two that darling couple from Cordonia?” Maxwell straightened his shoulders a little.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Her eyes lit up. “Oh, I just love your story! I watch all of your interviews, and I just think you make an amazing pair. I’ll let you cut ahead of the line for free if you let me take a picture with you.”
“Oh, that would be amazing, thank you so much,” Emily smiled. The woman came around the corner and stood between the two of them. “Say ‘Fancy hats are the best hats!’“ They all smiled, and Emily gave her a hug. Before they know it, they were shuffling into the back seat of the ride - Maxwell’s choice.
“What’s this about?” she asked finally, pulling her hair back in a ponytail. Maxwell leaned over and kissed her softly.
“You’ve given up everything for me. Literally. Everything. Your city, your life, your job-”
“To be fair, my job sucked,” she offered.
“Still. I wanted to give you a little bit of New York. You deserved to feel at home, even if you can’t be there.”
Tears filled in her eyes. “Max-”
The bar lowered down on the both of them, and Maxwell practically jumped up and down from excitement. “Shh, the ride is starting.” With a hum, the cart jerked forward, and they exchanged excited grins before looking forward. Emily clasped her hand over his and gave him a gentle squeeze. Before he could acknowledge anything, it dropped.
Her heart raced the whole time, through the loops and turns and swivels and swirls. Her fiance raised his arms off the bar almost immediately, clinging onto hers as he did so. She allowed herself to scream with him making them the two, loudest on the ride.
As they turned upside down for the final time, Maxwell screamed, “I love Emily Olsen!”
“I love Maxwell Beaumont!” she returned in a heap of giggles. One last time they raced through curves before smoothly sliding back to the entrance. “Max, you are my home.”
At that moment, time seemed to stop. It wasn’t them and a hundred or so people, it was just two people who had been undoubtedly devoted to each other since they first crossed paths. He pulled her into him and kissed her desperately and deliberately, his tongue tracing the inside of her mouth delicately as he took his time to relish the moment. For once, he wasn’t nervous that he was ruining her life, and he wasn’t scared that she was making a colossal mistake by committing to Maxwell: the irresponsible Beaumont brother.
It was in that moment, he knew he was making her life better, and she was doing the same to his. He ran his fingers through her hair and let out a moan as she climbed on top of him to straddle his lap.
The ride attendant cleared his throat, and they shot back to reality.
“Oh my stars,” Emily slurred, taking a sip of another daiquiri sample. “This tastes like how I imagine peacocks feel.” Maxwell burst out laughing, nearly spilling his own. She looked at him, eyes widened. “No, really! Taste, taste.”
He fumbled the plastic cup and took in a huge sip, almost missing the straw. He thought for a minute. “I think that’s a hurricane, Em.”
“What are you talking about, it’s nice outside!” She giggled and threw back the sample. “Another! The Duchess decrees it.”
“Wait, wait,” he urged, slapping his hand down on the counter. “Can we make decrees?”
“I think so,” she answered, nodding. Her cheeks were a rosy red and her typically alert brown eyes were now glossier than they’d ever looked before. The bartender chuckled to himself. It was a good thing that he’d heard of the couple. They had been pounding “samples” for the past hour.
“This changes everything,” he murmured, resting his head in his hands.
Emily perked up as a new song blasted through the speakers. “I. Love. This. Song. This is just the best song, don’t you think?” Maxwell squinted his eyes, as though trying to make out the tune.
She began to sing along, swaying to the beat.
“I know this little chapel on the boulevard
We can go-oh-oh-oh-oh,
No one will know-oh-oh-oh,
Oh, come on, girl!”
Max grinned and joined in,
“Who cares if we’re trashed,
Got a pocket full of cash,
We can go-oh-oh-oh-”
“Wait, wait! No, you don’t! You’re poor!” He looked at her, surprised, and then bent over in a fit of laughter.
“I’m so poor!’
“Pooooor!” She wrapped her arms around his neck in an awkward hug and then quickly pulled away. “Oh my, oh my god. Oh my god. Max! We should, we should. We should go get married!”
He thought for a second and pulled her away, gazing intently into her eyes. “We’ve gotta. For Cordonia.”
She nodded. “For Cordonia. We have to get married by Elvis. For Cordonia.”
He swept her into his arms and shook out all of its contents on the bar. “We’ve gotta go get married. FOR CORDONIA!”
“FOR CORDONIA!” They screamed as they ran out of the casino.
By the time they had finished recalling the events as much as they could remember (it was definitely a team effort) they were both in shambles. “Oh, god, if Bertrand knew that we disclosed your guys’ financial difficulties, he would’ve made sure the assassins finished the job.”
“Fact,” he agreed with a laugh. “Can you believe that those two idiots in that story are going to be parents to the heir of Cordonia?”
Emily laughed. “There are going to be celebrations all. The. Time.”
“All the time,” he echoed, giving her a squeeze. “You know, I was pretty tired but…” He trailed off suggestively, raising his eyebrows up and down. “Maybe I have the energy for one more round.”
“You’re taking your royal responsibilities very seriously these days,” she purred, tracing her lips down his neck. He let out a groan. “I think I have it in me. It is for Cordonia after, all.”
“Oh yeah, for Cordonia,” he hoisted her onto his lap and ran his hands down her bare waist, and then lower. She let out a quiet moan and rolled him on top of her. “God, I love you, Emily.”
“I love you too,” she replied, letting him in.
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ainchaseseiker · 7 years
More Modern world Au, mostly dlrg
•Roy sometime’s ask his friend Blazing heart to babysit Blesse when he has a date. Cue to Blaze interviewing the small child about her brother’s relationship.
•Ria is everywhere! She stalks Dread and Roy when the two go on a date and takes pictures. Abysser stops her from being so nosy and confiscates the pictures. Abysser will never admit that he kept them for himself.
•Lili is a sneaky little child, and Ria’s partner in crime when Dread and Roy are in the picture. Papa Abysser is seriously thinking of saving his daughter from his employee.( “She is a bad influence” he says dramatically, “no im not”.Ria grinned playfully).
•When teaching music was not enough to support him and Blesse anymore Roy finally resigned himself to work in the bakery. Abysser is more than happy to give him a job, cue to Abysser later pumping his fist and saying “yes!” When no one is looking. His ship has reached land!
• Blaze went to the bakery one time and saw Roy and Dread by the counter. The redhead looked at Dread for a moment then nodded and said to Roy: “You have good taste bud.”
•Cue to Roy blushing madly and stuttering while waving his arms around. Ria is cackling. Ria is always cackling. Lili suddenly screamed.“THE COOKIES ARE BURNING!!” Thank God Abysser wasn’t at the bakery that day.
•Roy’s former music partner Erblu also went to the bakery one time and was surprisef to see Roy there before smiling as the two of them chatted by the table over a cup of tea and cookies.
• Erblu now goes to the bakery regularly because (1) the food there is delicious and (2) so he can catch up with Roy and tell him about what’s happening now, Roy in turn smiles contently as he listens to his friend.
• Cue to jealous Dread who hugs Roy from behind and buries his face in the other’s shoulder with an angry pout after Erblu leaves. But Roy the dense idiot doesn’t know and goes on with his life.
•Ria slaps herself at this and finally takes matters into her own hands. She takes Erblu away one time and tells him about what’s happening. Erblu apologizes and offers to help. He never knew about Roy’s relationship. And it makes him feel awful for what he accidentaly done.
•The next time Erblu is in the bakery, he asks about Roy’s life this time. Roy is surprised but shrugs and tells him. Erblu starts dropping subtle hints, when Roy still doesn’t get it, he facepalms and straight up tells him that Dread is jealous.
•Dread can’t take it anymore when he saw them that time and stomped towards the kitchen. It was deathly quiet after that. Lili stopped drawing. Ria paused in writing an order from someone who called and gave a worried look. Erblu sighs and shoves Roy towards the kitchen and tells him to talk to Dread.
•Dread ignores Roy when he went inside the kitchen. Roy keeps quiet for a while before softly asking if he’s jealous. He’s suddenly slammed to the wall by Dread who stares intensely at him and said so what if he was. Roy shivered a bit at that. He’ll never admit that Dread was scary that time.
•Dread suddenly stopped with wide eyes and immediately apologized, hugging Roy. Roy is very confused at what just happened but soothes his boyfriend with soft words. Roy then said that it’s fine and that he’s not leaving Dread for Erblu.
•When the two came out of the kitchen Blesse was there with Blaze, Blesse immediately kicked Dread in the shin.“Stop hurting big brother Roy!” She pouted. Erblu laughs and scolds Blesse lightly.
•Dread apologized to Erblu for his behavior but the other man waved it off. Erblu then takes his leave with the promise to come back again.
• Little Blesse was secretly feeling lonely all this time and misses her big brother. She told Blaze about this when the redhead was babysitting her. Blaze is touched that Blesse trusts her enough to tell her about this and secretly promised to help the little girl in her heart
•Blaze started to bring Blesse straight to the bakery after she fetches her from school so Blesse can spend time with her brother. Blaze is worried when Blesse just takes a seat quietly beside her and Lili and doesn’t move to greet her brother.
•Cue to Blaze talking this out with Ria and brewing a plan. Later when closing time came, Roy thanked Blaze for taking care of Blesse but was confused when Blaze frowned at him.
•On the way home, Roy realized he wasn’t spending as much time as he used to with Blesse and mentally scolded himself before asking Blesse how was school today. Blesse just shrugged and looked ahead as she walked. Roy felt his heart ache at her subtle coldness. He asked if he did something wrong which made Blesse stop walking.
•Blesse sniffled softly and said that she’s fine, it’s not like Roy would notice because he’s with Dread and busy with work. Roy’s eyes widened and he immediately goes down on his knees, turns his sister around and hugs her, whispering apologies and promises.
•Blesse sniffs quietly and hugs her brother back meekly asking to be carried. Roy is happy to oblige and make it up to her sister as they went home, issue solved.
•Blaze was ecstatic when she learned that the siblings made up and practically threw a party. Also, she brings Blesse straight to the bakery after she picks her up from school.
•There weren’t that many customers in the bakery before Roy worked there. As a result, only a few people were needed for the rare custoners. So the staff is only made up of Ria and Dread along with Abysser if he’s free. Don’t forget Roy.
•Abysser works in a weapon’s company. The second floor of the bakery is his and Lili’s house. Lili likes to spend time downstairs with Ria who she came to see as a mother and Dread who became her big brother. Literally. They look alike!
•Abysser is 29, same with Ria. Blaze is only a few months younger than Roy. Erblu is 25.
•Since Roy started to work at the bakery, it’s as if change came with him. Customers were still low but significantly more than before. This is because of Erblu and Blaze. Erblu because he kept pestering his friends to go try the sweets there, he dragged Arme with him once. Blaze recommended the cafe for her brother Rune who wanted a place to hang out with his friends.
•The elgang (minus lu, Ciel, Elesis and Ain) are now the most frequent customers. They’re in college. Rune, Aisha and Chase are in their first year. Rena and Raven are in their last year. Ara and Add are in their second year.
•I’ll try to fit all of the 2nd job Characters in these stories.For now though, I can’t decide which Class to fit in first. Also, I don’t know their fanon names of certain characters so forgive me for errors.
•Esper is that one customer that buys out all the cookies after Rune recommended the bakery to him. His dormmates Lusa and Masi now fight him and each other to buy the cookies first. Dread is amused at this. Roy is not, he now makes sure that there are enough cookies for Esper, Lusa and Masi. He keeps their share seperated and lies if the other asks if there’s more. He also adds a cup of coffee to their order. The Adds couldn’t be more happy, their saltiness tones down significantly.
•The classes that are in college are in the following: RS, IS, LK, DC, TT, EM, VP, DW, GA, WS, BM, AS, SD, DiE, LP, MM. Please tell me what their fanon names are because I don’t know some of them.
•Dread befriends them and looks forward to seeing them everyday. Roy becomes motherly and frets around the gang when they visit. Asking about their day, did they eat well etc. The elgang is surprised at this, they’ve only met yet this man already worries about them.
•This earned him the nickname Mom Guard behind his back. Surprisingly, it was Chase who started to use the nickname behind Roy’s back. Unsurprisingly, it was Rune who made it up.
• Lili doesn’t go to school, money is tight because of low customers but papa Abysser wants the best for her and saves whatever money he gets from the bakery and the weapon company.
•Ria has taken the liberty to take time off her position in the counter to teach Lili basic education, she was the one that taught Lili how to read and write but it was Dread who hooked her into drawing two years after she met Ria.
•Until now Ria remains her tutor, Blesse also tries to teach her but fails miserably as a result, Ria is the one who translates what Blesse is trying to say. Abysser finds it sweet when his employee tutors both kids in a corner since Ria would use exaggerated hand gestures that makes Lili and Blesse laugh.
•He secretly has tons of pictures of the trio.
•Ria is now the official unofficial tutor of Lili and Blesse, especially when the latter is confused about her school work.
•Dread and Roy sometimes join the trio and help Ria tutor. But this would mostly end up with Dread forgetting that he put something in the oven and Roy whacking him on the head.
•Dread invited Roy to his apartment once, but Roy is worried that Blesse will feel neglected again. Blesse huffed and told her brother she’ll be fine and asked if she could spend the night at Lili’s house in exchange.
• Abysser is more than happy to let Blesse spend the night, but thirty minutes later he’s on the phone with Ria begging for help. One Lili was enough. But having his daughter sugar high with another child is insanity.
•Ria sighed at this but goes to the bakery grumbling to herself, she doesn’t mind taking care of children and helping her boss but the problem? It’s twelve in the fucking midnight.
•Meanwhile Roy and Dread were peacefully enjoying each other’s company at Dread’s apartment. With Dread playing with the other’s hair as they watched movies.
•Roy is fighting off sleep but Dread playing with his hair and his soft humming made him lose. Dread would later be seen blushing when he realized Roy had fallen asleep but carries him to his room and set’s Roy on his bed.
• He was pulled back by Roy who had a tight grip on his arm muttering “don’t go”, Dread realized Roy was still asleep and is probably having a dream. With a soft smile he lay down next to the other male and rubbed Roy’s head whispering a good night before he too fell asleep.
•The next morning Roy woke up in Dread’s arms. He immediately slaps him with a red face. Dread fell off the bed and groaned, before he explained what happened last night. Roy apologized softly after the explanation.
• When they got to the bakery, the two were surprised when it wasn’t open yet, Ria was always the first one in. They entered through with spare keys that were hidden and the two of them went to the second floor.
•Dread held back the laugh and Roy felt a smile twitch in his lips. A disgruntled Abysser greeted them with bags in his eyes and clothes ruffled, behind him was Ria with messy hair, swaying on her feet and muttering something under her breath. Lili and Blesse were sleeping peacefully behind the two adults.
•When asked what happened, Ria just collapsed on Abysser’s back as the latter only said two words: sugar high before he picked up Ria and set her on the couch.
•Roy panicked and apologized to Abysser and Ria for anything that could have happened. The two waved it off and said that they just need to keep the sweets away from the two children at night.
•Morning routine fell in quickly as Abysser filled in for Ria who was dead to the world in sleep, in the counter as Dread started to bake. Roy waked up his sister and went to take her home for a change of clothes and a shower for himself. Another day has started at the bakery
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salmankhanholics · 7 years
★ INTERVIEW: Salman Khan On Ghosts Of His Past, Attempts Of Image Rehabilitation, And Why Critics Don't Matter !
In an exclusive interview, Khan opens up like never before.
15/06/2017 | Ankur Pathak
It's no secret that Salman Khan has a rather whimsical equation with the press. Whenever I have seen him at events and press conferences, the actor either appears distracted and zoned out or the opposite: funny, attentive, and in the mood to have a baller time.
On Wednesday evening at Bandra's Taj Lands End, Salman is busy gorging on keema pao, straight from the containers of the buffet spread. At the same time, he's also talking to a journalist, calling Pritam, the music composer, 'lethargic and lazy.'
While I worry he'll be his usual inattentive self, Salman, dressed in a black tee and a black denim, takes a smoke break. His film, Tubelight, is days away from release and the pressure is palpable. Khan's eyes look droopy, his gait, tired. He is not only acting in the film but also producing and distributing it.
After waiting for over two hours (that'd come at the cost of standing up a date), Khan sits with me for a chat. Excerpts:
Kabir Khan's Tubelight once again portrays you as a sincere, innocuous, do-gooder who's just too nice to do any wrong -- a trend that started with Bajrangi Bhaijaan and was seen in Prem Ratan Dhan Payo too. What draws you to these characters?
Like you said, the niceness of it. But with Tubelight, my agenda is different -- after the film, I want brothers, who may not have spoken to one another in months and years, to call each other up and forget the differences, if they had any. I want them to be so emotionally overcome that they just let past differences aside and say, "Hey man, let's party." Many times, in our families, we end up cutting ourselves away from our siblings. Sometimes the issues are trivial, sometimes serious. But why let it affect you? I hope Tubelight can achieve that. It touches on those emotions. This film is beautifully shot. It's also styled very well by Lepakshi Ellawadi, who did Sultan and is doing Tiger Zinda Hai.
But Salman, do you actually believe films can end family feuds and change people's lives?
Absolutely. I've seen films that have changed my life. And trust me, if a film can change me, out of all people, a film can change anyone. It is the only medium that has such a huge influence on your psyche. When you sit in that dark room and see a character, you are also internally absorbing its ideas and traits.
When you see nobility being projected by a hero, you are inspired to emulate it. This is one of the reasons why I haven't ever played a negative character. Negativity in a character doesn't impress me. Say if you have a character who earns a living through corrupt means, man, that puts me off. I will never play a dark character. Underdogs impress me. Those who make it against all odds impress me. I want to tell their stories.
But doesn't that limit you as an actor? A lot of great performances in cinema have come from actors who've played dark, twisted, villainous roles.
Well, I don't know. From the stuff I do, a Dabangg is a character that is sort of, somewhere-in-between. His intentions are good, actions aren't all that good. So you try and balance that off. My next, Tiger Zinda Hai, also veers in the grey area. I am also doing a crazy dance film. So while I do wanna portray characters which are inherently nice, I don't want them to be one-dimensional. It has to have style and swag and some depth.
While your popularity in the country is undeniably huge, I believe there is a certain section in the audience who aren't your fans and perhaps, they'll never be. While some don't want to be seen endorsing your brand of cinema, some will find hard to appreciate even a good film only because you are in it. A lot, I think, has to do with the notoriety of your past.
Well, I don't know. I move around and meet all sorts of people but funnily, I have never been told that. Neither have I noticed that. But if you say so, all I can say is that I will probably have to work that much harder to win them over. I know it won't happen overnight but I can only hope that some day they'll warm up to me as an artist.
Do you feel you are unfairly judged by your critics?
I genuinely, honestly don't care. I believe that they've no right to take anybody's hard work down. The fans will decide that, in any case. The box-office will prove it one way or the other. What have you done to earn the right to rip a film apart? On Day 1 of the release, you write some rubbish crap. It destroys films and a lot of hard work that went behind making it. With me, of course, it doesn't make any difference. And I think they know it all too well. My films are critic-proof. I am telling them now: go give my film minus 100 stars, why just zero. Let's see how that pans out. My fans will anyway watch my film and that's my reward. It only makes them look like a bunch of idiots.
My films are critic-proof. I am telling them now: go give my film minus 100 stars, why just zero. Let's see how that pans out. My fans will anyway watch my film and that's my reward. It only makes them look like a bunch of idiots.
I am pretty sure that our critics aren't under the delusion that they can influence the market of a Salman Khan film. What I want to know is -- what is your analysis? Why do you think they are so insanely crazy about Salman? I cannot even send a negative tweet about you without getting massively trolled by this insane sub-culture of bhaifans.
I don't know. Maybe they think I'm one of them. Maybe they think I am just a regular dude who's chill and approachable and has no airs of being a superstar. And I have remained like that right from the start. I lived in Indore in a boarding school until the age of 16. That really grounded me. I hung around on the streets, went to the farms. There's nothing fancy about my life. I like cycling around the city, I hop into an auto-rickshaw now and then. I don't drive a big car -- I hate big cars. Maybe that, along with the kind of films I do, make them think I'm, I don't know, accessible in a way?
I don't drive a big car -- I hate big cars.
Perhaps. It's hard to decode stardom.
It is. I just think I am a guy who lucked out. Mostly because of the family I was born in. I am immensely fortunate to have the kind of family and friends and the fans I have. Some people come to me and tell me that their children are yet to talk but if they see a Salman Khan song, they jump, react, laugh. They can recall me by my name. Earlier it used to be Prem and Chulbul but now it's Salman.
I don't get it. There are children and youngsters who idolize you and have deified you. They look up to you, want to emulate you, carry your style. But I believe you're obviously a very flawed person to idolize. You've had some very serious court cases against you. Why should anybody just forget and forgive and move on to your next blockbuster?
Everybody has a past. Does that make you a bad person for life? In my case, there is deliberate malice. When people go after you for something you have not done, it's bad. Next thing you know you are running around courts and people are judging you.
For 20 years. 20 years is a long time, man. It's a lot of years. It takes a toll on you and your family. The financial toll on our family because of the cases has been huge.
For 20 years. 20 years is a long time, man. It's a lot of years. It takes a toll on you and your family. The financial toll on our family because of the cases has been huge.
When I was a nobody I had nothing. (Pauses) When I become somebody, I got the magistrate court. When I become slightly bigger, I got the High Court, then. And now when I am in this position, I have the Supreme Court.
Well, something awful did happen. It's not going to leave you.
It will leave me. It's God's way of anchoring me down. If these things didn't happen, I would have lost the plot by now. That's how I see it. It's my journey and whatever it takes, I will go through it. Thankfully, I have family and friends who've stood by me and pointed out whatever happened wasn't correct.
How do you deal with these ghosts of the past, Salman?
I don't have any ghosts. These ghosts have been created by people who are running businesses on them. There are so many incidents like mine that happened and nobody ever talks about them. Whenever there's a hit-and-run that happens anywhere, they drag me into it all over again. I mean, what the hell, come on, man. How much will you go on and on...
Whenever there's a hit-and-run that happens anywhere, they drag me into it all over again.
That's because some do think you got away with it quite easily.
...well, the High Court looked into it and they came up with a verdict which says that nothing of that sort ever happened. Ye sab galat hi hai. The courts said it. But what about the 20 years? What about it? Mere toh wo gaye na? And there's nothing to compensate for that. Nothing at all. And during all this, when I am seen doing a comedy show, or romancing beautiful women, or just laughing, they go like, "Look at this brat. He doesn't care. He is indifferent to what happened." And I am like, dude. It's my bloody job. I have to do it no matter what. I have to do it to sustain myself and pay my lawyers. If I don't do it, where is the money going to come from?
The idea still lingers around that you got away with it because you are a powerful movie star.
Which is not at all true. It's not true. It's all nautanki (mischief). Even now there are 5 out of job people who'll show up on television to debate my case. Some for, some against. It's ridiculous. None of them would have happened if I wasn't a star. None of it.
There's an argument that your Being Human charitable trust has been cleverly designed to rehabilitate your image. That, along with your Mr. Good Boy roles, carves a certain perspective that glosses over your moral transgressions.
Do you have any idea of the amount of work we do at Being Human? We do s***loads of work on a daily basis. I haven't even put my name there, man. It's Being Human. I am not even on the Board or any of the trustees. The idea is that years from now, people should forget who even started the foundation. You have no idea, man. Do one thing: Come and live my life for one day.
(Gets up and walks away)
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan on Negan and 'Walking Dead's' return
Jeffrey Dean Morgan has always been a very busy actor, but as 2015 came to a close, his career warped into light speed hyperdrive. Most fans remember him fondly from his twelve episodes on "Supernatural" playing John Winchester, but while he was shooting the CW record-breaking show, Morgan was also filming "Grey's Anatomy." Both shows put him on the map where fans would recognize him. He frustrated "Supernatural" fans as the Winchester Brothers never could seem to unravel all of their father's secrets, but who could resist that grin? You'd think that would have been reaching the pinnacle of his success, but that was only just the beginning that kept Morgan busy becoming that guy you sometimes got confused with actor Javier Bardem. His luck was getting better as he landed quite the juicy role on the New York set of "The Good Wife" where he played Alicia Florrick's funloving cad who loved flashing that devilish grin at his co-star Julianna Margulies. He was on that series for nineteen episodes, but things were changing as AMC's huge hit show came calling for him to play the over the top bad guy Negan. During his "Good Wife" time he was also jetting down to the Georgia to sink his teeth into that pure evil role for the Season 6 finale of "The Walking Dead." Not to mention getting acquainted with Lucy. After years of fans wondering who would play the role, Morgan had landed Negan, that grinning, swaggering bully who, with his co-dependent worker bees, began terrorizing Rick Grimes (series star Andrew Lincoln) and his crew. While Morgan didn't know who he would be killing, he knew that it would be a "Walking Dead" favorite meeting their end at the end of Lucy, Negan's barbed wire wrapped baseball bat. That scene was a two-night shoot, but the producers weren't about to film who was killed this early in the game as it was of utmost secrecy...although it did slip out before the premiere which we had to report. It wasn't until May 2016, when Season 7 production started (just four weeks after that season horrifying Season 6 cliffhanger) when they were back filming that same bloody night did Morgan learn of the shocking reveal. He knew that he would be getting hate mail and plenty of online hate once it aired. Then 17 million fans watched the Season 7 premiere to witness two of their most loved characters, Abraham and Glenn, get their skulls pounded beyond recognition. The reaction was as expected and then some as many felt the show had gone too far. The scene with Glenn's eye was extremely gruesome, even for "The Walking Dead." The producers said they needed to establish Negan as one hardcore nasty guy that could tear tough guys, Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon, down to levels they'd never felt before. This one scene divided fans, and they are still split on their feeling of Negan. Some feel he's too cartoonish now, while others can't find themselves wanting to hate Sam and Dean Winchester's father. Some "Supernatural" fans aren't ready to let go of Dean Winchester yet. Ratings have dropped since the premiere episode with some wanting Negan gone, but for that group, Morgan's going to be around for a while yet to keep the carnage going. Producers have said the violence won't be as extreme coming back, but it's not just the violence that makes Negan's actions so uncomfortable. Playing such a polarizing character can be a blessing for the actor who plays him, but it can be mixed. "There are people out there who hate my guts, and I hear from them, too," says Morgan with that knowing laugh in a recent interview. "But overwhelmingly the fans have welcomed me as a part of this weird, dysfunctional family. "The relationship this show has with its fans," he adds, "is unlike anything I've experienced before." Morgan officially began acting in the early 1990's, but he's not forgotten his very first role and the struggle that all actors go through on their way to landing that role that changes your life. "It was in third grade, and it was a fairytale, the guy that falls asleep forever ... I remember I played the character that was asleep the whole time. I was the big leader of the show, mind you. But I spent the whole time lying on the floor asleep. It was awesome. That was first little theater thing in third grade. A friend of mine, Billy Burke, was my roommate in Seattle for a big portion of my life, and he's an actor—he was in all of the Twilight movies, and now he's on something called Zoo—and he was doing a movie in Seattle, I think it was the late '80s, and I was an extra as his best friend. That was my first time on a movie set. I had no intention of being an actor ever. I was an artist—I fancied myself an artist—I sold paintings at bars to pay my rent. And then four years later, I moved to Los Angeles and met a casting director named Eliza [Roberts] and went from there. Then I spent 20 years struggling trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to make a living and feed my dog. And now we're doing okay. Now we're Negan." He's played many memorable characters on tv shows that got fans worked up. John Winchester had so many secrets, some "Supernatural" fans and critics would get rather frustrated trying to figure out exactly what he was about. Morgan is still such a fan favorite that "Supernatural" Executive Producer Andrew Dabb let it be known that John Winchester could return to Sam and Dean's world. “I don’t really worry about that because by the time he comes back, I’m sure [Supernatural] will have been on for 20 seasons at that point, and The Walking Dead will be long over,” he says with a laugh before noting that “Jeffrey’s an amazing actor… He plays such a great bad guy. But at the same time… if you give him really good material, he can go back to being someone we know and love and someone we can empathize with. “I have full faith in him as an actor,” the EP adds, “and I’m excited to see [him return as John] if it ever comes to pass.” Since he's played his share of villains, some people have forgotten that he's also played many good guy roles too. "If you look at my résumé, I've more often than not played a very solid, decent human being. I've got back-to-back things that are super villainous right now with Desierto and this. I love playing a villain. I think that there's something freeing about that, and it's a different kind of challenge. More than anything, for me as an actor, it's about challenging myself and doing as many different things as I can. I don't know that I feel comfortable playing a villain; as a matter of fact I probably don't feel comfortable, which is why I like it so much. It's just an opportunity to try something different. And Negan, in particular, is unlike any character I've ever played. I don't ever look at these guys as villains per se; I always try to figure out, I wouldn't say the justification of them, but look for the reasons that Negan is Negan. I have to understand that, otherwise I don't think it works if I just play him as a bad guy—I think that's pretty one note and it would be boring for you as a viewer, and it wouldn't be that fun for me to play. So I just try to get into that character's skin as much as I can, and understand why he is who he is. Negan is a trip though, man. He's a brutal son of a bitch, but there are also parts about him that I find kind of endearing. We'll see if the audience responds to it. I think that the first episode is going to be rough, and people aren't going to be real fond of me or Negan, and I think as time wears on and you get to know him a little bit more and understand his way of thinking, there could be a shift in that. Maybe they'll love to hate him as opposed to just hating him." His many credits include love-her-and-leave-her freelance gumshoe Jason Crouse on "The Good Wife," a memorable stint on "Supernatural," two seasons as the harried Miami hotel mogul on "Magic City," and - keeping "Grey's Anatomy" devotees sobbing - as Izzie's bedridden lover who was desperately awaiting a heart transplant. Not one of these roles prepared him for "The Walking Dead" fan base. "It's a life-changing experience," says Morgan, who comes across much like you would expect with an easygoing manner and quite the magnetic smile. "I can't walk down the street anymore. I got to look in my rear-view mirror to make sure I'm not being followed home. Now, that's all part of my reality." Morgan was quick to learn that "Walking Dead" family can work as tightly, sometimes ever better than, the CIA when it comes to keeping things under wraps down in the depths of Georgia. "Everything," he marvels, "is shrouded in secrecy. We kind of live in a bubble. I hang out a lot with Reedus—Norman—we spend a lot of time together. Literally, we go to a fucking gas station in the middle of nowhere and within three minutes of us stopping to get gas, a couple of phone calls that people make, and there's 100 people blocking us, and we can't get out. We take pictures with everyone, and I've never seen anything quite like that. That being said, we do live in a bubble, as long as we keep our motorcycle helmets on and go about our business. " Since Morgan knew he was entering a very tight-knit cast that would soon be minus two major ones, he also knew there would be a shift in the dynamic upon his arrival. "Obviously, they're such a tight cast, and we've all heard stories about it and read about it for the last six years—even I had heard it was like that—and they certainly are. I knew that immediately walking in, and knowing what I'm about to do, there was a little bit of separation at first, but it was very brief. I can't tell you how great this cast is as far as bringing me into the fold, regardless of what my character has done and done to this show. They've totally embraced me and been nothing but supportive, on and off camera. Look, we've had some hard times—just as actors it's been hard—and I understand that there's been a great deal of pain for these guys as people. They're losing a friend that's been with them for a long fucking time. So it was a hard time initially, at first especially, and this year we've had some speed bumps as far as that kind of stuff. But I'll tell you, as soon as we say cut, there's lots of hugs going around for everybody, and we've managed to get through it. But it was a little a weird going in initially when I didn't know anybody really. I was careful not to be a dick, I guess. [laughs] Like, "Don't say anything inappropriate, Jeff." Now I can be inappropriate and tell jokes, and it's fine, but I was careful going in, because it was a fragile time for everybody, and I was very aware of it." That one horrific kill scene that Negan strutting and brandishing his bat, "Lucille," as he taunted Grimes and company with "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe": Each character was separately filmed being kill which was to help keep the "real" victim's identity a big secret, according to Morgan. Morgan learned that "The Walking Dead" producers also enjoy the art of misinformation too, "we leaked footage of me killing Maggie," whose quite vibrant and ready to take over. "That's a lot of time and effort to go through to try to save your story. But the cast and crew, they're all used to living in this world. "There's a real sense of family when you go through an experience like this," Morgan says. "It's why the cast is so tight. We put ourselves in this bubble while we're shooting - and while we're NOT shooting. Even now, I have to watch every word I say. I'm still not used to that." Speaking of family, have you felt Norman's pranks yet? [laughs] "No. Little stuff, but that's really the two of them, Andy [Lincoln] and Norman. I drive a motorcycle, and Norman will respect the motorcycle more than anything else. We're more in cahoots than anything else at this point, although I do kind of feel bad for Andy. I feel like I need to get Andy's back and help him get Norman at least once real good." Like many actors coming on the show, Morgan was a huge fan of the "Walking Dead" comics as well so he was well-versed in Negan before he even knew he'd be part of the family. "I'd watched the show for years. It was one of the few shows that I would DVR and pay attention to; I've been working so much the last few years that I don't watch anything very regularly, but that was one of them. I've also been involved in lots of comic book stuff; I've done numerous films based on comic books and TV shows. I remember five years ago when they had written the role of Negan—when [Robert] Kirkman first introduced Negan in the comic books—I was at a Comic-Con actually, I think it was in San Diego, when somebody came up to me and said, "Have you seen Kirkman's new book?" I said, "No," and they said, "There's this character Negan. You should be Negan." Probably three or four months later, I actually did pick up a copy of The Walking Dead comic book, which at that point I hadn't read; I had only followed the show. I picked up the introduction of Negan and thought, "Oh yeah, that would be fun to play." Cut to five years later, I was doing The Good Wife and got a call one night from my agent who said, "The Walking Dead is offering you the role of a villain." I said, "Well, what's his name?" And they were like, "You know, they won't tell us, it's a secret." And I knew immediately—I knew because I watched the show and knew where we were—and I'm like, "It's fucking Negan! And I'm going to fucking do it." [laughs] And really that was it. Then it was just about working that last episode last year into the schedule that I was doing on The Good Wife, and clearing a couple of days so I could go do it. We managed to do that and now here we are." Many fans still don't realize that Negan's backstory is he was a high school teacher and ping-pong coach. "That's right. That changed; Kirkman originally had said he was a used car salesman previous to the zombie apocalypse, and that made sense to me too. Then after I was cast, Kirkman decided he would do a kind of prequel—Negan's life before the apocalypse hit—with a little background on him. He became this PE teacher and ping-pong coach, married to a woman named Lucille, and it gave a good foundation for me to work on. I kind of like the ping-pong coach aspect; it somehow fits, and I don't know how because Negan is a weird character, but it fits." "I find him fascinating," Morgan says. "The most important thing to realize is how smart he is. That's easy to forget, because you see him come on with his bravado and the smart-ass quips. But whatever you're thinking, he's already two steps ahead of you. He's always poking at your rib cage and wearing that grin. Remember those assholes in high school? He's that guy! But on this show, you can't run home to mama. "He's a larger-than-life character," Morgan sums up with pleasure. "Still, at some point, Negan's gonna have to get his head cracked by Rick. I can't say when, or how, or even if I know. But he's gonna HAVE to!" This really makes Morgan light up as he knows it's going to be a killer scene to shoot shrouded in plenty of "Walking Dead" secrecy.
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