#natalie paquette x reader
cynical-sprite · 3 years
Apex Legends Preferences: Mugs they'd buy their s/o
Walter Fitzroy/Fuse🧡:
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Loba Andrade❤:
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Anita Williams/Bangalore💙:
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Elliott Witt/Mirage💛:
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Natalie Paquette/Wattson🤍:
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Octavio Silva/Octane💚:
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Ajay Che/Lifeline💜:
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Tae Joon Park/Crypto💚:
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Renee Blasey/Wraith💜:
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Kairi Imahara/Valkyrie💙:
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Wattson – #18, Socks or Slippers
The scientist was bouncing up and down with joy. The little heads of the nessie slippers she wore bounced with her.
She had a small box in her hands, wrapped with festive red and green wrapping paper. It even had a big bow on top. She handed it to you, and you took it. “Is this for me?”
Natalie nodded, clapping her hands, “oui! Open it!”
You cocked your head to the side, smiling, “Christmas isn’t for another three days, though.”
“I know! But I can’t wait to see your reaction!” said Wattson. She waved at you.
“Alright, alright.” you said, laughing. The two of you sat down on the couch and Natalie watched with great interest as you tore the wrapping paper open, and lifted the lid of the box. Inside were matching nessie slippers, exactly like the ones Wattson wore right now.
You beamed, and took them out of the box, stuffing your feet into them. They were just a bit too small, but you’d break them in nicely. “I didn’t quite remember if you wants socks or slippers, so I hope this is okay!” said the girl.
You hugged her, “It’s more than okay, Natalie. I love them!”
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shortythescreen · 4 years
May I please have Wattson Significant Other Headcanons please and thank you!! 💖💖💖 Love you Shorty!!!
Wattson Significant Other Headcanons:
- Wattson likely hasn’t dated before! She’s highly accomplished for a twenty two year old but that doesn’t leave a lot of room for romance. So she’s very, very excited when she’s interested in someone and they’re interested in her. 
- Is highly aware that French is the language of love. Would definitely call her partner things like mon coeur, mon amour, mon ange, etc. 
- If they’re smaller than her she spends a lot of time giving them piggy back rides, and if they’re bigger than her she spends a lot of time on their back. 
- Natalie would love to take her partner traveling with her! She loves to learn about other cultures and likes to see beautiful things -- and when she’s in love, she wants to learn and see those things with her partner. 
- Likes if her partners take pictures of her pulling them along -- especially in new places. 
- Dates inside the arena! Natalie helped build King’s Canyon and she’s very proud of this. She’s one of the only people that has access to it when there isn’t a game going on and she would definitely take her significant other for a picnic inside. 
- Her partner becomes like another family member to her and she’s very adamant about making them proud. Will show them all the things she tinkers on and her little gadgets. 
- Is prone to cheek kisses. Little pecks as she’s going about her day. 
- She gets giggly when her partner kisses her out of nowhere -- especially if it’s somewhere that isn’t her lips (cheek, forehead, nose, etc.)
- Appreciates a partner that is mindful of when her brain does the ~thing~. Sometimes too many noises at once overwhelm her, so a partner that knows to put on their headphones while she’s watching a show, or to try and not make too much noise in the kitchen while she’s working on something is highly appreciated. 
- Sometimes goes off on tangents about highly complicated engineering formulas. Has to be reminded that her partner likely doesn’t understand them. 
- She moves in with her partner relatively quickly. Natalie likes to be around them often and though they don’t officially move in together until at least a few months in, her stuff slowly kind of ends up in their space. 
- Loves rainy days in bed. The kind that let her snuggle up with her partner and maybe watch some cool documentary. 
- Would really like polaroid pictures with her partner. Probably would make a whole photo album of trips, dates, and moments together. 
- Natalie always calls her partner right before a match. 
- Sort of gets overwhelmed by the press coverage if her relationship is leaked/gets discovered. Probably tries to clean it up and become a little more conscious of keeping her private life private. 
- She would push for her partner to have a relationship with Caustic, or at least be friendly with him, because they’re so close! Team Science! She understands if it takes time but she would really appreciate both of them trying. 
- Natalie’s the type of person that writes her partner’s name with her last name over and over again in her notebooks with little hearts doodled around it. 
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carmen-is-away · 2 years
cuddling with the legends pt. 2
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
In this post: Bangalore, Caustic, Mirage, Octane, Wattson
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Anita's not too into cuddling. If you wanna cuddle then sure, but it's not really her thing. She usually likes to lay on her bacck and wraps an arm around you most times and lets you do whatever. Sometimes she'll sleep back to back with you.
Cuddle? With him? Absolutely not. Immediately no. This man hates even the IDEA of cuddling, buuuuuutttttttt if you're lucky, he'll let you sleep on his chest. If you wanna cuddle, you'll most likely wanna catch him when he's dead tired and half asleep which is most times never.
Witt on the other hand LOVES to cuddle. He's a lover and it's his favorite pastime and it's very reassuring to him and it makes him feel like he's keeping you all to himself forever. He will cuddle with you any and everywhere in any position. He's most fond of spooning (big and little), you laying on top of him or him putting his head on your lap.
Cuddling? He said it wasn't his style. But he might let it slide if he's in a serious committed relationship. He likes to move too much so I'm not sure how comfortable you'd be. Cuddling also makes him feel vulnerable and he's not into that. If you somehow get him to sit his ass down (mostly when he's about to crash), he'll want to lay his head on your ass or have you lay on his chest or try to have sex with you. He won't stay there for too long unless he's about to go to sleep or he's high.
Another one that absolutely adores cuddling. She's got hella blankets and pillows and nessies and body heat and nice lighting and love! She'll want to talk about whatever's interested her recently so you better listen!! She doesn't really have a set cuddling position, it really just depends on how comfortable she is with being touched and how comfortable she is with being touchy.
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msblazer · 2 years
“Annoying Skin Suit”
Revenant x Reader
(Enemies to Lovers)
|Part 1|
1.5k words
Copy and pasted from my Wattpad new one shots book:
Wattpad: @Ms_Blazer
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Revenant x F!Reader
Where the reader is not afraid of the murderous simulacrum, who hates her back for it. They have a continuous rivalry on who would loose their minds first and finally snap.
Best friends: Natalie, Octavio
-possible spelling errors!
"Hey (Name)! Good job today, you did great." Anita patted your back. "Yes! You were fantastic (Name)!" Natalie beamed, her French accent could be heard very clearly." "Thanks guys, you both did amazing today as well."
You smiled back. The three women continue to talk about the match they won together while walking down the hall towards the main room to the other legends.
"Oh! (Name)? May I ask you something?" Natalie asked. You turned to face one of your beset friends while tilting your head. "You just did, but of course go on." Natalie giggled before asking. "Did you encounter you know who during today's match?" You nodded.
"Yeah I did actually, I saw him looting on his own so I decided to take that to my advantage. I knocked him down but-" You were cut off from your sentence when you felt a very rough shove to the shoulder. "Get out of my way skin suit." Natalie let out a little squeak and hid behind Anita slightly.
You looked at his back as he started to walk away. "Haha! Still salty about the match today hey? Imagine getting downed by an 'Annoying Skin Suit' like me!" (Name) taunted.
"(Name) I don't think that's a great idea- he's emitting smoke" Anita warned. Natalie was still behind Anita for cover. Suddenly Revenant spun around so quick it scared Natalie to the point she let out a scream of fear. Anita staggered.
(Name) raised an eyebrow at the simulacrum in amusement. "Sorry (Name), don't get yourself too hurt." Anita apologised as she ran after Natalie who had already taken off in the original direction the three of you were going.
"Lookie, it seems your little friends left you girlie..." Revenant slowly started to make his way towards you. "Did you really think by just knocking me down during that match was going to get anything to benefit you? Your status?"
"Yeah actually, surprise! I've got a tracker on how many times I've knocked you down 'Revie'." (Name) glared. Revenant growled. He has already lost his temper and now his patience was slowly decreasing.
"You better shut up before this ends worse for you than the other time I shot you down." "Try me asshole." Revenant's eyes turned into a blood red glow and he sprinted towards the smaller human. (Name) grinned and gave him a small wave before disappearing into thin air. Revenant missed his attack and started to look around for you.
He heard a laugh from behind him and quickly turned around to see you a couple of meter away from him down the hall. He rushed forward again.
Just before he could punch you, you appeared behind him in a flash and kicked the back of the abdomen part of his body, which was covered in leather. He let out a grunt and quickly turned in your direction.
You quickly teleported behind him again as his fist came towards you. This pattern continued for a few more seconds before his fist suddenly collided into your stomach mid air which took out the air in your lungs.
You get out a yell of pain and fell a meter down till your body collided with the floor. You saw Revenant about to raise his foot to kick you, you quickly rolled away. His foot still collided with your nose and you let out a groan of pain.
He didn't kick you hard enough to break your nose. The two of you saw the blood from your injury splatter onto the floor. Clutching your nose you got up quickly and turn to Revenant who still looked pissed but slightly...uncomfortable?
You felt the blood pouring down the hand that was clutching to your nose with light patters of the liquid meeting the ground below. You quickly mumbled a small "fuck you" before disappearing into the air leaving a light blue powder from where you stood.
The powder floated down, some mixing with the crimson blood on the ground where it turned into a violet purple colour.
Revenant growled and kicked a plant pot across the hall, shattering it in the process as he continued to make his way back to his own assigned room. As he walked he realised that you only lightly damaged some of the leather on his body.
It was nothing compared to the damage you could do with your bare hands during any of the matches which confused him, yet he shrugged it off and continued to walk away.
You quickly reappeared in some random room. "Eep! (Name)!? You scared me half to death! Don't randomly appear like that!" Natalie yelped at your sudden appearance.
"Relax Nat, we've seen each other naked so even if you were doing something with Mr. Speed Devil I wouldn't care and just leave you two to do your thing" (Name) grumbled as she started to make her way towards Nat's bathroom.
"(Name)! That stuff doesn't happen! Stop making things up!" Natalie stammered. You let out a small "mhm" as you were about to open the door to the bathroom to find the first aid kit. "(Name) are you okay...? You're bleeding, wait where are you goi- wait! Don't open the door!" Too late. (Name) opened the door and saw a panicking Octavio inside. Thankfully fully clothed, minus the mask and goggles.
"AH! Aha- hOlA aMiGo! FiNe dAy iSn'T It?" He stuttered as he leaned on the sink counter. You turned around to Nat. "Like I said. I don't care"
(Name) made her way towards Octavio who was sweating from anxiousness. "Can you move?" You asked. Octavio moved away immediately. "Yeah, sorry amigo..." you hummed in acceptance.
You quickly took out the med kit from the cupboard. "(Name) do you need any help?" Natalie asked. "That would be great actually" (Name) finally let go of her bleeding nose.
You both heard Octavio let out a hiss sound. "Ow, that's gotta hurt. What did you do? Teleport into a wall?" Octavio joked. (Name) shook her heard. "No, it was-" you let out a hiss of pain as Natalie started to clean off the blood around your nose.
"As I was saying, it was Revenant" You answered. Octavio tasked. "Of course it was, that metal headed punk. I would beat his ass if he wouldn't kill me first with a simple glare" Octavio shivered. You let out a laugh which you immediately regretted as you felt the pain come back to your nose.
"GAH that hurts like a bitch..." You growled. Natalie was about to put on some alcoholic disinfectant. "Oh, HELL NO" You yelled as you saw her approaching with the piece of cotton that had the 'evil liquid' you referred it to in her hand. Before you could get up you heard Nat yell "HOLD HER DOWN" and you felt a strong pair of hands hold you down.
"NO. LET ME GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW. YOU AREN'T GOING TO PUT THAT SHIT ON ME." (Name) yelled. You could probably be heard down the hall by other people walking by. "I'll make it quick! I promise!" "Well will you hurry up amor?! She isn't that easy to hold down you know!" Natalie quickly began to disinfect some of the cuts.
The long yell of curses and shouts could be heard down the hall. A minute of yelling passes and it is quiet again.
"Jesus (Name)! One of the most skilled and someone with a large amount of endurance from bullets and a nearly broken nose, yet your most vulnerable to some alcohol disinfectant?! Seriously?!" Octavio exclaimed.
You sat up silently. The room was awkwardly quiet. Natalie began to put a bandage on your nose. You were still quiet the entire time. A few moments pass and Natalie finishes applying the bandage. "I'm an idiot." (Name) mumbled.
Natalie immediately began to comfort you "no you're not (Name)! Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe challenging Revenant to a fight was stu-" Natalie was then cut off.
"I could have just had teleported away before you could but that evil liquid on me...GODDAMNIT." You huffed. Octavio started to laugh. Natalie began to giggle and you soon joined in laughing.
As the three of you bonded while playing a video game that Natalie had saved for Octavio for when he came over to her room and eating snacks together and laughing, you didn't notice a certain simulacrum listening in from the hallway while you got your injury treated.
He huffed and continued to walk away to where ever he was going.
Ahh! Here is part 1 finished! I had a lot of fun writing this one. I'm excited to write part 2. (Maybe even a part 3?) I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thanks for reading!
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bizarrebaby · 4 years
Wattson nsft headcanons? 👉🏻👈🏻
Natalie likes to shock you. Not literally, not always, but her favorite kinks are ones that involve surprises and sudden sensations
She’s actually a rather big fan of wax play, temperature play, blindfolds, some light bondage. And she also loves it when people are surprised to find how kinky she is. Again, the shock factor at play.
Being the scientist in the relationship, she prefers to be the shocker rather than the one getting shocked. But she also doesn’t have an extreme preference! She’s easy.
She might not go so far as to touch you intimately in public, but she will definitely bring out the dirty talk in public, whispered, to tease you. And of course, when you least expect it
Who can be sure if it’s mutual, but she actually feels quite a bit of chemistry with the other legends. If you didn’t mind it, there are quite a few she’d welcome into the bedroom with you.
She finds intercrural sex, grinding, dry humping, and otherwise somewhat indirect methods of sex to be very... interesting. She usually won’t mind getting off on one of those methods alone
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
Apex Legends Characters + the ring they'd propose to you with Pt. 1
Natalie Paquette/Wattson
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Ajay Che/Lifeline
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Renee Blasey/Wraith
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shortythescreen · 4 years
I won't stop until I hear you scream, for wattson and crypto .
Note(s): NSFT/18+ beneath the cut. AFAB reader, Wattson has a strap. 
When you and Natalie first started dating, you admired her endurance. 
She’s tiny, a measly five feet and four inches, but she competes in the Apex Games. She’s young but she’s one of the top engineers in her field, competing with old men who have been doing this for years. You’re sure she’s been shot down, doubted at every turn, and her ability to withstand, to endure, is one of the many, many things you love about her. 
It’s a blessing and a curse in this setting. 
“Nat,” you whisper, eyes wet with tears. Your knees are trembling, cunt swollen and red from the sheer amount of orgasms you’ve had. You’re not sure if Natalie has had nearly as much, because you’re pretty sure she’s intermittently turned off the vibrating bullet on the inside of her strap. Her hand rests on your lower belly, bumping into your twined hands that have been keeping your legs back against your torso. “God, please, I don’t... I don’t think...” 
“You don’t think what, ma cher?” She hums. Her blonde hair is loose from its usual cap, standing up at the edges. She thrusts her hips forward, the toy pressing further into your leaking hole, and you groan at the sensation. 
“Don’t think... I can come again,” you sigh. Natalie lets out an ‘oh’ of recognition, tilting her head to the side with the word. Rather than letting up, though, she tightens the harness of her strap, beginning to fuck you faster, the slick of your cunt easing her way. 
“Na-Ta-” you choke out and she bends over your body. Her shoulders slot into your knees, practically bending you in half. She pins your hands above your head fingers wrapped around your wrists, her face so close to yours you can feel her panting. 
“Oh, ma cher,” she says, gathering up your wrists in one of her hand. The other disappear and you hear the bullet in her harness turn on. It sends the ghost of vibrations through your cunt and you moan as she does. “I won’t stop until I hear you scream.” 
She continues her rhythmic thrusting, but now she’s bucking faster, harder, making your tits jiggle with every bounce. She purrs, nudging her nose against your cheek. Your jaw drops as the hand she used to turn her vibrator back on reappears, squeezing your puckered nipples as she fucks you. 
“Fuck!” You yelp as she pinches one just a little too hard. She presses her cheek to yours and the angle it shifts your pelvis at makes you shout, pussy clenching hard around her strap. You whimper, tender, but Natalie just keeps fucking you. “Nat!” 
“Louuuder,” hums Natalie, pulling the pretty blue strap out, all the way to the tip. It teeters at your abused hole, your swollen rips squishy around it. Before you can moan, or whine, or even think, she slams back into you, sending another burst of stars behind your vision. 
“Natalie!” You scream. Music to her ears. Now, she just has to turn up the volume...
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carmen-is-away · 3 years
Yooo! Can I request a Wattson x Reader where reader gets hurt? (obviously not fatal but maybe a sprained wrist or something!) Like how Wattson would react and how she would take care of reader after?
wattson taking care of hurt reader.
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Nat would be kinda panicked at first
She’s freaking out and she’s kinda sad bc her baby got hurt :((((
Even when you explain to her that it’s not that bad, she still pouting sm
She’s gonna take care of you and that’s that idc idc
So many kisses :(((
Wattson kisses make the pain go away :(((
She brings you so many plushies bc the nessies are sad that you’re hurt too :((((((
Natalie won’t let you move
“You have to rest!!!!!!! You’re going to make it worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Nat, it’s just a sprain. I can still write, it’s not even the hand I write with?????”
She might seem a little overbearing but it’s bc she loves you sm :((((
She will do anything to make sure you’re okay
You said ouch? Nat’s off to find pain killers
You shivered a little?? She’s wrapping you up in 17 different blankets and cuddling you immediately
Even if you aren’t cold, she’s still cuddling up to you
She doesn’t care if it’s just a sprain or a little cut or whatever
She hates seeing you hurt ever and she’s doing everything she can to try and fix it <3
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