#apex legends self insert
Needs to be said, but it's okay to be attracted to Legends who are or eventually end up in a relationship in the canon timeline!
You're allowed make OCs/self inserts to ship with the Legends, even if they're shipped with someone else (whether canonically or fanonically).
Tom Casiello may not have been my most favorite writer on the team, but he was the one to say that multiple dimensions/timelines/verses exist, and any/every ship is canon and could happen, so...
Your AU/timeline/dimension/verse is not any less than canon, and as an Apex fan from 2019, I definitely noticed a lot of inconsistencies in the lore since then.
As long as you don't hurt anyone, harass people over shipping, or erase the core identities of the Legends, you should be fine! 💜
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I was wondering, since Rev has Six and the other prowlers he takes care of, what would he think of a Legend S/o who takes care of Prowlers, Spiders and Flyers for the games? Like they own some and they usually go to World’s Edge, Kings Canyon and Storm Point before they are in Rotation to check on the animals and they all really really like s/o when they drop by.
Okay I sort of took the vibes of this and absolutely ran with it. This is basically a plot point skeleton for a first book in a multi-book fanfiction at this point:
You never noticed Revenant between games before, as Bloodhound was always more your pace with a commonality in caring for beasts, until one day you were running behind.
The Flyers were upset that day, as were the Spiders. You ended up having to spend way more time to feed both, and you didn't even get a chance to get close to them in order to check their condition.
By the time you reached the Prowlers, you understood why.
Nothing quite like a 6'7" tall metal maniac holding a young, injured dinosaur like a beloved puppy to get you to pay attention.
He was not pleased to see you.
He was immediately accusatory: why weren't you there sooner? Something about how bad this could have been, and how he can't stand the use of prowlers as fodder for entertainment, and that they deserve care or to be let go.
Oddly enough, you agree with the oversized villain character of the Apex Games.
You interrupt him to ask what exactly is wrong, since it needs to be addressed immediately.
"Blood scale" is no sooner uttered than you jumping over the prowler in his arms to try to find the lethal bleed.
He shoves you away, and you hear him say it.
"I took care of it, skinbag."
He... he did?
He flicks a bloody, hollow scale in your direction. Most of the blood has drained, but it clearly was a blood scale.
You spent eight years in school to become a veterinarian with a focus on neozoology and exotic animals, became a specialist in some of the most dangerous fauna on this side of the Outlands, and pushed the present understanding of medical knowledge on these species youself just for some simulacrum at work to "take care of it" himself.
He reels back a bit as you stare at him, letting the prowler leap from his arms while panting happily, letting it's tongue loll out.
After that encounter, Revenant could not escape your notice, much to his annoyance for a few months.
You would seek him out to present questions about prowlers aloud near him, much like you would with Caustic for the spiders. Like Caustic, Revenant would often sigh loudly in frustration while answering the complex question like it was elementary knowledge.
He became an invaluable resource.
Caustic never came around to liking you, but Revenant got used to you.
Finally, Revenant would start "appearing" when you would make your usual rounds to the battlefields' prowler dens.
You are surprised to find that Revenant's presence does not upset the prowlers, but rather calms them down.
He started by just watching you take care of the prowlers: taking blood labs, treating small injuries, providing meat fortified with necessary vitamins and minerals, administering basic medicines to the sick, and tagging newborns for tracking.
Then you tried checking on a prowler with a broken leg, which would usually call for careful euthanasia due to how dangerous it can be if the prowler lashes out in pain.
You thought you could help, but trying to set the leg proved too painful.
The bite would have killed you instantly, if it reached you.
Revenant took the bite with his own body, holding the snout in place around his leg to give you time to set the break, splint it, and hard cast it.
He began stepping in to help you after that, and it became an unacknowledged standard for you to give the prowlers better and more in-depth care in exchange for his invulnerablility, knowledge, and strength.
It started to become the best part of your job.
You began getting to the prowlers first, and spending a bit longer with them.
Eventually, he started following you to take care of the flyers and spiders too, although he clearly was a bit more out of his depth in those situations.
He was able to adjust to the flyers fairly easily, but the spiders and him seem to have a respectful hatred of one another.
The spider eggs are no problem for him, and even freshly hatched spiders do not affect him much; but the massive, drop-ship sized adults are a different story.
Given their venom is caustic and turns his body to a rusting, oxidizing mess: fair enough. You agree with him, but moreso because of the fangs that are almost as tall and wide as you.
Thankfully, so long as they're well-fed and it's the daytime, they don't have much interest in you.
Revenant, however...
If the spiders become aware of Revenant, they will either threat pose at him until he backs away or gently approach him to reach for him.
He's not fond of the latter behavior, likely because he's not fond of having younger, smaller males trying to attach a spawning web to him.
It's funny, to watch his smaller frame hiding in a crevasse from a massive spider who has mistaken him for a possible mate.
Revenant rapidly became the prettiest (and most docile) bachelorette at the ball, likely on account of not killing and eating the males like the females normally would.
At the same time, he plays the hardest to get, leaving you snickering back at the dropship to handle paperwork.
He hates it, obviously, but he sticks around anyway.
Finally, one time a male managed to attach a ball of spawning silk to him, and that was the first time you got to help Revenant back.
Back at the facility, after a very uncomfortable and sticky ride back from Storm Point, you were able to carefully use acetone and a paint scraper to get the webbing off of him.
Revenant was about as cooperative as the prowlers, growling and complaining with each long scrape.
Some of his paint comes off with the webbing, but he doesn't seem to care so long as his evidence of being the target of a male spider's love and affection is gone.
You promise in the privacy of his living space that you won't tell anyone about it, and thank him for always being around to help you
He immediately shoots down your thanks verbally, insisting it means nothing to him
"As long as the prowlers are taken care of, I don't give a damn"
He mumbles about wishing they weren't a part of the Apex Games, right as you scrape off the last clump of webbing
He tries to get up to leave, but you stop him to wipe him down with acetone, just to be sure the adhesive slime isn't lingering.
He's sticky beyond compare, and the acetone-soaked rag strips off paint with the adhesive.
You have to carefully hit every crevasse to clean, which rapidly reveals he's...
As the paint is stripped from the metal plating, Revenant contorts, jerks, huffs, and gasps randomly as you gently rub the rims and edges of his chassis.
He's clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, causing you to instinctively apologize while insistently cleaning him.
He reminds you of most of your patients: large, able to kill you in a single motion, and yet vulnerable in some way.
And that's when you got fully attached to sticking close to him.
He invited you to sleep on his couch for the first time, especially as long as it took to finish cleaning him.
You insisted you "couldn't" because you needed to stay up until he was fully taken care of, which included repainting the stripped areas.
Honestly, you were completely exhausted and not all there at that point, but he let you help him repaint his chassis.
Between the paint fumes, sleep deprivation, and exhaustion, you passed out in his room.
After that night, Revenant wouldn't stop sticking to your side. You caught his attention, and you weren't getting away from him.
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starshapedspider · 8 months
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personal face design for bloodhound for funsies
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sassycyborgninja · 6 months
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Who said I can't make a self insert Apex OC to kiss the funny crackhead guy ?
does anyone else has an apex oc??? Please tell me I'm not the only one
(used a bunch of different pics that I redrew like this or even this or this one ooooor this )
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mewzmakesart · 5 months
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Revenant is so pretty guh
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I think I did not post these…. He is irresistible to me
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ghouly-drool · 8 months
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here's some sona stuff so you all can see the design!! also a silly and very messy doodle of my sona and octane from apex below the cut!
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weirdest-lights · 2 years
I love Vantage so much . I want to hug her so badly, she would be so soft and strong.
Woman who can kill me but doesn't because she loves me. I would die for her she makes me so happy I swear to god.
My favourite apex ship ?? Me x Vantage. I would free her mom from jail as a way to make her like me. I ... I am so down bad for the absolute beast that is Xiomara Contreras. She singlehandedly made me want to start playing Apex again when my brainworms were only thinking of Fallout New Vegas. I fucking love her.
I need every single fan art, fanfic and cosplay of her. Anyone who has ever drawn her, i love you and I would die for you <3.
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I figured I'd do this for a few ships but today it's for my F/o: Octane and my S/i: Blitz
Keep in mind: this is nsfw info.
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My headcanons on Octanes sex life is a tangled mess of AAAAAA.
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years
Spending Time with the Girls
(Decided to make a story where my self insert character spends time with the female Legends in Apex Legends. Got inspired by a mutual friend)
Primrose walked over to Horizon and nuzzled against her, setting down a cup of coffee on the desk. She smiled at her, “thanks, dearie.” Primrose smiled and she kissed her forehead. Horizon smiled more and she held her close, kissing her temple. Primrose purred happily.
Bangalore and Primrose were firing at the targets. Once Bangalore finished, she set her gun on her shoulder, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. Primrose looked at her and smiled before she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed the soldier on the cheek. She blinked in surprise before she smirked at her, "well, aren't you cheeky?" Primrose smiled innocently only to squeak when Bangalore pulled her into a light kiss. She kissed her back, wrapping her arms around her neck.
Primrose sat in the bedroom, listening to music as she sat on the bed. She looked over at Wraith who was laying down next to her. She smiled softly before she leaned over and kissed her temple. Wraith looked up at her and smiled softly before she leaned up and kissef her chin. Primrose purred and held her close.
“Bonjour, Prim!” Wattson says happily as she prepares a plate. “Hi, Wattson,” Primrose said with a smile as she walked up beside her. Wattson puts on some oven mitts and Primrose steps back to let her take out the cupcakes from the oven. “Ooh!” Primrose says happily and she reaches for one only for Wattson to gently smacks her hand away. “Ah-ah! They have to cool down,” she said. She whined and pouted before she blinked when Wattson suddenly dabs strawberry frosting on the tip of her nose. Wattson giggles innocently and she kisses her cheek. Primrose squeaks and smiled as she blushes too and she returns the kiss.
Primrose ran through the forest before she jumped up and landed on a tree branch. There’s a familiar laugh as Vantage chases after her. Primrose grins at her as the Pup runs up to the tree. “Can’t catch me so easily, Pup!” She says with a wink. Vantage smirked, “oh yeah?” With that, she started to climb onto the tree. Primrose giggled as she waited patiently for her to sit beside her. Vantage panted softly, “caught ya.” She smiled and gently ruffled her hair before she kisses her temple. Vantage squeaks and blushed in surprise before she kissed her cheek.
“Well, hello beautiful,” Loba speaks up as she walked up beside Primrose. She smiled at her, “hi, alpha.” Loba smiles and she wraps her arms around her waist and kisses her temple. Primrose turns around in her arms to face her as she wraps her arms around her neck and she kisses her. Loba immediately kisses her back.
“Hey, cutie,” Valkyrie said as she flew over to her. Primrose smiled at her, “hey, viper.” Valkyrie blushes and pouts, “oh come ooon. Not you too.” Primrose laughed, “what can I say? It fits you.” She unfolds her wings and wraps them and her arms around Valkyrie’s waist. The woman nearly yelped in surprise before she laughed and she kissed her head. Primrose smiled as she leaned into her touch.
Mad Maggie leaned against the wall as she glares out the window. Primrose looked over at her and she gazes at her, watching her aurora. It was yellow and black. An unusual color. Tilting her head, she slowly walked over to the woman. Maggie glanced at her and Primrose paused in mid-step. Maggie chuckled and waved her over. She walks over to her and before Maggie could react, the Huntress kisses her chin. Maggie blinked in surprise before she smirked, “clever girl.” Primrose smirked back, ready to give this one her all.
Primrose walked over to Ash who was staring at the screens intently. She looked at the rats who scurry past her feet, holding pieces of cheese and crumbs in their mouths. Looking back at Ash, the female Simulacrum was looking at her with the same intense gaze. After a few moments, Ash turns away from the Huntress and Primrose takes her chance to get closer. She stands on her tippy toes and kisses her on the cheek. Ash froze in surprise and before Primrose can hurry away, the Instigator grabs her arm and yanks her close to her, their faces mere inches away from each other. “Bold, aren’t you?” Ash asks, amusement in her voice. Primrose smiled shyly, knowing that something was going to happen.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Ajay said with a wave as she finished working on D.O.C. and she turned to Primrose. “Hi,” Primrose said with a smile as she walked up beside her, “are you busy?” “Nah,” she chuckled, “just finished working on D.O.C. What can I do for ya?” Primrose smiled shyly before she leaned down and gently kisses Ajay. The medic blushed in surprise before she kisses her back. “Cute,” she chuckled. Primrose smiled at her.
“Hey, Prim!” Rhapsody said as she put away some of her records. “Hi Rhaps,” Primrose smiled. Rhapsody chuckled and she smiled at her, “what are you up to?” “Nothing much,” she shrugged as she walked over to her. Rhapsody raised an eyebrow at her as she could tell something was off. She walked over to Primrose and placed her hand on her shoulder. She looked at her before she kissed her cheek. Rhapsody blushed in surprise before she chuckled. Primrose smiled happily.
“Ready to party, Prim?” Rampart asked excitedly. Primrose chuckled softly as she sat back. Rampart furrowed a brow and she walks over to the Huntress. She leaned down and touched her head, “you okay?” “Yeah,” she says before she leans up and kisses her on the nose. She blinks before she laughs and she kisses her cheek. Primrose squeals and laughs when Rampart starts tickling her.
“So… you can manipulate crystals?” Catalyst asked curiously as she and Primrose sat in her new room on the drop ship. Primrose nods, “yes. If… it’s okay with you.” Catalyst smiled softly, “it’s alright with me. Mind if I try to read your palm?” Primrose gives a shy nod and she held her hand out to Catalyst who gently takes her hand. She notices that Primrose is a little more tense than usual and she gently kisses her knuckles, surprising the other. Primrose blushes and smiles softly, “thank you.” Catalyst smiled lovingly at her in response.
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Where do they like to kiss you the most? ~Bloodhound
"Uh... Houndy likes kissing my cheek and neck a lot. Somthing quick while still intimate. They aren't much for overt intimacy, so this is actually really nice." Blitz smiled softly, reading the question and then glancing at the camera.
Bloodhound slowly slinked into frame hugging Blitz from behind, resting their chin on its neck. They booped their mask against Blitz's cheek, smiling to themself.
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(Bloodhound GIF for attention lol)
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foxannethemuffin · 4 months
💜 Le gasp! Small art dump! :0
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First drawing is screenshot redraws of Meryl n’ Milly from Trigun for practice since I plan to make more fanart of them so I wanted to get myself familiar with their designs and see how I can draw them in my style!
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Second drawing was a birthday drawing for my sister in law! I drew some of her favorite characters which were Nifty from Hazbin Hotel, Hatsune Miku(specifically the Cinnamoroll Miku) and Koro senseii from Assassination Classroom!
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Third drawing was a quick drawing I made for my banner on discord, which were lil chibis of Leon n’ Luis from re4, Vash n’ Wolfwood from Trigun and with the addition of my self inserts from each fandom!
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Then the last two are birthday drawings for a friendo so that we could match on discord! I drew some of his favorite characters which were Octane from Apex Legends, Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul, Aqua from Kingdom Hearts and Leon from re4! Then I drew my favorite characters which were Wattson from Apex Legends, Luis from re4, and Vash n’ Wolfwood from Trigun! So now on discord I have his favorite characters as my pfp n’ he has my favorite characters as his pfp! :D Close up underneath in case anyone wanted to see the characters up close!
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That’s all I have for now though! I’ll try to draw n’ post more frequently from now on but I can’t guarantee that ;-;
Tagging mutuals(if you don’t wanna be tagged then let me know!): @glorbix @lady-wren-of-tella @embarrassedauthornerd @wisecrackingeric-2 @junebug-isunavailable @elis-corner @iphiloupe
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kieranwritess · 1 year
Ballistic Headcanons (some x reader?)
Fandom: Apex Legends
Character: Ballistic
Notes: kinks mentioned, you are responsible for all media you consume etc etc, religion mentioned, pet names
a/n: I went mental for the old man and here we are. another midnight HC list!! I do not control when the writing gods strike okay 😭
General HCs
him and Horizon are lowkey besties (pov you bond over the shared trauma of losing a son)
prolly tolerates her and Fuse the most out of the other legends (Fuse comes across as a pretty amiable guy despite it all tbh)
if sad wet cat was a person, he is it
speaking of cats, HE IS A CAT PERSON!! has like 50 and the MRVNs take care of them while he's away
if he gets called Monty, there is a 99% chance he will break your legs
fences, prolly owns a real sword (rich people tingz)
and speaking of rich people, hoards art like a fucking DRAGON (think Tilda from Horizon FW but less evil)
basically canon but mans is a Hellenistic pagan
given the bust of Zeus, he probably has a shrine for him somewhere on the estate
I'd imagine another patron of his is Athena (i.e. strategic warcraft and wisdom. I mean cmon he quotes literature everywhere, a very learned fella)
protects his tea stash at the Apex HQ with his LIFE (if there's no canon HQ just pretend there's one in Solace City by the firing range)
dramatic little bitch ("by the gods, I'm down ☹️")
fashion-conscious at the very least (thinking of the kill quip about burying his opponent "in a more respectable outfit than that")
Romantic HCs
is SO quiet about his private life (I mean after his wife and child leaving him why wouldn't he be?)
and with that #baggage, he's very nervous to admit to himself that he's romantically/sexually interested in someone again
if he does find himself interested in someone, he finds it difficult to put aside his public persona (a subconscious and self-protective habit)
but when he falls, he falls so damn hard !!! he's afraid of coming on too strong as well. will probably suss out the vibes of said person
ANYWAYS, if his s/o is in the Games, he feels so damn bad about hurting them it's basically a flight risk lol (and THIS is why there are anti-fraternization rules)
if legend!s/o does get hurt, this man is so good at makeup sex godDAMN
is definitely one to worship and spoil his partner
pet names like dear, darling, pet, luv, angel, god(dess), my love, beloved, my *insert pet name here*
considers himself a pretty vanilla dude with a crippling breeding kink (no matter the sex of his s/o)
cooking for those he cares about is lowkey a love language of his
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dvakinnieindaflesh · 6 months
Hi hi everypony!!! College is finally starting to lessen up for me so I am now in a position to start accepting commissions.
Word count is based on the tier you select and I only take payment through cashapp or PayPal. Please know that all currency is in USD for I am a US citizen.
Here is some more information underneath the cut!
To find examples of my writing, click here!
Here are my current rates for one shot fics:
Completed One Shot Fic at 2K words - 50 dollars
Completed One Shot Fic at 3K words - 60 dollars
Completed One Shot Fic at 4K words - 70 dollars
Completed One Shot Fic at 5K words - 90 dollars
Drabble (under 800 words) - 30 dollars : 35 dollars if NSFW
If you commission any of my writing and want one of the characters to be an OC or Self Insert, please send me a short description of you, your pronouns, preferred genitalia (if NSFW), and your personality. This will help me better portray you or your character!
Please also know what sort of plot or prompt that you have in mind! If you do not have any idea in mind but would rather want me to flex my creative muscles, I will charge an extra five dollars, for this is a little bit more work on my part.
Please take a look at my Will and Won't for commissions
Underage SAFE FOR WORK ship requests
Consent Non Consent in 18+ situations (NOTHING UNDERAGE)
LGBTQ pairings/identity canons/anything positive
Underage characters in a NOT SAFE FOR WORK piece of writing
Anything from a fandom I don’t know
Raceplay (only if it involves ONE black person, for I’m black)
LGBTQ homophobia (if the context isn’t sexual, then fine)
Feet (will cost you a LOT)
DC Comics/Shows
The Hunger Games
All of Us are Dead
Sweet Home
Among Us
Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
Almost all Horror Movies
Marvel Comics/MCU
My Hero Academia
Harry Potter
Almost All Popular Musicals
Apex Legends
Dead by Daylight
Stardew Valley
Resident Evil
The Walking Dead (video game and show)
Chainsaw Man
Detroit:Become Human
American Horror Story
Persona 5
any sort of OC fandom
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mewzmakesart · 5 months
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Revenant and my self insert : 3
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