#mirage self ship🃏💛
cynical-sprite · 3 years
Apex Legends Preferences: Their Pet Names For their significant other
Elliott Witt/Mirage💛: sweetie, honey, babe
I feel like Elliott would also sometimes use silly pet names with the sole purpose of making his significant other either laugh or get flustered, names like: sweet cheeks, baby cakes
Renee Blasey/Wraith💜: probably wouldn't call her s/o pet names, but if she did, it'd be something simple and not too mushy like 'babe', or a shortened version of her s/o's name
Octavio Silva/Octane💚: babe, baby, baby girl, sexy mama, mamacita
Obi Edolasim/Seer💜: dearest, my love, my heart, ifunanya m ("my love")
Dr. Mary Somers/Horizon❤: dear, dearest, mo leannan ("my lover", "my sweetheart"), m'eudail ("my darling", "my dear")
Tae Joon Park/Crypto💚: Nae sarang (“My Love”), Aein (“Sweetheart”), Gongjunim (“Princess”), Yeobo (“Honey” or “Darling”)
(I feel like he would lean towards using pet names from/in his language😊)
Ajay Che/Lifeline❤: baby, sweetheart, bebe ("baby"), amou ("lover"), Cheri ("sweetheart"), Mon kè ("my heart")
Loba Andrade❤: darling, dear/my dear, beautiful/handsome/gorgeous, baby, angel, Amor / Meu amor ("love"/"my love"), Bebê ("baby"), Meu bem ("my dear"), Coração (“heart”), Anjo ("angel"), Querido / Querida ("dear" m/f)
Makoa Gibraltar💙: baby, honey, dear, Ma’asoama ("darling"/"sweetheart"), La’u Pele ("dearest")
Natalie Paquette/Wattson💛: darling, sweetheart, Mon amour ("my love"), mon bijou ("my jewelry"), Mon cœur ("my heart"/"my sweetheart"), Mon trésor ("my treasure"/"my precious"), mon ange ("my angel"), Mon chéri / ma chérie (“my dear”)
Ramya Parekh/Rampart💜: I can't see her being too into pet names since she's not exactly the romantic type, so, if she did, it'd probably be something simple and not too mushy like love or dear
She would most certainly name one the guns she creates after her significant other though
Kairi Imahara/Valkyrie💙: baby, babe
Other than that, she'd probably just call her significant other by her name or a shortened version of it, maybe a special nickname she'd come up with for her
Bloth Hundr/Bloodhound💚: any pet names/terms of endearment they give their significant other would definitely be in their native language, and would likely usually only be when their alone with their s/o since they're a rather private person
elskan min ("my love"), kærasti/kærasta ("darling" m/f)
Anita Williams/Bangalore💙: I can't see Anita using pet names/terms of endearment for her significant other; she'd probably just call them by their name most of the time. If she did though, it would probably be something short, simple and direct like baby/babe or a shortened version of their name
Walter Fitzroy/Fuse🧡: princess, darlin', baby, sweetheart, he'd probably come up with some special nickname for his significant other probably relating to their name or a shortened version of it
Kaleb Cross/Revenant🖤: Revenant would definitely not call his significant other by any pet names or terms of endearment; his way of showing endearment would be that he'd never call them things like 'skinsuit', 'skinbag', or 'girlie' as he does everyone else
If I got any of the ones in other languages wrong, I apologize in advance; I don't speak any of those languages, so the internet was my source😅. I have no intention of offending anyone, so if I got any of those wrong, please feel free to tell me nicely
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cynical-sprite · 3 years
Horizon: Why are your tongues purple?
Mirage: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Y/N: I had a red one.
Horizon: oh
Horizon: OH
Pathfinder: You drank each other's slushies?
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cynical-sprite · 3 years
Apex Legends Preferences: Mugs they'd buy their s/o
Walter Fitzroy/Fuse🧡:
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Loba Andrade❤:
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Anita Williams/Bangalore💙:
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Elliott Witt/Mirage💛:
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Natalie Paquette/Wattson🤍:
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Octavio Silva/Octane💚:
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Ajay Che/Lifeline💜:
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Tae Joon Park/Crypto💚:
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Renee Blasey/Wraith💜:
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Kairi Imahara/Valkyrie💙:
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cynical-sprite · 3 years
Apex Legends Preferences: How They React When They're Sexually Frustrated With You
Renee Hope Blasey/Wraith- It wouldn't be very noticeable with Wraith, likely just subtle hints that only you would pick up on. She'd be a little more moody or irritable, having less patience especially for Mirage and his antics. Mirage would notice and ask what's gotten into her, and she'd brush it off, answering with something along the lines of "Nothing. I'm just not in the mood.". Normally Wraith is the kind of person that needs a little bit of space at times, even in a relationship, but, in this case, she'd stick to your side like glue, coming up with excuses to keep you near. When you'd point out her behavior, she'd get a little flustered, not knowing how to respond until you'd pull her close and kiss her, and she'd melt into your arms. She'd kiss you back more roughly than usual before portaling the two of you somewhere private.
Elliott Witt/Mirage- Elliott would get pouty and complain you're not paying enough attention to him, even if all your attention is on him. He'll be stuck to your side like glue, barely able to make a move without Elliott being right there. If anyone asks/tells him to do something, no matter what it is, he'll whine and complain about how he doesn't want to and all he wants to do is spend time with you. He won't even have the desire to do things he normally revels in like competing in the games, signing autographs, or meeting and greeting his fans. When you'd point out his behavior, he'd try to deny it, however unsuccessfully as he'd be awkward and rather unconvincing. When you touch him where he needs it most, he'd become an utter mess, falling apart completely, unable to deny it any longer.
Octavio Silva/Octane- Octane is not subtle about anything and this would be no exception. He wouldn't even try to hide it; He'd be stuck to you like glue, hands all over you; you wouldn't be able to make a move without him being right there. He'd be constantly making remarks and innuendo, hoping you'd catch on to his hints and help relieve him of his misery. When you'd point out his behavior, of course he won't deny it, and will joke that he "thought you'd never catch on". He'll then pull you against him, telling you how much he wants you, and cockily telling you he can't stop thinking about all the things he wants to do to you.
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
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I read a fic with this prompt and now I'm like… obsessed with the scenario because it's so cute!☺️ So, this is a self indulgent self insert fic to this prompt with Elliott Witt/Mirage of Apex Legends. This is my first time writing Lifeline's accent, so I apologize if I get it terribly wrong.😰 It's also my first time writing any of the Apex Legends characters, so please be kind.😅
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"Any ideas how I should tell him? I'm open to suggestions." I lean forward slightly to look across the table at Ajay as we sat in the common room at the compound where competitors in the Apex Games stay during the active season. I had just been in the infirmary earlier that day; I'd been feeling off for a while, nauseous, lightheaded, though I was convinced it was no big deal. After all, the unpleasantness would come and go in waves; I assumed that maybe I was coming down with something. I was determined to tough it out, too stubborn to let it keep me from participating in the games. It was only on a few rare occasions that I'd ever sat out of the games, and I wasn't about to let some cold sideline me; I'd fight through it.
   But, as we were preparing for the match, I'd gotten so dizzy that I almost fainted. Once Ajay, Elliott, and Gibraltar witnessed this, there was no way they were about to let me participate in the games, even if they had to lock me in my room. So, I ended up sitting out of the match. While I was alone in my room with my thoughts, something crossed my mind, just a sneaking suspicion really; though I doubted there was anything to it, I decided to take a pregnancy test, mostly just to satisfy the nagging bit of curiosity that would no longer leave me be. The test was positive.
   Later that day when I saw Ajay in the common room, she asked how I was feeling, and I told her about the test. Ajay was my childhood friend; I grew up with her and Octavio on Psamathe, and she's one of the few people I always confide in. Ajay is a good listener, she can keep a secret, and she gives good advice, like advice on how I should tell Elliott the news, which I certainly wouldn't turn down considering the circumstances. "Normally, I would just come right out and tell him, straight to the point, you know. But, we've been hoping for this for a while now, so I want to make it a little more… you know, special. Nothing too fancy, of course, but, something a little more memorable."
   "'S gotta be sumtin' simple, too, easy t' understand. 'Dis is Elliott we be talkin' about. He can be a little bit slow t' catch on, ya know?" Ajay stated. I nodded in agreement. For someone so smart as Elliott, he did have a tendency to be a little clueless at times. We sat in silence for a few moments before we heard footsteps coming toward us. We looked up to see Dr. Mary Somers aka Horizon.
   "You lasses look like yer tryin'te solve some sorta problem. Can I be of any help to ye, darlins? I am a scientist, you know. Solving problems is one'a my strong suits." Ajay and I exchanged a glance before looking to Dr. Somers once more. Normally I'd be opposed to letting anyone else in on the secret before Elliott, but, not only was Dr. Somers a problem solver, but she was also a mom; maybe she could think of something Ajay and I couldn't. 
   "You know, maybe you could help us, Dr. Somers…" I suggested. 
   "Sit down, why don'tcha?" Ajay offered, gesturing to the empty spot beside her. 
   "Why thank ye, dearies." She sat down beside Ajay, giving us both a warm smile. "Now, what seems t'be the problem?" 
   "Well…" I shifted slightly in my seat, nervously brushing a few strands of hair from my face, "If you were looking for a special way to tell some that say… you're pregnant with their child, how would you go about it?" A wide grin stretched across the physicist's face.
   "Ah, so that's what this is about, eh? Well, first off, congratulations, dear." I was reasonably certain she already knew that Elliott and I hoped to start a family at some point; it's probably why she didn't seem surprised. "Let's see here…" She brought a hand to her chin, looking thoughtful for a moment. She glanced around at the Christmas decorations adorning the common room before her face lit up with realization. "I've got it! I think I know just the thing, darlin'…" She leaned in closer to Ajay and I and told us her idea.
   Later that evening, I met Elliott in his room; he had been out signing autographs for his fans for the greater part of the day after the match. A huge smile lit up Elliott's face as soon as he caught sight of me. "Wow, from my adoring fans straight to my adoring lover; I must be the luckiest guy in the world!" He walked over and placed a gentle kiss to my cheek.
   "Luckier than you know. I have a surprise for you." I smiled warmly at him, careful to keep the surprise hidden behind my back, though he still noticed I was hiding something, even if he couldn't see what it was. 
   "A surprise? For me?! What is it?! Let me see!" Elliott excitedly tried to peer behind me to get a look at whatever the surprise was, causing me to giggle at his antics. 
   "Alright, alright." I held out to him what I'd been hiding; in my hands, there was a sprig of holly and a positive pregnancy test accompanied by a small piece of paper that read 'Merry Christmas!'. Elliott stared in shock for a moment before slowly taking the items from my hands. "An early Christmas present. Merry Christmas, Elliot." I said, smiling brightly at him. 
   "Is this…? Does this mean… you… we…?" He stared in surprise at the items in his hands for a moment, his mouth slightly agape. I nodded, the grin on my face stretching wider. 
   "Yes!" Elliott exclaimed, picking me up in his arms and spinning me around excitedly. "I'm gonna be a dad! I can't believe it! This is the best Christmas present ever!" He suddenly stopped spinning me, a concerned look on his face. "I probab'ly shouldn't… do that, right? I don't wanna hurt you or our baby or anything…" He ran a hand through his thick curly hair awkwardly, flashing me an apologetic smile. I shook my head, laughing slightly.
   "I'm pretty sure it's fine, Elliott. I'm not quite that fragile." He breathed an audible sigh of relief, his smile widening a bit. He placed a hand on my belly, leaning down to speak softly to the baby, the proudest smile I've ever seen stretched across his face.
   "I'm gonna be the best dad ever to you, I promise. Wait until everyone else finds out about you! Your uncle MRVN will be so excited! I can't wait to tell everyone about you!" I was reasonably sure I wasn't quite far enough along yet that the baby would actually be able to hear Elliott's voice, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that. He straightened himself back up to full height, standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. "Just when I thought you couldn't make me any happier than you already have, you prove me wrong. I love you, ______. And our baby." 
   "I love you too, Elliott."
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
Apex Legends Characters + The ring they'd propose to you with Pt. 2
Elliott Witt/Mirage
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Octavio Silva/Octane
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Bloth Hoondr/Bloodhound
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