#miru miru milky
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art by milky/miru
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baileypie-writes · 8 months
~Not Human~ Part 2
Kurumi Mimino/Milky Rose x GN!Reader
Part 1 here!
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Fandoms: Otona Precure, Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Kurumi shows you her true form.
Warnings: None!
~Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! Masterlist~
She led you into an alleyway. After checking to see if the coast was clear, a puff of smoke enveloped her. When it cleared, she was no longer there. Until you looked down. Where Kurumi was standing, was a small, pink bunny-like creature.
“Kurumi?” You called out to the creature.
“Whew! Being in that human form is exhausting~miru!” It sighed, and stretched.
You jumped, and grabbed onto the brick wall beside you for support. The bunny noticed, and looked at you.
“Relax, (name). It’s me~miru!” It said in an annoyed tone.
You paused for a moment. “Kurumi? But… what are you?”
She flipped one of her floppy ears before responding. “I’m a fairy~miru! This is my true form. And by the way, my name is actually Milk~miru!”
“What? So you’re not really a human?” You asked, shocked.
“Nope! Remember how I’m from the Palmier Kingdom~miru? Well, everyone there is a fairy, including me! I only take human form when I’m out in town~miru.”
You were flabbergasted. This whole time, your crush wasn’t even a human. But even so, your feelings were still there. You knelt down to Kurumi’s- eh, Milk’s level. “Well, thanks for telling me. I get why it took so long. Uh… I don’t really know what else to say for this situation.” You laughed nervously.
Milk smiled, and another puff of smoke emitted from her. When it cleared, you were met with shoes. You looked up, and saw Kurumi looking down at you. Oh, she changed back.
She held out her hand. With a smile, you took it, and Kurumi helped you up.
“So, what do you think?” She asked. “Will this soil our relationship?”
“Well, it’s pretty shocking…” You said. “but no. I still like you.”
Kurumi hummed. She then leaned forward, and gave you a peck on the lips. “Good. Now if you don’t mind, I really must be going. It’s not an easy job, being a prime minister.” She waved goodbye, and ran out of the alley.
You followed her, wanting to say goodbye. But when you exited the alley, she was gone. You weren’t upset though, because you just gained a girlfriend.
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn x Aera/reader (you are Aera, loosely based off of Aera Mirus Fleuret)
SERIES: The Fall Part 1 of 4
            You leaned against the balcony railing in your guest room and stared at the view. The sleepless city was illuminated by a myriad of colorful lights, flickering and glowing like tiny stars. Meanwhile the night sky remained empty and void. It was as though the celestial beacons were dragged down to Eos, leaving the heavens shrouded in darkness. Only the moon remained. It stood sentinel over the busy city and painted your otherwise dark room in pale milky light. 
           The duffle bag you brought with you was on the bed, still stuffed full with the clothing you had no intention of unpacking. You weren’t going to stay here for long anyway. In fact, you planned to leave tonight. Your duffle bag was ready and you still had the clothes on your back from earlier today. The only thing you needed was a way out. As you stared down at the long stretch of space between your balcony and the ground below, you knew climbing or jumping down was out of the question. 
             Before you could wrack your brain for more ideas, you felt the air shift. “Leaving so soon?” Came a familiar mellifluous voice from behind you. 
         “Uncle Ardyn? What are you doing here?” You asked.
        “Visiting a dear friend, of course.” He answered. “As well as to congratulate you on your new position”
          You frowned. “How do you know about that?” How did he even know you would be in Insomnia? You haven't seen the older man in a few weeks, let alone earlier today. There was no logical explanation for him knowing about the invitation as well as the proposal.
          “I have my ways.” Ardyn answered cryptically. Now that you thought about it, he always knew where to find you and he would always appear at the most opportune moments, usually whenever you needed him or anyone else to talk to. A nagging sense of dread forced the hair at the back of your neck to stand. You trusted uncle Ardyn but something felt off about all of these encounters that you’ve never considered before. But before that nagging feeling could take root, you took a deep breath and forced yourself to relax. This was uncle Ardyn. You have known him since you were five years old. You love him and trust him, sure he is a bit strange and would always appear out of nowhere, but that didn’t mean anything malevolent. Perhaps his magic makes him more intune to your emotions, allowing him to come to your aid whenever you need him. But that still didn’t explain away how he would know where to find you.  “Now, I may not be one to stand on ceremony but such an occasion as this calls for a celebration, don’t you agree?”
        “No…I don’t want to be here.” You answered truthfully. 
         His amber eyes softened. “It's your home you yearn for, isn’t it?”
         You nodded your head when an idea came to you. “Do you think you could take me there?”
          Ardyn hummed at the request. Perhaps this could be an alternative to his original plan. He truly had no real desire to kill you. You were sweet and kind and full of so much life, he wanted to bask in your light for a little while longer. Stealing you away just might be the next best option. He could take you to the heart of the empire, somewhere far away from the chosen king. But what of the gods? Surely they wouldn’t allow you to part from Noctis for long if your presence was truly needed to fulfill the prophecy. 
         He sighed wearily. It was probably inevitable that you would find your way back to Insomnia, back to prince Noctis’ side. The only way to keep that scenario from happening is to kill you.  Ardyn suddenly found his mouth to be too dry. “Of course, my dear.” He said before giving you a smile, one he hoped felt real enough to assuage your inquiring mind as well as silence the doubts within his own. “But before we depart, it would be such a shame to allow this cider to go to waste.”
         With a wave of his hand a bottle of apple cider appeared in his grasp, accompanied by two empty golden goblets. “Sparkling apple juice. It is to your liking, yes?”
          You answered yes and Ardyn handed you a cup. The amber liquid bubbled and fizzed as he filled your cup before doing the same to his. He clanked his cup against yours with a gentle, “cheers”, and brought the goblet to his lips. He watched as you mimicked his movements, bringing the cup to your lips. To grant you a peaceful death didn’t take much thought on his part. After finding out your purpose, he plucked a bulb of nightshade from Verstael Besithia’s garden back in Gralea and laced the cider with it. The poison from the plant works swiftly as well as painlessly, easing its victim into a dreamless sleep before gradually killing them in a matter of minutes. 
        You tilted the cup but before Ardyn could witness you consume the poison, he was suddenly plucked out of reality. First there was darkness, impenetrable and all consuming before a deluge of light burst through the dark and bathed his new surroundings in color.  Shades of blue light illuminated the void. There was a smattering of stars here and there where the light didn’t reach and Ardyn knew where he was instantly. How could he possibly forget this wretched place? His eyes scanned the empty space before they fell upon the being whose very presence ignited a raging fire in his core. 
         Ardyn gritted his teeth so hard he thought they would crack. “What is it now?” He hissed. 
         “You know why thou hast been summoned.” The god said, the thunderous boom of his voice echoed across the void. “The child has been chosen to serve an important role in what has been ordained, a role thou is not permitted to disturb.”
          Ardyn scoffed, “I wonder what role that may be. Could it be you’ve misjudged the capabilities of your chosen champion, so much so that you must rely on the aid of a new contender?” 
        “To aid the chosen king in his quest is not her true calling. Her purpose is to thee. She will serve as the catalysis to bring forth your salvation.” Bahamut revealed.
        “My salvation?” Ardyn asked. This felt eerily reminiscent of his previous encounter with the apathetic god. So much so that he could already feel the god's inequitable decree in his bones before the words were even uttered. Just like last time, Ardyn knew Bahamut's words would be life altering, soul crushing, and final. And just like last time Ardyn was prepared to rebel, even if that meant getting tortured by Aera's likeness all over again.
        “Amidst the darkest hour, she shall serve as a beacon of light and drive away the darkness that distorted thy heart.” Bahamut explained. “Once the girl revives the part of thee that remains unmarred by the dark, thou shalt finally be free of the scourge’s influence and power, in time for thy departure from this world. That shall be your salvation.” 
         That flame in Ardyn's core burst into a full blown forest fire, incinerating all rational thought until all he could see was red. He could kill him. His fingernails stabbed into the flesh of his palm with the need to tear into the god until Bahamut was nothing but a bloody disfigured heap of flesh. Ardyn gritted his teeth and this time he was sure they were bleeding. He could honestly laugh at the absurdity of his circumstances, stripped of his calling and condemned to two millennia of suffering, only to be made a sacrificial pawn and ordained to be weakened by a cheap copy of his late wife, all to make the duty of slaying him easier on the chosen king. And Bahamut had the audacity to call this salvation. 
         His eyes narrowed into slits. An inferno resided in his veins, scorching him from the inside out but his anger never wavered. “I have no use for your salva-” His center of gravity collapsed and he was falling through the void. With a violent jolt, he opened his eyes to find himself back inside your guest room. You were still holding the goblet to your lips mid-sip, frozen in time for only a fraction of a second before time resumed and he watched as you gulped down the liquid. You finished with a satisfied "ah" and looked up at him.
         “That was really good.” You said, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. “Are you ready to go now?” Ardyn observed you. Your eyes were sharp with crystal clarity, your hands weren’t clammy or shaking, and you didn’t appear seconds away from collapsing. You were completely fine, as though you didn’t just consume Eos’ most dangerous poison. 
       Ardyn hummed. It seemed you were truly under the gods’ veil of protection. They won’t let any life threatening harm befall you, at least not until the day of reckoning, but no matter. Ardyn knew from experience how easy it is to fall out of the gods’ favor. You won’t be any different, he will make sure of that. 
      “I’m afraid not, my dear.” Ardyn said.
      Your face instantly fell. “B-but you said you would take me!” You whined.
       “That I did, at least during a moment of forgetfulness. The roads are quite perilous after dark. It wouldn’t be wise to spirit you away just yet, not with all daemons prowling about at this late hour.” He said and that seemed to appease you a bit. Your shoulders drooped forward and you fiddled with the empty goblet in your hands but you didn’t complain. 
        You were a sensible girl despite being so young. His Aera was like that too, she was far more reasonable than he was when they were children, much like how you are now. Ardyn had to look away from you. The uncanny similarities between you and her made his heart ache, but those similarities weren't real. You weren’t real. You were just a doppelganger, fashioned by the gods’ with his Aera’s likeness, for the intended purpose of aiding in his destruction. 
        He refused to let those heartless bastards win. Ardyn didn’t care what he must do, he will make you lose the god’s protection even if that means destroying you. 
       “Okay…” You said suddenly, turning towards him with your pinkie finger extended. “But pinkie promise you’ll take me there in the morning.”
       “How about this,” Ardyn started, curling his hand around yours and lowering your pinkie, “give your stay another few days before you make a final decision. If the royal court is not to your liking, then I will personally escort you back to your beloved home.” He promised when the idea came to him. That is exactly what Ardyn should do, must do, destroy you. Break you, turn you into a shell of your former self. The gods’ have no use for a broken tool and will discard you the same as they did to him. 
       You wrinkled your nose before shimmying your hand out of his grasp. “Hmm…promise?” You asked, extending your pinkie once more.
        Ardyn cracked a smile despite himself and curled his pinkie around yours. “Cross my heart and hope to die, or so they say.” But perhaps he doesn’t have to set his plans for you into motion just yet. There will be time in the future after the fall of Insomnia for that. After all, Ardyn doesn’t want the gods to catch wind of his plan and put a stop to it before it could begin. He could use these years to fool the gods, cultivate your trust and adoration for him and make the gods think their plans are unfolding the way they intended for them to. Once the time comes, he will destroy that illusion and show the gods he cannot be so easily manipulated by a mere copy of his late wife. Once you are thoroughly broken and without the gods’ protection, he will kill you. 
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thathusenfulhu · 1 year
swooning at moon cafe
it feels like a furnace outside so lunch at moon cafe might seem counterintuitive yet i have been waiting, no, aching for a chance to annihilate my guts ever since i recovered from a stomach bug. i call up hasanfulhu, the perpetually broke lawyer, and we stroll down majeedee magu towards our destination. hasanfulhu saunters, perhaps even ambles, the point is the man moves with an easy gait like he's seen it all before. and here at moon cafe, a familiar stink envelops us. i rush towards the buffet and pile on the rice, lonu mirus, onion, rihaakuru dhiya - i have a little trick where i skim the milky layer off the rihaakuru dhiya, if you try it at home and like it, please credit me. i sit and start eating frantically as saththaaru might say, but you can't begrudge a starving man for laying waste to his lunch at speed. hasanfulhu seems to be saying something however. 'hmm?' 'i said your nose is dripping,' he replies. goddamn. plus, there're no serviettes on the table. i understand it's not sala thai but can't a guy expect some basic level of service? so a waiter finally brings them and i blow my nose to the delight of hasanfulhu who enjoys bodily sounds, the weird little man. 'anyway,' i begin. 'i've not drunk any coffee this week.' 'cool,' he says. 'yeah, i've been doing this breathing routine after i wake up.' i show him how, inhaling and exhaling in two second bursts. 'i jerk off after i wake up,' he says. 'and then i go back to sleep.' such scintillating wit. i finish off my rice and man, it's really cleaned out my sinuses. but all the flavours you expect are here - the silky, sweet and savoury taste of rihaakuru dhiya, the zing of the onion, the zap of the lonu mirus, oh, so many zaps. yep, it's something i return to again and again, with no boredom, just with the expectation that it remains as good as it was. the little piece of cardboard they hand me reads 120MVR, a good deal, and i pay the plump, moustached seytu who completes the transaction while reciting the quran without pause. so, off we go to movenpick to round off our meal with ice creams.
i order a chocolate and caramel scoop in a cone, and hasanfulhu gets the boring but delicious swiss chocolate. we eat, enjoying the cool, wafer-tinged silence, a welcome relief from the busy, barely sanitary environs of moon cafe. 'fuck,' says my friend, startling me. he's spilt some ice cream onto his crotch. i laugh. 'who'd believe you got that from ice cream,' i say. 'if i could explain...' 'nobody wants explanations these days man.' and now we walk towards his home in the muggy heat of this may afternoon, hasanfulhu no longer nonchalant, the suspicious stain on his crotch robbing him of his usual grace and i enjoying his discomfort like an invested bystander. ah, yes.
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clar-a-m · 7 years
Mimorin playing the recorder
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otasapo · 7 years
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【Broadcast info】 Titled ''it's end of the year!! Milky Holmes+2017'', videos of new anime Miru Miru Milky live will be on the air on Dec31st. Also, full three hours of contents connecting with Bushiroad like Shojo Kageki Revue Starlight, Henkei shojo and Inazuma delivery etc. will be on the air too, let's enjoy the end of year together! 【Broadcast date】 20171231 19:00~22:00 【Broadcast station】 Tokyo MX You can watch them by appli Mcas so if you can't by TV, please check from there✨
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bestofmimorin · 7 years
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Reading my way through Noragami recently, I noticed some amusing similarities between the heroes and our favourite bum lawyer and his trusty protégé.
So! Here’s a little six page AU comic I spent entirely too much time on! Enjoy~
Notes and transcript under the cut
Page 1-4's The mysterious voice
In case anyone’s confused, the soft speech bubbles that appear throughout the first half of the comic are Trucy speaking while in her object form, which is the locket around Phoenix’s neck. 
Miruki, AKA Trucy, speaks in third person here just as she often does in the Japanese version of the games. As for the name being ‘Miruki’ instead of ‘Minuki’; according to shinki naming convention, each true name consists of one Kanji character. However, there does not appear to be a way to write ‘Minu’ (to see through) with a single Kanji. So instead, I cut my losses and just used ‘Mi/Miru’ (to see). ...Incidentally, this ends up making her name sound like “Milky”, but I thought that was kinda funny, so I went with it.
A terrible joke from yours truly that may not be obvious enough. So
Apollo is dressed in a white burial kimono that consists of only one layer. This makes it a little like an under-garment (sort of like a nightgown) but also calls to mind a winding sheet. So, long ramble short, the pun is a combination of ‘tighty-whities’, (slang for underwear) and winding sheet (a cloth used to shroud corpses for burial).
Théâtre de L’imagination
A little gratuitous french, because thats a language I actually speak (Side note- I did my darndest to research the use of Kanji properly; if any native speakers find errors, I sincerely apologize.)
Page 1
Badger ayakashi: Smells good... Smells... good..!
Phoenix: There sure are a lot out, tonight...
Locket: Papa! 20 meters, and closing!
Phoenix: Shoot. Don’t they have anyone else to pick on?
Page 2
Locket: ! Papa! Over there! Look! That one… he looks nice!
Nick: Hm, sure does…
Locket: Come on, papa! It’s about time you got some protection. Don’t you want to keep Miruki safe?
Nick: Well, when you put it that way…
Page 3
Phoenix, small text: Grnk! I’m too old for this...
Nick: Hey, Mr. Fine-line. 
Small text: Ow ow
Phoenix: The name’s Naruhodo. I can give you a place to stay. …If I remember the words.
Trucy: Papa!
Phoenix: Alright, let’s see, uhh... By grabbing thy True Name, I bind thee here… With borrowed Name I make you my, uh, my guy. The name; Odoro. The name answers, the vessel gets the sound- I call on y-thee as my divine whatchamacallit– 
Locket: Vessel, papa! You just said it!
Phoenix: Ah right, my divine vessel; Kyou.
Page 4
Phoenix: Come, Kyouki!
Phoenix: A-a bow, huh? Well, I hope you’re a good shot, kid!
Locket: Miruki will help!
Phoenix: Here goes nothing!
SFX: veeeeeee..!
Badger ayakashi: Kree! Kreeeee!
Locket: Whoa!
Phoenix: Ha! Bullseye!
Page 5
Phoenix: Phew! Peace at last. Now, let’s get a good look at you, kid..!
Phoenix: Odoro, revert! You too, Miru.
Small text: Poip!
Very small text: Uwa!
Apollo: ...Um. What is going on here?
Page 6
Phoenix: Ah, pardon me. Allow us to introduce ourselves. 
Phoenix: I am the god, Naruhodo!
Trucy: And I’m Miruki!
Text: な NA る RU
Text: Ta-da!
Small text: Who??
Phoenix: As for you, you were once a wayward soul, unable to pass on to the other side.
Trucy: Oh! So sad!
Banner text: Théâtre de L’imagination
Phoenix: But then, a kind and noble deity (me) came along and generously bestowed upon you a name, thus making you my Shinki; my divine instrument!
Trucy: Like Miruki!
Phoenix: That’s where the bow part comes in, see.
Apollo: Are you sure you’re pronouncing that right??
Phoenix: So! Long story short: I get a neat weapon, you get to serve me for eternity; it’s all very beneficial. 
Apollo: Wait– D-don’t I get any say in this?!!
Apollo: Grk–?!
SFX: Drape
Phoenix: Here ya go, put this on. Can’t have our new heat freezing in his tighty-windies, eh?*
*Translation: Nope!
Trucy: I look forward to working with you, Odoroki-san! 
Phoenix: Welcome to Team Naruhodo, kid!
Apollo: This...
Apollo: T-this is... totally nuts!!! 
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katacorey · 5 years
RWBY Volume 7 Opening but its I Wish by Milky Bunny.
Everybody Jump Up Everybody Hands Up Everybody Jump Up Everybody Hands Up Everybody Jump Up Everybody Hands Up Everybody Jump Up Everybody Hands Up Biru no ue kakeagatte machi wo mioro shite miru Hana no you ni kasa ga saku KARAFURU na sekai Yuutsu na ame no hi mo shiawase no tane hitotsu Mitsukereba kinou yori suki ni nareru ne Taisetsu na kotoba wo itsudatte kureru kimi Boku mo nanika wo agereteru kana? I wish arigatou chotto tereru kedo Ima kimi ni kono kimochi tsutaetai yo For you donna toki mo kitto egao agetai te wo tsunaide ite ne (Everybody Jump Up) (Everybody Hands Up) (Everybody Pump Up)
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Warukii (“Naughty ’Ky”)
“Let me feel your muscles! How firm are they? A girl finds these sort of things fascinating.”
OR: A sweet-talker flirts to get a guy to hold her bag for her. 
kinniku wo sawarasete yo donna kanji na no ka kyoumi ga aru no yo    otoko no ko tte fushigi da ne
Let me feel your muscles I wonder how they feel It’s so fascinating, boys Are such a wonder to me
kyou no BAGGU    nandaka omokute sou, dareka ni motte hoshikatta dakara chotto    atama wo shibotte HAATO wo    tsuttemita amai tameiki hitotsu    CHIRARI to mite onedari suru no warukii
My bag felt kinda heavy today That’s right, I wanted someone to hold it for me So I used my head a little And set out to catch a heart I let out a coy sigh, peeking out at you from the corner of my eye And start sweet-talking, Naughty ’Ky
kinniku wo sawarasete yo dore kurai    katai no onna no ko ni wa    kyoumi shinshin takumashisa    mitemitai no yo donna kanji na no ka WAKUWAKU shiteru wa    jouwannitoukin tte SEKUSHII da ne    kore wo motte
Let me feel your muscles How firm are they? A girl finds these things fascinating I want to see just how big and strong you are I wonder how your muscles feel I’m shaking with excitement—biceps are Just so sexy, you know    Hey, hold this for me
otokorashii    MACCHO ga TAIPU yo demo honto wa    sonna koto nai kedo jitto mitsume    odatete agenakya nanimo tsurenai wa kocchi ga tanomun ja nakute 「yarasete kure」tte tanomare you ni warukii
Manly macho men are just my type Well, the truth is, it’s not really like that but If I don’t fix my gaze on him and butter him up, I won’t catch a guy I don’t want to ask for things I want you to ask me To let you do them for me Naughty ’Ky
kinniku ni    dakaretai no itsu no hi ka    doko ka de watashi no tame ni    ganbatte kinniku ni    dakaretai no oreru kurai    tsuyoku mune ga atsuku naru yo    fukkin datte wareterushi kore mo motte
I want to be hugged tight by muscles Someday, somewhere, So work hard for me I want to be hugged tight by those muscles So tight I could break My chest is getting hot—even your abs Are rock solid! Hey, hold this for me too
kami wo kakiage nagara tamesuyou ni    hannou miru wa warukii
As I tuck my loose hair behind my ear, I watch your reaction to test you out, Naughty ’Ky
kinniku wo sawaraseteyo dore kurai    katai no onna no ko ni wa    kyoumi shinshin takumashisa    mitemitai no yo donna kanji na no ka WAKUWAKU shiteru wa    jouwannitoukin tte SEKUSHII da ne    kore wo motte
Let me feel your muscles How firm are they? A girl finds these things fascinating I want to see just how big and strong you are I wonder how your muscles feel I’m shaking with excitement—biceps are Just so sexy, you know    Hey, hold all of this for me!
Obligatory explanation: Warukii is a portmanteau of Warui (bad/naughty) and Milky, (the original singer’s nickname). An English alternative might be Evilky, but that’s 1) a bad pun even by my standards and 2) too harsh for what’s only a tongue-in-cheek song.
Since then, there have been countless performances by other members, usually with the song title appropriately changed: Warunee, Warurin, Warurun, etc.
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kimonobeat · 5 years
Kikuchi Momoko Lyrics: Idol wo Sagase (アイドルを探せ; Find an Idol)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
You’re looking with bated breath for a planet Without a name in some corner of the Milky Way The observatory that overlooks town Is the closest station there is to a dream... Your face beside me is dazzlingly bright
Mysteries swirl around the sky in the image of a revue I watch in fascination, almost as if praying to it Live your whole entire life Like the boy you were this summer day I’d let myself get hurt in your stead To keep those dreamy eyes of yours from clouding up
“I hope you’re the last person I ever meet,” I whispered to your back I’ll give you the smallest star there is Go on and find it It’s a card of miracles, turned over by our destiny
Why do I feel so wistful When I look at the sky as dawn breaks... ? Because my existence was lived within a day That’s already disappeared from my memory Who woke me from my long slumber? All so I’d meet you my dear, much like a gust of wind
“I hope you’re the last person I ever meet,” Laughs the person with warm eyes Find the smallest star... I’d like to keep breathing in your dreams Even if time fades away...
ginga no katasumi de iki wo hisomete na mo nai hoshi wo sagashite’ru anata machi wo miorosu tenmondai wa yume ni ichiban chikai eki nano ne... yokogao mabushii
sora meguru shinpi ga egaku revyu- inoru you ni mitoreru natsu no hi no shounen no mama nee zutto ikite itte ne yume utsusu hitomi ga kageranai you kawari ni nari kizutsukitaku omou...
saigo ni deau hito da to ii na ushiro sugata ni sasayaite mita no ichiban chiisana hoshi wo ageru yo sagashi-dashite ne unmei ga fuseta kiseki no ka-do yo
yoru ga akete’ku sora wo miru to naze natsukashiku naru no kana... mou kioku kara kieta hi ni kono seimei sunde’ta kara ne nagai nemuri wo toita no wa dare kaze no you na anata ni au tame ne
saigo ni deau hito da to ii na atataka na hitomi de waratte’ru hito ga ichiban chiisana hoshi wo mitsukete... anata no yume de kokyuu wo shite itai jikan ga kietemo...
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zenkimi · 5 years
おやすみ未来と恋乙女 (Oyasumi Mirai to Koiotome) Lyrics
Seireki 13ya 1st single. Lyrics under the cut.
Surechigau kokoro toka denshi ki kirai da, me ni mienu kimochi tte Kotasora senjidai teki na yosa mo aru mujun no hakaba Sonna no atari mae no jidai ni deatte “koi ni ochiru” fureezu 90s nante hayai tenkai ni, mawaru me no tama
Kimi wa kajitsu no mi ga naru tokoro mite mitaku wa nai desu ka? Rekishi wa tsune ni kurikaesu nara Shoumetsu matsu no iya nanyo
Hira hirari odoru fuwari mau boku ni ai wo kudasai Kimi ga mita mama sore ga kitto seikai no ama no gawa desu “Kono mama toki ga tomareba ii no ni” nante itte kudasai Namida ga porori chirari saku yume kakaete kyou wa oyasumi desu
mienai hoshi to kaga aru you ni boku jishin sou omowareteru gishin mado ni utsuru jibun jishin nagusameta sonna hi datte kyoushitsu ushiro kara nibanme no seki ni wa kono kodou no shoutai maji ka kocchi miteru ki ga shiteru ki ga ga suru korosu tsumori ne...
mirai ga konai boku no nichijou hana nante saku hazu mo nai to omoikomu, iya, kisekiteki, koi no oto tte wachawacha ne
kamisama no ikezu kanari muri shitenai? demo, arigatou! ri mo shinai yoru koeteiku no kimeta kara kimi to iku kara muteki na kibun, kuukyo, sore wo kurikasu shidai ni wa neru Namida ga porori makura nureru otome to wa koi wo suru iki mono
Kyoudo, atta me, achaa kouka shiten desu Acchira san fushigi na kao desu Haato no me wa ma n ga dake ni Are? Mimi made makka de...
Koko ni kite kuzureru hodo “Dakishimete yo” ieru wake nai... Mitsumeru dake kyapa wa oobaa Shiritai dake kimi no kokoro onegai...
Ashita koso hanashi kakeru sore dake no yuuki kudasai Kakureru kumi no mitsumeru sono saki no negai, hoshitachi no uta Inori meshimasu urumu me ni ukabu mono ga miete imasu ka? Konya no kanata yoru no kuni wa boku to kimi no yume miru mirai
Hira hirari odoru fuwari mau boku ni ai wo kudasai Kimi ga mita mama sore ga kitto seikai no ama no gawa desu “Kono mama toki ga tomareba ii no ni” nante itte kudasai Namida ga porori chirari saku yume kakaete kyou wa oyasumi desu.
Hearts and electronics passing each other by, I hate it, feelings you cant see There’s a goodness to intential old-fashionedness, a graveyard of inconsistency In that straightforward era, there’s that phrase “falling in love” after you meet someone My eyes are spinning in such a fast development as the 90s
Dont you want to see when the fruit blooms the truth? If history repeats itself, then I dont want to wait for the end
Fluttering, please give me love as I dance softly You just looking, just that is surely the milky way of rightousness Please say something like, "If only we could stop time like this" My tears fall. I hang on to my fleetingly blooming dreams, and say goodnight for today.
I doubtfully wish that I believe there are invisible stars and flower buds I comfort the me reflected in the window. There are days like that, too The true form of my hearbeat sits in the seat 2nd from the back of the classroom Are you serious, I get the feeling they're looking this way... They're planning to kill me, right
In my daily life with no future, I believe that not even flowers will bloom No, miraculously, the sound of love is chattering, isn't it?
Isn't god's misfortunate pushing itself a little too hard? But thanks, anyway! Because I've decided to cross this imaginary night, I'll go with you An invicible feeling, emptiness, it repeats and gradually it sleeps My tears fall, my pillow is wet. Maidens are beings who exist to fall in love
Suspicious! Our eyes met, uh-oh, they’re glazing over And you're making a mysterious face Heart-eyes are something only in manga Huh? You're all red up to your ears...
Come here, like I'm going to break. There's no way I could say something like, "hold me" Just with a look, I'm over capacity. I just want to know your heart better, please...
From tomorrow, please give me the courage to start talking to you The wish beyond what I can see, hidden in the clouds, is the song of the stars I pray. Can you see what's floating up in my glistening eyes? Beyond tonight, the country of the night is the future of you and me in my dreams
Fluttering, please give me love as I dance softly You just looking, just that is surely the milky way of rightousness Please say something like, "If only we could stop time like this" My tears fall. I hang on to my fleetingly blooming dreams, and say goodnight for today.
19 notes · View notes
clar-a-m · 7 years
[ENG Sub] MiruMiru Milky: New Year's SP
39 notes · View notes
komakusa · 6 years
#俺の一押しエロゲソングを聞いてくれ 集計(その2)
投稿者数  ポイント  曲名/作品名/歌手 _9人 1.993  dissonant chord/PRINCESS WALTZ/NANA _8人 1.981  穢れ亡き夢/11eyes 罪と罰と贖いの少女/Asriel _9人 1.973  Moving go on ~そこから見える未来~/3days/川村ゆみ _9人 1.965  こころに響く恋ほたる/アマツツミ/橋本みゆき _8人 1.948  brave genesis/創刻のアテリアル/オリヒメヨゾラ _8人 1.933  split tears/片恋いの月/fripSide _6人 1.918  GHOST×GRADUATION」/はつゆきさくら/monet 11人 1.918  コトダマ紬ぐ未来/アマツツミ/山崎もえ _4人 1.917  Fericita/シンシア ~Sincerely to You~/Rita _9人 1.915  赤い約束/FORTUNE ARTERIAL/Veil∞Lia _6人 1.906  最愛/涼風のメルト/霜月はるか 12人 1.885  ダ・カーポII ~あさきゆめみし君と~/D.C.II ~ダ・カーポII~/yozuca* _8人 1.883  機神咆吼ッ! デモンベイン!/斬魔大��デモンベイン/生沢佑一 _4人 1.883  真実の翼 -サダメのツバサ-/僕がサダメ 君には翼を。/カヒーナ _7人 1.878  彼方/SinsAbell/東迦喜也 _6人 1.876  sword of virgin/恋剣乙女/fripSide _9人 1.866  嘘つきと傷あと/輝光翼戦記 天空のユミナ/水霧けいと 10人 1.845  For our day/そして明日の世界より――/川田まみ _9人 1.844  未来図/未来ノスタルジア/浅羽リオ _5人 1.843  jewelry days/オーガストFANBOX/榊原ゆい _4人 1.841  武士/真剣で私に恋しなさい!/きただにひろし 13人 1.839  Life is like a Melody/智代アフター/Lia 11人 1.833  sign/うたてめぐり/miru _6人 1.833  Saya's Song/リトルバスターズ! エクスタシー/Lia _8人 1.820  君が望む永遠/君が望む永遠/MEGUMI _5人 1.810  go!go! Summer drive!/ナツユメナギサ/月子 10人 1.807  I Bless Thy Life/天使ノ二挺拳銃/いとうかなこ _7人 1.804  二人色/恋色空模様/Duca _6人 1.802  久遠 ~詩歌侘~/恋姫†無双 ~ドキッ☆乙女だらけの三国志演義~/茶太 11人 1.794  永遠に咲く花/枯れない世界と終わる花/AiRI _7人 1.791  Eternal Recurrence/星空のメモリア/橋本みゆき _8人 1.790  Reconquista/レコンキスタ/飛蘭 _9人 1.789  濛々たる黒煙は咲き/信天翁航海録/Rita _5人 1.780  Destiny/あると/橋本みゆき 12人 1.778  Clover Day's/Clover Day's/真理絵 10人 1.771  モノクローム/グリーングリーン/YURIA _6人 1.764  恋せよ乙女!/サノバウィッチ/米倉千尋 10人 1.743  Happy birthday to.../終わる世界とバースデイ/KAKO _5人 1.743  あくびの戦士がふぁー/スマガ ~Star Mine Girl~/大槻ケンヂ _5人 1.742  brindiamo ~俺たちに乾杯/続・殺戮のジャンゴ -地獄の賞金首-/ワタナベカズヒロ _6人 1.737  Vanille Rouge -ヴァニーユ・ルージュ-/フォセット ~Cafe au Le Ciel Bleu~/佐倉紗織 _6人 1.735  言葉繋ぎ/すきま桜とうその都会 -End of the world and cherry Blossom Princess-/花たん _9人 1.734  Natukage/AIR/Lia _7人 1.719  ヒカリ/ジサツのための101の方法/佐藤裕美 _6人 1.709  僕と、僕らの夏/僕と、僕らの夏/WHITE-LIPS 10人 1.701  紅葉/きっと、澄みわたる朝色よりも/WHITE-LIPS _6人 1.700  style/それは舞い散る桜のように/YURIA _9人 1.695  Wind of Cronus/プレゼンス/真理絵 _8人 1.693  Rosa Morada/紫影のソナーニル/Rita 10人 1.692  Liblume/生命のスペア/霜月はるか _7人 1.686  あなたを想いたい/Routes/池田春菜 _4人 1.683  星団歩行/夜巡る、ボクらの迷子教室/夜巡る、ボクらの迷子教室 _4人 1.662  primal/プライマルハーツ/Ceui _8人 1.659  沙耶の唄/沙耶の唄/いとうかなこ _5人 1.658  mement vivere ~生きることを忘れないで~/月光のカルネヴァーレ/ワタナベカズヒロ 10人 1.658  悠久のcadenza/姫狩りダンジョンマイスター/織姫よぞら _6人 1.655  Treating 2U/Treating 2U/堤伊之助 _5人 1.652  せつなさのグラデイション/あかね色に染まる坂/橋本みゆき _7人 1.651  Moon Story/片恋いの月 えくすとら/UR@N _5人 1.640  ワールドイズマイン/グリーングリーン/bamboo _4人 1.636  時雨Dictionary/キミトユメミシ/民安ともえ _6人 1.635  遙かなる地球(ふるさと)の歌/マブラヴ/栗林みな実 _6人 1.630  キミガタメ - /うたわれるもの/Suara _7人 1.624  未来はきっとShiny Days��ボクラはピアチェーレ/奏英学園軽音部 Starring i.o _5人 1.618  GLORIOUS DAYS/恋×シンアイ彼女/yuiko _4人 1.617  imitation/Imitation Lover/榊原ゆい _9人 1.609  さよならの向こう側で/D.C.II P.C. ~ダ・カーポII~ プラスコミュニケーション/美郷あき _5人 1.607  桜霞 ~サクラノカスミ~/桜吹雪/西沢はぐみ _5人 1.603  with you/スズノネセブン!/茶太 _7人 1.600  Love Cheat!/いただきじゃんがりあんR/MOSAIC.WAV 11人 1.583  spiral of despair/痴漢専用車両 ~屈辱の痴漢電車~/fripSide _5人 1.583  この大地の果てで/永遠のアセリア/Tā _8人 1.574  冬に咲く華/彼女のセイイキ/美月琴音 10人 1.573  THE APPLE IS CAST!/抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?/夢乃ゆき _3人 1.571  MUGEN∞MIRAI/天神乱漫 LUCKY or UNLUCKY!?/神代あみ _5人 1.569  シンソウノイズ/シンソウノイズ ~受信探偵の事件簿~/霜月はるか×Ceui _4人 1.560  あたらしい予感/To Heart/AKKO _5人 1.545  ぴぃす@ぴーしーず!/Peace@Pieces/KIYO _9人 1.541  ツクモノツキ/ツクモノツキ/nao _4人 1.525  Cross Illusion/俺たちに翼はない AfterStory/美郷あき _4人 1.525  夏はマシンガン/みずいろ/マシンガン進藤 _6人 1.523  凪/もしも明日が晴れならば/WHITE-LIPS _7人 1.521  quantum jump/フレラバ/真里歌 _5人 1.510  nameless melodies ~だけど、きみにおくるうた~/とらいあんぐるハート2 さざなみ女子寮/鳥居花音 10人 1.504  Brand-new Heart/To Heart/AKKO _2人 1.500  DELICIOUS TEMPTATION/赤ずきんと迷いの森/杉崎和哉 _3人 1.500  MOON TEARS/吸血殲鬼ヴェドゴニア/小野正利 _3人 1.500  Snow wish/デュエリスト×エンゲージ/Duca _2人 1.500  Velocity of sound/ソニック・プリンセス/MOMO _6人 1.495  さよならのかわりに/この青空に約束を―/つぐみ寮生会合唱団 13人 1.491  THIS ILLUSION/Fate/stay night /M.H. _8人 1.478  We Survive/V.G.NEO/KOTOKO _8人 1.474  My Sweet Lady/学☆王/佐倉紗織 _7人 1.469  Dreaming Continue/ぱすてるチャイムContinue/NANA _5人 1.467  つまんない恋/パルフェ ~ショコラ second brew~/高槻つばさ _4人 1.454  little explorer/eden*/原田ひとみ _4人 1.450  Love Hell Rocket/HoneyComing/青木春子 _5人 1.448  Celebrate/桜華/みとせのりこ 10人 1.424  魂響/魂響 ~たまゆら~/片霧烈火 _6人 1.421  Change The World/ゴールデンアワー/夢乃ゆき _5人 1.420  Causal Chain/うたてめぐり/遊女 _3人 1.417  As time goes by/コミックパーティー/美崎しのぶ _6人 1.414  終末のフラクタル/グリザイアの果実/飛蘭 _3人 1.410  The Engaged Fortune/アリス2010/橋本みゆき _8人 1.394  ダ・カーポⅢ~キミにささげる あいのマホウ~/D.C.III R ~ダ・カーポIIIアール~ X-rated/yozuca* _6人 1.392  可憐雪月花/絆きらめく恋いろは/KEiNA _7人 1.392  想いのカナタ/夏空カナタ/霜月はるか _6人 1.388  後ろ髪の証跡/ハピメア -Fragmentation Dream-/美月琴音 _4人 1.387  スクールバス/グリーングリーン/UR@N _6人 1.386  ジュヴナイル/蒼天のセレナリア/Rita _5人 1.386  運命SADAME/うたわれるもの/元田恵美 _6人 1.381  戦姫之理/龍戦姫 天夢/青葉りんご 10人 1.379  観覧車 ~あの日と、昨日と今日と明日と~/めぐる季節の約束と、つないだその手のぬくもりと/Duca _4人 1.375  Sleeping Pretend/すみれ/真里歌 _4人 1.367  Milky Ice/ウィッチズガーデン/雪村涼乃(遥そら) _3人 1.367  プチタミ/キミの声がきこえる/茶太 _4人 1.365  さめない熱/天使ノ二挺拳銃/ワタナベ _5人 1.360  Especially for you/ワンコとリリー/麗華 _9人 1.359  Like a Green/グリーングリーン2 恋のスペシャルサマー/UR@N _4人 1.355  マル秘☆恋愛法則/アッチむいて恋/NANA _3人 1.354  7th WORLD'S OUT/こんそめ!~combination somebody!~/西沢はぐみ _9人 1.354  magicaride/マジカライド/fripSide 11人 1.354  Explorer World/カミカゼ☆エクスプローラー!/NANA _6人 1.353  君恋ノ唄/戦国†恋姫/茶太 _6人 1.352  ∞未来/失われた未来を求めて/橋本みゆき _7人 1.348  希いの花/眠れる花は春を待つ。/Rita _7人 1.348  永遠なる絆と想いのキセキ/恋する想いと少女のキセキ/nao _5人 1.346  僕たちの未来/Fate/hollow ataraxia/rhu _4人 1.345  After All -綴る想い-/WHITE ALBUM2/上原れな _3人 1.341  SOUND OF DESTINY/WHITE ALBUM/緒方理奈 _8人 1.340  room/君が主で執事が俺で/KOTOKO _9人 1.334  First Love/ヒマワリと恋の記憶/夢乃ゆき _2人 1.333  cross my heart/innocent world/島宮えい子 _2人 1.333  Le Conseil/古色迷宮輪舞曲/tohko _3人 1.333  MOON PHASE/雫/Suara _2人 1.333  Running to the straight/ママトト ~a record of war~/仲村芽衣子 _2人 1.333  おもいで/Canvas ~セピア色のモチーフ~/くにたけみゆき _5人 1.838  カスミカゲロウ/霞外籠逗留記/Rita _5人 1.331  Till I can see you again/Chu×Chuぱらだいす ~Encore Live~/榊原ゆい _3人 1.327  星海を往く希望の歌/マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ クロニクルズ01/遠藤正明 _5人 1.324  Dearest Sword, Dearest Wish/ChuSinGura46+1 -忠臣蔵46+1-/Ayumi. _5人 1.322  Forget-me-Not/忘レナ草 ~Forget-me-Not~/Akira _5人 1.313  Silent Flame/魔王と踊れ! -Legend of Lord of Lords-/霜月はるか _3人 1.311  iを解きなさい/いきなりあなたに恋している/はな _3人 1.310  song for friends/リトルバスターズ! エクスタシー/Rita _3人 1.310  歩み/まじかる☆アンティーク/AKKO _4人 1.307  モンタージュ/最終試験くじら/美郷あき _8人 1.306  ナニカ/カナリア ~この想いを歌に乗せて~/NORI _4人 1.302  true eternity/彼女たちの流儀/fripSide _7人 1.299  closest love/Areas 恋する乙女の3H/fripSide _4人 1.297  祝福の歌/エーデルワイス/yozuca* _3人 1.291  I pray to stop my cry/凌辱看護婦学院/KOTOKO _3人 1.286  世界で一つのタカラモノ/ボクラはピアチェーレ/奏英学園軽音楽部 starring i.o _4人 1.282  My Dear Stardust/DEARDROPS/DEARDROPS _6人 1.274  COLD BUTTERFLY/聖娼女 ~性奴育成学園~/Duca _8人 1.261  トラワレビト/シークレットゲーム -KILLER QUEEN- DEPTH EDITION/遊女 _6人 1.261  beautiful flower/D.C.II/美郷あき _6人 1.260  星空のいま/星空へ架かる橋AA/相良心 _3人 1.256  Witch's Garden/ウィッチズガーデン/佐藤ひろ美 & 飛蘭 _9人 1.252  Lapis Lazuli/夜明け前より瑠璃色な/泉伶 _2人 1.250  Walk/学園ソドム ~教室の牝奴隷達~/神林未玖 _2人 1.250  ラブ・エレクション/ワールド・エレクション/薬師るり _3人 1.244  セ・キララ/se・きらら/橋本みゆき _9人 1.242  情熱のウォブル/タユタマ -It's happy days-/Kicco _6人 1.236  Raison d'etre/GUN-KATANA -Non-Human-Killer/電気式華憐音楽集団 _3人 1.226  祈りの時代/奴隷市場/MELL _5人 1.220  Heart To Heart/ToHeart2 XRATED/中山愛梨沙 10人 1.214  Change&Chance!/のーぶる☆わーくす/榊原ゆい _4人 1.213  thyme/シュクレ/KOTOKO _3人 1.211  Dote up a cat!/ネコっかわいがり! ~クレインイヌネコ病院診療中~/Rita _3人 1.210  見上げた空におちていく/見上げた空におちていく/片霧烈火 _2人 1.200  infinite knots/天結いキャッスルマイスター/佐咲紗花 _2人 1.200  Life goes on/カタハネ ――An' call Belle――/Rita _2人 1.200  Re:TraumenD/Re:LieF/紫咲ほたる _2人 1.200  saudade/漆黒のシャルノス/Rita _2人 1.200  Von Ljosalfr ~光の妖精より~/迷える2人とセカイのすべて/nao _2人 1.200  だっこしてぎゅっ!~汝、隣の枕(よめ)を愛せ/だっこしてぎゅっ! ~オレの嫁は抱き枕~/民安ともえ _3人 1.200  もう始まっている、未来。/Flyable Heart/KIYO _4人 1.199  ハジマリノトキ/鬼まり。/Rita _3人 1.196  恋せよ!乙女/恋せよ!!妹番長/Duca _3人 1.194  IN MY WORLD/猫撫ディストーション Exodus/桐島愛里 _5人 1.194  it's just farewell/カタハネ/Rita _9人 1.193  LOVING TRIP/オトメ*ドメイン/yozuca* _4人 1.192  残光ルミネセンス/円交少女2 ~JKアイドル真鈴の場合~/yuiko _6人 1.192  FaV/ラムネーション!/彩音 _3人 1.191  立ち上がれ教頭!/狂った教頭No.2 ~この支配からの卒業~/如日 _3人 1.188  unsymmetry/ぎりギリLOVE/KOTOKO _7人 1.186  チェリーレッドのピストル/FOLKLORE JAM/佐藤ひろ美 10人 1.185  own justice/暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~/神月社 _3人 1.184  広がる夜空の下で/星空へ架かる橋/青葉りんご _3人 1.181  Growing!/DRACU-RIOT!/米良梓(cv佐藤しずく) _3人 1.175  巫女みこナース・愛のテーマ/巫女みこナース/Chu☆ _3人 1.173  melty snow/あねいも2/川田まみ _3人 1.171  Eden's song/グリザイアの楽園/はな _3人 1.168  雨上がりに咲いた虹/D.C.II To You/yozuca* _2人 1.167  Castle Fantasia/キャッスルファンタジア聖魔大戦/CANDY _3人 1.167  君に逢えたから/いろとりどりのセカイ/eufonius _2人 1.167  志在千里 ~恋姫喚作百花王~ 【Piano Arrange】/真・恋姫†無双 ~乙女繚乱☆三国志演義~/茶太 _2人 1.167  名も無き物語/Hello, good-bye/Kicco _2人 1.167  輪廻の糸/天ノ少女/霜月はるか _6人 1.163  La storia/戦女神VERITA /織姫よぞら _4人 1.160  emotional flutter/ef - the latter tale./原田ひとみ _3人 1.150  やさしい世界を君に/天使の羽根を踏まないでっ/WHITE-LIPS _7人 1.148  Gregorio/Dies irae ~Acta est Fabula~/榊原ゆい _2人 1.143  Signal Heart/シグナルハート /Rita _2人 1.125  entrance to you/カスタムメイド3D/nao _2人 1.125  have eyes only for you…/North Wind/KIRIKO _2人 1.125  カカシ/水夏A.S+/彩音 _3人 1.125  スターチス/Color of white/結月そら _2人 1.125  メリーゴーランドをぶっ壊せ/はつゆきさくら/結衣菜 _2人 1.125  ラブ・パラダイス/W.L.O. 世界恋愛機構/片霧烈火 _2人 1.125  散歩日和/ワンコとリリー/Duca _2人 1.125  迷いの森/グリザイアの果実/佐藤ひろ美 _8人 1.124  アペイリア/景の海のアペイリア/薬師るり _3人 1.112  コイノニア/Noel/Rita _2人 1.111  こころのプリズム/コミュ -黒い竜と優しい王国-/桜坂かい _2人 1.111  天意悠久/斬魔大聖デモンベイン/いとうかなこ _2人 1.111  未来自画像/真剣で私に恋しなさい!S/KOTOKO _9人 1.110  淡雪/ましろぼたん/佐倉紗織 _5人 1.110  IN THE DARK/THE GOD OF DEATH/みるくくるみ 11人 1.108  satirize/螺旋回廊2/宮崎麻芽 _2人 1.100  Because of/妹のセイイキ/秋野花 _2人 1.100  青空の彼方へ ~Greensleevesより~/きると/KAKO _2人 1.100  占勇!魔界ブロードバンド/魔王のくせに生イキだっ!/綾瀬理恵 _3人 1.098  Color of Happiness/るな・シーズン 150分の1の恋人/AKI _6人 1.095  鏡の森/Trample on Schatten!!/片霧烈火 _6人 1.095  君とつくるもうひとつの未来/ここから夏のイノセンス/AiRi _7人 1.092  散って、咲いて/シークレットゲーム -KILLER QUEEN- DEPTH EDITION/遊女 _2人 1.091  Cross talk/ツグナヒ/MARY _3人 1.090  solitude/君の名残は静かに揺れて/KIYO _3人 1.090  そらうた/そらうた/佐藤裕美 _3人 1.088  EVERLASTING BLUE/AQUA/月子 _8人 1.085  Secret Liqueur/働くオトナの恋愛事情/霜月はるか _9人 1.084  ナグルファルの船上にて/素晴らしき日々 ~不連続存在~/monet _2人 1.083  flow ~水の生まれた場所~/水素 ~1/2の奇蹟~/KOTOKO _2人 1.083  恋鍵/いのぐれっ!/うえおかあい&風音 _2人 1.077  Escarlata/Scarlett ~スカーレット~/木蓮 10人 1.075  Platonic Syndrome/夏ノ雨/Duca _6人 1.072  Presto/はつゆきさくら/KOTOKO _2人 1.071  First Avenue/バイナリィ・ポット/masa _2人 1.071  no rain, no rainbow/ロンド・リーフレット/中原涼 _9人 1.071  疼/装甲悪鬼村正/VERTUEUX _4人 1.067  夢遥か/Garden/Duca _2人 1.067  絶対☆大好き/ぜったい遵守☆強制子作り許可証!!/藤原鞠菜 _2人 1.067  放課後のパティシエ/パティシエなにゃんこ/SAKKO _0人 0.000  神様のりんご//WHITE-LIPS _5人 1.060  月夜に舞う恋の花/千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫/ういにゃす _2人 1.059  Erode/カスタムレイド4/電気式華憐音楽集団 _9人 1.058  Ashberry/エーデルワイス/NANA _6人 1.058  Only For You/民族淫嬢/カヒーナ _3人 1.057  fractale/Dark Blue/ひうらまさこ _3人 1.054  太陽のプロミア/太陽のプロミア/NANA _2人 1.053  Brand New Melody/もっと 姉、ちゃんとしようよっ!/理多 _2人 1.053  innocent Eye's/イノセント・アイズ/Akira _4人 1.053  シアワセノサガシカタ/ジサツのための101の方法/佐藤裕美 _2人 1.050  ブラウン通りで待ってます/ブラウン通り三番目/畑亜貴 _2人 1.048  ガチャガチャきゅ~と・ふぃぎゅ@メイト/ふぃぎゅ@メイト/み~こ _2人 1.048  私ってジャスティス/遊撃警艦パトベセル/keito _2人 1.033  Especial Friend/Silence 聖なる夜の鐘の中で……/A・S _2人 1.033  KANATA/七彩かなた/らん丸 _2人 1.033  青空ボレロ/巣作りドラゴン/畑亜貴 _4人 1.033  ヒトリ/天使のいない12月/AKKO _2人 1.032  ever/明日の七海と逢うために/橋本みゆき _2人 1.032  悲しみの向こうへ/School Days/いとうかなこ _2人 1.030  Snowy Tears/闇色のスノードロップス/小田ユウ _2人 1.029  Love Paint/BIN★CANダーリン/遊女 _2人 1.029  You can fly/マージ ~MARGINAL~/清水こずえ _2人 1.026  My Dear アレながおじさん/My Dear アレながおじさん/Orihime _2人 1.025  熱情/魔都拳侠傳 マスクド上海/マスクド上海 _2人 1.021  seven colors/はるかぜどりに、とまりぎを。/みとせのりこ _2人 1.017  FISSION/グリザイアの楽園/奥井雅美 _2人 1.016  ラムネ2017/ラムネ2/仲村芽衣子 _2人 1.006  roop ~遠い世界のキミに贈るたったひとつの恋の歌~/あきゆめくくる/Rita _2人 1.006  ラピスラズリの恋/あまつみそらに!/榊原ゆい 10人 1.004  二人だけのカーテンコール/アオイトリ/浅葉リオ
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bestofmimorin · 7 years
Mimorin vine compilation
RIP Vine and long live to Mimorin!
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seira555 · 3 years
🌷miru-aira🎗milky(@Ai1730)さんがツイートしました: @matatabi2437 確信ついたからですよ。
イチベイさん、Twitterもまた凍結されないようにお願いします🙏 https://twitter.com/Ai1730/status/1424748972762025985?s=20
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